OCR Interpretation

The Ottawa free trader. [volume] (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916, September 11, 1858, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038582/1858-09-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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(ti In
NO. 3.
- reauBf-SD ivenv saTcbbav moemmo.
B Mvmlt4l- the Poet Office earner of Madieen and Co
tumou aireeie.
1.50 per annum in advance;
B.60 " for copies to one order, la adv
' In.OO for 10
I .0O " for 15 "
lw. lw. Jw. 3 mo. mo. It.
IS lines or less, 1.H) 1.25 1.50 8.00 5.00 8.00
Barter Column, 4.TO 5.00 S.Oo 10.00 15.00 19.00
air Column, 8.I-3 10.00 12.00 16.00 52.00 85.00
Wtl Column, 16. CO 0.00 24.00 8).00 40.00 0.00
ueras.o line or leas by tneyear,cbare;ed aa H a square,
f early advertisements are doe, one-half after first in
: Ml tien, and one-half at the end of six months. Transient
MMTtiaeraents payable invariably in advance.
Attorney at Law Ottawa, La Salle Co., JO.
Prompt attention paid to the investigation of titles,
fays-set of taxes, purchase and sale of real estate, and
' SJsUmioa of claims.
' atraaaifcn :
Clark Palkner. 16 Wall 8t . N. T.
V. . Kerfoot ft Co., Ohicsgo.
M. r. Ig-lchard,
Ofrdea, Fleetwood h Co., "
. "OMce, doors east of Kames, Allen A Co.'s Bank.
lfote, Commieinan, and Insurance Broker.
OBco with. W. H W. Cushman, Esq., over Bank of Ot
tawa. my29
rm HOME INSURANCE COMP ANT, of New York. -Capital
500.000, with $300,000 surplas.
CSAKCU OAE PIRE INS. CO.. Hartford, Conn.,
Capital. too.000.
1 Reddick't Block, Ottawa.
Gtt Auctioneer Auction and L'nrnminxion M-rchant,-Main
Street, Ottawa, III., opposite Post Office. seplg
Juetiee of the Femes Ottawa, JUinoi.
Oae In Glover k Cook's Black. my2'2
Juttice of the Peace Ottawa, IBinoi.
leo in Metropolitan Block.
Suffice J the Peace.
wince east side of Columous St., adjoining his resi
dence, nearly opposite the Post Office.
Will thank his friends for all business pertaining to
Ala See, and premises to attend to all such with
ap21 '
- D. It. GREliG,
Jurtice of lh Peace Ottawa, IU.
eUco directly envosits the Hannen Heuse.soutJi V
f Bala Street, Id floor. Will attend to all business an
j attaining to the oBee. Conveyancing done, Ac- Ac.
Auomep at Late.
w)Bc ra the Past Ofl oe Kct.
JMomey Law and JTotary Public.
rgtc to Nat-anger's Block. Ottawa, 111. anglA ":
V. M . EM EKsO.,
Attorney and Couneellor at Lam Ottawa, IllinM,
Will give strict attention to all business entrusted to his
ear. ST 'Particular attention paid to the collection of
lain. Qce with A. B. Smith. Ese.
a. a. Bjca. r. aaxot.
nicF, ncr.n,
Attnneyat Late OOatea.
OtleB over Reddick Store. fcbT
Attorney at Lam Ottavca, Plinoi.
8aT91Bce la the Court House. 8pt. 15, 1S55.
. o. oloti. araroa o. coox.
Attorneys and fmnnellon a 1fc Ottmra. 111.
OBce in Glover k Cook's brick block, cart of the court
I as a, ap stairs. y-tf
tttv and ConneeUar at Lam Ottawa, Til.
OIBco In Sanger's block, op stairs.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law Ottawa, W.
Mcs in Sattinger'a Block, apposite Exchange Office.
Attorney and ConnteRor at TsiwOttnfta, HI
' ' cs in Reddick's block, np stairs, in the rooms for
eaorly accapied as the Free Trader printing office.
, . CHAD. E- BATES. M. D.,
Somatopathic Phytician and Snrgeon.
OBe with Pr. William timith. Surgeon Dentist, in
Walker A Hickling's Block, south of the Ronrt House,
Waald respectfully inform the public that he is perm ra
aiaBi'y located in Ottawa, and would tender his profes
aloaal aerr ices to all thosa who may be incliued to favor
omasopathy .
a woald also state for the benefit of country practi
tioners that Ve keeps on hand a good and reliable stock
f Medicines, and waald be happy to furnish them at
prices lower than can be obtained anywhere West of
rocket Cases for Families and Travelers, with full di
rections for use. continually on nand.
Residence east of Fox River, next houie beyond K.
r. - Dr. Bates has both an Allopathic and Homwpa
tkto BlBlima laniW
war. 3m C. II.ITHK W AY,
Pkytician and Snrgeon.
Particular attention given to Surgery.
OSes in Gibson k Brother's new block. La Palle
traet,on door south of Black k Colo's Furniture Store.
Doctor HARRIS.
OFFICE In the second story of Shuler's building, near
tha Bank of Ottawa. Residence, East Main street,
ourtr Fox River. ug38
c. :. cnoniiini. . d..
OJJca third door teeet of Ottaica Bank, Main Street,
DR. 6. would respectfully call tha attention of those
entering from Chronic Diseases, particularly Scio
Ma, White Swelling, Salt Rlieum. Eruptions of the Face
aad Skin, Scald Head, Old Soree, and all diseases arising
from impurities of the Mood.
Also, Deformities, Curvatures, and Diseases of the
twine. Distortions of the Feet, Contracted Limbs, Stiff
Joints, Ac.
Oaaeer treated upon an entirely new principle, and
trlta a snecess heretofore nnequaled. ap4
Dr. A. ASnCAXAZY, Ilnnarlan,
HA TIN O just returned to this Oity from Europe,
where he has visited the most important institutions
f medical learning, offer his services to the public.
particular attention paid to Cnronie diseases.
Otic Rrst floor over D. Walker's Drug Store, in Me--taaslitaa
gall Building. marT
Phytician and Saraeon Ottatta, IUinolt.
Be In Glover k Cook's Brick block.
Residence corner of Madison and Clinton streets.
B. 91. TlrARTIIlTR, JK. 1.
Ottawa, lltinrt.
Bee at his Drug Store, on La Salle street.
Besidenc with Dr. Hard, corner of Madison and Clin
Ua street. sep 15-y
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer Otto tea. III.
a Msdisn street north of Glover k Cook's new Block.
German DrvjijiM onrt Apothecary. Main St., Ottatcf.
Importer of Drags Chemicals, French Cogniae Bran
dis. Wines, Ac-Ac augtS
BX1LR t!l
Bvssf, Patent Medicinee, Paint, Oile, Yarniahet,
Jhie Jtc, tc,
Botween Glover k Cook's and Reddick's Block.
Druggist, BookeeVer, and Stationer Ottaira, IU.
ccond tore In Nattinger's block, south side of the
art house square. yr
Dr. Jfl . WHITTl'K,
ZentUtand Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth,
L T. Hamnton. Esa.. II. F. Fames, Esq.,
Z ? C. PrescoU, Esq., J. W. Mills, Esq., J. C. Hatheway,
M. D., D. O. Stone, M. D., Win. Osman, Esq., Jos. Stout,
at. O., B. i. McGorrisk, M. D- J. O. Harris, M. D., T.
Bay. M. D., C. Hard, M. D-, K. M. McArthur, M. D., A.
C. Putnam, M. D.
Dr. Whitten is the only manufacturer of Block Teeth
ba the State, west of Chicago, for which he was awarded
the 1st premium at the La Salle County Fair.
Teeth inserted in a new and improved plan, without
tta as r Clasp.
E ms In ir. Stout's office. In new Post offlee block.
wM. SMITH, M. D.,
rfc in Walker dt Bickling't Block,
Second Story,
TrvnFM h;. r i ,
-j t" "'r.nnMiai services to
taw cltisens of Ottawa and vicinity. Alioperation per
armed la a scientific manner, and warranted eaual in
. Ulity to lb best.
