CAMPAIGN 80NQ. Jim Blaine and Hlfl Crew. There are Jimmy O., and Johnny A., and Stephen you know who, And all the rest of the star-route bums, Sail around In the same canoe; I pave a lift to Grant and Hayes, You all know It Is true, But d if I'll ever voto for Jim Blaine and hit motley rrew. CHOKl'S. There Jimmy (., and Johnny A., and Stephen you all know who, And all the rest of the star-ruute bums, Sail around in the same ranoe. They say he Is a statesman Rreat, Though onee dove In the mire The time he Rot the Mulligan letters And threw them in the fire. He says, "You know they would ruin me: What better could I do? For, sink or swim, I wan bound to cave Jim B'.aluc and his motley crew." Oh, when he rot in the Garfield crowd lie did not know what to do, Until he got ut loggerheads With Chili and Peru. Says he, "We will go over there And belt them black and blue, And learn them not to turn up their nose At Jim Blaine or his motley crew." Stephen, he got In a dirty scrape; The gang they helped him through; And now he is down in New Mexico Bellowing for the crew. He says, "Hurrah for Jimmy lilainc; We will stick to him like glue, And give old Arthur the great big run, For he don't stand In with the crew." The Arthur boys have the stomach-ache now, They don't know what to do, When they think of the rottenness of Jim Blaine and his motley crew. Just one word of advice, boys, And then I will say adieu; When you go out on election day Don't vote for Jim Blaine or his crew. Ophir, June 23. L. P. II LITERATURE. Magazines, and "A Fourth of July Ce legation Among the Indiana" describes a modern observance of the national holiday on the iiluliis by the nation's wards. Theie Is also the in teresting story of Richard Lord Jones, "The Youngest Soldier of the Revolution," and K. S. Brooks falls Into line with the boyhood biography of Stephen Van Rens- whier, the bov patroon who so nobly sup ported the cause of Independence; and Chas. Barnard gives a graphic and accu rate account of the Bertholdl Statue. Of the serials, "The Scarlet Tanager" Is com pleted, and there are Instalments of "Mar vin and His Bov Hunters" and "The Spin- ning Wheel Story;" aud there are the usual other stories, poems, &c, &c. Nuiitii American Rkvikw. Some sug gestions for the Improvement of the exist ing Jury system, presented by Judge Rob ert C. Iltman in the North Amerimn lie tie for July, under the title of "Juries and Jurymen," should, in view of recent notorious miscarriages of justice, receive the serious consideration of every thought ful citizen. "American Kconomles," by Prof. Van Buren Denslow, is a lucid ami forcible e.iosition of the grounds utsm which the protection theory of national economy is based. Judge Noah Davis writes of "Marriage and Divorce;" Dr. I. Bender, whose subject is "The Annexation of Canada," sets forth the advantages like- lv to accrue to the United States from the absorption of the Canadian provinces; Prof. I). McJ. .Means, in an argument against "Government Telegraphy," subjects the management of the Post Office to a most searching criticism ; Charles T. Cong- don writes of "Private Vengeance;" and, finally, there Is a symposium on the "fu ture of the Negro," bv Senator Z. B. Vance, Frederick Douglass, Joel ('handler Harris, Senator John T. Morgan, Prof. Richard 1 (Jreener, (Sen. S. C. Armstrong, Oliver Johnson, aud others. The Akt Intekchanok for June 111 contains designs for fish dish and a half dozen fish plates, showing marine jaunts, fishe9 and shells arranged In a charmingly decorative way. A design In color for sofa pillow decoration, by tiie Boston Society of 1f4HPF.R-aMAriA7.iNK for Jnlv. In Ita lit Decorative Art, is also given. A unique erature and illustrations. Is a mirror of the desln of oak k'14Ve8 and orns, for the rammer world. It oiiens with a finely Ulus- lltrer Jls,,e8 of dinner sml,'t- H,,d Hn ex tratail rmner hv Dr. Trautvetter descriptive qulslte woodland sceue, "The Ruined Ab. of the famous Nile Festival. Dr. Morit My" V Lalanne, are also to be found In Buuflch follows with a description f this Issue. In Decorative otes Is given . , , , , , some Interesting information as to novel- Prince Bismarck s summer home-his t,e(J ,n KJtteryi ,)()rcelaln, glassware, vases, couniry-seai in me nean 01 me Miciiseii. lumps, sc reens, yacht pillows, photograpn wold, with many entertaining personal frames, sachets, birch Darn calenders. ' " O I I t,.