Newspaper Page Text
1 I DAILY ARGUS. THE I'XIOV MUST BE PRESERVED. I. I. DANrulTII, J., EOlTOa. Tuesday Evening '' "If any one atlempu to haul dowu the Amen osn Flag, shoot him on theapot nJvhn A. !" JJTThe Aryan is tl ily paper i" thin enmi ty that taken telegraphic report, consequently it cn furnish the people of this and adjoining coun ties with nowa in advance of any other paper. Till: AKMOKY Ul' KSIION. The Washington enrrespomlent of the ' Chicago Journal, writes to that paper, under date of Feb, fith, as folluwa : "It look a though Rock Inland ha the innide track on the iirinory queittioti. Judge Wilkinson of that city, than whom a better man could hardly huvo been Heleoted, or one who is better 'unlitied, hn the intercuts of the city in charge, and most judioiounly is he managing them. Still tho quetion i un open one, aud it i not improbable Chicago will lead before the race is closed. It is but just to Bay that Mr. Arnold will let no op portunity pass t" pre. the claims of your city, and if application and persuasion can ef fect anything, or nn able report have nuy in tlueuce, against very strong combination in favor of Rock Island, the armory will be lo cated in Chicago, if anywhere in IUino'iH." Je(o 1. Rrigbt, the traitorous senator who was expelled ln-t week, is a native of Nor wich, Chenango county, X. Y. The Kuglish papers are beniing to "cut'1 I ncle Tom, and eulogize the condition of our southern negro slnves as really beneficent '. lien, llulleck ba seized Kx tloverimr Claiborne Y. JacVsou's hemp plantation, in Saline couuty, Missouri, fur eonfihcation. Coin is so scarce in Washington that a bill has been introduced in congress authorizing the city government to issue Hinall notes, not exceeding $1iihhh, redeemable in I'nited States treasury notes. The camp at I'ixoii ha been broken up, the soldiers of Col. I'ement's partially filled regiment having been transferred to lamp Butler, near Springfield, where it ha been consolidated with another regiment. Fifteen hundred troops h-tt Si. Louis for Cairo ou Thursday, on the steamer Memphis. They were the regiment of Illinois vol unteers, and Col. Hirge's sharpshooters. General I.e. yd Tilghmaii, made a prisoner at Fort Henry, was Governor Magoffin's brig adier of Kentucky militia for the western di vision of the state, and, it uill he remember ed, made u visit to Gen. Prentiss at Cairo, lat May, protesting that Kentucky only wished to be neutral, and that his own mili tary preparations were simply to enforce that neutrality. Wlo-n all was ready, went over with I'uckner to the rebel side. A New Major (ieneral Appointed: Special fiinpati-h to the Ch.cago Tribune. Wa-iiincton, Feb. 10, TcJ. Kthan Allen llitche.ick, of Vermont, to day appointed major general of the army, is a grandson of Kthan Allen of revolutionary fame, and is one of the " Praise God bare bones "kind ; being equally i tl'eclive in pray ing and righting, lie has the highest reputa tion for military capacity. Gen. 11. is already a veteran in the service, having been colonel of the 2d infantry, and brigadier general by brevet, until the past two or three, years, since when he lias been in private life. Generals Abererombie and Montgomery, of the volun teer "service, were his lieutenant colonel and lnajor,reepeetively,in the old l2d regiment, lie lias been urged lor this appointment lor some months." Yes, ho was long urged for n place in the union army, but Cameron, w ho was secretary of war, remembored that years ago, Gen. Hitch cock, theu a major in the I'nitcd States army, was the mini who exposed his frauds upon the Winnebago Indians, and Cameron de prived the union cause of the valuable ser vices of Gen. Hitchcock. Mr. Stanton can appreoiate him, it seems. The Akmy ami (its. We are informed that a very deep and bitter feel ing prevndes the whole army of the Potomac against the defamers and persecutors of Gen. SlcClellan, officers and men alike denouncing those who endeavor to mislead the public with regard to his plans and views, and raise doubts as to his skill and wisdom in carrying out any plan. The persecution alluded to is not confined to our own country. We see in Europe that the presg there is full of fnult finding, not'only with Gen. McClulIan, but with our whole system of operations, as un warrantably slow and inefficient. J t cannot be questioned that very much the greater part of the dissatisfaction thus expressed arises from the ignorance and inexperience of the fault-finders. The vaitnus of tho field of operations m our war is not appreciated by them. In Lurope it U really astonishing how very small the number is, even among tho most intelligent, who have any jst idea of our country, and among our own countrymen there are large numbers who do not proVerlv estimate its great area. Let all tho dissatis fied study our country and recur to the oper ations in the Crimean war, where in a territory mucn less tlian that ol the state of Rhode Island, moro than 20l),0Ui men and so much time were required for its investment, and they will, without doubt, comprehend better the difficulties and delays necessary to invest more than twenty times the Crimean area with only about twice the force brought into the field there. Chicapo Post. Taxes. The Chicago Journal publishes the following ; An annual tus of S27.r)O0.0n0 is Tironos- ed, $2.s i.uuiu m f,f wllic, pbnH lje for pBy. miiummioi mans and tor amnking fund, and the rest for the common expenses of the government. The Wur expenses are various ly estimated at Iron, ,. t two nilions per day. I he following is the proposed table for raising the sum of $273,in. 1,111111 . 1. A war tariff, ' t;5.0iiOMK3 2. A land tax, 4n,HimO0(J 3. A tax on incomes, ;V",,hhi (khi 4. A tax on domestic manufi., 3i,0' mi'ijQi) 5. Duties on stamps, lsilloo'oOO 0. A tax on slaughtered animal, IT.iukj'ooo 7. A tobacco tax, lO.Ooojuuo 8. A tax on domestic spirits, 'J, 5011,000 9. A tax on domestic ale 4; beer, 3,500,000 10. A luury tax. lO.UUO.lKJO 11. A newspaper k periodical tax, 2,&oo,000 12. A railroad tax, 7,500,000 13. A tax 00 aliens, 2,500,000 A Conaervatlve Letter of New York He- publican I'MigreuuiaM to one ul til ton- ' NtltiieiitH. I WiHiuNuTu.s, Jim. l'J, lxG2. 