rrttttjr faffemla That llaro IlKCiune Aa
socIhIc.I Willi Feutliereil MimIiIuiis A
lliiMiau Fiilile With a Morul Applica
ble to All Countries.
Tbe following fable I f Hussion origin,
but ll contain ou int 'ivstiiig lesson tipplifa
bio to boyt and cirU of ovi-ry country.
7 s-;,-a
A. Russian jM-asant wm nim .Say driving
jmo gvso t n iX'lnhliDriiiK town wliro lie
hojutl to wll tlit-m. liml a lonjj htick in
liift hand and, to t.ll tho truth, li did not
treat Inn flix'k with inm-h roiiKidfrntioii. JIo
was nnxioilH to get to tlm innrl.t t in time to
make a jirollt, and nor. only g.-cso Uit iihmi
must expect to nuiTiM' if tlit-y louder Kain,
which the fjueso were ilnim; every timo tliey
topped to "iwIIh." Tim ecso, however, did
not look ou the matter in UiU li-ht, nnd,
chancing to meet a traveler wulkiiitf ".lung
the roail, they toured forth their (onipliiint
agninst the pensunt who w,is driving lliwn.
"Where can you find K('ps0 "tore unhappy
than we arof Hee how this penant in hurry
ing on this way and that, and driving tin just
as though we wero only common giso.
Ignorant follow, ho never thinks how he in
bound to honor and iMM:t uh; for we are
distinguished dowendimt of those very geese
to whom Home once owed its sulvuiion, ho
that a festival was established in their honor."
"But for what do you exiurt to Ihj dis
tinguished youiMelvex?" asked the iutulligout
"Bocauso our nnoentoin"
"Ye, I know; I have road all about It.
What I want to know In, whutgoxl havo you
yoinnelves done?"
"Why, our ancestor unveil Rome."
"Yes, yea; but what huvo you done of tho
"We? Nothing."
"Of what gfxxl are you, then? Io leax-e
your ancestor at jtonce. They wore honored
for their deed, but you, my friends, are only
Ut for roasting."
Illrtl I.figonri.
Following are a few of the many bird le
gends that jH'oplo with bright iuinginatious
and rriuly iuvuntioim have connected with
feathered musicians, as collated by Harper's
Young Folks:
Tho Kor cuckoo, wlnmo mournful cry
sounds so desolate in tho quiet wood, id al
ways mourning for tho death of a beloved
brother. The cuckoo was originally u betni
tiful young maiden. Kite caused her broth
el's death unintentionally, and was changed
into tho bird whoso sud cry is tin expression
of her bitter grief.
The owl was also once a beautiful young
girL She was a bulier'n daughter. On iliiy
it good man, passing by, asked for n piece of
bread. Kite refused it, and as n punishment
was changed into an owl. In (lermany tint
swallow nn l the htrl: are sacred birds, mid
their morning song is considered n hymn.
The iiii'litiiiirale. von know, out v tiimrs at
night. This wb tint ko formerly. One night
a iiiglilingale full fast asleep, and tint tendrils
of the vine it sal. upon grew round its feet, so
that it could not get a.vay, and finally it
died. Sincii then the other nightingales never
dare nisp at night.
How School filohHS aro Mutle.
The manufacture of school globes was
begun in tliis country in 1H.VJ, according to
Tho Troy Times, which claims Troy as the
largest producer of theso gloU's. The first
one iniido was only five inches in diameter,
but tho sizes were rapidly increased as the
gloles came Into opular use.
Tho balls on which the maps are pasted are
many of them made in Iloslou from, whence
they tire sent to Troy to 1st covered and
mounted. The balls are composed of papier
louche, and t he maps are printed in small sec
tions on drawing pnicr. These sections aro
ho carefully put ou the ball that not a line or
break occui-n; the globe is next painted and
varnished. It requires three months to con
struct one of these miniature worlds from tho
timo the ball is begun mil 1 1 it rests in its
frame or Kits aloft upon a bras, bronze or
nickel standard. The sizes n inn it facto rod
range from three to thirty-three inches in
diameter, and cost from if j to over $-iK) in
price, and ure mounted in forty diiferent
Mr. Dream Maker.
(A Lullaby).
t ys r.JLVI
: v . ..I i r
w n imi
Come Mr. Dreatn'SIaker, tell me to-ulght
The loveliest dream in your shop;
My kr little lasile U weary of light.
Her lids are beginning to drop. .
She a good when tbe'a gay, but ahe'a tired of play,
And the tear drop will naughtily creep;
So, Mr. Dream Maker, hasten, I pray,
Uj little girl going to sleep.
tst. kichouav,
How to lloconalilrr tli Work of the
Quarter Tliitt ltegun wltli lite Hr.t
Kuiiilny In July (ioblen Text, I. like
Iv, 4a.
It is always dillliMilt to prepare and to teach
the Re view Isou,
riome scIhkiIs niay prefer tho temperance
lesson ill lioniaiiB xill, -l, which Is sug
gested by the eoniinilNsi; other schools the
missionni V lesson in M:ii tbevv iv, li!-l.'t;
other schools may use the oecai'.iinu prayer
ami inijuity inisaiiii;. This wo have known
tolm (lone wiih great Micce. Aft'-r f he texts
are recited and the record mu le the lea.lei
may give this direction to the occasion H
cent converts may g v brief testimonies, the
ohler Christ inns may ad. 1 their riper exjs-ri-ence,
and those who desire to lcoiiue I hris
lianu tnuy inuuifest their de.ore by rising.
