Newspaper Page Text
I Eto Haw &xii Swxilry. ri-IIUMI KVKKV SMI IU.AV M..Hillt. At n..-. o . Ml I-H.,11.. Sip (IT HTAI11M.I W.M. WMAN .VH).NS IVol-rieu..-.. Wl. osMAS, Ki'lK'li; U A. WILLI AM. S an,. K... TiRMS Of 8UB3CRIPT10N: In mlvwH'c. p.-r milium If Uf.t illl '"' "f ""' if ui.t imnl till "'I "1 "I" n'"llK liy lurri'T, tiny I'vlit' Mi'"- .. - r I. wllll-il t" '' .. Hi' r iiT'M-ii i-i-iu. County. to'..v.-r .r. .iyin- t ' I"-' Th.-M- tHrmt i" I-' iriyjvl!i. i"'i I". TO M IL slltsi lilHK!. l .' bfi-.Tt.Hii th-Uf"" - !"'"'' "': ,.,,,'r i.,t iti'li.'if' 5"", J:,,:;!,,,',-.,'.!"., u--" Ulnu ly III W.-ri.mir tli.-M- h.-.-...,i.i. itl. . mat.) I'""' eot ..w rltMT1..-rr..r.arl-iUl,.- to .--.-ur. -t-'' ,Ll, ,n.'tl,.Hl to k.-. .rr,.t ,,.u..i. . cxlta-m " " ut '"''''' '"'' U ,ft.T we .I...IIM huve n-.-Hv.-l ." in' nt I'l'M"' ""') ""; We r -vu more mixi""- limn " l',,n' ""' corre.-t. ont .M.KN'TS: TH Khkk Trai.kk may ! ol.Mii.-ii t the r;o l.y tl.H tnKl ropy, or M,l rl,.tl".. will - tak-i. f.1- any l-nt01. ' """ r,'"u,r r""'": K. H. Poi.l.KK.Si'ri-1111. HI- I. H. TB"WHKII''lt. Murw'lll'. I. II. t'.VKKKIIILU Si'lli-i-H. L. T. Van !.kks. Graii'l Ki.lif. faioaiicll. IlKK.ncR.forTMytin.v-. l-l' mul Wl tliain. nt (ft' '' """"'- " ,Sf, iml'l,ut Mml Httltrr. Democratic Convention. A" ttiow cltlzeni. of U S-''U''' '"" "' "I'l"'''' tt.thfloniPTr.-wlnlimin m'll !"" ,n ,,u" tutl UKtloti. the miriwiitntlvM. of the ICpput.ll.-Kn prty. wlio do not believe In thul party mu Uinit. an.l woul.l fondomn It. prwtl.-., Hiid who do believe the IO...I. rwy nble to bring bout .-nonomy In public fi..n.ll t ur.- and reform In offl-'liil life, an; requited to wle lU-lpfratc to reprew-nt th.-m at a I).'m ratlr ( ...inly Invention to bo h-ld In tlio Hoard, of Kii.rrvlH,r Kix,m, Court lloiiw. In the city of Otjawa,on Thumlay. tbe nlnetnth day of June 11. at the hour of iVrlork r a , audi convention to appilnt 3! dH.vt u. repre sent U Salle, county lu the Iwraoi-ratl.- Stalp t oim-ii-tlon to be held In the city of I'eorla on the 2d day of July li4; aluo to Plect 1H deli-tfaU' t4 rppriwut La r'alle county In s Dlntrlct -on(m.lonal I'onv. ntlon whenever the date and plac for the holding of the whip Khali be detpniituod npon; lu U tranaact any and all ucb otbrr biulnvM a may properly com p before the convpntion. The towuahlnf. of tlir county ffiall pa-h bp mUOed to reprpnttlon In the convention hpnl.y calh-don thebaula of one deliate for e h towtithip aiidoneddiltate for every fifty vou. and .lanevpry fraction of fifty vote greater than flftepn. cant In u. h towntu for the Hancock and Kngllah elPctor in prurUtul. hvurrn. that lu townKhl In which, In Wi. the lpraocrtlc vote for Alfred Or.-ndorff. Ilpiiiocratlc candidate for State Treasurer, wan gr.'Htpr than the vole caei for the Hancock and Kwrtlfh elei-Ujri In l"HD, the fcwut of reprwiitatlon fhall the Oren.lorff vote of Wi. The Committee recommend that the Democratic vnt.-m of the varloua township" hold thi-lr lownplilp cau.'UMw for the ael.-i-tlon of tuch delegate ao to repri--u i.t them In the County Coiivpntlou on Saturday, the 14!h day of June, at which time township coiiniiittee H. all be elected, to continue In office two yearn, the Eani' of the member of audi towiihhlp comiiiltt.vs to be reported to the chairman of the County Convention. The aeveral township ilmll !. entiled to the following number of vote: Admin.,: Allen. S: Hrooktl.'I.U: Bruce. 18; Payton. J- Weer Park, Si lMmml. k, .1: Kaglp, 4; Karl, 5; Men. 3 Kail Hlv.-r. 'J; Kami lil.lge, 4; t reedolii, H: (.ra.i.l KhpIiI". 8; (iiovelimrt, I; Hoi.e.8: Lahiillc. 1, ; Miinliiih, I, !tleudola.H; Merlden.i; Mlller.3: Milon, i: .Sorlh vi'li',3: tlphlr. 8: (tHiige.4: Ottawa, It: Otter creek, 2: ivru. IS; lilchlBiiil. 4; Hutlahd, 5; Serena, 4; South Ot-Uw,:t- Troylirove, 3; I'tl. a. 4; Vermillion, t; Hul-IU.J-, 4; Waltlmiil, 3. Total, 18. II. DKLLINGH AI'SEN. Chutriimii. (t. W. AUMsTKoSO. .IN'O. C. CAMI'MKLL, M. T. MOI.ONKV, E. S. mtOW.S'K. Ily Ja. II. Ei"M, Secy. Commlttw. The Free Trader, During the ensuing political campaign, will be the same reliabi.k, ritACTicAL, USEFUL AND SOLIDLY DEMOCRATIC paper It lias always been. It will as ever be Dnmocratic the only journal representative of the party at the county seat, where the conventions meet, iirxl where will be the headquarters for the campaign. It confidently relies upon not only Dem ocrats, but nil who desire to be fully posted on home matters, for a