Newspaper Page Text
? L r)T THK DO A 11 D. Laat SvMlon of Ihe September Meet lug. Mom ComI and 0a. The Bonril was called to order promptly I at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The min Iutes were read and approved. Roll call showed oame attendance m the rest nf the week. The committee to settle with the sheriff reported. Report adopted. The finance committee reported that, to raise the fund necessary to meet the cur rent expenses of the county, a tnx levy of 40c on $100 would be necessary. Supervisor Griffin sai l he thought the rate too high ; he thought the Hoard should get along with smaller expenditure. Supervisor (iibbs guid that an assessment of less would not meet the requirements; that S0o on $100 would make a deficit of $:i(),000. On motion, the I report of the finance committee was adopted. I Then came a great deal more COAL. The queHtion of who should pay for the I coal used by the sheriff for culinary purposes was called up as a special order, in pursu ance of Friday's vote. Supervisor Norton rose and held forth at coniiJerble length But Amibtronj,' mid Norton still held their uPon ,he extravagance and unfairness of the sway, I county s paying for the sheriff's fuel. He Aud nrirued the motion tho other way. I said that It was an outrage, and that there And the angels einilfd us the hours lluw iut, I was no excuse for it, except the secret agree 10ES JT I'AV? When you're on a little bender And tlie town guts painted red, When you're downtown raising thunder When you ouitht to be in bed. Did you ever step to question, As you hurry on your way, Does this waste of time and money, Does this monkuy-nhlulug pay!1 (.'Oil, AM) (i AS. Conl and Kits, and gas and coal, This was the story that Norton tole. Lewis and Fischer, and Green, und F.adcs, Were for supplying the sheriff's needs, And tho Board was still busy on eoul and ;;is. i.V THE LETTEH, The story K'Oes, that w ben E. Rowimiiii was postmaster there was an old Swede who used to come to the window for hi mail. Mr. Bowman's clerk Knew him, and ho always pot his mail by simply appearing ut the win- 1 ll-t ...... . . . . . ... uow. nen -ir. usniun went into Uic uiuee bo had a new set of clerks; so when the old ment between the finance committee aud the sheriff. lie protested violently. Supervisor Grillin said that he did not know of a member of the Iioard whose mo tives and whoso honesty had nut been as- siiled by ihe gentleman from Karl; that he. for his part, hivd nlwayg attributed hnnesl motives to enry member, even to the geutle man from Karl. (Applause.) Ho saw no Swede came he wasn't recognized. Ho called reason for supposing that the salary commit. tee had been anything but honest, and he hoped that whichever way the Board chose to decide the coal matter, there would be no more foolish accusations of crookedness aud disuoriesty. Supervisor Lewis seconded tho remarks of the gentleman from Utien. lie said that the gentleman from Karl was just making a rash to the clerk, '"Is there any mall for virf "What is the name, please?" enquired the courteous clerk. The old Swede seemed puz zled. "Du kiwi,.'" said he; "Do name is on He letttr. Yo'i ouijht to know Jat, boy." MK, WK'KIIAM'S I'KICsS. Wiekhain, of the I'tlca O'axtte, bus a turu and each said, iu substance, that it was only one of a long list of attempts to get thing paid for twice, and there was great corruption in the Board. The Chair then announced the committee to draft proper resolutions on the