Newspaper Page Text
, Krai all months aUM " Xxoruw lor jcuuJ til uionilu M Lena tran.nortatlon... 1m pnxlucu of urm. .tan i . 4 11 Toul mouut to I ditrHutcd lrin(1M K - I0.7V5 M Whole number of dajS board Nunilasruf ... Making tlx iwr capita Ln riwiitn tlito Jr miinnanil to ll )''' ,fWi ..ll Wii.ila iiiimbcr uf luuialo., Scpl. 1 Male. Keuia.c iJe.m. ; Hirh. Nuiiiuerof home Number of cow. S iiiuIht of calve NuiiiiiTur m it NllllllHTllf H'H Numlicr "f JuU.iry XVI'IOXa 1 1 V. AllllTtMUl Iri.h (crinn. ' hiiKlmh hCaUilinVln I'oluuder bcotih , Irai., Sou -'13 FKiinn r ok Fifty trni (if corn. averae hii.icl. -r acre I hirty iw-n ol oi, aeii.,ti- i illU himhciH. hi, veil ncn- oi puimu- Hut' 1 loll.. Allot wiiloa U rH)w:t fully bUhiiilttHd T. C. UIn, County .Vjeni. Your comm t ee would rMp(:tfully re port tut they Iihvh exitiulrwil tlie itcroiiiitH OI 1 U Ullwm, tuuui; nurin, . t ha tn with vouxbeM on liln nd lind tbm to be Identlcsl. Had your coinnilttee bad an opportunity to audit tlxwa m lis some of tbf in perh tpa would never have iun allowed. We would therefore recom ti din i timt no inonev he placed at the .Ilu.uiaul nf iliA rountv HlTfUt with the exception of a HUtlident amount to defray expenses or tratiHpinauon ior me uuuk-ui. and Insane, and as the county aent has In i.Im iHwwsslon tier reiiort of September 1st: VMM Sept 4.rec'd Sup Mclutyre lV Will rw-wlve In Oct from dowry tn n.nM 13') "0 Total ,..1.0SH K ... 113 7' Sept 1, Hint paid out Anit on htiiid at disnossl of CO urrnt for the vedr 07'1 09 Therefore In the opinion of your coin mlttee no further appropriation Is neces ary. Respectfully submitted. CiiAiu.KH (jinns, Chairman. Supervisor J lowlaud Introduced the fol. Inwlnir resolution, which was adopted : i;.'.,,litL That Inasmuch as La Salle conntv Is more directly Interested than almost any other portion of the state in the inn nfunancn ana 1 llliroveineni oi me Illinls and Mtclilzun Canal, a mass meet Intr be called tn intfet here In the supervia ors' room, at 1 o'clock p in, Thursday, henteinber 'J'.ith. to appoint delegates to meeting to be held at l'eorla October 11th, in the interest or tlie at)ove ottjeci. i nai a committee of three be appoiuted to draft resolutions and brlni; the matter promi nently before the public and give notice of sni 1 meeting. The chairman appointed Supervisors Howlaud, Dwyer and Gallagher as such cumiulttee. On motion of Supervisor Lewis the board adjourned until 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. Patchday, Sept. 17, 1887. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. l'repent same as yesteruay. The record of yesterday sessions was read and approved. Supervisor Mclntyre here took the chair. Supervisor Ulbbs offered the following resolution, which was adopted: lUmdcfd, That the committee to settle with county agent be instructed to audit no bills against the county except such as ar personally contracted by said ayent. Supervisor Morton submitted the follow ing report, which was adopted: Mr. CltairmiH, dr.: In view of the adop tion of the rejxirt of your committee to settle with the sheriff, circumstances bikI a conscientious discharge Dt my duty and justice to myself compel me to inform you of my course in the future which necessity will compel me to pursue. You will see by my reM)rt that the traveling expenses exceed the allowance by $:tOU W, cash ex pended and advanced to the county. There has also been ifl.V4.41 cash expended. This amount Is made up of Items for conveying the Insane to Elgin and Kankakee, prison ers to Jollet and the reform school, de pendent and deserving subjects to the In dustrial schools, iic , and of current ex penses, such as telegraph, telephone, post age, itc. These charges have heretofore been paid as regular curreut expenses of the ofllce and not embodied in these rejiortB. There has also been expended for deputies and bailiffs in excess of idlowances $:iL0 lid. This makes a total of $772.80, advanced by me to conduct the business of La Salle county. I'nder a decision of the Supreme Court, I am Informed by legal counsel and by the chairman of your committee, If I in the