OCR Interpretation

The Ottawa free trader. [volume] (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916, September 11, 1858, Image 3

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0pcctal Notices.
'twl gilt JAME3 CLARKE'S -Celebrated
Female Pills.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir X Clarke, M. P.,
Phytidan Eetraordindry to th Quern. '
l- Tale it: valuable Medicine S ttnfanlng" In the cufs of
t , U thai painful and dangerous disease to lilch the
i tonic constitution is (abject. It moderates all eftcesa
" aad remove an extractions, and a apeedy cure way be
tolled on.
To jsAaatcfe Ladies It is peculiarly suited, it will, in a
- abort time, bring on the monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Great Britain, to present counterfeits.
7te Pitta thould not is token by females during Via
J7RST THREE MOXTBS of Pregnancy, as they are
sure to bring on Miscarriage, tut at any other tints
they ars taf.
In alt eases Of Xerrous and Spinal Affections, Pain in
the Back and Limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita
., tion of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will
affect a cure when all other means have failed, and al
tfcoogb. a powerful remedy, da not contain Iron, calomel,
aatimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution.
roll directions accompany each package.
gel agent for the United States and Canada,
JOB MOSES, (Lata I. C. Baldwin Co.,)
Rochester, N. Y.
If. B. 1 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au
thorised Agent, will insure a bottle of the Pills br return
" tsaiL for sale by E. Y. GRIGGS. .
Jan J -., (Hiatal, IU.
Wt mvrrt the attention of the sick and afflicted, to the
advertisements in our columns of Dr. Easterly's Iodine
and Sarsaparilla, and Qridley's Salt Rheum and Tetter
Ointment, Dr. Carter's Cough Balaam, Dr. Baker's Spe
cific, Dr. Hooper's Female Cordial, and Dr. Easterly's
fever and Ague Eiller. These medicines are prepared
by a thoroughly educated Physician, Chemist, and Phar
.. . aaaoeuiitt, so that all can rely uton them as being safe
axtd effectual in curing the diseases for which they are
recommended. They are standard remedies, and can
t be found in neany every Drug and Apothecary Store in
- the Cnited States. my29
Farmers of La Salle County.
' "VCR stock of Dress and Fancy Goods, Domestics and
choice Groceries, is the largest and best to be found
.t ta this market, and as we are receiving additions week
u ly, w can suit you at all times, in quality, quantity, and
price. There is not a House in this or any adjoining
County that CAN undersell us.
Remember the place, next to Eames, Allen k Co.'s
Bank, north of the Court House.
"Wooblisd Cmis"-A Pomade for beautifying the
air highly perfumed, superior to any French article
Imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies'
Hair it has no equal, giving it a bright, glossy appear,
at co. It causes a Gentleman's Hair to curl in the most
BSlaral manner. It removes Dandruff, always giving
tha Hair the appearance of being fresh shampooed.
. Pries, only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed
Proprietors or tt,e Balm of a Thousand Flowers."
For sale by D. Wahex A Co., Sole Agents, Ottawa, 111.
Dmitry's Magical I'nlii TTxtrnrtor.
In all diseases inflammation more or less predomi
nates now to allay inflammation strikes at the root of
the disease hence an immediate cure.
thing esse, will allay iufiammation at once, and make a
certain cure.
the following among a great Catalogue of diseases:
, '"Bcass, Scaum, Ccrs, Chalks, SiiH NirrLss, Coaxs,
. BraiGjrs, Barisis, Straws, Bites, Putsox, Chilblaiss,
ktua, Pcbofth, I'lceks, Fevkb So us, Feuixs, Eaa Acne,
Files, Soat Etes, Goct, wsxlisus, Riiecmatisx, Scald
IIesd, Silt Rawest, Balbxkss, Estsipslas, Risuwoim.
Babbkbs Itch, Small Pox, Veaslcs, Rssn, Ac., 1c.
To some it may appear incredulous that so many di
seases should be reached by one article ; such an idea
111 vanish when reflection points to the fact, that the
"air I a combination of ingredients, each and every
one applying a perfect antidote to its apposite disorder.
ta magical, because the time is so short between disease
had a permanent cure; and it is an extractor, as it
draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving nature
a perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely necessary
ta say that no house, work-shop, or manufactory should
be one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon
It a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dal
ley. Manufacturer.
For sale by all the Druggists and Patent Medicine
Dealers thrnnrhout the United States and Canadaa.
Principal Or pot, 163 Chamber St , .VWr Yrk.
acpl'Xy C. F. CIIACE.
Wbitb Teeth, Fruit med Bbxatb and beautiful com
plexion, can b acquired by usiug the " Balm of a Thou
sand Flowers." What ludy or gentleman would remain
tinder the curse of a disagreeable breath, when by using
the " Balm of a Thousand Flowers" as a dentriflce,
would not only render it sweet, but leave the teeth white
as alabaster f Many persons do not know their breath
Is bad, and the subject is so delicate that their friends
would never mention it. Beware of counterfeits. Be
ara each bottle is signed FETRIDGE k CO., N. Y.
For ! by D. Walxeb k Co., Sole Agents, Ottawa, 111.
Prepared by COR XELI I S L. CUEESEMAX. JI. D.,
Xew York City.
The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the
result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild
la their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu
larities, Pcinful Menstruations, removing all obstruc
tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in
the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which
arise from interruption of nature.
Dr. Cher soman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring
en the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who
have been disappointed in the use of other Pills, can
place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills do
ing all that they represent to do.
They should not be used during Pregnancy, as a mis
carriage would certainly rcsulc therefrom.
Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything
Injurious to life or health. Explicit directions, which
he read, accompany each box. Price (1. Sent by mall
n enclosing $1 to the General Agent. Sold by one
, Druggist lu every town In the United States.
R. B. HCTCHIXGS, General Ajent for the Cnited
Mate, 103 Chamber St., Xu York, lo whom all t rder
should be addressed.
Sold in Ottawa by jullOl D. WALKER k CO.
CotnmUidoner of Deed for th State of Xete York.
Office in the corner rooms, 2d story, Nattinf er's block.
Ottawa, June 19. 1S5I.
Open from 9 o'clock A.M. to 4X o'clock P. Jf.
EXCHANGE ou Chicago aud Eastern Cities bought
nd sold.
- Interest allowed on time deposltes.
Gold and Silver bought and sold.
Collections made in all parts or the State, and promptly
remitted on the day of pavment. at current rates of ex
ohange: fmartt 1. V. WATERMAX. Quthier.
SAVnti'S II.lJfK,
In Glorer'a Addition to Ottawa.
FOR a Lot. Terms 3 cash, and S3 on tht
' first day of everv succeeding month until
all paid, without Interest. iu!26 TItCS A WATERMAN.
At the Rank of Ottawa, Ottawa, IU.
COLLECTIONS made in our vicinity at usual rates. "
stands purchased and sold at moderate commissions.
Titles investigated and abstracts furnished.
Deeds and other instruments made out and acknow
ledged. Policies issned in the following Insurance companies t
Ija Utile County Mututil Eire Insurance Ooj
Illinois Mutual do do
fitephenaon County Mutual do do
National Loan Eund Life Aitranee Society.
i Open from 9 o'clock A. Jf. to 4X o'clock P. M.
I OIGHT Drafts Tor sale on New York, Boston, Philadel
' ' ICJ phia, Chicago, St. Ixiuis, and all the principal Cities.
Gold and Silver bought and sold.
Collections made in all partrof the State, and remitted
for ondav of payment, at current rates of exchange.
March 8. EHWIX C. AU.EX. CaMer.
- Boot antl shoe Khop.
w AU prepared to manufacture to order Gent's
Dgkv 1 Morocco, Calf and Kip Boots. Also, Ladies'
hv Kid, Goat, Calf, and undressed Morocco Bootees,
aiters and Buskins.
Heel Gaiters and Bootees made in good style, of good
Shop over S. 0. Earl k Son's Store, Ottawa, .
Repairing neatlj done. All work wj.rTnu-d
th?T J P. E. TL'CKKK.
sLIM t
AM. tt I
I.IOVt sale, at th corner of Clinton and Main SU- op
posits Suawn k Powell's Lumber lard.
ft fcaro Lime, in hulk, f 1 15 per bbl.
" bbls., I SO
CwmentLime. " 1 T5
II later of Paris, t SO 44
II uterine hair, 40 per bu.
"-articles old cheaper than Anywhere els In
t3Uawa. ap'.O -;- A. AR.MOCK.
14 HA1H received on ftorsss at tha Beta Warehouse.
V 'irain taken so accouat. Give ns a call.
ir tiiE An !l,oosii
Soda Fountain, Confectionery, de., So.
ffTHB undersigned begs to Inform the ladles and gentle
men of Ottawa that he haa thoroughly burnished up
nd refitted hit Ic Cream Saloon, at the corner of Ma.
diM and Columhna Hta., In a style to compare with th
. finest rfty establishments ; and having employed th
best otaoufactorer In the city, it confident he can supply
taeb an article of ct Cream at never was excelled la
Ottawa or anywhere.
ill fed rounlain, also the beat In th gUvsrtU
war ran dry t nor bit pitcher of lemon.
1 abuadasit supply of Hi choicest CAKB always oa
baa alt vary variety of FJtCITB.
Ursa peahsff , this Saturday wvsnlng. If ay tUA.
Riotous Conduct.
On "Wednesday our city officers arrested
Jeff, Wa'l, Jack Shepp&rd, Thomas Russell,
and John McCormick all hard cases fof
committing a most unjust assault, the sterl
ing previous, on Anthony flicks, a peacea
ble citizen living in the Western part of the
city. Hicks was going towards home about
8 o'clock in the evening, when he met the
four rowdies on the side-walk all abreast.
