CHICAGO'S OITLKT. A C.rnntl Watrr-W-y from LV MUMfinii to Hit Milll IUvr. An a.ijournel meeting of the DualneM Men' Association iu heU in tbe aupmU ort' room at tli court home on Motility evening of thU week, to .Uncus die niiemiou of the proposed outlet ot Chicago sewerage through this region of country. The meet ing, considering the niegurenes of the no tice, was well attended l.jr the leaJ'.ug busi ness men and prumlneut clt'nena generally. Mayor Allen, the president, after briefly mentioning the subject and its vast Impor tance, introduced Mr. Wm. Thomas, the ti superintendent of the Illinois and Michigan canal, who said In subxtauce : " By invitation of the citixens 1 a in here to make a few remarks iu explanation of the way by which Chicago is proposed to be re lieved of sewage. This trouble has been an all important one in that city for a num ber of years. There have been a number of schemes restorted to to get rid of this mighty nuisance in several yeara and the city has out grown them all, each in its turu, and ... . - nl now the oI4 trouble nas come nnui. me topography of thecouutry around Chicago is most fortunate for that city, that is, its loca tion is advantageous for the disposal of sew age. The idea prevalent in the country of the people ouside, to a considerable ex tent, is that Chicago Is imposing upon the people outside, along the canal; tlmt she is filling the canal with rubbish and poisouiug the water and filling the air with steuches from her sewers. 1 am not of this opinion. If it is so the question now is, shall Chicago be allowed to discharge any sort of water into the canal. Uut 1 can show that Chicngo Las a right to do so. The very act of con gress granting the lands which were sold to procure money to build the canal specifies that it was "to unite the waters or Lake Michigan with those of the Mississippi river." The act of the state legislature ou the same subject many years ago, gave the same declaration. The state failed, it is true, but the land grant did not, nor were any of the original plans of the canal changed to any important extent, so far as connecting the waters of the lakes and the great river wai coneerned. To say then that Chicago has not the right to let the waters of the lake into the canal is to go back upon the contract. But this right does not permit Chicago to commit a nuisance. She is liable for all damages htr sewtnge may occasion. The question is, shall Chicago be allowed to cut a new channel to Joliet, taking the les I'laines river from Bridgeport to Lockport, large enough to carry from 150,000 to -00,. 000 cubic feet of water per minute? At this point there is a dead level for eighteen miles. From Summit to Bridgeport the original fall was 7 feet ; then to Lemont there was no fall ; then to Lsckport a fall of 20 feet. The fall from Lockport to Joliet is 50 feet ; to the mouth of Fox river 70 feet ; to La Salle 21 3-10, making 141 310 feet from Lockport to La Salle. Chicago purposes to cut from the lake to Lockport in the bed of the Des I'laines river, thence down the Illinois river. Under the former scheme of building tiie canal, when the state broke down and aban doned the enterprise, it was then as it had been from the start demonstrated that there could be no other plan than to cut out from the lower end of the lake. But when the canal work was resumed it was on the " summit level." In 1805 a bill was passed authorizing the canal trustees to make ar rangements with Chicago to carry out the original plan, and to authorize that city to expend two and a half millions of dollars to cut down the ' summit level.'' The chan nel was CO feet wide with a declevity of 1-10 of a foot to the mile. From Lockport to Joliet the fall is GO feet iu 5 miles ; Joliet to Ottawa 70 feet in 63 or 54 miles; Ottawa to La Salle 20 feet in Id miles. As we get 1 foot and 2-16 all the way down, so it is easy to see that lake water would flow abun dantly and rapidly through this channel. What interest has Ottawa in this enterprise? If the legislature will pass a law with proper restrictions, so as to amply provide for all damages ; if 2(X),000 cubic feet of flow per