Ixcnrslon L naiuw". ..
- lnna.
The Illinois Central U. H. will run an ex-
o.,r,i,, in Hammond, Louisiana, leaving M
sallo .1 1:0--. P.m., June 22, 16. Fare
. .i i -in onlv Simla. Koiuru
HA-.!. .rood for 80 days. St'op-overa grant-
..i . m n.Mnts eouth of. ond including
Cairo.' Hammond' is the Louisiana land
' point and winter rescrt now attracting ho
much attention throuptimii me norm-ov.
Now U the time to vitit Hammond and
. , make purchases before the advance in real
.... ,i i,oi aura ii, rorae in the fu-
lum iff o"" v
ture. For circular entitled "A Northern
Man 8 eriicl oi iiammonu, w .
undersigned at Manchester, Iowa.
J. F. Mkkih,
" Gen. Western Paw. Agent.
- - -- ,
IVr (happed hand-, face and 1 !--. u.-
Kal xletuia. 25 cents, f K. Y. Orlggs.
; IJu Mill's Arni'-a Salve. .
The bc-t 6 ike in the world for rut. I n i i ,
gores, ulcers, f-alt rheum, fevr soren, U-tier,
. i. J J I.-... I- ,.1,111.1.. mil. ro.rlis and Ujl HKIfl
1'IIlVi'eu nine. , - --
jrimtioii., and positively cures piles, or no jm)
rt-ir.rcd. It is guuranl. i I to ijivi- porfc. t rat..
ishiotam. or tnotiey refund! d. I'rl'-c ',.ccnw
jvcrhox IV aide bv L. J..rriaux.
Oatitain Anderson, f tlw Hiitish
... i . .i . ...I 1-.I. I. ....I., i..rlii.!l in ..i-
Yoik, .(.ported a peculiar thunderstorm on
Apd! '.'T, while -in tin northern edoe of 'the
Uu!f Stream. The sky was ;u'.te dear ut
the time ami the sun -l.5tun.-i ULditly, id there, appearc-i : le n thin mist
about the the ship Suddenly M e -o ;ipp u l
a vivid llisli of li-,'htnln,r. v pu.i.'d by
violent thunder. The cm
,Ut vilirt' perceptibly t r
111! II'..'. 'S.
pa-s was fa-i-oii
i pi riod of tll'een
II II. r.rmnwi II .V. , li Ho's.
I .en liiijf Fine Ftirrie.--. have ju.-i opened,
ivc-iemon vvtth their l;.r.i' lur bu-iness,
! i'tnte .street (ne;ir the I'.ilmer IIhihc,
,:.ii.,), the hirent at.d liiic" lino -f lm
in e.
I'd Ohici
g.-e !
I Millinery ever pli'wu ttc-t. I'ur
readers .-hoiild jie llii in :i c ii;. ;m they
-.1 ways rely uut frii:i!y t'.r -t cl.i.s
i :it "1 j.ular l'l k" . '
Tlie Did SnI ltr.
whh iiiea-nrt' in t!if
;ts a whh niea-urt' in I'-wiou.-a
in the home .r Olsai-i'-a i.otueder'i'e m-j-
dieri, uenr lUchmowt 'a. Some time no
the Swift Stiecitic Co. reri-ived a renuewt
fi r a 'lotintioii to the Inmate", whh ii wan
ft-n' (,'yl. JameH Pollard, superintendent
of th liotne, writes un.ler Jatn of Dec. 25:
""t : ur ni-'dicine has caused tiuite an ex-
i'f.i -tit in our home. The innuti's '.vho
Lu-.c .een u-iit.'' it fin ! great relief"
C.Mr, SoI.ML'U'8 Homk.
1!: iimom), a., Dec. 1"), 18S5.
I lii-rehy certify that 1 have taken two
of Swif. s ifei iiic, auii have derived
: t-:J"rsly heoetit t herefrom, and would
t. cbttin some at-re, for I helieve
c t:.e.
Joii- A T. E ain'i,
II k !i N". .'Cothuan lluudiai;.
i.y.t C'vr. SoUJIEKC HhMI',
I tr- irvoMt, Va , IK. 15, liii. ter.Ify 1 Lav Uknti three
:vrs of" Kwlt i Spfn'ifc t'r vcnn i.tiy
1'. i-A-ln. and l.uvo derivJ -'p'at le'ttt
i: li h f . tntjfh better than jfta-Oi or any
i'... .-; rt-t..-- iv 1 Lav; ever
II V WisnKin, M. I) ,
. KyrmeThr of shs l- , W
Ti-iiti-e on lilmul atd kln DiMae.-)
rx.'tii5 f;ea.
ffrr-SwTTT'Srmnr To , Drawer :!, At
lanta. On. New Yotk, 157 Y. 2:id St.
hy i itHNTK'E 3in.ruii:.
Tun At'TH v
It. IJ-11114 Rl
I J not Ihiult Mutt; "crushing lilmr." r
Miey Hi t!i -i;i, me lelt. in thi'if lilll'-sl fire.
wiiM lirt. il.'liv'ii' I. A w.nuhl in it vit t!
i.trt 'ii-y uu 1 it. lir-.t. lull liMh' :o i Pi ;'.
aiv ofl.ii r-'jn s.'iii'o-l iti ovrivli' lniK I iti"ti
di.iMjr iy Mi-tdoa ti-jwi at any great iulmim
tiiiiM K.f.ii' it I kieiw hy hiniivi1 ("cp -rieu
ill HI'll. Iiiattcl', t!li "oveiA !iel itiil.;,"
"ci ; .!.i' i;;," n joiiiiii pro 'i'ss iii ly h arilly
co'n.-i, mi, v. 'tli tint I'-coption of iti ii'twa.