As he passed them on the outside, they
gate a surge and nearly knocked him over,
lie turned and asked them what they meant
by it, when Wall turned upon him and, with
a set of brass knuckles on his hand, struck
Hicks four or fire blows, each one of which
cut to the bone The alarm was given and
thej-owdies followed, until tracked to the
Prairie Grocery, where they were arrested.
They had an examination yesterday when
the above facts were elicited. The exami
nation, however, was adjourned until to-day
on account of the absence of some witnesses.
Coal On. Lamps. We have tried Phos
gene, rosin oil, camphene, and we don't
know how many other "fluids," but never
found anything cleaner and cheaper than
the "spirit gas" until we tried kerosene or
coal oil. This fluid, with lamps adopted to
its burning, is for sale by S. C. Earl & Son,
in this city. Coal oil is no humbug. It
has been in use for a year or two, and is
rapidly taking the place of " cainphene" and
" spirit gas." It is much cheaper than these
substances, quite as clean, and gives a bet
ter light. Try the lamps at S. C. Earl k
Groff, Ilt'LL a Tiiorson. A splendid
stock of fall and winter goods has just been
received at the store of this firm, in Wood's
block, next to the meat market. Besides
everything that can be named in the way
of dry goods, the stock also embraces hats,
caps, boots, shoes, groceri:s, Ac, Ac. This
store has become one of the popular institu
tions of our city. There is no place in the
city where better bargains can be obtained,
or where customers receive more prompt
and polite attention.
Farm Ridge and User Pabk Sejiinaky.
This school, located in one of the pleasant
est spots in Northern Illinois, is new some
seven or eight years old, and has always
been prosperous. There are a dozen of
schools in our State that assume the name of
"collcciato institutes," or some other such
high sounding title, that afford neither the
educational facilities nor attractions of this
school at Farm Ridge. A new term com
mences on the Cth pros. See advertisement
in another column.
Clothisg. A new stock for fall and win
ter is announced at tbe popular clothing
store of Weiller & Bro., opposite the Man
sion House. Our friend Lebach, the sales
man of that establishment, is attracting quite
a rush of custon.ers br his courteous bear
ing and eTer fairness of dealing.
North i:itisu Review roit August. The
following arc the contents:
Chateaubriand, by M. Villen.ain ; Glad
stone's ilorucr; State I'apers Prc-Uef:rm-ation
Period ; Biblical Interpretation Epis
tles to the Corinthians; British Ait Paint
ing and Sculpture; The Modern British
Drama; Egypt and Syria Western Influ
ence; Researches on Lilit Sanatory, Sci
entific, and JKthetical ; Our Army in India;
The Litttrary Fund; Political Particb; Re
cent Publications.
Published by Leonard Soott & Co., 79
Fulton St., N. Y , at $3 per annum, or club
bed with Blackwood and the oUser Brithsa
Reviews, at $'2 per annum.
Scientific Americas. We have for the
last two or three weeks published the pro
spectus of this valuable paper, aud again
call attention to it. A more useful and en
tertaining publication for mechanics and sci
entific men, is not issued. AH in want of a
truly scientific work, should subscribe for
the "Scientific American." '
Repnbllcao Club Met lint:.
Ma- EiMTort. On Saturday evening last I
wan attracted to the Court House bj a noise
srliich I supposed catue from persons in
distress, and although not disappoint d in
my prediction, it emanated from a different
source from what I at first apprehended.
Ascending the stairs leading to the court
room soon brought tnetothe scene of action,
when, lo! I beheld in numbers about forty
seven men, besides some five rather seedy,
yet literary looking individuals, who from
the paleness of their visages, wer; evidently
laboring under a severe attack of the gripes,
caused by a dose given them a week previ
ous for the purpose of obtaining a series
" Black Republican Resolutions." As tbis
black body has fO lor g been costive in
passing tetalutiont, it of course took a week
for the medicine to have a salutary effect,
and when produced, was v-e-r-y g r e-e n
and abnormovt, howevei , after being closely
sheared by the justly celebrated and distin
guished Otter Creek and Pontiac orator,
whose virtue and legal wisdom far exceeds
that of the nine judges of Dred Scott's fate,
it was conceded on his recommendation to
lay the production in the shade one week for
the purpose of allowing the wool to stait
gradually, as the present crop had matured
too rapidly and was rank on account of not
being oiled, and now to keep well grea?ed
with Buck marrow, this tender plant while
germinating, would prove a successfu! graft
of principle to bear this fall.
It wis evident to the writer of this article
that those seedy, yet intelligent individuals,
who were subjected to the arduous and
painful labor of producing this green produc
tion, were blinded by the enormous growth
otviool which covered it, and consequently
discarded "Buck marrow" as they said, for
being poisonous to the institutions of Amer
ica, and detrimental to the free growth and
extension of black wool. Another interest
ing feature of the meeting was a personage
of" great talent," and recently from New
York, where under the instruction of Fred
Douglas, and with the assistance of bis
(Fred) private journal before him, he has
learned, and did on this occasion abuse a
senator of the United Stater, outrageously
for disclaiming any affinity existing between
the black and white race. At this juncture
Fred, No. 2, who was present supposing the
co un try saved, quietly consigned kimself
to the arms of Morpheus and dozed as com
placently as Tabby in the mid-day sun.
There was but one cook to serve up this
stew and according to the wish of those
p'resent he done it more " brotcn" than
Gray, and the orator appealed for the four
teenth time, fifteerithly for the decision tf
the Jury in regard to the multifarious races
inhabiting this big round globe, possessing
intelligences of various orders, aod colors
more variegate than the " Ottawa Invinci
bles," the Scottish chieftain exclaimed, as
mote It be. ' ' . '
The seedy committee threw Into the un
yielding air their myriad peopled hat, and
then the audience exclaimed " amen," for
thus sayeth the Lord, house divided can
not stand; if the country does we'll pull it
down. In hoe tigno tinces.
The IIobse Show at Mesdota has, we
hear, been postponed, proUblj for one
week. We cannot Touch fof the truth of
the rumor, but we hope it is so, as it would
j be much better for that and oar Count
Police Register.
Sept. S. Geo. A. Baker, failing, neglect
ing, and refusing to work upon the road.
Fine and costt, $3.50.
If orris J. Baker, dealt with in same man
ner, for the same offence.
Sept. 6. Henry Englebach, fined for not
working his poll tak, $3,12.
Thomas M'Quearyj arrested for not com
plying with the notice to be and appear up
on the road to work his tax.
Defendant pleads poverty, sickness, and
various other matters, but the testimony is
against him. The court, however, remits
the fine, and defendant is made to pay his
tax and costs, $4,97.
Sept. 9. William Uartman, same offence,
pleads that after notice, and before the ex
piration of the three days, he was locked up
in jail on a warrant, and the jailor wouldn't
let him out.
The Court admits the pica as " of neces
sity, but requires the tax and costs, $2,42.
Sept. 1. John Wilson, drunk and disor
derly. Fine and costs, $7,09. Partly paid
in jail.
Sept. 7. Frances Piergue, drunk and dis
orderly. Fine and costs $1,C2. Paid.
Council Proceeding.
7f. 7,
Regular Meeting. Present, Mayor Glover, Lea
vens, Butler, Wade, Fanniug, Cluucy, KichardnoD,
Oamulle, and Putnam.
Minutes of last meet i hi; read and approved.
Petition of Heury Gouloph and twent y others, to
have council proceedings, Ac, published in the.
ZxUunt in the citv. was presented.
Ou motion of Vje, petition referred to finance
Application of Joel Lewis fof liquor license wa
presented, and on motion of Clancy, referred to law
and ordinance committee, with instructions to exa
mine iuto the character of the applicant and the
place, aixl report on neat meetiug.
Application of Mr. Tcagcr fur liquor license was
presented and granted.
A. H. Smith's police magistrate report was refer
red to law and ordinance committee,
Kepoi t oi vt in. orris, atrei-i snpe rvisor am
ward, was presented.
On motion of Richardson, report received and
the said supervisor's service dlKJienwd w ith for
, 1
ttne season.
On motion ol ailrf,
Ordrel, That the several street supervisors of
the respective wards, be discharged two weeks from
I In motion ot aile. two street crossini wen; or-
dered in Division st.
Leaven introduced ordinance to borrow nioni-v.
tin motion of Kichardson, referred to law aud
ordinance committee.
Mayor excused and AM. Leavens in the chair. j
Ou motion of Richard-Min, j
Onlertd, That i0 be appropriated to repair i
Courtney street, one-half t be exK-nleil by the i
general street supervisor eai-t of raviue brid;rr, and
one-halt west of ravine bridge.
On motion of i'utnam, the balance of the t-b a
nropriation for ?th ward, and uuexpeudtii street j
labor of said ward be expended on Courtney
and that the street supervisor of said ward be dis- i
charged, and the general street supervisor tuke j
charjre of the work. I
Batier to appropriate for team labor 1st
Wade to amend by appropriating (20. j
I'utnam to lay ou table. i
.Motion to lav on table carried.
fin V,,,tin .'f liitn,m tl.o tlront mnnrriair m i
,. , ;.i -,j . .r ,i , ;..
the several wards, the amount of labor yet due, and
report at the next meeting what work and im
provements proper to lie done.
Clancy moved that tbe ditch in front of the north
line of lot i, block 19, Ottawa North, be coveted
with a stone arch,
H Putnam to amend by directing the general tre t
supervisor to clean out said ditch, at a cost not ex
ceeding t'M.
Amendment accepted by Clancy, and question
On motion of Fanning, 500 It. of lumber ordered
for 4th ward.
Fanning to appropriate $10 for team labor, 4tli
Ayes Butler, Fanning, Clancy, Kichardson, and
Putnam 5.
Noes leavens. Wade, Hicbardsoii, Iloban, and
Hanialle 5. Tie: h.st.
i'utnam moved that when the council adjourn, it
adjourn for one week, to take up the matter of
buving 000 feet of hose for fire engine. Carried.
