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She VOL 49. OTTAWA, ILL., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1887. NO. 8 I" Is what we propose to do, on prices of Fall and Winter Dry Goods. We will offer you no taffy in the way of a "spurt" ten-minute sale of something at half-price; nor will we have re course to the confidence or lot tery schemes of giving a cheap daub picture, or somothing com paratlvely worthless, to persons who buy certain quantities of goods. We will sell you all goods at clean-cut prices, with out the incumbrance of losses made on the ten-uiinute spurt sales or the expeuse of cheap, showy, daub pictures. Just come and see If we don't. A. LYNCH. CtlAS. KNOEDLER, Meat Market. MAIN STREET. Summer Sausage a Specialty. All menu, frcnh nd Mlt, handled, and best finality the market atTorria always uu hand. Uoodt delivered to order. Your patrouat( la solicited, and lioetloru wilt be ipared to Hire you Perfect Satisfaction at All Times. Ottawa, III., July 30. lHit. ir AND HACK LINE. 160. TELEPHONE. 150. PETER EGAN Would r"spec('':llT annonnr to the citlieni of Ottawa and vicinity that he haa one of the chotcrnt Livery Stock) In the city, at the City Stable, au'.'h aa The Latest Styles of Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, To let at p'lcea to suit the tlmea. Parties, Weddlnga Funerala, Picnics, 4c, supplied with Good Iilfra lu short notice. Funerals In the country or adjoluli.n towns promptly attended to. Persons taken to or from ths depots, or to the country, nl(tht or day. W Kememher the place )n Madison street, east of Idecut, ane block west of new court bouse. Ottawa feb.8 1SS4. i'tXEH EGAN. For Ho Fall Trade. flElV ARRIVALS AT H. J. GILLEW'S, OF Cloaks and Shawls, IN GREAT VARIETY, Flannels, Blankets AND ALL Woolen Fabrics, ALSO Table Linens, Towelings, &c, in fact, of all lines to to make up a Complete Fall Stock In all Departments. New Prices All Over the House. This is the banner stock of a banner year at this house, and both stock and low prices will be found unequalled by any other house in the city. AN INSPECTION INVITED! "Male He Fir Fly! uteri am FEED STABLE Th Season Open Today, Those who hare taken our advio and ex. mined the new dress goods nock at H. J. Glllen's will not hesitate in agreeing with us that it is by far the most elegant and com plete as well as the cheapest line of standard goods ever shown in this city. We need not repeat now what we have heretofore said; but we can confidently assert that all who call and examine it for themselves will find us correct to the minutest detail. In addition we would call special attention to the line or cloaks just opened this week, which the house feels confident surpasses, in variety of styles and fabrics, in elegance and perfection of trimmings, and all other particulars, any previous stock they have opened. The carpet stock has also bean replenished for the fall season with new patterns in all grades; and, indeed, the sales the past two weeks have been heavier than during any two weeks during any regular season. As the goods have been but little advertised, this means, if it means anything, that the record of the house during the past five years for straightforward work in this de partment, the selling of reliable goods on their merits at reasonable prices, has been appreciated by the public Those who buy this fall should examine this stock. There are also full lines of flannels, blank ets and woolen goods, boots and shoes, &o. Today being October 1st, the season be gins in earnest, and will be ushered in at this house by a system of low prices on the entire mammoth slock that can not fail to place this "Old Reliable" bouse in advance of all competitors as the great bargain house of the county. All invited to coll. Gloves! And don't you forget it. This season we have the best stock in the State, and we want every one to know it. Oak Hall, North of Court House. Oh! Mjr, Yea! We really must sell our shoes. Our fall goods are arriving every day. They are per fect every way. We must move them quick, and we know that to do this our prices must be low, so then goes to knock the bottom out of all high prices and make it lively around our store. J. Mkoaffin. In New Quarters. D. Lorriaux, the well-known, reliable and reasonable druggist, has gone to the corner store, formerly oocupied by Boberts Bros , and all in want of reliable good, at reason able prices, should give him a call. Dr. A. T. Olmsted goes to Cincinnati to day, to take charge of the operating rooms at the Ohio Dental College. Mrs. Olmsted accompanies him. The Newburgh overalls and Jean pants are as warranted, perfect fitting and never rift. Sold only by Alschuler, who has secured the agency for these famous goods, manufactur ed by Whitebill &;Cleveland,Newburgh, N.Y. Ladies