Then, after prayers have lxsu offered, the
general school may be dismissed, wliile thosn
w ho l-ii for religious conversation may meet
in soiiiu smaller room. It is our llriu convic
tion that im-ciis ous of this sort should lo more
fi'i-ipieut. Wo often cut down gulden grain
which we never gather into sheaves. During
the past few years we have seen admirable
results from the use of tlics. melius. Children
while young should bo ciimm'iu;''d to give
their hearts to ClirKt and coime.'t lhei:iM-lves
with his chinch. Hut it is fitting that a re
view should Is) given for thorn who wish to
go over the lessons in their order.
1. July 3. The Infant Jesus. Muttlnuv ii, 1
lU. The word Jisius is i xplaiued for us in the
(joldell Text of Him le-wni. It is a irecious
word to every Christian ear and heart. II
was the true Joshua. He came to deliver his
jsiople from bouduge ami to lend them to the
true Canaan. The infancy of Jixis brings
him near to the hearts of parents und chil
dren. He gloi'l d and sanctilied the era. lie;
he honored motherhood. The Christ mu-1
have his birth in every heart in order that his
coming may tiring to each one of us the
largest possible blessing.
'. July 10. The Flight into Egypt. Matthew
ii, l.Vi. I'ven as a bal Christ's pr-sence
devoloKsl hostility, Wherever h comes ho
excites the wrath of ignorant and wicked
men. In our early Christian life we must
eicct H'i M-eution; but as Gist delivered his
iufniit Hon, so ho will deliver all who put
their trust in him.
3. July 17. John the T.aptis. Matt fii. 1
VJ. The charuct'T of the noble jtaptit is
worthy of nurefiil study. W neeil such stal
wart Is-lievers and I'earhrss pivni hn in our
day. He rightly divined the nord, he lived
what he preached, but bis highest honor was
found in pointing Inquirers to the "IjuiiIj of
Ood." lie decreased thr.t Christ might in
crease. 4. July CI. The I!i.,.li.-.iu of Ji.imih Mutt
iii, 1II-17. The central thought of this lesson
is the obedience of Jesus Christ lie ttfxl in
our place; as our representative, hn submitted
to baptism. Ood commended the act by mi
audible voice from heaven . xpre'eJiig appro
val. Afterward Christ gave Lie command
niclit to all believer to l,e baptized We
thus have both bis command and example.
It becomes us to have due regard to t his ordi
nance ai all act of o'..ed:enc to our legended
Lord. It marked I is entrance Into his puMii!
ministry. It was nNo the occasion of Ids ro
cking fuller Cftnci ptionsof li'seurlhlv work.
6. July lil. Tho Temptation of Jesus. Matt
iv, 111. From the wutep, of baptism
Christ went to tho wilderness of teiiiptntioti.
His whole soul Is aglow with holy enthusi
asm; but no act of religious olinbeiii e, no con
dition of spiritual joy, can assm u'iis of free
dom from temptation. It was u moment of
Intense interest for the race, is.ilau hail
overcome the fu st Adam. If he cm over
come the second Adam his victory will be
complete, Christ's example in overcoming
Kiitan is worthy of our imitation. Housed
no weapon but the "sword of t lie spirit, nhich
is tho word of Ood." Tempt it ions i:re sure
to come upon us; but Cl:n:,t won, so we tuny
win. ( ur Lord know by experieiiet. what tho
struggle with temptation means; lie therefore
can i.J input hizti willi those that are tempUsl.
We may chiim that Rymputhy, and we may
bo sure thut lie will givo i;s his uk im; help.
0. Aug. 7. Jesiis in ClalilcH. Matt iv, 17
S.". This Ls a le...suii of giviit interest. Chri-.t
brought light to those who had sat in iluik
nei's. We s.'O him here walking by tho .Sea of
Ualilee, culling two pairs of brothers into his
service. The foundation of Ids church was
limn laid, 'i heso men immetliutely left liieir
daily duties and followed Jesus. Their
prompt, obedience we should imitate. Christ
showed himself to bo a great teacher,
preacher and healer. All manner of sickness
yielded to Ids power. Ho still possesses this
cliaractcrlK'i'.r. Ho will iieal the souls of all
who will coinn unto him. Our highest honor
is to become, bis disciples.
7. Aug. 11. The r.eatltudi's. Matt v,
1-10. This lesson intiny Sunday school schol
ars know by heart. When Christ first opened
his mouth, hissings fell upon all who sat at
his feet, trover before nor since huvo such
wonderful words been spoken. The world
culls those who are rich the happy. Christ
contradicts this opinion. Ueciilled the poor,
the sorrowing, the mock, the hungry, the
merciful, tho pure in heart, the peace makers,
the persecuted, the happy ones of the earth.