continuance of the liberal support it has received in the past Especially would it urge upon Demo, crats an increase of its circulation, to the end that its influence upon the presiden tial canvass' of the year may tie the more extended and greater. In accordance with our past custom dur ing presidential campaigns, we will send the Fhek Tkadkk to Xew Subrrihm from May 1st to December 1st, or seven months from any date beginning in May, for 75 cents, cash in advance. REMEMBER THE PRIMARIES. The Democrats of the different towns nnd voting districts of tiie county should bear in mind that one tcek from tu-ihiy is the date on which they are asked to meet to select delegates to the County Conven tion to lie held In Ottawa on the following Thursday, June 19th. The convention will not only appoint delegates to the State Convention to be held at I'eoi iu on the 2d of July but also to the Congressional Dis trict Convention, the day and place for which have not yet been fixed, but will al so have the Important matter to attend to of arranging the party organization of the county for the most effective work during the pending presidential campaign. The approaching convention will thus lie the opening of the campaign on the part of Dem.x-rats of this county, and hence it be hooves our Democratic friends of the sev eral towns to see to it that good and sound Democrats are chosen to represent them. There Is everything to gain by starting out right. Congressman BroadheaJ and senator Vert, of Mo, who paid a visit lost week to Samuel J. Tllden, at his home in New York, found him In poor voice but excel lent health and "facetious." They have no doubt he will accept the democratic nom I nation for the presidency If tendered him, though nothing waa said on the subject du ring their visit. , r "The elevation of the lion. John R Lynch to the position of Temporary Chair- Baa teemed to Lave tet the whole African element in a jubilant frame of irlml. Kv ,.ry roloivd face ill tin house beamed with delight" Mtystlie Inta- Owm. The negro.- are easily pleased, and as easily deluded. Whenever the llepilblicalis desire to be lurticuhirlv emphatic- in showing their contempt "f'.i "f 'heir l''1")'''' who aspires l'-.i place, they do it by kick imrhini aside and giving' 'he place to a "niiri'.-r." Thu, when K'eifer, of Ohi, n.Ued to he appoint. -d a delegate at lame to tic Republican National Convention, the party i,..we.l their contempt for him bv appointing :l i'f'-'" '" I'"1 '"'cad. '"'.v di.i the s.llie with Uol.eson, of New Jer sey; and now. when particularly enraged Ht'th" treachery of Clayton, they manifest their contempt for him by kicking him a--ide and giving the place to Lynch, liv ing, in e fleet, that they regarded him as men er even than a "nigu'er!" The "nig gers" may accept it a a compliment, but that don't make it any less a stinging insult BLAINE AND LOGAN- The nomination yesterday of .lames (. Illaine for the Presidency by the Republi can National Convention at Chicago, opens the campaign of lsxj with a hoop and a shout. With Illaine in the foreground, the contest will necessarily become largely a personal one. (Questions of finance, tariff, revenue and civil service reform, and all the other "great issues" that usually divide the parties in presidential campaigns will be relegated to a secondary grade, and the fight will be malleoli Blaine himself. We shall have rehearsed to the last minute de tail his transactions with the Little Ris k and Fort Smith Railroad Company, and how he came, as speaker of the house, to defeat the bill to forfeit the land grant of that road and received f 130,000 as his re ward ; and how, by taking forcible posses sion of the Mulligan lettera, he undert.s.k to destroy the pns.f of that trauaaction. And we shall have his famous Spencer rifle contract overhauled, and his acceptance of a gift of f 2",000 from the Northern Pa cific Railroad ; and lastly there will be a thorough overhauling of the wild and quixotic foreign policy he undertook to inauguate during his brief reign as secre tary of state under Garfield. These and the like will constitute the actual platform which the republican stump Ntieakers and newspapers will have to ex plain and defend, and it is to a campaign to be fought on such miserably low grounds that the party has invited the country by the nomination of James (. JSlalne. The addition to the ticket of John A. Lo gan for the vice presidency cannot