Hill Paid. Oas Co., pas, ic., for July, I'J'T ;
Kobert Wilson, city surveyor, 14 ; f-. C. Karl X
Son, loM order, S-i.o.i; James Kinuerty, bridge
tender. 115: Pliilo Lindlev. countv cleik's fees
It.S.;; John Vette, blarksmithinir. I;7.J5; John
Clancy & Co., lumber, iT-J.:!''; Michael Cull, street
labor 1 .i" ; tJeore Teckel, street labor, -"-;
Norton M. C. Ilougli. stone 3i.lt wvr l. ').-"; E. W.
Kimball, nails f.th ward. 50c.t M. Cull, street la
bor, .13; J. E. Skinner. s3: Same nionev paid
citv. 13.S0; Q. I. Whitman, tH.-S-,. '
f.. O ... f. ... (um.. t.n. '.
shaw. street labor 3d ward. tl.65: John lniua- i
r.n trM labor 3d ward. l'5o: tia and Coke
Co.. eas, 4c, for August, $l52.s'i; T
labor tU
i.Zo : tt. Hopper, street
ward. Vfi. .
Bills krraaBtr, to Poi.tre CuamTTEe.
J. St
Leonard. ; J. . Kcliv, It.
Adjourned. J. AVERY, Cty Clerl.
i rireman's Mpetlnz.
j At a regular meeting of Niagara Fire Co., S j. I, Sep'
j timber Jth, 1S33, the following resolution was unani
j n.ously adopted :
I Whereas. Pr. Whitten. a mw b-r of tbi Company.
having endeavored to injure this by organising another
And Wber'ea. The said Whitten havin SKl.en very
disrespectfully of tl.e members of this Company ; there
fore, Retolced, That Dr. Whitten he snd be is hereby ex
pelled. WM. COGsWEI.L, Foreman.
Lrvi Masox, Clerk.
Steam Engine for Sale.
The subseriber offers for sale, cheap for cash or ap
proved security, one 13 hore power steam engine, with
locomotive boiler, nearly new. Can be seen at the A'l'ie
dnctMiU. sepll-8w jAME.SKKF.LErt.
Ottawa Srmlnarr.remnirnrriiirnt.
44 Mentem trtnam out studia, arte et more in cor
pore tano fovere."
The Third Scholastic Year, or the Fifth Senii-Annual
esslon, commences on Monday, the 2i'fA ofS-pt., int.
I Every Student should ce present at 10 o'clock A. M , for
enrollment and classification. It Is of the greatest im-
portance to all who intend to enter this school during the
t ensuing Session, that they should erterat the very com
j mencement, in order ably and profitably to keep pace
! with their respeifflve classes. It Is also highly important
rents or guardians in this city with whom ta reside, to
board In the Seminary.
For course of study. Tuition, and particulars, see ad
vertisement. scp4-3w
To all interested.
As some of my friends are taking it uon themselves
Individually to inform the public in reference to my
terms for giving lessons in Vo;al Music, I would state fi r
your benefit (and theirs also) that Instead of fifteen drl
lars being my price, 1 charge the moderate sum of ten
dollars for instruction upon the Piano or Melodeon, in
connection with singing, and training and cultivating
the voice, for a term of twenty-four lessons.
Koomi at Dr. E. S. Hoblrt's. aug23 M. M. II0BERT.
The People's) Iteinettr
Tht Thiiii. Never Known to Fail. Used by everybo
dy. Herrick's Sugar-Coated Pills. So good that fifty
boxes perform fifty cures one box sells twenty neigh
bor recommends them to neighbor stranger to stran
ger. Made from Gums, Balsams, and Extracts, their ef
fect on the human system is mild, searching, and benefi
cial. Put up in large family boxes. Every pill coated
with sbgar. 23 cents per box. Sold by dealers every
Wherei See advertisement on Sd page. aug"
stands upon an euilneuce no chemist whose attention
has been turned to inventing a hair tonic, has ever be
fore reached. His fame is suddeu but world-wide, ami
thousands who have worn wigs or been bald for years,
are how, through the use of this preparation, wearing
their own natural and luxuriant head covering. So
much for rbemistry, the chemistry of human life, and
the laws whieh apply to the functions of the S3 stein.
Professor Wood studied out the human hair, its charac
ter, its propertios, its disease, and how to restore the
decay mg vitality of that ornament; he saw, as in his
own case, that gray hair is unnatural, unless the age of
the Individual had reached fourscore, and he believed
that the hair could be naturally revitalized. He tried
his own case Almost bald and quite gray at the age of
thirty-seven ; he restored his ownjisir in color, strength,
and luxuriance, and the arti.-lehe did it with he gave to
the world. Get Wood's UaIE Ksstoiative, and take no
thing else.
CAtmos. Beware of worthless Imitations, as several
are already in the market, called by different name.
Use nope unless the words (Professor Wood's Hair Re
storative, Depot St. Louis, Mo., and New York.) are
blown in the bottle. Said by all Druggists and Patent
Medicine Dealers. Also, by all Fancy and Toilet goods
dealers In th United (Hates and Canada!. aug-iS-lin
Arrital and Departure of Mail.
vastern arrives 8.-30 A. M. and 1:29 P. M.j depart at 1:80
, P. M closes 1:00 P.M. '
Western arrives 2:20 P. M.J departs 12:35 P. M ; closet
12:00 M.
Tonlca arrives Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays
10:00 A. M.; departs same days 2:00 P. M,,' closes 1:00
Pontiac via Farm Ridge and New Michigan, arrives
Thursday 6W0 P. M.; departs Saturday 6:00 A. M.
Newark arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
10:00 A. M4 departs :00 P. M.; closes 100 P. M.
F-arlville and Freedom arrives dailr 12:00 M.: departs
Asbory arrivei Tuesdays and Fridays 6:00 P. M.; de-
parts Wednesdays and Saturdays 8.-00 A. M.; closes
8:00 P. M
Lisbon arrives) Mondays and Thursdays 10:00 A. If.; de
parts Sam dars i00 P. M.j elosea l-no P. M.
Ottawa, Sept 4, 1858.
Wheat' Spring 70a80c ; winter, 80a85.
Cornr Sh. 48ti pr 60 lbs.; ear 46c 75 lbs.
Oat 40c 35 lbs.
Potatoes New 85a40c.
Barley cts. 401b.
Egg 7c
Butter Ua12c
Hide Green 4Jc, dry 8c.
Thursday Evbniso, Sept.- 9.
The dcuression in the grain market to-day
amounts almost to a panic. The sales of
wheat amount to less than 20,000 bushel,
at a decline of from 2 to 4 cents from yes
terday's rates: mainly 1 OCal 07 for No. l
red winter in store, and 71a75c for No. "2
spring in store.
Corn is doing better, some large sales
having been made at 53ao6c for No. 1 rail
road corn in store, an 4 53a54c for No. 2.
Oats continue quiet, with a light demand,
and few sales. We hear of salsa of old oats
at 52c in' bags and 4Ga47-in store.
There is a good demand for barley. Some
sales were made at 70aT2c, and some No. 2
sold at 53a64c in store.
DIED Iu tlaa city, on the 4th lust., Altai B. Yost, aged
26 vers.
" Brotlirr, thou art gone before us.
Where thy ile.'ttlilens soul hat flown
Years are wiped away forever,
And all sorrow is unknown.
To fliy grave we sadly bear thee.
There in dust we place thy head ;
O'er thee now the turf is pressing.
And grows green thy narrow Ocd.
But thy np'irit soars to glory.
Free, amour the fmlhful bteit.
Where tlx wicked cease from troubling,
Aud the weary are at rest."
Westchester (Pa.) papers please copy.
A Card lo tlic Ladies.
FKMALKS, are Infallible for removing stoppages orirre.
gulrities of the Menkes.
i These Pills are nothing new, but have been used by the
I Eoctor iu his prartiee tor many years both in Prance
I and America, with unparalleled nuecess in every case ;
1 and he is urged hr many thousand laili-s who have used
I them, to make the fills 'ib!ic, for the alleviation ot those I
suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as
nrevenlive tj, thoe larli.'. a lime health
rill not permit
i an increase of family,
Pregnant females, or those supposing themsves so.
i re CHUtioned againut using these Pills, while in that
condition, as the proprirtor assumes no restwnsibility
after the above adiuomtion, although their mildness
would pre cnt any injury to heullh; otherwise lhee
1 l'illt arerecomiiienili a. D:recti(is accompanying each
I box. Price 1.
! jjuld at wholcsa'c ly O. f.. TllOXf P?flf ,
I Hmeral County Ajmt, 1HUttti, III..
' " wmmi nn onnrn niuci oe au'ire!iei. ne wm rarui
dealers and dT Uiidti with circulars and show cards, and
the Pi'ls at proprietor s price.
N. II. Lailie t'v enclosing f 1 to I.Iti at the Ottawa P.
O.. en hsve I'r. IuiKnco's fjohh-n PilU ent by return i
niMil (confidentially) to any pnrt of the city or rmiMry. i
icine that 'tlay be relied upon,
!ee thnt the signaitirr,
voti will then obtain a medicine thnt 'flav ire relief upon,
S!d at wlioie.ale by PEN IS A ROBINMN,
dri'i I Suuth W iltrT f., ChlxMQ.
Ir. noper' (finale Coruial
Will Cl'KE all Feuiale CompiaiuU, such as Kx
eaiiive, uppreued, or Painful Menstruation, Huor
Albu, or Whites, Barrennesi, Sallow Complrxlnn, Heai!
Ache, Diuines-S Wc;.L Nerves, Frightful Dreams, and all
Iieases caused by Colds, Checked Perspiration, Excess
es, Over Excitement, 4-., of the Sexual Organs. Dr.
llix-l'er' Female Cordial is universally acknowledged by
the ladies the best remedy ever Invented.
tff Pries tl pT bottle, or six bottles foV'ftv.'-
ItTT-IiK. EAfTERLY, corner of Third aud Chesnut
Streets, ft. I , Mo.,
I . Mo., sole proprietor, and to whom all
; orders mint he a l.lreed.
by M
A Co.. an 1 A. S
KMtvt, f;. L. Trffiar!, D. WAtsaa !
