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ftatpu Jroe tetter VOL. 48. OTTAWA, ILL, SATURDAY, SETT. 18, 188(5. NO. 10. AN EARTHQUAKE In Prices of Dry Goods at Andrew Lynch's is Reported! PARTICULARS NOT STATED. But from the assurance of hundreds of reliable persons who have visited the scene of the disaster, it is evident those blankets, Flannels, Bed Comforts, Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, and Ladies', Misses' and Children's ChakS, Wraps and Jackets, are the greatest Bllfferjrs. Evidence, however, of the great V.olence of the shock is noticeable through his entire stock of Dry Goods. The quake also extended to the l'hiladelphia Boot ami Shoe House, where it caused serious disaster in prices. m III NOW AT H. J. THE FALL SEASON Has begun in earnest at this old, Reliable House, with a stock in proportion truly enormous. The DRESS GOODS STOCK Is a Marvel of Excellence, And U particu'arly interesting just now with its great assortment of Silts, Yelvets, And all the New and Fashiona ble Fabrics and Colorings For Fall Wear. This stock must be seen to be appreciated ; . aad in epite of the reaeut advances in the wholesale market, there will be NO ADVANCE IN TRICES. II. J. GILLEfl. AD HACK LINE. 150. ' TELEPHONE. 15a PETER EGAN Would renpeetfolly announce to the eltuwni of Ottaw tnl vicinity that tie hits one of thr ctmiceat IJvery tibtckt Id the city, at the City Sul.les, ucb at The Latest Styles of Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, To let at rtm to suit the time. Partly Wedding Kunerais, Picnic. c.,mipplln tthGO"1 Itlm oa bin notice, rnnerala in the coniitry or adjolninjc tuani Sromptly attended to. Perwme taken to or from Uit epott or to the country, nUrlit or day. W Remember the place n Ma-llson nfeeet, eaM ol ildecnt, one block weal of new Court hoows. ! Feb. t 194 KGAN. Traveling Salesmen Wanted. i. few good salemen to sell my S. V. Cigars on the road Salary 01 Commission. Address C. A. Bahjiikb, ICS Dearborn t. (First National Batik Building,) Chicago. HAPGOOD & CASA DAY'S IMTROVED SULKY PLOWS, AT MANLEY & JORDAN'S. Young men should remember ihe fine and elegant fitting four buttons cutaway uuhs at Oak Hall, the obc price clottiier. All the new fail styles of hats at Freach's. p Fa u 111 OPEN 1'. LIVERY MD FEED STABLE GILI.KN'S MAMMOTH FALL STOCK. Low I'rlcca mid Ouick Sale t Visiting the handsome establishment of IF. J. Gillen yesterday, we found a crowd of customers and the olerks as busy as bees. The stock of goods for the full trade in this house and daily arriving is wonderful in magnitude and variety. It is the largest stock and the most valuable in La Salle coun ty aad eclipses any of his former efforts, and his success is correspondingly greater. Just drop iu and see those splendid piles stacks mountains of fine dress goods, comprising everything that good taste and a thorough knowledge of this market can sug gest, made in the highest skill of modern art of the very best material so that every fabric is warranted as represented. This stock fills three large rooms and the completeness of the stock, its immense vari ety of fabrics and colorings has leen a matter of surprise even to regular buyers thee. Prices, in spite of advances elsewhere, are so very low that the house is confident they cannot be met elsewhere. Ty rcasou of his large purchases anil judgment and standing on the market he has secured advantages that enable him to lead in the matter of low and give buyers a substantial advantage in all lines which other houses cannot otl'er. CLOAKS. Mr. Gillen will opeu today the choicest line of cloaks ever shown here. They are in the very latent styles, the most fashiona ble an 1 richest fabrics mid of the most desir able trimmings and perfection of luaiiufac. lure, They include sizes for ladies, nibses an I children. These cloaks were contracted for in June last and manufactured enressly for Mr. Gillen by the well known house of Springer l'ros., of IWtou, and