Newspaper Page Text
.KOCK l.sLANIi AKGUS. T H.4TK OF AIIVERTIMXU. sne i(Uitrt (III hue. 01 le, url insertion, etch .idJittonal insertion one weus ... I V ... 3 ilU tw o week,. ...... IIIIV UlUlllll " , months three mouths ' II IllnlllllS one years Win fourth column, 'i months., k 6 rpoiulm. . ' I year.... ball " i mouths, i ti mouths. 1 year. . .. Oi! oluinn, 3 monlh , 6 mouths . .. 4 0(1 . . . ! 00 ... UUO. . . . 8 U 1 ... IS 00 j ... 1.1 00 ... su no ! . . . 30 00 I ... 2.' 00 I ... 3i 00 I ... 60 00 ! . . . frO 00 I oo ...100 00 I year. fl uai lira C'aTtla. nut eiceeduig five hues, one vear 10 00 Special business notice. will be published fur n cents a line lor each insertion. Fur iiuertiuii hi daily and weekly JJ y com., id Dtional to t lie abnta rates. AH advertisements from transient persons nr strangers, to tie purd in, idi ancr. Notices lor religious iml benevolent purposes in serted one time tree ol cn.t, thereafter charged as oilier advertisements. Advcrmeiiieiilii not accompanied with written direction! will lie inserted utilil forbid and charged accordingly r.4T run paper was ostabtbed October lti, li'ii, dy Nii-liul" ii Dunham, and purchased by the present editor. November sih, lsii. It wan then called fue Republican." It name w changed to " Hie Argus." December i:, inun. t lie niiea" was united w.tli the "Argus," Septem ber H, 1 . '7. IT-" The Iiail) paper was established July I'Jlh, ISf4. J. (. DAXrnRTH, JR. MII.TOW JOSH. . UOiK ISLAND POST 0 F F I ( K . MAIL, A It R A Si CliM li N T. Cliiugi and Rock Island Railroad Mail arrive, at H 14 A M., and 7.4.'i P. M Clme. at !'A. M.. aud 5 P. M. Stirling and Itnrk Inland Railroad Mail. m Mo line, Walciluwn, llaiiiptnii, iUnl I it), I'o'l Byron and Cordon arrive at 9. In n. m., and closes at t p. ni I Duutr.iiurt Mill arrive, atii.l.'i a. h. and ''.3.' e. i M. Closes al li a. m and b r. m. CU'imAa Mid, via 1'icii.nil Ridge, Halilt, Ham - ; let, Millorsinirg, .Monroe, New lloslon and ; Koilhsuiils, Ivuiea M.ilid.i), Wednesday and! Friday, al II a. l. A rnves I ueaday. I lium. In) aud Salunl it, al 4 c- M. Af .1101111 M11I, n. preemption, Farlow ' ; (iron-, V.oia, I'opf (reck, .Norm llecdi r- 1 aim and led, leave. tVidni-.ljv and Salurdav . a 1 7 a. m. Arne. I ..--.Ml rind Kruliiy at '1 ('.nr.- I' nnt M11'. "a I'rairielield, llichlalid lir.iv. Centre ledge, iumrd, Kural, Nunn rrm-r;i- iiiil Hender.0.1, leaiea W edlienday al ti . t ., .. r.,..k.i.i, ai 7 e. u. ... ...,. 'c,. 1f.11 in. ' I'eiiiinvlvaiiia, (Irion audi Andoter, leave. Weilne-ilav at 7 A. M . Arrive. Tii'iphCiv at 6 k. m. Cae..,ri Mill' M ul. leave. Monday. W eiliietday Kridav and Mlu'dav, -it 7 A. M. A'me. Tuea- u 11 , 1 !iurda, Kndn , and Saturday at e. H. I'm il' V..l!ry ,'. i'i, leave, "ueaday, Tliumda) and saturdai. It tegular hour lor dupariure No 111a. la or reee.ied on Sunday Ktfice hour Iroui 1 '' ' (111 Sandal open Ironi !l to 10a 111. c. rni kii.i:. r. m i) .1 v expo in Vost or nn: HMI Hlt Nt.l-.MK '!'. Ltmi V -a i o'cloi k 3 m; close- a v "'1 ."' k a "11 arrive 11a;. - evi ej.le.l.;i MjiI Vi' i o'clock a 111; arrive . 1. It. I. it. ii. -( io.ea at I M o' lock p 111; an ive. at . it -t oi Un k p 111. Sun - il. Si M. It. It t'lo-o'. al .it .1 o'clock p III, Sunday i'ov 11 .1-I-. l. uli- I". un no Ii e air. VI s al o'clock l II II, Wilt S. M.Olol-e 1. Thur.d .y at '1 o'clm I iiiinelav ami Sat11rd.1v ; I t o.e al H .Y.r;l.r;i I' Mm. V. i.m-s Ml ll.t.1 . I ileilil.l p III : arrive" J'iltiiT v . I- ,.'. lOl k p 111. A ,11'f . - I" -71 - Moiidny. W idne- 'ay a arrive, fucniav , 1 -nir I h;ue lira.-, etc. --( ilibc. U f mi 1) al !l o'clock p 111; lav Hid S'aturd iv at ! o'- Cot K p III. H-iUtt .V'. '.'is - ' 1.1 T',i!"ll - l io-e. and I r.n w .i- i -1 u' ." :i arrive. 'I'm Tuc dav -day -llld Kril.HV rt 1.' U ' -''I K ill Si-alhrrn Vui... a K.irllll'loil Clotei Suuiiav. I''iini av and Ktul it K okuk- y at H o'i nd Kiiilav ; a rrm Mom d.iv o'l ;"Ck A III. k ju.'e A '. al - o-riork p 111. ( ..i'i .. Koi--C...-c tl:o at 1 111 .,...- 'Hi; -Clo Kriday o'clock Sitnrdav at II iiii inin-ia & Walnut I 1 .' in; arrives '1 liura- - u'ulil h a in; km' ii en Sunday i.e. al on II to lir. :.. - Ihe pr. ul, .ii, tm- tin ,,i in- It Ml. It" I1' ! 111 are can icd I') rail- . it lied in the above notice, I l I'l d K. the eiock III the ili ,. - M. (v. M. m-pot . being the t II II. I.I.DUIDi.K, I'.M. Hill Iv ll t M; C II C It ( II IHItl.C'KiK , , lv-li. H im ni Catholic,) corner Kock Ki'er I I. ii i. -ir.-.-i-, It. -v. I'. J. II. .Murphy, I'aitor, Hev.J.i; Aia III..II, A!ltaiit. Service., un Sni.lav. Ma- it 7' Si 10 A. M. Catec Ilium al !' A. M. ami I'. M. W-.peraat 3 1'. M. and . lie ii i-ij i ' i . o ii ot tlie Sacrauieiil iiiiinedi .n-iy jiier Mas. every innming du- I Hie w eek at t.:3ll.- Ikimiv, i l.nfii:'ii.t i . ) llrieana slrcr't. between li.-ii i. a-! I.;,. It.. M-ithew Mugiil, Hector. ; vurw. mi Sirhi.-y. al H':3o A. M. and "ij I'. j "'I. S:-..ii:i:ti m i.moI at 0 A. M. l.eclnle ou V i-iiln -mI.iv i , a.iij.- it 7- o'i iin k. Kiir Kr i vi,v 1 1 h i n . i 'iriier Illinois and Deer Sin-era, (lev. s. f. W il., I'a. lor. Sen lce, aad .y . .il 10.4 i A. M.aml 3.1" 1'. M. Sab- ! bath schoo. n !i A. .M. l.ei-iire and piavi-r j liieetiiig Weum-j.tiy I w i, ns at 7:l.i. l.ailie. riraw-r inie'.ini.' Krnlav itt'termnin at -1 o'clock. I SF.coro I ar.m teria.n, 1 nnois utrect, between f-ili ami I r .trecls. , u-i Pastor at present.) S-i'iinth S.