Among other improvemenU, Dr. Smith Is Inserting
Teeth on Gut ta Percha plates.
Call aad see specimens.
- OBco hanrs from 9 o'clock, a. m. to B r. at. ap5
a. a. mom. a. w. bobxbt,
Plata work don In all th various styles of the art.
All work don at our Ac warranted to give entire sa-
wsfaetiaa. Chloroform administered for the extraction
af Teeth.
Booms over J. W. MilLi Fancy Dry Goods Store. ap25
ffYBTB Ezerranre Mill of Haskell k Sample la now ready
JL da ccbtom WORK with despatch aM satlsrac-
stoa. Buparler rionv urr aal at all time. '
( Successor to John A rmour,')
Dealers in Produce, Lumber, Lath, and Shingles,
liberal advances wade on grain in store.
JunU J. I. O. WELD.
Dealers In Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Glass, Nails, Oils and
Paints. Also, Manufacturers of Bash, Doors and Blinds.
Office on Mam street, Ottawa, 111. mar'.'
L U M B E II !
Dealer in Lumber at Miin xt. ide-cut Bridge, Ottawa,
Cash paid for all kinds of produce.
l tj vi ITeTr
Yard on the Side-Cut, near Madison Street.
fWA large stock of all kinds constantly on hand.
Sash, Dcor and Blind Factory.
WE take thi method to Inform the public that we
have purchased the Sash. Door .ml HMnri iirmn
of A. F. Caquelin, and are now prepared to furnish any
thing in our line of business, such as Sah, Doors,
Blinds, Frames and Mouldings. Orders promptly filled
on short notice.
Having a Lumber Yard in connection with our Facto
ry, we think our facilities for furnishing building mate
rials arc uneuualled in this Citv. nd w invit rnntr.ri.
ors, farmers, and all others who may want anything in
can anu satisiy yourselves that we can sell
you a good article. Just shut vou w-nt. ami cht-.ti rr
cash. There will be found at our Lumber Office. Doors.
Blinds, Sash, glazei and uuglazed Glass, Oils, Paint and
Office on Main Street, Ottawa, III.
ti r. at ::;
rslAKK.S pleasure in announcing to
-M- her former patrons and the ladles
generally that she has now in store.
tnu is in constant receipt or a rich and
varied slot k of
Direct from New York, adapted to the
season, ronsTinc of a variely oi beau
tiful PA TTEUy HA TS, for La lies,
Mies and Infants; also. Dress Cat,
Head Dresses, and all the latest styles
of Millinery Goods, and respectfully solicits your atten
tion to the same before purchasing.
Particular attention given to E.each:n and Pres3:n?
Straw Bonne's.
Dress Making don in the most approved styles. Pa
risian patterns received ncuthly.
Returning thanks for the very liberal patronage here
tofore extended to her, she solicits a continuance of tha
same. apl( SARAH CRKGG.
N 1-j W
M I L. I N
K It Y .
' I HE undersigned had opened tin
above busiucis in
the rooms lately occupied by Mrs. Caiu.gr, over the
ot and Shoe Store of Daniel Leahy, ou Madiswn
tUeet. near the Post Office, where she ill be happy to
wail on the Lilies of Ottawa and vicinity who will Uvf.r
her with theirptronnge. Among her stock will ho found '
a larse and fashionable assortment of Spring aixl Sum- j
mer Bonnets, Crapes. Ribbons, Laces, French and Aue- t
rican Flowers, together with a good ortment of Hng! j
Collars, 4c. Ac. pln MIPS FITGERALD.
M I I, f7l N K iTYT- !
.1RS. I OKI) )
RESPECT FCLLY informs the Ladies of Ottawa and '
vicinity that site has receive'! her stock of Goo'ls t
for Spring and Summer trad, and is ready to forni-h a !
great variety of Bonnets, Caps, Head Dresses, Ac, at j
prices to suit the times. j
uassnett s omiding, opposite tne Mansion nonse. sp.o
m i r, i. inT kiTyTI
UAVEopenned new Millinery and Dress Making
Rooms on La Salle St., nrst door south of Russell's
Furniture Depot. nptair, and will keep a good a?orl
nieut on haud, at prices to suit the times. Ladies pltase
BVaching and pres1: attended to. apS
31illiucrv and l)r .lakin?.
RESPECTFULLY informs the !ad;es of Ottawa and vi
cinity that she has taken the rooms over Daniel
Leahy's Boot Store, on Madison St., a few doors west of
Columbus, Ottawa, where she solicits orders in all that
pertains to the Millinery Trade or in the line of Dress
Making, Cutting, Fitting, Ac. Her stock of Millinery
tiootJt has been ejected with ranch care, and will le
found tnperior. Having had thorough instruction aud
eipericnce in tlia business, she is confident of being able
to give perfect satisfaction. junSi-tf
".VrOCLD inform the ladies of Ottawa and vicinity,
II that she has now received her stock of SPUING
MILI.INKRY GOODS, all of which have be-n We.-ted
with great care, and slie will be happy to have ladies call
and examine them, whether they ih to purchase or
the hopes, by strict 'attention to business, and tftc
pricve, to merit a liberal shar of patronsge. apl I
IS happy to announce to
the Ladies that she h:is
just returned from N. York
with another lar; and
beautiful stock of MILLI
NERY GOODS, consisting
of the latest importations,
and at prices that defy
Country Milliners suppli- ;
rd with Patterns and straw '
Good, of every kind. 'j
Infant's Hoods and Tress ,
Caps ; j
Flowers and Feathers, that i
are new and beautiful;
Lace Gauntlets : j
Tarlton DreSJ Skirts, for j
evening; I
Lace CajK-s and Berthas ;
ltridal Wreaths. j
Also, a beautiful assort
ment of ornaments for the
Ribbons andKress Trim
mings. Douglas ft Sherwood's Ex
pansion Patent Skirts will
he found at Miss Avebv's.
Will the ladies please call
and took at them.
Rooms come of Main and Columbti
s Street. ni.vlS
Tww Wat TIarkrt.
TTJEF.F, PORK, MCTTON, Ac, Ac, the best the country J
W . . . ... . , , .i i,.,,.,,1, ,,w M:it Mar-
M W prmiuces. i" in a, " 1-1 . ' - " ,
ket, corner of Main amd Columbus Streets, in t ashman s
old stand, east of the Mansion House. The patronage of
the public is respectfully solicited.
Ottawa, October M.fOL. PEGEr?"
?i a i."st r c irr "i a RK - r i
In Hutsack' new Hotc, a feir (f.or cant oftl Side-Cut
HAVING formed a partnership in the butchering bu
siues., solicit patronage at the above stand.
Beef, Smoked Hams, Veal, Mutton, Sausages, Lard, Tal
low, Salt Pork, bacon in short, every article lielonging
to a well regulated Meat Market always on band.
jicn KECHKgLV, mar 211 anx w. matuhs.
citY Market,
XrSaw-fi'ii. Corner of la Salle and
ri T M.irtiMon tx..vorthoithe
6fKJ522s Court Ilotute, Ottawa, III., by
Tile almve market, after having been gre3tly enlarged
and thoroughly repaired, is nxwopen and reaiTy for
tiie accommodation of the public. No expense has been
spared in furniture and fixtures, to make it a place wor
thy of our City, and both pleasant, as we hope it will be
profitable, to visit. WeproHMeto keep on hand, and to
serve to our customers in style of superior neatness, ail
kinds of meats, such as
Beef, iu steaks, roasts, dried, corned, Ac, Mutton,
Veal, Htim. Shmujer; Pork, fresh and salt, Yankee
Sausages, Ac, Ac.
Also, all kinds oi game in its season.
FreshTrout and White Fish from the Lakes.
In short, everything appertaining to a well regulated
Citv Market.
At the proper season a stand will also be kept for the
sale of all kinds of fresh vegetables, supplied frotu the
ht frardeu in the vicinity of the City.
t& MrultciU.be delivered in any part of the City.
