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THE V121LE1) PKOPIIETS. THE TENTH ANNUAL PAGEANT BE HELD AT ST. LOUIS. TO Something About tit ItrgaUr Annual SporUcl) of tit City on tho Mlaauurl. CThattb rrriiiiia Has liven In i'at YarThi iVur'a rrtri-iuiii. On t)ie nltjlit of Tuewlny, Oct. 4, tho mysterious nnlcr of Vcilwl l'rojrtieU will give ot St. Iium wiint mo ncriiiii or wie order is rtleusi-tl to pmclfiliu It '(traml pageant and ball." Tho Veiled Prophets ftiul their pawnnt arenmoiiji tho tandard attractions of St. I.oula during the autumn. This year tlu-y celebrate their tenth anniversary with a parade which It Is proniihed will exceed In mag nificence anythlnir they have hereto fore pnsonted. The Veiled Prophets' poKeaut coiwIhM of a series of "tloatu" or moving staifes oa which ore arranged Interesting tableaux. Kadi Moat U drawn by four burses, covered by long blankets on which are enr broldered the leUers "V. P.," led by four mysterious Individuals, cloaked and marked. Kach is brilliantly Illumined by tho colored fire from dozens of torches borne by attendants on either side. At intervals along the line of the procession are bands of music. In front of each lloat is carried a banner bearing tho numter of the limit and the subject of tho tableau on it. At tho head of tho column rides a platoon of police. I no scene on tho streets during the possnge of the pageant is strange and extremely inter esting. Along the line or marcn mo streets aro brilliantly illuminated. Long waving lines of fire on either side render the scene almost as bright as day. At short intervals arches of colored Are span the street, while special designs of flaming gas Jet cover the fronts of business houses and from convenient point thero are private dis plays of pyrotechnics. The street Is packed almost to sulTocatlon with slow moving humanity, while every sldo street is blocked with carriages and wagons used as temporary reviewing stands. In front t the larger buildings crowds of men, women and children till temporary stands, while from every window above projects a long ledge, well railed and provldod with chairs for the sightseers. Tho roofs of tho building are covered with people, and the telegraph polos bear human fruit. As the brilliant procession moves along, the sea of humanity parts buforo It and closes in again behind tho last float. Handkerchiefs are waved from open win dows to the characters on the floats, who respond to the salute with some charac teristic gesture; flowers are scattered be foro the procession, awl tho crowd yells lUelf hoarse In iU approbation of tho dis- I - VEILED PROPHETS' BALL. play. When the pageant has gone by many hurry to catch a view of It from some other point, many return to their homes, but it is midnight before the streets are cleared, and it is nearly nioru Ing before quiet is restored. Meantime tho procession has wound its way through tho principal streets of tho city, completing its Journey when it reaches the southern entrance to tho Chamber of Commerce building, where each float discharges its gayly costumed loud and is trundled oil in darkness to the "den," from which, but an hour be fore, it emerged In all Its brilliancy. The characters, as they are assisted to alight, are Instructed to enter tho building and occupy tho first largo room to tho right of the entrance. This room has been shut oT from tho outer world and well curtained. Upstairs In tho great hall of the Merchants' Exchange prepara tions aro going forward for tho ball given by the Prophets every year to their St. Louis friends and visitors. Tho high gal leries have been hung with bunting, while on the walls behind are arranged in graceful folds the banners of the Proph ets. Theso bannors are of odd design in red and yellow strlpo, with a trans verso stripo of royal purplo bearing the Prophets' seal. From the galleries depend baskets of flowers and trailing vines; be tween them cages of birds whose mer ry notes minglo with the plashing of the fountain In the center of the floor. Over this fountain has been built a lowor covered with vines and dotted with fragrant blos soms. A bank of moss and ferns forms the bower's base. Over the maiu en trance of the hall rlsos a huge floral arch. Opposite the entrance Is the rostrum on which aro seated the sixty musicians hid den from view by a bank of cut flowers and blossoming plants. Above their heads hangs suspended the chariot of the