Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA KilEE TRADER; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1881. CbrlituiM. There' a toag in the air, There's a tar in the ky! There' a mother' deep prayer int . kihv'i low erv! and the .tar raiDa I la Are while the Beautiful sine, For the roanKer of Bethlehem cradles a kin. In the lljcht of that stur Lie the ai?ea Impearled; And that tong from ufar Has swept over the world. Kvery hourth la atlaine, and the Beautiful alntr Jn the homes of the naliona that Jeaua k nit J, Jlti'hllul, CHKIPTMAS CHIMES. I'pon the midnight air what Mis are pealiiiK, And thro' the ailent atreet what echoes stealliitf, To wake the aleeper to a ron.i'lou feelliiu 'Tin Christmas morn, with all its blithesome Christ'el'day-the happiest of the livelong year; Christ day! triumphant I-ove defeating rear Ah! the counties stars of heaven sparkle when This hour draw near, and angels cry acaln "Glory to Had on mrth J'tn", i)"i "' ttmfl nuv.n' Ami now I near them pans my silent doors The merry carolers hy twos and fours, hinslnif the same sweet souk, which ami sours , I'ntll their note with other sinners blend. While heavenward the chorus doth ascend 'Arui rim km l-jn Tli'j throne M Vet, hear 'the bells, how heartily they Hiitf. How joyously and happily thev itr. , The Christ is born Hail! hail! your hmtj. 'Christmas was close at hand In all his Mull' and hearty honesty; It was the season of hospi tUty, nierriuii'iit and open.heurteilness; the old year was prcpurinc, like an ancient philosopher, to call his friend around him, and, amidst the sound of leastinc and revelry, to pass gently and calmly away, (iay and merry was me nine, anu right gay and merry were at least four of the numerous heart that were gladdened by its com lni A ml numerous indeed are the heart to which Christina brine a brief season of liappl nes and enjoyment. How many families, whose member have been dispersed und scattered far and wide in the restless struggles of life, are then reunited, and meet once aguin In that happy state of companionship and mutual good-will which is a source o'sm h pure und unalloyed dc light, and one so incomparable with the cares and sorrow of the world, that the religious belief of the most nations, and the rude tradi tions of the roughest savages, alike number it among the llrst joy of a future condition of ex istence, provided for the blest and happy! How many old recollections, and how many dormant sympathies doc Christmas-tlmc u waken : We write these word now, many miles distant from tbo rot at which, year after year, we met on that day, a merry und joyous circle. Many of the hearts that throbbed so gajly then have ceased to beut; many of the look that shone so brightly then have ceased to glow; the hands we grasped have grown cold; the eye we Bought have hid their lustre in the grave; and yet the old house, the room, the merry voices and smil ing faces, the Jest, the laugh, the most minute and trivial circumstance connected with those happy meetings, crowd upon our mind at each recurrence of the season, as If the last assem blage bad been but yesterday! Happy, happy ChrUtmas, that can win us back to the delusion of our childish day, that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to hi own tlreside and his quiet Ji o m e "('lwrlt a ' knit , A new stock of beautiful gold and velvet pic ture frames just received atOsmau t llapemaN' Th Telephone. A l'lumber went forth to plumb To kingly palace by the way, And when his half-day's work wu done Presented hi bill without delay. The king brought forth hi bags of gold, Ills diamond and hi jeweled crown, The pi u in tier credit gave for them And took a mortgage ou the throne. We arc Imlubtud to Lute YYiUcox, city editor, for a late copy of the