free wltawu MX OTTAWA,? ILL., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1881. NUMBER 23. VOLUME 12. LOCAL MATTERS Livery & Feefl stride. PETER EGAN Would respectfully announce to the citizens ol Ottawa am rlcinlty that he h one oflhe uolcet Livery Btocks In tut' ttr , t the City Stables, ach ai the Latest Styles of Hacks. Carriages and rJiiir Toletnt prices to mitt times. Partlm. Weilillni:, Funeral Plc-NIo, Ac,.npnlle1 with eooil rtira on short notice, in Funerals In the country or aillolulnc towns promptly at tended to, Pemonii taken to aniltrom the itenoU.or to tM aniintrr, nlsht or d tr Itenieinliur the iilace on M n ftrret, near Vx lilvcr Hr!e.. ,,..,, ,,.- SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds s 18 La Salle St. M A SO III. Oce'ilciital Ialpe No. l' A. F. & A. M., Ilrst mill thin! Mondays of each month. s.',1o- moil llctreu, v.M.; .In. McMaiimis. s. i.nnrop icr K I mm, .1. W.: II. C. Nasli.Treas.: A. M llollnmn. sec. Kintuliirciinviicatii.tis of Slialibnna I'lmpier No. 8, I!. A, M Urn mid third Veilnrs'l.ivs of each in'inlh. Win. I.. Millliran, II I'.; S'liniii'l .1. Chapman. K.; hiatus Hams. S. ; llenrvC. Nash, Trias ; A. M . Ilnrl'inau, Sec. K.rular Conciiivcs of Ottawa Ciniitmmilery V. lOh. T.. ii'cotid and fourth Thursdays of each month. C. H. 1 rtin hle K I' Ii. M. Mi'Artlinr. Uciicnillssiino: h. II. Sinn h. Cap:, lien'l: II. C. Nash. Trcas. ; A. M Hot! limn, Kccnicr MOUKNING L'APEIi ,W.?iiSt variety, at daman A Hanemar'a. west of Court Hons,. oi:k ac.knts. THR KItKE TIlAHKIi may lie obtained at the following places hy the l little copy, or subscriptions will he taken for any length of time at the regular rates: H. WiLitv, Seneca. E. I.. Donauim, Streator. I. II. Tniiwniti not. Marseille. , (iuo. II. IlKiKimt. for Troy (.rove, Ophir and Address, Troy drove. The tper Is always on flic at the office of the Kock Iilar.d It. I!., r'fi Hark "t.. under Sh r.min House, fhlcnpo, for con venlence of our friends. The Churches, MitlmUft There will be services at the Metho. dist church Sabbath morning and evening. The week of prayer will be observed. Jiiiptixt -New Year "iTinun in the nioininir. In the evening the subject will he "The (inspel of Common Sense." New Year communion in the morning. Scarfs of silk, ery beautiful, at Stiefcl's. DiAitii'a for I8N2, in all stylos and hues, at Os tium it Ha)rmnn's. v The regular monthly performance of the city council takes place on next Tuesday evening at the circuit court room. The regular meeting of the I!uitiess Men's A sociittion will be held at the Hall in Chet v. i's Block on next Monday evening. Scott Bros, it Co. s great sale before moving into their new (-tore, is attracting the crowd, (io early, while the assortment is food. tiO Yeura. Twenty years' experience in putting up pre- scriptions. Koiuiks it Loitui u A. The Ottawa Musical Association have post poned the meeting of next Monday night for one week the next meeting being held on Jan. Htli. Fur raps at M. Sticfel'8. Medicated shirts and drawers at M. Stiefcl's. Scotch wool shu ts nnd drawers, regular make, and cheap, at M. Stiefcl's. owing to the Immense amount of pretty things yet to he disposed of, the Sisters Cud it impossi ble to wind up their fair to night, nnd it. will he continued on Monday evening. J. K. Porter sas he mioii will have the largest stock of agricultural implements ever brought to Ottawa, and will then tell the farmers w hat to buy. The prices will be much lower than last year. Timothy Kane, a -ingle man, agt d J years, while lying drunk on the Rock Island truck eat of Seneca, on Tuesday morning, was run over t j ft freight train and killed instantly. The body was fearfully cut to pieces. UhiicIiik The next term of Willis's dancing school com. mences at his academy on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 7th. Those who wish lessons should make note of it. !. S. Wn.i is. The fair for the benefit of the Catholic church at Utiea opens in that village Tuesday, Jan :!, and continues the remainder of the week. The managers will be thankfu' for anv n-sistanecourl people may give. J 'lax It-I