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Oltwra &ttt gvaflcr. Ottawa, 111., Sept. 84, 1HHT. lit) AUD OF SlTKHVIsOUS. Ilecord or the I'roceeillnn. Order unci Iteaolutlou of tli lion r J of 8uervlor ot Lw Salle Couuty, ami State ot Illinois, at a lleuular Term Thereof, Coiiiiiieucert ud Held at the Court House, in Ottawa lu iatl County, on Tuiwday, the 13th Day of September, A. 1. 1SH7. Board met pursuant to law, und whs called to order by the Chairman. The following member were present: Armstrong. J. L. llrwikl'ld llowlaml, K. Wallace. Howell. Henry, Sireua, Jciiiiingn. Jas. Mission. Boticck. .1. W, La Salle. .IiiIiii.ii, Henry W, Adams. Iturkart. Juacpn. U aalln. I J, L. Peru. Burke. T. A. Ottawa. Lewis, li. C. Oeer Prlc. llutterncld. C. W, liutlaud. I.nklin, Vi . H. lirmw. Cnsik, (has II. Ho. OttHwa.MalerlioJer. Mat. Mitnlluf. iliisinr. W. J, Mernlen. Mc(4liiiila, W. Min.lota. Ilrtwser. K H. Grovelawl. MelNIIre, W. tl, Allen. Iunaa. J N. Kami Itldge.MeLaticlimn, J. La Sallfl. Doyle, i.nke, llliumlck. Noriuu. Warren It. Karl. Kadca. Kreo. W, lruce. l'reudergat, P. K. Kagle, Fischer, Caper, Meuduta. Howe, It. A. Freedom. Gallagher. II M, Peru. Hmwu.u k, Nich. HU'liliniit. Ulbos. Chai'i. iinhtr. htiiuforrt, li. K. VitiiiII HiU. Ureeu llasll, Itayton. fciieiicer. (has. K, Miller. Grlttlu, A. T. l'tlca. Tliomiisoii, S. 8. 4ir. llaplils Uunn. lli-nrr. Eden. Truinlu, A. L. fall Kiver. liuruey, Win. (liter Ctwk. Verner. Fred'k C. (. Hlckok. L li. Troy Umit. Weal wood, J. l. llruco. Iilliaoraud B F. Hope. Wyll, John, Waltliam. bolltckur, II. Ottawa. The record of the last day's session of the July term, 1887, was approved. Petitions from the towns of Wallace, Dayton nud Rutland, praying for county aid for bridge purposes In said towns, were read und referred to the committee on roads and bridges. On motion of Supervisor Fischer, all bills against the county were ordered re ferred to the appropriate committees with out reading. Supervisor Armstrong moved that the board now adjourn until 8 o'clock tomor row morning. Supervisor Lewis moved, as an amend ment, thr.t the board adjourn until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. The amendment was cnrrled by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Bubeck, Burkhart, Burke, Butterflold, Crook, Dinsmore, Dunaway, Eades, Fischer, Glbbs, Gretm, Giffin, Gur ney, Hlckok, IHItabrand, Hollecker, Now land, Jennings, Lauber, Lewis, Lukius, Malerhofer, McGlnnls, Kowe, Sha whack, Stanford, Spencer, Thompson, Trumbn, Westwood and Mr. Chairman 31. .Noes: Messrs. Armstrong, Bowen, John eon, McLauchlan, Norton and Wylie 0. The motion, as amended, was thereupon carried. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the same as on yesterday. I he record of yesterday session was read and approved. Supervisor Dunaway offered the follow ing resolution : Jlenolced, That the finance committee make out and report to the board, not Inter than Friday of this meetlog, a correct statement of the receipts and expenditures of the preceding year, bald statement to include each item, from whom and on what account received, and on what account expanded, together with an accurate state ment of the finances of the county, includ ing all debts and liabilities of every de scription, and tlie assets available for the payment of the same. On motion of Supervisor Norton, said resolution was referred to the committee on finance. Alderman T. K. AlacKinlay, of Ottawa, was introduced, and stated that Mrs. Hick ling, now a resident of Chicago, but for merly of the city of Ottawa, desired to make a donation to La Salle county and 1 the city of Ottawa, of a clock and bell t suitable for a large public building. Mr. MacKlnlay stated mat funds would be pro vided by the citizens of Ottawa to cover the expense of preparing the clock tower in the Court House, and a pagoda for the reception of such donation, If the consent of the County Board could be obtained to place the same in the Court House. On motion of Supervise .Norton, the f committee on public buildings was author- izeu 10 act ior la naue county, in conjunc tion with the committee of the Common Council of the city of Ottawa, in perfect ing arrangements for the reception of the donation. On motion of Supervisor Green, the board adjourned until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thursday, Sept. 15, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the same as on yesterday, and Su pervisor Dwyer. The record of yesterday's session was read and approved. Supervisor Bubeck submitted the fol lowing report, which was adopted : Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee to settle with the State charitable Institutions, would respectfully report that they have examined all claims presented before them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants to-wlt: Illinois Industrial School for Girls, at South Evanston, boarding seven girls, at $10 per month, for three months 5210.00 Clothing for Lilian May Blanchard, 15.00 Pearly Blanchard 15.00 Total $210.00 Illinois Institution for the Educa tion of the Blind, at Jacksonville, clothing and railroad far for P. Schonenberger $13.93 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. W. BcuECK, Chairman. Supervisor Green submitted the follow ing report, which was adopted : Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee on coal and gas would respectfully report that they have exam ined the bill of the Ottawa Gas Company, presented before them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk draw an order on the County Treas urer for the following amount : Ottawa Gas Company $99.