1 Mv Dear Sir I am in receipt of yourn of I the 15th. I will make tery abort reply : First, a to why our army Uue not itiilta at some other point than the stronghold of the enemy here. We cant withdruw any coinid- f eratle force from the army of the Potoiuatf, without weiikeninir our line, and we have viiilniit foe rumlv to lule mivuntfiiie 'v movement nl tint kind. Thev ''-"' eff'fJ lJ have their wiiin tiirne.l. if they eun "r'''1u"rf centre. Trust, mv dear air, t" the m W -.i,. ,.- ,.i,i.'.n i;.r victory u von or I '. can lie, with more kimwledjieo tlie meaiiii by i Which it run he ntlaine.l. A Joint commute,! , hm been in -" ..r toe urn ie wcc.. wuh creiitej ny i""" "i'i" in which the war ha hecii cowtuoteit. lop- ioscI II out " e "V "-'. t ha" done K"'-K' ' ''lU I'I"1"1 ('l the itrmy have been dieioed to this committee, They inuat keep the sex'rot tliu communicated, hut I know they are now Hutintiel with the plaits ; McCJellan him been before them. The tire' idotit stated the other day in my presence that there won probably but one man in the country more anxious for u battle than him-i-clf, and than man wa McClelluu. lie re pudiated, iu words of withering rebuke to thohc who make the charge, that he or Mr. Scwurd, or tjen. McClelliiu were lam poring or deliiying out of any ouii.-idiTatioii for rchei or rebel iur.titutii.u-i, r that they indulged auy hope nf einlin( the war otherwise than by Comment on the battld hchl. 1 wmli every man in our land could have hoard him. This bring mo to the second subject of your letter: That this rebellion lnut be put down by force nf arm. That i exactly w here you and 1, I while we appear to ugrge) diifer. i 1, more than you, believe that the sword must stay this rebellion. That is hot only the host way, but it is the only way to do it, and the constitution gives the government this method in ull its rigor. 011 would seek to do it, if 1 11 li' li-rt.Ui 1 V01I I'i irt 1 1 , bv tia-siug laws, and by decrees and order of, at leust, d uibtful constitutional authority. You can't but know that a law or decree roiilisealing property is inoperative whilu that property in the hands id an armed enemy. You would confiscate und then capture. 1 would cap ture and then confiscate. Rut that is n t the main difference butwceii us. Let us be Iratik and state it in the plainest language. I would prosecute this war for the re-toration i f the union. You wonld prosecute it lor the abo lition of slavery When the war over 1 Would leave the people that should be left iu any and ull the states iu possession of all the political rights they possessed before there. bcllion preserving all the states, and to all of them equal political rights. Y jU Would reduce 11 portion of the states to dependencies, and deprive them of the constitutional right of regulaung their do- iiieslii: institution. 1 am lor re-tormg tho 1 union -you for impairing it. i don't now ur 1 gue which theory is the best. I only want to make cb-ar the point of ditlui'ence. 1 "U limy say of mine that 1 have too much re-peet for s avery. I deny that I have ni.y risp'vt I .r slmcry. My e.,,-t for the c. ,ii-t,iuii 01, howewi, i supreme. Whenever and wher ever si.nery stands iu the way of eotiqti'-t by our utmie-, 1 w .11: 1 not spar- it, and 1 cam not how sorely it may be impii.-l by tho Conflict, or whether anything ol it be left when the war is over : but the right of each state to do with it iu-t it s heretofore, w hen the war is oier, must bo prcser, ,) , or, v ol see, it i 11 1 irnturutii'ii. Those w ho, with ine, are tor complete restoration of the old union can tuke 110 other ground. You who are for change may be more wiiu than we,' aud, once breaking through institutional re straints, yoii may makeali '.he i uorov euuMit 1 you think best, hut your action is revulution rv, not constitutional. You suy the rebels have broken the const! 1 tution ; certainly they have, and 1 would pun ish them us the constitution provides. Its , provision me iiinple for crushing them by I arms und hanging theiu by law. Law break ers ure punished by the laws they break, and those who execute the laws and inflict tho! punishment should not themselves become I law breakers. Let me close with an extract I of a letter lroiii Governor Sprague, in answer I toiiiiinvilali. il to the late New L'nglaud din- : tier nt the A -ti ir House: "I trust that wu ! shall not forget that this rebellion is based up on a mistake: that the m.i-.-e- of the m.ii!i i have been deceived by reckless and umbitious I men, touching our sentiments aud purpose. I It should be our object, while v igorously pros- 1 editing the war, to give the lie to, and not ! substantiate, the statement by which thoii.-i- 1 uiids ot holiest men in the south have been j misled. Let us si-e to it that w hen the war is ended the southern people shall blame j their own lenders b.r not having confirmed j tne stones moe lea.ier nave circulate. I with 1 reference to our motives." 111 mi way, oliiy, it seems to nie, eau we restore the union, a union of ban Is and a union of hearts, and become again a happy, prosperous aud powerful nation. I'm- iiiv-eil' 1 do most heartily disavow any other wish than that of bringing together these now bel ligerent state without the loss to any one of them of a single right or privilege w hich it ha heretofore enjoyed. 