-'eiiil at fi A. M. Weekly prayer Ineetii, Wl-'llie.i.iay evening ill V o'clock. I'.irLD I Ri.iBvtLiilAN. turner tlrteans and D--er .Ue,-is, Hev. J.H. Jeii'ers. pastor. Seriices, Sam: iv . at lu.a.i A. M. Salibatli ailiool at ! A. M. Mi r no in si l-j-isi op v i. . corner High la ml and Jell cr .ii, tre,-i, iter. Joiin p. Itrooka. Castor. Ser vice., M,ii.i,,y, I.i::" A. M. and S I'. M. Sub- '"'li il aiy A. .M. Weekly prayer lilei ting, W ediii ijy evening, tij o'cli ck. Ladle, prayor, Wenio-Oav, i P. M, FlK.r Bvi-ri,i, c-irii. r Klk mid Orleans streets, iuv. l,4,t lira., Pmur. Ser v n e. Su ml a v . at I0.3'.' A. M. ii li it !:3U I'. M. l,l,.il, Seli.ii.l al A. M. Tin '' "-til.J, Wednesdav even- n:g, at s u c .i,i k KvANOtllCAI. .'vssoi tTION, and Deer atrei is, Ke. T Services, Suiul.iv , al lu-.;tii vices at 7 I'. M. hi eiisii inriier Itock Kiver M- loung. I'amor - M. hnglisli ser- d lo'iiii.u, Salibatli School at 1 V. M. Piaver meetliii! W evening at 7. German Luihehan Emamei. Chi hcii, corner. Pleaitant and beaver atret-ta, hev. C. A. Men- 1 ne'eke, I'aslor. vitHMA! M. E. Cm Ki n, Madison meet, bvtvtecn ll.gliland aud Cable streets. Itev. f. Si-nneider, I'a.lor. 'I Uli LAW IS It til, A I ION T( M:-. FAFIiHsa. 1. Subscribers who do not give exprew notice to he C' .'Hilary, arc considered wialiing to continue the'T iiiUi apt., i- u sdtiMcn ..Ts order the discontinuance ol' Heir pipeMah- niiUli.tP mt.iT rantinn- trt lufiu u iii n mi rr iffiiy p ,.. o .....a 3 It 'hUC'ltur :-.'. a .V..... or iciuac iu ior itivn v rT ,V mr" whlc" "'"V are lent, thev are held ra.pon.ibi, u u,ey have aeltled their ! bill., and ordered Hie au(., ,LcimDued. 4. it a,,be ,, tjl wl,houtl mfornimg Ihe puncher. ,i, ,: c ' the loriner direction, uicv .re -i;,;1, 1 "f"' l a.Tlieeoiirt.liavedecidet-tkei newipapernrptrirnlK-al Iron, itlt nu,if " . ntminfc sii'j lenvintr n unganea tot, is prima facia At the Pittsburgh Stove1 Store. TILL be found a largx und fine assort- nient ul coal and wood cook stoves Also Til. Ware, air., lie. Miners camp and cooking uleiiaili, aud every thing necesaary ("or a complete lit-oul. Kepairing and job-w ork ol all kinds prompt and neatlr dona. DOS fc ELLIOTT, Nearly Opp. Court Square. (Swcrrifs. atltoaau. Jif n i nn o nniiri M II II 1 II I f VII I V 111 II I A il iiV W li 0 I L S A I L GROCERS, IMHOItTkRS AND DEALthS IN FORKJGN AND DOMESTIC W I N E ,9 J iike plur in iiiiuiiiiiii 1 tic ubhi. t hut tt.f arr uli Ii ttiO w illi III tlie iljoli ottering at niL'liliutied gwnd., vv Inch they ar W Ii o I c s a I v for a S.MAI.I. AliV XNi'K 011 Clm ato and l.-iiji. market.. Ileing auxiou. to devote our attention to We would uli i-i' .1 1 i trr.oliei w lid WikIi In Itiiv i 'MIK ll AN I I . ur t KLL Ali A 1 N , In 'jfui- 111 a I i , i inl w t v. i i I d? i w i good aABcams on all uccii.ioii.. Ileiiieinher we have I. A 11(1 K STUCK. nl'K I'Kll'KS AKK l.oW. Live us a call. H. BAI.T a SOT.S, and ij.i.iNois s t k i: i: r , IMM k I S I, A .M). ILLINOIS ScoDey cfc Oo. SLLLINii CKK WHOLESALE AM RETAIL.: As cheap an can be hoiifrht eitlier in Chicago or , St. Lonm. ! It will pay country dealers and people kjeuetailv j to call at their more on Illinois street, opposite the Kock Inland limine, where thev will tiud a ' lull assortment ul' Woniens, Iise-)', and Child-, renf' Shoes, at pricen to unit the timen. Wo- ' meim' (.niters, Irom HI cents t $2,.'U per pair, and alt other kinds oi' work in proportion. iih1oiii Work Made ol' the lie. t materials-, and lv as good work men a. the cutintrj- can utl'ord. Ml work war ranted. Thankl'ul lor past favor hope to have our country I'riendagive u a call. io'i nil in ou a:ra. Hut support YOUR OWN MECHANICS You ran buy l M E - M !) E Bootstfcsiioes As cheap as KASTEllN-MADi: SPLIT LEATHER -and PAPER SOLES. Remember the place. Opposili' the Rock Island House, INOTIfE. , HK tiote, linok Hi'potints and pujferii of , j A Mr. Julius Sehnlie, saddler and harness ; Tn ?u "f l"''" 'rt w,,h me fr settlement i 7J.L a , . ,nflH"l (o him are notified to make ; u t:!'V""',"-"r co ' he made. ! Rock u. a VStl.!EI- Ju,lu: of ,h P"c- i Kock Island, bee fi, IS1. i KAILKOAi). (.rt-at cutral Koule to w York i;iij;luiul and Hie l'uuuiU, (In ami altar SUNDAY, Nov. 3, Ifttil, traiim leave the (Jreat Central I'mnii Depot, tout 01 Lake treet, Cliiearo, an lollowa t.lal A. M. tay.Kpre 1'nrepi Suud a) ) arrnea at Detroit ti.00 p. m.: Suaoeniiun Hmlfe 4.0 j a. m. Albany 4 la p 111 i ew 1 i.ra y. .Ki p. 11. 1 Homon u.jii p. 111, C.30 H M, .Ni(ht Kprep leieept Suiidayj ar. nvea hi I lei not i,,(ii, a. n,. ; ,sui.peii aiou llride b :i'.i p. 111. i Albany o.Ij a. 111, 1 New Vork lJOOm. 1 Ilimton 4.311 p. in. Cincinnati Irani., ia M C. It ulroad, leave I'hi i iii al (i.OU a. 111. Mail I ram. 3u p. 111. Kant K prea. Arrive in Cmran at 7.00 m. Kaet Kipreon, mid 1 1 p 111. .ilil ,la l 'I rani. The "On p. in. tr ,n (lni'ii'' ruin tliruugh to ( Iikhi;o wiluuul 1 liunife il cara or ba(( j VJf- J s M.IMIt III I'A I I.N I I1I VI1.K are run on day up'"" t ''"' I'atent Sei ilm r on MtfM 'I'raiux. bar lliMi:r 1 ''fi-i.fl Thi-iiwjk ' TIIICH'IIH 'I'll k'KI lor ile mall nneipal I railro id olln es in Hie we,r, al the general ollu e, 1 nnier Lake anil lie irliorn lreel umli r the 'I're. mm lreel , ami al III Iiionl loiise. llin .i,'o;, ami al nil- irepnr. It. N. KICK J. V .n l ll, l.eneral hup t Weatern I'a.eiiffer A'(. illi; l'i:NSVI. M (KMKALIt. K. I. a r'ir.l CI11M Koad in all reipeeln, WITH Ivi MII.KS UK iml III.K I KACK. Virer riij ''rir.m . Willi roiinrrtiona IV0111 all poinla weal,) I'roai I'lttaburij and I'lnladelpliu, all connecting dirert to New York. M-ntint MiH, Aftrnvot '. Lint, Xiyltt ' .Vfrm, I'M) Tit M V DAILY I'. It- huf' I" New iuk M 31 1 III 1 1 e 1 without eh il'Ke il i:ir. I I t 1 l. 