OTTAWA FREE TRADER; SATlUli: Y, APRIL 7, 188.5. 7 I r "BURLINGTON ROUTE (Chicago, Curllnton . Quincy Railroad.) iS ' A V, ! v V.....:..!.' , J' -VT'-V WlVCON.STJff' v.! r ;.v ,!j-r:.i' L-vfchfrateW : To X i I- v ?f.j. cr , X'nnA-Nij Uttl.'iti EAUT AM 13 VgST. j l.le-,--j : it iuy Co.ii'k.-s, Parlor f'urH. wit li K- .Ye- : nun i ri .r;;.T l v jv ..u t;i 11 m- ..m..t f- ii. m.. I'hii'M''.). i:r,. . fwtwVfU Inli innfn-s & Ctiuin-il lihhTs via l'o'T.A. Alt r.innr. tiwiw in.rl-i in n ivi,ou. Jt isi . i 1 :. .. POM r 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .i i". 1 'Flnost Eciu;pp.:d llaiiiroscl in t!";o World fcr a!l Classes of Travel j T. J. l'OTTKtt, Sl Vicc-IWtuatHh n'l Mi.i:a'f r. l'KHCr.V.VI. LOWELL, (ien. l'oss. A;:'t, Cliifn(;o. V -:r v -"'' WITH TKG C CtAMIMIWO .'.';.. -: - ,,.,T-. ?ttt- Coin."! :hc C - i r.u -I l.l i. i-5 '. ) ,-. I L- r.'w-, r ! C:t . hi : ''':;. . vvnr:i J Atcl'i- ' ; .- - : (f . ;.-,.,, As it It;!' :' nt t :i i .', '1 Tr. 1 ii. i ' i " .' : . I! "AT:." ::. "i": : t :..-'- ;i : . mo.'.o ri v:.'.: tlK l7 i f ,i ; :. i '. .; .. V!.i vi.e .'.;..v - . ...... ... - ' "V-fW ' M' " "- ' w ViV--l I . . . .- ..." .r.- Ivj ...w- 1. i. m.X.i III.. A r-i-.v f . .-. J C . Lt.-. S-rn :.';r r.n.l Ucm!:akfco, has recently becn'ononni, fcc-ivvocn fv'cvv.-ort tt'.vr., fikhmnri!, C;;-c:nn;.'.i, l:i;!ianapol!3 La F;;yettc, a:;d Cou:icil r't"5"1, ft. P;t.!l, r.'inr.jrpcli and ir.tprniodiato points. All Thronf.n P:siner.R3rs cnrrlnd on Fast Express Twine. For moro dotniipd lnforniricn.s?o f pa .iff! folderc, which may boohtnino:I,;3 well n3 Tickets, nt principal Tiottot OtTicce in tho United Stnt08 and Canada, or ol R, R. GAELS, E. ST. JOHW, Vl,-o-. co't & Cle.VI ManpRcr, Cen'l T"'t & Pncu'r Ac'tt CK1CAC0. I. -KNEUSSL'S MAIN V' : t Vr st of I, a. Gall Street, sotith sid, ' OTTAWA. ILLINOIS. tr ;wr; ami Ut'i n"tiii,y iTi t'; r-i! h ::rv .irO Hi li m'Um tnl fuck of DBaJCS-S AIB CHEMICALS. ,V! tin' new m! iipii!r !,. -nt M'-llftni-i'. I' itrm-t" iind S; !. !.ir i. ; : nt. ry u,. IV'ihniH'iy, T!u.-lii.s, .uvl Fancy Articles fur the Toilet. Paints, Oiis, Varnishes, Window Glass, &c Particular A. fi'ini!: irt vimi i' ( N-!!fMMinilinjr of Plty.-i( ian Pu-MTi;liimi".. t i . , 1.I .V '. :rn: I t ,.-:lli-;.t:(. ,,,? 4 y 5 It t: tVC:AT I Hay L U. Uit'ut.' lirui-r. li.iii."N ii 1 v.' i.i.. ioil-. O.iil IniiiH, Fro.i-ii l.iinbm Oirili-, l'olii:. .iu-. il I jnunri ln-rt-!-., t'i!.- -. i .ulclt-i.t I li'i-r, ifoT Sorri, DiNrhirsiiiK W funiU, rrriinlcM nnil l.ry-,n!-!it- -r, i.t.icwnrir.. Hint I'crl.i t ( ni-.: Idler, fvnlj Until, nml nil iirnnu: nr.ii i me ruin iiim H.UAI.I. IIO.MIS. 2j ( KNTS. I.AKJili I Oi. 70 CI. ATM. r"Ul"T PTlC"Ol5iTr IIOHMI-: M lit illV U r th Curr 1 . ktfiMBIftW tin. Wound, irrui!', Ir,i l!il, Ki.riunn. Mill or InOnmpil .Inlntn, Inllumril NiflriU, Mori- .lmh, pfi' 'I It out, Mwnilrn I. In ruin, I'ollnrnud Maildli- Jnll, liaitvi'iMrri breM.M,'M mi l.; Mrmirlii-, t m ked Ileel,Tliruli, Uoitinu Kmc, lntlniii l. l-Vvrri-h mid Iiiwum-iI I i i t. WILL I'l'UU AW CAM: of MrKATt IILM, Ml'LEO CKAf K r.r ( KACKKII IJUO. porxn cans, 8i.i)o. m.iiai.l cmm. .v cknt. tV It ill Ibc unly Jhrt will rr BK IONM of lUr SHIN, tuxl rv Mtore Ihr linfr in it OHII.INtl. COIIiL. J. M. Hir;'". Kntrlr.t(1ent nf tb A(tam Er.rMi Co.. Chnv..i. yr " I not tnnuf Or 1, " V, rtnry Ciartmhwl 'n tiif lurr. .f Ui" Aii,:i:s J.X r d , '. ti' c i W rr tn raji.jr -Jut ha newr iixttl ii)-Uunir 1Ui rnnd rwulu. It M &tl that la ns iwntrf aut worki. Ilkr a cbaim." FOR SALE BY At L DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Prepabeo only by J. W. GOl? & CO., BJacfc River Fclfs, W CQIWC M037M AMD SOU fH. Soli.! ' ft h!"?.it)l ray ConeliiM IV.' I .......... .. ... . ........ . , 1 ti 1 ri:i St. J'Ms and IV.tna jini li,1 Main. Iowa, Liii'.:u!n,, :nul pctivt-rj Colorado. i 1 1 1: li ill wi ..hi i..u mi 1 1 1 -ii 1 1 lit 1 1 1 CEOCSAXMV CF THIS COUNTRY, WILL Tlilii WAP, THAT THis v K,':.r "V.-V'' a- --.. V'.:Vj ? '-, t t' ! ft" i i- ro;;snn of Its unrivit-id r- 'r '. T.-.IM l;.-.t.vncn V;o, PJo: th.jii.u . . : . .. '. . . , . i : i.? ; r.:i.' oj .ir.s ii!i .it ii:o principni II : v , r . : - ,i .' " .". J'i ;:ii'i . .' "i;-,, .V: it, rmri.i, Cttnwa, ., ,.."!:: , t-. i.-i-'i.!. !".' -.i ri.jincs, W Jt Liberty, ; , v, -tri, i ' i-.f ri-.; O-ntt-r nrtrl Oorncil Ciluf3, ;.. , C m.-'. "i n ..rvj !.:; :. ' ' C.'.y, i-i (VdSBO'irl, f:nl l.onv.Mi i. . , ',:! h : i'U'iiv; o; cit.'os, vli!rKe ;;ni towns . - ... 1 ; t !' ) : . i ,. ,! ,i u I-,--' 1 ki. A -i w i. .;.r u.ii.' u 4 w iii U-.nj '. ,:-r-. lo :.'! .: !' tho a'!v:nl'ifi;oa cornfr.-rn j- . '". r'scil rst rll connrt.::' point-", .!(...' - v'.';-L'. Vi.n '"iS.iVt. i, V.'t .") .v-.t r ' ' CAY COACI-JaJ : :i linooftlij . .. ' '. . ; ,' -ij c. t.wt Ijni.c: ;-''t, : :.c.G ;.: - CA.3, and 'CliS.iiG C::v.i : 5 ;,), t .;. n t;.o nfiiiT :vju Uijo:u AfiY .':,.: f i i i-'-;. ii fi-crlc r.icils v3 served to travo'-i-ro ;it - ;- t ' -.'C-? r--- t!ic ri"?C'.Vr,l p:V?i(1. DRUG 3 TORE, STREET, r.if!-. ( Y-iilo.l V cAf?3 J l5 r rv r -.i v -J Vj uia iub rural HfsfeM FKI'l? T AI.I.. I S V() I! prxi.vnwi AIMS I'OIl TItMn MT. 5;C!:31CS:DG3CV:ER3IP.,!3LADELPKIA - - .,.3 '!'1N i f.:1. Imm-rimtP r llrl 'iuii:s, , !-. t in. kiii. Jlfr. C'iaiitMHii tl Gentlemen of tUe. Hoard vf .S(j;trn'.w.s: i:iiiiiiiiill'i' j on roiuls ana hiidRus wouM it-Mitt-etf ul ly report tfiat tlu-y liuve exiiinii.i'.l tlm liuitter of the petition of the ruminls-1 Hionera of liiliwava of the towns of; Vermillion, Farm Hulne ami Diuwuj piesented liefore them, nml reeomnieml tlie tniiowinp: We liave exinuiiuMltlie matter of the petition of the towns of Wnnilllon atitt Farm liidire. asking an ap propriation of J;;-'..:!, tu-inn the amount due Hiiiil towns tnun the county on a undue, constructed, over tin Vi rmiUi'in river. Your eoiiitniilee h.tve i-Xiiiinued said petitions, vouchers snotmUed therewith, and iind that til" toliil eosl of said liiid.uu w.m j-'.l.ll i ;17, and that there has heen paid ty tt.e:nunty tne sum ofi-LHS."). and Unit tl -'ie stul re main due taid towns tioiu it. c ..iinu the further sum of s-':.!.s. u,.;t '!iia the lialan.T of one-i,a!f id said liiid.ue. Your conniiittt i' ! heiel"i e u i' ninineiHl the paMra-nt ot Mini ol and Unit the i-li ;1; l.e '.:!vU'i !o diiiw his ordtT for !!' .- mi in l.t.u of the towns of 'ei iniliio:) iind F.nni Uulv.e. All of w hich is res it'll I uMv suliinitifil. ,M. I..M i', ( 'li-m-'it. The awj:i and noes ln-inu ueui tiiiicd on Hie adoption of the rep' 1 1 wese iin toJows :;ui.eii, liute, (Vnt. r. (.nard, Contiloii, (.'m lis, I.mli'.v, li.icl.!t', ifiis-ir, J)iinaviiu. Fischer. Flal.niy. Lrretlal, Franks, t;;n;e, (iiiilin. Iloi leeker, llatt"nn uier. lli. k..U. Il..liai:m, lloe. ((ieo. W.), lin. (Wal'er), Jen nings. liiiue, I, ant. M'!.auti lm, Miner, Nichols m. l'.nr. I'i!ci; i. nolds. lvle,tiles,l Jtdii'cr.U-seidia mil, Stevenson, '1 run. ho, 'liiim.m, ' lii.c W'ley (. C), Wyho (Aicx.), ;i i .r. Chaii lo.tu ( voted : t j c, imnc I'd n'. ():i in. ion of supervisor lioiiurin it was ordered thai IT.o he allowed each siiier is. .r lor polinu' e,t c" n n noti.-es and i;l provmy: l-on.N. I'.o the elelk h" diiected io lir.i -V old. is o;i ti.o tiea.-.u; ec tiierelor. Su; erviso'- !; noids, cliiHi man ol th.1 eouunittee i tie Willi state chant. - Mc inMltU'Mli. stil'lilitte.! th" I'di.nv ll. it'P'Ti, which, ol. Mr, ( 'mi, ui'' ii (ii.(7 t1.'. Il'ttt'tl i:i Si'i., ,... : '. tosett ;e W i'. Ii s! i lechai It.ii Mi H i . T 1 . W.1S ni i:H il ( Hi' of .'.'111 a. 0 ii e ie iii'-i 1 1 nt tons Would! I Oil.V I ',". 