OCR Interpretation

The Ottawa free trader. [volume] (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916, October 13, 1860, Image 2

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038582/1860-10-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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ttatoa JrceOUaircr.
OTTAWA, ILL., OCT. 12, I860.
. . 1 ij - - v.
Democratic Nominations.
or nxtsois.
Presidential Electoral ticket.
- WLtrrors it Mans.
J. L. D. MORRISON, of St. Clair.
W. 11. W. Cl'SHMAX, of La Sulla.
1st District JOHN A. RAWUSS, of Jo Parian.
M - JOHN W. DRl'UY, of Rock Island.
M 3. w. RANDALL, of Will.
4lB s. C. Jl'DD, 'f Ktilton.
Sth - CALVIN A. WARREN, of Adams.
,th N.W. TI PPER, cf Macon.
ith w. H. UNDERWOOD, of St. Clair,
tik " I. N. II AYN1E, of Alexander.
FO sotuxoi :
Of Crawford County.
rOB UdTHSAST tioveaxoas
Of Fulton County.
FOR skccktabt or stats:
Of Logan County.
for acmtor:
Of Adams County.
fob Tur asi r.ER :
Of Cook County.
Of Mcl-eaii County.
JOHN 1IISE, of La Salle Co.
11. If. B ROWER, of Livingston Co.
Daniel evans, of l siio Co.
FRANCIS C. FLORY, of Ottawa.
Dr. GEORGE W. Me KINNEY, of Ottawa.
lion. TU. Ijle Dickey
Will address the Democracy at the
Court House in Ottawa at 2 o'clock this
day, October 13th.
Tke Douglas Reception on Monday Ua
Douiidcd ICmhuaiaMii.
On Friday evening of lat week we re
ceive! a despatch from Chicago, that
Judge Docoi.as would pass Ottawa on the
noon train on Monday (at 12:5",) anil that
the train would stop long enough to enable
him to make a short ppeecli. Handbills
were printed, and an announcement made
in Saturday's Free Trader, which was all
the notice the brief time intervening would
admit ot
About 11 o'clock on Monday another
despatch was received, announcing that
i.. stead of arriving at 12:5-". Mr. Douglas
had taken a special train, and would ar
rive at 11:5:"), an hour earlier than the time
previously announced. Our people, and
hundreds from the country who had al
ready arrived in town when this second
despatch was received, at once moved
towards the elepot, and as Democrats krpt
.... i r .1.
arriving in large numbers from the coun
try, they were hastily turned in the fame j
Promptly at 11.55 the train arrived, and
Judge Doiui.AS, who was literally carried
from the car to the temporary stand that
Lael been erected, was received with such
a shout of enthusiasm as none but he can
excite. The crowd by this timo number
ed some three thousand, and was receiv
ing additions as rapidly as the croweled
streets to the depot would admit of.
Judge D. was introduced in a fow words
by Mr. Cushman, and ; proceedeel at once
to address the people, wasting no time on
preliminaries, but plunging into media res.
He packed into a speech of fiteen minutes,
certainly tho best resume we had yet heard
of the issues upon which the country is
now divideel, and laid bare the dangerous
tendencies of the creeds of the opposition, j
and defended the doctrines of the Democ
racy, with a condensation, force, and clear
ness attainable by no other speaker we
ver heareL Our country was in the j
th enjoyment of profound peace, pros- j
perous beyonel any otheron the face of the j
arth, and yet the people were discontent
ed, and our free, happy institutions threat
ened with disruption and ruin. Where
lay the danger? It lay in the discussion
f the slavery question in Congress. Har
mony and domestic peace always prevailed
in this country while Congress let this
question alone, and embittered feeling pre
vailed and dire elisaster threateneel when
Congress touched it The Republican par
ty at the North, and the Breckcnridge
party at the South proposed to thrust this
question again upon Congress in its most
dangerous form, by intervening on the sub
ject of slavery in the Territories. The
Democracy proposed to banish the qncs
tion from Congress by letting the people
of the Territories dispose of it for them
selves, on the principle of popular sover
eignty. Why should Congress intervene?
-I tie Uepumicans oi ie mn, ana
. , - f t . , jit
Breckenridge men at the .South tell us
that if the territories were anoweu to qo
as they please, they will ruin themselves.
It was the tyrant's plea the world over.
Co to the Emperor of Austria and he will
tell you all he desire is the happiness of
liis people. Ask him why, then, he is not . ajjourn ;t is contended that no legal ad
willing to let them goveru themselves, and j journmeut of either has taken place, and
he will tell you they would ruin theinselvs. j nierabers f both houses remain at the
Goto England and ask her goverment why calJttcl and are" trying to enforce the at
they don't let Ireland have her own Parlia j temjance of absentees.
ment and make her own laws, and they will j
tell you, the poor Irish would ruin thorn- j I)or,,LAS , tsOTAXa The largest polit
elves; then go to the United States and aks ! -icai meeting eTer jieid in Indiana took
tho renutlicans and Southern necessnists t.laA tt i,7;ni;a Tuesdav, on tho
why they are not willing to ici me people
of the Territories govern themselvca, and
and they give yon the name answer they
will ruin themselves !
He believed no such thing. "Your fa
ther, brothers and sons that have emigra
ted to tho Territories had their senses and
were capable of governing themselves
wem, they .-left- Illinois. Did they lose
their eeneee when they arrived in Ne
braska? If th Territories are opposed to
slaverv let them banish it and enjoy all
the bUW! 4h4'ir r
ther want it, and it is so great a curse, let
Uom till it rtiQfi. thcro, aud the-y will
corns to their senses. It was no affair of
Such was hbout the Iiue of Mr. D.'s
speech, but expressed in that terse,- ner
vous style wo cannot pretend to imitate.
The argument was certainly not new, but
it is one that is crushing in its forco where
ever repeated, and during this whole con
test has not been successfully assailed.
By the time Judge D. concluded, there
were at loast 5,000 people at the depot, and
a perfect stream still pouring in from La
Salle street. The locomotive gavo a couple
6hrill screams, Judge D. hastily clambered
on board, and was off, amidst tho firing of
cannon, the playing of the Ottawa band,
and the deafening shouts of the multitude.
