Newspaper Page Text
AMimEMENTN. Monday-Ada Gray, "EaatLynnc." Tuenday "Uncle l oin's Cabin." Wo..rt "HuniDty Durapty." Aria nnv'i Is a new version of the story by- Mrs. Henry Wood. "East J.ynne." still the I'Iht The ladv herself is a Will UC 1IUUI V - tery good actress, and has a first elass company supporting her. The best test of that Is the houses she has drawn, and It Is a fact that she mrt monev every week since her season beeun. We are confluent those who witness her Lady IM and .V:. Vine will not be Hfrap polnted. tkh f..fttnres of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," with 8am Lucas in tlie new (to him here) character of Uncle Tom, were K'Ven last week. Iliey win bavo a bltr house, of course. On Friday is Anthony, Kills ft lUtheway s "Aeeregation." The leading feature is anew Humpty Dumpty Co., with one of the ordinal (as Kavel family, famous years aKo, as clown. But the attraction )r urtlUnce will be "the presentation of Sadwah, the Fire Worship er. Sadwah is a royal princess of the Qacus, nd appears in sonKs. dances and other special, ties. The management have brought this celeb rity to this country at a jrreat expense, and we are sure an overflowing house will jrrect her here." There are also a dotf show, musical spec laities, Ac., .fcc. The company have been loinK a good business during the season, and in their line are credited with giving a superior enter tainment. Low prices prevail: SO and :'.5 cents, and children 125 cents. THE COURTS. The Appellate Court. The boys were setting on the anxious seat, not hearing from their examinations for nearly a week, but on Tuesday the successful delvers In Blackstone on this trip were made known to an admiring constituency, to wit: Delos W. Baxter, Rochelle; Wilbur F. Bourne, Macomb; Robert M. Cheshire, Oregon; Mat. K. Chambers, Oule na; Thos. Colfer, Pontiac; John Fitzgerald, Torkviiie; Wm. A. Hamilton, Chicago; Vm. K. Huuter, Kankakee; Chas. I. MeN'ett, Ottawa; Geo. T. Pake, Metamora; Geo. L. Itichards, M. W. Jack, Stnyitor; Geo. K. Walker, Chicago. The Circuit Court. Judge McRoberts wound up the October term on last Saturday, after hearing a number of mo tions and formally entering some judgments. The term over the bar took occasion to have a "play." It struck them that Prosecutor Brew er ought to have a necktie an article of gentle man's wearing apparel more ornamental than useful in roost cases. At any rate Mr. Brewer does not generally Indulge in the luxury. The tie was procured, and Wake appointed to make the presentation. He did It In his usual happy manner. Mr. Brewer responded In tone; and the occasion was immensely enjoyed by all fortunate enough to be there. The County Ofllees. Count) Court and Ctrrk Walther'n Block. Mailiam M Aiww.lM-.-Kiclisnuv llulldlnic. omxnilte C'liri"n. Circuit Court and Cltrk. North curt of Court t , down taJrs. AArtT. Pame. up atalra. Treaturer. Opera liouw lltnck. Couwtv Agent. VI Mher'a Itluck, up stain. Aut'l- of Construction, W. H. Titub. baiut. Coroner. in M. Hticfel'a itore. The following were this week granted llcenes to marry: II. E. Towner anc Emma E. Barr. tfam'l Thorson and Betsy Olson. Henry Kinker and Emma Schobert. Anton Preussand llermine Nelson. A. J. Sih-rt and Mary fkiuner. Wm. McElroy and Bridget Wright. Chas. M. O'Nell and Lou M. Pratt. Chas. B. Lomasney and Etta Masters. And. Grosjeau and Caroline Feser. James F. Higgles and Charlotte Donelson. Wilhelm Ley and Louise Becker. E. K. Khodes and Amelia Egle. Harry L'lrleh and Ellsa Becker. G. 8. Lowe and Cornelia 8. Whafcy. Chas. L. Bradford and Fannie C. Becin. Kixford P. Gregg and Mary J. Blanchard. Win. Featheratone and Fanny Armstrong. Bam Johnson and Isabel K. riiorson. 