grand oracle, with threo horses drawing it through tho air apparently at full speed. Jleneath them tho letters "V. P." are outlined in flame. Around the sides of the big hall are arranged tiers of seats for the benefit of those who wish to rest dining the in termissions between the dances. Every where there is a profusiou of flowers. This is the general plan of decoration. It is varied each season to suit the subject illustrated in the pageant. Shortly after 11 o'clock tho grand oracle ami his attendant followers are announced. The oracle who, from the lost float in the pageant, bus showered blessings on the crowd in tho streets, is a venerable individual with a flowing white beard and heavy, white eyebrows and an unnaturally ruddy complexion. Ho is clad in a flowing rolsj of sal in covered with gold embroidery ami heavily studded with jewels and on his head ho wears a massive crown. His attendant high priests aro clad in rich robes of bilk and satin. Following in his train two and two are the characters from the tableaux in tho street pageant, all handsomely cos tumed and securely masked. The chair man of the reception committee meets the grand oracle at the door ami, taking his arm, leads him about the hall, tho center ct which has been cleared. Tho long pro cession follows. I'rcsently it divides and the two long lines coil in and out, finally meet ing and joining into one procession again. A whistlo is sounded. Instantly the lino breaks and the Prophets mingle with the crowd, most ot them seeking partners for the first quadrille, in which none but the Prophets and their lady partners can par wmm ticipate. When the quadrille Is o-cr the Prophets disperse gradually, some of tAieui remaining on tne tloor until a late nour The dancing Is kept up by their guest until 3 o'clock. Tho Veiled Prophots' organization was formed In W78 in part Imitation of tho "Mystick Krewe" of ew Orleans and similar organizations in other southern cities. It Is a secret institution, but, as far as Is known, Its membership includes all tho wealthiest and most prominent bus) ne.s men in tho city. These gentlemen contribute about 40,000 every year to the nigauizu'tlon, realizing a return in the pleasuro they and their friends derive from tho eutertalnmcnt and In the increase in business and wealth which necessarily follows tho gathering of so many thousand neonle at visitors to St. IxraU for the pur nose of witnessing tho pageant. These Lrentleinen, it is understood, disguise them selves In various costumes and take part In the moving tableaux on the street, afterward participating In the ball. The street pageant Is free to all The ball bi free. too. but it la free only to those who have recoivod Invitations from tho Prophets. As invitations are obtain able only through members of tho organ ization and as its memlterslilp is a pro found secret, it is not an easy thing for those who have not been voluntarily favored to obtain tickets. This year there will be fewer tickets for distribution among the people of St. Louis thnn there have been before, because the visit of President Cleveland and his wife will bring to the city au enormous Influx of visitors and the strangers mast be carod for first. The Prophets will prepare a special reception for the president and his party, and the hall will be decorated wltn special designs In their honor, The subjects chosen for illustration In past years have very nearly exhausted the supply. There are twenty-two Boats in the procession each year, and it Is difficult to find an Interesting subject which will furnish twenty-two tableaux. The "Prophets" illustrated one year the arts and sciences showing the progress of the world In the past century. Another year the "Arabian Nights" fables wore Illustrated. One year scenes from tho plays of the Immortal Shakespeare were reproduced. Last season scenes from American history were presented. This year tho subject an nounced Is Bible history, and the scenes presented will be chosen from snhjects in the Old Testament. They will include the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, the killing of Abel by his brother Cain, Abraham's offer of his son Isaac on the altar, Samson's betrayal by Delilah, the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon, scenes in the life of Joseph, Moses on Mount Sinai and many other scenes In all twenty-one tableaux which, with the float of the grand oracle, will make the