Newspaper Page Text
to (11 w Wtt VOL 49. OTTAWA, ILL., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1887. NO. 7. i" Is what we propose to do, on prices of Fall and Winter Dry Goods. We will offer you no taffy in the way of a "spurt" ten-minute sale of something at half-price; nor will we hare re course to the confidence or lot tery schemes of giving a cheap daub picture, or something com paratively worthless, to persons who buy certain quantities of goods. We will sell you all goods at clean-cut prices, with out the incumbrance of losses made on the ten-minute spurt sales or the expense of cheap, showy, daub pictures. Just conic and see if we don't. A. LYNCH. CilAS. KNOEDLER, Meat Market, MAIN STREET. Summer Sausage a Specialty. All meat., fresh unil lt, handled, and brat quality the market nffurila always oil hand. Goods delivered to order. Your patronage li foltdUd, and do elturu will be apared to gne you Terftet StUixf action at All Timet. Ottawa, 111.. July 30, 1837. Jl AND HACK LINE. 100. TELEPHONE. 160. PETEREGAN Would respect-;!)? announce to the citizens of Ottawa ana vicinity mat ne tins one ot me choicest uvery Stocks In the city, at the City Studies, such as The Latest Styles of Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, To let at plcea to suit the tonus. Parties. Weddlnas Funerals, Picnics, Ac, supplied with Good Kins n short notice. Funerals in the country or adjoluli t towns fromptly attended to. Persons taken to or from the oepoig, or to tne country, niKnt or any. tW Keiiember the place On Madison street, east ot adeem, one niocK west or new court house. Ottawa Feb. 9 lHHt. f'KTKIt EG AN. For lie Fall Trafle. NEW ARRIVALS AT OF Cloaks and Shawls, IN GREAT VARIETY, Flannels,Blankets AND ALL Woolen Fabrics, ALSO Table Linens, Toweiings, &c, in fact, of all lines to to make up a Complete Fall Stock In all Departments. New Prices All Over the House. This is the banner stock of a banner year at this bouse, and both stock and low prices will be found unequalled by any other house in the city. AN INSPECTION INVITED! lie For Fly! VERY AND STABLE i J. mm Superb Dress Goods. Much a most buyer e spec ted In view of the announcement of full (roods at' II. J. Gil tun's, it U certain that everyone who has ex mined the new stock I surprised at Its pro portions as welt us it elegance. It would bo too much of a tank to review the whole, but the line of pre uooi U ho superb that It would be uufalr to the public not to call their special attention to It. In general variety, in uew fabric and uew colorings, and standard goods f it I simply unapproachable here abouts. The Hue of black drkss goods is en peclally uoteworthy for it completeness, ex cclllug uuy stocn ever shown In tht county, in a full range of prices. In addition to a full line of bombazines, Henrietta cloths, all wool aud sllK wrap, we have a line of black cash meres by fur the most complete Ottawa buy er have seen, at price from 50c. to 80c a reduction of at least 25 per cent from former prices; also series, all quitn'itios, from 65c to flipper yard; also black brocades, black camel' hair goods, aud an entirely new fab ric known to the trade a the "Rayure sublime" a very handsome, black with satin tripes, wuivb the ladies will "rave over" a something exquisite. Then there are all wool tricot in colors, something choice In all wool set ges, double fold, extra tine totality, a low as (We. Also a fuller line of velvets, silk In black and colors, jet trimming, the uew braid trimming in handsome design, a line f trimming much more elaborate than the house ha formerly carried, but which 1 most complete in every detail; making as a whole a dress goods stock that will delight the most fastidious. The line of fall cloak is also in, aud con tain all the new style and fabrics. Of course the lines of flannels, blankets and all woolen goods are complete, with a particularly flue line of ladles and gents un derwear. Thlu stock ha been selected with care, bought under contracts made early; It ha been purchased with a view of giving the buyer the fullest advantage of low prices. Buyers will get that advantage. All requested to examine the stock. J. E. Porter has a large and carefully sc. lected stock of buggies, carriages, and road carta of all descriptions, at lowest market prices. J. E. Porter. Mis Nellie Widmer entertained a few friends at a small card party, last evening. Aniunemruts. On Monday evening the