Newspaper Page Text
THU (fll lllt. t limit Court. On Tuesday there wus argued bet.. JMgo Wnclir.l the hal-wt "?'' I"-""" s ti. v.oi,1p. etc.. m rrf. dailies liar ... To 0,11.8. sent to the Lrt Siu.i- u,v Cirauit Court from Lee couui ot. count of the illness of Judge Eunice. 'I i. v.u mHr arose from a fool race in widen TUrper took part, and a fight that resulie.i fem the charge made that he had thrii re rce. A justice of the peace of Lee iiiv havlnir put the prisoner in the cuxio ij of the officer to await trial, J no. W. Wee sued wit the writ to secure ins reieD. Jmig Ulanchard, alter hearing arirunieiiis fcy Mr. Blee in suprort of the writ, and by B. B. Snow and E. S. B owne against its be in,; grnted. denied It, and the prisoner was parted back to Lee county to await the p)eu re of the justice. Vednesday Anton I!onak, of La Salle, convicted a week since of assaulting Thomas Ca:.11v. of the same city, with a deadly n. w,i sentenced to pry a tine of $'-'" ;j,J corns. Wlitch be iiiiineliittely 'lid. The March term of court Is about at an ,-5-t, fi'cre bcin but little for the .Ind .-e ! U ejeept to dispose of s-nie tig ends ol --, of ;.'.r.g btatiding. .Jodje Ji!.i!ie!i:u-1 overruled tire in on fir u Chi- - .-. :i iii the case r. f Putim; v Tl, l.V.'O . .-1 '.('. S ' u. . to. M'.W I 'AM ' I) lot-:. -Id v "ry of I.'r ! n.ll in tin.' c i- . !.Uli ijfes ,'. i ai. , ;, r Vn!; v I! .) lloularid. Ailoip- rJ.. . Iid i t, guardian, etc, v A I'll c Co. Appeal. The L'licu i .jVcrine Stout V J Kieelmei.t. Damages .I. n Mo'! rath et al I.O'I'I. .-'nrr.e v V.nk Herbert. I J ect went Liiim- Xf.t j'.,0'i.). 'iil'tiu G t.'unt.inli mi v The I'nion .Mu fjjfl A C'.'i'ient A-sociution of Chicagj. As :o.vj,ii(. Iamaes ."("'. V 11 Wock-) v J Frank Kendi et al. Ac t,;n on the fti-e. Damages $10,a)i). '"!;), -i. Jane Newberry v Jabe New ttt-rj, d.vorce, reuiJe at Streator. (irounds, tarsirMv. J oore I'.radley v Mary I'.radley, divorce; m- lt f S'reator. (irounds, desertion unit ,4j'tery . i ' !, oi I.iStlle National Hank v Ja oti. .'i;r;!, ct al. Jndgnienl for ?-"'.'. T'irr i,k '.The 1'eople Ac, ex rcl. .'v Harper ? Lee Cross. Habeas IJ !!. The Tt i;,le v J'eter Lesibkc. llccogni ioce. rmiii! Court. J rle Gilbert, in the county court, occu ir i 'l jf the past week with a jury in the rrr-.l of criminal case. Sir )' ,V'-, V Kn-Jthf Mynl'ifiirrhitiun ' .joi,( 'tt!t a i'i'y IIV.7-11. .je defendant and the prosecuting wit n residents of S' all ham township, the evidence developed the fact that lk--ri- hi- been trouble before between the i - ju.r:;es. The jury thought the de-ft'- Hut aded on the defensive against su-wr-jr ruu.bers, and they returned a verdict 5 !-t. pii'ty. Tit Vfylt v fleorje Atkihson Injrmti. don fur l.iircthii. VVin.soii is a mere lny, and sumo time il:;-j.iti-t '.rdober took a horse und buggy tii-.! -w .hitched in front of the F.piscupal -h iti the city of (iitawa and drove il .! i !o Tuiiici, where lie was intercepted :i i iifole I V- plead guilty to the charge, and the i!,Mt reserved sentence. , A C , V'x '. I'un.vlhlvl- ,.,. .,' ,, (illinnmj Mill, ij lij I'aUt !,.!,. ;.: MTiiV i.s one of tlmse patent li'lit fiends v i . iJife-t the coiintrv and grow fit 111011 !(. 117 UI 1 1 l!l.Mr-i:i-CIIi J. ' ... I . P . I I . . . . - . . t r . . l:. f.Si t i , J'-' .r.oid.i'.cnt represental ions he o'linined ;i"i,l n tie from cue II II. Ye.dows, . r-i'n-, tor llo.'sn'ii of ?', but brtorc jinc wax negotiatel Meadows nicer. 4'4 thuv he was imp used upon and re I Iho note, l'ai rar still ri lained s .