pageant consist of twenty two flouts. HE BELIEVES IN MONARCHY. The Count of I'arl and Hie Remark able Manifesto. Tho Count of Paris, who la tho recog nized head of tho royul house of France and tho successor of the Count of Chum bord, is Rgaln brought into prominence by tho remarkable manifesto he has recently published, In which be appeals to the Mon archists and urges them to establish a monarchy. Tho Count of Paris will be remembered on this Hide of the Atlantic by tho action he took in tho late wnr. When he was 33 years old, in 18C1, ho came over to America with his brother and the Prince do Join vllle. Tho party was very cordially greeted at Wash ington, and tho count and his brother entered tho Federal ser vice under Gen. McClcllnn, with tho rank of cap tains of volun teers, stipulating that they should COUNT OF PAtllS. receive no pay and that they could resign whenever they pleased, llio count re turned to Europo in 1HC2, having received the warmest pralso for the part he took in the war. In 104 be married his cousin, a daughter of the Duko do Montpensler. In 1671 tho count was admitted as a member of tho National assembly at Ver sailles, under M. Thiers, president of the French republic. In lo'J tho assembly voted the restitution of the property of his family, the family of Orleans, and on Aug. 5 tho count had his celebrated inter view with tho Count of Chambord, whom he acknowledged as tho head of tho royal house of Franco. Tho count is tho author of several other remarkable papers. In 1(371) ho published an article which was translated under tho heading of "Tho Trades Unions of Eng land," and which attracted considerable attention at tho time. He is also tho author of "A History of tho Civil War in Amorica." A QUAINT OLD TOWN. Where the Articles of Confederation Were First Adopted. They aro holding a centennial In York, Ta., this year. Tho town was settled in 1720 by the Germans, and there the conti nental congross adjourned from Philadel phia in September, 1787, to Juno, 1788. It wns Incorporated in 1787. Hut it is chiefly noted as tho town where tho articles of confederation were signed, ou the 15th of November, 1777. Dur ing tho first session of the continental congress hero occurred tho resignation of John Hancock, and tho death of Philip Livingstone, ono of tho immortal signers of the Declaration of Independence. YOItK'8 OLD COUNT HOUSE. James Smith, another of tho signers, was ono of York's most distinguished cit izens, and Thomas Hardy, tho first mem ber of congress from York county, lived heroin lino stylo. Tho first locomotivo ever built in America was built in York by phincas Davis, a resilient, and tho en gine was first used upon tho Haltimoro and Susquehanna railroad. Tho quaint aspect of tho old town, with its comfort able low houses of stone and brick, has changed, and the advent of tho railroads has brought to it tho roar of modern civil ization. Tho cut shows the old court house In which the continental congress held IU seaslout in York. n , a- It -T Lmt. VOLUNTEER AND THISTLE THE DISCUSSION WHICH THEY EX CITE IN YACHTING CIRCLES. Comparison DM ween the Two Taebta What Hootch Yachtsman Thinks About the Matter The ThUtle Mot UolU After American Models. There never has been such a heated dis cussion over the comparative merits of two yachts as the debates now going ou In New York and other yachting ceuters over tho merits of the ThUtle and the Volunteer. The performance of tho Thistle in tho trial race which took place recently between tho Volunteer and the Mayflower, and w hich effectually decided the superiority of the Volunteer, has called forth opinions of evory shade. Thero can bo no question that Volunteer stock has gone np considerably since the trial race, but the fact that on that occa sion the J lost on boat bent tho Thistle should not furnish any reasonable grounds for supposing that the Volunteer is the better boat, but at the same time the fact thst the Volunteer did beat the Thistle, no matter what the circumstances were, seems to hnvo greatly stimulated confi dence in the former lsat. To sum up tho whole mutter, tho facts seem to be as fol lows: . On tho day of the trial races the Volun teer beat the Thistle one minute and fifty nine seconds in a nine mile race. On tiiat day the Volunteer was in racing trim and carried tho same sail measurement that SCOTLAND UCHT5HIP whcu THISM LNTCRfO HACI cocnsE or volcsteek in trial races. sho will