Newspaper Page Text
The Courts. Circuit Court JSk Caft Town of Oiuwa t John Ano clieka, appeal. Towu of ita Conrad Anfclioipit, appeal. Ctuheriua Montgomery Ti Grant Newell, bili for Iujutioiiuu and oilier relief, lifeline Wilt-on William Schulti. uit for $5,000 dituitge. lVopie ta J A l'liinnej, hound over lo grand jury for liurttlary ; he in the en p who n kipped from i lie Clifton lloiel Imrber shop, lam race week, without paying his rent or kin help. Thorn I axna'iy v John Hoar, appeal. Kit'ie llrpUirn Fred 8 llephuni, hill fur aeparaie iiiaiiitenanoe, oil I lie grouti'l of cruelly aud uou -aupport. County ( on II. Norley v Ko's. Judgment against dofend ant for 'J.'iH.'.Ut and cohih. 0' Conor Premier. Judgment agaiimt de fendani frT pimm-HMun, and for cnm. Muriha u CulliR'tn Verdict for defend ant. Motion for new trial. Welz l'latl. Motion by ilefeulant tor new trial. SmiiU Uier el al. Judgment by oonfea ion fur i''J7.4". Huicliinn-t Hier et al. Judgment by confession ler $501 !M). In re I'reaton. Maiggint'iit. No cauae chown in rule entered Sept J I. Hceneti et al I'owum. Himnine 1 at pliiintilld' coal. In re Howard. Hole on nil pirtie inter Cited to hhow by .Monday next in an gwer to petiiiou tiled ItlatitliHr l Murphy I.e .ve given to file an amended declaration City of La Halle v Cogrove. Appeal din mixfivd for want of prosecution. City of I.a Salle t Dudeck. Appeal ditt miHed lor want of prosecution 111 Val & Northern K It Co Craft el al. f'uit dismissed by plaintiff; judgment ngainm plaintiff for com. ArtiiHtrong t Hupp. Suit diamimel; cost paid. I'nihiiln Court. J'ehtiont to Srlt Itnil fat'ltr lint of Joeeph J Johnson. Richard V. (iates admr. Km of Auvier HanHiuan, Chrimina HanHtnan admx. Km Dixwell l.athrop. Theron I) Urewster admr. I'M of Win H Mager, Dafin U Cox admr. KhI of Thomaa Palmer, James .Sexton admr. Km of Esther Klder, James J Wilson admr. Ket of Mark King, George E Cadwell admr. Kst of Clarence C Howland et ul, mi. nors. SpauMing aud Stea l guardians, list of Uavid Laehman et al, minors Ilenjauiin Lachman guar'lian. Kit of Thos Thompson et al, minors, Lewis Larson guardian, fat of Oeorgiana Schofield, minor, James Crane guardian. 'mill Settlement. VM of Aaron Hodgson, William N u'atts executor. I'M of Henry 1 Ilovey, Mary Ann lloveya lmrx. Kst of Jo. Rlah W Dean, Lucy I) Dean admrx. Hut of aruli Tool, Henry Tool admr. Kst of Henry iirurnhavh, KItori lirumbach admr. Kst of Fritz Hewer, John P Kllisson admr. Kst of Catharine linleliaupt, John Jacolis admr. Kst of Frederick W Hchulu Kst of Henry L liiirkart, Mina Scliweigart admr. KatofOtiH ) Wnkefiuld, Jane Waxefield executrix. Kst of William Krb, Ferdidand Krb admr. Kit of Amanda Uuniell, Leo Letfman executor. Kst of .Samuel WilliiuiMon. .Mary K William eon admrx. Ailjuttmrnt. Ym of Patrick Daly, Sarah Ann Daly admrx. Kst of Thomas P Uobertu, ileia Price admr. KhI of John Itexbo.iser, Nicholas Sliawbaek executor. Et of Kesin DelMt, Frank M Delink a lmr. Kstate of Kpliraim llouserman. It F Lincoln admr. Kst of ('lenient (Jnrdon. Geo II McFerson admr. Kst of Paul llouhiiio, II M Gallagher execu tor. Kst of Patrick Galvin, Mary Galvin executrix. Kst. of Charles M Bradford, Kd gar F Bradford hdmr. Kst of Kdward Filx gerald. Bridget Fitzgerald admix. Kst of James llnsliell, Richard (ioshell admr, llffurt of AiroiiHh KhI of Seib W Lock. woel, minor, Clara Lock wood guardian. Kst of John Cndier, minor, Geo Gil!in guardian. Fsl of Albert lleck, Minnie IC Henk jruirdiiiii. Mmrt'litniiiim, Kst of John Kimily, insane, C W Potnerny conservator, petition for order for certain expenditures Kst of Patrick Daley, Siruli A Daley admrx, exoeplioti to appraisement bill. Hat of Sarah S Straiton, R C II ill guardian, except ion to report of ac counts. Kt of Luratia Carter. Joel Carter admr, citation to make report. Kst of Henry Gailsley