Newspaper Page Text
How II Did It. Bo wore hit hat o that Us rim Obscured his classic brow, His vest curved out his back curved In,- Ye readers oil know how, His lcs were handsome without doubt. Hlskuees bent la; his calves bent out lie swajtKered as he walked about And the wind blew through his whiskers He went to the Policemen's ball, And wrote, and wrote, and wrote, And got up several sham regret From gentlemen of note, And theu he smiled, and showed, amain, His teeth, soiled with tobacco stain, And then he spit, and smiled again, And the wind blew through hi whiskers, SUBFRISH. A burglar worked lomr with a pick and a screw, Till he loosened the lok and the fastenings too; Then he opened the door and was Just step. pin;; through, When he altered his plans and immediately fled, For a navy revolver was aimed at hU head, And the gentle proprietor quietly stiid, 'No. you don't!" Lament of the Dying Redman. Never again will I course o'er the prairie, Never, O never again Ou a poor littlo pony that's windbroken very Never, O never again; Never again will I feel young and frisky, Eager for hunting und fights that are risky, Hot for a scalp or a gallon of whiskey, Never, O never again. ever again will I loaf around the stations, Never, O never again ; Living on plunder and government rations, Never, O never again; Never again will my fair Indian roses Dance in the thinnest of barbarous clothes, Paint on their faces and rings in their noses, Never, O never again. Never again will I glide o'er the water, Never, O never again ; And make Meeckce paddle the way that I taught her, Never, O never again; Never again will my spirit of honor Proudly exult nt the work heaped upou her, The Great Spirit whispers that I am a goner, Never, O never again. PER SVI'ERVISOK. I litis me in der gooutry. I vas a farmers, undt mine farm vas in Ottawa dhownships. Lasbt Monday I comes me mlt dhcr town in, unat l try to una me a supervisors, i vus peen dhinkingdot der Ilerr W. J. Dwyer was a supervisors von der Ottawa. I vauts to saw him, so I gees by his shtore in, undt I says "Peen dese a supervisors, Her von Dwyer?" Undt der Herr Dwyer says: "I vas not peen a supervisors some more all de vhiles, ridght avay. I vas peen resigned." Den I say: "Veil, I vas want to saw der mans vot i a supervisors right now, already." Aber 1kj don't can told me noddings where to findem, undt so I goes me down town in der gourt house and looks me for der supervisors man myseluf. I goes in py der Ilerr Moloney undt ask him for a supervisors, undt he says idt vas der Herr Dwyer. He 6ays dor Herr Dwyer vas not by der ehtatutes 60 legally resigned peen Aber I knows dot Dwyer vas not a supervisors all der vhiles, some more; so I goes by Gal- vin's court in, undt I ask for a supervisors Herr Galvln saght dot der Herr Reed vas der supervisor von Ottawa. Den I goes to dsr Herr Reed, undt he says he vas never a super visors peen at all, so sooner, already. Den a feller says to me der shtreet on dot a meetings vas by Galvin's office von der court holding peen, undt a supervisors dhere von den auditors elected vas peen already. Den I goes, undt der Herr Galvin be says dot der supervisors von Ottawa der Herr Sumner Cul. len now ridght avay already elected vas. So now at last I know all dhere vas apoudt idt. I haff it fine down mine headt in. Idt vas dese vay now peen: Herr Dwyer vas a super visors, undt he gots on his leedle ear oup ven he don't vill