October Elections.
lciui4ylvaiil;i, Ohio Indiana.
Two Jump Backward!
Our Republican friend feel jubilant, and
not without reason. They hav elected
their candidate for Governor in Pennsyl
vania by from 15,000 to 30,000 majority ;
in Ohio by 12,000 to 1S.00O: and in Indi
ana by from 8,000 to 15,IH. They have
also elected a large majority of the mem
bers of tha Legislature in all of thesse
That at the first blush such newt is dis
couraging, stunning to the Democracy,
we are free to admit; but on a closer ex
amination of the elements of these Repub
lican victories, it must be admitted, wo
find much to conifot ftlie Democracy, and
to abate from the jubilation and confidence
of tha Republicans. Let us briefly review
the victories in their order:
Pknnsvlvania. In "this State the Doug
las and Brecken ridge democracy under
took to form a perfect union on a State
ticket Foster, their candidate for Go
vernor, undertook to sail between the two
wings. The consequence was, he was
coldly supported by both, while tho whole
Bell and Everett party was driven into the
support of Curtin. We find thus, on coin-
paring the late vo.e with that oflSif., that,
Foster receivd the Jiuchauan vote of that
year and Curtin the Fillmore and Fremont
vote united, of tho same year. Thus :
Fill, and Ere. united. Curtin.
Alleghany, C,.7 (,,W0
Blair, 445 C50
Lancaster, 3.CuiJ 5,000
Erie, 2,'Jtn 2.300
Dauphin, 1,VC0 1,3
And so we could go through tho whole
list, showing that the fight was between
tho two wings of the Damocracy on one
side, and the Eell everett and Republican
party united on the other. Now what en
couragement is there in this to the Lincoln
men ?
In November there will be a Eell ticket
in the field which will take off from this
Curtin vote at leaat 83.X, tho Fillmoro
vote oi iu,-u-aui.s to
ooj'ow ueniuu tue xemocricT. .on one
of two things will happen between this
time and November. Either tho Douglas
and Ereckc-nridge party will unito on oe
ticket, and the Etll men will vote their
own ticket, and thus secure the defeat of j
Lincoln ; or the Douglas and Boll men will j
: i . 1 t , i ' . ' , r i , r t : '
uiitie, aim ii:ii.ii emuiu liic itc.uaL ot i.iu-
coln. Tho latter union is the more proba
ble, and is fully foreshadowed by tho roso-
lution adopted bv the Bell Convention I
1 - j
which met at llarrisburg two weeks ag.o,
and formed and electoral ticket, adopting
these resolutions:
Itcsoh-td, That Messrs. II. M. Fuller,
William M. Wright, William Lyon, John
Roberts and William P. Seymour, are here-
'' a '
of Bell
and Everett in Pennsylr.mia, with
mthority so to modify tind change the
Electoral ticket this dav made as shall
best secure the harmonious action of all
national me n.
Heioh td, That we recommend the hold
ing of a Union Stato Mass Convention of
all the citizens of Pennsylvania opposed to
the Republican organization, at as early a
day after the October election as practi
cable. Omo. In Ohio, the despatches Eay the
Democracy have fully held their own, not
withstanding that under a most uaright
ous decision of a Republican Court of that
State 15,000 negroes were allowed to vote
for the first time at this election, and not
withstanding a like union took place be
tween the Bell men and Republicans. If
Bell gets the 2J,000 Fillmore votes of 1850
in Ohio in November, the State taking
the election of Tuesday as a basis of calcu
lation is hopelessly lost to Lincoln.
Immana. In this State the same union
exactly as in Pennsylvania existed between J
the Bell men and Republicans, in addition j
to which the Breckenridge men in a body
voted with the Republicans. If these two
latter factions support theirown tickets in
November, Douglas is sure of the State by
It was through this perfect union be
tween all the factions opposed to the De
mocracy that the Republicans gained their
late victories. But they are like the frog
in the fable, who tenk one jump forward
and slid two backward. On Congressmen
the union was not so perfect, and accord
ingly, amidst all their rejoicing, they have
to deplore the loss of at least SIX and
perhaps eic.iit Congressmen. As they had,
by tight squeezo, but one majority in the
last Congress, and by the los3 of these are
placed in a hopeless minority in the next,
their late victories may well le described
as ono jump forward and two backwards.
Ohkgok. There is a tempest in a teapot
i m iregon. 1 he legislature met, and the
ej , . , - , t- refa.sed tO CO
j inU Couvelltiwn whh the houae to eect
; , , r T a . Rmiti,
After consielerable diplomacy the Senate
adjourned sine die and the house adjourn
ed sine elie, but as neither house had
agreed to the resolution of the other to
, i 1 . -
j occaKjon of
Douglas' visit to that city,
000 people were present, and a protijssion
of Invincibles, Ever Readies, Ac., was
formed 7 miles loug. Douglas was in ex
cellent voice, and addressed the multitude
in a speech occupying an hour and a half.
II. V. Johnson, and others, also spoke.
Ik Memoriam. Tho Prince of Wales, be
fore leavfng Dwight, Livingston Co., in
this State, where be spent several days
pleasantly shooting quail aiidprairio chick
ens, planted an eln in front of the resi
dence of J Spencer, and christened the
place " Renfrew Loebac": . - i'; -.
Groans of the Dying.
From the Press and Tribune f Thursday.
I.osi of Congressmen.
Our fears as regards the loss of Congress
men in Pennsylvania and Ohio appear to
be realized. Our returns are uot complete,
but it is now apparent that wo have lost
three in Pennxylvania and three in Ohio.
A part of this may be made up in Indiana,
where our friends claim a train of ono to
three; atid it is possible that Lehman of
rhiladolphia, may bo beaten in the offi
cial canvass, and thus reduce our loss there
by one. A private despatch from Phila
delphia claims that we have carried twen
ty Districts; but it is not confirmed by la
tor intelligence lsst night. We shall learn
tho worct to day.
