Newspaper Page Text
PL M VOL 49. OTTAWA, ILL., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1887. NO. 0. 0 'Me tia For Fly!" Is what ire propose to do, on prices of Fall and Winter Dry Goods. We will offer you no taffy In the way of a "spurt" ten-minute sale of something at half-price; nor will we hare re course to the confidence or lot tery schemes of giving a cheap daub picture, or something com paratlrely worthless, to persons who buy certain quantities of goods. We will sell you all goods at clean-cut prices, with out the incumbrance of losses made on the ten-minute spurt sales or the expense of cheap, showy, daub pictures. Just come and see if we don't. A. LYNCH. CI1AS. MOEDLER, Meat Market, MAIN STREET, Summer Sausage a Specialty. All moats, fresh and rait, handled, and heat quality the market affurds always ou hand. Uood delivered to order. Vour patronage la tollcltad, and no effort. win ue iparea to gire i uu Perfect Satitfadion at All Times. Ottawa, III., July 30, 1837. AND HACK LINE. 160. TELEPHONE. 160. PETBREGAN Would respectfully announce to the cltlzena of Ottawa ana vicinity mat ne naa one oi tne cnoiceat uvery Stock In the city, at the City Stable, auch a The Latest Styles of Hacks, Carriages and Buggies, To let at rlees to ault the times. Parties. Weddlnca Funeral. Picnic. Ac, supplied with Good Klgt n short notice. Funerala In the country or adjoluli.t towm promptly attended to. Persons taken to or from tbt depots, or to the country, night or day. tW Remember the place On Madison street, east ot siuecnt, ne diock west oi new court nouae. Ottawa Feb. 8 1SS1 PETKB EGAN. For lie Fall Me. NEW ARRIVALS AT i. j. mm OF Cloaks and Shawls, IN GREAT VARIETY, Flannels, Bankets AND ALL Woolen Fabrics, ALSO Table Linens, Towelings, &c, in fact, of all lines to to make up a Complete Fall Stock In all Departments. New rices AH Over the House. This is the banner stock of a banner year at this house, and both stock and low prices will be found unequalled by any other house in the city. AN INSPECTION INVITED I LIVERY AND STABLE Very Satisfactory, The excellence of the fall stock at II. J. Gulch's In this city beoomes more and more apparent to the publlo da by day. Never were expressions of satisfaction by the pub Iio more emphatio and spontaneous than they are daily now with this new stock. That publio would Indeed be hypercritical which could find fault with The Superb Dress Goods Department; The immense .clonk and shawl depart, ment ; The new and complete carpet stock ; The low prices on flannels, blankets and woolen goods ; or The mammoth boot and shoe stock. Everything there i new ; every new thing is there ; and prices are guaranteed to be, at least, as low as the lowest. Ttey are in fact the lowest. Call and examine the stock personally. Died. Last Wednesday morning, at his home on the north side, Peter Riohardson, aged fifty-seven years. He had been ill for about eleven weeks. Mr. Wm. Dawell of this city is in negotia tion with the Marseilles water power com pany with a view to erecting a roller flour mill there. Marseilles people will find him a gentleman as well as a first-class miller and business man. Iteuiarkable Occurrence. William Trabing, jr., went up to Chicago to see Cleveland. He saw all the sights and says that Chicago is a big city. He says that Cleveland is a good-looking man, and looks a great deal like Mr. D. A. Cook. The only slight hindrance to Mr. Cleveland's beauty is that be is very bald. While he was passing the Palmer House a very remarkable occur rence took place. Mr. Cleveland bad bis hat off, and was smiling upon the multitude when the remarkable occurrence took place. It was one of the most peculiar occurrences in the records of accidents. A fly lit on Mr. Cleveland's bald head, and slipped and fell and broke Its leg. We have Mr. Will Trabing' s word for the above, so we can unhesitatingly vouch for its being true. J. F. Kendig left for Pennsy Ivania Thurs day morning with his family and household effects. Mr. Rose is in full and glorious possession of the Journal. Kansas Excursion. J. I. Warner will run another of his pop. ular western excursions, leaving Ottawa October 11th. Tickets to any point fifty miles or more west of the Missouri river one fare for the round trip. Call on or ad dress J. 1. Warner, Ottawa, 111. The Congregational parsonage Is receiving a coat of paint. It will greatly improve