We Heed still to learn tho lesson which ho hero
teaches. Ho also commands us to let our
light shine. Kvery boy mid girl hits some
light We must keep tho lower lights burn
ing. 8. Aug. 21. Jesus and the Ijiw. Matt.
v, 17--U. This is a continuation of the ser
mon tin the mount Many who heard Christ
supposed that he had come to destroy the
law. This was a great mistake, iiu laid not
come to destroy, but to fulilll. fie lifted the
law to a higher plane; be curried it trut'.is
from the outward act to the Inward thought
He wus its original author; he was, there
fore, iU ls-st interpreter. This is true still;
even to this hour ho is tho world's greatest
0. Aug. 'JS. Tiety without Display. Matt
vi, 1-1.1. There were many errors which
Christ win obliged to rebuke. One of
them was a tendency to make a display of
piety. This was characteristic of thoecribc
and rhariscc. Christ shows thut our Rood
deeds are to I done with a regard for Ood's
approval rather than mnn's; as in our pray
ers, so in our almsgiving. The man who
prays to be seen of men will not 1 heard of
God. Christ does not here prohibit family or
public prayer, but he gives direction regard
ingour privato prayers. "The Model Prayer,"
which he here gives, we ought all to know
thoroughly and repeat often. Our whole
live ought to prove that we are striving to
hallow (J i si's great name.
10. Sept. 4. Trust in our Heavenly Father.
Matt vi, iU-s34. Our Lord continue to re
buke a lack of trust, aa well as hypocritical
display. God cares for the fowl of the air,
and for th flowers of the field; it i certain
then that be will not be indifferent to his
children. Distrait of Ood is unbecoming on
the part of hi children. Undue anxiety un
fit for the duties of today, and Ixtrrow also
the burden of to-morrow. W e must seek
first the kingdom of Ood. The man who
seeks this kingdom shall bars all earthly
things which Ood see best for him to possess.
11. Hept 11. Golden Precepts. Mutt, vll,
l-pj,W now move forward to the nioro
particular instruction given in this Jomoii.
Christ her rebukes the tendency to Judptf
others harshly and ourselves partially. This
tendency is as unmanly us it is uiichrlst.un.
It is as truly a form of hyxx;rlsy as our
giving of alms to be nocii of men. Wo are
encouraged in this lesv.ii to pruy for the g.xxl
things which we need. These God is Jiloro
willing to givo than our earthly uir. nls ure
to give givxl thlngt to their children.
I,'. Sept. W Solemn Warnings. Matt 7,
l.'l-.l We ure lit the o'liing of tho .son
exhorted to enti r ill at the struit gate. Not
all men limy wuik thr t!.;h this gate and Into
the narrow way. Much must bu left behind
Ix-fore wu wish through the gate. This les
son, indeed, ulxmnd m solemn wai'rir'.'s.
Men must Ixi Judged I.V their fi Ill's. 1 h:s is
a practical and univi i-sc' t-sf. A iiay of trial
is cominir: the storms of lli rco temptation
shall I .cat ujh m us; only thoso who hnvo built
their character upon the everlasting rs-k will
be able to stand; thai rock in its
meaning is Christ
The lessons for the nuurter Ixgan with
Christ. tle'V end witli Christ; Ins name is the
lieiiever's joy in life, and will bo bis Imj.o in
death and his song in eternity. Sunday
School World.
The Mlllionalr.)
Another notable who is apt to bo melon
Ilroad way, even in this torrid season, is Henry
liergh, the millionaire who
may Im caught on a flying trip down from
Saratoga, lie has worked hard for the brute
creation ami yeurs are piling high o:i his
shoulders, so that it is no wonder if, its enj.le
say, he is lcs. vigorous than lie iimsI to ,e,
f late there hat been marked dei-renso ill
hii letters to the editors of the city Itnis-rs,
and tho jxjliee justices who never succeeded ill
imposing sentences heavy enough Vi please
him in cases of cruelty to annuals are legin
ning to breathe a little easier.
Hut if Mr. Itergh is resting no one can say
that it is Itceuuie in content Tho sad ami
wearied expression of his impressive counte
nance truly reflects the sorrow he feels oer
tho perversity of t ho worst of the bruto cre
ation, mankind. He feel so deeply that he
actually seems to mourn for the republic,
and not long ago ho pointed out a place on
Stateii Island that he said "ought to l set
ajiart for the American king." He explained
thut thtt king may not arrive in twenty or
even fifty years, but come he will some day,
"for this country has got to have a head
sooner or later." Mr. I'.ei gh is not w hat is
called a popular man men with one idea
seldom are but lie is so much tespected that
he is spoken of us the one citizen now alive
w ho is certain to get a monument wheu he
dies. Juiiuu ltd ih' Letter.
A ToHilylnit Tailor.
The English tradesman ls a toady I had
some clotle-s leing built at a tailor's, patron
izel princiially by army ollleors. Being only
an American civilian, he did not treat me
with any extraordinary politeness. Indeed,
he was very uncivil. When the major general
called for me that day at the hotel, I told him
I had to go to tho tailor's to try on those
clothes. "AH right, 1 11 drive there and wait
for you ;" and away we went "I'll just go
in," he said, when we got there, "and see what
your taste is in coats." lue tailor simply
fell down whon he saw me walk in with the
major general. lie groveled, bu cringed so
much so that I laughed at him, and he
got out I toid the major general.
