Newspaper Page Text
ttatoajrtt&rator. OTTAWA, SF.PTKMKF.R f., IS06. for PREsirrT, JAMES BUCHANAN. FOR VICE PREr-lPtST. J. C. BRECKENUIDGE, or KEXTVCKV. Democratic Klrolornl Tick?! Tar I.argt. A M. HFKRITX. f Kane, t HAULER H. CONSTABLE, ! CUra. lat. MFRRITT I.. Josl.VS. M McHcnry. M. Ufa. II MAIIFK. ii Omit. frt. MII.TN T Pl.TEK.. f r.orran. 4th. RorERTM llol.LOWAT. of Warren. b. JOHN P. RICHMOND. -f Pehujlcr. rh . W. SUM I.TON, of .-hciliy. Tth. O. B. FK'KI.IV "f('"l.. 1'h. W. A. J. fPAEKS, ft Clinfnn. f.b. JOHN A. LO;AN, of Franklin. ILLINOIS PEStOCRATIC NOMIXATTONV. TTM. A. RlllIARPSON. of A.Uml. Fir Li'UUnttnt HuTrruvf. RICHARD J. HAMILTON, of Cock. fnr Srrrrt-lry of Strff. WM. II. SNYPEIU of Si. Uair. For A''it,.r of PiiM!,- ArrounU. SAMl EL K. CASLV, of Franklin. JOHN MOOKE. of McLean. Tr S'Trintrn'1rit ' t'uUtr tnMrwItnn. J. II. .-T. MATfHEW, of Taicwrll. TEMOCnATIC NOMINATION? FOR CONG RE??. nrtt PifrM RICH ARD MOI.OSY. Thinl li-iri.-fVK OS;fiI. fnirth Wit.-f J. M. PAVIOSON. r'ifk i'i-tri.-t i. n. mokris. fi;th fUMtrii-t THOM AS I HARRIS. fiermth IX-irirt AARON SHAW. ltmJ trnti.") i. C. ALLEN. wrt IHttrUt EOliEKT SMITH. iU,nQ t. -i-bi.) J. L. V. 3IOKRISON, ('tort " NOMINATION FOR STATE SENATE : ii. av. trsiiji.tx, XOMINATTOX FOR KEPREfENTA TINES: WILLIAM P.AnHER, of La S.iUe Co. r. A. ARMSTRONG, of Grundy Co. Ucmocratic Connty Ticket. For Sheriff, NORMAN SMITH, of Freedom. For Circuit Clcrl; CEO. r.. RELFORI, of EjU. For Coroner, ALBERT PUTNAM, of L.i S-tUe. The Great Mas Meetiri? at Inrn. Jiwt as we were going to press the dele gation from this place returned from Morris. They represent the meeting as immense j not less than 13 to 2o,f0 Judge Dou.-las, 1 John Van P.uren, Francis CrunCand other ' addressed the immense crowd. I j Who are the Corrupt Politicians ? The great and all important charge Lro't : agaiust the mass of the democratic party by . their opponents, is the charge that tiie-y have end his frien Is in C: i.r'rt.-s i.r.vo sustained become coirupt, and bartered away their . him in all that he then sa! 1. preat political birthright to the South, and 'I he fusion party have been wild and cn slavery aggression. This charge is especial- , thuia-tic during the wh le- es.-i n of Con 1t dwelt upon bv those r-olitical hacks w ho ' cress in regard to all their great nn asures have left the democrats ar.d joined the ranks , f the black republican crusaders. What , once was beautiful and patriotic in the de- mocratic creed has now become unsightly 1 and loathsome to them, and all the evil the-v '. once saw in the ranks of the enemy is now . beautiful ami pleasing. I!. C. Cook, the republican candidat? for Scnator, in his harangues in different parts ; of the district, wc understand is unsparing j in denouncing the action of his former po- litical associates, and sheds manv croeoe ocodile ' tears about the party having left him, and that h alone stands as the 6imon j-ure pos- f-essor of all tho good and honesty that is left of th Jtouo. Well, una majr oc tro in his estimation, but we hardly think that his evulence is suflicicnt to convict the great mass of tho party of this grave charge. Something depends, it is true, on how the word corruption i.s construed and how the meaning is applied. If he contends that a man's, or a party's parity shall be judged by his or their actions, independent of the posi- r tt - i. , .. . . i.. c IJietui, eiie-ii e ash. in wnai respect lias ... r ... , .. . u fcjvai. iuaso ui i:.e uemocraiic pariy ever i Reserved such strong condemnation. The i assertion that they are corrupt and time- j . serving amounts to but httle in the absence i of the proof, and especially is this the case ( ir ben an interested party gives the evidence. ; Are we under.tood, or is cur language too 1 ambiguous to be readily comprehended? If ' po wc will illustrate by a short comparison I of what we moan : Suppose a man, and a lawyer, should be elected to the State Senate, or the House of Ilenrtsentative. and should reeeir. a fro of' av Fits Thousand Itollarm from ten.,, rr.!'. i road corporation for professional Services. I ami at the tame time that he received it he well knew that they had no use for his pro fessional skill to correspond with such a largo fee, but might have need for his vote to pass the-ir treasures, would the presumption be that hb is not only politically but mot ail v corrupt, or must positive proof be adduced to show that the money was given and re-; reived, under the cover of a written sea' to make the case clear to the minds cf all ho- i nest men. Another! suppose two men are in company in the ' practice of the law, and one of thetn should be selected : scenting take pay ing Lim, 1 acted in ents, or 1 rial was : perhaps 1 party pa?. mans acts or his words are to be taken as ami raM I.y the neon! for trn. I Vnniiipr !? irhmmid in f 'o- r"inI.-. inia'gined than describe, I. A bev walkoil tin i . .. I i 1 : ir 1 i r . r . .,.. ... x e do in it env v bw fe.iiresj I.e rei 1c :(J ., . ;. ,1 r,-.M.. ilm I.,.l. 1 .. .. . ... ... . - - - . - - - .... . ... - ... j .. ''intlcliat lire Ones .uiu innistui iuiu m.s i;imii y (I liven oil. It' , . t v...... . ,i3 iv..,!.,...-, v--ii- i. n.w ....ju.. , tki!siis wmitui r .irm ii iti.l. i lerii, ix areunuflc criminals, and the other should "We this week announce the name of Mr. but another question came from his little! , T r i i .i. i 'should be renumbered that almost every ' Porrcspondeiice. 1 low abjectly mean he rhronicle. After a careful ex iminution, xve i 1 ' - . i' i--""'---. '"" r"r ,f"r,".:IT, frr-m the same criminal for defend- ! Strain. .f the city of La Salle, as a candi- ' mouth nuito as shocking, to the mother as . . t J , 1 family in the border counties of Missouri ' ' , ,!!inft'1' '; ' hen the pubnc w . think we may say with tolerable certainty : l,, c.iii.t .hiffl; t .t . , , . r .f r I .i c . - n ii- i- .t . , anu nan out oi tne Kansas aia magazine r have some connexions ettled in Kmsn if l,M1 " Ui!U loss'.-.i actcu as tne that t e extract is a wretclied lorgery, ami , (,i.t:,i,i,i for men or women wanting r..rk ; n-ou.d the presumption Lethal both ' date for the olhce of rroscctiting attornev in the first one. Pulling his mother at her i ... . ii''e.iej.isj.tiLit.(iin ivansas. II f . ,., . . , .-..i, r .i... i.n. i t .....I ........ i .-..iic.tii.iis mn.i.-: iin.l 9..1.1 ..r r.-ntcl or ..bnOiie.l tor .mi r:.,, tn - ,- ,. !,. , . . .... . , - 1 , t , 7 .xi issourians go mere, it is to de-rend the i r ',.", '"""',". "'V , l"at ' " ' " " ! 'x--x- . uli wuIlt tl) ,, reI1, Al , .. ,1V1I1K ,,ro. COOU Ialtll to their rcsncctivo rli. thru rfistrict p thi-hevp V.r S lin nlwo n dress, lie snx-s ; " Alfttlier T .tnthr ' ,!, . 1 . . r .1 1 -. . . . .1 for tho imirios of m;ikrn it ili.nsiiii.' In. . .i. j ..,!., f .,i .. ., If rl,.. . i.,i- i.f . . 1 ... .. ... ..n .. . - ; - - - - - - 1 - " - - - , -j - - - i . - . . . I 11 r IllS OI Hie IT CI1 1 'iren A ia'n'e lOrCe IS ' 1,1 xnc- ..i.e .u.. ... w.n iv. . . ... v ... prriv I" sen or rem n ... li" wen in 1 .1... nil i.ur that cither the pc-orle or the crimi- ! law rartm.r in business, and xve should like I Mr. .'". our mii.httr. ercr lit'" "Mv so AST. I nc Spnnghe.d Jovrnal ,,,,.;., ,.f ,,,riC ', 7 ,.n ,,-. falsely stated had its orioiii in a " gM.ibiing 1 tle I'ost will send us a cony of tho London 1 i- .r..r.,.ti.v a: il,i-o,ii.r M.,iU .t., Iluack- Itow. fleeced? The correct answer might ! to know if he is to divide the profits of the child ! my child ! what has got over you ?