La Vegas Jtuily 0(iV. The (' has Just been enlarged to about half the sle of !he Chicago 1'iium. It 1 handsomely printed, full of news, well edited, and altogether one of the handsomest and best western papers ever laid on our table. Lute's columns are spe cially attractive, The Somonauk KiW prints thefollowing.xm what authority we know not: There seems to be some doubt about the new railroad from Sheridan to Taw l'aw, being built, at least that portion of It between the former place and Karlville. If report be true the Com pany contemplates abandoning the portion of the route referred to ami extending Hit line from Karlville to Ottawa. The distance is bill little Bore and the udvautages are claimed to be much greater. The ItiUr.'kiun say that Hon. I'. C. Hayes wants to be judge of the court of claims, having concluded he didn't care about being a minister. Hi partner Fletcher ulso wanted the Morris 1', O. but didn't get there. What' come over the IfrraUf A few weeks ago a committee of the citv coun ril of Fond du Lac, Wl., went to Aurora to sue the electric light as a system for lighting that city's streets. They spent several day in Auro ra, and on their return, a we learn from the II' a rn, made a report, the conclusion in which are stated a follows: That electric light is a success. That a city cannot be satisfactorily lighted from a single tower. That to obtain the best result towers should be so distributed a to counteract each others shadows us far as possible. That It is expedient and economical for the city of Fond du Lac to use the electric light, pro Tided the city buy It plant outright. That the city should erect iron towers as pre ferable to wood in durability, expense and beauty They also state that they spent an "evening in walking at.out the streets, trying to find in the remote suburbs a place w here the light did not cast a shadow. Such a place wa not found. The city wa traversed in various directions, and the light wa found to tie sutllclont every where to be a substantial aid to the pedestrian. The light within the Immediate vicluity of a tower say within a block in any direction, Is extremely brilliant; and a one recedes from the tower the Intensity or the light decreases In di rect ratio to the square of the distance. At a distance of half a mile from a two-light tower it L-itill aulllcient to see time upon the facs of an ordinary watch. It cast a distinct shadow at that distance, and so modifies the darkness a to make traveling practicable and safe. It was ob served that an obstruction to the direct rays, frura a building, or tree or any intervening sub stance, caused what appeared to tie a Mack shadow; and yet when the dark spot waa pene trated, it seemed to be sot that shadow but the next one that was black. Always a dark shadow ahead, but It could never be reached. Many an alley and by place waa approached where dark nesa seemed to reign supreme, but upoa travers ing the place the gloom would disappear and light, though modified, perhaps, by surrounding obstructions, would be sufficient to answer every purpose. The shadow were more distinct and well defined where Bebt only came irotn a Jngle tower. Counteracting rays from aom other direction practically destroyed the shad ow It seemed to Improve upon ac ijualnUnce; and the ky being somewhat over cast, verified In some degree the assertion of all citlr.en, that the darker and more stormy the night the belter the light. A moist air I said to diffuse the light and increase Its power." Our congressmen ha been heard from, l'eo pie who thought he wouldn't be heard fiom dur lug hi term have been taken in badly. Kven before the holiday adjournment of hi tirst ses sion he has made racket enough to stir up hair his district! Aud just to think of the resources