Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FREE TIIADEL ; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881. man, pair candlesticks and decorated candle; Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, pnlr Klaus VBses;Cbs. A. and Mrs. Caton, "Keturu from Flatilns;" Clias. Blanchard, dor.en silver tea spoons; MlssLlllle Clarkson, Sallna, Kun., pair napkin rings! IUttle Jekyll. toilet bottles; Virginia Hook, rIovo box; Mat'tfle MeS'air, panel pictures; Mrs. Murray, majolica water pltcuer; Lottie Kldrudire, basket Ilowers; Kmiua Canlleld, Fremont, O., same; Mrs. Dr. Pcttlt, "Ilonefeur;" MUs Alexander, abop. ptiiK bum Saruh Jekyll, Mosule table scarf; l.ura Nash, puir jianel pictures; Mrs. Clarkson, Sa llna, Kan., table spread; Miss McCandless, ma jollca fruit set; Nellie McMahon, pair clilna cups; Mrs. Dyer, "Old Oaken Hucket;"' Mr. Butler, bottles tnaneova; W. T. Tress, clock; Dema Cliirand the Misses Mitchell, chair back; the Missus Mc Arthur, Mao Balnchard, Sarah Jekyll, Cbas. K. Hook, Lottie Kldrcdjrc, J. E. Moran, Geo. Trimble, It. M. Kllby, Christina KneusHl, Mollle Osman, Horace Hull, Miss Chan dler, Mude and Lu, Newport, Ark., Will II. Osmiiti, known by the west side young people as the 'W. S. M.," Conrad Keisel's "In the LI brarc" a water color; Mrs. Swindler, satin em broidered tidy; for the (room, M. B. Mitchell, box of XX. Knowing these excellent young peoplo as all Ottawa people do, the marriage is everywhere looked on with great satisfaction as an eminently proper one, and the congratula tions coming from all sides are sincere. P. Hwnnn Co., Streator. We desire to Inform our friends and patrons In Ottawa and vicinity, that we have made special provision for the holiday trade by placing on sale the most complete and extensive stock of merchandise under one roof in La Salle county", consisting in part of elegant silk and satin dol mans, light colored cloth garments for ladies and children, black and colored gros grain silks, ele gant dress goods with trimmings to match, fine furs.for ladies and children, together with a most comprehensive stock of notions and fancy goods; all of which we offer at prices which cannot fail to command attention. All are cordially Invited to come and see us. Respectfully, D. IIkenax & C. Kid Clove". 30 dozen of beautiful shades in kids from 5octs. up to the finest kids, imported, in all shades and tints, at Scott Bros. & Co. Ask to see our Child's box tip button shoe at tl.25. Child & Puipps. Russell ASon, Ottawa's furniture men, have an elegant lino of writing desks, and other no veltles In fine furniture for the holidays and want you to come and see them. Beautiful Tiles just received at Osman & llapeman's. I am ready for the holiday trado with a stock so large and prices so small that you can't pos sibly be happy without giving us a call. E. Y. Grioos. Fifty cents a ticket only on the largest doll In the state, and twenty-five on other prizes at Wal ther's. ' Fur caps at Stlcfel's. Medicated shirts and drawers at Stiefel's. Scotch wool shirts and drawers, regular made, cheap at Stiefel's. Come round to Stiefel's and see them. The Klectrlo Light. The electric light, after many unforeseen de lays, was finally seen in Ottawa (never to depart until a better light is invented; on last Saturday night. It started up early in the evening, before it was yet dark, but It Immediately became the subject of all the talk and the sensation of the hour, drawing half the town to La Salle street after tea. The lights were distributed as follows: B Flake & Beem, four, one outside; R. II. Trask, one; G. Gehring, one; Osman & Hapcman, one; Scott Bros. & Co., four; Ottawa Starch Works, four. The machine was under charge of Mr. (.uim by, representing the makers, and worked splen didly, in spite of its being the Initiating night. Bright as it was expected to be by those wbo had seen this light before, and as hard on gas set opposite to it, yet the difference between the electric light and the gas was marvelous. The former was bright and clear, of the delicious color of bright moonlight concentrated" a globe of water with a soul of Are;" the gas was dark, thick and yellow as ochre. Stores that be fore had been brilliant as day apparently, lookt d dead filled with a soft-coal flame. Every night since Saturday the houses named above have had the light. Fiske cv- Beem have changed the location of one lamp to distribute the light better; while Osman & Ilapeman, find ing one insulllcient, on Monday had a second in troduced. All these stores are now beautifully lighted. Its effects are mo6t beautiful where there is much color in tho rooms lighted, or, as at Trask's, flashing on silverware. Every color '3 as clearly defined as in broad sunlight, so that jiictures in colors, decorated walls and ceilings, rows of books, Ac, are even more beautiful by