- S, f-m the Territory, and their friends ; and ' tlJZ n 7i V ZhTt ' Tlf I tle u.,aw. be -otat if it could Leshown which . and engage cases on the oth.r side. What do yo., mean ? Mr. P.oy lie! Why n(liU!UC Ior --ocrnor, in piaTC 01 .ur. ,1 the l. niteil .states troops wi.I let t:.em - u. ,( in a ' ; " ? ,' yiu: ,i...s.-ri,.t-r wi,!,.., ... r -i f - J tho Lig-est fee. and whether a ! Shon'.-l Mr. Strain he Wtel the Sfat rx ill most certainly not. Is he not our minir ll0,,,nan- l'onS Jo!m ,ot liavinS " 'T U.K. ' ' . t ,Y- ., ' 1 i bling hell 1" Poor, pious llissell ! moral and ,. .. r..:.., e. (ii.-v.-r's a'.i litio,. t., the- town t im.. A.,.lytoj. an index to his moral or political character. I de-s not want bis partner in business to take and sisters, father and mother, the other j ratification. If John says the word and all It is time that democrats speak out and j the other Fide and elefend every scoundrel ! night at our house?" thc ot,,cr fl,sion PaPl'r8 in Chicago will fall charge horn rn tluir villificrs and tra- , that may come along, even if be has money These remarks from tho mother apparent- j ifflinc. aml lhe wolk is doe- lucers. are denounced as slave-drivers I to pay thc requisite fee. Come gentlemen, ly quieted the little fellow, yet thc mother I '. negro-worshipprrs deserters of our chc- speak out, and let the voters know all about I saw that he was not yet satisfied. Nothing j T IT 80 ? LovnJOV, in his Foeeeh at thc rifhed faith corrupt Utrnycrs of the north i this matter. In case the democrats donT j further was said until they were sitting a j ttawa nominating convention, gave the as and doughfaces to the south, it IIS n,ea. , gt.t a ci,ance to vote for some one that has 110 ' the dinner table, when the mother Hated 1 surancc to his friends that he would get a . (M VI ' W 8C j Kepnblicaa Tlnndrr ! No more convincing argument of the r.M .- . ' . ffigacy of the Republican party can be found than thc simple fact that tho moment thry pet power they go to plundtring the nation's ' treasury. The members of the present re- . lrcaury in the manner represented by the publican coBgress have increased the ir own Chicago Ucmorrat, Tote to elect Mr. Cook ray from eight to about ?ixteen dollar per ' ?am to the s,atc Senate H.,s l,c not, in day, or in other words have doubled their ! "J ri't'ort io lbe Senate cxl.onaratcd the pay from what it was when they were elect- ! Govt'nor f"n all these charges and falsi -ed. Thry refuwd to vote 4ruppli8 to our j fi,:,l evtr-v w orJ thnt Jobn bag uttered rmy, hut the dear souls took irood care of ! ?aini,t him Is "ot well known that Mr themselves. . ) Ai t Hail to the Puarie State ! If there ever wa a time that a doubt existed as to the TOte of tbi Stte be'"B east for Buchan an and Richardson, it is now dispelled. We I havethemosteheeringnewsiromailquarte-rs. since the adjournment of the legislature, in The North will more than hold its own, . the employ of the Governor in a business whilst the middle and the South will roll way? He a republican! Yes, as long as up such a heavy majority as will stonih j tboy have favors to bestow, and honors to en our most .sanguine friends. Illinois is ' grant, and no longer 1 "Welcome, thrice Fafe for the democracy by thousands, and all J welcome ti all such renegades and trick candid men admit it. .iter!!. - 'Explosion or II ambus. The last ytar has witnessed the explosion of more arrar.t humbugs than any quarter of a century that lias rast ani1 furnishes a fruitful theme for the future. Less than cne year ago there was a strong and powerful party, opposing night and day, ly money and by the sword, the execution of a solemn constitutional law rcuuirirz the ! rendition of fugitive slaves to their owners. ! ! Then we heard at the street corners and in ; the public rohtruiu severe lanua-e in its j condemnation, and nioon-Vh'ne patriots tlourifhcd for a 5ca?on in all the freshness ; n'iua him of pristine verdure worthy of a baler cause. 1 J . . . . .i,-t t;.,.o ;r.. . hs.d lutnots nu ever the Union dcncur.tii.g the Kansas Ne- briska bill. Us author was ttigm.-.t.zcd as a traitor to his country, and even deserving death. Then it was tho only string "ft tlie tainine the ever nf nntiiihir k:,v. rciL'nty that the people arc f rnlntm- thtir own domestic v .. .. . . v. .-o O V,"c now hear but .r..i. !i.i in 'f. .'l i!,..:. ,l...i. ... ., ... , iranrgcoa honestly regretted the ne- the hcaa oi a wm.ij, " - ...v- , " - . " lMWl,,""t".'7 .e.-j.en.. I the throne of the DJnuceian IceXof this law, .n.r.!id from good ! great nUionnl party now contending ngainst tv here .own, ,n this young child's heart, copy the fo.lowmg from ho lort Ien-, lur.lruy. j onM-ieriog whaMitie cc ty oi . .a an . . , i f h d sllouM ripca and bring forth fruit, will not worth paper of the 2oth ult. As this comes J-- ?'":a an-. ; , . ,iii ri(.:1I1 j,.,,,,,,!,, ,.f n;0liTe?: ,,Un "it ' 'lrf ntic i ,'3 S f,'.lVv. 1 the sower reap a U-nrM harvest cf thorns from a paper printed in the territory, it ccr- Ulps. . , i "T e harvest in France i, . about .t. Ubo Philadelphia convention ; 1 ho .n uuent a. f.ioA. . ! , t,..J i . serves moro crt(lit tvin llic ho!I)e . ...tend to r;rove hat the tt,r oV on0. whih nominated Mr. Fremont for l'res,.lu,t j A t.;c o. , VJ" ,;... , K, ... fject,..:, is i.oi to . ueiong, ..ui 10 i.ok i-issei. s ; j. th:lt , -,vc all the excitement about the law the ' of the early settlers in Chicago, ana wnou. I ine great uu:,k e-i our i.auon cnsisis maue . .. - i-..-. . . , presumption m aru.g 10 reoei i:. i , ; (t(IS,;lt ( t!i(, tU!e of ' . .. . . , ..... v.., .i . P.,n f.lP Prc.sIJ.-it ! WL-hall call bv the name cf Mr. Urown, is ; in the unity of its members. Yiew it cither ' therefore ask the honest reader to g:vo u a ag-.-r-.-ions of the s.ave p-nve-r; and t...s ..., iv-Hi.-r. " " !.,r,.-il.P wealthy and resected citizens of in a t-olitical or rclitfiotis bearin?. and still it careful perusal, and then who arc tho i l'f".-- r.ea-cr woi nnu m to loi.owmg: ,..,.,, !s ;l b,!! iant cb i lam of a t'.ouc.-.nd strins" that our Kcpub- land he has not been among the most laek- a;ly exclude ono or the ottier irom your j Uoes not hu.i mo n..u j.oj.i...i .m, oi i-.y j t, Tl. ,,. t.,.jvj . wlu.n ,.,,, some point c. lican friends played nn, and the whole ! ward to contribute towards the support and your altars. Henry JlJ V. t'Z K VT connlry was traversed by political I the minister, or the temporal requirements ; i.eeener ..... amuv....s .o.u uo... y . .e- pcrty (lf tbc j ro.s:avory party. ' ' in n,. , Pit !v to !'- -,-c , ! eltcouu. ins the H-mocrats for sus- ! of the church, which in that city is no small i i"g and prea :h:ng his fabulous stories of his , -or the last ci-jht weeks there has !,..:. a ,,, ' , .' f.ri.V ;i. .j . ti.a -T..fl..f-rtT1;-.ti wtn-,. it.-., f.-. inpn t,Y wl:l t l anil ' l'.y.n.u t.iu i.'UiH. ii'Jif, ana rt ujhi mmh.i "-' i " i-- f trt ((:. j ' 1( ! t ... i..M!t-r nf nctmlar sovereisntv that th oeoide arc Amon- the members of Ins family is an only : ti.ero are many m.-n jusi a goou ciuz-ns ana ciatlon oi it rccouea upon tnern wiin crusn- nun tor me aiuuuus uuiiws ui ir.S force, and they have spiked their own It so happened that one evening, directly -unsand ceased all their v.ildnn l terrible ! after Mr. Drooks had made the brutal as- - .... f thunder against it. True, they yet slunk ,!,! ciiOVrinrr Kansas, and free Kansas , i m l,n,1..r i Ti.f ihn viola! on of this very law, and the law itself stands as a proud testimonial of the w isdom and iarsigr.ieuness Ol llic I'emueraiit n , onu . ... . no member of their own party m Congress has had the effrontery to even introduce a bill for its repeal, and like the much abus?d .1. ... ...t- io... n-;u in.l a on .n. Torino . r-.i a...... ..... .... flu.... .