"es,"ho said, "it H ratlier contemptible
toe a man to got down and cringe, but I sup
pose it helps their business."
And when l went back alone tho tail, r
couldn't g.-t low enough to d mo honor.
San I'r.i icisco Chronicle "Undertones."
j i.f-,. oouii 1'lot Against lioys.
in a carpet. it shop in West Fiftieth street
tho other day the boss was stowing a lot of
1 tt lu ninU o;tny knolis i:i n basket, along with
ulcaconiui :i thive ii;;irter inch bit. The
knobs wci rf ul'oni. the fcizo of a walnut, and
each had a stem two on ties long and three
quarters of an it.rli t li:o!v
"Vom could never guess what I'm going to
ilo wi;h these ku.' :," he said to n friend,
"in, t so I'il tell you. I'm Koiiio over to one of
tin' sw. lie t. housi in KiDh avenue, nnd after
lioring hu es in tho stair bannisters I'm going
to stick I le hi knobs into the holes and glue
tin m f.i .1. BJ owner has rot three boys,
mid the oldest, one has jut learned how to
ride d.MMi n stair r il I he bouse is four
. lories bi;;li above Ihe l..ien eiit, and the
owner is afraid oiin of his kivls will take a
tilliib!" i:i.tea 1 of a slide, an I so he's going to
ruin that mil and the sliding at the same
time.'' New York Hun.
1 he "I'arsee Cliulr."
Tho "I'arsee clmir" is announced aa tho suc
cessor of lite hammock. A seashore corres
Kii.lvnt u ho has seen one describes it um a
sort ut box or cradle of mahogany, with a
h';h back nnd low sides. It is covered with
Hindu nii;s and has two larfje, soft pillows
worked in Turkish embroidery. At each
corner tho chair is supported by ropes which
depend from tho roof and which run through
hollow pieces of mahogany, making the sup
ports seein like hlendor and fleiiblo wooden
columns. "In the I'arsee chair," it seems, "a
lady may Iouiiro and swing in the most pie
turcsipio of attitudes, without suffering that
curvature of the spino which the hammock
entails. " ICxi'tuingo.
l'lltoeii American Inventions.
The fifteen Rrent American inventions of
world wide adoption are: 1, the cotton gin;
U, the .binni;; machine; 8, the grass mower
and reaper; 4, the rotary printing press; 6,
navigation by steam; 0, tho hot air engine.;
7, the sewing machine; 8, the India rubber
industry; it, the machine maun fact ure of
horseshoes; ID, the sand blast for carving; 11,
the gauge lathe; 13, the grain elevator; 13.
artillcial ice making on a large scale; 11, the
electric iiiugnet and its practical application;
a ud 13, the telephone. Frank Leslie's.
Southern Land Excursion.
August Mill, September 20th, and October
1 1th the Illinois Central Ktulrotid will sell
round trip tickets from all its points in 1111
nms and Iowa to Jacksou, Tennessee. Aber
deen, Jackson and Yazoo City, Mississippi,
Hammond, Jennincs and Lake Charles, Lou
isiana, at ONK FA UK for the round trip.
Tickets limited to 30 days and good for stop
overs at poiuts south of Cairo. Parties who
desire (o visit the above points should take
advantage of these excursions and advise
tho undersigned at what point they will take
the Illinois Central, that ample Coach and
Sleeping Car accommodations may be pro
vided. Also, address tbe undersigned at
Manchester, Iowa, for excursion bills, rates,
ko. J. F. Merrv,
,0en. West. Tass. Agt.
11 ai vest Kxrurtona.
Tbs Burlington Route, C, B. & Q. R. R..
will sell, on Aug. SO, Sept. 20 and Oct. 11
Harvest Excursion tickets at one fare for the
round trip to principal points in Nebraska,
Kansas, Minnesota and Dakota. Limit, 80
days. For tickets and further Information
concerning these excursions, call on tbe
nearest C, B. & Q. ticket agent.
. ''Murui
II. M. IUMILPiN I'rwliiBuv
WILLIAM Cl'LLKN Vice l'reliteii
Jdl.N KNA'll ...Ciuhi-'
K.lminl r. slfi, I L erlKO U slid
Ii.h'Im' M. Iliiiihiit'll. K V.Or vi.
W'n.l uil-ii. I .J.ii.u V. huh
H. M.
Kteliaiine :i i n.i iirf'j. .New Vork, ii'id Ml tin) priui
wl i.i'H'i. of tl.u t'r.ll"l StHie tNiuyii' uri'l .i.l.
t x.'i'iiiK'i on Kiiktlanl. Irelsii'l. sii..r!'inil untl I'uni'
iihiim! Kur.iie iir iwn In nun1, m '.!'.
( iilosa Stale. !l . !,(.. .M sfiil Silver Isaight nil sn.'i
Oi-.r fsi'iiltte. s.'h .ai'li that vf imi i.(T,r
t'tc.s.,iiem, m.1'1 we .lint Uk ..tjr enileuvnrs topivi
ntliifiu'ilan In fh.xe I'litriikiii.ti u. l'h their tni.lniwi. Ii mm fr mi 1 a. y. ii I p. .
JullX K NA.SII. Cwaier.