jitt. Collectors will tlud tax receipts, in any .jiian tity desired, of desirable t.ies, machine ruled and elegantly printed, at reasonable prices at Osman ei Hapemau's. Orders by mail prot..p;lv attended to. Mrfple Siiuar. On about the 1st of l-etiruary I shall make ar rangements for my annual shipment of genuine maple sugar from Vermont. Thoe who would like a supply should leave orders. S. V. lUVMoNt-. Taxes of 1881 . The taxes for 1"I are now due, and the books! are in my hands at the county treasurer's o!he. J It is better to pay early, w hl.e you have an op-1 port unity to see a -'esci ij'tion of property, than j wait till later, when there will be a crowd arid J onfusion. A. M. Hort MAv, Collector, j The sudden cold of the last day or two admonishes all that notw i'bstanding- to-morrow is Jan. 1, they ear.r.ot gi t along without winter foot clothing. One of th? best stocks to select from in the county is that of Child .fc Pl.Ipps, who carry a very complete line of seasonable boots and shoes. Their stuck i specially rich in ladi-a' wear, and tbw request all toojJI on them and fcee their goods. At Osman&HapBman OvrrcmtHl ook Hi Mm l'rle. A good " M overcoat f..r ?H 2V A good $7..r0 overcoa for $5 7" A good S'l -M own-oat fur H 75 n't! are liounil to close them out, ri d will give ttie chance to all wh may rail and evattiiiic them. This i tin tally; we menu business. M Si 1 1. ii. i.. Vocia ly. ti!i Wi ilui sjay tv liili Lira N'ali elit'T. Inlni'.l a liirt'i- liiinilu r of Mriid-, tin-t'ues'i of honor '.eh!- Mr. and M. W. About Inner of :l() rrrt. Dr. Camplli'ld, W!.o nrsi aain u .i , ,o,o, ..,.,,t.. ,,r the el.v were or. eiit. ined liiin. ptonounrrd four ribs broken. Hi and tlichoii,Tu was well tilled will. irui-M. Hi. n: was dam inc. On Tuesday evniinir th military party took plni't; :it tlir Armory. Some liil or none. 1 oupli s Wi'l r plrnelit. The Young Ladies' Sorielv, m:liins.'-r of 'lie puhlie reading room, to t i the mut'.imrrti (Company D of the rink fav Hie n-n ipis h-r Tauri'day evening, had the uttemlaecr tin- r'tik hn seen, prhnlilv. Tic i vi tiini; win" a Iileusant our, enlivened liv mu-lr and juize -knt ing, mid tlie piolits were ruii-ideri.tilr. Then U no diminution of Hie rink's popuhnity. Mr. Tln. Spetiei r takes I ti ic opporMinil v hi wi.-h nil his patron!- and lii' lids and the public ingi iii u "Happy NVw Y. nr;" and mIso i.. t turn liianks f. r theviry 1 1 1 rn 1 pstr..rao,. ,,.. ptoweil n'l him ''u'lti'.' 'he M iir I'l.isiin.' to dio . :s husiness this year has hern InrL'er than i-ver heforo, and ho will spare, no pains fur the ftiline to merit :i rovtiniiiiin- of this very liberal Iri lit tllrlit ..!! ; : ait uf the pi.blie. Notwithstanding an announce uietit of po-t. ponemclit, the Sisters of Mercy dedded to hobl their fair at Term r Hall thi ek as pei former atiiiounecmenrs. It has lien running all week, anil the attendancii has been large as large us ho;nd for, cotisiderir.g 'Ije state of the road. Thu receipts are good and n goodly sum will he ruilia'd. The fair closes Mund iy evening, when the tin al results of the votings on the Drcss'iit Cusi' and the Caiie, which are ex iting no liitle inteir-t, w ill he known. Fifty pianos and organs to rent at Mrs. I'.row. cr's. Instruments sold on monthly pavmetils. Pianos and organs sent to any part of the conn, ty, state or adjoining, states. Fust class goods fullv warranted. Largest stock in the state west of Chicago. Store on Madison st. Wo reel ourselves indebted to our cotemporar ies in O'tawa for the kindly mention Ihry havi miule of the book, "The Hi sources of Ottawa unit La Salle County," which we Intend lo puhli-h shortly if the work receives the necessary sup port from our business men, which we think will be forthcoming, if we may judge from tin temper of those with whom wi; have talked on lh': subject. The wo:k will he, as explained i the Prospectus (a few copies of which were print e.d mid circulated), an exhaustive presentation of the claims of Ottawa as a manufacturing and trading centre nnd as a site for investments, ml we think the best posted men in Ottawa will lied In it tunny