Newspaper Page Text
WM ISLAND A KG US .V'ckll Paper esU'dialieU "el. IS.I'''''' 114. I Paiior e.ubliahed July !) riniuiiu it illWiMl.a JOM. .rupriulur. Cur. ,tliwiit urf i.'ul Hlrettl. rtkXt. -Daily Su Dollars year, Payable VJur. lerly ill dunce. WtiKLV Two Dollars y"ri advance, j. . unmani. J., wiron juni.. lie KOCH ISLAND ARCL o in i ti a BOOK & JOB E8TABLISUMENT COI. ILLINOIS AND EAI.IC ITHrTI. It prepared to eiecute to outer on short entice ALL DIlCaifTloN. 01 Books, Pamphlets, Circulars, ic. 4c, MOCK. ISL.VNI), ILL. FRIDAY II VEXING, MARCH.. I I. s2 ittctal. printing. ROCK ISLAND ARGUS itailroads. jfiwuranrf. ?lnouruncr. iinr ;io:vr r.i.iautic 011.:!! i: V I INK! GENUINE! ; amiifu co 1.011. .K. SMI HIS KLKCTUIO OIL IS tin' muni beautiful c'liiiiliiimlion ever din covered for rain. Try 11 uu 1 lady's galheied breaaland aea liuw aouu it auothea, liuw quickly H he swelling it removed. l cures cramps ill ID tumulus. Cures llcadi'che ill 20 minutes. I' him Rheumatism speedily. (Un a N !! ri !j ia ill IU 11. mules. Cum lliirin m i I hours. Cu.cs Erya'pchia 111 3 tt 14 V . Cures many c iiiilitint ul' painlul and liillnm lalory nature quicker Hull anything else, and the iiiuot smithing ul' all known medical appli aiicca. int. mmitii'm i;i.i:tTilt Oil.. lathcoiilv tannine Ulei'trlc Oil ver known, and ithascurod more than .00, 0 people! A single application in painlul cases, will dem onstrate ita power and pleasantness. Read what llr. J . . Bngg aavs; he one ol the first men 111 W'ealport, Mo., and keep a large drug VVfireoKT, July lllh, l!v9. 1 "Some two yenra ngn.a lady ol' Una place waa, j alter confinement, attacked with inllainatiun ol uuu ol' Hie breast, which fur days resisted j all the iuiibI reinediea 111 audi eaaea. 'I he awcll 11m ami soreness was aa (treat aa 111 any case I had witneaaed. I wna induced to tiy Siiulh'a Electric Oil, and waa perfectly astonished ami pleaaed to find ill half an hour ai'tur ita appllcut.011, that the loreneaa and swelling had entirely auhaided. J. (. BotiliS, Lirutcgiat The (.fiiuine Flee trie Oil IS A llll ll AMBER COLOR ak lu look at it, and yuu will he fully satisfied if 11 be the Original Eleclnc (III, prepared by llr. Smith. No person would use a counterfeit if he anew it, and ma my imperative duty to ailiiioni.h ill to be careful, and alwaya ak for "Dr. Cimtli'ai Electric Oil." All the heat dealer aell it, moat j'l the doctnra ne it, at least thoau who have he time acquainted with it vntoea. ALVORDai VAN I'ATTKN are regular .incut orthe (ji'iiiiiiiOil,in Davenport, Iowa, and I LA I I L ' s 4i M'KII'KI., ill Hock Inland. L li. B. SMITH, M. D. t'r. Smith may he consulted Iree Home Insurance OF NKW YOKK CITY, 1 8 (i '2 . STATKMUNT OF Till: CONDITION or THE HOME INSlUiNlE lO.MPAXY, OF NEW YORK, On the 1st Day of January. .1. D. ISG2, I J thr lu.ltttir uf the State of Illinui$, l'uittunt to the Stitute utluit State. Name and Location. The name ol llna Company i Tin Home 1n si hauci; CnMi'ANV, incorporated in 1S63, and lo cated in the City ol New York. Capital. The Capital ot aaid Company actual ly paid up in cash, l l,UUU,000 00 The Surplua on the lt day of Janu ary, IM2 oO.lsT bi Total ain't of Capital and Surplua. .