change this programme, for however free Logan may be from the personal taints that stain the character of Illaine, the candidate for vice president cuts no figure in the fight, to help or mar success, be he saint r knave. CARTER HARRISON. The apparent unanimity with which democratic county conventions, as far as held, In the southern and middle counties of the state are instructing in favor of the nomination of Carter Harrison as the dem- ocratic candidate for (governor, leaves little room to doubt but that he will ho tlie nom inee. Under such circumstances It is to be regretted that certain influential democrat. ic patiers are engaged with more virulence than the occasion seems to call for, in as sailing Mayor Harrison and trying to under mine his strength. The papers notably In the lead In this crusade are tho 1'eorla DenuKrat and Illoomlngtou ftuUeliii ; and the objection they make to Harrison is, that he is not sound on the tariff question; in other words, is a proctectionist or Ran- dallite. The charge seems to bo without foundation, it is based on his alleged pro tectionist speech, about which so much noise was made at the time, at the banquet of the Iroquois Club. Hut a fair reading of that speech certainly will not bear out any such construction. The speeches at the banquet In question had all breathed a tone more or less of ultra tree trade. Carter Harrison simply called a halt, and said the democratic party, earnestly as they opiosed the present unjust and oppressive tariff, and demanded tariff reform and a reduc tion of war taxes, were not ready to endorse such ultra free trade views as some of the speakers had uttered. And in that he w as undoubtedly correct. During the iH-ndency of the Morrison tariff bill in congress Mayor Harrison fre quently and unreservedly expressed him self in favor of the passage of that bill, ami to-day it is well understood Morrison favors Harrison's nomination for Governor ana that the counties in his district are instruct ing in his favor. Mr. Harrison's views of the tariff ques tion have, within a week, been quite fully and clearly presented in an Interview with a reporter of the Chicago Herald, aud are shown to be such as the democracy of this state will heartily indorse. Tho general drift of these views may be gathered from the closing paragraph of the Interview, where Mr. Harrison says: "To sum up my Ideas on the question, 1 should sav that we have a right to levy a tariff tinly for the purjiose of raising rev enue; to levy a tariff for the purose of bringing about protection simply is noth lug more nor lens than robbery. I don't Ih lieve in that. True statesmanship would dictate while levying a tariff for the pur pose of raising revenue that that tariff should lie levied so as to lieueflt the masses and not the few, and should lie so levied as not to fall upon the poor mau who is un able to pay It, and Is therefore an exaction in the shape of a tax upon his right to ex. 1st." While as governor of Illinois it may be of less consequence whether our candidate is "solid" on the tariff question than If we were about to send him to the U. 8. Sen ate, yet while voting for a man ai a demo, crat we undoubtedly have a right to know whether he U one out and out, on the tat. Iff at well as all other question ; and bo- lieving that Harrison is such a democrat we shall support him the more lieanin n nominated as a donna-rat 'through and through," though possibly, among all the candidate for nomination to come before the convention, he might not be our first choice. REPUBLICANS IN COUNCIL- Notwithstanding that the deepest interest throughout the whole country was undoubt edly iclt in the a ion of the great quad rennial Republican National Council in session this week at Chicago, and all eyes were fixed upon it with the closest tension, it is a noteworthy fact that the attendance, outside of the regular delegations and their alternates, was much smaller than at the convention four years ago. The fact is no doubt largely attributable to to ti.e moneta stringency of the times, though a lessening confidence that the nomination of the bo dy would be equivalent to an election may also have had something to do with It. The convention, according to previous appointment, met at 12 o'clouk on Tuesday, and the first step iu its proceedings was perhaps the most notable one that occurred during the entire session. According to all precedent, it was not