11 h-.l ; I.i ii IM' e.,ini;:.e. all cinnn p. im ; . 'I t . 1 .-1 them ll.e p i n ei.t i ii e foil wm:r, al. 'i thai el.'il. i'-' 'i'. fecit d to it-niii- oiiiei'-. tor ti e l-eer.l ii mounts to tie set ei.ii claimants, lo-wii: l.i.i... Aslmil I ' .' '.i I .i- 'i . -i I.'m.i.- li: ill ILi-pi-a: l--i I..- it.- K u.l.itl.. . I.. i- S...i..tiil..-r ' Ihn.iii- I-.;:-!, i ii II..- I l . I I . ti. ) ' ;C K-u.i. 1. ril-. r I. i-iui . ... I.. r ii"' ha:.. . i : . I Il-iitiii :e .l.a-i.-.n.'. .1 I At! of. v. I. lei) is n-V'erl to!! y ! W . A. liliVNui.n.v i ;Im ii PI i il ( Vi .,' ,. pre. an il ;h. "Ji MlOi-IS IMH' l..(;e ( inlet I pli the ioli.-wiii;r resolii; ion, which, ti"n, Win adoptt'il : Itu nh; (, 'I'll. it t he CU'ilv c' and is hereby ion I-1'! . to ill order in such amount-; as nn' y i on the count y t ! t n rer a ; i ; a ' . a(.'!i t hi leont I a in i ; a r i I a 1 li he) iw hn !- 0111 i. hi? el.-; I i!ns com .H : c l . i I i i a Mall! Ion ti.vcd iiiiiii; il sal . p. on ihe i ha' Mich i llicel:; :; - a-o in i ceo lees 1 1 . . ! i l:i:.'. n.'. !- t! ..' 'a- - u . i - lll'f h!S 1 .'i - i I i. I III il i . ,'. I i.e I.i niav liave come into hi- hands a- tin tPu4 the time for w uy n, in i . . ' e tel. ( In i.m'ion o -.ii,-.-! i.-;- !' 1 .It'll tlie n 1 , :;. board :.i!j mn. o if! - J ( ( I.i i p. m . . I .Man h, -JiM el. .el. P ...I. i . I 1 1 V . i.s;;. j lioa.iil tm.-! piiisuan' to :ei joui npn nt. I 'I e.-i'-l .( ill' 1 s l'.t-i ll.i-lelli". Mr. J I'oe-an Mel )-ni-':i !i w as iut)'"i ; iie 1 d. ai 'l in h'-tiaa of ihe Im-'int ss .M0.1':-A.--tci Mnoi ai the fit ol 1 e !' :. i n iiert il the mi iiiVil.tti.iii io ni tc.-i.; in a hmiv a u,i-i im; of sod Kasine-. Mill's A s.-i. ci 1 1 ii 01 at. ti e oia r.i lnni..e th s ( f'riila v) evening. On mo: ion invitation was aecepii !. supervisor'i. from tin miu inittee on I'maiiee, iiubmitted I he foliow ing report: Me. Ciinreinun nml !i ti'.h mi 1) nf tin Uiitnil iif , 11111 rei.(n : Yourcommiftt 1 on ginanco beg leave to report that up on a further investigation of the limtii eial all'aiis of the county, by a more thorough computation f ligures, Iind thitt owing tn insullieient levies in the past ami the unprecedented expense ot the present, our lunds have become ex hausted, and the orders of the county can no longer fie eashed. u view of which condition of things your fonnnit 'ee lecomuiend the issuing of orders bearing interest at the rate uf eight per cent per annum, interest payable annu ally, said orders to be subject to the call of this hoard upon sixty days notice; provided this order shall terminate up on the meeting of the next hoard of su pervisors, unless they shall renew the same. .Iamks W. S iKvr.N-ux (Ael'ij Clmie'n), .Iamks IiiiuAiti:s. Isaac (;.uk. Supervisor Flaherty moved to amend repoi t so as to include all others audit ed for 10 id and bridge purpose. Amendment accepted. The ayes and mn s hi ir.g demanded on the adoption of the lenoit, Were a" lollow s : 11, I'oite, Center. Conn n I. Coneiton, Curtis, Ibin kley, Diessi-r. Dnuavan, Fischer, l'l.ihert v. Fmiestal. Frsnks. liaue, (irillin. Ilolti cker. i I .tt reiitiaiier. lli'-Kok, ll"liiuan, lloge (i. W.i. I lege (Walter). Fare, l.auf, I.ow man. .Mi liiighiin. N icbolson, i'nrr, Pilcher. K"j nolds. Kho.tdes. Kobr r, Steven-ion, l'ruiubii, Trumati. White. Wjlie (Alex.), ami Mr. Chair man (::") voted aye. and Donlevyand Miner !-) voted no. lie port, iis amended adopted. Supervisor lloge ( Walter), chairman of the committee, to sett In with county 'llieers, submitted the following report. motion, was adopted : Me. Cliniemtn mid uiJimen the Honed f St)ereis"is: Vour committee, to settle with county otllceis, would re port that Thomas Clark, ex-sheriff of l.aS.illecounty,hHviPgdied before a set tlement of his accounts with the coin r. it'ee could be made by this board. vour committee lias felt that an increased re- "tponsibillty has rpstetl on them in set lline with Ids estate. On the 1st of De cember. 