-.s.-ji 11 of the pee, and some days later ,i, ue-.l .1 b an of M from one A.I.ur.s. a a- 1 n ken. it at Sireukr, giving in security Ci: iioit of ji.'iy. 'j i e evidcuee .ltd not tetvl to show that 9 iii -ir obtained the loan by pledging the .. fcs i..-nirUjr, but rather that the loan t;.' Dia-Ie snd the SI" in Farrar's posses wi,ii' ie fore the note was mentioned, and the j.rrv ovoiiglil in a verdict of not guilty. Tin j'fijile ic, v Jli try Morrison. liuhcl mud for Kfrj'iiiy iiini Mil, n oimny a .YiiMiwre. ' u'lendrw.s runs a tallow rendering cstah li :..ivul in the town of Fagle, which has ttw tt offensive to the residents of the 'ij;bboruood. 7'iejury thought it was not so offensive li-rf. it should be abated, ami so found. J'1,, )'fi-li' c, v :.'.i !l ',Htirrii'lictmtnt fr .StUmj I'tf.rh'ilii'tme I'lovinimi. Tii" dr fciukut whs cl a-ged with kliov. ir.p'f Jwposing of diseased pork,'but ou trial U: : alleged in the indictment, were not jr.- io i and, without uiaking a defense, the iv.'ct was not guilty. Jkf. I'aplt C, Willi III! Ill illUlH 1ltiiltltl- Itoit Ji-r l.nrtrtvi. V 'cb lant plead guilty to stealing some Bro! an 1 provisions and was fined ?1 and v;i. .'icd to jail for Eve days. The casei of Ambrose Letting tnd Tls t: Glenn, for keeping and maint lining nojvxucoa in tie town of Lelaud, were not The case of Tit VooV v T'i'aa Smith, r.nri with bastardy on comjilaint of Omyniye James, tt Streator, waa dismissed, ft y.ppc'iring that the defendant bad married prosecuting witcess. , lUanOlioa, of Miller, agel 32 years, was OjQsvlgr! Uibaoe ca Friday. No cause as- (lt. , ,, n ij..uni fr li-i'urui;n liuv ninhiv. il V i . . iirnl I'll i i ; 1 ri-Mlllie ihu e r ii'l.rr I . I .III I . II., 'uM lay I'' 'r ' render el hiM deciMoii in in it ol the prulmie ol til- will "I H"lrriCR Weill, deueu.icd l,M umllT Ci't'-i- i.iioMi Mince iii l rial a .' k .. Be ..u,j,e hv.u.s bold that the wU, m.ldl, Iirij h not a vnli.l ' n,.( bi,villJ! i,t (,b;.n..e i when the testutur is nut capable of residing the undue infill- erne tironuht t ' bei.r ri.on him to obtain it I he whole coitubw will probably be gone over again when an attempt is made to set aside the deeds made about the smiie time .i - i a tml utnler me same irinuuueea. The last will and lesiament of Orilla San derson, deceased, late of La Salle, was pro- hated on the Wth insL The estate left is of considerable value, and all goes to her hus band, Lyman Siinderon. I'nder an order of Court GO shares of First National l'.ai.k of Ottawa flock, be- loii"ing to the ttaie rT willmiu .ioire, ne- ceased, was sold on Monday at auction. j tvre W(!rc but two bidders Ca.-hier Jolin F. 1 v,-.,,!,, !lM, Tims. L. McKiiday. After a mini- ,cr of Imls were ma le Mr. .misii smciium ii nt ) ' p" r 1 1 h i . Mr. Mtlvii.'.ay's l.ih tat HI was ' 1 1 1 M .If. I '' ' " 111 .1 irob I'.e-i tilmr I und Mary Diedrieli. Chri .Man Wn'f 0 ! K-t!. . ie C-ib.-i ler. M ir' in ". i t 0 . ' j 1.'. 1 I illo r. Iii'lijamill mi' l.'li-l 'Hoi I'1' :l I'osion. Lli-hard John - and llurt. I! Ig.r A. Alien an 1 I ran :- " !1. Irwin. .Michael Kanyuh and Ann r Sabn. .Inbii ll rrly an 1 l on'a poll. Oeorge Moore an I Mary Ann Tilbury. Joseph Sehaefer and I i -set t i ('. J. Powell. Myron C. Alwoo l and Mabel L. Wiley. ArnUM ini ills. Tic "Mikadu" was jjiixn mi Tlnirsduy night by the ( bii'iioo I .uiso Ojicra Coin p any In lnatiifii'i'iit Hinllt'in'c. Tliu per foniiatico was very, enj lyablo (me, notwith standing the w.v.kncs-s of the company as to chorus und