Newspaper Page Text
free 7 fl OTTAWA,IILL., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881 NUMBER 21. VOLUME 42. LOCAL MATTE ELECTRIC LIGHT! FANCY GOODS, Popular Gift Books, ALBUMS, Christmas Cards, Fine Pictures Frames, STATUARY, Japanese & Swiss Goods Fine Glassware. Vases and Toilet Sets, Dolls and Toys, Etc., Etc. We show a greater va riety of Holiday Goods than any other stare in this County. The Finest Stock of Holiday lreent In thl. County. Call and see our Electric Light. OSr.lAN & IIAPEMAN. WEST OK COURT HOUSE OTTAWA. .NEW rUBLlCATlONS. STANDARD BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. TVe have Just opened a Isritc stuck of new cilltloiu of Standard Wonts, to which we Invite public attention. Thene book are all thi year's edition, bound in the lent manner, (n cloth extra, black and gold, uith head band and -ilk marker. We Offer at 70 Cents, Kobinson Crusoe. Arabian Nights. Swiss family IJoblnnon. Scottish Chli'fd. Thaddeua of Warsaw. Children of the Abbey. Don Quixote. Vicar of Wakefield, and ran and Virginia, Pilgrim's PVuKruH. Gulliver's Travels. Karon Munchausen. Gil Illas. Willy Reilly. lockhart's Life of Napoleon llonaparte. Ijist Days of Pompeii, Dickens' Child's History of England, large type. All of Mayne Keld's Works. .Ksop's Fables, with more tliiin 50 Illustration. All of the Warerly Socel at 70c per vol. All of Plcken' Work at 9o per vol. Gibbern' Rome at 60c per to. Hume' England at 60c per vol. ' Macaulay' England at flic per tel. Also an immense line of Jucenlle. in covers of 1S!, at prices that have never been equaled. Thl t the mtit complete line of cheap book offered In thit county. Also fine Books, in handsome bindings. New stock of Bibles In all sizes at a wide range of prices Xo. IS La Salle tlreet remember, (. the only Jlrit clan Hook Store in La Salle county. All Invited to examine our stock and compare It with any lock In thecouuty. Respectfully. OSMAN & IIAPEMAN. . MASOMC. Regular communications of Occidental Lodge No. 40 A. T. A. M., first and third Mondays of each month. Solo mon Degen, w.M.; Jaa. McMaunus, 8. W.; Lotlirop per kins, J. W.! H.C. Nasb.Treas.: A. M FIotTman, Sec. KegularconvoeHtionsof Shabbona Chapter No, 37 It. A. M., first and third Wednesdays of ciicli month. Win. L. Milllgan, H. P. ; Samuel J. Chapman, K. ; Justus Harris, b. ; Henry C. Nash, Treaa ; A. M. Hoffman, Sec. Regular Conclaves of Ottawa Commandery No. 10 K.T., second and fourth Tnursdays of each month. C. I. Trim fcle, E. C; K. M. McArthur. Uenerallsslnio: E. II. Smith, Capt. Gen'l: H. C. Nash, Treaa.; A. M Huffman, Recorder. MOUKNING PAPER, K.?S.M't UtmaD A Hawmas's. west of Cunrt Houso Livery & Feefl Stable. PETER EGAN Weald respectfully anuounoe to the citizens of Utuwa anti lelnlty that he has one of lhi tnotcest Livery stocks la ton tltr. at the City Stables, such as the Latest Stairs of Hicks, Carriages and Buggies, To let at price to (alt time. Parties, WeddlnfS. Funeral. P1e-Nle,e,. supplied with oofl rtg on short notice, and Panwals Id the country or adtolalnt town promptly at tended to, Persons taken to and iron the depot, or to the aonntry. night or d-' tsT Kesemtwr the place OB Main 'ret, near Vox liiver Bridge. , Janet, m. fKTKB KGAK. OUR AGENTS. THE FREK TRADER raT be obtained at the following place by the single copy, or subscription will be Uken for any length of time at the regular rates : B. Wilbt, Seneca. B. L. Doxasho, Strrator. I. B. Tbowbsidob. Marseilles. Gio. H. Hbbobb. for Troy Grove, Ophlr and Waltham. Address, Troy Grove. The paper is always on file at the office of the Bock Island R. R., M Clark St.. under Shrroisn House, Chicago, for con venience of oar Mends. The M. E. Church Sunday School are prepar ing an elaborate Sunday School service for Christmas night, of whkh farther particulars will be given next week. Ready for Uuslness. Mr. II. J. Gillen's dry goods store has been ouite restocked during the past few weeks, dur- tog most of which time Mr. Gtllen's efforts have been chiefly exerted to make the stock for the holidays as largo and elegant as possible. The entire house has been refilled with goods, and he has now an enormous stock on hand or goods or every variety, filling the building completely. They are goods particularly desirable at this time, and all the