C A Coulter admr, petition for order to contract for land. KhI of lloracn Graves, 11 F llil'iiliriindt iidinr, supplemental final report. KhI of Mary Ann Ryan, report of guardian. KhI of Geo F Kidd, Albert J Kidd petitioner, probate of will. In the OlllifH. WAKHIAIir LICKNMX8. Thomas Wuldou and Delia Carney. Luwelyn Kvans and Mr.i Kluaboth Wil liams. William Steen and Miimia Webber. Thomas Graves and Charlotte Kddy. Garrett Mann and Bridget Mangou. Ben Welsou ami Malinda Anderson. Andrew llarstad and Annie Anderson. Tom A Brown and Christiue II Olson. Joseph Griushaw and Mary Dougherty. Fred Leruy and Jennie Barton. William Powers ami Julia Griffin. John Henry Schmidt and Gustrie Dedt mur. Geo L Walliman and Kate "M Murdock. John James and Carrie Richardson. Wm F Sutton and Mary Morrison. Samuel Hanson and Annie Gunderson. Wilhelm Rippin and Carrie Nuernberg. Magnus Larson and Mary Omelia. IlkAI. KSTATB TR ANSFKRS, Morten Y Moody to Jas K Carew, pt lols 1, 2, ;5, blk PS, Otaawa, If l.tMM). Geo W La Id to Geo W Holly, N 40 a of W of Sw sec PS, T :J1, R 1, $2,.")00. James Cooper to Taylor Jones, wn eh nwq eeo a, T 21, R 4, 1,0(M. John T Kuhns to II W Sheppard, lot 13, blk l'.i, Strentor, $l,:i"0. John C Barlow to W L Smith, lots 4, 5 and IS, in JuJd's sub, Streatur, $2.(KK). John Gre);g to Francis Gallisonth, swq sec 4, TiUS, R 1, $7,200. uoliti Higgins to John F Higgins, swij see 8, t :n, R $'.i,goj. Kli?.a S Collins to S P Hall, n ISO ft lots 4, 6, blk La. Salle, $1.0o0. W II Chapman to Margaret Grove, neq sec 14, T85, Kif, $10,(KXJ. John C Barlow to Joseph Ward, lot 3, blk 8, fcUrcator, VCald, $l,HO0. Ia the fourth paper of his series on "The Fxonotnio Disturbances since lSTS, to ap pear in the October Papular Science Monthly, Hon David A. Wells will enforce his view that the reoenl decline in the prices of sugar, wheat, iron, and other staple articles is in each case an inevitable sequence from a Trent mul' olioution and cheapening of ooni- o - tnodiiies throt gh new conditions of produc tion and distribution, which in turn nave been mainly due to the progress oiinventien And discovery. A new plank walk has been laid ia front From Marseilles. Maiibeili.ah, -pt. 22, HS7. George Wheeler, of Minneapolis, Minn, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell. The fumeral services of Uncle A. D But. lerfield, at hi home in Rutland were the lariet ever known in this vicinity. Frien were ihero from all over ihe county, and es peci'.Hy old settlers, of which there was large number. Probably no ga tiering (lie old pioneers of this part of ihe county will take place very soon that will represent the respect aud esteem of one of their num ber any better than the large concourse that gathered at Mr. Butttrfield's funeral. About iiOO learns were present, and over a thousand people. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. It. Lalng, of Joliel. The choir of the L'uiversalist Church at Marseilles fur nished the music. Archie Samuels is home from Cbillicothe, visiting friends. Dr. Charles Adams arrved from Kansas City today. The board of trustees are gelling some ad. verse comments in regard to the windmill water works at Ihe head of Main street. Rev. J. M. Iloyl will preach next Sab. batb. at the I'niversalist Church. He ex changed last Sabbath with Mr. Laing. The Peru .Yi'wn nays: "At an early hour .Saturday morning Lou Cook, the lock lender, discovered a buggy and a dead horse in the canal about two hundred yards east of Ihe lock. A black slouch bat wm also found floating on the water, and when this became known it wa naturally supposed that some one was drowned, and several different per sons were nieiiiionel as the drowned one. Later developments went to show that the bone, a sorrel, and the buggy, in open one, were seeu yesterday in the care of George Conradi, a blacksmith