orchestra. Tln life of the piece Is Mauley lVIcb's Ko h'o In which be Is inimitable und irresistible. It may Ii reiuarked paientlieticnlly in this corinec ion that the I'ticn man who Fat beliiml us required a surgicitl operation tu r-liev him from thf effects of the Tit Willow song-l Miss Uechtel's Yum Yum was very clever, also; while West's 1'ouh l.ih was excellent. Thet-e being the prin cipal parts, it Is enough to say the remain der of the cast was fully equal to the, re- qiiircmerits. Iho orchestra was quite thin, however, the pianist mill violinist with the cunpatiy being supplemen'ed by a quartette from Tern, none of whom ap peared to have much Idea of the music of the opera, find ceitainly were ut a loss often as to what woul 1 turn up nt-xt. This practically closes the amusement .se isotl lor Hie year li 'i, -r me r; les are fast w itl.dt awlnz from the road. It cannot be said that the seaoti h is been a satisfactory one, either in Ottawa or else where throughout the country. In Ottawa no really first class stans have appeared, if we except C'ouUlock and Catherine Lewis, neither of whom were greeted by audi ences nn h as they deserved; while the balance, of the season has been made up of a number of "crosses," in themselves nei ther theattical, musical i.or burlesque, thmigli laiining to be all, such as "Fun on the r.ri.sfol," We, I's Al Co.," ' ' ne ijihuk. 'I'lie truth is, the "combination" system is playing out, ami rapidly reducing the standard of thealt ir nl-i all over the country; 11 result liroiight about through the nature of the system itself, and the im mense demand for nttrai ticns caused by the ini tease In the number of "openi hott-es" throughout the country. .When live or fix ago, the system begun Its course, tiro "coiniiinatloii" muruigers had the choice of the people of n large number of stuck companies, the combinations were excellent and 'ho houses so limited that it was dillicult for nil to till their time with out taking in the "rural" open houses. Dining that period Ottawa saw many of the lined companies in the country, more than she. could well patronize. From year to year, however, the quality !;us dcbTbr iti'd ; metropoh'an as well as provincial Louses have increased, and the have been Kiadually withdrawn from the country to (ill their time in the cities only, liar J times then came, and today there are not enough first-class companies In the land to (ill the time of the metro politan dates open, to say nothing of going into the country. The final result is few new days are produced, and the produc tion of old ones growing more and more defective. Every leading man or woman Is ".starring" as long as some guy's purse lasts barnstormers supplying the support. When the crop of fresh managers plays out the combination system will go, and an new race of actors will take the place of the burlesque contortionists. It would be interesting to know what w ill be the im mediate outcome; but us we look at it, the Opera House lu Ottawa and all other cities of her size will be fortunate if In the near future it even approximates the excellence of attractions i llered a few years ago. It is not the manager's fault that stars of the first miiguitude no longer appear here. They can't be had except 011 c-italn'ies so enotmous that it is useless to attempt , to get them at prices Ottawa people are will ing and aLle to pay. Decoration Kay. The following programme has been ar langed for decoration d ry, Monday next, by the Executive Committee of the Decoration Association: MnHMMt. Decoration of Catholic, South Ottawa and Jewish Cemeteries, and graves of Uea. Wal lace, Col. Dickey and Col. F.rwin by Seth C. Karl Post, Q. A. R. All oiliiens desiring to :i'rvin. l'ot meets ui 9 o'clock ut iheir 1 i Hull ou touri turret. AI'TMtNOOS. Farl i'ost form Jn front of their hill at 1:1" p. M fharp, and will be escortel to the monument by Co. P. 4tu Ilegt., I. N. 