Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FREK TRADER; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 188). S fllHI.IHIIKI Kvery Haturiliiy Rlf.riuim, It No. ti La Salle Street (first floor i, wl of Court Homo HY OSMAN Ac liAl'N.MAN. TERMS lK SUBSCRIPTION: In lv:n'i', i.rr mimim . i .r. i.rr. U.I to it 1 : hwI paid (ill end of tltrtHi months ' lt carrier. Iirty cents i sir. Flftaeti cents h year U ji.l.U-il to pa-i scut oiil of lh eomity, lor mt iiriipiiymeut ol posl:i(.-e. These no- v. ill U- .Mini) adhered I". n..l L...IM II .-till III aiiiiii'iiii. K.vTKS OK ADVKKTiSINIi: hl'AI'K. Iff.'JW, l.M. ;2.M. S.M.fM V. ?ne Square wo Sonares Three :.iiari-s Four Squares . Ktve S uitri'H Aiie-quartcr Cxlumn.. Omi-tliinl Column.... f)ue-lm!f Column Oue Column (I ll fIVI -Jil .. I I!"1" I i VI VI' VM Him III mi; IS'" Jin; g.Vli rum. 7 vt Dm Mni .'inm 2VI: 4 VI. (lift lit" 24 k i s m. Vint 1 1 mi :iki IHOO '" n., mti1 imi Ifioi am i;V sni I'.'im i.Mm isim icui iMm s ii iinm, irimi inihI'J'i" im"' imu isiiiIaihi ami. iihk: :iioo DEATH BY FIRE. The. VlenriH Hnlnt'MiiKl. A few years ngo the Chicago 'lime lmrrilled its renders by a suppositious account of the buniius' of McVicker's theatre while crowded with people. All the horrors the fecund 1111 ajjination or the Time scribbler could conjure up in c mtiectiiiu with buch a catastrophe were more than realized in the burning of 'lie King Theatre at Vienna, the capital of Austria, on Thursday evening of last week. The play on the bills was O Hen bach's comic opera of "Les Uontes d'HoH'iimn." The curtain was to rise at 7 o'clock. At 10 minutes before that hour the house was filled though not crowded There was the usual bustle before the com miencemunt of the performance, people, walk iii un and down lookine for places. On the stage everything was in a state of activity men removing scenery, etc. Home of the hing ws had already taken positions on the stage, but a large Dumber were still in the ilrcssinir. rooms. At this moment a spirit lamp Is said to have been dropped by a careless attendant on the stiiL'c. In a moment the "flies" were wrapped In flames, and the net work of wood ropes and canvas were burning like tinder. The peoplo on the stage, at first stupified, soon fled in terrible confusion to the ladies' dress ing rooms on tho left of the singe, where a small staircase led to tho II ibenstaufen Strii-iee In a moment the curtain flew up, and the draft blew it hither and thither until liken Uery tongue it darted back and forth from the auditorium to the stage, and tho fire became m ister of the King theatre. "The theatre is on fire," was the cry that went upon the King The flames were already bursting through the roof and cries such as Vienna never heard before filled tho street. They seemed not like the cries of human beings, but such woelul accents as can be heard only in a death struggle. The scene was indescribabk All inside were pushing their way toward the street, which was literally a moving mass. Thu people struggled and crushed each other in the peristyle and foyer, and confusion reigned supreme. Suddenly cries were heard from the windows In front. The balcony over tho entrance was soon emptied, and the cries swelled louder ami louder and more awful, while the mass of ponplu in the street' was constantly growing denser. '1 he curtain was down when the stage took fire, and inside of that was an iron serene, in tended to prevent the fire from reaching the auditorium in the case of just such an occur rence. The ti rem mi in charge of the iron serene, however, Instead of lowering It, raised tho curtain, upon which the flames at once bust into the auditorium w ith stilling force. At the same time the man in charge of the gas meter, imagining an explosion had occured, turned oil' tiie gas, adding total darkness to the horrors of the scene. The loss of life was no doubt greatly in creased by the manner in w hich the theatre was built. The stairs and passage ways were laid out in a strangely complicated manner, so that one needed a good knowledge of the place to rind his way, even with good light. I!ut in the darkness the crowds iu the galleries pres sed in their despair toward the doors, and, crushing each other, prevented most of the number from escaping. Smoke and fumes completed the worn of death within live min utes after the first alarm had been given. When ingress was finally obtained by the lire men, people were found in heaps, and many iu the strangest postures. Home had their hands outstretched Imploringly, others with their nails driven into the flesh in anguish and despair. Friday's Vienna papers placed the loss of life at but every day since then adds to the number, so tiiat the latest dispatches put it at 1,0)0, eleven hundred