I'ti-iAU, Liruggixts, Ottawa, aod ly
liniifuitt t irt-iicru'.iv
niyi j
i IE6. IS.lKi:i.S SPEJIrJd.
; WHl Cur Gonvrrh.Tit, G'ret, Stricture, Seminal Wrak
j net.. I ',rdre, l)Ueae oftkt KUIneyi and JSUjdder,
and nil di-tis' of the Genital Organ.
j Reader, have yo a private disease ? Io not neglect
It. Iielit is Dili.tii:i. Da. H fpio'tnc is asnfe,
t speedy, and atixi al trts. tVith Ua. Dakis's Praiinc
you can Ci as Vot a-rxr and PaivenT Exr-rr.r, as plain
direction fr use accompany the Medicine.
j t fT" Price 11 .V) per bottle.
; "irTliit. EA.TEKLT. corner of Third and CI -not j
j s:reets, ?t. I.ouis, Mo., sole Proprietor, to whom all or- j
: der must be addreed to et the fnuine. I
! f.'old by M. Kscrsst, O. L. THuarsvx, D. Winn ,
A Co . si:d A. S. PctsaM, drugs:sts, Ottawa, and by
lrufrv.sts yeueriliy. toy 15
j mi. v. t ri:ai.v's
I Iodine and Sarsanarilla.
j Will cure all di?afte5 ariin from an impure tafe of
the ni":i. era depraved ronditi-n of the fluidi cf the
J ?ystern, vir.: Cancers, STellitia of the Gland, Rhearoa
tism. White ?weiliti, Chronic Stre Fycs, Piles, toils,
I Eryipelas, G- litre. Pains In the Bones and Joints, Clcers
in the Moulb aud Throat, and ail Chronic Constitutional
i liseaes. Tbis uied.cine sea rrbes out the very roots of
the d!eae by purifying tht blood, and changing the se-
rendera the crsk cr.RTtis and PikjMT.
I a. EmTSsIT's luciss ssn Sa-Ar iXA will curs the
s.--r 2K (H(t. kisri-t, sr.il drivs out and ds:ro
every p.rtiele of wuiiisr ahich U in the svsrsw, aud
cure oa-'l effect. j
It wil cure sccohdasT sTraiua or 'timii ti,
and will drive the si riiiLiriti viars sad s'.l BUmTilT J
TAi.irs SI.J rol.-ul'S VATTLa out of U ytea through '
the rvsrs ir !; ins, and reilurs the Parent to a per- j
fret state of hkaltu aud r-curcT. It It a positive cars j
for l:trt ci'ri.AiT an 1 rttrtTSit, if used a proper i
Iti Kill of ti.i.e. I challci'ge tl.e world to produce its
eq.!! in the.e complaints. T'e a!l!ieted',will bear in
rr.ir.J :l.it In EA-rrtatt's 1pixb asdSihaHSilH will
cure ail Ner.ou Disease, Female Cowip'.aioit, Dropyi
Gravel. IH-eai-es of the Midair, Illaikler anJ Urinary
Organ, in a ft w diy.
I: will r mute Pimple and IJlo'.rhe from the Ficx,
atid iiiukv tl.e fLiu C'esr. White and Beautiful as Aia
b.Tt r. It doe tins by puri'ying tbe blovd, an by iu
prompt action on the Lier, Kidneys, and decretory Or
gan producing viforou health.
Persons who have long been a.Ticted with Sv-rofu'.s,
OM Sort s, Tetter, Ringworm, ScaM Head, Clothes, Erup
tions of the km, and all cutaneous dieases, are ad
vil to procure GRiDLEY'S ?ALT RHEUM AND TET
TER OINTMENT, to apply on the sores or diseased parts
when niig Dr. Easterly's I.j!ne andSsrsi parilla. The
Iodine and anaparXa purifies the BLOO , and causes
tbe Sore to dScliarire liieir rrrain wattaa. and the
OlKTaii.NT HEAL? THEM. Wben BtTB are ued, (which I
always recommend,) a rtawASKNT aud sahicaL cure is
always effected. They are tie b-st au 1 most rowicRrtL
ct siTivts known to man. A 'air trial is all I a?k I do
not fear the result.
t'fir" Price of tl.e Iodiue anJ Sursaparilla 61 per bot
tle, or rx bottles for Gsit-Lkv's ?lt Rascm Oisv
mi.nt 75 eeuts per bttie. Uoth are prepared by Vr
KiSTutt, corner of Third and Chesnal-ttreets, Ft. Lou
Is, Mo., sole jroprietor, to wh'aiall orders mult be ad-
lr-joid by M. KisrL, (I. L. Tnojir, D. Wai sa
A Co., and A. !. 1ctam, druggists, Ottawa, and by
drncsisl cenerl!y. mys
Will Curs Cough, Cold, Aithma, Consumption, Bron
chitis, Spitting of Blood, I'ain in the Side ami
Ereart, plturiy, WJiaoping Cough, Croup, Liver
Complaint, Palpitation of the Ie,trt, aud all lti
eae of the ThiWt, Cheat, and Lung.
No one should tirgTect a Cough or Cold a single day.
MILLIONS die annually by neglecting a COMMON COLD.
Coughs ami Colds lead to CO.NR'MI'TION, and then to
an early death. Reader, have you a Cough, Cold, or any
disease of the Lungs ? Procure at once that celebrated
remedy. Dr. CsiiTKa's CoiGH Balsa , which never fails
to relieve a Cough in twenty-four hours, and always
cckks the wuest casks of Colds, Coughs, aud all dUeises
of the Throat and Lung lu a few days.
I'rice Trial bottles, 25 cef!t ; larger bottles. 1 pel
bottle, or six bottles for (5.
tfTVIX. EASTERLY, corner of Third and Chemist
streets, Ft. Louis, Mo., sole proprietor, to whom al! oi
ders must be addressed to get the genuine.
PSSuld by M. Knkcssl, G. L. Tuoursos, D. Walksb
k Co., and A. S. Pctxam, Druggists, Ottawa, and by
Druggists generally. my
1 1 "HE subscriber has removed his Hiie and Leather
I Store to Main Street, three doors east of the Man
sion House, (Cushman's old stani',) where may be found
at all time a good assortment of all kinds of Leather,
both French and American tanned, together with a ge
neral stock of Saddlery Hardware, tfhoe Finding, Ac
Particular attention given. In hnylng Leather, to select
the best brands, and from the best manufacturers in the
country. Please call and examine my stock, as I think
it will be for your interest to do so.
Thankful for the very liberal favors thns far extended
to me. I still solid a share of public patronage.
N. B. The highest market price, in cash, paid for
Hides. Deer SUus, Pelts, Ac, Ac. '
junl9 1HO. M. KING.
Horse Sliocinc anl Jobbluff.
YOG that have horses to be shd will find it to yonr
interest to go to the Main Street Horse PtlOsing
Ehop , where you can get a good seVf Shoes for a dollar
and a quarter, and all kinds of Blacksmithing done at
prices to correspond with the hard times.
An experienced hand just arrived. Coma and judge
for yourselves. Satisfaction warranted or no charge.
Sign of the Horse Shoe, Main Street, near Hnssack k
Richardson's Warehouse. jultl-Sra
ALL persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to me
for Millinery Goods are requested to eall and make
immediate settlement, or (heir accounts will be left with
a proper officer for collection. Tbe Want of money com
pels me to make this earnest request.
aug21-lm SAttAH GftEOG.
S Saturday, the list inst., somewhere between the
Post Office In Ottawa, and the bluff near Tharp'a.na
the Chicago road, on the east side of fox River, a LEA
TUER POCKET BOOK, containing about thirty dollar"
in currency. and a note of hand for 25. signed by Wm.
Larson in favor of the undersigned. The finder will be
liberally rewarded by returning the tame to the under
signed, near the Norway Pest Office, er on leaving it at
Hans Thompson's tore, in Ottawa. .
augH-fw TAJLT15IQ?.
1 Import and keep constantly on hand, a Targe and well selected stock of
All the new and popular
Patent Medicines, Extracts, and Spices
For Culinary Ce.
... , uriissssj", sauu uiit-y arilCICK for IMC AOIK
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, &c, &c.
Particular Attention given to the Componnding of Physicians' Prescriptions.
Groceries at Wholesale.
FOIIMEEI.V of the firm of Halbckt, Bbasi A Con,
bating sold out their interest In the dry goods trade,
hate associated themselves with
Mr. Somfc-barinf been a resident of the City for the
last eight years, and beeu connected With One of the
First Wholetale Establishments in Y.,
has facilities for purchasing unsurpassed by any House
in Ui West. As we intend to d 5 an exclusive cash Uu.l
ness, our gocrij will be purchased for Caift, aud sold
to the trade at
Loiccr pried titan any House icest of N. Y
We voald therefore respectfully Inform the retail
trade "-Crafrally that we are now receiving direct from
New YrV, Nw Orleans and St. Louis, a large aud full
a5Sortment of choice
Which w offer at wholes.ile only, and are satisfied that
merchants in the city and country will find it to their
advactefe ta purclMiso of us instead of goikg la Chi-
cago onfitv Louis, as uur stOek has been purchased ex
I cluslvety for cash, and will be olj at the luwt rates.
vr .-. .u . i..u...- ui n.e uiuviei.i iwc, uu
qualities of Sugar Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco,
Soap, of various kinds and qnaiities, OafaHtrt, Null, a
geueral assortment, fJried Fruit,
Wooden Ware,
' Pails, Tabs. Ac., Baskets, Split and Willow, Wrapping
! p.n-. mjLl Twine. Ac- Ac.
i Great Bargains ia Dry Goods
Cameron & Eberaard's,
. f t h j-rnt receire;! the laryrt, bent rrlertcd
1 f chclKr5t tock erf Dry roixi, Ut aod tfUoe and
Ciroccri; ever brought to Ottawa, ft are re-
parnl to Btll to COM jla.4j Mi f r inltjet riJT
pric Uikt will put tuccruiul cotuptiliuu ouiii tac
Our stock will t 11 times be full and eomfilete. with
ail articles la our line, an. I a maojr of our roods are
AAisu cheaper than thry har been, we ititiii to give
our ebuwies the full lwa-tu of our chrstp urchaatf.