novelties of the trade will be found In stock: A complete line of cloaks, dolmans, and shawls; An endless variety of tine dress goods, silks, plushes, velvets, trimmings, Ac, Fine line of silk novelties at prices that would ruin most dealers! All fancy notions and holiday novelties, in great variety. Indeed there Is no questioning the character of this stock by those who have seen it. It is as complete and extensive as this great county de mands and has been put in to meet the demands or thiscountv: to be the leadiiur stock of tlie county in goods and in prices, for Mr. Olllcn is confident he is offering prices in all departments that can not be met elsewhere In this county. This is strong, but the goods and the prices asked will warrant it. The boot and shoe houses are in equally good shape to give satisfaction, and it is always the custom of the house to never take a back peat to any one on quality or variety of goods or low- nessof price on any article. All requested to' call. The City Mills are grinding buckwheat, and we do say it "takes the cake" for buckwheat; or, rather, the cakes are taken, or anyway, the buckwheat is pure and good and you can't find better in Ottawa. Just try it once. A Labyrinth. And a profusion of holiday goods, so much so that it is almost impossible to decide which to choose. On first entering it is rather amazing to see the tine display of goods and so artistittal ly arranged that it exceeds general admiration. The boys are noted for their line judgment in se lecting choice goods, and certainly their stock of goods for exccllancy is not excelled by any house in the city. In spite of the bad condition of the roads and inclemency of the weather, they are enjoying a very large trade as usual. As they are the strictest cash house in the city, you can rely on getting hardpan prices. So if you have any loose half dollars that you wish to dispose of, we would be pleased to give you value in return. Call and see those goods at FoiiiiEs & Flick's. More novelties are arriving daily especially adapted for holiday presents. Adding these to the already unsurpassed stock of Jhristtnas goods at Gehrlng's Drug Store? makes it the place to select. Remember that the prices are marked down to sell the goods, as I have no room to cary them over. We are not Satan, nor a frieud of Satan, and yet we do not hesitate to admit, that we are chuck full of Umptalions, our temptations, how. ever, are good in their nature and object. They arc handsome, lovely, beautiful, sweet and harming goods for Christmas presents. Come and see them. A. Lynch. Solid rresents) for Christinas. A genuine IXL Wostenholuis pocket knife se lected from our "big new stock." A tine pair of skates or a cheap pair. An outlit from our "verd antique" llower pot stands (we have the finest stock in the county); wire stands that will hold twenty to thirty flower pots. "Kodgers"' plated ware. Fine and cheap table cutlery and carvers. Or, select an outtlt from our immense kitchen furnishing department. We can fityou out nice ly with an "Acorn," range or stove, with all utensils in the hardware, tinware, glassware, wooden or willow-ware, crockery and granite ware line. If you buy your Christmas presents or any oth er goods, we guarantee you something that will be the btst and as cfwap as can be bought. Manley, Jordan it Many old friends and acquaintances in Ottawa wlli read with deep pain the announcement of the death, at Hudson, N. Y., on the 12th inst., of Mrs. J. C. Dubois, remembered here as Era Kim ball, daughter.of II. W. Kimball, a foraier mer chant of this city. We have no particulars be yond the bare announcement. Doctor's prescription medicated flannel under wear at A. Frank & Co.'s, the clothiers. Life of Garfield, by Horatio Alger, for !, at Osman A Hapeman's. Day Light at Night Is what everybody says when they enter Scott Bros. A Co.'s Btore. This is the only electric lighted dry goods store In Illinois. Vou can buy goods In tlieir trce i.icht at this store. Ladies' velvet embroidered slippers at Child & l'hipps'. If you intend buying Christmas presents come and see my goods, and my prices are bound to please you. E. Y. Gmoos. Fine candies, mixed candies, nuts, Ac, for the holidays supplied in any quautity on a moment's notice at L. Hess's Bakery. The season is getting late for overcoats, and Wm. Trabing says his stock be gotten rid of, and is making prices at that rate. IV-inorest's portfolio for fall and winter at Os man A Hapeman's. Trice. 