On and after January 1st, 1S5S, Meat will be sold at
this Establishment exclusively for CASH.
On Mucy't Corner, north-icet of the Court llouee
firtitrti, i vy
- iieej, irom a royal steal:
to a shin bone;
Purl; fresh and salt.
Smoked Ham, shoulders
and bacon aides ;
Veal and Mutton ;
) 'a nkee csi neage ;
Lartl and Tallot ;
everythingelse belonging
to a well regulated meat
market, all
In thir tit-oner eeanon.
kept an hand and served to their customers at lowest cash
rates. As they buy none but the best, they always pay
the highest price for cattle, lambs, 4c.
Kememoermeirnnrtuina JrVtrv'a Corner.
On and after January lst.lS.-W, Maat will be sold at
this Establishment exclusively for CASH.
Slides and Xicathcr.
nsuuiriti -s,, .
fuenman out iun, rn es -. - - j
th. fnn.iTL Untie Ottaira. III-.
The highest price always paid for Hides, Deer Skins,
Furs. Ac, Ac. mVt .
MASrrAcrcaKBS or asd whole? ali dbalkbs Is
Factory on Columbus St., near the Railroad Depot,
Ottawa, Illinois. JuI1
Ottawa Rectifying House
Vinegar Establishment.
Cttumbui St., next to the Ottawa Mouse, Ottaif, IU.
Carriage Repository.
The Alvord Carriage Manufacturing Company have
Just repleniahol their stock of Carriages and Buggies
from their Manufactory in tTonnecticut, whirh makes
nsa large and fine assortment of Barouches, Ruckaways
Livery and Business Buggies, with Elliptic spring and
4mcord style, also, Sliding cleat Bnggies, Light Spring
Wagons with two seats, Ac, all made of onne tii-ul
timber, by the best mechanic, and in the most dur.il.le
manner all warranted, which we are selling at very
low prices. To our old customers we wish to express
our thanks for their liberal patronage, and to assure all
that we intend to merit the onfldenee of the Public.
We have a shop attached to our Repository for doing
all kinds of Carriage Kepairir g at short notice and iu
the best manner. Store on Main 8treet.
Ottawa, July 3, 11. W. JONES, i7nf. .
Wagon Manufactory.
THE subscriber respectfully returns his thanks to the
public for their pnst Very liberal patronage, and now
takes occasion to say, that he has enlarged and newly
fitted up his Wagon Shop, at his old stand on Columbus
St., aud is prepared to ninke and finish the most com
plete and durable Farm Wagon offered in this market.
He guarantees that no sensible person shall be troubled
with any " etnlMirraxumenl" in deciding upon the supe
rloritv of his Wagons. He imports no material from
New Jersey or Missouri with which to mislead the pub
lic, but relies upon the native timber of the great north
west. Having taken the Dtplotna at the County fair
for the best Farm Wagon in every respect, he is pre
pared to make more of the sume quality if desired.
.t. fAL.Mr.K.
r. d. swEETsr.n,
Sickle & File Manufacturer.
A LL kinds of REAPER SICKLrtS. for Gras or Grain.
j made to order, itld SirkUz rut ocer and repair
ed. Orders from Reaper Manufacturers are solicited, as
I pledge myself to do work, which for quality and price.
shall defy competition. (jAU. or Mr wokk is war-
lit paid for old F'Je. Old filet re-cut and tear-
rantetl .
Hell's Mill, opposite the Ottawa House, Ottawa. La
f ile Co., Illinois. oc:-tf
Stune Cutt-r atuf St'ne Jf.( ftfimrn, HI.
All kinds of Stone Cutting and Stone Laving, with th
Celebrated Juliet Sttme, ,lone oa shert notice.
Yard, near the Gas Works. ju!24-tf
Stone! Mono! I or Sul? !
WE now offf-r at our new quarry, two miles north of
Ji.li.t, and within three hundred feet of the Illi
nois and Michigan Canal, all kinds or Rubble, l'.uiMinr,
Flagging, and Dimension Sti'tie, from two inch-s in
tliirkness up to thirty in-hcs, and of sice, color, aud
quality surpassed by none In the tftate.
All orders for Stoue. either dressed or in the rough, to
be shipped by ca?ial or rail, w:M be promptly attended to,
and furnished at prices to ptea-e the nurWiuser.
JtS. C. SPEXCM, A. Hnr.,H7H.tNii,
t.. BiRieELi Ajr.x. jrrritjis.
Joliet. November iO 1V.
ZyrvA v ."'i;o n" i-'T'y aTTi5
joi it.a,
Superior .ftrett.rtAtr lltrnard"' Wa-jrm EdahlMmeutr
iSTONKcutto all patterns and di:n-nsions.
Athetisand Juliet Stone for .a'.r, ail d!iv-red to order.
Cheap I5rt :i;I.
THE subscriber will fr un this djy forth sell bread "at
there for the ponnd I.o;,f. or t.i l.oWt:. KJR
1. Persons by payinr 1 ift -in ti-t.e. for wl.i-.h t!-y
can gt bread fresh every i.-orn nj u:.li! ilie ticket, are
alt returned.
A'o, Sugar Cakes, Cir.g-r CaVcs, Ac, at S cts. p'-r do
ron 1
At the Bakery in N ittinger's Clock, next to C itervva's
store. J"R,zlvI i. nnii.ri:.
THE undersigned would r-spe'-tfuKv in'onn the 'tiba
bitauts of Ottawa and vicinity that th-v are now
prepared to furnish the choicest va.tety of a-krs,
a.-h as llutter, S-mLi, I.etuon, r..ton.i"iy-l-r. Ahrrnetha,
a- d Water Hiic iit. Also, Bread, Cke, Itrown Bread.
Pis, Ac, A.-., in goo 1 variety. Confectionery, of the
choicest seiei-tl,n, coT)at:t!y on hand. Ali kinds of
Fancy and Ve14ing Cal;e liui-le to ord-r.
Th subscribei-s having spared no p iin. nor otpet.se :n
fitting up a waeou for the convenience and accointno i
tion of their runoi iers and the public gi-neraily. ate now
able to fumiNh anythinf in theT line to those who il.--sire.
Those wi-hitig the New York VVazon to chII daily,,
will p!eae ,-nd their orders to the N. Y. Uukerj, or to
the Po-t OfC- e.
rr"Kemerebi.r tiie place, in TTisack"s nio.-k, next
door west of the Meat Market. M i:n Street. Send in
j our orders, and they wi I re.-.-ie prompt attention.
j. n. w uxkiLPB. jos. w. tuuewis.
st?svr.cTrHKR or all rjkirriuop
It read, C'ak, and Crarkor.
(n M'J'1iu, ueur C' lunlK4 etreet, tritawl, IVinrU,
5S un
uow pLfcpaieCta iiirui-h allthe shortest notice, a
erv supt-rir articie oi iiirnr, .vhu, i-n.ton. nutter.
Water. Pic Nic, Wine, and Ginger Crackers, Pilot aiid
Navy Ilrend.
As I do business "n a Mri--!y Ca!i bs'"", r.nd l.ave ev
rv fa'-i'ity for Miii:ulacttirii-c.I am enabled to scii as low
as any other llotise in the West.
Ail kinds of Fancy and Wedding C.il e kept constantly
on hand and made lo order. (noV.'V C. W. f lM OlUI I
dkeh A: m ir:Riiori:u
1 j K the p'easnre o'inf 'rm- I
V 11 ir.z the farm.rs of La Salle ,
. and s;.rror;ndii;s couMics. tl: it
c, tut. y are liitti'icinring, aitneir
at their large establishment at
the s.de-cul ick. ne-r the main
canal, in Ottawa, in a style and at a che-ipnrss hitherto .
uniipproarhed in northers Illinois, all kinds of (
' Asrifiilf ural lm!l'iiieiit.