-t it .1-1 1 ll'MU 1IM.I.I.,..,. tin XT.... Ti.n u, l uonsueu ov wiiiiam Miliums., iw;ia- sketches of the Prince. sorts of the St. Lawrence ure beautifully described by Annie Howells Frechette, and are as beautifully illustrated. Alice Cmuyns Carr contributes a paper on "The Beauties of the Last Century," and Col. Higglnson concludes his American History Series with a few chapters on "Old Hickory." d by William Whitlock, sau street, New l ork. Pllit ENOLOO IC A L JOURNAL. The J Illy number opens with a fine sketch (with lK)rtrait) of James U. Blaine, the Republi can candidate lor the presidency, a (sketch, with portrait, Is also given of Fred erlck II. Furnlss, a prominent citizen of With several other articles of high merit, Seuecft cmnty N' Y'' Hnd of J' 11 Dode- the serials, two short stories, several fine oiuiunician oi me v.. Agricuiiunu i poems, and the well sustained "Depart- lament. Other articles worthy of note ments," the July Harper's Is an unusually ttre: 0rfi,inlc Cerebration; Sicily and its ' J a i vr i-.. . a r tnl....t.... T.. .... fine number I Aiicieui memories; a vrumuiugisi a i nm- dise; Compulsory Mucallon; fumnier Living; The Hydrophobia I'uzzle, dec, The Century Magazine. The July number contains, among other articles of &c. Fowler & Wells, New York high merit, a remarkable contribution to J'ear United States history In "The Ku Klux This extreme tired feeling wo have In the Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disband- spring, fall and during mmmer deaotea tor ment." The frontispiece Is an engraving pid uTor. we Lavo no .petite ani no from a full length portrait of John Bright, Uon. Take Dr. Jones' Red Clater Tonic: It with a carefully discriminating estimate of correcU these troubles, restore good spirits, the man from the Fortnightly Ilfrieie. It speedily cures dyspepsia, bad breath, piles. Julian Hawthorne, In a pleasant, chatty pimples, ague and malaria disease. Aper- way, describes "The Scenes of Hawthorne's feit tonic, appetirer and blood purifier. Can Romances," charmingly illustrated by Har- be h the mo,t delicate. Price 50 cento ry Fenn. Mrs. Van Rensselaer continues Griggs. her series on "Recent Architecture In Deer Park. America," appropriately Illustrated. Mr. The season has again opened at Deer ijenjamin completes nis "bruise 01 the mirk, as will be seen bv adver. of the Park Alice May," in a cruise around Cape Bre- elswhere. Already the never-ending stream ton; ana i-.x-rresuieni wooisey discusses of summer visitors has begun to How into uiesuiym 01 "Acauemicai uegrees, fcs- the Park from all tmits of the country. pecially Honorary Degrees in the United The popularity of this famous resort grows mates.- in nction, besides the trials, with each succeeding season, and ton years there are two fine short stories. In Topics from now, when the railroads shall have of the Times the editor discusses "The discovered It, will doubtless be furnished Advertising Power of a Good Name," "Dis- w ith n grand hotel, and all the THE MAPLE LOOSE. As this insect is at preterit doing a great deal of damage to the soft maples in this vi cinity, information in regard to its natural history and how to fight it will be of inter, est . Mr. 0. C. Gibbs, in a communication in the Chicago TnLune, lias the following on the subject : In the report of the Slate Kutomologist, in the transactions of the department of agri culture of the state of Illinois for 1877, at pages 120 to 131, there is a treatise upon this iasect. As its present depredations are a serious matter to the owners or shads trees I condense from it the principal points which will be of practical interest to tree-owners The technical name of the insect among en tomologists is the Lecaninm acericola. It is first noticed in the spring as a white waxy scale like substance adhering to the under side of the twigs. Then are the adult fe males from the previous year's brood. Their development is described as follows in notes taken at Peoria in 1X77: From May 15 to June 'J the female gradually enlarged from deposition of eggs within the abdomen. June 6 eggs commenced to issue from the abdo men, and deposited upon the twigs, June 15 young lice were first discovered, but depo sition of eggs by the adult females still con tinning. June 17 young lice crawling quite actively and settling upon the under sides of the leaves. July 0 adult females mostly dead. July 10 male pupae easily distin guished. August 20 males and females cop ulating, hepteuiher 5 males disappeared ; young females still on the leaves. September .10 females moving from the leaves and set tling down 011 the lower sides of the limbs for winter quarters, where they remain 111 a dormant state till spring. Kemedics When first hatched they are weuk and can be easily destroyed by almost any poisonous solution