death of Mr. Butterfield : Superiors Lewis, Slaier hofer and Bowen; and tho committee on the care of Mr. Reddiek's grave: Supervisors Lewis, Hollecker and Green. On motion of Supervisor Ktdes, the roll was called, an I the Supervisors answered with their claims for mileage and per diem for the Septembir maeting. Supervisor Rrigs stated that a portion ol the county firm was badly in need of tiling, and moved that such improvement be made Carried. Then came a little trouble about Ihe 001' RT HOfBK liKOl NDS. Supervisor Lewis moved that the commit tee on public grounds and buildings be in structed to propi-rly fix up the grounds of the eounty court house and jail. Supervis or Fischer moved to lay the question on the table till the next meeting in December. Supervisor Griffin objected to the delay. He thoHght the present condition disgraceful. furthermore, ho saul he had it on very ex cellent authority that the city could and would lay new sidewalk? around the court house and collect the cost thereof from the county. Mr Lewis called fir the nyes and noes, and the matter was laid on the table till next Decern her by ft vote of 1!8 to It). Mr. very line press. Wo were in his olliee tlr lor popularity nn.l re-election, by oppos other day, and ho was telling us about it. "6 every advance and abusing every gentle- "This press," said Mr. Wiekhain, pointing to man on the Board. He wa ted to see a fair an overgrown, double-jointed, buncbed-up, discussion and decision of the question, with Biuo-Mueu coiiapuou mat sioou in eue corner an personal abuse left out. He was himself vi uie room; "iuis press is one or Hie grout est wonders of the nineteenth century. It is Called tllO Dav Jobber. Tlwrp wwrn n..i-.i- hut lust three of them made, and then, can't ,,n v Superior Armstrong made a hot speech, more irrow from them. I itnn't km,- it i,v n which he rather favored Norton's side of tbey never made but three. Maybe they cot tue question, and came down rather heavily tired." We suafjrested that itmiu-htbo like on .Mr. Lewis PEEE! An Elegant Assortment of GLASS LAMPS AND CUT-GLASS TABLE WARE ALSO Moss Kose Decorated Table Sets GIVEN AWAY WITH One Pound Packages of Baking Powder AT I. MgMDLLEN'S I in favor of the county paying the sheriff's coul bill. Supervisor Fischer then arose, and he went for Doc. Norton. He said that the gen tleman from Karl was a pettifogger at home, was trying to secure a re-election by making himself a nuisance to the Board, and was, indeed, in Air. Fischer's opinion, no good anyway. He (Fischer) was for paying for the mule: When Nature first made a mule, she immediately discovered her mistake and stopped right there. Mr. Wiekhain seemed to think it miirbt be this way with bis press. "You see," explain ed Mr. Wiekhain, "this press la worked by a crank," pointing to tho handle on the wheel. 'I work it myself, so." We looked at Mr Wickbam and smiled. Mr. Wiekhain became the coal. He felt sure there had been no meditative for a moment, and then laughed a secret agreement. The Board had cut down nervous laugh, and continued: the gberitTs salary SoOO. in view of furnish IT1..1 14. ...1... T ... tt l . f 1 .it I -luai i wmn i meani, lie saici. "1U1 imr him will, r.,sirlnnn f,.l nnrf Iil on no more ot a crank than anr other gilly that's i, ...... m, . ... , . , t. . ., I mev oueni to uo it. men no in on Norton in the newspaper business. But tho press . .. Mststhewavltworks: I iret tho naner nil I lle eleBlea b? KepuWican ready, and