uight than by day. It is a light that not one of the houses using it would now dispense with un der any consideration. Every night it works steadier and is more admirad. There yet remains to make it perfect the attachment of the indica tor. When this is introduced into the circuit, individual lights can be shut oil" from one up to twelve in number, leaving the rest burning, the indicator giving the resistance to the machine of one or more lights as they are shut otr by the switches. Those who lived west of the side-cut, or lateral canal, who had their eyes open on Monday eve ning, will cordially vote for the electric light for street purposes. The clouds were black and heavy, and the night was Intensely dark. As Late as seven o'clock, at least,'not a street lamp was burning. At that time one of the four of the Starch Co.'s lights was hanging outside the building. No direct rays fell on west Main street, yet that street and the next one south were il luminated by reflection as far west as Clay street, about live blocks distant from the Starch Works. It would seem that the darker the night the more useful the light Judging from this effect, we would venture the opinion that 10 lights, or a machine similar to that now in use, would light Ottawa better than it has yet been lighted. There is now a geueral disposition to take the light among our business men. It has been proved a success. There was not a little risk in introducing the light, but the firms taking it had the nerve to take the risk, and now the light is a success it must be but a short time before it is in general use. We find there are now four electric light com panies: The Brush, the Weston, the Fuller and tbc Edison. The Edison Is not on the market, tjeicg bound up la law suits. We find on Inter viewing Mr. yuimby, the Iectriclan who has been doing the work here, that the Brush and tie Weston lights are really the only ones now practically in operation. Of these he considers the Brash the better, of course. Hi reasons, however, are good ones, the superiority of the irjsh consisting chiefly in the lamp. The gen eratora of the fluid In all are much the same, though iu tho Brush tho workmanship on the machine is considered better than In all others, there being few parts liable to wear and these are cheaply replaced when worn out. How long they will wear without repairs is not yet a set tied fact. The points of vantage, however, are In the lamps, which are briefly summarized as follows: By the Brush system any or all ot the lumps as a circuit nitty be switched off (or put out) without injury to the generator, the indica tor offering the resistance of the lumps as they are switched off. By mo of this switch ulso the cundles in one ot more lamps may be renewed without disturbance to the other lamps of a cir cuit. In other systems should half the lamps be put out, the uiuchlne would soon be burned up, there being no method of controlling the surplus electricity. In each of the Brush lamps Is an au tomatic switch, so that lu case of accident to individual lamps, as burning out of candles, the automatic switch throws that lamp out of theclr cult and preserves it from Injury. When the cause is removed tho lamp may be again thrown into the circuit and the light resumed by simply moving tho switch back, throwing the fluid to the carbon points. In other systems when one light goes out all the lights go out. Again, the Brush lamp alone Is made a double lamp so that one lamp will burn without renewal of carbons with perfect safety for 13 or 14 hours. By such a lamp the lights may be started up say at (5 in the evening; at 10 unc-half may be turned off, leaving the rest burning all night as night lumps in stores. The Brush light Is controlled by a lo cal company, who, we understand, are ready to furnish lights for all who wish them at a stated rental, though at what definite cost we are not Informed. We believe it would be slightly high er than the cost to those now using the light here, though still much less than gas. Kkmemhkk, tnat we put on sale to-day 100 la dies' black union beaver cloaks and dolmans at prices ranging from $1.50 to 5.00. Persons de siring such garments will find tho prices ex tretnely low. We have just received a fresh stock of higher-priced garments In this line, which will be sold at prices correspondingly low. Remember our child's, misses', ladies' and gen tlemen's underwear. Remember our flannels and blankets. Remember our hosiery and gloves. Remember our notions (for we arc very notion al). Our ladies' hood (the Celestial) Is a beauty. It is said that the design was obtained through a medium from spirit land. Remember that our stock embraces fully and affectionately dry goods of every description, and that prices are always satisfactory to purchasers. A. Lynch. Neckties, silk mufflers and silk handkerchiefs, the