1W, nt the desire of Mr. Clark, ind by requestor the chairman of this oard, the members of jour committee, it was then constituted, met at the lice of the sheriff and were furnished he following statement of the county business of the oflic?: Conaty and miMTilant-ouH bua.titn flAlT 10 Joort eiMt s,.ii5 Hi.a6i HECEIITS. .ono j and mtoeUaneou battnefi I 7 W ;a?tcotf I,MH llilli. i.ri'M' for n r rimlrti il intuiij I'Lculli-i'U'd curl in.m. , rV'O-l M . fTO T i tW.Wi i;:i ALI.UW'ASCK. ShcrllVi- na'ary J.' . 'hV' (inn tli Mtiy !hoo OiilciiU- ili.iutli'n M mi All. iiiiaiiiv ntiMi III.- .'.inn . . .' tn Atli'kiluiiiT n, ,.-. iii : v: f.-i.ii. .i) TlOVliiHL' 1-Xi'UIM ! t.ius s'. KKCAl'U lil.A I luN. Tnlal I'liiiiiiij; AiloHlllA' li i!." a l !'. S-J f n li (-7 i-i lii I)..lie- Alli't ICC II..I.1 ,T Ain't I" l'i- 1 ..'i.i '! . n-ttl' 111 lit ii; Itili dl I i ..- I :e i. I i- I 1 . il .1 Mi. v. r u-1 ley. . . folnUVS - ii ..ii..-; -'-.u. y . I! I. iMi-;.;i A ;'h.i' -lai. ir.r ::t 1) I !,,,.. I i. i). .'. 1-i. l-' l I . j 'l'he t ,.i:i:ned il I l.m ouhiv, com I na 1 1 n it i ! wiih l he .vhenli's imi'ks, and ! uiiiue Hie im' eieiois. uieiit mi it' i on: ' ( n r.wvA, 1,1.. I iec '.v-'. ; 'J I e niiiM-iM,..t 0, ineiiit'eis ot Ihej coll ill. Si lee io mi I ii .1 lili t oUlltV ollicel'S, ' IMS 0,i. e. -.mieed the iiccount . I i Tnoui.i.-- ( 'I..1 li, l,e: l It o! La S i,e I'oiin- j piiM-i.ii l on Hie sine i-l tin:- .-.liti. t , .'no iind ; l.e s. unc Col lect. W r Adams. lli.NiiV l.l-il.l.lM.lIAl'SEN, Al.Tl- li llolil-i. W. A. l!i:VNiil.lS, W m d. i At the same nine the o 'in t- lielise and -j Hi Ci'lnniuue mel an 1 i Xa nlot .1 I nt' j'jiill accounts ol the Miel ill. .iii,itoiind j ;he t. !..iwini; am .un'.s one as i-r then leporl lo tills coinu.llli e. .v .' .il "'' .V.-I..I-!.!- Jl-!i .1. ..I.i li'i ii..;.:.....,. ;.i;miIh if l.-l- l" I.. Tins made a tola of s: !..i'..Vi line 1 1 o ucmI a Inl Mv. ( i .1 k. At the M l Ii ii lec.ilni..enilal ion oi ine meuiiieis ot tlie I wu coinm'l ii es t be f. v elelk iliew ill5ol.n l lol .r I "joil in j.'al p.:lllelit for the sei i.,l aiii -ill:;.-. Ih'-ie teui.d to be due. ami I !; i ie o-niei' paid I lie same, leaving -.11 tine. Put unpaid, pci.iili 1! ii M-lil. no-' ' 10 tins bnald. Vour c.'iiiii.u.i e now icipies's that this hi a 1 a w 1:1 iippio'.e ihir r i nielit ot the.-'l .'io pri-vioiii itiiide, aim that it will iinih.ii r.'..- ti c ca-i I. ol ih.s iiiiaid to draw ni muer Lo il sum of .-.-J.O', in tail 'ii meet 01 ail dfliia!:i! of the late 1 x-slteiiii' .'-.'.iinst l,t s.itie count V, s;. Id or-'i : l i be l 0 1 1 i oef to I he Ie tstl icpn .1 nt .live oi ...iid Thomas (.'lark .mil re. ml. t.iht n 111 accrdaiii't Willi tins 1 en t . A.lo! W 'il"ii is i e.-ii. 1 ! i 'li'v su'oinlt It d. W a i. i i .i; I Ii "ii, 'amTn . Sin : ve an t'l'i'hor. eh. o man of the i-otiti, ' i.!i 1 . : i : . : t: 1 m .'. ' in:: -'. siibnat tfll 1 he h li lioll, V, a., ,. Me. 1 1 1 ' 1 mai'O i.i .ill I 1 ep' .1 1 I ha ' w i a;' 1 ep 'i i . im li, on mo il ui li!'i )m II 'if till ii- .'CIS'- i i . . i i . i i. Ihev i : . i . '.i e ee 1 1 ' Y our coiilliio ! ee W .i liil I t sp. et tully i e ( .a m I in il I he i ui a an It d at t h" 1 li.-t'i . Ilient. ni it Ilia! . co: in leCo: ..nt-! fami in'. i . ccn Tla a 1 1 .! ' '- i i . - . i i : i.e j.,,i,w ii g : i,ii:i.iini an , 1 n i he n "I I he Mn-i ilf and ,. ... i pi,- i ii la n nut side Cl il.u . n.ii p. a t am tin- jail buiiding I 1-1 Ihe hilt I li am! I.IS l.ilulil . i i-i'iiuise ..U'l i oi nuihling com ,ie In 1 1 -1 1 y a ul iion.'i to have , t mail u . uiciils mane ni, tin ii pi e. - i i ile e. an . i e nee. w h . a i-. r. -I" e' i nil v submitted, t' -P. l; 1 1 -1 lliiii. ' 7i"Y'e. Chi. I i 1 . 