"To-day's" (Friday's) PreM and Iribur.t
had Dot another word on tho subject, and
indeed the telegraph despatches show
that there is not only no counterbalancing
gain in Indiana, but danger of two more
losses in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The Ottawa Martyrs.
Our readers have already been advised
of the fact that the Ottawa rescuers have
received their sentence ia the U. S. District
Court at Chicago.
Most of our readers remember tha cir
cumstances attending the rescue of the)
negro Jim. There had been several meet
ings in the Court House in Ottawa, at
which nil the republican leaders took an
active part. When Phillips and the negro
Jim arrived in Ottawa a crowd of republi
cans met thorn at tho depot At night
there were secret meeting, attended by
all our republican leaders, and tho whole
rescue carefully planued. A few of the
bolder ones were put forward to take the
brunt of tho matter Lext dav. and hun-:
jrfca8 of republicans were to stand around, !
ready to pitch in if necessary. Ilos.ack,
the Stouts, and the Kings did their part,
resting safe on the promise of being fully
backed by their republican brethren.
The deed was done, and well done; they
were arrested for it, and taken to Chicugo.
They were then heroes, and republican
sympathy continued to flow out towards
them in copious streams. " When brought
to trial," says the editor of the Wijuam,
who was one of 'em.
"Numerous and able counsel eagerly
volunteered to defend our cause."
They were to be tritd by a republican
judge and a republican jury, and every
j body thought they would go Scot fre
j Alas! however, for these high wrought
eTpectatioua. As Judge Trumbull boast-
fcJ t p,;oom:nptou:
"In tha republican City of Chicago, be-
1, by a jury mostly j
rei.ublicau, they were tosvicTtl) by a jury j
of law abidins men in the State of 11-1
) linois."
Aii, mat maae a ti.uercnco: success
but f.i'.uie is
aiwavs a crime.
These men had braved
tho law and were caught in its mc;hes.
Never did sympathy evaporate more rapid-
lv tut
iuu in i his case. Tho rescuers were
brought up for sentence, and our ll'iyicam
friend continues:
But on tL day of sentence and legal
retribution, liko the day of crucifixion,
the faces of sunny eiay friends shone not i
in Court, the learned counsellors stood I
afar off, and we were loft to tho compan
ionship of the stem officers of the Court,
and a small crod of gHpi:ig; cool-eved
doctors of tho law.
Mr. Uossnck had made a speech when
about to be sentenced, and as, of all other
caters in the country, none had been
more jubilant over the offence of which
he had bven convicted, and had patted
him more lovingly ou the shouldor and
spoken more er.coursgiLg and kindly
words to him before his trial, than the
Press and Tribune; surely now this same
Dress it Tribune would eagerly publish
his bold and defiant spch. Deacon Coe
procures a copy and hastens to the office
with it. He presents it to one of the edi
tors the same who holds, under this re
publican administration the btst office in
the State that of Canal Trustee, worth
S'JoQO a year. This was the result, in Dea
con Coe'a own words. Dr. Ray said, "Tell
in . -,f-iw r At' f Vtv." niuvtrn K ..!
AXIL. JL. tUULL J I 1- l .'. i-i.' si- - .
Let Mr. C. B. King, editor of the 117;-
wam, publish this if ho is honest. He is in
tho habit of copying all his abuse of the
democrats from the 1'. T., and vouching
for it. Will he now say that what tho ed
itors of that paper say about Messrs IIcs
sack A Stout is tiue or fake, and whether
he thinks that sheet is a fit exponent of
Republican principles.
Our friend Cludiu is indignant Ho
pitches into Judge Drummond, denounces
his mode ofadministering justice as hideous
and tyrannical, equal to the '-implacable
spirit of a Jell'erys or the cool malignty of
a Wentworth," and be denounces the fu
gitive law as repugnant to natural justice,
at war with the most cherished principles
of constitutional liberty and the noblest
sentiments of human nature.
But Claudius forgets to tell us that Judge
Trumbull, whom he is supporting for re
election to the U. S. Senate, says J udge
Drummond this Jefferys, Ac. did only
his duty; and that Abo Lincoln says the
South are entitled to a fugitive slave law,
"he is not prepareel toay whether the pre.
sent law should be amended."
It is a fine thing to abuse Judge Drum
mond and the fugitive slave law; but
would it not be more manly and honorable
at the same time to be consistent and oppose
the man who upholds that Judge anel that
law, and who denounces those who violate
its provisions as "lying, d d skunks 1"
More Oppression t
The publishers of the Prts Jb Tribune
are endeavoring to extort two hundred
and forty dollars from John Uossack for
publishing the proceedings of his trial
" Our pamphlet " probably not having on
that occasion proved profitable. This
beats Joe Knox. The abolitionists may
well exelaim, " save us from our (profess
ed) friends 1" Trumbull, Knox, and Pres
d- Tribune W booting them I
Caji't Go Likcolk. Mayor Henry, of
Philadelphia, elected by the republicans or
people's party, last spring, has come out
against Lincoln. He goes for Bell and Er
erett. . .
Under the head of " Cruelty to a Distin.
auished Man," the New York Journal of
0mt,xeeee mentions the taking o f Senator
Seward to the political laughter-house of
Chicago the Wigwam. '
From too Springfield Register. -
The Treasury Fraud.
An Honest Confession.