Opera House will be occupied by the world fumous Tony De nier Humpty Dumpty Specialty Company, of which the St. Louis Globe-Democrat says: "The possibilities of Humpty Dumpty will never be realized. Everybody of mature year kuows what it was, and, having gone to see it each year since childhood, knows what it has been since. At the same time there is a probability those who were not at The Peo ple's last night do not know what it is now. Tony Denier's name guarantees the excellence ot the entertainment. With Ravel us clown, aud the perennial Humpty Introduced among Indiun surroundings, there is a decidedly en tertaining pantomime. The specialties ns a whole are clever, and the play of childhood should have a prosperous run." Ai.hchi'Lek has just received a new line of lniierwear for the fall aud winter trade. Complete stock and reliable goods. Prices as low as the lowest. Cull and examine. Clark's Candies are the best. An elegaut line of Jerseys t very low price to be found at the Revolutionary Dry Goods Store. Gone South D. Lorriaux has gone south just half a block and may be found hereafter at the corner for merly occupied by Robert Bros. In his new quarters he will be glad to see old and new customers. His goods will always be of the best and his prices at the very bottom notch 8. I. C. Tho first party of the season given by the Semper Idem Club, of Utica, wa held in Clark' Hall, Wednesday evening, Sept. '21st. Ball's orchestra furnished the music. About forty couples were present and "tripped the light fantastic" uutil a late hour. Among those present from abroad were: Missea Hull Fannie Trimble, Julia Routcliff.Ida and Alice Ames, Mis Hentrich, Annie and Evelyn Hatheway, Grace Green, Libby Wilson, Lou Lynch, Daisy Strawn and Mrs. Duncan, of Ottawa; Miss Cora Ward and Mrs. Diester weg, of La Salle. Messrs. Ames, Rowc, Kneussl, Hoffman, C. E. Hook, Allen, Taylor Herman and Silas Strawn, Wilson, lies. Dun can, Trimble, Lynch and Mayo, of Ottawa; Messrs. Myers, PeSteiger, Murray, Boyle, Zleslngand Uiesterweg, of La Salle; and T. Morrissy, Seneca. French is the only hatter iu La Salle county that makes silk hat to measure by the French conform ator. Mr. Geo. L. Walliman and Miss Kate Mur dock were married last Monday afternoon at five o'clock, at St. Columba parsonage, Rev. Father Ryan olliciating. Black velveteen atSOcts per yard at the Rev. olutionary Dry Goods Store. Children's Clothing At th White Corner. Clothing for school wear, clothing for little boys, big boys and middle sized, at Prices lower than ever before. M. Stiefel. Old Pictures, When copied at Bowman's gallery, are equal to the best made in any city in the United States. Next Sabbath is the closing Suiday of the Conference year. Rev. D.J. Holmes preaches In the First Methodist church morning and evening. Subject In the evening, an address to young men on "Success and it conditions, or how to escape wreck on the voyage of life." Toung men of the city and their friends are specially invited. Toung people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sabbath school at noon. Heavy Front. One of these mornings you will wake uu Wi It you don't go right along with the pro cession and get one of those elegant heater at Kendall's. He can suit any body, a he carries more samples than any store between Chicago aud Peoria. Cull and look over KEN DALL'S stock. If You Want First class photograph aud crayon portrait and good cople of your old pictures take them to Bowman's gallery. Silver Ci.ocu, the best patent flour, it made at the Victor Mills. Ottawa. Try It. You will like It. Tue full block in silk huU is a very tasty one. ar.d verv becoming to joung men. Fitted to your head by the French Conforuiator at J. M. French'. Jcs. O'Hullorun.of La Salle.whllo attempt ing to board a Rock Island passenger train at Spring Valley on Wednesday evening, foil under the train and had hi left arm mangled. It had to be taken oil, aud fears are entertain ed for his life. Canvasser Wuurl. Will pay large commission or salary to right party. Prefer one who owns horse and light vehicle for traveling in the country. Must be man with experience. Audress this ofllce with refereuce. Dancing Ae-ueniy, Fall term for Juvenile class (beginner) commence Saturday, Oct. 1st, at '2 p. m. La. dies' aud Gents' class at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, Oct. 3. Term as usual. S. 8. Willis, Ottawa, III. Auythiug in the hat line at