the looks of the building. Fiske & Deem have In their window an elegant display of goods in the form of a large wheel which is run by clock-work. Jones & Nickerson have a fine new sign for their tailoring establishment. It is a very artistic piece of work. Neck Wear, See our new styles. Always the head quarters for nice neckwear. Oak Hall. Dr. Hopkins went and bought him a new stovepipe hat a few weeks ago, and the other day was seen with the old one on again. He said that people guyed him about his new hat and he was n t going to wear it any more. We have the finest assortment of new styles in coats to be found in the county, and our prices are away down. Oak Hall. The first tea of the season was given at the parlor of the Congregational church last Wednesday evening. There was a large at. tendance and a general good time. These teas have grown very popular and their re sumption will he a source of pleasure to many. Mothers, bring your boys to Oak Hall and get one of those good, warm, comfortable overcoats cheap. North of court house. The following are the appointments of the Rock River Conference for the Joliet dis trict: N II Axtell, presiding elder, Engle- jwoad; Blue Island, W 0 Shepard; Channa- don. W Batchelor, supply, Crete and Monee, A E Saunders; Dalton and Thornton, 0 S Harrington, supply; Elwood, J F Kellogg; Frankfort and New Lennox, E II Deal; Freedom, C C Sind, supply; Joliet, Ottawa street, 0 F Matson; Richard street, W II Holmes; Irving street, D M Yetter, supply; La Salle, JL Bell; Lemont, W II Stout; Lisbon, B X Bibbin; Lockport, C A Bucks; Manhattan and Green Garden, T L Olmsted; Marseilles, J F Clancy; Millington and Milbrook, T C Warrington; Minooka, A H Listler; Morgan Park, J B Hamilton,supply; Newark, J T Cooper; Orland and Mokena, Wm Sharbaogh, supply; Ottawa, 1st church, D J Holmes; Ottawa, 2d, E E McKay; Teo tona, G W Winslow; Peru, to be supplied; Platteville, E W Adams; Prairie Center, Frank Times; Seneca and Manlius, II Hay, supply; Sheridan, John Lee; Utica, W E Wilkinson, Wilmington, Saumel Weir, sup. ply; Wilton Center and West Peotone, W J .Huston; Worth, to be supplied; Wyanet and West Bureau, Brown. You will find everything in UNDERWEAR from 25c to $5, at Oak Hall, the one price clothier. Third Involc Of Splendids on the road. As usual, this magnificent stove leads the procession on hard coal heaters. Now Is the time to order one, before it gets cold. If you want the best Cook in tub World, you will certainly get a "kivimids." Kaxo- ib. They are without a peer. The "lUverside" Oak is also capturing the people. It is by far the handsomest Oak Stove on the market. All the above will be gladly shown you at any time, at Kikdall's. Glove I And don't you forget it. This season we have tne best stock in the state, and we want everyone to know it. Oak Hall, North of Court House. The opening of J. E. Scott & Co. this week has been a perfect success. The store has been crowded every day and hundreds have feasted their eyes on the latest styles of dress goods, cloaks and millinery. This firm is having a very large trade this fall. So far their sales are away anead of year ago Mr. Patrick Hayes, for 35 or 40 years a resident of this city, died yesterday of kid ney trouble. He was a nttive of Cork, Ire land, where his surviving relatives live. He was a gardner in the old country, and fol lowed that business all his life in Ottawa, his nursery being on Illinois Ave. He was quite successful, and leaves a valuable es tate. A quiet, unassuming, hard-working man, be never made any great noise in the world; but he was always known as & man of good habits and of the strictest integrity and honor. He was never married we be lieve. J. E. Scott sold a lot in South Ottawa this week at $10 per foot. If you want a carriage, buggy, or road cart, get prloes at Gay & Son's before buy- Teas, coffees, dried fruits, fresh canned goods, hams, syrups, and eveettuino ever kept at a first-olass grocery, can be had at rock-bottom prices at the new grocery store of L. Buck key. One of the handsomest store window dis plays ever seen in Ottawa was that of Fiske & Beem on circus day. Conspicuous in the center of their large double window was a large wheel, completely covered with gents' furnishing goods, hats, etc. The wheel was attached to some clockwork, and was kept in motion. This wheel is there yet, and is a gentle reminder that FiBke & Beem