1 think these views should he publi died in connection with our former correspondence as defining the issue between us. 1 have not attempted to defend my position nor assail yours; only to present the issue, It is one upon which I have foreseen there was to be a division. I bad hoped it might be postponed until after the war, when we come to determine what use wp will make of our victory over rebellion. Rut the aliolition-i-ts are determined to make it now. Yours truly, A. S. Divkn. . The Ahulitliiii Opposition to the Confirma tion ol (,'i.i iiiuii. Krniii the Waslineton Smr, Keli. I. It is very clear that the opposition to the confirmation of the nomination of brigadier General Willis A. Gorman, is simply a pol itical one. That is, it springs wholly I10111 his bitter political opponents at home, some of w hom are in congress, and another un em ployee of the house of representatives. The pretence under which they seek to defeat his nomination is that on one occasion ho caused two negroes to be whipped. The cir cumstances uuder which hedid so are notori ously as follows, viz: The negroes in uucs- tion occupied huts iu the immediate vicinity I of his camp, aud were notoriously engaged in J surreptitiously selling pestiferous whisky to soldiers. Iu so doing, they defeated all Gen eral Gormau's efforts to keep the men under proper discipline. They were repeatedly warned off, and every other expedient at hand t" compel them to forego their profitable iu lam.ius traffic with the men was essayed in vain. Whereupon Gen. Gorman was ordered ;;y bj superior officer to try the virtue of I 'birch' Ulloil theni lliu lo.vt lino, lli..,. caught so offending; which order he carried out, alter havmg earned out the same order upon the persons of half a dozen worthless We submit that be engagwi m the same nefarioo truth.. not only simply did his m ' '!" would have been better tl,,,, to have punished the offenders lon l,.,fs they teere so tarnished His home political enemies here have eiaieu nil uooiition howl against I gen oui on ac vii ability ,1 -..... count oi iins ullnir; bis well-kn, and efficiency as an officer bavin .I,-,,. ..(' ,ol... , " I1""-'' wo, "iiivi i'ui "or eiiticavurini: to defeat his uoniinatiou. lie was appointed principally on the recommendation ol tleiier al Scott, under whom he commanded a re -i. merit throughout the Mexican war. r We submit that it i hiuli time thai ,.J n, l...l.l ne,.,. to lo. iH I . v upon army noiiiiiiations bv the political ef v..uu -..-w .u..u,.llvmu ,CWUJ ; forts of outsiders. Men must lie selected for P"sitions in the army becaune they are most likely to make good officers ; and, if such men are to be driven out of the service by the netiate because their polities do nut square with those cf a majority of the body, there is j an enaot all rational hope that the arms of the Uited Statea can triumph in the war. lay by day and week by week inflamatory abolition hurangumi ara baina; wano in me cm,MT, until largo portion of tlm body ultve worked themnelTei Into the belief that country will rnwuun tliam in driving out u ,,e ,orvio every officer who fail to xot ,melf up against the luw of the html where ihivery in oonoerned. Tliut law in a positive jn forbidding th military to interfere with the action of th civil autnoritic-H in carry itijj out the law for reoluiminir ftiRitivcs from In ir m it in in forhiiUiiii; the inilitury from the exeri'i of it power to return fugitive's from hihor. Nevertheless., the theory u which these !( Hitti.tii oral ir init that ull army ollieern nhull net liereiiltcr i, tlutt it i nl!iwaj slave nf loval men T,,Mn, , ,,,,.;.,. t.jv men (u well us ul process o civil H . Jsow, it, in the face of the law upon thin i nuijtata none tire to lie nllowi"! to noi.i L,mii,ii,iion j the army utiles they will hcrcalter consent to turn their t-uimiminU into harbors for the robbery of loyal citizens of their slavm, it is high time that the country should know the faet, that it may hold those to due responsibility who are thus making tin- success of the arms 01 the 1 tuted Mates a palpable impossibility, in their work of making abolition capital for themselves at Iciliie. - The L'tirrrury In IMS. The Lite Senator lientou, In his " thirty yeais in tic I'liited States Senate," upon.- hi- prelim iniir; clupter thus : "The with Ureal Hritii'm einiiiiieneeil in 11 'I. and elide. I in IHI.'i. It was 11 short wnr, and a iiccessiirv und iiniioilaiit one. It trui.v'l"il ami latioreii uinier the st.tte ul the nuances ami the cui relic , mid terniiiiiitd will t nn v pro- fesei I settlement of the C4Ue o hi. h ii le gun. Uold, I'm being niideividind, hud ceased to be a t-1 1 i i . tu-v had lio"iin' an article of merchandise and of export, and was earned to lon-igii count 1 ies. Silver hud been banished bv tho general use ol Imnk note h. id been re duced to :i -until quantity, insulin b lit for public demand, mid, In -ides, would have 1 1. too iiim- broil- ol a li I'UJPio i. I.or.d banks over-pi e.el the bio. I, and upon these liie b-deial .-iim-i 1. nn nt, having lost the enrrenev of the con- nli Kit ion. a- tin oun for a eiirremv und for loans. Tliet, iiiie.iipinl to the task, mid having le moved their own foundation by batii-hiiig specie with piotu-e piper in-ue. mink under the double load ot initio n tl and local wants, itiel stopped specie paiinents all enccpt those ol New Ki.g land, iin !i eetioii of the union a- uiilavoinble to tiie n.ii. Treiisiirv liotej were then the resort of the federal government. They were issued in luge quantities, and, not behi't rutntrlihr info nun ill tin " ill nf tltr li J'I'i', soon began to depre ciate. Ill I he second year of the war, the depre ciation h id already lieeome 1 iu ioii., e.-pei i.illv toward the fanada frontier, where the wai I aged and where luoiiey was ino-l wanted. An i lli -er setting out from Washington with u supply of these notes', folllcl them sunk Olie lhild by the time he 111 rived nt the north frontier, his every three .loll. us coiiniing hut two. Loans were ob tained with great ditlicnlty, lit huge discounts uliiio-t at the holder's own term, and still at tainable oiil v in depii-i i.ited local brink notes, In le-nthaii three war- tin- government, paralyzed bv tiie slate ot its linalici-, wa- lorced to seek peace, ami in tmdi iwitlioul seeming by any treaty stipulation the object for which the war was d clued " miasv I'a i r.i.'i i-m To obtain pilots acquiin- t.'d wit 0 I'lilioleo Soniel is no e.isv Inatter. A few day -iitee I'. .111111. ..lore Itold-horoiigh had an intern, n with some of the inlniliitaiit about lle re ilh a view of e.