Iav i t ; .jr . u bill roum Ur tli- -
Ilcr , I'l l, w ro ilccorutiniis nut less I'lul'm
rule ir msi, y iK'sijttie-l tlnui were tlwe nl
the p.il ii-.v At the l.enl of the hdl were
two ut'nfc':a unrs liuviim BUU'inleJ to them
and ci 0-111 tuch other two others, while
upon :lie lirgo wall bruckcis buck of the or
chestra ei c it great number of putted flowers
and iei:.! On tUe side board ou either
eide f the hull were largo bunks of ferns.
Hanging .ibove th" ferns upon the cast w ill
were the urn lines of a large full-rigged sail
ing 8'i-p triced out in Btuilax upon a canvass
8usptuut:u .I'ora the nioulUii'K above. Just
below this were two ours ciossed and lied
with blue and orango ribbons.
From chandeliir to chandelier was
stretched hunting of blue and orange, the
colors of the Club. The effect of tuo gas
upon the colors was very pleasing. Supper
was nerved in the sample rooms of the hotel,
where Mines had been prepared to seat 50
guest at b .-iittng. The tubles were profusely
decorated with cut flowers, nnd the supper,
which reflected the greatest credit upon l'ro.
prietor liters, was served iu a manner thai
coul l not be eicelled. At 11:30 it wasan
nouiieoH thsit supper was ready, and the
guests !' the Club invited to occupy the first
table, while tile members of the Club and
thoce of i lieu-guests who could not be pro
vided for continued daucing.
A few minutes prior to going to the sup
per taMe- a very pretty incident occurred,
bing u. t- pr. ,-entation to tie Club, by Miss
Eliii I'ontr, n behalf of their young lady
friends, uf a solid silver cup a champion
tship one tor the members in rowing contests
between lia-uiselves. In presentig the cup
Miss Tumi- made the following neat speech:
Mil. 1'rkmihcst and Mkmdi:hs of The Ot
tawa lioAT Ci.ui: I take great pleasure this
evening iu presenting to you in behalf of
your lady friends ihis silver cup. It is given
to you nut because of its worth as precious
metnl, but bs an expression of good will
which we bear to you, and to prove that your
efforts in behalf of honest snorts are heartily
secwi'leJ by the ladies of Ottawa. We trust
that, iu : tic luture the Ottawa Hunt Club will
prove not only a source of lenetit and pleas
ure to yourself, but as well an additional at
traction to our already attractive and beaut i-
iul city The cup shall be the property ot
the Ottawa Boat Club, and shall be rowed for
under M ill rules and regulations as shall be
handed to your president.
Mr. Lester H. Strawn, as president of the
Club, receive 1 the gift, nnd in behalf of the.
members (bunked the young ladies for their
gencrosiiy and thoughtfuluess, saying that
their good wishes and their token of appre
ciation would be a stimulus to more earnest
efforts on the part of Hie members to make
the Club a marked success.
After this incident and the serving of sup
per, dancing was resumed and continued un
til a late hour. The party was in every
way decided success. There was uo stiff
ness about it and no hitch. The crowd was
not too great to cause a crush, and the peo
ple brought together were congenial. A
ereat deal of the credit for the success of the
. , . . 1 flp 1 .- -. c . I.
enieriainmeub wns uud m iuc cuuno ui iuo
young ladies' decorating committee, who
... sv ir r , i o vtMi xr urn n inn nn itwniri mm ri i
rt Jl & J I IU UUI U1VU J aw VW"i V vm
f Trim h1 FrAilnrifik E. Muvo. Charles
Neubert and Thomas J. Lynch, and to the
floor maiiaeers. Messrs. Jas. Milliean, jr.,
. a a. va i ll'TII! HJ
171V4UT ,- V ta w a ... I
lector c. llitt. 1 ertiert M. lumv. jiarsnaw
? M I r nnd Frederick V. Hubert.
Among those present trom abroad were:
I.I (inv .H in I . Mmtli. (la ena: lion. All-
lrew Welch, Mrs. Welch and Miss Shepherd,
orkville; Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Corbett, Au-
ora; Mrs. George McClellan, Chicago; Mrs.
lard, Milwaukee; Miss Young, Baltimore,
Id ; Miss Lewis, Manistee, Mich.: Miss
l' .l T i;ua T,.!,r,u li.i.r 1,-L- m,l
t:u u-..nn..n rn, ;,...-,. Mno.... um;il. nr,,l
lawley, Fish, .loliet; Mr. K. V. John
on ond Mr. Marshall, Chicago; Frank
"Mearn, Plreator; Dr. Ives, Kansuni, ami
lr. Carey, I tica.