minute shall flow iuto this channel, it must be 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep. This 200,000 feet in the river might mtike a vol uaae covering 1,000 feet wide here in places, but you would have a navigable stream, though in places it did overflow. The dum at Henry at the south side, borders ou a field belonging to Mr. Green. The dam raised the water, but it did not overflow, yet the water setback under the soil and this farm has since become a willow swamp. Provision should be made for all such damages. The advantages to the people of a running siream of clear, cold water, the year around, for health alone, could not be properly estima ted. The sewage of the great city of Chi cago of course is a poison and roust be car ried o(T in some way which is the least hurt ful to all. If the great cities of Europe which are far older than Chicogo, were cir cumstanced as she is, they would undoubtly relieve themselves of sewage in this way by sending it to to the nearest large river with a swift current. Of the vast sum of money heretofore expended for the building of the canal, more than one half was expend ed north of Lockport. It is of vast im portance to the cities' and towns along the banks of the river In La Salle county, that proper restrictions be put in the bill for this improvement to secure full idemnity for all d images that it may cause. These damages will occur in the low places only, above Mar seilles and like points of situation. These lands belong to persons who would be gret sufferers by any loss. It of vast importance to Chicago with her 700,000 population. At the time of the great fir that city had 292,. 000, when the " deep cnt " was male. Then it only intended to relieve the south branch of the Chicago, The deep cut was intended to draw off 24,000 feet per minute, and at I first it " worked to a charm.' At Lockpurl t ie water was so clear that oue could e a pin on the bottom at a depth of l' feet. The lake nometimes varies In it height. It fell from a 10 feel liiiein 1871, to 0 feel 6 iuche In When they first igm pumping in- to the lake lb sewage soiled (he water a tar out as the crib. "The north branch was intended to be e'e uised by the Fullertou Avenue onduit, by pumping water through it into the lake uear Lincoln Park. This was found to inter- fere with the water work at the crib. The wheels were reversed and pumped the north branch into the south branch, thus forciug both Irani-he together with the outflow of the south fork into the canal. Thus it may be seen that the deep cut which was origin ally luteu led to carry off the sewage of the south branch only i now burdened with the entire sewerage of the city, Including the stock yards. The opening of the Ogden & Wenthworth ditch has added its volume to the canal. From the foregoing it may be seen that the deep cut was not a failure, as frequently stated, but that about four times more has been added than was originally intend I. The flow was made out to the country by 43,000 gallons per K.inuteof lake water. In my report to the canal commissioners in 187'., I suggested a plan or relief which the secretary or the state board approved or. He copied it. I thought it then a mistake to destroy the old hydraulic works at Bridge port. These works should be restored. I recommended two dredges to work all the season. Heretofore I have favored the deep cut as the outlet for Chicago's sewerage, but it is insufficient. Five millions of dollar have been expended upon it. "The work should be under only one board of management, and Chicago haviug the greater interest should control it. Two boards would disagree, When I was super intendent of the canal the Chicago board complained because I did not do more, and when they didn't pump enough we complain ed. The flow should be kept brisk and uni form so as to clear away the mud. No mud has been taken out of the canal on that level since July last. A flat was sunk 12 hours in that water some years ago, and when it came up everything about it was covered with a deposit of half and inch of mud. The channel is too narrow and level to increase the flow or water. There was a