carry on tho day of tho great race, with the exception of her new mainsail, which is a trifle lighter and larger thnn her old one. It Is safe to predict that she will not greatly exceed her performance of hat day when she Bails against tho Hus tle. Tho friends of tho Thistle declare, in excusing her work, that she was not in racing trim. Her bottom was not clean, she towed a dingy astern and she carried two more boats in her davits. In addition to this, the Thistle carried a smaller jib than she usually does in such weather, and a man who was on uoarci ol her ut the tlmo asserts thut she was hin dered very much by the boats that hung in her davits. A gentleman, who is yachting editor of a prominent Scotch journal, writes to The New York World a lengthy letter in which ho says thnt in his twenty years' yachting experience ho has never seen any vessel burst so much broken water as the Volun teer did on tho day of the trial race. He even goes so far as to say that tho Anchor lino steamship in which he crossed tho Atlantic did not mako such a row even in a gale of wind. This seems to be putting tho case rather strongly In view of the fact that the clean wake of the Volunteer has been expatiated on ever since she has been launched. He declares furthermore that tho Thistle is no American invention, but is the of of de- outcome of tho latest revision tho Iirltish yacht racing rule measurement. Mr. Watson, the signer, has, he says, designed a new type of Iirltish yacht, and by fortunate guess work has hit off a fast boat. Tho interest inu fact remains, however, that the Thlstk closely resembles American models. Cuts published in this article show the course of the Volunteer in the trial race and the New York Yacht club course ATLANTIC OCEAN NEW YOUK YACHT CLUB COURSE. over which the two yachts will sail on the 27th. Tho first rnco will bo sailed over the inside course, starting from Owl's lead. Tho secoud race Sept. 2D will bo sailed either from Buoy 0, the Scotland lightship, or the Sandy Hook lightship, according to tho wind on the day of the race. Tho third race, if it is necessary, will bo sailed over a triangular course outside of Sandy Hook. Hon. James I). I'orter. At the close of tho war James D. Porter, of Tenucsseo, who has just resigned the position ot first assistant secretary of state, was a Union member of the Ten nessee legislature. Ho is ttio author ol tho celebrated Porter resolutions, which were declarations in iavor oi me ya l'..l ivi, WW however, his state seceded, ho followed her for tunes into tho war, and served as adjutant gen eral on Gen. Cheatham's staff. Ho nf:erwnrd sat on the circuit court bench, and In 1873 succeeded John C. Drown as governor of Tennessee. Ho served two terms. JAM8 FORTER. In 1870 he was a member of the constitu tional convention of the state. Since then he has devoted LimselX to railway Interests. wmmM. ijrmi f 1 1 1 1 w if t c y i I wmm a! lit I 1 1 f 1 1 I II I M steamm MV1LAN8 oj sttam yacht b -'"S I li eras . CLC ill ?Sfc) A CAPTAIN'S FAITH. EXPLANATORY NOTES BY REV. GEO. P. HAYES, D. D., LL. D. LeMon I of the International Aeries (rourth Quarter) for Nundity, Oct. S. Trst of the Le , Matt. Till. 5-13. Golden Test, Matt. vlll. 8-10. V. 5. A centurion at t"arnaum A very largt numlwr of the lmsnn of this quar ter ih )w events or utUtrnuee in the vicinity of Cseniiium, which was during all this time Christ' hoin. A centurion in tho Ro nmn army corrnnd"d to a captain in ours. His command wiu 100 men. V. 0-3. The diieato PaUy is a disease w lieli uotuiista of I'm of power over the mus cles, and may be eitliHr complete, loavlng the body helplena, or partial, leaving the muscles active but uncontrollable. There are some reasons for Imlieving tbU raie was of the latW kind, and probably what U now known as St. Vitua' daiH-e. If so, then the "griev ously toraiwntod'' will be appreciated by wry one that bat seen a caso of this disease. Chrut V reply (v. 7) w& a quick answer to the centurion jmtiLioii for help, and a full justification of tho faith that lrd him to nook Christ' aid. V. 8 kIiowk the conception the ceuturion had of Christ's xwor over die&e. This case of the centurion was among the very earliiwt of Christ' manifestation, of his power to do signs at a distance. The centu rion's faith wa liown in Moving that the Sa viour's coming was not need!. Vs. 10, 11. Tun CreutileH Jio doubt this centurion was a Gmitile, and this is the flrt