Newspaper Page Text
ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. ' HATES OK ADVERTISING. at iqutr, (10 Una or !.) firt lararlioa, achdditioi,.lin.rtion. one week two fHkl una mouth twe month.. three month in monthi on vr 76 ti I 76 3 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 16 00 16 00 20 00 30 00 9n fourth celurae, I months..... 6 month. . , ii ' I var.. h,K " I month 36 00 ii t month 36 00 i I year AO 00 0 Clumn, 3 month. 60 00 i 6 month! 76 00 ii I year 100 00 Buiiiio" Card, not exceeding five line, on jrr 1 000 Special bu.ine notice will be published Tor n cents a lin tor fact) insertion. For msertion in daily and weekly 33 V cent., additional to th above ratee. All advertisement from traiment perauna or tlranger, to bt paid in advantt. Nolicoa for religiou.and benevolent purpo.e in lurisd on time Iree of coat, thereafter charged aa other .dverti.emont. Advertisement, not accompanied with written direction will be inaertod until forbid and charged ..!inff)v- .tfThi paper waa c.labfl.hed October lh, liil by Sichola at Dunham, and purcliaaed by th present editor, November 1Mb, 1.')2. It waa then called "The Republican." It nam waa chinned to'THe Argu.," December IS, The "Rook l.l.nder" anitad with the "Argue," Kcptem bar 16, lJ7. r4TThe Daily psuer waa eatablialied July 13th, 165 i, i. DAnruTii, j. jomt. ROCK ISLAXuToST OFFICE. MAIL ARHANGKMIiXT. Cairo and Hock Island Railroad Mail arrive, at r.lii A. M., and 7.4i I'. M. Cloaea at 9 A. M., and 5:30 P. M. . , ffrm- and Km k llnd Railroad Mail, via Mo. line, Watertown, Hampton, Rapid. City, Fort Hymn anil Cordova arrive, at U.lft a. in., and cloaca at p. in. , . . Divnport Moil arrive, at 9.15 A.M., and 5.3i f. M. Cloaea at 9 A. M and 6 r. Oouawkt Mmt, via Pleasant Ridge, Hailitt, Ham let, Millcrahurg, Mmiroe, New Boaton and Keith.burg, !'- Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 A. H. Arrive Tueaday, Ihuriday aud Saturdav, at 4 f. . Ajfomb Mail, via. Preemption, Farlnw's Grove, Viola, Popo Creek, North llri.dcr aim and Aledo, leavea Wedneaday and Saturday at 7 a. H. Arrivea Tueaday and Friday at 7 Centre Point Mail, via Prairiefield, Richland Prove, Centra Ridgo, (Word, Rural, North Prai ne and Henderson, leavea Wedneaday at 6 A. M. Arrivea Tueaday al7 r. r.i.w.s... r...i via: IVtinavlvniua. (Irinn and Anduver, leaves Wednesday at 7 a. M. Arnvua Thursday at 6 r. M. Midi Mill, leave. Monday, Fndav and Saturday, at 7 A.M. Arrive. Tut dav, thuraday, Friday and Saturday al 7 r. M. Ceil' I'ttd y Mail, leavea Tueaday, Thuraday and Saturday. It regular hour lor departure. Nn mailt eent or received mi Sunday: Office hourafrom V a. m. to 9 r. M. On Sunday open Irom 9 to Ida m. C. TRUESDALE. P. M. dave j po k t Tost office MAIL AUK 1 .V G E W K Si TH. Kastern Mail. -Via C. Jt R. I. R- It Close at 8 o'clock a in; cloaea at 4J o'clock p in; arrive, at 10 o'clock a in; arrivea at si o'clock p in, Sun dava eicepted. H'eifrrn Mmf.-Vi M. it M. B. R- Moe at 9i o'clock a m; arrive, al i o'clock p m, Sunday excepted. ,, ' Northern Mail Via l.yona at tamanche. Cloaea at 9 o'clock pin; arrivea at ti o'clock p In. Northern Mail.- Via DeWitt &. Macunkota .. L I.... T.i....lfi v ntwl 'riilirml.'iV lit Mll'clotk lioscs unu.. , . f , p m; arrive. Tueaday, Thuraday and Saturday at ti o'clock p in. Huule So. 10!'77 Via Blu Cra.a, etc. Cloaea Monday, Wedneaday and Friday at 9 o'clock n m; arrive. Tueaday, Thuraday and Saturday at 9 o' clock p m. , Routt So. I(194H Via Tipton Cloaea Tueaday and Friday at 12 o'clock m; arrivea Tueaday and Fridav at' 12 o'rlock in. Southern Miiiln Ilurlington U Keokuk Cloaea Kundav, Tueaday and Friday at 9 o'cloc k p m; arrivea Monday, Wedneaday and Friday at 7 o'clock a m. Hnutt .o. 10947 Via Buffalo Clwae Fridav at S o'clock a in; arrive. Saturday at 6 o'clock li.mi, Ka. 10950 Via Anuamo.a It Walnut Fork. Close. Thuraday at 12 m; arrivea Thura day at 12 in. Houri llilice open at H o'clock a m; cloaea nt 9 o'clock p in. nilice. open on Sunday Irom 9 to 10 o'aloi-K a in. V4l.As Hie principal mail, are carried by rail road, all thu time a. .tated in tho above imtfCe, will be RAILROAD TI.Y1F., the clock in the eup erintenilcnt'ii ollice, M. k M. depot, be'ng the tandard. CIIAS. H. FLDKIDOK, P. M. ROCk IM.AXI) tlimtll DIKIX TOIU St. James. (Roman Catholic,) corner Hock River and Dock atreeta, Rev. P.J. R: Murphy, Pa.tor, kev. J. 11. Alleinan, Aasi.tant. Services, on Sundav, Maaa at 7i & 101 A.M. Catcchi.m at 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. Vcapcr.nt 2 P. M. mid Benediction ot the l!leed Sacrament immrdi ately alter Ve.pcra. Maaa every morning du ring the week ut U:0. Triwitv, I F.piaoopal,) (irleana mreet, between biiffalo and Klk, kuv. Matliew Magill, Rector. Services, on Sundav, at In:li0 A. M. and 7j I'. M. Sabbath School at 1 A. M. Lecture on Wednesduy evening, at 71 o'clock. First Prory reaiAn, corner Illinois and Deer Street., Kev. S. T. Wils jn, Pnator. Service., Sunday, at UUS A. M. and 3;0C P. M. Sab bath School at 9 A. M. Lecture and prayer meeting Wednesday evenings at 7:4;. Laihea prayer meeting Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Second Pufsuvterian, Illinois street, between Elk and Deer atreeta. (no Pa.tor at present.) Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Weekly prayer meeting Wedneaday evening at S o'clock. United Pri;bbyti:ria!, corner Orleans and Deer treet., Rev. J. II. Jeffer., Pastor. Services, Sundav, at 10.30 A. M. Sublialh acliool at 9 A. M. Mcthooist EriacorAL, comer Highland and Jeller aon atreeta, Rer, John P. Uronka, Pastor. Ser vices, Sunday,1 10:3ii A. .M. and P.M. Sab bath School ai9 A. .M. Weekly prayer meeting, Wedncday evening, I; o'cleck. Ladies praver meeting, Vednesday, 3 P..M, First Baptist, corner Elk and Orleans streets, ncv. Isaac Cray, 1'astor. Services, Sunday, at 10:45 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sabbath Srhool atj A. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday even ing, st 7 o'clock. AVANuELiL al AssotiATioN, corner Rock River alio Uetr streets, Rev. T. M. Vouug, Pastor Services, Sunday, nt t0:30A. M. Kmrlish vices at 7 P. M. fci ghsh and German Sabbatli School at i P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7. German Lutheran K m a n c e l Cm.Rcii, corner flcaaant anu Heaver slreels, He v. C. A. Me neckc, Pastor. German M. E Chi icii, Madison street, between Highland and Cable streets, Rev. C. Schneider, Pastor. THE LAW IX RELATION TO Wt:Y. HAFKRS. 1. Subscribers who do not give eipress notice to he contrary, are considered wishing to continue theirsubscriptiun. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of heir papers, the publisher may continue to aend them until all nrrearaires are paid. 3. II a uscribjrs neglect or refuse to take their papers irmu tne othce to which they are sent, they are held responsible till they have settled their bills, and oriiere"d the paper discontinued. 4. il subscribers move to other place, without informing the publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The court, have decided that refusinir to take 1 new. paper or periodical from the olfice, or re moving and leaving it unaalled for, is prima facia evidence oi rraua. At the Pittsburgh Stove Store. I7ILL be found a large and fine asBort- Vr ment of coal and wood cook atovea. Alio Till Ware, fcr., &c. Miner, camp and cooking utenaila, and every thing neceaaary for I complete fit-out. Kepairing end job-work ofll kinda prompt "d-otlon.. DON k ELLIOTT, ' ' Nearljr Opp. Court Square. dmti$nnrntjs ATTENTION PEOPLE OF TOE ( ITT AXD COUTH 1 1 O2xoi.x3 Soles C IT V DRUG STORE, A large atock ol kr.Knr.i:oii I.AMl'H AM CIIIMMKM. Rett Kerosene Oil 70 cents per Oallon. Lard, Sperm and SeatsToot Oils, For Machinery, Burning, and greasing llarnesa. PAINTS AND COLORS Of all kuida and description.. PAINT-OIL, VARNISH KM, TERPENTINE, Bl'RXl.Mi FLl'IDEt e. Come In All. ii1 i:ainliie Cio nl and lrlrc: c. e. ci.ac1ls; (.ki:at wi;ti:hn Hide and Leather Store. J. .ii M. II.M II I l, ROCK ISLAND, ... ILLINOIS, iJKAI.I.It IN LIMTUEU MI FIMllNdS, Saddltry llnrdinirr, H'Aipa unit ,ir, lurrv-Lornbt una urutnet Also Manulacttirrr. of Uarness, ( ollars, Saddles and Bridles. Cash paid for Hide., Furs, Wool, Copper, Rag., Sheep I'elta, liccr-Skm. and Beeawas. Most Valuable Bookofttie Day! THE NhW A M E HI t A N IKLOI'.EDIA. At vulumo after voluui n iiMiied, ttni nolile work elicits strungHr prKtoti Iroin ill fu;irttTi. Tlii! North Anumcan Itpvmw nyn : V can turn to no titli; w)iu h tlii' not roiilirm our roil Hiifiice in Ui work, tnch urticlf! nwiun to tmve tii'i'ii w ntti'ii by ani'iprrt. There can tie no tluuht that, at lenst fur the uie of Ameriran reatlert, and in unite frxpert wherever the English lanune u fxAm, tiix CyitojHtttia wilt grratty turf,(is tn vaiue any $tmtlar rumpilnttve yet ihkued un etther Htfr of the Atlantic In the prfiM'iit tarthn tiini, wfirn w iifed pmlint( on mo mntiy topic Uttlv ttiou Jit ot bet'orv, it i invaluable. f'uMithod hy U, Apfilcloti & Co., New York; V0TKE. XTOTICK in liereliy ijiveii that on tlio 25tli I 1 dav of .Ian., A. I), INii2, J. II. Clelend, ol' the Town of Edging!"!!, took up a. an elr.iy,onc ! Van mure Colt, three year, old next spring, and marked a. follows : Witn a .mall slur in her face, hlack lefla and durk siripe down her hack , and ap prai.ed hefore Wffi. ii. Mont;nTiiery and S. A. i Heath nt forty Hollar., January .Hat, A. II., MS. JOS. ( ON FT, Clerk. 