'I'llll'. i, r.' CS '(l., Willi dire I i-niiliei tiolix trolli We.tern I'llie., Arrit 110; hour in ailvanr e ot other lime tor ItoHiou bv rail or bout litiea. j;.ti" tr.diii run daily; n-hrm, Ntimlnyn f i UmI. MNK hAII.V TUAI.VS I'n.iii l inl i.N-iplim to urk. Tti krt jfood on an) line ux trui it. New York ur Htntnti THiiflu via J'illNltur gooi' 1 t 'ini;n)i'lphi;i ur AlW-ntnw n. It ml In km to HiMt'iii (otnt vi,i any rit'tlie Uu; iWil DAILY ( ON KL I K NS Fmtn II irrinlntrg tu Itiitiinnrf ami Wiivliiritfton.'i ttf' rlii'ckt d i! --all InihMVo IV1. trt Ahrtti.t us .-"' us nuy ttthrr iinute. IU Y TICKKTS I MTTSli! iu;. 'I'.i kcU lor n.iie at m.i. .v.i.v oi'nri:s. I hi 1 1. ii r. I( rn)ir fn-itflits of all i!i"triiliini!t :m b I lur ai from I'luiailciiih.a, New York. iotin nr Maltiiiiori- lo aiitl Irom any point on the r:ul ! rouiU nt Oiiio, K'-nlU' k), 1 n ti .ma, liiuioiH, U'im I i oiuui, l"w a jinl M.Hxouri ratlroml ilirei t. j Thf I't'titi I a ii i a ranriiad aim toniMMtx at I'lttfnir with ttcHinrri. hy winch tfooils run In forwarded t't am nort on tin1 iilno, MiiHkiniim, , Kentucky, i'lnijcf-si c. i urn In riand , III niois, .Mix- , I jtinHtpjn, Wisconsin, Mj-mmi'I, Knn,iiM, Arkaiih.m ' I iml HimI rarrs ; ami it Ct-vcianil , y.iitilu.i -ky anil I I'incann, with NtoaiiiiTs to ati jioitx on tn' .North- ' ! u ( Htcrn la Uvh. Mfrrhan" anl hhipj-r mi! t i,M 1 li traiiR- ! I jinrtation ol'tlirir t'ri ii.'ht with tliix coinpanv can . i rrlv with contidfiicc on its Bt'd trannit. ' j Tin- ra'cN ol iM'iLftiiH (( and Iroiit tin) (Hunt in j tin- w't hy th1 I'l-iniylvaniH railroml arc at all i 1 1 in t-tt an I ivirraldc an ai' t'i-d by t'thcr railroad 1 C4itn jiaiii. He pirtii u'ar to mark fia :kafff Via IVnnu. j It. It." K. J. S. KKI'kft. I'hiladclphia. MAKUKAWit KOO.VS, M North it rfd , Haiti- I inort. j L K Kf'H K CO., No. -2 Morlloui , or No. I Eolith VVilIiain ."tr'-rt. New ork. j LKK H L., No 77 siaJr mrrri, llt'iton. I II It Mill S Tl. l.i.fiM tr. it.ttl .N.nt. I'l.iln 1.. I.. lln'T' T, (icn'l Tirket Aicnt, I'lula. K Not If UA IS, tir-n'l wi't, Altooiia, I'a, c ii a n (i j: r t i m r;. U'INTKK A ItKANdKM KNT. Mif!il;ran Soudirra A, Lake Shore li. II. On and afW-r Si NO Y, Nov. 'kf ami until lurth I tr not it l r.ii us w i, lc.iv c Cliirao as billow s : N rw ohk Dav Kvi-itr.Hfl : i li.CO A. M Oaily, cvc. pt Snnd.'.y. via old Michigan i roail, comic. t,Hii a' Kltvliart with train on j Air-Li in road, at Whit1 I'lron with train for Tiir:i K.vit-., at Adrian with tra.n lor Jack fiiui ; at A i r l.iti" .1 n net ion with trains tor Moii-oc and lrtto:t. Kxi htis : j o.:io i', M. ui!y, excrpt Satiirdat, M i old Mirin- gau toad, coniH'ctiii at .Adrian with traniH i lor llctioit. Tn, i ii s arrive I 'mm the Hast at lu.-l .' a. m. and 1 1 .00 p. Ml. Alt tin sihovc tr,uii in i k rcitl ir cdiint'ctiont in iJunkirk, iurlali, Niagara Kails. Albanv, New I York, HoKton, I'tnladi'ljitii a, lla Itimort' and all - other points e;ft, Salisbury) Patent lJutrrM nted on all the trains. Lu xu noiift ncu "leepinu coai heii, witli nil inod- ern iiiiproveiio'tits, run on iiijjht traiiiH between I Chieaijo and i leveland without i halite, j Through tu Ki-tM can he obtainod at the roin i panv' oihre )( I'Urk street, under tin Sherman t ilouie, or al the depot, corner an Hurra aud siierman MreeH, I Ji'HN 0. t'A.MPHKLL, (.H A Y. u'i Western t.eii'l Suj Ag't. t,T. , (. Are Von aiiMired i MANHATTAN li ol New orl(. Casli surplus, i'J.,,tKK'. ol' Ihe oldest companies i a1 I iisiininco l'iiiiiiiiny, I'asii capital. $-2.i0,00U. liicoiporaleil Isill. (Ine iu the I lilted Stall's. liC'I'lf 1TUK IN.M KANC'K C'd.Ml' NV, New York. Alithoiieil capllal, Iti.alHI.OOtl, with a l.i and accumiilatiiig surplus. t KlU'll.W I S' I Nsi'llAXTK ('().Mi''.Y, ii. of H irt '.)! ,1 . Conn, Cash capital, J200,()llll. mark Howard, ivcs-i. F.. Tiiom vs hoiiin.i.i., m i-'v. HOMi: INSITIANCK I'dMl'AX V, New ' Haven, Conn. Cash ciipii:il..'0ti,ll(iii. Policy holders receive 7-'i per cent, of Hie nett profits of the biisinees, willunil incurring ,uiv lialnlitv. Insures lluiidiugs. Men-lianiiisc. Household Furniture. Reuls, 1. eases, i.nd otin r Insurable Properlv , against loss or ilalin-ge bv FIRh. TXT 1 XT Kl; NATIONAL Life A ui tini'i' .Nti-ie- Loudon. Clnel i lli, e for the Cniled Slat (lllll Con Slates, ,1 llua antee Wall St., ,N . ( Fund, $1110.0011. D St., ,N . Capital, $2,;0t),0u0. tlmi.lHiO. Deposited with the Comiitroller of the State of Ne ork. E tjl'ITAlILK Lite Assiii-nncp Society , of the I tilted Slates, (mice, !ig Ifroadwav, New York. Purely .Mutual. The only Stock Compaiivin America whose charter requires that all the profit shall be divided pro rata among the policy holders. .1. II. K1XNKY. Agt, Rock Uland H1C.M.0, lU TvLlXUTUX A QllXCY RAILROAD. 1'assenger tra ave ami arrive at Chicago aa i lonows ; j Mail leaves s. I , a. in. Sundays excepted; arrives I p. lu., Siiiuiavs excepted. , Lvpress leaves s.t'i p. in., Saturdays excepted j arrives li. ,n n. in., Mondays ejeepted. Aurut-i .Yeconninidatioii leave's 4.(M p. in., Sun days rvcepu-di arrives at 10.15 n. in.; Sun days e-.i epted. C. I,. 1IAMMOMND, .superintendent. JIAK STOUK. The sulucr.ber keeps a Jung store, on Front stn el, rorncr of Eagl. , near ihe river, where he buys and for old t,,es, rags, old iron, copper, brass, clc, etc. NECdM! HAND I'CHMTl'KE bought and sold. ICUKJAX CKNTKAL Chicago & Kock IslaudKail Koad. ( lltM.i; !' 