question once about raising the the gates at Lockport between Mayor Colvin and myself. A pub lic meeting was held at Joliet, and the sub ject debated. I suggested a committee to test whether an increased flow of water could ' e obtained on that level by raising the gates at Lockport. Col. R. B. Mason and K. S. Chasborough were selected, two distinguished men. They opened the gates and found I was right. The water came no faster, save for a little time back towards the " Sag." In Mayor Harrison's time the same question came up and was settled in the same way. To increase the velocity you must raise the head. If Chicago proposes to raise the head to get a greater discharge of water, my advice is to abandon the canal for that purpose and use the bed of the Des i'laines river, but of .course, give us am pie protection for our low lands. In regard to turning the sewage into the canal at Channabon, we have a great interest at stake The abondment of the Kankakee feeder is a serious matter, and we must protest against its being done In behalf of the audience the president thauked Mr. Thomas and then introduced C. K. Cooley, civil engineer of Chicago, who said substantially: Gentlemen : I did not come here to talk but to attend to my duties. I have not had occasion to look up the sanitary features of this subject. I came to see about the dam age this improvement would be to bottom lands and to ascertain the probable highest flow of the water. I have been pleased to hear Mr. Thomas' remarks, for he has ably covered many points I should have touched upon. Chicago has 900,000 people with its suburbs fifteen miles up and down the lake and for ten miles back, The eewaze is in tolerable. If it increases without relief as it has done, we shall die of its poisons. We expect in 30 years to have a population of 2,500,000. There are three ways of getting rid of the vast amount of sewage of our city : One is to dump it in the lake south ward and get our water supply 20 or 30 miles northward ; another is to drain it to the sand hills of Indiana ; the third is to run it into ti e Illinois river. It is likely we may have to do both in 30 years. To get t ie sewage to Indiana will cost $ 10,003, 000. Our water supply from the north and dumping sewerage into the lake will cost $40,000,000. To run down the Illinois river valley will cost 20,000,000. This last is the best way of all. Today you get the sewage of seven hundred thousand people. You can smell it at Joliet, a little at Morris, faintly at Marseilles, and occasionally get a whif of it here. Mr. Thomas spoke of the obliga tions of contract. As long as water will find it level, the water of Lake Michigan and with , it some of Chicago's sewage will flow out this way. But Chicago cannot, must not make a nuisance here. She does net pro pose to. The law will forbid it ; moral as well as statutory law will forbid it. Von can delute sewerage so that it will net stink ; that it will not kill fish and fish are always to be considered as unprejudiced observers of unpleasant water I We don't want to turn down here impure water and destroy your fish, but to give you pure, wholesome water, in which fish will thrive, and a little boy may sit on a log and catch 'em. It is neces sary for Chicago to have pure water there if she can, so that fish can come out of tb lake and float down to the gulf without fear of strangulation. The channel we talk of mak. I ing iito flow at the rate of COO, 000 cubic feet or water per minute. We propose . crease th volume of the Illinois 200,000 cublo feet. W pump into th canal 40. to V) rxvi eubla feet ner minute aud we will raise it to t0 or 70,000 per minute. In or dinary low water one-third of th water that passe Ottawa is Chicago sewage, toucan judge if it i oxidiied or not. We propose to give 24,000 feet per minute for every 100.000 reoDle down alone the canal. The channel we propose to make will afford this 24,000 cubio feet per minute for the full 2,fi00,0tK, our estimated future population. Your flow will be ten time as much as now and no offensive smell at your city. We have figured from the tables or old Kuropean cities wLer the sewage