manifestation of tla Gentile faith that was to b so largely called forth after the day of IVntecoit. V. 11 has loeii abundantly ful filled as a prophecy in tbe uUtory of the church. The expression Shall sit down with Abra ham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven" is the Onmital mtliod of express ing a thorough hwiiie wleom. The whole transaction lieomes a tyiw of the future spread of his g el among tho Ountiles, and thU centurion is the first fruit of that ingath ering which has leen accomplished in the Gentile world. Vs. 12, 13. Rejection The alternative of rejection is set forth in v. 1A Tbe Oetitiles of tbe east and west are wet in contrast with tbo children of tbe kingdom, and the race is represented by one or the other of these. So also Is each individual porson. Those who will not accept Christ are to bu cast out into the outer darkness. Oriental roasts were at night, with the house brilliantly lighted. Tbe outer darkness is the exclusion from that light and planty and comfort which reign ithin. The Saviour now put the centurion's faith and the faith of the people to another test. He said, "Oo thy way; and as thou hast be lieved, so be it unto thee.' The conduct of each one was now to show how far be be lieved in tbe Savour's word. If the cen turion's faith was as strung as he said, he would go home confident of tbe result. Note 1. Military otllnei nre generally sup posed to bo a beurtiess class. Here is one who hod a tender regard for those under him. If employers and people ot influence would have similar care for those within their power, the relations of affection would boas clixse ns they are here. 2. Many pupils to whom this lesson will le taught, who have had Christian trainme from their youth, will illustrate v. 12 to their 'ternid disgrace and pain. And many chil dren of heathen and vicious parents, to whom this lesson will 1m cuught in our mission schools in this and other lands, will illustrate v. 11 to their everlasting honor and joy. SUOOKSTIVE APPLICATIONS. V. 8. I am not worthy thut thou shouldest come under my roof People of authority and of wealth in these days approach the church, if they approach it at all, as if their presence was a favor. They seem to have a lurking idea that they ore to be praised by a minister for condescending to attend when he preaches. Whether they actually go so far in thought as to suppose that they are con ferring a favor upon the Almighty by using a port of the Sabbath in riding to church, and fanning themselves with an indifferent attention upon all the services, may be a question they would not like to answer to themselves. It Incomes a kind of constitu tional habit with them to patronize every thing. They Imve a patronizing air toward all who are sociully on a different level from themselves, ami they carry this same air into religion and church work. The centurion, though a man of position and a representa tive of Roman authority, not ouly possessed more sense but more humility. He recog nized the great favor he was seeking; be also had some proper appreciation of the dignity and tho power of the porson from whom he asked so great a favor. lie did not belittle himself, but rather showed true greatness in his humility. There is a useful lesson here for all. V. 13. As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee If the prayers of ordinary Chris tians were answered in this way now, about how many do you think would receive what they ask for? About how large a proportion of those w ho profess regularly and daily to ask blessings of tbe Lord really and truly have faith to believe that they will receive exactly what they ask for? If the answer in every case were to be, "According to thy faith" so be it done unto thee, how much would they really get? Now, the fact is thst tbe answer which Jesus made on earth to the centurion is but an indication of the answer which be usually makes to all who seek him. The Christian gets not what ho asks for, but according to the faith with which he asks. HINTS FOR riUMAKY CLASSES. The place Capernaum, at the northwest ern end of the sea of Galilee, where Jesus often went. His second miraclo was per formed on tho son of a nobleman who lived In Capernaum. It was a military post and the home of Simon Peter, where Jesus cured Peter's wife. It was the home or headquar ters to which Jesus often returned. Tbe persons Tbe centurion or captain of one hundred men, a Roman