are in the lead still with gents' furnishing goods of all descriptions. No more complete stock is to be found anywhere. The w Mai-Hell lea House. Some little uuavoidable delays prevented the opening of II. J. Gillen's Marseilles branch until this morning, when that public will be able to inspect the new goods in the dry goods and boot and shoe line. The Free Trader is confident the Marseilles people will be delighted, for the management mean that this stock shall in every way surpass anything ever opened there, and be in every way of such a character as to keep the Mar eeilles trade in Marseilles where her people think it belongs. The low prices that rule in the Ottawa house will be maintained in Mareilles, and thore is no question the new house will step at once into a fine business. Everthing you can think of in yarns at J. E. Seott & Co.'s. Go to Gay & Son's for the best road cart in the market. Prince Aldert Coats. A new lot just re ceived. Perfect fit guaranteed. Fine good, equal to custom made coals. Prices very low. A. Alsciiuler. The Victor Mill Still continuo to make the best flour in the market. Their two leading brands, the Hungarian and Silver Cloud, cannot bo excelled by any flour ever manufactured. Every housekeeper should use them. Sub jected to any and all tests, they do take the leal. There is no flour in the market that equals them. When you can patronize home manufacture and at the same time get the very best for the least money, never use for eign flours. The members of the Ottawa lodge of the Patriarchal Circle reveived invitations last Tuesday afternoon to an initiation, banquet and dance to be given by the Morris Knights Patriarch of the Circle. The Morris Knights know how to entertain, and the members of the Ottawa lodge will be assured of an ele gant reception. Stove. GARLAND, ALLADIN, CLIMAX, ROUND OAK, (The only "original" one made.) Manlet &, Jordan. Fine Custom Tailoring. L. II. Jones, prop., and W. 0. Nickerson, agent, are now just getting fairly under way with their new enterprise. Call and see them. Another case of those nice scarlet all wool blankets, $3.00 per pair, have arrived at J. E. Scott & Co.'s. Do not buy yonr cutters till you have ex aminei the stock at Gay & Son's. FALL HACKS. Sleeting to be Held Oct. 19, 30 and 91 at the Driving Park. In our advertising columns will be found the programme of the Fall Meeting at the Ottawa Driving Park by the Ottawa Associ ation, as decided upon last evening. The programme promises three days of genuine sport. The Association are already atsured of a large field of horses, and the variety in the programme running, pacing, and trotting indicates a thoroughly enjoya ble meeting. This Association never does anything by halves, aud the programme outlined and as surances of support received promise as good a week as the very successful trotting meeting held in August. Our stock of hosiery has arrived. Make your selection while the stock is complete. W. H. Hill & Co. Road Carta Manlet & Jordan's At Aucutler hos just received a full stock of elegant stiff hats at remarkably low prices. Examine them before purchasing. Oo to C M. Forbes' for all kinds of win dow glass. The clearest glass to be found is at his store. In New Quarter. D. Lorriaux, the well-known, reliable and reasonable druggist, has gone to the corner store formerly occupied by Roberts Bros., and all in want of reliable goods, at reason able prices, should give him a call. J. K. Scott ft Co. Are receiving more new carpets, pet trade is opening up brisk. Their ear Removal. Roberts Bros, have removed their bakery and lunch rooms to the store formerly oocu pied by Messrs. Lorriaux and Tres. The store has been thoroughly and elegantly re fitted, and the Roberts Bros, are now pre pared to furnish the best possible accommo dations in the way of lnnches. With In creased conveniences in every way, they are second to no bakery in the state. Call and see their new store and outfit. D. fleas, The sign of the big watch, marks the place where you can procure the finest jewelry and silverware to be found in the "County of La Salle, State of Illinois, ti." There is no doubting it. A careful examination of the goods will please a man who never be fore was pleased. Hess, the jeweler. Every vehicle fully warranted and of their own make at Gay & Son's. Esquire Weeks was seen on the street Tuesday afternoon with a new coat