of a congressman w ho can shake a district " to it centre" In a little matter like appointing postmasters! Ottawa is all tore up; and so is Morris. But then Mr. Cullen never did make any pretension to being a civil service reformer. He always considered the theory dem nonsense, you know, a democratic scheme to be fought shy of because it threatened to be a practicable idea. Mr. Cullen has been consistent. Helms beautifully lirnored all civil servirc nonsense. No serious objection s men can be named against Ills candidates (who have been both uppointed and continued). They will no doubt make good postmasters if given a chance. Vet it Is undoubt edly true that in Ottawa especially the appoint ment of Mr. Bowman Is hot too heartily second ed by the chief men of his own party. (Memo- crat have nothing to say ou the subject, as be comes them, the atfwir being only a republican family row so far as they are concerned.) The anti-temperance wing Is particularly "on it ear," und it is said the atmosphere about Turn Hall is shocking! A the La Salle Dunn-rut puts it: The appointment of W. E. Bowman postmaster ut Ottawa, has stirred up the bud Mood of the opposition, and there is carnage on the moon. ("has. MetzL'cr and other German friends of John 1'nrrucker, the one who it 1 said was promised the 1". M., are on the w arpath. They stamp their feet upon the bloody Held of Mar und shake the battlements of destruction, and swear that they will take .VH) German vote from the republican party." the .Morns crowd jump onto -Mr. (mien in this way: "The scramble for postoMccs and other positions tiow going on, if allowed to be thrown Into the hands of the representatives to congress, as now seems likely to be the case, w ill do more to corrupt and disorganize the service than all the star-route business could do in its pulinient days. At Ottawa we see a man like Meigs, who hus been ten years in the business, to the satisfaction of the public, and I'urruckrr, who has done good work a Railway Postal Clerk, told to step aside to make room for a man not in the service, but whose principal qualification is that he Is a prominent temperance man, and has been useful to the member of congress," Ac., tc The I iiiin'y Ofltces. County Court anil Vlrrk. WaUlii'r'. Block. Madison Jitcurittr. htrlmhiEt' llullillnit. oniwiMh' C'liftnii, Circuit Court and Clerk. Nurltnuul uf CXiurl st , down Btuirs. ,incrlr. Sainn. upstiilrs. Trninurer. 0rtii Hoiim Itliick. Couuty Aijtnt.-V Itlicr's lllm-k, up ntnlm. Kupl.of CunmrucUon. W. H . Ti res. Maine. CoruHfr. liver M. btii'lrl's xlure. The following were thia week granted llcerics to marry: Geo. Simpson and Elizabeth Noble. John Broderick and Margaret J. Gilchrist. James Heriotund Lizzie Dixon. Conrad Fucus and Mary Herixmau. John Mill and Catherine II l'homus. Chas. C. Donahue and Klla Crandall. Hubert Hudspiith and Katie Kiley. Hiram 10. I'rickelt and Florence Dart. Thomas J. Conbrey and Margaret Brown. Kruson Cornell und Belle Townsend. Geo. V Kyre and Kovena Conard. Augustus I). Shaver and Florence B. Nichol. Geo. Gordcii and Mary Garlich. l'hilo Harger and Susan K. Speir. Kollu A. McCalley und Clum B. Kaley. Geo. J. Meltce and Lorena B. Finch. Daniel W. Temple aud Mr. Nellie Bowers. Since the 4th of December real estate instru ment numbered from J1,K13 to .l,7b7. The transaction footed up Sale ti.iH.mtios Loan .KI,1 7.1.1X1 City property was more active thau for some time. The llgure show Siles, ill ...P.S,S7.1.07 Limns, 10 H.X'JO.UO The calcs were divided as follows: Ottawa, 13, H,1.1!.07; Streator, I I, i7,'.:i5; La Salle, S, M,. .W; Kutland, (l, ti,:il.1; Karlville, 8, 1,035; IV- ru, I!, 1,NXI; Toniea, 3, 775; Marseilles, a, fl, S00; Mendota, U, 5,M0; Mertden, I,S3: 8ene- ca, 3tHl; Whitlleld, 3, fl,;.10; Lowell, i'.'M, Among the 6ale were the following: B. F. Jackson to Geo. Hopkins, c70a nwi !, 33, I, Kden, 4,(KK). W. C. Morey to l'rescilla Harden, sh lot .1 and (i, blk 3, Tunica, iK). Lots 11 und 13, blk 4 Mendota, 4,UHI. H 100a se( H, 33, 3, Farm Kidge, 7,45o. Lots 4 and .1, blk 3, Green's addition, Ottawa, fl.000. Lot 3, blk lilt. State's adn., Ottawa, 375. 