-tiu on.- lo :is-i-t in the pl!titee til lie fleet These lueuille, of rOlirsP, tinioiiists, but how far Ih-'ir patriotism jroo will he evident fiv t III- follow illL' Ittistruet of tl COIIV'CI'. satioii which ensiled between the eoiiiiuodore and one of lie 111 : 1 'imiii'l'i'-i ''Wouldn't you like to make sonic iiuuiev ? W will pay von w.-ll to do this bui ' ness: pio. hard gold at that V 1 I With an indescribable tlrawl anil uc 1 I cent 1 "Wal, v.i.i-, I would ; but I run a risk of I gittiii'.' iil-tre ited by the s'l-hioners " ! ' I 'uitwf'fft "Hut we vvill protect yon IVom any dallu'er of that kiln!." ! ,il,r, "Van-, I understand that but" Ihi-sitiiting.) ' 'miutiinl'tri "What ?" Sul in- 1 ItriiiL'ing out his words with a jerk "Wal, now you know you nioiiehln't succeed in this business and then litem ar B'eshioitt.-1's'd tr eat bud." ! lie eoiil.l 11 , 1 le- prevailed up. HI, Itol' either of 1 the others. It i- to le- hoped that these men are ! not a s titoiie ot' the uuitiiii-ts of North t'aruliiia. j I From the Clocagu Pust, f'th. I he Chicago I'r.itluce Market. The receipts on yesterday were 'A, '.K bbls. flour, .'.n.iioM bus. wheat, lo.j'il bus. corn: 2, ii'JT bus. outs; ;i,(i'.l2 bus. rye, 2,UV.I bus. bur ley, 4. 2 VI dead and u,.vs2 live lings, l.l.i.'i head ol beef cattle, utul - bbls. highwiiies. 'flu; Hour market was dull, and only about 2, V111 bbls. soltl at ii!,. Vhoi, '.") for fair to tdeiicf spring wheat extras. Wheat wa moderate Iv active ut 7 la"2c for 77a77 lo lor No. 1 do. No. 2 spring in store ; l oin was moil nateiy active at 'J'Ja'i'J'lc for mixed in store. Oats dull at l'alle 111 bags delivered. Ilye firm nud a. -live at 'Mr, in store. Hurley linn, with large sales at oOailoc for fair to good samples on track. llighwinesfii-in nt l('atil. Tim othy sued i'l,biial,7U. pork ?'J,7j lor good brands, with but. little doing. Lard steady at luitiiio for prime, nn.l Tiie for No. 1. Cut meats steady, with sale .V III boxes of I'uniherliintl cut middles at -It! per lb. 1 tress ed hogs in better di'inntid and "n: per 100 I lis higher, with sale at 2 Ii0a2 (Hi per 100 lbs, the hulk of sales being nt S'J I'i'ia'J So, divid ing mi 2011 lbs. Live'diog 2oiiii2 ."(. the market closing dull and heavy. Ileof cattle 11 fair demand, with ,-ales of over 1200 head head ut 2.'!a.'l 2' per loo lb. live weight. The following tahlu shows the receipts of live and dressed Ims from Nov. 1, Lsiil, to date, and for the corresponding period in the two previous seasons : ISdI-112 lSl'tiMU lMil-t'iO o87,bD2 :;"7,l2fi 22;l, 20M The follow ing shows the range of prices of live and dressed hogs (or the week eliding Feb. S, 16112, anil for the same time in ISO I , ami IStiO. t 1S02 I SOI lsi',0 Live, S2 30a2 ,W $4 75a5 30 $,, 2ta5 ft( j Dressetl 2 00a2!)r ti IX hill 20 0i.iOa7 00 BY TELEGRAPH h'.rcitisifcli fur llw Daily A riiw, j .1ii.svot ami SlUfll airire in Kuijhind So Hutiw taken tn'm Interesting comments on American v flairs lioanoke Island tak en Three rebel gun boat.i sunk and two taken 'J hret dain' hard lialittw, and a I imioti rirtonj Hie relth of Sorfolk und Dnrtimouth fianic-strickeii. Telegraphed to I fie Keck Island Argue. Washington, Feb. 10. Senate. The re-j port ol the committee of conference on the ' ttill to raise certain troop in Missouri and j Maryland was taken up. j Mr. Henderson said they could be ordered out of the state for the defence of the state, and even, if necessary, goto New Orleans;, j The report of the comuiittee was agreed to, ' and the bill passed. I The extra session then adjournod. j II. his -The house took upand m8sed the ; senate joint resolution authorizing a detail of naval officer for service iu the war detiart : nieiit. ! The house coticurrctl in the senate aiocn.l- . nient to ,t, loll i:.. f .1.. 1 i- cotton aeed. nn, i.l that .... ,l .,! i btrs eool.l i . .... '".i . . , -' - Apeoueu UT lOOUCCO (tCOU House a iit'iiriietl. l'cRTI.AMi. Me V.,l. Ill . ti. t.: Jura, which left Liverpool on Thursdav, the tilth, and Londonderry the 31st, arrived at I 1:4-1 tO-tlljrt''. Mason nn.l Sli.lnll 1....1 . ampton. No dem w.tratlnn "A !iV. former went to London and tha UttJ , I'arin. 6 '"Uer ,0 The sale of cotton for three days was 280,- 000 tales, including 12,000 to speculators and exporters. The market was firmer, with an advance of je. Advices from Manchester aro favorable. Liverpool breantulf market generally dull with a slight decline, except for Corn, which was steady, Richardson, Spencer and others report dour heavy, and declined (id per barrel, Wheat dull, and declined la2d. lied west trn lK.l'Jd ; red southern I IsAildaPJ-A'd ; white we. torn 120. lal2s..Sd ; white south ern l.'lsalos.ld. Corn Mea ly. Mixed ola.'.liO.. I.ivcr I provision tuurket had a down War.Ulelnlelicy. Ileef declining. Pork nominal, llacoii declined. L.inl 111 breadstuff market dull, and ull qualities slightly declined, t'uiisol closed for money on Thursday at Sus'k. 111. 1.'