Newspaper Page Text
DAILY ARGUS. TUE t'XIO.V MUST HIS PRESERVED. 1. I. DANruRTH, J., tUITOi. aturday l'venlng.... Feb. I St "If any one attempts to huul d(,wn the Ano-ii-cvu Vg. "hoot him on the spot "Mn .1. !' iff The Ar,f,u is the oiilt paper in llii conn-ij- that lakes i . p..i t-. cniisc,iioinly it van furni'li the people til lliisund adjoining; conn nc in advance nl any other piper. ix. it vim di:. If there is any one attribute of poor, frail humanity whii It receives, ns it di'servci, the UMueaMireJ exverutioti and contempt of mini kind, it istliosiuol inj;rntiiiide. And il there t a iicp:iper iiny where guilty of thin iti, it it th M-ilili" in-iri'inti-nt. Xu little, one It irii' concern Inf done more blowing fur the tiutonouH dint l-iii"' thun tho pitper ttlluded 1 1, In ihu ey, of it" editor, Jim l.utiu wan the sum of nil hilinitn (.'indues. It wait fur Lr his itiiuiimry l,riiju,lt thut the editor afreuid wu goinc; to raise a lalnilous- nuin her of military coinpiiiiies. And by tho aid of several aetive yotiiti' in, 'it in Henry, Knox, Merger tin I Whitc-ide counties, u coiiipitny Hiti mixed fr the utnri-sttid iiimginury lrig u l'. Unrolled in thut Company wan the re initrLiUe nninlier of Uu individual front M line the editor and the editor'a brother , 1 I, . I .1 lll-ll UiLII, .111-4 I,l'IVt, , 1,1 M ,1 1,1,11.,- l-f i,;ni, The. proceeded to i..rt . Leaven w.-rtli, ! ltKMH. Thai all the delegate ulid utter a good deal of bargaining, not find- ; ,a, taken the outh to support the ennstitu iiig t!i tifuresaid Jim Lane brigade, the com- , tion of the I'nited State wa Hiillicient evi- juny wa disposed uf ton Missouri regiment un 1 marched to Lexington where, unfortun ately, it Whs numbered among the prisoner ut the surrender nt that place, and subsc 4Ueutly mustered out of the service und ceas ed to exist. And now, when Jim banc's star has act, the aforesaid Molinc id'ye ndrul turns ugaitisl its ijol, and says " That lien. Lane is la-t proving himsell a humbug wc have no d'-ubt, and tilth ough we have heretofore placed great confidence in him und his suggesti ons, our lailh begin tu lalter." " Let it be roe.. I- l"d" that the M dine .(, jiliidtiit lew has "ii" i ,," " (n u.Lunr itjastpruriiijliimu'l'uiiiuil'uii." I'"or six years and more, liiia name eiyt .c, nl has lauded this Weeding Kan-ui Lane in one of, the noblest ijel'etideis ol human freedom. Most people, knew, and great numbers de clared, nil this time, that bane was w hat the I,t Icjh ii'lcut now de.-laies "a humbug." Yet the aforesaid editor stuck to him as long as there wn a chance to get un his Mall' or get un office through his inlluence. lint now, w hen Lane can do him no good, nod w hen, to to his friend might endanger hi- prospects for another office, lie drops him, and declares him, what he outfit to have know n and said long ago, ii l,uinhtij! I'ngratefiil luilr irit,lritl ! IIV nre glad you uro converted, ut lust, but your conversion litis such an un grateful and mercenary l "'k that we fear it is nut to he relied on; and wc expect, if Lane's Mar should twinkle above the horizon again, that you would be the first to wallow in tho bloody iniic ol this broken down Kansas humbug. i.i.r I I.K I-HUM t MHO. Capt. U. A. l'rii'.gcfoid, in a recent letter from Cairo to his father in-law, Joseph Mo Lane, L'sq.,nf this county, writes that there, are Is gun boats at Cairo, well armed and equipped, but they lack men. He .says Some of the gun boats make treqiient trips to Col umbus to practice at throwing slioll on their fortifications, but the rebels pay no attention to them, llegiiiients of infantry are constat) ty arriving at Cairo mid being shipped for the various posts un the Ohio. The health nf the soldiers is pretty good coiisideriiig(tlieir exposure and the frequent change of the weather. Another letter from Mr. Mcl.ane's son, A. W. McLane, who is in the same couipanv, speaks of the great anxiety ul the soldiers to meet the rebels and do something towards putting down the rebellion. it, is quue UKoiy iiiat me soiuiers ot tlie Mississippi valley will be gratified in that respect, very soon. - t.ien. Singleton, of Quincy, ha introduced in our constitutional convention, an ordinunce T. T- T. . 111. .1 .1. . .1 1 l - . , instructing treasurers, collectors, etc., of thin state, to receive I". S. treasury notes in pay ment ol taxes. A Mas :-A man named John Mu lenawas killed in New lioston un Friday of last week, u near us we cuti learn, under the following circumstances : M;l,ena was em ployed on one of those lloatirir- hells that in fest the Mississippi, Wii.jt t present at or 1 near Hums, Iowa, just above New lUston Joseph Burdick, one of the alleged murder- i ers, is the proprietor of another bunt of the! eame character, lying ,,n this side m-ar the' loat mentioned town. Soiueiime during the last week Joseph iiurdick ami Mazenu had a difficulty in which they cume bt blows. With the intention of following up the matter, do seph Burdick went to Keithsburg and sccur cd the assistance of his brother, Oil bcrt Iiur dick, and both came immediately tu New Buftuii, where, lindiug Mazcnu, they renew ed the tight, aud the latter while endeavur irig to escape from his assailantu, received three sabs in the back, one of which pene trated the kidneys, causing ulmost immedi ate death. Joseph Burdick made his escape nt om e, but his brother was arrested and has been tukeu to juil. Mazena has a wife and child living at Burlington. Aledo lteeord, nth. - Tut Sei RtiAHv oi War on Aitointhents. A few days since, while a member of con- Kress was urging the appointment ol one of mis luu-ja ii luuiiint niucp in ttio army, Secretary Stanton mude the fulluwing reply : " I can make no more appointments !mm po litical influence or personal appeals. The ap pointments in the army must come from