largest stock in town. Step in and see them at Stiefel's White Corner. The finest stock of goods for the holiday trade at Osman & llapeman's. Their good are of the latest styles, and their prices are always the low est. Now is the time for holiday goods don't delay. The choice goods go first. You find a full line of all kinds of presents, books, albums, diaries, vases, toilet sets. Fine goods, medium goods, cheap goods, and toys of all sorts at prices low er than all others at E. Y. Griggs's. The rumors of a serious row on Wednesday night, come to this city, which we find exceed ingly bard to trace to a fountain head. The par ticulars as far as we can obtain them are these: On Monday night two men named Slingsby and Corcoran attacked Jack McCormlck, livlngnorth west of this city. Between McCormlck and the Slingsbys there has been an old feud, aud on Wednesday nlght,as McCormick was going home, from Ottawa, the two men named above waylaid him and after stabbing him with a knife and pounding him, left him on the road for dead. So far as we can learn Jack is seriously hurt; but though several persons in Ottawa are credited with knowing all about it, it Is like getting blood out of a stone to learn more of the facts than as stated above. Photograph albums, in great variety, and lower than they can be found elsewhere. Be sure and see Ocman & llapeman's stock before buyiug. Foot rests ami ottomans, just the kind you've been looking for nt Russell & Son's. Prices reduced on all overcoats at A. Frank & Co.'s. The State Board of Health has ordered the pu pils of the public schools throughout the state to be vaccinated or show a physician's certificate of vaccination before Jan. 1st, 1SH3. In considera tion of the prevalence of small pox throughout the country and in compliance with the above order, each pupil attending the public schools of this city will bo required to be vaccinated or show a physician's certificate of having a defined scar, before admission to the schools after Jan. 1st, 1SS3. E. C. Swift, Pres. There will be a Christmas tree and oyster sup per on Christmas eve (Saturday evening) at the Rutland Grango house (J. K. Spencer's), for the benefit of the grange. All interested in the pros perity of farmers are cordially invited. A. C. Barnes, Scc'y. The Rink. The Armory boys have kindly of fered to give the proceeds of the Rink for one er ening during Christmas week for the benefit of the Young Ladies' Library Association. There will be a-contest for a good prize and other at tractians. The evening selected will be announc ed in our next. $-100,000 have been subscribed for the new man ufacturing enterprise in Sycamore for the man ufacture of the Marsh harvester and twine bind er. Marsh Bros, took $300,0u0 of the stock. The Auchor Club give a dance at Willis's Hall on Friday evening, Dec. 23d. Music by Willis. Dirt. Lluca ta the memory or WILLIAM KKDKiA V, who dc ported this hf Friday night, the 9ih Inst.. at the home ol hi parenta In North Ottawa: Oh. why ihould the wplrit of mortal he proud : Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a rant-flying cloud, A fash of the lightning. break of the nave, Willie passes from life to his rest in the grave. The leaves of the aak and the willow shall fade, Be scattered around and together be laid ; And the young and the old. and the low and the hUh, ' Shall moulder to dust and together rhell lie. Tell the fainting soul, in the weary form. There's a world of the purest blisa. That la linked aa the anal anl the body liLkr.l liy a Covered Bridge with this. Yet to reach that realm on the other ahore. We mul para through a transient gloom. And mast walk, unseen, jnhelped and alone Through that Covered Bridge the tomb. But we all p over on equal term-. t or the universal toil Is the outer garb, which the hand of (..1 Bu flung around the aoul. Tli gh ttie eye la dim, and tl bridge l iark, And the river It span, la wide. Yet hub points tbruucb to a stomas mount That loom oa the other aide. J. L. and E. G. In Ottawa, Inc. 11th, .Mr. niXFOIfl) 1'. llRhOti, nf Iowa, to Miss MAKV J. BLANCH A UL of Mreutur, by Hey. U. I'. McPhersuii. la (mw, nee. Mil. ny liev. i. r. Mcrncrson, "l r "r-" II. DoltsKY.of Gibson, to Mr. MK1.1SUA HANKlS.of Ottawa. Mr. Al.MoS V(oli, superintendent of the Ottawa Hot tie Work, and Mm. MAUoAliKT A. LOl.AX were itnet- IV lltsrricil nil nun iiiorsu-av evening ni inu hoiikihu vi rather liyuu. Mrs. Logan wiia formerly In good circumstances and her friends commit ulate her in gelling a most excellent bus- bund, and Mr. Woods must estimable wife. On the Wtli hint., by Arthur Lockwond. Kan., Mr PKTFI! THOMPSON to Miix hOl'IIIA OlSMt MI.SON, both of the town of Mission. Keto SlDbcrttecmfMs. Neto HUbertlsements. A-HKATTY'H 1I ANOKOHTHS. -Mag-.lillWvut holiility preaenta; square grand pianoforte, four very handsome round