. share -loii-Hdi. Frie 2i) u'Jvtt- ft wa rumored that the government had ordered the Nashville to quit Southampton, but extended the time, for her departure ow ing to danger from the Tuscororu. It wa also rumored that the government will prohibit urine I ship of either party re maining over 21 hour 111 any port. The following is the .Knot's report: ! Karl Kiissell, in a dispatch dated Jan. 2od, to Lord Lyon, say : "The Lnglisli government differs entirely from Mr. Sewueti' conclusion on the ques tion whether the person taken I nun the Trent mid their supposed dispatches were con traband or not." It wa- rumored that the ve-o which the Sumter engaged wa the Iroqiioi. There wa 110 news of either. It wa reported that the Tuscororu wa go ing to quit Southampton. Her destination was kept secret. The Time, iu u characteristic article., calls for something deeisive in America. It say": "I'npleiismit complication must arise if the present state of affair continue much longer." Napoleon opened the French chambers on the 27th. He said the civil war which dis tracted America has greatly compromised our cominereinl interest. So long, however, a the right of neutrals are respected, we must routine ourselves to expressing wishes for an early termination of those dissension. Bourse higher. I'enot 71f o'V. France ha recommended Koine to concili ate the court of Turin. Antotielli absolutely refuse all terms. There were contradictory rumors of an Kriglish-French expedition to Mexico. The Loin hoi Time remarks on Mason and Slidell that both will probably keepquiet and await events that ure at hand. Latest commercial, via Londonderry : Liverpool, Friday Cotton sales were -10,-oini bab s. Market firmer, with nn advance on the week of ',d. The total stock in port i estimated 540, If io bales, of which 21'i,ooo were American. I' reads tuff's downward. Wheat more steady. f'orn quiet. I'nri, .Inn. oO. Tiie Moiiiteur says the disiiiis-ion of Mr. I'umerou gives Lngland gn-ut satisfaclii'li. London, Jan. .'!. Mnson untl Slidell have left for I'aris. Madrid, dan. .'io. OT'oiinell declares that Frani'o ha made no separate engagement with Spain. The Spanish government has no reason to supp. se that France intends settling the ul laiis of Mexico without considering the wish es of the other power. Very Late.-t via Londondet ry. A telegram from Li-boo announces further satisfactory news from Huenos Ayres. Strico's Meet was taken by the liueiios Ayreius. Four MonkoK, Feb. 10. News by a flag of truce states that our troops landed ut lioauoku Island yesterday iitternoon. No particulars are given, but it is intimated that the Island was taken. lie.-iji ters, contrabands, came to Camp 1 ii tn 1 1 1 1 hi this tilterno.m, having been found y a scouting party, une was u meinlier ot the Llack irginia cavalry, who were en gaged in the skirmish at New Market bridge, on the 22in!of liecember, with Max Weber's regiment. He was urmed with carbine, pistol if., nml had a considerable amount ol rebel money. They represent a great scarcity of provisions. The bark Finity arrived this afternoon from llostoti with forty five rebel prisoners in charge of Lieut liuell, tube exchanged. It. is exnrctfd that liishtm Ames and Hon. j Hamilton Fish will accompany the prisoners whetithey are sent over in the morning. AsiiisoroN l et), llth. Herman Michaels has been officially recognized a consul for Saxony, in the state of California. Tribune's special says: The bill of which Senator Wilson gave no tive to-day, will provide for the establish ment of a national foundry on the Hudson river, not far south of West I'oint, and of a A manufactory for iron, suitable lor cannon, in I'eiinsylviinia, probably at liloomfield. (len, SigtT nomination, as major general, vvill be sent into the senate to-morrow. I'iiii.aiiC' etna, Fob. 10. The Knquirer of this city has a dispatch dated Fortress Mon roe last night which report the lauding of the federal troops at lioanoke Island. Three rebel gunboats were sunk and two captured, one of them the Hag ship. The tiremiiii on hoard the steamboat reports that the stars mill stripes could be seen over the batteries from F.lizabelh City, The Baltimore Clipper publishes an extra stating that lioanoke Island was captured af ter three days fighting. Two rebel gunboats were captured and the rest sunk or scattered, The people of Norfolk and I'ortsmouth wore panic stricken-. The news is confirmed by passengers from Fortress Monroe. LoL'isvii.i.R, Feb. 11. Arrangements have linen effected by which Major Helvite and Captain Frince of this department will be re leased by the rebels. New York, Feb. 1 1. Four market heavy and oc lower. S V.Vrao,Oo superior state ; $-."i,80ao,(Ji) extra state; $5,55a5,65 superior western ; ?','.0a0,00 shipping brands extra K II 0. Canadian flour heavy and 5c lower. $5,j5a .1,00 superior ; 5,SOnO,75 extm, Kye Hour steady nt $o,25a4,2o. Wheat market dull, nominal and lc lower, without sales of moment. live quiet at X;lu80c. Hurley nominal ut SOa'.'Oc. Corn market heavy. O.iaOOlc mixed west er n. Oars dull at, 41af2c. Fork steady aud firm. Sales ."00 bbls at $12.2oalj.00'mes3 ; ?!,!,5;.a'.t,&0 prime, lieef quiet. Cut meats dull. Pressed hogs firm, 4a4J. Lard firm at 7Ja$Jc. Hotter quiet. Cheese quiet. Whisky lower, ut 24a24ic. ' Money plentv. AhO per cent. Sterling ex change dull. jl,14al,15; CUI S2J. lUSSOLlTIO.N. r IMIF. co-partnership heretofore existing be 1 tween Joseph A. Bitldison, William K. Gil inure, and I. erne K. Btddiaon, under the firm o J- A- BiUdiaoa & U AP." . ,N,U' ' l'e l.usi.ies. at the l -Mill ana ine manuiaciiire i aaau, dnora, ui.nua, eie. will be continued by the subscriber,. J. A. BIDDISOX, W. F. G1LMORE. .NOTICE. 1MIE notes, book accounts and paper of Mr. Julius Sehulie, aaddler ana hameat maker, have been lert with me for tottiement. All thoae indebted to him are notified to make immediate pavnient, or coat will be made. HENRY FISCHKL, Juatice of tha Peace. Rock liland, Dec f, latil. ESTR.1V NOTHK. N OTICE in hereby given that on the 2'ith day of Jan., A. U, 1102, J. II. L'lclcnc, of the Town of Kilginifloo, took up au etru),oiie Dun mare Cult, three yearn old uevt sprinK, and marked as fulluwi : Wtin a aiaall in tit-r face, black lega and dark stripe down her h:n k,ml ap praised hi'turn Will. U, MontKiiliery and -V A. Ilsath at Korlv dollar. Junuurv 3t, A. I , Mi. ' JOS. I t'iNKT, l ierk. LSTK.IV .NUTHK. NOTIl'L' is hereby given that 011 the 2nh dayuf Jan., Sli2,Jaliies Me Alpliersiiu, ol the low 11 ot lour) , look up as etray, Two Steers, lli rue yivr old pant, and marked aa follow. .