the ranks- I have" the enow uf u number uf wid ows, who have lost their husbands in the ar my, to attend to, and as they are most needy, and their wants pressing they will receive l,,a Irtamlu ... n I,.,..,. u: .. my earnest attention a mr me tew civil posw in ray giu, i euau u.sinnu e tticm it - . ... ... , among the poor and tner.tonous soldier, who hare been crippled .n defense of the country', righu." Tin-: thiiihi:' amimmkm to hk i.imi:i. We clip from the Springfield eorrepoud dc of tlit Chicago Timet, tlie following uyn-! opsin (if the remurki made in the constitution at convention, in regard to the appointment of a committee to investigate the report Htart- ed l.y the Chicago lribune, tlmt a majority of the convention wore eoeakitmiatfi ; Mr. Thnrntnn M..i....ruM m,ld it win due, to the self-respect ul tlie convention ilnt these j charge onld nut 1,0 puiKKti ,v i" silence j If they were true, he iIimiiiM i'i linn" for the Convention to not' in did the I'liiU'd States eeimtn reivtitlv uinl i"',iiiin'ii' " the work i, cxnelliin'. lie. did n't helieie there win it dis- ' vni man in the ,ihmii:i"" "Mr. WentwMli ('din Kmwn rotiiiMican) aid there wit" a Jeep i-eiin' l, wickimi niol art- cither tlie primnletit or xei irtury oi wur. a tol ,..,i,,l,o,ahoii at work upon the t,roceeditiL"t 1 ulruu Iv stated in thi- corre'tinti letuv. lo- r ,i . I of the convention by parlies in power, who j view "ham, from the bi-intiitu;, eoio. el. d were now uiidcruoinj; (heir dyin mrulu, in ( very j.artieular i.-Iu'iol' toil,,, war. Tina When they were atillc l that tho convention ; ju-t fuhrieution of ti," kio Let- i re.iple 1 were about making a constitution fur tlie ur " u-i the inot impudent and ,e-rate nh.diti,n pie. they raii'-d the jry that tleleeattn were dodtju thai h been upon the rtini-srces-iioiiiMs, and that all they did wim t in- munity. 't he etentn of the next few week itiute tueii into the order of tint Knight of the u ill aliitn lanlly denioiitraie how properly (ioldelt ('irele. He said he lot I no doubt that the ph' haw rep ed eontid' le'e in the tt l tlie reporter had le-en imi,o,-d ittioii, and lion-! inniitr.iti 'ii an I in toe far -ihted voiit,i id the resolution would i e u J iplc I. Mr. Allen nf Williamson, (democrat) said j that if there was a sccesioni,t in that body 1 it ought tu be ktiown and tho individual ex pclled i to do which tin; cotivetiti in liunuei tioliably had the i-iht. So loti as the-e as eaults were ma le lor mere partisan purpose tic vvoui'i not onji-.-i, nut w lien tiny pi.e-e tms Iiodv in tiptiositioti to the union and c ui-titu ti ili. he tlioiiht it tinio that the iioitt'-r should be investigated. IK wanted the l.i -l ns to tin iullti of delegates on the ll ior silt el to the h 'ttom. He belonged to no such or dcr, tiordil he believe that tiny liieiubcr of the cotivetiti, ,t beloliiled toil. On uiotiou of Mr. Itiii-kuiitster, the name of Mr. Thornton wtm added as chairman o the COIiUllittee, On motion of Mr. Fn kbii, (democrat ) the name id Mr. I'lca-uuiti, ol It wk Island, win added to the committee. llo Wanii'l tint charge (,-riet,-1 to the bottom i- ii- i- 'r.tu.ierw i ,r-,, .o.,c.,, was io i-ivo--, of the resolution, and thought it to be the tin- , ty of ti.- convention it dignity. ' and prevent reprter Iroui either slandering or blackgiiardtnt? delegate. .nr. eigi-y i repiinneaii , w.-is ,n tayor iliventigating tho charges ,,! ilislovaliv ol liiembers of the convention, but thought muiii t ... . .., i .... i i .1. ; deuee for him as to their layalty. The con vention had unanimously a lopted resolutions of joy at the victory at Fort Henry. He had not rea l the (.'iiicr.g i 'Ii iUuhc since ho came here. 11" knew the paper Would lie about the c-invetiti -n, and he would just a- s m be lieve that tlo-re were member o lleaiire curd'- Hall here a Knights uf the I, olden i L' i rule, lie unfiled the people to know that tl invention 1,, ,li d upon tin- report :h a X, -:,!. :-. j ( ) ( ! the i,ri-i'ei,t IU, k i: K i haul that, if e ri ess'enists ,,ii thelloor, Ii" vvi-h to know i'. and n ante 1 I lie r lutiui to a. lie tori us niu'-ti sympathy tor a lior-e thief as he hud I -r a - 'cssloniNt, and had as iiiiich respcit for a , ,', , siomut a for an nbo-lilioni-t. Ife trusted that tin's orgatii,'d at teniiit of th tiL, Jitioii pr-- . t.i preju Ige the Conveiiii-.ii would be met und stopped. Ie did let believe llcre wa- a single Knight ol tb" liolden Circle ill the state. Mr. VVclltUOI'lll oll'efe.l the following iiniendiiient, which was adopted: , "AI--o whether iiiiv iiid.v idnul has a-ked or received any pay fur his pieteuded inlluetiee over members of the c .nvention, touching the retcfition of ineiimbenta in ullice." Ti.e previous question wti- ordered, on mo tii. n ot Mr. 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 a s t e r The ayes aicl noes I, cine d'-niaii l-'d, the reswlu'ioii as amen led wa- a lopted -ayes ('', noes noli,". Mr. Il.inna i democrat ) a 1:'- unanimous consent to intr odii'-e the Pillowing resolution, w hich was i-i. a 1 tor iiilorniatioti : ,'e.ioi-,-'. 'I lia', il any ,,ieiiiber or mem her nf ihi.s convention have been guilty of holding treasonable correspoiicciiec with the so culled Sontlierti I 'onfederucy, or belonging to the order of the knights of the golden cir cle, or oilier order whose object it in to pro mote the ultimate success of the so-called .Southern Confederacy, it i. the duty of this convention to expell such member or mem hers. Mr. ilo-lyn I . ib, liti trodiictem of the it-, over under the rule. Messrs. Thori.loti, Miccial commit! I ilii'-t ) object,' J t j the in tution, so it was laid r.uir. I lives am! II iss. I igal mn, sip the do erat. Mo;--r.