corners, rosewood runes, three unisons, lleatty'H matchless iron friiini'S. stool, book, rover, boxed, &UV!VS.?ft to SKUftT.ftO; ratalogue prices. SfMOO to 1,(100; satisfaction guaranteed or motiev refunded nfter one year's use: unrinht pianofortes, & 1 urt to jiyyrc; catalogue price. K.IOO t HOOj stan dard pianofortes of tho universe, as thousands testify; write for mammoth Hal of testimonials; Hentty's cabinet organs, cathedral, church, chael. parlor, HO upward; visitors welcome; free carriage meet trains; illustrated ratalogue (holiday edition free. Address or call upon DAMKL K. BKATTY, Washington, New Jersey. VfHTVP TV1 lM Ifvouwould learn Telegraphy lUUlltl -iH JTjII in four months, and beieitiilu ot a situation, address Valentine Bros., Jsneavllle, Wis. $777 A Y'EAR and expense to agents. ewtflt l-'roe. Address 1'. O. V It'll EltY, Augusta, Maine. PAMPHLET"" rtlers. 100 pages wiitx. H()WKLIjkC'0.,N,Y. 600D GOAL! Three mile fro town, on the gravel road, on A. Hoga-IT- U ,U """""" W CRASH. 1882. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. llarper't Wetklu stands at the head of American illustra ted weekly journals. Ily its nnpartlsan position lu politics, its admirable Illustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches and poems, contributed by the foremost artists aud authois of the day. It carries instruction nnd eh tertalnment to thousands of American homes. It will always lie the aim of the publishers to make Har per's Weekly the most popular and nttrartifo family news paper In the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. l'er Year: HAKPEU'S WEEKLY 00 I1AEPKIP8 MAGAZINE 4 U HAKPEU'S BAZAK 4 CO The THREE above publications 10 00 Any TWO above named 7 00 MAHPEK'S YOLXO PEOPLE 1 50 HARPER'S MAOAZ1NK. ) . n HAKPEU'S YOUXU PEOPLE) ' HARPER'S FRANKLIN 8QUAKK LIBRARY, One Year (K Numbers) 10 l Voltage Free, to all mbirrilieri in the t'nttetl State vr Canada. The Volumes of the Weeklu begin with the first Number fur January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next nfter the receipt of order. The last Twelve Annual Volumes of Harpkk's Wkkki.y. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 17.00 each. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent bv mall, postpaid, on receipt of 11. 00 each. Remittances should be made by 1'ost Otllce Muuey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. A'tirpaifr are. not to copy thi atlrertiitmeitt v lihniit interpret order of Hari'Kii fe Hhotiikbs. Address HARPER & HROTHERS, New Yokh. IF" Single copies tor sale and kiilwriptioiis received by Osman & llaiieiiuin. Ottawa. Illinois. "STILL AT THE HEAD." TIIK riO.NKKU AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL OF THE UNITED STATES. IS l-IIII'AKKI) run A Vigorous Campaign Daring the Year 1882. llartin nttnented the, Marrelow Perflopment of the Ureal Xorthne4t ituring the. Kurt and Mine Y'enri f fit krentul and I tefnl Life. IT IS Ithri ft: ft J'K .7M lit' TlIAS KVKK to leaut the AoKK'i'i.riKisr, Huktii i.LTimsr, (iNrfbrocK Haiskk to Mew Con'ueiti in the field of liitral Industry. The following are a few of the traits which distinguish the PRAIRIE FARMER from most papers of Its class: It Is iNDKPgvnRNT. With no entangling alliances, it is in position to speak out boldly and honvstly on all the burning ijuestlons of the day. It is Moiikratk. Solierly honest in all It views. It makes it a point to express thostr views with coolness and moderation, avoiding the cam of the hypocrite and the ex travagance Ml the demagogue. I r is Ciimi'RRMUVsi vr. All the iiiestiotis bearing upon the wrlHieing of the Agricultural Mitiulatiui are discussed In its pages. It la Proorrhnivr. No new device of real beneflt to the Agriculturist escape the vigilance of Its eye or tail, to receive due attention in Its columns. It is Conskrvativr. Rccogntlng that the mnt prof itable and reliable uiethisls in btoek Breeding and Tillage are those which usage anil experience have established. Hie I'KAIKIK KAk.MKR I not slow to warn its readers against the many deceptive notions of the day. In addition to lhe usual depnrtinents of an Agricultural paiM-r, it furnishes n Kull I'ags of l-.tliroriul VritinK, in which are aisrussed thirne matter which have a direct and material Influenc e on the profits ot pro duction such asTrnssirtatlon, the Taritf, r inanee. Hank ing. Foreign Affairs. Ivhu Taxation, Monopoly and I'uhUe Improvements. All Important In lustrlal movement in this country and nbroad are rareruiiy noted and ra.mly commented on, and the more Important pha. of National Polities are pn-sented in a cjtiidid, non-partisan maimer. There is no iittestioa of '-l. educational, orliulustrial Im portance that the PRAIRIE FARMKK hesitates to handle. hims or aCRM RtPTioN : 6ltigie ( iipy. One Year. Poat Paid ti 0" M Mouths, " . i til Three ' " :) LI11-. For Club of Three bnb-erloers, O .e Y'ar 5 no ' Six " " " uo Eleven " - is to SKi'l K f'oriRa will be writ free on application, tnitflt free to agents, who are wanted rrrwlore, and to whom litssrxl rh rotiiiiilsstons will oe allowed. Rem.ttaMr.