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. Basil Green, Chairman. Supervisor Eades moved that the Wood lock note for $1,000, now outstanding against the county, be paid with the inter est accrued thereon up to date. Motion carried. : A communication from Isaac R. Hltt, State Agent, in reference to swamp and overflowed lands, was read and referred to the committee on judiciary. Supervisor Mclntyre moved that the drawing of the grand jurors for the ensu ing year be u ade a special order of busi ness for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Motion carried. Supervisor Fischer moved that the elec tion of u O uuty Agent for the ensuing year be made u special order f business for 10.3d o'clock tomorrow morning. Mo tiou carried. Supervisor Stanford submitted a copy of a reflation adopted at tin uniiui.l town meeting held in the town of Vermillion, In reference to the heating of the Court House und and the Mine wax read. Supervisor McLsiuhlan moved thut the resolution bo referred to the committee ou judiciary. Supervisor Norton moved, as an amend ment, tlint said resolution be referred to tne committee on coal and gas. Supervisor Eades here took the chair. Supervisor Gillliu offered the following resolution, as an amendment to the amend ment: Wiif.kkas, From expressions of public opinion, as well as troia our own expert ence. we Hre satisfied that the cost of heat ing our public buildings is much too large; therefore. AVm'wI, That the Chairman appoint a special committee, consisting of turee members of this board, to Investigate other ami fhpuoer systems of heatimr liirire buildings, and report to this board at Its next meeting. The amendment offered by Supervisor Griltin was carried, and the luotjon so amended was passed. On motion, the board adjourned until 9 o clock tomorrow morning. Fkiday, Sept. 10, 1887. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the same as on yesterday. The record of yesterday's session was read and approved. Supervisor Norton submitted the follow. Ing report, which was adopted: Mr. Chaiiiuan.dc: Your committee on tees and salaries would respectfully report that they have examined the matter ot a 6aiary a County Antnt, presented before them, and believ ing that we runuot expect u competent man to devote his time and attention to the duties of the ollke for a less sum than $000 per annum, would recommend that tlie said sum be lived as the salary of a County Agent for the next year, liespectfnlly submitted, Waiuien II. Nokton, Chairman. Supervisor Hlckok submitted the follow ing report, which was adopted : Mr. Cutinnan,dc : Your committee on miscellaneous claims would respectfully report that they have examined all claims presented before them and rtcommeuu the payment of the fol lowing, and that the Cierk be directed to Issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to-w lt: Nmm For Wlmt. Auit. Allowrd K(i Medium. cotiatnhii'Vrw -it Uwirire .uy,.liii)ncf a fui-ii clnliuctl, JS 75 4 iS A lie) ill Sinilh do ..r'Mimcci. 8 75 3 15 M MllllTllnllT, lnvistlputliiK CvimiiUK-u 11 50 W a Norton, ilo 10 40 Win OiiMtituncr hmI A it-ifi'rlilcl. curiiiH lor inutiliiU'il ri'iiinlim of Mt li S 00 Arthur la kwoMl, hull rent ciaiint'il, 5 10 4 00 Vllhme of liulluiiil, !o 4 HI TowuorKmile. do 4 00 t'linrlca Alhvrt, do 4 00 111 11 W i:cy, do 4 Hi Ji'wu! O rove, do rlulmvil, 15 00 Vi 00 o 1 (irntit. Justice's ftM-H claimed, 9 so 4 A Floyd CU'iiiii'iiiii, coror.i'r'a fecit, claimed. 1 10 U0 1-4 W Itk'hard Merrick, cunM:ible' lees S 45 Adolph Hues. Justice's fees cla.imd, 3 SO it mi U'odanl Vtuiiiicr, ill 8 h G Mluer, ot mortem 20 00 Hum I (ireen, IiivhiH; hiiik' committee 10 on IIhkiI lireun. B nee I ill committee 3 25 llmdl oreeii, lmwic! I '( II M liullHL'lier, ainxiut committee 4 CO I. U Hlckok. do 3 i0 .liioob Hiine, Justice's Inn claimed, 3 35 2ffl Jerry Matter, colislnhle's fees 1 So II K Williams, do 8 15 Wm 1 Hihlien. police miiKlstrute 3 55 (i W DcJ'olt, InxMlie ciwe 0U J (' Daley, coiisialile s lees 1 'A) It W llatclielder, Justlce'B fees 1 50 Janice V Oalviu, do ....claimed, II IH 10 10 llichard Merrick, constnhle's fees :t 10 Wil LiiKliis.speclnl cummlitce 5 t0 W II l.UKltii.. Iiverv 4 no W H Fouler, couslulile's fees 1 0 Thomas l)o)le, do claimed. ti hi BJ so J r Ncrtnt v, di claimed, 6 JO 4 70 C. W Oram," post mortem '.'0 in A T (irlllln, litiildliiu cominUlei! 