-. I erry, I li- republicans, lien n 1 ,1 l! ' V divide 1 as t i '.'o ties of the jeniemen who lie, and l'.ea'aiits, tic c iiiiiii ittee is political ploelivi- c ituposc if ,t here is llo Moil it t li. xt tin; in vest i. at loll will lie i--ir ing and impat'tlal, and tills base calumny, which has been perpetrated at the inslig-itiuti ),,,,p ot atiolition nttice lioMer.s, reliiteil and te Copper (.'reck I' i b 7. I -''-A itm s. Sir. I'ri'vioiis to the lnt -ion of the board cf supervisors, a i:in March . petition was circulated in this neighborhood, and quite largely siciicd, asking the hoard tu appropriate a portion of the swamp land f'unJ on tb Muscatine road. I would like to know what beeoine of that petition, or what action was had on it. Yours Respectfully, i i ' '' have, as requested by our ciiri-esp-.indent, j examined the record of the March term of the S session uf the hoard of supervisors, and all i that appears of record is the !wittl, nni,.r I ,,.,, ,- Mll,,,u -,, ,. i . . . The fulluwing preamble and resolution inlroiliiecd ly .lotm A.lioyer, Were adopted: " y it kh kas. The board of supervisors of Hock Isliuid euiimy, at their last November term, made liberal appropriations to the town of l'rury.of money and land belonging to said county, for the construction ol a levee and roud from Prury's landing, opposite tu Musca tine, Iowa, in mid town of Prury: theref-rc. li'ivolred, That the expenses incurred ii, letteiig, surveying, and selling said lands, shall he estimated by the drainage commis sioner, and deducted from said appropria tion." II," above is all that appears on the record m relation to the mutter. Wi Marc -o examined the files of papers of the term, lint the netition alluded i to is not amoi.e; the papers. The c'.erk thinks ,!,(. ,.,;,, firp.,(,tlt,H) but, as the records ,i t l(,w mivthin? ccrn.ngi., it wa- prol,al,y vv ia,d"ravvn. No I Al.Te i.nir.n at I' , -r . V f 1 . . ...... -The Fourth ew iiampMHre regiment ha '.last complete- ci ill-IJII J'llHil Ml'.lVelUn,., ut A tew days since, on inspecti, I rt 1 r;i 'II. Cul. White discovered one of the ,'l's nns ,,, II, a ..-.I... i l t. . ' I ..-.mi iic, i in t appear on I '.'".Pwt'-o H"n .Vour jhh in such n cu ', d."l"0'" '.'S',,,ne, J'"' "' '-' g"ii ain't just ' ' reI'llod ",e rti,lier. -hut I have K,,t the brightest shorel over in the entrenctimeiits you ever saw." The colonel ucknowledege the corn by a and passed down the line. aw the point, graceful how, Camp PoccLiS. Col. Bracked having re ceived marching orders, and deeming it neee. tary t.j devote his entire time to his regiment tu prepare it for immediate duty, has rusign- i ed the command of Camp PougUa. His suo- ; cessur is Colonel J. V. Hell, uf the Tuir . - -.".vliui w. . . . vc, i.i ,1,. iuii- . ; teen.h lninuU Caval wUo Com-; niand of ,,,e camp ye9ter(laJ.a,Vayo j ,,.,, j I OMUTT OF THE WAR. The lttcuipt uf tU AbolltluiiUtii tu lH iia(e Cell. Met lellaiit . Special Dispatch tu the N. Y. Herald. WaniiinuTon, Kelj. The greatest inditfimtinn prevniU here at the ieri.itoiice of the New York 'J illume and lotlirr skriekinu jotirtinln diiy after day in buhliliiiil!, in u variety nf f"ri. tin- .liuine leu (uI.-Ihm1 tlmt lieiieral M-'Clellmi lia been reduced to the -implc ( m in I cd the army nf the 1'ntninuo, 11m position i. wholly unaltered, in.r Inis it h iinolihV, in iiiiv wuy whatever sinou the mUmd ul Mr. M.mton to llio ouliim t There never lm been ti ililf,ciice ofuny kind between the eoitiiiuiiider iii ehiel tin ;j , . . I (.'i-iu ial wh istt eliet t'ic lire now diioi te I t warNthe (tnpression ol the rebellion, Th - .b- pretext .,r tln-e vatiou- as-aulu i - to be I .on I in toe l',-t that the io- t, tary o war se a vi;' ,r and e;ia-p nl intellect, and I ,ree oj- will mid i rjry, which re nianilested in eyery bureau and bratien of t' f ueparnneiu, nui w men ma :l- n , l :un c-a i f command and produced t.u e,,titl.ct , f View s, Sj.etiil li.-(jJtcli to the N. VV. Uoi J. VVv.IIIM.ToS, I'eh. ',1 The .'..ries which are current respecting the liilure condu, t ,,l I the war by the president and Secretary Man I ton, und the tnin-li-rrin i I iett. M,-1. lellan j to the comm. in, I of the army " the I' ,i, inae, ' have a (Train o tru'h in them, but are stat ed as to produce a iin-ehievoiis impression on tlie public nun I. The 1 ii ; t .- o the matter niuiply are, that i"ii. Mct'ie.llfin, in coiisulttt. tioii With the pre-idctit, b.i, lai-l nil the ,l ui nl tins vvar since in,- reureiiieiii oi in -ii, ,,11; ,,al .), movenienti, our armies luvo ,,,. ,y l,i,, u,l u clearly delin.-d u , ,h c;p,,i-i. maiked nut. the lime, ,.,.,.,.,,,,.. 1,I.r.lf,,1,s in ..-,., ...,... j, i,..w id at ttlid lien. Me( dellan, ! i!ivil , ,.,.urilli a He, retarv of war who i hi 1 Irieiidand in whom he ha the utmost cotili- , has entidi"l to him hi ndiemi-, an) 1 will l-robablv sion itssiinie tl nninitid of the army nl the I'ototnai!, and lead theiu in per-oti ugailist the enemy, lie i- ret depo ed horn his rank, nor will he be until it j proved that his plans are ineffective and iui pus.siblc of accompli-hmeiit. lie will, even while commanding din-i-ilv the army of the I'litoiuac, direct in general, if not in detail, the other movement of our armiei. When tin! forces iii Kentucky and along the coast ure once under way, the judgment ot the general, cumuiaadilig will have tube depended upon, and nothing but the ino-t general supervision will be attempted at Washington. The detail and particular strategic m. veiueuts will he left entirely in the hand- n the war department, iicnl.s.' Ilalb-ck, liuell, and the o-her i i luainbr- ol ,.ur troops. den. MeClcllaii's a-suinpti' I the couiiiiiiiid of the I'ntoiiiac siuiplv nieaiii bii-iness, and tiial as soon in the -,tds are in i,,l.-r. He wants In fight n well us plan. J-torn tin- llliiii'it Stu t- Iti y ,f.tfr . Tlie Constitution eu Mate I ixpi inlliiiri-s. Tlie constitution nf Illinois provides that " no iiioi.i'v shall be dnnvii from the treasury, hut in c ui.