3 MYTH'S1 STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER . now ready, and selling oil' FAST. OI K STOCK OF KK,UY-MAIK CLOTHING, Is ooinpletp manufactured at home and in the BEST MANNER, and no House in the City can show a. good an assortment of Piece Goods! We have a large iii;iutity of C la O T I E S , i Black and colored Ca.aiineres, hlack and fancy I Doeskins, Miltons, CassuiantliH, Satinets, Cnrilu- roy, Veating Silk, Caahmeru, Marseilles, 4tc. ftc, j w hich we will cll hy the yard or make up to order j Imported and domestic, in great variety thu cele brated New York .Mills good, which are the hest the market all'urds. HATS, CAPS A.l STRAW - .001)S! which will he sold nt very low prices. tiEXTS' FIKXISIIIXG GOODS! Consisting ol'Shirts.Collur., Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hmiery, Suspenders, Wrappers and Draawer. suitable lor the season, (ilovea He. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. This branch ol the business receives our special attention, and, with the workmen wc have, w e can get up clothea in tho very best manner, on I ho shortest notice. No better assortment Mutable lor Custom Work can be found in this or neighboring Cities. MILIT.A11Y SUITS MADE TO OHI)i:it. SMYTH BROS. & Co. anHAT WESTBUKT! BOOTS & SHOliS, Cheaper (ban any oilier Place west ol Chicago, Cm be found at the B001 AND SHOE STORE or n. TL'RMiR, Palace How , IlllnoUStreet.Uock lalaiid. HIS Stock is one f the lamest in the Went In. material ,l',e best, his prices eiceeilmg ly reasonable. h stre the n.o i.. . . . cess, and to an. and all who will pive him a cal he is ready to sh-iw h,s goods and stand hv an statements he may make K. TCRXER. ltitica.s CHICAGO, ILL. THE underifriied respectfullv announce to 1 their friends, patrons, and the "travelling pub ic generally, that owing to the airingency ol the times, they have reduced the price ol board ta TWO IHILLAKM per day. Thankful lor the patronage ao liberally bestow ed on them, they respectfullv ask for a rontinu. "ifo ,,1P ,amf "sunup their patrons that the "BRIOGS" will be conducted on the same liberal plan that haa heretofore charaeteriied their es ublishment. WM. F. TL'CKER fcCO; Chicago, Jane let, lttol. WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS ANU DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC VLT IKTES S AND Take pleasure in informing the public that they are still un hand with a Large aud oiuplete Stock Of the above mentioned goods, which they ire uhorilig at XV Ii o I ' s a I v for a SMALL ADVANCE on Chicago' mid St Louis markets. Ileing aimoua to devote our attention to th .lobliiu Trade, We would advise all persons who wish to buy by THE yl'A.NTITY, ort-j SELL AGAIN, to give us a call, and we will give 0000 BABOUNS on ull occasions. Remember we have LARUE STOCK, and OCR I'RICES ARE LOW. Give us a call. H. DART & SONS, GUYER'S BLOCK. ILLINOIS STB EET, ROCK IS I, AN I), ILLINOIS. Sootooy cfc OO., SELLINO OFF WHOLESALE AID RETAIL. As cheap as can he bought either in Chicago or St. Louis. It will pay country dealers and people generally to call ut their store on Illinois street, opposito the Rock Island House, where they will rind a full assortment of Women.', Misses', and Child reus' Shoes, nt prices to suit the times. Wo men' Callers, from 41) cents tn $i!,.r0 per pair, and all other kinds of work in proportion. Custom Work Made of the best materials, and by as good work men as the country can afford. All work war ranted. Tuaukful for past favors we hope to have our country friends give us a call. DON'T HE III MHUGGED, But support YOUR OWff MECHANICS You can buy II 0 M E - M A I) E Boots cfe SHOOS A. cheap a. EASTERN-MADE SUIT IEUKE& and PAPER SOLES. Remember the place. ftConuY Co., Opposite the Rock Island House. L. SC HI.l.t.EL, BOOK 1UNDEK, 7W Office Building, DAVENPORT, - - - - . IOWA. A WOKK done in tho neatest manner, XX and at reasonable prices. JMfOld Books, Magazine, or New.paper Files bound in the best manner and at ahort notice t'eb3dawtt ii utii:it a ti:i2l9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OEALERi IN UAKUHAKE, I H O N NAILN, ULAMk Cutlery ! Mechanics' Tools AGItltlLTl KAL IMPLEMENTS, : COHDAUE, LEATHER AM) KlliEUll llELTINti, Itubber, Leather and Cotton Parking. iLXS k PISTOLS, FISHIXO TACKLE, LANTERNS, citatx rr.vps, KAIHIIAXK'M SCALES, AC Which we oiler at prices In suit the times, FOR CASH ! N O W li A D Y The Third Volume of PI TV!' RECORD OF THE REBELLION: A A Diary or American Events. With Ulustraln i Votumrntt and A'arrui'i.t, Au murs, Iimdrntt, I'vttry, Anecdotts, ttr., In acparate divisions. Edited by I 'HANK. MOORE. Author ol "Diary of American Revolution." With an Introductory View of the Oreat Issues before the Country, and the Causes of the Rebellion, II Y EDtVAHD EVERETT. Prepared (with addition.) for thi. work. With a copious