discharge, of my duties as sheriff exceed in expenses for the olllce the amount collected by the ofllcer, the county cannot be held renponslble for the same. Realizing this fact, 1 present this commu ideation and deem it my duty to inform the board that I shall be obliged to decline to perform any duties of the olllce w hich will incur expense, after the present allow ances aud receipts are expended. Feeling that the present allowance and collections will be exhausted before the next meeting of the board, I respectfully call attention of your honorable body to the exigency of the case and request reasonable relief. Yours respectfully, L. Mukkishkt, Sheriff. Your committee are of the opinion that the Constitution and declslous of the Su preme Court have answered so completely the foregoing commuulcatlou that we sim ply iUote their language, as found in Vol. DO Illinois lteporta, page 341, and others cited : " Why the county lnmrd fix the amount if It is to be without any effect If in any case It may be shown that the amount fixed Is more or lees than necessary ? Who then is to determlue what Is necessary r Is it to be left to the determination of the officer, and the temptation be held out to hlui to keep all the fees that come into bis bands, under the claim that they are nec essary to pay the excuses of his office, aud trusting to bis ability to make it so appear? Or la it to be left to the determination of the verdict of a jury at the end of a liti gated suit? Is It the policy of the law that an of fleer's compensation shall be fixed and known that he shall have that and no more that the amount of bis pay shall not depend upon a decision to be made upon a quantum mtruit claim. When the county board bas thus fixed an officer's compensation we conceive that that is all to which he is entitled- We do not see that under the Constitution there is any nther power which kas the authority to Increase it. " 11 Brad., p. m: The sheriff takes his office with its burdens, and not only bis compensation, but the expenses of bis office are to De aerrayea only out of the fees and emolamenta by blm received.1 ' 7 111, p. 423 : The incumbent takes the office with 1U burdens." The constitutional inhibition li absolute. The comnensatbm allowed by the board whether it Includes Mouses of the office nr not. shall In no case exceed tue tees or the office actually collected, aud the county has no power, if willing ho to do, to nuke n n hiiv deficiency that may exist. All the county lioaid Intended to do by its order was t. .rivu the sher ir a coinpensiition or tHM m ver and so much .is niig'it he necessary of the additional sums ot $:,(i00 for deputy hire and fl..w Mr traveling expenses, II a si.lliriei.i Mini mt nun. -ui-i.,,m,. r.nilil be ivnli.H.I fr.ill) the liM-SMlld Miiinliinieritsof th office, but int otherwise- Any contract to do on the p.irt of tlie county wulllil li'ive iiHi-ii Minium hiimi.'ijij of law and of no hindio;' oiillgation Your i-niiiiiilttHf Is n.itlstii'd th: iill'iwi'.nc'S hh hx..d are ample when judiciously ex i.uii,Im.I iin.l tln.t tl.e c--lit- tioll of f ecu 111 the olllce as shown by the semi ntinti'il re port, do tn it by any menus arrant an in crease, either of pay of deputies or travel Inir expen-es. All of which Is respectfully submitted. W. 11. NoiiTox, Chairman. It. F. Ull.TAIlltAM), S S. 'I iioMl'sox. Supervisor Maierhoter, chairman com nilttne on llmiHce. submitted the revolt ol said committee, which was adopted aud Is us follows : Mr. Chairman, de.: Your committee on finance respectfully r. Mirt that they have examined all the accounts of the Treasurer for the year last past, together with Items .if Indelitei ness found on record in me Clerk's olllce. make the follow in:; resnt to your Honorable IJoard, as a correct state merit of the county nuance, covering n n. rlod from September 14th, 188(1, to Sept i;ith, 1887: KKI'KII-IH. Sent. H. IS". (Wl In IrfHMiry II, " Knmi I Itvuir Clerk TiHlr f43.W 'il I'll sn itt, " Kniiii brli'l biiiu bi.H KUuie.... s, Krom " " " id. " II, " Krmii etie of Pilli II, " Kr.nn I' rlrcult i lk.. lutf? U..rrM.fl IlltilieV Imlll Iht Nut IM' si ;.i 1H pec, ii .lull. Hunk. I. Sullc 5.1ml fa 21, Mnr. I. an. It..l.l.lll HJ,(MMIU Kroin Mr hliH-kil:ile iu i t nuie. P-c 'W. 4c Wood Iim W U.IKMO AI:rll?. Knim MrM.M kiiie Win Kroin 1'i.uiitieloui;, Ailmr uf t.o, OIIHHM. 