things they never heard or thought of before. The hook is not intended as a eheiip nihi rtis ing sehetue to be thrown ino thu waste biski t as soon as looked at, but will certainly he tend bv every man who gets a copy, at home m abroad. It is to tie printed for the benefit of Ottawa, and (if we do say it ourselves) will have mc iis to make it worthy Ottawa men's support, and will he something they will take pleasure in sending to tli'-ir friends or Mangers. Osman A: II I'i;uan. The soft wealhcr which ruined the Christmas season suddenly left the country on Thursday, when ii snow squall came, followed hy colder weather. It wr.s cold by comparison only, yet il fro.e enough on Weilncsdav to give the roads u solid bottom. Last night was stiil colder, and the roads will now tiear heavily loaded teams. Little or no grain has come to to wn, but what did get in sold for very high prices for feed, com bringing us much as fi.V, though the priced as ipiotcd in the market icport elsewhere indicate what grain is worth at the warehouses. Our good friend C .w.iii.ig, of the ,..,'(, treated his friends yesterday to onlv half the usual allowance of fnnltl. Yet none will oh ject when they recollect that on Christmas Day Mr. Zwuti.ig took to himself a "better half;" and to get m irried and issue a whole paper in one week is too much to ask of any man, you know. The bride was Miss Struckmeycr, a lady well known in this city, whose parents reside in Chats worth, where the marriage took place. We con. gratulale Mr. and Mrs. Zwanzig, and wish them a most happy married life. The "boys" say if she made that cake, she's a "daisy." On Wi ilnesilay night, at La Salle, burglars vis. ited the hardware store of Fred Shuler, on Eighth street, and took a selection of bis stock amount ing to .v"..i. They then visited William Culver's house and stole his pocket-book containing ? JO. An I nriillleil Stork. Our tie iv -tuck of hooks is now open. Tin stock is so complete and cMcn-ive there is rm question it is !, .'; fir-t h'J; ' rib;. I lur stock w as no' bought for the purpose of flooding tut: country with old editions ut fit'!; low prices. We are selling i " V.., in rn-w editions, in new ami strong bindings, .' ..' .'.'.' -i fi'.H., for the same and less money a' which oth ers are ottering hut ym-'t stock. We will show you a line of the Poet-, standard Woiks, the mot valuable, elegant and complete line of Juveniles ever opened in Oitawi. Thi is fit. f and not bm-i. Don't buy book s until you haves e n our stock : or you will regret yourputi hase. O-..IAN iV IlAI'KMAN. On Saturday last, a Id-months' old baby, -whose parents, n:ir:ii;d Fay, live in the country north of the city, in its meandering about Sct Bros.' tore, while the mother was buying goods, got hold of some lye (relics of a lot used for floor scrubbing), which the child put into its mouth. Her lips were badly burned and alo her cheeks, where the hands had evidently leen rubbed. On diicovering the facts the child was immediately taken to Dr. Dyer fur treatment, so that the in juries are net serious. I Itemuants. I Km niuits from every department taavo been e lnoil, measured and marked away down, 'wiihuut ;:jml to ctwf. Scott linos. A; Co. , During this mild weaher the contractors, Hi, hums llimh Colwell, have concluded to un eitvcr ilir walls of thu new Court House and con til, ne tin- work; nnd building has bcmi going on during the past two weeks. On Saturday another accident look place. ihos. Austin, laliorrr, lipiid from the upper scullold'mi: tlid fell adis- lio,! w. rr also jmralyzed. Or. Dyrr ban had i liari;e finri'. The paraljil Dai inrt iirrn rr duei (I, hut his condition is yet critical, llis limn lv is a lurje one and poorly provided for. Jrsr At Fiske A; Beem's, another lot of hos' overcoats that we will st 11 at f 1.50 each. Ladies', call at Fiske A: Ilcem's and see a line lo' of hoV and children's suits neat, nobby and cheap. Seal caps at-.d fur gloves cheap at Fiske A; hVciiiV nnd a 1 kinds of hats and cups for men, ti.. s and children. A tine a.-so- tincnt of goods for neck wear, and line cI'-vcm and mitts at Fiske X liccm's. Ti links, carpet ba at Fi.