'IIMI- V I X T i: It A It It A X i Y. M K X T . I In and alter Monday, November Isth, lSill, until liirlher notiie, Irani" will lene Knrk Inland Station a Collowa : i.oiv(, 1 r. Dat l.ipn "i mt Mail train at ,30 i m., arriving 111 ( IiumU'i nt ft. j p 111. Through Ire irhl I am at !'.4.i a 111., arriving in t h ro al I. HO a 111. Nojht hpre. at .'..3 p 111., arriMii(r 111 Chicago at :,. I.i a in. inaiNa n r M Tilt r.T i i Night Kpre at !'.!' a ni., leaving; Chicago at 1 1.4.' pin. Thniiigh freight at I. la p 111., leaving (.'liicngo at 7.4-1 p 111. Day Kiprcaa and Mail at 7. II p in., leaving ( hi ragu at 1 1 .'10 a 111. A II Iraina ever Una road are in direct connertmn it Chicago with trama over the Michigan South ern, lli- Michigan ( , and the I'ltt.hurgli and Fort Wayne Hailroad, to and I'roiii Detroit, To ledo, ( lew land, ('o!iiin!iii.i, Cincinnati, I'ltmhurgh, Dunkirk, Hullalo, Niagara Kall, Albany, New York, I'liilailelpina, llaltirnore, mid Wnahingtnn. Alan at with traina of the lllinina Cen tral Koad, North In (1 alena and Souih to St. 1., I airo, Meinjihi. and New llrleana, to which platea to kct can be procured of VV. ll.GKI'.NKI.I,, Ticket Ag't It. It. Depot, Itock Inland. Faa-ei.gera are rcuniided ot'the neceaiiity of giv ini ilmtiiicl ilirei lion. a to the ile.tiiiatinii of their hai'gagc, alio lo proi ure lickei. before taking their teal a ill the earn, a. the conduclora collect farea 1 11 1 v In aiatioua on the line of the Chicago and Rock Ma'ml Itnilroad. .HiIlN K. TK.U Y.-Sup't. V. II. Will I MAN , Ai.'t Sllp't. STCULIX. AM) ItO(K 1M.VMI R. It. I N I' I . K A It l( N li i : M i: N T. ON' mill after Mumliiy, Nov. 1, IKO, triiinn will run between I'.irt Ityron.Knck I. laud and Chicago, dat! v. So ml a) a except cd, a. lolloiv . : I'orl llyrnn. Hampton.. , Junction . . . .M it 1 ii- . .Sill A.M. . .S.3II . .S..'iii " ..(107 " Kock l-il.lli.l. (.'hii'ago Chicago (tuck 1 1 1 .t 1 1 1 1 . . Moline Junrtion llainplon Tort livron.. . .."la " . :..i.'. r. M. . 1 1.31) A. M. .I10.-1 p. M. ..7.ii,i " ..7.20 " ..7.40 " , .S till The above tratiK w ill lie niibjec and regualiona of the Chicago t to the rulea Kock I. land Kailroad Time Tallica whilt-ou that road. I.. II. IIIIHMKK. I'orl Id., Nov. 13th, lill. ..alt'iia .mil liiratro I nion Kailroad. X'Ei w i 1 1 ; it a it it ami i :i i : i . iN AND AlU'iai MoXDAV, lh-c. 2n.l. J l-s'il . triini. vvill leave Wells street depot, Chiciliio, a. t'ollovv a l Sunday, cvccplcd j : ll.-l.i a. in. and I'.l-i p. in. lor llelvidere, Rock lord, hreeport, Warren, (aleiiii, iJiinlcitli, l)iilin.iie and interniediatc places. II. 4-'i a. iu. and 1 1 On p. in. lor f)non, Colo, Kul- ton , Cedar Hapiiia and intermediate point. -1.00 p. m.. Itoclitord Accommodation and Foi Kiver Valley. j.OO a. I.l. lii-l i-i a Ai-colliliiinl.,tliil. l'asseugeiri for Heloit and ,1a ill's. v 1 i U- will take the I I. l ' a m. (rain. I'as.engera lor Crystal Lake, Mellenry, Rich mond, Geneva hake and intermediate piiiuts. will take the l.lm p in. train. Trains arrive as follows . Al .'I. oil p. in. and ii.' 0 a. m. from Iliinleilh. lia- lein, Kreeporl, etc. At 11.110 p. iii. and -t.l i a. in. from Cedar Rapids, I niton, Ih&nll, elc, .-.Slcepnig cars oo night Irani.. I. II. TAI.I'dTT, (1. M. WTIKKI.KII. Ci-i.'l Snp-I. (leirl T.cket Agent. m:h vohk and i:imi. Kiii.uo.ii. llio.ul (.aue, llmibie 'liack anil I'cli'iaiill It nil I e WAV YOKKi iii.vro. And all Eastern Cities, ( ARIlVIMi Tllli citr.AT in:i( I. s. I I i.s. 1 VM'KKJS TKAIXS lenvc Iiink',i-k ilnil.v, IJ on arrival of all Trams on the Lake Shore Railroad, from Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Chicago, Milwaukee, SI. I'. ml, St. Louis, c., and run through to New Vnrk without change. Till'- iim v Uot ri- mulling cars through Irom tin Lakes to New York City. Splendid ventilated Sleeping cars run on Night I' rains. Baggage checked through. Fare alvvavs as low as bv any other route. Iliistnn Passengers and tln-ir lliiiiiiiige transferred Free III Nr ork. He particular ami call for Tn kc's via Dunkirk, and the New York ami Kailroad, which are soid lit all the princip-.l Railroad Olllces in the West- Tins road ail'onls facilities for shipment o Freight, superior to any other route. AN I MMM SSv I H! H.IIT ITtVIN leaves New Y'ork daily, making close connections through to all points West, and quicker tnne than ever define made on any line. For Freight Rates, enquire of .1. C. Oatinan, 210 llinadvvav, New Yoik i John S. Ilunlavv, Ifi State Street, Doslon, Mass.. in ol 'Jacob Forsyth, Freight Agent, til Clark Slreei. Chicago. ( H AS. MINO'I", llen'i Siiii-i. I LI.INtll.S ( KNTIvAl, KAll.Kd.VI). On and after Sl'NDAY, Nov. 17, 1 stll , trains will leave from the (i-eat Central Depot .Chicago, as follow. 1.3(1 a, iu. i Siin.lavs evcepted) Arriv ing at Peoria at 7.1111 p. in., I.ogamport S.o") p. 111., Alton 111., in , St. .mi is 1 Call p. in , Terre Haute in., 1'airn 4. JO a. tn n.OO p. . every day A rriv mg a Decatur at 10. l.'i j. lll.,'Sprnii;llelil i.ln p. In., Alton lO.O.'i a. in., --t. Louis 10. 0 a. m., Terre Haute J .i.'i p.m., Vllicenne. I. Ill p. ill., F.vansvile S.a.'i p. in., Cairo !.") p. ill. On S.itmdav the 1.00 p. in. tram w ill run only to I'entraha. Trams arrive at Chicago at f.-U a. in. and !).:'.