'j. KXKKCISK9 AT MOM'MKNT. Decoration of Monument.... School Children Pirire ; Baml Prayer Hev. 8. M. Davis aiuiflnir Choir President' Address F.. Y. lirlggs Memorial Address.. Seth C Earl I'ost, 'i. A. K SiiiL'Inif Choir Return of the late Cupt. Leahy' sword to bis widow, by Col. McC'Unnahan, of the fttd 111. Necrologist Report (-'apt. T. C. Fullcrtou Benediction. Siiki-pard. As the training season ha opened and the horses are being prepared for the summer campaign, it may not be amiss to invite the attention of the hornemen of the great West to the fact that they have in their very midst, at Ottawa, 111., one of the most successful veterinary surgeons of the day, in the person of Dr. William Shrp pard, graduate of the Hoyal College V. S. of F.ughind, Fellow of the London Veterinary Medical Association, Professor of Lameness and Shoeing in the Veterinary College of Chi cago, and Veterinary Editor of Iiuilon't S'nrit of the Turf. Dr. Sheppard is well and favorably known, and is endorsed by owners and breeders throughout the West and North we't. Pis ofliee and infirmary are on I. ifiv- Me street, Ottawa, 111. ''. N -r,t ' t.'.t Tuii'S. , From Marseilles. Marseilles 111., May JthJ At lit the bridge is open. The couiiiil-siotiers hold a meeting next Wednesday. Fending the formal acceptance the company have posted a notice that they will not "be re sponsible for accidents. Mr. J'M. Allen and Miss. Fr inkle Irwin were yesterday united in marriage 1 y lb-v. Mr. Howard, they got at once into" their own house and begin life under very good auspices. The programme for decoration day is somewhat long- A new feature will be an exhibition of a collection of relics of the late war. A large number are promised, n committee of ladies are to take ( barge of the gems, 1 ooks found on the battle ileitis or any thln of interest will bo carelully watched over ami returned to t'n owner after decoration day. They may be left at the store of I). N. yiiepniun. A. J. I hurbur Is now painting ami fitting up his audition recently put on lus house. The FItts company recently turned out some line castings 01 grates to go to Chi cago. Ifev. Munroe, pastor of the Congregation al hurt h lias accepted a call to bgden City Utah. From Harisom. Hansom, May 27, W,. Mr. O'Neil, of Heading, hub moved to town and is buying grain In the place formerly occupied by Mr. J. Lane. Richard IJros. are building a residence lor Mr. I Sanies. Miss Emnia S hoenlaber Is home from (ieuosen, 111, where she was nUending school. Mr. Moftit will soon begin work on his new house. When completed it will be one of the best In town. Hev. Waytnan. of Morton, is In town, the guest of U . II. L'ollisen. Miss Mary Steven, who has been teach ing for sometime in the Normal school at Ueneseo, is at home. James McCTinbck and Fat. Herbert ar rived in town yesterday from .Marcus, Iowa. They came to see Air. Turn Herbert, who is very sick Jim Devine and Jim Smith went to Chi cago Tuesday. Devlne will remain in the city some time, and Smith long enough to see the wonders of the place. Hull of honor of the 1! insom school for the month ending May ','iith, lSd, contain ing the names of pupils whose attendance mice and deportment have been perfect and lessons creditable. Mr. Mcluiyie's room: Mnirgie Steinhardt, Dora Lane ami Ai:gie O'Mura. Miss FhilLps' room : DmiThor son, I'M a Jacob), MiiL'-'ie .lv', Fmini Miller, (irace FlsUer, Herman Wilde, -Maggie Thorson, Frances liaebel ami Mary Haelrel. Total number enrolled, (!.". Dick Lee, of Chicago, made a living trip to Hansom Tuesday to take orders for Tol man. George Steinhardt came hou e troin Chi cago Tuesday, lie says his 1 r .titer's eye is improving rapidly. H. S. Cafe is at home. We think Hob is too fond of h. 11110 to make a good traveling salesman. St i:ii"nni. The Carnegies, of Pittsburgh, have bought land within the city I'm its with a Mew of erecting two of the largest and tinest blast furnaces in the world, i'hey are putting up one of the heating fur naces in the world iu one of their Pitts burgh mills. Their Homestead Mill is turn ing out rj.),000 tons per year, their Edgar Thompson plant is turning out 000,000 tons, and their other two mills 100,000 each.tnak Ing a total of 525,000 tons. They have seven blast furnaces In operation live at Iirad dock, 12 miles east, which are turning out 250,000 tons, and two Lucy furnaces 100,000 tons. They need two more, and propose to erect then this season, and make them em body the very latest and best improvements lu blast furnace practices. I have been attHctwi with rheumatism for two years, especially in the shoulder. I obtained one bottle of Athloioros, took it according to directions and found im mediate relief from it. Lewis 1)1 iss, aged TS years, Mt. Carroll, Illinois. This season WW cars of orangeshave been shipped by Sacramento to the East. A special police force Is to be organized In Hhode Island to euforce the new prohi bitory law. Sugar, glycerine anil gum arable are the articles used to produce the glossy appeur auce of ink. At Petersburg. Va., stealing (lowers from graves has becine so common that the police have been com pelled to Interfere. A Mll.iliio-l.-e. The pimples that come in the spring, tra la, Are proof that your blood Is wt tight, fake ilixxi's Cvirsaparilla and Pills, tra la, And soon you will be free troiu your ills tra In; Then all will be merry ami light, then all will lie nierrv mid Unlit. And then you will feel like a bird on the wing; Your step will be light, and you 'll merrily rdng. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla, tike Hood's bar saparllla ;-r I laiples Uiat come In the spring. Si hah Statistics. -Tli world's pro ductlon of sugar is probably well toward eight million tons a year. Of this Hiitish India and China produces an themselves consumes over a million tons encji of cane sugar, their exports lieing small, and these of very low grade sugar. 1 he estimated product of all countries available for export was.lti l31-o. a year or Jartre production 2.1 02.(X)0 tons of cane and no less than 257,800 of beet sugar. It is estimated that the cane-sugar crop marketed this year will lucrease to 2,21,POO tons, and that the beet sugar crop will fall oil 520,150 tons partly the result of a lower acreage result Ing from the low prices of last year. Cuba produces more than a quarter of the whole export supply of cane eugar, last year's product being VI ,0U tons, wntle this year's- will probably equal lier largest crop (1875), wnich was 01)9,000 tons. Of this more than bait (In 1885, :j:i!),5:)(J gross tons) come to this country, wuicu gets half Its total sup. uly for refining from that island of revolu tions. Louisiana produced last year but il 4,000 tons but Its normal product is nearer 125,000 tons to which lexas, our other citiet sugar growing state, adds 10,000 tons more, rive otner .Mates contribute some cane sugar. 