Ottawa society was represt"ted by Mayor
lien and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch,
dge and Mrs. Clanchard, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. James Milligan,
tr. ond Mrs. W. W. Nash, Mr. and Mrs.'
jwne. Mr, and Mrs. Neubert, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Rogers, Mr. and Mr. Frank Trumbo,
and Mrs. Ed. Nattiuger, Mr. and Mrs.
II. Strawn, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Leland,
rs. Jordan anil Mrs. llsc, Col. and Jlrs.
apeman, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. King.
Misses Eliza Porter, Jessie Forter, Elsie
imble, Neubecker, Trumbo, I'hodcs, liar.
on, Reed, Lynch, Tope, Widmer, Sallie
id Rao Farr, Surah Fiake, llitt, Cornell,
ull, Leonard Hatheway, Bell Strawn, Can-
Id, Clanchard, Mitchell, Cliff, Edith and
ineeta Morgan and Vette.
Messrs. De la Chupelle, MacRinlay.G. W.
ill, Kendall, Trimble, Eckels, Will. Owmnn,
ntzer, Lynch, Hobcrt, llitt, Ed. Bradford,
ok, Mayo, Blanchard, Kilby, Mitchell,
len, McQuade, Gib. Strawn, Herman
Jiawn, Arthur Hook, Beubean, Reedy,
rey, Dyer, Fhelps, Hess and Forter.
The Inst theory of the Rock Islam! rob-
t an J murder case seems determined to
ce it.elf tefore the public. Reference
s made to the thsory sereral days ago. It
hat a party of men took breakfiwt with by
name of Aastin, in Kendal county the
rning after th tragedy, having applied
the same. 1'inkerton emphatically den
any knowledge sfit. It is now known
t some of h'19 men who were here early in
cn.e are now working on this clue. The
a who dined with Austin on that mcmor
e morning went into the cattle business
n of the northern counties. The detect-
werke-1 upon this clue has been done
y quietly, no athentic news coming to the
lie eae. It is now rumored that one or
b-e of th suspecte hare been arrested and
behind the bars. It is further said that
ties from Morris expect to be callec to
cagoverpsoon to either aid in identifying
parties or give information roneerntng
ten pertaining to the case. iforrii Xnrt.
Tli1 follow hij: U taki-n from Mr. Enjoin?
Fichls' ' plirps nnd Flits" column lu the
Ciilcao Ihiihj yirs of v"tn!ity. We cm
join Mr. FifhUverv heartily In his le:e-t:i-tioti
of the Hon. Klijali M. llalnos, who is
nothing but an urratit ileiuagogue, who, lu
tht last session of th legislature of this
st:it, passed every bound of propriety and
political decency. "We are sorry that the
Hon. Andrw Welch lu not to be a member
of the nexf legislature. He makes no pre
tention to btilllHncy, but the people of the
Fox river country never had a more digni
fied, a more thorough, or a saferrepresenta
sive at the state capital. He made no
splurges In the last legislature, but his pru
dent counsels saved the democratic majori
ty many a folly. It was he who led the
opposition to Elijah M. Haines In the
deinocaatlc caucus, and if his advice had
been heeded the democrats in the legisla
ture would have been spared the humilia
tion to which Haines subsequently sub
jected them. He had the manhood, too, to
reject the terms of conciliation with which
Haines sought to giin his co-operation. He
refused to be cajoled or bribed Into even a
t'icit approval of a trade which stultified his
party. From first to last he made an honest,
staunch, manly fight for democracy, and we
regret that there is not a possibility of his
return to the legislative seat which he filled
so honorably and so dlgnitiedly."
The Cook county grand jury, who, during
the pan two weeks have been Investigating
the recent anarchist movements in that
city, on Thursday returned bills of Indict
ment found against Spies, Feilden. Parsons,
Schwab, Fischer, Hischberger, Llnng nnd
Si huanble. for the crimes of murder, con-
siilmcv and incltinir people to riot, it is
the intention ef State's Attorney Grlnnell
to push the matter to a speedy hearing, and
If possible to obtain sufficient evidence
against them to punish them to the full
extent of the law. The action of the grand
jury will have a very salutary effect upon
other anarchists who are inclined to resort
to violent measures and who have no hesl-
ttinev about sheddinc innocent blood. The
men under indictment deserve the severest
pennltyi that the law can Inflict. They
are nothing short of the most cowardly
Of La Salle Co. Pomona Orange Xo. 61. P.
of II. To be held with Pomona Grange at
Manlius. June 3d and 4th, 18S0.