It iift i:' '! iii1 nun I .viirUiiii jirn
nf' that, ri'i-i-; t It 9 IlliS'iy. Ii--.Mii
l" ir'ijml -lirii ovir art I over, ti t Mi vim
iti v'l v. iiii'Ii -ar c.ila in ty n lei . l, lm ,
I'.imr.V P.vli, vie-vl in all nun in- of
C.I..H.-., v. i h i'i i vhi i hii lira's nid
.si: I
i!i ..
In i i
t! .J .
li - i
i in n' il oct ition in .-li n i. ..r !; il.ii
Tlii' piiviM ar lli sum lm' t!iy
k'to 1'i-ntit.dvfi oi -li.-r -ai,
Tl.i-i til ly .Hi foi iI.'t .'H, '.v -!;s,
I ov - 111111 ! in ui ii,- y
.III t i Vhr'ain;!v'iM, when til 'il-;..' it.
ul -i' l -li (I I Ml.' II "IV'i'll, I iMll l..l
. f..:( lilt -ick -Mt-'l-.v ii ,1, t tirt I ll Hi,
t III. Il.l lt,.l JVllj. 11 .1 t.-
.ll Kill.
Th oa!y me in of i ! i -f w o il I
.ai Mm,iiu'i..(.
l.'iif.i;f;'!y i -h' iniM.-i,
! nuj.i, tt, w.! he li.iiii.vili
.in..' inni 1.
.M- V'i-
1'wf' ir eh-nU imV !rii'ii., .u-.n.-t mil
...,( jvj.j (!iat'ir tUtnu.v.'lvc aa I coni.i
V i ;t .ure ff i to li t;i." o. a if uient i!
at'.i: I'.nia, wh.'ii mill. U' will urrlv i . mi h
'm i 'U an 1 ili-xt't ity h to lm nMa to tni
i.' i M-onl-h from tin I riin n tlwy Wi.mll a
n.'- . - l.ill Irani th haa 1 an I i - 't a'a
a! ... it. al pli' tsnin!
1 lil le.t. ga ho ll' imniodi'it i'.Y oft-T
IV. a:e '' depn " n r i finn t'i itor . I 4ji:it
t!i. ATi.-rti -eta w-mlirm; .ivp
(ful'-.'i, lltl I lnoimtain -nnywh.r.1 v t
I 'v. i. out of nielli aid KO'iti l of hnniati
I".; i J tioli n i Mi.i?,ht. it jih y-,i.-iil "-. r
ti 'i I flml ul. any iiti I of InNir- tli.i
u::-i'i if i k, t!i iri atiiu "I kIiovmN, fit
ra,i...,;of lytitilix I a tliirl! ts, ant plmifj. I
'.i i- ..a -li indirat.iom of hiiiimn pretm.-e
in'.. Utf (k')ii gmwtili of clnitjiaril. '
1 ii ,. J o .f. then m-'t lily diva's!. i.i-ry I
hvt it?y.i r tvpt.stai!i tne- .i,n in
iia'i' il. I! an h that nlie ul) k'j.i iM hivo
tri! .i- roil lama-'d mo without a lipsriiiu'
l ie '- - ii. a certain luioyanev an I tia"i;-x m
in ti ;'i.i' ioil It in xi-ver.-il ile,ni aiov t dit--.oy,;
(! nt and d ;.nir.
I'. ... ..Iki nnu.l .loenii t Mvr. apalik of en-
V r-i m,ii fully inure Uiao on (tintioa at
on ' .', v.hnu ray indignation had worn
off i . S.u-4.nle otlj"r etnolionvi (-n!iui.;ucijd
th.- - filVtrT'TIj"y tM'iuil all ilisirou4 of
'Li.iwti a trhack" at me.
I over wordc" at ft ai.-h"' midden ).'
pe; ut ciiri(-ty to n-'jiUiu ho lii
beii J of ma aa I tint (m uJil.-nu a ;.ainst me,
ar.l i 'ii;. wiiMnu reytilleaio!i tnat Hie aunt Jin InU ur freraeut1y visit'ol in tirw
V. -ic ; by nama Iatt, and that prola!.ly
Jftvl 'i viti. i, ir bUiilMiii L I camr at iaat
to nix If the tijrnw Ifanfha Hfknu of
Js.!-!-' ri.'f for iU 'a, j I at mj
. . I I niiih.
dwpafr thla last, prop wm fliri' vo sud.1"n?y
takon from me. F-verythin Holid eetned to
have tuuiMeil from under me. 1 wiui alone
n nd friondlf-w amid hUsjdi'iou, Ki-iwltu
prejudice, avert') 1 fa--es, whlstered lien, and
liuck of all tlujrto sto-id the Ix-im; on earth I
most loved, traniform'.'.l lit onca from nn
ani;.'l of mercy into an uupityiiiij;, and int
tuken juile. ' 1
Them, were my thmihts for. daya and
nihU '1 hey were my company a numor
oiid and busy crowd. They war) kept all va
by tin f replant hiht of Elatfrhii uliout
PratiN oaliln. Miiw was hut three hiiiidrod
yards diRtnii?. tsho li.-nl a house put up for
her own aivoiimiiidat ion. For asHLstautii hho
Int. I every man oil the Mar save- myself.