I.N DKX, etc., etc. A Colored MAI' OK THK I NITF.t) STATES, and Portrait, on Steel, ol Gen. Scott, lien. Cameron. Gen. McClellan, Gen. Lyon, Gen Fremont, Oov. Sprague, Gen. Rutler, President Lincoln, Gen. Andersen, President Davis, and Gen. Dn. This volume is complete in itself, containing about MHI closely printed pages. Royal octavo. Price in cloth, JJ,"Oj sheep citra, $1,00; half calf, antii ue, So.OU. It contain, the unly full, impartial, and reliable HISTORY of the (;rtut Struggle for Free Government. With complete and accurate copies ol All the Secession Ordinance. (oliicial). Davis' and Stephens' Speeches and Proclama tions. Proclamatioua and Message, of President Lin coln. Stale Papers ot all kinds. Military Proclamation, on both .idea. Speeches and Appeals of Southern Cuion Men, (Kennedy, Holt, Diton, Crittenden, etc.) Knglish Articles on the War. "Contraband" Correspondence. Radical Northern Speechea. Motley's Causes of the War. W. II. Russell's Letters. Curiosities ol Southern War Literature. Reports of Rattles and .Skirmishes. Lists ol Officers of Regiments, eto. Picturesque Narratives. Patriotic Poetry. Songs of the Rebels. Muncliausenimia. Anecdotes, Statistics, etc. This work will be published as heietofore weekly and monthly. Weekly Nos. at lllcenta ; Monthly Parts, Illustrated, r0 cents.. The Illiis tratiens for tho M eekly Nos. will be published in two Nos, at 110 cents each, making the price for weekly and monthly editions the same, viz . $3 for CHch vol., each an months. Covers for binding Vol. I, in cloth, ii) cents. I consider the 'Record' a very valu able publication. "Edward Kner 'ett. "Every one who wishes a complete record of tlse stirring events now transpiring, should pro cure this weekly serial. In a small compass it gives the coutenti ol a dozen daily newspapers. A'. 1'. Independent. 'It is quite indispensable for reference, and forma one of the most remarkable specimens of current htttory ever published. We advise those who would preserve and ponder the authentic chronicle of 'the Second War ol American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting serial." Boston Transcript. "We cannot speak too highly of the industry and sound judgment the work displays." jY. V. Daily Xewi. Ci. P. PUTNAM, Publisher, 532 Broadway, New York. N. H. The First Part of the Second Volume is also now readv, containing the 1IATTLE OK HI LL It II Si, fully described from every point of view. With a map. Ib'O pages. Price 60 cents. , Copies of the First 'oluine of the Rebellion Record will be sent bymail,r of expense, to any Dart of the U. S. within 1500 miies, on receipt ot price. The publisher will be responsibleor alt re mittances sent in registered letters. fcy-Vol. .2 will also be sent in parts as issued, on receipt of $3. Parties desirous of forming clubs will be supplied on liberal terms by addressing the publisher lur particulars. WM. VAN FLEET. E. 1 CH AND AL L W M. VAX FLEET & CO., Commission Merchants for the .ale ol ti K E E ; AMI) DRIED FRUITS Poultry, Egg', Butter, and all kind, of FARM PRODUCE. 134 Dearborn St., near the P. (., CHICAGO, - - - - ILLINOIS P. O. BOX 6164. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. or ALL KINDS. KAIRUAXkS A GKEKNLEAK, 114 Lake St., Chicago, And Corner of Main and Walnut St., St. Loui Sold in Rock Island by HARPER & STEEL jTS-HUY ONLY THE CEMlJiE. apll9 twly FOR CATTLE A.VU U0KSES. 'PUIS i truly a ereat remedy. Haifa 23 X cent buttle ol Sloan's Instant Reliul, given in t pint ol warm water, seldom tails tn cur a horse or Cliolic in few minutes. In eitreme case, re peat the duae in IS minutes. For, Strain., bpraina, and many other injur it. on Horse., Cattle, and other animals, Sloau's Instant Relief speedily tlfocls a cure. Msnv per.un. have been astonished to witness the rapid cure effected hy the uso of this wonderful mediciiie. Jbif Get Circulars of Agents. SLOAN'S 01XTMEXT I For mildness, sulci y, certainty, thoroughness, Sloan's Ointment is rapidly superceding ill other Ointments and Liuiiiieiit. for thu curcj of the fol lowing complaints: Fresh Wound., Galls of all kinds. Cracked Heels, Ringbone, I'olevil, Wiudgalla, Callus, Hpavine, Swee.iey, Fiatula, Foundered Feet, Suud Crick., Scratches or Grease, Mange and Horse Distemper. bhrasfd Uorses and tattle require re.toration ol insensible perspiration. Sloan's Fever Antidote, Lonuilion Powder, is a certain Ulood Purilier. It never fails to loosen the skin, cleanse the water, create an appetite and is a positive cure lor Coughs, Col. Is, Still' Complaint, Founder, Distemper, und cairies orl Uutts and Worms, and may be given at any time and under all circumstance, with perlecl saiety One package ol the Powders and a bottle ol the Ointment will perfectly cure a recent Founder