iu the employ of the Peru Plow Co. Further inquiry proved that he had been a- Desper's saloon, at the Ship piugsport bridge, last night. Relatives of Conradi were notified by telephone, and a search for the body was at once commenced, though it was thought possible that he had jumped or fallen out of the buggy, and the horse had wandered into the canal. The search was continued, however, and about 10 o'clock the body of the unfortunate man was found He was about 40 years of age, and had been a widower three years, his three children and himself living with his brother in law, Wm. Seepe " The artesian well diggers of Granville, says the Peru iY'ii', have packed up their traps and skipped, having despaired of find ing artesian water, oil, opium, or carbonated hydrogen in paying quantities. They have been working the well for about a year, and the outlay will scarcely be equalled by the income. The depth reached was 1,32 feet, and the water lacked 100 feet of coming to Ihe surface. Gas is constantly esoapiug, but not in quantities sufficient to start a gas boom. The operators are confident that they passed through two good coul veins, ami, in fact, I hey found everything but what they were after water. Burglars took ailvanlnge of '.he fair to make a few hauls in Wenoua, last week. Several casts are reportjJ of house break ing, and iu ono case as high as $100 in money, a silver watch an 1 some other valua bles were taken ; and, in another, a $00 gold watch. Ottawa In I'urvo. Mrs. Schuneider has laid a new stone walk in front of her tobacco store. Mr. II. K. Godney is putting in yet an other new window for the vi'llar howler. They need about forty more windows, and then tho weekly issue of the Frkk Tiiadkr can shed iu re light on the current events of La Halle county than the seven issues of Rvty's huwhnij wildernem. Lawyer Black, of Chioago, so famous in the anarchist cases, was in this city Tuesday, accompanied by his wife and child, lie was busy in the Supreme Court all the morning with a C, B & Q. railroad case. Mr. Duncan MoDougull returned Thurs day from a long trip through Minnesota and the north-west. He came home direct from Minneapolis. The Washington Square is having a new tile walk across its west end, on La Salle street. Mayo it Widmer have been busy the past two days taking more depositions in the patent cases of Fraier t. Gay. Kd. Clark has had his windows adorned with some new signs. Henry Mayo has fixed up his new prop erty on the south bluff in fine shape, and has gravelled the road in front of bis prop erty. Mr. Hall ia building an addition to his residence, opposite the Congregational par. souagc. :ie is putting up some cuimneys oi the P. F. C. Co.'s sectional tile. The im provements will add greatly to the appear. ante of bis residence, as well as to its inter ior convenience. The infant son of Mr. George Rugg is very ill. The Congregational parsonage will soon be improved by a coat of paint. Miss Libbie MoNair took Mrs. Jordan's place as alto, in the Congregational choir last Sunday. Only 303 data from now, more or less, until the peripatetio iuiot will be abroad in the land, taking informal ballots for the presidency on incoming railroad trains. Peoria Democrat. What t hasn't our Peoria friend heard yet of the Timet Lincoln ballots ! Speaker Carlisle will have sa article in the forum tor October, setting forth the grounds upon which the Democratlo party based iu expectation that it will be ooatinu- td la power at Washington. From Walthara. Waltiiam, Sept, 221 On the mark to day The sun. The Walihauiites will play ttie Dimmick lies a match game of base ball on Saturday. Miss Klta Hood is visiting in Livingston county. James llallell started on Monliy for northern Iowa with the intention of pur chasing land. Mr. Will Crosiar and lady, of Utlca, gave us a pleasant call