Tho crowd wtu alinolutidy hungry to do
Bomethiiii for Miss Hi-ftox Tho area on
w hich her cluUi-covenxl houso was eteeb'd,
aloncKidn of fratft, wn-s levelm! aa if by
mai-'. If Miss Si;ft.)ii wishe l it liowliler
pitclnsl out. of tho way they were ready and
linblo to removo a hundreiL olunteera
wmit iii the mountain, cut yoim sapliiiis
ami, built la-r fx fmica. , Frail's well
i-aiied and deepened,
Fffty iiH'ii witb picks an I shovels clear "I the
trail .'i'lin from hcr'n-siili iicc to the store of
intercrplin;; rs ail 1 impcdiiib' liowlders.
oni) evening after kno kin o!T work from
tlex-laiius, n pliyvjical inference that in their
eslini-itiiin, Mis S -ftotj would probably want
often to "fro liofiln, or pcsilily drop
down of tin evening and have a chat with
the boys. If M n N.-Uuii h id desired the
enormous built or Senih mountain to ho re
moved, 1 tliinli the mutter wouM have Iki ii
Kerioii-iiy In nil this Mr. Wil
liam Softer wis Mm lady's -.elf cout.illlf.ivl
rii-ht. hand man, an I even while working on
lits claim w i wild In- sei.eil wiili .-pa -m of an.'c j
iet.y nn I solicit,! le in In -r lu ll ill', an 1 ru-h u.i
tol'ralt's in a chronic .-tale of fu-s a!nml.
Hii.i do liltlen.' s.
Why did I not seek nn lnt"ri".v will;
I'.l.-mclic and endeavor to just it v myvlff I
did make the at temp'., or inJh.-r paved tin
way for one. owe I h'-r III re - h. indeed do
1. 1 rs. I sent Ir-r tin money utli inten-it
d'l", Miroii;ii l'.a-i!;in, e laiiiin;; to him t,ii(
ciivniic.tanc -s nn 1 -r which the deht was con
tract. -il. Tlii i" emirs'.'. Id. 1 1 1 i k 1 1 inton
p n ' inn of inv seeret. Kort imaf "I v, he was a
man who 'ullld k"op (H'cret-. lie rea!i'-i'
t!;ai there m monov in this kind ol l.nnkius
nl.-.i, mi. I (hat ca-li alld eoillldence oflmi 1
t . lo r.
Hi- inanncr toward tee !n thi.s liii-iness wa
nerlous and ciiiisid(rn'e. II-' seemed to re
sH"t, the hti'vleii ho kii-w I wius carrying
mid h was oil" of th fewwilhu iiiitul in
hei '-ntly judicial that d( mauded dear pro
before any conviction.
I felt for a while relieved eft' r having in
trusted (his commission to Itankin. Ilosai
tome nothing of tho I'ratt naitter. lint,
thoughts enn be felt, I know that hn sympa
thized to some extent with my louuiome an.: rul ile -ii 1 1 in 1 1 oi.
lilancho sent buck, throii,'li Itankin, only a
formal receiot, for th" money. To my n
quost for an interview i-uo mado the follow
iiig reply:
"I would ptrr not to s you nn.h'r
present cireumstaucei.
Ko mntteri went or. for eiht or ten days
TVoencr contimi" J a' '-eat. Did i find an
ro:ijolalioa in thu thonlil Mint, he nii.-lil, b.
niiserahle in not lindiui lllan h at Marys
villof llut wliat itlaneli'f His or miu), I
wa nl k mt to say. Th - man h 1 1 bcou so roM
rent on th milijivt. all 1 F!ati 'In h r-solf boiu;
h-nueti ally sealed aa in t n: t was still i
li nil it- whother tiie i.ini i next il x r wna III
one I hud wim iu th - pi a .' or not.
I ciild not visit the .-toro. Ilia' was n'
place for me. My work at the ' M ink" vfiw
nufU (lou. I kept at work on the rivet
chihn. making sit or ivh! dollars per day
to whicli 1 was pHrfwtlv in-liferent'.
niv Ki,ition while at vvorli j;.ive mo frispi.-n
i;limp--s of liiuuch'i aa alio tlil'.od in Iht n a
uioi iiing druM botwudn her own leiiiso am
I'ratt's.l Sho wui a rare Rpectaclo to tin
niiiicrs vthotvo chiUns command ) 1 a view o
t lie sr nation. I Kjr.v Mem ot times eepln(
at Ii.t frnm sundry ynntao poiuU, as ohi
tripH-l nhout., displaylti"; at t-ltiuu aulipiurex
foot mid m at ankle, wlitell culweil many i
heii'.-y si-h.
Why not write hurt I did write her ai
on pa;ir, telltn the wholi Btory, (lotjiiline; al
the mis !- of my situation, upbraid iii(i lm
for her injn-tieo and cruelty, and liesoirhinj
h a' for a iK't sonal tntervie.v. But. there wa.
do lwal iostofileo delivery on Uiill liar
l'jiukia was the only one to wliom 1 eouk
Intrust thivo .letter. That would ravnal in.
to him too much llio mppliunt. Sj I wouh
keep (ho li't.ler, 1 re-read th -m. 1 found
Iheii, one ton harsh. 1 throw It in tho lire
1 he next was too huail'l". too MuppIieaMn.i
I throw that in thi tiro Wit Inn tweuty-foui
hours after writing, and th" mood 1 com
jn'siil in had en ilod o.T, Tcould not Hud on
of the rlht tone and teaip r. There kvih"
no hitting tho "Holdall moan." So they al
went iu the tire. On the who'o, I um di.sio-(
o think that as ijood a de .t mat ion m any fo
'opious and exuheranl. love 1. Iters - and, liki
miu ', before delivery. If you don't ihiuksi
read your own, say thr-e years old, and loo
tii" self that fo'e Me nn ul I hat time -I raih
In the f.-i'-e, mi I U!ll mo yom' dWiU rat'
'ipilil. n of linn
I "I'tiin ll iiiliiu I ascertalne I that Pratt la
lno-t of Mm tunc in a con lit i .u l.lsci inj; o:
Uiieonscionsii-'ss. ltd had, he viiil, "lit up" I
I il t If tt Dl in 'li arri . aL .She, bo added
was a "luilly nurse."