pay a bills, undt he resigns undt goes avay, undt den he don't vas out at all aay more, undt den Herr Reed vas elected peen, undt he vas never a supervisors, so he ha9 not resigned peen, undt den aey don't know vhedder dey have two supervisors von Ottawa or vhedder (ley don't vas got any, so den dey elects der Herr Cullen, undt der Herr Moloney says Dwyer vas not legally resigned peen, undt Reed he never vas resigned at all; so mediuks dot der Ottawa townships vas haff three supervisors ridght now all der vhiles. Aber.J berhaps, dot vas a beefsteaks, undt maybe der Herr Dwyer resigned vas, undt maybe der odder mens nelcr elected vas, undt maybe der Ottawa townships vas no supervis ors at all got, some more ridght avay pretty soon. Anyvay, I don't can a supervisors found, undt I vhants to sec him. MORE LIGHT! PEOF. KENT OF CHICAGO, The Justly Famous Optician, LATE OK THE Optical Institute. St. Petersbnrg, Russia, It In the city, ami ii now located AT THE CLIFTON RISE, Room 5fi, Parlok Floor, When you on fotmill him nhont your Even, and 110 W TO TAKE ChliK OF THEM. PItOK. RENT In a gi-ntlcmnn who thcmuxhlr under atumln til hum!)', and run lit any our. Do ili'ffi-rt-nre h'lWrit'fct'tlvethe ilit limy t. with Rlaium Hint thry run kcraa well that ever could. Hi knwiilia uf tin' rve and skill In wtJiiMtnjr nrfis t Siting Kliwne I wHl known and riHusnUed ly many of ihr lirat and fore moot eltien of Cliii'airo ami the Northwest, where lit1 haa nu'rcmfuMy adimiilatiTrd to tin- eye In more Hi mi elx tlmiuiiiiil cam durliiK the iwt tlx ycur. He rioea not tire your eye hy the u" of a tiwrluif mIhkh. hut n'ti-ntineiilly them, mid thrn iilrra you a y-rfrrtty fittiwj iclax. Hit nlar are ground undiT In tpninl liirtriinn. and are ptrift lu all reflects, and of the heat material known to arlenre. HI prior are reaiionalile and within the reach of all. I'Kur , KKST'S CryHtui LriiKi't are urd and rreommen'lcd hy the iiiiu-t prominent hriclaii of Cltlcattnaiid other emeu of the Brent N'orthwvKt. A call iiihiii hlin will convince the inoxt skrtlrai that he and lilt kooiIs are an advertised. Call and ee him. ial Eyes Prrn deprived of an eye can have this deformity removed hy the InM-rtion of un nrtlitrlnl one. which move! anil iookd iiko a natural organ, ami without nain. l'KOF. KENT hu hcen Moimlntf In Aurora. III., ilur- Iiik the pant nix week), ami here it what the prominent ivopie ui iiiai city Ml) 01 mm: we cheerfully recommend Prof. Kent to any one having any tn. utile with the eye, or In nerd of uliuwe. having nerfent conflilriire in hlin, and feeling uured inai ur it. niiiMrr 01 ni pruieftion l.EOlil.K MBKKOI TII. Mayor. A. M. Phavprk, Clerk of KuneCo. E. F- BFit i'Ka, IVpuly Co. Clerk. J. M. Krn.vhi'V. City Clerk. M. W. CoBHRrr, I'ottinaafer. NOBTIIAM. ItKAUlMtKite Crwkv, PuhliKhera Newt. PlRlK'R Ilt RTo.V. Ed. Daily Kxprefn. J. II. IlnonKR, ppijir Aumra Reocon. Gko. H. Wilcox, Dry ttoodt. I. ll.Col-I.KY. See (iaa Light Co, P. 11. Watkrman. W. W. BiKiinH. TllilM AK O'DhN.VBLU .1. V. Harrai,. Mrm. W. V. Pi.t'M. MlKS.lKNNIR 1'LI'M. Mrs. 11. K. Kbim.kv. Mita. . Voi.i.ntinb. MR. S. .Mi'CABTV, And many others. Thin 1 what Prs. Schmidt aud Edwanln. the two mi prominent nlivslrlanii of Chimin,, have Iomiv: We are uaintf I'rof. Kent's glaKsen. and cheerfully rrcoinineml him to all having detective right, ills giumcs are In our opinion the heat made. Ilethorough ly undemfaiiils the rye, and the ailiuxtinent of Ilia