Sunday, Dame Rumor has it that they will be one e're long. Mr. Joseph Hunter, wife and daughter viewed ihe beautiful scenery from here to Tunica Saturday. Miss Kmina Delangeau closes her school in Dit. No. 7 today. She has been engaged for the winter term a good endorsement of her work. Miss Mary Chalus is visiting friends at Somonauk and Sheridan this week. Mrs. Dalzell and sou returned to their home in Champaign Co. Monday after a short visit with Mr. Kliol Leech's lamily. T. I'. Ksmotid, a mo iel young farmer, is building a gorgeous barn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Wood are enjoying a visit with their daughter near Plainfield. Miss Liziie (.'lark, who has been suffering for the past three weeks with a severe attack of typhoid malarial fever, Is rallying slowly. Geo. Grosben, of your city, is having his farm under drained. A. Carlwright is hand ling the men as well as the spade. Our ex. supervisor, John Carliu, is on the jury this week. Miss Susie Condee, of L'tlca, was the much honored guest of the Misses Warrick the first of the week. Mrs. llibbard, of Prairie Center, and Mrs. Fuller, of I'lica, were the visitors of Mrs. John Harris last week. Beuoit Chains, who it at present haviug a very convenient barn erected, was severely kicked by a horse last week. Bishop & Ler- son, of Ottawa, are doing the carpenter work on the barn. Mrs. Samuol Grove is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Parr, of Rutland. Robert Moore, of Troy Grove, passed through town today en route for Ottawa. Delegates of our S. S. to the convention were James Fin ley and wife, Jennie Calder- ood, and our superintendent, Miss Nellie Chapin. Adam Wylie has lately erected a new vauelers windmill. Ditto, C. W. Ksmond. John Douvia sold bis farm a few days ago to Charles Ganire. Consideration, $1,000. Abel Cartwrigbt, one of our early settlers, is now enjoying the scenes of his early child hood in the Green Mountain State. Tom Morracy, an employe of the C, R. I. & P. R. R. at Seneca, accompanied by Miss Laura Bilhari, of this town, attended the Semper Idem parly at Utica Wednesday evening. Orandma Widematin, of Streator, is en joying a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Kugene Hess. K. Small and A. C. Wylie have returned from a flying trip to Nebraska. Messrs. Krb and Hunter, accompanied by their fair damsels, pieuiced at Deer Park the first of the week. Will. Jones an enterprising young man, is remodeling his house for you know who. Zenas Dickinson, of Folk Co , Nebraska, is reveling in the scenes of his childhood here. Many of his old friends and school mates were glad to shake hands with him, also to hear of his success in getting an ap pointment in the mail service of Uncle Sam, U and I. Waltuam, Sept. 22. A welcomed rain fell last night. Order of the day plowing. The dance at Mr, Abries', last uight, was well attended. MIhs Kate Gilligan was thrown from a buggie, Saturday night, and had her ankle badly sprained. She is now able to go slowly about on crutches. Will aud Tom O Donuoll, or Wallace, took in the sights at Utica and Starved Rock, last Sunday. Wonder what has become of our Wallace "Rambler"? IUsoisa. Vicinity Items. i Iia Illln.iU Zinc. Cnmnanv. at Peru, are getting ready to put In electric lights for the business men n rem. A llttln mm nf Kenresentative James P. Trench, aged nearly four years, the delight of its parents, died at Peru, Tuesday morning, of thatureaa tllseaBC tiipmnerm. Andrew Olson, an employe of I), lleenan of IStreator, met with a very painful acci dent Tuesday night. While riding In a cart, In compeny with another gentleman, the horse fell down and threw both out, breaking in two pieces the right leg below the knee of Mr. Olson. The large bone is also spilt, making the case a very severe aud serious one. A man In Iowa has started a new kind