'What d n the do 'tor s;iy of himl" I;
"I Hi, sometbin; scienti i '," hn auswotssl
" ll i s le.'irne I mil. of his ImkiIcs th'i
iml.ddv can make head nor tail of. looki
pi otinmd to lniio'h, e-pe.'ially vhen he Utku '
ids whisky. It's li,. -'.ii., you know. '
ll was a i'.iaiuf Mindiuti that Haukit
had resume I ihis vein ul talk with inn."
i)ii. m li ning 1 f jund pinned to my door f
Hole withoii; signal lire, Icarin Mjese word
"Itetlor 1 'iivo IJtill l!ir. Troiililo hrewiu
for cu."
I felt that this was a friendly warning
from Koikm. 1 felt, a'. o, it .r'.rn led nouii
hi'erel "v ig.lanle" l-u-inevs ivyanlnij; my
What to do I knew not. This waa a nowui
Maokness to the cloud. 1 w ns greatly dls
tin-In d. 1 was, 1 own, terribly afraid of tin
tro'ilile h-'i n;ti''i over me. I r. ali.-'d full)
Mio ti tiip'r of the lime. 1 kii 'Whovv iihi
were (lra.;o from their Us Is niul iiti
liiiili outiii;lit or Imn up until they con
t-.-srd. So had tiiey done to Jo Hatch tin bufoiSs U iiiisc Jo, n. poor, whisky
bo..k"d w to, eh, was sus;'ct(v of the robber
o( n store safe, in w hidi sundry minors kepi
Mleil dust by favor of the slorekft'lier. Ji
w tU iio'. C'MifoM. il.t-pl-e Mils horrible tor
ti.-e. and n few montiis ul tern aid tho rua
pllilideivi-s wore ruveale I.
1 mill, I not p;ot away. My obligations U
liiss'iiei- forhalnit. 1 her n ij the houst
ttl l.iint twenty thousand dollars' worth ol
iUt;'t.',. ,..t kuo.viii hat aH;lit linpou I
l.uiicl this under tLo ll.tur. .xt day il
occuiae t to me that "uiidur Iho Iloor" had
Imx-oiiim coniinou ii biiryi'sS K ot foi
t.'i a-ure.'"na I was, of nil plitc, th llrst to
Lul..'H-Iynnywins;ies.'.!, 1 knew not
.' what linlit tiapH.i. or ho.v lon Kroolioi
! niilit le absent So 1 dujr it up waul buried
it nt inpHit in a nook lUioiit the rabia
Then J-left ia no'a fortliroi-uer.lintlinaUni!
that iilca-eof my abm 1 would aovounl
to liiin rer)iutlly for whatever he might tlnd
uosiL H h;'t I dkl jut cUoum to oai tijt
1 did not trust tba saerednesHof a scr.kd not
to all in 1'lJ) I Jar.
I wns roughly shak -n by the shoulder an(
ordered tsi j't iii! They had stolen into tin
house in the dead of niht. As-lit Miroul
the clolli si o was all tl;e actiu! Lit aliinj.
iu'' ticeovsary. There were bix of them
kcd. "Ley said uothhi '
ic-s ordered tn yet ti n.
In two minutes I was out-id" Mi
m-c tr
I lie t'
the hand-of my raptors. TJe-y took
a deeply .-Imded hollow i;i the hill
hall a mile i.'i-ia-it L'oiii ea-t from
n ..ii'itain. it'll the ( ni ( 1 1 r
srttlisl i.. inriM have lieeii (hri-t 'i
I o
-(.me pri't me nfewl
in t. riri-c'i da h o! inl'.-ri'.nl Ihiv
,.., will
to ive it
a I .;.'.. Mat there h;ui Le.-u no t mie at Mull
Mar f. ii si i' h .! hc.iie s! n lin rs in c !-' -.-ion.
Th.'V went din - My t.. Mi.' id it mil .-a1!" 1 it
"ihli'- Hollow." Hoii.ddy de -r;, i-d il wa
a hole, p'i!ii.s half aa acre in nr. :i. tho wall
oa thn.v of it.-iri-eetil.'ir -id-J U ia.' oC ovor
ban -,iiij; rock. Their sumniiN, thirty or
forty fee! in IcflUt. w.-ro tbiekly s rcencd
l y hu-hes. S.vfin the ditiH-ti'tu by wliLh
it w i "lit 'led. th"!P was no si;;n of t'u' sud
den dei'i-essi ci nnt. i on" 'atiio to Uu- ver,
of the' (iv-.-i-r.H.kiii r it.
I sai l i
Any ap c;
lli.'ii. Him'
taking Mi
iticiii win..
on the wnv thither
for jus
r humanit v. I Mi"ti;:ht
be a t- d on men w ho wen- M in
law in th"ir own bauds, more l
rratilv tin ir own brutality t mm nil .'lit el-o.
I 'all a doe; ma I, raise a hue and cry after
him, itnd y .u furi-Lsh rare sxrt for a clas
U'nd of iinv i veil e for htoiiiu to dcaMl any
il. o , mud or not ma I.
'I hat poitionof Hull IJ'ir rejiroscnt.l by
my six luidiii'bt judges and juroi-s were
liimry for a "little fun." A man had been
call.-d, if not m id, (l ui ;eroui. They were
alxiut M;e irood woi k of relieving their com
inimity of thole; ror, and having some, in edisl
re-v a'iou U-s.d.'.
llowf My an ou'ra-e and dLsfrraee, they
proposed putting on me, worse tluiu death
Tln ir fir-;' act on nrrivins at the Hollow
was to kindle a lire. '1 h olfeet of tho plan'
on rock, bru-h atid mii.-kisl na n wasd 'cidedlv
dramatic I tliink the' romuiitUsj" were alive
to .-if h impressions also iu their own crude
w ay, as gallic: isl trom uro-lM-fpa. lereii
novels or blood s!niii"( plays, for their pro
eisslini were mark d by u certain delilier.i
t.on and irofo-app1 formality. They intended
making a ni;;ht of it a'so. Uf this th surest
ev ideiii-e was the gallon demijohn carri'.sl liy
one of tho ";nmi t.-)."