on ly the function of the chairman of the Na tional Cominitiee to call the convention to order, but to name the temiMiiary chair man, whose election always hitherto had followed as a matter of course. Rut when Senator Habin, as Chairman of the National Committee, called the convention to order and presented the name of Powell Clayton of Arkausas for temporary chairman, he was taken aback most decidedly by Mr Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts rising in his place and promising the nalue of Joliu Russell Lynch, a colored delegate from Mississippi, in lieu of that of Clayton; and no doubt the chagrin of Mr. Subin was not lessened when the convention, by a vote of 433 to 3H7, adopted the motion of Mr. Lodge. The explanation of this extraordinary maneuvre runs in this way: Clayton had come at the head of the Arkansas delega tion, most of whom were negroes under his influence, as n known Arthur man. The National Committee had been captured by Illaine, and their first movement in behalf of their owner was to buy over the Arkan sas delegation, and this apjiointment of Clayton as (the temporary chairman of convention was a part of the4consideration. It was not so much because a purchase of a state delegation had been made for Illaine That, as republican conventions go, was le gitimate business. Hut it was the pur chase of such rot as Clayton and then asking the convention to endorse hiin, that consti tuted the outrage, and its prompt resent ment was intended far more to give the black eye to the National Committee and show contempt for Clayton and his mar ketable niggers than to hit Illaine. The first day's work of the convention substantially began and ended with this first encounter lietween the factions. The second day's proceedings were al most entirely routine. The committee ou credentials having the-Virginia squabble as the knottiest problem to deal with, was not ready to report when the convention met at ntsin, and were given further time. The committee on permanent organization reiiorted the name of John B. Henderson, of Mo., lor President,wlth a vice Iresldent from each state and a dozen of secretaries, aud their rejKirt being adopted without oj position, Mr. Henderson was placed in the chair, and made the usual speech. Then there was a riffle by Hawkins, of Tenn., moving a resolution to pledge all the dele gates in advance to support the nominee. The resolution, however, brought out such a vigorous speech in opposition from George William Curtis, the head of the Independents, against whom it was di rected, and who were known to have oHnly declared that they would do sis they pleased about supporting the nomination after it was made, that Mr. Hawkins concluded to withdraw it. On Thursday morning the committee on credentials were finally ready to report, having agreed upon all the pending cases of contested delegates, and their rejKirt was unanimously adopted, the only notable fea ture of which was It damitted the entire Malione delegation from Virginia, kicking out the "regular republicans" of that state. The committee on order of business next reported, and then the committee on plat form made their retKirt, and thatcustomary summary of clap-trap, ambiguity and false pretenses was adopted without debate. We shall publish it hereafter. Meantime, it may lie said, briefly, that It laments the death of President Garfield, pledges the Republican party in favor of a tariff for protection as well as revenue, recogonies the "importance of sheep husbandry," rec ommends an international standard of the relative value of gold and silver, favors the national regulation of the railroads, and the establishment of a bureau of lalsir, favors a restriction upon the importation of foreign lalsir, repeats the usual clap trap almut civil service reform, and reserving the public lands for actual settlers, suggests a restoration of the navy to its old time strength, repeats the stereotyped anathema against jiolygainy, ami the usual fustian almut a "free ballot and an honest count." At the evening session the states were called In order to name candidates for the presidency, and as one after the other was put In nomination the delegate naming him made the customary speech, which run the session beyond midnight without coming to a Isdlot. John A. Logan was nominated by Shelby M. Cullomj Blaine by Judge West, of Ohio; Arthur by Mar tin I. Towasend, of New York; John Sherman by Judge Foraker of Ohio; Ed munds by Gov. Long, of Masa; and Haw ley by Brandige ot Conn. On re-asseiubling at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, however, the convention was stripped and ready for the final onslaught, and tin- balloting commenced without fur dehiv. Illaine won on the -1th ballot, the various ballotings resulting as follows: 1st ball. 2.1. !ld. -1th. Illaine 2:S2'i :M M4 Arthur 27.