O af stock consiats in fart of a gruerss,! apur txict of
. i l I I- A- l I I I I . I H 1 1 K
lll.ll I'll U X . I . 1 A 1' i I A UVVI '.J
C"t"priirjg al! tUs of
tuch s n!r-k and Faocy tJk-t. hi In KfrbeS, Valencia,
Plain and Fiyured liirr, Cr te Marcti. tol I
Lai-hes, Cbsllis, Ie Ltne Kuhm, Ik tVs--, Pofiins, J- !
touri Koes. French Jiconet and C:co, Oirirhanisi. Co- i
kfrU BriHiMiitu, ymun" lcrni;iac andCj .Lcco friut4. )
oU.r desiraole styled. j
W would cat! particuiar at tern Hon t this d-partreent,
j as it urpases auTthinr; in tewn. au tttmrrtnH
j aud Under beeves, sinrie and in set, Kdmnr and In
erttngs, iKttted, sUiie1 and PUtn 8wit Moaliu. Iluok
i do.,Catnbrir. Jaconet, Whuc Itrillia.iU. Lawn, I
Krawrotdered Muslin, fvr Curtain. Marseilles Skirts. Li j
stes uttubrCf tsAdics aud Ucut s Liuea lland&erciAiers, 1
Gil 111-1 dt bltftU-IC!
I Black Silk, Tlubet. Calimere, brocba. White Crepe,
J and a large stock of StriU .-ti.awl. all prices,
f A Isrse assortment, at very low prices ; lUA'-k snd C.-
lred tf.iV Fru;ss. Dress Tn:niuiu-, V:,el KiOOoi:,
Uonuct Uibooaa, Ac.
Bleached Sheetings an I tfhirtluf s. ail widih. Brown
t;keest, Striie-.. Ue nins, 11 tlrill. Tu.s. baits
t t.:t-.n lfs.ro. W lute ami Colored t arpet Warp, Wibline.
i.uiinaiie., iwi. an iiivu, raruwr s urili, v ..lie aud Co-
lored Laeu. for 1'iJi.iren.
Haiu and Colored ri.-.niels, Broal Cloth. Caul
meres, Kentucky Jeans. Tweed, and a complete usurt-
nienist J aiior Trtmiauigs.
Cra'b, Diaper, Hurkabai-k, iiirachrd and Brown e-
urn. Table prea'ls, Napkias, b t aud JO-t Sfteeling,
i Irish Lusra, Shirt KtMHmi Ae.
j Indies' and Unt's White and Colored Kids, a Silperi
! or article; Silk. Lisle Tar.t. Outdrew s do.. M.-e M:u.
Hosiery, of ail kind and priie. i w.,nl I t;i .r
l ticsbr aSSAiuoit to Mtr asstjelraeut of tLs.fi1 an-l Chud
; lar Uum.
I fbfv Erok' tt,,e aftfi Culorcd Tbt--ad. Hate'
J Jfrt. Pf. f ot-iK., ttrrzshe. tlr Pin. Cro. Cotu-n,
I K aitting t t1. Whalebone, Reed-, Fan, and oth.r r
t;c:est tmuierous ti nieoiifi.
J Our sto k i lrge and tre'.l ei'.. ied, coinprilcg all the
i diSereilt jrad and sires of CMMrrt.'s n. Vuuih'
; ihoes ; L; lie' 'iaiier, ll.Mt..e. 2:.piier and Itjskins;
j Mcu'i and boy's s.'ioes. Sir ja, K p aud Calf Boots, ail at
i very low briers.
1 ' Qltfit ER:r..-5.
j Our Groceries w:1! t avl pin.., I fre-b and of the best
qua:i:y : i .a. susar, onee. rtppcr. sp":e, tuuit,
Kice. rii-h. No. I JU .erci, in Uned Apples,
Cneee, xr.
For ir.e libera! ptron;j W.towed on the firm of John
Lockwood A Co. tbe s.-t sea we would return our
snd euomer.. tii:it wm sluill endeavor. ly selling you
Good, a: -.n.1,'1 profit," ard l r dealing JostTy witu all,
to merit a eotitimiarice cf yotir fv.r.
N. B. The highest price" rid ,r,r nutter. E?ir. Lrd,
Ac. f'-:j CAMEKtlN A EBEItH till).
New Firm and New Goods.'
ritiriivi ",. '
Clothier and Merchant Tailor,
South eiile of Mitin Mrert. om dtntr tcet of King Jb
If-.frd'n fl'trdirdre ttre, Ottiua, JUiuot.
KFSl'KCTI- L I.l.Y invite the Attention of the public to
hi uew and spiendid stock of
lriu antl uuiincr Cioods
Conitin: of
Pine Blaek Fro. k Cat,
5 iinnier liver Cost.
B.iines Coal of every q'ulitv and style.
Pantaloons from 75 rt. up to (10.
A iuore splendid :ock of
I to to' ("lotliln?
Than was ever before kept in lias city. A good assort
ment of
irntl mcn tiirtilliirz Goods,
Cloths, lioeskius arid Cassuneres to make p in gar
ments, which he will guarantee to fit and wear well.
His whole stock is uew and well selected.
L. FKirt'LtNM. in returning his grateful acknowledg
ments to the numerous patrons of his new establish
roeut, is tiappv to see among his warmest friends those,
who have dealt with him since he commenced business
four years sgo in this city, as a partner in the firm of
FaiatiMASS A ALrsenCLEB, and now for himself, and he
will do all ill his power to suit the hard times. II J has
had and will have fur his motto,
" Quick Sale and Small Profit
mar27 I- FRIEDMAN.
Take the in ami litre.
hi:hhh K-ssni tit oAri:D rn.L.s
ONE BOX or Herrick's Sugar
Coated Lite Pills, costing
only 25 cents, will last a family
six months, save twenty-five
dollars in physicians' bills, fif
teen or more dollars in lost
time, and not unfrequently the
life of some ruemtier of the fa'
mily, the value of which cannot
be estimated In dollars and
Herrick's Kid Strengthening
Plasters cure in nvc hours
pnins and weakuess in bieast,
sides and back, and Rheumatic
complaints in an equally short
1riod of time. Spread on a
beautiful white lambskin their
use subjects the wearer to no
inconvenience, and each one
will wear fro one Week to
three months.
Pills, family botes. 26 cts.
Plasters on Kid, 1. cents.
r'.old by all the dealers In
Ottawa, and by Druggists in
very City, Town, and Village
11 the Cnited States. They
have been established titentti
yeomt,re saved thusiniisjJ-oa ui grove auu tney
work of tnerru is not half completed. Try them. They
are warranted. "ERRICK brother.
angT Practical i wrnw Aioanv. jr. j-.c,
A FEW ration
XX. al and disin
terested remarks
in pamphlet form
of 8i pages, on
Seminal Weak
ness, Nocturnal
Emissions, Loss
of Memory, In
capacity for Stu
dy, or Busitiess,
Impedimenta to
Marriage, Ac., a
rising frotrt the
effects of secret
habits of iouti.
C3ryvery fa.
her should pre
sent acopy tobij
rW The Cause, the Effect, and the limed u.gr
In plain language, by a Phyicia of Eminence. Any
Derson enclosing two three cent postage stamps, will re
ceive a copy by mail, nnder ai. Address h letters to
Drawer 113 Poet Office, Albany. X. Y.
sat Also the celebrated Female Monthly Pills, made
r. tha extract of Cotton Root : remedy used for
yoars among the female slaves at the South, in form of
decoction or sea; now lor mi am muv
..r.l u Prieo On Dollar, sent under seal by
mail. Married Ladies most net use them. Address as
ri ir .sx'Mw.,J'iSA L,wstTl
A. Question.
'lirilERE In Ottawa can the following be purchased
" cheapest fur cash. Say
I'll r OOOOS.ot every deieriptlon,
boots asd triors,
ItOSlERY, of all kind,
And all articles under the head of
In a word, where In Ottawa can the public fiud every,
thing they aant for the least MO.VEY f
Ottaaa, April 10,13.
ili:i.c; TKADU.
VTR numerous customers and the pubMc of Ottawa i
S and viciaity are respectfully invited to call and t
mine tbe large and Very lufwrnr as-urtiiicnt of Cue i
For the Spring and Suuiuer trade, wblch I am now daily I
receiving from tn fcatft. In stnte of disanter and pame
mv st'ick Will be found, astn times Dust deeidediv jim?-
I rior iu ?rle in:,HTy aud variety, to Utat of any other I
I ll,,iia in t'i i'iiv. nml at i.rir. f..r r,.t .Lirh glT i
i couipet'trm. JIV Ii K COilM.-lS 111 KIKh as
rine rrencu Ui-.K i.luth LOAIi,
- Ires
" " U!ue "
Business and office "
' Euirli;h style "
Linen, Iiuek, Marei!lt:s, IJraas and Cluth Coats all -
styles. j
Blaek Doe Skin PANTd, 1
Pancy t'assiuiere "
English Checit t
Linen IlncL j
Msrse Hs '
All of tbe laiet styles and patierus. la VKTS w have !
Black Satin VtsTi, -. ,
Csamir A ilk '
Maneilles "
Alio, a select lot of Youth's and Cl.il lren'n Clotuhic,
ttflt m..i.y ol A jutKr ouuui, aud an a
tiinibani Lml'reU.