8. A. Cipiierly and Dora McQuarry. James W. Curran and Kateliilnu. Peter Thompson and Sophia Oamannon. John 8iddons and Charlotte Brewster. Chas. 11. Webster and Nora E. Wlllcy. Ed. J. Byrne and Margaret Le utile. ESTATE. Claims against the following estates must be filed on or before Monday next: Bernard Doher ty, Lorenzo Leland, Dixwell Lathrop, Thos. Ol son, Archibald Armour. Thaddeus 8. George, James 8. Drew, Louisa Mosher, Anna B. Gallo way, Windsor P. Woodbridge, Wm. 8. Wood, Amass Allard, Windsor O. Clark. Dr. Weis, coroner, has appointed Dr. W. 8. Smith deputy coroner at Streator, and Solomon Kosenhaupt, E-i., at La Salle, the Circuit Court having granted him permission to make these appointments. The third will be at Mendota, and will be ottered to Caspar Fischer. Oflicer Brennaii is usually a very careful man, hut on Thursday evening, he rather overreached himself, and succeeded in bringing down upon his devoted head a good deal of indignant com ment. It appears on Thursday afternoon the Rock Island depot at La Salle was robbed of se yeral hundred dollars. Officer Murthaatonce sent Breutian a sort of a description of the man suspected, with caution to watch the trams. It also happened that Mr. William Simpkms, a ve ry worthy citir.en of Marseilles, a baker, had been at Ulica to secure additional help for his business at Marseilles, and was on his return home in company with Mr. Alx. Holcomb, of the lame place, on the evening freight. Breutian was on band and seeing Mr. Simpkltis some what answered the description Arrested liiin and put him in irons to be taken to the jail, notwith standing the protests of Mr. Holeomb who de clared he had been with 8impkins all afternoon lu Utica. Siinpkins was taken to the new jail and locked up with the general line of prisoners. Holcomb returned home and told Mr. 8impkins's frleuds, two of whom Immediately came to Otta wa. Being Odd Fellows they secured the assls tance of Dr. Harris and others of that fraternity in the matter. Brennan was summoned and Murthaalso. As soon as the latter saw Mr. 8. be said he was not the man wanted and he was released. Mr. S.'s frleuds feel Indignant over the Blatter aud Mr. 8. b'.ruself at one time thought of ft suit for damages but has concluded to let the matter pass without making trouble. The new jail on Columbus street Is now occu pied by the prisoners, who are uking the upper or third story of the Jail proper. The story has accommodations for 10 men and is filled. The Jail compl-.te will bold 4 prisoners. Each cell Is provided with two sleeping bunks. These are iron, the frame being about one Inch round Iron, the mattress sheet Iron. The outer side is tup. ported by chains, and wbeo Dot In use are raised to the side of the cell. Each bed has blankets nd a pillow. Each cell door Into the corridor has three locks: the lock tbat shuts and bind II the doors in the corridor simultaneously; then bolt lock and Anally lever lock fastened by a pad lock. These three locks fastened, the door of the corridor at the entrance to the ball way It fasten) by triple locks! The walls of the celli ad eorridors are of bar steel. Each corridor has water reservoir hove; a wash-bowl fed from a and also a water closet flushed in the same way. The building Is heated with a Kutian and Is comfortably warm, though smelling now of now warm ualnt: red on the llor; while In the cells and corridors Below on the first slory in another series of lockM the btair c.iie 10 tUo second story being protected by a steel door with locks; and the main door Into the Jail from the outside by a Herieaof combination locks. The Keys of the locks In cells and corridor are fur ther protected by a safo with a combination lock in which they are deposit d when not in use. Be sides the wabhmg places in Iho cell corridors there is a bathroom In which "guests" can be washed before going up stairs. The place could have been improved by making It possible for the watchman to see all lha cells as he make the