(! p. in. sI'KC I A 1. No'l'K'l-: To p.issi aa, is for Alton and St. Lotus. The 4. "li p. in. tram on tins road is the only nighl tram leav nig the City tor these points. SI.F.KTINt; ( ARSON ALL MCIIT TRAINS. B,ij'jti'- -',;!,! In nil Important Point. For tickets and iiitbruiiil.on apply at the ii'licc in the Ui cat Central Depot. For HYDF. PARK AND WotlDLAWN. Trains leave Chicago. Leave Woodlawn. C.l.i A. M. 7.2:. A. M. 12.00 M. I'. M- :.:m P. M. (L20 P. M V. It. ARTHl R. W. P. Johnson, llen'i Sup'l- Gen'l I'assenger Ag't tnifA;o un: roixuuv AMI Printers' Warehouse, No. !( Washington Street. Type, Presses anil I'liiitlng Martt-lal Always on hand, or manufactured to order 1.1.111 TltOTYIMNC. Well and promf tly eacauted. Agency for WADE'S M I'KRIOK IXKS. " SORTS " cast to order H. A.PORTtR, Agant. Chicago dwtiScmfnt!.. i Tf a v-: i FOR tAI II I; AM) HOUSE. 'j MILS i truly it great reuii-ilv. Half n -' X cent buttle ol Slouii'i luilant Reliet, given in a pint ol Harm ater, seldom faiia lo cure a horse ol Clinlic in a l vv miuiilea. In i itreuie ca.e. re peat the. loae in Ij ininutea. For Hruise., Strain., Sprain., and liialiv other injuries on Horse., Caltle. and other aiiimaliit j Moan'a Instant Relief speedily i-ll'ects a cure. Manv persona have been astonished tu wim the rapni cum elf. ctcd by the use of this wuudvrliil I nii-dicine. j -ty tiet Circular, of Agents. 1 SLOWS OIM.MK.M t For mildness, aiifety, certainty, thoroughne.s, Sloan's (liniment i. rapnliy superceding uli oilier Outline tita and I.iniiiiciits for the euro of the fol lowing complaints : Fresh Wounds, (mil ot' all kinds, Clucked Heels, Ringbone, I'olevil, Wimlgalls, Callu., Spavine, Swee.iey, Fistula, Fiiiindered I-eel, Sand Cracks, Scratches or drease, Mange, and Horse Distemper. Diseased Horses aud (allle require, restoialion ol in.cusihle perspiiatinn. Sloan's Fever Antidote, Condition I'nvvder, is a certain I'lintier. Il never fails to loosen the skill, cleanse the water, create an appetite, and is a positive cure liir Coughs, ( olds, Still' Complaint, Founder, Distemper, and caines nil liutts and Worms, and may be given at any time and under all circumstances witii perfect suletv. ( Ine package ot die I'nvviler. and a bottle ot'the Oi ll lui en t w ill purleetly Cure a recent Founder in is or eight da)s, w ithout leaving the least ell'ect ill the feet. Ill Horse Distemper, they will allay the fever and promote a healthy lei mutation of the disease. One Powder ana a purl of a bottle ol Ointment, w ill, in all cases, cure the Horn Du lumper ill a cow i two aru ometinies required for an ox. Walter H. Sloan, the original discoverer of tint truly valuable medicine, still has the sole suiilt vision of lis manufacture, hut orders should be ent to Ins son, (licar II. Sloan, 24 Smith Water Street, Chicago 1 I., who will promptly a.ipply the demand lor these popular mid truly great medi cines. They are sold by all dealers iu Medicine. Sold wholesale and iiliuliil Manufacturer's prices, by ail Druggists, mchl iiw aw I v (illiolic Hook Store AND School Book Depot. .lull V (.It VII VM. A sent, Ul l)eslaiiies Mreel, (liicao, ij,jn,.;, v. , ,;, chun-li, II i. just received a l:nta-e slock ol IIIBLES, PR A HOOKS, It LADS, SCAPI LAS, CRC'TFIX-KS, M CD I.S, LACK Pli l CRKS, in-. Mso, a good selection of Kill l(. Kit S tt lMIS M ( IHXII -UOOKsv. -gent for the .V.m- York r.ihnt, llo'lun Vihl, lir.iti'n .or, lit t ii ir, Irh'h Am.'ririiii, $ r. 'I lie liilili-, I. lit ol the Sninfs, I. lie of the illi ssed ii en. Lift- nl' C lirist. Lite anil Work, ot (.ei aid (.rlllin. The above works can be had hound, or -ti num bers. COME nQWN VITH PRICES ! ( . I'. IIIINC.TI.I.K, Asjeiit, Fiiiniliin' Dealer, ."Via iiufar t urri', and ..I'M lit AL IMII.H IAKI.I1. I tilke this mode for tin- aciiiiovvieili.reineut for the long con li n lied pat run. age ot' my old cu.stome rs, solicitini; their loliliniiatioli, ami by astnet atteli turn to t.'ie business, gain many new ones. 1 Hat ter mvseif for having the reputation of having a cheap place In buy iitrinture. I have on hand bureaus, lilasscs and Cradles, liedsieails, Chairs and Tables, Sianils, Solas and Cupboards, W' ii. iluots, I alis and Feather, Desks tor hills and letters i.vorolnii in t Lo shape of wood i ou can get here cheap and good, lu the undertaking line I have only to say that I shan't he beat either in price, style or attend ance. Hive me a call and see tor yourselves. J'iilsburg, Fl, K'ayne & Chicago R. Si. Trams leave the Went Side I'nion Depot, cor. Miitlison and Canal st reetn , L )m;;i go, an follow : (i.Uit n. in. K.tst Line, cxi ept Sundays, (i ID p. 111.- --Ni'hr K.pnM-i, exc ept Salurdays. ;.lUj).m. A''(,uniniodatton tur Valparaiso. For Ui'stun, ,fir V'trk, I'hii.ah !;,hht , H-iltimore, IVnhiruiton, flu'n''iiri: t,- Pittsburg, Ai.-o ror Huja''. Dunkirk, vrlati'l. i'nlnin. itfi , i'ui'i n i'iti . li-tuton. And all intermediate mhih bet u eeri I'lnrngo ;uul the ci ties named. Sleepinj; car.-i n ni'ht 1 1 anis, mid ba.iife, hy tins mine checkett thriuitrli to all easrern cities. Hilt one ch.uitfe. ol' t ar.