then I go and give the crank a Tole8!" excli,ue(1 ,ue gentleman from Men couple of turns, then I come back and put in Hot' "UD(It ven dose supplements comes a paper, then I go and turn it again, and getfoud he vill take one und go aroundtand another paper in before the press stops; then show his Republican friends how he voted I go over the other side and give it a couple for economy.'' mnrfi turns. t.hin T nrnnn, hm-l- hnr n,wl f..l I in one or two more papers. This sort of erti. P'0' "Jw went for the gentle torial work is very invigorating; it keeps a mari Irom MTL 1,6 8a,a tllat tnere ua'' be fellow's muscle up, aud makes him real no seoreti no dishonesty, no fraud. He active." thought that the gentleman from Karl showed Wc expressed our unlimited admiration fori very poor economy when he kicked on a bill tne nay Jobber, and said it would hereafter of a few dollars, and in doing bo took ud a uDlu5uuuuiS....UHiuuui our uio to own n0t of ihe time of tho Board, at $140 a dav one. . , , .. .. . ' amounting to lar more tuan the bills in con I fflot. Ha Wag in fuonl ef nnnln 4M 11.. WELL. HlHllLT. " """ " ' As we were leaniug back in the cushions of 8herirs coal. anJ ehutting up the gentleman a Rock Island passenger coach, a fo.w days rom tarl since, an elderly gentleman In the seat behind Supervisor Qrecn agreed with the gentle- us opeuea up a conversation. Ho was a cu- men who bad preceded bira. . 1Uu3-,uS um tu.uj , uu uo una on a vwy Sunerv sor Gibbs i n't I infc low-crowned black Derby, aud a soiled linen Liubnnw 1.. ntn,i i !,.... -.,.. .1 ..I- , v.. ICVIiU- uuoic. , uuu ins iacu was irecKiea.anu tils teetu , , , were trone. and his mouth d. . tU t.on passed, as layed over from yesterday 'Where ve coin'. bov ho hrrWl. requiring tue snerin to pay his own coal "Going west, sir," we replied. Dl11- lue resolution was then put to an aye "Be thet a can.aal out there V" anJ no vote, and lost by a vote of 11 to 31. 'Yes, sir." Supervisor Griffin wauted to know if this 'Huh! I hain't seed a canal sence I was in settled the matter in the mind of Mr. Norton r; i . . . n I Missouri, in iony. uum-a mi-yes I Doc. wanted the other, the first r,.Mm;nn 'les, sir; It's used right along." .. ,. , . . . He subsided for a .h..rt tin.. ..i i.- t p "u8, -..u wh oy an aye . , , nn ,. mi . . wo passed the place where thclcanal widens BUl1 uo ,e 01 " 10 xuea "eryboay " I il. . T-- 11 ..A ..!!. t i ii .. between Ottawa and Utica, bo became inter lmmBul 1,uo- woulu auosiue, out ne aian t ested again. . He then moved that the fee of the sheriff for 'Why, this," said he, "Hits hire hain't the dieting prisoners be reduced from GO to 30 same canal, be it? It's binaer. S-say this cts. per diem. This was lost bv an ave and ' PROF. KENT OF CHICAGO, The Justly Famous Optician, LATH OF THE Optical Institute. St. Petersburg, Bnssia, I III (lie cltv. Hint U Uiiw lix illed AT THE CLIFTON HOUSE, Room I'akloii Floor, Win n' von r:.n conoult lilm iiliont your Kvhb, nnd llO.V TO TAKK CIlUK OK 111 KM. FI LL LINK OF CLOTHS OK Tit K Latest Styles PliOK. KENT l m'titl.'int.n who thrirniiirlilv unikr ntan.lH lit liiiHint'iw, und can lit iinv mn'. iin ihltiTi'in-c how d.'fri'tivi' Ihi! niuhl may tin. with jilniwra Dial they .an wa-h iih thtn t'vrr rttul'l. Him kno" di;c uf the .'Vi-mid kKiII la HdlnMllin perfect lltllntf iilansi-n in well known unit hy itiunv nf lie hcM Hiid fuiemosl eitl.i'iiH of (.' mill th Northwcnt where lift Iii.m iui cei-tillly i.diiiliitkterd lo