in i or eight days, without leaving the least effect III the leet. Ill Horse Distemper, they will allay the lever and promote a Healthy termination ol me disease. One Powder and a part of a bottle ol Ointment, w ill, in all cases, cure Oie Horn Die temper in a cow ; two arc sometime required for an oi Waller II. Sloan, tho original discoverer of this truly valuable medicine, still has the sole super vision ol Us manufacture, hut order, should ho sent to hi. son, ! ar II. Sloan, H South Water Street, Chicago I I., who will promptly aupply the demand lor these popular u ml truly great meui ciues. They are sold by all dealer, in Medicine. Sold wholesale ami mail at . Manufacturer', price., by ill Druggist.. waw ly Call Mil Ic Bookstore AND Sch ool Book Depot. JO II N GRAHAM, Agent, 131 Devalues Street, Chicago, Oppusite St, Patrick's Chuixh, H is just received a largu stock ol BIBLES, PRAVER BOOK'S, BEADS, SCAPLLAS, CRIC1F1XES, MEDALS, LACE PICTURES, kc. Also, a good selection of KLLH.IOl KNGllAl IM.S AM) SCHOOL-HOOK'S. Agent for the Self York Tablet, Boston Pilot, BrowHun ' lieiirw, Irish American, . The Bible, Life of the Snlnt. Life or the HleNscd Virgin. Life of Christ. Lite and HorkH ot'Gerald Grlllin. The above works can he had bound, or ;n num bers. "COME DOWN WITH PRICES! C. I HKM.XTLLK, Aint, Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer, aud GI.NKKAL UNDERTAKER. I take this mode for the acknowledgement for the long continued patronage of my old customers, soliciting their continuation, and by a strict atten tion to tho business, gain many new ones. I flat ter myself for having the reputation of having a cheap place to buy furniture. 1 have on hand Burcaue, Glasses and Cradles, Bedsteads, Chairs and Tables, Stands, Sofas and Cupboards, Whatnots, Caba and Feathen", Desks lor bills and letters Everything ill the shape of wood You can get here cheap and good. In the undertaking line I have only to say that I shan't be beat either in price, style or attend ance. Give me a call and see for yourselves. PilLsbuig, Ft, U a) ue & tbicago R. ! Trains leave th West Side Union Depot, cor. .Madison and Canal streets, Chicago, as follows ; 6.00 a. m. Fast Line, except Sundays. 6 10 p. m Nighi Express, except Saturdays. 3.40 p. in. Accommodation for Valparaiso. For Boston, Sew York, l'hiladelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Ilarrisburg 4- Pittsburg. Also for Albany, Buffalo, Dunkirk, CUceland. Colum. bus, Cincinnati, Dayton, And ail intermediate stations between Chicago and the cities named. Sleeping cars on night tiains, and baggage by this route checked through to all eastern cities. But one change of cars between Chicago and New York, via Allentown, on train leaving Chica go at ti. 10 p. m. Tickets for sale at the piincipal ticket offices in the west, at the company's ollice, corner ol Ran dolph and Dearborn strtets, and at the L nion De pot, West Side, Chicago, WM. P. SHIN, A. HOLL1DAV, Gen'l Pas'gcr Ag't. Ticket Agent. Saddle and Harness M A N V V A U T O li Y At the Old Stone building on Illinois street, Rock Island, Illinois. JULIUM SCHL I.XIi having appointed A. F. Cutter, agent, to Conduct the above busi ness on n strictly CASH PRINCIPLE, Those w ishing Jo buy cheap, and pay cash down for any article in the above line, are rca lectfully nvited to give us a call. J, SCHVLZE, by A. . CUTTER, Agent,; Dec. 19th, 1S-61, d w. Q ,L1CK TIME TO NEW YORK. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne if' Chicago II. R. In connection witn tne JVnnMirania iiaiV Road the Allentown Route. . ." .v..,,l, o -r V'ork citv with Are now runiiiu g tin mB .. -- - . but one change of cars, in four hours less time than any other route. 1 m. u. ...- - , by their bein eighty mUes shorter than either or the mora northern line. Urtiira. OBv HQQFUND'S FOR TUB SPtEDV Cl'HK OF Coutihs, luldt, Injturma, -Croup, Hoaneness, Bronchitis, fneumuma, Vurasts of the iuie.. anting from Cold, Jncipitnt Consumptton, and j"' '"'v iv fifi.iorri curio patimltin advanced ntaffei of (A latter , disease. The Balsamic Cordial is entirely a Veaetibla production, combining the healing properties of tne lialsain, wiin tne invigorating qualities or a Cordial, producing I combination so well adapted to the purposes intended, that there are few cases ol Uiseasu which will not, ut an early period, suc cumb to its healing and life-giving properties. For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary di seases occupied the greater portion ol the atten tion of the scieutilic of the medical world, hut none acquired morn eminence in Ins treatment ol those discs than tho celebrated Prussian, Dr. Hootlaiid, the originator id' the llalsumie Cordial. His life waadevoted to the production of remedies Unit would stand unrivalled. How well he has succeeded the American peoplu are able to judge: and we positively assert, that no preparations that have ever been placed helorn them, have coulcrrcd the same amount of benefits on suHnr nig humanity, or have elicited so iiiaiiy commuud atloll.trom all classes of sociely, as the remedies ol Dr. Ilooiunil, prepared hy Dr. I . 