361 4t! Tme from lown rollwiiini and riillec led by llvilnmii Tnxea I IV Mr M.inun H'U'k mflroiiil Ue Ciwl hihI liit.-r.ft nil taxif K.trnlliiiipl nlHi e, Ami llotfnmn.. Kiiniliii;'. of iilllee. MiMnnu I iu.i7 :) lVi!', wi v.l l.l l.'i.t in 2.:i; IS July Il.lss;, hroiii sieplieu Arnold t -A .. tl,H'" IS KXI'K.VM I I IIK. Iiiry iirilern Wlinew. (irileri MlH'i'll4ll'.ll Ill elite uiiiriiirlatloQ .. l.WI imntu indt'ttttitf: hpeeTul unlem Iiili-rent mi milif W ilMin'i Bute and Inn -rent . . $1H.0 "0 .. t.HitH Kttrailllliir 1 Klrm Nai Hunk of IaSiiIIc. M' note and InterenI 3,lSK'.i Mmili " Noirii and Interett from bond fund, S..SOS .5 8I.WI ("i I It, unwell, minor heir fund ,M;ai lis I.' :fi ku :) 471 -4 Kred poind. Intiltnle fund omiiHii A Soim. HilvertlliiK, Ac... Hnleii. uiliriiieiit n co 'I Cuuniy irumurtT'i coiniiiliwion.... 3. 1 A 01 KKiAIMTCLATIiiS. If.u.i.iiita KxiHiirliiurm ....I.0"4M Sept. lull. Ib-iT, CukIi In ireanury.... 1'S.kuim The time reuulred to review the accounts of the four county treasurers which enter into this report has necessitated tue omis sion at this time of a detailed statement, as required by law, as to whom and for what the several items that makeup the different airtrreuutes were paid. Hence we are com nelled to ask for time to perfect and power to publish in pamphlet torm tue ioreoini? report, together with the items pertaining thereto. Your committee would further report that a tax levy of 40 cents on each 1 100.00, for county purposes, oriole appropriation, and to Pay interest on the bonded debt, be extended, the same being, in the judgment of your committee, sumcient to pay an ie ultimate claims that may come be tore your honorable Hoard lor tue ensuing year, anu until the next lew is available. All of which Is respectfully submitted. M. Maikiuiokku, Chairman. The hour of 10 o'clock having arrived rhe soeclal order for that time, viz: the consideration of the resolution offered yes terday by Supervisor Armstrong, was taken up. Said resolution failed to pass by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Armstrong, Jlmven, Dins more, Dresser, Glkibs, Uurney, Johnson, Malerhofer, Norton, Howe, Wyllo 11. Noes: ltubeck, liurkart, UurKe, uroon, Dunaway, Doyle, Hades, I-ischer, Galla gher, (iransden, Green, Griffin, Hlckok, Illltabrand, llollecker, nowianu, Jennings, Lauber. Lewis. Luklns, McGlnnls, Mcln tyre, McLaughlan, I'rendergast, Shawback, Stanford. Spencer, Thompson, Trumbo erner, Westwood Id. Supervisor Griffith offered the following resolution : JMml, That It is the understanding or this board that the salary of the sheriff Includes all fuel and lights for bis private resilience in the jull building. Said resolution was adopted by the tol lowing vote: Ayes iiiiheck, liurkart, iturke, Crook, Dresser, Dunaway, Doyle, Oades, Fischer, (iransden, ureen, uruim, ;utnev. Hlckok. Illltabrant, llollecker, Howhind. Jeunltics. Lewis, Luklns, Mc Glnnls, Mclntyre, McLauchlan, I'render gast, Shawback, Stanford, Thompson, Trumbo, Verner, !i(J; noes Ilowen, Dins more, Glbbs, Johnson, Malerhofer, Norton, Kowe, Wyllo, 8. Supervisor Norton offered the following resolution : lietolced, That the per diem for dieting prisoners be reduced from lifty cents per day per prisoner to thirty cents per day; or from :l.50 per week to 3.10 per week. Said resolution failed to pass by the following vote: Ayes Dlnemore, Dresser, Glbbs, Johnson, Malerhofer, Norton, 0; noes liowen, P.ubeck, Hurkart, Dunaway, Doyle, Kades, Flschwr, Grandsen, Green, Griffith, Gunn, Gurney, Hlckok, Illlta brand, llollecker, Howlaud, Jennings, Lewis. Luklns. McGlnnls. Mclntyre, Mc Lauchlan, I'rendergast, Howe, Shawback, Stanford, Thompson, Trumbo, Verner, Westwood. Wvlle. 