A kettle was p'.n ssl over tho tire. Shortly
a n -in. his odor rx-Tvn led tiie air. Their in
tent th -n ll.t-h.'d on me.
Tar ii ud feathers!
it seems as if the siirit of an event and its
results for u year in udvau-.a,' can U) felt by
one In a sin;;e motivnt. So, as if by a flash
of liehtniii'.;. did I m" myself Uto dj-rae-wl,
sot ndrift, wandering in that ' retched, hu
miliating jiJieht over tie' Jund, not daring to
ciit.r villnji" or town fnf r.f pure.-hamo, pos
sibly i'oui.-.'Jivl at last from physical ex
hnlLstion to throw;' on the mercy of
some one and in the etui to Ixi jKiinhil at
ever afi'Tward hs one so disra-'ed, and
liable, go w lleiv I inilit, to U) n,veuUsl by
some nnsid'e-ome tattler. As I saw this, one
in-tiiiet mid emotion d iiu revenge
oil these vill-iins.
I said: "Now, men, if you do U me what
I we vou m -ii'i to do you'd 1 ter kill mil
first, for us sure as you disgrace mo in that
way, and leave me nlivo, ju-.Jt so sure will I
spoud Mi r- i-t of my life ui yctt ins; even with
y il. M'l vU' 1 don I know you , but I'll try
mid lind out, and if I do 1 11 have your
heart's blood, every one of you. Now Iki
cap-fill, for it's not such a light matter to
start a man out for life with blood on his
brain, es you'll stirt me if you do th:s thitVi
to ni"! '
There but one reply from the evident
ina.-b'i-of ceremonio;. Tlint was, "(iaI'' A
wad of cloth was thrust, in my mou'.h. I
cue smI at the I'-ader, I'n.m his hei"h'., desjiito
an a Oen lol tlie suouluei'd. l iook
him for "l.oiur Mac."
The party th"ii rairj'-i theinsolve hi lino,
froiiMn ni", mi l one, in a I Iti. k. iini'iiblin
voieo, pi(s i. led to inform mo that "Tin
Cniiimitt.-c , f Me.-hty I! ;;h Minders had
ihou-hi it U'st b.r th--ool of Hid! Itirto
start Johu lb-Id- r oir of it. and abo that
for the yoiuitf mail's kkk.I, and n- a ti k n of
reinemiiraiice, the coinuiit t.-e, in U half of
tho liar, would present the aforesaid John
Holder with an entire new suit, which they
tnistisl ho would !on;j wear."
"So mote it Uv" cried all. -imiiltaueoasly.
The next, order wa-;
"Hefri"shmeiitiv!" And the demijohn nain
travidisl a!on Mm! lin'.
The next word was "Hus'iness !" 1 was or
derisl to take oil' my idotjios
"What urn you tfoiii'i to do with that
niuuf ' The voire was, that of a It
W.'dif me
;,on 0noif7
fo do iriZi that
limn T '"
came from the top of th" clilT opposit( the
iiiere. cjaii la into nml thit.wn by
tin Maw In full n lii f nnast tU dark Uu.k
irrouinl of foliage. stiM a female llgnro.
Sly own lirst thought was, a Kho-t! A
timilnr thought prr'nili! nith the nrty.
Not a word was Kpt'ki u for imitt ksmhI.
Tbey stool there wilont n,l stmlng.
"What aic jou gdiin t.i do with Uial
tTlAltf' a t n alt.Mt in.ll iL. . la..
WW-io i .louf io,' r
rorotten his as:-umed voice.
"No matter who I am. now, Mr. Softer, I
i -in-tin I your roh'xso of tiiut man.'' was the
"Il's the pal at Pratt's!'' a voice,
wh. h 1 ieco(,'niod as Lotus Mmt'a.
The ghost was laid. Tho committee felt
somewhat easier. Still this was a serious in
terruption to "business.''
'Mi-s, we ain't agoing to do the young
man any hurt," said one of the committee,
the readiest nt recovering his w its. "We're
only hero for a sociable little -time and "
"That's a lie!'' came from Mlaucho's lips
with a viejor which savored of her piratical
"Miss, now you'd letter go home,'1 said
Long Mu", in tho tone ho would have as-
taimed toward a chil 1. "This is no place for
you. I wond.-r you dare yourself in
thrup woods, where there's bears and C'ali
forny lions '
"Hoars," answered Td'auche, contempt
uously. "AH U'lii-i are not grizzlies! I
know you mean that man some mischief.
Now, release him."
"Shan't do it," roared n gruff voice. "Oo
homo yourself. I'.f you was my wife or
darter I'd start yo blamed quick where yo
U'lon ;. Ho aim-it. yer bini ss!"
"That's ju-t what 1 am doin," replied
She had a weapon from Mi" folds of her
dross iu a Iw inkling, its shinin.; barrel lla-h-ing
bv iho lireliht. before the eves of the o-s-toiiislnsl
parl y below.
"Th" llrst man of you that moves hi- hand
for his weapon and I'll tiro in'o the crowd."
said slie. "I think I can h.-indl this pistol
well t ii. tit-1 1 for that. They rail d me n ";ois
-hot at the gallery in New York, and Iliad
smaller turrets and much farther off than
those I have now."