question has been a great jrtbUm, e;tltd on the Its' of age of experience. "At Chicago we have two rivers which at high water flow back into the lake, convey ing all the sewerage of the city and blacken ing the water for miles. At the " summit " the water divides, one half coming thl way and the other half towards Chicago. Heavy rain push all (he sewage or the north and south branches into the lake. It is our pur pose to protect ourselves against floods by surrounding the city to the west aud north with a large channel 24 reel wide aud 2-1 feet deep, into which these freshets will all be drained and carried to the lake, This channel is to be independent of the canal, but not to lei the sewerage into it or the lake. The main channel may be 200 feet wide and will cost f 20,000,000 for every thing. We shall need to spend one million to get through Joliet so as not to touch the caual. We virtually terminate at Lake Joliet ; from that point we let her go. The effect of a flow of 600,000 cubic feet of water per minute at Morris will add 8 or 9 times to the flow ; it will raise the river 5 feet and make it navigable to Kankakee without lock or dam. It will raise the river at Ottawa G feet and above to Marseilles 4 feet ; at La Salle it will swell up to 8 or 9 feet above low water mark. The Illinois river at that point is a peculiar stream ; it wauders about among the islands as if trying to find the old lake outlet. "It will be r.iieJ 4 feet above the pond at Henry and the entire Illinois river from Ot tawa to the Mississippi river will be a navi gable stream 240 miles without locks or dams! There will be need of two locks above here, one of them at Marseilles. Chi cago will pay the cost of this improvement. Her channel will allow lake vessels to go down to Joliet. This with the big river be low will practically solve the problem of a ship canal. "There will be 8,000 or 10,000 acres of land in the Morris bottom that will be over flowed or damaged by high water. Twenty per cent, of these lands will be ruined and 20 per cent, damaged more or less, waking 40 per cent, in all. From Morris to Mar seilles and on to near La Salle but little dam age will be done. Below that point I can't any, not having estimated it. Probably $200,000 will cover the damage from Joliet to La Salle, and $500,000 in the whole state, the entire length of the river. But another point : If this is not done, if this great open ing to the lake Is not made you will find your own sewage an intolerable burden. Joliet, Morris, Marseilles, Ottawa. La Salle, Peru and Peoria, all discharge their sew age into the river. Every town along the river does It. The percentage of sewage that each town adds to the waters would be surprising to you if you could estimate it. At the slow rate of the flow In the summer 120 feet a minute in the center of tho cur rent and the water at the banks stagnant and reeking with filth your own and your up Btreatu neighbors will Boon become intol erable and you will want relief, too, so you will welcome this mighty flow of the pure current from the lake whish has oxidized and consumed the poisonous deposits of your city sewers, and in their place supplied a swift moving volume of cool, sparkling and crystal waters from the lake." Applause. Mayo said : " I am satisfied not to cross examine the witness!" Laughter. I have looked into the question for informa tion and have come to the conclusion that the opposition to this plan of solving this great question are in the wrong. If we now get two-thirds of the sewerage of Chi cago w'.th so small a dilution of water, then to greatly add to the volume of water must entirely destroy the offeusive odors of the stream. That the water of the Illinois river at certain seasons of the year both sunime- and winter are not only highly nauseous nrnl unhealthy, is not a matter of doubt. Ik had experienced the ill effects of this sew age polluted water. So for the health and pleasure of mankind, as that of the fish, he preferred pure water, and if by this propos ed scheme they can give us a flow of 200,000 to 300,000 cubio feet per minute of clear, pure water, we shall certainly be greatly