sprayed so freely upon the trees as to saturate the foliage. white hellabore has been found enective in the proportions of one pound to twenty gal Ions of water. A solution of tobacco and soap is also good, as would also be a solution of arsenic in the proportion of one pound to 400 gallons of water. It should be dissolved in boiling water, and no stock should be al lowed to graze under trees sprayed with it until there has been a sharp rain to wash from the grass what may have fallen upon it. What is known as the Kxcelsior force pump, sold by all dealers in seeds and implements, costing $H retail, furnishes probably as cheap and etrectual means for spraying trees to de stroy the insects as can be found. Headers will notice that the time for attemptingtheir destruction is as soon as possible after the young are hatched, which in 1 f 77 in-the latitude of Peoria was about the middle of June. The presence of these insects upon trees will bo readily recognized by the un healthy and wilted appearance of the foliage. While they rarely if ever kill a tree, they check its growth and destroy the beauty of its appearance for the seasuu, and no owner of fine trees can afford to permit them to work unmolested. The second lamest source of revenue to the United States government from any one Drancti or business is derived from the pro duction and manufacture of tobacco, black- well's Durham Tobacco Co., of Durham. N C, claims to be thu largest manufacturer of smoking tobacco in the world. Ihereputa Washington Letter. Uinulur C'irn-KiiKii net-. Washi.noton', June 17, HS84. If congress should adjourn on the last day ofthis month, as the house of representa tives has signified a desire to do, only eleven lion of Black well's ! ermine Hull Durham more working days would remain of the Smoking Tobacco is too firmly established to t.i If.. k I I ' J " . .w.a xmv wi sua. M I Hlint nP mi II mil niir riailuta uml nl inn iliaiM ween uoes noi indicate an early artjouru- new announcement, which is of interest to ment. In view of the immense amount of all lovers of the weed. The company are business that remains to be transacted, the Pl'rfeclly responsible, and when they an .1 , ,1 . 1 . f Bounce mat iney win give awa' 5-ll'.i.Uin thought of an early departure is out of the I , J,, question. Important measures were ad. just what they say. Smokers will find an vanced very little in either house. The sen- opportunity of combining business with - 11 .-. ..-- ate cannot get along with the Mexican pen- I'sure by reading their announcement a a. . If 1 1 .1 1 . .a - I ' " mer spenumg mree uays ueoaie Carter's Little Liver Pills will nosltlvelv sion bill. upon it in open session, and two day in se- cure sick headache and prevent its return, r.i "n.i.n the rei.iihlicnn side of the This is nut talk, but truth. One pill a dose, crct session, the republican sue or the To , , . t dru,,,,il)ta Sl... advertie. chamber maaing campaign speecnes on niciit. 1 . ,..1.1 . , l amen.inients mey propose.i, mey men ,.,)() know,, r!narUpi, to ... . .... .. . . . v " . went into caucus, aim inei 10 gei a piana one ot his customers, "that eggs contain or two of the Chicago platform into it. Of five times as much nourishment as any course, their aim is to defeat the bill, but other kind of f.xsl V "I don't doubt it, for . I only got a smell of one of those I bought uiC wo.uu nc n uiTr. ...cj- u,c f fro, vou the other day, and I've not eaten very friendly to the soldiers of the late war anything since." that they cannot support it unless it is so amended as to include all ex-union soldiers in its beneficent previsions. Senator Sauls bury does not approve of the measure as a whole, but from a far different standpoint Physicians and Druggists all unite In recommending Downs' Elixir for coughs and colds. Lutz & Briggs. DIPHTHERIA! THE I'KOSTRATION which follow Diphtheria, and the persistency with which it clings to the patient, are well known to all who have had any experience with this terrible disease. The following letter shows how tho re storing and Invigorating properties of Li rJ' overcome it, and tlOOU S how by vitaliz ing and enrich r lag the blood It neutralizes and eradicates the poisoned matter from it, bringing to the convalescent the color, life and vigor of robust health. Sarsaparilla A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mcchanicbhurg, Pa., writes: "I was attlicted with lung fever and abscess on lungs, mid reduced to u wilkiui Mtni. Out a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery fur Consumption, which did me so much good that I bought a dollar bot tle. After using