$1 ,4titi,lii1 U5 j AiCtM, Amount ol Ca.h in Continental U"k, $121,134 14 i7,lS fcS 50,000 00 7i,U00 00 S.SIIO 00 s.ioa oo 0,9i0 00 hi.iioo oo 4,01 1 110 8,000 00 a.tijo oo 65,220 00 Amount of Cash in hands ol A'ta, and in course of traiiainia sion Amount of I'liinriiinhered Real Ea tate. No. 4 Wall Street. . . . Amount ol t inted Stales Treasury Notes, 7 3-10 market value, Amount ofl'nited States Reiiistered Stock 1SHI, market value. . Amount of Missouri Slate Honda, Ii per cent., market value... Amount of North Carolina Honda, b' percent., market value... Amount of Tennessee Hi, nils, ti per cent., market value Amount ol (lino, ti percent., market value Amount of Illinois, ti per cent., mar ket value Amount of Brooklyn City Water Honda, market value Amount of Bank Stocka, market Amount ot Loans on Honda and Mortgages, being the first hen of record on I niu cumliered Real Estate, worth at least $1 .'O.IIOO rate of Interest, 7 per ci lit Amount Loans on Storks and H'ds, oavahle on demand, the 010,21'J 03 120,300 0U 5,0S5 10 market value of securities I pledged, at least $lj3,iia3, Amount ot'Othcr Miscellaneous Ifma Amount Duo lor Premiums on Poli cies issued at Office Amount Bills rcceivahle for premi ums on Inland Navigation risks, Sic Interest due, and accrued but not due 1,643 A3 j I 22,711 99 j 29.34S S5 I $l,o21,2US OS Liabilities. Amount of Losses adjusted, and due and unpaid None. Amount ol Losses incurred and in process of adjustment 17,410 2S Amount of Losses reported.ou which no action has been takct 2ti,ii9i 74 Amount ol'Claiina for Losacs resisted by the Company 10,534 41 Amount of Dividends declared and uuc and unpaid 610 00 Amount of Dividends either cash or scrip, declared but not yet due None. Amount of Money borrowed Noue. Amount of all other existing claims against the Company None. Total amount of Losses, Claima end Liabilities $jj,0s0 43 CHARLES J. MARTIN, President. J. Milton Smith, Secretary. Amenta for Rock Island, Illinois, FIELD & BLACKBURN. Most Valuable Book ofthe Day! THE XEW AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA. Aa volume after volume is issued, thia noble work elicits stronger praise from all quartera. The North American Retiew saya : "We can turn to no title which does not confirm our con fidence in the work. Each article seems to have v...,, written bv ar. expert. There con be no doutit that, at least for the use of Ameriean reader, and in tome retpects wherever the Enhth language it i tpoken, thit Cyclopedia vill grratly turpast m talue any timilar compilative yet istued on either i tide ofthe Atlantic " I in ih. n,pm atartlmff times, when we need I posting on so man; topics little thought ol before, it la inTaluable. i. PubUihed by D. Appletoo St Co., New York: I'll KM I I'M Printing House! Illlliola Street, Oppoaltt) loat Ollice, IIUCKIiLAMI, ILLINOIS. Our Facilities for Executing ARE "UN fcSXJJK PASSED I And wili'habl-j ua'to execute aa Good Work AM AN V OTIIICK Oli ll i; IX THE CITY oit rvri:, AND AT PRICES H ARIUXTKI) TO BE SA IISFAt TOKV ! Ti!K BOOK DEPARTMENT Is amply aupplied with material of every variety necessary to ensure pum tu jlity and dispatch. CuiiNtitiitiiiiis. Article!! of Incorporation, And every other variety of Pamphlets priuted at the shortest pnssihle notice. MERCANTILE FKIVTIXG OF KVERY DESCRIPTION. SUCH AS Bill of ;, Steamboat Blink, Hotel Jttittrt, Hanker' Chicks, IteaijiU, lni;iyiit' Laieh, Hill of Fare, Lill-Jhad, Circulars, Hall Ticfott, Card, Potter, Protjramiii, Etc., Etc., Ete. M.All.Y AND IIANIJSOMICLY DOM; I "Mammoth Posters Ot Any !ize or Shape, and in AM M.MBER OF FANCY COLORS. 