150 58.1UO a pteh 3 and pt wh 3,35.3, Free- doin, 7,500. Lot li, blk 41, Streator. 1,350. Nei 3, 3ii, 3, Meriden, ,lss. Lot in, blk-31, Streator, 1,1150. Lot 311, Ottawa City, by Jno. F. Gibson, .'!,5li. Swq 3, 34, 1, Dimmick, H,IKH). Nwi 35, 33, 4, Grand Rapid, 4,00(1. Lot 13, blk lit, Ottawa Centre, 170. Lots 1 to .1 inclusive, blk ti, Stilson' 3d adn, Earlville, $500. Lots 1, 3, 11, 10. blk 311, La italic Centre udn, Peru, 1,1X10. Lot 10, blk ISO. lirewster' adn, Peru, 475. Lot 10, blk 30, Streator, 1,000. l't lot 5, blk 3H, West's adn, Mendota, 1,S00. Swq 13, 31, 4, Dayton, '.l,lsH. Lots'.!, 13, 13, blk 11, Cliuinplin' adu, Ottawa, 700. James G. ilson to Lepprant A Helm, tram way, coal dump, trestle work, cars, Streator. 3,000. Lot 5, blk 78, State's adn, Ottawa, (.50. I'ntll Thursday last the records were absolute ly free from any entry of transfer of uny part of section 3, in the town of Grovelutid. Not even the patent from the liovemment had been re corded. But among the transfers (the footing of which will appear next week) not entered on the books when oht facts above written were procured was one by Johnathun B. O'Kcsoii et al., of Juniuta Co., l'enn., to 1'eUr Howe, W. 1. this entire section, for a consideration of an even 34,000, one of the largest furm trade ever re. corded in this county, though the price per acre was below the average for good farms. (DC.MY XOTKS. MtHl KI.I.ANKOl' ITKMS. There are four cases of smullpox at Bruidwood. Morris 1 distinguished as the town having the only toll bridge on the Illinois river. The Marseilles Business Men' Association are endeavoring to secure a competing railruud for that town. A Marseilles paper mill is running straw press ers In ditto rent part of the country. They buy rye straw at 4. IX) per ton. The wife of the clerk of the circuit court of Grundy county, Taxis, fell down stairs a few day ago, breaking two of her rib. The train men on the C, R. I. A I'., the con- ductora, hrakemcn ai.d baggagemen are to ap pear In uniform on and after New Year' day. The Jollet A Kockford railroad will be surveyed thia winter, between this city and Sheridan, pre paratory to building the line during tbe romicf spring end summer. About thirty-five fctt of tbe west end of tbe new paper mill at Marseille fell over into the water Wednesday week. The toss was about t'rfK) beside retarding work on the mill. Juliet is still unhappy. Having refused to ac cept the new water works, the council are now wrestling with the new High School building. The objection seem to be: the roof is poorly propped; the busemeiit stink for want of drain uge, and the roof is shoddy! The Kockford Grape Sugar Compuny will stop their machinery for a couple of week to on utile Hit-ut to put in new tillers and furnaces. When these improvement are made ttie company will at once sturt up w ith a cupaeity of some .',(100 bushels of corn oer day. Heretofore they have only run aboul 1,'JOO bushels." iVikoii: "A swindler from Chicago did a thriv ing business Wednesday in peddling uboiit Au rora w hut he claimed to be honey, but which was simply glucose with- a thin covering of honey. The fraud was discovered about tea time, when several enraged husbands took the trouble to hunt Hie fellow up und have him arrested." Mendota Jtrjiurtrr: "I'hillip Arnold, son of Re corder Arnold, returned to Mendota last Satur day, after a two years' residence In Spring Val ley, Kft Phillip