- line a dark ilrinule, with a star la the Inn head, auma wlutu umlei His to Ily, and three white lecl. The other, a tight llrindla llli-hack,itUK lionii, white under the bully, nine w hite iut un the tail. And appraiii-d bt-lore Lewis W. drittjtili, David Andrews aud Juiiiitli M. Hriinell,ut I'lnriv-Kive llullar, Ki-hriiarv Ith, A. I). , IMiU. JOS. tONKT, Clerk. $10. $10. GET THE BEST. As Every Family Naturally Desires lo I'ossess I lie Host Si'winjj; M'n .- lino lo he had, f present lor c.iltdid coniuiler.itioii, the fol lowing : llicie are three reiUlieuieut which slioii:d lie united In a Sewing Machine. 11. ( iipulibll.v of doing all v al lelic ul' . work Iu a pei'lei t manner I 'itl. I'.asenl manageinciit. ;iil liiiiubbit). ' Is. The (Inner Ilaki-r M.ii'hine i oliihuie tins.- reiiiitrctneiil in a fnin- niunitit dim than any other iii.'ieloite. It w ill sew from one to twenty ilni-kiies.. ol eloth and over line thick liens ol lace nr nainsook on tutwo or mure thn.-k- ttes.ett lifcilll'-skill U'itllHUt lnOlife a' hH'tlt. fhrnht , i.r ti m. jit, making a perleet Httte h nu each and all of thene l'll.rii's, which proves it posseasua I the first requirement. I Oil. A it "H sew from une to many thick ui'kses of cloth and lace or leather, without any ';e ofiteeilU. or tciistun it i t t'oiiMhiit it must he inure ni-.v to miuiiut tlt.ui other m.ii'lunt. j thai reqiiiie idiaiige in ruiinini; fnun one variety of I cloth to iiii'ither. ! It is al" easier to manage tlun any other : I Hecause it lia a inure ponerrsl feed that hold nu to the work firmly an that the operator need I net hold it stretched to avoid puckering, thus en ' daiuicrini,' hreakiltgol needles. I het-iittse it is Ufiliei essnry to unscrew any part of the inn'hiio- trl nn and oil it. Ileeaime ytni never ha "h to cut the hand off to lake up the stretch of leather. Ilecaiise it feeds over seams pertectlv without rciitnnif the uperatur lo pull the work through. i. Willi regard to the (, rover & Maker Machine hi heeii m ireneral use tor the past I i v ears, and over .ill, (lOO of them are in use I in the I ni'eil Mates alone. Mat limes m.ttle the tirst vear nf ottr hiimiiess. are still in daily ue, ami iippareully an tiotul a ever. Altlioiiith eipertencu in the iiiaitiitai'tiire has led tn improvement in the mechanical cuiiMiriiciioit. v el the principle remaiiis Ihe s.imej the FINAL UK.l 1.1 is the N KW I.M PKiiVl.ll l.H"KK ti HAKKIl NlilSKLKSS FAMILY SF.W'INt; MACII1NK which it daily increasing in in til i ts t'avor ; and which makes the IjOoIsl Stitcla, tlif urtmo nn both Hides. imui i: $IU! We utiall liio roiistniit!)' un ha ml M A C II I X K SPOOL SILK. 0UK A; WcVU GUT'S ( oltoii.all Colors, Siifierinr Sarin; Midline Oil AND ISJ o o l 1 o sj MVS uK ta t U t.MI'Td.N, AeuH lor Huck Island Cuitnty. Vale ntincs FOR 162. I' UK S II STOCK VI L Ii T I M S At W llot.KSAI.K ,t 15 ETA 1 1., lo( Old and Voinifft Males aud Females, (.rave aud Gay, Soldiers;and Civilians. COMIC AND SENTI M 1 . N TAL, ISToxv Styles ! $3 I. nts I nt up I'.vprcssly lor Country Dealer. 0 1 V E I' S A C ALL. DK.VOF. & CI1AMPT0N', l itv Dook and Varinty Store, rehatlavvtf ' Hock Island. TAX SALE NOTICE. rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. X. Take notice, that on tne 30th (lay of June, A. D. 1 800, at the sale of lots ami lands held at the Court house iu Rock Island, County of Kock Is land and State of Illinois, fur the state and county taies and costs thereon, due and unpaid -o the said State of Illinois and County ot Huck Island for the years A. I). IS'iS ami lSj(l, I, E. M. Kowler, purchased the folluvvini; tlescrihed lands situated in the County of Kock Island, with the buildings, if any are situntrd thereon, to wit : f-ec. To Acres. 39 KM 00 107 Ml hU It) 4U 10 le a e it pt n e qr h hf i w ,r e i a vv ,r n w a w tr n e n e qr 11 17 M III 17 9 S 211 :I2 20 33 -i0 33 20 n r 2 n r 2 n r 3 n r 2 n r 2 n r 2 n r 2 neae r w uart s O'U acres w hi n w tir Sec. SO Tp Il range2 e 20 And that the tune of redemption on said sale of said lands will expire on the 3Uth dav nf June, A. It. 1m2. ' K. M. FtlWLKR. February l,w3t " ESTItAVi N'otice is hereby given that on the loth day of November, "A. L)., lSbT, in the Town of Black Ilawk,G. V. (irithn took upas an Estray, one Bay Hurso, lti hands high, supposed to be 5 or ti years old, w ith the letters ' V. S." branded on letl shoulder a white strip iu the forehead, a small w hite spot on his nose and one on his upper lip, and a shoe on his right fore toot. Appraised before Pavid Brow nice, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in said Town, at $."0 Also, one Dark Chestnut Sorrel Horse about li hands high, about seven years old. " U. S " brand ed on the lel shoulder, 'small white strip in face, and shins on both lore feel. Appraised before David lirownlee, Esq., a Justice of the I'eace in said town, at $40 JUSEf'lt CONET, Clerk. Rock laiaad, Jan'. !'th, ISoJ. PHI MP H. HKIXK. HOUSE, SIGN A XI) ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, is now prepared, to execute with neatness and dispatch all ordera in the Painting, C.laung, and Paper Hanging Line, and at the most reasonable prices. Call and gi? him a trial. cgal Metier MASTER'S SALE. miKOf ILLINOIS, 1 Rut k Inland County, J Circuit Court in and fur the County of ko. k Is sod flute oMll, n,... ' and, l''urrliura 'ut m..iiu., Henry Allen, eu.npl.i.a,,,, jams. W. Hraek r i' I . i 1'. ' i:- '''y. Jersmiai, llrackell. I.. Muwll llrowi,, Frauti. P. Muiitlurt lliiher. W. Smith, Jiiiiih W,lk,., yA ZIT, Aiiu-lia HtioiH'and John stover, drft-mliiaia, VllTH'E i hereby uiv,. ,mt j y R Mean, iiiiuteriiii liaiicery of the au namnd cuuil, iu pursuance ol a decrt-lal order of aaid I'uiirl, made lit the alinvs entitled causa uu ihs '.'ill It day of Septt'iiiher, and ul' lltu Sept,.m.r term uf ' nil court, A. I). Idol, ahull, nu Saturday tin- liMh day of lite, A. D. Sitil,lieleen III huiiri ol !1 o'clock a. in. and ti o'clock p. in. ol'aaid day nil at puliliu urn lion at the dour of Ilia Court house, in Ihe city a.u! ton city id Kock Island and tate aforesaid, to the Infill it didder fur rash in ha ml, the Inflow inn tle.t rilied real elUle, lu wit i 1 hat part of lot ciyht (S in k three (j), in tin. old air oriuiiuil town ul' lUi k l!.ill.l, county of Ituck Island and alato ol lllunna, I iiuiiimliciliK at Ihe loiithnaat corner of said lol, rui.ninn llii-nce moth along deer nt reel io the alley in 'he rear of said lot, thence along aaid alley wnat .ty feet, lliiic aouth it right angina to the aout'i sitle ul aaid lot un lllinoia atrrut, thence east along aaid llliiiuit afreet inly feel to the place of heRiiiniini, i ueing mil leei on truin in ai Nine in saiu lol. ' K. K. IIKA.N, Master iu Chancery, C. M.Obuorn, It. I, Co., Ull. Cuiiusel for Ctiinpl't. Pec. O. 11.1. ! AlUol lt. VflNT. ! 