The Grand Total, $.53,4G0.fi0. -
The Chicago rrcssanl Tribune makes an i
admission, for which the people f Illinois 1
will l. trnlv iTiitet'ul. but which hai t.ro- !
voked curses, not only loud, but deep, from
the State olilcial. It has made an ac
count of the 1oksh sustaini'-d by, mid the
frauds produced upon tho State since the
inauguration of Republican State oiliccra
elected in lS5t. Wo take the account as
published by the 1 'res and Tribune, supply-
ing one or two tiimll itrms accidentully
omitted by that paper. The account stands
1. The funding of ninety day checks, discover-
ediH Kill. (Since secured, to the Nate).. I21.0UO
2. P yment M Leavitt of a boiriis c aim, disco.
rered in 1S..9. (not sectirsl to th,- State,).. 4',t)(K
3. Scrip funded to O'f trang lit 1S7, (not se
cured,) R,(rlO
4. Two bemis misting, (not secured.) 2,UOU
t. Honda issued for slebbins A- McAllister claim
(secured,) 24Q,00
C. dual l;:rip missing Oi.Giit
Interest su the same (not fcurr.i) . . 101 ,40') 190,600
7. Fraudulent contract for Limling. (uol se
cured,) 1 1,000
8. Intare.it collected l y Hate oflucr fir tha
u of State fundi, and kept ly olli -rs
lsnuiug, (uut secured,) ;K,Ct 0
Graod total r.::5,4i 0
It will be seen that the Stute h:ts been
protected ngaint the loss in tlie l;;r'
item No. 1 and No. ". TLe other larjjo
item No. f. is in a peculiar condition. In
the box and trunk sent to Springfield by
McIIoherts, he enclosed (so he -:iys) some
$S.i,n hi in uncnricelled scrip, which si-rip
is not now to be found The investigat
ing committee can find no evidence that
any part of it has ever been funded. Tho
Stato omcers can give no explanation of it,
but SUV that
over i?sue of bonds to
an amount at tnetl that of the mi?ing scrip
has taken place. They think that they
havo issued scrip to that amount more
than they ought to huve lone, liut do not
know the fact. Light will in all probabil
ity be thrown on that culjoct shortly.
The .State officers deny alro. uny knowl
edge of items No. C and S, but the eri
dence of them is full atnl complete.
It will be seen that uccording to the ac-
couat of frauds prepared Ly the Chicago i
Press and Tribune, the .tate has been j
swindled ino.t enormously !-i::ce the re- ,
puoiicans nave wen m omce. in me caso
of item No. 5, the fraud was expo-ed in
this jinpcr in time to nrrcst it con-umma-tion.
The bonds had actually I eon i-sue 1
by the .Stste officers with a kno.vl.-dt, m
tliir rit.rt I'ftj ln e. .f,.-.rl l.v tlr i
auditor, of tho fraudulent cLrai-tr of t!:u !
trar.iciion Thtt exno-; ire w&s, a l:.s a.1
the State officer, in l!. agsregato cf at
lert eighty thousand dvl'.ars: t'r,t : to
say had tl.w exposure been delayed two
months longer the rhare of tho State offi
cers in the ajzrcL'ata would not have be.n
less than eighty thou-and dollars.
Upon the fortune, the cr.t:re party who j
now awartn in the Stale house, could hare i
allonled to retire to private hf.y How j
much they have ma le out of tho other j
tranaetioi,s. cannot, until th final report
of the committee is made, bo prec.sely i
itated. I
We invite the attention of tho people !
of th Stat to the conduct of the pre.r-nt !
officers wh are asking f...r a reelection.
With the exception of the Lt-avitt fraud
of tlO.VM. all the other item in the long
account hate been committed throun ,
wis cnnit.iTice. collusion, rar.co or in- ,
capacity of the State officers,
been fitted fur their places, hr.
Had thtv i
1 theV btfli !
acpiaif.tf d with their duties, had they p"it a few day at the V hue Jloui.uins.
acted with the tr.t-Mi-gvrjce or vigilance ' WLil'J there, a very e i.t:; n-i.-tic dentin
that mi-'ht l.e ext.t etrd of a hov in a ?t.- 1 tr.tio:; was made, c'tinc him a recet-tion
eery store, not o
of t
i could have ben cor
a ci..rj. " i;0 ,,10.lt;. ,,:, 1 tsk
in an-i cr-h SJ"".'-o.'-f c..tir.t'-rfejt monry ?
ct'L.mue in n:s em
t Wcuiu I.? kee, in !.:.- (.---i'-o-. 1 a cU ;
! who kn-.wh'g Vy the r, .1, L- ."l'cl i
! the lank, that oi..v ?"') i f :.ctcs w.?re in
i circulation, wc-u! I talto .nt. 1 rt -I.-cm t2j.- '
000 cf ?U . h notes. knowing, its he tn-ist i
have known, that they arc f.-rged or f.au lu-
k-ntly e l t:.i:.ccl. And yet the :t. i.t
IHie OliiDTl, Iif litlYt IU l Win
bogus scrip, knowing as th-y did. frem the i
records cf their own of!:
but a few hundrrd d..!l
ini:, 8.-k tlie t.e'.-i'e. f 1 1 j
t..iit there was j
o. .1 mii-u:i'i- ,
lfeG t w e.ot .
them to office. The-y .u.d l;f
people, as parties to j;r-;tt fr.iud
stand before the people us p:irii s t
ulent transactions, havim; for ths
re the
they ,
r. -
i: 1-
0k.t ;
the obtaiuii.g of i:im;v iVtii the Slate,!
and thev have tj ehov- Uinen two u-- ;
fences: 1-t.
th coniem
to it, shari
That tb y bad
l.tt- d crime, tind
on ledi.'" f'f i
Hi re pal tics
I. That theV
the profits.
were so ignorant el the tlucica of thiir oi
lice, s' i:,c.pac:tated fe-r u ttu-
is rep.
1 it them, C'f so liCgiigeiit afi'l catelc-s HI
the ilirctirtrgee f tii-ir elaty that thy could
not, or elid not, di.-eritnir.rdo bt ween an
hoi. est u;id i .il''-houet t:. si. a tion. 'Either
alternative is
:t di-giiu e t l!.e c-P.lc
either i.i.-wer t. tlie charge .f neglect of
duty, ought t bj f,tal to th. se men. No
man will deny that had the State e.fficors
been faithful and vigilant in lb- discharge
of their duties, had they exercised one
half the care and rcrutiny in guarding the
people's treasury, thn.t thev have in fii'ir.g
their own pockets with fees and profits,
therp could not, and would riot, have been
perpetrated one single fraud of the long
list which is now mr.de up, but which Is
not yet completed by n:iy means.
We repeat what we have said before
let the tK.-ople rtmrn.btr that during the
thirty six years that the State Treasury
was in tha hands of Democratic eifficcrs,
the entire lo?se-s I v errors, frauds, Ac, did
not exceed C"Jr,t0 ), wl.il during the short
term that hits elp.-ed since tho republi
cans have be n in powor, only since Janu
ary, 1S57, tho J'ra'vh, practiced on the
treasury, alone amount to .:).j,'5,40O.