0BAMETAt P8WTIKC IN BRILLI ANT COLORS, l COLD, Si HER OR BRONZE. Not to be Exccllfil Either in the East or West ! The material of this orlice has been selected with great care, and with an eye to the wants of the buainesa community. ouit typj: is new i Consequently, it ffivei a clear and distinct impres sion. In addition to this, vi e employ the FASTEST MA(IIIC PRESSES To be Found iu the West 1 Thereby ensuring to all who favor us with work, PUXCTUALITV! And Reasonable Prices! Vo um niiiiiTiYiM JUD IIIIHIiUi; KAlMtOAD, 1 t.rt-at lli'oud (;aui;e, Double Track and Tt-lt'Kiupli Koiitt' To YORK, I50ST And all Eastern Cities, CAIillMNli THE iati:i 1 . . Miii.s. XI'KKSS TliAlXS leuu- lluiikiili .laiiv. on urnal of all I rani mi the Lake Shure Railroad, fmiu CleM'laiid, Ciuciiiuati, Toledo. Cliicao, Milwaukee, M. I'aul, St. Luuia, it., aud run through to New York w ithuut chant.o'. Till: oni v llH I c r u it 1 1 1 n k cara ihruuuh truui the l.akea to New York I itj. Sjilcmlid vclililjlcd Aleepinu cara run on Ni(hl fraina. 1 1 a i l; checked thiuuuh. r are al w a, a aa low aa hv any nthcr rnuic. Beaton Paamn"'ra and their Matiiiae trauat'erred Free in New Yoik. lie particular and call fur Ticketa via Dunkirk, and the New York and Kne Kailrnad, which are aold at all the principal Railroad Ollicca in the Weal Thia ruad atl'nrila tacihiiea t'ur alnpliu lit o Freight, aiipcriitr to any uthcr riiiite. an i:xi'iu i hi;k.ui in ain lcavea New Y ork daily, uiiikni( cloac cuiiuectiona through to all pmnta i I. and iUn ker tune than cter tielure made tin uny line. Fur Freight Ratea. enquire of J. C. I la! man , HI Hruaduav, New York; Jnhu S. iluiilaw , IJ Mate Street, Roatou, Maiia.. or ot Jacoh Foraith Freight Ak' IU, 61 Clark Mrwl, I lni atu, C II AS. .MI.M T, tien-l Sup't. M"' IIIUAX CKXTKAI. KAII.ltO.Vl. .reat Central Hmile to Nrtv York, New 1 :ti luuil and the Cuuiida. On and alter SUNDAY, Nov. 3, I Mi I , traina leaie the dri ll Central ( nion Depot, foot ol l.aku street, Chicago, aa follows: b'.OO A. M. Day Express (eicept Sunday) arnica ut Detroit 0.110 p. in,; Suspension Bridge l td a. iii. Albany 4.1.1 p. in.; New York 9.50 p. li.; lioslon 12. SO p. m. b'.30 I'. M. Night Eiprcas in cpt Simd.i) i ar rivi's at Detroit H. IHi a. in. ; Suspcii sioii bridge .1.2 j p. m.; Albauvli.lj a. in.; New ork 12.uu m. ; Bontoii I.3II p. in. Cincinnati trams, via M. C. Railroail, leave Chi cago at 6.00 a. in. Mail Train: S.3II p. m. Fast Kx prea. Arrive in Cuieago al 7.00 a.m. Faat Epres, and II p. in. Night Mail Train. The S.Oii p. in. IriMii leaving Chiccgo riina through to Chicago without change ol cars or bag gage. SALISBURY'S PATENT DUSTERS are run on day eiprcsa traiua. I'nleiit Sleeping ( ins on Night Traiun. tatrlliiffltHjt Clirrkol Tirmt:i!i."X3ill TIIROniH TICKETS for al in all .rincipal railroad ollices in the west, at the general office, corner Lake and Dearborn streets (under llio 'Fre mont llouae. Chicago, aud at the Depot. R. N. KICK, J. V. SMITH, (Jencral Snp't. .Western Passenger Ag"t. G II A N g i: O I' T I m i: . WINTER A R R A N 1 1 E M E N T . Micliigan Southern & Lake Shore R. R. On and alter SUN D A Y, Nov. 3d, and until lurth cr notice, trains will leave Chicago as billows : Nrw Y'onK Dvv Kschkss: Ij.l.O A. M. Daily, except Sunday, via old Michigan road, connecting at Elkhart with train on Air-Line road, at White Pigeon unb train fur Three Rivers, at Adrian with train lur Jack sou ; at Air Line Junction with trains lor Moii'oe and Detroit. NtuiiT Exeiu ss : ti.30 1'. M. Daily, except Saturday, via old Michi gan road, connecting at Adrian with trains tor Detroit. i Trains arrive t'rom the East at 10.15 a. m.aiid 11.00 p.m. All the above trains make regular connections to Dunkirk, Bnllalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, New York, Huston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and all other points east. Salisbury's