by Alex. Black & Cu., of Toledo, who have given Mr. Gillen the only right to sell their goods iu Ottawa. The lint is one no buyer can afford to neglect. The boot and shoe room is filled to over flowing with new goods, Ev ry article in this department is manufactured expressly for this house nn,l the qu ility is guaranteed. This department has grown enormously iu the last few months, and become one of the leading boot and shoe houses of the county, in which every line of goods is found in complete assortment. The grocery department slill hold the first place as headquarters for all that is fresh and standard in groceries, vt the extreme of low prices. Please call. Stiefel's big stock of fine 1 and 5-button cutaways is in and ready for inspection. These arc the latest and most stylish goods made. Every young man who wants a nice, dressy suit will be well paid for his time by looking this stock over and petting prices Open evenings till 8. M. Srum,. STUDEBAKER WAGON'S AND BUGGIES, AT MANLEY & JORDAN'S. Amusement. To-night the Opera House will be occupied by the charming comedienne Miss Kato Cas tleton and her talented company of comedi ans, presenting the latest musical success, ' Crazy Patch.'' This is one of the finest comedy anil musioal organisation before the public. The company go direct from Oitaw a to Chicago which alone should convince the Ottawa people of the slauding of the com pany. If you want to laugh be sure and see "Crazy Patch" to-night. We open Saturday an elegant line of stiff and soft hats, latest fall styles at very low prices. A. Frank & Co. Oak Hall Clothers. Mrs. R. W. Brower has decided to close out her music business in Ottawa by October 1st, and will sell her goods at one-third their value. For chapped hands, face and lips, use Kaloderma. 23 cents, of E. Y. Griggs. Stiefel's easy tlttiug overalls are snld by the best dealers jd all the town "'ound Ottawa. Hie Deau suits, warranted all wool, in Bine's indigo dyes. The Dean suits are the latest out and arc a wonder of the age for their wearing qualities. Alschuler, the reliable clothier, always on the watch to get the best and lat est style goods, keeps these suits. They are the best suits in the market for $10. Any reader of the Fkkb Thader who de sires a first class occupation should not fail to send for particulars to Box 2036, Ottawa. Take Notice. All parties owing the late firm of Child 4 Phipps will please call and settle at once. Account i net paid promptly will be put in proper hands for collection. Cuas. S. Liniolv, Executor. Mr. T. rHIPPS, Surviving partner. The C, B. k Q. Ry. will sell Round Trip Excursion Tickets to St. Louie, Mo., Sept. 7th. Oth, 13th, 16ih, 20th, '26-1, 27th, 30th, and Oct. 4th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 13th and 21st, good to return five days from date of sale, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. Gio. E. Roc, Agent. New and second-hand School Books at Hipeman & Graham's. STl'DEBAKER WAGONS AND BUGGIES, AT MANLEY k JORDAN'S. l'UKNAItJJ'S fcplendUl Imported Ilorsen.--A Pre mium Lot. One of the most widely known farmers in La Salle county is Mr. Alfred Bornard, a cititen for over forty-four years of Serena. He came from Franco in 1812, and located a mile and a half northeast of the subsequent ly built village of Serena. Here is his 200 acres of farm, well improved, anil stocked with about 50 pure Poland China hogs, fine cattle and, lastly and chiefly, as fine a lot of Percheron horses as have ever been imported from France into this country. He and his eldest son, E. Bernard, visited France last year, and brought over several head of fine young horses of this famous breed, among which was the beautiful horse Louts, No. 2430, 17 hands high, weight 2,000 lbs., coal black, and of wonderful activity and grace. Another, imported in 1882, was Brilliant, 16 hands high, weight 1(50 lbs., largo bone und muscle. Both of these fine horses are yet in his stud. This summer Mr. Bernard