1 lie Sandwich Island crop, under the stimi'Iiis of the treaty which per- mlts its sugar to enter duty free, reaches Go.tiOO 'ons, but It is said that the available land, and the poor quality of native labor, the prohibition of Chinese, and the high price of white la!or, tlx the limit at the pre.-ent figure. Of the beet-sugar supply, Germany produced last year l,l. i,000 tons Austria .V7,000, Hu.-vda 1180,000, France 1125- (, Jielgiuin 1K, i i , and Holland 50 000 tons. Oar chief contribution to this crop is frun a Lftory at Alvarado, California, producing about 1,00'J tons but it is believ. el that this will become an important Pa cLk coast i:i.-!u.try. Ueet Migur is largely iui;io:ti'd into this country for refining pur poses, and we g"t also some date paliu sug ar, called coiniiiei'i lally "date Jaggn. Oiir yield of 111 ip'.f sugar, in which Ver mont still leads, w is about 25.!OU tons last year. Sorghum, although huge tjuantlties of syrup are made from the large acreage at the West, has not yet come into the mar ket as an important commercial souice of cryst.dliz able sugar, the largest crop having been but 5,000 tons; our scientific agricul turists, w ho g ive g.iod reasons for lookiug to this as one of the great American crops of the future, have yet to justify their faith by their works. The manufacture of coinnieVt ial glucose, or artificial starch sug ar, has of the late, years reached enomous proportions in tit is country, amouuting in value to a third of'ourcane-gugarcrop. H. H. iiowKEii, in Uarpcr'n Jftiytzinefor J tine. Colorado oilers a premium of $2 per hundred for every line of trees maintained along ditches, fences and highways and properly cared for. Stiefel's easy iltting overalls are sold by the best dealers in ull the towns around Cttawa. Hoses seventeen and eighteen inches in circumference are common products of Southern California. Not a Chinaman now lives in Lewis county, Wyoming Territoay, where there were six hundred a year ago. There are 6aid to be only 5o now remaining in Seattle. It costs Maine yearly about fd.OOO in bounties for bears. The town of Greenville, Motnehead Lake, leads all other towns in the bear business. Last year this town drew $:tlt) for sixty bears killed in its borders. The Chinaman is very fond of dress, and, though sometimes dirty in his habits, is scrupulously clean in his person. His relig ion enjoins vegetarianism and cleanliness. His remissness in the former matter is qual ified by his attention to the latter. A stick of timber lot) feet long and eigh- teen Indies at the butt anil straight as a pen holder was shipped from !ynria, W. I., last weeK. It wn the liuest piece ot tim ber ever shioned down the south and was intended for a liairstaff at Port Discovery. Until very lately only one copy of the first edition of "The I'llgriru's Progress was known, but recently two copies more have been picked up In London, at s'xpence each. One was immediately sold to the Urit ish Museum for t'05, and the other to a to a Loudon publisher for ,t"25. laiiliesl. Met hods of incasurinfi; Time. The story is that King Alfred has on bet ler way to tell the time than by burning twelve cancles, each of which lasted two hours and, when all the twelve were gone, another day had passed. Long before