benefited. I think we should instruct our representatives in the legislature to vote for this plan. Mike Hanifin wasted information. Our big floods often come within 4 or 5 feet of the bridge. What will be the effect with this 5 feet added? What will be the efiect at L'tica and places where bridge are low and short? What will be the edict of a "set back on the Fox river ? With 5 feet added to our big spring flood, 400 or 500 poor fam ilies would be drowned out. Mayo: The plan is to take all the flood water of the Des Plaines and the waters of the surface of that region into a big channel which will empty into the lake, so that we shall get none of this surplus water. Thomas bore out this statement fully. There is no need of fears as to a flood's increase by this new channel. The water of the eastern level for the first 7 miles Invaribly flows to the lake, and the next 17 miles west is a Head level, but the greater part flows towards Chicaeo. On thesur'ao of this flow to toin-JwArJs the west thire wju11 be a raise of 18 inches. Th overflow and surfac water nearly all go into- the lake. The proposed channel around the city will make the How absolutely certain to go into the lake. Bui Mr. Hauifin' five feet of a rai-e commence at low water mark, in the narrowest bed of the stream, but the rise will spread the waters out and rise them only a trifle. Cooley : The volume or 5 feet is only at low water mark. At 10 feet higher it would give but 2 feet of a raise ; at high water if the bank continue straight up it would oaly raise a tmall fraction of a root. If you had 600,000 cubio feet more than in ordinary stage of water you would soarcely notice it, yet if there were no water before and no leakage, it would raise five feet. In case of a flood it will simply take place of the regu lar flow from the lake. Hanifin still doubted. Tuft : It seems that besides the fresh water in the tide, the extra rapidity will more rapidly oxodize the air. The water of a fish tank is still, and if not freshened the fish perish for want of oxygen. In a swift current the water is rolled over and over, oxydized, and the conditions are proper for fish life. Sewage must have oxygen .to be consumed and that is facilitated by motion. By rapid movement in this channel sewage would tie deodorized and oxidized, and weed and malarial fungi could not grow. The stream would be pure and clear. Cooley : Sludge, the sediment or sewage, is deposited in the bottom or slow moving streams, those having a current or less than a mile an hour. That or the Chicago sewer age is left nearly within the city limits and caught or stirred up by the wheels of boats. It would hardly get far fiom its "native heath." Mayo offered the following resolition, which were adopted : HfsolveJ, That the citizens of Ottawa favor the proposition of Chicago to cut a channel from Lake Michigan through to Lake Joliet, of sufficient capacity to admit not less than 400,000 cubic feet of water per minute, and that our representative be requested to co operate with the Cook county members in the passage of a suitable law for that purpose, having reference to suitable safeguards against damage by overflow in Illinois, in case of the construction of the proposed work. Copies were ordered sent to our represen tatives in the state legislature, ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to HLUoum-e JOHM F. REKD aiaodldutu fur tin ottli-e uf Supervlimr of the town of Ottawa, t the eimulHK election. Weareutithurlrd to announce tlmt Mr. HENRY C. NASH will lie acamllilntu for the olllce of City Treasu rer uf the city of Ottawa at the ensuing city election. Wa are authorized to announce that Mr. T. C. THK- NAKY will be a candidate fur retiectlun to the olllce uf City Attorney of the city of Ottawa at die cuimlng city election. ADVERTISED LETTERS. I ETI EKS lSKMAlNINO UNCLAIMED In the Pout IJ Otllce at Ottawa, Stale of IllihoH. on Tliurwlay, MAHCH 17, 1HH7. Burns Edward Miller Mollle Miller Mr. Itebera Naurl Mori. Nlekelwin Mr Ithoda O' Mm a Ella O'lliieu kale l'Hlmer Cora l'Hluier Waller bee lluriiinn O KeynoWU Chaiter No M IX A M Klyiler Louis Hrreter W I) Tharne