81. Supervisor Gunn here resumed the chair. Supervisor Lewis moved that a commit tee of three be appoiuted to draft and present to the board suitable resolutions on the death of AuuustUB l). iiunerneiu. ( larried. The chairman appointed bupervisors rwU. Malerhofer and iiowen as such committee. Sunervlsor Lewis, chairman committee on judiciary, submitted the following re- nnrt whlcb was adorned : Mr. Chairman, de.: Gentlemen Your committee to which was referred the mat, ter of accepting the title to 3 Si'J-100 acres from thn executor ot tue law wui lteddlck on condition that the county will "keep the grave of fcald William IteUUick deceased, and the enclosure tbereef, situ ated upon lot 21, in block 1, in Ottawa (mfttrv. tn rrood condition, as provided for in said wlQ." Your committee have referied the deed herewith presented to the county attorney, who advises that It is in proper form, awl your committee ad vise i that the deed be accepted upon the conditions named. Your committee have also received from Mr. Armstrong, execu tor of the late William Keddlck, a deed to the one hundred acres of litnd devised by said late William Keddlck to La Salle county, w hich has also been submitted the county attorney, who advises It correct. Supervisor Lewi offered the following resolution which was adopted: UiHuhrd, That a staniiltiy; committee of tlnee iiieiiihers of triis board be appointed whone duty it shall be to look af'er and are for the grav id the lii'e William Iteddlck and wife in the Ottawa Cemetery and that we recommend that said com mlttee oe perpetually continued by sue feeding county lamros of La SmIIh county such committee to make a report to the board hiinii'illy. The chali man appointed Supervisors Lewis, (tre-n and llollecker as such stand ing committee. Supervisor Dwyer, chairman committee to settle with treasurer, submitted the following rep- rt which whs adopted: .). Vh'iirmiin, ctv ; Your committee to setile with County Tieasurer would respect fully reiioit that they have made a thorough examination of the report of Kx treasurer lames McManus, together with his boons of account with the county, and compared his vouchers with the records and canceled the same. We find every item In said re. port correct, and also rind that the balance shown In report of eighty five thousand two hundred four and S-100 dollars has been turned over to Treasuier Adams The coumy orders, jury certificates and other vouchers we have tiled in the office of the county clerk, where we would recom mend they he kept ror a period ot iur years, instead of destroying them by fire as has been the custom. In closing this report we wish to add that, in keeping his accounts, Mr. McMan us made the nearest approach to the letter of the law of any we have yet seen, and in his olllce he kept the lirst perrect order record kept for years, in which is shown the number ot order, the amount, to whom and when paid. W . J. Dwvek, t 1I ARI.KS UlllliS, ClIAS. L Sl'KNCEIl. Jumr Mr.Vimux, Count Collector, in Amtunt with Im Suite Count ij: Totiix oflKW II3.71R1S tax of lsio inl pre vlntm year 6'l I'l K I! lux of 1-S5 and previous yearn, U.Mii'f.l ai.KSfil lly forfeiture S.'.'IH : anaieinenia on in loiiniy to i pKld eouuly tread l.vo; ft culm oil tlj.cil.13 at 1 per cent... al6 4i ci inrVTV jrnor.VT. May '.n. To ree'd Fnt of A M HoHllian, '9.! 9 7(1 rec u county lax iini.ho " col, A:c. oil taxoi collected, 1!V " lilt " " ' Ui'.ISH 91.7W W l!y rounty orden paid .Siu SS ' Inrv I III " traimf to Institute fund loSUO " paid 1 Kmlen. county clerk, fees Judgment record 471 ttt " Collin un J US l l ree'd, at i per ct, 45 :J ' uoiim oil H,6,3.7l pdout, ut 1 pr ct, so 1 1 8,913 75 Ilalanc dux county H2,SJ8 (i5 INTITCTK KCM. May 2S. To ree'd of u B stockdule. counry nup. niw July , " WlKi in, -- - r.HT a i iirninan.. at uu U, " " I. II htockdale, Co superintendent 4(H) iL, To ree'd of tniiiMfer from county ai count 108 00 309 IK) By Institute orders paid . 3HU) KAItMMIH AMI KXI'KNMIS. coins on statu tax .. HUi 9 ( Int liond tax HH! " St li Pit. Nn i. l. 1, Int lid ; ar I'nwiislilp La Salle, " " 17 Wl I '.kji.i;i, county tax aid 17 - pO.,iiM, local laxe 2.0;:t)!l ' " i.ia ul, c. ti col. i i ct 45 HI " " S,f' pdout, at 1 pet So 74 3,3iy Hy Treas salary from May into Jul Vi, 4X1 fid salary iiulil deputy " " WOOD " sal pilJas M-;.Manus, Jul UtoSepl KifitW " 1' I) HtllUlpH 7 W " I' o liox rent '.5 " wanliliiu Mil " teleKiuplillii; .. . . 