- between t'liieaifo and im ork , via Allentown, on tram leaving Chica go at U. IU p. in. Ticket tor sale at the piinetpul ticket otiices in the we si . at the coin pa n N - iriiee , curn'T tr lla n d'i!fih :i;nl fjearborn strt ets, and at the I nmii De put. West Side, 'hic;M, W.M. I1. SHIN, A. iluLIJIi VV, lien'l 1'as'ger Ay't. Ticket Apent. (J I I C K T 1 M K TO X K V 0 K K Thr Pittxbunj, Furl Wayne if- Chi-ayo 1, P. In connection with the J', ;i u ki-ii 'i or Rtiil Huiid the AllenUitrn Houte, Are now running through to New York city with but one change of cars, in four hours' legs time than any other route. This advantage is gained by their being eighty miles shorter than either of the more northern lines. atltllc and Ilnriicss MiiMFAl'TDllY At the Old Stone building on Illinois street, Uock Island, Illinois. I Lll !tlll '!.". i; having appointed A. V. , L'l TTF.R, ag;eiit, tu coiidtit t the above bui no, ou ii striotly C'Axil IMtlMIFI.K. Those wniniig to buv cheap, and payius d""'" for any article in the "above line, are res iccttul.y nviteii to give us a call. " J. iSCHl'LZK, by A. F.CLTTtR, Agent,, Dec. 19th. lstil, d w. jui.iai v 1Ulli71il FOU TO K SI KF.DY Cl'ltK OF CtiUigri, C'ulJt, liljl urn in, Cmu, Ituaiitnus, Urumhilit., fnrumuniii, Uinriun ul if lluu-rlt, anutm I rum fold, limpienl ('unumpfion, urid far llir I tijlf tlllii If fiiualOIr) rurnif iMlirnl in iiJi umnl vfiici i,' thr littler ttlsfitnt. The Hals. nine i entirely a Vegetable production, combining the healing properties nt the Italsiini, Willi the invigorating qualities of a ( oniial, producing a comtiiuatioii su widl adapted lolhe purposes intended, that there ate few cases of disease winch w ill not, at an early period sue comb lo its healing and life-giving properties. Forages, has the treatment of pulmonary di seases occupied the greater portion ol ihe atten tion of the scientific of Ihe medical world, but none acqmrid more eminence iu his treatment ol those diseases, than the celebrated Prussian, Dr. llootlainl, the originator of the ll.ils.iui.s Cordiul. His life w is de voted to the prod net ion of remedies that would stand unrivalled, How well he has succeeded the American people are able lojuilgc: anil we positively assert, that no preparations have ever been placed helote them, have colli. nred the same amount nt fein-lits no sulh r- lug hiiiiiauity, or have eln ited so inanv commend ations Iroui all classes of society, u. the remedies of Dr. prep ui, I hv Dr. C. .M. Jackson Ci f Philadelphia. J he Cordial la designed lorn t'U-s of diseases in nt . geneial and more latal than any other to which the people ol ibis country are sullied those springing Irom a"W':'if rul.i,-' I lia', emin ent aiithoriiy. Dr. Itcli, say. : "I will not say that Colds ate to our inhabit. nits what the I'tnuf and Yfllmr Via r are to those ol other countries ; but I ca.i aver coiniilently that they usher in diseases ol greater complicity and mortality than these latter. llutirel) Vegetable. .No AleohoUc HiepRi Utinlli ID r Iloollana's CKLLIIRATKI) li K U M A N! I) I T T K U S I'RLPARLD li V lH. (. JI.J A( hMIN ,v (.. I'll., a., fa., vv II l 1 1 1 n il ai i v 1 1 III Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia, .lutniillce, t'liiiniir nr m ntis Ih'liilitij, IIim.jsi s of tit hillrt,s, .nut ait ill ooscs irisriir runt u ,r. ulijelrtt Lti'fi ur St'Untltti, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or llloiid lo the Head, Acidity id Ihe Stomach, Nau- se. 1. Heartburn. Di gust lor rood, I- u I Hi-Hi. Weight in the Stomach, Sour Kriiotations, Sinking cutcheun, ure not only right, hut are establishing or Fluttering at the Pit of ihe Stomach, Swimming j 0,1 sound basis the Ireedom ofilio people througli of the Head, Hurried and difficult brealhinir. Hut- "'it the world. tering lit the heart, choking or suffocating sensa tions w hen in a lying posture, dimness ot vision, dots of wvhs bcloie the sight, fever aud dull pain ill the head, deficiency ol perspiration, yellow ness of the skin and eyes, pain 111 the side, bark, cheat, limbs, tec, sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing 111 the llcsh, constant imaginings of evil, and grcal depiessinns ol spirits, and will positively prevent 1 111. LOW IT1V I II, II I I, J () V H I 'l A I '.It. .to. 'I he Proprietor in calling the attention of Ihe public to this preparation, does so w ith a li-eling ol the inosi conlidence 111 its virtues and adap tation to the diseases lor vv tin h 111s lecoiiunemted. Il is no new and untried article, but one thai has stood the test ol' a tweiVe vcars' trial before the American people, and its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony 111 its lavoi given by the uios-t prominent ami well-kiinv n physicians and individuals ill all parts of the country n. immenae, and a careful pe rusal of Ihe Almanac, published annually by tiie I proprietors, ami to be bad gratis of any ol their I Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving ol the grcal celeb rity it has obtaiin d. These medicines are for sale by all respeclnble druggists and dealers 10 medicines in the Cintcd Stales, Canada., Rritish Provinces, and West In dies, at l.i cents per hottlo. He sure and get the genuine, w ith the simiatuie of C. M. Jackson 011 the wrapper of each bottle; u7 tttlitrs tire coirn terfrit. Principal Otlice ami Manufactory, 41S Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa. Sold 111 Rock Island by Clacius is S'peidel, and N. Ilersh S; ('of; 111 Moline, by A. F. Chamber lain mid T. S. Richards; in Camden, bv H. P ileatlie; 111 Hampton. Ly Dr. (1. int ent, jan IStw aw ly mis. MIXSLOU', An experienced Nurse and Female I' 1 pre- ent tn tlie attention nt .Mothers, Iter Soolliins piyruj), l on ( iin. ma. i iiin iiiNt;, wlni li greatly tacilitates tiie prmesa of teething, by softening the gums, reducing ail iiitlumntinns will allay ALL 1'AI.N aud cpasinoilic action, and is sine to Itl.t.l I. A I I. i llil IKlYYICI.s. Depriid iipnn it, inotherH, it wi.l give rest to your selves, and iKKLIKFAN D II II A 1. I ll TO Yol R INFANTS I We have put up and sold this article lor overtcn ! years, and CAN SAY, IN CON Fl DKNCK AND ! 