5 l Thomas liyan. crulable's lees claimed, 4 SO 3 4o I'eler KiiKan, hack ttl 3 un J ll ('uniliir, Justice's fees claimed, 3 45 a 45 II Hollei ker. hulldini; coiumlucu 1" (Hi Henry feters. coiisiatile's tees 'i 00 Town of Diininlck, hall rent 5 CO Timothy Flaherty, iimlllnx returns 1 50 .lohn Furlstal, Justice's fees ciMlnied, 3 55 3 30 Charles W Butterlleld, special coiiiinittiD So stine llrilskl. c tulle's fues claimed, 31 5i) V id V It Weeks, justice's fees cl-ilmcd, 15 60 10 (r. I'utrick tistiley. do cliilnieu, 13 53 H SO W .1 liwyer, special committee 5 m SwanziK. InterpretliK;., cliilmeil, 5 Hi 2 50 Thomas Doyle, constable's fees claimed, 5 10 4 70 Your committee would further report that they have carefully examined the fol lowing claims, and respectfully ask to be relieved lrom further consideration of the same: T O Corbett, removing body from the canal $ .1 Hi I'alrlck Hauley. Justice's 34 (ft Thos KoKerty, delivering poll book to town clerk, 1 50 Your committee would further ask that the claim of Greenwood Ss Co., for steel seal, $0, lie defered for further action un til the meeting of the next board. All of which Is respectfully submitted by the committee. li. JJ. uickok, Chairman ll. A. Kowk. V. V. Veunkk. E. HOW LAND. J. li. Laliiek. Supervisor Grlflin submitted the lollow- ing report, which vr as adopted : Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee on public buildings would respectfully report that they have examined all claims presented uetoretliem and recommend the payment of the fol lowing, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders tor tus severai.amounts to tne several claimants, to-wlt : Name. For-Whaf. Aint. Allowed. Latr. Brtars, paints for county court house 10 85 Michael Noouiin, laying tile and material 5 H.J Glllen. tlfty yards of carpet for treasurer's room, at per yarl fiO 00 John W Clem A Co.. work and repair on closet., it 36 W H Harden, HS-10 days painting la treasurer's probate Jmlue's rooms 17 H Stewart & Jeffery. repairs In court house I N5 K It Mollis, work at court bouse.... i luiineil. 4fi CO 31 50 C U Wels, two new awnlngB on county JudKc's windows, and repairs iO 00 James Blackburn, sIiIIuk and shiugllnK trie work house at county asylum 30 25 Your committee find, on examination, that the floor in the female insane ward at the county asylum is very badly worn, and a new one needed ; and also, that the steam pump in the boiler house at the asylum is worn, and, as it has been repaired as long as it is profitable, we would recommend authority be given your committee to mate these and some other needed repairs. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. T. Gkikfin, Chtirrmn. Supervisor Gallagher, of special com mittee on roads and bridges, submitted tlie following report, which was adopted : Mr. Ciirman,de.: Your special committe on tha subject of a petition for county aid to build a bridge In the town of Dimmick respectfully re port, that In the opinion of the committee the proposed bridge, if contracted for ju diciously, would not cost twenty cents on the $100 of the assessment of said towa The committee are of the opinion, also, that the said bridge is not upon a highway used by any considerable portion of the public ; that it is on a cross road, and said road is partly fenced tip, with gates to ac commodate the small travel thereon. The committee, also, are of the opinion that a bridge in all respects sufficient to accommodate the travel on said road for many years to come, can be built at small expense. The committee, therefore, being of the opinion that a btidge costing twenty cents on the $W0 of the assessment of said town, is not necessary at said point, pray to tie relieved from further consider ation of the subject. All of whlcn I resHctftilly submitted, i II. M. U.U.LAO 11 KH, L. 11 HlCKOK, Coiiimlttw. The following report submitted by State's Attorney Moloney, was adopted : Mr. Chairman, de : 1 herewith transmit the result of the In vestigation of some of t'jn members of your board into the affairs of Circuit Clerk Taylor, Kcorder Arnold, and County Su pefititcmlent of Schools otoi'kdaie. It af fords me great pleasure to concur In It, and to tl tit I that there are still faithful and elil cieut oftloers in La Salle county. M. T. Moloney, State Attorney. Ottawa, 111 , Sept. 13, 1887. To the lion. M. T. Mi-Umty: Your committee on investigation would respectfully report that we examined the records and reports of the olllce of Circuit Clerk Taylor, from December 1,1880, to December 1, 1880, aud found everything correct, with tho exception of clerical er rors for which said Taylor has accounted lu full in his last semi-annual report (said errors amounted to $22101). Your committee beg leave to report that they huve also examined the books and pa pers of Recorder Stephen Arnold, from April 14, 1870, to December 1, 1880, and found the same correct, w 1th the exception of errors In adding, which amount has been paid over to the treasurer (said errors amuntd to f '..'0.4.1). We further beg leave to report that we have examined the books and