31. Jackson at Co.. of Philadelphia, The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases more geneialaud more fatal than any other to which the people ol tin. country are subject those surinuiim Irom a "sliiiht cold." That emin ent authority, Dr. Bell, says : "1 will not say that Colds arc to our inhabitants what thu I'lague and Yellow t'eier are to those of other countries) but I can aver conhdently that they usher in diseases of ireater complicity and mortality than these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prcpar atloii. Xr Hooflanci'e CELEBRATED CKHMAX IUTTKKS l'REPARED BY DR. C. M. J Al kWIS .V CO., IMnla., Pa., will ti'kr. Liver Complaint, ljspcplu. Jaundice, i'hronic or SerrniiK Debility, Diseases of th Kidneys, and alt diseases arising Irom a die ordered l.ivrr or Stomach, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea, Heartburn, Disgust lor Food, F'ulness or Wem hi 111 the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking ur Fluttering nt the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and diliicult breathing, flut tering nt the heart, choking or suU'ocating sensa tions when in n lying posture, dimness ol vision, dots of wchs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, delicicucy ol perspiration, yellow ness of the skin and ejes, pain 111 the side, hack, chest, limbs, tic, sudden Hushes of heat, burn ing 111 the llesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great depression, of spirits, and w ill po.itivelv prevent 1 ELLOH ! EVER, III MOPH 1'EVER, ivr. The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, doe. .0 with a feeling ol the most confidence m it. virtues aud adap tation to the diseases for w hich it is recommended. It is no new and untried article, but one that has atuod the test of a Iwelf 0 years' trial before the American people, and us reputation and sale arc unrivalled by any similar preparations eilant. The testimony 111 Ms favor given hy the most prominent and wcll-knov n physicians and individuals in all parts of the country is immense, and a careful pe rusal of the Almanac, published annually by the proprietors, and to be had gratis of any of their Agents, cannot but satisl v the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving of the great eeleb nty it has obtained. These medicines are for sale by nil respectable druggist and dealers in medicines ill the I nited States, Canada, British Provinces, and West In dies, ut 7j cents per bottle. Be sure and get the genuine, with the signature of C. M. Jackson on the wrapper of each bottle; all others are coun terfeit. Principal Ollice and Manufactory, 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa, Sold in Rock Island hy Clacius & Speidel, and N.Hcrsh (: Co. ; 111 Moline, by A. F. Chamber lain and T. S. Richards; in Camden, by il. P Bealtie; in Hampton, hy Dr. G. Vinceil. janistwaw ly mrs. wimow, Aii experienced Nit run ami Femnfp, pre- tenu 10 um aiiemiouui Aiotners, iter toothing Syrup, KOH CHILDREN TEETHING, which zreatly facilitate, the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing all 111 II um at ions will allay ALL PAIN nnd spasmodic action, and is sine to REGULATE T ill': HOW ELK. Depend upon it, mothers, 11 wi.l give rest to your selves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOl R INFANTS We have put up and sold this article lor over ten yeurs, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, w hat w e have nevi r been able to say of nny other mediciiK NEVER HAS IT FAILED IN A SINGLE INSTANCE.TOEFFECT A CURE when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction hy any one who used it. On the contri'ry all aredelighted with Us op eralions, and speak 111 terms ol commendation of its magical eti'eets and medical virtues. We speak 111 this matter "WHAT WE 1)1) KNOW after ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THK FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is sulfering from pain and exhaustion, relict will ne loiind in filteeu twenty minutes after tbesvrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER-FAILING SUCCESS IN THOUSANDS OK CASES It not only relieves the child from pain, but in vigoratca the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives tone and energy to the whole system It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, Si WIND CHOLIC and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it