round of the building. Now he can see half the one floor; then he retraces his steps and exam ines the other half; then he uscemU a story and repeats the process; and so on to the top. There is also a "foul air duct" of sheet iron plac cd along the outer Hide of the cells in the watch- man's passage ways the quarter of a circle about two feet in diameter. It may carry off the foul air; but it is certain that inside of six months, unless the laws of dirt collecting are changed in the meantime, it will be simpljj a dirt hole, and one that cannot possibly be cleaned. The new Lutheran cnurcti on the went side will be dedicated to-morrow. The church is not a large one; but it is a pretty one, and one of which the congregation may well feel proud. It Is 40xthi feet, with altar recess In addition; walls, IS It.; extreme heicht, iM ft. Eutrauce is made to a small vestibule, ou either side of which are doors into the church proper. The Interior as well us the outside Is in the Gothic style the most churchly of all architectural styles. The choir is located In a gallery in the rear; while the pulpit is to the left of the altur a uenuine old Gothic pulpit raised from the floor, with canopy, aud en tered from a vestry (?,) room left of the altar re cess. All the interior is in ash, and both altar and pulpit are beautifully carved in style of the church. The windows are a beautiful series of stained glass, each with diilerent design and motto, while the walls and ceiling are handsome ly frescoed in appropriate designs and lettering. It is heated by u Ritttan furnace. The church is of brick with stone triniinliigH and is topped with an SS.foot spire and cross, of course who ever heard of a Gothic church without a spire or cross. The cost is about fi5,.M). Those luivlng the work in charge were Rev. M. Seiving, pastor, J. Vette, Daniel Riet., Charles Knoll, G. Gehring and Al. F. Schock, building committee; H. C. Fumess. architect; Weis & Wolf, contractors; H.P.Clark, painter; Mr. Hentrich and boh, frescoers; and the work is well done. The programme of services for the d:iy is as follows: At 10::K) a. m., Dedication services, Rev. Mr. Wagner, of Chicago, oillclating and delivering the dedicatory sermon, lu German. At 2::W, services, Prof. Bohu, of the Evangel! cal Seminary, of Addison, 111., oillclating. The Professor will lecture on the doctrines of the Lutheran church. The Episcopal church choir will sing. At T.'M, German services, and sermon by Rev. M. Krebs, of Aurora. It is of course understood tliut the public are cordially Invited to attend any or all of these ser vices. On Sunday morning the ground was covered with snow an Inch or so deep, but it soon dUap peared. Ou Monday night a heavy rain fell over quite an extensive area, for both our rivers have been "a-boomlng" since Tuesday. Tuesday night there was a slight freeze, though not enough to make the roads bard enough iu the county to bear a horse. COl'NTY NOIKsJ, MlSCEU.ANEOl'S ITEMS. C. A. Clark, Esq., of Marseilles, has removed to Locansport, hid., where he lias purchased a paper mill. The good people of Marseilles are up in anus because a billiard room is a luxury proposed to be licensed. Tonlca Xt-tr: J. W. Moore has the ciedtt of auctioning oir the highest priced hog ever sold in La Salle county. It was 8 or '. years old-he knocked down a .'MM) pound sow to Mr. Terry fur lu.r, eood and lawful bid. Peru AVim: Au agent of the ('., R. I. t P. railroad la In Peru to-day, endeavoring to arrange for the purchase of a atrip of laud ou Ihe north of the track running through the city, with a view to moving the tracks a greater distance Iroui the buildings on Water street. Frank Gage, son of Isaae Gage, of Brook Quid, had a leg broken ou Saturday while felling a tree. The tree falling towards him Instead of opposite as expected, caught him iu its