"J'.y she's g, .t t lie drop on u -., nn' she'll
do as she say.-," niudercd one of the eoui
mi'.te", who now seem I to b-"l uiieinuforl
able; "it's in h'-r rvv."
As Mie pa:-;y s(o, with the li;-;' b'li-tiiii
! tiiiiil thoiii, their figures were thrown in
bo! 1 relief against its 1 i rl it, nud the lca-t
movement was vi-il.!" to r.laache.
"Now, geiplriiii'ii." she continued, "busi
ness, you 1 now. 1 :-llpo-e veil think tills i-s
nil very wrote: for a wotn-iu. Hut as there
svfm.- no man h-'fe to ta!;e a ilffenselos-
man's art, w by, a vo nan had to do it.
Whatever John lb.', l a has d nc, w acMi"f he
li guilty or not. of the charges again-t him.
is n il to be found out liy takiiii him iro n
his lie I nt ii'iibi an 1 carrying him into Mieso
wools to maltreat and torture him. 'I'll it's
n.ither ju.tiie, fairness, nor decency,
and you gentlemen know it now
that oii take a moment to think it
over. Would you do what you propod
to do to him iM'fore his mother?!
Would you do it before your own mothers?
You have forgot'en yourselves, geiM lemon. kettle of tar and go homo,
and you wiH bs l more like men (o-inorrow. "
The committee were irresolute. Ulatichu
stood there rigid, her eye upon them and lie:
pistol ready.
Tho ton-ion was becoming painful. N(
jury's verdict was ever more eager!,
"t'onui, gentlemen, you will take the gai
from that man's mouth and then leave him,'
she said, in ueee'its more winning than those
in which she had lirst spoken. You will, I'm
"lift Hie gal have lu r own way," said one.
This repression of opinion was as the lirst
crack iu the dam to ln un lerniine I,
"Don't believe iu bein' humbugged by n
woman,'' was the remark from the commit
teeman, who had previously 1 roiched his
rigorous views as to marital and family dis
cipline. "Won't she rouse the whole 15 ir whet h"r
ve go or licit ,' Anyway, I've got enough for
one night," w as the reply.
She did not stir from h t post or uncock
nor pistol. Evidently she h Id herself in
I dullness cither for w ar or p 'r.-ua-ioti.
Some on" pulled the -.-a.; from my month.
The committee tiled slowly out of the hol
low. One ha.-tilv returned, remarking ns he
glanced up at lilauche, " 'Scii-e me, miss, but
wo lorgot tins,
and bore it off.
"Mr. Si-1'terl
Soft'-i- forgot
tuo deuiijohu
'' called out
h's disgu's -
and s'optxsl.
"Why, it is really you, Mr. Softer," sail
r.l.'iuolie. Softer pul'e 1 himself up for an
oilier start, ns if lie was anxious to get away
from the o adiy of so many blundering self
revolutions. "Mr. 'softer, when next you
organize a coil-piracy remember that the
it nils of cloth houses near together have very
large ears 'hat is, when u woman's inside
one of thein," was IJIau. lie's parting remark.
"Yes'm," answered Setter, ill the t i'io of
corrected i mid, as no went stu timing o
with the demijohn.
Th.-y werego'i". P.I-mch and mys- lf stood
facing each oth -r. Th" situation was euibar- I
ra-sing. Perhaps some lingering li.-ud of like
s.1irit with the committee popimd into my I
hoail the thought : Should I now exclaim in
the of the old fn-hio:ic 1 nov !. "My pre-1
wrvrr! How can 1 thank you.'" etc. I xs
Irritated now at being "aaved" by Blanche 1
Seftoll. "
Hut 1 had soon to do something. I noticed
that liia-i
was tin do-id v on her feet. She'
caught nt a s
ipliug, stood iiiero a moment,
and Mien -at ilo-vn.
She was suiieriug from the ordeal she lul l
undergone and tho nervous r.-laxalion that
must follow such extreme tension.
I oii,,.l i ln r'lifl Kiimmit Sho w.'is nwi';
almo-t imni'le lo siau. I, nn-isaui on my proiier
of a-ssistance: "You must sosj mo homo, 1
To bi Continued.
Purify Your IMoo.l.
Among Fpring preparations, do not ne
glect that which Is most important of all
your own body. During the winter the
bhiMl absorbs many impurities, which, if
not expelled, are linb'e to break out in scrof
nla or other disease. The best sprlnirj
medicine Is Hood's S irsap irma. itexpeis
every impurity from the blood, and gives
stro it'th to erery function of the laidy.
Sold by ull druggists.
TIip Joliof Manufacturing Co.. WeilnH
ilnv Hied a bill in th riilted S'ates circuit
court 1 1 re-train the- K-ystone Manufactur
ing ' front an infringement of A. II.
Shrelil t's piteot on his improved corn
aliening in hc Iii no.
If your have a cough or cold, do not dose
vi.urs.df with poison-ms nireoties, but take
Hod Star Cough Cure, which contains no
opiates and is safe, prompt, and bUte.
Price, twenty live cents a bo'.tle.
. -
A'tiVn engineer wints mining compi
nlento be compelled by law to put d.-wn
bore holes, fr m the surf ace of the ground,
nt iir.iat.-r or less l-it-rv ils over the entire
' . .n.. . ....I..J,lil ti. .t lii
dounta of iiunas. ui" " '- "."" "
very fxnensive to putda, an I ci'ild be
sunk with aiv r ispecting well or oil rig.
ti l 1,1 "l. lanr.. n ioti;!l to C'HltHin a
tulm twoor three iivh-s in diameter,
good valves at facli an I. This plan, wi-ri
lm think, would do aw iy wltl part of the
risk that miars i ler,' ) from being I n
prlarmeby cave in.