A'l'UINAb 0.-v HANI
i KurmKrly (.'try ant f Knaie. Allen t o )
it (i. AI.I.KN
A. K.H:lliM II
Vice rT.wt!oni
Ah'.M. I,'i.lile.
Ktclmnii'i on ( tiusif. su.t New Vi.rK aau all tie
.iruii'ipiti littnfl ertst h n'l west ix.tiit,it sii't imiI,
Kxi Imf.iie mi Kiifiiut'l, Ir.'lioiil. Seetiiunl sad si I in.
perisnt polar, in t iniMiieiital Kiir.)- iIthwl n um ti
.'jtt pi:reliAs(.rH
f'.B. If venae MHMiif s!l ilenoH.l nation, couhiku'
If on lisn.l sml f r .
t'ltltH HMtist lleint. ls-jlSis;urite.,(io!(lne Silver
IXIIIS'llt Utlil m)i).
JlHiiklntc Iii.ut. fruin ) a. . to I p. a.
A. P. KCIIOCH. A.M.t. Cnntiler.
IH'M AS MC IHH O..I.L. '. II. I'll M'SAN.
Mol KM t At CHAPMAN, A tier,
leva m Mw, (,ecluej' llliick, uttiiws, II.. upr.KJ
(' W. W. Ill j A K K, Atturney iinil Counselor
I, St bW. K.H.III IS. l(M ril HllllM! Hl...k, OIISWS,
111. All li'ttal tiiialiieiM iruliiilly sttouileil tu. jiui31
IOWKNOIiKliANIl, Attorney niuiruuu
I si tw. Ultlce lu fiwlollt -c Ul.i.'.s. uttams,
Iii1ii.ii.. niHrt's-;
I T Kit At Ii 1 1 jilt JK1V, Atturiieja ft Cmn
terer A Mrlwrr'i liluck, emit ui" Court Ilouau, feln'i
THOS, C Kt'LLKHTON, Attorney si
i Iji. iiriava, lllluola. (illico In llushnell'a bioek.
Meat of 4 Hurt lions.'. J ini-4
1,' t HWIeT, Attorney hi lnw. Armory Ui.x;li
j biK-clul Hiteutios sien to prolaite iiistturt.
OL'NOAN Ac O'lONtIK, Attorneys t
Imv. Oirlre In t utlerer A MfUjjer'a lil.x k, enai
of oun lions.-, oiuwa, llllnon. jiilyiiu
W. T. KlXt., LltSTIR II. STRW.V. S. V. HI USB.
IHrl. I,. M'I'KAWN Ac ltUtK.. Attwr
1 r.i)aua.l Cuiiuaellom si Law. Oiftct over Cit)
1'run -itore. nuriier of L Si.ilu mul Mn"llj. itruetn, n.
Uia. IU. lsnM.84
II 1 H A s. I. II1LMKUT. JAUKK II. Bel; M La.
pll.MKIi'1' KCKKbH. Att.irne.ys and
1 1 (..'..iiiiM'loia ut Ijkw. Ku.teror di Metxaer'a Hlock.
1'iwtot ( ourt llou.c. ceptt.SD
MN .AH MHTIlONd. Attorn, y snd Cous
. a.-lor hi Lsw.Otlsva, 111. Motor . ubltc. tufloc
In (ristney's HI ji'S. itts. lunS.'sfl
'P -'. 'I'll l;!V Alt V, Attorney nt Lsw. Ofho
I aril h I,. W. Drawer. Huaiins o. A IU. Opera House
lll.s'li. inlaws. III. Juu3
IW. IIKl'lWKK, Attorney nnd Coitnwiorsl
Ij.w. Sufnry I'ulillu. S, a HI, Opera
Hi. III." I'.MI'K, 'OthWB. III.
I ' IHIUIIH, .rti.riiey htcI CTouusemr at Law
'' in L re!i' bleek. MslnntrBct. Ullswa, 111.
Mnl UC A I1 i, Att.n ncy at Law.fntowa
th. 01fl': Iji Ueilney's lliiaik dtx-.2H
J'. 1,1N(M1..N, A'u.rney at Law. Otnw
uvo N.i lt LaSslle streut. weat aide if tiir
l -iTt ili.uae. Ottawa. 111. Julya
(lKOlMtK ts. KI.DHKIKiK, Atronitty n
w La.r outre In P.wictl!ee I.IikS iittawa. Ill anrl
mvni mayo. jonw n. winvRE.
MAYO iSc WIUMKH, AiMrney at U.
Olit.'e In NatOhi-er'a lllock. corner of I -ale
and Msln airwta from naun nn 'slr. l)tth'.g, fll
4 T. OIj.Mts't'j.; I ),
1 tentlMt,
71! Ln Salle i-in'et, Ottawa, III.
Olllee will tieeliweil from Oct. 1st, IW, to Murcli firh.
Hss. ecnpl holi.lny week.
nH.rilAltrrY SANDKIIS, atirecnwK
to lr. .M. in.ia Allien, oillee Opera limine Block,
Ottawa, III. Telephone, No. 12.' neplS
lt. ,1. S. ltVHUHN, Ottawa. III. Olllee lu
Opera House Hlouk. In uillce d.iy anil miilil.
