Sxtt OTTAWA, ILL., SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1886. VOL. 47. NO. 48. A TORNADO IN PRICES OF ALL EMS OF iobv iieii A eood Dress Print for 4c per yard. ! A good Utnghatn for 5c per yard. j A good Lawn for 4c per yard. White Corded Muslin, 4c per yard. Cashmeres, In all colors, 8c per yard. Men's J Ilose, lc per pair. Ladles' Hwse, good and heavy, 5c per pair. A good Corset, 25c. Fine Silk Glwes, all colors, 40c per pair. Men's Unlaundrk'd Shirts, 10c. -Ladles' Gauze Vests, 15c. .Nice Napkins, Ik. Heavy Colored Napkins, 5c. A good I'anisol, Sc. A good Ingrain Carpet, Q'rc per yard. Window Poles, 10c. Window Poles and Fixtures, 30c. All Linen I'louliod Table Llueu, 15c pr yd, Dress Silks in stripe colors, 25c per yard. lilttck (Jros Grain Silks, 50c per yard. Lace Curtains, 10c. And all other goods at prices equally low. A. LYNCH. n AND HACK LINE. 160. TELEPHONE. 150. PETER EGAN Would renm-ctfullv announce to the citizens of Ottawt aod vtrtnitv that he ha one of the choicest Uvery Stocks iii the city, at the City btablta, auch aa The Latest Styles of Hacks, Carriages ana .Buggies, To let at r-leoa to suit the time. Parties, Weddlnfn Funeral. Picnics, &c., mppllcd with OoikI Ultra im alum notice. Fum-rala in the country or ailjoinltm tuwni Sroniptly attended to. IYraoiw taken to or from the ppotH, or to the country, iiiif til, or day. liT Ucmemher the iilaro On Madison street, east of tldecut, one hloi'lt went of new court house. Ottawa Feb. list 1'kTEIt EGAN. SOiWER e! THE PRESENT SEASON Has scon the ltirtrst stock of Dress Goods of all fabrics over opened by the house of And never before have such extraoidiua ry bargains been offered In Ottawa. SPECIAL BARGAINS AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN SILKS. I'll stock consists of 5,000 yards pure dye Groe (trains, in all shades and colors, which tau be purchased at Tie Greatest Bargains Ever Ofcrei. It pronounced the finest In the city, and con siata wf every description of standard goods. Buyers are requested to examine Mils stock before placing orders, as it Is believed that both as to quality, (desirableness of patterns and styles, and lowncsa of priee, this stock offors advantages over all others in the county. II. J. GILLEN. Full assortment of fire works and flags at Piergue'g. Now is the time and F. D. Sweetser & Co.'s the place to by cultivators and gophers. .sce the Eagle Claw. Old Settler' Meeting. The meting of the Old Settlers Society call el for June 10th, -on account of the use Supervisors' room for other purposes, wu postpone 1 until next Saturday, June 19th, 1586, at 10:30 a. M , when a full attendance id defired. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Diss i Cl! H. J. GILLEE3 TO Ml rani Graad Ruabt The rush of the season is every day in creasing at II. J. Giixen's. The special sale commenced by this mammoth establishment one week ago, to be continued in all depart ments for 80 days, is not only meeting with a grand rush, but'also with a great sue oess as to volume of sales in each and every department. This rush only proves what can be accom plished amongst an intelligent people when you give them the greatest bargains ever of fered in seasonable, standard goods and reli able merchandise. A sale of this kind is a very rare opportu nity for the purchaser, as this stock is the grandest, most complete and best selected over opened by any house iu the county and is offered to the trade at prices that are making each and everybody say: " Why, such barguius! ami that, too, on all lines;" "This, indeed, is the cheapest and finest stock that it bus ever been our fortune to examine;'' " Such a lariie variety as well as the extreme of low prices!" The great cau.