lowest prices. French, the Hatter. Underwear Cheap. Stlcfel is maktug a special run on a line of ALL-WOOL SCARLET UNDERWEAR at the heretofore impossible price of ONE DOL LAR. Don't fail to see them. The twenty-second annual reunion of the 4th Illinois cavalry took place at Earlvllle on Thursday, aud wa largely attended by the surviviug members of that regiment from all part of the Uniou. A special feature of the occasion was a banquet tendered the old sol diers by the Wouiau's Relief corps of McCul lough post.G. A. R., of Earlville. Among the uoted member of the company present from abroad were Gen. M. R. M. Wallace, Lieut. C H. Chopin, and O. T. Randall, of Chicago; Capt. Ira W. Clark, of Custer Park, 111.; Capt. Collius, of Aurora, III., and Lieut. Wolfens- berger, of Princeton, 111. Circuit Court. Judge Blanchard give the following no tice: Hearinir notices cf chancery causes for the October term must be tiled on or before Fri- day, September 30th. To cure your corns, get a pair of those Kan garoo Shoes at J. Mcgaffln's. They are easy to the feet und water-proof. Hats. Remember that A. keeps tho cheapest and best black Derby's in the mar ket. The best in ull styles and makes. Re. member the great bargains ho oilers In the $1.50 Derby, Don't miss the place. A. Alsciil' The Victor Mills buy the very best wheat and makes It into tho best flour. I.uueh lloom. Robert Brothers are now rapidly getting things in order at their uew location and are going to have one of the finest fitted bneerles in tho state. Today they are again ready to attend to their lunch trade, and will be pleased to serve all who call. In Memorlan. It is with a heavy heart we announce the death of our friend and companiou, Mis Katie Nicholson. Last spring she wa taken siek, from which llluess she never fully recovered, and In July she was taken down never to rise again. Katie wa an estimable young lady who won the love and esteem of all who knew her. Her death 1 a stinging blow to her kind old mother, sister and brother. She wo all to them that God's green earth held dear. She knew she wa going to die and was per fectly reconciled to go and meet her God. In her last sickness she chose her pall bearer : BaitCurtin, Will O'Dotmell, Thos. Thomp son, Will Corrigan, Eddie Brown and Mattie White, who laid her tenderly and gently to rest under the green and shady maples of St. Coftimba cemetery. Darling Katie, how we loved you; And although you're far away, Tour name is near and dear to us As flower in tne month of May. O Katie, how we wished your stay longer, But our wishes were over hurled, For the angels with their golden win? Wafted your soul to the other world. But we will meet our dear friend Katie On that bright and radiant shore, Where they never, never say farewell, We'll meet to part no more. A Friend. At Sliefel's Fall clothing, all styles, all grades, all colors; and to suit all tastes. Ppices lower than ever. Wanted. A lady clerk to write wrappers, address envelopes and wrap newspaper for mailing. Call at this otlice. Go to Clark's tor oysters. Give Hungarian Flour a fair trial. II will please you. Crayon Fort rait And photographs made at Bowman's gallery are not excelled anywhere. We Mentioned Last week that Mrs. Hentrich was to receive fine line of fall hat. A good many of them have arrived. In this arrival are something new and stylish. Don't forget to call before buying. East of court house. Clark serves the best oysters. J. E. Soott & Co.. Carpets. The only store iu Ottawa that Is showing a full line of enw fall and winter carpet. See the new Ingrain and Rug carpets, 3-V. Huav) Ingrain carpet for 50c. A big n"W stock of Velvet Body Brusscl and Tapestry Brussels. Carpet made and laid on short uotiec. Fur On Who Know What good work Is, Bowman this week filled satisfactorily au order for SEVEN HUNDRED cabinet sUe photograph. It m Wrong To be delud d that the cheapest Is the best. When you patronize Bowman' old reliable gallery you invariably realize that the it the rhenint. CltlZFIt Ot UttltW Aud La Sulle county should ut all times re member that for superior photograph and Jtnt ctat crayon portrait BO W M A N w i i.l n ot II B OUT-DONE. A Big Offer as a Starter J. E. Scott & Co. have received very lurge stock of Plush Cloaks, Jackets and Wrap, and during next week they will soli $5 Sea1 Plush Cloak for frjd, aud the 1.50 quality for $17.50. Ladies' Jackets, J3.V) to $5. Children' aud Infant' Cloak, a