-s shonid Is? mail by p-istitl money order, reg istered letter, liank draft, or by express pre-paid. Address PRAIRIE KAK.MHU ( no ". Ui. lr"Sing'e copies for sale and sut'M-riptions rt-e:veil by tsMnan d liaiman, Ottawa. Illinois. SAMUL HICH0LS0N, Atturney- 'if L'lNAI. SK'ITLKMENT NOTlt K- 1 1 TAI r. or -I Ai 'H Ja I'll-, lS rSBr It. re- y tmen to all neeoii inTer-o-l m ii estate, that the u ndersign.!, Aifmltitslrstrix of the estate of im;I Jot .lacotst, ueceaMil. appear t-f. re th i xurity t nun ( the county f La Salle and state .if Illinois, at the 4 ounty t ourt lom. in Ottawa. In said i-un'y. on Monday, the 2d day of January, a. It. 1-s-i. f,,r the pnrjacM-oi reiii ring an at-rount of hvr jitisvihI'm:. In the administration ol said es tate f.r the flris.1 sf'enieM. Iiated at Ottawa, this iJtti day of Ivo nits-r 11. r LCI: A J ACOB.. Attt: P. W. STorKI.mrit. Aitnimistratr.x. Ckik County Court. La sialic (.C til. detlVI HI TiBFBalBIEFABHER New .3oomtb. ineiii. THE GREATEST SUCCESS CF THE AOE! iuENTS jvANTEI) HEROES OFTHE PLAINS By J. W. lll'KL. Embracing the Llcs mul Womb rful Adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Dill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne. Captain Jack, Texn Jack, Ca ifornia Joe. i And other celebrated Imtlsn Fighters. Scouts. Hunters and Ouldl. A btsik ol 'I'lirlllillK Adventures on tin l'lainx! rights witu lielais! tlratid iliittulo limits! Desperate Adventure? Narrow Escapes! Wotulerlui stiiHitlng and Keltiuc! Vi. liti'in the Knr West! Ito Illustrallot ! I it Kull-pttire tjolored I'lutex! the grandest hook fur Agents ever published. Positively isi'sells evervtlilng else. MS pages: prcefi "0 Agent's ait lit. M cent. ulUt and copy for i.til IV Write at once lor agi ncv. or terms and Illustrated circulars to HIS TORICAL PCllLISHINli CO., tW N. 41 It street, St. aw. Mo. dec 10 , Dinneen & White, WhuU'twle and rtU.) den lor lo ""TaJAl COILS, AN I Third Vein Soft Coal Eiclnsiyely, AT LOWEST PRICE. Office and Scales with Thayer. Ratters ft Co.. near Rock Island Depot. TELEPHONE. No. 55. F Coal delivered to all parts of the city. octlS FARM FOR SALE. One of the finest and most desira ble farms In La Salle Co.; the Clark Farm, l!a miles south of Ottawa. Applv to M. I). CLARK, or L. N. WATERMAN. JOHN GROSS, BOOK BINDER, Blank Book and Paper Box Manufacturer, Office, 20 and 21 La Salle Street. IW Paper ruled to any desired pattern. oct'-M'Sl I AM CLOSING OUT MV ENTIRE STOCK OK FURNITURE, Consisting nf Parlor Suits, Iledronni Suits, Caster Rm-kera, Camp Chairs, Bedsteads. Mattresses, and a general as sortment ot Common and Fine r urniture and HOLIDAY GOODS Now is your chance to secure 1 l.irwcmii. as I have greatly reduced my prices in order to clisie out my busi ness, lours respccwuiiy, Her. 3, IH81. OKO. 1. UUOtJ .SIEHRIM. The Host is the Cheapest. get the: LOGEY GOAL. SOLI) ONLY 11Y JOHN T. BURKE. Ai Cheap as the Cheapest for Same Quality. Order by Telephone 1 111. Office north of Columbus st. hri,!... t V no- i orders at .Will MeMulllli's. lien nett A 'Rlale's. Chns. Iloxle's stores, and Korbes Lori liitu's lrug Store, or at my residence, corner ol Jackson and Pine struct, wert Ottawa. Nov. . INKl.-Hinos .IOUN T. lllTItKK MUSIC. 1 (in Popular Songs, words and music rt ets 1 ) Comic Songs, words mid inunle :t ets, I Ot Setitlinental Hongs, words and music. : tt ets. I on Old Kavorlle Songs, words and r-nisic :t els 1 OO Opera Songs, words and music Ill) ets I OO llotne Songs, wordsand mutc :tOcts. 1 OO rlh Hongs, words and music. ' ts 1 OO htlilopian Hongs, words and musk' ito ets 1 OO Scutch Songs, words and music. ;t ets Any four nf the above lots for One Dollar. All of the ahore Tor IWH lloliara. I lie siKivr rumiiriM-- in-niij uii in iii.- niost popular music ever published and Is the best bargain eier ullered. Order at once, riwtage stamps taken. P' nis-ties. Violins, (iuttars and Musiual Instrumenta at low pnci s. World Macuf. Co, 120 Nassau St.. New York. MONEY TO LOAN, Utirlng the next nior '.Oilays I will lend money In sums to suit, on farming lamls. on long or snort nine, ai an unu sually low rate of mteret. Call upon or address LEVI W. ROOD dec;; 3tinii' Khendan, III. For Sale or Exchange. lots 1C I. .V A 7. in IliorkTwo. Railroad Addition to Otis a. These lots will lie sold cheap. Tliey are situated three tiKs ka northeast or the !;' isianil iiepui. rornarueu lars Inquire of ARMSTROSO CHAPMAN, Atti rnevs at Iaw. dec'l linos Cor. Court and Madison hts , Ottawa, lil. Notice of Assignment. mbllr nflf in ht rt by aivi-n that thr undrnnKutiJ, W Htini W 1 :ivlr. hMM evn anrw.lntt'tl