of fuel. He grinds up corn stalks, grasses, weeds, etc., Into pulp and presses It Into chunks about the size of an ordinary brick, which Is then dried and makes lire equal to coal, and one of the chunks will last for as long a time as a lump of coal the same size. It is Bald It can be manufactured for 3 per ton, ami that a ton of it will pro dure as much beat as a ton of coal. The co-ojieratlve bottle factory at Hipley is being hurried to completion. The buildings are nearly completed, and those Interested claim the works will be In full operation by the middle of October. Jollet is almost destitute of pure drink ing water, while the unwholesome aroma from the Desplaines river and the canal are breeding malaria. M., l'trlra lma rwAlvnd Biirh Rlinnort In her project for the new hospital building at Bireaior, mat sue uu maujr w in-rnu bids. The entire cost or the grounds and building will be anout fiO.OOO. The per manent location will be on South Bloom togton street, nearly opposite the tempo rary hospital. The main subscriptions yet received are 1,000 each by Colonel Plumb and Dr. Evans, and 1500 by D. Ueenan k Co. The telephone company it building new line to Peoria which will be more dl r thn hrtnfnr. The new wire will run bj way of Henry and Princeton. FALL JACKETS For Ladies, .Misses, ami I'liililrwi, NOW OPEN. t'omo mul St' tho NEW STYLES W e have just m title a complete change iu our Cloak Department and now have the largest, best lighted, and most convenient Cloak Department iu the county. We propose to handle MORE CLOAKS THAN EVER BEFORE! (Jive you a larger variety, and at closer prices than these goods were ever sold in tho city. WE A HE OPENING Novelties Every Day. Come and See. W. H. HULL & CO. t . . . J YE-MEm SPECTACLES CAREFULLY FITTED Ily the Jolnn m Patent Dioptric Eye-Metre, and perfect adaptation to thu eye Kuuritutued. R. H. TRASK Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Gold Ili aJcd Canea and Silk Umbrella. GOLD PENS, Table and Pocket Cutlery. R. H. TRASK, Opposite Armory Block, 705 La Salle Street, Ottawa, September 17. 18ST-4mi J. L. PIERGUE South of Court House. Best Brands Tobacco, HEALS to ORDER OYSTERS ! ELEGANT LUNCHES, FINEST CIGARS. South of Court House. J. L. PIERGUE 1-inVA.Ii HK'PriiKMKNT. KoTATB OF r lim K lltwi Dtvcaoitih Notice 1 herely Klven In all jerwna lnteretel In unlit entitle, that the undandKtieil. Kieoutur of the lt will and testameut of aald Lola K. Kowe, deceamit, will appear before the Probate Court of the comity of La Salle and tate of Illinois, at the County Court llouae. In Ottawa, In aald iimiity, on Monday, the 17th day of October, A n. lwl. for the purpoae ot rendering an account of tila procecttlnxti In the aUimiiuitnttiou of aald eaute for tne nnai aeuiemrin. Dated at Ottawa, thlt 3d day nf September. 1W7. i-ff iIinry (In, mo. Kzecutor. Clerk Probate Court, La Salle Co., 111. aepii-Jw I JIN All 8KTTLKM KNT. Ktat OF Lcbama Cahtkr, DarKAMD. Nolle la hereby Kino to all peraoaa Interested in aald cute, that the uBdentKDeil, Adwiaiatrator of Iba Karats of aald Lurana Carter, deceaacd. will appear before the Pro- bats Court OI ins couaiy oi utraus uu oi ii t thu ronntv Court Hoaas. In Ottawa, la aald county, oa Monday, th lltk day ef (fetober. a. t. 1117, for U purpose of readerm as account of hia pro ssdlBta la lbs administration of aald eataM for tao final (U.. -b, Xh day ef m. ArTmrr: Hbmt Hilhio, Admlaiatrator. Clerk Probsts Court, UBaU Co.. IU. mfH-tW SSI Ufc TIME-THIED AMI Tltl'STY. AT OTTAWA, Oct. 5, 6, 7 & 8. DE, MRS. KECK OK Tit !; Ilareiiport, Iowa, m ty be oniilttil Free on .Vlmve llnte. Ilr. Kw k' HttlwH Itmiu'li tllee l n e.tni;;.l ed UI..U) er. clii' Inc ;iti-,i Hiiii-ilie IfcM'Mr V.tei renl ,nv er) I .. Iinilllti... and wiii . joiiitd.m-1. !. A 81'KCIALTY OP' CHRONIC DISEASES, IXCUOIXti Coinutnpiiun. UrnrhlMn. Ciiturrli. Ileadaclieii, Slum u-.l. .at.. I ll.iu'i.l T....ittl.... ..... .. .1... I ...... 