Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FREE TRADED; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1881. Onr Model Sheriff. To tho Free Trader. The economist in quest ot model county oillccrs, may study with profit tho statuto on Fees and Salaries, chapter 5:), which, on the subject of sheriff's fees, anions other things, provides m substsnco as follows: For dieting prisoners the sheriff shall re celve such compensation as will cover actual t; for attending county and circuit courts, three dollars per day, and two dollars per day when attending county court while sitting for proba'43 business at request of the judge; for attending supreme court three dollars per uay ; for conveying a prisoner to .loliet or to tiie re form school at Pontiac, twenty-five cents for each mile of necessary travel in coingto Joliet or Pontiac pay from the state; and tor con vcying a patieut to Klgin, twenty-five cents for each tuilo ot necessary travel going to hlgin pay from the county. In criminal cases no fees shall be paid to the sheriff out of the county treasury, when the fees collected by him during the year shall equal the compensation or salary allowed him by tho county board. "And provided farther, that no more vf such fees shall in any cane be paid from the county treasury than shall be suf ficient, trith the fees collected, to make the salary or compensation of such sheriff." hvery six months he shall make an intelligent report in writing to tho county board of tho earnings, receipts and expenditures of his office, ot every manner and character. By virtue of the foregoing statutory provis ions, during the first year of his administra tion our "model sheriff" received from the county payment as follows: Dieting prison ers, 1,491, at least a clear gain of ftiOO; turn key fees, 83.50, a clear gain. Cash expended. Conveying eight prisoners to Joliet, 29.:iG; bringing three more from Kankakee and two from Streator to Ottawa, 47.48 ; serving writ of attachment at Lostant, 7.00; conveying two boys to Pontiac, 13.50; conveying five patients to Elgin, $61.00; Jas. Carew, his proxy, carting prisoners to depot, 12.50; and so on. The amounts under head of "Cash Expend ed" are virtually twice paid by the county tfrst in Its allowance of irom 1,300 to $1,700 annually for traveling expenses, allowances, by the way, ingeniously figured by the rule of alias, shamefully large and again paid when it audited tho bills for the above amounts. The state pays the sheriff the large fee of. Iwenty.flve cents a mile for carrying prisoners to Joliet and Pontiac, and the county the same amount for carrying patients to Elgin. The statute docs not contemplate that tho state or county shall make "Model Sheriff" a clean cash gift of these large fees, which will aggre gate hundreds of dollars during his term of office. On the contrary it does iutend that the sheriff shall pay his own expenses out of the tees and then have a good living margin left. During the first year of his term "Model Sheriff" personally attended circuit and coun ty court 013 days and received additional pay for 187 days' attendance by deputy, tor which the statute makes no provision whatever, mailing a grand total of 800 days In one year, receiving therefor 2,088. In addition to this estimate, he is personally (we say personally, because in these days of reform there are no straw duties tor models to perform) In attendance on the supreme and appellate courts several sessions during bis term of office for which he re ceived several hundred dollars more, but cutely resolved them into pin money outside mat ers, you know by use of that ambiguous friend to county officers, "Allowances." These fees, however, seem to be new perquisites un der tho salary system. During the first year of "Model Sheriff's" term he received Irom the county treasury, for doing criminal business, (much of the same beiug absolutely straw services rendered), 2,- $23.81, 2,752.83 of this amount being re ceivtd In direct violation of the law, herein before quoted. Because his statements of ac count, his reports, ambiguous and lacking as they arc, and his settlement with the county board all show, that he received enough from civil business, lacking $09.98, to cover all sal ary or compensation allowed him by the coun ty board. True, 2,752.83 would lubricate many political journals, and he may have