three buttles i found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appetite, and a gain in llesh of 4S pounds." tall at l.utz ix liriggs' drug store and get a rree trial bonus or this certain cure lor all lung diseases. Large bottles $1.00. honesty in Commerce and Politics," &c, While the other Departments are filled with gems of poetry and spice. Poi'iLAii Sciknck Monthly. In the July number Herbert Spencer gives his attention, in a leading article, to "The (treat Political Superstition" of the divine right of parliaments. The Rev. George ( t Lyon presents an Interesting view of "The New Theology," as a development from the old, corresjKmding with the growth In human powers of comprehension, not con tradictory but harmonious with It, and "re formatory rather than revolutionary In Its teachings and tendencies." Prof. Wood ward, of Washington University, shows what are the "Fruits of Manual Training" as given in that Institution, as observed In the better Intellectual and moral develop ment mid practical fitness of the pupils. M. M. Guyau answers the question, "Are Science and Art antagonistic " in the neg ative. A most satisfactory account of "The Volcanic Eruption of Krakatau" and its effects, illustrated with maps, Is given from the "Proceedings" of the Royal Geograph leal Society. Perhaps the most liiiMrtaiit pajier In the number Is M. Pasteur's ac count, given before the French Academy of Sciences, of his discovery of "The Pre vention of Hydrophobia" by inoculation. Mr. D. P. Peuhallow, of MeGill Uuiversi. ty. contributes a valuable article on "Di seases of Plants." The portrait and sketch are of the eminent old Arabian philosopher Averroes. Dr. S. A. Fisk np- iiaws uu merits or Colorado as a resi i Mr, dence for Invalids. The editor at his "Ta lie- discusses "The Survival of Political SuienrtJuons," and President Eliot's ad dress at John Hopkins University, on Vbat is a Liberal Education" New 1 ork : D. App!eton & Co. $5 a year. ST. Nicnoi.A8 for July Is a brilliant 4th Of July number. Itojns with an account of "IIow the Tories Broke up a Meeting," Spirited sketch of revolutionary times; nalia of a genuine summer resort To adopt a remark in Harper: Very lew La Salle county people appreciate the beauty of their surroundings, nnd, in fact, the like Is true of Americans in general nlioiit the things nearest home. If they did, and completed the naturid beauty by art, the whole valley of the Illinois from the old "Widow Brown Ford" to Starved Rock and the Deer Park road would be made a grand boulevurd, making one of the finest drives In the West. But these things cost money, and though La Salle county is rich it Is not yet rich enough for that kind of luxury. But we doubt not it will one day come, when the development of the resources of this valley will demand a business road over much of that ground. Of the seventy and odd thousands of In habitants of this comity, and the one hun dred thousand it will have not many years hence, only a small projiortion are or will be able to make the annual summer pil grlmage north or east. The stay at homes need places for recreation. The county has endless jMisslbllities as a great summer land. Its many mineral springs, pictur esque drives, and lovely spots like Deer Park will be fully utilized. For this year, Mr. Clayton, at the Park, has been making some Improvements; but his luliors have been chletly directed to getting jHissessIon of tho land surrounding the Park. There has been a constant dan ger of the establishment of brush whisky shops and other nuisances, to avoid which C. has secured all the aiiiroiu bes - - 1 which forever stops any annoyance of that kind. Hereafter, then, Improvements of a substantial nature will follow rapidly. A the work would luterfere with the comfort uf guests, they will lie delayed until after the season is over. But in the meantime all necessity arrangements for the convi n lence of guests has een made, ami the Park as ever will lx a delightful ph,, ,. to A Fkmalk Heuclles. Southern news- papers for some time past have been telling strange stories of the miraculous feats of a Miss Hurst, of Georgia, but as they were BiipjKwed to belong to the hackneyed order of spiritual manifestations, little attention was paid to them. A few days ago, how ever, Miss Hurst appeared In Washington, and exhibited some of her strange powers lu the presence of several professors of the Smithsonian Institute as well as a number of members of congress. It is sufficient to say that her feats were rather out of the line of ordinary spiritual manifestations, and created unbounded astonishment. A