1 1 a :.s i a . ell. O. -i ' . Ii.t - p.. - ', i 'in. :0 tie--ni i i , and I i! in n ) i a -. e. ni ni y c ei h . w ei e lead heloie ' i,,. . ; i ,i in .a i ii , a. I ! in' same, on mo il i i'l'-ved. I la muiluu n M!-e.W I-:-'t' 1 l.-a I.i wa.s i i 'h i t-ii tlai ii.' oi'.iei ie. '. he c . .nil v t reai-ui ei draw n (I ill im; t ne ,ses ,,), m iho bo. ud ie- li.iii' i .March 21th. p-.v:. a el i.ea. lug in ' ''" at the- rale ol ei-.'i I er eelil. pel nonnui. ( ) . mot ion of 1 1 nii ( Waiter) the claim ..1 li. IT li d- loi .-diiV.ho , r M'l vices ita oi P'.V slit idf Wii:i itliowi u in the Mini ol ha ..Ml. supervisor Wiley (S. C.) presented the following leSiiluti-m, whlcii, on mo tion, was adopted : W in-: it k as. Wm. Young, an old man re.-iding in Fai l, not, utile to work, is snnpoitt il by ids wite, w ho is also unite old. iind by donations of bis neighbors, then ton- ;. vilrt.d. That the clerk is authorized totiraw Ins order on the treasurer in favor of Win. Young for the sum of ten dollars. S. C. Wilky, .Sinnreisiir ot Knel. The bonds of the supervisors for the dog license lee fund were presented be fore the open boaul, and duly approved. On motion olT'iipervlsor Fischer the board adjourned till !t o'clock to-morrow morning. Sati'udav. March "JI, IsSa. ilo ud met pursuant to adjournment. I 'resent same as yesterday. Minutes of yesterday's proceedings read and approved. Snpi ivisor I'i.-fher. ciiairinaii of the commi'tee on public bnil Pngs, present ed t l.e bdlow ing report, w Inch, on mo tion, whs adopted : Mi . I 'Iriii ui'i ii oml n. ! i h'i i,ii a of t fie )' .(, (' of S'li-t.i i'i'u : i our comnitltet op public buildings would respcotliilly i it ' th. . nave eviiiiineii the i m alter f the Li-dies' Library Assocra - tlon.of Oltawii, 111., pn s.-liled lieiulc theiii.aml reeoiuinend th- loll. nviiig : i Tlmf i he net it ion ol 'thecal I Liu'.it-s' Li-i brarv Associahon be r'len'ed totla - eoi;ri-lmu.Ji! and j iil-building coinmit-1 i,,.. u-iili hiiui.i' tn :ii. in the matter af-i ter'tie furnituif is placed ami the of- j license! tied . Ail ol which is respectfully submitted. I ( . 1 iM'KKi;, 15. A. 1 1 A I I KIN II A 1' in:. SAM I KL IT l'Allli, I). 1 1 ui.i.ia k in:, JACKMI.V 111 IK, Coiiioidli' Suj't rvisor llickok, chairman of coni mittee on miscellaneous claims, pre sented the following report, which, on motion, was adopted Me. Vliiiietiinn mid (imtl'inen of the Jlo'i ed of Suheri isorn: our committee on miscellaneous claims would respect fully report that they have examined all claims presented before them, and rec ommend the payment uf the following. ami that the clerk be directed lo issue i r . I .. . ,l.l orders ior me several amouim u mc several claimants, to-wit: Am'f Ain't Claim''1 .l'.'"lf". .luhn V W a!k. r. rotmt ihlc ... f - S. I'. Wiley, rrrvii't nu coiir hum. W. ti Triiniho. ultimo mi'.h ro ullliw If Hctirr Ili-lilnbau'ro, M-ttliiij id ninoty tifl'.er '' Wrlpht A damn, nil Ing llh co. ofllrer ' Wali.-r Nop-. ntUiim with co. i.ffl.-.r E. K. IU. rottaiilc ln "i E. (j. y.cln'.yre, cuusiiublo lee.. 14 ii J. A r.aiitlii IVn ...SI 0 1 rt Allot' which is respectfully btibmitted. L. 13. Hickuk, t'luur'n. On motion ot Hiinemsor llickok $3 was allowed M. J. Xunsle for services on electiuii board in J line, lvSi. in the town of Wallace, his name having been 'omitted from the return on poll book. ! .S'o. erviior l'erkins, chairman of coin ! milt e on court-house ami jail, submit Ited the folio. ing report, which, on mo tion, was adopted: Me. Clwiriiidn find (ieulUmni of tltc I JSonnl of Ziuiji i riiiora: Your committer on court ho. so and jail would rciipucl tully leporl that thev havo examined j the matter ol employing j uniors and wuicliiu.iii for the com t hoiie present i'd la Cue. tht-m, and recoinun-nd tho iSiem': !"llow;n: Tin; emplo ing nf une man ' '. ... .1 his w ife as jiinitors and one mail as m 1, and would then fore n coni i mend the employment of Chi isioplier i '.'i.Mii i vhniti iiinl his wite fur janitois, iind ,lo- i pa li i i tor w iitcliiiii.n. !l oi is respectfully submit ted. L. l'l-.KM.NS, . II. I'll.t lllili, .1. ). Cum UIDN, Wm. T i:f man, sam i, ( . w ii i:v Snpervi ior 11 ittenhauer, from t he ",.