Such as i.tniHon S'funng, i?uj-y-Te, ituf pr.ucte ;
J'U W. A'irrotr., CulUrat-.rt, ll-rr H-ils. )
In short, all kii.ds of heavy farmers' teol. Th-ir machi
nery is all new. i.errect. and pri'p.-Ilcd by an alninu int. j
never-failing water power. F.rnii r are invited t" rail (
and examine their work, whether they wi-h to purchase i
or not. A'l their work i trarr-intet.
Orders from a distKiu-e promplly attended to, and in
picments placed or. buaid canal bonis or cars free f
charge. " feh-tf D. AM. (
c'iias. ;. n rz. i
JJiot P.in'Ur awl BUtok lin'k Manufacturer, Ottmca.
All kinds of Ila5K Books Ruled aud bound on short
notice. M tl.-ic, Mhtrar.ines, Parijihlets, Ac., neatly bonnd.
made to order.
Post Office Uiock, third story. aplT j
Tolmcro tV t'ijrar ?i atiiifacfor ),
On La Stile fit., one Jt,tor Sovth ff i;il,,n Ilri't. !
? CTc lff HE sub-ril.er in-
errS-.'i,re' B forms the public
t'tse rJr,yX in and keeps on hand
VyZZtil ai-0 jr&'vfl h e quality of Vir
? fjr'r4& '"yi trinia CliewiupTuhaceo.
Vr4t CJ Snuff. Piirs, Ac, Ac, at
st ihiiv?ii: anu iciitiif nt j
'Vf''x'."K. rierX. totners. Aiso. the best
iJ "V- ,!.. I .
Cassadoris, ani otiier
kinds of Ciyars. Farmers and oiBcrs who smoke or
chew can make a neat savintr by buyinof me at whole
sale, as I can sell a better article, at a less price than
pedlars. , ...
Please caU at my Manufactory, next door south or
Gibson A Itro.'s Grocery Store, an' see for yourselves.
tlttawa, February M. G. H. SC ilXKIMHR.
i:iv iti ki:am:, v
Manufacturer and irholetalt and retail dealer in
INCLUDING Muffs. Victorines, Furs, Buckskin Gloves
ll-ts, Caps, Otter Ciis, Ac.
Kpward KKASKtook the
lirsi I'rriiiiuiii
On Fur C.oods, Fur Robes, and Otter tiloves for Gentle
men, and Mink Gloves for Ladies, at the State Fair at
Peoria, as also at the ba Salle County Fair.
Store on Columbus St., between Stoue A Eels' building
and the Ottawa House.
Cash paid for Deer Skins and Furs. novT-ly
"7iTAWA-vi;A it iix iT vakd.
THE undrrMyned hnvitiR purchased the shop anil stock
of Gewell A Finley. where he intends to carry on the
business on a more exterudve scale. He has on hand and
is alwavs in receipt bf the best quality of American, Ita
lian and Eirvptian Marble, for .Head Stones, Tomb Stones.
Monuments', Mantles, Furniture, Ac. As he has some of
the best workmen in the western country, he feels as
sured that he can ret up anything in his line in a sujieri
or style, together with low prices, he feels assured that
he will give a'l those who favor him with their support
entire satisfaction. .... ,
H Orders from a distance earnestly solicited, and
promvew-sttended to. JAMES WILLS.
Otta-T M arch S lgjg-
stoxes i:i,r.s,
Sout h-nat Corner cfMain and Columbus Street, .
Wholesale and retail manufacturcrv k
dealers in all kinds of
Htmefi., y-iito'le. Brittle, Martin
nnlre. Trunk, Valiee,
Carpet Bags, Whip Lashes, Collars,
Halters, Girts, Surcingles, Ac.
Uliss'n. TI. IIOBKRT
HAVING permanently located herself in this city for
the purpose of giving instructions on the Piano
Forte aud in VOCAL Music would solicit a share of pub
lic patronage.
Particular attention given to the cultivation of the
Residence at Dr. E. S. FIobkbt's. myl-6m
Watchmaker and Jeweler In Metropolitan Block
South Side of the Cotrt llouee Square, Ottawa.-
WATCH work thoroughly done and warranted.
Clocks repaired at tiie shortest notice. Clocks,
Watches, and Jewelry for sale cheap. mar27
THE undersigned would respectfully announce to the
puhlic, and farmers in particular, that he is now
prepared to serve Meals at aU hours, in his new and
fashionable Dining Saloon, in the Post Office Block..
Fresh Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, and Sardines, con
stantly on hand, and served in any style. Gameof all
kinds serve on short notice. iaug21? T110S. H1CKCY.
Frora the Washington Union.
Hon. Lvman Trumbull aad the Public '
. ExpenUltures.
The subject of expenditures is one affec
ting U e public as much as that of taxation,
and a people can be oppressed and robbed
as well in the one way aa they ean in tha
other, and no one, therefore, who has any
regard for the common welfare, will regret
to sec that acute sensibility which certain
politicians hare lately exhibited in relation
to this matter for which in the past we have
no recorded evidence that they ever mani
fested any concern. We have alwayi been
the advocates of holding to a strict accoun
tability the executive as well as the legisla
tive departments, both in creating the nec
cessity for and tha manner of expending the
money of the people it is intimately con
nected with their liberties, and will, sooner
or later, according to the licentiousness and
corruption of men occupying position, affect
the very integrity and stability of their gov
ernment. Premising thus far as to the im
portance of this subject, it follows that the
public are entitled to, and should receive
from those who represent them, facts and
only fact?, without suppression, free from
prevarication, unalloyed by distortion and
unintluenced by party prejudice.
We haye been led to these reflections by
the perusal of a speech lately delivered by
the lion. Lyman Trutiiiu!l, one the sena
tors -from the state of Illinois," which' duty
compels us to pronounce the most disingen
uous, disreputable 'and, taking into consid
eration his position as U. S. senator, the
most disgraceful that Las emlnated from any
public man. We hear much every year
about the expenditures of seventy-eight or
even one hundred millions of dollars, and i
demagogues attempt to humbug and de-!
ccive the people by throwing the responai-1
bility of the same open the executive de-
parttucnt of the government. To this gen-1
eral denunciation the answer is a plain one.
No executive is authorized to frpand one
dollar that is not appropriated by congress. !
B'.it we are not dinposed to screen th exe- '
etitive or to lay the whole blame upon the I
legislative departments; each is in part ens- j
weraijie lor any extrav. gant or wasteful ex
petulitufp, aocor Jing to tbe responsibility
assumed in recci mtnending the appropria
tion, or making it w ithout such recommcn- 1
dation." The estimates ginerally sent to j
conrcs evtry year Ly the executive de- t
partmcnts of the government are ' bassed i
upon laws requiring then;; the legislative, '
thv executive, and the judiciary, as well as j
the governments in the territories and the!
minis and t.rnncho, are not subject to di- !
iniuut.on without the sanction oi congress.
Sj it is movt'y With the army and nary, as
vre'l a annuiti s to Indians and pensions to
soldiers and their widows. They are fixed
by law, ar d the pay in the one and the gra
tuity in the other is more or less as congress
will or direct. The democratic party liave
always heM it as a cardinal prir.c:pie in
their creed thut the revenue of the govern
ment should bo reduced to an economical
administration of the same, end for the last
thirty years have been endeavoring to re
flu c it. The on'y party in this country
that ever has ma It an elfort to relieve the
people of some of the burd.ns of taxation
is (ho democrat!. ; while their opponents, no
uiatur what their name, have Unacious'v
Ciur.g to an increase o! taxation, ana Lave :
consequently, been the consistent advocates
of lavish expenditures. No one knows bet- j
ttr thin Mr. Trumbull, for tha short time he
has been in the tenate, that all the oppoi- i
lion iii3 ! ; the Wasteful and extravagant
a'i'.mTiri.'.finna u-.i.-'S Lava rJiflraptr riy.efl rh
legislation of the country for the few last!
years hs emanated from the democratic !
f.irty. They-have received little or no as- :
fcistence I; cut the opposition. We might!'
name individual members from both houses :
of eo:iress w ho have done the country es-
Ki.l. ;il ttrvice in their exertions to May thts J
tendency to extravagance; tlicy are in all j
cases, vt ithoul a single exception, -demo- !