papers of the County Superintendent of Public Schools, Mr. Stockdale, and found them to be cor rect and there is now due said Mr. Stock dale the sum of of this amount he omitted to credit himself' All of which is respectfully submitted. Mathias Maikhhofkh, ClIAHLES W. Ul'TTKKFIELD, Committee. Supervisor Luklns, chairman of the com mittee on roads nnd bridges, submitted the following report, which was adopted j Mr. Chairman, if e : Your coinmltte.o on road and bridges would respectfully re'iort that they have examined the matter of a petition referred to them from the road commissioners of the town of Wallace, and ask to be re lieved from further consideration ot the same. All of which la respectfully submitted. W. H. Ll kiss. Chairman. The Chairman appointed Supervisors Grlflin, Norton, aud Fischer as a special committee to Investigate the subject of heating, as provided in the resolution adopted at yesterday's session. The following resolution, Introduced by Supervisor Fischer, was adopted : lli-xolecd, That the County Clerk is hereby authorized to employ the necessary extra clerk hire for prepur'iog the tax books for the year of 187. Aud'that the said clerk be permitted to draw his order to the amount of $1,800, in sums of $(100 each, and that each extra clerk shall certify that they have worked the number of days specified In ttielr voucuers, on said tax books. Supervisor Norton moved that a commit tee of three be appointed by the Chairman to dralt resolutions in approval of the ac tions of the judges, jurors, und attorneys who had the courage to do their duty In the anarchist cases. Motion carried. Tlie Chairman appointed Supervisors Norton, llowlaud, and Dunaway as such committee. The hour of 10 o'clock having arrived, tlie special order for that time was taken up, and the board proceeded to select the grand jurors for the year 1883, as follows: JANUAKY TKltM, 1S88. Bruce M. J. Luther, II. J. Ryan, II. S. Jones. Dayton E. H. Strait. Eagle H. L. Conner. Farm Ridge C. E. Ellsworth. Freedom William Pool. Groveland U. M. Clegg. Hope W. ( White. La Salle Thomas Tregonnlng, Samuel C. Lambert. Merlden S. P. Wangler. M Ission Charles Red field. Northvllle Adam Weller. OsageThomas Prendergast. Ottawa William J. Sinon. Otter Creek James W. Stevenson. Peru Patrick Manning. Richland Nepornucek Gentert. Serena Ilavilhh Hupp. South Ottawa C. K. Lovejoy. Wallace Christopher Kenny. Waltham James Flnley. MAKCIl TEKM, 1888. Adams Charles 1). Harmon. Allen August Richards. Deer Park Albert T. Dimmick. Dimmick W. H. Cuthbertson. Eagle Walter Newport. Earl David A. Town. Eden George A, McFerson. Fall River George Galloway. Grand Raph-'s J. M. Ilanna, John Mur pby. Manlius Jeremiah Hlgglns. Mendota W. W. Gilinan, Matt. Wilson. Miller John L. Earlier. Ophir D. W. Westgate. Ottawa F. G. King, Charles Metzger. Peru Charles Herlxilt, Adolph ilass. Rutland Freeman Wheeler. Troy Grove John Hochstatter. L'tlca Henrv Schmeetlng. Vermillion W. R. Daley. .ll'XK TEKM, 1888. Adams C. 31. Potter. Allen Marcus J. Lane. Brookfield Thomas Casey. Bruce William White, W. U. Minor. Dayton George Hay ward. Deer Park Amos C. Baldwin. Dimmick J. J. Conerton. Earl A. A. S male. Eden Byron Ford. Freedom E. K. Fogg. Groveland Alfred Matteer. La Salle Edward Shannon. Merlden 1$. F. Bryan. Osage Sylvester Miller. Ottawa Albert Malerhofer. Otter Creek Cyrus Garver. Rutland F. T. Neff. Serena Michael J. Flaherty. South Ottawa William Mathias. Troy Grove Robert Porterfield. L'tlca Jacob Norton. Wallace John HinKley. OCTOIIEIl TEKM, 1888. Bruce Robert Fairburn, W. II. Pilcher. Dayton James Rhoads. Fall River .John P. Wilson. Farm Ridges Wendley Stason. Hope John li. Lambert La Salle Fred Borngasser, Michael Cal- Manlius E. II. Spicer. Miller Nels Nelson, 2nd. Mendota John Cummlngs, Newton Imus. MissloD August Glrolt. Northvllle J. 31. Fox. Ophir Martin Crawford. Ottawa Thos. J. Carew, Patrk Looney. Peru August Bolfer, Aotou Meyer. Richland Owen Moore. Utica L. R. Irwin. Vermillion S A. Hall. Waltham James Carey. The hour of 10:30 o'clock having ar lived, the special order for that time was now taken up. Supervisor Fischer nominated T, C. Gib. son for county acent. Suervlsor Eades moved that the Clerk cast ih ballot of tho lnard for T. C. Gib son for county agent Can led. TheCletk thereupon cus' the ballot of the Imard as directed, and T. C. Gibson was declared duly elected cotmty agent for the ensuing yer. buiervlr Lewis submitted the lollow. lug report, which was adopted: Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee, to which whs referred the communication of Isaac U. Hilt coverlni; res. lution In refer ence to swamp lands, which ho desires to have the County Board adopt and forward to members of Congress, lieir to report the matter back to tlie board, with the opinlou of tlie committee that it does not think any action ou the part or t!e board advisable. E. C. Lewis, W. 11. Noktox, II. M. Gai.laoiieh, C'oiiiiiilit.'e. On motion of Supervisor Fischer, the hoard adjourned uutil 2 o'clock p. m. Fiuday,2 o'clock r. m., Sept. 10, '87. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the same as this morning. The Chairman presented the following report, which was adopted : Mr. Chairmitn, dc: Your committee of investigation beg leave to report that they have examined the boons and papers ot County Agent T. C. Gibson, Irum July, 1870, to Maich,1887, and lind the same cor rect, except in a clerical error of $27 made In carrying wer a balance from one page to anotiier, which amount has been paid to the county by Mr. Gibson. Henry Gcnn, For the Committee. Mr. Chiirman, dc: I herewith transmit to your honorable body the foregoing re jHirt, and cheerfully c.mcur therein. 1 am satisfied it is In all respects correct, and is of Itself evldeuce of the faithful and elli cient mauner in which Mr. Gibson has dis charged his duty. M. T. Moloney, County Attorney. Supervisor Dresser submitted the follow lng report, which was adopted: Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee to settle with the county superintendent of schools would respectfully report that they have examined the bills and reports pre sented before them, and recommend the payment of the following: July It. Posture mid express, as per lillls f.4 18 .luly 14, I'rliittuv. as per hltU rendered ts 40 Sept. 15. Clerk hire 35 11 statlonety, as per hill rendered 1 lo Janitor at lllnckstoni!, as per hill rendered 1 Oil Total f 11U (to We also recommend that the following bills of the superintendent of schools be audited and approved, and tlie Clerk di rected to certify such fact to the auditor of public accounts at Sprlngrield, for payment of the same from the State treasury, as pro vided by Sec. 71 of the school law. Your committee would further recom mend the payment of $22.07, the amount found due and uupald said superintendent by tlie investigating committeee, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw his order ou the treasurer for said amount. All of which is respectfully submitted. E. S. Dui'KSKh, Chairman. S sat K ok Illinois La Sallk County, To G. B. Stockdale, County Superintend ent of Schools, Dr., for services and ex penses from July 13, 1887, to Sept. 1T, 1887: 0 days school visitation, at $ i $ :! K 1) days expenses " ut$l.... 0 00 (5 days examinations, at H 21 00 15 days teachers' institutes, at S4. . lid 00 20 days ollice work, at 51 104 00 Total 2;:;i i G. It. StocMale in Arrt. irith Jai Sulk Cocnty RKI'KIPTH, statu Auditor, tax fund Mate interest fund ....fJJ.ftK 1 .... l.:nl US I.' I. !57 !! Win Wiley. Seneca. Hues from Magistrate lJ w in a MiKwortii. rnrm kihkc. iio .... 3"1 W ll WimisIi't, Triumph, do .... (inn K Woleott. Toiilca. d 5 to W II Itohertson, Sheridan, do ... Vi 00 John II MeKliiley, Wedron, do .... 10 00 I St run well, Mendota. do .... i II A Chase, Karlvllle, do .... 3 00 A Wllkln-on, Kiiiihiiiii, ' do .... 3 to James Dluimick. lUinmlck. do ... :i i Keceiveit 111 an anonymous letter to til Interest on luortKi;e for at 6 per cent.. 7s m Interest on niortii'e for .4J, ut 6 percent..., I- oo balance on hand, beptemher, DS6 VI t !i f. 1,53s tfi DISlllTttbKMKNTH. (' W llliinilin, township lreaurer, t '!. r'l ( ft lit Wm liohiin, do t 30, r i ,ul l.i K It At wood. ilo t ill, r 1 it ID :w I'eier hsdihuch. do t 31, r li '.'!.' tin K.ra 11 llalley, ilo t 31, r 3 3,;ni 3- Daniel W bteveiison, do t 81, r 4 HM i Man ns J Uine, do t 31, r 5 miKi Henry (iiiiiu. do t Hi, r 1 ll'.sl 55 C M Luton, do t XI, r 2 ii't li .liickHiin Uute. iio t :u, r 3 'Ml Christopher roundiitoue, do t. :ti, r 4 2a ho Michael O'Liitighliti, do t r 5 ss Andrew J O'Connor, do t :, r I 5.1.1 Ot Mimiiel orove, do t r i fctl ,' Ami lloltt'iiin, ilo t 3:1, r 3 2M:H 10 .1 N dapple. do t 33, r I 5lil Ut Wmiulll ll Wiley, do t 83, r 5 Mil r .lohn .1 C uiro rion, do t 31, r I 30 hi William r. Wiley. do t 31. r i -ii 17 Edward O'lioiiuell, do t 31, r 3 i 1 (.lns C.liiiMiii, do t .'U, r 4 id 7o William K Williamson, ilo t 31, r 5 30 ss John re rnusoii. no t 35, r 1 4ii H ( hnrles t.ihlis. do t 3 , r 1 fm s W Luwrv, do t 35. r 3 3CO III K A I ii 1 1 -'. do 1 16, r I iiW fj Delos liohinson, do t 3"i, r 5 VII il .eorxc 11 Madden, do t 3"i. r 1 1,371 lo V (i Keeler. ilo t H6, r 3 ;3I i .1 J 1'oole, do t its, r 3 5ili 7" .1 C Jiu'oh'on, do t r I 1,1m h.ilward ltani:t, do t 3i, r 5 317 M Colnmlsslons )'.) Vi ti,:,n; Balance on hand li On (41 .55 ii rot'NTA- rrxu, Mort(ti(!e on farm. Class Classon, -(1.300 00 Mornrittfc on real estate traiti.Tred from A. kiTKiinoii to Uinalilo Williams ') 00 Cash on hand, not at present Invested loo m 1.iki oo (i. II. Htm kilitle in A'vount with littlituti t ami, IlKI'Kll'TS. Sept. 6, 1W, iliilance ( 95 20 KXPKMIITI' KKH. Octotwr. i-fi. 1'rintliiK. as per hill rendered and paid IJ 00 (ij W BKI'ltlfTM. Sept. 11, 17, Balance r'rom c.crtiucntes and renewals.., ... fj . . . 