cele hratrd lensi to thai the fitting la perfect. Kk.vkst SciiMtr.T, M. 1. E. W. Kuwakun M. D. OITAWA KEFEKENCES. OrncB or Hoarh of Kottatiox, Ottawa, Id.. Sept. 22. ls)C. To whom It tnav concern: The bearer. Prof. Kent, Cornea no well rreommriiilrd to me hy f rlenda and ar qnaintancct In Aurora, lu whom I have confidence, at I nave no nenitatl'in in endort ng Mm aa a ecu tlvinaa who i rra'.iy what he claims to be. Kespcctluliy, D. . A. Tmorp, W. W. Taylor, J. O. Stout, M. D. Coneultatlon free. 0:llce hours from 9 a. m. to 8 v. v. m Ef ii. La Salle County Grange. A called meeting of La HjlV.h County Pomona Grange No. CI, will be hold in Ottawa on Thursday, October C at 10 o'clock sharp. Top- ics for consideration will be: 1st. The agitation of the opening of the Illinois or the question of the ship canal. By C. X. Kolph, A. C. Burnes, E. Howland aud M. Warren. 3d. -How shall we restore the wheat-raising qualities to our prairie soil, and what are the best varieties ? By L. G. Douglass, Carpenter and CM. Pool. 3d. The amendment to the patent laws so as to prohibit the collection of royalty for the use ol a patented article. By J . K Mudge aud K. VY. Campbell, In the afternoon lion. J. M. Thompson of Joliet, will deliver a lecture "Commercial and Political Importance of the Farmers." The public and especially farmers are cordially in invited to attend. These meetings are open to the public. E.J. Mcdge, Sec. B. F. Bowmajt. Lec. We mean to make our house a headquarters for reliable cloth ing. We mustn't exaggerate what wo have to sell. You mightn't find out in a day or a month that a merchant was doing that. He'd better look out, though. You will And out, though. You will find out, if he does, and he'll crawl in the dirt before you'll trust him again. We'll not overstate. Fiske & Beem will not be a headquarters for all sorts of clothing. You will not be able to get any from us but reliable clothing. Not every storekeeper has the nerve to draw the line, and say what trade he can't handle. He wants all he; can get; so do we. Ten, a hundred, for every one we nave. Fairly, though. We said you should have the best clothing hi Ottawa. Not the high-priced; not the under-done and mean quality; the best-at prices you hadn't been used to. We're ready to cat her up all the clothing trade Ave can get on that basis of goods, and hunt the corners of the city with an electric light to get it. You'll find us frank, court eous, liberal; ready to give the clearest evidence of our cloth ing. Isn't it the best dollar's worth of clothing you want! Fiske & Beem, 712 & THJLa Salle St. 3 $ $ $ $ Ira i lues, ALSCHULER, THE NcwYor drapes, FRUITS OF ALL KINDS Kill LIEN S $i P oneer c lotnier list Jutt opened an Immense stock of Gents' Wearing Apparel For Fall and Winter Use. These goods have been carefully selected, so as to be Desirable, Stylish and Well Made ABOUT PRICES, We'll not say anything, but leave you to de cide lu regard to their cheapness. it's Wonld be pleased to have you call, aa no trouoie to snow our ooas. ALSCHULER, West of the Court House. We make a Specialty of Boys' and Children's Clothinir. 