paid -some of it back into the treasury after using it a long time, but the statute says he shall never receive any of the fees tor criminal busi ness when the other receipts of his oflice are equal to his salary or compensation, and when Jiey are not, ho shall in no case receive ont cent more than enough to make up the uefl ciency. "Model Sheriff's" "Reports and Statements" are eloquently silent on everything but moneys due from the county moneys due moneys- 1ue. Silent on "'foreign court business," si lent on supreme and appellate court business silent on turnkey fees; also silent on the sub ject of conveying prisoners to Joliet and Pon tiac, and for conveying patients to Elgin items which run up largely during a term ot office. Wonder ir they all go with supremi court per diem perquisites : Among other seemingly strange thing' "Model Sheriff," in addition to a large corps of deputies, has four bailiffs the court yenr round, at a daily expense to the county ot 10, and this, too, for doing tho same work that Sheriff Mclntire did with a moderate numbei of deputies and tiro bailiffs, except during sessions ot the grand jury, when he had a third. True, this large army of smiling aid ;s useful in working up a re-election ; but can the county well afford tno rare luxury of a "Model Sheriff" and bland "office deputy" to stand on the sidewalk talking political "big injun," studying the financial multiplication table, making bills, &c? Tell us more of lenure tell us in your next jEKrtE 1. Ut'OKU. n Monday last Mr. A. M. Tatjeart, grain buy er of lxug Point below Ptreator, committed sui. eide, death of Lis wife and child having made him depressed in spirit. In tbe rooming he got up, put on his pant and then took bis revolver and stood before tbe glass to see where to shoot. He placed tbe revolver back of hU rit'lit ear and shot directly through his head, the ball stopping- jut under the skin oo the left side whence it was cut out. lie fell directly backward and when tbe people ran In be was laving with the revolver tisbtly clutched in his band, which lay across his breast. He lived about torty minutes after the shot but was not conscious. HOME MATTERS. Personal. IU1.1.. Horace Hull Is homo for the holidays. 1'nni.i's. Mr. Jumes Phelps is home from Ar kansas, Kino. iliss Gertie King has returned from Chicago. Hki sii. Chas. and Ed. Hrush have returned from Mliinrsutu. Fla. J. K. Montrose rends us a pack of Jaitk. sonvillu, Fla., papers. Hush. Tlieron Bushnell returned homo from Minnesota on Thursday evening last. Woi.k. Henry Wolf has begun a thousand mile walk! It's a beautiful daughter. Lr.CKY. Mr. W. K. Lecky, of this city, made a brilliant record at Louisvlllo as a "heeler." Medic Everett Butterfleld, of Kush Medical College, Chicago, is homo for tho holidays. Cel. LBN. Our congressman has places on the committees on Agriculture and Invalid Pensions Davis. Miss Amanda Davis, Cold water, Mich., is visiting her cousin, Miss Chandler, of this city. West. Miss Helene Hassnett has returned to Ottawa, after spending several months In the west. Placf. Rumor at Washington hath It that 1). F. Cameron want to be revenue collector at Chi. cago. Chas. A daughter has, since Sunday last, adorned tho home of Mrs. and Mr. Chas. Cra craft. Piano. .Yews, Peru: 'Misa Jennie Huntoon, Peru's pet pianist, goes to Chicago this week to play at a concert there." Short. T. P. Bailey, short hand reporter of this city, goes to Chicago as private secretary to the president of the Thorno Wire Hedge Co. Bow. Mr. W. E. Bowman, " the conquering hero," has come home, and Nattlnger, the Jour, nal man, and the rest of the boys will sit ou the fence eating cloves as he wends his way Into the post oflice. Seal. William W. Taylor has presented his clerks with a fine sealskin cap each. Still the boys, Dan Trainor and Will Seeley, continue to recognize their friends. Adams. Yorkvllle Record: "Supervisor Wright Adams, of Mission, has just received six Import ed sheep from England. They cost some f (50 each and are beauties. " Nason. Mrs. N. C. Nason, the Grand Secre. tary of the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., is lying very III at her home In Peoria and not expected to live longer than a few days at most. Jokdan. Morris Herald: "Miss Kate Jordan will return home on Monday next to remain one week. Miss Jordan is meeting with deserved