Archibald 1 liorin Krank M (J) Wrlitht A J Wallnzky .lulta WIImiii Meve Wl!lnril Mr. W V Wllliircl W V Worn Win HarlH-r r M i t) llrown Chit. A Carpenter Annua t:ar.oii JcnVr?on Corcoran Jennie Imnavan Mr. Millie pouley Nora Kclineron K A h van. W N Karr Mr. lohn C (amfiol K B Oiirdner II It llnrinon Amelia Holme. Siimuel MnMcn Mr. A A Munroe A II MiilliKun Catharine Volley I Martin Mr. ,lc mile Mathewa Mia Kailu FOUKTII li.AHN. Hlinetcar Chun To obtain thee letters, the applicant mint call fo Advertised Letter.." anil itlve the dale of the li.t : and If not called for within one month, they will he aeut to the Duud Letter Olllce, In Witaliluiitoii. n l l,l.lA l innnn, i-. m. MHS. LOTTIE CLARK OSMAN TKAC1I Kit OK DRAMATIC ART. Address through P. O. or call ut rcsidencH, West Side, Ottawa, III. At home from 3 to Fridays. CALL AM) LOOK dwclllnir prop erly. It l loo Iouk to prlul. but Include dwellno.'. of nil uriiUfH hiii I iu an pun. or ine cu, aim .oine 01 un heal biuxiiliis ever ITered. pit. .1. II. IIAUKIB A- WIN. 100 Lolnlu North MlJi a, mine very choice, lit low price, mid on eu.y term., We hImo Iik e lot. Iu other parta of the city. Pit. J-O. II Aliltls A SON. I VQITI? I VY'li1 Written III the larKi-nt 1 a 1 ii 1 1 I V j V iM I J and iiioht reliable eom- Pinne. :it ciirienl rule. Our lire Iiihiii mice cjiiipanlv. lire union the luw.l and .tronircMt In the world, our accident company i lie- to t in Hie ( . .-., ami I lie irrmiil old Mutuul Lib: ot N. . huf no eoiiul on the face of the I.e. IMS. J. o. IIAKKI.-j ii SON. Ii 1 1.1 t V TW't l,"IV SI" Line, of f 1 j .A 1 IP IV I j 1 StciimhjpM at lowest price.. Lilt. J. O. IIAIlltlb A bON. A SOUTH KILN FA KM. lift KK f.,r a .horl nine a very choice farm of ii acre., a few acre, of which lie within the cliv limn, ot one ol Ibe loo.t thriving towns a county .eat in Northern Tex an The laud I. excet-tli ijflv rich and proiliictivv. the hutldliitr comniodioii.. orchard ifood. tie- hx allon com In li, UK all the .idv.iiioiK'e. of bulb vliy and country. Then' are now about Mi ai re. In winter cmtw ami All uta clover, ami we can .ell the whole thiiiK. cro( and all. II .old a. ion, for I-., than per ucre ! uue of I he Ih ki burpim. to be U id any where, Imut Iw Pit. .1. O. HAliUIS Sc SON. W V TI? 4 VSi 4 ''I1 A OKN'EltAL Heal ij 1 IV.liinav 1 Ktat'- bu.lne., not limited to any otu- ha allty. but extendliiK over ten dif ferent .latea. and therefore aiway. have noiue choice bai icain. to otter. We are the pioneer. In thli line, have traveled many thoti.auil. of mile, and have acquired much valuable iufonintiloii. which 1. free to our cu.ioiner.. I'ei-Htin. ib-.irliiK to purchase either dry prowriy farms, or land. In any pari of the Wcat or S .nth. will lind It to their lutere.t to call on u t. fore huyliur JatiA tf IK. J. O. llAKKIa c SON. 'I'll 'ft C'l'MUV nWKII.IMi. brn. 1 It ; ill Ull 1 nearij lour lot., we.t .1 le. all for only (1 1 1 k I 1 1i t.iiMMOPtol h Dwelling, modern ) 1 1 " " 1 V . 1 j) Improvement", r.uod liarn, taiu lota, east t;de. A decided baryaiu. H1;l; II t III 1' COITAi.K. "-Ten room. iMjklt 1 V i V I I i I i new barn, two lot., north tnde. only f l.tfU i i will buy a fair hoose, !We rooma, larire u O' "J Iruit aud .hrybbery. f.y payiueiii.. 4 I W I !' I ' T olTA!.K.comm,HoM, 111 I 1 eiery w di-alinbie. tu am! very cheap at 1.4jO 'I'll I.1 4 lift VI.' ale a few sample, from 1 II li .1 V li our p,n n II. t. ail m! Pit. J. O. HAKKtS A SON. FOR SALE. 12 Cook Stoves. 1 .No. t) Delnionlco Kance. Alt In a-".! order. Will h aold for what It rot to r i.uir iiiin. At THoa. (a::;n-ri Stove liepalr Shop, No. 1013 !j sll aireet, Ottawa. A iao a I xi hone an 1 delivery a afun for tale for tjQ. uslin THE MIME CEFJT STOBE. The stock will le arranged and ready for sale Monday morning, March 14th, 1SS7. All we ask is a careful examination of thh stock. The material, workmanship and finish cannot be excelled. For this sale we have endeavored to secure the best quality and style of Muslin I nderwear, THAT COULD UK SOLD FOR LESS THAN A DOLLAR, that the market will produce. We hare the best numbers from the leading factories, and propose to show that