and thirty persons hav ing up to Monday been reported to the police as mis.siug. Appal 1 1 ni; Tragedy Near 1'itlaliuri;. At a place called Cut Uock, on the Pitt. burg & Lake Eno railroad, about seven miles below Pittsburg, a largo body of men, work ing on the railroad, boarded in a large tempo, rary wooden structure, owned by Mai k. Joyce, the contractor, and under the management of a boarding house keeper named McCunc. It had a board roof w ith a very steep pitch, and formed the loft in which the laborers were huddled for the night. In the lower story w as the dining room, and at otic end of the build ing was the kitchen. The stairs leading to the loft were little better than a ladder and were located jtist at the bide of the door leading from dining room to kitchen. In the lofts bunks were arranged, but the only light w hich pcuclrated was through two openings without glass, but which were closed at night w ith sliding doors, so as to keep out the chill night air. In this dark loft t-ome forty-three men were eupitosed to have slept that night at leant that number were at supiierthatevening. ana none were reported away when the hour f t retiring came. Ketwtea three and four o'clock ou Saturday morning, the boarding house keeper arose and kindled a fire in the kitchen stove. He left a lighted lamp on a Uble near the door leading Into tie dining room, and vent to arouse his wite and fccrrant girls. Whilo lie was gone the explosion occurred, and in an instant the dining room was filled with fiames. ilt. KcCune succeeded in escaping with Lis wife and girls, but coold not do more than to call upon Ihoso upHt'tirn to i-ncapo for their lives. v.. (I... ll.mwiu Im.l l.nioliIHll . . .' ,v ,. , thuolmrway, thus cutluur oil tl.o iixnuis ot es. en I to tor the doomed men iiltove, except at the small niicuiiio; at either end of tne loft, mid lroin hex) the pliilini; doois to he re moved. The loft was tilled with irawuinleombiisli hie material used us beddiii, and It was only thoMf nenn i-t lo the dpi nilig who could lu:iM' their exit. The ixviii i cm ( . iu the loom, on ac. count ol the stilling Miiokc, which even the horrid Haines rapidly licking up the floor and llUing the loft did not peiietrale, bailie (!cs- criiition. Twenty-Ihitc of tin occupants ol the loft succeeded in s('iei.ini; through the openings, some with their underclothes on lire. The others rushed frantically about the rooms, first to one end and tlnn the other, their location being known by their cries, until smoke HUlfocated them and their cries were stilled. The building was wrapped in sheets of (Ire, and the survivors could only writhe in pain and shiver in the frosty air of early morning. At day-break not a stick of the ill-fated frame remained standing. The site was strewn with kitchen and dining room furniture, more than halfcnnsumed, kitchen utensils, shreds ol clothing, human bones, strips ol crisped flesh, and skulls, the latter being found m dif ferent places. In the partially-consumed straw led were the remainj of seven victims, piled in Midi confusion that they presented to the beholder an idea of the horrible agony which must have ensued ere the victims had lost con sciousness. The bed was located under one of the openings, and it was evident from the man ner in which the remains were found that, the original occupants having escaped, others bad sought to lice from the opening, but had be come hopelessly entangled nnd suffocated. They were burned to unreocgni.uble shapes, and when the corner of the loft gave way the charred remains dropped to the ground below. Of the forty three men iu that fatal loft twen ty escaped unhurt, but without clothing except such as they slept in; twelve more were so badly burned that half of them will die, and the remaining eleven lay in the ruins a crisp, reeking, unrecognizable mass. A train from Pittsburg appeared and conveyed the sufferers to the hospital of the Pennsylvania railroad, the others being provided with clothing and cared for in oilier boarding houses in the vi cinity CRIMINAL VARIETIES. Culled Here and There trom the Columns of tho Daily Press. Klrrmcii as. Fire Itinfx Cold water, Mich., has a case on hand simil ar to that revealed a few months ago at Cham paign, in this state. The town being afflicted by a series of incendiary lire and unable to trace out the criminals, finally turned its atten tion to the tire department and discovered to Umir digmiiy that, the fire bugs were the fire men themselves, llalheway, the chief engin eer of the fire department, having been arrest ed, made a full statiment, to the effect That himself, w ith three others, had kindled the fires, ami that he had provided the others with boxes ol sawdust and shavings for that nirpose. lie confessed to four