is the BEST AND SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY' AND DI ARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teethnm or any other cnuse. We would say to every Mother who has a child sulfering fiom any of the foreffoine complaint, DO NOT LET YOUR PHEJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering Ihild and tne rener tnat win oe fi ne, -yes, AB SOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of this Medicine, if timely used. Full directions foi usimr will accompany each bottle. None eenuine unless the fac-Bimile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, i on the outside w rapper. Sold by druggists thioughoiit the world. Principal Orhce, 13 Cedar Street, N. Y. PRICE ONLY 2a CENTS PER BOTTLE Sold by all druggists 111 Rock Island. apr25twawly The Only Premium Awarded at the late United States Fair on Wiss and Toupees, And lor Hair Jewelry, 7AS that Kiven to ADOLI'II 01IS V WALDT. 100 Lake Street, Chicago. Hi. Wig. re easy, durable and elegant. The only place in the West where they are properly made. Satisfaction or no pay. Ordera forw arded by send ing the n easures as follow : 1 Round the Head. Forehead to Nape. Ear to Ear over the Head. Ear to Ear across the Crown. Rnnnd the Herd .' Forehead to extent of Baldness. to Ear over the Head. Acroas bald place over the crown. ADOLPH OHSWALDT, Chicago. P. O. Box, 2026. 11111 A FREE GIFT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHAT THE FEDERAL TROOPS ARE FIGHT ING TO SUSTAIN. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD BEPREPARED TO FIGHT, It is a singular fact that a lane maiontv nfil,. people of the United Sl.tos are unacuuainted with the great importance of the cause lur which the soldiers of the Union are fighting. Let avert man anu woman throughout the United ht.te. care fully read and study the Constitution of the United Statin, they will become convinced ot lh holiness ji our causa and ol the wickedne.s ol those who are to overthrow this grand palladium of Wa believe that had the tution been adopted as a daily Icon 111 everv school throughout the United Htate., the doctrine, ol secession and slates right would never have at tained the position of a political question; nor i- ..1... . . ' ""veneen called upon to mourn or l,eunlortun.i.wr.tgl,g.nd misconstructions , n i. V".""! ,"U Uu:U "' prnaliu '. 'n ,U"''I'"K Ha inter- Millions of our, have never thoroughly atudwc lib. 1 constitution, ., ev,,n time, when it is the duty ol every c.tuen of this country to inform himself of the right. ,d ,, leges secured to him, under it. p,.ect,ng arm, It is not 111 one household to rive hundred. In view therelore, of correcting tlr. great overnight, and to furnish every man, woman and child throuah out the United Slate, with the mean, of atudyinir this great palladium of liberty, and to prelect us against future false doctrines and political disas eri, DRS. RADWAV fc TO. present to the American puplir, free nf'chargc. tho commotion of the United State, of Anient., neatly bound, together with an improved Almanac lor the yearjlhtii, called "Dr. Railway'. Constitu tional Almanac." As son as practicable, Dr. Radway'a Agents, in every village and towu throughout Hie union, will be furnished wuh a supply, for free circulation. A copy of the same will be sent to alt who will enclose a stamp for the payment of postage. Druggi.ts, bookseller, newsdealer, throughout the country, desirous of aiding us in distributing to the people the Constitutional Almanac, are in vited to send in their orders. No charge, will be made for the same. We also invito the people of the Canadas, Brit ish Province., and, in lact, all who can read the Engli.h language throughout the world, to accept as ill IVoin us our Constitutional Almanac. We will .end to any one who 1. willing to pay the postage on it a copy j or if the citnen. of any town or village will accept from 100 to iOtt copies, we w ill furnish them free of charge. Being convin ced that if our foreign friends will carefnllv read the Constitution, they will become satisfied that oar people, in supporting our government in wip ing out this fuul blot of secession from our es cutcheon, are not only right, but ore establishing on a sound basis the Ireedoui of the people through out the world. RADWAY It CO., 23 John Street, New York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD BE PREPARED TO FIGHT. Health and Discipline. Health and discipline are the most element in an army to ensure success. Discipline without health will prove as ineffectual as shot without powde.