23d Annual Tour. First of the flew Olympia. THREE TIMES LARGER THAN EVER JiEIIOLD, THE COMJlJEKIXtt HE110 COMES! F0REPADGH'S 6 CHIMED SHOWS UNITKI.) WITH THK CJHKA.T REMODELED WILD WEST SHOW Open Out the Streets! CUSTER 13-A.TTXjEI .JDJDTHTD. Mnk Wlilctlio Th')rotiKlifnre! lengthen the Hnnlern! Strain! lien the Stakes! hold Adam and the I'rince of the Uotue uf Aduni Cometh! He- APw the most brilliant and rec liorehe conHM't ever known In the rawdut Annals of the Sner tncular World, riiiiituuiiiua i uauve cuizeua miner aim ton win nmsu invir uruuu inuinjiuui cjuiruute mm ui uij ui OTTAWA THURSDAY, OCT. 6 With Three Times the (Jreatest ou Earth! A GOUGEorSI.Y NOVEL STREET PAGEANT, Compared with whleh all former efforts pale and glimmer with a feeble mid uncertain HkM. will take place ou THl'fiSDAT, AT 10 O'CLOCK, the route of which will lie utiliahed hereafter. er In hi line than Jl'UUSt ?). has croaed the Metropolitan Uuhlcon! puiillalied hereafter. You may tell It In New 1 ork, ptilillh It In Oath and In tin) at reel It from the hoiwe-topa and wild the loyoiin news to Mi f Kachelon. I'riK'lalui iitteniiont part of the earth! A Modern C'.h8AU.(ireal dltan Uuhlcon! ItoinehaiiriiiiKht the aplrlt of the laconic minuiry ineiwime. Muitltnoe at noine ami a'iroaii nave umneren in inapiraiion. a iniuiua .ueironoiiian Tia llora ihirliis nineteen weeka in New York will li doran the verdict. VKNI ! VI I) I ' VIC! ! Hut what about the Slinw? At the fall of Vlckatiuru the nubile did not aak how Grunt' soldier liwiked. or tils Couiinltsarlut held out. lie got there! EiioukIi to know! When Khennan ni'irched to the sea the backbone of the Confederacy was broken! Hall Columbia! Neither nlitht nor Blucher came, hut a Waterloo! from that dire day the Star of Napoleon Knudre Degan to set. Oood nl(ht, splrltu cle profundi! Keqiueacsf In pace. How was the victory won i 'Twas simple a a twice-told tale. The elephant did It. The horses did It. The brllltaut eiineBtrlan and acrobatic star did It. The Animals did It The Hippodrome did It. The lllondlu Horse did It. Plcanliiny did It. .lohn L. tiulllvan. the Pniflllatlc Klephant, did It. mmpUltly tnwknl ihnn nil out.' The yiiMdrflle Elephant did It. Even Jack, the Someraault Dog, did It, winning the loudest applause (next to theelephants) ever received tiv any slnifle feature and yet he Is among the least of Adam Korepannh'i great novel attractions! In a word, all the (i HAND i ki aitkaci hims or the horepmign unow, the equal of which a million of New York people will tell you candidly were never before exhibited by any show on earth, did It. If only a Circus. Hippodrome, Menagerie. Trained Aulmaia, In New York, could do this thing, What not me people 01 uttawa expect wnca mej see auueu to iucbo i orepaugn s reiiioueivo "WIUjID "WEST SHOW Orander and more sensational than Buffalo Bill ever dreamed of In his famous frontier philosophy, since the (iKKATtJUHTKU HATTLK DISl'IjAY has e.m alded at acost of V!C .( lOO,On, which will he reproduced to the life at each aud every performance, aud uppeur grander than in New orK ADAM, Jlt.'s first appearance IN HIS GREAT 30-HORSE ACT! The Climax of Multiplied Horsemanship. M. XAVIEK OM.OK8K Y and CIIA8. WALSH, late of the Prussian and Bavarian Culrawler aud the Black nussars, in a itroan-sworu commit on uorseuacK. t no r anions r.migrani agon, in years out, ihhi renre selilH a "I'rairie Hcbooner" of the olden time, built In Ijuiraaur. 