destructive fires thus kindled. The motive was tint of rousing the interest of the citizens in tno fire department, in order to get funds lor the state loiirnamuiit, which was to lie held Iain' on. Hat.heway was released on 1,000 bail at Hie bidding of the court. It is generally under stood Unit Hatheway will make a clean breast of it, anil thus endeavor to clear himself. Pub lic sentiment is very much iu his favor, iu the bellet that he was made a tool or by llemeug way, who is believed to be the instigator of the w hole all'air. All Ohio 31 tinier A fiendish murder occurred on the Hth inst at the little town of Bristol, near l'ainsville, Ohio, the facts (if w hich me thus given in a dispatch to tho Chicago Timm: Myron Phelps, the murderer, is fit! years of age, and although some ot Ins neighbors con sider him a crank, many attribute his peculiar iction lo a fashion ot ins own, and claim he was so from childhood. The victim, William Phelps, is l!7 years of age and has managed most of the family n flairs for four years. Ills body lay today where he bail been laid out. ami an ugly blue scar two inches above the naval showed where the bullet entered. At the tune of the shooting he was wrestling with a brother a few years younger. The father shouted to William to stop, but the command was not heeded, and like a flash tho father levelled his revolver, a ',Vi calibre Colt, at the breast of the elder boy and fired, the ball striking as before described. William sank to the llnor.the blood spurting from the wound. In a lew minutes he was dead. Tho father left the house and went to his father'" living two miles away, where the sherilf founu iilm, ami saved him from lynching. He was taken Is fore a justice, but the clamor for him by the mob was so great that he was hurried to the county jail. The town of Itjistol, where the murder occurred, contains only about live hundred inhabitants, and is in the extreme northern end of the county. The wildest ex citement prevailed there to-day, and rumors were numerous that the jail would be mobbed. , Mtinlcroiia Assault liy a Wife On Sunday night, In Milwaukee, while Aug Fischer was In Im iI sleeping, his wife at tacked him with an ax, striking him twice iu the forehead w ith the blade, and in the back ol the head. Fischer w as able to jump out of bed and fly, after locking the door leading to the apartment where their four children were sleeping, and then to escape to the street, where he alarmed the neighbors, who came to his rescue. He was followed to the door by his wife, who dealt him a final blow in the back witn the poll of the ax. A doctor was summoned and attended to Fischer's wounds, but has small hopes of his recovery, as inc of the blows received on the forehead laid bare the brain. 31 rs. Fischer was taken to Jail. The attempt upon the lifcuf her husband is attributed to a belief upon her part that he in tended to marry another woman, this delusion having been created by bearing the priest at St. Joseph's church publish the baus of a man of the same name. Murtlrr ! NulrMe. Last Saturday some young men out gunning near Lexington, Mich , found in a pine thicket, cOTcred with loaves, the body of a cattle dealer named Phillips, whose home is at Allerton, Iowa. Tie skull was crushed, the teeth were knocked out, nil J th tliro.'U wim cut from ft'"! to tritr. Ilnihu who saw it way ttio r-pertiUe wus indcHcritm!)ly hustly. Ati hhinmiI i u,u m r,t.xj,,lou ,m uVhiesUiiy, when ho I n-nniiis were iilentilled. Tlie hixt limu l'lil - Slips is known tit have, been been nine whs it. lie ovi l" two wei ago, in the vil!a.;i' of Aim- dole, Ninliac cmuily, aUnit two miles lroin lie Sniiiac ci , ii I i mt two mill s from hf i I iaci- win re his mutilated budv w as Imiid. - i He was Know to have been in the habit ot carrj lug cons! lelalile cat-h on his per?- in. tne piuplu iii and iiliout J.i xmeimi met Ana dure freely expressed the opinion that he vas iiiuiiliri.d for his money. At the impi'si. iiuioiiir other wi'n s-es, was a i:ian n uiul .1 V. Dixon, ol Kidj'cv. ay, .Mich , who uleritlu d the body as thai of Phillips. Dixon w in tint i iiioliH' ol' the ltniMi n d man. He had jdisplaw-d lare amounts of money late! on account of which he had attracted nine or less attention. Th.-s fact, taken iu comic tiou with other strongly-suspicious cireiim.