15 cents. Easy chairs, new styles at Kussell & Sm'.o. ftuuta Claus' Headquarters Are at Walther's, where he has a big lot of all kinds of toys, notions and fancy goods, candies, nuts, fruits, dec., Ac. Call and see him. See my holiday stock aud you will be happy; see my prices and you wil be more than happy Come early. Don' forget my dolls and toys. E. Y. GHiot.s. Wool and silk muffler, neckwear and gloves, just the thing for a holiday present, at A. Fraiik & Co.'s. A new stock of beautiful gold and velvet pic ture frames just received at Osman Hapeman's Diamonds. Hess, the jeweler, on La Salle street, opens to. day roitTY thim sanu hollar' worth of Diamonds. This will be the finest and most complete line of these sparkling and valuable goods ever shown in Ottawa. They arc all pure and nwrtmttii to be genuine aud perfect. They are set in all the latest designs and com prise all styles of diamond jewelry worn by la dies and gentlemen. The prices will vary accor- ding to quality, and in every case the exact mar.'Jrggg goods. ket value only will be asked, according to weight i ami r.nalttt Tf vrvil (Llll't. U'Ant tn LllV fVI't1 till ' 'J VIU .1 .J I JV. I. ...... - j ... ... most modest of these little gems you can look at them all the same, and will be welcome. In addition Mr. Ucss carries a large and ele gant line of silver ware, gold and silver watches, solid gold and silver jewelry, and all the novelties of the jewelry and silver ware trades. His stock is new, elegant and complete, and In sl.e, varle ty and reasonableness of prico, second to none in La Salle county. F.wing Porter, tbe buyer and manager of J. E. Porter's hardware department, spent most of the week iu Chicago selectiug goods. Porter has a full stock of shelf goods, axes, Latehets, saws, picks, shovels, spades, carpenter's tools, large assortment of the best of table cutlery, heavy plated table and tea spoons, fancy granite tea pots, tin ware, bollow ware, granite ware; a fine stock ot heating stoves, cook stoves and ranges, whieli beat the world for lowne68 of price. Think of a bix-hole range with reservoir furnished complete for t'Z. Give Porter & call and he will prove to you by the low prices he makes you on goods, (and not selling at cost either,) that Ewing is the best and closest buyer In Ottawa. For a real tine Christmas present you cannot get anytlilug prettier than one of those exqui site Perfume Caskets at Gehrlng'e, or an Opera Glass or (fold Headed Cane, Colored Toilet Set, Glove and Handkerchief Set, Cigar Set all in Russia leather. The finest and cheapest lot of Photo and Autograph Albums in the city, at Gehring's, north of court house. Various Note, ' Messrs. King, Hamilton A Co., at their ma chine shops in north Ottawa, are about to begin making wagons. Should that business prove sat istactory to them, it will be pushed to the utmost xtent; and the product of the factory confined to their famous shelters and wagons. They are now running from 40 to 50 men on shelters, gophers and their tile ditcher. The improvements in the Starch Works are about completed, and the. first soaking of corn is now In the vats. Next week grinding will be- gin, and In about two weeks starch will be dry. ing iu the kilns. Tbe nature and extent of the improvements will be given In detail by us next Mk. A meeting of the incorporators of the Chica go A Peoria railroad was called for yesterday af ternoon at Chicago. Mr. Catlin and Mr. Lewis represented this jpart of the line. It is believed surveys will begin soon. The Sanders Bros, are building themselves a new two story frame slnp on La Salle st., be tween Dewey Bros.' foundry and the Illinois riv er bridge. A very tine lot of musical albums, music box es, vases, cups and saucers, hobby-horses, sleds, wagons, drums, and china and wax dolls, and sold cheap at Walther's Santa Clans store. An I' neq nailed Stock, Our new stock of books is now open. The stock is so complete and extensive there is no question it is the only Jlnt elatx book t-k in tht city. Our stock was not bought for the purpose of flooding the country with old editions at oppar- entbj low prices. We are selling uoe Ixxiks, in new editions, in new and strong bindings, thi unixon's publica tions, for the same and less money at which oth ers are offering last yar's stock. We will show you a line of the Poets, Standard Wotks, the most valuable, elegant and complete line of Juveniles ever opened in Ottawa. This is fa t and not bran. Don't buy books until you have seen our stock ; or you will regret yourpurchase. Osman A Hai'Eman. Call and see us when looking for boots and shoes. cnii.ii ij rmrra. Christmas cards -the finest line and largest variety to be found in the city, at Osman A Hape man's. 