Patent Dunters used on all the trains. Luxurious new sleeping cuai lies, w ith all mod ern improvements, run on night trams between Chicago ami Cleveland withiiui change. Through tickets can be obtained at the com pany's office .Hi Clark Mrect, under the Sherman House, or at the depot, corner Van Uuren and Sherman streets, JOHN D. CAMPBELL, CEO. .M. lilt A V, Cen'l Sup't, Toledo, O. (ien'i Western Ag't. THE I'ENNSH VAMA CENTRAL It. It. Is a First Class Road in all respects, WITH 2si MILES OF DOUBLE TRACK. Three Daily Trains (With connections from all points west,) from Pittsburg aud Philadelphia, all connecting direct to New York. .Vuniiity Mail, Al'li'vuona Font-Lint, Kxjircus. Sijht ONE TRAIN DAILY From Pittsburg to New York (130 miles; without change ol cara. 17.1 At.LETOW tr EASTOM, W ith direct connections from Western Cities, Arriving hours in advance ol other routea,in lime lor Boston by rail or boat lines. Epre trains run daily ; others, Sundays ex cepted. NINE DAILY TRAINS F'rom Philadelphia to Nw York. Tickets good on any line or train. New York or lioston Tickets via Pittsburg, gooi' v,ia Phtladcljihia or Alleiitown. Boat Tickets to Boston good via any ofthe boat lines. TWO DAILY CONNECTIONS From Harnsburg to Baltimore and Washington. Baggage checked throughall transfers free. Fart Alwaya us Low uu any Other Ituule. BUY TICKETS VIA PITTSBURli. Tic kets for sale at ALL MA IX OFFICES. FRF.II.IIT5. By this route freights of all descriptions can be lorwarded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston or Baltimore to and trom any point on tne rail roads of Ohm, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wis consin, Iowa and Missouri by railroad direct. The Pennsylvania railroad also connects at Pittsburg wilh steamers, by which goods can be lorwarded to any port on tiie Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Mis- aissippi, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas mil Red rivers; and at Clcvelund, Sanduasky and Chicago, w ith steamers to all pints on tne North western Jakes. Merchati's and shippers entrusting the trans portation of their freight w ith this company can rilr with confidence on its speedy transit. The rates of freignts to aud from any point in the west hv the Pennsylvania railroad arc at all titnea aa 1'a.vorable as are charged by other railroad companies. He particular to mark package, ' yia I'enna. K R " K. J- SNEEDER. Philadelphia. MARGKAW k KIMI.N'S, SO North atreet, Balti more. LEECH & CO., No 2 Astor House, or Nu. 1 South William atrcet. New York. LEEt H & CO., No. 77 State atreet, Boston. U. H. HOL'STON, tien'l Freight Agent, Ptnla. L. L. HO' PT, Oen'l Ticket Agent, I'hila. ENOCH LEWIS, Can'! Sup't, A!touna,Pa. i:kii: ( kiraKU Itock Maud Itail Itoacl. rrjrTBRsiauasri -"jjrrHr ( ii ;i: or iimi . W I X 1 K It A Jt li A X ii K M K X T. nil and alter Sunday, Kehiuaiy ml. l!ni.', until lurthcr uutice, iraiua will leaie Hock laland Station aa fnlluwn ' uiiino i:vni. Day Express .iii.I M11I11.1111.H 9.311 a m., striving in Chicago at 'vl.i p m. riiruiiuh !. l: lit t am at 9 l.i a m , arming in l Ii c oi at I .In a in. Niyht Kxpresi, at j.j,. p lu., arritiun in Chicago at j. I . a in . is u iihi I Night F.ipre.s al 'I I i I mm l ill' l i : a in., Ii-v i ii ( Clm uyo at II 1 i m. Through Fie. ghi .n It. j. m. 7. 