the eye 111 more than six thotim.nd ciw durliiK tlipixixt iIk vexrii. Me lot not tire your eye hy the line of i. tentliiB bIhm, hut Helentltlciilly exumliiKii them, and then ulvei. you n hrrfnilii Jltlinu iihiw. Ili iiIum-h are Kroiind under lilft up ritil ittw titHi. and ure iirritrt In nl renpectB. and of the lient niatertul known to Relerice. IIIk prleeH me reanotmhle. mid within the renehof nil, PUKf. KENT'S C'ryHtal lynnen are used and recommended hy the uioxt prominent plivelciiiliH of Clili apiand othercitien of the ureal Nortl.wuht. A call upon him will convince the moot skeptical that hta Kood are an iulvcrtled. full aud see him. this hain't the Mississippi river, be It?" COO-KIES. One day this summer a young gentleman rrom tho rural precincts and bis fair lady waiKea into one or the popular ice cream sa loons or Ottawa and sat down. Immediately the courteous waiter appeared with the paper napKins ana uroanely observed: " Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry." " We don't waut none av thim," remarked the gallant beau, who was evidently of Irish descent, " we don't loike tfn'm. Jist bring us some ice crame au' foivc cints' worth av coo- kies." Tie was so served, in accordance with his desire. no vote of C to 81. The committee to settle with the county treasurer then reported, including in their report a very neat compliment to James Mc Manus for the perfect condition of his ac counts as treasurer. Report accepted. On motion, it was voted that when the Board adjourn, it adjourn to the second Mon day in December. On motion, a standing committee of three was created to look after the grave of Wil. liam Keddick, deceased, and to keep it in proper repair. On motion of Mr. Fischer, the sheriff's bill of ?9C. for taking an insane person to New York, was allowed. School Commence! The committee to settle with the count? Monday next, and you will find all kinds of treasurer reported three bills one of MU. school books and supplies needed in the Ravmond for S10. and t h. nthor i.. school room, at Hapeman & Graham's. for clerical work in the treasurer's office ! On motion, the first bill was ordered raid rri r--i r. .... I ' .me uciooerof. Aichoiat closes the volume and theother two laid over to the December in a blaze of elorv." It i f..n of 1 1 v w v avwt Eyes Iflsertei Perwiiii deprlyed nf an eye ran havo tlila ilefonntty removed hy the incrtioii of un arttllcial one. which moves and looks like n natural orau. and without pain. I'KOK. KEN'T IniH heen Btopidm.' In Aurora. 111., dur- Iiik 'he past six weeks, and here in w hat the prominent people of that city say of hliu: AMI FINEST FABRICS, JUST OPENED IN THK New Colwell-SherwDod Block. COME EARLY And Make First Selection. L. H. JOXKS, 1'ropr. W. G. Nick krson, Agt. A I) VKRTISK1) LKTTKUS. 1 ETI EH8 UEMAININU CNCIAIMEIl inthe Pout J J (lllh-e at uttawa, .State of lllltens, on, BKl'TKMUKll !".., 1 HH7, krnt to nny on We cheerfullv recomiueii ' Prof. havliiuany trotilile with the eyes, or In need of kIuksc. having pert'em eonlldi uee in him, and fcelinn awured that he Is master of his profession Okukok MsKKorrii, J. II. IIoodkii. Mayor. lJmpr Aurora Deacon. A. M. IlFAi i-RK, liKo. tt. Wilcox. Clerk of Kane Co. iiry Goods. E. F- liKAlM-KK, I. P. COIM.KV. Deputy Co. Clerk. See (out Unlit Co, J. M. KKN.SKOV, 1). R. W.TKHMAN, City Clerk. W. W. llisMiip. K. W. COBIIK I T, TllnMAN O'Don.nki.L. I'ostiiuister. .1. K. IIakiiai.. Xobtham. ltKAl'I'KK Mas. W. V. 1'l.t'M. ilKH