'HI Year. Twenty years' experience in putting up pre scriptions. Forhes A LOKRIACX. Diaries for lSffci Christmas presents for 11 Holiday goods for all at E. Y. Griggs's. The Holiday trunk, something new, just re. ceived at A. Frank A Co.'s. Choice Christinas apples and cider at Walther's Santa Claus store. ile has the largest line of knives, dolls, diaries, vases, family bibles, albums, cups and saucers, mugs, Christmas cards, juvenile books, and toys, and the lowest prices. E. Y. Gkiols. A suitable Christmas present would be a nice pair of boots or shoes purchased of Child A Phipps. A handsome box of linen handkerchiefs would be a nice present only 50c at Scott Kros. A Co's, We received yesterday a full line of the famous "Lowell Kngraved Cards," of designs of 11-2, for ball programmes, invitations, A:c., and very fine advertising purposes. Nothing neater is to be found in the city. Indeed, the Fkee Trader printing rooms is the only house that pretends to carry this high-grade line of goods. We also take orders for several hundred other styles of goods of this class, which will be tilled on short notice. For the holidays socially, tbe Free Tra deb offers novelties in printed invitations, pro grammes, admissions, dinner names, Ac, that no other house In the county will pretend to equal. Call and see our goods. O.-MAX & HAI'EM Decline of Kan. Impotence rf mind, limb, or vital function, nervous weakness, sexual debil.ty, Ac, cured by Wells' Health Renewer. 11. At druggists. De pot Max Kneujsl. At Hull's This Week. The finest assort men of silk handkerchiefs ever shown in any store, at prices way down: large kll silk, 35c, or three for 11.00; good siz.e, 19c; jtne fot.,t for f,i.oo in the city, The best assortment of ladies' neckwear ever thown. I Stock full of r.ew and desirable novelties for t'hristmas presents. Old fellow, your wife would Ike an India shawl. Come to Hull's and get it, (ml if she has one, then take a pattern of silk; br remember we take the lead in silks and line Ladies, call and sec If we have not got some ilng nice for the llttlo ones that will be useful. Our stock is new, fn first class shape ana wc till sell cheap. W. II. Hull. Mr. R. H. Trask's jewelry store under the new dectric light Is as handsome a store as will be ten in many a day, the light on the gold and sil- lerware, and the handsome decoration of the rpom, is wonderfully beautiful. In this holiday season he certainly offers great attractions. His Stock Includes i Solid gold and silver goods, j New novelties in silverware, ; Gold aud silver watches, Diamonds, jewelry, The famous Gorham plate, And the thousand and one novelties of a first class jewelry store. All In all, we know of no house in Ottawa so thoroughly prepared to meet tie most exacting demands of the season as Mr. Trask's, and new goods are still coming in daily. He wants everybody to call on him. An Extensive Stuck. Few 6tores in Ottawa show so many Christmas novelties as Hoxie's. His crockery store is just crowded with handsome goods. There are China tea sets, Wedgewood and Copeland dinner sets, hand-painted tea sets, English printed goods, hand-painted Haviland A Co.'s china, chamber sets, glassware, chandeliers, and all kinds of standard and hanging lamps, vases, toilet sets, brush and comb cases, table silver, statuary, handkerchief and work boxes, albums, cutlery. dolls, toys, Ac , Ac. Here certainly Is a lino of holiday goods seldom equalled, and must contain something that some one in every family cau utilize for presents. All are Invited to call. For the holidays Messrs. Booth A Kendall show the largest stock of skates in town; a choice line of pocket and table cutlery, carvers, scissors and plated ware. Very many useful and handsome presents can be secured from their stock. Christmas Cards , We have just received our line of the Pkano Cuhwtmas cards. The extent of the list, the originality and especially the American charac ter of tue designs, together with the great care t :rttl 14-. U.i, - T1 ) JUrva t 'r t- ttierh the wide popularity they enjoyed last year. We have tho four prize cards: 1st prize card (1,000) by Eliliu Vedder, size C.'4'x9 Inches, with fcilk fringe, cord and tassels, 2d prize curd ($50) i) by Miss Dora Wheeler, size 7x9 inches, with silk fringe, cord and tassels. 