1.1 p in. Day Eipu au.l M ul u 7. t. cjgn at 1 1 . in a u.. !ca ana; 1 tucago at I p in., leaving Chf All train" wr this road urc hi direi I coiuieclioii at Chicago with trams uver liie Michigan South. "in. the .Mo Ing.iii 1 cntral, and the i'ltlaburgh and Fort Wayne Kailrnad, to and fioiu Detroii, To ledo, Clevidand, Coillluhus,Cinciiiuatl, i'lttsbiirgh, Dunkirk, Bnllalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, aud Washington. Also al LiSalle with trains of the Illinois Cen tral, North to tijlcua ami South to St. I.ou- ' la, Cairo, Memphis nud New Orleans, to bu ll i places lickcli, can be procured ol W. II. l.LKNEI.I., Ticket g'l It. II. Depot. R.i. k Island Paascngeis are reminded ol'tbe necessity of giv- , lllg illsliurl directious us to the destination ot' their j baggage, also to procure tickets before taking their seals in the cars, as tbt- conductors collet t laics . oil I V to Hlations mi the line ofthe Chlcagoaild Rock Islam! Railroad. JOHN F. lit AC Y , Sup't. W. II. llllIA, Ass'l Sup't. iialena and ( liicairo I uiou Railroad. w i nti .it a it it a Nt; i:m i;n i . 0 X AND A I' I Ell MOXHAY. He.!. '-'till, Chicago, aa followa (Suudayaexcepied) U.4 a. m. nnd fl.1.1 p. m. for Belvidere, Rock ford, Freeport, Warren, liiletia, Dunleith, Dubuque ami iiiteriiiedi.tle places. 11.41 a. in. and 1 1 .i.1 p. in. lor Dixoii, i'olo, Ful ton, Cedar Rapals and intermediate points. 4.00 p. in., Kocklord Accommodation aud Fox River Valley. 5.00 a. ni. liereva Accommodation. Pass, tigers for Beloit and .laiicswllc will take the 1 1. 1.'i a in. train. Passengers lor Crystal Lake, Mcllenry, Rich mond. (icucv.i Lake and iiiteruiediate points, will take the -I. (Ml p. in. Irani. Traina arrive as lollows: At 3.311 p. in. and 6. oil a. in. from Dunleith, Iia lena, Freeport, etc. At 3. .'!0 p. tu. and 1.-1.) n. in. from Cedar Rapids, Fulton, Dixon, etc. r-Sleeping cars on night trains. E B. T A l.i'i i f I', (I. M. WIII.EI.Ell. (ien'i Sup't. Cen'l T.ckci Agent. STERLIMt AM) KOI h ISLAM) R. It. m et FT ' nfc-.t:::t.-.- nvztr.Y.-r. V I N T i : It A It It I N I : .11 I . N I . OX ami alter Mmnlav, Nov. IS, lMil, tniins will run between Port Byron,Rock Island and Chicago, daily, Sundays excepted, as tollows : LI AVF. Port Hvron Mil A. M. Ilamin'on S..10 " Juiiclioii S..1I) Molilie !I07 " An him:. I Rock Is! Chicago Ml. P. M Chicagi Rock Island.. Moliue Junction . . . . Hampton 11.30 A. I'. 7.0.1 ' 7.-.N) ' 7.40 ' Mill ' ahiiivi:. Port Byron The above trains will be siibcr to the rules Rock island unit reguations of the Chicago k Railroad Time Tallies while on that road. I.. B. BOOMER, Lesse Nov. 13th, istil. Port Hvron LUNulS ( EXTRA!, UAILKOAD. will leave from IheOeat Central Depot, Chicago, as follows 9.30 a. in. (Sundays excepted)- Arriving al Peoriu al 7.30 p. III., I.i'gansporl S.O.j p. III., Alton 111.', p. in., M. Louis II JO p. in , Terre Haute 1.3.ia. in., L'airo 4.30 a. in 0.00 p. in., every day Arriving a Decatur at 10.1i . in., Springfield l.Iop. in., Alton 10. (Ij a. in., k't. Louis 10. 10 a. m., 1 erre Haute 3.35 p.m., Vincennes 1.10 p.m., Evansvile .3.i ji. m., Cairo S. 4a p. in. On Sal unlay the 4.00 p. in. tram will run only to Centralis. Trams arrive at Chicago at f.:;u a. iu. and 9.;i0 p. in. SPECIAL NOTICE To passengers for Alton and Si. Louis. The 4.U0 p. in. train on this road is llio only night train leaving the city lor these points. SI.EEPINli CARS ON Al.L.MCIIT TRAINS. Baijijayi; Checked U all Jmmi-taul Point. Pot tickets aud information apply at the ollicc ill Central Depot. Kor HYDE PARK AND WOODLAWN. Traina leave Chicago. Leave Woodlawn. li.l., A. .! . 