Look at Ujae.
Let the damocracy of Illinois tke cour
age by th example of their brethren in
Ohio and Pennsylvania. Notwithstand
inrr the unhallowed coalition against them
at the October election they have gaiued
three anel perhaps fovr members of Con
gress in each of these States. A gain of
at least ono membtr of Congress can be
made by our friends in the Teoria district,
if the democracy do their eluty. Kellogg
made himself so odioui during' tho last
session of Congre, that he must lose
largely among the republicans themselves,
and can easily be elcfefttcd if tho democra
cy stand by their arms.
Forciok. The niws from across the
waters continues stirring. There is fight
ing iu China, revolution threatened in
Greece and Italy. The Tope's General
Lamoriciere has been taken prisoner by
Garibaldi with all his army, at Ancona.
Crops in England unfavorable, and bread
stuffs advancing.
Death of Gov. Wii.lakd. Gov. Charles
II. Willard, of Indiana, died on the 5th
inst. at St. Paul, Minn., whither he hael
gone for his health. Ilis remains have
been taken to Indiana. He died of Con
sumption. Rev. Mr. Bewloy, a mcthodist clergy
man of Texas, who, the republicans have
been insisting, was hung as "a martyr to
free speech," is alive and well, and has had
11 ,1 iif
HO trOUDie Wlin nuuuuu J auoui uue
speech." The story . turns out like the
"Poor Martin White" story, of Fremont
and Kansas fame a ereat humbug.
The Buflalo (N. Y.) Commercial Adverti
ser, A Lincoln organ, says.
" The Bell Douglas men of Rensselaer
county have nominated an Irishman for
congress. Good for Sam."
To this the Albany Arpts thus responds :
" Y'es, and they will elect him, and that
... . t r IT , o .
will ue goou tor uncie oam.
The Evening Express has been started at
Savanah, Georgia. It comes out fojr Doro
LAaand Johvsov. ' .' ''.,' .'.' '
- " " Items. - -
Chl'fly eribbeit from the St, Louis Rrpullican,
' It is paid that the State of Michigan,
which made its deposits in the ArU.au'u
Bank of New York, will loose a large
amount by the recent failure of that insti-
. Pittsburgh is imitating New ork in the
matter of '-church trout-lea.
members of Dr. Docr.i.As' congregation
published a card in which thoy stated that
good reasons can be shown why Dr. D.
should not minister to tho congregation, a
body embracing among its members, .hus
bands and "wives." Significant allusions I
Eighteen hitherto ardent Black Rcpul
licatis of Eddy ville, Johnson County, Iowa,
lmvecomo over to tho Dovclah fold. The
Blacks are left so disheartened and weak
by their defection that they have been un
able to raise a Lincoln polo which they
havo had on tho ground for soma time.
Au teronaut ascended at Purdy, 1'eniL,
last week, with a goosse, ami when among
the cloud-; threw it out, tho fowl alighted
without inj iry.
' Much fir is fvlt at the continued de
cline. oT Nantucket. Her harbor is gradu
ally tilling up, ami tho whaling buainios
partially slopped.
A young man in Taunton, llasachu
eetts, last week, ran half a mile in two
minute and forty sccoikIs.
Tho fugitive clave Sims, who created
such a furor in Boston some time ago, is
now ollVrod for sale at i 1,500, by his owner
in Georgia.
A once prominent member of the Eng- '
lish P. R , styled ,l L nduuiittitl Dick, is ;
uovv a preacher, and is crrulini quite a !
sensation by his sermon to the working I
classes. j
,, , , , .. e ...
The unexampled heath of New Orleans ;
the-piecent season u attributed in part, ;
tcrthe rcpaving of the principal thorough- .
fares with gramte blocks, thereby prevent- 1
iiignoxiou exhalations.
, . ., . . v ;
e learn irom iu; .-roosioot (Jie.;i
Jura! I, tnat one 11, rv. L. Morse, a .detiio
dist miniter," has proved to be a wolf in
rheeo'a cluthiiu. Ilis oil'--nao is the .sa-
Judtioa of a married woman. On the .th
u;t.. wa4 Lurnod in effigv. An effort
vwrf to arrest him, but he decamped.
"A grand fox chase for the benefit of
candidates far county offices," ia announ
ced to come off at Allien. M i.-s , to-:urro'.v.
0!i!ce arid fc-i hunters, wiil uko prt in the
1M. 1m, 1 n ,t1..-.r r:f t,nir,I- cp
'... 'u- i i.w. ii ... .1 I--;.. :.v snr..i.v
, tabbed his wife in tho bieast. because she
had prepared no tuppf r for him.
i 74r. Yancey is to tpeak in 1'ur.eiiil Ila'.I.
' RoJtou, on the loth, fcuijcet-
The Or-w ego (N. Y. Time saV4 that one
amuci Austin, a ie.-idt-nt of Ambv. is
unJer three in-tictmenU two for ntf
u 0I, hia u.tUrs, one. a d th irteeii and
tfc0 glter LMi.eu. and another for incest
'plt.84j horrible offences areallesed to have
taw.n i.bce at Amboy about aear ago.
. -1 J
T1; 3Icthc.'li.t confer nee. in se?.ion at
Dexter, Michigan, ha dec hue J agfiinet '
tolpscco and slat cry.
rv th of Gov. Wiiiard. of Indi.t-
l;a duti of ,J1H nMU.e 1(,Vf,jft u.t
Jioll, Governor Hammond, until th mid-
rr f.
A son of
j as the I'rin
! v.-a 5 f i.'ir.ed
A Rail-,
e-cort ti
,:i,e, ;ir..J
rjctchfe tv ere made.
j A Chap who wtit to Calif-
it. a to.-r, u
:i 1
subso-t'tentlv became vrv rich is now
extrava; a::l tliat tie k; o:i icecream
R.-mlniiil P. al the -ir.h
Am-rican ft
t.-t. it ---J at i'h
i on
WedncstUV fart. JK was y.T.'
prorl the reno-t of ti e c-.rr.rr.iv
pnblic chariti s in New York, it
jl:Cl - of
..,.. t,e r,.Vi commitment-, cr an uver-
A t atxu'. tix commitments to each per
,,0., !;i ....to'lt two HlOHtllS
ou, in r.to'.