-k- i'c liccn.'d. ;s, shawl mid tun k straps Bobber coats, storm, monutanius, oilier, gos samer co Us for ladies' and gents'; also hoys' rubber coavs on hand at Fiske iV Beem's. The Turners of La Salle ;.ri0 in number) have just finished their new hall, which will be dedi cated to-morrow. "The building," says the liruiiKial, "is one of the cosiest places ot enter. 'Hiiiineiil in the county, and it will certainly sc. erne a share of lh- trade. It is on Gooding s' e i, biwo'ii Si com! and Third, and is '.15x40 fi-tt; singe '2'Jx-tO, will) dressing room above. It has a gn ley wnieli runs nearly the full length ol laoli side ntul east end of the hall, with a .seating iai aei:y for fully Utio people, making a total of at least 700 who can be accommodated rtith comfortable seats." The hall by this eve ning will be beautilully festooned with ever greens, Hags, emblems, mottoes, iv.c., presenting an tippcai niice handsome and artistic. This l'm m r district embraces La Salle, Chicago, Joli I, Lapoile, lnd., Ottawa, Aurora, Mendota and I'd u, and it is expected several hundred mem bers id ll.e organization will be present at the dedication. In a crude, prosy, clumsy way Some business men their greetings pay, But we, yes we, of thoughts sublime, (ireet our friends, in pleasant rhyme. Thanks, ( bib! and youth, lady and man, Who favored us through t; Ma cvciv second of eighty. two llri-ig wealth and happiness for you. A. Lynch. Pos' suits, cheaper than ever, at Stiefcl's. On Saturday night a man named Maxwell got pretty drioik at Mclntyrc's saloon, on Madison street, and went to sleep ou the walk outside. While there Harry Mnddeii, it is alleged, relieved his pockets of I heir valuable ;. At any rate, IN quire Reese, held Madden in fitSlWl bonds to have the Cm-nit. Court discuss the matter. Yesterday he appeared before Judge Miller and plead guil ty, l'is general good character when sober was in his favor, and he got oil' with III) days in jail. Men's good every -day business suits, very hn, cheaper than ever, ut Sliefcl's. Rkmkmiikk, tnat we put on snle to-ilay KM) la dies' black union beaver cloaks and dolmans at prices ranging from -l.fK) to .ri IKI. Persons de siring such garments will Hud the prices ex tremely low. We have just received afresh stock of higher priced garments in this line, which will he sold at. prices correspondingly Remember our child's, misses', ladies' and gen Cemeti's underwear. Remember our Hannels and blankets. Remember our hosiery and gloves. Remember our notions (for we are very notion al). Our ladies' hood fthe Celestial) is a beauty. H is said the design was obtained through a medium from spirit laud. Remember that our stock embraces fully and affectionately dry goods of every description, and that prices are always satisfactory to purchasers. A. Ltvcii. Silk handki rchiels, v -iy nobby, at Stiefcl's. The Rock Island road has just brought out ol the shops three elegant new reclining chair cars the first i-ver used on the road. They have Wi scats each, also toilet and smoking rooms. They co-t $;(),) each. After January 1 they will run from Chicago to Kansas City. Six more are to be built to be ready J uly 1st, to be put on oth er divisions of ;he road. During List, week a one-legged tramp, i:atin d Julius Deling, cirulated about town onsiheg. ging toiir. Among other places he called at the Farmers' lloti-e, by Mr. Uhlel, on l.u Sa le street. Mr. Khiel gave him a room; in return for which hospitality the said tramp stole a live dollar gold piece and a few other coins, such as he could lay ,h!s hands about tin: house. He was arrested and ' w due-day last was examined before K- iniro Reese, who sent him to jail in deiault of bonds. Yesterday he plead guilty before Judge Miller aii-t was given 711 days in the county jail. The Kankakee "'-savs, on Thur-dav : "The , Kankakee .v. Seneca is now an accomplished fai t The la-t rail was laid on Saturday morning', the j conjunction of the two sections being o nicely ! calculated that two thirty foot raiis just tilled the igap. Ballasting and evening will now go for. ward for a month until the line is in first-class : condition, on the iir.