-equeiii:e of appropriations made , by law." The legislature, ut the last speci I al session, w ith a republican majority in both ( houses, and therefore patriotic, nf rmr.f, ap propriated what seemed to them a sufficient slim to cover the expected liabilities which the state woidd incur in raising- and equip ing her quota o troops (,r the war. flic state authorities expended the Minis thus up propriatej and several millions additional. Now, where is the authority fir this addition al expcndi'iii"? It cHiinot ,h produced. Authority lor the expenditure nf the people's j m mey- --there is ii-,ne any where, except in I the pcplc'.. representatives. p,lir i, jH ui.j,,,,j i in j ii-1 1 i 'in by the partizan adherents of i the slate authorities, that "iTCrviVy" com ; pelle.l this course that, more troops were 1 raised than was at first contemplated, and of i course they had to I"' subsisted and clothed, ! which required more ni-iiiev. Very well i That being admitted, does it prove that any j ollici r of the .state could put his hand ill the ' I public treasury and take therefrom the I amount needed '! Surely not. The e, ti-titu- , ! ten espres-ly provides t tin "no money shall he drawn from the tvasury, but ineuise- quenee of n ppr. qu ia' ion made by law." Tilt! stuti- executive cuiildju-l with as niueli pro priety an I legality have pr, , 'ceded t" raise and equip regiment. and make expenditures ; th"i-efor, in the beginning of the war, without ; convening the legislature to make the needed ! appropriations, a he could altervvards exceed ' the appropriations so made. Why was not ! this course pursued '.' Why did not (iov. Yates proclaim himself above the c 'listilutioii ill liegiMiing, and inoeeed to inning, ami proceed tu expend the; necessary amount to organize and equip the Illinois volunteers without a legislative up- ! propnaiioii ,,w a ; ,p ,,.lt (ls the public mind has become accustomed to the 1 pica ol military necessity, the violation j ol the constitution will be overlooked or uuiet- h' ,tl''1 '" Those who think so greatly , misunderstand the temper nf the people. Irrespective of parly, the people of Illinois arc a unit for tho constitution and the union. ; I IH.- V III e Mllllll- IO piCOO III" IIISL ll-llliir and the last man for the preservation of both. They desire thut the gallant men who have rushed to the field in the defence of their country shall be well cared for. But they also desire and demand that whatever is dune shall be done under the constitution tunl ac cording to law. We have not reached the j point vet, and trust that wc never shall reach I it, when we shall quietly submit to have any j public .servant of Illinois arrogate to hiuiseil : the right to determine when "the necessity" exists, which justifies him in violating his oath of office ami the const itutioti of the state. The patriotic limn who. vviih arms in their hands, are upholding the c, institution and the laws of the union, do not desire and will not endorse these cross assumptions of power bv wie suue iiuini lustration, our volunteers are ; fighting lor the preservation ol law and order. I They will not. consent to their overthrow in j Illinois, not even under the specious plea that : I o ;is none lor uie gooii ot tue soluicr. ' j ' Tho Chicago T;ibnnr has a remarkably i unliable Washington correspondent, who, in ! , his letter of tho Sth ins:., speakifg nf plans j for retrenchment ot expenses, says, "rutin. i i ! fur nil t' Mrs. .iccV.N i',,Ui, s il rxlrnr.i- J ijuiirtK it the 1 1 nil rj riir, m'limcnt aud i,,n- j 1 viuti to which wc me iiii ikd." In tl,,. mme i letter he says ".Senator Wilson's uinctulmont I j to the resolution of the naval committee is j cowardly and time-serving, and, I regret to 1 say. in keeping with that gentleman's course i during this entire session." s A Mn irvuv (HuMoN or Jivi Lank. ti,.u i rived at Trieste, mid been received by the er-il .Inn La,,-... ukS p0IP (l(f u, Kansas to make i Archduke Maxainilliaii, himself heard again. Poymi know how near ! The Austrian C.iuette mentions the appoint we came to having Cieneral Jim a Wisconsin j ment of Archduke Muxamilliuu as Comni )- .... on . i w-iit tell you. Just alter Hull i h-ii uie un l.ei; t was in trouUhi ov-.o- the utiiccrs. liny. l:-,o,l.,lt .. vc. l.:. .. , , - " IO IlitSOllll-- ton, and. alter a look at the state affairs, de termined to appoint Lane colonel uf tiie Sec und regtment. t;en Shcrtnun, then in com mand of the brigade, the name who after wards went to Kentucky, hearing of it. wait ed, Kandall, . and advised against Ihe measure. "Governor Randall." lie ' you can go to the insane asylum "and pick uui uns iiuiiioci ui men wno are tnor e,,r.o hie of taking charge of 'the regiment ,C Laue is.- LaueTai X nel of the Second. -Cor. .YtfiranJtee &-nriifL E.isTiitt Jti.ocr or tut Whit. W find the foowiii)( artii le in the New I lav D ((-'ullli.) AV,i.fer : " A wentern writer nutied that the ktaten or i'.'ouin, liiinom, iDiiiauaanu tionigan unite in entablitliitiK an immenae cannon foundry, with view to lake defenae. "We uree with the J'ruvideno 7V that, 'onoeh't the westeru llatea bft!' to '-'fi'i union, for the purpose of mutual defense, no mutter w hut may be the special and limited! atJ obje'.'t, and they henitt whut, in twenty year or o, will develop ititu a western inde pendence 1 Thi it"t I iniiiittrl. The i .i k ihjuied, tio doiilit.moreihuii the south ,y Hie hiocka le of the Mississippi ner. I ei;hts oil her product lirit enoi tuiilisly in-erea-ed, tit.d there is n i possiliility of trans- portitii! the iiiiuiliisc kUpplii-it. Uiufl .hu went unites tor 'ieii-iis, uni it win oiiiwn tuv Mi-i--ippi. We ul the east could ti"t help ourselves " The tibolitioii : invention which met hero U-t wi-, k, resolved that " the constitution is, since the war, even more of a covenant with death than before, and so the work of the ale olilioiii-.l-t instead of heim.' completed, is bu coming more important " They then adjourn ed. It is by vapue uuuieiiiiiii' cant like thi about eoveiniii'i with death an I bargain wiih hell - tlni t ice a,'i'ators ad lie their A u H c.ik he id - and dl-i.'0-t t!.