World correspondent writes : In the clear ligbtof a chandelier, in the presence of about hlty watchful peo ple, the Georgia girl showed herself the jiossessor of most curious strength. With her hands resting lightly uion the handle of an umbrella held by a stout young man from among the spectators she was able to shoot the umbrella through space by a sim ple exercise of her will. Congressman Reese, of Georgia, who Is a very powerful man, tried to hold a chair In his arms while Miss Hurst rested her hands lightly iiKin It. The chair was forced down in s'pite of the most violent struggles of the muscular Congressman until it was about two Inches from the tloor. "Now push the chair down to the Moor," cried Father Hurst. Mr. Reese changed his resisting powers and Isire Ids whole weight US)ii the chair with out being able to make it touch the tloor. This experiment was repeated w ith two men, nnd then three tried to hold the chair still under the touch of the young woman, but In vain. It was tested In various ways, but no one was strong enough to resist the so-called force. There is no claim upon the part of the Hurst family of any super natural explanation of the young woman's powers. For nine months she has been the Hssessorof the nervous strength exhib ited this evening. She can raise chairs in which stout men are seated by simply plac ing her palms on the back of the chair. This was done this evening with various well known gentlemen who were present. Miss Hurst is a strong, healthy-looking country girl. She claims to be in a perfect gale of spirits when exhibiting her strength, and laughs nervously at every movement of the strong men In their ma! struggles to resist me ugliest pressure of her hands. The objection urged by Lim was that it pro poses to pension men who are holding seats in the two houses of congress with the money wrung from the poor toiler as taxes. The senator from Delaware does not speak often, but he talks very plainly when once incited. lie informed his associates that they flattered themselves that they were great men, seua tors of the United States who made laws for the people; but behind them was another power greater than themselves that cont rolled their action if not their judgment. He al luded to the pension agents who sit around he capitol and issue their circulars and de crees and send up petitions for pensions Die great and mighty statesmen bowed to these behests for fear of losing political status at home. He thought if senators were not human beings, controlled by motives of self interest, and if the soldiers had no votes, there would be no such bills pending before he national legislature. He respected as much as any man the claims of the war marked veteran, but did not approve of squandering money, which people who were suffering for the necessaries of life paid into the public treasury, to pension able bodied men. He said he knew the man who ven tures opposition to any bill that proposes to pension anybody takes the risk of being cen sured and denounced for it. He was willing to take each man's censure and reserve his judgment. He wanted a consistent record, and would vote for the reduction of taxation whenever he could, but would not vote to increase the expenses of the government and thereby keep up taxes The senate added $800,000 to the house consular and diplomatic bill, thus protract ing the session with another dead-lock con test. It has also debated a claim of Georgia for money expended by that state for the common defense 1777, but the republican senators are not willing to do justice of any kind to a southern state. Senator Morgan in advocating the claim said the ought to be able to consider this question aside from all t 4 crrTT T A V vta' h horw"t 15 hml8 , , , , Vy Ak 1 lijl AlN hlKh! foaled 1SS0. Got by reminiscences 01 me war, nun us mwcia, 1 ,ov. Bpnucue W4, reooni son 01 luuxie ipiana 1 1 .1 - I'. record i.'iiW. Dion Almond, ty Alimmt 83, Bon of as construers and expounders Of the Oonstl- Alexander's Abdullah 15: is. d. KobIhii. by Alexander's ...... , v. , . i. i ADtiaimn l.t, fun oi kvhivk h iiainnienininn iu; a. a. a tution. say that this debt IS, or IS not legal. ,Hiie Tavlor. bv Siultfi's Sir William. Bred by Chan. 8 . !:. I Ci.i. '01,,1 itoie, t-ryniai utsr, in. : uwutu uy j. it. .