-t-iiecs. li d to a v, arrant being issued for the arrst of Dixon, and he was lodged in jui!. Next Horn ing it was found that lie had taken a ihse of poison, which was concealed in his boolswhcn lie was arrested. At last accounts he 1 M in a stupor, and refused to take an emetic. The murdered man was about I") years it is reported that hi; leaves a w ife and tiveral children at their home i.'i Iow a. .AniiCfitir Cmb, At t'old.viiter, Mich., on Monday night. Frank Wheeler shot his wife and the hmself ai their residence in Coldwater townshij, just outside the city limits. She was the Distress of a bagnio that had been running fo; some time, and of late her husband, who hal sep united from her a year or two ago, lad re turned to live with her. Iiut he was jealous of her arid the matter was talked o'er on Monday night by several visitors at the place, when just about 1 o'clock Wheeler weit from the bar-room of the place into the kitclicn and called his wife, w ho was in an adjoiniig bed room. She went to him, in the kitchen w hich was dark, when he immediately drrw his right hand from behind Lim and fired i bullet into the left breast of his wite, whicu went clear through the body and lodged jmt under, the skin of the back. Fhe immediately drop-j ped, and after exclaiming, "O Frant!" ex pired. Directly following the first siot was another, sent into his own body, which struck a rib on the left side and was deflected iu its course, so tlnn it was not iatai. All o; tuo in mates of the house then rushed oit uoors, some of the men starting to town for the of ficers. Very soon after three more shots were tired, all of which longed in Wheeler's left breast, one going turough the heart and an other cutting ell' the left nipple, the revolver being held so near that the clothing was com pletely burned and torn away and the skin blackened and filled w ith powder. The supposi. j turn which is generally believed from the tes timony at the inquest is that, after he fired the second shot, being the first one into his own body, he went from the kitchen out-doors and returned before firing anymore. Death was then almost instantaneous. Depravity's) Deeps There are depths of depravity beyond the reach of the sounding line. Of such the case of Mary Pafllor, ot Erie, Pa., a fiords an in- stance. She was a young girl who ,( Erie from her home in Germany to meet an only brother who, but a few hour9 be fore her arrival, in despair had hun him self. Alono in a strange land, with $150 in her possession, she accepted a situation as ser vant anJ placed her money in a bank. Two young rufllans named Linderman and Krantz conspired to rob her. Linderman proposed marriage. She consented, and drawing out her money went with him to Cleveland. There both rufllans barbarously ill-used her, and hav ing got all her money, literally sold her to the keeper of a house of ill-fame. A Dynamite Machine, The city of Montreal was thrown into a fer ment on Sunday by the discovery of one of O'Donnovan Uossa's dynamite machines in the rear of the court house in that city. It was found by a police officer, who took it to the central station, being wholly unaware of the character of the box. It was recognized by Officer Clark, formerly of the royal artillery,, who, on closer examination, found that it still had some four hours to run before It would explode, ami stopped the machinery. It coif, tained about six pounds of dynamite, and in a few hours would havo reduced, tho court house and city hall to a heap of ruins. The occurrence, taken in connection with the recent attempt to fire tho office ,ot the Kerning Pot and the Albion hotel, has creat ed niucli consternation. On Thursday evening the incendiary set fire to the rubbish in the press-room of the I'oat otlice, and rendered the publication of the paper on election day an impossibility, without the assistance of a morning paper. The placing cf the lufernal machine near the court house Is generally thought to be the work of ' Don no van Hossa's myrmidons. The president of the local land league was defeated on Friday iu the contest for the representation of the Western division of Montreal in the local legislature, and that fact may have some connection w ith the out rage. The excitement was renewed on Tuesday by the discovery that on Monday night anoth er infernal machine had been placed at the same spot where the first was lound. The on ly reason why this last ono failed to explode was that the dynamite was froien, and when the powder chargo went off filled to ignite. The qourt house upon which tls-se hellish at tempts are being made, cost HK),000, and is one of the principle buildings ef the city. Ile sides, its destruction by dynasilte could not fail to involve more or less iss of human life. A skeptical hearer once ssltl t a ltaptint min ister: "How Jo you reconcile the teachings of the JiiMe with the latest conclusions of science?" "I haven't ?en this morning's topers," naively replied the minister; "whut are the Utest run. elusion ot modern ncience?" There aiv young women with lultlck-nt nerve t) ny no under the iiiksI trying circumstance. At Ucntiin, Ifolmcf county, fitlo, laut week Mine I.lllie Atkinson atiMH with I me 