1'lieali.ive ah' atalula adjnuriie.l to SATl H UAV, TDK 11111 UAV iV .1 A t'A ft V, A U. ! K. It. UK AX. j .Master in Chancery, Hack Island, Co.', Ilia. ! Hock Islind, lire. .., I Sob 1 AlUot KVMItNT, I The aliuve lale si mil adjourned to SATl'R. UAV, J AX t'A It V -''TH, li, at the samti place t and tionr ot ilay, I V.. li. IIKAN, Masti r in Cliiiin ery, I Km k Island ('utility, Illinois. ! It. irk Island, Jan. II, ls.ti'2. ! AJIJOI 'IINUKNT, The aliove tale standi adjourned to SA'l'l It -UAV the lt UAV OF FKIIKl AllV, A. U., Mi, at the same place and hour of dav . V.. K. IIKA.N, Master in Ch.uict-ry, It. u k Island County, Itlinuia. Huck Islniol .Ian. '.' illi, lt;'., Awm iix ti:T. The it hove sale stand ailiiiiriietl In S. I I li UAV.lhe LOTH UWHK FKIIBl AUV.A. U. Isi..', at the ".tine place and hour of day. K. U. IIKAN. Muster lii Chancery, Kin k Island Co., Illnuoa, Kock Island, Feb. 1, liti'.V tax saij: 01KK. N lJl'ICE is hereby pven that tin' uiufer- iltiied purchased, nt the Collector' Sale, un the J.'itli day of Join;, A, tl. IsuO, fur lanes anil cost, tlue the Stale ul lilniuiKand County ol Hut k Island, the follovv ni I . scrilieil lands and tuwii lots, viz : Pari N W S W Sec I Tp lti X 4 V P M Xi acres. Sec IT Tp 17 X 2 W I'M :'.0 112-IUO acres. N t Sec 2u Tp 17 1 W P M Kin acrei. but ! I in block 8 in the town of Camden. Lot ti in Block i " ' (1(1 by 70 ft X end Lot 4 in llloc k ti in the town of Camden. Lots (1, II, 2a, i and 2 in Ad tnuville addition to Camden. 'hit l.i to Hoi k ldand. I ?ii ?J acres. KJ Lot I'd -'I acre. 'I'lte tune ot' redemption from u tul sale will ex pire on ihe 2"ilh day of June, A. 11. Mi. NhIicc i also i!iveu that the lilidcrsie;ucd par chaseil.iiii the 27th itay ol June. A. U. IMjI, at the Collector's Sale, lor taxe and cost tlue the State of Illinois and ('utility of Huck Island, the follow ing tie senhed lands and low n lots, viz : I ntliv nled j frl vv sec 'ii tp 17 n 2 w P M "m ss-IOtl acres. but 12 in block H in ihe town ul Camden. Lots 9 ami III in Adamsville addiuun to Cam deu. Western Addition to Hock Island City. Lots 2, 3, 4, b, 7, ft, 10, 23, 24, 2ti and 21 iu Work I. Lots I, ::, lti, III, 20 and 23 in block 2. I.ol 2 in tdoi-k li. Lota a nntl b in block b. I.ol 4 in block 7. Lots I, 2, 3 and 7 in block !h Lots 21, 31 aud 32 in block 12. Lots 3, 4, 7, is, y and 16 in block 13. Block IU except lot b. Lot 2 in block IN. The time of redemption from said sale will ex pire un the 27th day uf June, A. D. Is.03. CEO. W. CIIANEY. Camden Mills, Feb. I, M)2. IMtOSI'lH I I OF THE Journal of the III. State Agr'l Society. Tu tlte ' 1 oi ..-.' nf Agriculture tinil Mechanic Arts . The Executive Couinultee id' the llltnuts State A,Ticultur;il Society believe the tune has arrived when the publicatitui of a Journal oftlte Society is imperatively iieinanueu. Pursuant, therefore, to the duty with which they are chaiged by the second section of the Consti tution of aaid Society, revised and adopted by the meeting of delegates from County Agricultural Su cietics, held on the Fair (iroiintls, at Jacksonville, Nept.,IMi0, they have made the necessary arrange ments for the issue of such Journal, monthly , cum luencing with January, lMi2. Each number will contain at least 32 pages (octavo) of reading matter, composed principally ot such portions of the transactions oftlte Stale and County Societies, and communications on the subjects of Agriculture in all its brandies, Me chanics and Natural History, as may require early publication. isil. All Premiums ofTcretl and Awarded by the State Society vvill appear in its columns. All persons and especially Secretaries and other officers of County Societies, are respectfully re quested to coiiiinunicatc to the editor any matters of general interest to the tntl imtrial classes, as they may from time to time arise in their respec tive localities. To place the Journal within the reach of all, the subscription price has beeu fixed nt Fifty Ci:ts a year, barelu sufficient tu cover eust of publication, payable invariably in advance. Hack numbers tor the current year will be furn ished uulil the edition is exhausted. All subscriptions and communications may be forwarded to the undersigned, Springfield, Illi nois. JOHN' P. REYNOLDS, Cor. Sec. and Editor Journal. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. STATE of Thoimis Johnston, deceased. J The undersigned having been appointed exec utors of the estate ofThomas Johnston, late of the county of Ruck Island, and state of Humus, de ceased, hereby give notice that they w ill appear before, the county court of Rock Island county, at the office of the clerk of said court in the city of Rock Island , at the February term, on the third Monday in February next, at which tune all per sons having claims against said estate are netilied and requested to attend for theiurpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tins lilthdav of December, A. IJ. lfttil. MARY JOHNSTON, I .. . ,l,cl( 4w JOHN JOHNSTON, J ' Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. 