can find the finest stationeries at Hapeman & Qbaham's. Home, Sweet Home, is far sweeter if you buy your oysters at E. P. Clark's. The Cold Snap was a hustler. It hustled a lot of heaters out of Kendall's hardware store on La Salle street. Kendall must "stand in" with cold snaps. Or is it because the people will have hia heaters? He has a big assortment to select from. There is no getting around it. Ottawa will gain several good citiiens by the advent of the organ factory to this city. L. B. Merritield's residence on Lafayette street is nearly completed, J. E. Olds has rented the Strawn premises on West Madison street, and A. II. Merrifield the Williams property on East Main streat. Winter Potatoes. We will have best quality of winter pota toes, one car, here next Tuesday. Don't buy any trash, but get good ripe potatoes, and you will not regret it. W. C. Riale & Co, If you want nice fitting children suits, stylish, durable and cheap, go to Oak Hall, north of court house. Newark (N J.) Journal: "An earthquake could not have shaken the Opera House harder than did the applause that greeted James H. Wallick's new spectacular eques. trian drama, the 'Cattle King,' last night." At Sherwood's Opera HouBe, Tuesday, Oct. 4th. - Dr. Olmstead leaves today for Cincinnati. He will be home for two weeks during the holidays, and will be at his dental parlors at that time, ready for business. The High School literary society held its first meeting of the present school year at the High School building last Thursday evening. There was a large attendance present. They hod a "Harvest Home'' pro gramme, and the months were represented by little people in costume. There were also various recitations, musical selections, a song by the teachers' quartette, and other entertaining features. The club will now hold regular weekly meetings on Thursday evenings, and invite all friends of the school to be present. Do not forget Mrs. Dr. Keek's visit to this city next week. See column announcement. HAKVEST HOME. Exercise at the Ilapllat Church-Interesting- Programme. Moat At the Baptist Church, last Sunday even ing, oocurred the usual annual harvest home concert and festival. The church was quite elaborately decorated with flowers, and with all the various products of the harvest drains, grasses, fruits, and vegetables of all varieties were arranged very tastefully along the pulpit, choir loft, and the entire frout end of the church. Long before the tine for the services to begin, the people began pouring in, and by half past seven o'clock there was not an empty seat to be found in the house. Chairs were brought from the Sunday School room and put in the aisles. Every conceivable place where people could sit was full, and many were still standing. The seating capacity of the church is five hundred, aa I there must, on this occasion, have been seven hundred or eight hundred people present. At a little after half past seven o'clock, the exercises began with a song by the sohool. The reading from the Scriptures was followed by prayer by the pastor, Rev, Dr. Fredericks. The programme was then followed out as planned. It was as follows: Recitation, "September," by Addie Phillips; singing, Ho I Ve Workers,' by the Primary Clas ; recitation, by Fay Brewer. Then came a neat little represen tation of "The Days that were Lent." These days were represented to be from March to September, inclusive Beckie Ventzer rep resented "Summer," and Will Scott offici ated as "Father Time " The participants were: Fannie Strawn, Lewis Porter, Viola Rhoades, Florence Riale, Jennie Bach, Yin nie Corcoran, and Lily Fletcher. This was followed by a recitation by Miss ilattie Rowe, and a song, "We Are Reapers,'" by Miss Richardson's class. Then came a reci tation by Bessie Kerr, and also one by Eddie Bach. The exercises were closed with sing ing by the congregation, "The City of Jas per Wall," and a benediction by the pastor. The evening passed otl' very smoothly, and the entertainment was a most interesting one. AT THE M. E. CHURCH. The services at the First Methodist Church lost Sunday, were attended by fine coogrega tions, both morning and evening. During the day, twelve were received into the mem bership of the churob, and at the close ofj the evening sermon, which was especially for young men, three were baptized. Mr. Holmes favored his congregations with even finer sermons than usual, and was attentively listened to throughout. Over $4,0()0 has been raised by this church, this year, for expenses, and the reports show it to be in a more prosperous condition, in every way, than for many years. Much credit is due to the pastor, Rev. D. J. Holmes, and his estimable wife, under whose faithful and loving labors the church has achieved much of its present success. Neck Wear. See our new styles. Always the