iu--itfn f h- Iftl firm of Hull A iWtW. of (tie cUv ot OtfHWt., tn tti' ruunr of i luitrm nif;ilh4f iu4ifl )ti-flrin of Hull A H-irit-i are lifrt'hv ri'itiflt'il ti (Tt-m-nt tli' HHtnr totti micJf ruined nni!r nth wtllilU tlir' inotithi rrnin hit ihI. J at Ottawa thin .tnh dav f NoTrnKT a. !. I1! ft. W. IAVUiU. Atwifin-. CHASE F0WLEB, 1H T HI ilfT SAl.KOK KhAli K.MTATK --I'ut'llt-fnuttrr u lifnby gut n. tht by irtii in pur uaprr uf utionlt-r and lwrv nf th irrut! "ourt r IasII ctuiity, in th Htntf f lli)n'i, itial at thr ir:u-r Tmn thT-of, a. it. In a r-rtaln ru thrin pfh'liiiK u Hit rhum iTj thrriNff, whrrin Amatia W afwn, Mary Ann I tai'p aiitl Kiiiah i lapp, hfr hiiVutiMl. Iir.n H ain. At a Uat-fMi. Wa-tiiiiKlt.n H &tm,u, Mrj.rir ft V . Watmwi. M;) 1-na lloiN-nbn h, rn.nia Worth. Imnii t U aiM.ti. Arla WtM-n a in bHimif! f.iyip. alniiH. and ift-orn-.- A W-rth, Ijunrl Wirtn. Itrrn Ihih I'-iwir. H) n.n !. rty aayn, A ten KinaU-tti "a n. U aitcr han!'V I'axri, KlMir A iln I'aynr, Aliri-A. lUudail, Iin-na llaiid-i I, Nflhp lUuiinll and imn 0 lUti'lt:' ntlttor. who hj Amaiu Watwrn, th-ir m-tt friend, were romp tin-, an . and Ma i lUnda 1 wait .Irfrndant. th a.ntrr-niirnt-d, MTr In Chanrr, ri. oti TmwUt, thf dav .f Jitiiuarr. a. l. Ii, riiiiii.nriiitf at t!i tn-u Z'XU k in ti.V afrrrinM.n uf natd dti". wli at !. h--n du ti th liirh-it t-iddT un tit f'i!i" intf d nhfd pr-tiii-a. all fh- follow i nic dKT.l fal rhlf, Vtf , Tie ta-tha f of th otillirr ,urttT of M"tlni num j vr thrw. tn town'iip nmii.wr thirty two crth, lit nuTiirr flT. rnx nt th third rnnnpal M ridiau; anl ai t'ii arrrti if land urt th at m of th ! I. - I 4 1 11, r-.utirt .juarrrr of atd H- ti"n lunnt-r thrrt. tn tl.t I .wnahljt and rany afrMifl, iMxindnl and d- riN.l a fhiw. r r,n.Ti iirin( at t!i tiortli-rt Cwrnt-- "f th tMt half uf fhr fMiiliWPt finrtrr of unl wi-'Mi huii-t thrrf alio p dPwnhMt. and runtiiPif tlt onrh fipi dr'tt and itiv r-d, th i. r ! t a r ih ih p nrtji otm htmdrfd a'jtl -ixty ntl and Wi-i:" rt ll"-pia id g atiii ir: ail itnf-t. lying aad t-u- n V.u- county of la t-a -and ttafr of lllia') 7m. f S'tif Kithr for a 1 .'i a hind or f r thir-l Ph In ha nit and tn- rrma adr to W pa A tti ti rqual lntall;n nt. aa foiiiw, ! vr in ont rarand Itir (ftht-r in t afk irarii, w 1th n,trrrt thriu at th- ratf or Vht prr rrt, j err inniim payah aunna t , tnaJd two U! paiuirntaand th iiittrri thrr- a ti hpryrM h a mrta'tif' to hr rirrtitni hy th purrhar or jur tiT to ttjr pwriia taajd m l upn tt rtniw- u. HAK Ma-trr nrhm-.n I. P. JwK, oi r krliy!i. tx:;-iw ru wMitrrnsnntnts. If you wish to GARDENING I FOR PROFIT. If you wish to be-1 PRACTICAL come a Commercial rtDinniTiiDC Klorist,reaa j FLORICULTURE If vi wish to Gar- . M . M n tlen for Amusement GARDENING orf .r Home Cse i FOR PLEASURE. oniv. reaa ' All by FETEIt nE.DF.nso. Price (1.50 each, postpaid by mail. Our Combined Cataloeue of kitistiDJcS i& iZXrfXn u win For IW, sent free on application. PETER HENDERSON & CO. 35 Cortlandt St, New York. J. F. MURPHY &C0. Ill c 1 Delivered in all parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALEKS IN BRICK AND TILE ORDERS SENT THROUGH Telephone 65, ( mayor roc sirs off ten:.) Ottawa, Oetoher !, Itw!.-3imn To Bridge Builders. Notlre Is hereby lven. that the unuVrstpticil. t'oimuls- Sinners Ot lllUllHliysol lll lownoi ri ioiiuuh mm hi inr Townol Farm Kliine, In U Salle eounty. Illinois, will re ceive proposals In wrltlnn for the repairing o( a hrldtre ar.roaa the Vermillion river where the hlKhway In the south west quarter of tieetlon 30. Town N ., lianiie 11, K. "f Hd I. M. cusses said rlvi-r. Said repairs will consist of two stone abutments, nntl an Iron stiiierstruct tire of three spans, aRitri'KaUnK W feet In li HUtli: tlie plana and spiH-itleatlons for which may be eanilned at the otllceof the County Clerk of said eounty. Separate hiils for the masonry aud for the atiperstruclure will be rt iiuireil. Salil proposals may lie addressed to said Commissioners, in care of said County Clerk, at Ottawa. Illinois, and will be opened at his olllce at 2 o'clock v. m. Thursday, the rth day of January a. I). Itf. Said Commissioners reserving. Iiowevtr, the rlkht to relect all hlds offered Dated this Wth day or November IHI- W. i i It' M T, T. J. !'AT I'KltSON, M. V.. IIAWI.KV. Coiu'rsof IIiBhwavs Town of Vermillion. ( HAS. K. I'KATT. M. V. IIOIHiMiN, bA.MI KL. ANTHAM. deei-4w Cotu'rs of IllitnwiiysTown of Farm Hid(re. D WILL ZR,IETTT:R,:iSr- MIW Ml KKCK. of Kerk's Medical In firman'. Dawnport. Iowa, on account ol her large practice in I.a galleconnly. w"'l niakeher next visit to Ottawa Tuesday uiornlngthe 1 Ittli of I W.