-d all claims presented betore them, . omonitee on paupers, submitted the recommend the payment ot the tul-lollowin- report, which. on motion, was ewing, and that the clerk bo uiit cted 1 . I., ui n .... I...- II... L...t'i.r. ") 1 1 1 .M I . t a )pn.( ! ; j j I.i7 Claiin'il. . "'"(' il. l. " -;:.) :i i 0 '. . S It il I 1 1 'I, Win. Ki-ei.fily. iiii-ilii ii! klip te c iin-'h.-i i . lA.ii.!: l l;l. liu: S. ZiMll-.n i, p.ii.r iiei-i.-i- kiiim i:i Ml in. 1 .il'.n... ,, Ilia, . .,,i a laa. .ii.ii ... -' ' ' 1 ii-i.. a. n-.ii. . Jil-tlit-a' lali'i ili'au-" ' il ii'l -iiih I.I IMMi. 1' ai 1 li. riiiix.-viii 11:11! 1 1, . I . i 1.1 :i - j nun " snperviscr from the coininil'.ee 0:1 panpei;., .Mil-mitti d tin t..liowii;r c.t.iit-ment ol the pituperix I eiiM's of the various township.;, wnic'i was ordeiett spread upon the rei.'oi.l.:: M.viit 11, 1 .-.-;.'!. Aii.niiJ Ml.-ii I.i-,.. h;i. :.l .. i.i. . i'. . : I .e l iiinauiiu .. . I . a.:i.- I. ,-nl i i . li I .a im I. '!,:'. . . I-Y. . lii. in ' 1 1 1 ' V . 1,1 i-i ' . Ii'l"' I a StiC ".iiti.iiiM M..(..IU .. .11. i .il'-'i '.' i i . i ' inn ... . ..-I iiM 'il-. I lit. IV. I I i ( I t i-.-i w. i VI II i.' Sri. ... n I il l.r, :l f i: i li.lii .11 Supervisor ll.itienhau coiiiiniitee .oi paupeis, report, of Then. ('. agent, and on la 'lion of the ag-jleg.tte ,iii!uiiiil c e:;. eniiiii.u'.-i in s.mi u pi II III l! 1! eil spread tin led slalelie- m I he I il! Pan '..-.oa, I .-( M.' .1 lln i'i c'.'i !IT t li. ,! i.-:ir I- Sll el ,. (I'lnrnll tei r li'inii P -mi U','e.!! :, cli nvi'i';' o el'u, pi ' 1 i n!" , Whh-h, ( ', :, -a a connt y . !. i i'dei a on t he e lenmt oi :-a il i.f I'u i .iii'-' ) n loll. iW til i ' W MS ltd- p1 ,T.Mim Ti Hi. ant lea i.'d lo dra w I V treasurer to the ,: and d-'lliiis ni lavor in sums led exci i'i Pli live hmnlii ,i del I. u s nn he may need I hem lor tlie pnr poe ol paying eonni v hou-e expenat-s. Supei visor Fielliugiiauseii, ch iirui.iii of the commit Ice on lees and lams, siibinilled the lollowing resolution, w Inch, on iiml ion, was adopted : flisolei.d. That the county olei k be ami he is hereby authoiizcd to employ not to exceed two clerks, at a compensation of S'J AO per day, to assist him in prepar ing tho books to be delivered to the town assessors previous to the fust day of May next. Supervisor IlaUenhaucr, Irom the committee tm paupers, submitted the following report, w Inch, on motion, was adopted : Me. Clt'iieiiKiii mid tleiitlimen of (If I limed of fin a ei ioi-s.- Vour eouunittee on paupei claims would lecoininenii that the county clerk be instructed to draw an order in favor of .lacks ui liute for nurse to John (ill! (small pox) for the number of das ceitilied to by the at tending physician (.J.S. Lewis), at the rate of seven dollars pi r day of 'Jl hours, said order to bear interest at ti.e rate ot eight per cent, per annum. Supei visor I Yi kinsolTered the follow ing le.iolui ion. whi'h.on motion, was adopted : Hi tolei d. 1 hat the jaiiitoisaml wa' li man lie under the control and dm -c'i ot the sheriff. On motion i f supervisor Fldarty the nuance com u.umewfi" ins i ma kf a r ra n acme nt s ! i i i m nle leted to he ncc- jes - aiy funds to enable the county agent i to pa' the ep- liS' s ol t!i-coumi.V a :- nun. Supervisor 1'ei Kli.s ollelei the follow- 'ing icsolution, v.lm adojiteil : K soh ('. 