-.urn., ui "LBll ine senate 01 me imiw cimcj, Mollle, 111. Terms. t-'W.UO. f IVfi'rnT 32. ny aorse, 15 I I 11 I 1 l.l Hunan i h i: roa ed self to be influenced by acrimonious feeling May -, issi. iiycoinipeer , son of Hambietonian 10. Dam Lady Volunteer, by Volunteer H, son of Hum- 80 as to blind its judgment upon a pure, dry bletoulan 10; n. i. the dam of Volunteer ;irl.2.:tu; by J r r Wanhinirtoi), Jr.; K. if. d. said to be by a son of AlHlallah 1, called Alidel-Koran. llred aud owned by Dwlgnt Lawrence, lernis, fai.uu. piHHT NATIONAL HANK OF OTTAWA. Capital, . II. M. HAMILTON . W. IIL'HIIVKLL.... .lOHS F NASH.... Milton II. Swift, II. M. Hamilton. W ilunhiifll. imttVTOKS; Isaac (iatte. 1 00,000. I'riwldtut. . ..Vice President. Cannier. 1orc mo Lfland. K. Y. Origin, John K. Sun. Exchange on Chicago, New York, sud all the princi pal cttlN of the United States bought and sold. Exchange on Kngland, Ireland, Scotland and Conti nental Europe drawn In sums to suit. United States Honda, Gold and Silver bought and sold. Our, facllltle are such that we can offer Inducement to customers, and we shall use our endeavors to give otlsfactlan to the entrusting us with their buainew. Hanking hours from 9 a. a. to 4 p. m. JOHN F. NASH, Cashier. JATIONAIj CITY HA NIC OF OTTAWA. (Formerly City Dank of Eamea, Alien 4t Co.) K. C. ALLEN rreaident. T. D. CATLIN Vice Preside:. 0. L. LINJLEY Awist. Cashier. Exchaege on Chicago and New York, and all the principal cltie eaat aud west bought and sold. Exchange on England, Ireland, Scotland and all im portant points In Continental Europe drawn In sums to suit purchasers. V. S. Itcvenue Stamps of all denonilnaUons conttSDt- !) on hand and for sale. United Stiitea Honda, Local SecunUes, Gold and Silver bought aud sold. Dunking hours from 9 a. a. to 4 p. u. G. L. LIN OLE Y, Awlnt. Caahler. professional zratt. ATTORNEYS. I. P. Ht'LL. I.PdTKR II. STRAWN. S. W. KVGB. BULL, HTHAWN Ac HU(KK, Attor ney ami Counsellors at Law. Oince over City Drug Store, corner uf La Salic and Madison itraet. Ot tawa. 111. lauM.m J"NV. K K K RSO lj. Attorney and Counselor at . Law. Office with U. P. Junes, Lym h'i Bloek. Ot tawa, 111 Notary Public Janl64 Lowell, Mass. Messrs. C. I. Hood & Co.: Gentlemen My little girl had the diphtheria last April. The disease left her very weak, blood Door. with no appetite, and she could not seem to rally from us effects. Hood's Sahsapakil la was recommended by a neighbor. After she had been taking it a few days we noticed a change for the better she becan to eat with a relish. It seemed to take out the vinicmn ilia A iuotea ll q d loft In tiAfs tha change being very noticeable In her face. She took it two months and fully regained Ler health, much to our delight. We now recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla with a great deal of pleasure. Very truly yours, 19 Butterfleld Street. "That Extreme Tired Feeling." "The first bottle has done mv dauehtera great deal of good; her food does not dis tress her now, nor does she sutler from that extreme tired feeling wntcn sne aid Dciore takiug Hood's Sausapajkilla." Sold by all druggists. Trice (1 a bottle or six bottles for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Xfcod's Tooth-Powdtr, Only sj Cents. MM Trotting-Brefl CTALUKB la Use at the Stock Farm of DWIGHT LAWRENCE, Near Prairie Centre, La Salle 0o Ills. question of law ?" After four days argument the house passed the river and harbor bill, the Hennepin ca nal scheme being stricken out, and then dis cussed the senate's amendment to the post office appropriation. ririJLi A XT V 1574, bay horne, no whKe, 17 liri'AiX I hands high; foaled . June 18H1. (Jot by C'onieer 49i son of Hambletoiilan 10. Dam Clara, by Volunteer VS. son of Hamliletonlan 10; g. d. Milkmaid, the dam of Hyadyk's llellfounder, by Friday, tnorougiiorea sou oi imporieu iruaiee; g. k. u. i mra, by IuiKirted KellfouncliT. Bred and owned by Dwight Lawrence, i'ralrle centre, in, i erina, tm.w. fi- IT.ii-uf.u n.-HI Tie humtlpfl the rnmlnff fteHRnn hv the The necessity for dislodging from power a well known drives Cyrtu Coleman. He will also break I .....I l.un.lU f.L fill- itfliur nurtio. w)m ... 1 .1 . I ..Vfllf, IIIMiillt lluinn K-i .... ,.va niiw party WHICH, accoruing 10 no leas aumuruy desire hlawrvicea, marges reaaoimme. . ' . . . - . ,,. Standard Trottiiig-Bred Horses. Koadsters, Carriage than the late chairman of the republican na- a, work How fur sale. Also short-Horn cattle. i nesier line ami ruianui mini iivs ju-nuu niirrji. Southdown blieep, w lute crested 1siiu:k rulisti tuwie. Stock all nure. and for dale. The IJiwrem-e mock rarm is seven Him one-nail nines north aud six west of Ottawa. tional committee, has long outlived and abused its mission, is imperative. And the democratic party neeius to be in the face of I an opportunity, which it cannot be doubted it will use wisely. Now that Mr. Tilden's noble document of declination