I;o:i. Rob. Tooml -self,
in a lato p-oliti-'i
date fr the iVc.-id.
l.i announced him
1 .-peeli, :.s a can li
icv of the sovereign
St.,te of Occr
ia. in the event of Li:iCu!i
elect. on.
JiXtS r. clIVNAX
New York I. d:cr
otilv for the
ee i.ero:
;atrrday, Sept. , 1("'.
My Dear Sir
1 liave leceived vour
1 chall most cheer-
i tavor e
if th
e u inst.
fnl'v comply wilit your reo'iest. and fur
nish you a sketch of the hie of Wii.i.iav
T ,wvf,ra wi nnr: us Ti.s'L-lfV It r as I
! one of the irre-stest. wisest, and purest1 Fr.or.v lor: Siifkuf We find in Water
i statosmen that have ever adorned our : R- awa. wheie he is of
and vet hi m-morv has ben
skTlV 'W'-lC'.
ie,.,l The truth is that mv i
t ubhc duties occur v mv
time at
rfse'nt. I had lUpeel I might enjoys
eimro after the adjournment of Congr
leir-uro after the Adjournment of Congress: i
tut in this I bare been disappointed. If :
u-.k before, I hope to furnish vou the '
skfctch loon after the 4th of March. This !
from hie will bo a' tribute not only to jus-1
ticia but to rat;'-id9
Yours verv repectfullv
" James Bcciianan.
RoiiKRT Conner, Esq.
Mor.TAi.iTV in Ottav,-a. We understand
that quite a number of children are fall- j
ing victims to that fell disease, malignant :
sore throat, in Ottawa. Over one hundred 1
and lifty children have already died, some j
, ,. 1 t A 1 ' 1 It 1 I
af lulls nave oeen at.acieett. atiu muiua,
we lelieve, has also been fatal. It is pre-
u ci c.iv- ' - i - - j
vears ago, and with tho same sad results, j
If we mictane not, there have been some !
..t,-iA iti.2 in r. w nrlc sniilft TWO
lCVV CasCS 111 lUis Ticmnj, uuiinj iiio 1.1.11, i
spring, and we believe some havo been !
treated very sueeessfullr. Perhaps, tho', ;
the type of the elisoase was then not so j
malignant as now, when it must be consi-;
dereel as a regular epidemic. La Salle j
Standard, 10rA. j
Our friend of the Standard has been im. !
posed upon. There have been a number j
of cases of sore throat in Ottawa, and a few j
deaths, but certainly not a tithe of the :
mortality the above would indicate. Tho
eliseaso is easily managed if taken in time.
The following original " dismalisms" are
frefm the Cincinnati Press :
Tho first dead head AbcL
W'hcn persons aro bent on Matrimony,
they are bent double.
A - Buck-eye abroael tho President's
squinting optic.
The self elected speaker of the house
a woman.
An effective sue-ing machine a wife
begging her husband for a new bonnet.
Important to boot and shoe dealess : how
to create an advance in leather insult a
laely in the presence of a gentleman.
Pauline, in tho " Lady of Lyons," talks
eleiquently of "the crown tho Bourbon
lost." . That is nothing to the crowns
Bourbon has cracked.
Financial pharmacy. However great a
drug money may become, no one finds it
hard to take.
.-.- Mgn .whejr.unelertake to make a canoe
should, scream aloud, because they can
only accomplish their work by hollowing
-. Some persons say it is exceedingly easy
to get a wife. W o never knew any to get
one without trouble.
The wickedness of the " softer" sex is
shown by the fact that the first word the
first woman ever uttered was a-dam (Adam)
Bov Shot. On Sunday afternoon a young
lad, William Fareis, Was accidentally shot,
by the dischar. of a comrad's gun, while
out on a pleasute excursion about three
miles from this city. The shot lodged in
the left thigh, tearing away a large por
tion of flesh and leaving a large and ragged
wound. We understand from the attend
ing physician, Dr. Jtoriarty, that his situa
tion is still critical,! though there is every
hope of bis speedy recovery. Jl Salh
Standard.', , , . . ' , . .'5V .'
- Irrsurrectlonary Plot In Virginia.
There seems to be an insurrectionary
plot fomenting among some of the. negroes
in Princess Anne and Norfolk counties,
Va. The NorfolK papers of Saturday
bring ns various accouuts in regard to tho
affair. Tho Argus, of that city says:
Several negroes have arrested in Princess
Anne, and their confessions, (though in
some cases extorted) have developed the
same story, and led to further arrests.
The confessions show that a rising was
contemplated at Hickory Ground, in Not
folk county, to-morrow (Sunday) night,
and that the matter was instigated by free
persons, some of them free negroes. Two
arrests have been made in Norfolk city,
and the trail is fully struck.
Tho citizens of tho two counties have re
sorted to vigilant measures to suppress
this vile- conspiracy, and to detect all of
ft. ndci'5 of all colors. Active patrols havo
been organized and gone to work. We
ad visa all suspected white persons to quit
the parts 'between two days." On Thurs
day i.ight a white man named Flynn was
shot dead by a patrol party in Norfolk
county, on the line of tho canal, about 17
miles from Portsmouth. There were seve
ral iiii-u engaged in ditching; and they
were camping out in that neighborhood.
i I he place was suspected, and their tent
: vibited by the patrol for a search. When
j the patrol approached the tent, and hailed
j the man I'lynn came out and aimcJ his
; gun at Mt. Warner, on of the party ; but
; I , r ! ..,..1 I ' - i i .a. j. l t.
I ui-iui' u tuui't lire, lit! was siioi aeat iy
I anotlior of the party.