-'O for this slaughter is that this truly immense slock, purchased at tempting prices, in a Muggish or depressed market, must be unloaded iu a very short time, and the house is determined to give the people a benefit by dividing the many advantages thus gained, and also to demonstrate how cheap first-class goods can bo sold when bought at the right time at the right place. This can bo done by calling at Gil'.cn's during this sale and the taking ui'iry advantages therts offered. This sale extends to the Boot and Shoe de partment, which stands in the front rank with any boot and shoo stock iu the county, and you can there find the greatest variety as well as the finest stock, and always bottom prices. The great object iu this department is to build up a trade and inducements iu the way of low prices on first-class goods is the surest way to accomplish this end. f)00 pairs of children's, misses', hoys', and ladies' shoes to close, at Uoc. Call and examine. We don't like to say too much about our big stock of trunks. At the same time if you wish anything in this line wc can show you the largest line in Ottawa, and give the lowest prices. Please call and see. M. SriKi Ki,. There arc a number of stock holders in and about Ottawa and in La Salle county, in what is hereabouts known as the Colwell motor the invention of a brother of BevJ Mr. Colwell, formerly of this city. The motor, known as the '-The Triple Themic Motor," promised great things, but until recently it can hardly be said to have passed the experimental stage. It has lately been shown, however, to be a great success, and it is believed that it will oue day supercede steam largely as a motive power. The prin ciple is the use ol bisulphide ef carbon va por instead of water power. The vapor is generated in a tubular boiler enclosed in a surrounding shell, tho liquid bisulphide of carbon on the tubes being heated by steam, admitted within the surrounding casing. The tests of the motor at the Lowell Electric Light, Station (a very large plant) the consumption was 1.43 pounds per horse power per hour, which 'shows remarkable efficiency. The chief points of vantage ove steam which this motor presents are econo my of fuel and vast increase of power attain able with the same heat by the use of the new vapor, besides overcoming the defects of steam as a working medium in engines. Tuos. S. Craue, M. E., of New York, has re ported favorable on the new motor, as have other mechanical engineers, while a syndi cate of Canadians have but recently bought the right of the patents for Canada. So i lie stockholders may yet realize handsomely on their Investment. The Latent from Logan CountyTwo t'uien. Elkhart, Logan Co., 111., Dec. 2, '85. Mua. Dr. Kkck Dear Friend: When I ap. plied to you for treatment I was suffering very much from catarrh, which had affected me for eight years, causing great trouble in my head, throat and stomach, which was so weak that at times I had to live on milk. Hard tood always distressed me, causing sourness, vomiting, sick headache, gases and bloating, and causing my bowels to bo loose at times, while other times very constipated. I was nervous and could not sleep. After following your directions I now feel well. 1 am much strongerand able to do more work than for ytars. 1 can eat any food without distress of any kind. My bowels are regu lar, my head does not trouble me, my nerves are strong, and I now have no trouble to sleep. You have also greatly benefited my daughter, whom I placed under your treat ment, after waiting until I saw that tny ben efits were permanent. She had weak lungs. many of ber father people having died of consumption. She had catarrh very badly. causing great discharges of phlegm, and dullness in the bead; was weak and felt tired and had no ambition to do anything. She is now like a different girl. She feels strong and good. I am very grateful to you, Mrs. Keck, and recommend you to my friends. Truly yours, Mrs. M. E. Wilbasks. The doctorwill visit her Ottawa office June 80th, until Saturday 3 p. m. Office, at the Clifton house. Long. Mr. James A. Long, formerly of this city, but now of Washington, I). C, employed in the War Department and