Uur stock or '
Geuts Furnishin; Uoods,
Is full and complete.
White iHiirts, luiptoveu, I rent b Tvke colored do., all
style" aid psittenrs,
Mnixe tynocs Murts,
l'llires;d Cotton
Collars, fancy ani i.liu, a'.! stv'es.
Iu TIE' we have the
Bichoff iik Cravat,
Ib-aufirt Ties,
T ibuUr Tie, '
P' Juu-n'. ilic T:cs.
Hats, C-,, Carpet U-gs aud Trunk. ebesp for eaih
A. m.7.immt:kman.
anl'J Xu. a, RiddUk't Block.
Spring and Summer Goods!
CLf'TirtVif. GKXT-S FClX-fXG onoos,
"yt rt have the Urget and best stock of uMi ever
If cnVred in tin otarket, ttiey being manufactured
expre:y for u. and are ail made in the be-t mamif r
and latent style, as gore! ss any custom maJi: artlc's
c.n h manufii'-tured in tbi city.
l Coat.. Freui h It.-adriotb, German C -Imerej
Er.-Ttmrt an'l t' t.1mie':i Cet ; Wliile Lioeu, Uarsviilca,
lurlt. Iuing. Q leen' I'lolh. Ac.
1. t pair of Pant. Pin: B.ca, tancy Cl.-siaK.re, Li
Den,Twel, M.ireil!e. Ac.
2, .- Yet, of every style.
f:i:Tt FfiiMsiiiM: goods.
French S.-i.rf o. k. C.jiijr. SLirt. Shirt Boms,
S'-i. an 1 4, love; in fct everything usually kept in a
nrit-eius Clothing 5u,re. A large assortment of ll.tts
r l C'jps. for M .n anJ Roy. Every tyle of Boots and
,lioe in tbe Kateru m irket can be found at our store.
North side of Court II -use isfuare. two doors east of
C;tv Hank. KI-KtC A TAYU'R.
P. S. We are not to be undersold, and will sell as
ch---,p as lbechAi-et. N? trouble to slroW good.
Ottawa, April 17, 1. t. A T.
I fj
r a a -
J j
lirj wouH resfectfully anaounce to the citizens of
f f Ottawa and vicinity that we Hate Just received a
large aud wll selected stock of
12 A It D AV ART,
Comprising everytl.i.15 usually kept in our line. Also, a
large assortment 01
i'uoK ami Parlor Stoves.
of every variety and of tha latest improved patterns, all
of which we are now prepared to offer at
We call the attention cf farmers wautir.g Staves to
the faet that we are seliine Stos
than they can purchase of the p. dlars
That is obits an
item in thee dubious time. l'ie;ie remember this, and
bring your bank bids iu beiore the Banks fail and leave
them on your hano-.
We return our thank to our friends and customers ffw
the lib.ral Mtruu2e heretofore betow.d upon us, and
invite you all to cad opou us before purchasing, leeling
assured you will be satisfied with our price and the qua
lity of our Good. S.tve your injury and drop in 011
M.'titi street, opposite the liauk. KING A llaRD.
Oct. IT. lsil
.. A. CRLCO, .VI.
I ATP of Cuming, N. Y., would respectfully announce
J to the cilixetis of 0;twa and the stirroutidiog coun
try, that he h:is prman-ntly located iu this city, where
he will lie happy to wait upon all those needing his pro
fessional service.
Dr. C. takes pleasure in presenting the following test!
mOnials :
Coasisc, N. Y., April xlth. ISM.
Til wivvm IT NIT coscaR?i : I have been Ultimately ac
quainted w ith Dr A. T. Crego for the past three years ;
hare also employed him ss my fauiily physician for that
time, and would cheerfully recommend him to the confi
dence of any community wheie his lot luuy be cast.
Dr. Crego is a man of strict moral integrity, a good,
careful aud capable practitioner. J. M. WOOD,
B inker and ExcJiange Broker.
Coitvi.NC, N. Y.. April xtb, 1W.
To tiik Prnur : I take pleasure in recommending Dr.
A. T. Creiro as a gentleman and a successful practition
er; aud fforthy of the patronag- of the public.
Cashier Geo. Waungton B ltik.
Cobsiku, April 21, lS.
Hon. JaWks GsiST and N. Ccdall, Esq., Davenpsrt,
Iowa ; or (iiLSjs Sairu. Eq., K ick Island, 111. Dear
Friend: You may place full confidence in the bearer.
Dr. A. T. Crego, as a man and as a physician. We have
employed him in our family, and if he should locate in
your vicinity or elsewhere, our best wishes will attend
him and family. u.biosau,
my 1 5 Of the firm of Wm. ff. Steren ,t Co.
Corn Sueller ana Ilorso Powers
Manufactured by Shreffer, VandertallJk Co.
, Plain
THESE Shelters have been thoroughly improved with
outside gearing; also in the separating and cleaning
apparatus. They are superior In every respect 10 any
otherShdler In market, aud are fully warranted to pur-
ClAh?"an Improver! Horse Power, which Is got up in a
more compact form and is much stronger than the kind
'''we0!" keep extra Castings on hand to supply calls.
Fr sale at manufacturer, prices, with freight Otta
wa, by aplTJ M-ANI.H )W
nusAJi iiorxE,
La S,dle Street. OTTA WA, ILLIXOIS.
THIS House is situated within a few rods of the Rail
road Depot, which makes it convenient for the tra
velirtg public. Good stabling and yard attached to the
Honsis for the accommodation of travelers, drivers and
farmers, and I am determined to satisfy all who may ta'
Vit msTwith a call. apS4j R. HOPPER. Proprietor.
ti i
-f-fttoM the subscriber, living on the Marseilles road",
IK miles south of Mount Knickerbocker, in the
town of Mission, on the S 1st inst., a two year old BAY
MARE COLT, with a small white spot ia the forehead,
and has a hard lump on the lower edge of the left aide
of the jaw bone Any person that will return said Colt
to the subscriber, or give information where It snay be
found, will be liberally rewarded. OLIT HATER. .
Notwsy P. 0.. ta Salle Co.. fit, Auf. 2,1M.
s I .. . ...
Booksellers and Stationers,
a D dealers in
Blank Books, School Book,
Magazines and Cheap Publications, Cutlery,
Gold rent, fancy Goods, die.,
FoaTtg'g old stand, south of the Court House, Ottawa.
. w. baThocs. apt 3 thubas oaroa.
New Book Store !
Tbe best assortment 'n the West. We never fall to sait
customers with Hold P.m.
Stationer) , Bianif Books, Ac.
a sr.w stock or
Punk &ok. Cap, Ltgtl, RUl, . Xa Pttpen, E-n-Mop.
Ink. an-. InkMtintl; ptnciU, Rubber i
Vruning Puper nntl Trarina t'liith, ltitet,
MncilUiy, 1'iirdm, Mwyni yfut, Engruc
in'J. anil Paint, t Wx aud Rrimhe;
Pocket &mhi, Triicrliiig Rtti
1 cule, Purt Eolw, dc:
5frrcltaut hiiI Office Men
"V'fcED not send nut nf "wn fur th c Uicc. We
i. pledge ourselves to furnish errirt),iim in the line of
Stationery as good and cheap cs can be obtained u ay.
VI:is:rs.iui's ami l-rili-nl.
nAKI'tlt, Putnam, Indies' htak, Leslie's Gazette,
Knickerbocker. Mlaekwuod, Chicago Magazine,
and others furnished monthly.
The Sew York Ledffer,
invx of Koniance,
Fhir of otir I'nioit,
Ilallon's Pictorial,
Harper ttVekly nd other? furnUhed Iteekly.
t'l i tea r;o and New York Dailies,
apis RATHPC.t A OflTOV.
TIIHE only Donk Store In Ottawa, exclu'ltcly for Boks,
A Stationery. anJI Paper Ilnriirtif.. i
apt RATHIil'S k OH.TOS'3.
j Hlailka! HlUllkwi:
' have tut had pi-intet, on tide pnpr, about 40
I s v Heanis oi Bianics, wiuen we ontr lor sale at mica
i go prices. They embrace, in purt. as bSlowsl
i tVarrarttee, Srreial Warrantee, anl Uuitelaba freeds,
i Mortgages of two kicds. Articles of Asreetnent, t battel
I Mortgages, Leases, Warehouse Receipts, Ju-lsment
Notes, and a general supply of Jiutive s and Constable s
Orders by inui! or otlierwise pi omptl v attended to.
wall iAiEar :
Cloth and Paper Wiiulom Sh'nle; I'tirt-iii Eirt'U-,
ottd Riff, H-U-ind and Sf'Vtlia fi-r 'urtain. j
AXrE have jut received and are receiving a lartr-r 1
V? tM-k in tbis line tban we bave ever bad. which )
we are onVrinir at vreatlr redilred nrice. amoue which t
j we oftVr a Uri; variety of besutifui anl fond paper at ,
one thaling per roll, audsiifix pjj.r at 21 cent per '
i rut i
I rhoe ho sfe fomlshinif their home" With paper or i
i citftaifis should not fail to see our toek letore purnhas- 1
; inr. (ioods will be freely slinrii abetlier you by of u
ornot. At the:?o of the B'ok.
aplT It.tTllIIl N A ORTUT. j
Valuable tiift.
are now niasinc pn-ents of Bt-i. "f"lionerv.
If t'iue I'feture, pm-t't Enir?: H-Ad Pen and
Pencil. Ac, Jtc, from 2." ri to $11 to every one Wbo
bun Buok from uur JIicl1Uii.-" j. SNwk.
a?!7 KATHUL'N A fjrX 1T t
M. II. PttKSCOTT, Jr.,
31. II. PKKSC 1TT, Jr.,
31. II. rKLSCOTT, Jr.,
f ,Tift' rirvpii iiUTn3
laliiu ri:t.i ii it4iit:;s.