Jut our oljct in this sillc'o was to com- j
pare the tlutt r-rntt of the Illinois senator '
with the.fiCtsas they appear of record. The ,
senator, after dealing in soiee misrepresen- I
tations, particularises tha expenses of coir j
letting the revenue aa a 'subject for which ;
he censures the democratic party, and holda !
them responsible for an increase in the I
sa'iie. He institutes a comparison between
the expenditures under this brtnch when
Mr. Fiimoro was president and the last ytar
of j?ntral Pierce's admiuistration, and at
tempts to tidicule certain localities by show
ing the disparity rcUven tho amount paid
for the service in collecting and the amount
actui'ly collected.
Tor instance, he says at Wilmington, Del
aware, there wa collected in 1 957 $2,004 r
9o, wiiile. the expense of collecting was $15,1
81? GS. He omrtted to tell his constituent
ry that in lf?52, the last year of Mr. Fill
more's administration, at the same port
there was collected $1,491 49. of which the
expence of cul'.erting was ?-28,131 10; and
yet he held the document in bis hand from
which he obtained the one fact, and from
which be might have obtained the other.
Again, he says at Annapolis, Maryland,
there-was collected in 1857 $374,25, and
the expense of collecting was $983 42, and
yet he remembered to forget to inform his
constituency, to whom he was endeavoring
to impart the truth from the very same
dacumcn, that in 1852, there was collected
at Annapolis, tho very same port $123 60,
and the expenses paid for the same, '!,
193 80. A;ain at Oeraeoke, in North Care
lina, $82 5o was collected in 1857 expen
ses $2,301 52; and yet this very official re
port of the secretary of the Treasury, which
he triumphantly held up, contained the ' in
formation, which Mr. TrumbuUp would not
communicate to his people, thatM this iden
tical port in the state of North 'Carolina the
amount collected in 1852 was $13 72, and
the expenses $2,517 70; sovj so we might
convict hira-f-Very case 10 which he could!
have referred. Every onecquainted with
the subject knows that many collection dis-'
tricts do cot pay expenses nor was it expec
ted they would wlieit they were created by
Congress. They are instituted to prevent
smuggling, and men cannot be expect. d to
give their time and labor for such purposes
without being paid f r it. It could not have
been Mr. Trumbull's want of sagacity that
prevented him lrom knowing it. .
The senator is equally unfortunate when
he assends flora particulars to he total ex
pense of collecting tho revenue. . He says
that during Fillmore's administration the
whole revenue was collected for much less
' than it was during the administration of
Gen. Pierce. This is the assertion of a sen
ator who has reached one of the proudest
stations not only in this republic but we
might acd, tho world, and yet the official
document he held in nis Hand, and lrom
which be attempted to instruct the people,
contained the withering fact that the am't
of revenue collected in 1852 was $49,165,
933 84, the expenses for collecting the same
$3,805,423 28. And the amount of rev
enue in 1857, $G4,171,034 05, and expenses
for collecting the same, $3,552,359 50.
.-' Is any further evidence necessary to vin
dicate our charge that Lis speech was dis
ingenuous, disreputable and disgraceful?
We have already made this article longer
thah we intended, but we . cannot close it
without reminding the reader that this same
senator never supported Mr. Fillmore's ad
ministration when in power, nor did be lend
a helping Land to restore it; he preferred
the associotion of Matteson & -Co., whose
estimate of public virtue is a matter of rec
ord. It is no pleasure to hold up any in
dividual to public contempt, much less a
senator in congress, but when one is so lost
to every sense of propriety, and regards so
loosely the obligations due to truth and to
justice, he has no claimB upon our forbear
ance. - Besides, tow unblushing - must be
that mean assurance who can impeach the
integrity of a political organisation without
the shadow of testimony to sustain him,
when the ink is scarcely dry that records
the corruption and disgrace of four repre
sentatives in Congress, every one of whom
ii a member of the same political ascociation
to which the senator by his lata speech is
entitled to be considered a worthy member.
Wc shall have much more to say upon
I this subject of public expenditures; we in-
e 1 1. , .1 A ,
iic tue strictest scrutiny intu iuc pnav atia
end potlicy of the two parties we dread no
investigation, and if we can inculcate witn
our opponents a strict regard for truth, we
defy all opposition, whether in the honeyed
phrases of Kentucky's sincere senator, or
the reckless assertions of his coadjutor from
i While upon this subject we should like
toknow when it was before this that senator
Porrglas could be silent under such attacks
upon the integrity of the democratic party?
We have yet to learn that he has raised his
voice in the defence of the party he claims
to be as much sttacbed to as in days gone
by. He knew that all these statements
were false, and yet he does not consider
thorn of sufficient importance to deserve
hnvcotice. Having done injustice' to Mr.
Buchanan's administration during the , last
session of congress and since its adjournment
npoa another great aad exciting - question,
it could. ni4a expected that he would vin
dicate its integrity upn any question; but d
te one so tenacious of being recogmzcu aa a
democrat, and claiming all the virtue and
pesier pertieect to the ascociation, we did
suppose that lie would be induced to defuud
the organization as represented by Gen.
Pierce's administration from attacks which
bejtnew vtn false and unjust.
- " From the Missouri Republican.
On the first page of this paper we 'publish
the speeches of Judge Douglas and Mr. Lin
coln, at Freeport. They are the second of
the series to be delivered by the representa
tives of the twe parties in Illinois, an 1, it
-rrrty-be presumed, embrace the pith and
substance of all the intermediate speeches
delivered by th :iu. U'Ah of the speakers
are well atiendtd, and a liberal allowance
may be made lor the enthusiasm and the
crowds which ate said to accompany tkeia
wtierever they eo. The contest is one to
which the whole country is looking with in
tense anxiety. If tlisro was. much feeling
expressed throughout every State of the
Ln ion, with reference to our election if the
Black .Republicans of the North turned their
ease to St. Iu
s with intense anxiety, to
r..le, some hop that Clack
discern, if posti
Ilepubiicanism Uid found a resting place in
a Slave State, t!
ereby relieving tnat party
attached to a sectional, a
from the odium
strictly Free State pr,v if the result c n-
v.-yed them inteij'.gence of the total discom-
fiture of their party great as their disap
pointment was, still ereater will be their
disappointment if, in November next, the
tidings should to forth that Douglas had
been endorsed bf the people of Illinois, and
that the Diack Republican had been defeat
ed aTd overwhelmed. Vo Lave not been !
inattentive obeervcta of the courts of things i
in Iiliuois we have cot undervalued the im- '
portance of the election soon to take place !
and whilw it is vcrv well known that we dis- '
j approved the position assumed by Judge j
j Doug's at the commencement of the last !
Congresayon the presentation of the Trcti- J
I dent's mcasage, and lite diacu-ion wLih ,
j- was then provoked by him on the Kansas;
vonsiuaucn, we enter. a;a no coust now
that true fuivuin, aa h jo est desire for the j
settlement of" this vexed question, will best
,bs cousuite J by sustain? Senator Douglas in
his war upan the U'acli Uepub'.ic-.ns of the j
late, and the defeat of that party. Judge i
Douglas decla.traj him.eif now, as he. always j
has been, a Democrat he stands pledged to J
the doctrines of Ihe Cincinnati platform j
his most fntitnate friends not only say that j
he will be found supporting the nominees of '
the Charleston Convention in lCn but that i
he expects to be the nominee of that Con- J
ventba on all occasions, at ail points, and j
in all position-;, his hostility to Clack Re- :
publicanism ha been bold and unccmpro-;
mising, and added to all this is his persistent 1
declaration that, now that the Kansas quea- J
tion is settled by the people of that Territo- '
.ry, there is no cause of further difference '
between him and tho President, or that por- j
tion of the Democratic party who, in the j
past session of Congress, took a different :
viow bf their duty frotu what he did. 'Sueh !
being his position aud bis sentiments," the
conservative men of Illinois AVhigs and j
Americans those who hate Black Republi- j
canism, and believe, that that heresy must I
lead to a dissolution of the Union in our j
opinion, ought to have no hesitation in giv- j
ing their influence and their votes for candi- j
dates who will support the re-election ef Mr. '
Douglas. Between him and Mr. Lincoln,
who has of late years gone oil" into the w ild- j
est stretches of Abolitionism, there ought to
be no ground for doubt in the minds of j
those who love the Union; of all those who i
think its preservation an object of much !
greater moment than the election of a man j
whose distempered brain is full, of fancies.
and who is the willing representative or a
party w hich is full of hatred of fifteen at
least of the States of the confederacy, and
would destroy it rather than not succeed in
their desire to obtain complete control of the
General Government. Let Illinois be saved
from the grasp of these desperate politicians,
and the (,'uioit it stfc.