military ofllcer; his servant, who was ill; and Jesus Christ, the great Physician. Tho story Tho fame of Jesus hail become so great that many people flocked to hear him and to be healed of various diseases whenever he entered a city. Soon after coming to Capernaum this time, the Roman ofllcer came to him to beg that he would heal his servant, who was very ill. Servants were often a part of tbe family in those days, and much la-loved when found faithful. They remained a lifetime with the same family, so thut their interests were identical. This officer came himself to see Jesus, instead of sending a messenger, which shows how treat bis iersonul interest wus in him. Although this otl'uvr held a position of rank and authority, he was very humble when speaking to Jesus. Ho must have known that Jesus was his Lord and no common physician. He meant, As I give orders to my men to do one thing and another and they obey me, so I know a word from you can in the same way command disaso. He had probably heard how tho nobleman's son woscured when Jesus was in Cuiio, and of other wonderful cures. He saiJ, "Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed." Jesus was surprised at bo strenff falcb, and tJ, "I have not fouud to great faith, no, not in Israel." Noni of tbe people of u w bad shown such conn dence and belief In him as this Roman ofllcei did. Jesus Christ h always pleased with real trust and faith In him. Every one likes to M trusted, especially when doing good to others. Tbe good news V. 11 contains a precluui promise for the people of all lands, that many shall come from the east and west and ihU sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; I sit alas, the next verse tells us that the children of tbe king dom shall be cast out It is not enough to belong to a pious family or even to belong U tbe church: not enough to attend Sunday school and religious services. There must be true faith in Christ to secure a place in heaven, and this any one may posses, no matter in what land or what nation or what church. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, ami thou shalt he saved" (Act xvi, 311. This I the rule and the promise for every one in America, Japau, India, China, in all tbe world. Sun. lay School World. Ilucklia' Arnica Salve, The best salve In the world for cuts, bruise tores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sore, tetter chapped hands, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guarunieeu logiveperreciaul Ufaction. or mouey reunded. Price 2o cents per hoi For sale hv D. Lorrlaux. pHSC NATIONAL 13 AN it OF OTTAWA. lOO.OOO H. M. HAMILTON tr(ldent WILUAM Cl'LLEK JOHN K NASH DIRECTORS: Vice President. CmJiI". Pdwm-cl C. Swift, hot-he M. IlUiliuoll. Wm. Cullaa. Lorenjo Lelsnd. K. V. Ortwm. John F. Kuh. H. M. Uamiltoo. Kxchsnite on L'nicsgo, New York, a all the pruic pel cities ot the United States nought and sold. Kxchange on Kngland, Ireland, Scotland and Conn nental Europe drawn ui sum to suit United Btato Boodi, Oold and Stiver bought and tola Oar faciUUttt are inch that we can offer Inducement! to cuatomert, and we shall ue our euSeavors to gin otlifuctten to those entrtunng ui with their business. Banking hour from ( a. m. to 4 p. n. JOHN K. NASH. Caihier. RATIONAL riTV HAN H. OF OTTAWA. i (Formerly City Hnk of Eatnn Allen Co.) K. C. ALLEN President T. D. CATLIN Vice President ED. C. ALLEN', Ja Cashier. A. F. SCHOCII Aulit. Cashier. Exchange on Chicago and New York and all Uu principal cities east and west nought and sold. Exchange on England, Ireland, Scotland and aH im portant point in Continental Europe drawn In iuuu u utt purchmwr TJ. S. Revenue Stumps of all denomination! constant ly on hand and for ule. United States Bonds, Local Securities, Gold and Silver bought and sold. Banking hours from 9 M. to 4 P. 11. A. V. SCHOCH. Awilit. Cashier. ATTORNEYS. rH-Nf'A.V Mi' DOl'liALL. e. n, ciiai-man. il IK'VS at Law, Oedney's Ulock, Ottawa, 11.. aprJU I W. W. riLAKK, Attorney and Counselor VI. at Law. Itooui 16, Opera lloum Ulock, Ottawa. IU. All legal buulueaa promptly attended to. Janifl Ilnlll II Kli 1 .1 . Ar I"1 VI Al'VrAN. Allnr. TOHKNZOLH.IjANn.AttorneyamlCouu. j neluratLaw. Otllce lu PoaUitllce Block. Ottawa, Illinois. marttfl JKHfll B. RtTORR. N. KILKFBN. 