1 77 " extra clerk hire, aa per vouchers. I'.IUO 987 10 llaliince dm; county 2,76 13 'oiintv nrrmiiil 82.R"J8 li!l KarmiiKS and expense account 2.8"iB 13 HAH 13 J am km Mr: Masts. County Treasurer. tin motion of Sunervlsor Norton the time for holding the next meeting of the board was tixeU as seconu iuoiiiiay in December next. The committee appointed to draft reso. lutlons approving the action of judges, urors and attorneys in the Anarchist case ubmltted such resolutions, which were read. Supervisor Dwyre moved that the board defer action on said resolutions until the Decern ber meet1 ng. M otion carried. On motion or Suneirvlsor JMacher tne ountv n?ent was authorized to nay Sheriff Morrissev the amount of expenses Incurred bv him In transporting an insane pauper to N ew York city. The following resolution, ouereu uv su pervisor Dwyer, was adopted : Jlesiilncd. 1 hat th e county clerk tie au thorized to extend on the tux books the rate iter cent, to nroduce the amount ot tax as certi lied to county clerk by the dif ferent municipal olllcers. . oCvrtiJlcati n for Turn JIM in County Clerk's Ojliee. TOWNS. Corporation. Adams f my ftoc:. Allen lli: 411 Hrookllcld Ilruce I union ........ a-si 40 1 2,rsm :i wii no SMI; .-5 Streator. 5,000 peer l'ai-K Himiulck mii till Eagle 8.WI su ai 4(1 arl 2UO sou! TBI Il! 1MM 10O1 'i S.noni mi1 lmi! .tr I. mi l i.-.Mi: inn 8.VII l.fSlll Pll t.ftuol A Nil .Ull pan wi1 moi Karlville, Tunica, 8.:l Eden Kali lilver Kami Itldtie ... Kreedom .15 till 15 1 M mi 45 irand Kapltla . Irovelaud .Km land, ,L Salle, Mt'tiilota, rsj Hope U Salle Maullus 11.0.) Mendota Merldell Miller Mission I 6o Sheridan, " i 5" HI I co Ottawa, 4(1 i o !leru, U ! Northvlllu Ophlr f Isage Ottawa fitter creek ... 22.UKI ' io6oo 'era '.Ichlatnl Itulland to Marseilles. 40 I , W j tfl Selena Ijoutli Ottawa. I r.y (iiovu .... Ilea JO .North l'Uca,DUU Vennlllloo .... Waliaie 40 M Wnl'haii Si hool.. lowiishipltl, t- IOxli m insd.. City of fcarlvllle Library... . .5,500 . ,HIJ . 10C Suwrvisor Dwyer presented claims of J. Nagle Moore for $15, and Carrie Raymond tor $12 and f 10, for work In treasurer 8 olllce, w hlcli bad been presented to the committee to settle with county treasurer. Said committee recommended the payment of the f 1J claim or Uarrie iiaymunU ana the same was oruereu paid. On motion of Supervisor Fischer the two remaining claims were laid over until the December term. Supervisor Lewis introduced the follow. Inir resolution : I I 'CI, m ..nmmlttAA i tit,ltr ikCSVllffill, Ills, IUO U . . vu bulldlnes be and arc authorized to make sucb improvements on the public grounds of the county surrounding tne county court house and fall as upon conference such committee may deem to be wise ana rig That to this end sucb committee be autii Ued to confer and contract with the city authorities or with citizens, as may be necessary to protect tne county, anu carry out the work In a suitable and proper man ner. Supervisor Fischer moved that said res olution be la'd over until the December meeting of the Iwiard. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Armstrong, iiowen, Hubeck. Dins more, Dreaaer, Dunaway, Doyle, Kadec, FU'her, Gallagher, Glbbs, Gransden, Gur ney, Illltabrand, Jennings, Johnson, Lau I nkinu Mnlorhoft-r. McGlmil. Mc Liiiclilan, Norton, I'rendergast, .Stia.vback 1 1 umbo, ertier, westwooo, ync lliiikt. Cronk. Dwvcr. (ireen, Grlllln, lllckk, llollecker, How- land, Lewis, .Mclntyre. Kowe, Maniorti, SjHiicer, Thompson, Mr. Chairman Hi. muirolir I .uu L i if .miiillttuo hninlnt. ed to draft approprl.'ite re.otitlons on the iltmtlinf A IlirnutlW I I'.lltli-I kll'llllittl'll the follow dug, uhich whs ntlopted by a 1 1 - . . . unanimous i isiu voiti; in tnriHorttni of AitguHtim IK Ihilterfield: U'iikheas, One of the pioneers of La Salle couuty, a uiember of its first Hoard ol Supervisors, aud long one of Its most prom. Inent and respected citizens, bas just closed his earthly career; therefore, llrmdetd. 