Flt bitten. In the last volume of Ran
dall's life of Jefferson, the following anec
dote is given as related by Mr. Jefferson :
"While the question of Independence
was before Congress, . it had its meetings
near a livery stable. Its members wore
short breeches aud silk stockings, and with
handkerchief in hand they were diligently
employed in lashing the flies from their legs.
So .very vexatious was the annoyance, and so
great an fmpatienCe did it arouse in the suf
ferers, that it hastened, if it did nft aid, in
inducing them to promptly affix their signa
tures to the ''greit document which gave
birh to an empire republic.
" The anecdote! had from Mr, Jefferson,
at Monlicello, who seemed to enjoy it very
much, as well as to give credit to the influ
ence of . the flies, lie told it with much
glee, and seemed to retain a vivid recollec
tion of the severity of an attack, from which
-the only relief was signing the paper and.
flying from the scene."
BrighatrT Young is said to be worth $3,
000,000, besides having control of all the
church property in Utah. That latter ex
ceeds in value all the rest of the property in
the territory, and is exempted from taxation
by the territorial law. A correspondent of
the New York TVtJunesays, in writing from
Salt Lake City:
"In my strolls I have been astonished at
the number of deformed persons who sre
visible in the streets. I have never walked
half a mile without meeting a hunchback or
a cripple. I am informed by Mormons that
the cause of the assemblage of -such people
in this territory is the claim of the first pre
sidency of the church to the' possession of
the power of heeling all diseases snd curing
all deformities by the laying on of hands.
On referring to the published discourses of
Young and Kimball, I find repeated, in
stances in which they assert that it has de
scended to them from the Apostle's of our
Saviour, but I can bear of no instance in
which they have attempted to deceive the
public by pretended cures.' Host of these
deformed unfortunates are Welsh and Eng
lish, who have spent their all in journeying
to Zion."., -';- : 1.
From Petersou's Msgaiine.
A Heroine or '?C.
I don't like to hear the noise of those
hammers. The dull sound of laboring picks
breaks upon the ear with monotonous reg
ularity. They are making tracks for a rail
road in this old town. I am not pleased
with the " improvement," as some call it,
for a pleasant farmhouse and its surround
ing fields that sloped from high and undu
lating hills, have vanished forever before its
The great genius of enterprise, with his
ugly sheaes of commerce, is chopping at the
the poor wings of poetry and romance, till I
fear, by and by, they will have only to flap
along the ground, their etherial faculties
chained dewn to stock taking and invoices.
I am sorry the house is gone, for there
are some recollections connected with its
history, for the sake of which it would be
pleasant, could iu have been spared. An
old red farm house, surrounded by fields of
waving grain and corn, in the autumn time,
and overhung by various fruit trees, golden
with the fullness of time, is a sight of pic
tureesqae beauty in a rkh valley, especially
if a Hue old mountain looms up in the back
ground, or a deep of forrest trees stretches
away into tho clear, mellow atmosphere be
yond. In that one before us, (I am speakin&rnow
as if it stood in the sold spot,) the widow of
a noble Captain Fierpent lived some twenty
years age. The lady was a One specimen
of an old time women; dignified, even com-J
tnanding iu manner, with a fresh bloom up- !
on her cheek, a finely moulded forehead, '
and a deep, earnest expression in her yet1
bright eye.
She w as a w oman oi refined and cultiva- j
ted intellectual powers, a woman who in her j
youth had known no stint of wealth; whose !
tuiiiil wall ttnrb A n-itK fl.tfif- orm- u-ht b.rl 1
never, till she emigrated to tho wildcrner
ncss of the new world, roiled her white fin
gers with even household work.
Father and husband were both dead. The
bones of the former reposed in a far country '
beneath a marble monument; the latter had i
now slept two years in the little burying
beside the wooded church in sight of the j
red farm house, and a small grey stone
marked the spot where ..his ashes mingled !
with the dust, .
One day, during the hardest campaign of :
our sturdy boldiers, Madam Pierpont was ;
alone at tha farm. Pomp, a negro servant,!
bad gone on some errand which would de-'
tain Li:u till nght, and Alek, the hired man
had wounded his hand in the morning with j
an axe, so that he was quit.' disabled, and j
was obliged to return to his home, about a '
mile distant, which, by the way, was the .
nearest homestead to the old farm-house. j
Thu widow's four bravo sons, of ages va- '
rj-ing from eighteen to twenty-rix, had j
started but two days previous to the. field of I
their country's battle. !
While the widow realized that in all prob- j
ability some, pert.aps all of her treasures
would be atuitten by the ruthless band of i
war, her cheeek wa-i still unblanehed, and
a hi.ly hope sal in the repose of her beauti
ful features. Only now and then she turned
to open the bible before her, and read a few
consoling passages, and straightway rtsum'd
her work with an enduring Mi.iie. Ab!
patriotism found and an enduring home in
many such a gentle heart.
Suddenly from- the distance, came a
60und as of the trampling of horses feet, and
a great cloud of smoke betokened the ap
proach of travellers hurrying to their desti
nation. The widow moved to the Cbor,
and shading her eyes from the intense sun
shine, watched their progress. They drew
nearer, and in another moment three horse
men drew up before the door.
They wore military costome, and were all
fine looking men. The foremost gentleman
far exceeded the others by his imposing fig
ure, and the greatness of bis countenance.
It naeded no introduction to inssre the wid
ow that thi3 was George Washington.
With that courtesy which always charac
terized him. be bowed gracefully to Madam
Pierpont, as ha blandly aaked if he could
find rest ani refreshment.
" Our poor beasts," said one of the offi
cers, patting his smoking horse. ' " I would
they could be attended to immediately. Is
there a groom or a servant about your
house madam, who could rub them down
and feed ahem? I will reward him liberal
ly." " e would ask no reward in this house
hold sir," replied the widow, if you will
lead them around they shall be cared for."
' Make yourselves perfectly comfortable,
gentlemen," said the widow, "and excuse
me while I prepare jour refreshment. Vou
roust be hungry as well as fatigued."
In another minute the widow was in the
stable unsaddling the poor horseswork to
which she was not accustomed, but which
she nevertheless ccild do in time of need,
being a woman ofpelrong muscular frame
and great energy. She knew it must be
done by hersclt or not at ail. As for men
and horses, they were completely jaded oat.
She with clean straw rubbed the animals
down with her own hands, led them into
the stalls, and prepared and gave them food.
After changing hor dress the widow again
returned to the parlor, where the officers
having unbuckled their soards and donned
their caps, sat conversing together, evident
ly enjoying a good rrst.
As the widow stepped over the thresh
old of the room, one of the officers was re
marking to his companions:
'IIe was of my best men, and as fine
looking a young man as ever veluntered."
" Do you speak of young Pierpont?" asked
" Yes, lie fell yesterday, perced by three
balls poor fellow, it was a bard fate for
su"h a boy."
. For one moment the cheek of the woman
was blanched, the heart of the mother
shocked, but she spoke almost calmly as
she asked " Which one was it sir?"