3d prize card (f KiO) by C. C. Coleman, size 7x9 Inches, with silk fringe, cord and lasf.jls. 4th prize card ($JKI) by Miss Itoti'.a F.tntnett, size 5'4 x9!4 inches, with Bilk fringe, rd and tas, sels. Also the general line of cards in b. imtiful and humorous designs. Call and sec them. Osman- A 1Ia: ::mav, Men's water-proof grain Phlpp!.'. boots at hild A Boys and children's suits, huudsomc a:, J cheap, at A. Frank A Co.'s. rumps 1 I'limpa! Wholesale and retail. The I. X. L. is warranted equal to the best; and we will not be undersold in pumps, sewing miichines or anything in our line. F. I). Swei:teh A Co. Fine Christmas and New Yew Year's fruits and candies at Walther's. Tim ltuiy. Messrs. Booth A: Kendall have in operation one of th)rir famous Huby Furnaces. It is not cased, but so much the better shows the heating features of the furnace. It will be there in op. eration at their store for a week or so, and those interested should take the time to examine it. They invite all to call and see It. At Witltlier'H Neil Week. Call, and be sure and not forget, und see old Santa Claus on duty next week at Walther's Mothers, bring your sons, futbers, bring your daughters, and gents bring your sweet hearts, all welcome, to see him. Don't forget at Walther's big toy, candy and fruit store. Christmas trees, candies and candy toys and or amenta for sale cheap at Walther's. The electric light elves something more than liL'ht. The knowing ones now upc it for their rheumatics. Though the wires carrying the flu id are carefully Insulated to prevent lires, there is yet considerable harmless leakage. I'sing a copper wire this can be collected In sufficient quantity to give a man a pleasant shock. The boys at Fiske & lieem's have rigged up such a wire, and by the use of a wet string thrown over a gas fixture, making a ground connection, take a little electricity for the rheumatli-s as the spirit movei them! Hu your dress and wedding suits for 'he com- j iug h ilidays at A. Frank it Co.'s. Kutbcr boots and arctics, a full line, at Child ! A I'h pph'. j the state, and twenty-five on other prics at Wal- thcr'f. j Scit Hros. iVCo. hare engaged an extra force j of f 'ks for next week. Our usual stock of holiday goo-is is now all opened; and we should be pleased to have the public call and see tbe novelties we have on hand. There is a great variety of pretty fancy goods, in wares, leathers, woods, Ac, with pic tures, flames, books, toys, Ac, Ac They are ill fresh codi, lotb domestic and imported, select ed fromf:rt hands, and we think will please all visitors. Osvts- & Hai'Eman. West of Court House, Ottawa. Pranks Christmas cards and many others, diaries, tolls, knives, 10c books, children's books, t"J. everything at E. Y. Griggs's. The Churches, Jiavtitt. Mr. McPherson In his pulpit morning aud evening. Morning subject: ''Conviction rather than knowledge the need of the church." Evening theme: "Calamity no proof of guilt." Conireqattvnal Church.- Subject Sunday even ing: "The hardening of Pharaoh's heart. WAxi-r.n. Two cash boys at Scott Bros. A Co.'s. Go to A. Frank A Co.'s and buy useful holiday presents. The finest stock of silks In the city Is at Scott Bros. A Co.'s, Those holiday slippers for gents are Immense at Child A Phipps'. Fine green Michigan Christmas trees for salo cheap at Walther's. Fine neckwear, silk goods, Ac, for holiday presents at Trahing's. Piano roil Sale Cheap. -Enquire of Mrs. Am. aa Foster.west Madison street. The largest and best line of skates in Ottawa will be found at Booth A Kendall's. Call at Osman A Hapeman's and see those beautiful ebonized brackets, Just received. Louis Hess, at the old New England