head, quarters for nice neck wear. Oak Hall. Oysters by tbe dish at J. L. Piergue's. For Sale. Five Short Horn Bull Calves, vkut cheap, 100 Essex Tigs, and lOOWyandott Chickens. W. J. Neklt, Ottawa, 111. Ottawa In I'arvo. At a meeting held in the office of Justice Galvin, at four o'clock last Monday after noon, the Ottawa township board of auditors elected Mr. Sumner Culien to suoceed W.J. Dwyer as supervisor of this township. A very fine new desk has been placed in the store of Jones & Nickerson, the mer chant tailors. The Mendota Cottage Organ Co. will re move to this city about the first of Novem ber. Notice McMullen's new adver. in this issue. Fiske & Beem have a new ad. in this is sue. Note what it says. Council meeting next Tuesday. Chicken cholera has struck Ottawa. Many chickens are dying with it. James Conway has removed his law office to the Gedney block. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gedney, Jr. will re turn from their wedding tour the latter part of next week and will occupy Henry Mayo's old residence on the south bluff. All of our Jewish merchants closed their stores last Wednesday, tbe occasion being a Jewish holiday of the Atonement. Mothers, bring your boys to Oak Hall and get one of thee good, warm, comfortable overcoats cheap. North of court house. We have the finest assortment of new styles in coats to be found in the county and our prices are away down. Oak Hall. A party of about twenty-five Ottawa hunters, on board the Helle of Ottawa, went down the river to Senachwine, Thurs day. The Sewer IMpe Co. at Utica is rushed with work. An order was received last week for forty cars of fire proofing for it. Louis parties. It U proposed to erect in La Salle a pa iyvMuI rAHtilencA for St. Patrick's mrish. to cost f 12,000. It will be 41 x u6feet, two stories, basement ana attic. The canal authorities were this week do ing much needed dredging at La balle and Peru. Daoavan-Martell. Married. Wednesday. Sent. 28. at 1 o'clock r. M., at the resldeuce of the bride's parent, Mr. ana Mrs. A. r . Uunavan, thuir daughter Jennie William H. MAttTBLLof Chi cago. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Day of Ottawa, In the presence of about SO of the relatives and Intimate frleudt of the bride and groom. After congratulation and a feast at tbe bountiful board, the newly mar ried couple took the 3: SO p. s. accommodation to Chicago, where they will make their home. Tbe bride was one of Daytou's falrlst daughters, and will be greatly missed from our society. She wa organist In our Sunday school for a good many years and a prime mover In all social events. She was a gradu ate of the Ottawa HlU School of the class of '? 5. The groom U a solicitor for the Gas Con sumer's t'o. of Chicago. The presents were many and fine, and evinced the love and respect m which the bride and groom are held by their numerous friends and relatives. The following guests were present: Mrs. Dunavan of Falrbury, 111., sister of the bride' mother; Mr. Benin of Syracuse, N. Y., auut of the groom; Mist Clark of Chicago, aud Mr. A. E. Butter of Ottawa, of the High School c'aes of '85; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hess, Mr. aud Mrs. II. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. David Hall and Will Rising, of Ottawa; Misses Cora Moore, Maud Green, Mae Trumbo, Ella Green, Era Channel, and Jessie Trumbo; Mr. and Mr. Chas. Green; .Messrs A. W. Ladd, W. Van Ettan, John Green, Jame Green, Harry Green, Joseph Green. A large number of re grets were received from those who were un able to be present. A number of tine presents were received by express. Mr. Wm. Dunavan, the oldest brother of the bride, was unab'e to attend the ceremony as he has just opened a wholesale and retail store of horse collars, harnesses, buggies, Ofcc., at Kinsley, Kansas. Occasional. Wluter I'otatoea, Look at our varities ami you will see something to please you. W. C. Rials & Co. We are showing aa many as 50 different styles and patterns in 3 aud 4 button Cut away suits for business and dress wear. Elegant, new designs. Alschtler, 009 La Salle St. Mr. George Roberts was in Chicago yes terday on business. Hapeman & Graham keep the best line of fine stationery in the county. The rollueuien'a Hall. The annual bull of the Ottawa police force occurred Thursday evening last, at Willis' Hall. Great preparations had been made fur the event and It was tu every way a success. There were about one hundred couple present, aud a more enjoyable party never was held In Ottawa. Prof, ftl'lls' full orchestra furnish ed tbe music. , Refreshments were served at J. L. Piergue's restaurant at 12 o'clock. We understand that a noat sum was realized from the dance for the benefit of the Ot'awa police force. Mla A. It. Ilrnily Has new winter millinery arriving from New York