- v.... monument to its foumlcrs. Tliis humbug ! has had its day, and now none are so low as to do it r.-verc nee. When Congress first nut, the fusion rrcs.s ! wero loud in their boasts about the restora- tion of the Missouri Compromise. T1.. V ; e.ected tne Know Nothing s.e:.Ker, . anJ it was but the b.-ginnir.g of the good work they promised the pcnpl?. Well tiny : had the in-:j...iiy in the lower l,oue, yc! ; ne-Ve-r attempted to restore this great mens- j ore, which Senator II lie and other li-adh " members of their patty insi- bad pro-; i:.a 1 a humbn-r. He was then right, j for the relief of su.Tering Kansas. One by one they wt-re let fall, death struggl.' w as to and the f.nal ar.d e ma l-j on t.'i propriations for our army. Here they ex- t eeted to fight and triumt.h like true In this unholy work they w ere cheered on prostituted press, and a hired band cf i.y a sl.riekin; orators. They finally surrender r.r. l led into car t:v:fy wit.i n ueh ,eS ease than were the children of Ireah The cause of temperance too has not been exempted from the unhallowed touch of the ; leaders of this corrupt and debased party j organization The time was when good and honest men espoused the cause from pure unit tiJllV tlO b'jetilci tia i ii en- li.-to.l an army ci pauiouc iicart.-, ur.uer it, ; proud banner, when earn e the hand of tho j defller an.l converted it into an engine for j base party purposes. Then came the by ' rccritiea! crv of " Nebraska and Whi-hev ' j " l'euio. rncy and P. ir.i," ar.d the Main.- I.v.v was nominally se-izjd upon as the great pa- j ' r.acca for all the public ills. Such menus' . r ... . , -. i. r.t i... i , l.oxejoy ami cOiia, in-.ii m i.'.p.inm-, .t ..ii, ..A ' .. l "tie . ii ine tan, anu .-;j'.u-e imi . i j.i i f.-r this great restorer of the fublic pi. ice. No two men in the legislature mad.- more . , ., , , noi-e than they, and none made more- vain inglorious boasts of services rendered than : they did. Tho bid passed and was u.feited, but nothing daunted they still hoped to make political capita! out of the measure, and it xvas pressed ot home where the friends of ' these political tricksters happened to be m power. Here too the humbug x'a. soon cx- ph.-ded public ser.timer.t xvas against it and j their enactments becatna dead lelt'rs. Svo- intr tbat the t or.u'ar bree ze was in another direction thev shifted their sails, and now we ; hear no more about it no more temperance rallies arc called, and we find these noisy i champions hanging around our groceries so- 1 limiting aid from the very quarter tLcy once, prr fcsse-dly, so heartily despied. As in times past, so r.o-.x-, the great lever r.C .t... .l.....-w.-.iti.. 1 . a 1 1. I.t- .i-..(.i,iri....l I e'l uiu '.i ll,,'. ...i.i. cn, 1 1 ,n u,(,.u,i,i. a.M uprooted all of these hu:i:hi;-g:t:g and clap- j trap operations. Every hobby the opposi-; tion have mounted has been ridden to death, ' and next November w ill land them so de :cp in the pool of oblivion that they will not be heard of for all time lo come. pay him for rro-ecuiii !' ciimina! and she 1 ... feat both the republican candidates just as A' ' 't,Kr f thCW ? illSle-,,an1;,-b j n r- r , .,, .. j -took The f.ovcrnor, raid Stata Pinaiices. 1 II. ow can any republican, who believes lnat ov. Matteson has plundered thc Statu Cook stood ready at the proper time tn for the iove-rnor as Senator, and that he was only prevented from doing so by the opp(). silion of his confederates, and the timely withdrawal of Lincoln? Is he not now, and ha he not been, ever Political rrcochins Its Consequences, j The incident we are about to relate occur- j red In the city of Chicago at the period j mentioned hereafter, and is an apt illustra tion of the evil effects of the present war waged by a portion of the clergymen against the principles and measures of the demo cratic party. Wc respectfully ask the can did consideration of every unprejudiced mind, as to tho si-rioti eirccts of this war- fare upon a portion of their congregations who deem it thtir duty, in the present crisis of our country, to act with the democratic paitv. It speaks volumes, ami comes nome ..ui;. 'i ' to the heart of every man who .s .... i -..-.:. i. iu .i . n: . :. . i.,.- r.e .!..."'....';. (i... ..,,... -.. ii. t.-itl. .ii iii i-.. .1 ; -. mm c;i. u a u; is vl 1 grcg-.tional church there, of which the Key. Mr. llov is pastor. It has been tne custom ; one. republicans or eiemocrats oe tie of Mr. II., fur many years, in company with j nouneed by our clergymen, and you weaken l.u cm-ill fiui.ilv to win-shin at this church : . the tics of christian sympathy, and ellcet'i- Anions the members of his family is an only ! son. some 12 years of a-e. of a peculiarly en- ' - w . - ' quiring mind for one so young, and on whom n.i It Un-r,.,l in timi or monev. to fit i , ,. . ,. ., i i...: .. r if. sault upon y.r. aui.mer miue c. s. .-enaie. whilst Mr. II. and his son were sitting at t:ie , ' front door of their resi-ieiicc. cnioyur' t.'ic cool breeze of Lake Michigan, that an oM ; friend of opposite pontics passed by, and fer .""" - ". . ...v - .0. . . .-...v. . - -i , , . ,r . ...,,. J tations incident to the del.g.itful weat:ier, ! and speak of the politi.-al news of the day. The ronver.-ation soon turned upon the out- t rasro cud assault of Mr. lirouies upon Mr. - , - Sumner, and the imcstnn as to w hether -Mr. 1 Douglas stood by, "With his hands in htS j pocket-," and witnessed the outrage, was . freely discus.-ed. The passer-by was qui tri .. .. .. ... W ...,!-. ..n.l .1......iiee..rl . 11IL Oil . ll.UWI CI".;.... , ... -..w.,.,v . ' :.. . . T- l .1... i:ui 1.1 u:i., aii. i nil..?, .1... ..-- . 1 .1 .. t . -...... .,f M -n.l .t .. ' that he ha 1 letter froui Mr. n-ite cnam her al the ti:n am: comiemneu th.- (.iitrig.- as much as any one. This, Ii .vever, did not satisfy his accuser, and he left v. ith anv other than kind feelings lo any one. ini, wards Mr. U., for daring to spea even defeiice of ot.ator Iou'tas in tins manner. i". : ' :i and the father had further convers ail. n al-.ut the matter, in which the father sj olie- of the U'.jast and fal w. r? circulated by t. I I - " I ' " J.rl'lle.d purpose?, in-I caoti. in- 1 l is boy i. t t-j give ear to u..h politic filsif.ers as majority of were known to rontr -A a hoc the Chicago press. A f.. , " lays a.ter came ahright an-, beaut.fu. S-.bbnth morning The birds sang sweetly in the garden, and all nature seemed glad that another day of rest bad erne! The ". .. .. .. , quiet prepare. nns men. er.t to a pious ! .muy j were b.lng ma lo by the household to repair 1 to the house of God, t hear of "Christ and h. in cruc:l;?d. i tic lit.Ic laniny, ticaded ; by their worthy parents, repsircd t3 the j church and took their accustomed places. j The building xvas already croxvded with ma- ; f m ai.ate,., ,.-., e their devotions in , i'ie cneenui exer. i.,es ci inai noiy .-joi .iui ; day. The pa-tor a; peared at tha sacred i desk, and the preliminary exercises were ne triroiigii '.rita in su -li a manner as i -.ri-ii i-i -ti n Trn-incr in i cla 1 ! n tne hearts of that large C"r;grt g- i tinn : 1 them lha' tine v nt: k tii i :, Had once mere s::.:Ied ui-on t.icni. The Had once mere smiled upon them. The . . t.t i i i . iar;or "'i ine saereo to.uiiie a.ei i;oiu- . - j l" ?-r",on- fw ,aRSf'8 Eoon , , sat!fiJ,r:'1 t:"i WS that ,nstca-1 of ! i reachmg 'reace on tartn and cooj v. id to j 1 . . h" ' u.i.n Ti.