attend, ing the Law Department of the National University, is a member of the reception committee from the junior class to receive (he guests of the school on graduation day. Fourth of July Sale. Scott Bros. & Co. will continue to sell from now until after the Fourth 10 yards lawns, 25o. 10 yards prints for 25c. Summer silks (all silk) i!5o. , 15 cent ginghams, 10c. 10 cent ginghams, 6c. Nioe corsets 25c. Good quality of muslin underwear 25c. Ladies' fine embroidered skirts 75c to $1. Fine embroidered chemise and drawers, 50 and 75c. 5 embroidered Batiste and CLambrey suits, $3.87. Fine silk mitts, 23c. Fine silk gloves, 50c. Palm leaf fan, lo. Nice folding faus, 3c. Japanese fans, 5, " and 10c. 200 parasols at 2"c, 50, $1 and up. 1 ,000 new handkerchiefs from lc up to 2.'c. Visit our millinery and bhoe departments for some decided bargains. Scorr llitos. & Co. Straw hats in all tho lastot shapes and quality, and prices the lowest at Siiki ki.'s. . . Married. Miss Mabel Wiley, daughter of Hop. Siiuuel C. Wiley, of F.arlville, was married at her father's residence on Tuesday even ing, a week, to Mr. M. C. Atwood, station agent of the C, B. & U- railroad company at F.ailville. . Mothers should look through our stock of boys' clothing when in want of a nice suit. Best assortment in T.a Salle county aud prices the very lowest. M. Stiepkl, At White Corner. - - To day Scott Bros. & Co. will sell While Embroidered Bobe Suits at f'J.60. Judge Weeks refused to bind Michael Looney over to tho grand jury for ossauling Johu Furgeson two weeks since, holding that he was not guilty of an assault with inteut to commit murder. Parasols Lower than any oue else can sell them. A big job lot At Hi ll's. George Huberts, who was atruck on the head Sunday evening last with an end gate by Lyman Johnson, while he with some others were drinking at his stable near the C, B. S Q. depot, is yet in a very precarious condition. Yesterday he was no better, and the chances for his recovery do not beem flittering. The effect of the blow seems to have produced concussion of the brain. Johu son lias been placed in jail to await the re sult of Huberts injuries. Mr. Johnson, the father of Lyman, is an employee of the Win dow House, and a highly respectable citizen, is taking care of Roberts.' If you wish to "keep cool," get, one of those light weight coats and vests. (Just the thing this weather.) At Stikiul's. A complete new stock of bustles. All those on hand which sold for 50 to 7"c wc make a job lot for 20c. We have two new styles of bustles that will rivit, your atten tion. At Hull's. For the 4lh secure one of our fine fitt ing dress suits. Oak Hull One Price Clothiers, north of court house. Pied. Mrs. Ruth A. Shaw. who;c maiden name was McMullen, wife of Charles M. Shaw, whose de ith, from cancer of the heart, was riefly mentioned in our isue of last week, was born in Uniotitowu, Pa., Sept. 23, 1810, and removed from there to this city in IS08. She was hero married to Mr. Shaw May I I, 1!G2. She was the mother of 'four children, one son, Harry B., and three daughters, Florence A., Maggie B. and Nellie M., nil of whom, together with her husband, survive her. Mrs. Shaw was never a robust woman, but possessed of great cheerfulness of manner, she was seldom looked upon as an invalid even by those who best knew her. She was a woman who thoroughly enjoyed the quiet of home life, and in her own home showed a kindliness of disposition that made her a most agreeable hostess. Warmly attached to her friends, khe will be greatly missed by them, and eves by those who knew her but slightly. She was for many yean a devout member of the Presbyterian church of this city,, and at that church the funeral services were held on Sunday, the attendance being very large. Kev. Omelvena, pastor of the church, officiated, preaching a very strong sermon in praise of the many virtues of the leceased. The singing waa by a quartette, composed of Messrs. Lancaster