1 Called to erder b? W. M. at 1 p. m
Opening song by Mrs. P. S. Ilowland, Ida
Howinan, Dr. W. (5. Putney and T. A.
Forbes. Praver bv W. C.
2. "How will the present labor troubles
afreet the fanner, anil Is the o hour system
of labor practicable on the farm ?" Lead
es: A. Hosworth, John Miller, L. G.
Douglass, Charles Mudge.
3. "What is Beauty?" Leaders: Miss
Francis, Alice Herbert, Belle Douglass,
Mrs. J. L. Barker. To be followed by an
essay on the same subject by Mrs. V. B.
Ashler. '
4. "Is Poultry more pruhtthnn plague on
the farm" Leaders Chas. H"lph, Mrs. J.
B. Howe, "William Pool, Mrs P. S. How
hind. J!. Paper by A. C. Barnes, Subject,
"The People and the Monopolies." Essay
by Mrs. Eliza Chapman, Subject, "The
Utility of Piecing Bed Quilts." Papei by
H. K. Smith, Subject, "How far is Co
operation Practicable among farmers?"
Select readings, Mrs. L. 8. Sampson, Anne
Barnes, Mrs. Hall, Emma Mudge, Mrs. F.
A. Wassman. V. S. Ashley.
Attest : Worthy lecturer.
.Emma Midge, Sec'y
K tie kiln's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorca, tetter,
rhnppcd nanus, cuilliluiiks, corns, ana an skid
eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat
isfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents
per box For sale bv U. Lorriaux.
We are Authorized to announce that CHAUI.KS FER
TiL'SON, of Freedom township, will Wo a candidate for
the office of Sheriff of La Salic county, subject to the
endorsement of he Democratic county convention.
OttawaTTll., May 28, 188(1.
Fi-nrB ani Fhkd.
Lnciil Flour.
Victor Mills Silver Cloud, patent, f cwt
t 'rltenoii
Iiickwhc:it, per 21 1
Fortiyn f'lourt
Patent, V cwt
I:iiik:i Winter, wt ,
Minnesota spring Wheat, n-MIl
Bran, V cwt
Corn Meal, per cw t
Corn and Outs, ground
Ohain AM) Skkii.
Wheat, T hnMi ,
llye, V Ml ttia
Corn, new, shelled. 1' .J i
( urn, nctv, ear, F Ki Its
Tuuothy S"ed, f bush
Potatona, if hush
Butler, f rti
l.L'L'K. f iloz
( hleki"l. live. doz
2 25
2 ftll
2 00
10 (-6
on r-t
Hay, f tou btw diioijo
I.IVR Slin K.
."at'le on fmt, rows, ik.i r,b .12." I no
Cattle on foot, steers 3 "si H 5 (i
Fat ealvin. live weight, "f 111' fts -I no it 5 Ml
Sheep, shorn. lm Ilia ,3iO (. 4 On-
Sheep, unshorii, ltw lbs t no (4 5 W
Liveliogi, ? 1") 3 50 US 3 HI
Tallow. Hihes ami Salt.
Tnliow, In oil bbss, f(
Tallow, loose, fot
Suit, p,-r Mil
Hides, green, per TV
Ili'les, cure 1, per 8.
Flint Hides :
Dry Salt ?.
5 an
3 (
1 2T.
1 i iH
The trraln priaw rr range of market, from
warehouse price to pru.ei paid for odd loads lor reed
I j (i.l , e ui 1 iitaw a. Stale of Illinois, on Thuitday,
Huyley W 1
Bernard Louis Constant
Hniwn Cliarlcy
( ,..liin llert
C"mor XclHe
lu-'r 1 em
Knnt-ht Patrick J
Fawley I) 11
erris harlea ,
Koler C
lloffer Henry
Mc A tee T S
Moloney Mi Xci'.ie
MeDennott M m Unas
More! Louis ch
M.iiily Lizle
Moore. I Wiik e
Norem Kniid I'
7, lS(i.
Phelps Charles H
tjiiilnn MiHsi ornle
I.'olllsnll troive W
lietz Constant
Sylieti Mrs .Inctcson
S'ever Andrew
Staife C 11
t'lirall Miss Nettie
l ,Hile M iwi Maine
Trm-v Cora
Vnieihnri!h Ellis
VVI1.,ii Th-.Hli,re
Miltinore E I.