1 hat this Hoard view with re gret tlie rapidly lessening members of the old personal land marks of the early settle ment or the county, among whom Augus tus D. Huttertield was justly honored and conspicuous. Jlrmdmi, Further, that we gladly place on record our nearty acknowledgment or his excellent worth as a citizen, aud extend our sympathies to bis surviving relatives and numerous friends. HcMlced, Further, that the clerk of this Board be Instructed to make and forward these resolutions to the family of the late Mr. liuttertleld. Kespt. submitted, E. C. Lewis, M. Maieruokdr, II. BOWEN. Supervisor Glbbs offered the following resolution, which was adopted: llexohed. That In the opinion of your pauper committee it would be w ise to tile DO acres of the county farm situated on the north side or the road. On motion of Supervisor Griffin the county agent was authorized to have said land properly tiled. buitervlsor hades moved that the clerk draw orders on the treasurer In favor of the several supervisors for mileage und per diem In attending this session. Carried. ()n motion or Supervisor Griltln. the clerk was directed to publish the proceed ings of the Hoard In the usual manner. On motion of Supervisor Fischer, tlie Board adj.mrned until the second Monday In December. lliivliiir leased the larpe barn In the rear of White's ll'.iel, and alwi Martin Kel m's Feed Yard, opposite the tiolel, antl having plenty of competent help, am pre nared to receive horses for single meals, as well aa hav ing ample accommodations lor lioardniK a hiriic iiuni lrr of horses hy the week. The lieft of care Kuaran teed, ul rales that, cannot fail to he satisfactory, farm ers visltlnu Ottawa will tl ml no morecoiivenient point, and certainly no la tter cin e of their slock, than at the Miililu In the rear of While's Hotel ulssell k. m:ow, Ottawa, Sept. 17, lSST. 1'mprietur. IJTATK OK IKI.IOIS, I.A SAI.I.K Crit N TV s. Ill Hit Cucuti Court. In October Term. . H. 117. Carl lliiusiuiiiin, Matthew Wilson and I.rne S. Whit- more, niirtneix, A e.. as llausmaiiu, Wilson & Whltmore, vs. Alexander l.lttlcllrld aud Catherine Utticlleld. CltnilrtVH, Allldavlt of non-residence of Alexaniler I.lttlelleld, impleaded with the uliove ilcfi inliait, Catherine I.itile Held, havliu- tx eii II left in the clerk's otliee of the C ir cuit Court of said county, notice is therefore heretiy Kiven to the said uon-resiilenf defenilaut that the cotn- lalnauts llled their hill of complaint In said court, ot. the chiincery side thereof, on the day of August, Hi. anil thai iiieiTui.on a summons issued out ot said court, herein said suit Is now peiidluit, returmihle on the second Monday ill the month uf October next, as is ny law rcuuiruu. Now. unless you. the snlil non-resident defendant atiove miineii. shall pitrsouanv lie aud arincar tierore ltd Clreult Court, on tlie tl rat day of the next term thereof, to he hohleu at Ottawa, In und for said countv, on the second Monday In Octohi r next, and plead, answer or demur to the said complalniiiits' hill of com plaint, the same and the matters ami thitiu's therein chanced and slated will he taken as confessed anil a de cree catered apiiust you artwdinu to h prayer of said bill. WILLIAM wr. TAYLOR, Clerk. Ottawa, Illinois, Auvust Wlh, 1KS7. W. V. Wiiivmokk, ( oinpis Solr. auirt!7-lw 1 O'l'It 'K.-hSTATKOKtrKOII(iK I1. BlATKIlN, Dttl'H. ll Notice is hereby itiven that the unilersiuned. Kx- ecutor of the last will and testament of George V. Ma tern, late of the county of La Salle and state of Illinois, d -ased. will appear before the 1'robiite Court of said couuty on the third Monday (being the 111 li day) of Oclohcr. i)7, at the I'robate Court liooui, in Ottawa, In said couuty. hen ami w here all persons havltiK claims or demands against said estate are nolltled to attend and present the same in writing for adjustment. Oaten in IS 1st cay or ovpicniner. a. n. iui. LAWKENCK DDKS, sepS-Sw Executor. DUNCAN. O'CONOB 6C CrILBEBT, AtuiriifuH tor I'etitioiit'i: ' CTATK OK ILLINOIS. La Sali.ii Coi nty as. in the 3 f aittitu Com t nf miiit count', tiihtimlier 'Jiim. A. l. 1SS7. The Illinois Valley ana Northern ltallroad