and Titus and Misses MeXair and Smith. The floral tributes were most exquisite in design and handsomely arranged. At the conclusion of the church services the remains were in terred in the Ottawa Avenue Cemetery. Mrs. J. J. Vt i;ie, wifo of the editor of the editor of the Ottawa Wuchenhliil, died at her residence yesterday morning after a pro longed illlness. She leaves surviving her husband and a large family of children. Mrs. Witte was a most estimable lady and helJ in the highest esteem by all who knew her. She funeral services will be hel l at her lute at 2 o'clock to morrow. Lap Koli. Lap ro' es at wbolesaie prices to cloe sample line. A nice embroidered robe for 75c. At Hill's. ThoM Ice CUeiU At Kendall'i are pronounced just the thing. Will keep ice from ten to fifteen dayt. Will open next week a new and complete line of Vapor Stoves of the latest Improve ment!. Don't let your lawns burn up this dry weather, but go and get one of those elegant SraiNKLBM at Kendall'! and set it going at once. For Bcbbik Hose he Is headquirttri. No trouble to show goods at Kr.ndall's. Opinions In nineteen caws were filed on Tuesday in Appellate Clerk Combs' office Four f them are La Suite county cases, to wit : Jackson vs. Rickard, reversed aud re manded ; Milligan vs. O'Conor, same deci sion; Parker vs. Allen, same ; Richards vs. Kit-bards, uthruied. SUefcl's easy ilititi:; overalls are sold by the best dealers in tilt the towns around (ttawu. CUe Sale. The preceding cake tales at the Congrega tional church having proved unusually pop ular, another will be given at the came place on next Saturday, June 12th, at from 10 to 12 a. i. and from 2 to 4 v. i. Yesterday an exclusion party of lOOOtla waians visited Henry, making the trip by the steamer ' Frolic." Willis' orchestra ac companied thetn. To-day a party of High School scholars make the same trip. Stiefcl's pantaloon overalls manufactured in Ottawa are the best made, aud easy tit ting. Try them. Before you buy a buggy call and see what F. I). Sweetser & Co. can show you. Every oue wrrrantcd. As Mr. S. S. Scctt, of the firm of Scott Bros., was driving near Deboll's, in North Ottawa, last evening, his horse took fright and becoming unmanageable ran away, throwing him from the buggy. The injuries sustained by Mr. Scott are very severe, but late last night the physician iu attendance could not tell how serious they were. They are not deemed dangerous. Do you want the leading 'Binder? If so, buy it of F. D. Sweetser & Co. They sell them low for good ones. Don't lose valuablo time in harvest. We have just placed on sale our summer hosiery, which is a complete new stock of every style you wut. Come an 1 see a com plete new stock At Hi li.'s. Police Magistrate Weeks yesterday fined John Bailey, a resident of the flats, SI 0.70 for shooting at Mayor Canty three times within tho city limits. The Prohibition Mass Convention was held at the Supervisors' room on Thursday, with a fairly good attendance, there being present the leaders of that party in this county. The business in hand was the selection of dele gates to the Statu Convention to be held at Springfield on June ilid, ami after electing Jacob Barnhar't, ofStreator, chairman, ami (I. B. Yumans of Marseilles, secretary, tho fol lowing delegates were named: S. T. Osgood, 1), Samuels, Marseilles; N. Kilborn, Ottawa; N.J. Colwell, Strcator; C. T. Farrell, Fall Hive; 11. Kisller, Serena; L. C. Hodgson, Farm Ridge; James Ford, Wallace, and W. T. Jones, La Sulle. Scott Bras. & Co. opened yesterday, from Few York, a large case of Fine White and Cream Suitings with Laces and Embroideries to match. See them. 1 1.50, 2.00 and $2 50 buys a good rever sible child's suit at Oak Hall. Soda water, fishing tackle, at l'icrgue's. Decring's new li-foot cut mower, the Ad vance two horse rake, Porter's Hay Loader, ami Porter's new Adjustable Hay Carrier, are hay tools that no farmer can afford to be without. Call on J. E. Porter