- J it I i . .I- 6,i iy ( .V. )' ) . I.. , MM. mmmmm'm "mm li Y '' ! JLl E G R, A P 1.1 hi Hi f ir I .1- .'', tlt l 'i tilH'lt'ill tint lit llitll ml fn Hi. ,'' nviitif -',, t tij'unK- c,'i, iiye i7 o i mi' l it I illlHllilr o i;,' till. Ih.itli i l Mil" -Inrn jii ii'ifi -.'j. ' ittnj Itiintni ill .,o o, li'i'it urn ttvm Itnirli a; (n i'Hi Itnllimit r.rjilnit , (,', tt l.liitli r-'-H'tttli fj' Full l null, I sun irnitr li'ihtiit'i .Vo rc.f y'l lhr ,',, j I III illl In ('li- inn i ill,! I II' , III' llUilinfinut ti ii ii tf tut' mm ti'ivs. Teli'rnlii-d to tlie Ki Ii Id nut y riios. Wahiin'.t is, IVb. ! I. I'hi! Tribune's e,,r re.,, -udent says : "c e.,nitn.tteU n tt,c cot,.,-t t il.o war, ' examining to nay the case n. t,,ne, discovered new lacli which divide the re- p msibility ol the blunder at li ill' liluff bo- tweendeii. Stone ate! another general Previous to the discharge ol Wykolf, the eoiiiinittee nti the judiciary examined (letl'l Sickles, w hose frequent visits to the incur ceruted WvkolT and the journey from his cell to the residence uf Lx l.ieiit, Watt at the other end "f the avenue had excited siisiiii' ion. Sickle claimed to be Wykofl'scouu el, and tohtive acted throughout in that cupuci ty. I lie committee put s ,me home question tu him II" replied sharply, and lor u lew tn inn-tits a war of word raged. While hi examination was pending, the K-rgeaiit at arms appe.ud with Watt. He testified that he saw the iuesne in the libra ry, and li-ing of a literary inru of mind, pern" I it. that however he did Hot luaki! a c ipy; but having u tenacious memory, cur tie I p ,rti-,i" "tl in In- mind, and the next Ih v ri"Hie, them word for word to WikotT, that personage ha I previously testified thut the is -age I t i th ' Herald, H im given him by Watt orall.d IV v-uis ,r ,v, Feb. Hamilton Fish und lii-hop A uies retiirne l to Washington t i diiv. ami ma le a report to the government of their uii-sioii to relieve the union prisoners in the south. I hey repaired to Fortress Monroe, and made known their eutnmi .sion to the Coiilederate authorities at Norfolk, by w hom the mutter was referred to Richmond'. A reply cauie.refii-iiig the commissioner ad misiou to the Confederate territory, but ex pressing readine-s to negotiate fin- a general exchange of pi isonors. Our c.uiiiui-sioiier opened negotiation, which resulted in perfect success. An equal i xchaliee w a- agreed on, but the Coiif-deratex had lino more prisoners than we. With c mi mendable magnanimity they propose I to re I leas" those also, but on condition that our j g .vernincnf would agree to release .'lOO of , their men thai may next fall into our hands. .mv Yoiik, Feb. II. The gunboat .Massa chusetts arrived to day from Ship I-land, where -he eft on the Ith. She has a valuable cargo if coffee, cotton Ac., taken from pri zes.. The N iagara w as cruising in Texan waters. The troops arc in excellent health. ("apt. Man y, of the Viiiccniies, had died from injuries received from th" recoil of a gun. W '.mi i m, i ' i, Feb. I I. The house resum ed the consideration ol the naval uppropria tion bill. Alter considerable debate the , amendment appropriating filteeti million I dollars for building additional gun boats, ! was adopted by Is against "'). Also, an amendment appropriating fifty thousand dol lars for an ordnance foundry at Washington, ami lor ordnance one million dollars, i tie t.i 1 1 then na-sed. ' Mr. Wvkoll having appeared before the judiciary committee aud answered the que. tion proposed, was urd ered to be discharged IVmu custody. 'J',P WUM considered the I, ill i ,.,i,,'ni,, ,,l' ih u hl appropriation ,.nctirred in the senate's amendment , f . i 1 1 for the suppression uf the Coolie tl.:l,,,, Adjourned, Cl;M,1Kll,.'AN, MlI., -Vh. lO.-t;,.,,. Lander made a forced march un Thursday night, suppressing und breaking up a rebel camp ut lilnomery liap, killing Id. capturing 17 com missioned othoers and !" private, and losing but two men and six horses, ticn. Lander led the attack, in person, ut the head of tho first Virginia cavalry. This opens the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Hancock again. (ieti. Lander having cleared his depart ment uf the enemy, renews his request to be relieved of his command, on account of ill health. A portion of Lander's command, under Col. l'cming, lias occupied Moorefield, and captured o beef cattle. .New Y'oith., Feb. 1."). Flour. $5, -Who, 70 superior state ; jJOuo.'jj extra state; 0,',).ju 0,(1.1 common to medium extra western; 0,10 nti,l." shipping brands extra K II 0. Wheat. i?I,30 good Chicago Spring: 1.40 amber luwa. Corn dull. tldnO) mixed western. Pork. Sl.'