8pcllmn In the preaence of the minister anl a house full of ;ueaU to be married. Whet it came her turn aba anawered. "No, no," with frcat earneatncM, od further procetdinifa wirelmjHwaitile. Coropoaed of powerful drttr o compounded U to product almoet nlrarulcua cure U Uie tit Xorj f Kendall' Spavin Cur. Hew dvt Juiluc- Liiiiirlilin of the St. J.ouia C'riinirml i Court lot ii.sioniilie'l Him Imr nml newspapers (, tiwt eitv Ii niliiiir ii follows in n murder lrj,,: "li'H.nch pive lleilly reumnulile cmine ; to believe I It it. In; was '"tiiii; to kill him, Ueil lv, iii I nv, w. i justified iii hunting linn up .inil killing hi in", because II. e law docs not re- ;i ii.ui siiall Anil, l"l Ins opponent i M1j r, i11(., t him on Hie slrci t witn a il iiililc- Miri,.(., slioi-i;:!.-' It was :i! first thought i Hie .1'id: Ii.ui no! b-iid exactly what lie III j ten. led to, or that he had In i u incorreclly re ported; lint in an inti rvicw he repeated the laiiLiu-ie: " flits d"i'!liii' is simply unasail- ;ii!i!e." he said; "lhe opposite would subject I any man lo the assassin's deadly bullet or dau' ' i;er, and in every case uive.s lo the latter the ! . . ..-- . . t i I . com man 1 1 i i) advantage l lie ' loiin-jimr rr,i gives the cuiilraiy views of a number of judges ami lawycis; but, in lhe meantime, the' prisoner in the case has profiled by gaining an acquittal. An examination of the delta of the Missis sippi shows that, for a distance of about three hundred miles of this deposit, there are buried forests of large trees, one over the other, w ith interspaces of sand. Ten distinct forest growths of this nature have been observed, which must havo succeeded one anottier. These trees are the bald cypress of the South-1 em states. Some have been observed over 'Joi eel 111 diameter, anil one coniameu o.iuu BH II II fit rings. In some instances, too, lliese HUgPi trees have grow n over the stumps of others erillallv large. From these tacts geologists have assumed the ailtiilUitv of each forest growth at ten thousand years, or one hundred thousand for the whole. 1 his estimate, now - ever, would not include the interval oi lime which doubtless was very considerable that elapsed between the ending of one of these vast and wonderful forests and the beginuing of another. The late census of Japan shoivs a total pop ulation of very nearlUi.OdO.OlK). The Mikado and his family aro shown at the head of the statistics as twenty men and seventeen women. Yed do, of the vastness of which the old ge ogrnphies used to tell such tales, contains only fl.")7,tl inhabitants. Kioto approaches it closely with S'J-2.0!i!s. anil Oaka comes next with f)S;i,(!iiS. M ales are more numerous than females in proportion of rt per 1,(MK) that is there are l.O'JM men for every I.lHiO women. According to all accounts tho chinch bug Is becoming a better traveler every year. At one time it was considered safe to plant afield of corn within twenty rods ot a field ol spring wheat, as the bugs would not walk from one to the other. Eut during the present season they have lcen known to "foot it" at least hall a mile. The venerable Arthur Eryant, of Princeton, states tfiat the general destruction of the ever greens in the west is due to the prevalence of coal smoke in the air. He says that this smoke hos destroyed them not only iu towns but along the lines ot railroads where cjal is used as fuel. Astonishing the World. For a perfect renovation of exhausted and en- feetiled constitutions, female weakness anil gen eral decline, nothing so surely and speedily pro duces a permanent cure as does Kleotrie Hitters. Their wonderful cures are astonishing the world. For Kidney and Urinary Complaints they are a perfect specitlc. Do nut give up in despair, for Klectrie Bitters will positively cure, und that where everything else fails. Sold by E. Y. (iriggs at fifty cents a bottle. (2) Uhcumatism is the most terrible disease that has ever atllicied humanity, yet It instantly yields to tins powerful drugs Unit Kendall's Spavin Curo Is composed of. Head advt. Heal Estate anu insurance. M. J. (HARMS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, Steamship Agent NOTARY PUBLIC. 'I'lIK KISHIIIIKN KA KM AT 33 per 1 acre Is a dec ciite.t lutrimiie Who wants it ? HOT. U. J. U. U.llW.l.'S. FARMS FOR ALE. 2 in Brookfield, 1 in Wallace, 1 in Waltham, 1 in Rutland. 1 in Deer Park, 2 in South Ottawa, Ami others In various parts of the county. All of these farms are nfft-rvd at less than current prices, and buyers will consult their o n Interests by examining my list. J hime iome df iileil Imrtiiiint. JU. J. (. 