branches. Au artery was severed, and only theyoung man's control of himself saved hi in from bleeding to death. The Water Works Co., after spending 1M),000 In Juliet, are met with a resolution by the city council declaring the contract revoked and re sciuded, for the reasons that neither the said Jesse Starr, jr., or the said Jollet Water Works Company have complied with their said contracts, or either of theui, either the original or supple mental contracts. I'm .Vow: Rock Island No. 2"i coming west Sunday night let go of the caboose and two cars three mileB east of I'tlca. The conductor sent a flagman back to warn 17, following, but he wasn't quick enough, and though engineer Vos burg reversed his etiglmt (275), and did all he could to check speed, the caboose of ' was de molished and engine 275 Is minus a pilot and smoke stack. Trains were delayed about four hours. Earlvillc Lewier: "Dwight Hapcman, while huulinir in Urown's Grove. Saturday, came upon a suspicious looking bunch of leaves in the woods, and upon kicking them aside found some ladies' tlnely embroidered shirts, several cards of buttons, laces, etc., evidently hid there by some one who had stolen them." "Geo. Binder, living west of town, met with a painful accident; while removing ashed, a portion of It fell upon him and broke his leg. The Odd Fellows turned out and husked his corn for him." Two well defined cases of small pox have been developed at Norway, in this county. An elder ly Kcnllc inati named .lobancs uieu recently, u is believed, of this disease, though there seems to be a controversy among physicians of the neigh borhood on the subject, lie is believed to have taken It from a second hand Bint of cloths pur chased in Chicago. A woman of the same fami ly Is now sick with the disease. Supervisor Adams has taken the matter in hand and is mak ing every endeavor to prevent its spreading. Considerable excitement eiisU In Kankakee and Grundy counties, III., over the discovery, iu the lands owned by the Wilmington Coalfields Railroad Company, of veins of coal, aeveral feet thick, which are said to be of superior quality. These coalllelds are regarded as particularly v.ii Ri.le ix-musR tlii-v aru In one of the best ag ricultural districts of the state, and are easy of arrfia. Kiv railroads will compete for the trans portation of the coal. Shafts are now helng sunk, and it is expected that mining will be be gun In a few months. Mendota Imbr. Kith: " Ml laal r riuay (tuning. ill Turner Hall, Freddie Miller, while trying to niak a "ilant winir" accidentia fell from the iioln nnd sustained internal Injuries. He was at once removed to Max Hasa' drugstore and cared for, but it was all In vain. He lingered uniii uie next morning at 5 o'clock when b aled. lie re mained unconscious from the time of the fall un til hla Wth. He was a 14 vear old son of Mr. and Mra. Ilenrv Miller ol this place. The funer al servliea took til ace at the German Lutheran Church, on Sunday, at a o'clock r. m., under the auspices of the .Mendota I urner a Association. On lat TnesdaT. at Mendota. young Irish man named Mike Knvd hurirlarized saloon In the basement of the nostoinca building. He was detected by Warren Barrett, clerk In the saloon, who procured the assistance of Night Policeman OTTAWA FKEtt TRADER; Hart, and started in pursuit or Boyd He was lUllunuu w mo mviiv, v nuunv, " . " I suits were on the outside, he opened the door and tired a charge of buckshot at Barrett, which penetrated bis eye and will probably prove fatal, Bod is somewhat Idiotic, and if his victim dk-s. the de fense will liu Insanity," say s a local author ity. However, B yd was examined on Wednes dav, and placed under bonds of !,0(H1. As he could not furnish them he is now in the cou ity Jail. sTKBATOlt. Free J'r?: There is good news from No. 1 lodny. Tne water is so near cleared out