daily. All the latest Eastirn styles can now be found at her store. Chil dren's hats a specialty. Straw hats from 15 cents up. Felt hats from 25 ceuts up. An el eg in t line of millinery of all descriptions constantly on baud, aud always sold at the lowest possible prices. Ladies are always gladly shown goods and styles. Be sure and examine the elegant line of millinery goods at Miss A, D. Brady's before you pur chase. Overcoats, Now is the time. Our line is full and complete of fine tailor-made, body fitting, and stylish overcoats. Remember this, and visit Oak Hall, the one price clothing house. Family Flour. It is the aim of every housekeeper to have good bread. In this situation every house wife is always on the lookout for the finest brands of flour there is to be found. Any new brand that makes superior bread is al ways bailed with delight. People send away hundreds of miles for some particular ly fine flour. How much better is it then, how much more satisfying and economical, when the desired treasure can be found at home. The Victor Roller Mills makes the best patent flour to be found anywhere. The "Hungarian," and "Silver Cloud," cannot be beat aDywhere. Try them and you will never have any more foreign flours. You will find everything in UNDERWEAR from 25o to $5 at Oak Hall, the one price clothiers. Best winter potatoes at Kiale's. Sec them before you buy your winter stock. For a fine beafsteak cooked in any style to suit your taste, or a fine dish of barn and eggs, go to J. L. PiKinii t's. The crowd is oil going to to the hardware emporium of Manley & Jordan's. WHAT FOR? Why, to buy a stove to keep warm with. They will certainly be pleased with the as sortnient they will find there. Hapeman & Graham have some elegant white wood souvenir trinkets with a very fine little picture of the court house on each one. They are very handsome, and are not expensive Call and see them. Alschuler's line of fancy and plain flannel shirts cannot be surpassed for variety, mak ers and prices. See them. 1819. 1807. MTWA BinourancQ Ho. of fatM 135th Semi-Annual Statement. GASH CAPITAL - - - $4,000,000.00 Reserve for Re-Ins. and other labilities, 2,118, 618.22 Net Surplus, - Total Assets Jan. 1, 1887, - $9,568S30.39 Losses Paid at Ottawa Agency, $37,242.09. Losses Paid at Great Fire in Chicago, $3,783,023.13. Losses Paid at Great Boston Fire, $404,067.62. Losses Paid Since Organization: $613000; GEO. W. RAVENS, Agent. - - nr Dry Good Store at Maroelllea. On Thursday next, Mr. II. J. GUlen, of this city, will open a brunch dry goods and boot aud shoe house in Marseilles. This an nouncement will have more than tbe usual significance for that town; for Mr. Olllen's record as a merchant in Ottawa will be a guarantee of a business house in that city of more than usual character. It is his pur pose to handle there a strictly first-class line of new goods, as complete as carried in Ot tawa, if not so large as the Ottawa stock, and will give to Marseilles buyers all the advantages secured by his Ottawa trade, Carrying such a stock as be will there, it is obvious that the new house will be a great benefit to that city, in more ways than one. It will concentrate the Marseilles trade, and thus redound to the interest of every mer chant in that city. We shall have more to say of this new house further ou. Oynter, Oyster, Oyaters. All the best brands at Clark's. l'tilrc)ttluiir. Best stock in town. Red, white, light weight, heavy weight, medium weight, all grades, all prices. We can suit you at Stle fel's White Comer. Duiii'liijr Academy. The fall term for juvenile class will com mence Saturday October 1st, at '-'o'clock p. ni Class for ladies and gents Monday night' October 3d, at 8 o'clock. Terms as usual. H. S. Willis. Sight is priceless. Lost sight never re turns. Any one having any trouble with eyes or in need of glasses, go at once to Prof. Kent, at the Clifton House, before he leaves the city, and get a pair of his cele brated crystal lenses. A good glass, prop erly selected to the eye, cannot help but protect and improve them. Don't fail to see the great show entitled The Cattle King" at the Opera House next Tuesday Oct. 4th. French, lh Matter, has a large and complete line of bats of all styles and descriptions, and will be sure to find you what you want. A. T. Bartells is also back with Mr. French again, and will be pleased to see all his old customers. Colli Weather is now coming on, and you will want to have your broken windows replaced. For window glass of all kinds, go to C. M. Forbes'. We have a full line of gents' scarlet under wenr from 50c to $ 2, We would call special attention to our f 1 grade, all wool Medicat ed Flannel and the best that can be bought In the county fir that price. A. Alsciu, west of court house. Married. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Henry Clement, of Waltham. on Tuesday, .September 2N, at 7 o'clock p. m., Mr. Wil IJ. Jones and Miss Minnie Clement, both of Waltham, the Rev. P. J. Leanbause officiating. Mr. II. I', Gedney, jr., aud Miss Uiglen were married last Tuesday morning, at the residence of the bride's parent-., on the west (ide, Rev. V . F. D.iy, officiating. Mr. 1). K. Devliu, the stenographer, and Miss Catherine Magher were married at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, at St. Columba Church, the Rev. Father Ryan ofliciating. "Caftle King "at the Opera House next Tuesday evening. Clark's h'ime made cund:es are very fine. Try them. Stiefel kerpi a full and complete s'ock cf men's winter clothing at prtcts to suit tie times. Clark's candies are the lest in the cmnty. Cliautnuquau Hook. The books use! by the Cfcautauquan Liter, ary Circle for tbe coming year and the Chuu. t'tuqian M'tj't:i'te may be had at Hapeman & Graham's. 8,450.22.17 S. E. Cor. P. 0. Block. Oliver Cornell, !. Books Opened, Closed and Balanced. Intrli'tti Account InrnttntM and Adjuotni. LMaooa K'veii lu SluKie niiil lt.iuhle Kntrjr lljuk kw in, in Clw or uilierwlM. Otll.-e ilk Opera Hou lUo.'k, .1,10-Sini OTTAWA, Amunetnrntft. Pittsburgh l.tadtr: -The Cattle King." at the Opera House last night, drew the largest house so far this season. The play is by W. II. Young, who was here last week as tbe stage manager of Mrs. I). P. Bowers, and re dects credit on him as a melo-dramatio writer. Mr. James Wallick, who assumes the dual characters of Hob Taylor, the Am erican cattle king, aud Dare Devil Dick, the oliainpion poker plaver of the Pacific slope, has been here too often and is too good an actor to need any words of praise trom us. In the play he always appears at the right time and, of course, is very loudly applaud ed, on his appearance with his famous horses, Haider, Jim, Charles and Texas. Mr. Wallick bos a good company, and both it and the play made a big bit. Fred Lyons, the color d comedian, with his baujo specialties, bongs, dauces and big mouth, is still with the company, and is as funny as ever." Opera House, Tuesday, Oct. 4ih. The Peru Netcn says: "The mortality in La Salle is appalliug, the deaths averaging over five per day, the two extremes, the old and tbe young being carried away, the latter by diphtheria principally." For window glass go to C. M. Forbes. We learn," says the Mendota Reporter, "that the Western Cottage Organ Co. will remove to Ottawa about Nov. 1st. Their arrangements have been so well made that they will not lose a minute. The moment their machinery stops here, it will start in our sister city.'' Harvest Kicurnlon. The Partington Houte, C, U. & Q. R. R., will sell, on Oct. 11, Harvest Excursion Tickets at one fare for the round trip to principal points in Nebraska, Kansas, Minn, esota and Dekota. Limit, thirty days, For tickets and further informations concerning these excursions, call on nearest C, U. & Q. Ticket Agent. There was a little attempt at a runaway last Wednesday on Main street. Fred F.echelberger, a farmer residing near Ottawa, was taken from near Lyoch'a store down to the west side a trifle faster than be wanted to travel, but there was no damage done. He bad a splendid black team. One of the most eminent physicians in this country once said that nine-tenths of the lives lost by acute diseases might be saved if only people knew, to begin with, what the matter was, and would send for a doctor at once. "Our Family Physician" enables those who have it to detect malig nant diseitKes, and so gives them fair warn, ing to send for a doctor In tiuie. It is a beautiful book, and we are now giving it to all our subscribers, old and new, for $2 for both the book and paper one year. To buy each separately would coct you f 1 00. ! Next Sunday morning, Dr. Frederick will j preach ou "The Great Future of the Baptist I Church in Ottawa." The Lord's Supper ; will be administered after service, ami tbe members are especially requested to be pre sent. Sunday Sohool meets a 12 o'clock m. Young people's meeting at G:0 o'clock p. in. In the evening, a gospel meeting will te held, the sulject of which wilt be: "How to be Saved." The ordinance of baptism will be administered. After serv'ce, a social meeting will be held in the lecture room. A cor! iul invitation is extended to the public to attend these services. Forbes keeps window g!ass and sells it cheap. OiToukr 4 is the date cf the great sen sation "The Cattle King," at Sherwood's Opera House. Streator has a scheme afoot to start a fuc torv for nisking "opalescent, antique, and flashed glass." In looking up the evidence in the case of Gustave Miller, charged with the murder of Frances Kasha, it has been discovered that he w as a jail-bird in Germany, and escaped from prison. Practical Acconntan