on and his silk hat newly ironed. He went to Chi cago to meet Cleveland by special request. Butteriok's patterns have no equal. Send for catalogue of the fall and winter fashions. J, E. Scott & Co. Fiske & Beem "saw the elephant" in great shape Thursday forenoon. They had their own private blanket on one of Fore paugh's largest elephants. They always keep a full stock of fine suitings, of all styles and prices, and whenever anyone eomes to town to "see the elephant," Fiske & Beem are always glad to show their store and their goods. Last Saturday, Anna Gay, the little daugh ter of Simeon Gay, entertained a number of her little friends. The ocoasion was her sixth birthday. Clothing and gents' furnishing goods of all descriptions at Fiske & Boom's. At iiuir. A new line of hosiery just arrived, nn 1 see Call The CIioi'uh Choir. Prof. Z. S. Harrison, of this city, who has been teaching musio in Rockford, has accept, ed an offer from the trustees of the FirBt Congregational church of Ottawa to manage and lead a chorus church choir in that church. Trof. Harrison arrived in this city this week, and the chorus choir will bo or ganized immediately. The quartette choir will sing for one or two more Sundays until the chorus shall be organized and ready for work. This will be a great attraction to the frequenters of the church, and will add very greatly to the interest of the exercises there. We understand that Prof. Harrison would be pleased to meet any who are willing to join the chorus. Fall Hull's. and winter hosiery just arrived at The Gay road carts are pronounced the best in the market by every person who has used a cart. The cold wave is at hand, so are Stiefel's overcoats. He has just what you want for fall and winter wear. Save money and buy your overcoats at Stiefel's. All lovers of the music-drama will be in terested in the paper which William F. Ap thorp, the well-known musical critic, will contribute to Scrilner't Magazine for Novem ber, on "Wagaer and Scenio Art," which is to be folly illustrated from the original Bayreuth sketches, f 100 bay first-class top buggy at Gay & Son's of their own manufacture. 1819. fetiraneQ 6o off Qorfferi 135th Semi-Annual Stalement. CASH CAPITAL, - - $4,000,000.00 Reserve for Re-Ins. and other liabilities. 2,118,618.22 Net Surplus. - - 3,450 22.17 Total Assets Jan. 1, 1887, $9,568,830.39 Losses Paid at Ottawa Aeency. $37,24209. Losses Paid at Great Fire in Chicago. $3,783,023.13. Losses Paid at Great Boston Fire. $404,067.62. Losses Paid Since Organization: GEO. W. RAVENS, Agent, Wilson & Gertllug, Over the First National Bank, have been in the business a great many years, and are still making fine photographs cheap. They will not be excelled by any one. The running meeting at the Streator Driv ing Park was given this week. It was not a great auocess in point of attendance. The racei themselves were very good, but one of the days was cold and base-burners were not furnished to spectators ; another day was the President's day in Chicago, and so all around the fates were against a large attend, ance. Mr. Louie Hess of this city officiated as starter, and looked after the Interests of the pole horse in the most approved man ner. We never saw Mr. Hess start a field of horses, but are willing to wager heavily he can do it in first class manner. For fine tailorino call on Jones & Nick erson, in the new Colwell block, north La Salle street. Highest price paid for oountry produoe at the new grocery of L. Buckley's on La Salle street. HOSIERY AT HULL'S. We want you trade, and to get it will show you the best line of tailor made garments in Ottawa, at prices that will surely make you a buyer. If you waut n nice overcoat please call and examine those tailor-made coats just in, at M. Stihel's. Window Glass Best in town, at C. M. Forbes' Of all sizes. For the finost and best photographs in the city, rates always the lowest, in fact you can set your own price on our work for we are bound to do business. Everybody should come. We will treat you right. Yours resp't, W. J. Loick's Cor. Main and Columbus St. Those Feed Cutters Sold by Manley & Jordan are proving to La Salle county farmers to be as represented ahead of all others. Manlet & Jordan. Buy the Gay road cart. Mr. W. J. Dwyer has at length become convinced that he is not a Supervisor. Last Friday evening he reHigned again the third time. First he resigned, then he