Al tho same mo-
i meilt a lirgro Uai te'l lrom the tent and
e.-caped into tlie woods. A fjeo negro i
named Dick Smith, has been shot also;
he, howevor i not dead. We understand
that ho was ehot while running from some
gentlemen who were endeavoring to ar-
rest hi:n for some incendiary exnraasion
t,j;,t , e uc,.d .fM g I
K( Jn Vru. A j 2
ia Norr0uc c;tv
., , , r.
1 -Norfolk Day B.,ok, of Saturday
evMiiug, Las tho following:
V'e cctitirjue to receive information from t
the surrounding country of the most in- j
ten.-e excitement among the people. They
are thoroughly aroused and contrail v in- ;
cei:rcd, and th'j leading geritleme.'i of thu J
two counties hav t ikeu hold of the. m.it- j
t. r with a dctt-imination to pr.bu it to the !
bottom. Almost all with "horn we havo j
eoiivr.--d are fuily impre-ed with the con- j
victi -ri thut another raid tt on foot, orat 1
b-a-t that ;.n esteiuhw underground rail-;
road n'iii-me has b'-en I rok--n up by its !
timely eii-CfVery. It is a little r-ingular !
that thct opei ati-'l.s hou!d liave Cmhi- ;
l:i(--:c t-d in tin coutity in which Gov. Wi-e '.
ic-.id.-, R'el it i strpp-e-ed the tuad fanatic J
who had the direction of this movement i
had eorne ie-:g:i o.i him ii!il family llr tho
lum un-.l decided stand he took in the c:p- i
ture u:iu execution ot Jolm Jirown.
Juegrt Je.-sun, of Pennsylvania, who is
entiag 1 sT'eakin through tiie cotintrv iti
the black republican cause, had hisp-ket ;
picked in th- Car.-. i:i Jersey City, Saturday j
morninsr l-t. of a v.aiitt Containing about i
j-J,' -J'J in bank bihV
LIraiirrxllon Hetnlag. J
The IHii;oin CVr.tral Railroad Company's I
sales of htnds lat month, v-ere larger than i
in any single mor.th titu e l5i"; aicl it is j
jui: f id. i.t thut a steady emigration to j
this tat- of j ractical farmers is now going j
o.i. Tho number of ucres t.id w. re .s,lj5 i
for Si;.'l
'J iit..-
re divided among I
P-'T purc:i.-.M.rn. 1
,e:ng :t:i a vera g'
of about
seventy acre- to each, 'ilic de.-irc to pur- j
chuso n ,.,; sections of Iad, has caused )
the ruin of ni.tny a settler in our State,
i.i 1 thi- f-ufire of t!;e j riseiit sale i very j
iti::-oit.n:t. Eighty a-res urefpiite et.ough j
fji-the :.: i.. iii.fi' e ti a Umiiy. atid we!
a:e- i'i :d t,.- s. e a !.:.s of 1 ut- j who are J
ii' -t ilk. ly I; v. rb itthr n the :.:.-e!ve- with '
debt. '1 ' ' aiiv s terms are undi a '
ere.t :: vtn r)ijr t5 k-'h-h vears. w
iM.-ic.-t ..:
v. it.ee. 'ii.
i i I yt a',
thic- y. rs
men; of i-.l
:a ( r cent
r :.r.:n i:: ad
U t:.? T u:ci.. r of s.1 ai res at
.lit i per ar.uM for the first J
. r'g'-.-icui.'.Sy annual pay-
cat i. wi.ic.j t-cttres u.iii
homcstc-u-.t. i'l'.ss i- 7V.wun.
A F:x-:! F.trr Cur Candidate for State
i n t'.or. .Mr. I'is-, and cur Rt-pre.-eutaf.ve
a:. iid:t.. Mr. Bio.ver, w are tol l are ;
::ciat a:.d educated farmers, ;
o wi.i liii iei-tari'l lae wants oi t.'io peo- ;
and wiio will receive their nnt j
cor..ai s'.ij j-ort. i-'.it tut? e.et iiuti oi i: '
Evan-. L'j. of La ;!!, you may put down )
as on- of thing- that nr to be. Evar.s i j
n:i ir.t.-llegciitiii.d able lawver, une-io juviit j
speaker and a gentleman toward- all. It j
is i.lr-'.L.ly ;;! a.-certaiucd fact'" tii.lt ' ljts" ,
o! I;' V"? !ii:,:S wIU -"fw'' lliin if: prfcferenco j
t i e
icr of tho-o that havo been put on
ticket. .V n l'.'.j Tim 3.
course, t.est Known, tnai prominent ucpuo-
Hcans aro against n;m. tncy are no water-
,",4:l l.cpu'.l.cans, Imt wiu go lor Mory.
1 lorv is popular with all classes, t roin
r . .. ii . i - . i
nuai e uam m uui wu,
other d.iy, our lionet estimate is, that
Democrats to a man w id go for
1 -ry. the Republicans themselves almost
fn nnifse, will bolt Waterman, and go lor
1,1111 Hldo- l lV0 hundred majority at least
i U'"J set no-a u iur rioiy, in ui." iv ii;
ship alone Whether the whole Demo-j
cratic ticket in the countv is elects t or not, I
we regard Flory's election as a "ele-ad nior-
rd ce-riaintv. Mtndota ltmes.
T PI K h A D I K S .
j ."
fllUK underpinned would announce
J to tne LaJie of Ottawa and coun
try, tliat L Las received the Fall
styles of
And M.LI.ISKRY in general, wliich
are ail Tcry beautiful, tcretder with
i w inr
ti e latest mtIcs of Iirrss, e'loak, and
Cl:iltlrens' Patterns, and is ready to
rut and fit and make all Custom Work
in her Iiue that she may be called up
on to do. Please rail and mnene her patterns.
Shc.p over Mr. II. O. Black's Urccery. opposite Man
sion lt.iuse. oclSJ Mas. SARAH UKLeHi, jlysut.
Fresh Drugs and New Books !
MY Fall and w inter stocK is now complete. 1 nare
a rerj large and full assortment of
nurcis a.u ?ji:iici.es,
Includiuj all the new remedies and latest preparations.
Physicians and others will find my articles reliable, and
a competent person always ready to wait oa llieni.