company '. Kllala'lh Aekernian, lxiuis Ackermau. Theron 1). llrewster, The ( Hy of Peru, Iji Salle county, Illinois, ltolK-rt V. Hulherland and (ieorge S. Park. J'etitiuii for i 'iiitit-nitiitiiiii of lliyttt of Wiiit. Atmlavlt or the non-riwuience or sain i'.iizniH?in ack rmau and Louis Aekernian having been tiled In the olllce of lhe clerk ot said Countv (Hurt, notice Is here by given to tli' said non resident defendants, Kllzaheth Ackermau and Louis Aekernian, that the petitioner, the sild The Illinois Valley and Northern Kallmad Company, heretolore filed its amended petition in said court on the eighth day of September, a. ij. ISSi, pray- ing ior i rii eor.oeiomiuoii hi h certain tract, ptei.e ot parcel of land therein described, ami that by order of said court a summons thereupon issued, In said cause. atfiilnst each or the satd anove nnineii iieieitdauts, re turnable at the Court House In Ottawa, In, said La Salle coantv. on tlie twentieth day of October, a. ij. IMS", at nine o'clock a. m.. when anil wherryou can appear and resist said amended petition, If you see lit, and which said amended petition anil tlie proceeding therein are still pending in said court. 1. KIM. EN, Clerk. Dated Ottawa, Illinois, sepieuiiier o, 1M. sepiu Executor's Pule Lai Sale., Itv virtue of I lie autliorltv conferred nn me bv the liwt will and icHUnicnt uf Mm. Mlnitida K. Scovllle. de- ceajted. I will, on Suturly. Sept. M, 18h7, between the honrH of 1 Hlui 1 1. M., otter at ptilillc sale, to tlie niKltcut bldtliT, for chj.Ii, ut the smith door of County Coiir IIiium-, In (itttiwa. III., the following dcHcrlheit lands liflim the real eatate. of the lute Mr. M. E. St'ovllln iiecene.rt, and loeatetl In the town of Freedom, La Salle Co., 111., 8 lulled earn ut rrmrie center, v niiiea norm oi the city of Ottawa, anil dcHcrlhcd aa follnwH: The northeast nuarter (N K'i ) of the southeast nimr- ter (SK1 i of teelinu 8.1, Town H5, Itiinuo 8: alwi the etiHt einht acrea of the south thirty-two acres of the norlhwe'.t quarter (NW) of the aotithet quarter 8K ) f Secilon SI, Town !, lUnjre belnit tn all furty elftht ucrea, more or leiw: reuiinlng tho privilege to tenant now cn place to remove present crotw there from. . I - A. hM l Hi;, Executor or ine umt tn ami nwiunitnt oi epl'-'Jw Mr., Miranda K. Scovllle, deceased. B. F. LINCOLN. Attnrnry lit l.ilil MNAIj KK.'irj'ljKAtKlS'r. KstaTK of l'xiKiiC. Ai'UIK. lUtt'KANKU. Notice la hereby Klven to all iH'raon. intereatcil III nahl e.tate. that the un.leriifnit . Ainiinitirtoroi ineemaiooi nam reier AdiliH. (teeeaneii, win appear neiore me fronate Court of the county of La Salle ami .late of Illinola, at the Cor.ntv Court lloune, In Ottawa, In aalil rounty. on .M'.ll'lUy. IH ..'I. ."J ".V.T I, M. ... IVI, Wl .11V lurmwe ot n'ntieniiK an account oi nip nrtH-ectituini in ho administration uf .aid eatate for tho final settle ment. ..... . . . Dated at (Mtawa, this lain nav oi Mcpreniner.ivti. Jt'LILS J. L'AKTKK, Atthht: IIfnuy IIki.mio. AtlmluUtrator. (.li ra Probate Court, La Salic Co., 111. epl73w DUNCAN, O'COMOR & GILBERT. Attornryt I'rtiiimin: C T ATK Or ILUMHS. LA SAI.I.K COUNTT-SS.. kl lu tho County Court of Mid county, September Term. . IJ. iwi. Thn it tttni. v. jvinn Nurinern tatiirnMii nmoftnT rt. (ieorife Ward. 1'eUtlon fur Condemnation of BitfUt uf Wan. AtlliUvlt of tne non-restuenceot aaiu i.fome waru bavlntt been filed Id the utber uf the clerk of aatd Coon t. i 'j.iirt. nolle I. heri'bv iilren Ui tliBMid nourfldent defendaiit, (leorite Ward, that the petitioner, the aald The lllmoU Valley and Northern Hall road Compny hemtofora filed It. netllton lu .aid court on lb nf Uwnih day of Hep'ettilier, a. d, ISC, prmylitklfor the eon.leiiinallon of a certain tract, niece or carrel of land therein dcrrltcl. and that by order of Mid court a summon Uierrtipnn baaed. In Mid caiwe, a;alnat the Mid atmve named defendant, returnable at the Court Howe In Ottawa, tn Midi ttalle county, on the twen-t-ethih da of October, a. d. IM!. at nine o'clock a. m., when and where yuu can appear and realat aald po tt twin. If yon see lit, and which Mid petition and the