1 Ktiliieyn, ll'He if the HIihiiI mid Skin, Fe mule lierauKHiiienir. IMm-uki a of IHeallini, illi Interrupted N ulrllluii. Hlnw lirowtli and l ve(.piiieiit In tlilldien, hiiiI ull W;iUhK lll.'"eit Iu Adult. If "STo-u. Are Siclv. And do not know wlmt your ailment U. DR. KECK S OPINION tfi ADVICE WILL COST NOTIIISG. And may he of tneatlinahle value to you. She will tell you whether your ce come wf hln the prov ince of her Bocclaltlea or uot. Over 98 Per Cent. Of casea treated by Dr. Keck ahow mark til improreim'iil. FAIR EXAMPLES. (Tke following raaea were recelvad for treatment by Dr. Keck at her various branch otlK-rn, were seen ht onally once In about two months, and their treatment directed by letter In the meantime:) A WONDEKFUL CASE. RiiAKiix Cinthc, Jobniton Co., Iowa, May 18. '87. To ihe Public: No liuiKuae can dencrllie the dla trcMtnrf condition I waa in ut the time 1 commenced the uxe of Dr. Mr. Keek's niedlclnen. flavin been III a number of years, and tiled Iu vain dirlcn-nt medi cines, as well as havtnit paid out a irreat deal of money 10 iiiaiiv niH-tors, wiiu nine or no ocnem, i waa ntiany Imluceii to consult lr. Mrs. Keck, and at tht time waa sutf.'rliu with cniurrh In Its worst form, It affectum my eyes so i couiu naruiy see: severe neauacne at iisck or ueck, exteudliiK up the chorda of forehead, ureut heat on top ot head; some times I felt aa If I would lose my mind. I had lironcliltia and my lunus were In a had condition, having severe pains through them ; tubercles lma ronueii on them, i nail a had coiotii and raised a larKe iiiiantlty of thick yellow matter: I had palpitation of the lieart, and was very nervous, slept but little, very poor sinTiftli anil no appetite, could actrcely uct around, feet ami limbs swelled ; also hud female trim hie and monthlies scant. In fact, I felt I was diseased ah over and had not much hope of living very Ioiik: hut Ur. Mrs. Keck said she could cure me if I would mind her. Ho on the mtti (lay of July, 1SSS, I commenced to take her treatment, aim in a short time I began to Im prove. 1 followed ln-r instructions and used tier medi cines ten months, when she pronounced me cured, which was remarkable In the condition she found me In. To her tieatinent I owe my lite ami health, which I am very thankful for. 1 would recommend Dr. Mrs. Keck to all tint are alllicted with old chronic diseases of any kind. To-day 1 am stronger and healthier than 1 have tic en for 35 years. Thus far I have bad no symp toms of u tetiirn of my old trouble. Your Krateful f riciid. MItS. WM. OAP.VER. A ItEM AKKAHLE CUIilO. Dt'NfOM UK, Iowa. April IS. l(W7. I'd t!ie Public: I had a stiokeof paralysis August 11, lsV which paralreil Ihu left klde of my face, causing my left eye to stand open, and my mouth to turn to the ruclit side. I was In ureal niilu. sutlerliiK with nariilvtt- cai pains all through my whole sjstem. I applied to our best physician, with whom ( continue. 1 treatment Pr tlve weeks, i was growing worse anu rutiiiiK nay hv ilnv. Mv tdivslciaus told me that 1 could nut be cured that I would soon have another stroke, which would cause death. I was unable to rule out, but sent my ilaiiKhler to Webster City, to telegraph to Council lliiiffs lor a certain doctor. Mie learned that he had left that city, however, ami she then consulted an old friend as to what was best to do, who advised her to apply to Ilr. Mrs. Keck, who had Jus' returned to her brauch otllce at Ihe Wilson House, Webster City. Iowa. Mrs Keck told my daughter It was a hopeless case, and' wished to know why 1 did uot apply to home physicians, whereupon in) flaiiKhtcr told her what I have above staled. The doctor then replied that If my daiiKhter would follow closelv the directions, she would treat me. Kroni the