-t of February a regular I mail and exprttss will be started, though in the , interim more or less freighting will be done, Kankakee will lie made the end of a division, the trains, over the Seneca making round trips each day. the work of building the line has been prosecuted undi r difficulties and disadvan tages, but it has j.rogrcs-cd with as much ra pidi'y as could be reasonably expected, and we heartily congratulate the gentlemen who have had the work in ( harge i jMn the successful com pletion of one of the nrnst Important links of rail road that has la-en constructed this year." Christmas, Until of late years the religious observance of Christmas was confined chiefly to the Episcopal and Catholic churches. They have always ob served it; and" the usual introit and collect for thu day of the Common Prayer Book are the same as authorised in lMVt, when the Prayer Book of Edward I. came into use (Whitsunday). Our Puritan fathers considered an observer of Christ mas just right for hnnging, and had no scruples bout doing it. But generation by generation this changed and the evangelical churches now generally observe the day with appropriate relig ious services if the day falls t;n a Sunday as this year. At other times the religious services are held when convenient; but the Christmas trie must come for the children always. All the churches had special services on Sun day Inst generally In the evening, when the children of the Sunday Schools were the leaders. At the Catholic churches the usual Christmas masses were sung, and large congregations wor shipped. At the Episcopal church, the morning service was, as usual, a full Christmas service, with Ho ly Cotnmiiiiiou. The children assisted ctTectively with the music. In the evening the children again took part In the music, opening the service with a procrssional hymn, and after evening prayer gave a number of beautiful carols. The services were very beautiful and impressive. At the M. K. church the Sunday School con. ducted an interesting service, composed of mu sic, reading by Miss Fannie Chcever and a short address by the pastor. At the Baptist church was a somewhat similar service with reading by Miss Edith Penny and Miss Laura Lindlcy, and an address by Lester II. Strawn, and others by Mr. J. E. Scott and the pnstor. At the Congregational church the pastor gave a Christinas sermon, and on Tuesday evening the Sunday School had the annual Christmas tree. All of Sunday's services at all the churches were unusually well attended, the day being a beautiful one and the evening pleasant. The electric light is a grand success for dry goods. Call at Scott Bros.,t Co.'s and see; the elfect is delightful. THE COURTS. Thu Circuit Court. At the Kendall county Circuit Court were heard: "The People vs. Joseph llcsse, Indicted for selling liquor; change of venue from La Salle county. Sweetland and Brewer for the People; Cram and Parks for defence. Verdict of guilty wps rendered hy the jury in a very short time. Court fined Hesse i'M and costs. Appealed. The cases of Michael Kenny and John Keating, from Ottawa, for the same crime, were continued." The January term of the La Salle county Cir cuit Court begins on Jan. t. . ... Th Ultunty ontcwa. County Court dinl Cl'rk Waltlier's block. Madison st Hn nntrr. -KM-hanir' llnllillni;. opposite Cllltou. Circuit Court and Clrr. North end of I ourt st , down stairs. .WrOT.Hiime. up sf ulr. Trefiiurrr. opera Hoiihc It'oek. Cuuirtti Aynu. W Itlicr's block, up stairs. .Supt.of Lvwttrurlion, W. It. Tri i s. hioue. ( 'nroner. - over M. Micfcl's sbu e. The following were this week granted lleenes to iiinrry: Christopher'llogan and Anna Holcomb. Jacob M. Bird and Mary K. Clayton. Edgar C. Davis and Mary M. Pcrdieu. Henry O'Brien and M iry Waters. Jeremiah Pratt and Mary E. Worthiligttm. Lewis M. Eddy and Fannie J. Butterliehl. Francis M. Blaylock and Eliza ( 'adwell. William Shay and llannora Sullivan. Salshiirv E. Phillips and Etniner A. Dor. Marlln Doo'ey nnd Kate Cole. John P. II. Francis and Annie P. Snelling. James Brady nnd Mary Connors, ('has. E. Crosiar and Louisa Smith. I.nrs Tutbiiiil and Snr.ih Itcwlaml. ico. W. Blaine and Mary A. Lackev. Waller E. Scolield and Harriet M. Taylor. Edward Owen and Anna Woolcncraft. ( has Doll and Clara O'NYil. John S linssurd and Lilian Roberts. Thus. Hiions nnd Ella W. Sinnplson. Francis Joll and Mary A. Taj lor. Albert liadgi.