SoH lleams of l'apr and Envelopes, or all sixes;
Tot) f tales, assorted six-.-s ;
Clank Uocki and School Hooks, of all kinds.
Teachers will find s lxrce variety of Children's Boots,
Pnnitr-, and Cards, for gifts and premiums.
Atwater's Scliool Cards and School Government.
By way of variety, I am ordering Music and Books
every week, when wanted. focl8-l3J E. Y. GRIGGS.
STATE OP ILLINOIS, La StUe County, . To the
December term of La Ss'le flnuntv. a.d. 1S0O.
deceased Notice of ltesirnation.
rilO ALL H.USO.VS C0XCKK.KI : Take notice.that
JL the undersigned, guardian of the heirs of John
Itohn, deceased, will, at the December terra ef said
Court, to be hvlden at the Court House in the city of
Oitawa, in said county, an the first Monday of Decem
ber, IsCO, present te said Court, for acceptance, his re
signation of the office of guard ian of the heirs of John
Kohn, deceased, according to the statute in snch case
made and provided. JOS. M AlKUHOFfcR,
Guardian for th heir of John Kohn, ticecated.
Hex-rick's Sugar Coated Fills,
rflHK best Family
X Cathartic in Ibe
WORLD ; used twenty
years by five millions of
rsasoss annuany,
ways give satisfaction ;
contain nothing injuri
ous ; pntronir.ed by the
Principal Physicians
and Surgeons iu the
Union ; elegantly coat
ed with sugar. Largo
Boxes V Cents, S Boxes
Onb Dollar. Full di
rections with each box.
Warranted icporior to anr r" r
Ilerrick's ICxd Strengthening ler
. nnlns aiid weakness of the breast,
fide Ind bcs?and kheumatic complaints in er.u.ll,
short "peri of thee. Spread on beautiful whit, lamb
skin their use eahjscts the wearer to no ineonreolence,
I nd'each ene will wear from one week to three aionlhs.
L'erri'ck's'&ngar Coated Pills and Kid Plasters are
sold by druggists and merchants, in aH parts of the
United States, Canada, and South Ameri.ia, and may
b obtained by calling for thant by their full names,
ocia-ly Da. L.R.HERRICK CO., Albany, N.T.
' Kereseene Oil.
TriOSB that do not Hire to nse fluid, can And the best
tejUlty of tosi OU a fferli! D. WALKBK'St
Fall" and Winter Goods,
f! i
We have now in Store, a large and complete stoeV of
Among Lith nay be found
Of th: latest and most desirable styles,. such as
lil'trk and Fancy Silks, 1'la'm ami Figured
Merinoes, 1'aramrttas, Valencia, De
; lairus, J'laids, 1'rlnU, dc .
A large lot of Urocl.a and Blanket SliawU. Also,
Cloak, Itu('mu, and I.uaicb' Clolb.
We have choice patterns of Brussels, Three Ply, Io-
erain. Wool, and lienin Carpets and ilattiors. Al
Oil Cloths and ISugsj. .
Domestic Goods.
I trills, Ilcititnt, tStrijifx, Caitton
Wool Flannels, Ticks, lileachcd
SUtetinjs, f-c, iic.
Our alMk ef
Is large, and a ill he soid at prices tliat defy co uj.eti -tiou.
We have a larf e lot ol
; loves,
To be soi l cheap.
YKi:i: NOTHING, in I Aidless Variety.
Our patrons will alaays find a good sssortmect of
Asd ren.en:lr that tre eaanot be undersold.
Ilitttcr, Es5? Laid, &c,
Taken in excl.ir;-: for CtoJs.
Eff jth j ai l f r W. ol an I Timotby Seed
Corner of Maia atJ LaS'le Sis., Kattinger's Block
vttava, vcrowcr 10, liO.
Latest & most Desiiable Stjles.
A !rr aini coaiptete auortment
Just deceived.
TE take pleasure in announcing to ear friends and
V V patrons, and the public generally, that we have
Just received a splendid assortment ot
Fall and Winter Goods,
Of all desirable qualities and prices.
SHAWLS, Jtc, Ac.
Domestic Goods,
Is the best ever brought to this city, and will be sold
prices that cannot be beat.
Sheetings, Denims,
Canton Flannels, Bleached Muslins,
Stripe,' Ticks,
d-C., d-C, d-C
We also have a splendid stock of
Cloths. CasBlinercs, Satinets,
irrvrrCKT JEANS, and a complete assortment O
KENTlCl "-rori. Trimmings,
Flannel of All Kinds, sma qualities
BL'CK. MITTS AND GLOVES, a splendid stock. La
dies Gloves and Ilaaiery,
Together with all articles usually kept ia a
. - , .
Which ws shall sell Va cheap as tho etieapest." Those
desiring to purchase, will do well to, c saruiae u steck
before buying elsfrhr- .
Jieddick'a Moci, No. 2, East of Court House.
Ottawa, October 10,160.
Grand Opening
C. E. Pratt & Co.'s
This day.
Saturday, October 6th, 1860."
Tlie Common Cloth at t.5,
Tli Ric-U Vclvrl at $30.00.
the japanese,
the zouave,
the prince of wales,
And other stylui.
llilliiicry Opening !
C. E. Pratt & Co.'s,
Tiiis day,
ut unlay, October ;tli, lUO.
':) BON N ETS,
At all prices. We shall be in receipt of
It Jit HO NX, Jfcc,
tarly in the week. Pamet in quest of a nice
Fasliioiililc I'all Stlc of lloiiuat
Hd better ( r, us a call.
a l: pratt & co:s.
nuociic SHAWLS,
Tho latest styles at the lowest prices.
Best Fust Color Calicoes,
We have on hand
lOO PltTcn of Kcuturky Jcant,
One llundretl Piece ef DC f,AIE
fact every Lady in E.a Salle Co.
Patreniaa the Store that has been the means of
Jtcdueivt rricts in Ottawa from 10 to 25 per
We are selling CUEAFKIi TOJ.Y &fKR, sad tkaA
we have everything in the way ef .
siren as s
canton flannels
C. i: PRATT C,
Ottawa Outebcr 13, 150.
, mm '

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