-ir ti cei in ti ink iiii-:ii ivt.o nn.i ....... ...... . . i , .... . , vastly diiferent from what they had a right j 1 ixrcct: content with (enoun ing the uenieiei ai.e ai s oi el-.av rx-, lie as- .- tr l- .-.i , ' o t' o.U'-.i-i'tliii to j-nvt hi it." Tho whole " v- 1 -1 111 J lw i " xx ..oie character of the sermon was of the most ; vindictive character, and was genarally ton- JcInRfct b3 tI'!iC wl)0 ,1-"r'1 lt' C.::. ...-en have httie cars but good memo ""ics, and xvas this the case with Mr. i 's son. On the way home the father an ' yonw.r sister preceded the mother and l -..i ...i iLHrii ii:..,. i, . r. t... iti- .1 r j j - asked b:s mother, xvas she trer lncc In ' -' yi., .tim iiii;i. .jeiesv.uii kiiu ini.c: lei.o'i f"t' - r nil a lie'.'' This grave question j Stnnne-I tint inolher xx-onl.i n Kii.i.Icti rl.tri ........ 4- "f ll.lin!..!. ll. n tl - VJ1,.. ...........I .1 it.. M v,"u'.i.s i-i. . . 111. i-n- r....';...i ..,.,..1. r....t:.. 0..1... ! opiickly replied with much feelin. "why ,l " child, most cert .inly not 1 Why do you ask such a question ?'' 1 tie eiii-a ma'ic no reply, but evi'ientlj' .... ' J ' J his little heart xvas full, and the internal and did he not pray most devoutly for von 1 . v vv tiib.iei, J lie. KHoi.1 HUl Ul Vdlll ing of their purport, kindly enquired of tho son h7 aJ asked such questions. The , , l y V""c were sucn mm the fnther would have triven nil bis xvrnlfb tn i,,v ,.vn,l,.,l il,..,n !.., ,i. 1 i 1 . " W - - X.KIt X4k Kill. J IIUU tV UJ LLi VZ and he did meet them in thc only way ho could, not to shake thc confidence that al ways should exist between tho parent and child. The child's reply was : 'Father, did I not hear you say to 31 r. , at the front door a few evening's since, that Mr. Douglas icat not present at the time Drooks assaulted Mr. Sumner ?" "Yes, I did say so, my child!" "Well, did not Mr. llov say to-day in the pulpit, that Mr. Douglas tra there, and that he did witness the assault on Mr, Sumner f " "Yes, be did say so, and it grieves me to say that Mr. lioy states the untruth'." -Here tho child opened his little eyes wide and wild, d t,le h)Jt tearg rnn i.u., eaar. mother's chfeks, as the child made the further enquiry, nian licence vtii'j he not do it again'?' Here is a ?ad lesson on the prostitution of thc pulpit to political purposes. The point of veracity thus raised in this young child. 1. ...... .... "i-v-' ' ...v...-. mm, i .7.,... ..,..!.., t.,. 1.1... i -il ,'!,,,, ra 1. 1.:.. l l.iail llilliscil. Utter V WHS llltll. 1 Tl.n tj nir.,HnT tl.n xl.nv.i I n 1- ill " mind, between his father and the ruinistor, two as near and dear friends as tho child could have, was enough to carry sorrow to the hearts of this family. Either tho father or the minister had uttered an untruth, and let which might be the guilty party, the sad consequences were terrible enough to either. The father preserved bis intcgri.y in the eyes of his child; whilst the Kev. Mr. Hoy fell t: the decreet depths of iiifamv, bv his ' rnre!rs recapitulation of the base calumnies , of a venal and corrupt parly press, U hen Mr llov comes to "icnd.r an account of bis ...V i,:.. " i. ,;m ri.l tl,.t ilmt lii.nnn. .., ... : i l ; an.l that child s vrs wdl be ughed m u,.m uunra Tf ti.n tw.lj -.f ivfii.M 11 .-"v. ... , i f.eling, an 1 you do the same hi a religions : there are many nu n just as : I citiz-ns and ; christians as he i, that d'.fi'.-r with bim. 1 They wiil tea h their children as they think I b;-st. and duty, sad but imperative, re- .,irr. tbi-m t. Khun the Seeds of in i k- it v j -i . j that may be sown in their te.idei hea.tsby a j sad prostitution of the sacred desK, by clos- I : .!. r.f fl.n l,...c cf f:,.i1 trt tl,i.i . ...g - - - 1 j at least, until me suoei a:.u common ' Sense once more 11.111; j), .114 a ue-t.iii ; 1 . . , in 1 i.rwi' 0:1 r.i; ii.oi e 11.1,1; . j cie.i:iiL . j respect is paid to hiom; who may (i:ucr witn I j the pastor in the po..t;cal topics o: t:.e nay. ( oiiLTCfs Ailjoiiriird The Ami)' L;il - J .,,,M.,i. ogress f.nallv adjourned on" Saturday ; ;it) ani r,af:c.,i t;.i0 :irmy j.ropriatio'i bill . ..-.t , ,i. ....,, . .... 1.1... .1. j 11 .uil'iiL li.e I'.ui 1". .11 v 111 a.i u.l repuo.if ar.s loun.l toe ...s.-.o ir.ans were . l;-.-..!,- in ni-..rno. ll... f .... r-it,. mn, in Kan. llKe! sas. tl qni-:ti ev conclu 1. d it bc-t to :rant the re- ans to 1 na 1 . j.f. j.j. ft 1 ' . r tm re i.uvc m re, i.y the m.crwn- t: ,n of tii hi living tl t f . Tiiis old -amo of ,Vleelsof govel leiient win never party interests r p-:ire if, a. v.iys rec i.s up on the 01 iu'inators of the s. hem.-. It waJ ' r . .,, ; hm . I .-.-n or, ivr, .i.,:T ,j. t... : 1 ,. low on Pierce in the Kn-as fjror. Etch tin e i has s:g'iillv failed and covcrel its a liers . with merited contempt. An r"!-. 14; :e:.i s -. K vxts. One Mr. Il.nnrir:, puiportiti;; ! be from Kn:.-n, !: iivcTci a speech brf re t'n S ethi g bree Kansas Club, last V. vdt.esday evening. Tiie. sjcak.T tc .. 1 a han .ving .-f -rv of n.ur, and tin.-ft-i, an.l vd aimi s. tnut mnde ea. h par t.ciihir hair i ihs 1 c,.i--r- stand on end, " 'j i.IS u, .on tho tic-: . 1 porcupine.-' As u.-u-.l w it'u ll.'.s-j i.:.-as - ratoi s. i.el.e 1 was lac- i.cro oi e-.'.en 1.1 e. lie nu . ,,. !n(.s., u, aTii ,,.. ,;v. .,.,., . ! l,c- ha 1 been in the ..n'.d,n. r t the free ' state party ; 111 a word the ibimesin: u..-1'tu- V":7- ,- ,'t. 1 1!. r bis !.i:'. r. and Mr. Ii.n: :an x as i un.n- ; c-I a" t J a very con.-i leiahl etet. j V-u c.,t t; e apoVe fr&111 t. r'.ir - j (Whitesidcs e., I'd.) 'J'ii.-uo, of Aug. 27. j- js unj.tmjiv tl ie veritable Mr- . Ilorr Ilinman f lids count v. who was the j ,jrj!t man lha. brought the news here of the . . v. trst roan th;t ran tW hvn. and le ft cru-tii.r r.l I ncft I In t hoT Of''fi.uin rui ; , , ,.. ve C0I1 ,j,a!lions to fizht the terrible , jp;ssouri rU!lians. llis vocation now is to ! rarrv aroiln,i t-n; couritrv a soecimen of th? . . ... : ir.i.tiPg i.rvss i.eitrovi'.l at l.awren -e, ::i a leather lag. soliciting f.-r snf- I f.-i i if: sa. He is smart, an 1 can "i.ii.-t (,.,. wind-' whin b.ttvr m.-n are hard ur for , ,.,.c,ir., (hi :t il ;rr i w'- the timu to . " . " "" ' ' r.lftke them blec 1 and line vaur p ., 'sets. Where i.s your uarihin, Iii -ni .Murray ? President tJucbiiniin's 1 abintt. AVc notice that the N. V. ILralt, a vi ! L'nt Frtn:cnt WlT is V ? ' about Mr. lbiohanan's cabinet, and gives a ! list of thru ditfe-rent Members of it. i filiv convinced are all candid men ss to his : election, tbat a man eloubtme it wen d l ' regarded Auite a curioxly in Neiv Verkcitv : .....:...,,..,', ' - Jv f- r'' ' i ' 11 ''nS s"u'1 "'' i.ov.eoy ... 1 . T congress. .. , ,, .. , ,, , t r. ,-. t:ce by tlie1 last 1. .-i t.i it its editor, Mr. C. N. Pink, ha bad a skirmish with Mr. r.r . ,.:i,. m- Levi North, the mayor ! Pine being a live dcinocrat, nrid able to "hoa 1 - 1 - . or 1 . . .1 . . . . . his own row," found it necessary to chastise the mayor by giving him a fcxv Licks anil . . m ) " - ........ . - v i...... ... . diate-ly after the allray the heroic mayor tired a istol shot at .Mr. Pine, the ball passing through his coat sleeve. lie took good care to fir at n time when fr TV 1..