'a.. exhibited at the Centennial and at the Cot ton Kxnosltlon. New Orleans hiu been nnrcliaHed bv Mr. Korcnaiuth. It v. Ill annear fur the first time In the great parade. Also, a historic Harness, used by President Buchanan when a boy, and by bis grandfather lefore hlin. Age of harness not fullv known, w ill be aeeu on the liures drawing the venurauie oiu rene. m mot, tliousaudb of IliiANU NtW THINGS will be Been abaolutely fur the hrst time In FOREPAUGH'S GREAT SHOW. Two grand, full, For full particular see bills, programmes, magazine, scattered everywhere by the million thorough and complete performances every (lay, at i and 1 1', m. uoora open m i auu nr. n. Children, undnr nine years, UiO C IlfnervX Nuiuhered Chain Kxtjra. ADMISSION, OO Oentsi. iiO.OOO SetitM. Tor the ar-nmmolatlon of the nubile who deal re to avoid the crowd on the ground. Reserved Beats can be secured at Forbes' Drug and Ilook Store on the day of exhibition, at the usual slight advance. EE) IEEIE I Jk JEWELRY SILVERWARE. RELIABLE GOODS, Lowest Market Price. ZD. HESS7 Vest of the Court House. O H E A A A U O S R R V U T L E O L Y R D Y fjfJea less loocis THE MINE CEHT STOBE. The 'Tiger Brand' is the Best. For sale by tOUIS HESS IP Every piece a new and desirable pattern. If you have not pur chased everything you wish in this line, you can save 20 and 25 cts. per yard on new, stylish goods by making your selections at the Nine Cent Store. ON DOMESTICS We are increasing our stock; are showing this season many Hew things that wo have not heretofore kept. Monday we will place on sale a lot of Turkey Red Calico at 4 OtS. per Yard. That Is particularly suited for comfortables. rja LONSDALE (JINGHAMS at 5 CtS. per yard, In small checks, blue, brown and green. This quality has been selling at ) and lOjcents. It will pay you to visit the Sine Cent Store. Xew goods are being received in every department. McOABE & FISHER, 801, 803 and 805 La Salle Street, opposite the Post Office. ft Ground at a Kollcr Mill IT Just think of it, Farmers!! You have never had the opportunity before, and the DAYTON ROLLER CULLS Are the FIKST to inaugurate this (ill AM) MiA EM EXT FOB THE IlENEFIT OF THE TILLERS OF THE SOIL!! Ilriug us (J001) WHEAT and we will Ul AKAXTEE you FIRST CLASS FLOl'lt, and a yield of from 35 to 40 lbs. per bushel. Small (irists of Wheat or Corn can be left at our Head quarters in Ottawa, (2d door north of V. 0..) and will be sent to mill, ground and returned free of charge. Farmers south of III. river Mill find this a rare opportunity for having their wheat tested, and save a Jour-miles drive to our mm. Honing to see you all at our .Hill m Dayton or Headquarters In Ottawa, we remain Yours respectfully, GREEN BROS. Dayton, III., August t, 1SS7. LOOK AROUND, But Do Mot Buy Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Kalsomimliig Material, Drushes, nor anything else in the Paint, Drug or Stationery Line I'ntil you have seen me and heard what I hav) to say about prices. I Enow I Can Male It to Your Interest to Bay of Me, Iiotli in Prices and Quality of (ioods. E. Y. GRIGGS. LnSKICATIMJ OIL FOHFAIIM IMPLEMENTS A SPECIALTY, THE CANTON TRICYCLE PLOW The lightest draft iilow Id the market. Mmle entirely of iron acd steel. Has uo land tide. Turn turners without takiu jdow out of ground. .Iuj'Wj cau run it. Ross' Ensilage and Fodder Gutters. HAS AN L T CUT. It will cut wore feed and do it easier than any cutter made. Refer to IWen Bro., Ambrose Trumbo & Sons.C'has. Dunbar, Li Salle Couutj Farm. F. Trron. Wm. Pie, II. S. Gilbert, Henry Wiley, and Jerry Wood, of (Htawa, besides many other respondi ble farmeri and atock dealers. Call and see them. A FI LL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS OX HAND. IR.H3I3ID cfc OO. A