-i.. br. and will trtwaln until saUiriiay rviwlng "the 17tli. ltooius and Parlors at the Clifton Hotel. Consultation and -vauilnatloh free of charge. Kegk's ToIedigal Infirmary. It is well known that tne Ii.s-tor's (usual practice U Chronic HlM-ates. and It is needle- to enmiierste tlie various all-iiit-iit treated. Von hs'e rend what the people say ; no peruse with care THE OPINIONS AND CRITICISMS OF THE PRESS : ii Invaiil who lue. health and it blclngs should overlook the inasiof testimony which exits ss to h- r ahlilty lo cure apparently hoH-lessi uses es. - lAlVuln ' tti.) Itmltd The Ixx'tor l adilliot dailv to her already iruifloiis uud well earned reputatiou." I tuna Journal. "Indeed. If all nur physicians wen- to take the sumo Inter cat, and work with tin- same prulc eai as Mr. Dr. keck, who gives her life, her entire tune and Islmr, to the grand conquest of human diM-aiM-, then would there 1m- lea arfiictloti and belter health at large."--i'ormnilun lluCun. "This lady Is herself a remarkable woman Fngaglng in the practice if ttieilicine alMiitt I jears ag. w hen It was ihi dinii tilt Tor a woman In any public position to have lo r qualities reciinld, or even to meet totcram c, Mrs. Itr Ua. bv virtueof rare merit suj.tmrted bv Indo. tillable tier- severance, has work.l beroitiy and rapxllv upward, until lloW lOie NIUIIUS UMi nil ."ill I in in r, ri m----. uia. i, .i.-im w- ted, sis ially resscted and financially w-H-l " 'iiteiiiur( fitizetie. "Mr. Hr Keek ha- shown lu rsi It to ! a wonderful wo man, and her career Is a wonderful on, look at ti w tiat way )ou wlii."- yro ei yattunal lfiiux rat. "Frank, generous and kind hearteil. sin- lis- won the af-fii-lton of sil class. and ts resp'i-ted and honored. Dot sUne for her profeH.ii. nal attainments, but for her loh qiisl itles as a lady and upright itten ' iudK'trrt of J 'curia V'- speak from our own '.list hilgu. w hen we say he is ineof ttie moat succeirul practitioners In tlie treattneiit ot ntsesM-s niade a p'a-ia!t o her :n th'i cot'.ntr."- H u.A iigton Farmer. "Th.s lailv ha- gained an eminence In the practice of her pi-lty of hionic iliiM-s".'". which inp;-s iiirriiorlous emu. at on on the part of Voiihut-r. slid eren older, follower, of kscnlaput. and lhe results of her skill ana -no eM treat meiit bring torlti the pri-cs snd bif".tiii- of hundn-ds. not tn Kaveaport only, but through the broad distance of thesut.-s " itreuiort Otowiai. 'This 'ady ha developed a sy-teiu of pct it whlih Is distinctive, and e.-llli. to meet the requirement to which it .sapp ml. witli a surprising ."feor. a Tranm:ript. She Is now a soiitiil. healthy woman, ca;.aW of doing he work of tli e or-liaarv w-UM-n. Mie h not only runal her-. !f. but she has cured snd i curing thousands of other srfl.cte.l with the s.oio indsmeil coitilition of the mucous metnomnes. w tteltier of the lieati. repirafory organs, or otli.-r p-rt of ihe t-sly. Her success is unprecedented. I'tuini A'j)of vimo.1 at. S me w ho have been given ui by uir t4- i'hsieians as incurable hae b.-en p:ace.1 under ire' care of tlits iaiy, who ha.ed ttniu from an early grave."- iisvoo'i " Hhh Jlf Fge. name so well known In central Plirois ts to have be- CoTiie a household s.sil In hundreds of fami'l-a. Is that ..f Mrs. Dr. kei'k. -tssisi) 'idtkis ItT Coni.tilativit unit trial ot nvlioiiia ISeffi a'ubmtsemnits. JUST ARRIVED! .As complete a dock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Hoots and Shoe as there is in Ottawa. Everything in. Dress Goods desira ble and cheap. Men's Kip Boots, we have, the Best, We defy competition.. $3.50. Our F. 0. Cass Women's, Misses and Children's Shoes can't be beat; and ice invite inspection. Remember ice sell more Groceries ih an any store in Ottawa. Best evi dence that we sell cheap. No snide goods; all reliable. MAHER BROS, S. W. DUDGEON GOODLAMt, I NO.. Real Estate Broker. Taxes paid. loan negotiated and general real estate busi ness transacted. I hae several nne farms and business biillilinirs tor sale or trade on excellent terms In Goodland and vicinity. Iowa, Missouri and Kansas Lands to Ex change for real estate In Newton. Bentou and .Inane' counties. augtf-tf IamfTrTaieT Situated In the town of Deer I'ark. H mile east of Banker Hill. Contains IS) acres, well Improved; two good, neser fatlinft wells on the place, beside running water moat nf the. Iltiie; a good orchard of about Us) trees uf all kind ot fruit. Would like to sell within two months. For particulars in quire of the ow ner, J. .1. LI 11. nT-lw Esfrayed or Stolen. From my farm, about three mllea southwest of Seneca, A 1.U111T HAY MA UK COLT, coining two years old neil spring. The roll Is of light build, and has a few white baira in thi' fori head. A reward will be glveu for information leading to the recovery ot the colt. JullS SCHKOEDER, Nov. 2. ISSI.-Sw' Tuwu of ltroukdeid. TIIE LATEST NOVELTIES "K inmanMapemaB's. wsst of Coot House" N OTK, IHr,T API J) HKCRIPT BOCKS at OSMAN A HA HUMAN'S, West ol the Court Home H. OUNN. Attorney at .iite (JTAThtIK I UliIfN UN, U 8 LIE CO.