7.2.' A. M. 12.110 M. I2.i P. M. 5.30 P. M. b.20 P. M W. R. A R'I'lf I R , W. P. Johnson, (ien'l Sup't (ien'i Passenger Ag't Mississippi Missouri Railroad. H(ii- W I N I I IH A K K AM. ll.M I i N"I'.IM4' Trains run by Chicago time, which is twelve iiiui utea'fasler than Davenport time. lS AND AFTEK MONDAY, JANUARY w I3ih, ISbli, and until further notice, paasenger trains will leave Davenport as follows : For Marengo and Washington 10:00 A. M. Kor Iowa City h.-lS P. M Trains arrive at Davenport as followa: From Marengo and Washington 4:ofl P. M. From Iowa City S:30 A. M. Morning trains out of Davenpurt make direct connection at Marengo, Iowa City and Wash, iiigtou, with the Western Stage Company'! Stages for all points w est. Trains from ihe west conned at Davenpurt with trams of the Chteago t: Rock Island Railroad for allnoints North and South. passenrers are reminded of the necessity of giving distinct directions as to the destination of their baggage. Also to procure ticketa before tak- ing their seals m tlie cars. JOH N r . 1 1111 , tienl. Supt, A. KIMBALL, Asst. Supt. F A I K B A X K S STANDARD SCALES, OF AM. KINDS. l'AIKH4NKs I.KIiKM.tAl', 174 Lake tM Chicago, And Corner of Main and Walnut St., St. Loui Sold in Rock Island by HARPER & STEEL ptrtlVX iSL TIIECiKSL'aXE. aplI9 twljr IS V It. if. -OF HARTFORD. Sixteenth snui-Animal Statement of Tllf I IN CONDI HON ol mi. Phoenix Insurance Company, r innit'iMi, row, UN Till, III si Da ol J annul), IstU'i. A S S I' T S . ( slll.l.N'M tlrt. I ash on hand ami in Bank . d0. L!7 s Cush hi the h iMds ol' mid due tVnIii .;iul I . 10 JIOi.SJl.ys Real I .slate. I7..'.(HI. Real I ..ile on in I , !,,. t olup.lliV . . , l i.jtll U0 l oan-. V 1.1. .Mil. Alliount loaned mi Moitg- ages of hell l.l.iti I i ,000 OH Alliotilit loaned on pledge of Hank Stoi .'.i.lno On Amount lo-llleil, othwrwi.e secured 3.1 IU Oil $1.1, jtOVO Ncu ok Hank tocks. lOl.iKlll. AO i. bares 1'uiled Slates 'I'rust Colnpany' Slo.-k. I'vu. V i . Mis. vi . N, v S.i,iiiiii iii.nnii I Hull shares American Ex change B.i'k Stock N . '.'ii.OuO lii.imo iHO ahares MelMipolitan Bank Slock, N. V Sn.noii Iiv.IHH 300 shares Manilla, liners' nnd Merchant' Hank Stock, N. V Jn.tnui la.OOO I .'i0 shares Coiitim utal Il k Stock, N. Y IM'OO U,iM I2S shares Mechalllck' H'k Stock, N. Y 10, TOO !I,3JU 0 shares Phn nix Hank Stock, N. Y Ill.liliii H.dOli , Jon sharea Merchants' Fx- change Il k St'k, N. . 10,000 S.OOO 100 li.ire. Men hauls' Il k I Stock, N. Y i.OIIO 1,000 i 100 shares (li illl H'k St'k, I ,. y ,1,011(1 't,7in I llaittotd Hank Mocks, !.'...,! Ml. j 3011 hliares Farmers' f. Mechan ics' Hank Stuck. Hartford.. fW.iHill 33.7.10 2nd shares City Il k St k llarll'd Sn.l'nll '.'.', nilo I 1100 sharea .Ktna Hint. Stock, liarlluril -.'11,111111 ill.liliii Quo sharea Phn ui Hank Slock, llarllord JO.eiio IH.-Jilil ' Jllll sh ires Mcrrh Mils' Maim- ' lacturers' Ilk Sfk.Hartf.ini W.nnii IS, 'Mil j 2IKI ahares .Mercantile Hani, St'k llarllord i;0, llllll li aha. State Il k S'k llartlotd l-'.iiHl .in shares Harlloid Bank Sim k I7.0IIO i i.i.2 .0 I I li,.'l(IO i llarllord it) shares Colin. River Il k Sfi llarllord 10 shares Hartford County H'k Stock, Hartloril .1,11110 4, Mill .Inn 3, MO 410 Mnti riiiirj. CI., Hank storks, Hi.filKI 100 shires Cltlells' Haul. Stock Waterhiiry, Ct il,(liill loMIII IIS shares Wn'terhui v Hunk st'k Waterbuiy, CI..' I .Hun 2,000 Miscellaneous Hank Mocks, I...K.l. 60 Hliares Niagara D strict H'k St'l St. I aiharnies, C. W.. .'.nun .1,1.10 J HI hharcs Onlaiio Hank Mm k Howuiaiisville !0,tlOll III, 'nil itondN, .;to.t!(Mi. 20 New Britain Water H Is. Id, nml 1 1 .0110 10 llarllord Citv Bonds In. iloo 10,600 110 Tennessee Slate Bonds IM.OuO S.700 Misccllalicolls lt HIM). iOD shares Holvoke Water Pow er t ouipan v's Stock 10,000 10,000 Ohio Slate Stock of IsTO 2,000 l.bilO inti nst. i,;ni 7.. ccumiilated interest on luv Total Assets i-l ments. .