-..1 bi's brick . , , . , . . , .... turned and out of his reach. Ihe mayor now talks of going to Kansas, as he is a innjoriiy in every coiiniy m me uisirici. is this so ? What have the democrats to snv to this vain boasting. Can he get a majority in cither of them ? We think not. Let tho true men of our nationsl Union rally, and triumphantly defeat this northorn disunion ist! . "Loxa John's'' instructions to Lovcjoy arc being carried out to the letter. They say at Joliet that he drinks " lager beer" most beautifully; and at Mokena the "b'hoys". insist that ho drinks a brandy punch quite handsomely. All account agree that he is a beautiful drinker for a new beginner ! Go it Farson ! Co it Lovcjoy ! J Sioau Coixg Dowx. The last New York Evening rotl says that sugar continues to decline. Prices aro nominal, but full one- half cent per pound has been conceded to buyers. A cargo of Demarara and Antigua sugars, the first article from these British colonics this season, sold at 71 cents. "" Xine-tenths of the olive oil in the country is manufactured in France from American lard oil. It is purified by sal-soda, and is about equal to olivo oil for the table, or for other purposes. TT' T The wr la Kunsn. Tteccnt aceoun's from Kansas indicate that our prediction that in less than ten days the re would be thousands of volunteers from the south in (ho territory, to aid their breth ren in defending themselves against the bloody attack of Line and bis band of out laws, were well founded. Already the cur- i rent of affairs has changed. The abo'.ilion I . . . i gueidlns are bun. a; driven into Lawrence - . . f 1 j Hock of sheep into their fold ..... j They arc a Uavo set wiiere two or torce i hun.lml a. tac. a ncipiess i.imi. .it l.t I lrar men. women, and children, from their i i.. l ,t,.;,. t.m oof r.f t! o I, rritorr with, beds and d. ,i e .. n OJt of the te r to r w it.. nut ffioil or clothinL'. For i.articulars we i;utiians in Kansas. i " After the Coucrcsaiunal eoinmiltee h-fi, peace prevailed throughout the Territory, i ..:.!,. n..i 1... v,..., ii. .....,.. i.i mid iiin .-.'. "v iv be nomoied'Sturbrmce in the connlry. H it 11 IS Cliuri.l lion ... t ii-. mi. i..., until neatly every horso belonci:.- to th-.- liios'r.veiy Hi' n, between tiu Kansas ant O-a'je rviis, hive bt-en stolen, and the Abo- , YXiuiutl no v b- .i-t that t.'iev iiavo st- j over ei-ht l.iindro 1 from tha pro-slavery : n" n of the- bonier counties Of .1 ..-.-Oil: 1 and nnJJ. : j . g ;jo!( ;t nnJ iis tutn -utul ,ui,ke their way into th T.rrilf.l-V !! I T-.. O . . I j - . . V " ll . ' ... .' V. : . ' l." 1 loatior.s. 1 h i'a store- nc:.r ' 3nu. . ami oro.r.-d Several :ivi rr t,u'i oru.-r.-d several pro- to it,:tve t;u. country, am in r tht, a Mr. Divis 1 who a ..e-o ai-...- i-cafi-in. i v l.i I i t 'r hi- : A I. .'.." ,...,,.;.,. .1 I cIjijii. in-n .t v. a a - e r!a;:.e I ! h .,j n-a-he-d '1 . p.-ka, they 1 . t urne ! i i I'.ivls that they wm;ld i give him 1 !-. 1 : 1 i tars f-r his claim, l.ut he county in a k-v :.-ivs er h" l:l'.l-t I nn! 1: ave th- ; s l.::iii:y i ; !..n.i'y 1 ? s t 1. ' K ' rthern : I !"r..;i. i would be lou rv ili-n and hi and having i .v. ! by the 01 d.-rlv- . di 1 leave in a hurry ; and crop to be dest army. My in! o ma'l 1 I .iv;s himsi-lf. lie i: ' rv t . 1 e twelve or t i.-1 exjien .ed oti h. -. claii s j;i a lil il ; li. A lew w ks s,n. e nam.' t ill. arris wa; . woi le in a 1. 1 i 1. ar I ' con ealed in the bu d u:'i t id. li ' body 1 , n :n tn e I . : r t - i .0 t. -g t'.a:, I.y : A . . i e he u 1 - at . 1 :i, by s inj-.' one s ; Lis 1 e- -ox i-ry i -wa-i l-h I f e l v. ilii ii; ..- or hi t.-i 1. shot, i'e; iia-. b. cn in tl rit .ry f r inoi-.- t'.an t . 'v.- i.: ,:.'!. e- 1 1 r- er me 1A Mill ;.. f rf.'.T!.. I I'.. ! l o- pal !y t Ah .lit 01. i A genil.-:ii:;:i bv t '. n.-.n.o sff.'eo a claim m ar t t!.:". a ere i 10 :.a 1 nht 1. lie t a i n.l ; .1 good h. wed g !.-!',!-. d .p-i t:i i tt' .ir.rv. ;.. "..e he w.t, from iee: ;'.i. b-;t i:i the quarrels ot the c:. wc re ah tak 11, and l is !,. or b red to l.jv,- the- '' li. if. 1 lit I!;- 1 .- nrjNt rer.. no'it-a: I lon- i ihctl XX l i t to t colony comri-t s i v.i-r, xvo; th -v v.i re a f :.' I ' r. ' . . i v xi re unarm ed, they xx t: e i!i 1 ir n o.t i f tn. ir a '.ins and t-i ls. ose l :. the ri:i. t- make the ir way the l-.-ct th.-y c-i';d t , M -,our i. Th' y w-.-re rol.!.--d f th' ir ct!iir.:, v -n the ,1. ll'.r'll 2 v. ..s I 1 . . . . i:t nsi..s si. ! cu. ii s .'. . re ournt. i '1 !.c next we !.. ar A thi i.i. Ilro.eii iia l uni' 1 with Lane's l ar'.v ; made an attaek on Cul. 'ireaiwiil and Part.v. n- d drove th om this I . rri'oiy. I '-'weU they went to Col. Ti'...', iitu jA-i-'iit hou : ncre i.icy i;ki iv-.i re-t ..i.i-. . - .... 1 were wTthbrni b, hiTc.'n "''nl'.! ' rompeilcd ;o vn-ld to a F-1'i'rior fore as they had coromcn 'cd to batter his r.abin down with rai.nmis. Co'. Tifjs wai badly wound-1 by ,i crape ..At. 'Ihrr.- v-r"e i igbtren l.n.u tak'.n r. (."oh 'Ih'n-. ('..'.. li'uswas ri.b'.e 1 .f .r.-rvth.:ri'g th-.t th-v ceiiid carry -.vav. '.n.-lu-pi,'; J ,.: ' m -'ivy. t HI. Titus and his I;,. ;, ,.-( re . v. -hang, d ! r sit persons t.-ikm :,? prank "in, npd n J nee o; '.rdnati'-e t:i. n al I.ixxren. e. vi.. is to tin's r.ttok on 'IV a 1'xn 1!, n l're- party lrin i. a ;v re tnr, ie an rdfieV on t'i- t e.x n f Trank'.in in the night. Th v w.-r-.. re shted by a f-w rv.. n that wer- :.t Mr. ('rain's, (he IV-tinsstcr rf thi laee. Tie r c n-tii'Ue-1 to lire at line h-)n.: f..r s-in.' time. iv : which was returned b the inmates with ef h"ii;ionists arc said feet, as several t f the to lusve been killed. Tiie Ah xhtloril-'-i linal ly dct r.ninif ! to e the l.ou-i 'fids was done bv loading a wagon xx iih hr.v an 1 hack- , a "I1 l' '. l Ms cruis ! t.'.e in- . '.,,,U--- t'.'.k?Vt t!,e the w-igon was ,;" n wn'irswn, an-l the pr-st olbce, Ktr-r . in 1 t.ou-- was robbed of everything. Mr. u:;nm ami t,:s l imily were run out of the ..I. ,i. .. - . i -:uioi . humor snfs they have concentrated their ! forces at La,'.vreiiei'. where thi v xx--n- forti- : fgi'ig tne place. J h. y siy no pro-slavery ; sn;l; ri.ri..,i;l : 'rri,,rv ' More than one thousand pro-sl ivcrv men i bare hern driven Inmi the Territory since use .15.n1. xoir tinnier counties "lire croxvd- ; .. 1 ,,.,,., 1 1 e l xv nn men, x omen an I el 1 . . 1 ... ren. who have I had to leave! their homes, their al! or fall beneath the reve-lver or Sharpc's rillg of the mi in gnt asasin. I10 can forg. t th.- , . iiinssnci e-s 01 1' ixies. 01 xx 1 anc-iii c.t s.,,.r. ;...,., R,-;nr, Vi... ....... . mtn who committed these outrages are at j this time running at large. How lone arc I mess tilings lo Oe Home WitU t i ne .i issourians are (Knouneeil lor in vading Kansas. What father or brother would stand by and see his sons' or his bro- 'I-.. 11: . r ... . Lane and their followers." Gcius in the Repulicau Dindcm. . "llEriBI.ICAN SAVIXCSi" t , The following expressions of " rcpubli- I'XE." " The "constitution is a reproach and n league with 1 ophet. uahkisox. " Let the union slide." X. 1 Banks. " tsharpe's rifles are better than bibles." IlEXHV V. jjKECIIEK. " Disunion rather than slavery." Cas- sirs M. Ci-AT. t the iifeeting of thc black repuhlcans, at Monroe, in Green county, Wis., the other day the following resolution was adoptcu, amid wild shrieks for freedom : " Iienoltetl, That it is thc duty of the north, in case they fail in electing a presi dent and a congress that will restoro free dom to Kansas to revolutionize tho govern ment." The Poiighkeepsio X. Y. Telegraph States that it heard, a fe-w days ago, a black republican political clergyman make thc f al lowing declaration : 1 nrtiti daibi thnt thi accursed union may le dissolced even if blood hare to be j,itt." These uteranees snoxv tne sentiments oy can sentiments cannot oe piaccu oeiore tne nmoiis v stated that the ouarrel took 1. hue since at .Marion, in 1111s couiuy. people too often : j j in a " gambling hell." Poor dupe! lie has I moved that all Fillmore men then " The union is not worth supporting in , ,,nm! into the Fusion party : and to cover ut ! should retire while a Fremont Club connection with the south." 