success as a teacher in the conservatory of mu sic at Peoria. Hlbtt. Prof. Huett, of the High School, spends the coming vacation in the eastern states. The Professor has usually so many valuable sug. gestions to make for Ottawa's benefit, we ex. pect to h3ar something from him after his re turn. Ariz John McGinness has returned to his old borne In Ottawa and Is now shaking hands with old friends. His latest residence was at Tombstone, Arizona Ty., but during his absence he has visited most of the states of the Pacific slope. Dbad. The La Salle iV has the following, which will interest many people In Ottawa: "Mrs. Ellen J. Hatheway, wtfo of Dr. O. P. Hatheway, of Chicago, died at Lawtey, Florida, Nov. 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Hatheway were for merly residents of La Salle, and they have many friends still residing here who will be pained to learn of the death ot one so highly esteemed by all as was Mrs. Hatheway." HiBE.-Chicago Tribune, 17th: "Hon. John lllse, the retiring Cashier of tho Department of Public Works, leaves this evening for Arizona, and last evening some of the boys in the Water Oflice, after business hours, escorted him to "The Drum," where they presented him with a rich gold fob-buckle and seal as a token of remem brance and respect. Mr. Walter Williams made the presentation speech, and Mr. Hlse was too ranch overcome to respond. Afterwards there was a couple of hours of thorough sociability. Dean. Chicago 7Vmf, Wednesday: "A large number of priests belonging to the Ottawa dean ery, in this state, assembled at St. Patrick's church, at the corner of Adams and Despluinee streets, in this city, yesterday afternoon, to pay a tributes of respect to their former chief, the Very Kev. Dean Terry, priest of St. Patrick's. The worthy father was Intensely surprised to see the delegation, and his surprise deepened to amaze ment when one of their number, Kev. Tbomus Ilodnett, of Dixon, presented to him, in the name ot his late associates, anostensoriurn, aci borium, a chalice, and lino span of blooded hors es and a carriuge. The ostensoriuru and cibo. rium are of the Quest material and workmanship, beautifully wrought in the Gothic style. The chalice is of sola gold. In the speech which ac companied the present, Father Hodnett referred in touching terms to the universal love and es teem in which Dean Terry had been held by his late co-workers, dwelling specially upon his hos pitaliiy, for which he was renowned, und his general ofllcial amiability and kindness. Tbe priests in attendencc numbered some fifteen or twenty. After the presentation ceremony the company adjourned to the parochial residence at No. 135 Adams street, where they partook of a substantial repast. The Taxes. "Taxes What a nation pays for glory." Sid ney Smith 0771-1W5) has well enumerated the fruits of an insane desire for national aggran dizement, a Including: "Taxes upon every ar ticle which enters into the mouth, or covers the hack, or is placed under the foot taxes upon every thing which It is pleasant to see, hear, feel, mell or taste taxes upon warmth, light and lo. comotion taxes on every thing on earth, and the waters under the earth on every thing that comes from abroad, or Is grown at home taxes on the raw material taxes on every freth value that is added to it by the Industry of man taxes on the sauce which pampers man's appetite, and the drug that restores him to health on the er mine which decorates the judge, and the rope which hangs the criminal on the poor man's salt, and the rich man s spice on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribbons of the bride at tied or board, couchant or levant, we must pay. The schoolboy whips bis taxed top tbe beardless youth manages bis taxed horse, wlthataxcd bri dle, on a taxed road; and the dying Englishman, pouring his medicine, which has paid 7 percent., into a spoon that has paid 15 per cent., flings himself back upon his chintz bed, which has paid 22 per cent., and expires In the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of a hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death, flis whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chan cel; his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble; and be is then gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more." Taxes are interesting to those who pay them. As noet of the books of La Salle county's towns are now in the hands of the collectors, the fol lowing abstracts from the balance sheet will not b without Interest to La Salle couuty readers, as showing how much cash said collectors will call for during the next lew week StHtf Tus. S.SB M Willi 41 i.Mi n S.niio vi rVi 1,'xftHS 2.1X1 1'-S l.hlliM 'i.SU.Wl l.tKtM I.IKi 1 .',4.ll ' II 7i '.'