$'2,704 76 . .',(II.H)I 13. M a ii I i, i i ) : s, Tin-niNoum due and not due to hankers and other creditors ol the Company. .. . None. Lost.ce adjusted nnd dm None. Losses reported . uu oij-'ed. in suspense and wailing furilno '.r., ,is 2D,9lil Leases i untested 9,200 Total ol' ull l.lubllllies ;!, I (I I. j' ii o i; x i x of - A K IT OR l. COX X. IOII,OOI CASH CAI'I It I. Devoted to l-'ire Itisuraliee evelusevelv, and its aim will be, to secure a continuance rt public ! coulidence, bv a prompt and honorable ndjusl I ment of all fair claima for loss. ! S. I.. LOOM IS, Presidont. II. Kt-LLouo, Secretary. Urancli Ollicc .( Iiu In nut I. K. II. 6l II. M. M W.ll.l. (.iiicral Unit, INSURANCE may be effected with this leading anil fiup ula r corporal ion, at FA IR RATES, by application to any ol' Us nulhonzcd Agents, 111 ail principal cities iiiid towns Agencv for Rock Island, Illinois, FIELD Ul BLACK HE U N. Arv, Yon Ensured f MANHATTAN Fire Insuroiice I 'uinpnny, ol New Yorl. Cash capital, 2.",0.000. Ciisb surplua, $12.1,(100. 1 n. orporalcd Ih'JI. One ofthe oldest companies in the tinted States. ItOTIC FIKF. IX.Sl'RANCK COMI"XY, i New York. Aulhoiied capital, $600,000, with a large aud accumulating surplus. 1 1 KUCHA NTS' I NSU UANCK COM I"N Y, xlJL of Hartford, Conn. Cash capital, $200,000. MARK HOWARD, Pres't. E. Titoyivs Lonnr.u. , Sec'y. HOMK IN Haven, C O.MK IX.SL'UAN'CK COMPANY, New onn. I ash capital,I20l).()()i. policy holders receive .') per cenl. ol liie Hell protits ot the hiisincca, williuut incurring any liability. Insures Huildni'.M. Merchandise, Household Furniture, Rents. Leasei, au.l otter Insurable Property, agairisHo or damage by FIRE. I NTKRN.' 1 ty, of Lo ATIONAL I, if" Assurance Sucie- oudon. Chief Office for the United States, 71 Wall St., N Y. Capital,! (iuaiantee Fund, $ lull ,000. Depositet State (iuai Coin Capital, $4,500,01)0. Deposited with the Comptroller of the State of New York QCITA lil.K Life .Ustinmce Society, of the t niteil Mates. Olilce, 92 Broad w a v, New York. Purely Mutual The only Stock Company in America w hose charter requires that all the p'otita shall be divided pro rata among the policy boldera. J. II . KINNEY, Agt, Rock Island FUFSII 0VSTERS, BY the can, or served up in uny Btyle do aircd. A good aupply always on hand the best Liquors and Cigars. PHIL HEINE, Rock island Sajooa. I lit , FOR CIIOUE FUKr CLASS 1 Insuranoto, j AlTIA To .1. M. '? ii f o r it, who has been appointed agent tor the following Companies : VK"H AwHTl i,(IOO,(HH) tTifii Ai ,nn xi ki'li MiKi,in,ii KKW IIM.I.AM) EIRE AM) IAR1E I iimi i-a urc oMiaii). or I I A It'll Ut I , ClNN. Chin leu d Capital f.lOO.OOO. MTV FIRE IXSI ItlME (OMIMW, in iiAi;ri(Hti, Mil pills .)..'.,IIO() ali mid X0BTH AIERI(A ! .!. lira. iv, c (:iit.iiiy ill lIAlllltlliU, C'.iNN. Cupilal. ;in,tni. Losses Eiiiital)l aitjustril and Prompt ly I'aid. Applicaiioua solicited and Policies issued by .1. M. HI FORI), Rock Island, Illinois. IUXJIn island lol'IMUAIiJj.YIll! riKLMV IT RE lSl RIM E 0 .II'AW, Wlt.Vliov.inr f.-.."'.T:- i o ;, nmm - ' .- MWHt'IHaf''t' t ' '4 V fi " ( N Y OF 1 1 . Ii '1 (ajiidil and Smjilio Kill 1 1, idN.S. 501,701.73 HOME FIRK IVSIKAME COMPA.W. NKW YOKK Cfl Y. CAPITAL. The Capital ot th.s (.'ouifiany actual- ally pa iff iiri in cash, is. . .$1,000,000 00 Tin; Surplus on the li day of Janu ary, ivr: 4011,187 G5 Total ain't of 'Capital and Surplus. .