-. 2T1 S73 207 Logan W.1 7 Kdmunds ! " 7 Sherman M llawley 12 H Gen. Sherman .... 2 2 Rob Lincoln I -1 After the third ballot the Illinois delega tion asked to be allowed to read to the con vention a dispatch received from John A. Logan, but permission was not given. The of the dispatch, however, may be inferred from the fact that on the next bal lot the Illinois delegation dropped Logan and voted almost solid for Illaine, and this was followed, after a recess until evening, by the nomination of John A. Logan for Vice President! MORE DYNAMITE. Another series of dynamite explosions occurred in London at 10 o'clock on Friday evening of last week, causing greater alarm and excitement throughout the city than all the previous dynamite outrages put together. One lsimb was placed against the corner of the detective police building iu Scotland Yard. Its effect was to destroy a portion of the brickwork and to make an aperture fifteen feet wide In the wall. It also demolished a cab stand ing in the vicinity and injured the driver. Another liomb was exploded in the base ment of the Junior Carlton Club House In Pall Mall. It was no doubt Intended to reach some of the aristocratic club mem bers, but it only succeeded in severely in juring four female servants who were working In the basement. The explosion In Scotland Yard was rendered much less serious than It was no doubt Intended to be by the failure of a fuse to burn. Several cakes of dynamite were found In the vicinity to which a fuse was attached but which had gone out. Sixteen packets of dynamite, with fuses attached, were also found under the Nelson Monument In Tra falgar Square, but which, for some reason, were not exploded with the rest, there be ing no doubt but that the three explosions were intended to be simultaneous. The only discovery of any sort in regard to the authors of these attempts was that the in dividual who lighted the fuse under the Curlton Club House was seen to light the fuse and then run away. He was pursued by an indignant crowd but managed to make his escape by jumping into a call, which had been in readiness and which was soon lost sight of in the darkness. The great and astounding mystery Is, how these terrible explosives could be placed as they were and fired without the slightest clew as to who did It. Scotland Yard being the jxtllce headquarters, is con stantly under the closest surveillance, so that It seems Impossible that the amount of work which the placing of the explo sives' and lighting them Involved could be done without detection. Evidently one or more of the least suspected of the police themselves must have had a hand In it. So the vigilance of the police In the vicin ity of the Carlton Club House had been eouallv constant and unremitted ; while the Nelson Monument, having been threatened heretofore, was the object ot especial watchfulness. The fact that the dyna miters could Invade quarters as closely guarded as these with such apparently per fect safety and Impunity, le regarded as good cause for the extremeet uneasiness anil alarm. Meantime, of course, everyliody accuses the Irish Fenian organization as at tbe bot tom of all, and O'Donovan Uossa, In New- York. In his usuid self-important way, glories over It as his own especial work. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK. The judicious New York Hun, which ufl.lom indulges In rose-coloring in such matters, after referring to the favorable re ports in regard to the growing crops from all quarters, says, In regard to the business outlook: If the crops turn out as well as they now promise, it is reasonable to expect that by next autumn we may begin to see the re vivid of trade for which we have been so lon' waiting. Whether prices on the stock market have or have not declined to their lowest level, it can hardly be doubted that those of merchandise are dragging ou the bottom, and that the general conditions of business now favor the coming revival. There Is no inflation there, but the shrink age has already taken