.0alo mess; 8,,i()a,.),50 prime. i- i : i - o- , ii nisKj- iirincr, in .oiwi jo. Lniisvii.i.K. Feb. 15. We are in receipt of gnod new? from Bowling Ureen, but the tele graphing thereof is expreesly interdicted f.r the present by the commanding general. Nf.w York, Feb. 1-1 The Asia fmm Liv erpool on the 1st and Quceiistuvvn the 1M in stant, has arrived. Her dates are 1 day later. Latest via (juecustown : Madrid, Feb. 2. The Sumter is still at tlibraltar. Doll Almolitt' Mcvlciin iniolsler hnu nr. dure ot the Austrian navv, contradict toe report respecting the scheme to place him on the throne ot Mexico. l'arin, Feb. 2. The Independence Beige asserts that the snutheru eninniissioners have informed the British government that in return ior tue recognition ol the southern confederacy, they would establish almost ub- I solute free trade for 6tl years; abolish the ex- I ternal slave trade, Hi.d emancipate nil the ! blacks horn after the recognition. . ' t T?c,f ,offur' h:jWcvt'r. will not determine j Lord 1 a.mcrstuu to abandon the policy ul ! neutrality. . j London, Feb. 2. The proposition of Mr. Gregory for the reeopnltion of the eoiitj, Wi T hj ..K.t, alter the meeting olp.rli. I b in out An interesting uud excited debate und re jection of the prooaiton U expected, Liverpool, Feb; I. U read lull quiet aud teady, l'roviion quiet. London, Feb. I. Cmiaoli V'JJit'.Oi fur mon ey: I (J, 41 discount; Krie H't.iil'.ij, I'aria, Feb. 1. Iteute 711 V Uuinbuy, Jan. Fl. The exportation of alt t.etre 1 ruin India i prohibited except to the ltritish port. Nvsiivll.l t, Feb. I-I. A dispatch from Ft. Iloliclsull dated 1 1. .In this liloriiing nays thp tiring ol artillery c uiitiieu ,e I at sunrise this lii 'ining, un, I tlmt it had continued un ceasingly to thai inn. Tlie eiicmv. k'ep at a respe 'table distance. I he field artillery i eiignged ail along the line. to I'. M The light I, ii. ci-Hsed, probably owing to a desire uf the enemy to change pv itloll. Si fur w have n-puUed t-i" enemy ut eve ry point along the lines. Our lus ia email. The federal gunboat have retired and we think they an-severely injure I Lvrrii. The day ha almost pa-t, ami ue till hold our own. Wo hate repulsed the sncuiy ut every point, und driven back their gllllll .tits. H( have whipped them by lami und water. They will probably mtucku to murrow. Our los is not y'ery great, while thutofihe enemy must bo heavy. We Imvo repulsed tlie enuiiv even liere, ami we nre utislie, that we have injured their giinbuais materi ally, u we biivciuudo them retire twice. Our hues are eii'reuched all round. iiM- Mt. Feb. II. I'artienwliiicnmeby t ie lid I'oint boat nay it wa reHirto I in Nr f Ik yi-terdav that I . . 1 1 lolii'ls,,ii hud been captured. Our dispatches I ruin Foil M nine make un allusion tu it. A reliable gentleman IV 'in Old I'oint s.iv a ana workmen from the City Work of Rich tn Hid say they left there for want of Work. So great win ihe an i'y of coal and iron that the wurk Were being suspended. Coal wa em irinously high. The men say there are few, if any, cannon loltat llichinotid all having been sent away Iroui lime to time to other point. Very few ot the defences there have any cannon lii"Utited. F"Ki Movkox, Feb. Ith. Tim following is from today' Norfolk Iay liook . A rumor icuched thi city yesterday, by passei gets -,,iu Sullolk, that the enemy bad taken pos.e.sioti i if F.denbuw, and also Plym outh. Later in the day, it wa u!o rumored that a couple of the enemy's vcse had pro ceeded, "ti a recotinoisatice, a far u I 'oleraiu. the .v.rtoiK I'av li.mK al-o, gives n sketch o the new flag adopted by tl oin- liiittec "I congress, in tho south. It is a blue union, and a red field, tour star in the form of a souare in the union. The Itichimmd l'ispateli, n Friday, ha the lolluwing : (fen. Wise i near Curitiii-k Court House, an t -cut dow n a flag of truce to It ttmuke Is land mi Thursday. A N'orf Ik telegram suvs . It is believed th" niortcr Ih-el is intended lor this place. Petersburg!!, I eh. Li. The editomf the Fxpres has received a letter fi 'iu Suffolk. dutvd Thuraduy, which uu l.dci.toi, und Ilarlf ird have been l uth captured. l ive gun boats moved slow ly to the wharf, at Kdenton, yesterday ut '.' n'clock, und hind e, tncir troops. ery s.s ti ahci wurds hllecn more cull bouts nrrived. The citizens raised the unite flag. lietween ;;,iHi und l.liuu troop landed at F.dcnioti. The poplliatimi id lidetiloli is about 'J.IIH'I, an 1 is distant from Suffolk about fifty miles In the altciu ion two gunboats went nt Cln rvati river towards Will-ton, and several other- invvaid- thi' mouth of the K ,aii ,k", Ib itf-'id, the capilol id I'erguiueauscuuiity was taken by the h derals ye-ter lay. - .Nashvilli: tcicgram ol the IJlli lust., bavs : A dispatch was received from Cumberland Cnv thi ev tning, stating that nne federal gun had appeared ut Fort Honelson, und this morning opened tire on the fort but with out injury to it. The fort returned the fire, and the gunboat retired. i tic leiierais nave iitmieu in force, anil a battle vvitti light artillery commenced this morning. It is reported that the federal force is from 10,(1110 to L'.ooo. When the steamer left lor Cumberland City, the battle was rag ing Willi great earnestness. Wasiiinujon, Feb. 11. Senator Chandler luu i eived a letter from Col. Wilcox, xvho snvs that himself and the other prisoner ut Columbia, S. ('., are In good health, and that llieir condition has been rendered comlbrtble by the clothing received from the I'nited Statei iiiith, irities MISTERS SAI.i:. STA'I K HI- ILLINOIS, 1 Itiick Islllllll ( iiiiiii V , J C rcuit Court in and for the Cniniu Lock Island, unit Stntr- ol Illinois. Ion iclosuru 'of Mortgage. Henry Allen, c,,nij,l.ii,i;int, r. .I.nues W. Brack ett, Saruli A. Hrnckelt, Mary li. L'arv, .lereniiih K, t ary,.losej,li louver, Lnnri A. limver, Clnrles llrackcM, b. Maxwell Drown, i-'rancis I'. Mmitlort, Kiiliert W. Sun til. .luiiali v ilkinsun, Kllen llnunc Aiuel.ii lliiiine nail John Seriver, ileti'tulants. iV OTICK is hereby given that I, F. R. Hean, mauler in chancery of I lie above named court, in pursuance ot a order ot mud court, iiiade in the above t'lititlcd cause on the 20th day of September, mid of the September term ut said court, A. I. IMjI, ahull, on Saturday the HMh ilav uI'Dcc., A. I). IStil , lietween the hours ofo trcliu k a. in. and (i o'clock p. m. of sanl day sell nt public auction nt the door of the Court house, in the citv mul coiintv ot Ruck inland and state at'oresind, tn the lncjcnt ladder fur cash in hand, the following described real estate, to wit : That part of lot eight (S) in block three (3), in the old ur original town uf Rack Island, county of Rock Island und state of Illinois, commencing at the southeast corner of said lot, running thence north aleng deer street io the alley in the rear of said lot, tlienee along said alley west sixty lect, thence south at right angles to the south side of Haul lot on Illinois street, thence east along said Illinois street sixty feet to the place of beginning, being sixty lect on Hum tlie east sule, ol sain lot, K. R. BRAN, Master in Chancery, C. M. OsnonN, It. I. Co., Ills. Counsel fur Compl'i. Icc. :, 1S.U1. AlUOl.'RXVIENT. The above sale stands adjourned to SATUR DAY, TUK UTII DAY OK JANUARY, A. D. ISC2.