big stock. J. E.Scott A Co. Sunday School Convention. The La Salle County Suuday School Con vention met in the Congregational church In this city Thursday foreuoou, September 23. The meeting was called to order by Vice Pres. ideut J. T. Buckley. The following commit tees were announced by the Chair: On credentials J. M. Machesney, A. A. lovc ana .jir. varr. uu programu e-nev. c isnjr , w, it. aubuiI) iwf . v. mm. On officer' renort D. B. Snow, Mrs. Larra uiore aud C. F. Frauk. The foreuooon session wa taken up with discussions on the wsys of carrying on and im proving Sunday School work. Rev. Boaz of Utica, and J. T. Buckley of Streator, were the chief speakers. After dinner Rev. A.M. White of La Salle gave au address on tho question, "What are the chief means to be employed to maintain a useful aud Interesting Sunday School." Prof. Evans of Englewood, gave a vocal solo, and Mrs. S. DeMott of Normal, gave a paper on: in connection with theso flairs, that the lndi "Chlldren's Meetings." The report ot the'catlons there announced are for the whole secretary and treasurer were read and referred of Northern Illinois, and if the prescribed to the proper committees. Delegates were i weather doesn't come out a Indicated, right present from the following Sunday Schools: In town, it should bu borne in mind that the La Salle: Baptist Congregational, Methodist; , chance are that they tl come out true some Deer Park: Baptist; Serena and West Serena:' where within the district they are intended Methodist; Sheriden: Methodist, German for. It may assist citizens In reading the Hags Evangelical; Northville: Methodist; Grand to bear in mind that the black triangular flag Ridge: Cumberland Presbyterian, Presbyter ian; Leland: Lutheran; Marseilles: Congre gational; Mendotn: Methodist. Baptist, Beth el, Tresbyteriau; North Serena: Union; Day ton: Union; Streator: Congregatioiialist, United TJruthern; Seneca: Baptist; Utica: Baptist; Ottawa: Congregational, German Evangelical, 1st and 2d Methodist; Brook tlelil: Union; Triumph: Methodist; Full River: Hickory Point Methodist. On Thursday evening the Congregational church was packed to hear Mr. B. F. Jacobs of Chicago. He was introduced by the liresi dent of the conference. Mr. Jacobs said he had been much plcused to note the Increase in Sunday School Interest In this county. He built hi discourse upon the text found iu John xvil, 4. He spoke ot the course of study laid down in tho Sunday School leaflets. Ho devoted the longer por tion of his speech to the necessity of every body preaching and extending the gospel on this eurth. He insisted upon it that everyone wanted to preach the gospel to their fellow beings. He wanted more atteution paid to the dark places to the lowest elements of human beings. He said that it was a mis taken idea to suppose that tho largo cities were tho worst places. There are a larger proportion of church attendance than in the country districts. He reluted several pathet ic anecdotes and several fiinnyjoniM, applying them adroitly to his subject. Mr. Jacobs is a polished orator and a powerful piMiker, and his audience sat spell-bouud by his eloquence. His combined wit and pathos wer perfectly Invinceable. His audience wan perfectly car ried away. The meetings of yesterday were largely at- tended, both forenoon and afternoon. The forenoon meetinir was opened by Rev. E. S. Wilson of Streator. Mrs. S. J. DeMott of Normal, then gave a paper on Primary Work, which wa listened to with great Interest. The remainder of the foren on session was filled up with the following: "Our Difficulties; how to Overcome," L. S. Ellsworth, Deer Park; "How toTeaeh.Temperance in the Sun day School," Mrs. L. Plumb, Streator; "Our Boys," E. Connibear, Mendota. Election of officers. The afternoon session began promptly at half past one. Rev. A. Bowers of Tonlca, spoke on "How to make Teachers' Meetings Profitable." "Better Work Amongour Young People In tho Suuday School," was discussed by Mr. Harvey of Marseille. Rov. M. Pen- hallagen of Streator, had charge of the que tion drawer. The convention as a whole was an unbound ed success. There were 104 delegates present a goodly tucrease from the total of IH last year. Hungarian Flour Is the best Victor M II. -made at the Clark makes the best candies. $2, HflO, t i, and f:5.r0 buys a No. 1 school uit at Oak Hall, north of court house. FXONOMV, !C'OMfORT, DCKAMLITY, is ob tained by buying your boot aud