first dose. I ever took of her medicines I began to feel better, unit could s-e myself linyrovin Two months later I took cold by exposing myself, which brought tne to my bed five times worse than ever b fore. This brought Dr. Keck to my bedside, which was the first tlnieahe had ever seen me, although she had treated me two months. The neighbors all said, "If Ilr. Mrs, Keck could raise me she could raise the dead." She raised me. and to-day. after six months' treatment. I am able to do some work, oveisee all the work on the farm, and, with the exceptlou of being a little weak after such a siege of sickness, I consider myself a well man. for which 1 thank Mrs. Keck. And I would say to the tutTertng community that If you will only apply to her, while there Is a spark of life left, she wilfsave you if you follow her directions. Myslf and family extend tur hi ar felt thanks to Dr. Mrs. Keck for th' good she baa done mo. W. U. KO WLEV. For furtlier particulars write me aud 1 will answer all correspondence, at my home in Danscomse, Web ster couuty, Iowa. GAINED FORTY PODND3. Mt. Vcrnow, iowa. Dec 19, 137. Dr. Mrs. Keck IH-ar Madam: I wish to stats that I am still strong and well since you cured inn of asthma, from which I suffered for many years. At times I could uot lie down for several nights. It seemed I could nev er get my breath again. I waa very thin In flesh and my lungs were diseased. I coughed and raised a great deal. My heart troubled me very badly. I suffered very much with catarrh, and could not smell or taste any thing. In fact. I waa so miserable we did not think 1 ever could recover. After 1 began your treatment I seemed to get worse for a time, as you aald I would, but by following your advice and taklngyour medicines correctly, yoa cured me. And now I am able to work hard every day. and have been slice you pronounced me well, which waa six years ago. I have never had any return of the asthma or catarrh, although exposed to never col ils very often, and my sense of smell and taste la now good. I will come to see you at Cedar Rap ids and bring with me soiueof my friends who need your aid. 1 now welgn loo pounus. a gam oi -iu pouuus siucc my Illness. Yours with respect. ' MRS. MARY MARTZ. GLVD PARENTS IIKSTORED II19 CHILD. From Qulncy Journal: Chestnut street, between ltth ami lab, tjmncv. III., sept. .vitn. lma. I took my little tour-Ycni-tiid sou to Mis. I r. Keck for treatment In May last, nud she has greatly benefited him. He had been havlic; nervous fltsever since he was a babe. from whli h h vas unconscious at times, turning blue, aud we tliout-'l t lie would die. His min i was not he had never leirued to talk the least tilt, and acted eiy foolish at limes, and at othr times was very Irri table, his temper being so b id we could not control ,lii) . Now he is fust learuliu to talk, aud acta like oilier children. Ills ininil Is n'vep:iu( nicely, lie neer bus any more tits now and looks and well. I hvl hlin treated by several of the best physicians Iu Oiimcy bctorc going 'o Dr. Keck, hut without benettts. Respectfully, CHRISTIAN liENUKN BKCKKR. TRAVEUNU DID NOT HELP! Palmyra, MoOct. 1, 1S7. To the Public: I hail pisir health for eight years. Waa a great sufferer from heart disease; also from se rious liver and kidney trouble and enlarged spleen, with a lump on spleen as large as a cup ai,d very pain ful. There were severe pains, also, in my shoulders and chest, aud In fact all over me. so I could not bear them without a plaster, 1 had uitflculty In breathing. I could not wora much, and for mouths not at all. 1 did Uot eat III day tune, even when exercising, but had weakening ulghl-aweata. 