4 10 bo dil 4', XPtITfES. I'siil intr'H'tors lis per receipts (.'tSV in l'a:d for, as xir hills rendered hi S5 Paid for stationery, as per hills rendered 13 '.i I'aul Janitor of institute at La Salle m oo (t!0 Balance i ii i jr.ii 4i Supervisor Spencer submitted tlie follow Ing report, which was adopted : Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee on stationery would respectfully retiort that they have examined all claims presented before theru, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be di rected to Issue orders for the several amounts, to the several claimants, to-w It : Amf. Allowed. Ilspemsn ft Graham, stationery. .claimed, f'0 13 (IV S5 K V tirlis, stationery i ill Wm Oman Soul, puhllshlnR proreedlnirs 'a ill same pnbllshtiiK 1V.O50 supplem'ta 4 50 same mlscrllaoeoue sta. supplies, 6 an "Ottawa Kebtihllraa," stationery and printing.. IS 75 A J Lnkena. s'tlonry 11 ( J J W Itty, puhllshlng proceeillnir W same .isio eiiveiopea ior recorder orac. .. mv Illinois Printing Co., stationery. .claimed, 14 M 11 M Ilruwn, PetUbooe Co., " ..claimed, 211 15 184 M Total .... Im M All of which is respectfully submitted. C. E. Spescer, Chairman. Stiervlsi)r Eades, of the commltt ou conl atui gus, recommended the allowiince of a claim of J. G. Nattimrer, for $2 CI, for coal turulched tue j'dl. Lobt by the foJIoMlug vote: Ayes: Messr. Bowen, Durkarf, Butke, Crook, Dresser, Dunaway, Doyle, Ernies, Griinfdeu, Green, Hollecker, (lowland, Jen. nlngs, Lewis, McLauchliu, Kowe, Thomp. SOI), WVstWIKKl 18. Noes: Messrs, Dinsmon, Flscher.JGibbs, Griltit), t tinny, Hlckok, llilfatitaiid, John son, AlcCiitiuis, .Multiple. Norton. Miaw Iwk. Stanford, Spencer, Trutubo, Veruer, Wylle, Mr. Clitilruian 18. MiliervisT riK'tnpsou ouliiultted the fol lo.xlug r-port, which was adopted: Mr. Chuirmanydc: Your cuuinltte on court Lou-e and j-dl would respei tlully re port that they nave t.vimined all claims presented U'tore them, and recommeud Hie payment of the folio lug, and that the Cierk l dire tesl to Issue orders lor the several amounts to the several claimants, to-wlt: K A Keii.lal',, supplies for Jail (10 00 1) KrouM. rep Irs oil Ua'ks at court house, etc... 15 Henry Holmes, supplies lor court liuusc ami Jail, st ",5 I 'ivtu Dougherty, do do 15 s; Iturke Hrotners, supplies for Jail tl 75 J M.-itiilln, do It in W II Hull tc Co,, du 4 tu Mauley A' Jordau, do K Si C M Forties, di 4 15 O H K'.unt, desk for treasurer 60 00 II W S l.lktden, repairs on Clock I ,;.,liii W Nurrls, repalrintt safe for treainrvr 15 31 John How, spilnklltiK (J JommiIi Haiwionii, tsmnling Jury 3 i' (eoriie I' Mitchell. no 3 W II Hull A Co.. Mini. lies for tall 44 Lawrence Morrissey, hoarding 75 Oo Your committee wtiuld ask to be relieved ftom actitiir on the bill of W. II llulUt Co., for Haglng, for decorailug the coutt hoiuse, $2;ia0, and would prefer to have It come before the open board. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. S. Thomi'son, Chairman. On motion of Suj ervlsor Fisher, tlie bill of W. 11. Hull & Co., for $2;, was or dered paid. Supervisor Armstrong offered the follow, lug resolution: liaolcot. That hereafter the coal used by the Sheriff, for cooking for the prisoners, be paid by the Sheriff. Supervisor Norton moved that the con sideration of said resolution be made a special order of business tor 0 o'clock to morrow morning. Carried. Supervisor Giobs, chairman of the com mittee on pauper claims, submitted ihe fol lowing report, which was adopted: Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee on pauper claims would respectfully reHirt that they have examined all claims pre sented be ft re them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to Issue orders for tlie several amounts to the several claimants, to-wlt: A PA MS. Name. Kor what. Anit. Allowed. II W Jolinscn, ciuli advanced (.! 31 V It Keteliiim. groceries loin O Williams, meal M Vi (I Slioouson, groceries 5 no .1 A llovda, do !'H C A Kreeiiiuii,,iii ideal attendance A A KlellHiid, medicine I '4 i.'i Owen Jucohs, boarding pauper, S weeks lo U) AI.I.KN. W II Miintyie, cash nilMtuccd 4 50 I'lilltp I hotiias, hoot and shoes 3 7. J McKay, groceries 7 31 K O Whilinore A- Ilro, gns-eries 7 51 8 L Hn.wn, medicine mid uied attendance 3u is) UUICE. 1) lleenan, gna erles clallned VS 50 IT 75 Klchaiil I'ui celi, groceries 75 10 v K llronson, do claimed (U(U II o Arthur Ui'os, do 1. Ill K Holmes, do ill .1 S llursk. do . Sin J W U'ea. milk HO0 h' W llowlaud. collltiKland luirials 31JI41 ilatiiiiili Dawes, iHiurillii).' pattieis. . claimed 1.' 11) s ill M Mmy s iiiiKiiuiai, 110 ikiii Fred W Kades, cskIi advanced V!l 45 l' rcd W Lades, services as poor toaster 40 00 IIKKU 1'AIIK. J P Hazel, groceries 15 flu DI.MMIUK. John Osynor, grocerlea 8 75 L L)o)le, ciodi ailvauced L AO I.E. I) lleennti A Co. gns'erh's 1 III I L I'l'iiuiTKiist. caj-h advanced 1 m HAUL. M II ttlgnor. rihiI 8:lo 11 W ! Oj.'1-tt. d 3 Al () 11 Stauat d. Hied altepdiiuee ami lliedlcllie IS II) FALL UlVEIt. li K BatiKliam, groceries 6 to K. KM HIlKiK. It J Ilornlck, dry goods and groceries 2 i4) (iltOVKLAND. K S DrcMM.T, cash ailvimcrd .100 LA SALLE F lloriigusscr, groceries 4i0o ( harlea l ieary, ilo 3. 