ICr, MlXH.K.VNIlt l'LI'M. i'nlilishers News. Mrs. 11. K. I-'kiiu.kv. I'ikrhk HritroN, Mils. (i. Voi.inti.nk. Kd. Daily Ivvprcss. Mk. S. Mi Caktv, And many others. Thin Is what Irs. Schmidt and Edwanla. the two most prominent physicians of Chicago, have to sayr vve are iisinii rroi. Kent h glasses, arm chocrruliy reeomnieiul him to all having deleetlvu sik'ht. His glasses are In our opinion the hest made. He lhoroui.'h ly understands the eye, anil Ihe adjustment of Ids cele brated poises so thai the lilting Is perfect. I-.HNK-T MTIIMir.T, M. I. K. W. Kdwakhs, M. U. OTTAWA UKKKKKXCKS. Okkk; or ItOAHII OK KlirfATlOW, Ottawa. Sept. a, H8T. To whom If may concern : The hearer, l'rof. Kent. eoines so well recommended to me hy frlenils and ac iiuaintaneea In Aurora, In whom I have F.oiitldenee, nit I have no limitation In endorsing him an a gen tleman who ih really what he claims to lie. H.w pectiuiiy, l. K. A. Titonp. W. W., J. O. Btolt. M. D. Consultation free. Olliee hoars from 9 A. M. to ft i m. Anderson N llcnnett & Mc Klnlay Aeatllehl .1 r' ( arli-r Annua Cotteau Mrs Ur Ida C ilhern S K Dierlng Charle Di'iitou Klleu Dciner Harry Harden .lohan A Ihtuohue .lames Kckstfldt J A Kades ,1 M Klester Kje.tiklln orillln W II Ilirech I) Ilein.lne John dames John II Kennliigton C It Ijtisoii Nea Manlev Cliarles K Mavh Will O' l'oole II N O'Dollllell .las I'hiles William Kepiern HalvorT Smith Mrs h'hlclla Htorer.lohu W Wood Mrs Woodson Kaiinfo Nalters Gmsh U WIIm.ii .1 "A Whltnev Mr M Ilox -,ity.i If illRI. We are Receiving it Daily Each year our facilities for securinir new ami desirable styles of Millinery as soon as they are out is increased. The stock is all new, aud every thins that is desirable. We have no OLD STOCK to force on our customers. Ladies will And that vve take great care iu (Ming their ordw, and that our connection with tho manufacturers and Importers of Millinery is such that we can supply anything wanted in this line. AVe believe that it is not necessary to charge two or three huo dred per cent, profit on Millinery to make it desirable, but that our customers will appreciate our efforts to supply them w ith ELEGANT MILLINERY lEoa.soxicbTol Prices. Almost Every D.iy we have Something New to Show. McCABE & FISHER, 801. 303 and 805 La Salle Street, opposite the Post Office. HEW WHEAT Ground at a Holler Mill Just think of it, Farmers!! You have never had the opportunity before, and the DAYTON ROLLER MILLS Are the FIKKT to inaugurate this (JIMM) M(A EM EXT FOR THE JJEXEEIT OF THE TILLE11S OF TH E SOIL!! Uriug us (J000 WHEAT and we will (JI AKANTEK vou KIHST CLASS FLOl'K, and a yield of from :5 to 10 lbs. per bushel. JJ Sin all (Jrists of Wheat or Corn can be left at our Head S? quarters iu Ottawa, ('2d door north of l 0..) and will bo sent to mill, ground and returned free of charge. Farmers south of 111. river will liud this a rare opportunity for having their wheat tested, and save a four-miles drive to our mill. Hoping to see you all at our Mill in Dayton or Headquarters In Ottawa, we remain Yours respectfully, GREEN BROS. Dayton, 111., August 0, 1SS7. Toohtniti tliran IrrtiTH, the Biipllciint tmmt mil for "Ailvi-rtlwd Lctterx." hihI hivc ''"to of the I ml ; h:hI If not ciilli-il for within one month, tiiey will he (Mit to MIC lI'MO 14' -i -r winuu. ill " itnnoivoiii. Wll.l.IAM OSMAN. I. M. MOLONEY Sc STEAD, Ait'irn ut ol faitr. QTATK OK ILLINOIS, 1. a Sai.i.k fot'N tv-vh. In kJ iir i irt uit :tntri. j a ih inhn- i, riu. a. ii