1 hat tla notion. W is bills for coal for the boiler-bou.a1 be par! monthly; that t be clerk til a .V a II d der each month lip- on the eertilie.uimi of 1 he amount ot 'coal lived, such ccitit'.eate tola; made ! by the engineer. ; Supervisor Dresser, chairman of com mittee to nettle with county supeiin ' tendent of schools, submitted the fob i lowing report, which on motion, was adopted : Your committee to settle with county superintendent of schools would re- ispectfully report tiiiit nicy nave exam ined the claims piesentetl before them and recommend the payment of the fol lowing, ami that the clerk be directed to issue an order for the same, to-wit : La Salle County lo I!. IV Wuinis,.r-C'omi-i Si'iit. of SeUo'iU in:. i-t?. S.-H. M. i..!. ita ( i'l 'In, exiini roiirc , Karlvlllc l.aUr " P""' i.tariip l.i:i ' '.o. Tonii a A tu ...... O. t. l, l.a Salle J'rr'i Sttf. l''al a.-foiint . . -JS, t'ttt Trnilrr La Sa'lo liu old, it.i.1, " janitor rn-anisi; ruom i t. Mar. ri (IIUl ".'imiWi.-a-i 1 I in a li 1 .VI : 9 11 7 .H' no io ro OltirUl n.itvicxd frym h(jt. 15 toIKif. 15. "SJ ftU) lniftlni: Tn imrT'ii aifnant a J or r Icr tit tb b..rtl 1 OT T-'aJ State ok Illinois, iaa La Salle Co. T I, lt. Wil liams, do solemnly swear that the seve ral Items mentioned in the annexed ac count are just and true ; that the serv ices were tendered as therein charged; and that the amount claimed bdue and unpaid after allowing all just credit. K. Williams. Subscribed and sworn to before me tins d day of March, lssil. 1. Fin lex, Co. Clerk. All of which is respectfully submitted. F,. S. UliESSEit, reiir'n. Supervisor Dunavaii moved that a committee of one Lo appointed to noti i" "iienu to appear ami receive ine ' V-. . ,, l .lljil'l l l.l'il iriiviug 113 nil ;nii"iilment to the motion of supervis or Diiuaviin that the chairman of the ! committee on public buildings perform Ithis duty. Amendment accepted, and motion as amended adopted, j Mipei visor lliigii ( alter), chairman of the conimittee to settle with county Dicers, snl'iiiittetl the tollowiug it-port, ' w hich, on motion. w;:s adopted : ! Me. ( 'Itineih'Ut vnd (.oit-'tntst of Ike i .'.-oil (; i.-i.r! i'.-oin' : Vour committed 'to settle, with countv oilicers would re- spei'ti'uMy report fiat they have exam- to issue orders for the several amounts to the se end claimants, to-w it. : I ' S. t ii i it-ii . n-r. 1. in en.'. c!i-;!;' -tti- v.. $i3 "9 i lilver l ..rii.. i, ' . . 5 09 1'. W . S-, 1,-i.-.. a. :.a. ii..'..! (.a. I. a n.-y l,..r- ..Vt il I.U- . .'iltil v I) 1) All of which is lespectfully subinit t. d. I lot. iita-.n'.i, Superv isor Ciot: aid tillered ihe f.'iiow- !i:ig res"lution, which, oil UeU i-;.;:, wig ' Adopted : ! iii:i:;:.s, TI ere i-; now on rrconl in i tli" cuiiiiy dci k's oiiicc of .said county jiu bo-'k "D." page hi", date e;)t.Ul, 17 I, the o,ie. llig tesolul I..II, to-Wit : '.v., the b r.h! . j, i:,i hi this tor Killing wlvi s within the t . untv i f La S, ti.e be ini-ieaa.'d t i tea 'doll. n:i foe all wolves over l.'ic age of J : !.;. e mouth, ami that the pit sent ! I ouniy of three iloilais f r v. helps i;u j t!t r tiiree na-ntli-s remain a.i herett.i'orp, ! and t hat the clcik be author.-.ed ta) i.s-uo i mi oi't'-i oil I he tiea- i.iier for li.-siiiuc, on ! l.e l" i :-.-nl a! ion ol the sc; ' o ac'i-m- ::n:-. d i V.ii, i I- Ul.l t by : n ailaiavit ei' ihe f mis that U' tor v. bit It I" '(:::'.'. is d Hi',',-., i' ia ;.! ::, t.t l i tiii.1 ,i; ii tie I ! ; g -ii.ii ie sou Is ci ai d inei.inpieii'. ! i:-a i. ie .'io. I'li::' v ml li 'V'hgi-.ll he IV ;.! d tin' lihiow il.g - li' tiled '( a... - ,. I'l.-i! t!m'y ;..!! !,y this lor g wolvts within tho ila s.i.e I c iive i!o',!.iis Im' nil .-im' ! 