J J M. ll.Vs'COM, M. !.,
Olllee Honrs, 2 to I. Otllee and Umldence,
Alwnyatn otllee during efllee lioiira. P. O. BLOCK
nil. hi. W. WKIS, (JJeutcber !octor.) lie
Ptiymciati and hurireon U the 8t. Louis Kami-a
Hoolptal. Ot'lce over Stlefi l'a Cloihlna- Store, corner 'X
Main .tnd La oHlie atrtisiui. HealdeDca on math hint?
' Mrs. Ui'uz . sp'i
DM. . MIlji.KIt, the well known OcuPa
nritl Annat. Ottawa, HI. Ottli'H, over Lynctra dry
III" its store, Muln street.
t' Y. lKIC-KH, DruKKt.t. nookaellar and Sea
i. ilon er, O'-tawa, 111. f.s:onn aturu In NaitlRs-r'i
block, south aide of Court House 8;unr.).
1 ICN K.f Oeriimu 1 irneoint and ApotH
i'A., csry. (whoiesnlB and retsll,) Main atreet.Ott
wii. 111. liuiorterif Druas. (Jheiiurale, Krench Count
se hrandlps, VV'Kea Ae
1M. v.M. Hi I . .- PPAKI), Momber r th
' lloysl Colli'lte n: . terluary Suriteona, Kukiado!
Fellow of tho Loiulos fi'.inriuary Medical Aavoclatloa:
alixi Vett.i lu,iry Kill or iiunion'. Spirit ut tat. ivvl
can 'te oopauited al hla oipn. n Ijn'avntte St. aeirl
Attnnirt'4 Im- I'fiilmun .
Ill Hie Comity Court of said coiiniy, September
Term, . n. Is..?,
Tin' Illinois Valtev nnd Norlhern Uiulroiid Company
r lleheei a KlUalieth (i. (iuenther, (ivurite ll. titien
llier, .lattiea U, loillowiiy. beiieea (i. Laphaiu, Her.ry R.
Miisoii nnd A. .1. tialloway. Petition forColidiMun:itloii
el KlKlit of Way.
Aitidnvlt of the non-riMldt'tire of anlu Seneca G. Lap
liani ImvliiK been tiled In the otllee of the clerk of said
County Court, notiee ta lierel.y uiven to the aaid ntHi
reanlent defendant, Keueea Lapliain. that Ihepetl
lioner. the said The Illinois Valley nun Northern liail
roud t'oinpiinv, heretofore tlleii Its petition In said
court ou llieelnhth day of Sept'inber, a. n. 18Si, pray-Ini-'for
the condemnation of rertalu triiela, leeea or
pareeia of land therein dcwribcd, and that by order of
aald roiirt a summons thereiinon issiird, In aiild cause,
iifialnsl each of Ihe aald above imnte.l drfediinta, return
able nt the Curl Mouse, In Ottawa. Ill aaiil La Sal e
coiinlv.on the twenty-first ih.y of Ociolirr. a. n. IjHi. at
nine o'clock a. m ,v hen ami where you can appearand
resist said petition. If you see lit. and w hich aald pcU
tlon and the proceed liars llieretn are still peiidlna In
salil eoiir'. P. KISLEN, Clerk.
Pated Otliiwa, Itllnola. Septemtier S, s;, aeplrt
Atlinrti'iM for 'ftitnititr.
STATIC (if 1I.LI.MIIM, L S.M.l-e. t in a l r-.
In the County Court ot aald county, kepteuiber
Term, a i. 1HS7.
Tho Illinois Valtev and Northern Railroad Company
M. Lewia W. ,lent liins, J. P. Utile, John Katmley and
Mortimer It. llatueway. Petitlou for Condemnation
of I. 'Klit of Way.
Altlilavlt of the non-reatdence of aald J. P. Bute hav
ing been II led. In tho olllee f Ihe clerk of aald County
Court, uotice la hereby nlvea to the said ana reatdelit
il.'fendant. J. P. Utile, that the petitioner, the aald
The Illinois Valley and Northern Itailroad Company,
heretofore filed lla"n'lltin In aald rnurt on Ihe eighth
day of Keplcuilmr, a. p. praj luu for the condemna
tion of certain traeta, plivea or parcel of land therein
leMTibed, and that by order of said court a summon,
thereupon laauetl, lu wild cause, attains! cacti ot the
said above named defendanta, reliiruablu at the Court
House. In Ottawa. In aald Iji Salle county, on the twen
ty flrat dav of ih-tober. a. o. Ivs;. at nine o'clock a. a .
when and where you ran appear and realat aatd peti
tion. If you see fit, and w hleli aald petition and the pro
cecdlUK therein are atlll pendlue: lu aitd court.
P. KIN I. EN, Clerk.
Paled. Ottawa, Illlnola g'ptember S. ltisi. aeplll
NOTK 'K. ktat or PrTEH Pktikson, Pax-'n.
Notice la hereby irlyeii that the uuderalKueil. Ad
nilntatratrlx of the Fatal of Peter Peternon. late of Ihe
county of I ftalie and atate of Illlnola. deceased, will
appear before the Probate Court of aald county, on the
third Monday (being the Mat daylol November, lSS7,at
the ProbatcCourt ns.ui. In Otuwa, In aald county, when
and where all persona having claim, or demands ainlnst
said estate are notified to attend and prsaent Ihe same
n wrtilna for ailjuauiieat.