tbat to morrow the cages will lie put back on lu plsce of the water boxes and on Monday the work of taking out cou. will bo commenced. A number of the shoolisU of this city are to meet to-nifcht for the iiurnosu of organizing a gun club and preparing to give a shooting tournament here some Mine during the wiute'. Things looked mighty skittish up about No. 1 T....u,l.. v The bole throuiti the soanstone don Into the mine at the big break, had been stopped up and strengthened so far as possible so as to keep water I rout pouring in in case uy auj m i dent a II od should be turned into the hole ag:lu, and the wisdom of the measure was shown. The big rain raised the creek so that it broke oyer the barrier and pou rod down Into the hole wl.ich m tilled level lonir before noon. The water whs feet ileeii on the timber platform over the bole in the stone, and feara ware cutertalned that ihe pressure was so great llial me wnoie inwig would give way. The water boxea were put on and preparations made for another light for the him if the mine, t:ii bo far the timbers lmve stood up under their load, and the flood is ftlll kept out. If good weather will only last a few days longer now they will bo able to get back to the break from below, wnen it win oo waneu in and made secure against another Hood. I. A SAl.I.K. Prenn: The long abandoned furnaces of the nine factory, at the foot of First street, have been tiikcii possession of by the Illinois Zinc Co., of Peru, and will hereafter be operated by that Urm. A great (leal of money had been Invested there for buildings, machinery, etc., and allowing them to stand idle and go to ruin as not profitable. That row of maple trues w hich shi dowed the wa direr on sultry summer afternoons as he tramped along the gravel mud leading north from Peru lias been coudemned by the road commissioners of that town and their destruction ordered. In some countries a very liberal reward is ollered to Individuals who will lake the trouble to plant and raise trees along highways and iu other places. On Saturday last Win. Burns, while crossing the bottom road on foot, found the current too strong for him and was carried about 'JO or ,10 rods down stream. He was rescued by Mr. Ed. Noonan, who rowed out with a boat and took him out of five feet of water just as he went under for the last time. He had a very narrow escape from death. If a man were drowned there every week it would not be considered necessary on that account to raise the road above high water mark. 1 he "continuous tank" at the De Stelgcr bot tle works has been finished and is now warming. When the melting has been begun there will be blowing night and day, seven days in the week, by 18 blowers, nine working in a shift. Kutland Items. J. H. Shiiner is alxmt moving to Ottawa, his main object being to school his children. Ilia son D iuglas takes charge of the farm. J. K. Spencer has purchased the Khotwcll Estate and is now in Missouri to purchase a cattle ranch for his son Ed. J. L. Grove, who wus verry sick with lung fever, is recovering. John OilMnn, who was hick with erysipelas, is around again. Corn husking is about over, yield about twenty bushels per acre. Jluniness it at a stand still on accountof had roads except with our two rival blacksmiths. Voting blacksmith and his friend hitched up Hay Dick to the buggy and put in a quart of medicine, and started to Wcdron to attend a nartv on last Friday night. Jty the time they arrived the friend thought himself as good a man aa there was in the county. 