went to France for a big lot, and he determined to buy the very best ytun() 1'ercheTon horses that money could procure. Being a Frenchman born, and speaking that language, he was not hamper ed by a deceitful interpreter, nor subject to the cupidity of that well known set of leech es who bleed Americans front foO to $100 on a single horse ! Taking his time, he jour neyed frtim the stables of one extensive horse breeder to another and from place to place, until he obtained what ho wanted. About ten days ago he arrived in Serena, with a splendid outfit, as follows, all under 3, and most only 2 years : No, 1. Raton; sire, Coco; register No. 2723 ; dam, Poule, No. 77-0. This colt is culled a grey blue, and is 2 yens old and handsome, Di hands, heavy limbed. No. 2. Francesco, No. 0!)78 ; sire, A.lo nais, 83; dam, Cocote. A splendid two year old, 10 hands high, a dark gray, finely arched neck, small head, short back and roua l body, weight 15jO lbs. No. 3. Augu.-tus, 7077; .sire, Coco, 272S ; dam, Frosone, 30"3 ; 't hands high, weight 1 100 lbs., fine action, 2 years old. No. 4. Marshal Lannes, 7072 ; sire, Coco, '272S; dam, Rosette, 7T 1 . A good boned and pretty nniiual. 2 years old. No. 5. Julius Cti'sar, 7073; sire, Ver mouth, 0712 ; dam, Gross Blue, 0075. A very choice animal ; rangy, well built, long, arched neck, 2 years old. No. 0. Iotin, 0200 ; sire, Gregoire, 430 ; dam, Rose, 40j8. A very pro ty one, and 2 years old. No. 7. Monsieron, 7082 ; sire, LaG range, 1334; dam, Berthine, 0120. A fine speci men of perfect horsellesh, 2 years old, small head ; would make a pretty roadster. No. 8. Soloman, 2rJ") , sire, Fenelon, .IS; dam, Lisette. A daisy, 2 years old, and will make a fine horse at maturity. No. 9. Patria, 7700; sire, Chart rain, 1405 ; dam, Margot, 7705. A fine, largo, light, dapple gray, silver mane and tail, 10 hands high, weight 1550 lbs.; heavy, clean limbed. No. 10. La Martisiere, 7074 ; sire, La Grange, 1331 ; dam, Palotte, 3071. An ani mal with a fine pedigree and great promise. No. 11. Cheligney, 0731 : sire, Papillon, 379 ; dam, Margot, 4977. Two years old, 1 hands high, light colored mane and tail, head small, symmetrical iu shape. No. 12. Phenix, 117; sire, Chiirlrain, 140; dam, Palotta. A fine, heavy horse, 3 years obi, weight 1700, glossy clean black, splendid neck and head, fine limbs. No. 13. Curie, Oil : sire, Brilliant : dam, Sophia. Ture bred aud very pretty. No. 14. Marquesa, 7258; sire, Abdl Ka der 2d, 501)9 ; dam, Pouela, 7257. 14 hands, tail reaches to ground, tine mane, a pretty heavy boned animal, nice head. No. 15. Marchella, 7079 ; sire, Vermouth, 0742 ; dam, Judith, 30b4. A pet of pets, very handsome. No. 16. Charmantc, a pretty mare, 0427; sire, Vermouth ; dam, Baimboche. No. 17. Charinante, 7241; sire, Cottin, 1390; dam, Mina Belle, 7240. A fine mare. No. 18. Sucking colt, boru April 17 this year, named Violet ; a little beauty ; sire, I'henbus, 329 ; dam, Charmante, 7080. This completes a hasty sketch of the lot, but it was necessarily brief, as our time was short, and besides none but an experienced horse fancier could sum up their good points, aud then it might require days of study of the peculiarities of each animal. This is a splendid lot of pure-blooded Perchcrons. of unquestioned pedigree, and will be sold at as low rates as the same 'he best quality of Percheron horses can be had anywhere in this state. Overcoats for fall and winter weir Elegant in style, and cut beautiful in fabric and finish, and beyond all question the her-t ever offered for the money, at Oak Hall, One Price Clothing Hou'e, north of court house. To Cloa Out. Mrs. Brower hss some fine upright planus still left, which she will sell very cheap, either for cach or on time. These jianos must be sol i in-side of ten days. When in Ottawa it will pay to call and see those ?3, ?