111 JiioMartlii, do UMII II ,v It OaosN, do li Vi 111c Clt I imiii Store, do 2lnu Thos hhelloii ft Sons, do -!J (si J W 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 , -1 111. do '.'! Ml John teeney, Ilo 33 f.0 K Zlniiiii'rniaii, do IMH John Farrell, do 4'i i5 Kiinter ft Weller, do J5i'5 F Ail, do l; do Frank Vopp, do WI75 John ! FelileH. do isins John Dillon. ilo 'Jo in (i K'rts, 1I1 I nr. La -alle Carhoii Coal Co, coal 37 50 J .1 Carey, coltlu and burial l.'4) M K Anilersoii, do leO Murtln Volltner, do lU'ii i: Anmler, mi:. it a 50 Diinle num. milk . r vi .Iiiii siiiimoii, convej Ing pauper to county house, 3 1111 Win Wler, care of pauper Win Chiu. Dlesterweg. shoes n i' Iir L It HursH, nied at teiiiliime.... claimed (.mill 15 w Wm W11I11, hourilltig iaiiier claimed 'Jl.l'i 5 '11 .loiill MeUiuchliill, cash ailvatice.l lo i:t John Mi l.auehliin. serviees iia pix.r master 4om (.' F Mugsr, servleeh ss town physician, 1. iiios.... i5 i() Adaoiick ft Co, truss .'i .'i1 MANLU'S. Alexander Vaugliey, groceries IS VI It 1. Clark, do 31 in I' A Huttei lleld. do 3. .Mi Hugh Henry, do 17 44 li miiisIiiiia, collln mid I. urlal !."' M Malerhofer. eunli ailvauced 41 Chas llllort, cure ol' pauper 5 5n Jones Bros, medicine i 3 (i Worth, milk t (.' II It TIlomiM. lliedh llie 'i'i K DrO o Wlicox, medical atteudaiice 15 isi MLNHOTA. Kuelgen, Vost A (.0, grow'rles :f7 is. I li .(.4i K . oil V'i 15 Jo'. 11 llart.ui, do claimed f-M il Vi 15 It M lleafy, gns cries :w 15 ( . Diiedy do '.'I ) M.-liulf. fe McKnrliiriil, do HO" John Ktlgeouib, coal DUO I' hrlciiliorn, gria eries 4 S) K Wormley. do I Oi August Spittler, d. 3 Al Jim C C'orlms. medical attendance 3 15 ( aper Fischer, ciwh aihaneed WH Casper Fischer, services as poor nim.ter 10 10 Ml I.I.I'.l:. C J llorclisenlMs, dry goods and groceries 3 50 MISSION. A Sehlnnihtfch. groceries claimed r5 II i: F WcKtuti ft Son. mi'dielne 1! 75 Dr It W Bower, medical attendance 6 ot OTTAWA. KOTurk. gns-.-rles r, 00 HJOlll-n. d Tin M DciiiiIbi.ii. Oo IS. n Maher A Butler. do M a I oiton A lliiiiii'.ton, do V.i.'. Deliilmntyft Foley. do 4h l O W Kueli. do SOo O.l in iiiil'oti. do ljoi Joseph Alhrecllt, Ilo 41 Ol M Ki nney, do ni II A llntiur. do 11 S". W 1; lliale. ft ('. do am II 11 Fellows, coal 75 J J Walsh, uriseries :i m O J Chrlstman. do 601) W J Dwyer, ca tulvaiieeil 1 ! 51 I'KltU. .1 Snyder, gr.-'enes 5m 11 M.ihks, do Is I OrslHiW. rlo rl HI do ' J 1 I do ti'. do Roi I 4 Ml do lint' do Win do Ki 111 do P. on John Or.iM, A Holler. I nloti ( oal Co. (if., hlliiguiau, Muller. F X Werllng, K SjertH;r, A Meer. lames ( alilll. coal and groceries 3; ti UiiIht ft Co, i otilns and burial a uO HaasAWsMM.n, do i OP ( has Nailler, medicine li 15 I)r 11 Zeising, medical attendance 5ti A Angele. medicine and medical atlrudance 35(1.1 II M Oallaglier, canh advanced I Nl 11 M Oallaglier. s-rvlces as poor master 40 00 ItKTLASI). C J Morchenlus. gr.erte claimed J5 01) 24 33 Cowlt Bros. do claimed 15 U0 1410 Ilr C A Welrlct. medlcluv and nied atlendaace. 30 00 SOUTH OTTAWA. P Talhot, gna-erles claimed (19 It 17 ! It M Boyle, do Is "It Ueruner ft Kutleilge, do Sit CTICA. J. P. Hl. groceries claimed $1001 l Martin Slack. do claimed 14 44 12 9 Wm F Smith, medical attendance tin K J Bxardsley. do 800 Hrgc W beeler, nieitT-lue M 7 75 A. T. UriniQ, caah adraaccd 45 M 1ST ELLA N KOI ' 8 . Pyer ft Hstliewai. sit. tilanct. f Ity of o.tawa snd c unty ;a!l 1U50 Your committee would further report that they have carefully exttni'ned the fol lowing claims, and ak to be relieved from any further consideration ot ttie mine: RC!K ss poor inatar (t0 Hiull orern. 110 4 00 Lit hlckok. do 4 50 I has K SiM iirer. do 1 50 ( 1ms W Bullerfleld, do is 80 M MalerlU'ler. do 7 50 K8lrer. do 150 F M lote . Uv:iigtoli Co, nied atieun iuce t4 50 J..iin- Jeui.ingn, services s. uor niu.ier I ia) Your committee woukI niso recoimend that tlie price of (Jour fiiinished tnpuuiers shall m t exceed $250 per cwt., ami the price of tea shall not excenl 50 cents per pound, at the present prices. "itwifr k'jtfkimr of Iai SolU ('taint j fur Yar hudinif Stylnidirr 1, 1N5T. Tnvvvtf M,"-,',, O"1- ii. 17. Adams Cni (i:a?5 Allen 43 o.; 74li lirooklleid .. ". Iirucu Ml 1. 1 tsut VOi Duvtoii 5 is Hwr I'srk s.V Dllilltilek ... S5'.1 I3 5u hsgiu lit 45 37 41 Karl ii 10 so S.S kdcii I f.l Fail lover.. Vi Sarin lunge 150i Freedom.... 30o lu to (ir'd Ituptds 1 I.rovelaiid ., 5 50. IS Hoi 30 Laal!e.... S17 M' 1i 5'; Manlius.... 1S5h lNlttt Mei.iloin..,. 'A 50 4'.r4. Meruicu ' Miller U50 .V Mis-ion 134 07 7i ll Nerthville W.5 Oph'r SI 00 Ultima'.'.'. '.! "VmSi. i 5i. ! otter Creek. '41 t I'ei 11 S 15 434 1'.!- Itlcliland 5! Kutlmid 5 04 VJ55 Serena 6 0 14 i.'i Sou.Ottaaa. IDS 1.5 lis 7") Troy (.rove I Ilea iiiil K7 Vermillion 4Suv Wallace Waltham 51 Mlsiellan'i.. 60W lwi Co. Asylum 6.1.V! Total HSMS7 llJSC.' Jul ls.. Sept. IfS'i. Total. N 111 I'i 3tl 6 . eiscv " iViti' 11 sAi IS5l 10.. V15ol. 50 l . '4'S0. t:t Mi3 ISK4 11.-4! 