-ki and Theresa Six. itr.M. t srvri:. During the week real estate instrume nts num. tiered from t!1,7i!7 to '21,V2I were tiled for record, flic money involved was, for lsl's business: Sales 0,7Vi no Loans I'.l,'.il7 imi The sales of corporation property were more numerous than of fnrni property. The totals were : S i'.cs T, ) no Loans 4,1117 00 The sales, were: In Earlvillu, $l,i"'(; La Salle, 4."i0; Mendota, , :i,ui; Pen, "., fl,f"; Otta wa, i 'Xi. l.ostarit, certificate, :.Ml; Crotty, Js; Marseilles, l,4mi. Loans- Streator, JiVld; Peru, f 1; Marseilles, .V.r: Mendota, J, ::,:i.Vl; Ottawa, ii'.Tt. Among the sales were the following: Lot 1, blk s, Kailville, ,uoo. Ml lot 5, blk ll La Salle, . I-V. Seq swq 17, "sni. Pt lot. 1, blk 4:, West's iidn, Mcnib.ta, f l,no. Pt lot'.), blk K1, West's inlii, Mendota, b."o. Lot and w'-', lot I, blk tin, Ninewa adn, Peru, i Lot t, subd lot s. Ottawa Citv, IIV Lot :!. blk b. R R adn, Ottawa, JIM) .-q 7. ::, :;jo. Eh nwq i:;, w lnofton, 4, Land .V W P Co Add, Marseilles, ,4o0. INsiNK. Mrs. Mary Reeves, of La Salle, who about a month ago attempted siip-ide by throw ing herself into a well, was on Wednesday declared Insane by a jury in Judge Miller's court. I A 1 1 . Concerning the man who was lodged here on last Friday afternoon, the La Salle V' sajs: "On Thursday afternoon John HotTmari called upon Squire Forri-tal and told him that about three jears ago he, the -aid John, had stolen and tjken away ahore of the value of lno, the property of Mis. Fair, of Dayton, of this county, and sold the same for the Mini of He had been andering over the face of the earth like, was w.ary and would willingly rest in the new jail. Furthermore, l.e wanted to i - his si-tcr w tin iived in ( rttawa, and if he ventured within the liriii; of that rity w itii out the protection of the strong arm of the law he feared being mobbed. The 'Squire to'k hi affidavit and put him under $(nl bunds to appear before the Circuit Court at the January term thereof. He could't get bail and his heart's de sire was graMied by bring furnished with a free ride to the county seat to await trial for horse stealing." The Sisters of Mercy gave the prisoners a tine Christmas dinner on Sunday, which you may be sure the boys appreciated. AMlSKMKNTM. The Frank Fray-tie Tarty. The FraiiK company In "Mardo" were greeted by a large audience, though a trifle top heavy. The play is of the "blood and HiHiidrr" sort, a good, old fashioned dime-novel dramat ized. It was, however, vastly better played than usual with that grade of plays. It's quite im possible to describe a play that takes one from the Pacitle slope in America to St. Petersburg and then keeps one trotting back and forth from St. Petersburg to Siberia; but a show that can Introduce u bear and a dog and a liou in one night is not to be sneezed at. There was with the party a capital orchestra an institution with both body and soul, though having but seven pieces a luxury not often enjoyed ut the Opera House here. The Herberts. On Monday evening next the Herbert dramatic company (not the Florence Herbert crowd) be gin a week's season at the Opera House in a line of plays generally new to Ottawa, opening with the very funny comedy "Rooms for Rent," w hich elsewhere under the management of Mr. (iulick has proved one of the most successful comedies of the year. The Herbert party has J. W. Bin4, ton and Harry Weiitworth, both well known here, as comedian and leading man, as well as several others whose names and faces will be remem bered. The leading lady, Eunice Goodrich, is a new name here, but she is said to he a very clever actress. The party carry also a brass bund and an orchestra for Inside music, which they brag of. The low prices of go and :5 cents will pre vail. The company