report good business in the West. He i engaged in stock raising, and has just turned oil l,'Ji head of fatted euUle selling SNI in Kansus City and 41)0 ill Chicago." I' nm: "The C, B. A O,. elevator, olhVc and crib belonging thereto, were old this afternoon at mortgage sale to Samuel Kerr, uttorney for Kogers A Co., Chicago, for Itiofi. This may be considered low, but as it is understood that the purchaser is buying a big lawsuit, it is the beet they could do. Kogers held the mortga under which it wus sold." The Kankakee A Seneca road, it is expected will be completed to day. On Thursday week the carpenter commenced the erection of round house 30xso, having stalls for six engines Seven miles of switches ure to bo built at Sene ca, about two of which ure now complete. The large force of men there will continue the work until complete. A freight und passenger depot will be constructed as soon as men and material can be obtained. Joliet 'uii.' "One of the results of the late lire at Ottawa, to which the liremen were called, wa the arrest a few day ago of one tjtnrli who was charged with a tliett of 10 by one Mt ljuadc. 1 tie trial oi the cuse ou ."Saturday before Judge lliucke elicited the fact that the alleged robbery had taken place in a crowdeu box-car, on a pitch dark night, and that both the complainant and defendant and about everybody else in the gang returning from Ottawa were very drunk. Hi accused was discharged. On r riday lust ttiere went through ittuwa nu the Rock Island road three car loads of silk worm eggs, which represented a value of 3,1X10, 000. This valuable cargo left Council lilull's by the regular Rock Island passenger tram I burs, day evening, and arrived in Chicago Friday atternoon a'. 3:1X1. 'the Star I nion Line took them east by the Pennsylvania route, und they sturted on their journey again al '.) o'clock Friday evening. Iheeu silk-worm eggs came from Ja pan, aud are destined for France. The Morris Jli ntil gives the following particu lars of the dentil of ,)un 1 Cuniy, of tin city: "On Tuesday Coroner Uidgway held an inquest on the remains of Dan'l Canty, whose body was found ou the railroad a half mile east of the depot that morning. Mr. Canty was a boiler maker in the employ of Mr. Mitchell, of Ottawa, and had beeu here repairing a boiler for Alex Telfer. The last seen of him uiive was on Monday evening, w hen he wus down town, und liud.been drinking pret ty freely, and then started for Mr. Telfur's place, taking the 11 o'clock freight. The next seen of him wa the rinding of hi mangled remains, on 1 uesday morning, hy Tho. McDermott and two Laehertv boy. It would seem from the condi tion he was in thnt he must have thought he hud got home and w as going to bed, as his shoes were oil und uninjured, while both his feci were cut by the curs, his legs and body badly torn und the hark or his head mashed, it is iiuKliown what train run over him, us none of the train men w ho went through here that night knew ot running over anything. The deceased was a resident of Ottawa, where he leaves a wife and three children." L.4 A NO rUHC. J. H. Fenton opened a roller skating rink at rniory Hull, La Salle, on lust Monday night, 15o pairs of skates being in use. The Turner will open their new hall in La Salle un Sunday evening, Jan. 1, with a concert by the Chicago orchestra. On Monday after noon, .Ian. Jd, another concert will be given and in the evening a grand ball. I'eru Ar'ir: "A wheel of fortune haa been running in La Salle for a'lout four weeks, and its proprietors nre aid to be seven thousand dol lar better oil' than w hen they struck the town. The strange part of the aiTalr is that everybody who bucked against the circular machine says he I ahead. Wonder where the fellows live that have paid the winning