the time of Alfred, and long before the time of Christ, t lie shadow of the sun told the hour of t lie day, by means of a sen-dial. The old Chaldeans so placed a hollow hemisphere, wiih a bead in the center, that the shadow of (lie bead on the inner surface told tiro hour oftliediy. Oilier kinds of dials was alter ward made with. a tablet of wool or straight piece of metal. On the tablets were marked the ditl'erent hours. When the shado.v came to the maik IX., it was nine o'clock in the morning. The di d was sometimes placed near the gn und, or in towers or buildings. You set, in the picture, two sun-dials that aro ou the i ray and black .Nuunery in Utta wa, the capital oft aniida. 1 lie old clock on the cssiern end of FiiiHiiil Hall in Boston was formerly a dial of this kind; and on some of the old church-towers in England you may see them to-day. Aside from th3 kinds mentioned, the dial now in existence are in tended more for ornament than for use. In the days when dials were used, each one con tuined a motto of some kind, like these: 'Time flics like the shadow"; or, "I tell no Lours but those that are happy". But the dial could be used only in the day time; and, even then, it was worthless when the sun was covered with clouds. In order to measure tlie hours of the night as well as the day, the Creeks aud lvotnaus used the clepsydra. "The water steals away." A large jar was tilled with water, aud a hole was made in the boitom through which the water could run. The glass, iu these days, was not transparent. No one could see from the outside how much water had escaped. So there were made, on tho inside, certain mark that told the hour a the water ran out or else a stick with notches in the edge was dipped into the water, and the depth of what was left showed the hour. Something the iLr drorned into another jar in which a block og wood was floating, the block rising as the hours went on. Once in a while, some very sich man han a clepsydra that sounded a musical note at every Hour. From "Trim tine (V.- '." ''.' I'l'Kt'i'icK O. Matukr, in lfiiUr Scisnr M iii'il'l fu Jnf. r.xrltfint'ut 111 Teas. Ureat excitement has been caued in the vicinity of l'aris. Texas, by the reu.arkftble recovery of Mr. J- K. Corley. who was so lielpless he could not turn iu bed, or raise his head; everybody said he ws dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King s New Discover was cent him. 1 Hiding re lief he bought a large bottle nnd a box of Dr Kiug'sNew Life 1'illi: by ihe time he had taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained : il.ii-iv aii nnunds. Trial Bottles of ihis threat Distoverj for I Consumption free at D. Lorriaux. STI8ER & BRADT, Lock Itox 34, NTllKATOIt,lLL. PKALKKS IN I Hotel Anuunclutora, Ilunclar Alarmt, TUerinrtwtutH, DutU'rlen, Fire Alarm Aiimratua, Kleetrlc Door Brll. Gwt-llk'litliiM Aiiamtin, Wire, eUs. Work Done Neatly and Promptly Hr Write for partlculari ami priori. 1886. WALL PAPER AND Have just received their New l'atterns of WALL PAPER For tiia Spring TtJt-j, Uepresentiug tlio Choicest Goods of Four teen ditl'erent Manufacturers in the United States. These Goods have been selected with great care as to Coloring and Designs, and the prices will always be the lowest. MR. W.J.GRAHAM Has charge of this Department, and, from an experience of over fifteen years iu this business in Ottawa, is fa miliar with the tastes and wants of the people. WL EM t'LOY A NUMBER OK First Class Paper Eaugs and Dccoraturs And all our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. (JIVE I S A CALL. G--Z" Carriages, Buggies, Piiaetor.s, AND THK BEST Roatl Gar MADE. lnPult iiml exxinlnn our i.i'Ki- hm'U '.