3C. Y. Tki- ! 1. is first false position ho has been continu.-i!- ing oreanized. Mr. X also which the black republican party is anima ted. Can a lover of his country lend the slightest aid toward thc elevation of such a party to power. "Will our republican friend spoak out ever moro and let us knoxv the facts about the L'ovejoy case in the Beaurau court,whera this worthy tried to wrong his luartcred trptbers children? ... ' s . -1. .. . " - - From the Chicago Tinea. Another I-ic Nailed Col. . l$isell in a tiht ilue. ! . .. . i . . . : ,.r -11 - l c invite l!ie aieenesoii x.i an men xx no have anv rcrc-ct for person al inte'Titr to the follJwinz correspondence ' ' CiiiCAud, Sept. 1, 18"G. Peak Slit : I enclose yo'i a paragraph (editorial) from the Chicago Iribtue ol btli August. J he fame stmuiit .i turn W"' ; .,r..ri.,,i-! v in tlm Chicago J'rtx. Von will 1 ' . . . ... r.. 1 .. . see. tnut your name i ueu pie.h) . i tll4l A IfltMl-tlll'l I I I (' i I . 1 I t I'll (.. ! woul 1 render Col. JlidinrJ.-oii ineligible, to Bin i reiuicr iu . Jvi j v QoVvnwr I respect fl'.ly a-k of i vo ,r vu nre I1L,t under obii-rations ol se t crecy to that von inform m ier tin: aileL'aiion maie in mo news- , foundation in truth. I I ' ..... the adoption of the constitution of Col. Vi'ii'.aiu A. Ui.:hi r i-ion, then, i . ... j-'j,,,, : . . a J.ei.r' .--i ntative in t oiilt. ss Iron. . . ' 1 . . .. u,,. Mate, was one tu-I.t cngageit in r.w- j.j in Washiiurton, at plav, in com- . w 1,,,;, . Ol Ohio. Ui a re.- ' i ut t :. 1::, morion.', when, t iloii.i t.':e v.i. ;:! of Lynn J.oy!, .f ly woo i f t .e- .'ambiiug parly, an I ti.i-rs. the re'.a'.ioi's '1 ' re; I was .' '' cut fhort, a:id amic.v 7 1 ne. C!i!-.v;n, F.-t. 1, 1'.'-o. i;...:i . 1:;: 1 our iu-: 01 ti.:s tuorninz has be n rec-jve 1, rdso th" ticwsi.a'i'T ; .-nciod, ehargin.' that 3 il'l'irii-'v had or A. Ki.lrit'U .n and 1 .-nr. d between Col. W 'f, in ,:. 1 t'. :!":i e, in o: I.::-! :. in" a ii' he r ik a 1 .he 'In- 1. el. f r a month i i-ect-i', nn M at.-, a 'e-.Ur a ;' t. r.t tie- .- :n 1 oh p. nr.Tion on a-suri:ig l.n d in c.nri' x ti'.'v r-?:rti- n tin my i.f.:i.' 1 n- l he ;-a the tl :i : . -1 r; t on. I tr: :u an answi r. c.-.rt i'r.i:.- t! i... 1 . o-i. -!.-.. .t that tim I.. : th it elt::, r 'ol. ill-. ii.forma I had no 1. or anv : 1 .- (:;'. ! a r :i ( f a-i a: t au. d the pub ns the on.- Vo l mv r. pi v to th. t' in:. :.d.-d f.-r I: 1 : lie- ?t I f '. i': -V.. i '! in e t:. t'r to .. r. e id .1 V t , 1: it is i . ye : ri 1 ! o :i r,:ti. '. 1, Teh I .. t b-'r . II - :. i u 1 I ! . 1 .. . I f y t'n. it Mi l: X '. t..".t t. th- "an -'. :i t . - in W; of .VI' the r ( I:! '.: I I A-:g. 2. 1: r th' I XT-le: : , . I r-- a it,, r in h r,g- f- of I'ild IV i r : ti e If ( . g . i. ' -,i to s ,.;? . i. t ' I.r-i'lvc -, ! v - ;;t Wr.eho'.grr..,. J; I Think, in th ' xx h.;. r cf 1 -"I. I V. ; . . i . .n xx ., xi. i r :t :.' s '':. -'r ; ..r xx !,. th' r it xvi v -i i !: v .'- a n gv r S'-ei, in-. n ling rvtr.-i'.-t'i'm or apoh'gv r eth.n: hk tha. I pr- -oo;e y,.ti -, i I r.-:n-:..h r the i 1 i t ; an i xx--d inform me. i wlil te d yr.ii i an lidly why I want the iiilorination. 1 1 :-! i I - .n and mvs-lf .are coiir 'ti'ors for the o':i,-e of i Jovtrnor. Dor constitution u very .-, vi re o,i ooe )... s!i:J! have sor.t or a -r.-pted a -ha ! n-g'-. or : lo neht a xiail. U. has bad the- want of mat" i;ne-s t i r out r.gilr st tne my arbdr with A .''. ! 'av:. I .x ani this as u:i i -i.i . '. ..r r-hail I ot hensc-I. Plta'e l-t K- h. ar :: ::i v I t a; ' v. Yours, Wet. ii. !.!--! I I. lim.i:.;: .. T'i:. CM. s ;tK! : v. 'r;. i.; vii.i.r. An.-. P2. 1?.1. Mr Ii .x;: Si :: Vours of tin: '-'d in-tar.t is 1 , . n reciived. In th" nn nrii ,-Sorit. iinpk:i--aiit words oe -iirred be- t '.tn n t tv. r.:r g i. ii i hirds.-n an 1 mysi-'f. (irithe t lac dav on xx hieh the iirrcncc em C(.. cxri'a. t--"k I i yi"i brought in : a not i liie'na: i-o-i. in xx 1 icil he a-ked son. in'. ,n oi lao .ang lag. n-ed. I did i n-i' re- g-.rd it :.s a cinti h-ng-, rseii :u r did mv fi icn-N : an i un I r their a dv s.. nn r.r. an i l.etire an" e;lanat:o:i xvas ha i. I left the next meruit eg '. r ihio t fill appointments whi h had pre viously b.-en male for mo to speak in mv d stri -t. Io not. if possible- to avoid it, h t my name be used in connection with the transaction. Yours truly, lins. fi. (l.ns. Here we n 1 . i::.-i- .. a n: 1. is own ino.ig an ) making through l.:s news paper a false .-ircetien ag-dnst his competi tor. After lie has ;i-c'U-ed Kieh:;: dson of g- lthi- int- a tight in " a g-i:n'.'ii'.g hell,' and .-I' hiving sent a cha'hnce t 1 In-. 1 lids, 1 :. . . . . 1 1 . ' , ne xx 1 in s 10 1 u,-.s 1 ,r ti -Minn!' v to cover up h:s own falsehood II;: t the co r, eponiience disci. -Sfs more; it shoxvs that i-eli, being the "friend"' ol Richardson, knew that tho ' t: ansaetion did not occur in a "gambling he!!," as was alleged, su.d then fore that the ; assertion xvas a wdfti!, or to use Ids own e x- iprcssion. a "vile, villainous misrt presenta tion." The reader will see how elfectu.-tllv Ihssei! s " edi'set" is knorked duxvn ; hoxv his attempt to defend his own irieligd.ility by : alleging his opponent to be- no belter situated ; than himself, utterly fails hi ' exemplary llisseill tlie low companion and ! brothel friend of a "gambling heli" bully, i Lint this ceirresiiondence shows that l.issell uttered a falsehood when iie stated that any i ele.ii.-nir,. ,.,L- i.Iai'o. and nller.l .1 still hiwei- 1 j faeliood when he maliciously and most ve- t Iv involving himself in all manner of dilli c'li'tie-sr. Westeux School. Wo discover, from a circular before us, that Prof. L. L'inlauf.who is favorably known in this community as an instructor having tought in Poghkeepsie I and Xewburghsis about to open a Female j Seminary at OtUxva, Illinois. Prof. U. ripe Scholar, (tho master of several langua ges,) a gentleman in his demeanor, honera Lle in his dealings ; and ho has our best witihes for a heppy and properous future in bis western home. Vounhkeeptiie, X. Y. Examiner. . , - ' Sioxs or tiie Cami'aiox. Xot a tingle, member of Gen. Harrison's cabinet supports Fremont, and lut one of Gen. Taylor's. All thc ex-prcsidents of the republic are against Fremont. Tho adopted son and heir of Jackson is defending Buchanan. Tho son and son-in-law of Harrison, the-sons of Hen ry Clay and' Daniel Webster, arc also all for Buchanan. And so is Gen. Leslie Coombs, of Ky., the noted' whig otator and bosom friend of Clay. -Detroit Free Press. Gen. Scott has declared to his friends against Fremont for President, but refuses to commit himself for.' or'.'against Fillmore. Great efforts have undoubtedly been made to induce him to declare for Fillmore, hut his profound silence shows that his sympathies are not in that direction, - from KnrojMt. New York, Sept. 3. The steamer Persia arrived about S o'clock this A. M., left Liv- I ...,. , ,.. a V1,.L- 1 ! 'l""" " ' saw the Arabia at 2 O 1 M. bounfl lor ! Liverpool. The Ericsson arrrived out the I lithand sailed again foi for New York on the j o Mi with 2-", passengers. ; The i;ritish Parliament had been farther prorogued until N v. l:!. V,. o:it;..l .,. ws i xrer.f that D -israeli's i . ' . , , ,. 