11AKUI8. Nebraska Lands. frl.Un Acres of the finest land In the stato at very low prices (ti and upwards) anil ou lonis time. Call or send for maps mid pamphlet. .1. l. IIAI.lilS, July a, laol. Auent II. tc M. 11. It. Co, OCEAN TICKET. Of slv lines, to and from all Kuronenn ports, at lowest rates. ' DIU i). O. HAllKIS. CITY FHOPERTl Ismlvmicliiir. and will be much higher before the close m the year. Now Is the time to buy. I have more than lou piece of city property for sale, many of them allll at hard times price. DR. J. O. HARRIS. Ottawa, April 2-lf ttatiKB. RATIONAL CITY HANK OF OTTA.WA.. (Formerly City Bank of Karnes. Allen A Co.) L.H. KAME3 ... K. C. ALLKN' O. L. LINPLKV. President Vice President. Assist. Cashier Exchange on Chioago and New York And ail the principal clttea east and wua BUVGIIT AND BOLD. Kiiihanuean England, Ireland. Scotland and all im portant paHuta In Ceutlnental Kurope. drawn In sunn to anil purchsaera. U. H. Hevnius Siampnof all denom smt Iocs con stantly on hand and for sale. Unitetl Hint--- llon.ts. Local Securities, Gold and Silver bought and sold. Banking hours from t a. a. to 4 r. u. Jan. I'J, 14T - L. LINDLK V, Assist. Cashier. F 1KHT NATIONAL HANK OF OTTAWA. Cubital, . - - - 8100.000. If. M HAMILTON.. L LKI.AND JOHN r. NASH President. . Vice I'resiilent. ...Cathie. MRKCTOR8: Milton II. Swift, II. M llanilllon, W. luhn-ll, torrnto Leland, K. V. llrlggs. John F. Nash. laaac tiafte. Kai'liAiijreon Chicago. New York, and all the principal III. of taw raited Htatea, bought and sold. Ka.-liMtisr" on fc.ngUn.1, Ireland, bovtlaod and Conti K-ml drawn In sums toamc I tnltmt HtavtM Ihimls, Gold and Silver bought and sold. Oar farllltlea are enrh that we can offer Indneements to ewMaHnera. and w shall m oar endeavors to give aaUafaft .in an thoanirat,iia na with their bmalneae. lUnklnt trvm . n. lo 4 r u. Del. 1. lxn. JOHN F. HASH. Ctetrler. New York Weekly Herald. OXK DOLLAR A YKAH. Ti iri'iilmloii of Oil, iici!iioi- la ivumtuiitly en'riMi-nn.-. I! roiiliilim flic le i linu ih-wh of tlui Daily ii i: i n .mil k arr in. il In trimly ilr;Mrtni"i;IK Tin- Foreiru News ,:.,i,rll.,.. .i..i .i,,.,,,, fruat u'.l fiu.'irtt-rs of ihe Kluiir. - ! t.-r f American News lire k! ll Hi.- T"lfti-:li:i:i- lii.llrli.'s of til k from all p.irN of the I' 'Me f.Mtiiiv ulotie in ikes The Weekly Herald Hie in. .-I vihmWii chronii le in iheworhl, a It is the i hi-up- est. Ku ry week is t'Uell ll fiiillillll report of Political Newrf, eii.hrdi in.'t roiiiplete nml coiopri'hi'iisive ilrspnluhi'ii from Wash i so los, iim Iiii1!i' full report of the i-peec !k of eml l.ent iMillllriaim on the ipiestloiii. of the hour. Tho Farm. Department of the WkkijLV IIkkalk give the lutes' lis well a the most practical iugi!estlonn mill illwovericit re luting to the duties of the farmer, IiIiiik fir ruining Catti k, I'uri.i RV.IiitAi vs Tiikkh. Vkiiktahlko, if.. Ac, with in ggeiilioim for keep i,uii,iuU mij farmiu, uienstu in repair. Thin Is nup- pleini'iiti il by it wntl-fillli'il d-puitnu nt,'ly ruplfd, un 'ler ti. iuau of The Home, - .givli.K rm-ipe for prnrtlrBl Mnis rr netkliiKi'lotlilnt; uiul Tor km-pluK up with tho Intent fiHliloim uttlm lowi'nt price. Kvt'ry linn of cooking or economy siii:p'ti'l in tliw nt'piirtinciit m pru tlcully tinted by experts Injure public "un- ltler from our rarl nml Uniilon corieiimnilenlii ' "" ""' T0,'' ,,,"'!', '' The Home ih-pnrtmcnt of the Wkkki.y IlKiiAi.n will nave the hoHsewlfc. morn than one Initlilriil times the price of the paper. The Interest of Skilled Labor are looked after, ami ever) thing relating to niis hanlca and luhor saving In carefully recorded.- Thcte In a page devoti-i! to all the lut'-at phacof the bumirmi niarkeM. ( row, Mcr I'hnndlNc, & , tc A valtianle feature li I'ouu.l In thenpe- clally reported prices and conditions of The Produce Market Scon 1 1 mi Nkwn at home and ahroad. together with a Sniiiv every week, a Skrmdx by mime eminent divine. I.ITKKAIIV, MCall'AL, PltAMATie, PKIISIINAI. II 1 1 1 1 SA Notks. There In no paper In the world which contilns no much news matter every week a the Wkkki.t Hkkald, w hich la cut, postage free, for One liollar. You run null- wrilK- at any time. The New York Herald One Dollar a Year. NEW YORK HEKALD. Broadway and Ann Street, New York, IIT" Minnie copies for wile and mitiKcrlptlomi received liy (Ismail & llapeman, Ottawa, Illinois. PROSPECTUS FOR ITS 44tH YEAR, The New York Mercury DISTRIBUTED BY FAST MAIL TRAINS. Three IMya" Later Dramatic News Than Can lie Olitiilnril In Any Other Taper. The X xvr Youk Mkr )I RT Is now Issued at 3 o'clock A. . on Saturdays, lu time for delivery by the V. S. Kant Mall Trains. Anil thus, while its column will contain every thing of Interest In ltd several departments oceurrlnu up to one o'c'ock Saturday morning. It will reach on Saturday evenlnus every Important post office station within radius of three liundred miles of the .Metropolis. It la