1 here being but a small company of ladies present they had to stand back and smell medicine, the scent getting their ideas excited they turned their intention o business. Their first elTort was to tear down a gate to get the hinges to repair. There being no hinges, they took an other dose of medicine and proceeded half a mile further and were more fortunate, finding a buggv that needed repair. The owner being familiar with the rattle as it passed his window jumped out of bed and saw the old buggy going. lie put on ills ciomes, mourni-u horse, called his dog and made chase. Their pursuer gaining on them, they had to drop the buggy and play whip to Hay Dick for a mile. The pursuer being satisfied who the young business men were, gave up the chase. Now hadn't our young blacksmith better go slow, as forcing patronage is a poor way to build up trade ! X. Tim Telephone. Ills unorthographical craze in Medlll calls Uuiteau an "Bssasin;" Why this should ho thus Is confusing to us; That it Isn't "asasin" 's aniazln'. . niass molds and the necessary machinery of all kinds for making their patent glass roofing h being placed In position at the works of tl.C Lane & Wood worth Company, lonngston, U. preparatory to starting the establishment. The manufacture of engraved lamp chimneys something new in the trade, has been commenced at Ward's establishments, Pittsburg. " The Aurora JJraam thinks the new idea of the Appellate Court in examinations Is going to bring about a higher grade of young lawyers. The court now propounds Its questions Itself, both orally aud in writing, and tho candidate must make au average of "CO" In his examina tion before ho can enter. "Such a rule," says the tirwvn, "well administered, will be for the ad vantage of the student and tho court, yet It would be vastly better were the average put at leaBt 25 per cent, higher. There should be a greater average of top shelf fellows in the pro fession." The preseut week's experience In La Salle county should make Interesting reading iuo ar ticle on Roads by the Hon. turner uaiuwin, found elsewhere In this paper. The whole coun ty is blockaded, bringing a loss of thousands of dollirs to the entire 70,000 people in this county, and especially the farming community who should now be utilizing their time iu hauling. This road question Is getting to be a serious mat ter, ami a remedy for the evil should be more thoroughly discussed by practical men like Mr. Baldwin than It appears to be, and brought to the notice of the legislators. Ottawa Wholesale Market. Ottawa, Dec. lf, 1SS1. ruva aid nan. I'alrnt. V lll w Flour, till! Mif, retail V IKlfta.. Swl 4 W maj Flour, Kaiiaas winter, w luu Flour Minnesota aprlii- wheat, retail 1U0 Corn Meal, retail, W Wheat. 9 bush Kye. Tisat t orn, aliened. M a Corn. ar 711 a New Cirn. HU s ma SI a . l m I is . so . M 4 as . MM . M M . 40 M 4 , . l.'OwlU . 1 1 (. 1 15 . a m r . i . 175 .400 S M S N M . : s la a .1100 wISM . S V. I 75 . i .VI 4 4 Ml . 4'lt 1 10 . S VI 4 M . se 5 is TlinoUi) Seed raoBL'ca. Potatne. buah, Butler. ! Cl.kkena. llv. (anrlim.) do. Im-keaa-ilmianl. per lb Turki.-s. drmoed. per lb Ducka, dr.-s.eU, per lb .eee, III "" uVi'iwi: Cattle on fnot,eowa, 9 !'a altle on fo-t, ateera. f 11 ltn. Tat Cale. live welhl, ttheep. lOHlia live 1100, i leu TALLOW. BIDBa AMD SALT. Lard, Tallow, In oil btila., 9 a, Tallow, h oae. Halt, bbl Hide. W dot is 1 t I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881, Calf, f Itoacon, i Flint Hides. ft II as u Dry Halt. iu Vh .,r'l.i nrh-nniver whole rank- of market, from ware. house urtcea to orieea wild for odd loads for feed. Chicago Market. Cuicaoo, Dec. 17, 1881. The Time of yesterday says: The board of trade markets were comparatively steady yesterdey. Prices, as a rule, were scarce ly satisfactory for sellers on Wednesday, but still there was no positive weakness, and before the close values gradually worked their way up to and in some instances hlger than Wednesday's figures, the trading all around was quite mod erate. On 'Change cash property closed at the following prices: Flour White winter extras. . . , Western spring extras Minnesota patents.... Wheat Winter, No. a red .... Spring No. 2 Corn No. 2 closed at Outs Cash sales of new at. .. Rve No. 2 7 2.1 li ri 7 00 I 25 I 21 00 P! 07 en srsi ( 6 7 00 04 H 50 (i 1 2S id 127 ( til ( 47 Oi !'H tl(5KH (.1-10 02 Mess pork lr 110 1-ard. 10W Butter Choice to fancy creamery, nne to fancy dairy, 22t:ic; good to choice, l.r)(tl8c; shipping lots, lldr l'- Eggs-Fresh, 24tt2.V. , Potatoes New, choice, OOctfi.f 1.00 per bush. Cattle Extra graded export steers, ii.30(ii fi.75; good to choice natives, l-VActf.."