shoes at J, Megaffin's. Remember There I only one ROUND OAK In the mar ket. All others are Imitations. Theog.NciNi and several other excellent makes of stove for sale at Manlkt A Jordan, See our fancy flannel shirt. They are the bet, at Oak Hall. Prof. Kent. The adver. of Prof. Kent appears elsewhere. It I on tho subject of the rye, In which t-o many are Interested. We can say with Prof. Thorp, that although the gentleman I per sonally a stranger, nevertheless he come to u so well recommended by parlies we do know to bo thoroughly reliable in every way that we have no hrsiiuucy In recommending him to the public. He can bo found at the Cli.tou. Just opened, a flue line ot tailor made dress suits, four-button cut-away, tack business suits, all the leading styles, a d elegant tit ting garment, at Hall, the one drice clothier Clark' candy opening will occur soou. Dl'H AIIILIT Y, IVuN'OMV, Comkoiit, I the happy lot of those who buy their boot or shoe ut J. Megallln'. Fall opening at Oak Hull elegant new styles of men and boys' weur. Remember the place, uorth of court house. The Weather, Dr. J. O. Harris has been the weather man of Ottawa for some time, and hold all the stale and government appointment for this loculity iu the weather department of the sig nal service. The state alius to have a voluntary weather observer without pay In every county. This work Is done by Dr. Harris in this coua- ty. It is the uuty of those observer to report the temperature, the fall of ralu or snow, the direetiou of wind, cloudiness, occurrence of frosts, and general mcteological phenomena. Tee reports are sohI to Springfield monthly. The report are then sent to Washington wu tj t ey are embodied in pamphlets for general distribution. Besides this system, the government has crop reporters at various iu u.r?ls throughout the county The United State signal service also has special mi n fall observers who take note of the amount of dully and monthly rainfall and re port to Washington mice u week. In town where some merchant is enterprising onouirh to erect a flag stall the weather Indication arc seut by telegraph free of charge every day In Ottawa the Hugs are hoisted by Mr. Stiefel. and are changed everyday in accordance with the dispatches received each day. These dis patches come from tho signal station at Chi- cago. It is no more than fair to bear In mind means temperature, and means lower or high er temperature according as it Is placed above or below the other flags. Mothers should see our new line of boys' and children's clothing. Wo guarantee the best fitting clothing and lowest price at Oak Hull, north of court house. The best flour to be hud anywhere is made at the home mills right here In Ottawa. Cot ton & Hamilton will not bo out done. ItitpttHt Church. Next Sunday will be "Harvest Home Day." In the morning Dr. Fredericks will preach on "The Last Great Harvest.' Sunday school immediately after service. Young peoples meeting nt i:30 o'clock. The church will bo elaborately decorated with cereals and fruits of harvest time. The yearly har vest concert will occupy the evening. These concerts are too well known to need more than announcement, and everybody is invit ed to come ami get pleasure and profit from the services of the day. Elates, pencils, scratch books, and all kind of school supplies at the lowest prices at Hapcman & Graham's. Wanted. At Judge Galon's residence, a good strong girl from the country who understands uiak ing bread aud butter, and willing to learn nice cooking. I Jest wages will be paid to a satisfactory girl. llitrvest Kxruralons). The Burlington Rout, C, 11. & Q. R. R., will sell, on Oct. 11, Harvest Excursion iic.eia at one tare for the round trip to principal points iu Nebraska, Kansas, Minn cgota and Dakota. Limit, thirty days. For tickets and further information concerning these excursions, call on nearest C, B. & Q. Ticket Agent. A party of eight bicyclists visited Detr Park, last Sunday. The party wa com posed of D. E. Devlin, W. II. Osnian, W. Seely, A. G. Ackcrman, W. Nash, and L. II. Htrawn of Ottawa, John Lord of Marseilles, .nl I.M 1' C f i ) I rr.i . ii4 iiiiiiiiiiru iii wgirsujr. ice CIUo left Ottawa at half past eight o'clock in the forenoon, and relumed at a little after five o'clock. They took dinner at Mr. Clayton's, and, during the afternoon, Mers. Seely and Ackcrman gave an exhibition of expert riding. On the return of the party to Ot tawa, they were