1,, ,,r!,.;. was incoming uiM.i.tei.n to .... : ' i ... ',r. ...litorlaM v nr.nrovts of ! i Mr. Miircys reasuumg on tue sutjett ol j ' j.nv.iieei in-: r v , ; .. , ;,..,.., i . .1C s sa d to be ! 1 ' v ,! ' ' ,.tr. aLn to , urin' c laiuis ol ' '" L i m ' 'o.ij.u. Kinudom. uixl t. O.-MIOW upon jcrcmc. considered f'd'y he Emperor of llnss'a gavo .Malakoil being L'bration in honor i t tin. tw-entv-f.rst v. ar s f acetnl re!'rn in i I r,,i1-mrT The l'ov'-i nni'-nt f-f Holland nasi ' refused ass .-lit to the pritu-ipk of arbitra- I t-ui.s b. f r-- re.-ot t to arms commenced by the Paris Con.'r. From Si.ahi there is nothing of impor- tin , traroj'iility prevailed. The .l.lli iih v with Me-x'co was said htil! to be UriS'.tt'.e.l. A iloiibtfu! re j.'o t was cum tit thnt France nnd I'.ngl-i:. i ha-l sddressed an jiHitittta to tie- '.ih.'X -f Napb-S, and that in the 1 v nt .f re)'a;tl to comjily with their de- ma th.-ir r";tn s.-iitatives are ciimi-diutc- ly a lit I he d'. l.s are stated to nt r:i. a riiiie-ty- n 1 a .Imin'ntrative and judiciil refonn-'. I he King is reported to have consented to some- of the re.piTc I con, but not to a s.atislaetor extent. A re; or had ;i!-o been spread, that the King - 1 mtenoe'l to aleiieiiti- m lavor ot the more ' l'bi-ra! I'riii' 1: of Calabria, but it gstiried lit:!.- cr-denee. 1 ''!,.. il l--i ms ar.r. vice tint they x.i'l ev- aci ite and give uj. Kars, Isurii 1, ib.-mi.-kilia within th: s!:ptii.t:d six inor.ths. A '. rate- cn.-ag' ni -nt had tk.-n y'nru bet n n Id.. n W:i t!ic- rr o a i.ussian sn:p 01 war s -:i: Alg rine pirati s olf the coa -t of p-t'.; eiht of the form, r were killed f.v. !.: V v. o-ind d. '1 'he Pi ?n'-e A 1 ill. el t s w.,ti, 1 r.r. i hi- aid k.l e l. This in nt i-.nd revived the fi'k of an Eurocan -liti .: ga::..-.t the rin.t'-s of that ll-.-jli-h t v. ill cr-ilsi in the th" . a 1 of NeiVe-lnb.T, 1: n t . .! ,1a. xv et , To; el'y taken from th' ports th-y abari-1 ,r.e 1 T.i V had eapt iled An- hi! w-: c were retreating '.2 c i- .rati-.M t'f t:i-.- S '. e ,;.:i:re.l On a i a 1-. It i t ) ij" fo' I'l'oe. ti, i 1. .s i4 or ' i-.'.v!;. I to i.OiD !i;s f.!-. mn 1 n-e- --'th ' :' Aii.'u-t Count i r.-pr-.-v-.tative. ha 1 met 1 ' r-.v- th-r. at M. iV-ri- ' M '.V. ts in Li' .on Portugal on ought i e a 11 oi i the Kui (.ecu. : I at I." i, on '. .:: church of. in -aletr and .e a hes. .a J a. I L'tkO. j; :.a ns amoxo I - I i x. i . . i : ; -: n i-: r j 2. . r et I'.- -.. !n addition to the '! -."i in ti..n i.y insects hist si-a-st-vi-r jv . t'.u t ast xt inter and p t l.j i iuavy ,r s of stoek, and to the .e s..i ...w.. .. c uic rii.j s i..ei i.ix, i'.uirf n;;'1' ivutK-r. the scant supi 'y of '"x oi '...1:114.1 t ioi irrig-ii ai .llien.ini- I. u .1 c.'j, I.y f'r:isho.p-t- in e. n cne coun'y. and the riic d, trui Hon in por-th-iis f V- s. Hid r and Ctah counties, the i' : or d t .xnges of t-ibacco and other worms .15 p dat e, s and corn, and the parching of i: -hi- of grain b. lore the heads are ihh'i, ar..- f.:r 1'; .m j.roinising a s-upius ol too j f.-r ti.- Saints luw b-re and the tlmu s i- ah'.-.-, ly on their way t.i the mountains. S-troog fi.:i: in the wisdom of the 1'rovi- ' 'f 1;- A'mhgh'y, cre-at skill, strict eh I ,ce the eo'ii'i.andinents of the Lord an 1 the corn, ! ol his s.-rvants, the most r:g: i 1 ..; n. ".ny and utiti: ing, we'.l-lin.-'tc-I in : i- t -y. inty ei. ih'e as to escape .starvation ur -il t! e h-;X'--t in 1"5-:1. P.ut th-XsC who h ive n t t'ne tjani ,d essentia! .pnal li eati .::. an I xxho do n t intend to strive- for th. m. xx d'. he aj.t to have their f.clings mTi- iv chalcd r.rd tn.'irstoma ehs severely pinch- liiddellS our (lUiet e l, ere pleiy agsin ll )II!-. S. Anl until ll.e lapse of at least anoti:' r yetr, emigrants and others will fail in their dependence upon Ctah fur sustenance, and xx i 1 run g: eat ri.-k .f starving unless they 'rinrg the-ir sunnlies with them, and that. too. no vh Ml t in gold, i-ilver at d merchandise with a to ex .1. 111. advantageously, but 1 an amount of provisions a.s they miy need until August, 1.j7, and for how much i lot. iter xve are not informed. ! Cra-shoppers have entirely dcstr03"cd the j crops in Cache Valley. ! V(' shonld bo s sorry toeeMr. Uuchan aii electc I, because be is in favor of preserv ing the obnoxious institutions as they exist and the unity of the. States. There is no safety for Kuropeau monarichicul govern ments, if the progressive spirit of the Iem ocraey of the I'nited States is alloxved to succeed. lllcct Fremont, and the first blow to tht- seperation of the United States is t irectedl" fn j ' j i, . porter, and hereby acknowledge the re ef an order tor a new hat. hoslon j ' " . i At a Fremont Meeting, held a few nights jir. l present xvas be- 1 it niOVeU Uiat the democrats should leave the house. After the Fillmore men an 1 Democrats had re tired, the count was taken and it xvas found that TIII1EE Fremont men were left, be sides the two champions of iilack Kepuiiiic anism from this place, tlo it, Fusiouism .' Urbana Uniun. SixcEKiTV. Sincerity is to speak as we thinU, to do as we pretend and profess, to perforin and make good what xve promise, and really to be what wc would seem and appear to be. "I don't care so much about the bugs," said Mr. Wormley to the head1 of tho gen teel private family i.i which ho resides, "but the fact is, marm, I haven't pot tho blood to spare ; you see that yourself." . AxoTnrn IIeafy YEitnicT. A Mr. Ward has recovered of the Buffalo add Erio Rail road company $S,9S5 for the burning of his hotel and furniture which, he claims was set on fire by coals blown from one of thc Company's locomotives. A xnw State. It is proposed by some of the Minnesota press to call her the " Gopher State," after her admission into thc Union. Othors prefer to call her the "North Star." Lovcjoy was in town the other day. ws do not hear of his being invited to drink at more than one of our groceries, A country girl writing to her friends, says of tho polka, that tho duncing does not amount to much, but the hugging is hea venly. . . ctr.i'i oi oof oi our ntizim, snv the Al- ... . ' ." V " .l ' 'P".e l-x.W K-.l.-U.-f -if 1... '.. I ized : iin -iirr i.rn.ijiu irom uiif i nv.-r m which , ji,,, Ulc I;ttI,tist baptised the Saviour of tho Nithor men nor women become what . ' ,l ' : "" ennu i oe. oy carieung their ! P- ith velvet ; real strength is teste! . e ; J .. It r.i arf-cd at t!iu wine-growers moot ing in Ciiioiimati, that freezing does not in jure wine. A of 510 degrees, however, wi.I cuiiipletc'y dolr.iv it. If you wan; an i-nominus to n sj.ret voif 'Nln s, to d.-ath." -ar watch seals about tiie size of a brickbat. ; II n. V. in. Ail.eiij tnemher of Congress fro. the Charleston, S. C. dis?iict. has re " signed his sejt. Tljo State of New Vorl, h;n'tb, is ab.ut "A'i miles. in its tilreiiiC and its giatesd The Mate in- br. :.-Uh i ibotlt 'iOSt n clo ji s an an-a of .JO S. I I O: , I .... r, . -1 T. ' ' J s'j'i tre miles C . - A I'iHin-re nimpa go piipcf called tho' 'Conservative," has been established at prh.gdeld. S.-at; -je-iT nf V. : fi- .;,. ,!:! I,. ,; I ;.'...-t:r - l"f: hi O, An.i ai l-'-'.. iit, trituhvirt-'t ttport I liln'll. It if I rtltrr-,1 at Ik 1. ii 'triu j t if tiiititt't tndiiij (I.KAI.i!) I'm n. 1 1 O .1-. I11 Wl-at. i-l XA !Tt . 'li t", s . '.'li.-jel 1'HI .. I ol, !'.. .Ui;; i.p. :-.i 4-1 PC .l.l?.lS 1 .'.". . y.u. - f i. 1. 10.. iv I r..r A No f)unt kcry. T t I.ii.-.i. f "a- M-.-.J: i...- f'.r ;t!l .le ik - if. T.. rn';.v c..ii.!-niri...l I y e-n'..ii:. :.. -1 1 01 1 e . -. y.;t li.i-re ;-- -'.:.! ii c 'j . I.