1 'KL I'll of it, w hat we have uevc r been able to 1 sav of anv other medicine K V Kit HAS IT i FAILED IN A SINl.l.K IN ST A Nl'K, 1 O KFFKCT A (T UK when timely used. Never did we know I an instance of dissatisfaction hy any one w ho used 'it. On the contrary all an delighted with Us op erations, and speak in terms of eoinmeiidation ot i its magical eliVets and medical viiiues. YYc i apeak in this matte. "WHAT W K DO KNOW," after ten vcars- experience, AND I'LKDOK OCR i RKPt.TA ITON FOR THK FCLFILL.MKN'T OF WHAT U' K 11 Kit hi DKCLA UK. In almost every j iiiHtance w here the iiifnnt is siiirernig from pain j and exhaustion, relief w iil be found in liftrvii or I twenty minutes after the ay nip is administered. ! This valuable preparation is the prescription ol i onenf the most KXPKRI KNCKI) and SKILLFI'L NCRSKS iu New Kngland. and has been used with j NKVKR-FAlLlN'li SL'CCKSS IN I'HOI SAM). Ol'- C ASH'S. It not only relieves the child Irom p un, but in vigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives tono and energy to the whole system It will almost instantly relieve I GHIPISt; IN THK HOWKL.:, S: W IND CHOL1C and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily I remedied, end in death. Hi- believe it n the IIKST AND SCJtKST RKMF.DY IN THK WORLD, in all cases of DYSKNTKRY' AND Dl ARUHlKA IN CH1LDRKN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. We would say to ev ery Mother w ho hiis a child suH'crmi: from any of the foregoing complaints, Do NOT LET YOLK PIIK.I1 DICKS, Noll THK l'RKJl DICKS OF' O ITI KRS, stand between you and your suffering Child and the relict that will be SI'itK -yes, AB SOLUTELY SI RE to follow the use of this ' Medicine, if timely used. Full directions loi ! using will accompany each bottle. None genuine i unless the fac-similc of CURTIS Si PERKINS, ! New York, is on the outside wrapper, j Sold hy druggists thioiighoul the world. Principal Olhec, I J I edar stiect, i. I PRICK ONLY 2: CENTS PER BOTTLE Sold by all druggists in Rock Island. aprJMwaw 1 y The Duly ITeiuiuin Awarded at the late United .Stales Fail on Wins and Toupees, And tor Hair Jewelry, UAS tlint given t.i A DO LP 11 01IS- WAI.DT. 100 Lake Street, Chicago. His W igs re easv, durable and elegant. The only place in the West where they are properly maoe. Nar-isfiii-ri'on or no pity. I Irdcrs forwarded by send ing the n easures as follow : 1 - 1 Round the Head ' X V " Fi oreiiead lo Nape. arto Ear over the Head. 4 Ear to F ar across the I row n. 1 Round the Held. 2 Forehead to evtent id RaldiiPs.. 3 Ear to Ear over the Head. 4 Across bald place over the crow n. AD0LPU OHSYVALDT. Chicago. P. O. Boi,2036. ittfdical. 4 VHKH fill- l' TO Til K 4MKKICA.N I F.0PLK. WHAT TDK FFDKRAI. TRnops akf. Ui.HT IN(i TOSI STAIN HOW OCR SOLDILRS slliifl.D UK lit F.PA It KD To en; jit. Il i. a singular fuel that a large majoritv of the people ol the Cniled Slates are iinacqiiaiiit'ed with the great important e of the cause lor w hich ib(. soldiers ol'the I'nion are lighting. Let every man and woman throughout the 1'inted States cure fully read aud study the Constitution of the I in ted Mates, they will become convinced ol the holiness jf our cause ami of the wickedness ol ih.ise who lire to overthrow this grand palladium of Ireedom, Wo believe that had Ihe reading of the Consti tution been adopted us a daih lesson in evert "7 1 lh""ighout f,,,,,.,, Sl:,lrHi t ,,,.;, ol secession , slllte, rights would never have at tained the,,,,, , ,,o,ll(.0 ,,,. j r would the country have been called upon to mourn or lic.iiilortutcwra, Kl,1,1I,d ic!on.lructions thai have an .en and which so inanv of our stntns. v l.t their tune in attempting ,t, ,.,. pretation. ' .Million, ofotircituei. have ,,, thoroughlv studied the coii.tilutioi,, d ,.. , (, ..resent lime, when it is the duty ol every cilucn of this country to iiilorm hnoseli -t. M(;llU au( vl leges secuied to llllll, under lis priilec'.c- r.' , is hoi 111 one household to live hundred." tl',.w Ihcrclore, of correcliiig th's great oversight, and lo furnish every mini, woman an, child through out Ihe t nited States with the means of studying tiiiH great palladium of libertv, mid lo protect us against future false docl rine and political disas. .' r , DHS. It A 1 1 WAY' V .'o present to the American puplie, free nl charge, the constitution ol'the Cintcd States of America, neatly lioind, together with an unproved Almanac for the year lsb2, called "Dr. Radwav's Constitu tional Almanac." As soon as practicable. Dr. Railway's Agi ills, 11, every village iid tuwn throughout the uinuu, will he furnished with a supply, for free cireiihitmii. A copy of Ihe same will he sent to all who will enclose a stamp for the payment of postage. Druggists, booksellers, newsdealers throughout the country, desirous ofaiding us 111 distributing; to the people the Constitutional Almanac, are 111 v ileil to send in their orders. No charge, vv ill he mane lor me same. We also mute the people of the Canada., lint ish Provinces, and, ill lad, oil who can read the Kuglish language throughout the world, to accept as mils from us our Constitution.',! Almanac. We will send to any one who is willing to pay the postage on it a copy j or if the citizens of iiiiv town or village will accept Iroui Kioto Mid copies', we will furnish them free of charge. Hcmg