-. O In the Clrruit Court. January Term, AugHsta I. I'hel tt. Haiinlhal Phelps. In Chanetry. AltTdavltof the non-residence of said Hannibal Phelpa. tlie. above defendant, having been tiled In the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of said county, notice la therefore hereby riven to thesald non-resident defendant that the complainant tiled her bill of complaint In said eonrt. on the chaueery side thereof, on the ilth nay of November IsnI, and that thereup on a numinous Issued out of said court, wherein said suit Is now pending, returnable on the second Mouu.iy In the month of January next, as Is by law required. Now, unless you. thesald non-resddeiil defcndait above named, shall personally be and appear In-fore said Circuit Court on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holdea at otttawa. In and for the said county, on the secoad Mon day iu January next, and plead, answeror demur to tne said complainant a hill of tomnlaint, the same and the mat ters and things therein charged and stated will be taken aa confessed, and a decree entered Bgalnst you according to the prayer of said bill. WILLIAM W. TATLOH, Clerk. Ottawa, Illinois, Nov. 11th. 1W1. II. Ucvm, Coinplt'i Sol'r. novM-lw lTO'ri;K.-K.STAi or K.i.i e.xrn A. FYrr. Dc't. ll Notice la hereby given, that the undersigned, Execu tor of the last will and testament nf Klliatielh A. KyfTe. lain of thecountyof ISaileand stateof Illinois, deceased, will appear before the County Court of aald county on the third Mondav. ( being the JOth day ) of February INK!, at the County Court ftoom In Ottawa, In said county, when and where all persons having claims or demands against aald estate are notined to attend and present the same in writing for adlustment. Ilnled this Hth day of November a. V. IWI. IIKNliY J. BWISDLER. decS-dw Kxecutor. She has cured herself and thousands of others, and baa tisile s name which many Mfe-iong pruressH,nainui-iprs ann graduates sno men oi leiw-rs wuuio i" I'min .m. um iiiiw tier.e'f slid estlu'Stite isiiniy trritii inrj.tain waiasui iiibw ihsi nf the hurhrat in their circle, both. s-laliy and uao- elallv. and to-dav I loveu anil respectrw must oy tuiwe wuw know ner la st."- I'toria AuooroJi i'eouxrat. "It l always a pleasure to record the success of women, who. unaided and through difficulties and trials donee vouth and early womanhood, rise superior to all upposltWa and surmount the many obstacle continually arlnnfi i their onward pnigress and achieve a success and promi nence lu any department of life, and much more so in the wa'Ls calling for learning aud suiwrmr knowlciKte. Mrs. !r Keck commenced the practice, of her profession soir.s) tifti-en years siro. and has achieved a success and promt neaceas marked and flattering aa it la fully deserved." It- uuinet of I'evrm "Mrs. Kis k has Nvn an active and suiaessful practitioner for nfte.-n vears She mski-s a ses tal study of chronic di seases ou!v. and has certainly performed mauy wenderful cures."-- ft'tisaiNU'O'i Fanner. "Time, and a larger scquaintanee with the people only serve to add yearly to Mrs. keck' celebrity aa a pb.vsu.ian and a good name aa a ciliien." t ning I'tonan. . "This 'ady is so well and lavorably known to our reader that she needs but a pasing notice here. Sac come al wave crowned with cotiitil-.tuenis. snd bearing the highest reevm-inendalions.--iiaco.Fi KIll.) runes. "During her 'a-t visit here it ws wonderM to see tka vast cruwd of mtieuts lLat g.'.kervd around her." Lincotm , Id. I Il-raid. "Tk ma-tor's rapidly growing popularity is a tvoatant cause .if remark. hc has alwavs had a large practice here, probably the Urat In the city, aud still it is fast tnereawlng. aoJ iUcnu come from great ihstaucea." setsrw Frttmam "The growth of her bastne in tht city ka been ttesa:) ai,d rapid, ami her repuut-.on for practical skill In tbm treatment of chronic diseases is widely iian-aiii."-i'-ninj 'eocsan. "Mrs. Keck has earned the great fame which see entoye Ni uutlrtng saTivitv iu hehsiroi the sick, and earned It welt. She is well known to our readers, and herpctl trmtt forchronic disease needs no mention, for ti a so troubJsal. for hundred ol e .ilea are'ind. seek lier counsel. It give u pleasar- to chrontc-e the lact that after nearly eu yer of rcgul u- periiHltcal visit to KloomingTmi. her practice now larger than ever before, and on a steady tisrresee, a a result of many cure performed. B loom atom Wv. "Hilling a practice of nearly Brteeayear Itr. Kee k P lined, without doubt, a greater celebrity than any Femm hvaulan In the west.aaj lhestniisendom-ierasir in from all part of the country ." w'alir.tWli. Probakly no phjslrtan hs ever cmiie to onr city wh re ceived a warmer and k:uttir wptu than the jiNj anarnuneut lady. Mr. I'r. keck." Imcofa U.) ffsrsisaV KHKK, at otIli-i. ClittoM Hotsl. octlWw niatriiTt lm . I torn vWt