- u -i I". lie- . -i .-rr.j..rK-u! i.iea, ui ! t-v I .'.e."-;. rji.'.r w.rlli! t: ej-it e.. ,i ll . ."fi. An. .1 i li , ".v. r. wl.i. r. ! r.t l!.-- I'oM IIIIV sl-.iX.-K . :i ' ;i .'. r. .,' -, ..,.. T.,r .'.".. ,t if t'-.- !'-.' : i ..i' ' ! A' f:;i- i in::. .vv. a j . .. A'. (r .,.,.t.:y ,. it., .r xi... ii . - . - J . - r ' .e. r.- . .v. I e. ll.:- ; . . ililnHiif win. ll i iM.::i:V :. l.i i,'.ioi:i. r r ...i.i.- c-..i.l.-. :::..'. n, I . t .ii.i .., (, ,... ..r tl,.. hir . . .'. ' . , .... . ' ..,. ., ,'. rml.i''t Win, !-... - 'i ! a ' -.el h- '.'I "ti tnut .: '.' V- ; , . a, ... o.-r . 1 7 f . '.;..".' .-?: a si .i ri l.t: Mt:i! tt: 1 v , V -i . i . .'iiiio - i'f Ot.-ir -iri- t- 1...V..1- - i. C'l' I a.,', ne I 11-v, I'ew.lcr., Ox' o . ;.: C :r. . ll-.f 11 M.nlil. -t Ail - XI i" ir.- n ! ti. '. l. c.t:, i Ii .-ii-e'.i"-. , aa.l, if ctlc't M. . Iv ,i'..t-. i..i i -in:, it: W-ilkiT it II Aiipir't ar i, .. k. -...':, .. e. e',".it ll"-c-e - i'i;. re, intaira, 111. II: : . I'., u . i, I t ii : j...;: . i . . JiMi: Stt-.x!, of La ,.!'.. . .j of r.r. .. t Allerncf, 1; M tNT VOTKII?. , C.rei. II! t r.--. ! i 1 . . n tl:r 2ti ult., JiHix . -. -.- :7.!i t.. luvin I'ixk, njrc.l ! y. S- i,t. 1 !, Kith I't.. s, tl 1 -MUSICAL. The Bad;er State Vocalists AIli; C'lMINil, WITH I. A 1 !1 T I T 1 1 V I OLA, n --rt-'T rr ni ti it. Sie.'.ii Fi'nilif. will civ fine i.evMii i,i rKT. "" M ' ' I.'- iiin . .. ' V '.V .'' '. f A X II M.I . nu ,i.-!. .;. n I. IVnt X . in i. ; ! -'eg !,: ct--it Nat...;i:.t M I...IV. '' ' unihitl f f ' I. t'i. 1 1. ,t -i " J i. ,nr .. ,.t 7 : Cti.-trrl e-oiti. re.-, - .Vi.. Ti- k. :- r .-. !e,i..:'.r, -.'... t.. 1.- fm.f nt r'i. .1 '-r jrel ..t ti..- i.ree ;e .1 K -r .:frtinilar. '-ri:... :- .... "-!- I K. II. Wooli. j i;i'.J. 1M) A i ( iii:h 1.1:1, I ten. : v- u t: 1M1 R- in. I. KM I u- IS FANCY &; STAPLE GROCERIES. - . ..-.....'. . ee. iiiitim'itr th J'unt 'Vf, 1 O I'TWV I M T G - i:i:i:v 'il 1' I'.' k T 1. CCcr. Cr....-,.lul.-. W-.t Illrlia ..1 IV--. rv ('.I'lliti, e'riitii.iri .1. I c 1 M. .it an.l . I' -I- r n.l hin t Viii'-iT'ir. tl'.,! I I'll V T I. ..,'. ; -r : 1. r i-l 1. ..ii 1 fru 1- Mrar. Willow Wurk II'.- - V... i 11 iv. i I',; -!,.n IVjr-, i;r.iin H-. -'.- I' : . C rn M-.l. :.-..-":i. :. Sir- .1 ;;. . ov... r. i I., I. ....... 'e h M l-t IP!. KliVr (III, I..-. I' .' l'r-i!i.-. ii e r'.-l C ir ':,. (-' ! In'- ' I'r . '-. (i.--.i- t ..'. 1 .am! i'!,,if. S,ictf, I. r. ' .' "1. ( .'-. . I'.'.r.. r. Jr.-.. K Mie . Hro t i. r... I'-r's Hi". I,..1t. X ..r-.-r-hir.- S ei,-. Nut., '.- :V r. I'r-.-.,,, T.rt.r. l: .ni, C'!,.i!k, Ti.r, !:.:. Ii. 1 ;i..!.-a!.- nu I r. C I'l l. XNil. i-: 'I i'. 1; Aii'iiEULEV. v. ro.i: .1,1.1: .;m hi: r.t! 1. liatiisESj Saddle. Trunk & Whip foJ S CI 2D EIC:. 13-2 fTniH' .h- r,l.. r r-i -O. X Tii-rr ini" K-t;4'-ti-ftirr. J.- O -r lie w ti 1 . 1 (' 1 ti: ( i!! ,rl"W imnf ft ! tl -z': --. tl. ..I-l -t .'i I. i-,rn.r ..f Vain .nd i IXr115- 0 i n: i ..s Mr-. t.. u..i., res,-.-tfiilly r.-.n. I. ti,.-. r 1111,111 r..u. mil. int er. . n-. l t'.e ji i!.:. .... n: y. i .n: u.y ,ir-. n.,w .r.-inirt-l f" ;-irtiii ail nf a k in tl eir line- al irrcatly re- .! :. -I .r,.-. un i of s'lp-ricr .iu:i:i-r. c .rri-1- Tri-. , mii'i? ..f cv.sry T.irictv a-i't in auh?rior s:y!-. tl.eit- t-. .-r-l- r l.r an t-xaa. rietic. 'I (riiiitiier. A:' kii. l- ..f r.-ii:r:t.i: jiroaijit'y j'.I.-ml. il tc, anil Jiiw up p.-iil ami .1 :r il.'.-. A full a-' r;itit:::t of Sj.i r. ry. Ilur.lir.-ir.-, Wl,;j.. Col lars. Triuil.-. ("urri il..-an l Tr'ini. Trimniinifs, mImuT'ioij " t-. t!;-' tr.l.'i? nt ("hi. ';.?'' prices. i o-.nm 11. S. ; 11 .!.- r 1.. Is.V., S 1 1 K i: l.r.lJa. :ili ani' C''inciat ICfiolinx. rnflK icil.scre.- r. ar linn t-i .nc-il in irnrot.i; nn tti X !i'"'Xe i:... niip. !. i. li f'-r iir liijr. iluraliiliij, nii4 ! re .itri. is .,f jt;..i:ra!i'-c. rsnl..t l.t Thi ' 11". -lirirr 1ms l..-i-ti in tisc f.-r 14 yrnr.. an.l He I, ave Tiunie 1 ri"i t..-::ii,.eii-i:s ..f il..-liiirh-st cleiracti r .-.,iic--rfiiiiir it, i bat in-o-1 I ..f p t'.i.sMiiz liit-iii prrf.-r t" r.-fcr yn t. ' r-.-i's !,i.-h w.- I.avi- c.-v. r-.l at the (iaa XV., rk.s. istar.-li K.i. t. r.v, tii.- h .i;o .f I.. I'. S.-iiii." r, E-q , and iimujr ( i,;1!. r.-. I Spei-imi ti. ef the Itnofiiifr mr.y aI-o be feen at Pr. J. O. II iRR -' erii. e. T.'i.- e-i is a!. tlie saino a- iiliingV, uliile lite roof fr . c'l'ii.i t" Itic In'-t sl-iit; re.. la. ! T.,.- invit- tin- att.-'iiien "f all pLTs"u trim il.-sire liirlil. t,. rne 11 r'...:s t 1 uiirs, oca. re n-iiiir any i.iut-rs. , pi.- COliMil.I. i SXtlTH. ssi:vsri:its I.iicIIfce.if-i? and Real L's.afe Lxt.'Asiinti:. nearly i.pi.iMiie I,. 1'. Hunircr'i dwelling hfiii-. Mi.lirmn si., oral 11. T. Piiklps'. Otiaw. e New Grocer Store. THE iili.-rili'-r lim fpetieil a niore for tlie falc of (?ro ceri .s. WiMi.Ii-n, Willow anil Saotie Ware, In Walker A llickln.-'s new brick biii'.l:iir, on P.tile t. Family Snpli.- 1.1 all the best varielien, tritli Oyntrrn, Fifh, aud Fruit in tiieir iteasmi, will he V.e.t coiistantly on liniiil. Hitvir.i; bei-Aini' the Aireiit f'.r the nale of tl.0 Aiiueilurl '"' il'inr, p irlii-iiliir iittt iition will be paid to it nnali. or.iii.i'll rionr. 1 tot lull .ileal, 1 rai-neii 11 neai, iirnn, i n,l SI... ri. will .!,. he f,.r sale. ell..r.l.-r t.roim.tlv at. teteleil to mill .l.-liv.-rt-l. JAMES K. MK1U8. (lit.-iwii, September 0, Is.". fc'nte of Ahiin Wuodrijf, dee'd.' notice in hereby jrlx-en,;that the unilemlftned, e x. ciiier of the estate of Aluon Woodruff, dee'd." 111 ai'. iin in e county ( nun 01 i.a s.ilh; county, at a term, thereof, lu Im- hohlen ut Ottawa, ill aii m Salle county, nuil state of llliiiiiin, on the 81 Monday in October Beit," wheti anil where all perminK haviiiK cluilim aicsinat ait-' estate are hereby requculed to present the name io Iai4 court for adjustment. IIF.XltY V. KIMES I i.eptf-6w R. F.ATO.V GOOOl'm f"- To all irhom it may concern. NOTICE in hereby Riven to all w'boiii it may concern, that at a tux kale for the County of La Salle anil State of Illinois, held at the Court limine in Ottawa, 01 1 ll.e l.'nh day of Slay, Jsft5. 1 he.-anie the purchaser of the fi.llowi'itr ilenc-ribcd lumU, via : K " acre of a .t eh of nei nee. 8."), town Hfi, ;. 5 ; 11 li of h "f e'l W. town art. I! f, ..I, r ..... ..' i town St. K. S. fTlmt said I.1111U were mH for the taxes and coiiti of A. P. 1M, and Unit the time of re.leitipiion from aaid aale or aai.l landa will expire op tlie lf'th day of May, sepS . L. r. JO.-iaa. fiTA TE Of ItTlXOI ' K""' ""ft""''?' Court ther.t.f, f N,.t,ih,r f-m, lal: Kll.ha W. How. Jan..-. I.. I - !'''. A''n, -mb. JiB F. Iamb Mary J i.anib. C'llhenna IJiiiib, lar A. , Lamb,' eieorpe M. I.aoib, Julia Lamb, and Martha 11. ITVo'rwiVi'iii fro'n'an'amilavU on file in the office of th elei li ot the circuit court for aaiil couuly, that the hLoc- iiaiiied Jiiic ..I)niei not a reniilent of tliia (tale, ami Hi" complainant havi!iC Hied Ilia bill or complaint herein, an.i uiuuitioa having been iaaui-d Uie-ruon accor dinic to hMr' .... therefore, notice la hereby given to the laid Jamea . L. l i"s,lliH uuluMyou aball Hironally be and apier before the circuit court of aai.l county, on the firm day of the next term thereof, to be hohlen at the court boua in Ottawa, in aaid county, on the aeconri Monday lo No. vetuber next, and plead, demur, except to or anawer Baiil complainant' hill, the same will he taken aa confeaaed aKaiii't you by default, and the matter! and thing therein prayed for decreed accordingly. J. F. NASH, Cir. Hcmmkll A Grit, eomplts. pnlicltori. f4