nrucecuinas uwrein are still penainar in Mia coon. r u vtvt M ew. Dated Ottawa. Illinois, September 14, lsbl. sepll Odd FelUw'a Kxcuraloa to Itouver, Cut, Via "Kock Island Itot Tt.'' The C , K. I. & P. Ky. otTers the gramleot opportunity to see the wonderful mountain soeoery of Colorado at nuialleat expens ever known. Tickets to Denver and return on sale September 13 to IS, inclusive, good to return until Oclohcr 81st, at extremely low rales, recursions from Denver to all points in Colorado nt one tare for Ike round trip to holders of tliese'dickcts. For further par ticulars address, 1). A. HoLiinooK, li.T.k V.A..C. It. I.ifcl'. Ity., Caicapo, 111. Most evervliiing in this world is full of Jeceplion. Few thlnps arc wlnir they seem, j but the results obtained for Dr. .lone' ltel Clover Tonie far exceed all claims. It re stores lost nerve force, cures dyspepsia and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder troub les. It is a perfect tonic, appetiser, blood purifier, a sure cure for ague and malarial diseases. Price CO cents, of K, Y. Griggs. ilPO IR. ) Carnages, Buggies. Road Carts, GO TO C3-2" &o SQ3STS. All Vehicles Guaranteed as Represented And Prices as Low as Tirst-Class Work can be sold for. M. KNEUSSL'S DRUG STORE, nCA.IIsr STREET, West of La Salle Street, (south side,) OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. Coiiiponntl anil keep connttiiitlv on hnnd a large and well selected stock of DRUGS m OKEMXC BJjB AI the new und popular I'atuut Medlelnev, Extracts antl Pplee6 for culinrry use. rerfumery, Briislies, ami Fancy Articles for the Toilet. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window G'ass.&c. Particular Attentioa Given to the Compounding of Physician Prescriptions. m m m m. m -m nmmiut mi i' ,t-TT zyrVF mmm?m mmwwmm UNI)UTAKIS AS 1M A1.. WHO 13 UNAC0UAINTCO WITH THE WHO IS girg BY EXAMINING I 'V ?J-4S,vSk. OOL E.St.Louit I V1 1 1 I SI I llll I I1 ll Kl.lfcA'altl; n.Ivfi, CTlJ. f. I s ruirAr?o RnnK ISLAND &. PACIFIC R'Y only true middle- it.,., trnvnl and tramc in eitner airecuon uotwecu win uouuu --. Baueeona. uene, c.irfi niinmn tine. waanuiJTHJn. ""cmi V"1.""""'. Centre 'and CouncJ Blufls. Iawwata. Trenton Bt JgfSlSS Snetp'ouTand sC Paul', to StoSToU; "wlttown in Dakota, and hundreds si intermediate cities, towns and villages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantees Speed. Comfort and Safety to t those who gJJSgS is thoroughly ballasted. Its. track is of heavy steel . It; mak(. structures or iwne ana iron. it. It has experience ical its discipline tions is unequaled in the West-unsurpassea l.TLS"Vii(vnrl River consist tt. TfvSjprqQ TTiATTtia jmt.wmn Chicasro and tne KlM(mrt c"y between Chicao, St. oseplx. Atchison and Kansas City-restful wucuxnu CHAia CABS. tuc rAMnnc A I RFRT IE A ROUTE . . m.i this routs so. ..u,w - "tl? :ii,nd. f Iowa and Minnesota-. locauues sma nanunr j"lrz m ra&ohad via waierxown. wheat fields and Rxaxinfr lands o7mtnor DaiotA rne A short desirtllewute, via Seneca Bluff. St. msdiats points. i,i niM lariiaa and children, receive from rdSJtTMapjs, Folders-obtainable at all PalTicket Offlce. in th. TJniud States and Canada-or any desired information, addrsss, B. R. CABLE E. ST. OHM, E. A. H0LBR00K, rm14et,IM',fCWeas. Art 6fl rgV, Chlctjs. 6eo1Tkt 4Pw. Ai,CWac Dr. Hlgelow's stomach and liver pills are superior to all others. Price 25 c. of E. Y Griggs. I C. Harris & Co. BUY AND SELL Furniture, Hardware, Crockery, (las.HYViire, (Inns, Pistols, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Clothiug, and Ev erything pertaining to housekeeping. THE PLACE TO BUY AND SELL. Store on Main Street, South of Court House, OTTAWA, ILL. Feb. 19. ISST.-Stiioi V. C. 11AUR18 & CO. The oldest House, The largest Stock, The Best Variety Of goods in this line in La oalle county. 35 and :J7 La Salle Street. CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILU THIS MAP. THAT THE ain line and branches include umcafrordouei, uuawa, "wriibertv. IoWa City, De nalrnlnnaa. West laberty, lowa uty, xjvm W"--"T1, " ax- n,ifv.ei ? mechanical genius has invented. and - -wrinTjAanniia and St. Paul, over