!); com mon shipping and killing steers, :t.70(4.40; cow. and heifers, 3.25t4.00. Live Hogs Sales ranged from tl.WQGAO to packers. Wool.. Walter Brown & Co.'s (Boston) last circular reports the market as uctlve with the tone strong on tine and medium grudes. yester day's Chicago quotations are as follows: Tun-washed, good medium, f Tub-waslied, coarse and dingy Washed fleece, fine heavy Washed fleece, line light Washed fleece, coarse Washed fleece, medium Cnwashed, fine Cnwashcd, fine heavy Unwashed, medium Unwashed, coarse ft. ..376? 42 ...:ut:i6 ...34t86 ...iV,(,aH ...:io:i2 ...:W(rf40 . . .20(22:$ ...1S(,22 ...2i2 ...18((22 Don't Die in the Bouse. Ask druggists for "Rough on Hals," It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, nineties, vermin, ines, nuts, insects, loc per box. jHtecellaneouB. Dr. Frazier's Root Bitters. Frazier's Root Bitters are not a dram-shop whiskey beverage, but are strictly medicinal lu every sense, tney aci sirongiy upon iuv iin and kidneys, Keep llie uoweis open aim regular, niuke the weak strong, neui me lungs, uuuu up the nerves and cleanse the blood and system of every impurity. For Dizziness, Kuh or Wood to tne iieau, lenu ing to Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, Fever und Ague, Dropsy, Pimples and Blotches, Scrofulous Hu mors and Sores, Tetter, King Worm, White Swell ing, Erysipelas, Sore Eyes and, for young men sullering from Weakness or Debility caused iroui imprudence, and to females in delicate Health, Frazier's Root Bitters are especially recom mended. Dr. Frazier: I have used two bottles of your Root Hitters for Dvspcpsia. Dizziness, Weakness aud Kidney Disease, and they did me more good than the doctors and all the medicine I ever used. From the first dose I took I begun to mend, and I am now iu perfect health and feel as well us I ever did. I consider your medicine one or the greatest of blessings. Mas. M. Martin, Cleveland, O. Sold by druggists everywnere ai n per oouie. oetl5.1y FORBES & LORR1ALX, Agents. Stationery Supplies, j We have all the latest ideas itibus- iness stationery, have new type, and use the Hodder Blotter-Pad for keep ing printed supplied clean and han dy for use. The Hodder Pad is the best in use. It is neater, cheaper, more convenient, less cumbrous and does its uvrJc better than any other blotter yet invented, as a mere glance at it will prove to any man. We guarantee satisfaction to all our customers, giving the best material and best work for the money in Ot tawa. If you want something good and neat call on OSMAN & HAPEMAN, Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Railroad. NEW TIMS TABLE. On suit after Sunday, November 6. the C. It. I. & 1. Hallway trains pass Ottawa as fulluws: (Ioino Kaht. No. 1, 1'aelnc Kxpress ami Mall lMU A. M. I, Nltflil Kxpress -' A. . " 6. Kansas City Kxpreaa V1', M- " S, C hlniKo and Davenport Kxpreia i. n I. M. " 10. Peru AccoiiimiHlatloii (i.'J A. M. t'reiijhtt Carrying Vaixengrr. " 2t S.OT p. M. 7.4H A. M. 5.40 P. M. (Jul Ml WKNT. No. 1, Atlantic Kxprca " 3, MkIiI Kxpreaa " 5. ( hu aiio aud Kansas City hxpreaa 7, davenport Kx press ami Mall " V, l'eru Accommodation Frtlghl Carrying Pamrngtrt. , 3.10 P. M. 1.IN a. H. i.Ui a. M. 1.4S P. M. , fc.W V. M. , 8.10 P. M. 1.45 P. M. 15 A. M. 23 a; Niw. 21 and is will have a pnsHenRf r coach, carr) ing pas- senners Im'Iwwii .lollel and 1-a Salle. No. ! CHTlea passengers oeiweeu uriicwru mm No. 