1 hail three doctors, aud hail traveled for mv health, spending some mouths at Pueblo and Colorado Spring., but I only grew worse until I emp.oyed Dr. Mrs. Keck. I'n.ler her treatment 1 have liceu gieatly beneilied. Mv night-sweats wers soon overcome, and thu summer I could sweat natural ly when t exercised, the tlrst for many years. My pains re gone, the lump is all gone, sud I sin able to work. In tact, I feel well. Mrs. Keck has done far more than 1 expected, after I had tried elsewhere for eight years and was discouraged. I tske pleasure to highly recommending her. W. 8. JOHNSON. No Marie for Consultation and Alrtct. If you are cnabls to eonaalt the Doctor personally, write to ker for adrtca aad send for circular of teetl monisia from excelleat people well kaowa toroaghoat tlUaota aad lows. KecR Medical Innrmary 19 T nTWAtETT(,c!,L"R"- l MjVJ C5 A very desirable site fora loaoufac tury, Oneof the best Iu ttie city. Will sell on loaf time If desired. iuayl4-ituos fWOWELLlNGS, r rangsd, thoroughly well built; the other, n roon s, pantry and closets. Iloth on Ihe hank of the Fox rlvrr, saat .Ida. iloth to be sold ugetber al much less thsa real vaiue. mayll 1 Lota In North Ottawa, some very choice, at lost 1 Vnj prices and ou easy terina. We also have lota la all other parts of the city. Dili- O. IIARIilH & WIS. l?slTli iVfT Written In the large, t 1 O J I V .A 11 J I i and moat reiiahla com panics at current rates Our fire Insurance compaiilss are among the largest and ir iime.t Iu tpc world. Our accident company n the he-t In the ('. d.,and the grand old Mutual Lite of N. V. haf no! on the face uf the globe; DR. J. O. HARRIS SOS. OCEAN TICK KTS. ttil lowest prices. DR. J. O HARRIS & SON. i It A A as. H. W JONES, Carriage Factory. IHOBg IM WANT OF Good Carriages, Top and Open Buggies, Slide Sss Buggies, iwo-seatopen ituggies, ugni nagons, Sulkies, Ac, can find them at this fac tory, all of bis own make, of the Best Material and In the Most Approved Stvle and Finish, all Warranted and for sale at Low Prices. Also make to order such aa are wanted Repairing done nromntry: painting, trimming wood and iron work- hill & FonniiALs, Carriage k Wagon Factory ON MAIN STREET, Near the Fox Hirer Bridge, OTTAWA ILLS. Manufacture all kinds of Carmgea, Ton and Open Buggies, various styles of One- and Two-bcated Phae tons, Democrat and Spring Wagons, Also have a large assortment always on hand, tlrst class FARM SKIT WA'rO.V.S always on hand. All our work is warranted, and made of the best ma terial, and will be sold aa low as good and reliable work can be sold at. We employ a first rlassTrlmmerendare prepared for all kinds of top work and repairing at short notice. Call and see onr stock of Carriages, buggies and wag ons before buylug. HILL ds rORMUALS. FLOUR AND FEED, Lime, Salt. Cement. Plastering Hair and Stucco. Also the LONDON lorse & Cattle Fool A ptepaiatlon tar superior to any condition powdar ever made. Oil Cake, Corn Meal, dco. A, HAMILTON, ? 144 Main street Ottawa, 111. THOS. & HUGH COLWEIL MANUFACTURERS OF Sasb, Doors, Blinds MOULDINGS, Stair ltail Balusters, Newels, Ac, Ac, Ac. Keep In stock Tarred and Plain Building Paper Lockt, Hintj't, If till, and everything neceasaay to com plete a house. We take contracts In any part of this ot the adjoining states. Parties contetnpla'lug balldlog would de well to call on us and get our figures. OFFICE AND FACTORY, La Salle Street. Ottawajlls. WALLACE LIBBEY & CO BREEDERS AND SHIPl'KRS OF Clyde. English & Norman HORSES, HEREFORD CATTLE t 'C. Poland-China and Berkshire SWINE. 100 POLAND PIGS for this Season's Trade now ready for tale. A lame number of antmalsof each of the above breed. Of all ages and 6ot (exes, either grades or thorough breds, alwaysoa hand for sale. Inspection of stock desired. Farm, fire rnHessontk wwtcnOtrawa. P.O. Bu HSU Ottawa Illinois. Clegq & Dougherty, Arc prepared to do all kinds of Gas & Steam Fitting AND PLUMBING. Wrought Iron Pipes, Fixtures, Fittings, &c, at low prices. . Citrate and Builders. .of Bhaw'e grocery.