elaborate, well-made and satisfactory garments can he sold for less than a dollar. We begin the assortment as low as 1 2 cts, and have all grades, even to garments at 85 to Ss apiece; but we wish at this sate to direct particular attention to what we can sell for less than a dollar. Ladies' Drawers, 5 rows tucking, good muslin, 12 cts. Ladies' Corset Covers, perfect fitting, 12 cts. Ladies' Skirts, wide hems, 4 rows tucking, 3'.) cts. Ladies' Night Dresses, front milled and tucked, CD cts. AIjSO Roys Calico Shirt Waists, w ide collars, dress sleeve, with cutfs, - 15 cts. L. S. McCABE & CO., Ottawa, Ills. 80 1 , 803 and 805 La Salle Street, opposite the Post Office. REMEMBER, RELIABLE GOODS IN UNEQUALLED VARIETIES, .IsTID AT Guaranteed Lowest Prices, Are the Great Attractions rfT-red by umio g mm THROUGHOUT THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Agricultural Implements, Garden Tools, Seeds and Sewing Machines. Every artk-le guaranteed as represented. Tho frreuU'bt varieties to select from. The luteit tylc and best qualities. No trouble to allow these great bargain to you. We Invite an early inspection. i ilcmembor tho Great Bargain House. WILLIAMS & TUCKER, The Wlde-Awukc and Enterprising Merchants, rostolllce Block, OTTAWA, ILL. Carriages, Buggies. Road Carts, a-o G-jnr &d All Vehicles Guaranteed as Represented And Prices as Low as First-Class Work can be sold for. You Have Heard of the "Garland " "Climax" "Fast Mail" Ocoks; WE HAVE THEM, WITH MANY OTHERS. ur k l'reaents miny items uf inlerest : "Little Yankee' VOth er Sulky Plows, "Leader" and Other Planters, The "North-Western" Seeders, "King & Hamilton" Gophers, "King & Hamilton" Wagons, Budlong Pulverisers. Check llower, Harrows. Ac., in the market; all at LOW TRICKS. ATLEE TAKEXOTICK. I'utt lirnl fcK h'H In tJtfht Hrahni.p, 1 j Hi. nilh KiM'kn. Dl IVkin IMC. KVJ rr M-IIID If lilppwl- 1 .V If c ll i f-r l Bp iiff Turkr, Kino. f '.. irr a-tiintf if MX-1 ; g.l if railrd for. tail ou or aJdmw, M. . roi.Msox,, mart Bui Ottawa. 11!. rcutural MANLEY & JOHN InlSEEDS J tr ib noat otaaplata . flat&l.irtla Dnhlinhol ' i WW . LADIES' HnfJoruons' to soisrs. "l:t;lz mnv mil wseel ra MNurCTUfltD BT Th( GRAND DETOUR PLOW CO. DIXON, ILLINOIS. D'tft ft l!r t fr .m t! r Warn likr m vk.t( r"w H uh ou trul. tht tM'td-m ll t t Mi l run ttratt h tiro tti. Ilu nn UimN .1. turn ifter nttirr v rrfe-tlT, .th'ti( rmulurf thr .; .tut c.f tt (ru4. I'U I Ui front UM Iriwr tiiiJ IU rk in 'till vie. tr tit t.. r tr i f u-t l in an I mu h tuallMl fcU 4m raurv iti ivwr r t l'ifr w f umlnrui Hh. Th rtitirt Mtf M ! llir '.,n t arrtd ' If r h!. tS-fv to mm W 1rft no h-t- rvurr - no iHitKxn fru Hen. Iu Jrm.l itm .' (rat t ii Im ul wilti U r 16 toh In tbr, atitl tititr two or tfcrw 1 ti frrl lvr rvi'Mr thr lf th. rt'.v n.t hwr ihe pi w &4 rmlir. 1 he .lr lt lf U. aiM tit rw ti" ,-ntrr4 lh rwir hI hit h will turn Us ur i !'., r n it r :f.4 m lftt it van im takvl bj (run. The Litl Yankee" ift ft Nw IVrrtun it! Rtrtinx Plow. It U Built on thf Must ApLroved Prino'pk. It com bint til the tiril julme. Uha3'ej Unam, WhrfU and Air It i Liht, Simi'io aoJ Compact. It la Not ' Horse Killer. FARM ANNUAL for 1887 Will b ml KKt K TO A I.I. wbo writ foe it. It fa HadiNiiue HMk ot I2S Pa, tth bandmla uf 111 tut rw mo. three Colored I'lalrn, and telU all about THK HK.HT ; KIKN. t'AKM and t IAtW Kit Far Dill DC Dl AIITC Thoraaaakrrd MT1M.K and DULDO' I LAN I O Kanry I'Ol'l.TKY. b d enbaa Kare Navrlllra in Vrarlable ud flower o" ml t fulM. which oaozhA be ubt&ioed eloewber. Bond addnatoo postal BURPEE & CO. PKIUMLPHII. PI. NOl'U'K.-K.xTATaor Hint Jix. lav. Viiu'r i. (irpfht icivru thiil thr umlri:n.'.l. Ad Bilnllrtir of lht Katalv of lllmm .I.okih.ii lata uf thct-oiiniv of Iji n.h- and uir of I II' not. uVceamtl, aill p'r f-forr llir I'robair "url of w:tl onuty. oa th- tiiml Mnm1.iv ihr'na tlw tih !, of Msy. !:. at llir t'roliair ( ourt ICatiiu. Ill Ottawa. In luutl t-ouniv. Iwa ami mr all i-rtoii 'mint r'alm or "li'mumta attain.! aald mair art notified to attend and praaeoC tlia amr in a ntum for aijuf iiimr. Oalrd ttili 1 I ti d.j of Ma . n. 1W. lkl)H. U JACKy. , arlJw Aduuiiiatrmtor.