Dated tula Jta day of September, a, . 1SS7.
eptO-tw AduiUUatralrlx.
Ilurbln.'s Arnica lve.
The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises
ores, ulcers, salt rhuuin, ferer sores, letter
.'happed hands, chilblains, rums, and all skin
eruptions, sad positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sal
Isfai'tioii. or money Muuiled. price vi-1 cents
per tuix Kor sale hv 1), I.orrluin.
?fr dvertistnjentj.
Fa'l-fe Winter Catalogue
Sjv nsit)' Rinl enl tree on s..:kutleli.
.leli Avi' cor. VS'J.l Ht., Vnrli.
You'll bid It good to regu
late Tbe organi of both small
It checks 6nb Headache,
and (bs woe
That sail Dyspeptics ever
Ceililes 'US pleasant to tbo
Ro Bone need gulp It dowa
lu baste.
W'.AMTKIl-l.iA.DIKr-l, f..r . in l-. ll n I
II I lirialins Tis.le. I., tnke Ujto. ileu.t wi.rk si
IlieiP own In. in i. ?s 1 lo t: S u-r .im f-.ui '"' .inlet).'
mu le. Wuik ..-ut hy mini iinv itNimi'-e. I'l.rtu n'Hrs
tree N.i imiiv i-tiii. A. litres, al mice, lihsrhNT
Aicrco. 1 1; Miik si . iiiwion. si. if. n x si.u.
Aruival anu HspHit'i:t or Mails.
C, It. I. 1'. IC. Ii.
l:.sJ a. e.
3::U f. X.
11: A) a. M
Kmilern mail
.Tit. tii until
!l:i e.
N'lKlit mall
Southern ii.sil ....
Sort hern mill..,,
bln jior .e. ml...
S:ll V
, a. & o.. u. ic
.... 11:4 . A
S:il .
; :Se r
S: V.
nm a.
'r.iii a.
U:.) a.
1IKFI1 1'VllK.
T:ies.lH), Thiirailava, Kflu.iya. l:i0e. M.
I M110- ll..'ll ill , :ll A. M. I l.n.l's UT . UU I'. M .
Illtti'e oiieu rlillicti.ysti.ini lito I o'ct.a'K.
Ctloo, Farlmpton oa Qainry E. R,
ri.1 TAHClV
April 1m, 1 88.
Goln South, ,
fiu. I n!
No. sS No. si 3
Ex buu Ex Siui1,"
v Going North.
;t: I'aaa. l'u
l3S No. 1 No. 82
&x Sun V.x Sua
10.80 Sfl'J
.i2 .lm
1 H.II7 1.17
Vi tt'i 9.13
3 a. 54 S.lfl
H .4i 4.W
1 S..M 4 4.
Hi S.2 I.M
iH S.lS) 131
.1 4.19
4H 7.M 4.iH
3 7 54 I.04
IV SO l.lJ
4 7.42 s.y.
! sv
H 7.23 3 35
7.ns is
dS, 7. SO 3.(17
t .sw a.oi
rn. lt
lit 2S
to. a.)
10. AS
10. M
11. ee
11. i
1 1 . j
hoiiih Aurora.
..V.l' o kit June
a wwit(ij....
ViH1. . Vorkvtlle...
W,l .... Kux
Ik !. M.llliiwk..
. !'4 1 ..M.tli ot.,n. .
fiv ...Hl-iriilaa...
t l....txrfUa....
II ....Hluk....
sv ... ltavton
..jt'.K.I .tP Cr'n! V
yt wii.i.111
4l (ItiHtvs Sjir'irt
4st) ..Hh'.e Track..
.IS i.liranil Kinne.
H ...Hlvhanla...
M) ... Strestor...
P.M. A
u.24 :
KrelKht traltm earryluir l.assennera leave Ottawa aa
follow.: For Paw fnw ami Karl, 4.20 p.m.; for 8ln-a-tor.
5.05 A. a., 5.1)9 P. M..BU. in (l a. at; for Aurora.
lU.m) a. .
PvllHian Ps'.are K!aentnK Cars, C B. A Q. Drsw1.
Uooiti Ch, liortou'a l.isillnlnn Chtlr Cirs. and theC
II. A i. I'siai e lH:iln,-. Cars, tiy thta route. All Inlorie
tlon AloBt rie. of fare. r.t'.r aeeoinmodatlofi.
anil time ratJliM wll' bt inven by applying o
HAt't MitKToX
OeiiMral P.uweniter and Ticket Atiect. Chlcag...
H. B. KlVNK.
Huneral MLtr Cnlrewi. OKD. K. 1H,
Arent at nirawa
Chicago, Bo.:k Island and Faciflo E'vilroad,
IjOlNIl Kast.
No. in, Peru Arcr.tiuui .tnti.n "Ma m
t, tiniiitis. Si. I'uni iiml IVoris F:.pri:sa...ln.r.2 a k
" Vi, tiiins.ii. ( :tv h.x press .iti.l Ms l II. 'ft A H
I ientoti. Mn, A clue U'o Aci'oiu
3 5 " p M
6, Khii-iiK tty Nii.t llj.piei'.