8 " 81-71 TKE t""'-OT " Vi-FN-tiy
For Palo;
Cures hlir-in-iitrnn, r.( urctg.i.
i.'hnMi.-. vii on . To-xunr:...,
Siinen-, lli "l-r.. lr.,i (c.
hick i n i vr".
A 1' I KI ...!-..- AN I'f. -I r.US,
Tins rii tin as
VIM. 1 1.1. II 1 11.. ll . 1.1 , "11)1. 1. 11".
JVrfl from Vpiatvs, LmitU'S and rut son.
Tin; i a a. vm.i.i.::!: o., i:ALTliiol'.E,3iD.
(VITnitf iy m ll-tt'-r !'.il tistc in mouth;
Vil Ui I lllilO I -rue... it.. I )inr or iov.tM
im.Ii .i !-r vaii hn ; i nn nt lla'l I- V ;, l"i. T J-dtlts nf.rn
Hn t .(. !l t T k!:t'i,tn tttMtt ; amur tOtl1H'h ( llMUl of ttp
(H"lti ! - -rir- iiiic- ii,ui',f.i .tii!! H.iti.-r' rd-h, mi uutit -( i-n ;
t i i . t-- it;. I ii i 1 vx . l ili-"is ; ! iwi-'i .ilicrnatrrl ustive
'lit' tirutluchl' ; -t nniii ir, wi'h .1 p.iiutii! sen -r.i
i. ci 1 1 j.; ii'.-.t t,. .1.) inn-tli.i nl.ii h uhi tn
i .1 . i --ii .!.i'i( , l -! llf y ; ! .irtis, .1 rhi k, yt'tluw
:i; - ii-..i'.. r 1 i!-- - km an 1 (". -. ; i It y 'i-i'h ; tfcr ; r-l-1
-si.i s.. the iTii.e is s-.iDiv .in. I - oi.Teil, aiul, if
t..n v - i i i j;.,!!.!, ttt i. .-i: .i .c'lirntiil.
I -nist iiation.
Sick Headache,
."ileiilal Ilepresslon,
llnwfl Complaints,
i:tt-., i:te., i;tc,
Is .-ncnlly used in the P." ih to arouse the Tor
pid Liver to a hcjhhy ulmn.
It acts without (li-turbancc to the system, diet
cr occ.ip..tieii. It l-fgulatfs lli I.ivcr, and
c.uisrs the bile lo act as ihe piiru't'. The excess of
bile being removed, .1 Ionic fllctt is produced
and health is perfectly restored.
The Itegiibitor ii given with sefely and the
happiest results to the mn-t delicate infant.
Kor all di-e..-es in which a laxnlive, altera
live or purgative is needed it will give the
most perfeit v.iti-f.iciieii. The Cheapest, Purest
and lie-a 1' amily Medicine in the World I
Pee that yon s' l the genuine, with the red Z
un finlit ol' W rapper, prepared only hy
sole rRor-RiHTons, I'HM.Ai ir'.I.I'Hla, PA.
Hot aaSWW
or t n'n in the Tt-if-nnintie line hiivi. I lind .inr u- inif
Ar.ii oi'ii nie.s t; Ren. Il imui.i n tluiro.;i;ti
i r" in my e. ui!." Alms, Klxa ISMtrit, 1 Jj. FiMtr
b. ruut, bpruiKiiLiJ, t.
Fnm nil ever tho eniiTitrTcnrii'Fimil-U' t.'
of th.-eiK-BTII J ppMfnftQ in nrii hetli
cionej. i.f H I I) LUrflvJ . Ill G iu) nn.l
liL'tir.tUia. Ke t.tuer remedy h;e( bis:u diHt-nvon-il ia a real cine fer eithernf thwa LnriLlu ihs-
c. -.WM. AthtO:.'hOr03 i i)"t an rTTimeni, it lias
lawn tried and if t v iImh proved I J t'lousiinds of
jMMiple i.ll over tini Minted SoiIon. Ko r-med Iilis
ever lieen I .it nn fw neirket thiit li s I ro!i;at mich ntief t.. s'lTierers fn.m rjie'iiieitism iiml
niMir 'Icii. VthlophorOS is "ti i "ly Rate tot.iko
Riid will surely bnn n'iier - i 1 u .Imiht ita merits
send f..r nam. s of perseiiii iu jour uau buto wlio
huvu been cured hy its u-p.
A.-k jour (iniinrist lor AtVeO 'dlej-oa. If yoa
eriiiint K-'t Hot' him wo u'ill m'.i 1 ,' e,. spael in
reecipr, of reuul .r ini-$1.00 p-i he' .lc. V-
i reier flint jou bay it trom v r i-oi-.-isi. ) -t if
i ph'i n't it ile not b persu oi d to try f-onietian.v:
cl.-o, loo order nt eiieo fr"iu uii an da-tn to.i,
m ni Ti "vii.o -1-
m .j pi wji rri ta
jCT3 irr vyrrwr j
n inn i m.i mn i nn lifinr
LAV LA IS. 1T.AUL iWAilio,
, u'Ji i moil i u,
' i-it-iliii'd, -ui I at! other iHisine m fY
. Pnlelll Of
lie.' iittelideil tof.,r 10A7.-.I .l A '.
Our olllet' is oiijMimie Hie II. s. I' .i.-ic I 'lla-e, .w.d e
o-iii otitain I'n.-iis In lesn ti on' 1 1 nnnvte
from H-.l.s.V(,yi;.V.
Semi M'h'lKl. (Hi .' I 1I7.V'.'. VVe .Ul-e as to
peenliit.llltv Ir.'e of elel'ee; slid w oeiKt' ,V U
c:i ift-.A- r.vt.vs'.'i ii'a: n;r i:.v ".i aw i.