-. Health is the propelling force of the army, ana is the symbol of victory. It is, therefore, of the greatest importance, that the system of medication best adapted for the pro tection of soldier against sickness, as well as that known to be the most speedy and ell'ectual in re storing the sick to health, without regard to pro fessional prejuuice, he adopted. Tin 1 no time lor medical martinets to quibble about professional dignity. All the dignity the profession can bring to bear will neither prevent sickness among the troops nor cure those arllicted. Our armies, to be (ucccssful, must be kept in a healthy condition; and the most .ure mean, of se curing this desideratum is through the remedial pow ers of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, which haa already proved itself in over (illy regi merits now at the seat of war near Washington, to he 1 positive prevention against sickness in the form of Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague, Millions Fever Typhoid Fever, Diarhaa, Dysentery, Small Pol Measles, and other malarious and infectious diseases. Bear in mind, we say, that Radwayt Ready Re lief will protect the troops eiposed to these dis ease, against attack. Now, it is conceded by all the medical men in our army, that they have no reliable moans of preventing attacks nf these dis eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing the sick; hut, on the contrary, the majority of the sick, seized with fever and ague, typhoid, bilhous and other fevers, either die, or inger along until they are reduced to more wreck, and walk ing skeletons. Eiperience has established the fact that the treatment of calomel, quipine and mercury, in rases nl fever and ague, typhoid fever and other fevers of this clasB, is more injurious in camp, than in private practice, when we take into consideration that canvass walls and exposure to heavy dews and the malaria Irom poola of water and damp grounds, prove but a poor shelter for the ick, we may readily conjecture that the penalties of mercurial and quinine treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the form of rheu matism, neuralgia, pains and stillness in the joints, engorgements of the liver, jaundice, yellow jnuii ders, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, colds, &c, which will cling to the unfortunate patient fur years. IN DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES the soldier has a positive preventive against at tacks ofthese diseases. Let every soldier carry a bo. tie nf RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IN HIS CKAPSACK, and when eiposed to wet,damp and chilly weather, or encamped in malarious districts, luke a leu spooulul, in half a cup of w ater, as a drink, early in the morning before eating, and three or four times during the day; Mid, il on picket or guard duly, occasionally duiing the night, he will escape all sickness, and continue t-o enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Radway'a Ready Relief and Railway's Regulat ing Pills be used according to directions, nnd the patient will soon recover. Dr. Radway'a Rcme dies make a perfect cure In cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipethena Influenza, Coughs, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Swellings of the Joints, Pain, in tne Legs Sic, &c. Croup, Measles, Burns, Scalds, Strains, Wounds, Sprains, Weakness in the Spine, and in all cases where there is pain, Radnay's Ready Relief will afford immediate ease and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number of letters from army surgeons, officers and privates who have de rived benefit from the use ofiiarfu ay'. Ready Re lief. Among the great number we have on file w e reler to the following : W. H. Tingly, M. D., Surgeon and Medical Di rector of the Excelsior Brigade. Geo. B.Simpson, M. D., Surgeon of Anderson's Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Reg't N. Y. V. Col. Lyons, Eighth Reg't N. Y. S. M. Col. George Hall, Second Regiment Exce.sior Brigade. Col. Tinnelli, McClellan Rifles. Col. Wm. GaUs, U. 8. A. Col.Willam Wilson and his officers, through T. W. Meighan, Eaq., Wilson'a Zouaves, Fort Pick ens. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT will .peedily eradicate every particle'of disease, and will reinvest the patient with health. LADIES afflicted w ith Falling of the Womb, Ulcers of the V.'omb, Discharges from the Uterus, Chlorosis, and all weakening diacharges, may depend upon a speedy euro by the use of Radway'a Renovating Resolvent. In cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, the Resolvent, taken in connection with Radway'a Pills and Ready Relief, will be lound a quick and thorough cure. NOTICE. Dr. Radway'a remedies are sold by druggists in every village, Jowa and city in the United States, Canadaa and British Provinces. Price ; 2i cents, 50 cents and $1. RADWAY (s CO., No. 23 John St.,. New Y'ork. KELSON HEASH, Agnt, Rock Island, 111.