1, llinai s A M. l'"iil I' ll less
... 'i.M A U
... 2.55 A it
.. 7.ir2AM
... 1.1 . H
.. 5.25 P a
Ui.lMI W KJ-T.
No. X tU.Miia St. Paul Ntel-.t K.xi.r;. 1.32 AM
" 5, Kaiisiia ' tiy aril 1'eorni Nl?l I Kxpresa.. J.W A V
" 7,(1.1. .t..& rventon Aeeoii.modalloi 11. .'10 a m
" 11. Ualisaa t.l'V K.piess ano Mall 3 0; P M
" l, oio.ihi. M l'lim t I'eorlii l.xp. & Mall.. n.M P a
" Peru .M'eoliiuio lalion S.ltl l M
Fretulit '.itmtiti VtuttHytn.
29 ;ii.n a a
"il, .45 v U
Nos. Si'.nd IU arrive ln Chicago nt 10 a. m. and leave
Chicago at 5 p. M. dally (Sunday excepted).
No. J ciirriua paamuiKera I rum tieuenuo to Ottawa.
No. it carries pa'senKcra betwwu Jollet HUO La
Salie, and No. :lu between L& Salle and .lo.iet.
No. Wand 28 curry pasaeiiKni between Blue Ialaud
and Ij Saile. It. K. Caiii.k, (ien'l .Managor.
E. Sr. .Ions', K. F. PaarrTMAM
Oeu'i Tkt. Paua Ant. Agent at Ottawa
Illinois Central Railroad.
Pneaen ;er 4:27 A. M.
f.,,M'i.jc r lltJ'l a. a.
Aieoiiimiala'.loii tf:.r.ri 1'. M.
! refill Vi:t A. M.
Kiemhl .-1:17 a, m,
Iri lwiit, 4:00 p. a.
raaf nper A- M
PnaaeiiKer Ii I, a
I reuhl VH-M A M.
KieiUht 9 1" A. M
Frenrh: (hoc uo futther) 10:43 v. .
Ticket Aui'iir Freight Agent
Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Ballroad
CIB and after May 9, ISM, tralna on the C. A. B.
It. paaa Jollet aa follows:
Itdl.NO NUK11I.
K. C. and St. L. Kxpreaa 3-1J A M
Lightning Kxpreaa S-'i0 A M
Jollet Accommodation " is a a
Denver I-Apresa Vi:) r a
fcxprew. Mall 5.311 P a Sotrrn.
Exproaa Mall 10.15 am
Deliver Kxpreaa 'i- P M
Jollet AcootiiiniMlailon .a'i ' a
Llgl'.tnliig Kxttrcaa M.3S P a
K. C. and St. L Kxpress a a
LlvlitnitiK Kxitreaa, Denver Kxpreaa, and Kansas City
and bt. Louia hxpress trains run dally: Kxpreaa Mail
and Juliet Accommodation run dally, excepl Sunday.
Kansas City and St. Louis Kxpress going smith rum
through without change or cars. Morning train to St.
Louis has free chair cars, and evening, train through
alcepere Vj St, Louia und Sprliiitfleld. A0
Ticket Aatent C. & A. ilallroad.
low to Loan.
I have monev constantly cn bund to loan, ln autna to
stilt, on farm lands in La Salle and adjoining counties,
at the lowest current ratea of Interest, on lonu or short
time. Call ou or address
Aug. 2T-3IUOB
Sheridan. Ills.
The most Powerful Healing
Ointment ever Discovered.
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve allays
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Henry's Carbolic Salve cures
Henry's Carbolic Salve heals
Ask for Henry's-Take No Other.
Frico 25 cts., mail prepaid 30 cts.
JOHN P. & CO., Hew York.
t9"Write for Illuminated Book.
' 1
Bold by CM. OKliEM.
Lumber Yard
Near the Illinois River Bridge.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
sll'sllidh HO 4 w leilesmiielieaa. More eeonomli al than
tin- ordinary kinds, und cannot lie .old In i oiiu etlilon
Mill, the iiiiilntuoe of low teat, abort Height alnm or
phosn'olte pow lers. .V.,I oxfi III ..(;. KoYAt, Ba
i.mi Pt.w I.KH Co. li Wall bU N. Y.
West of Court House.
Second-Hand Books,
Lowest Prices.
The Best Material for Ruoftiig
Invented and made.
Will Outwear and Outlast any Other
Shingle, anil ls by all odds the
cheapest in the end.
Guaranteed lo Last for Years,
If conditions for putting It on
are complied with.
CuTDgai Iron Gins.
These Rooflnaa ail Cost Less than Wooden Shiugles.
Gas, Steam and Water Pipes and Fittings.
j mavll-6ni Main St.. near Columbus. Ottawa. 111.
MarWe anil Granite.
Original Deigni
Bst Grade, of Stock
Ftn Workmanship
rard on Clinton Street, opposite Jones 'I Cvrltce Sho
AUf CnllOkltd this pspsr.ot obtain asttmats
n sdrsnisinf apses wfcsn In Chicago, will find H on fits at
lETiffi SlBS
' - - i V