our Intention to make the N w York Mmiu ukt m essential in the way of news to every ono Interested In the dramatic profession as Is the dally journal to the bualncss man. To this end. In addition to correspondents In every shout town, Instructed to forward us, by the Inst mail, the Tery latest current news, we shall employ the telegraph and cable m provide such Intellinencc as cannot arrive in time by mail, lleuce, tne columns of the Nkmt York Merc'cut will be a necessity to every enterprising manager and every actor and actress in the country, containing as it will from three days to a week's later news than It will be possible for any of the so-called dramatic Journula to present. But aside from lta merit as the conveyor of the rury latest dramatic Intelligence, a comparison w ill also prove that in every other respect the Vmv Y'ork MmieritY Is all thai we claim for It, A FUiST-CLASS LITKKAKY AXIl FIUK SIDK JOUIIN AL. which will be an acceptable weekly vis itor everywhere. It contains TIIK VKIJY flKST ROMANCES, LIVE SOCIAL SKNSATIONS. GKEATKST VAIJIETY OF IH'MOn, CHOICEST SELECTION!. and MOKE ORIGINAL MATTKIi than any weekly papers published on this continent. -V Nl'MUER OK NOVEL FEATl'llKS will be added to the already unsurpaMcd attraction of I In Nkw Yokk Mkki cbv during the year IS!, making lta lor- ty-fourth volume superior to all of Its predecessors. The Nkw YoIik Mkiktry Is mailed to all parts of the United Stales and Canada, postage free, for Three Dollars per annum, or One Pollarand l ifty Cents for six mouths, In advance. Adiiress WILLIAM C At 'LOWELL. Editor and Proprietor Nkw Tons Mkiic riir, No. 3 Park Iiow, New York City. J? Single copies fur sale and subscriptions received by dsn: a n & HiiiH'iiian. Ottawa, Illinois. THE SUN. NEW Y0BK. 1882. Tub Hun for will make Its fifteenth annual revolution under the present management, shining aa alwnj-3, for all, big nud little, mean and gracio is, contented and uuhupjiy, Kepubllcan and Deinocnuic, depraved and virtuous. Intelli gent and obtuse. Tim Sr.' light is for mankind anil wo mankind ot every sort; hut lta genial wiututh la for the good, while It pours hot discomfort on the blistering backs of the persistently wicked. Til R Si m of lMiH was a newspaper of a new kind. It dls cardeo many of the forms, and a multitude of the superflu ous words and phrases of ancient Journalism. It undertook to report In a fresh, succinct, unconventional way all the news of the world, omitting no event of human Interest and commenting upon affairs with thu fearlessness of absolute indeiN'iidence. The success of this experiment was ttie auc- cess of Tin 8t'. It effected a permanent change In the style of American newspapers. Every Important Journal established In this country In the dozen years past has been modelled alter Til R Scn. Every Important Journal already- existing has been niodlrted and lwttcred by the force of TuRSvM'sexample. Tiik Srs of lift! will lie the same outspoken, Iruth telllng and Interesting newspaper. By a liberal use of the means which an abundant prosper. Ity affords, we shall make It better than eier before. We shall print alt the news, putting It inm reailab'.e shape and measuring Its Importance, not by the traditional yard stick. Dut by lta real Intereat to the people. Distance from I'rlntlng House Siiuare Is not the first cnnslileratlon with Tit R Si'at. Whenever anything happens worth reporting we get the particulars, whether it happens In Brooklyn or in Bokhara. In politics we have decided opinions; and arc accustomed to express them In languaga that ran be understood. We say what we think about men and events. That habit la the only secret of Til R Sex's political course. TitR Wrkklt Si x gathers Into eight pages the best mat ter of the seven dally issue. An Agricultural Department of unequalled merit, full market reports, and a liberal pro portion of literary, arlentinc and domestic Intelligence com pletoTiiR Wrrklt Sex. ar.d make It tbe best newspaper for the farmer's household that was ever printed. Who does not know and read and like Till Scshay Srx, each nunils r of which Is a Oolconda of Interesting liters ture. with the liest poetry of the day, prose every line warth reading, news. him. or matter enough to fill a good-sited book, and Infinitely more varied and entertaining than any book, big or little? If our Idea of w hat a newspaier should be please you. send fur TuaSi .. Our terms are as follows : For the dally St s. a four-page sheet of twenty-eight col umns, the price by mail, postpaid, la 05 cents a month, or Sit.nO a year; or. Including the Sunday paver, an eight- page sheet of Dfty-aix columns, the price la (15 cents per month. org".70 a year, postage paid. The price of the Weiklt Sps, eight pa S fifty-six col umns, la S I a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten send ing J 1 0 we wtll send an extra copy. Address L W. ENGLAND, FublUher of Tur Srx. New York City. tW Single coplea for sale and subscriptions received by Oman 4t Bapcman, Ottawa, IlUnoa. Uurtnc30 OTartiB. H. SMEETON, HK.ll.Klt IN j IJIUI UU GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS. ALSO PLfMllINU Also Manufacturer of Iron Cornice, Sheet Iron Doors and Blinds, Hoofing, &c. I IT" (las Fixtures lllhlcd and Stoves stored and repaired At Jackson A old stand, Maui at. aprlt Xkstrobel, AI the old stand of Stroliel (iondolf, opposite. 