-'.50 and fG suits f .r men. They are just the thing for every d iy ser vice, aad the bM goods anl b;st male evi offered for the money. M. S.irjtL, wh't3 corner. AY & ONS. The Fauioua Carriage, Huggy and Itoad Cart Maker. No manufacturing ei-tablishment in Otta wa has a wider reputation than that of Gay & Sons. Mr. Gay himself acquired a good name years ago as a carriage and buggy maker, whose name on a buggy or carriage was a sufficient guarantee of every desirable quality of the vehicle. But of later years his sons have coma into roan's estate, and joining young blood and youthful ambition with his large experience and great skill, the firm boomed wonderfully. A few years ago they entered upon the manufacturing of their famous road cart, pronounced by all odds the very best, seemingly the perfection of this variety of vehicle. They have since the very first, which was a wonderful suc cess, added a number of improvements made and patented by themselves, and so brought the Gay road carl to the front anl fur ahead of all competitors. They make, also, the celebrated "Torson spring," side bar bug gies. A large number of these have been sold and are pronounced the easiest riding buggy ever made. The trade of this firm in family carriages, buggies and road carts extends all over the Union, scarcely a state or county in which numbers of these tine vehicles are not ex tensivety used. As winter is approaching, the firm desire to engage extensively in making sleds nnd cutters, so they need room and will sell car riages, buggits, etc., at reduced rates, and offer bargains accordingly. Stiefel's pantaloon overalls maimfactiirct in Ottawa nic the best made, und eay liltiug Try them. Lxpos l Ion am! .Statu i'nir. The Burlington Boiile (C, B. & Q.) will sell Round Trip Excursion tickets to Chicago Sept. 1st, 21, 3d, 0th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 10ih, 1 Ttli, 18th, 23d, 21th, 25th and 30th. and Oct. 1st,' 21, 5th, 0th, 7th, 9th, 14th, 15th an 1 lOih, good to return on the following Monday from date of sale for $3.23, including admission to the Exposition. eo. K. Run, Agent. too Sampi.k Stovks on Exiiiiiition AT KENDALL'S, NO TWO AI.IKK. NO TWO AMKK. Til B FlNlsr AssilltTMKNT Wkst OP Chicago. t; o AMI skk. Kxiinilno The new slock of fall goods now being re ceived at J. Megafliu's. The new goods arc being received every day, in styles and quul ity to please the eye, aud at prices that fit the pocketbooks. The stock and workman ship cull not be excelled in any market, and Joe says he wauls every one, great and small, to examine the goods, whether they buy or not. Conic one, como all. No trouble to show goods. Do not buy unless the goods and Pricks suit you. For a light weight fall overcoat see Oak Hall. North of court house. GARLAND, ROUND OAK, AND OTHER FIKhT CLASS STOVES, AT MANLEY & JORDAN'S 45 cent moui h organs only 15 cents each at Mrs. Brower's. i hllilrcn's clothing at Alschulcr's. Full suits with knee pants. These goods are exceptionality stylish, serviceable, and the best in Ottawa for the money. They were manufactured expressly for Al.ubuler's trade, consequent ly these goods can only be had at the reli able clothing house of A. mi lkb. (.nut Murrain In good, improve I farms near I) Right and other railroad stations, at from ?35 to $45 per Here, by Iletzel & Romberger, proprie tors of the Dwight Laud and Loan office, on East street, Dwight, 111. A i arrival of all the leading styles of fall hats at French's. Ladies, if you want a large and elegant made trunk cheap, go to Oak Hall, north of court house. Buzz. We only missed on local item of any importance last week, and that was about half an inch otf from the end ol tho forefinger of E. M. Drew's left hand, which a bun saw amputated with surprisiag "neat ness and despatch." Ed. makes boxes for glv-s al the ."window factory." His long f imiliarity wiih the little, pretty, shining jokers that Mng so merrily all day but growl so fiercely, yet rather musically, when a board is thrust into Iheir tenth, had made him ctreless. So when ho found the end ol his finprer lyin upon the table, he was pretty unanimously astonished. He clapped the severed portion to its pi ice, nalldjwn by mistake, went to a doctor, had itmcrescien t'fkally arr ingeii, and returned to work, all in half an hour. Ed. is a man who don't allow a little Ihin" like th it to "rile him.' The f minus "Dunlap hat," the most ele gin l in the market, at French's. Stiefel's pantaloon overalls manufactured in Ottawa are the bet mode, an 1 easy fit ling Try thrn Fine snare drums at ?2 each at Mr Drawer's. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OF1 OXJFL German Malt Vinegar. The best is none too p-ood for yonr pickles. The finest Spices for pickling. FLOWER POTS 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 in., CIIEAF. W. C. RIALE & CO. Old St-ttlrm' Ke-unlon I'oHtponril. In consequence of the heavy rains ofi Thursday morning, the annual picnic and re union of the Old Settlers had to be post polled. The rain, lasting a full hour, came down in torrents, made the ground at Hoes's, now Allen's, Grove like a wet sponge, nnd ! water stood upon it in ponds in many places, and the trees wei e dripping rain all forenoon. The officers therefore postponed the picnic for two weeks, until Thursday, Sept. 30ih. IYiimc Sale. James Anderson and Mich ael Curtis will have a joint sale of certain person il property at tho farm of the former, near l'rairie Ceuter, on Friday, October 1st. Mrs. Brower is selling ?10 violins for . OAKLAND, ROUND OAK, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES, AT MAN LEV & JORDAN'S. 52.000 worth of goods in the musical line to be sold within two weeks, to close out business. Mrs. R. W. Uitowi:it. Jerry Canty has been placed under arrest by order of the Mayor, for selling liquor without a license, and under peculiar cir. cumstances. The council granted him a li cense, Jerry next moruiug paid his if 125, the quarterly dues, into (ho city treasury, and asked for ihe license. The clerk duly signed aud sealed it, but His Honor refused to sign it and ordered the money returned. Jerry, under legal advice, refused to reciivc back the cash and proceeded to run. Hi me the arrest. The case will come up on Mi n day next. 'cw styles in boy's oiurt. waist and knee pants just received at the Oak Hall. The rutillc Nrhnol. The fall term opened on Monday week with a reasonably full attendance of pupils, numbering in all 1,220, divided among the school buildings as follows: Shaii-be nee (the correct orthography, mind you,) 155 Garfield 214 Lincoln 247 Jefferson 220 Columbus 254 Washington U'.l Franklin 40 Total 1,22'. The are 1 li oftcdiarians in all. Thechang cs of teachers sinco last term are: L. L. Mc Kinley and Miss Belle Marriner, resigned, succeeded by Mr. W. V. Johnon and Miss Anna Renz, respectively, all in the South Ot tawa school. Miss Carrie J. Olover, on ac count of ill health, has been allowed leave of absence from her room in Garfield school, and Miss Edith Penny teaches in her place. l'rof. Thorpe reports all the buildings in excellent condition belter than for years before. The interior walls and ceilings have been thoroughly whitricashfd and the floors anil woodwork properly cleansed. Three rooms, one in Jefferson and two in Lincoln school buildings, have been supplied with elegant modern style furniture. The Fro fessor says the teachers are in an admirable state of good humor, and be himself is quite elated because his room (the Directors' head quarters) has been elegantly papered and painted and a very rich and beautiful car. pet spread upon the floor. ... Tho Little One at Home Are often the source of a heavy drain on the parental purse when wearing apparels is needed. At Ouk Hall one price clothing house, heads of families can find prettily made and durable garments at low prices. We make the positive statement that young gentlemen of lender years can be clothed at our establishment for le-s money than else where, and iu a style highly gratifying to their fuinily anl friends. A. Frank & Oak