E5H srcppLV
j A FltErfH SCPPLV -
. A ruESH sLPi-i.ir
j l-RICEo tl'lTEli TO THE TIMES.
i pnicw til reu to the times.
Nrt. 2. IIO'itACK'S CLOCK.
NO. 2, HltfSAcK'S BLOCK.
iVrar lliil!ti'.
rillY cot b-it a trifle, Von nre f:,r more romfort
a. able with than without tl.em: le-ide. yojr rueilical
advi-r wiil eorruhtrale my assertion, timt their use will
ad-j year to your life. TMnk of proloncrin: your exist
ence fire or tea years by an outlay of a few shillings an
nuallt : M. II. I'P.KSCUTT. J .
febii X'j. i, U k'l iXv k'
EN'. Women' and Chiblren's Rubbers, f f snv it;
aTaI. and in any ipiauu'.v, cheaper ti.an ever lor CAli.
I. II.
PltfcX'OTT. J
, iei t Rluk.
i T AD!
- cb
ADIIk4 conte an I See our new French Gaiters, re.
rcha and beautiful lu ei err p.4r:t:uUr fln.r
zoo.l bt far than hare ever leen i'wso in Ottawa, and
at Such extremely low price. Dcu't seud yir rdrs
to Chicago agaiu. 1 w,li give yo. jt as fine and pretty
a shoe, at a much less price. Ctl! and tatis'y vour-lves.
51. H.l":Lon.Ji.,
feb20 A'o. S, U-jHk's RUh k,
j City Hardware Store
; jACKso.v & iocasi;vooi. , ;
" j r Mil:? lUt&MiSb merit t Baw reenvug one f the lr- '
' 1 grst ertnients of rtov-r and n . I Hardware ever !
i oroiieni .rsi m ihc unci ih -tri iimin iw up f
J with the spilit cf the a?i, we have ipn-ed no pains in i
v, - - i .n,dUi a-snrtni. r.'t of rth-Tf ;
Hanlware, crmiprisiiig alu tisi ety ai-ficie ti'st rri.ih-rlv t
: belongs to our r.itsitu!!. srtd iiw t--"..n ",, j
all others that they srril nsve iuee goon, at a i iw rirej ,
ss the same quality and style can be sold hi thi section !
of the State. Being determined to sell our Good for
nronipt pay, we coruiaiiv invue an who wian to purchase
upon tlicse terms, to rail i and see our etocr.
! NTf-lTPS i rsmTTfis
ts sWVVWaw wsw isv SI WW
l--SI-e- w
T We bave on hand over ."""I ftove. comprising m sf
inc west uioriii, ui vwai k.'iu ci,w, ncr ihwiiiow
i .1.1. .1 ... !.:..!. . ;n it il. ... .tti k. ..,1..
I ,r ll.,r .Sio.-k of P .rlor nt niiiin R,win Stoves
I coo prUe some of the tn-t elegant and u.-eful styles ever
i befi.re exhibite-l in this City. We wi-h to y to ourcus-
turners to .ail in and see before you buy of m-u drawing
I Steve around in wrns if ycu Wutlt to save tiity per
' cent, on your investment,
We are extenivlv engaged in
manufsc'uring fin.
I Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every description
and f
. i l..t l,. t.i .or -vteot .b sired.
I We are trorrhaiiag old CsMine. Copper. Pewter. anl
tiraiSi ana wm v y me iuest i'i ivc oc v ...-
Brass, and will pay the highest price the market will War
rant. t'il Cloths, and Enamelled Clmhs, of beautiful style
and pattern, at price that Will astonish Jou. Be sure
you call and see us before imrchitsuiaj Sept
se Ilcri I
rnnERE seems to be au iom-esioo abroad tht we sell
I JL guwls for ch only. This 1 wrong, lor we do take
i all kinds of produce at cash prices. We have but one
! price for our goods, and iht i uniformly csh. The
I goods we give iu exchange for Palter, Eg,ts and the like,
i we put in at our regular cash fisiire. In a word, we sell
' good in any and every manner, takinxin payment ca.h
1 or anything equivalent to it. The equivalent may e
j in Eggs, Butter, Rags, Nctes, or anything that e may
consider as good a eb,cr tht answer our p'irpn.e as
, welb tnyl.'. ANDREW LYNCH.
I n -" I 1 . V 1
llusseirs Jb iiriiuure uepoij
In lss.
Tfcv VElItJ rsTAliMsltnil.
. . ,1. : jr.Mi.,1 inn,.,,
JL and citisens generally, that jut now, at tint et.ib-
lishraent. will be fiJuurl 4 largr and Setter asorttP?nt i
of every artids la the Faruitu.e liue than ever before j
offered. I
He being a practical mechanic and long experienced j
in business, gives him an advantHge in hi own manufac- ;
ture, as well as a full acquaintance with the best facto- '
rie eat and west, and always doins- a One Price,
Smali Profit and t:'h B'tte. utich work to a
charm.) he' has no hesitation in saying that he cau sell a
single article; or eompletely furnish a house, on as good
(if not a little better I term! than any other house in the
State. Please call and see.
Particular attention invite! ta his stock of Picture
Vr.tne and Lookins tilass Mouldings.
frames of all sites and Styles made to order. Look-
ing-Olass Pistes of all sixes on baud
Coffins of ail sites and tyle alw iv on hand, and ne
mistake. aplM ;ISJLJiVIdi
I'cr Mi-r,
, v,.... .1 1 Hi-l itnv Horse
three or four
1 1V. - ...1 rnire. irood milkers: one sccoud-haad
double Wnggon and Harness.
The above prtpcrtt will be sold cheap for cash, or ap-
"rAlw ll"ln wSfs. lu the State's Addition to Ot
tawa being a WarehMiee Lot. 80 feet front on the Main
Cana'l, and lt 3; Block tfi, in Original Town of Ottawa.
Teraia liberal andea-cy., Tbe House on Lot to !.et. .
Inquire of (a..gf-tfj ' A. H. HOWL.VND.
fl4w Pirfnre C.alle-ry.
THE lovers of fine arts, and the public generally, are
invited to examine specimens now on exhibition at
the new Rioms just opened over the City Bank of
Eames, Allen A Co., north of the Court House, under the
supervision of Mr. Jas. Masstos.
The undersigned having purchased the Interest of Mr,
M .iRsTog. in Ihe above business, is now prepared to fur
nish AmbrotypeS in ths highest style of Ihe aft. warrant
ed in every instance to give satisfaction of no charge
made. The services of Mr. Mabstos have been secured
for a short time, anrl those acquainted with his skill will
need no further assurance for getting a truthful picture;
a share of the public patronage '. snlictte.1.
Ottawa, October 8. 1 .':. C. M. VA ff DOREf.
NOTICE Is hereby given lo all parties concerned, that
1 have leased niv Warehouse to Messrs. Faibpikui A
WrAo, who will continue to carry on the Oram Business
a usual. I shall be in Europe the present summer, and
theV are authorised to act as my agents In 4he settle,
ment of Book Acconnts.- Sotes, and Grain Contracts,
and all persons Indebted to me are requested to make
payment promptly, a my business ".' be tled man.
en delay Jm 1 JOHN ARMOUR.
knowing themselves to be Indebted te the
A LL pel
firm ef
k ZmsiBBSUN, either or note or
. . . .1 -k.k..a.-. 1 . -
aeconot. srtB eall assS eettle the same by ib !rntk ds
kVyi ,.v, -;L ?13t-
CJjicaiia abucrtiscmntt, -
oallaoheTT -
Real Estate, Land Ele hinge,
Law sans Collect In a1 Ageaef
Agent in every City and principal Twnalntk C. tt
Osir Isnmcnu or tub mn la run Way.
J. J. GALLAGHER & Co., Propristors; .
"I CYC, 8eli, Exchanges, Rents, sn.l Lre Property
M9 f all kind; Urates I.AXD WAKRA.1T3 t afl th
Oovernment Lmrtt Unices, with Warrants Or Cask .
. t"''"'1" uyin and aeiiing Uarcbandiao of afi
ferchnts, rllanfacturers and other VUh
monied Clerks or Partners.
Obtain, exhibits, tiuvs and sl!a rmtrnt rights.
Puriiishes to order and sends to any part of the !
i North'
.irciiariica. itnarers, Jti..
Collection, ami all Iwtkiess connected Oitli
the of the law. nromtitlt attended ii
Parties scmliiig us lands or irthrr prnfrty to ex
change for inrrchandiar will plea reiwensbr to swelw
a fee of $( to pay fur advertising.
All letters of enquiry to secure attention Must havsj
enclosed one postage stamp.
All business matters strictly confidential.
Comiin'ssifTti moderate, and ail orders promptly U
f ended to. julSt
JVo. u WXMnjton Street, CHICAGO, ILIXOIS.
Tj po, Prcftci's. IiiK,
And every articls required hi a
j On hand, and for rale at the Invest market prices.
I 1'HK improvements i.m.le in the priaratum of MtUttl
give t the T'ipe manur.ictiired at this foundry,
great reputation f; durability. The Miuacriber la pre.
pard with ffrrnttt inrrnierd ftn-ilitiem to supply tho
nu if lli tru.'e throughout the Wemt.
He w.ll continue to keep n Sor. a targe Sleek of Boa
A Cus aud Uu-ioniV i-.trbrdt'd
rrffNTiN'j PRr..r,
Whh-h. tog tv -r iih t(,oe of n other maltr, wDil k
Turtuenen sit .vitmimcwurefm fi te
i He hs recently made arrangements with C. R.Waal,
of Sew York, iforuieriy Yeh A Wchh.jand will hersaf
: trr keep ou hand a large slock or his
keep ou hand a larr;e slock Of bis
WOOD Tlfl'st.