1'. Uislirey's .tore. Manufactures, and sells ull style of HARNESS, SADDLES AM) FLY-SETS, Anil keeps in wtoelf a full line of niankrts, Sheets, Whips, Jlrushes AND CURRY-COMBS, In tact everything usually lound In a flrst-clasa harness shop. allul which lie. will sell ai the LOWEST LIVINCr PRICES. dive him a call when anything Is wanted. tF"lte manu factures ( '(llurH,aiid guarantees that they will not prove injurious to horses wearing them. Special Attention f'ald to Kepalrliig, Ottawa, 111., February 14, 1SK0. Bent, L'hetjft, Mont Elantic and Durable HORSE COLLARS Arc made by the FOX lllVEIt IlOKsK COLLAR Me () CO., Dayton, III. All the principal grades, including our HeiiiulcHM 'IVnin Collar, always on hand, and any grade or pattern made to order ou short notice. Send postal card lor descriptive price list. For sale by all principal harness dealers. I Aug. 13, !. a. r . un in a v A N , secy. GEO. W. RAVENS, Passage Tickets, Foreign Exchange, AID Insurance Business. ttr Mtiprwr to LiOan. flotitheastcorner Poet Office Hlork. Ottawa Illiaols. IF YOU WANT To doctor yoursell, have all tbe Pattmt Medlelnea Uia are good for anything, and tonta that rmni to cure all d eases E. V. OKltiUB . H. C. STRAWN'S Lumber Yard AND PLANING MILL. Near the Illinois River Bridge. H. P. CLARK, llouso and Sign Painting Paper Hanging, Caloimining, Grain ing, Marbling, &c. Rho, on Columbus Street, one block east of the pon office. Ottawa, Illinois. marl MEAT MARKET, WM. I) EG EN, Proprietor. The above popular market Is now located In Armour's New liuilding OX MADISON STIIEET, Where the public wilt always find a full supply of FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Such aa Href, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Hams & Bacon, The highest price paid for Hood Ileef or Shipping Cattle. I hope to receive a liberal share of the nubile, patronage, feeling assured that 1 can make it to every one's advantage) to traue wiin me. kcajui. Ottawa Januarv 2.1. 1879 THOMAS & HUGH COLWELL CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS 1 AND MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors and Blinds Stairs, Stair Railing, Balusters Posts, Mouldings, Brack! ets, 4c, tut. AiiKiuiisoi ; BUILDING PAPER. We are prepared to take contracts In any part of tl country, and those contemplating bu tiling will consul! their own interests iv caning upon us ami getting our ne urea on tneir worn, witn ourimproveu uiacninery we ar erepareu to ao an Kinua or Dress ins, Matching, Kipping, Ac. as well as fltl hills of Sash, BIlRds. Monldlngs, Brnci ets. Stairs, tt e solicit a call from those requiring anytnir Iu our line. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. THOMAS 4 HUGH COLWELL. Ottawa. III., May th, 181 Thin onnfnfierollr! Published by FUCHS & ZWANZIO, (C. ZwAMZin, Editor.) Is the Host Oerman Xewspapeii And Advertising Medium In La Salle and adjoining counties. i ADVERTISING RATE3 REASONABLE, j PHbllshed Every Friday Morning, at Ottawa, tlllnota BEST! business now before the nubile Yt can make money faster at work f. us man ai anvming rise, ismisi ni newied. We will start vou. fl2adl and nnwarils niaile at home bv the uusinous. Men, women, noyaanu giriawanien everywi to work for us. Now Is the time. You can work in time only or give vour whole time to the busluea Yoo live at home and do the work. No other business will p yon nearly as well. Ho one ran fall to make enormous p by engaging at onee. Coolly Outfit and term fn e. Mod made fast, easy and honorably. Address Tai R Co.. usta. Maine. novl a week In your own town. 15 Outfit ft. Norisk. hvertthingnew. lapltal not Tulred. We will furnish yuo everythli Many are making fortune, utniea wi an much aa men. and boys and airla mt great pay. Reader. If you want a business at w hlcb yon maae great pay all tne Time you worn, write lor pantrn to 11. Hallrtt A Co.. I'ortland. Maine oovll I WILL SEND And get lor custoners aa;tbtnc;in ItbeUrec and Book-f Qi waen 1 "o no: nave k. 1T 4 V IVfl i" 1 lC crino-e lsoJ 1 Lji L 1 VI Jj IV l'O. . st Hapenaa'a. west of tbe Toon Bouse Bonar BACKGAMMONrj, maa't wast of tne Co art Uorm ftotr. fajtallejEf