entertained by Mr. W. H. Osman. The club Intends going out next week with more of the home members, and they also expect six wheelmen from Streator and six from Marseille. Lost On Monday, Sept. 10th, a gold watch and chain. The finder will be liber ally rewarded by returning it to Cora J. Pickens, South Ottawa. O. A. It. l.xrurslon to su Loula. On Monday, September '.t'.th, the Burling ton Route (C, B. & Q. R. R.) will sell excur sion tickets to St. Louis and return at $6.35 for the round trip. Train leaves Ottawa at 3:35 p. m , arriving in St. Louis at 8 a. m. For further particulars, apply to Gio. E. Roi, Agent. Oliver Cornell, Praciicallcconntaiit Book Opened, Closed and Balanced. Intrlrti Aromints lrT-stls:trd sml Arilii'tril. Uwu Kivrn to Mnire and ih.ulile Knlrjr H wk-Kevp. In. In Clssrvs or Otherwise. Otttoe lit 0r lIou ltloi-k, s.10-mi OTTAWA, ll-li. ALSCHULBR HAS A Complete ami Well-Selected Stock of Boys' ani CLnldren's He is all ready for the SCHOOL TRADE Call and Examine Hoods. N. li.--Finest line of Overcoats in the county. Perfect fit guar anteed. Hvturu Health In IMaoe of Death from Consumption. Mason, Linn., la., July 12, 1887. Dear Madam : I wish the public to know how much my health has improved in two months under your treatment. I have suf fered with lung trouble six yearsthe effects of pleuro-pneumonia which caused me to have a very hard cough, having about three very severe spells every night, which would last times one-half hour. I raised great quantities of heavy green matter. Had great soreness and pain through my lungs, and could not lie on my left side. My stom ach was affected. I also had a severe pain in my back for ten years, which Is about all gone now, after being under your oare two months, 1 can now sleep fill night without coughing, and lie on either side without any inconvenience, The night sweats have gone, na also (he pain and soreness in my lung; nor doe my head ache as it did. The pal piiatitin of Ihe heart is about stopped. I have beeu working quite bard for the last few weeks, while before I took your treat, nient 1 could scarcely do anything. Respectfully yours, .Iacksox Oillmobk. The doctor will visit Ottawa Oct. 5. See column announcement. Slates, pencils, scratch books, and all kind of school supplies at the lowest prices, at Mapeman & Graham's. Kev. C. C. Warner, pastor of the Congre gational Church, nt La Salle, was given a re. ception, last Monday evening, at the house of Mr. George Treat, of that place. The occasion was Mr. Warner's thirtieth birth day. A number of Ottawa people were there, among them Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Day. There were also delegations from other neighboring towns. A most enjoyable time was had. Temperanrn. The Rev. Father Cleary spoke at St. Col umbo Church, last Sunday evrning, upon the subject of "Temperance." Father Cleary was here at the time of the C. T. A. convention, and last Sunday spoke again upon the same subject, at the urgent request of many of his friends. He was greeted by a large audience, and his lecture was well received. After the opening services, the reverend gentleman proceeded to go for the liquor traffic right vigorously. He showed, by figures and statistics, the enormous amount of money expended upon liquor, and the conclusion reached wa the same as ha been proved before. From Father Clenry'B figures, it would appear that some i'J(M),000,t)OU per annum is the cost to this country for its strotig drink. He urged all Catholics who were in tho liquor business to quit it. He, indeed, denounced the entire liquor traffic in most emphatic terms. The Rev. Father Rvan officiated at the closing services. 0 Mr. H. E. Wickham, of the Ctica GaittU, and Mis Ida Lindsey, of Seneca, were mar ried at the residence of the groom's mother, Mrs. M. J. Wickham, in Morris, on Friday. September ICth, Rev. J. J. Irving officiating. We congratulate Mr. Wickham, and may he and hi lady live a long life of wedded Hap piness. A very enjoyable ladies' tea wa that given by Mrs. C. J. Curyea, at her rooms in the French flats, on La Salle street, last Sat urday afternoon. Sixteen ladies were pre sent, and visiting and musio filled the after noon. Mrs. W. . Bowman directed the mu sical exercises. An elaborate lunch was served in the Windsor Hotel dining room, by mine best Joseph Hansmaa, The ladies also gavs a few readings and Impersonation, from Mrs. Seott-Siddons' " May Qnsaa." CLOTH