W e ret.-r lo re to t'u- I'o-t.ii B.n-r. Ue- sa:ii. of .l oiey
rl 'i- l v., in 1 to o:ll -iii- o i i- '.;. - 1'llelll otti .'.
Kor eiiviieir, advice, U'l-iim Kiel r"'."-.-'e-es to u"
.1.' i's .u y or ii'.i ! il"i' co in1'. ri to --7
V. A. SNOW (
I ip wiiii I'.H'Miu i.ll.' 'V i i"i ".ii.. -i r
The Stiort Lino and the net lioute t.)
And all points via
And all pn!nt via
The Popular Line to California.
Free of Extra Charge.
Mtalt, 75 cents.
Pullman Talace Sleeping Ccrs
An equipment not r.pia'.cd hr sny o'tirr llro.
Fntlre trains run thtjih without chaiiRc. .v' or
,,ecll"n arc made will, other lines al ea.onau!t
North V Vll)t, K"TKItN sTATFs,
.VuibAaT&Xrtwlo all palai. -i.
North "'' flo,ilh' r "" ,l lllUr
TfStoitt lo-t taiea. TP'.T to
1 Tltkt irat f Hlf AGO ALTOS R. R.
Oeneral Partier and Tie Vt Aftnt
OwnuTrTeuiig Agent clf.2!&i!Tt
. J. C. McMULLIM. vnc-Prwldeiit.
-t oy-ufimmvwiiM
Brjnt. in the World
geo. w. mm,
Passage Tickets,
Foreign Exchange.
Insurance Business.
ir 5IO.M-JV TO 1AAN.
ontn -t eorner poottiBce UlocS. octawii IJIiloH.
wing Macli
wwlll sell yon a tirm i lws Scwimr M-iehiuc of" ptr
than any one in iliio cou'iiy, eli.iier tor cwiti iimiuio
(HI and Httaehiio-nta oa hand. All Machine fully
warmnKsl. Dail anil nee
UiUw.i. J..ii. I' is-1. r. 1). SWEET-SHU CO
results from that true contentment which
indicates perfect health of body mid mind.
"You may possess it, if you will purify and
invigorate your blood with Avar's Sar-a-p:uil!a.
V.. M. Howard, Newport, N. II.,
writes: " I suil'cnal fur years with Scrof
ulous humors. After using two bottles of
AyiT's tiir.-apai ilia, I .
preiit r lit f. It has entirely restored rce to
health.'' James Trench, Atchison, Kans.,
wribs: To all persons sufe-ring from
Liver Complaint. 1 wouid strongly recom
mend Aye r's .Sai-saparilia. 1 was afflicted
with a disease of this liver for nearly two
years, when a friend advised me to take
this medicine. It gave prompt relief, and
has cured me" Mrs. II. M. Kidder, 41
Iv i.-'iit r.o-t in. Jlii'S., wriii -: " For
several wars I have ti-i l Avir's Sar-a-pai
illa in my family. 1 never feci tafe,
At Home
without it. As a liver medicine and
general purilicr of the blond, it has no
cfjua!." Mrs. A. 1. Allen, Winti-rpock,
A a., wrllcs; "My yoiiii;est child, two
years of age, was taken with liowt 1 Cotn
plailll, whieli we could le -I cure. We tried
many r tin -lie-. ln;t lie continued t.) prow
wor-e, mid linally became so reduced in
lie-It we could only move him npou
a pillow. It w as s.iggested by one of the
doctors that Scrofuhi mi-jht be the. cause
cf the trouble. Vo. procured a bottle of
Al 'A f JLiZJ
and ciimm " giviii'r iM him. It surely
vvor! i d wonders, for, iu a short time, he
Was ci .'lop! 'tely rliri.d.''
oUI by a'.l Iiru.t'gist.
Price S!l; Six bottles, f.
rrepared by 1 r. J. V. Ay. r A Co., Lowell,
ila.-.-., U. S. A.
Tho Line solectecl bytheU.S.Cov't
to c;:rry tae rttst tnaii.
w vw v 'i a -t'leji-a-rA rr;T-j-c..i
Th. Only Th.euph Lin., with its own track, bsrtwe.n
Enh.f ty wy of Omha. Piedic Junction. Atctviion or
Kantw City. It tn..ife all ol th. til Srt.tft,
W'th b .-sch tin.t to import.nt crti. .nd town It
iur. ' diy in th. hoti on. to 1hr. nt!
Ka ppfd th(0uh tt.-n. 0.r i' ovn tiackt, twtwn
Chicago and Denver,
Chicago and Omaha,
Chicago and Council DIufTa,
Chicago and St. Joseph,
Chicago and Atchison,
Chicago ond Kansas City,
Chicago and Topeka,
Chicago and St. Paul,
Chicago and Sioui City,
Pcorta and Ccurcil Bluffs,
Peoria and Kansas City,
St. Louis and Omaln.
St. Louis and St. Paul,
St. Louis and Rock Island,
Kansas City ond Denver,
Kansas City and St. Paul,
Kansas City and Omaha,
Kansas City and Des Moines.
At cn of ei wn-al Et" and VV.twn Lmiin. it
COnrvKT! in G ind UnM-n Onpo' )) 1 h-ouh T.a.rtto
and Van ) tKsntl m ht Un.t.4 it.t.i .-Ml CaoWM.
h th. PuneMl l to nd I'om
Sao Francisco, Fcrtland acd City ci Qexico
For TH.H. Rf... G.n.l Mom.n, .'c. rafanjing
th. B-Rhr.j-M Po1.. on vf Tk.t A-t tno
UrnMl Statu r. Cirl. OC M-IU