"Wliitm-'re Klwsrd
W:h Andrew N
Webb unmet
Zuber Miw Matilda
Lik k Dox Z;i
Pair Isabel U
Toi.huin tbse bjnr. tb nop'lciht mast tall for
"Auvertiscrt I.ftr." ssil pive 1 lUte f tl,.-lin ; snd
if in. t calh d f .r wiili; on inotiin. they will be sent to
ii;e lH-ad Letter un:.-, Ui wHi.litiv'ori.
attif-1,1. ek'bt mli west of Wrala (county iwat
of Mari"n '. t I'ssanls-k l.i'a np..n k.h. dry. rr-
rt.e ro ntf KMiin raa .l arsii-tie. alikeadati-
ted :o i.r-u;.- etr ruK fariiilnu: Irrrf li
this raiiniad In Martoa entity. It has ad the ewntml
re inrem-n' to tnr.keooeol the b- iiilxn.l towns
on ti r line of this r-d. aid 1 t-hrerfady recoiunii-ud it
t lutcndinK settit-rs and line-ton, u such.
X. It (Htl F.LLE.
Chief Fnirine-r SiWer SpnnKS. iir! and
t.uif It !(. ifflc. (M-aia. Fia.
Tri in1iits Ms-rrls-riinr a limited portion of
lhes4 lands wul lie sal ow. prlcm ro advance "ti ner
cent. In -jS days. Bmidin lot. WxvZl fet, at flOeai h:
ae-rr irani.-e l.n-vt tracts. It J each; ten acre ir
anc tracta. earh. I n vmt now and make lt
icreriit. tu next winter. Win it br bank draft. P. .
order. rnltred letter or express. Correspondence
soiiciwa. aoirM in ownw.
I MOMMiFR, Orala, Flaw
IWrrences: John F. Kunn ft CoM Baakers; Gary ft
Anderson, Att'yt, Ucala, Fia,
Statement of V. E. WiliiM,
TreamriT of Tw imlilp "t, Kmvc 1, for tle jiar cmlliiK
Al'rtl Mil, l-i..
TOWVSltll' l'L'N't.
Amount i if nnti s on tiauil tl.OTI r!
Cali ou luiuil SI
Total 15 1 1
He. el.-1 1 from O. U. Btorkilale. mate mul
county fund M M
Unel it Int. iniiw liiHil funn II
Ii Ida i nl exiH-nxi't of triinirvr 5 1
I'i d f ' publiiihlni; HiiuuitUluti-iiK'iit.... SUI
I' M r 'r'n MtlHry Hliui
U. tri i.cli'd by iruttcet -"I
St.? : ttf
D:: T No. 1 nd rect tit frutn all source.. .Wat "S
pUl tem-liem f Uiuw
1 iictitentalH .V.UH
I'HlutlnK nchoiil hou- Si M)
HaUuceou hand 1M 2S
Diot No.! Pulance and receipts "99 10
laid leiwliem 41" VI
HviHirlliKHChil houiw' 'iSSM
l'H) ini'iil on borrowed inom-y ls5 28
Incldeutali art
Balance ou hiiud W )!
Dist No. 4-Halam-e and receipts 427 12
Paid teachers WO
Coal and Incidentals IX 0
Insurance W
Balauco on hand 143 ui
Uiht No. 5 J tlalaace anil receipts 530 OS
Paid teachers 275 OU
liepalrliiR roof, blluda, and
bulldtuK feucu 15
Coal IS 39
ltalauceon hand V42 25
Dist No. (Balance and receipts (48 13
faiil teachers 2S01O
Coal 1H25
Fenclnn svhrail house lot W 3d
llalauce on hand 332 M
PiaT No. 7-9-HHtnnce and receipts 288 33
I'aid teachers 200 1
Incidentals a'OU
Daluuce on liaud 68 33
DisT No. 8 nalnnce and receipts 42fi 85
Paid tehctlers 2'5 W
Incidentals Hi.)
Stove HMO
Balance on hand 135 42
Djkt No.l-Bahmce and receipts 311 93
Paid teachers 852 1
Coal 11 W
Italiinceon hand 78 33
Dist No. 17 J-Bulance and receipts 539 9
Paid titti hers 'M 00
Stove 2ll)
Balance on hand 211 V'J
Pist No. 20 .1 Balance and receipts 209 70
Paid teachers llHiOO
i:eialriii fence anil cleaning
school liniiae A 50
Incidentals 12 Hi
Balance ou hand 1MJ30
Dist No. 5 N Balance and receipts... 219 20
Paid teachers..... Will
Sundries H 9
Balance on hand 50 HI
Diht No, 11 A-15 B:ilancc and receipts 202 40
I'aid on order to II W Collier, tin 3:1
ltalauceon hand 113 ol
I do hereby certify the foregoing report to lie cor
rect, according to the beat of niy known-due and belief.