.(.HU 81 County Ta. Town Ts. 1 n 114 711 1,39517 2 1 HOC 17 4i 224 15 TOWNS. Adams Mien Itrooklleld Urine jlaWoll ji"vr Park IMimnii k F'.anle Karl Kden Kali Itivi r K'iriM KiilKii Freedom tlrand Kh pulH (irovelaiid Hone i. Vniii- Manilas MelldoM Mertdl'll Miller Mlsstotl Northville Optilr Osatce Ottawa otter Creek lVru ltWhland Kutland Serena Mtmtli f IKjium . . H. '.'ll n :tt 'J..M 61 5.5 111 I. WUSI J.NW I'l 1,'H.I '. H.MI 'It L.VtlSl H,0sl 15 8. II. I 11 H.WW 1 I'.tt til 140 4S !.IM IS S.tWI 8:1 J Win! S.M.VJ .4.ii;:fli W 111 10 2 IS HO i if, i; 1.1 MS 71 1MI II S2M 1.371 71 ill I 144 71 .i.; r.i 2. I I .. .U't.' -M ...'J.OiSW ...8, 'Mi 2J ...'.LrjoH ...l.'JmiM) ...2,i; 19 i.l.iiim 1. r,s i a ti 3.015 M 2. MM 20 :um '.M . 2.01W M 2."S8 . ,.N,I.'I74 ll.7M.VN .l,.4U7tl 4S I HI 4.7IS SI 1.KI1 HI 2,914 104 HI :iH SI Al .l,iVt 8'.l .2.IW6S .2.2:4 Ml S.2I 2 21 .1.V.2 7S 8.230 20 Tn.vlir.ivo S,1M: .1.1 M 21 I'llni l.M l.KliUI I.SK'I" J.WJ-J0 Wallace UsiKS i.VM i't Wiillaee 4. &2 J" VJSl S 21.192 niatrlrt DClllHtl. . 3.026 2S . 9118 S7 . 2.11 s; . K.:lstill!t . I H!I4 77 . 8.112 18 . l.HIl Kl . 1.9110 7 . 3.9111 2Ti . 2.901 19 . 1.IMH7 . 8 S9 !l . U.S0S 41 . 2.279 7fi . 3.S2S Tu . 2.KII 10 .1H.1KI59 . 4,2:d in .12.;tW92 . i.nttua .. 2.WK9r) . 2,:.9fi1 . 2,587 "I . 1.7W2S Dlmrlct Koad & hrlilttc. 4CH90 1,175 41 l.O.MI 19 1.X77 75 IM77 3.0N 04 rowss. AilHiim Allen Hrnoklk'h! Bruce Unyti.n IM-r I'ark IHimnL'k KhkIk Karl KiL'n Kail Klver Kami HLlKe.... Kri'Klom Oranil Kapldn. (In.viilaiiil Hi. pe Iji bnllc ManlliiH MemL.ta MlTllli'll Miller MIshIoii Nortlivllle Ophir Onhkii Ottawa Otter Creek... IVru RlcliUn.l Kutluml Serena Smith Ottawa.. Trny Ctka Vermillion Wallace Wallliain road. 20.' V2 V 01 W t SI 11I9 7T TMiT 90 79 I. M 77 7H J3 K.8 7I 892 SI 27S 19 KM 99 21S.M I I. 1 09 !il 6, 1 1 72 M 12! OH SO 00 HOI 771 7H 4.KB 4 77 14 !lli HO 429 91 7J7 S3 1.M84 II 1.2.H1 11 913 13 I.K5H Hti I.OVI 19 1.037 5.1 314 IN 1,576 16 bhl til 2.43.M N6 10 918 90 574 55 l.flMOfi . 1..1M2H .IK. 919 Ml . 2. lrtS II . S.S. 4U . 1,2 SI . 47 9(l . 1.99S 01 . 2.IMS0I . 2.07H 6N . 1.K07 Tli . l.f.1.1 69 . 1.0SIOI . 8,180 36 1.3K2 4.1 l,9;tt ill 1,796 2? 2,914 K2 522 6.1 1.M23S3 4- 73 1,610 10 47 B l 1.11 70 1.575 1.452 21 1.57b 38 HACK TAX. lS7Sand Inland TOWNS. AdaitiH Brooktlcld .... lit lire Dayu.n Khl-Ic Karl Kail Klver.... FriiMmn Onivelaud La Salle ManlitiK Mendi.U Merliled Miosl.m (few ' Ottawa Peru Kutland Serena South Ottawa., Troy Grove... Ctlca Vermillion.... preview. t - auu. vrn. 5 73 IN 79 101 60 16 SI 1701W ftl ss 1 3 8051 19.4191 .. 219 77 27 2i lbS 12 29 59 57 18 (ti 2 13 12 41 I 61 6.035 OS 213 US 15 69 3 72 2M21 770 83, 3NX5 4J 133 73 304 M 42 a; 53SV 101 7.13 93 1 0H7 77 131 64 1 02 t9 9t 8 66 50 06 1 7 Total tax. Corpora- Kou TOWNS. tiou tux. tax. Adams 546 1:1 6 :VI Allen 58 00 Hrooktlelil SO Hruce 11,717 34 100 Dayton WOO Deer l'ark 5S0 Dliiiinick SiW Ki;le 4S 00 Earl 1.347 88 79 00 Men WOO Kali Klver SO Farm KLIk s'-0u KreedoMi 62 90 (Irani! Iluplda 54 u) (irovelaml 185 45 91 SO Hope 71 00 U Salle 19.535 S8 6ft 50 Manila 6f'9 6l 74 M) Mendota 2.01WM 125 0C Meriden 5S50 Miller 59 50 Miwilon WW 11 68 U0 Northville 0n Ophlr 53110 Owure 54 00 .Ittawa 55.IS8 90 14.1.10 Oiler Crerk '5 50 Peru 11,379 95 1K5 00 lilchland . 41 50 liiitland 1,560 41 H6 50 Serena 600 Mouth Ottawa 1,806 31 67 50 Troy Orove 10 19 9 Ou Ctlca 7055 42 50 Vermillion 53 50 Wallace 41 So Waltliaiu "Ot'J 9.997 46 7.395 49 9,459 15 .16.675 39 6.699 73 6.55 40 10.2m 49 H.6I9 70 15.0tii 14 10.312 51 3.H52 18 9 931 10 10.516 H.scii m 9.nt 11 9.796 26 86.I0NIKI 10.645 7(1 31.064 77 S.OI9 19 10,168 79 9.423 97 8.83.3 79 8.331 66 8.901 30 96.H08 35 8.736 26 . HV 21 5.273 21 i;,036 32 7.437 82 10.660 15 9.1.34 73 HAM 56 6.214 79 6.89 61 9,701 61 TOTALS. State tax f 88,tM fi County tax I'37,7ti0( Town taxes muiz in District school taxes 134,54'.M(i District road laxes l7fi5'M Various special taxes t0,fK5 13 lioad and bridge tuxes 4H,7'.IS 47 'Ul'Ii schools, interest, &c 1W Corporation taxes 70.7U9 02 Hack taxes, 1878 and previous 'ir),4'J 0 Ditto 1M70 and sub. years a,74,i: Dog taxes 2,058 00 Grand total... .1579,72513 SOMB Sl'ECIAI.H. La 8 die, Dlst. No. 2. $1,358.20; Manlius, sur vey, $7; Mission, special bridge, $(.63.10; North ville.road, $15S.07; Ottawa, Judgment, $12,38!) 