1 Tlie-Wnt tbe 1i.ii jtef. Parties wiahinf to order larf el
of Type, iU be fcrnnheJ with Ma. WisVl Sptol.
men limt. . -
luas of u-ri,.r quality always ou hand. ,
j In conneetd w ith ibe eiiabh)inie;it. and work of tbltf
kind i executed in a vei-y uperir manner.
! A new Si-eciioru ook is now ready fo delivery, and
ill b cut to parties wUhinr to ordrr.
tnyJ2 II. L. IllltE, reatwref.
I0..i Lake trc-l ,103
Tor fltea aud Boys,
flTllK extra.rdiuary low prices ruling at tl.e East du
! A rtnic th past winter morith. well a. the pro&abt.
' scarcity of L.iraile goods to.- rina and Sutansf
t wear, have induced us to pur.base, aud w are now ra
' ceivinjr ilily by F.xnre, a.i unu.uhl!y larae aod ml
1 r nt a5?tnm-i,t ui fine a.'id fashionable goods forma'
i flvir maiiuf:.ctiry i: this ci'J has been kept in ona
1 stunt cperstiou d'trlu; tbe pa four months, enabling
( at ti.fw time Ui ulf..r the largest and bet assortment
i t.t uew and laubiouHble .iri"eiits eicf eabiliittfd ia tha
" S'ortl.wi it. and at prices ni'.ieb belnw those obtained last
I !m (r th" .ame quaiiiyof rood. We ruaraoMe th
j quality of uur aM-k, every larnienl beiug made under
: our own 9erri.irti, and u our own promioea, we MS
' safe'r warrant It ennal In th ImhiI eu.lom wnnt
0ur rtm r(0m. an4vt the manazeniiit oT OTft f Uv
ut ahillul Cutler in the rouiiiiy, is fully stocked witsj
All entireiv lli'W i.ortlllllt of tbe blte.t lIODortlloa tkf
t the tine qualities of Clotrr. C-simere, Tctinr. A
j which we Will make up lo order at rfhort notice and ia la
best style only, a!
We g'tarauf ee entire atif:ictioti, or refund lbs
i J3f"iU-!lieruber ths uuuUicr, Ids Lake Street.
u . vs TAPPE BttOa.
Farmer, Attention :
II WE entire rntfol nf a very nperier quality)'
m J-ii ffW's Winter l-ei Wheat, (an article in-
htroduceH. Into the Wheat-gruwing districts of Bus'
hi a.) which hn beeu found t" Sutxeed better, than
ny Wlntr' WVst Vr cultivated lo that country.
Prom Russia it was introduced into Canada, Michi-"
IjJ vsn. Mino-ola,aud Illuioi. iu each ol which it baa
wiUuilood the most severe wiuters and the wetust
I r!tU.i-, to the satisfaction of the farmer, ft pro
2 duces fr-Jin to bushels to on when sown oa
goud land, and from iu hrd;r.ilure will not winter-kill
or drown out tr'"'t,"5cts of a wet
pnt.g. It mav be sntinDt T thtf "$"
err "WkV.. "
1 1 1 helt th? first y?ar. puOP'e Tree tO do
, sent to any address rbtlAor not. Ag ihtT
A .1 JI a, .
g. w vr'w"0 knil never
iv fctate Applying
Dealer iu Farming Lut., i
so. Lan l btfaie.1 at all t.i-. t," '."r ",,u w
ces. wltli Warrant or Ch. VfilOB thit ia
r Fsriiiiuj Lmu-is for srtle. will 0rA. ptopU
. mm uic vol uic-iOiJi m i'n'iij fu tut tfc
! 2 ItKPEIl TO " IB
Hin. J. Wilson. C.uu'r I. C. L.md Dfp't.t'ih
Col. K. J Hminilton,
: Her. II. N. Bishop. h
() Hon. Henry A. Wise. Gov. f Ta.
ef, M trs. tweeiiey, Kiueultuuse, Faiit k Co., Bants
yJJ er. Wn-hiiigtoii, It. C.
Hou. tb-orge Itrigg. New Yorlr.
H-u. Win. H. Ros. Gov. of Delaware.
PT Robt. forsyme, tq., Geu'l Et. Ag 1. C". K R.
N- M. In ordering, give your name, post Arrl-y
e.iuity and tate, aud the name of the aearnst Kg.
press uffice. wkvV
A.J..itVWAT, a. ssavsub,
C.ieneo. Crbana.
A.J. ft AltO WAT i C.,
vi:sti:i:x lvxd agiency,
J,'o. 75 ljke Street, TreusfAt Block
1 " rzriw ofbvi.. d selling Real Bstaw
ar.d all other lu. . ,UUi'ul b sisck Aasss.
I n, 4J rl. ItK STKEKT,
1 Opposite Geo. Miiith.s Bank, CHICAS.
an ScrAKi.s. iraskT CLKVKLAND. OHIO
i itukkt . . BUFFALO. K. T
, lili.e.--rr,UJ
' UIKfcl IDS!
" - n. I'anen.
F1 ,
Win. II. Brown, Esq.,
J. I. Dure, Fq.,
Piiilo Crr-uter. Esq ,
J. H. Dunham, Esq.,
F Models, Esq.,
E. C. Iarne.1. Esq
Ir. L. D. Boone.
M. D. Ogdeu, Esq.
" - ', lc. f q-.
; "" '' b.ini'. fcj.,
' kinrier,
I uu- ?"'
! ' , Mstteson,
Hon. Iiillt.(.K MANN, and Hon. Ufcl. W. ct.I-TOrr.
TP T is the de:eu of the proprietors of these Colleges t
b - k o -i'. -
as perfect a chain of Bnsmes Srhools from tli East ta
the Wezt. ailordiog the most ample facilities far younf t
meu and young ladie 10 qualify themselves for respons
ible positions in life. Their scIhsuIs at the points abwvt)
are e-luli'isle-i on a firm basis, and are all in a sor
I prosperous condition. The teachers in the various de
j partments are thoroughly accomplished, practical bvsi
I nesl meu.
I The 'olIrc!sl' fonrse
tt ill Kinlra.e the mot approved and rwacth-al forms for
keeping hooks by Double Entry in the various depart
meuts uf Trade and Commerce, Including general
Wholesale and Retail. Mercantile, Exchange, Colo in ia
ion. MAiiufacturiiie. Railroad. Banking, Printing, Mia-'
ins. Snipping. Steauiboaiing. Individual, Paruierahip
ami Compound Company Business. All manuscript from
which the student ropie are written in a bold, rapid ba
sim ss hand, which will serve as a great auxiliary ia se
curing to him au excellent style of writing.
The Spen-erlan System of Peninsnship, in all It
, fonns. praeficul and oriiaiueutal, will be taurist by Its
' author. P. R. Srr.scsa, in coitnectiou with otlier geotte
1 men, all of whom stand hiah both as pievi aud artists.
Tl.e- !.: !.' Iiniartmpsl
1 entirely separnte from the geiitleiueu's, antf Is fitled
up In a neat aud convenient luanner.
Time stl romm snomtr.
As there are no term, and no vacouuns. students
may enter at any time aud proseeuta their studies with
out" reference to classes. Hy this arrangement, every
student is permitted to progress as rapidly as hit eutr
priseand ability will admii.
luil" l.ocliirvW
Will be d'.-livered on the Science of Acconnts. Commer
cial Law, Political Economy, Commercial Calculation,
Hanking. Mercantile Customs, Commercial Ethics, Rail
roading, Business Correspondence,- Mining, Commerces'
Commercial (ieoxrapiiy. etc.
A Scholarship issued from the Chicago College will be
good '11 CieveUnJ, UufTdo, and Albany, aud vice veisa.
For Full Course Tiiiw unlimited fnerading all Be
partments of Book-Kecpiug, fctQ aat Practical
Peiimanhip . i fteT
For same C.iurse in Ladies' D-partment,..-. t
Pen-uns taking Penuiauship alune will receive Twenty
Lessons for............... tT
Cnllmiied Course iu Penmanship', 1
1rVTlirougS the sxtsnsive busuiess acquaintance ef
the Principals, imnj of the Students eu graduating are
placed in luiTsrire situations.
For further inforsuation plea"- eall st Collere Room.s
end for circular. Address BRYANT A 8TRATTON.
dee Chicago, Cleveland, or Buffa
Wilt cure Ague and Fever. Chilis and fVesr. DumK.
Ague, Iaterntittent and tt-tnittent Fiver, and ait
the thlrioHSonn of Freer incident to BUious Ci-'
If there is a was. wimiX of t-Kfta snffering with A erst
s Pkvsa, they are advised to procarc Dr Kasteriy'e
Fever and Ague Killer. It it a rrssmva tuss rsa
s.n rrsw vsssr. Try it.
fPrlre ! per bottle, or sfx bottles for $N.
Jjr-ia. EssTKaLV, corner of Third and CheaBat sta.f
Si. Louis, M., sole proprietor, ta whom all orders sau,
be addressed to get the genuine.
HfSold by M. KstosHt.O. L. THnwrso. B. Wtute
A Co., and A. S. rarsASi, tlruygtsts, Ottawa, and bjT
druggists Centrally. wivtv
Commission Merchant
Brick. Chicago & Alton J.ime, ttali
CVmstif, Stucco, Salt. Uamn, Pork, Reef, Fish, Hn4
fjeari Grocerie gmeralhl,
Particular attention gif n te the sale of Goods oa ewtM
aignment. aug!4
jtl il wsiuk ie l.argrr Hsrr.
THE undersigned hereby informs the cl tisens of Otta.
wa and vicinity that hekeeps en hand an exeeHew
article of Lager Beer. Hot tied Lager Beer eanstaatasr
for sale. LOl'IS GNAM. Columbus M.-
Ooumt Km "leer Xltch'W Gun Ars 1
tSositA of the IltinM Biner Via-, Jttlli-
Z. V ' eiwi??f.
v "

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