place. Nor has the Wall street disturbance se rioiisly affected general trade, which may be depressed, but cannot be called un. healthy. Failures do not increase, antl merchants continue to do a hand-to-mouth business, w hich Is safe and reasonably prof itable in the aggregate. The bottom prices now prevailing will help the recovery when it comes, and a great harvest may start a demand next fall which will usher in the proserous times ti come. Even now, despite a declining Ht.x'k market, decreased exports, and three years of steady shrinkage, the condition of trade Is far from being as gloomy as mer chants accustomed to the great profits of former periods are wont to think. We look for an active and fairly profit able trade this autumn, and expect that with the lieglnnlng of the next year tlte skies will be so unmistakably bright that even hypochondriac will be compelled to rejoice. Quite a number of democratic newspa pers in aouthern Illinois are engaged in working up a boom in favor of E. Breese Glass, a prominent lawyer of Edwardsvllle, for the democratic nomination for Attor- nnar&l Mr. Glass a ri Do art to be a urj w- " - very competent man for the position and is spoken ot aa personally tj i"" an exceptionally effective canvasser. Gen. 0. E. Babcock, who became wide lj notorious as Grant's private aeereta while he was president, and Levi P. Lucky, the assistant private secretary, and a young man named Suter, were accidentally drowned on Sunday by the cap-ii.iug of a boat on the Florida coast. Gen. 15. was en gineer anil inspector of the fifth light house district, and at the time of the ac cident was superintending the construction of a lighthouse being erected at Mosquito inlet, Two remarks made by Hon. Frank Ilurd. of Ohio, in his argument against re- storing the duty on wool, are worthy of be- ing ismdered by every laborer ami every politician in the land. The first Is this: If subsidies must be given to any indus try, take them out of your overflowing treasury, not out of your suffering jsior.' And the second is like unto It: "I woum not. for considerations of party expediency, vote at this time to make wix.len clothing dearer to the American people, if every democrat in Ohio should request it." John C., who contributed so largely towards bringing about the recent financial crash in Wall street by the robbery of the Second National Rank of some f 4,000,000, attempted to escape to Europe w ith a part of his stolen treasure, but was nabbed on Monday at Quebec and taken back to New York. There was a bloody tragedy at Sugar Grove, Kane County, 111., on Sunday, aris ing out of a dispute between two neighbors named Otto J. Hope and Merritt Fletcher over their respective right to pasture cows on a highway. Iu the fray Hope was shot dead and his hired man, Lli Sternberg, was mortally wounded. " The most striking development at Chi cago thus far," says a correspondent to a New York paper writing on Tuesday, "is the mercenary disposition on the part of the negro delegates from the south. These gentlemen have evidently come to Chicago to make the most of their Republicanism at the only point where it counts for any thing, l.y means of the negotiations in be half of Blaine conducted by the Hon. Ste phen B. Elkins.of New Mexico, a practical man, who is almost another Stephen W. Dorsey In the extent and variety of his re sources." The Blaine men appear to have had all the money and used it with aston ishltig liberality. MARRIED. ScoTT-CiiKKVEit. On Thursday morn ing last Miss Fannie Clieever, daughter of S. W. Clieever, Esq., of this city was mar ried to Mr. John J. Scott, of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, the ceremony taking place at the residence of the bride's pa rents in West Ottawa, at noon, in the pres ence of a large company of relatives and friends. The ceremony was performed In the main parlor of the residence which was beautifully decorated with flowers, in which the traditional and poetical wedding bells and the four-leafed clover designs had a prominent place. The bride was at tended by Miss Carrie Howard, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., and Miss Lizzie Myers, of Chicago, who to the music of the wed dlDg march took places before Rev. Mr. Young, of the M. E. Church, who per formed the ceremony. The bride wore white satin, point lace, diamonds and veil, the bridesmaids, white silk and veils, lace and orange flowers. The