7 OTICE U herehy given, that by virtue of an order ot the county court, within and lor the county ol Rock Island and state of Illinois, made and entered of record by the Judge thereof, at the December term, A. D. ISbl, of said court, on the 3d day of January, A D. Isb2, the under signed administratrix of the estate ol Robert T. Shaw-, late of the said county, deceased, for the payment of debts against said estate, will sell at public aution, on Saturday, the 15th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1102, between the hours of 10 o' clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door nf the court house, in the city and county cf Rock Island, and stale alurcsaid, the fuliowmg described real estate belonging lo the said estate, to wit: Lot eleven (1 1), and the east halt of lot ten (10, in block three 1 3;, in the low er or Chicago addition to Rock Island, now city of Rock Island, (said property to tie told subject to widow-'a dower. Terms of sale One half of the purchase money in hand, and the remainder in six months from day of sale, seenred as provided by law. Dated this 3d dav of January, A. D. ISG2 Sl'S.tN I. PERSHING, Administratrix. p9 For nice Job Printing, of all kinds, go to ihe Rock Island Aiui-s office. ill I'll fll'llffJc IMttlMttc. FUESII UYSTEltS, BV tho can, or nerved up in auv tyle de sired. A guud aupply always un liaiul the heat Ll'llur, and Cigars. I'll 1 1. HtlNK. Hut k Island Saluuu. wm. un tinr. I.. J t KANUSI I H.M. VAN FLEET 4. CO., Commission Merchants for the aale ol L H K H li; A Nil 1) It I i:i KM II IT. Poultry, Kggs, flutter, ami ull kindaol FARM PRODUCE. IU1 Dearhuru Nt., near the V. ., CHICA(.l), .... ..IN01i V. O. IUIX liltil, jE'"sl"""1,l"'ititn paid to the sale ul Apples, leache., Herni a, Vegetable., ma all oil,. Per. hahle property. T U ir iTL o t MXCK TIIE Ii O I. I 1JAVH! J I S T A It K I V E D ! Another clinics invoice ut Photographic Albums, 12, 21, 30, 10 and SO rtiotograpb ! A I. SO, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, oH Cartes de Visite. Of tabic Persons, TAKEN FROM LIFE! At UKVOK i. CIIAMI'TON'S City Hook and Variety Store. CARD PHOTOGRAPH PORTRAlfsT Tor ALML'.MS, in the most artistic style, to La had at CA VKOHD it SPKlUF.lS. AMBKOTVI'ES, Not surpassed tlnv side of New York, taken at (iAYFOIlDk SPEIDEIS. PHOTOGRAPHS, All si7e, in the highest style of art, tn ha hail a .a) ford & Sjieiders Gallery, In Webber', llm-k. I'll H' li S M i) 1) i: n A r K ! S U A DI'S ST U.E Q t A R R V JOIjIET, IXjZj. (W'e: City Limits.) I AM prepared to furnish to build,- und Contractors in Illinois, Michtsan, Indians, Wisconsin, low a and other stales, CUT STONE, FLAGGING, from 2 to 10 inches in thickness, CUKU1NG STONE Of any sue, RABBLE AND FOUNDATION STONE, VAULT COVERS, SIDEWALK STONE, Or any other styles, and auy size desired, either in the rough or dressed, and delivered either on Railroad Cars or Canal Boats. My quarry is situated directly on the Canal and the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad, one mile southwest ol Juliet, and my facilities fur loading will enable me to sell as low as tlte lowest. I't ices to Suit the Times. Orders respectfully solicited Irom abroad, and nil "work done un the square." All Inters promptly answered. J. J'. SIVALM. Jollel, Illinois. FOR SALE OR LEASE. IN loti or ftibdiviiioni, to nut pur'-haeurs, or persons that may desire to leasel o a term u ears, the following property in the Citi ol Daven sort, vii: In block 13225 feet, frtintina ,. 1.1 ........ Io0 feet, fronting un Water street, G5 feet fronting un 3d street. In block 17 Near the Market House 50 feet fronting on Warren street, tending lh'O feet back, with an each side ol the Int. In bluck IS SO feet fronting on Third street, 125 fronting on Scott street. ' In bluck 20320 feet fronting un Third street, 320 feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley street. la block 27 1U0 feet fronting on Sixth street, ' 150 feet fronting on Warren street In block 31 160 feet fronting on Fifth street, ' 150 feet fronting on Scott street. In block 36300 feet fronting on Western avenu 160 feet fronting on Sixth treet, 160 feet frunting on Seventh street. In block 3S 150 feet fronting on Drown street 160 feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 3S 65 feet fronting on Sixth street and extending back 150 feet. ' For particulars inquire of Corbin & Dow Attor neys at Law, or of JAMES MAY. GILT FRAMES ! GILT FRAMES ! ! PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, I of all sizes and styles, can be had at my shop, on short notice. Also GII.T OVALS. of new and beautiful designs, suitable for PHO TOtiRAI'HS or AMHROT YPES of any size. (;li.l)l.(i, of all kinds, done to order in the best manner. Old paintings cleaned and burnished. Old Iramea re-gilt. All Work Dune In the nest Manner. Artists and others in want uf anything in my line, are respectfully invited to give me a call. jSMfShop on Illinois street, over D. Lingle's fnnnture store, near Temple Buford's grocery tore. RICHARD PLATT. PROBATE NOTICE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) Kock Island County. s To all AdminiitraJors, Executor and Guardians As the Statute Law of this State requires all Ad ministrators and Exec utors to render an account of" their administrations at least once in 'ach year, to the i'robate Court, and also at the end of two years at farthest to close the settlement of es tates ; therefore, Sotice is hereby giim, to all Administrators ol estates in said County, to render account of their administrations, to and before said Probate Couit, agreeably to the requirements of law also Guard ians of Wards in like manner, in order to prevent tne necessity ol issuing summons. By order of Court. E . , , JOSEI'H CONET, Clerk. Kock Island, Jan. 13th, 1862. jan 14 dw3w. Kcgtster, Independent, and Chronic Des Wes ens, please copy threa w eeks. ESTRJY. "YTotice is hereby given that on the 'J.M day l of December, A. D., lbtil, in the Town of Molina, David R. Wood took up as an estray, one Dark Brown Mare colt about one year old, which was appraised before Ellsworth Mapes, Esq., s Justice of the Peace in said town, at Thirty dol lars. JOSEPH CONST, CUrk Rock Island Ian'. 10th. Mi.