Ikst. Catherine Monlomery, WIIIIhiii .1. Motitiroinery, TVoiiihh C Montdoniery. Mary II. MoiiIkoiimtv, I now Mii.y B. Cnrley,) I'Btlierlne 1'. Montonieiy, Mnrmttel r. .iioiitKoincry nun uooert r, Moiitoineiy i, ti run t Newell, rnt AilitiluiKlralor, A e.. 1'iiti h k I i-rry. ill uwcl John Ll.ticiiHti'r Siutiihllnu'. Tloiion T-rrv. Mmtiiew Terry, Terry, Mli-lnii l Terrv, Mrm.ret Terry, IlrlilKct Terrv niel .loli nun. Terry. In i hiiwi , Allhhivlt of nun reBlilenee of Kilwni-.l Terry. Johi.miii Ii-rryiinii urunfer lerry. iniiieHiieci with ihe nhoe ile fetidmitn. IihvIhk heen ftleil In Ihe elerk'H olliee of 111.! t.'oi.rtof wilil county, notice Ih ihi-refore lierehy (liven to, I In- Hiiiil noiereshlei.t ilefin(h.Kt Ihut (heroin iili.lliiintH llleil llielr hill of coiiiih.liil In xniil court, on the chmicery ulile tliereoi, on tlie I Hi ihiy of hepieiiiher tln.t thereupon u kiiiiiiiioiih IsmiciI out of kiiI.I court, when-ill bi.1i! unit Ih now iiei.iliiiu. reliirni.tile on thenecoml Momtay In the niontli of Ortoher lsi7, imIm oy it.w reiiuirt-o. Now, iinlesN yon, the Riilrt non renlilent ilefenclant i. hove ni.uie'l, iihi.ll M-iHoni.lly he iino ti'ei.r heforeH;.ul Circuit Court, on tlie tlrnt ihiy ot tlie next term thereof, to he hohlen i.t OtIHWii, ill mill for the .mil count.', on then uel Monihtv in Oetoher, ismT, it ml plcml, nimwer or (lemur to tue hum. coiniui.iiii.uiH dim or comiiiiiint, the winne i.iul th uii.tterH Hiul IIiIhhh therein ch;tri;e(l Him Huitcti w ill tie ti.Ken i.h chiiIckhciI itiel u ileeree en tered tiii.l!iKt yon Hc.'ot-tllnu to the pniverof Mitel hili, WILLIAM W. TAYLOIt, CletK. Ottnwi.. I!Mnol. Bf pt. tM, lnH7. Moloney Mtkaii.CiiiiiiiIIh' Holm. nep'.'1-lw LTD HESS, JEWELRY SILVERWARE. RELIABLE GOODS, Lowest Market Price. ZD. HESS, West of the Court House. things, and gives promise, by new articles and stories begun, of a brilliant Tolume to follow. The Forum for October will contain ar ticles by Speaker Carlisle, Bishop Ilantiag- on, congressman Kelley, General Lord Wolseley, Trof. Huiginn, Jeannette L, Oil den, Prof. Lesley, Richard A. Proctor and Alice Wellington Rollins. Supervisor ureen then rose to explain about the single load of coal bought by the sheriff of Mr. Nattinger, Mr. Dinneen being the contractor. He said that the bill shauld hove been paid by Mr. Nattinger and collect ed from the Board with his other coal bill. The presentation of the bill to the Board had besn brought about by an error. Supervis ors Armstrong and Norton then arose in, LOOK AROUND, But Bo Eot Buy Taints, (Mis, Varnishes, KaNomiming Material, finishes, nor anything else in the Paint, Drug or Stationery Line I'ntil you have seen me ami heard what I havo lo say about prices. I Know I Can 1Kb il lo four Interest lo Bny of Ms, llolh iii Trices and Quality of (Joods. E. Y. GRIGGS. M'ISItlCATIMJ OIL FOIl FA KM I.M1M.K31KNTS A STKCIAIIT. T-EEH! CATOUST O H E A A A U O S R R V U T L E O L Y R D Y The 'Tiger Brand' is the Best. For sale by &OUIS HESS. 2 TRICYCLE PLOW. ThU New Stvle now is construrU-d ntirelv of Inm ml Sti-ot THY ni'Pinr fnr I.TnilTVl-"! nt'DPIVri. I,.. 1 Vl- . : J- ..... . " ....... ..w. . viiiiriiiuHimriu, lias no :ut urn or presnnreon nurses' nettM We have many of them now In ne In this county that ure civinsr perfet i natif!ution to But purchwem. A!o a full llneof WALK1.W. OLD UKOl'XD AM) BKEAKINU PLOWS Dt Harrow. Drill. tc. )'uiinAiJ.v,i mm, vm .it.... V fT . .... . yaj umucji uvui price rer G-. W. REED 6c CO.