03; Kutland, special town, $1,427.11; Bouth Ottawa, judgment, $510 91; Uticu, road, $1,412 04. Earl, library, $1'J4.!I0; Utica, special town, $1,:W8.7!I; Wallace, specUl briage, $32.5.42; Northville, bridge, $717.53. niiiii schools. Bruce, $3,250.31; Eagle, $031.22; Ottawa, $,- 013.05; South Ottawa, $1,050 47. INTKKK8T OS IUVSH. La Salle, $i,30(.00; Manlius, $101.5,5; Osage, $80.54; Rutland, $-3.2l. It A I L HO A D TAXES. C. o A $ 2W1 70 C.,h.&H 10 000 Ml V., R.I.4P 10.718 61 C..P. iSsS.-W 2,357 52 CAP 218 73 $44,3174.5 Divided up as follows: State tax $ 7,437 57 County tax 10,001 35 Town tax t.570 34 School tax 10,880 fit Road tax 304 25 Road and bridge tax 4,107 55 High school 1,502 81 Interest on t.onds 121 77 Judgments O08 18 City tax 5,30 13 Miscellaneous 8U8 70 $44,317 45 TAXES BT TOWNS. Yabiatuw. Titr. Bruce (Streator) $ 808,'joT $:-l0,H75 30 La Salle M5.171 80.108 K Mendota 1,070 i13 :;l,n'4 (Ittawa 1,003, 7811 ;,.Ki2 35 Peru 01,008 30,230 21 Married. At the residence of the bride's father, Dec. 22d, .Mr. Airtii sTrs I). Shavkk, of Kutland, and daughter of John T. Niehol, supervisor of Kutland: r.y Rev. I). P. McPherson, of Ottawa. The bright and pleasant young couple started on the afternoon train for Chicago, thence to Ohio, where they visit their relatives, and return ing thev occupy the old home of the groom's father, Mr. Jackson Shaver, who removes to his large and new hoiiic al the county ceut. Viii:hks we learn with sorrow that Mr. V. E. Prichard, musical conductor of this a-M ia tion, is bowed with grief at the ros of a beloved daughter; therefore, i;.s.Jn,l That we, the members of the Ottawa Musical Ancistio!i, extend to Mr. Prlchard and family our heartfelt sympathy im tin.-, their Im-reav-ment, and hhare w ith them their sorrow, trusting that our Heavenly Father mav give them consolation in their darkest hour, and that they mav bnd comfort In the hope that they will sing with thlr departed one the Song of the blessed in the world which Is to come. II. L. Ro'uki.le, Sec'y. Tnei Korean countv noor home has 53 Inmates, I t of whom are I11 close cn II neinent. The pro- duets of the farm sold were 2,000 bushels of corn atldiVjc, six steers, 1H hogs, leaving on hand 2,5(10 bushels of corn, 50 head of cattle and 100 hog. Tho larni has 540 acres, expenses $7,000. Hiarrico. Tliiira liiv, Dee 82. at lite rexldcitce of the tirldeV futher, Mr. Kol.l.A A. Mi't'l Ll.V.of Clollleutlie. and Mii LAHA 1IK1.I.K UALKV. of Ottawa, Kev. K. C. Arnold ulllclatlim. New xlDbrctisen'cnts. Ottawa Fair Grounds FOR SALE. The property known iw the Fair (iron'iiU, at Ottawa, Ilh nolK. will lie noli! at piilillc Hair, at the aonth dKir of the HoHtotttee III lltuwa on Thursday, the 12th day of .lauuary 1882. nt 11 o'clock a. M.. and will be offereil In two parcels, lo wit : The east twenty-tlve ai'rea a on lit ; and the weat forty mid 80-HU acre, rontaluiric all the t.iitliliiiica and arte Kluti well, iw one lot. Term and rondtltotm of sale will be made public at time of mile. dec84-3w BV OltDKH OF COMM1TTKE. FOR SALE. 1G0 Acres. Eagle Township. IIoiio with 11 rooma and ftirnace; levy barn: atatilea; ma ehlnery nhed 1 itranary; houahed: dnulileeornerib; teuaut bullae; ainokohoiUH-. MIKlt.MAN I.KI AMI. dcc24 tf Abstract llltlce. ESTRAYED. On Friday en'tilim, lee. 16th. from the autwcrlrar, living on the "NefT place," atxmt a mile w ent of Ottaw a. A 11I.AI K HllltSIC. about ten yearn old, liilddllUK Inordinary condition. A liberal reward will be paid for the return ot' the hnrae to the iinderHlKiied. or for information that will enable him to roomer the animal. dec24 1W JACOH SCHMIDT. 1882. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Always varied, alwuya itood. ulwaya luiprovluR." ClIARLKH FRAKCIH APAMS, Jk. Harper's Magazine, the moat opular tlluntratiHl perloill Cal In the world, Ix'nlns Ha nixty-fourth tolutno with th December Number. It represents what .Is beat In Ameri can literature und art; and Its marked aucceaa lu KtiKlanit where it baa already a circulation larger than that of any EngliHti imiffa.ine of tho same elaai haa Drouiiht into ltd service the most eminent writers and artiaU of tireat Itritnlti. The forthcoming volumes for 1S82 will in every re)ct aurpans their prciteceora. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'er Yean HAHPK.lfS MAOAZ1NK W TO HARI'EK'S WKKKI.V i 00 IIAKl'EIt'8 BAZAH 4 Oo TheTIIRKK above publicatlotia 10 00 Any TWO above named 7 00 HABPKK'S YOI NO PKOl'I.K 1 50 IIARPF.U'S MA'IAZINF. ) . HAHI-Klt'S YOl Ntl 1'KOPI.E! a w HAIirKU'S KIiANKI.IV SQl.'AKK I.IHISAKY, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 I'ofttign Frtf to all mtm-Hbnr (n the I'm tea fi'atei or Canada. The Volumes of the Nagminf begin with the Numbers for .luucs and December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to beirin with tbe current Number. A Complete Set of IIaiii'Ir's Maoaiink, rompruiing 63 Volutnea. lu nent cloth blndinic. will be Rent by express, freight at expense of purcUiwer, on recelpl of 12.25 per rol uiiic. Single rolumt, by mall, pontptM, f.1 90. Cloth Cases for binding. Ml cciil. bv mall, piwtpald. Index to IIaiii'KK'h Maoazink, AlriUnheticul, Analytical, and Claaslrled, for Voltimm 1 to ") inclusive, from June lsrvO to ,Iune. ISfiO. one vol., Hvo, Cloth, f 1 .00. Ki'tnitUhccK should be made by PoM Ollice Money Oritur or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. A'eicmperi are not to copy thu aarrrtixtme 'it triilout the etpreti order nf IIaki'KKiV; llKoTiiaai. Addreas Il.Mil'EK t IlllOTIIKIiH. Nkw Yi.ri. aV81n(1ecople lor sale anil subsrrliitloiis received by Osman & llaiwrnan. Ottawa. Illinois. NEW rUHLlCATIONS. STANDARD DOOKS AT LOW PRICES. We liavo Just opi'ned a larp' stock i f new edition of Ktandanl Woras, to which we Inviti public attention. Theie book are all thix ytar't e.llttoni, hound in the beit manner, in cloth cstra, bhrk and goUl, tr'th head bandi and rtlk marker. We Offer at 70 Cents, liobliuioD Crusoe. Arabian Niullls. hwiss Family llobinsnn. HctittWi Chiefs Thaddeusof Warsaw Children nf the Abtxy Don (Quixote. Vicar of Wak. flel.!. and and Virirtnla. PHurlm's Pr'ires Uuillver's Travis JUron MuiK'haiis. n. Il'.l H:a. Willy lu-.ily. lys-khart's Ufe of NipoL'Oii lloup iri.'. It Days of Poinpiil. Dickens' child's lllsuiryof Knglaud, larz lyj e. All of Mayor-tit-Li's Works. . i--p's Fables, with more than yi iHus'ra'loua All of IA4 Wmtrly orel at ?( pr tot Alio IHrken' Work at Tlk-per ro! taction' Home at H: per rot Jfume' Knglan I ul fcu- pe , r.' Jt'trutiiy' t'.nqlan.t a 'M jir rol. All", an iniiii''u line of JurentU-. in ro rs if : price that Lav never te, n e.iunie.1. ThifU the moit complete le ,.,i4 if- thin county. Also fine. Bookb. In handsome hii.dlnk New nt'M'k of SIM,- In ail !ea at a wide rt:gv of So. 1 I.a Salle tirtet remember, i the o-i.'yi. W2. at r '-l pnis I c'i. ISooK More, in .I .viif county All Invited to examine onr pt k ini C'ii!'r: it wif ft si y s'-k In the co'jty ljrttfnl!. OS. MAN aV HAPEMAN. S. W. DUDGEON r.ooiii.iMi, imi., Real Estate Broker. an, victnitv- I Mitun m..l Kn Ijhi-U t. t - chn?r fur n 1 r-uir in Nit.u. lUnitu anl J THE LATEST NOVELTIES fHBuAIUpeaM'i.trt of Cowt Huat aetn Utibettisemcnts. llrmS I' .IVSr.STrt i .. - ItWia We have a few Odd Sized THRESHER TRUCKS, just the thing for Farm Use, which wo offer lUlow Cost, shipped to any address upon receipt of price. H. A. PITTS SONS MANF'G THE 0EEATEST SUCCESS OF THE AGE ! AUK NTS WANTED HEROES OF THE PLAINS tly J. W. III'KL, Kuibraolngthe Uveaaml Wonderful Advettur i of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne, Captain Jack, Texai Jack, California Joe, And other eelebnited Indian Fluhters. Keont, Iliintera and Unities. A book of 'riirilluitf AdveimiB'snn tli I'laiiiH! KiKhts with Indiana! lirand Itutliilo llnins! l)esM"rate Adventures' Narrow Kseaptu! Wonderful Shootlnn anil Knlliin! Wil.t 111.- in l Iih Kar W.-nt leo Illustratlors! 1.1 Kiill-puic' !ol"r,il I'latcM! The rraii,li-t b.sik for Aiients ever published, t'osltlvely onisells everythlim else. 54i panes; pneelJiO. Agent's outfit, N) cents, t'lilllt and ropy for tr Write at onee for anfiify. or terms and llliistrated lin-ulars to Ills ToltlCAL rUBLlSIIINC, CO., Wi N. 4tb Mreet, 81. Uuils. Mo. ArtW COAL- Dinneen & White, Whoteaalo and retail dealers lu & HUD COALS, Nut, Ran AND Third Vein Soft Coal Eiclnsiyely, AT LOWEST PRICE. OIBce and Seales with Thaver. Hatters Co.. uear Hock Island I)eiot. TELEPHONE, No. 55. tW Coal delivered to all part of the city. oc tIS FARM FOR SALE. One of the finest and most desira ble farms in La Salle Co.; the Clark Farm, VA miles south of Ottawa. Apply to St. I). CLA11K, or L. N. WATERMAN. I' GOOD GOAL! rVl ...11 A- . 