1 UOKK& ICIl.HURN.Atternws&Coun k aelora at Law: alwj Notary Public. Oince In Knt turer A Metzger'a Block, eaat of Court Houae. febT'US 'I'HOS. C. KULLKKTON, Attorney at M. Law, Ottawa, Illinois. Olllce In Buahuell'a block, weat of Court House. Jaul-4 bi C. BWIKT, Attorney at Law, Armory BoclL i. Bpevlal attention glTen to prohate mailers. J. W. DCNOAW. 4. J. O OONOB. DUNCAN Ac O'CONOR, Attorneys at Law. Ottlcelu Futterer Metzger block, east of i ourt house, Ottawa, Illinois. July-M'tf 1. r. BULL, LK8TKR H. STBAWN. B. W. BUG KB. BU1-.Ij, H'l'HAWN Jc HUKK, Attor neys aad Counsellor at Law. OUlce over Cit Drug Store, corner of La Salle and Madlaun streets, Ot tawa, 111. inH,M BIBAMT. OILBIBT. JAH1S H. BOK1LS. IliHKHr c KCKKLH, Attorneys and I nonnanlora at Law. Futterer A Metiaer's TUock. east of Court House. sep.S8 MN. ARMSTRONG, Attorn ry n Coua . selor at Law, Ottawa, IU. Notary t'ubllc. OUlo In Oedney's Block, Ottawa. JunMO 'P O. '1'HKNARYi Attorney at Law. Oflic J. with L. W. Brewer, Koouis d, 9 4 10, Opera Hobs Block, Ottawa. 111. JunS LW. BRKWKR, Attorney and Counselor at . Law, and Notary Public. Boom 8, 9 A 10, Opers House Ulock, Ottawa, 111. CI OHIO-OS, Attorney and Counselor at Law J Office In Lynch' block. Main street. Ottawa, 11L T MoUOUQALLi, Attorney at Uw, Ottawa, XJ 111. ufflc in oeuney s mocc. deciJ BIT. IjINOOIjT;, Attorney at Law. 0e orer No. 1 La Salle meet, weat tide ,ijtnt Co art Bouse, Ottawa, m. JalytfS G KOROK B. KLPRKTOK, Attorney law. Omoe in roatomce uioca viiawa, in. apri HIIBT MATO. JOH H. WIDM . MAYO at WIDMKBi Attorneys at Lw. Offlce to NatUager' Block, corner of I Hallt and Main street front room an italrs, Ottawa. Ill PHYIIOIANI. T. OtiMSTJUIJ, Dentist, 723 La Salle Street, Ottawa, 111. Office will be closed from Oct. 1st, 1WT, to March 6th, 1388. except holiday week. DR. CHARITY 8ANPKRH, successor to Dr. Alclmla Auten. office Opera Home Block, Ottawa, 111. Telephone. No. ViV eplS 1) R. J. S. HYHURX, Ottawa. 111. Office tn Opera House Block, in omce uay anu mutit. M. UA8COM, M. 1., Office Hours, 3 to I. Office and Residence, Always In office during office hours. P. O. BLOCK DR. J. "W. WK.IS, (Deutcher Ioctor,) late Physician and Burgeon to the St. Louis Vernal Hoilptal. Office over Stlefel's Clothing Store, corner ol Main and La ball street. Healdenc on soath bluff, at Mr. Kena's. apM DR. C. MIIj)L.KR, the well known Ocnlls and Aunst. Ottawa, 111. Olllce, over Lynch' dry goods store. Main street. EY. CRICCf, Drwwlst, Bookseller and Sta- tlon er, Ottawa, III. Second store In Naitlagerl Block, south side of Court House Square. M. KNKUHHIj.Oennan Drnreistend Apothe at., cary, twuoieeaie auu rruuu aiain Lrcrri.wuw wa. 111. Importer of Drugs, Chemicals, French Cogul ac Brandies. W'nes Ae DR. WM. eji.i'lARI, Member t U Koysl College ot . terlnary tJurfteons, Kuv.ana: XeUow ot the Loudon veterinary Medical Association: also Veterinary Kdl or ulo' Spirit q) ( iurf. can be consulted at his omce. en Lafayette St. aaal H. O. STRAWN'S Lumber Yard AND PLANING MILL, Near the Illinois River Bridge. oHditrHsetttentf, TII0S. MILLER & SONS Fa'IMVintorCataloGUO OF LADIE0 AND OKN'TI KMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Now nsrty and sent free on application. TH0S. MILLER & SONS, Otli Avk oar. fi2il St., Now York. TotrufladUfooUtoregw- Toe organ of both (mall . and treat, II cheek Dick Bto&ooto, and the woe Bidatla piauaat to tbe fO ton need gulp It down Safeaat,, U'ANTKD-LAniUH. for our Kail and ' f Christmas Trade, to lake lUhl, pleaMint work at their own hom.s. 81 to per day can be quietly made. Work sent by mail any distance. Particular free. NoianvaiwlnK. Adurm at once, CKK8CRNT AKTCO. 14; wilk bt , Booton Mn. Box SITU. OTTAWA POST Of KICK. AltKITAL AMI) DlPABTt'BK UP MAIL. C, It. I. a f. It. rt. Eastern mail 1U-0 a. a. BRirae. M p. st. 11 :t) a. u Hesiern mal .1 il w m Night mull 8:00 p. a. C. U. A O. It. It. Southern mail U:ki a. m. :M p. M. UM &. u. 1M A. St. Northern mall 8:iO p. a. Streator spe lal T:) p. a. Dkkb Habk. Tueadays. Thursdava, Krldays. 1 .00 p. m. UH M. i mce open at :ut a. a. Cloaea at 7 :00 p. u. Olllce open Sundays from II tn I o'clock. WM. OSMAX. P. M Cnleago, BarUngtoo and Quine B. B TIMK TABLiA April Int. 18H. Al'IiOIiA AND 8TKKATOR BRA.VCH. Going South, Going North, fa fas STATIONS. j I'sm. Pass No. 80 I No. 83 KxSun Ex Bun No. O I No l Ex Sun Ex8uu' & n. 48 PM.A1 .so s.a 3.17 3.13 S.OB 4.33 4.43 4.W 4.80 4.1 4.08 4.04 4.0V 8.30 3.35 ...CbUMgO. ....Aurora.. 10.80 tit .IT 9.01 s.54 8.43 8.34 8.M 8.18 8.18 7.38 7 54 7.50 7.42 7.28 South Aurora. 