groom's best man was Mr. Mac Adams, of Hamilton, Ontario, assisted by Mr. Myers, of Chicago. An elalwrate breakfast was served, and at four o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Scott left the city for a tour of the east, and will be "at borne" at Hamilton after July 1. Among those pres ent were the members of many of the leading families of this city, and from abroad were the mother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs Smith and Miss Jessie Buncher, of Boston; Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. Meyers and the Misses Meyers, Chicago; Miss Lud lam, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Dent, Le- Mars. Iowa: Mrs. P. K. Leland, Seneca, and Mr. and Mrs. McClelland, Chicago. At eleven o'clock of the same day Miss Clara King, daughter of H. C. King, Esq., was married to Mr. W. II. Barnard, of the American Express Co.'s office of this city, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. Day, at the residence of the bride s oarents in Central Ottawa. AIkjuL forty guests were present, including Mr. and Miss King, of Hyde Park ; .Misses .Mamie nd Mlna Morse -of Evanston; Miss Free man, Peoria; C. II. Trask and wife, Gales- burg; MissRae Parr, Serena; Miss Mamie Hall,' Wedron; Mrs. George Olmstead, Elgin; Mr. Russell, La Sidle. An elegant breakfast being served Mr. and Mrs. Bar nard left the city for a visit to the bride's sister at Galesburg- personaL Fay. F-. K. Fay, of Auburn, N. Y., is in the city. ...... Fokiiks. Geo. Forbes, ot risked ueeni i, was in this week afttr a tour of Illinois. Hehe. Mrs. W. II. W. Cushman is in the city, the gui-it of Mr. and Mrs. L. Perkins. MATT.KKs.-Mrs. F. W. Mattocks and daughter Lillian have gone to Ohio for a summer's vUit. Rev Flavel Bascom, D. D., of Hinsdale paid'hla sen, Dr. II. M., of this city, a brief visit this week. Eckels. Mr. J. II. Eckels, of this city, will deliver the oration at the Mendota Fourth of July celebration. MATTOCKS.-Miss Marion Mattocks, of Peru, has accepted a position as primary teacher at De Molne, la. Mc.-Mr. and Mrs. McClellan, of Chicago, were In the city thla week, the guesU of Mrs. McC.'s father, A. Lynch, Esq. IloMa.-D. L. McJialr, a journeyman print er at KnirM & Leonard's, Chicago, la visiting bia Ottawa born and friend. "Janu.. MIm JekyU has returned from Chicago and will .re-open her elawea next week, cootioulcg tbem during tbe tummer. Mini.-H. E. l; ly, traveling Bg.nt for the Porter Hay Carrier, started for Michigan this week to instruct the Wolverines in the merits of that useful machine. Si-m mil. I'm .f. Halhurst, of this i-lty, will take part In the iii:inai;i-iii.-iit of the H. Kalh ( i.inilv Teachers' Institute t" he held lit I)e- Kail, during the month of July. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Nash mid Mhs Na-h k-fl the lily this week for Saratoga, New York, where Mi's. Nash and daughter will prol.ably spend the summer. Piano ate. Andrew (ial.ler, of tin1 Ottawa Window Glasi Works, has been elected delei irate to the Window (ilass Workers' Convcn. tion which meets lu Pilt-hurg, July th. Mea its. Herbert Meal's, formerly of Otta- , wa, late of I'hleatro. hut now a member of the St. Louis Salvage Corps, lias been visiting his nirttiy friends and relatives in Ottawa for a few days. Memo. E. F. Hull aud J. II. Eckels, of this city, were iimonir the orators at Lu Salle on Memorial Day. L. L. Thompson and D. Mc-. Poiigull addressed an audience at Kitnsom on the same day. Dimmick. Dr. Mi 'Arthur has received the sud liiti'llii;eiice of the death of Dr. Dimmkk, a well known former citizen of Ottawa. The deceased has for several years been a resident of Santa Barbara, t'al. BaXsJI'ET. J. II. Eekles, Thomas Lynch and Horace Hull attended the tiluiiiiil banquet of the Princeton Hitrh School hist evening. Tin? last named gentleman will be present at the Zcta Psi banquet in Chicago this evening. Schwab. Mr. Louis Schwab, lute of Balti more, a brother of Mrs. A. Frank, has re moved to Ottawa and will make Oak Hall his headquarters In the future. The Fkek Tka gives him a cordial welcome to Ottawa, with a full belief that he will enjoy his resi dence here exceedingly well. Watts. Mrs. Jos. Watts and daughter, Mrs. Thus. M. Miller, urc expected home this week from a three-weeks' visit with her rela tives ttt Emington, Livingston county. Mr. Watts, by the way, is still nursing his right arm, the full use of which he has not had