1... ihivuI itk, tt A IfllLPft. llirrr iiuifni mum inw n, un . ni.-t . -n- hooiu'n plnt'0. at f per ton nt thi hfink. ,.R . v JOHN GROSS, BOOK BINDER, Blank Book and Paper Box Manufacturer, OTTAWA, lliLiH. Office, 20 and 21 La Salle Street. tW Paper rnled to any desired pattern. octiH'l I AM CLOSING OUT MV KNTIIIK STlK.'K OK FURNITURE, Consisting of Parlor Stilts, lleilroom Halts. Caster Koekera, Camp Chairs, liedsieads, Maureses, and a general aortiiieiil ot Common and Finn Kurnlture and HOLIDAY GOODS Now la Tnr fhanee to wiure 1 tiiriiiiiM, as I bave (treat ly reduced mv prli es In order In close out my busi ness. Yours respectfully. tK. 1 UlJi. SUPERIOR COAL. The I Jest is the Cheapest. GET THE LOCEV COAL. SOLI) ONLY IIY JOHN T. BURKE. As Cheap at the Cheapest for Same Quality. Order by Telephone 1 1 H. ntnrc north nt l oluinbns st. hrMre.lN. K. for. !eae order, at Wi Me Milllln's. Hen- nrii Hlale's, Chas. HoKte's stores, and KorbenA Lorriaux's Ir(r Hton , or at my residence, corner or Jackson and l ine alrwta. west I ittawa. Nov. . ltl.-;iinoa .lOllXT. lll'KKK, MONEY TO LOANr Jhiring the next ft' or ')dsys I. will lend money In .unit to suit, on faming lands, on long or short lime, at an nnu rislly bus raieof interest. ( .l iiou or address LEVI W. ROOD ifeivKlonsi' Hli.Ti, 111. For Sale or Exchange. fjt4 4, ft 7, lu HlockTwu. lUilriiml Ahtlriun m ortn. a Th" mil )r Mild rh ip Thf rr ifuit1 thr- Murk imrtn.'-wr of Ihr ICM-k l!nl itrnut For lutrttcu lr inia-.- nf AKMM IiOM, & ( H ATM AS, Alt rnp nt lw, 1w.;-lmow Cr. Cmirt md MliMMi httL.Oitava, lil. Notice of Assignment. Iut'!' ntHr if h. ri by eiwn thm the und'-rmijeiiMi, wu I: utii W. Tittlftr. t. ti'-ri di-fMiintttt iw-kiiit ( ! Imr flrfn ff Mull A nrT i if t)i I'v nt 0'k t. In tfn rtiunt v of (jtSlfaml MlMfc if llIttK.i. anil riiMt Mil tMrtHtha I ktvinip e:iTim iwiril Mill HU firm i.f Hull A Hnri arr brev t.tfiifll t .r t ii( (li- mtTiM' to thf iiiiu ri.i(Ufl .iiiil-,r oath w fii:i fiin' inonih from tum dt iMte't at IMtaaa ih :iili (lNv W TAYUM AsMtnre Kcto nibrrtlsnnnus. 4 -IIKATTV'S riANoKolM'KS .n:rtcefit holiday nrt-w'iiT; imi i a re irrtiitl maitofor fnur ery haixltine r-.nntl -on.ri, riwNN cvm'. thre liii.noi.i, Ha(i"t iti t hle mm franp ittMi1, hi, rover, u-'l. ffivj'jv.? r to J! T ; -atahyur prlt t a, cm ir to J 1 , M: t Hi-f-u t on cuarMnt t-i or mhmm v r ftii fi.-ft rft 1 1. he ver iii', (iatioforle, jf 1 to : rat.. '! prt, ir M M at - A ni piaiioort-of i tu iinUiTe. aa tiHiiuaiMti l-ttf ; writ1 tr riia'ninor h ar of teiiiihioa . lit aity " V-I'o t orjrma rithetlra!, rhun n. rhftji'!. nr;ir. ?c.t niaarI; tiHnn mimn-e; fre nrninr ni ei tm-n; llliitrtr-l ea,a'ne rtiitlon f -. A l'iror (!! iiiun lVSltLK. IK.M tY. W filiation. N w J rm-y. Y()i;.N(iMKN If v. ! n'.xrn T'ltrwphf tea, aim reevi u -I a alfuartun. 4Mreia Yitntiite t.ria- JaiiMKe, Ha. 5777 A YKAK and eipen to arfnta enift Kr. Allr-aa V, O. VU K tliY, Auaniaia, M.n. DHUDOITT f"r a-lvertWra. 1 pa laaililLul a.i'.ittiwKi.i x..ts.v. THIMBLE SKEIII fARM U.tRUCK CASH. CO., Marseills, la Salle Co., Ills. JUST ARRIVED! tls complete a stock of Dry Goods, Xutions, Hosiery,- Boots and Shoes as there is in Ottawa. Everijth in in Dress Goods desira ble and cheap. "' Men's Kip Boots, we have the Best. Ue defy competition. $3.50. Our F. O. Cass Women's, Misses and Children's Shoes can't be beat; and we incite inspection. Remember we sell more Groceries ihan any store in Ottawa. Best evi dence that we sell cheap. Yo snide goods; all reliable. MAHER BROS. If you wish to i OADncwtMn jrrowVecctable i for - " " L . FOR PROFIT. bale, read If you wish to he. I PRACTICAL come a t ommercial J- ..... ,, .. Florist, rea J ) FLORICULTURE If you wish to Gar- rnncuiiur den for Amusement ( GARDENING orfor Home L'se i FOR PLEASURE. on v. reaa ' All by PETER nEXDERSOX. Trice $1.50 each, postpaid by mail. Our Combined Catalogue of a a Dies For 1885, sent free on tpplicatlon. PETER HENDERSON &CO. 35 Cortlandt 8t, New York. J. F. MURPHV a co. Delivered in all parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE ALSO DEALERS IX BRICK AND TILE ORDERS SENT THROUGH Telephone 65, ma yon ror.virs omen.) Ottawa. October . l:.