has un excellent reputation, and will no doubt present their plays In attract ive style. At Streator this week they have been drawing immense houses, standing room being at a premium every evening after Saturday night last. See Stiefcl's stock of neck ties nnd silk muf flers for New Year's presents. They are beaut ie--. Call in and see them. M. Stikkki., at the White Comer. There are three cases of smallpox in Norway in addition to the two which proved fatal. The new cases are Clirin, Nelson and two children. Supervisor Adams has taken every precaution to prevent the further spreading of the pest by shutting the house in from nil communication with the world outside. Piano i-oii Sai.k Ciikap. Enquire of Mrs. Am a.Ja Fostcr.wi st Madison street. New linvelopes, Messrs. ismiin it llapemati have on sale n now envelope, illuminated with a picture ot the City of Ottawa on the face, engraved from a photo by Wheeler. These are very handsome goods nnd should he seen by all business men. Come and help us to move the goods. We have marked the prices down. We hre (dfei iug great inducements to cash buyers. Si h i t Bip is. rV ( 'n. The Illinois and Mississippi River Improve ment Commission has voted to ruise $0 INM for lobby and other purposes of tin- Hennepin Caiinl Scheme. Of this amount Chicago is taxed ri,. (Hill; Ottawa, f.'iWi; La Salle, ?0tM; Seneca, fsl; Marseilles, jOil! The ( 'nmmisslon seem to be well posted! Catarrh of the Bladder. Slinging, smarting. Irritation of the nrinarv passages, diseased di-chargi paiba. Druggists. Depot, s, cured ny iltieliti- MilX KllfUssl. Read Our Guarantee-Study Our Compass. Wk an: the Oldest Oni: k Clothing IIoc-k in the State. Salesman is allowed to deviate from any Rules in our Guarantee. y WE GUARANTEE al y Mi T cd, if customers find the articles unsatisfactory, an 1 return them unworn and tin injured witbin 16 days of the date of purchase." f Siencd.l HOME 56th SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. CASH CAPITAL. Itc.scrrc for lie-Ins. riuI all itthfi l.tnM.ltlv. Xct Surpttts, Cash Assets Jiilt . Losses Iiid at Ottawa Agency, $.),-tO.".l?. Losm's Paid at ihv (Jreat Chicago Fire, S:,1 :0,.im.07. Losses l'aid at tJrcat JUMou Fire, s;;t,ltU.43. Total Losses Since Organization. $31,282,295.18. GEO. W. RAVENS. gent, - - S.E. coiner P. 0. Block 9 llllth "School ntillillnu, Ot'aws. III. Ttny and evening mb sioiiri for iVnmnnship. Arithmetic, Hook-keeping nnd CfTr uicrcla! ( orrespumlein e. Students admitted al any lima, Sept. 10, ls..auii-liit VV. A. lilttW. I'rinclpsi OSMAN & HAPET.1AN Now lislit up tlieir stock of Fancy (lootls for the Holidays with the OUR STOCK OF Is ihs I.ui'k. hi, the lli st.iiiid Include ttia (Ircati'st Variety in this County. tir Wc want feeryvt)u lo cull ami s.e the t.;oK ) OSMAN & HAPEMAN, fter. :i, 1SSI. Weat of Court Ilunsc, Ottawa. ASSIGNEE'S ALE. I will soil daily, till all is li posed of, the K NT I UK STOCK the late firm of Hull & Rartels, regardless of cost. The goods consist of Hats, Caps, Furs, Outs' Furnishing (iood, Ac. They must he sold. Call at IU LL HAKTKLS'oM stand, north of Court House. Salo commences this morning. Y. W. TAYliOIJ, the. 10, 1SH1. Vntiini-o. B HAPPY I ly liu.v tiiic mi" t flM !-itt I mpro mJ J jiKt't-1 1 un li i ti DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES Kir n lirisMi'-m or u N't w Venn Presort for cur 11 otluT, (cll-s II, Mrr, 'All, or mollier-Ui law. 7 Pm i'tttl i v utnl t.r limine (vmi. r It it wt (muT tn Mnur ifU Vt lit it funl HauUiomrfit Mii'hut ftute 1 t.t'Jott'nt VM. V lit V. I). aV CO.'S, II. l 10, 1-iM, New 1'osl tlllii c HI,,, U. No GUARANTEE. Ktii Lit. ' I HOLIDAY M I. That the prios of our g I- "k:i!l be a low in- Mine quality of material an I manufacture hre sold ny win-re in the I'nited State "1. That the prices are precisely the same to titrj i ly t',- same quality, en same day of purchase. 11. Tii ut 'he quality of poods is as represented l:h. That the full amount cf cash paid will be refund. V i . 1 ' C 'f'Jrf .' CVffvx Not. 40 a&d 42 La Pal!e Strfet, Ottawa, 1U. .000,000.00 tJ07,40'.V9 1,758,0X7.03 JSSI. tail ii New Int.