for several months through rheumatism. Wii.i.oroiinv. Representative Willoughby, of the (Jalesburg district, was in the city this week, having been the iruest of Hon. Wright Adams. Mr. W. was one of the best men in the last House and has so ably served his dis trict that the Democrats thereabouts are lie turmined he shall serve airain, and he will, no doubt, be nominated to succeed himself. -I. i . Streutor heard some Weeks ago of an at tempt at rape in Ottawa, mid has been holding up her hands inholy horror ever since. In. deed we almost began to think Ottawa waB a dangerous place to live in. But this week she must surrender the dilapidated linen to her sister of the south end. On Friday she had an attempted rape; a day or two later a big" row in "Htingiiria;" and on Monday evening a saloon row of sufficient proportions to be called a "shooting." Two or three young men, the Frtt Press says, went into a saloon and asked to be trusted for a keg of beer. Being strangers to the saloon man they were refused. A quarrel saloon man attacked son-in-law comes to the rescue and shoots Mike Ryan in the shoulder. This stopped the light, and Ryan being turned over to Dr. Bonar the ball was extracted "from his throat just under the chin." The saloon man, from his luirts, is in danger of losing an eye. No arrests. The "Go-as-you-Please" Club will give an extra party at the Clifton on next Thursday evening, June 12th. This announcement will, we doubt not, be heartily welcomed, for these club parties have been so very pleasunt there can hardly be too many of them. EXIT. Annual Commencement of the Ottawa Township High Scnool The annualfiJcommeneement exercises of the Ottawa Township High School took place at the Opera House on last Thursday evening. Not according to the usage iu such cases, as seemed to have been made and provided, the clerk of the weather was gracious, and lor the first time in some years the exercises were held on an evening when the floods came not. Not that a rain would have made any differ ence in the size of the audience. It is pleas unter to go under a cloudless sky, but the ex perience of the past shows an interest in this event that rains cannot dampen though they "straighten out frizzes," and which will not he overpowered by discomfort, subsequent cold in the head or ruined store clothes. The Hie-h School is an expensive luxury, no doubt, but it is a factor in Ottawa life that none but the most miserly tax-payer or disgruntled misanthrope could wish closed again. The house was tilled to its utmost capacity, and could its capacity have been quadrupled still it would have been filled, so great is the inter- esi in the exercises of graduation. The class this year numbered 21, the largest lass ever graduated by the school, and was notable as containing seven young gentlemen. We say noticeable, for from various causey necessitv of earning a living, or of precocious anxiety to begin a life's work, the boys of a class gradually drop out one by one, leaving the more favored or more patient few to tar ry off the honors, the smiles of the pretty girls and the bouquets. The proscenium of the theatre wus tasteful ly decorated with wreaths of evergreens and flowers, on which the audience feasted ere the curtain rose, typical, no doubt, of the flowers of rhetoric and oratory which should follow the risin g of the curtain and the burst of mu- sic from the orchest ra. Above the class wus the motto, in white, on a green ground, sup. porting the O. H. S. monogram in the center, "Not finished but Begun," a paradox not one of the class probably believed in. It is a sort of pious fiction that the average graduate of ward or high school, or colleges inuuiges himself in, all the time rejoicing from hat to boots that he has finished; and it takes him ten years to find out he has "not finished but . begun," if indeed he ever finds it out. The honor of the Salutatory fell to Miss Mabel M. Pickens, who welcomed the grand audience and congratulated the class, who after four years of work had come to this final exercise of high school work. She cau tioned the audience that perfection hou!d not be expected; but the class hoped to show that their efforts at improvement had not been In vain. Fiuxe J. Coertux) followed with a hasty sketch of the sad hlstorr of "Ireland." Otn er countries have been "wasted by tbe eword nd bound band and foot by tyranny; trot their agonies came to an end. Only Ireland