- K; R. B KAN, Master in Chancery, Rock Island, Co., Ilia. Rock Islind, Dec. 9S.1S61. ADJOIKXMENT. The iiliuve sale stands adjourned tu SATUR DAY, JANUARY -.'.STII, lSiy, at the same place and hour ol via). R. R. BEAN, Master in Chancery, Ruck Island Count v, Illinois. Ruck Hand, Jan. II, ltj-2. AOJOl'CNMKNT. The above snip stands adjourned to SATUR DAY the 1st DAY OK KKBRUARY, A. I)., lSii2, al the same place and hour of day. K. R. BKAN, Master in Chancery, Hock Island County, Illinois. Rock Island Jan. 2oth, ISO;1. AOJOl RX MEN T. The above sale stands adiourned to SATl R DAY.the LOTH IHY OK KKHiU ARY,A. D. ISU2, at the same place and hour ot day. K. R. f'KAN, Master in Chancery, Kork Island Co., Illinois. Rock Island, Feb. 1, 1S02. A DJOI'N M r.s r. The nliotc sale stands niijOiirncd to SATL R DAY.TIJK 22D DAY OK KKBRUARY, A. Di 1362, at the same place and hour of day. K. R. BEAN, Master in Chancery, Ruck Island C.o., lllinon. Rork Island, Feb. 17, 1SI2. NOTICE. T1 HE notes, book accounts and papers of Mr. Julius Schiile, saddler and harness maker, have been left with me for scttlemeut- All those indebted to him are notified to make immediate pavment.or cot will be made. HKNRY KISCHEL. Justice of the Peace Rock Island, Dec r, latil. a 7 7 0-tliU 5 U lC it 1 0 T Ut C lit 0. F'JUfllOH'E FIRST iUSS at-Pir to II u for il, hnl.aal.e.11 1 ..p..,i,ts ,,.h, ,-, , ,'uHin. uniuiitial I oinpaiiirs i ',! H MM IOO ( AIM I tl M il II I'l l s.!) .:i m:h i:n(.lI) kiki: ami muum: Insurance -f Onip.niy. -. ,,i . ll.ltTIIU, CnSN. Chailrri-a ( npltii! khmmmio. t IT PIKE INSlimu: (OelIMM, II.HTKil, Cow. Cash ami surpln. LI. O. Noinii n:iti( Vlrv. Insurance CiMiipany iiai: rrouu, Conv. Capital :ii:,ti1l. Losses Ciinilulilv adjusted and rroiupt Iv I'aid. Aiii,cilioiii solicit, , I und I'mIicics issiisd hv J. M. IIUKORU, Ruck Hand, Illinois. thi: tis-si moiti'i: imi i vy. KKSI'KCTKI'I.I.V niiiioiiiice to the eititetie nt'ltock Island lint thev nirM,si. iijifiiiut; a SELECT SCHOOL, (hi Moil iv , Kclini.irv I af Ii ni-t . , ;it tlicir rcm ilt'ticf, tin heir xtrvi-l, in I he t wnntorv triune hinis' nii(iinin'i I. lirick til'iclt. N t'lluttwiil l)H sjjiift'tl ti ivi: ion tu 'arrfitH nnl CunrdmiH who -tilriit Cliitdrfii tu thfir rliarr. Kiincv Nrilii- Wurk riiitl Ku.lir.n.liTy tauylit w lifti fti'sjiri'tl. Tuition Irtiin luutu tour iluilirs nr tr, arcitnlini.' ! Htmlu fl MirHiiril. .Miih: I 'Mji-i, iijuin the I'lHiht. r (jimrter. in en. n-turs tev. M, M-il'iH, Ciijil. T.J. KmImii- Hiiii , Kncii IhUhiI; T. Ti-mnle. Kh'j., 1'nrt Hy mn; Ufv. R. Whirwell, lhiMiphiufi, ( tnnda Kant; Ir- M.ti-iiell. i. Siiiii'i, K-'j., Luiututi, Cnn:ul;i V(t. Hut-M NiukI, Feb. 7, $10. $10. GET THE BEST. V.ver) Family Naturally Desires to Possess the Ho Sowino: -Mneliinc to be had, we present lor candid consideration, the following : There are three reyuircnieiits which should be united In u Sewing Muclilnc. 1st. Capability of iloiinr all variolic ol' Murk in a perfect inannii- 'iil. llasc of management. lid Durability. 1st. The Grover Jj liaker combine, these requirements in n more iminml degree thau any other machine. It will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of cloth and over one thick ness of lace or nainsook on to two or more thick nesses ol'call'-skin u'itlmut rlnuiL'e uf needle, Ihreail or tension, making a perfect stitch on each and all ol these fabrics, which proves that it possesses the first requirement. 2d. As it will 8cw from one to many thick Hemes of cloth and lace or leather, without any change of needle or tension it in evident that it must be mure cit.-.o In mitn.ixr than other machines that requiie change in ru lining from one variety of cloth to another. It ii also easier to manage than any other i Became it has a more powerful feed that holds on to the work tirnilv so that the operator need not hold it stretched to avoid puckering, thus en dangering breaking of needles. Because it is unnecessary to unscrew anv part of the machine te clean and oil it. Because vnti never ha 'c to cut tlie band off to take lip the stretch of leather. Bee arse it feeds over seam perlectly without , reqiiiriii the operator to pull the wurl; through. 3. With regard to Durability the (trover )t Baker .Machine has been in general use lor the past 12 ve,irs,aud over oil, 000 ot them are in use in the I ni'ed States alone. Machines made the first vear of our business, are still in duly use, and appaiently as good as ever. Although experience in the manufacture has led to improvements in the mechanical construction, yet the principle remains the same; tlie H.NAL lir.M 1. 1 is tlie .t.v l.M- PROVED (iKOVKR at .hhK iMJlsivLLS.s FAM1L1 rsp.vviiSi. ii.ivon,r. which is uany increasing iii public favor and winch makes the .... the same on both sides. pkri: io: We shall have constantly on hand M A C II 1 X K SIMHiL SI L K . 