aud seven thousand dol lar surplus? It is alsoa matter of astonishment that Jhe c'.ty authorise haven't "dropped on the little game." Peru . cws: "Oil Friday last Hon. Alexander Campbell, accompanied by Mayor Welch, drove to Sprii.g Creek, three miles west of Peru, to in spect the boring for coal in progress there. Af ter looking about, Mr. Campbell took the horse by the bridle to lead him a few steps preparatory to getting into the buggy for the drive home- ward. The hi ree jumped and though Mr. Camp bell held onto In in bravely, the vicious hrute uc reeded In breaking away, throwing the old gen tleman backward. In going over him the hind wheel of the vehicle struck Mr. Campbell on the point of the chlti, fracturing the jaw bor.e and lacerating and bruising the neck und cheek. He wa taken home ut once, and physician cilled. Considerable dillleulty is found In retaining the fractured parts in proper position, but it I hoped that hi recovery will be speedy and complete." Au I noiilloil Stork. Our new stock of book I now open. The stock Is so complete and extensive there I no question it 1 th imhj j!,:it tins link utink in tn ity. Our stock was not bought for the purpose of Hooding the country with old edition at uw- Mitly low price. We are Belling tu w lnnJc, in new editions, in new and strong bindings, rn' ,ku'V jntlilica Hmm, for the ame and les money at which oth ers are offering ij"ir' stock. We will show you a line of the Poets, Standard Works, the most valuable, elegant and complete line tif Juvenile ever opened in Ottawa. This is tart and not hrn;. Don't buy book until you have seen our stock: or you w ill regret your purchase. O.SMAN A ILWKMAS. Ottawa Wholesale Market. Ottawa, Dec. ISM Fi.ot-a ajio rn. Kli.ur. Pun-lit. lui Kluiir, tint Ktliro. rotail lm Klimr. KsliUM winter. ! II III 31 I J :i;o Kli.ur. Minnesota pru.n a host, retail KJ Oirti Meal, retail, f I'".' I 4H u 1 HI UIAIX AMD . Whfal. buh 1 no 4 1 Hyf, M ' Curn.aliPllMl, M V, a ! t urn, our 7n , w N.-w o.rn. V V' ' ii.i. Mil Tlmolli) .tl J JU I 2 i Ha. pl i I l'.,tt.. P l.u.h 1 m n 115 Huttor ft Ktun, iloi '-"J hli -ii, llvo. lat.rliiK a- tf.iz. 1 :i i.t 2 W l tm ken-, iln-""!, l i ll H TurkK. ilrowil. r Hi I" litn k. ir-fc-l. (mt ;li J 6 H l.r.M. f 11, t" Hay. Win ...II W !3W li Tot a. Csif'nin f'Ht,o.i. l!.' t itt n fW, I i r. f W l- - A '' : . . ;,. !. Hfitthi. iiit it ) v,p imiiM. :ivih .hi Utrll itr. ri tallow, mini AID ALT. IaH, 10 1 allow. In oil blila , 9 H Tailnw, !. (i a . U.l m. 1.1.1 IS ( if. i " iN-aron, a rilnl HW 9 J J ipt kit a m . 10 Tlx- a-ralti vrtm rrr a hot rai.r '' marVK, frort, a-ar- buuae prlo to orWa oal tut ivlil load fur fern. Chrltman card -tbe Dnet line and large! variety to be found in tueclty.atOsman A Hap man'. Chleuo Market. C'HICAUO, Dec. 24, 1881. The Time of yesterday say: On the board of trade wheat was advanced yes terday :W;jc; coin ,'4'(Jiic; barley Ic; mess pork -V ittc V '': 'ri1 tu.f IJ'jC '' KM) ll.s, and short rib I J '' l.V; V 1'H) His. Oat were easier; rye steady, and No. 'J barley; dull. In wheat, corn and provision the upward move: ment experienced was due mainly to un increas ed short demand. Outsldu speculation was gen erally a little quiet. On 'Change cash property closed at the lolloping prices: Flour White winter extra 7 i" & 7 50 ( 7 IX) (,D 8.10 1 30 (it 1 3li (. '-! Western spring extras. . ! 35 Minnesota patent 7 00 Wheat-Winter, No. 3 red 1 18 Spring No. 3 135 Corn No. 3 closed ut !