Hall, One Trice Clothien. Sam'l Gordon, of Deer I'ark, shows the' priie lot of this year's corn so far. A dozen 1 ' or more "elected ears were shown in the 1 other day, averaging over 11 inches in length. This corn was raised on a hog Jot, if a few acres only, tile dmined, an I culti vated five or six time", and though but one raiti fell upon it after planting in April the I piece will average 100 bushel-) to the acre. It isi very early eorn, some of thi year's crop having already been sol ! to the ware house. The seed is native, and has been used by Mr. Gordon for 1H year. His whole eorn crop will run 40 bushel ( the acre. Thi one pie. however, tdmply show what careful cultivation on a rich piece of grvnnd will 4o Mum Mis L.llie Ml, .f Aura a, "a the iucst of 3-ioJ Laura Cornell. AND BASKETS The sidewalk covered yesterday with NEW RUGS. Very cheap, an endless variety. Russian Oaps, Alaska Gaps, entirely new, 40 and 50 cents. Winter Underwear now open. Filost complete stock we ever had. See the Dress Goods and Trimmings,! Cloaks and Wraps. More than you can look at. Sec them. See the new Hosiery, too, At Hull's. Kale Castleton wears the most beautiful hose, For goodness sake don't say I told you ; One time it is these, another it is tlios For goodness sake don't ray 1 told you. Vet, sari to relate, I swear by my poll, I'm moved to the depths of my innermost soul, In each pretty stocking there is a big hole For goodness sake don't say I told you. .1 Front tien .Van. Diagram by the horse editor: If there wasn't any hole in them, how the mischief could the charming Catherine ever get them on ? In (he city council the Mayor suggested a needed reform in tho mailer of miscellane ous bill posiing, the abominable custom of plastering all sorts of handbills on the wall of buildings, on the painted bridges, and on every other conceivable surface, no matter how new, clean or nicely painted. The nui sance ought to be stopped. A singular custom, by the way, prevails in Ottawa, which is, wo believe, almost entirely unknow n elsewhere : that of posting printed advertisements of funerals. It probably had its origin in the days prior to the ap. pearance of a daily paper here, when notice of a funeral of some prominent citizen could be made in no other way. Even la such case some people might question the good taste of the fact ; but the custom having thus had a beginning, it has been almost universally followed here since. Out sor row of this nature is of so peculiarly a pri. vate character that it does seem strange to one not familiar with the custom, that it is necessary to give further publicity than that obtained through the press. And how awful does the invitation to a funerU read weeks, may be, after the event, when the wind an 1 ihe nin have defaced it, forcing to mini the though, t "So soon forgot i en !" Dr. Royal Reel, aged Hi), rae y?ara agi pastor of Ihe Presbyterian churchei of Oi W'go and Na an say, died at Mi nook re. cenily. ' ! be statement of a Creator papr that in tdsiitv there are a Inrsje immtiiT of ca.mi o r's of diphtheria and that Dr. R.i i.-h ciitnu i her- to investigate It is purely an invention. J There is uo such d,seaj here. While the Old Settler-.' .Wociatlon were i collet linir. money to imn lia-.e Hoes's Grove at the ow ners' tl'ires, Mayor Allen quietly got : It hi!iielf , much t their iJtiit, as they bait hoped to i)'i it. The tirove w ill remain jtlst w here it is, however; in -aiitiuic llic public wait any surprise Mr. Ailcu wsy have ih store. - The contract to rebuild the Pra'rle Grocery bridge! wm yeteH.iv awarded to TV' Still',!! i Bridge Co. of Toleito, for f''6J. It U to U ; completed w itblu riO days. I On Tue'lv UM, an Mr. Tallin in forms us, the committee of the window uiaiiufMc , turer met t Fitt-SiiT. The w "knien j innikj 10 per rent inrn n-e over lt rear' I wg , hir h the manufacturer refused, of. ler-r. .. Iiowp v. r. lie ni.-ti iHstveirs prto-, j whlih tfvy rt f j :d. And so the . tUni.