has simplified the situation by removing all doubts as to his position, great er activity will be shown in pushing the - - various candidates and in scrutinizing the merits of possible ones. It is not generally known that money was freely used at the recent Chicago convention, nor that Blaine was in constant communica tion, by means of cypher telegrams, with his managing friends there. When he left Washington on Tuesday morning before the nomination, he only decided at the railway station to turn northward, wheu a cypher telegram from Chicago was placed in his hands telling him to go. Aurll liiuo DW1UIIT LAWRENCE, CVKC8 K. I.OLKMAN, bupl. I'ralrle Centre, 111. THE OTTAWA GAS CO, Are prepared to do all kinds of G-as & Steam Fitting. Wrought Irea Pipe, Fixtures, Fittings. fte., fnrniinea at .tv w" Thousands Say So. Mr. T. V. Atkins, (Jinird, Kan., writes: "I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Hitters t my cu-toiiicrs, tlit-v give entire sutisfaeti.m uiid ure rapid sellers." Kleetrie Hitters are the purest und best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney und Liver complaints, purify the Mood and re iru hite the bowels. No family ( an afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in (!, tor's dills every year. Sold at liny cents a bottle by Lutz .V Bri. "Makes no difference? how Muart de nimbler uiul f.M?r Is, some o1 de chillun will U Minuter than tie udders," says Ojde Head. ".Makes no difference how rich de irroiin', siiue o' de l (.'n stalks Is taller den de rest." Cause of Failure. Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of today. C. M. Forties. the dniirtist, i not liable to fail for the want of eoiitl(l,n.e in lip. !oaiik..'s Couirh and Lull-,' y nip. fur he irive. away a bottle free to all who are MiiT.-rini: with comrlis, colds, asthma, consiiinntioii. uml Uu .tr.-.-tl.,ni ..i the throat and luns. For cliniiped hands, face, lips and all uiuek.utiawa.iii. roughness of the skin, use kaloderina. 3o cents. Solil by K. l . Urlggs. FOR SALE. The late residence of E. J. Wall. House is large and fitted up in modern style, and in flrst-claas condition being nearly new. Heated by furnace. Artesian water In house and yard. Good sized lot and good barn. For further particulars inquire of JAMES GALVIN, Pelano The gaa works of ltloomiugton, Ills., ex ploded late on Tuesday nighi, leaving the city in total darkness. Bishop Matthew Simpson, of (he Metho dist Episcopal church, died al Philadelphia on Wednesday morning. He would have been 73 years of age to-day. Ben Butler has accepted the nomination of the National greenback convention which met in Indianapolis recently. He indorses all the purposes of the greenbackers. what ever they may be. . - - Want of Faltn. If Forties A Lorriaux, the druggists, do not succeed it Is not for the want of faith. Tbey haw sin h faith in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Luiik Syrup a a remedy for coughs, colds, consumption und lung affections, that they will itlve a bottle free to each and everyone who is iu need uf a medicine of this kind. Mothers who know whit sleepless ni(rnt a ure caused bv audden coldi taken ny tneir cnimrrn rhooften cough through the 'n'"ih''1s!?"u'J keep bottle oi rti nr''r- - " " COUGH CURB in the houe;it willcnre the worst caaeaof coughi and colds, relieve hoarte ... nrl auiet the most rcstles sufferer. No opium or other poitont, but only harmles veg etable compound. U used in time it will cure Consumption. PETTITS AMERICAN COUGn CURE 1 the finest made, and Is equal In merit to PETTIT'S EYE 8ALVE, which Is con. eded the best in use. Our treatise on Consumption free. Addrese HOWARD BROS., Fbkdosu, N. T. FOR SALE BY. E. Y. GRIGGS. Pure Lead and Oil. Tie best Mixed Palut sold, which weighs more to the gallon tlian any other. Pure Drugs aud Chemical, all at bottum price. r OHNTLKMAN, Attorney and Connse- tluraiLaw. Office In Gedney'a Block, northeast curlier of Court Uuuse Square, liooms 3 and 4. Ottawa. III. an3.84 . n. b. snow. w. n. sTin. SNOW c 8TKAD, Attorneys and Counselor at Law. itooins 1 aud U, Armory lllock, Ottawa, Illinois. occarw IURAMT.OIl.nKHT. JAMIS II. irKL. plLHKKT c KCKKL8. Attorneys and vi Counselors at Law, Futterer A Metzger't Block, eaat of Court House. wp&,t3 BU8HNKLL Ac FUL,LKRTON .At turneysat Law. Ottawa. Illinois. Office In Bush- nell'B block, west of Court House. Julyil-iy Cli. CHAPMAN. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office with 1). Mcllougall, Ottawa, 111. N. AKMBTRONa, Attorney and Coua 1U. aelur at Law, Ottawa, III. Notary Public Office Id Oedney'i Block, Ottawa. Jun5. bC J. W. DUNCAN. A. J. O CONOR. . J. WALL. DUNOAN, O'l'ONOH Ac WALL, At torneys at Law. Office in Cameron's building, op posite Clifton Hotel. Ottawa, Illinois. July'!d JKSUK 13 ItUO-KR, Lawyer. Futterer A Metzger't Block, eaat of Court House, Ottawa, Illinois. Janl-W fOHN Z). RICK, Attorney at Law. Reddlck'i O Block, city uf Ottawa. Will practice 1 tepjb-lyr Block, cltv uf Ottawa. Will practice law in La Salle and adjoining countlea, and la tbe Appellate and supreme court. A. WILLIAMSON, Liawyer, utiawa. Illinois. Probate matters a specialty. Office ovei Hull's Dry Goods Store. Jud1782 CtHAHK FOWLKR, Master In Chancery, At turney and Counselor at Law. Office in Gedney'a Block, northeaai corner of court bouse lauare. Koomt S and 4, Ottawa, Illinois. Junior . W.W.BLAKE. M. T. MOLONIT LAKK Ac MOLONKY, Attornays and Counselors at Lw. Rooaii and opera House Block, Ottawa, Illinois un8't B1 TC. TBKNARY, Attorney at Law. Office with L. W. Brewer, Rooms a & 24 County Court House. Ottawa, III. Jna3 C QniCJOfc. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office la Lynch's block. Main street, Ottawa, 111. JO. BOVLiK, Attorney at Law. Office with . M. T. Moloney, Opera House Block. Ottawa. 111. feMl.SO SAMUKL RICHOLflON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WU1 practice In the courts of La Halle and adjoining counties, omce, west or conn House, Ottawa, LU. aovl4 L"W. BRKWKR, Attorney and Coanielor at , Law. and Notarv Public Rooma tiA'M Ccnotv Court House, Ottawa, 111. DAVIE A, C'OOH., Attorney at Law. Office. Rooni S and I Armory ( Wood's) Block, Ottawa. Illinois. decs DMoTJOUQALL, Attorney at Law, Ottawa. , 111. Office la Gedney'a Block. dec2T BV. LINCOLW, Attorney at Law. OBlee . over No. 1 La Salle street, weat aide of the CourtHouse.OtUwa.Ill. Julys', 5 1EORUK S. KLDKKDOE, Attorney at I Law Office In Poetofflce block Ottawa, 111. aprll BBMBT NATO. JOHH B. WISMBS. MAYO -WIDIVIKR, Attorney at Law -OlflcLn Natfiaver'a HIuck. corner of It-ail6 and Main streete front room uo atnlrs, Ottawa, 111. PHYIIOIANI. C. UUNDLACH, M. D.. lately of St. l.onls. Mo., havinii assumed the charge of the San- Icula Mineral Spalngs, (heretofore known as the Otta wa Springs.) would nercwun most respecuuny tenner his professional services to the people of Ottawa and Salle county, especially in tne treatment oi cnromc diseases. Office and residence at Spring Grounds. Lai Office hoars, i to4P m. Consultation free; when by mall, enclose stamp for reply. janu-tmoe DR. ALC'INDA AUTKN. Office over Hoxle's store, La Balle at., Ottawa, 111. Junl7-4m DR. G. MILiLKR, the well known Ocn:it and Aurlst, Ottawa, 111. Office, 11 La Salle street. p stairs. aprS-Smos DH. K. W. WKIS, (Dentcher Ioctor,) late I'tivviclan and Surgeon to the St. Louis Ketr.aie H.w.pi . i over Stlefel's Clothing Store, corner of Malu ai ' i i . - streata. Healdence on soath bluff. at Mra. Kei. -. apU DR. J. 8. RY in the Opera House night. Ottawa, 111. Office in office day ai.d taniViS 1. O. BATBIWAT. eOEtl K8. HATHKW AY VANC J slclant and Surgeona. Ottawa. 111. Office, sc. west corner of Mala and La Salle atreeta. Dr. Harte way's residence eact of Fox river, near school house. nr. vanca win oe loana in omce, aay ana niguu janii MeARTHUR, Ottawa, 111. Opera House Block. Open from t 'clock a. . to o'clock P. at. Uealdeoce on Benton street, south of Illlnoia Avenue. Jan22Tt I AH. R. M U Office la tbe Opera House Block LI M. 8CBFRKY, M. D., L R C. S. 11 . Kdlnhnra. Office, in Armour's new building, en Madtton street. Residence, 11 Webster at - augUTi DR. M. ZKNUhR, Bomojopathic f ayaiaaa Ottawa, III. Offers his serrlcea to the friends of he HomoopaUile system la Ottawa. In all branches ol his profession Particular attention gtve& w .It treat ment of wonieu and children. Office In Glover A Cook's Block. febl Y. RICOS, Druggist, Bookseller and Sta- j. tion er. Ottawa. 111. Second store in A attlueri Block, south side of Court House Square. f KNKtTHHI,, German innggist and Aporne IV J., cary. (wholesale and retail,) Main atreet, Jtta- a. 111. Importer f Druga, Chemlcala. French CofEi ; Brandlea, W'nea. Ac R. VM. 8 ("PPARD, Member ef (he Kova! Colleae ' k terlnarv 8urgons. England: fellow oftheLonriO'i etertnarv Melicl Association: also Veter'nary Kdl Or Awn Ion's Sptruqf Iht Turf. can be consulted at his offlea, en Lafayette St. a&fi TM A. YOI'MANS, Architect. Office with Norman Kl.burn. Union Block. Ottawa. Illinois. dectrtS oirnty Snperintendent of Public Schools. G. B. STO CRD ALE, Will hold examinations at his office la the Court House on the second anJ fourth Saturdays of eack mocth into luniier nonce. -jams