and see them before you make a purchase. Land buyers will be interested In the ad vertisement of Dr. J. O. Harris & Sou, on our last page, where numerous bargains are offered. This is the oldest real estate firm in La Salle county, having been established away long back in the "fifties." During all that time the reputation of the business for character, ability, faithful service, reliability of statements made, and liberality to patrons has been the very highest unquestioned by anyone, and indeed unquestionable. The country now is full of land agents; but we can say that the public will find Dr. J. O Harris ti Son in the foreground with the choice of the choice land still in the market in the west on their books, and that no agent has greater bargains in southern or western lands to offer the land buying public than these gentlemen. They offer also the usual excursion rates given land buyers going to see land themselves, and can, by means of their correspondents in all parts of the west, Bouth or southwest, place every advan lage of local acquaintance with lands at the disposal of their patrons. On account of the low prices in green bot tle ware, the Ottawa Bottle and Mint Gla ILiUse has been compelled to close the green house fir the season. The Hint house will becloie l the Welni s lay of the preset t month. Leave orders fur Cbibese lanters for the 4ib at I'iergue'i. Silver Cloud. Every cloud has a silver lining;. So has the Silver Cloud Flour for all that use it More bread to a given number of pounds of flour than any other, and at a price ($2.55 per half bbl.) that same quality you have to pay others $3.00 per half bbl. for. W. C. RIALB & CO. Sell Flour at "Mill Prices" for CASH. JUST RECEIVED A SPECIAL 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY FIFTY DOFX MENS PANTALOONS. DOZEN MEN'S PANTALOONS. DOZEN MEN'S PANTALOONS. DOZEN MENS PANTALOONS. DOZEN MENS PANTALOONS. DOZEN MENS PANTALOONS. DOZEN MENS PANTALOONS. DOZEN MEN'S PANTALOONS. DOZEN MEN'S PANTALOONS. DOZEN MENS PANTALOONS. Call and examine them. The biggest bargain ever offered in Ottawa, and will sell fast. So don't wait till they are all gone. The Old Reliable Clothier, 609 La Salle Street, Ottawa, III. lor Sitlt) or tit Hout, Tho properly known as Stinnyside, on the Kast side, is about to be put in first clans urder and is for sale or will be rented to a good tenant. For information apply to Ma.ioh T. ('. (1 1 hhon, fount v Court House. Notice. Owing to the death of Mr. Child, those who are indebted to the firm of Child & l'lilpps arc requested to call and settle in order to close tho business. W. T. I'll i its. For the most perfect fitting shoes in every style and at tho lowest possible cash price, go to J. Megaflin's. Hi new stock is nowbo ing received daily ; a perfect fit guaranteed. Sticftd's pantaloon owralla mannfacturcc in Ottawa arc the bent iiiado, and euhy lilting Try them. .r- I have for sale 21 swarms of beo, also houstdiuld and kitchen furniture, (bc'o' ging to estate of Cyrus Pool, deceased,) which I will sell at private salo at my resilience, IIPJ Post street, Ottawa. Wm. K. Hki.i., Administrator. IttMliirtion In Wt'liei4 and .Inwrlry. H. II. Trask, iu order to reduce his itn tnenso stock, is making a sjccial reduction of 10 per cent, on ult bills ixcoi ding for the next sixty days. LaSalle si reel, oppo site Arniorv block, Ottawa, 111. A. O. V. W. The Serena Lo Igc, No. L'o.'i, A. O. U. W., will give a festival on Thurs. day evening, June If, at the Serena Itink. Mr. W. II Stead, of Ottawa, will deliver an address on the aims and purposes of (he or der. Music, vocal and instrumental, pro vided. Come all and have a good time. Call and see the Big 6. It is a wide mow er. It will pay you to see it. F. D. SwrETsm i Co. Slate Veterinary Sargcon Caswell, in com pany with P. Meagher, of this city, visited the farm of J, S. L'betsol, in Fall Kivcr, a few days ago and killed five horses that were suffering from the glanders. Sale of (Iras. On Satudny, June 1!, 1KHU, I will sell, on the farm of Richard J. Fullerton, the grass crop in small lots. Sale to commence at 1(1 O'clock A. M. TUOS. C, Fl I.l.KHON Conservator. HAUOAINS at Oak Hall (his week. 1!