'i earrli-K paaaeiiKf ra between Blue Island and Bureau No. a and ibcarry paasvngem betweeu Blue Island and IMihnK 181 the Atlantic and l'arlflc trains will run on the following-Sundays: Nov. W; IMrember 11. A. KianALt, .. Davit. M. Hall. K. St Jonj Oeneral siup'l. Aiteni ai uiiawa. win Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy R. R. TIME TAltLK. Niiveiulier tlth, 1881. First Class. I! F rst Class, 'A I Pass. No. S3 B. Paaa. No. 61 B. STATIONS. raw. No. fi B. I'aaa. No. 64 B. i is P.M. LT!A H. I.V A M. AB P H.AI 4.S5 s ai SO .... Chicago.... Aurora.... ..West Aurora.. Fox Itiv. June. . ...Oawrfro. ... ...Yorkvtlle.... Fox . .. Mlllhrook... ...Mtninirton... ....rtliertdao.... 11.00 .15 Ml !W 111. I 111. IS to. as 10.34 111.41 10 Ml 10f 11.03 11 .07 11.16 11.28 11 M 11. Ml 11 .51 5. tf . 6.40 6. M t7.0i 7.11 7.31 7.4S 7. M B.U0 8.10 .s S.30 g 40 8 SO 1 . .JI .15 .0 8.S1 8.43 H.SS B. 8.15 8. IB 8.10 7.53 7.4J 7.13 7 27 7.10 7 i 6.50 5.40 5.87 3 14 5.32 5.13 5.06 4.58 4. 4.40 i.i : 4.JI 4.10 3.52 8 21 S.5S 3 52 3.15 p a. li 3V ir. is l 3i I erei HI Blak Serena i Vtedrou.... 3S 4.a - - . , , payion C.H.I. r.Croa'ii 44 41V i4H iMk I.OTTAWA. I.. South l lima a. !...81de Traek... L.lirand KidKe.. ....HUharda....! blrealor.... 12.10 P.M. Aa AM.ABl No. IW Fretirnt-fwina aoutn No. Fremlit ticannaouih No. SS Frvialil uln north . N.. n Kreutlit Kolna uorth t ISPB 6 (O A W.I5A 7.1DPH Morning train niakca cloau connection at Aurora for al) 'rSShSS! V&Z Slreplna C.m.C B.Q. Prawl.g Boom Cara, Horton'a K llnina Chair Cara and Oir t. B. 4k Q. Pal-ai-e IMnlnf Car, by Una rout. All information aWmt rate, of fare aleepma ear atvoinmodatlon ud Uiiie table will b.cke.rfuny ..ven by PPT4;' ,,VAL umt General l'aaaenger Aa Ll, Chicago VeualMrnr.lThlcago. THOS H. MARVIN OTTAWA GAS CO Are prepare! to do au kind! of Gas and Steam Fitting. Wrongfct Irea Pip, FUmea, J ItUajt, 46., fvaUbwd at KcUi ilDbcrttefmr Holiday Goods and At prices you have never heard of before, and bar gains you cannot afford to let pass. 1 want every body to come and see what I have and sec my prices. All prices are marked in plain figures. 1 want you to come, if you don't want to buy, just to sec the goods. My added Toys stock exceeds of all sorts. Holiday doods kept in toy stores. Any persons out seeing my stock and themselves. E. Y. GRIG-GS'. THIS 01 FOOT RULE May chance to be of service in many homes. It will also serve us if it recalls the rules of M. STIEFEL & CO., which are: 1st. We never offer for sale any Clothing but what we believe will give thorough satis faction to those who wear it. 2nd. We stoutly maintain our custom to alway have the largest stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing to show our customers. 3nd. We do not allow our salesmen to mislead our customers as to lit or quality or kind of goods. 4th. We stick to one price alike to everybody, rich and poor. 5th. We give the guarantee with each sale we make. 6th. We return the money to anybody w ho wish it, if they choose to bring back the goods uninjured. THESE ARE THE to CO Or EULE We live by every day, as any one can see. i a 00 CO LAID CLOTHING HOUSE II OTTAWA. Hoping to serve you this Fall and Winter, Yours truly, M. STIEFEL, MANAGER. WHITE COB1TBB, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. 0 WALL Window Fixtures and Curtains. WE HAVE A LA11C.E AND ELEOANT LINE OK NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. mi .t mA,ife:v..v-l,tto" ,e A SO PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS. Don t forget It! Don t buy before cominir to see u. City Drug Store, T. A. SMURR Christmas Presents all former years. I have 1 have every description of drug stores, book stores and who come to Ottawa with prices will do an injustice to IS STILL THE s k lis 01 Sill PAPERS,