0RU & Mf MKJHT'S rollon. all Colors Superior Sonny Mniitir nil AlO :rr oodios, IE"t)E i CR4MPTOX, Agents tor Rock Island Count. m! i " 7 41 CU" (JiUVf rttJ&rUlVtlt.O. FRESU OVSTERS, BV the cun, or nervej up in but nty'e da simd. A good supply always on hand the tirst Lnuurs and l inars. flllL HtlNt, Ruck Island Saloon. u. vovn iiiit. r. I laaKbau. W M. VAX FIEET Jt 10., Commission Merchants liil Ihe sale pi . i;i:, a ii Dim: u i kcit I'oullry, Kitijs, Muiier, nn.l .ill kinds nl FARM PKODUOE. iH-aibiiru t., near tlie I. O.. tlllC.K.o, .... II.IIMH I', ii. imx iii hi, -irSpi., ,Ue,1jl,1 1(d (o il.s. ., Apple., VhVl i "' """""t Vegetable., and .ill uthe Her. simile property, ENTB.IV, V li-reby K'vn thut H.o' l.ltli duv 1 ul iNovemher, A. II., m,, , lUr Town -,- mack Hawk,.; w. ,;,!,;. 7M' ollll II.IV Horse, III hlilld. It, .lliinu.,.,1 , ,, f i! vi'.u. iil.l.uilh the letl,-,, . ., Hr, ru ,t..,, ,, ii-ii minimicr -a wmio strip in t, 'reit-ad a ma I lole .put on hi. mIM. nd una un his upper I'P. 'Hid a l un In. r-iflit hire loot. Appraised helore leu nl llrounlee. Ksi., a Justice of the peace in sanl t-'io Also, unit Dark t liestinil Sorrel llnraa uhout 1 IiiuiiIsIiikIi, shout seven years old, ' U, ti brand, ed un the lull liniililcr. am ill white strip ir lace and shoes on both Ion, , ,., Appr, helore I'.ivid liriiwnlne, K.,., ,i .lii.lice ,, II,,, prate in aid town, at tH .hlsLTII I'liN'K r, I'letk. Hoik Ii and, Jan'y. Hlh. IsoJ. I . ciii.i:;ki., MOOfc lilNDKH, I'iikI ttHrr lliiililiti', lilt KM'Olt l. IOt A, LI. WuKK ilone in tlie neiilest iminticr, Xi. and tit reasonable prices. (Mil Hook., .M iu-iinies or Newsjiaper Kiles bound in the hesf iiiaiim-r and at short notice. I'ehJ dawtl ' ( AUU rilOTOIiltll'll I'OKTUUTSr fur ALIIL'MS, in the iiiosl artistic stvle, tuba ''"ll liAVKORI) at SI'KiUKI.-.s.. AMBKOTIITS, Not surpassed tlni side of New- York, taken at (iAVKliRIl Si SI'KIUKL'S. rnoi o.k vrjis, All iires, in tho soviet style of art, to he hid a Uayrord iV SjiehlePs (iallerj, In Webbrr'a Itlurk. r i: i v e s m f) i) i: , j . W A la" jf S STONE Q i A It It JOLIET, XraXj. ' Wen-. City Limits .) j AM prepared t.i furni.di liuilder and J riinlriiciori in llloiun, .Miclnniin, lndum, V is, onsiu , Imva and uilier t ite. cut stoxi:, T'ljAOiilN'O, Iroui i to III inches in thickness, cuitniNc; stont: (II any sue, KABRLi: AND KOI XDATIOX STOXK, VAULT CU VEILS, MHKWAI.K MOXK, lr any other styles, and any situ desnud, either in Hie rnuith or dreased, and delivered either on Railroad Cars or ( anal llul. My ipiarry is situated directly un the ( anal and the Chicago i: Rock Island Railroad, one mile southwest of Juliet, and my facilities lor loading will enable me to sell as low as the lowest. re ires to Suit the Times. (infers respectfully solicited Iroin abroad, and all "work done on the square." All letter! promptly answered. J. P. SU'AL.M. Juliet, Illinois. F Oil SALE OK LEASE. IN loti or ubJiviiiont, to unit pur"hsiari, or persons that may desire to leasel o a term u ears, the following prupurty in the ( it ol Llaven ort, viz: In block 13 22o feet, fronting on 2d meet, L'i0 feet, fronting on Water street, tift feet fronting on 3d street. In block 17-Near the Mniket House AO leet fronting on Warren stieet, lending lliu feet back, with an each tide of the lot. In block IS SO feet fronting on Third street, 12.1 fronting on Scott street. In block 20320 feet fronting on Third street, S'.'O feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley stieet. In block 27 Hit) feet fronting on Sixth street IMI feet fronting on Warren street, In block 3I--IB0 feet fronting on Fifth stieet, 1.10 feet fronting on Scott street In block 3tl 30(1 feel Ironting on Western nvenu HiO feet fronting on Sixth freet, I fid feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 3s 160 feet fVonting on Brown street, . ., , o 160 fu,t frontl"g "n Seventh street. In block 3H bn feet fronting on Sixth afreet, and extending back 1.10 feet. For particulars inquire of torhin ti Vow Attor neys at Law, or o( JAMKS MAY I WILT FRAMES J uilT FRAMES ! ! I 1)0IITRAIT AXI) l'ICTl'KK FRAMES, L of "11 ies and styles ran be had at mv sIiod. on short notice. Also ' UII.T OVALS. of new and beautiful designs, suitable for I'Hu TOCRAl'HS or AMUROT YPF.S of any size. CJII.DIXG, of all kinds, done to order in the best manner. Old paintings cleaned and burnished. iild frames re-gilt. All Work Done in the llcst Manner. Artists and others in want of anvthing in my line, are respectfully invited to give'me a call. E8fSliup on Illinois street, over I). Lmgie's furniture store, near Temple Bufnrri'a grocery re. RICH AR0 PLATT. " PROBATE NOTICE. STATK OF ILLINOIS,) Rock Island County. ss To all Aiiminittratvri, Eiecutort and Ovardians As the Statute Law of this State requires all Ad ministrators and Kancutura to render an account of their adiiiinistratiions at least once in each year, to the Probate Court, and also at the end oi two years at farthest to close the settlement of es tates ; therefore, A'udcs is hereby given, to all Administrators of estates in said County, to render account of their administrations, to and belbre said Probate Court, agreeably to the requirements of law ; also Guard ians of Wards in like manner, in order to prevent the necessity of issuing summons. By order of Court. JOSEPH C0XET, Clerk. Jan. 13th, IS62. J.m 14 dw3w. ESTR1V. Rock Island, . V otice l hereby given that on the C3d day , , t . V. ' " 1,u'. mine 1 ow n ul Moiine, David R. Wood took up as an estrav. one Dark Brown Mare colt about one vear old, which was appraised before Ellsworth Mapes, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in said town, at Thirty dol-lar- JOSEPH CONICT, Clerk. Rock Island Jan'v. 10th. lstii. W. I.. DAI.nYMPa7K.- II STICE OF TUK PEACE nj (jeneral J Collecting Agent, Cambridge. Henry coiintv, lil. Office in tfte Court House. Rcfcre'ttce : b. Botiar, County Clerk; A. Gould, Circuit Clerk ; and Thoi. Morris, Treasurer, all of Henry coun ty, III. j For the best Advertising Medium I region, f to Ihe Rock Island Aacci. in this