3XKoi KIT June .York vlll.. . ....Kox Mlllbrook.. .M.lllngton.. ..Slirldan... ...Strena.... ...Blake.... ...Wedron... .. Davton 1 ax IU 34 3V 39 43H C.R.I.AP.Cr'g 44 UI 1 An A 4V 4ft 9 Ottawa Spr'gs ..maeiTacK.. .Grand Itidfw. ...Richards... ...Streator... 7.08 7.50 .W 3.07 8.00 ri.LT A B.LT Freluht trains uarrylng lawsntceni leare Ottawa a follows: For Paw Paw and Karl, 4.30 p. at.: forStrea tor, 8.08 A. si., 3.05 p. ..nd looo a. v; for Aurora, 10.00 A. SJ. Pullman j-aiare Bleeping (bar, u o. x j. urawiaa Kojra Car. Horton's IlecllntnK Chair Cars, and the C. H A O. Palace Dtntnf Cars, bv this route. All Informa tion ahont rates of fare, sleemng car avcetnmojatlon and time tables wtl b.-cheerfully alven hy applying to rAtu mi in run Gonern' Pasaenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago. H. H. SroN. General Manager Chlcairo. GKO. K. KOR, Agent at Ottawa Chicago, Bock Island and Pacitio BaJlroad, NEW TIMK TABLE. Goiko East. No. 10, Peru Accommodation 7.03 a M 3, Omaha, Nt. fain auu renrm r.xpreas. a a 13, KaitKHaCltr KApn-asand Mali 11.13 a If R. Trenton. Nlo.. ft Chicago Actum 3.55 p H A Khiiium City Night Ki press 3.30 a II 4, Omaha & St. Paul Express rreiy'H Carrying fuinrngnt. so OOINO WlW. 3.33 a If 7.01 A If . 1.15 P M , 5.33 P M Kn. Oin.itin A (t. Panl Mailt Kxnreas 1.33 A if " 3, nanhus, liy aim reoria riKio r.Airea.. .u m.m " 7, Chiciigo A Trenton Accommodation 11.30 A II " 11, KaiiMis City Kxprens and Mail 3.07 p M " 1, Omaha. St Paul A' I'eorla Exp. & Mall.. 8.33 p M 9, t eru AccommiHiation b.iupbi yreiuhlMCiuriina I'atttnytrt. 29 10.45 A M "33 3.45 P II Noa. and 10 arrive in Chicago at 10 a. at. and leave Chicago at 5 P. M. daily (Sunday excepted). No. currms pasacnger troin eiieseo to imawa. No. m carrlea iiaam-iiuers belweeu Jollet ana La Sal if , and No. So between La Salle and Jollet. Nos. it and 28 carry paiwengyrs between Blue Island and La Salle. II. 1L Caiilk, Oen'l Manager. K. ST. ildHTf, M. r. PBBITYMAN Gen'l Tkt. ft Pass Agt. Agent at Ottawa Illinois Central Bailioad. OOlNfl KOIITH. FBOll LA CALL!. Paiwenger 4:37 a. m. Pa?nger 11 :43 A. M., Accommodation 9:58 P. H. Freight 13:35 a. H. KreiKht 3:1" a, m. freight 4:09 P. If. Pasaenger 3:44 A. M OOlNli SOUTH, rU U BAU1.H. PaxM-nger i:"3 P. M. Freight 12:30 A M. Freight 9:40 A, M Freight (goes no further) 18:43 P. M. 8. P. MOOBB, W.L.LIODTHABT,. Ticket Agent Freight Agent Chicago, Alton ft St. Louii Bailroad On and after May 9, 1886, trains on the C. & A. B H. paas Jollet as follows: bOINO OBTU. K. C. and St. L. Express 3.13 A M Lightning Express 5.50 A M Jollet Accoiiiniodatlon 7.45 A M Denver Express 12.30 p M Express Mall 5.30 Pn Goino South. Kxpres Mall 10.15 A If Denver Rx Dress 3.00 P M Jollet Accotntnodatloa 8.35 P U Lightning Mxnress iu.m r at K. C. and St. L Express 12.4. A H Lightning Express, Denver Express, and Kansas City and St. Louis Express trains run dally; Express Mall and Jollet Accommodation run uaiiy, except ftuaoay. Kansas City and St. Louis Express going south run through without change of cars. Morning train to St tnls has free chair cars, and evening train through sleeper to St. Louis and Springfield. Ticket Aaent C. tt A. ltallroad. Money to Loan. T have moner constantly en hand to loan, In sum to suit, on farm lands In La Salle and adjoining counties. at the lowest current rates ot interest, on long or snort time. Call ou or address LEVI W. ROOD, Aug. 27-3ino Sherldau, 111. ii) THOS. & HUGH COLWELL MANUFACTURERS OF r sli, Doors, Blinds MOULDINGS, i&ir Kail Balusters, Newels, Ac. AC Ac ' - i In stock TnrrM ana Plain Building Papm Hinqtt, N'UU, and every thing necessasy to com i bouse. Retake contracts In any part of this ot ''loinibg statt-a. Parties contetnplating building - i do well to call on us an get our figures. OFFICE AND FACTORY, i,a Sal!? Street, Ottawa,!!!.. FOR 15 CTS. Atsid laltatlsas. yoa raa wtt at aay arug mr mnvmm lore la las C. S. a eat WILLUXS CES113B f ASKaV :8HAVIK8SOAP. CaaMM for 30 year a?r saaallrd., Sr snrtralaf tl braH, aMIkla th skla, aa for lu rlrfc aa Uula latter taas soap Is Biarwlaaa, Ifaaaaltiaabulalt f yaar aairr, wa will aull K, aa rserts I Ucts. laaUatsa. S CENUINX YANKEE SOAP t AM CHESTER CfflM. WILLIAMS iBROTBERS XkaJ. R.WIttiaaC. raa naapa. rrrir a ars., P.M. tT an. tr 4.(0 4.45 .U 10. iS 4.17 10.2H 6.23 10.3.1 .u lo. rt i.iO 10. M . 11. Ot) .M ll.M 7.03 11. IS 1.U ll.M 71 11.33 l. 11.37 1.) ll.M 7.J7 ll.M 7,30 12.02 (.10 Vi.U a. is U.S3 8.30 U.43 Builders