Huhscrlhcd and sworn to before me, this !2d day of
May, 1ks. P. Kim.kn.
(KHAI..J County Clerk La Sail County, Illinois.
Manufactured and Iirpalred by
Madison Street, OTTAWA.
Bovs' K.xpress Wagons from eighty-live cents up to t!2.
liiayl-lino O. HoFKMAN.
Manufacturers of flue MAUULE
Head Stones,
And all kinds of CKMETK11Y WORK.
New and Original Designs
Yard nn Columbus St., one Wo
north of Clifton Hotel,
c 3,
e8 0
n fc
- P
u c H
5 Ci rm
rr, Z T. if ri
f IT, u
t S 7
tfl -m es
ea si T
a i,
- Cm
O -J j .
j u ' 1
ci IS
i T s3
I J ? s t
H a. U u -r.
' r- ir
S3 S
ll c
75 : j i.
S ar ? 5
ifciiifcfcOpen Until 9 P.M.
Efforts to satisfy the critical
tastes of tlio most fastidions of
our patrons in the matter of
Ro&tnlar Tailor-Marto and Ele-
gant Clothing for Family Wear,
have been crowned with success.
The result of months of careful
preparation is shown in the very
select lines of Fine Suits now
ready, for Adults and Children
Many LADIES give days of
thoughtful care to the prepara
tion of a Spring Toilet; hut
busy Man is apt to he neglectful
of his attire nut il the occasion
for something new arrives. Sur
rounded by Lovely Women iu
new gowns and new bonnets, in
church or elsewhere, what man
will to-day be iuditrercnt to his
Our clean, convenient, bright
and well managed Store will be
open evenings until ) o'clock to
supply every want of Man, Hoy
or child in the way of
Hats & Gaps.
On Price Clolli House,
North of Court House.
mere shawls, ladies' linen collars and cufTs, lace curtains and
scrim, gossamers, hoop skirts, hustles, buttons, corsets, novelty
braids, linens, muslius, drillings, padding, silesias, cambrics mos
quito nets, jerseys, men's furnishing goods, ?ooks, staticuierj,
jewelry, toilet articles, clocks, brushes, comUs, albums, playing
cards, and iu fact almost anything you want in the Dry Goods
Notion line can be found in the various departments of
This establishment is almost the only strictly CASH STORE iu
the county; no accounts are run with any one, no losses by wi
accounts, no money tied up on the books, no expense for collect
ing and extra book-keepers, all purchases are made on a cnsii
basis in large lots from first hands, and for these reasons every
article put on sale can lie sold for less than regular prices, and it
is the policy of the house to always have everything under price.
Every article is marked iu plain figures.
L. S. McCABE & CO., Ottawa, Ills.
801, 803 and 805 La Salle Street, opposite the Post Office.
Have just received a few car-loads of
Sulky Plows, Old Ground Plows,
Disk Harrows, Seeders, Cultivators, Fanning Mills,Mc, ttc.
Everything needed on a Well Kegulated Farm. All Goods War
ranted, and as low in price as can be sold by auy responsible deal
r. Call and see them. No trouble to show goods.
sjh tBSMy11
Do you want the best Twine Binder on earth?
If you do, drop into my store on Court Street
and I will show you the new Deering, which
is made entirely of steel, making itT,the strong
est, lightest and most reliable Bincler.ever
shown in this city. m-r-,-r-
To all those interested in having good roads
I would call your attention to the celebrated
Pennock Road Machine, for which I have the
agency; a sample of which can be seen at my
store, east of Court House.
Only $1.50
Summer Goods,
White goods, laces, Swiss embroideries, parasols,
fans, millinery; silk, kid and lisle gloves; silk
mitts, ribbons, hosiery, underwear, ladies and
children's muslin underwear, lace neckwear, cash
All Styles and Prices,
ranging from 3
to 20.00.
UJ Cm-rlilli- li""i;l'l i'f n ! iMs-clt-il
fi-ii' m 1 1 y riiiii-iiul
tiim iu tl- i-LUiily.
Call and See this Stuck,
AS1) 11 K I US IMJtt'.
Russell &-So:i.
Per Year.
mm Ani