Bakery, has an elegant line of Christmas tree ornaments. Trabing is almost giving away those elegant kilt suits. These goods were never before sold so cheap. Look at them. No candy store In this "ueck of the woods" can compass if indeed equal the extensive stock of fancy candies at Hess's Bakery. A full attendance of the Ottawa Musical Asso ciation is desired next Monday evening, as the question of a new drill book is to be acted upon. Candles! Candle! Candles! The purest, best and largest stock In the city or county at 20, 25, 30 and 40 cents a pound ut Wal ther's Santa Claus store. The annual Shaver Christmas Tree and Festi val will be held on Saturday evening, 24th inst., at the residenco of Geo. D. Shaver, In the town of Rutland. A general invitation is extended to all of the Shaver family and friends. A Cako ok Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prichard desire to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends for their aid and sym pathy In their hours of deep grief and sorrow oc casioned by tho loss of their only little one. Humholt Lodge, No. 055, A. F. A A. M., will give a ball on Thursday evening, Jan. 19th, ISM, at Turner Hall. Every effort will tie made to make the affair plcasaut to all who attend; and wb will give furtber particulars in a future Issue. At cst. Sunday schools and churches supplied with the best and purest candles, nuts, fruits and toys at cost at Walther's Santa Claus store. No trouble to show goods. Please call and get prices. Kespectfully, M. Wai.tiikii. Aittion. C. S. Phelps, at his residence in East Ottawa, will sell at auction on Saturday, the 24th inst., commencing at I o'clock v. m., all his Household Goods; also a lawn mower and lawn sprinkler, a lot of rubber hose, and a very nice revolving flower stand. Especial invitation to ladies to attend the sale. Terms made known at tho sale. Head Our Guarantee-Study Our Compaq. Wit-are the Oldkst Onk Prick Clothing Housk in the State. No Salesman is allowed to deviate from WE GUARANTEE: 1 rl I T ed, If customers find the articles unsatisfactory, and return them unworn and uninjured within 15 days of the date of purchase.' Signed, WTFtt Fire Insurance Co. I43d SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. CASH CAPITAL, $1,250,000.00 Reserve for Re-Insurance ami all other liabilities, 1,260,SS.55 Net Surnlus, 1,333,916.4? Total Assets July 1, ISM, - $3,834 705.02 Losses Paid at Great Chicago Fire, $1,927,462.04 Losses Paid at Ottawa Agency, $14,349.02. Total Losses Paid Since Organization: $23,720,758.00. GEO. W. RAVENS, Agent, Hlith School rtullill' hi. swa. III. Day and eTenltii ses sions for I'eninaunl .thinetle, Book-keenlng and Coaa- uiercla) Correo Mudenti admitted si any tlma. Kepi. i,' c W. A. DREW, Principal. OSriAN & llflPELIAU Now light up tlieir stock of Fancy Goods for the Holidays with the OUR STOCK or I tliet Lnriti, tlin Hnt, anil Ijit-lmlrsi th4 tJrwitMxt Vnrifty in thia County. tV We want everybody to rail and M the Uoods. OSMAN & HAPEMAN, CVe. X 11. West of Court House, Ottawa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. 1 will sell daily, till all is dis posed of, the ENTIRE STOCK of the late Arm of Hull k Bartclff, regardless ot cost. The goods consist of Hats, Caps, Furs, lients' Furnishing Goods, Ac. They must he sold. Call at II I'LL & HAltTELS' old stand, north of Court House. Said commences this morning. W, W. TAYLOR, l-r. 10,181. B HAPPY Hy tiny injc oni of time J.ntnt Iiii(irovtl DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES For a Cliristirss or a Kew Years Present for jour ii. other, eoiiKin, sinter, wife, or moluer-iu-law. 2 If" f Vill inl tee and rjramine them, a II I nn aawMa Ut thoic iou the lt0l and llamtiomeH Machint M-ne J (l(OIIKti('.V.l'u( F. 1). SWEETSER & CO.'S, lee. 10, 11, Now lOHt OlIU- Jllcx-U. any Rules in our Guarantee. GUARANTEE. Mill. , HOLM GOODS p- i hi . mat me prices oi our goous snail re as lew it ll hesame quality of material and manufacture are sold ny where in the United Stales 2d. That the prices are precisely the anie to tvery oody for same quality, on same day ef purchase. 3d. That the quality of goods is as represented. 4th. That the full amount of cash paid will I e refund Nos. 40 rod 42 La Salle Street, Ottawa, III. S. E. corner P. 0. Bloct