( Oats Cash sales of new at 43 Rye N. 3 i'7 Mess pork Hi tin Lard 10 '.Hi (,( '.IV (it II! 88 dill 00 Butter Choice to fancy creamery, 33(it3: line to fancy dairy, 33u"30c; good to choice, lS(33e; shipping lot, 1 In' Lie. Kggs Fresh, 34nf,35o. Potatoes IVachblow. Jxiriitfl.OO per bush. Cattle Extra graded export steers, (i.30di 11.75; good to choice natives, .1.35(iM. .5; com mon shipping and killing steers, 3.8Uiii,4.40; cows and heifers, 3.3.V( 4 00- Live Hog Sale ranged from f 5.507,C50 to packer. Wool,. Walter Brown A Co.' (Boston) last circular report the market as active with the tone strong on tine und medium grades. Yester day' Chicago quotations arers follows: Tub-washed, good medium, V " 37(i?43 Tub-washed, coarse aud dingy 33((r3ij Washed ileece, flue heavy 34u3ti Washed fleece, tino light 35(.38 Wushed fleece, coarse 30(ii33 Washed Ileece, medium 3S(,r40 I'nwashed, tine 30(r 33 Cnwahheil, tine heavy 1N'''.'3 rnwaslied, medium 33(35 l'n washed, coarse 1 s.'.33 Dcmorcat's portfolio for fall and winter ut Os man A Hapeman'. Price, 15 cent. See Here. Vou are sick ; well, there is jnst one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility of doubt If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption Dyspepsia, Debility, Well' Health renewer is your hope. SI. Druggists. Depot, Max Kneussl. ftilsrcllaiifous. Dr. Frazier's Root Bitters. Fra.ler' Root Bitter ure not a dram-shop whiskey beverage, but are strictly medicinal in every sense. I hey uct strongly upon me liver and kidneys, keep the bowels opun and regular, make the weak strong, heal the lungs, build up the nerves and cleanse the blood und system of every impurity. For Dizziness, Kuh ot Ulood to uic Head, lend ing to Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Dropsy, Pimples and Blotches, Scrofulous Hu mors and Sores, Tetter, King Worm, White Swell ing'. Erysipelas. Sore Eye and, for young men sintering from Weakness or Debility caused from imprudence, and to females in deiicntc health, Frazier's Root Hitttr are especially recom mended. Dr. Frazier: I have used two bottles of your Root Bitters for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Weakness and Kidney Disease, and they did me more good than the doctor aud ull the medicine I ever used. From the lirst dose I took I began to mend, and I am now in perfect health and feel a well as I ever did. I consider your medicine one of the greatest of blessings. 'Mrs. M. Maktix, Cleveland, O. Sold by druggists everywhere ut 1 per bottle, ortl.l ly FORBES A LORR1AI X, Agent. Stationery Supplies. . ITe have all the latest ideas inbus- iness stationery, haiv new type, and use the Hodder Blotter-Pad for keep ing printed supplies clean and han- ly for use. TJie Jlodder Pad is the best in. use. It is neater, cheaper, more convenient, less cumbrous and does its work letter titan any other blotter yet invented, as a m ere glance at it iv ill prove to any man. We guarantee satisfaction to all our customers, giving the best material and best work for the money in Ot tawa. If you want something good and neat call on OSMAN & HAPEMAN, Chicago, Bock Island ft Pacific Bailroad. NKW TIME TABLE. On and alter .Sunday. November fi. the ('. It. I. it V. Hallway trie in. paa iiuuwaiui iuiiowk: Ooino East. Nil 1, Pact tie Exiirew" and Mull .11.40 A. M. . :i li a. m. . 2.11 A. M. . r. m . . 6. A) A. M. I. Mlit KxprexH 6, Raima Clly K press x, L'lileiinn slid I)nvenrirt Express 10. Peru Aociiminuihition Freight Camiing I'aHHenqrr. H Jti Js lOIMl WKST S OT, p. 7.4') . 5.40 r. Si), t. Atlantic Express 3 in P. . I c A. M. i ( a. M. I IS P. M. S.!W V. M. :i, ML'iit hx press j. I liieiiKii suit Kansas City hiprewt... 7, Hiivrnport KxprosN auif Mail I'eru AiTiiiiiniiiibtllnii Frtight Carrying Patnairn. ' h V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'. r. , n in p. m. 1.45 P. M. . 