1 e age of 1 1 ' i liioi-t let, ' !. jat : i 1. bo'tpty of t! ich Ne- w in 'pa liieicr ttil- '.' l.ioiitliS i nip. i.a I en tol.-le. i ne lb li tkfl . liiiih. l .. to Time I.: eiilcr In a-i'iei- I r t! e : ,...'. on ihn :0 i t tT- S'.'a'm pi,i;,i it d at;! h i'! of the f.u II ai tho r which l-oaatv n .i was :" ia !'; 1, . !, ' ' t' .' ' aai'iy. s i r !' -i-.-r, i ft !!' if thft i. " .": J ;'',! h'ilT;.. . -.. -i-.tro-',!!. il W. IT .Tm -.. Wi.nirt . . oi I he coin cm -r i.i ia lof i -e't it ! I- th.' i in- nii. h.3 .ml t'"' on! ,!v of C ; t;-.- :!u e.i b., I liu. tho i 1 - ; I ill, W. Ye .'-! !..'( f. I'. j of:'.'', t! ti.e ! !,: I., V, I.' li 1 .: i i : till : : ' i-. ; a-! V ')'. !,;:; va-tl i. i r- ft cam. i i l ti-'- ! ii ud f -1 . i , p 1 1 1 . i .- . i - -1 ; . . . . ' ;-,it and o: . i : a " : ; i ii- ( )'.t.X i co of .-:.' i i ' i- mn ol I'a'v h ' i." h it i'S ' i ,; : in . I i ' ' - .; ''. 1.6 ho ii- ! i : .'. :-. :! o ! 1 i in havi' lit he Pi: ia .1 !" ail i the p . a , j pu i a e- ;i i til : mo il. is ailopli .. .. 'I ha- lo I'U ui er ti o t 1ml.. an , i,i- pi ed to dia.V bis oiaiei' on the iicas at. tho final adjoin nmeii'i, oi this .in favor of the several supei vis ooai'i ors for tho number ot davs actual at tend. nice here, and mileage as allowed by law. supervisor Doulevv Moved tfeit rV special committee ol llnee he )ippoint ed bv the chairuiitn, whose duly it shall he to investigate the progiess ui;nie ill the woik on the liuriied records, and ro povt the saute at the .1 ulv session of thitr board, A. 1. 1 SS.'t. The chairman appointed as such com mittee supei visors Jiiinlevy. Stevenson and I )ii tit van . The chairman anpointed supei visors l-'laheily, Fair, Wjlle ( Alex. 1, Center and Truman as a s; ccial commiiteeot live to invest igaic the .-uhji i t of a countv insane asyium. and report at !h Hi'VI. Seplemlief session ol, the board. Suneivii' i llitlni i'i li -.-! tie firi- 1 '. Ti ..' ie-iolllt Ion, Which W", I -i lai.llll- mieislv 'oloo'eil : mcY' i, 1 hat i Li- tli n ti' is board . geia.U ch he has ' :. board hi- .I'l-1 to i. ill l an ..'; t ;' d ''I'leiei t 111 tli'i.T in ! i. h ti'.'.! t... liutii-s .a' ) i ui 'ion of lli.i.'-' a I , i ! ( j " ' I ' II e 1 M i" i c i Vi 1 . i r 1 Ua .m ! -, ; . Lt ; -:: C' Trick of the ii-rei'V ai g ii ol thtj iffle'l. iet k ol the cdl'- .V . eiiiin'.v and Hi. lie alolt". ti d l,.:e.: i. i oil certit v li nt Ihe aTivu a true, fuil and coriect ir if'ri'illngs of tla' I card r .':p.,rviorf ' term tl.ere .iiit house il. if s.ud count v at a spooi !' beiruii anal he'd at the i Oiiawa, Mjic'i I'1. l-s... Witnes'i mv hai-.d ami th" m-i-I or sanl court this '."''!' day of March. A . l.yvi. 1'ati:ii K I IM. IIN. (aOVi. Not niii:: Short of l'iii!:liak:ibla llemlits i .)!'! !-"d noon t'-ns of thousands of Mitl'i'Ms could oruiiiiit.-' raid iiiauitaia tla' r. piit.iti.tii which Avi.u's StUaA l Uiiia v tiijoy;. It, is a eouipoaud of the Let vcg. tablo alterative-., with tl'rfs lo.'i lei of Fotassium and Iron, all powerful, blood-making, IdiKxl-t lciiiikiwS and lil'c-Mistaiiilug and Is the most t ti'. ctaal of all rciuedies for scroft-loii-i. mercurial, or disorvlei. I'liilonidy Micccssful and certain. It produces rapid and complete cure af Scrofula, Sores, lioils. Humors, Fiavj pl. s, Lruptiuut, iskin Diseases and ail disorders ariing from impurity of tha bloen!. Ity its invigorating effects is nlways relieves) ami often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses aiol Irregularities, aud is a indent reuewei f waning viulity. For purifyius blool it has no equal. It tones up faq fystem, restores and rr4.'1'"'?9 heftlth, ami imparts vicor ami enerjr. For fortj vears it has nxa io extensiv J use. and Is to-day tho most available HKHllclue for tho SDffirlu-'; tici. For .al by all tlruggi-is. .