resigned again before Mr. Kccti was elected, and now after a little question with Mr. Cullen as to who was really the Supervisor, he gives up the ghoot and resigns for a third term. Mr. C. S. Cullen now has undisputed possession of the title of Supervisor of Ottawa Town- ship. Call at Buckley's new grocery in the Col well block, aud get prices on all staple and fancy groceries. Mr. W. Reedy went to Chicago Tuesday with Martha, Hose, ami Carrie Pemwyer, agedt welve, seven, and five,. They were declared in the county court to be de pendent, and were taken to the Industrial Home in South Evanston, one of the suburbs of Chicago. Window glass cheap at C. M. Forbes. Wanted By a lady penman, a situatiou to do copying or writing of any kind. Address Box "Hil, Ottawa, 111. Victor Mills flour is the best. Buckley, Colwell block. Sold by L. Justice V. B .Weeks and Thos.'Foley ob tained a settlement last Tuesday with the T P. & W. R. R. Co. for damages sustained in the Niagara excursion smash up. 'Squire Weeks received f 100 and Mr. Foley 5200. The Hon. Henry Mayo would make a first, olass Democrat, and we would gladly wel come him as an addition to the party ranks, ne says that Jim Blaine's Indiana law-suit and the way he tried to get out of it, was about like W. J. Dwyer' resignation as So pervisor. 1007. S. E. Cor. P. 0. Block. Oliver Cornell, FracttcallccoMlaflt Book Opened, Closed ind Balanced. Intricate Aerntinta Investigated and Adjusted. Lessons given In Hlnuie and Duutile Entry Hook-Keep. In, in Clasecs or Other tiw. Ollloe in Ojmra Iouo lllook, aeplo-smus OTTAWA, IL.JU. Novelty 8tel llarneaa. For all farm work it has no equal. Two horses do the work of three, and a boy the work of a man. No tugs or whiffle trees to bother team or driver. Call on J. E. Porter, Ottawa, III., and take a harness out on trial. Boys' overoonts, boys' suits, boys' hats or caps; everything in the way of clothing for boys. Mothers will save money when they tiring their boyg to Stiefel's for clothing, Amusement. Miln in Dimon and Vhytiat. Tuesday even ing, Oct. llth, Mr. Geo. C. Miln and strong supporting company will occupy the opera house, presenting "Damon and Phytias." Mr. Miln has accomplished more and greater results in the past five years then any Amer. ican actor who has ever come before the pub lio. He has already attained to the front rank among Amerioan aotors, and his future is limitless and without measure. For this season Mr. Miln has been very fortunate in securing an excellent Tragedy Company, hit leader, Miss Adele Payne, being one of the handsomest and best leading ladies in the country. Seats are now on sale at Simon' Music Store. DEVIL'S AlCTION. For Wednesday, Oct. 12th, the above Com pany ill occupy the opera houso, of which the Philadelphia Vw says; "Tho 'Devil's Auction,' a spectacular mtlinyt of comedy and ballet, has been a familiar visitor for four years, and, unlike most traveling specta cles, it gets better every year. The very large audience that saw the spectacle at the 'Cen tral' saw it in a guise entirely new. The scenery is all bright as a pin and as gor geous as could Ue wished; the costumes are all handsome and new, the mechanical sur prises ingenious and amusing, and from first to last it proved to be one of the finest ballet spectacles ever given here. The ballet I is largo ami full of pretty girls. The 'Devil's Auction' is just crammed full of good things and we wish we could spare the space to fully describe the many wonderful special ties that are introduced in the play. Suffice it to say that we never saw their equals in their peculiar line. It is altogether a most enjoyable and, in many respects, the very best show of its kind ever presented in this city, and the Central will deserve big houses while it is on the boards. Though in the house there was a fair representation of ladies, yet the preponderance of tne other sex shows that the 'Devil's Auction' is not properly un derstood by the gentler ones, who love the spectacular. The ballet is thoroughly clean, and nothing in the dialogue or any part ot the piece is coarse." Mr. Clarence Griggs and wife, D. A. Cook, Miss Daisy Strawn, Mrs. Bushnell, Mr. Geo. Yentier, and several others went to Chicago last Tuesday to hear Booth and Barrett. There was a surprise party get up on Geo. Eells lut Wednesday night. Several couplet from Ottawa attended. Seven cases of diphtheria in LaSelly