"Henry Pieapont, if I am not mistaken
was he known to you?"
Was he known to her? Oh! the agony of
that moment. Henry! her noble first born;
he who had taken the place of the dead at
their board, and with a gravity beyond his
yeV carried out the plans his father left
unfinis ed!
And now his blue eyes were closed forev
er his bright locks soiled in the dust Oh,
the thought wss anguish! a deathly faint
ness came over her, but she rallied with a
great effort, and said as calmly as before, as
she turned her whitening cheek away,
" He was my son, sir."
'1 hey did not see her face as she walked
quickly and huridlyfrom the room.
"Now God forgive me! I feel as if I had
done a cowardly thing," murmered the offi
cer, while his lips grew pale with emotion.
" Coming here to partake of this woman's
hospitality, I have cruelly stabbed her to
the heart." .
"You are not to blame, my friend," said
Washington, in his deep tones, in which
was blended a sudden pathos. "Neither, it
I read her aright, would she recall the child
bravely fallen in his country's cause. Ihis
is no common woman her very face tells
of her souls's nobility. Mark me when
next you see her she will be tearlessjno
word of sorroir will issue frem her lips. Our
mothers, our wives I am proud to say it
are heorines in - this trying period. And
this," be continued, pointing to the Bible,
" is the secret of her greatness: wherever
yon behold that volume opened, bearing ev
idence of constant perusal,' there jou will
find women capable of, any emergency. I
repeat it, when wo meet her again she will
be calm and tearless, although a mother be
reft of her child.', -
, Janet to it wat. , Madam Pierpont bad
schooled her grief for the time into a sud
den and sacred submission; and when the
omcers were cauea into another room to
partake of the smoking viands she had pre
pared, they found her collected, unchanged
in manner and serene in countenance. The
officer from whom the news had so rudely
burat, was lost in admiration of her conduct
and was often heard to say, subsequently,
that he venerated woman the more for her
Towards night the trio departed, thanking
the kind woman with greatful hearts for
her conrtesy. They found their horses rea
dy saddled, and were forced to the conjec
ture that Madam Pie-pout bad herself, per
formed the duties of hostler. .
Gen Washington kindly took her hand
before he mounted his charger, and ad
dressed her tenderly and affectionately.
Teats came to the eyes of his officers as
they listened; but though an increasing pa
lor spread over the widow's face, she mur
mured, " I am thankful, thankful to my God, sir,
that he has deemed me worthy of demand
ing my first born in this glorious struggle;
he was ready sir, ready f.r life or death."
But when they were gone, and she re
turned to the silence of that lone house, the
mother wept exceedingly bitter tears. Draw
ane the curtain before her sacred anguish.
Fairwell old Pierpont house, with your
carpet of mallows, and old fashioned pots
standing upon the stoop. I feel sad at the
thought that I shall never again see its open
door wreathed with vines, whereon hung
clusters of luxuriating grapes; nor its win
dows, or the lower floor, all opened, with
their curtains of snowy muslin floating with
a dreamy, undulating motion in the pleas
ant breeze.
Fanaticism in Egypt.
The following account of the great fanatic
close of the Moohedio Nebhe festival in
SyPT ' from the " Memoir and Letters of
the late Thomas Seddon, artist," a work
lately published in England :
"Thia morning the Sheikh rode over the
prostrate bodies of the fanatics. After wan
dering about the fair with Fletcher, wo
a Mr. ("Lieutenant) Burton, who. knowinz
tha Arabic language thoroughly has taken !
the dress. Finding the doorof the Sheikh's
house open, we went in and fjund a great !
many Europeans there, with a crowd of!
Arabs, Kwasfes, dervishes, and men and '
bovs of all nations. Seats were ranged on !
eacn side lor trie Ltuopeans. Vi e came in
at about eleven, and had to wait more than
two hour before the Sheikh arrived. Du
ring the interval a number of jugglers and
serpent-tamers performed their evolutions.
Two men, very wildly dressed, went through
some very bad sword and buok'er exercise.
Then men came in with pointed iron spikes
about fifteen inches long, with a large knob
of iron at one end, garnished with short
chains. Thes thev stuck in the corners of
their eyes, and twirled them roimd ; then
tuej uug tne pomieaena agamsi tue.r nea-.s
and bod.es; then a man sat down and they
.1. J . L -..J - 'L 1 . i
r, n,,A .1. .1 ,1 I . - B . n V. t
jj m va niv vlililliu vii'-t I'll ilia s niiiat. n,
whilst a man stood upon it, then they laid
four or five on the ground, point uppermost,
and the jugglers walked on them ; they then
brought in the skewers, and thrust them
through their cheeks and arm's, and through
the flesh on their boJUs having stripped to
the last.
" The performance began now to be very
disgusting; they foamed at the mouth, and
seemea t be intoxicated, falling back into
the arms of those behind them, apparently
fainting. One man howled, e-rowleil Jito a
lion, and raved like a maniac. This conti
nued for seme ti
peine time, when the serpent men j
rith the asps round their necks, and ;
came in w
then some of the fanatics rushed on the
snakes and tore them with their teeth, and
when (our or five men i held them back, they j -r.ro adverse so any party or faction who
struggled fearfully and tried to bite them.- . , opposed, or were by implication hos
As tue banner now appeared, the lower or-1 tjIe t0Jtbeir sccridncy. aiJf free t0 afJ.
der of them lay down side by side on their j mit t,J(lt - Drml belic theie pricipIe, ar,
faces, while the otheis, the better oressed , indejmdenVy rUcnmry and must be uni
took them by the legs aud shou.ders, and ttiuy aeknoxledgeJ In a rule of action to
pressed closely together. i ensure perpetuity to the union, and, as a
"ly the time that a compact mass was i ,k t '
formed, half a doz
r.?n turbannei dervishes,
with lonp sticks, rushed in over them, and
the Sheikh on horseback, a man leading his
frightened horse, who trod heavily, like one
pacing through a bog. He swerved and trod
on one man's head and on the legs of others.
The Sheikh sat lying back, as if stupefied
and in pain, dressed in a huge green turban,
and supported by a dervish on each side.
T7 i . I . l I
c . c ,v, . ,. t ., ., :r i . I
...a -i .ceuieu .... or iu suaui, .n m- ,
toxicatcd ecstacy.'
The wondeks or Lmiit. Not only docs
light fly from the grand "ruler of the day,"
w ith a velocity which is a million and a half
times greater than the speed of a cannon
ball, but it darts from every reflecting sur
face with a like velocity, and reaches the
tender structure cf the eye so gently, that,
as it falls upon the little curtain of nerves
which is there spread to recive it, it imparts
the most pleasing sensations and tells its
story of the outer world with a minuteness
of detail and a holiness of truth. Philoso
phers once sought to weigh the sunbeam;
they constructed a most delxate baUnce
and suddenly let in upon it a beam of light.
The lever of the balance was so delicately
hung that the fluttering of a fly would have
disturbed. Everything prepared, the grave
men took their places and with keen eyes
watched the result. The sunbeam that was
to decide the experiment, had left the sun
eight minutes prior to pass the ordeal. It
had flown through ninety-five millions of
space in that short space of time, and it shot
upon the balance with unabated velocity;
but the lever moved not, and the philoso
phers were mute.
Medicise tor Stcdexts. When Dr. Grif
fin was professor in Andover Theological Se
minary, he invited the students to his room,
and told them that he had observed they
were growing thin and dyspeptic frora a
neglect of the exercise of Christian laughter,
and insisted that they should then go
through a company drill in it. He was a
very large man, over six feet in height, and
of magesterial manners. Breaking out into
a sonorous laugh, he fairly obliged his pu
pils, one by one, to join, till they were all
almost convulsed. "That will do for once,"
said he; "and now mind you keep in prac
tice." The doctor was practising upon the
principle of Solomon, who said : " A merry
heart doelh good like a medicine."