1 4 It 45 M 45 15 74 70 175 45 V7'45 IS on '.5 (SI (4 41 ""73'ii 4,114 6 17 41 SU.l) '"(" SO (l IS 37(0 'iVvw'tn 1'4 Ml 1.'407 Hit 50 i!5 5 34 (3 3 iH 44 117 10 Itr.') 4 UO '""mm 415 00 10.7U7 3D '.'4 Ml 31J 5i SU 'si li 11 '. SOU! I 00i '41 Ml 4 50 to! r. is! 'is7( "'Vi'M r.7 , .7 70! 35(41: 20 :. W7s '41 IS 5:o! 4- 11 'iitioui,' '"ii'i'A 15 Vlil, KS3 lutn. 3-13 41 11615 iVJi' 4 5l' 5: 44 '."J SOI ll'4 5l 4,oil 3o 3.SU4 41 .S 4 5!' All of which is respectfully submitted. Ciiaulks Glints, Chairman. On motion of Supervisor SIcLauchlan, the claims of overseers of the poor, from which said committee asked to be relieved, were ordered paid. The following reports, submitted by the committee on pauper claims, were also auopted : Mr. Chairman, dc: We hereby submit our annual report of the county asylum, jail, and Indigent sick if the city of Ot tawa: There has been no uuntual amount cf sickness In either plnce. The sanitary condition of the town has been above the avenge of t itles of Its size; probably, birgely due to its excellent water supply. The jail Is in as excellent a sanitary con dltlon as It Is jvisslble, from its faulty con structlon In manner of heating, ventilation, and culitiarv department. The addition of the Ice house to the lum has been a grand Improvement to that Institution; thereby furnishing a means for the preservation of meat, not only In an economic point, but bIso by giving a more healthful article of diet. The number remaining at the last report was li:l. Admitted since, 132; discharged, 101 ; died, 1!; births, 3. Making the total cared for during the year, 255. The percentage of deaths per 1,00, Is 7.5. The causes of death are as follows: In sane, (1, including epileptics; carclmoul'u, 2; general debility und fid age, 2; Injury, 2 one from a fracMirn of the hip joint In an old gentleman, und one from being burned about the client; gangrene of the leg, 1 ; pneumonia, 1. Tlie OkI (pi'dlty und rersonal care of that c.l.f-H wf Inmates w uo, trom unavoida ble accident, improvidence, Intemperance, and pernicious haiiits, have been obliged to seek the asylum for a home, has been all that can be reasonably aeked at the hands of a charitable public. There is another class whom, for the want of better iK'coiiiitKlatic.ns, the county has been obliged to furnish quarters with the tlrst mentioned parties a class whose disability appeals to our teiiderest sympa thy : I refer to the Insane. In the last ten years, i55 have hud a hearing before our County Court aud de clared insane, making an average, In round numbers, of I to every 1,500 Inhabitants of the county, annually. Two years ago, the S'nte relieved the asylums of all, or neirly all, of tlilr In sane. 15ut in consequence of the failure of the State to furnish snllielent quarters, those Institutions hccoinlni: overcrowded, they were obliged to refuse additional pa tients unless relieved by an equ d number in tlie asylum, so tint at the present report we have twenty four incurables In the county asylum. Relieving rs we do, thftt the care of this class should le placed upon entirely a better nud different footing from tli'ise in the ordinary asylum for the indigent, en a footinir simllur per. haps to our Stufe institutions for the care cf like Individuals, we feel that we w-.mlJ be negligent of our duty did we not appeal to your generous natures to carefully consider this subject, asking of you, the Hoard of Supervisors of tlie large and wealthy county of J.a Salle, to begin to cast about you. evolve and mature plans liMiklng to tlie care of all our Insane. The present mode Is inhuman and dis tressing in this: A party is declared Insane; pending admittance to the State institution, they are sent to the county asylum ; the pa tient is In a violent state of delirium, and, with no suitable quarters or attendants, ne H tilers kept for days, awaiting an answer from Kankakee or Klein, nude necessary by the authority vested iu tlie superintend ents of these institutions as to the admis sion of such patifut. The amount of suf fering endured by such p.itients Is often most distressing. Th plaus of admission ought to be corrected by law, so that as soon as declared Insane, they would te taken to the State asylum. If this cannot be done, then a duty Involves upon this lioard com. niensur.ate with a projnr ami humane care of this most Important class of all humaa beings. All of which Is respectively submitted. K. K. IlvEit, M. D. J. C. llATtlKWAV, M. 1). Mr. Chairman, dc: Your committee would recommend tnst lr. Dyer and Dr. Ilatheway be appointed physicians tor the county asylum, county jail, and town of Ottawa; that Dr. J. M. Iless be appointed physician for the towns of Bruce, Eagle, and Otter Creek; and that Dr. C. F. Ma irar be appointed physician for the town of LaSalle. That Dr. Dyer and Dr. Ilatheway receive (525 per year for such services ; that Dr. J. M. Hess receive 20 per month for his services ; and that Dr. C. F. Msgar receive $150 per year for his services. (IFOBT Or T. U eiBSOX, OOCXTT AOIKT. Kalanro. a per last report. i 143 7 Itocelvcd (ruiu ail tsioor toarce 3,31 31 -4 5,464 1 Paid out as per Toucaera,. Casta OD band