convin ced that if our foreign Iricnds will carefully read the Constitution, they w ill become saiislied that our people, ,11 supporting our guv eminent in wip ing out this Iniil blot ol secession from our es RADW'AY ; CO., i. John Siiei I. New York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD HE PR LP A It ED TO FK.IIT. Ilntllli anil IiIm ijiluir. Health and discipline are the most important elements, ill an army to ensure success. Discipline without health will prove as ineHectual aa shot without powder. Health is the propelling lon e ofthe army, and is the symbol of victorv. It is, t he re t'n i e, of t he greatest importance, that the system of medication best adapted tor the pro tection ot soldiers against sickness, a. well as that known to be Ihe most speedy iiuil etlect nil it, re storing Ihe sick to heaith, without regard to pro fessional prejudice, be adopted. Tin. is no lime tor uieiiieal martinets roqtiihtde about professional ii ginty. All the dignity the profession call bring to bear will neither prevent sickness among the troops nor cure those atllicted. Our armies, tube successful, must be kept in a healthy i ondition; and the most sure mean, of se curing this desideratum is through the remedial povv crs of RADW'AY'S READY RELIEF, w hich has already proved itself in over fitly regi nients now at the seat of war near Wa.hiiitrlou, lo he i positive prevention against sickness in the form of Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague, Billions Fever Typhoid Fever, Diarhoa, Dysentery, Small Pov Measles, and other inalariousand intcrlinua diseases. Bear iu iniinl, we say, that Unilway'i Kntily lit lirf will protect the troops exposed to these dis eases against nlt'icks. Now, it is conceded hy ail the medical men in our army, that thev have no reliable means of preventing attacks of these dis eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing the sick; but, on the contrary, the majority ofthe snk, seized with fever and ague, typhoid, billions and oilier levers, either die, or ini-er along until thev are reduced to mere wrecks and walk ing skeletons. Experience has established the fact that the treatment of calomel, quinine and mercury, m cases ol fever and ague, typhoid fever and other fevers of this class, is more injurious in camps ihan in private practice, when we take into consideration that canvass walls and etposure to heavy dews nnd the malaria Irom pools of w ater and damp grounds. prove but a poor shelter for the sn k, we may readily conjecture that the penalties of mercurial and quinine treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the lorm of rheu matism, neuralgia, pains and stillness iu the joints, engorgements ofthe liver, jaundice, yellow plun ders, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, colds, ' Jic, which will cling to tin- iinli rtiinale patient for years, IN DR. RADW'AY'S REMEDIES the soldier has a positive preventive against at tacks of these diseases. Let every soldier carry a ho. tic of ItADWAY'S READY RELIEF IN ItlS kSAl'SACR, and when exposed to wet, damp and chilly weather, or encamped ill malarious districts, take a lea spoonful, in half a cup ol water, ns a drink, earlv in the morning before eating, and three or four times during the duy ; and, H on picket or guard duty, ociasionallv dining the night, he will escape ail sickness, and continue to enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Railway's Ready Relief and Railway's Itegulal ing Pills be used according to directions, and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Railway's Kenne dies make a ported cure In cases of Uheiimalisni, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipothena , lntluenza, Couirhs, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Ditl'n ult Breathing, Frosted F'cet, I hilhlains. Swellings ot the Joints, Pains in t ne Legs tec, iiC. Croup, Measles, Hums, Staid., Strains, Wounds, Sprains, Weakness in tlie Spine, and in all cases where there is pain. Railway's Ready Relief will afford immediate ease and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number ofletters from armv surgeons, otlicers and privates w ho have de rived benefits irom the use ol' lliiihrny's lirndy -lief. Among Ihe great number we have on tile we refer to the lollow ing : W. II. Tingly, M. D., Surgeon and .Medical Di rector ofthe Excelsior Brigade. (leo. B. Simpson, M. D-, Surgeon of A lulerson's Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Reg't N. y. y. Col. Lyons, Eirhtn Reg't N. Y. s. M. Col. (ieorge Hall, Second Regiment Excelsior Brigade. Col. Tinhelli, McCleilan Rirtes. ( ol. Wm. (latis, U. S. A. Col.Willam Wilson and Ins otiicers, through T. W". Meighan, Esq., Wilson's Zouaves, Fort Pirk- RADWAY'S ItF.Noy ATlNli RESOLYKNT will speedily eradicate every particle'of disease, and will reinvest the palicnt wilh health. LADIES afflicted with Falling of the Womb, Ulcers ofthe W omb, Discharges from the Uterus, all weakening discharges, may depend upon a speedy cure by the use of Railway s Renovating Resolvent. In cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ("lout, the Resolvent, taken in connection wnh RadwaVs Pilis and Ready Relief, will be found a quick and thorough cure. - NOTICE. Dr. Rji everv villa, ay's remedies are sold by iiriiggn,ts m e.Tuwn and city in tne Limed Slates, Canada, and British Provinces. Price . Sj cents, oO cents aud f 1 . .RADW'AY it CO., No. 2.1 John St., New York. NLS0N HkRSH. Agent, Rock Island, UL