Lord Bacon taught us that the best mode
or acquiring a knowledge of the secrets of
Nature was to ask her questions, with a
humble, diligent, teachable spirit Three
score vears and ten have been devoted to the
inquiries, Why docs ambor, when rubbed,
draw light feathers to itself? Why does the
magnet attract iron and point to the poles?
Why should a dead frog be apparently
brought again to life for an instant, if, when
one metal touches a nerve and another a
muscle,' these two metals be united to a
third? The answers to these three ques
tions have reduced all three phenomena to
the action of one single cause. AU lead to
the subtle spirit or power we call Electrici
ty. Though as yet we know not what thia
electricity is, we have learnt to tame it. It
is the spirit of the storm. We see it io tlu
lightning; we hear it in the thunder. We
make it our Vulcan, to eliminate metals from
the earth which swim on water. Wo cause
it to rend rocks asunder. It is the slave of
tho metallurgist. We make it reduce the
works of an age into instantaneous ruin. It
has crumbled Russia's proudest engineering
triumph into dust, with tho resistless power
of the thunderbolt; and now it is our Mercu
ry, to carry winged messsges from the New ,
World to tho Old with lightning speed.
Important .Movement or the old Whigs.
At a late hour last night we received the
following letter, signed numerously br ihe
old Whigs of the Sd Congressional district,,
and addressed to the Hon. Churchill Coi
fing, of Peru, inviting him to become a can
didate for Congress, and bis response there
to. We are n quested to give tho corres
pondence a place in this paper; and aa all
the names appended to the call will bo roe
ognized as among the best citizen of Illi
nois; as Mr. Cuffing is himself a gentleman
of gook rank aa to ability and position wo
acceed with pleasure to the request. On tho
hasty peruval we have been able to give this
correspondence, we cannot express an opin
ion cf it, and under the circumstances, our
opinion is not called for. However, if tho
candidacy of Mr. Coffin will help to defeat
Lovejoy, the present representative from
the third district, and by the meana of elee
ting himself or some other man of national
conservative views, this movement of the
old whigs shall have our sympathy and
whatever of aid we can consisten'y give it.
Below is the correspondence.
Hon. CiirncHiLL CorriNO, or Pebc,
Dear Sir: While we are for keeping tho
terrirories of the nation, so long as they re
main territories, free from the invssioa of
slaverystill we are not abolitionists. Wo
are for leaving the subject of slayery in tho
states where it exists, to be regulated by
the people of each state as they think pro
per, and that too without unwelcome inter
ference Irom abroad in any manner whatev
er. We believe the Hon. Owen Lovejoy is
not a true type of the sentisient of this dis
trict in that regard. Recognizing in you aa
an old line Whig a reliable exponent of the
conservative doctrine on this subject of all
reasonable Republicans, wo request you to
permit your name to be used as an iede
pendent candidate for Congress in the Sd
Congressional Distict of Illinois.
John C. Champlin, S. K. Honnetl,
Isaac Hardy, Thos. Alexander,
Thorn. Ware, A. W. Scott,
B. Mills,
A. A. Eades,
J. O. Ward,
Geo. Dent,
Iaaae Gnydel,
John Moore,
J. M. Baclxr,
Kath'l Boyd,
J. O. Hull,
A. hite, Henry Foster,
Oaks, Juhn Ward,
C. P. Souie,
P. Moore,
S. U. Lobdelt,
Wm. Zenor,
S. H. Oorhatn.
J. K. Shepard,
A. Moore
. I Andrew Word'ow
i ... I,,.!,.
MUUin B. Uuil,
Wro. Harper,
Chester Ackley,
Aiobt. W. Meurt.
Pssn. September , ISM.
To the H.in. J. C. Champlin, lute Hardv. Wm. H.
Zenor, Iu!s Ooriey, A. A. Hanall, B. Mills. A. A.
Kdes, Thos. Ware, Geo. Kent, Andrew Wordlew,
and others.
Gesti.ej.es: Your letters requesting mo
to " permit tny name to be used as an inda-
i pendent candidate for congress in the 3d
j congressional district," has been received,
j and the views therein resented have been
careluily considered.
Having been from the commencement of
my political life a whig, and strongly at-
i tached to the principles advocated by that
, party, I have, since it ceased to exist aa m
national organization, been associated with
j the republicans.
i I am opposed to the introduction of ala-
into and its extension over territories
,elongins to the United
,.;- trrrunr:..
States to long aa
I have ever main-
tainu and auvocatea tne doctrine or non in
ttrferenee, either directly, or indirectly on
the part of citizens of the free states with
the institution of slavery in those states,
where it had a legal ciitteiice by tirtut
State Lilt an existence recognized, and
the rights under it f jlly guarantied by tho
compromises upon which the constitution
Slavery, in my opinion, is an institution
contrary to natural right, which exists only
by reason of local law, and extends no far
tii or tban tne law which maintains it has
positive and practical jurisdiction.
lncse principles l conceive to be cardinal
articles in the old whig creed!
My political sympathies favored that or-
caniT'itinn tt-riirti -!--r,ri-l...lrn.l tlim - tnj
,, r ,u -t. r .1.-
United States.
In view of the increasing strength con
stantly being acquired by the free states of
the North, in both branches of the national
congress, the proposition that the principle
of no-interference with slavery, where it le
gally exists, should be universally conceded
r" -"-"--"'" -"'"'v mm
and, aa far as practicable, enforced as the
""ly basis for union and harmony between
lho XortLern free, and Southern slave S
is, in my judgement, too plain for an argu
Honor, justice, and good faith, and expe
diency, all require that th people of tho
North should manifest, by their representa
tion in congress, and their action out of
congress, a fixed determination to maintain
what fairly and justly belongs to them, and,
at the same time, preserve to the south their
rights inviolate, and save their institutions
from invasion, and from tha mischevious
intermeddling of northern agitators.
While, as before stated, I am opposed to
the extension of slavery over territories be
longing to the United States, so long aa
they remain territories. I am most deci
dedly orihe opinion, thst when they cesso
to be territories, by reason of their admis
sion into the union as states, tho question
of whether slavery shall, or shall not exist
aa a domestic institution, ought rightfully
to rest for its decision with a majority of
the people when under the enabling aot
they pass upon the forms and features of
their organic law. This right is inherent in
the people. Its denial is arbitrary, anti-republican,
and despotic, and most clearly at
variance with these teachings which recog
nize the people ss sovereign; upon whoso
will the government and institutions of tho
country rest, the source of all power! To
deny the right, is to deny that the people
are capable of self government, and is n re
vival of an obsolete idea, which has long
slumbered on undisturbed in the grave of
tome of the ancient federalists.
The late overwhelming manifestation of
the people of Kansas demonstrated beyond
11 doubt or cavil the wisdom of tho rule,
that the people in republican Ameriea are
eminently capable of self-government, and
may safely be trusted with tho decision of
the question whether slavery shall or shall
not exist among them as a domestic institu
tion. At present there are seventeen free and
fifteen slave States composing the Union.
The territories organized are Kansss, Ne
braska, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico
anc" Utah. But little or any doubt is enter
tained that these territories will all apply
as some of thera have already done sooner
or later, to be admitted into tho Union an
free States, by a choice of a majority of
their people. The present majority in tho
United States Senate, when these events
shall have taken place, will then bo in
creases! to sixteen in favor of tho free
States. In the House of ReprestnUtivoa,
the free States will continue to have a con
stantly increasing majority. The responsi
bility, then, of the present and tho future
destiny of our country the perpetuity of
the Union its grestness snd its glory resta
with the free States ! If they are true O
themselves true to the compromise of tho
constitution if they are honorable and just
the union of the States ia destined to an
existence co-equal with Time! It contain
within itself the element of perpetuity, and
that element is garnered up in the idea that
the States are equal totereigntiet, wAoreiat
the people rvlel
No small portion of tho ill-feelinr and Mo
tional hate existing between th North and
tha South, may be traced directly to th
plottinga and intrigues of northern aboli
tionists, who have Ions been striving for aa
ascendancy in th national council! -

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