-.i net price li.-f.-ri' Imyln?. ICiinl t ;irls fro:n yli.lW to f ill 1. KACTOHV: ue bluck went clo(llco inn. iLi.rsoi. Silver Cloud Hungarian Criterion All Kmils of Electrical Goods JAMAH We sell direct to the consumer;-a saving of from 25 to 50c per 100 lbs. to them, rr mimnteed. It will pay to buy U.VCI Jf o i v fcj at the Mills. COTTON. DAWELL FOR SALE AT MILL PRICES BY W. C. RIALE & CO. m 1 1 t'AliilAi LU I I l N .-. IiKSl't 1 ilUI. : Kill front it(e- OK. SAI h. very rlmm in tuny I. 'ruin. on Oii'chiihI fi'iiin i.tilrmul rruMiin I Ct'pt one lot.) Aiwi ri'milfliir luta 111 , i lr .1, 0. II :i!- lNSUKANCK.. I KAN I) AC- roihpntilis hi i-urrrnt rnr.. Ki" m m- m t!mt la tlioruuKhl)' r-llbie mil on u. Our i,i:i i,vt i .iipan him more tlmu a iiil.limi uolwra; ..h,.- hmcovitr ten riiiihiina, anil y.M our rHti'a hp n . imi tlt nmu ottipra el"rK. Mi. J. 11. 11 1 KU's 1 so.N. . .Il fllH lu.Mt IOWA AND KANSAS, 13r, auil .inw arfli.. Soimm nf.i...i l in 1 K. AS, ARKANSAS, MISSOCKI l,nnl at wry li prlica. Ilia day of cn,tp l,tau r. -i.riil huw1i away: aagooila I d a ihrrr r In lit h i-ourrty ci ITwred. now b had at Iroru .UU to (A.O11 per u. . N la On LASALLECO.FAJtMS air all. tall aal Iimh oremHr lit ot h,nl n . (anna T)It. J.O. llAllMs ms. ' CITY LOTS, North. South, kaat anil anil et at all ,in,,f ri. i-va nuu ou raay (rt'dia. HK.J.O. llAHUlh mS. DWELLING TROPLRTY In all purtaof lliocltr. for rli li mi,. I n.u,r i 1..,- unce. Come and ace. IIU. ,1. t. II Ailltls i. SON. The Finc-lirptl Tiottlna: Stallion 11 mm J UI m:ii;.' tti.- WM.011 of s- in f.ill.nm: On M,iwl:.v I ii' I ;-!,Wy .md ut io lt-.i 11 ,,ri!. .iu-ry si.i:.l.' ,. ,. , . !.. I ii, I .: ,,,.,, ,,,.,.., lay mil I lnnl.iy i,i Hi.' (' ifi.m llulcl llurii, i Ml IHh ' full- ' .' 1 1 t'i an-uri'. u. s. .ii.i!i;ur. . . " ' .I w t: ii. niton y, M.nnWr. laiolil. for n Itulldlnic I8x leet, tdrcady liuuicil. S I s, sr i:,lil inn, mficrs, l..i, hfciinr. slillii. iirnl i Ini'h p unk for the II, n r. ,lu! i In- tiling for a !.,( hurri or i.Mf hlorj h iue. Will sell Ilia w l.oli- ut a liarK'nin t.-K' t II out ot Ihe . SI. OSM.IN, iniiyir. i ii laws. Short Horn Sals. Tlie sutn-rrihiTH will hi-11 at public cat , 'i Wi-dnn iliiy, llii' y(t h ihiy of Mny, cuikiim'iciii' t 1 n'elm-k m 1 hi' I arm nt .1. X. Diininmy. Ti unit's n rh of (Htuwii mill mil.' Kcstiif licvU'aeniMiiiiKoii Kov IHvcr branch i f (.'. II. A l. I. I;.,-- U I liivnl f I litiioii'litire 1 Slmit Hum Pui s, friuii S to IS III'. 11 1 hf nl.l; i-xim Koil HllllllilN.ol I lie i, in cut bi"! IuvpiIiiij:. Ti um. a 1 T'-iilt r Ktx month wIP ! fctveii, on ar iMinl unti l. Iii iinni! kix n r cent. Intercut. I.UMI'll lit 14 il'CllK'W. A.lilrrMi fur cnmluKUe, K. C. I.t'WlS W. .1. NKhl.V, . . J- -N- DfNAWAV. A. C. Mi INTIKR. Olt.ll.'.. 111. Aueihiiieor. in i3 3w WALLACE LIBBEY & LIO BKEEDKKS AND SHIl'I'EIiS UV Clyde, English & Horman WOP 9 HEREFORD CATTLE ' ' " " . ? 'n,rA.itVi-.;.,?,n- i:jP ' - - A.' ft Poland-China and Jicrkshire SWINE. 100 POLAND PIGS For tills Scusnn'a Trudu now reaily for sale. A l.irae nuTiilicr of inlnm:iof enrb of ttii.lii'vebrw.K of nil hui'k kd'I (( sex., either giiiilcn or tliorougli. brcils, Hlwuvsn!' (iiitul fori..ik liMcc!ioii of FtiH'lv it.'s-lr '.. Furm. five ml!rs soilth t in ' 1 " 11. 1 ! Ho' 'rj H vltiiiwa llli liult. S03ST. 0 J SMUPLE TREATMENT Ml La (hi c nit. vul BUl jFLGUR nMiT mn miL i u low