-3mn To Bridge Builders. Notice Is brrebv Riven, that the undersigned. Coruinl slnner.of llurtmavs ot the Town ol Veiuitlllon and of tla; Townol Kami lilila-e. In 1j Salle eoiinty. Illinois, will ro celve proposal. In writing for the reMiiniiK 01 a bnd-,' across the Vertnlllion river here the hiKhway In the outh wi st iinarter of .Sei ilon ,m. Tow n W! S . . Uanite S, E. of M I". M. crosses said river, riald n'palra will consist of two stone abutments, and an ironsuiH-rslructnre of threti spans, sitxreKiiimx tfi feet In li Ha-ih; the plans nnd speotriMlioas hir which may be ciumlned at the otlh e of the County Clerk of .aid county. Separate bids fur the masonry and for the suoerslriicture will tw reouired. Salil proposals limy he addressed to said ( omiiilssloners. In care of ald ( oiiniy Clerk, at tittawn. Illinois, and will be opened at h.s ittf.o' all o'eliK-lt i. m. Thumday. the 5th day of Janoary .. i. 1.? !aid Con.tiilssinners rraerTiuc, howev.r, the rijtht to re.-:t all hhls otlered liaied this DMi da) of N'ovetu'r tml. ' w. C. TIl'ifT. T ,i. PATI KK-iOX, M. K. IIAVSIiCV. oru'rs of H:t!iwsys Town of Vermillion. ClfAS K I'll ATT. M. C. HDDiS(i. SAMt'Kl, ANTKAM. der.,4 Cotn'rsof llmnways Town of Farm lUJrf. CHASE FOWLER, Master in Chanreru. linn. 'MA1.K tK KKAIi KSTATK I Pnblic'nniit'' i hen-bv icivt-n. tfmt In- trtne tui1 in nur- nurint'i'of :tn up1t ttntl iltrrw of thr t irruit 1'oort ot Ltsbml' eomitf. In Ih- MHteof Ililnoi, rumte t the (N ihrr tmn thrn-of, a. i. Iw4t . In rtrttm caum' therein iiendiDie on the rh!tn ry aide ttirrrof, wlirrctii Aidhh Whimd. VttT Ana ( lajm aim! KHirtti lapp, h-r IiumUiihI, Urln M Wtttttoo, At 11U4rw.11. H nulling. n t 4tMh. Strpriru 1'. Watnoli, Murf K'O'Qa HoIlfiilM k. Ktiitiia Worth. iKmW WtUion, Ani vVatMiQ ft)H -timul ii. fNvne, Ma-ultn, ami iWiryi A. Worth. Ijont1! Worth, llc-W: auim Pajne, lyru Lr ruy I'njnr, Atitu K.LAiil-etli rn Walter stAtiter IH)'D' KltniT AIIhu f urf. Alice A. limi'UU, lret)ft KMQuall Sctln ILiiiiliil! itlid SfliMJti 4J. Ijitniall, minora, mho nue by Aitiv- WritfHin, ttt'tr neit frinil, wen? complain nnta. aim) M M. fUn.Ull win d' femtant, the urulrr Miariiftt. Mivtrr tu Ch-uirrry, on TufU, the Win lav of Jjnynrv. ihvJ. rotntnettcltiiC at tbe hour oT ''pluck in tin ufternnon of ml Ih) . w!) at public veu flu to the htrhti.i biiiilr on th ftli(ilhi; tleaciihed trniie, ail the follow in dew-rib., trai ewtAtar. iu. : The irwth-ilf of th atiuifiweat iuarter of 'Ctlon nunj lr ihrf, tn township nunilHT thirty-two north, in ranyr numUT fle, t'tut of thethint IrtiKMp;i M'Ttilian: and W (t'u mti'i uf land off the eiit :ile of the weat half of the omhwt't (jurtT nf nui eetitn nuinN r thriw. In the t-'Wrwliip aJ raniff aforeiht. iKUimhil and ileat-ribeU ar fol owt, rtz'nr!r at the northeast vuthvT oX t!e a tut half of the outh-iit niiarterof aail mvtloo number 'nne iU-m rlN 1 n i rmuiltut Ihf n-e Muth one htin ilre.1 nl mtiv rtn, ttu'iue wit ir nnla, thence north one hunilred an1 wUtv rod Mini the tire eiit to the piare of be trinninc: all altuaie.1, lyiii auJ benij( lu Uie count J of La sa.'e n j tte oi I Hiioi. T-r vt ie.- Kit her fur all rart id hand or for one- only Mb hhint c uii In hmnj mu the tvrHaintler to bo paitl In two itHt,o4 tDaial.iont. aa fnjiowa, : oi?e in one yewranJ the other in two ear, w tth luTer-t thereon attherateof lf sh' rr ent. per minum payable annua. ly; theaaid two i k. ' hl PATinenta aiut the tiuertft there.. n to W .enrtsl by the pAftiea to fciltl iit upon the preiiu at-itt. ! pio l r, ti, .tiaUT IUinnrri. I. P. Jtistl. Silr for Ottipif. itcclT-i'w S4MUL R1CH0LS0N, IXA1. SKTI'I.KMKNT NOTU'R-F TiTir.iAuiH Jii'i'S. liar. ssac Noli- laiH-rv- bt aiea to a'.l p-rtt inti-nvt,-,! tu Mid otate. that the !Hider-Ui.t. A-llMinisiratrik it toe estate tl awlU Jao.o lkots dived, d. wi,l appear t-frr the l Coort of itirmiintr of Ij. 3,'e aa ,1 stale of Illinois. l the CiHit Ji'ourt llmiiii. in txtawa. in mid i-tiunty, io MoniUr.the lid jay ol jnur. a. i i-.-s ht inr eurinr-oi nwrniui li votint .-f her,?, in the a.lminitrwlioa of aaid r tate f,.r ihe Aix. ?-tt:rnienl. laitxl al (ittawa. this l.nb day uf IVeimher 11. KU'KA J AOIiS. ATTi.rr 1. W. SriviiiF. Auaiiniamirix. I'in k Couuly Court. La Mc.r Co.. t'.U lecl-4w VO'I'K, DllsKl AMI KKCKIPT BOl'ai at 06MAH HArEMAN-S, Wert ol t Co art Uoara