45 A. M. Ni. J7 anil AS will have n .wsenirrr coach, carryinK pas- senium between .lullel n ml Iji .Salle. Pill. VI esTleS pilHHfnyel H IM'iweeil ,il-Iiei.ii-i mm Mini". No. 21 carries pasnoinn-rs between Blue IxlHnil anil Hurt-ail Niw taml JtViirry iiwiiireru between lllue lulanil anil IluriiiK Imsi the Atlantic snn racinr iranm win iuu un uic f.illiiwinit SSunilsys: Nov. ); Di'oeuitier 11. A. Kimball. pAVin M. Hall, '.?",!' . Ueneral tiiip't. Attont at Ottawa, lieni i ki a. r m Chicago, Burlington and Quincy B. B. TIME TAULK. N'ovf mlM-r lth, First Class. 13 First Class. Pass. No. 3 1). faun Nil 61 B. STATIONS. h I'swt. No. 62 B. Pass. No. 64 B. 3 ' P.M. I V A li. LT II.IIF M.AI t.Xi JI SO ChlesRO Aurora ; ..West Aurora..l Fox 1 :i v. June; IS.WOIM. ...1 11.00 111 9.4S 30 M Ift.W HI. IS io. w 10. S4 10.41 10 .Sri 10. W n.oa 11.01 11.16 11.28 11 34 11 VI 11. M 12.10 .2rt .15 9.C6 S.51 S.4 H.Xi 8.i-i 8.15 8.IA 8.1 7AI 7. 5 40 5.37 5.14 5.H2 5. IS 5.I"S 4.5S 4.W 4.40 4.'-' 3' 4. J" 4.10 3.52 S 21 s.r 1M 1 I 1SS i t.r, 6 411 .M t 7.0 II 7. an .4i 7.4 7. si 8. UU 8.10 s si .i 40 ...Yorkvllle. Fox..... ... MllllmsilJ ...MIIIInttttiD. 1 Sherlilsn. Seri'iia.. 1 ....Klakf... ; Wed roil. i IlSVblll.. ! SHI ! 3 I s I ! 2 W ':u Xi H 4.IH 44 41V 4H Mk ' 11 C It 1 1' 'nia'g .OTTAWA . H! 7.3 6H 7.10 ) 7 ml 4ki .5tl '..south Ottawa. '...Bide Track..., ..Ursnil Unlito..! I....KIt'hanls.. HtA) blroalor....' 3 IS I a a. ti m. li No. fn-innt-(piinnmini ' " No. t Krt-lKliI 4uig sotith A No. s FrfiKhl gutna1 north 10. 15 a a No. '.t Frrmlit tfolna north i.uo r Mnrnln train niakoactoas connection at Aurora lor all point' t anil w. i"arm. Horion'n lti-olinln 1 hair I ,tr. ;il ilio C. B. (J. Pai tt r Innlnc l r. by thm rtiuto. All iHformatlon almnt ratef f fare. Irrnincrar aoooniiiiodallona and lima table will teck-rrlullr even X'J l" I' y 1 Wc I V A L IWKI.I, lionrral I'aMontror AgeLt, Chicago Tf;i!eralMaaarr. :hlcao. THUS. H. MARVIN Axenl at tltuwa OTTAWA GAS CO Art prepared to io au klaU of Gas and Steam Fitting. Wrong at Iron flpa, Flxtaraa, fittlnp, farniiziM at Holiday Goods and At prices you Have never heard of before, and bar gains you cannot aflord to let pass. I want every body to come and see what I have and sec my prices. All prices are marked in plain figures. 1 want yon to come, if yon don't want to buy, just to sec the goods. My stock exceeds added Toys of all sorts. Holiday (Joods kept in toy stores. Any persons out seeing my stock and themselves. El. GtRIGtGtiS. TH I May chance to be of service in many homes. It will also serve us if it recalls the rules of M. STIEFEL & CO., which are: 1st. We never offer for sale any Clothing but what we believe will give thorough satis faction to those who wear it. 2nd. We stoutly maintain our custom to alway have the largest stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing to show our customers. 3nd. We do not allow our salesmen to mislead our customers as to lit or quality or kind of goods. 4th. We stick to one price alike to everybody, rich and j-oor 5th. We give the guarantee with each sale we make. 6th. We return the money to anybody who wish it, if they choose to bring back the goods uninjured. THESE ARE THE CO Or RULES We live by every day, as any one can see. 1. Mllft's Oil Sill 00 CO! -t LARGEST CLOII 101 Hi OTTAWA Hoping to serve you this Eall and Winter, Yours truly, M. STIEFEL, MANAGER. "WHITE COENBR, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. to WALL Window Fixtures and Curtains. WE HAVE A LARGE AND ELEUANT lNEJHj NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. Which it will vlease us to show to all, and it is our intention to make it PAY OUR FRIENDS to deal with us. ASO PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS. Don t forget It! City Drug Store. Dor t Christmas Presents all former years. I have I have every description of drug stores, book stores and who come to Ottawa with prices will do an injustice to TED jjjj IS STILL THE bnv before coming to se m. T. A. SMXJRR PAPERS, i ! J