(K pairs all wool boys' pants at ?- V, worth jl 1 he annual lio days' reduction sale is on at I. Hess,' the jeweler's, m Salle street. It is seldom so magnificent a line of ladies' and gents' gold ag I silver watches, solid sil ver and plated wares, tea sets, dinner sets, and all sorts of hollow ware, as well as jew dry of every description, is offered at prices Mr. Iless is now making, and the advantages of (he sale should be secured by ull. Ju-t received, new stvles of boys' suits, aires from V) to 1'., which we ars selling at remarkably low prices. ok Hut. (Ink Pan ft. i incus. Thelst ."tc Corset ever opened, also no tice (he new 75c aud l 00 corsets. Scott Dkos. & Co. LINE OF 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c 75c ;75c I 75c !75c The Kt-liiibert OoaiU'(t Club t'onrrrt Few emertaitimcuis in our city have left so pleasing an impression as the one giten by this club under the auspices of the G. A. R. The hope has frequently been expressed by tlio.-o who unfortunately were i absent that the pleasure might Le repeated. The young ladies arc to be congratulated upon having secured their servico-i, and that iu giving this concert they reverse the es tablished precedent, and Lettow rather than iikc a favor of tho community in so doing. Whcnchaiity is clothed in so attractive a garb (here is certainly liitlo self-denial in responding. Add to this the low price of (he tickets, which arc fifty cents, thus plac ing within the reach of all the opportunity of enjoying a r-ire musical treat. Certainly the prediction that this will prove an un qualified success both as to number:; ami en thusiasm, is fully warrantel. To doubt it would ar(,u.' a i ignorance of the apprecia tive lasto of the people of Ottawa, which, ti say the least, is scarcely commend iMe. We understand (bo young ladies wilt spare no pains iu tho mutter of decoration make it not only an enjoyable but wonder fully attractive concert. Let all bear in mind the time, the place, and (he price: June "oth, Congregational church, udmission oO cts. - - r- Rev. Geo. N. Hoarding!, one of the Profes sors in the Congregational Theological Sem inary at Chicago, will occupy Rev. Day's pulpit to morrow. Meals to order tit all hour", at Piergue's. The bill for divorce brought by Mrs. Witt. Oilman has, we are happy to say, been dis missed, and (he estranged couple happily re. united again. Their many I'rkuds will wel come (he news almost as overly as they themselves saw their differences disappear. J. Megsfhn's shoe store is being entirely repainted and cleaned up in the nicest pos sible manner, and today and hereafter will, with the new paint and new pla'e gl-i.-s, be one of the most attractive business houses in the city. Mrs. W. .?. Hyncs, wife of the editor of the Streator Timet, w hile getting off the Wabash train at Spritiirtlrld Junction, ou ber way t Strcator from (julncy, was thrown upon th platform by the sudden starting of the train, breaking the bono tic' wci-n the knee and tha ankle. A meetini: of the Southern Ocarery will b held at Christ Church on Tuesdav eveninir and Wednesday next. Ther will be M-rviiea at 3 unit on Wednesday at V, 10 o" a. in., SxW p. in , V which the public are invited. Kev. Wesley Batchcllcr i f Frctdoin, one ot the oldest and best Know n clergymen In this county, was pleasantly surpiiscd on Wednes day afternoon by his fiiend-t of the Freedom l i ratine, aad those present report a delightful entertainment. Rev. Hatchcller is now Kl years of ai;e, and strl halo and bearty, a really wonderful man; and h'n ministry in the M K. hureh, beirt.n in pioneer days, haa lasted cut half a century. l.uo Ruy a prime pebble goat boot J. MauAirui'a Dinner every day 2!c, at Piergne's. X