$1 ,4)u,lS7 60 C II AS. V Mil 11, .1. MARTIN, President. Secretary. J. Mi. 1 OR UTY FIRE INSIRAME 10MIMXV. NKW HAVEN, Conn. Capital, - - - - - $500,000 W. SOL Til WORTH, President. (i. N. Sen antom, Secretary. The undersigned having been appointed aiMnta of the above responsible companies, are prepared to insure buildings aud their contents against loss or (lanugo by tin;, 011 terms aa I'avorabl.? as any other responsible company. Losses which these companies may sustain under their agency, will be liberally adjusted by the agents here and promptly paid. Applications lur insurance prom ptly attended to, by FIELD & BLACKBL'RN, Agents. Olfice adjoining the Post Ollicc, Rock Island 8 HALM'S ST0XU QUARRY JOLiIET, IXjTLm. (Win: City Limits.) I AM prepared to furniHh to builders and Contractora in Illinois, Michiaan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and other states, CUT stoxi:, FJaAGOINCJ, from 2 to 10 inches in tlucknesa, CUiiHING STONIC Of any sue, KABBLE AND FOUNDATION STONE, VAULT COVEK.S, piiKM'A.K STOSE, fcsired, either Or any other styles in the r nigh or dre ml nnv aizo scd. and delivered either on .r;;:;;,,;,! d.c.iy o, i,e canai. .,d the Chicago & Rock Wand Railroad, one mile southwest ol Juliet, and my lac. .ties lor loading w,ll enable me to sell aa low as the lowest. IV iff s to Suit (lie Times. Orders respectfully sulicitcd from abroad, and all "work done 011 the aquare." All letters promptly answered. ) P. SWALM, Joliet, Illinois. 1 . - - i iiu 1 in. rsw-t'l ILLINOIS MITIAL liisuiniic' oiim'ny Flr With a auccvasful HualiieaaJlOipcrlenrc ot over Tetri. fapiiu, $1,0110,000. l.otitt hli'l, 700,000 luatend uf the proMt for cliu-uliiiual dmdenda, in u,Uitiuii tu premiums, usually drawn from tlia insured, bv stock eompnniea, to puy eaalern atock holders, the -i,u., , n,,, (i lim,,,. Ml timl are to MUilahly iirminj,,,! V tu re,)u,re trom ,(,, inelnbera ,.,, .(', JilVi BlthterfUIWU, ail losses a,i expei,.... '('he premium uotea now ainnuutmg lu , iWW, Ulllla, ar . at over ien SI .11 Th.s ample lund atforda I ur, guarantee lor the pvniem,t eru 0,h. ecuiity being all Imsied , ,uuia. and aubject o .No . d hia .h e 1 be me,, ,. :irit .iJt.ct t0 n0 , k lion-all losses b g sdjiiaied ,v uurt,j rbllt. Hun. All u.iei caUri vithm 'ninny jan that occur under I'oli, in paid yearly in adi anee ' HOARD OF DIRECTORS : B. K. Hart, Siiinuel Uafe, II. W. Bilimga, B. 1 IIiIiihii, Timothy Turner, Lyinau Trumbull, Robert Smith, Henry Lea, John Atwood, J. W. Schwope, Benjamin F". Long, Eliaa Hibbard, Fraiicia llulliiiaiin. Lew ia K tiienberger, M. C Atwootl. I'FFIi ERS : M. li. ATWOOD. Preaideni and Special Aa I Ll-.WIS K ELLEN RFRlj ER, Treuaum. J.'IIN ATWOOD, Scretary. JOHN HI.AISDKI.L. General Agent. J. E. HOWARD, Ass'i licn'l Agent. Agents have been aimoiiited in everv r , and in all the principal cities unci towtia in iIip talc. Application lor insurance in si be made to F. J. I NDKRWooD, Rock island, L. F. BAhFR. ll.inii.ton, D. W. (iOUI.D, Mofine. HHOWN 4i DEVoRK, Port Byron. 3P 13 O R I A Marine cV Fire Peoria, Illinois Capital Stork - - - - $500,000. Capital Stork, paid, - $300,000. The luveslmeuTs and Assctta ot' thia company are aa followa : on hand and in Bank. -f 21, 101,48 Cash due from a id ill the hands of Agents and other person 3S,000,00 Honda and Mortgages on Real Fatate. ,.10S,646,bO Coupon Bonds, uitcacst payable Semi- Aniiually 2S,700,00 Discounted Notes, Drafts and Hills ro- eeivable wilh accrued lulereat 117,335,6 Real Estate in the City of Peoria 20,000,00 t323,M3,79 1.1 ABILITIES. Due Hanks and other Creditors of the Company $13,000,00 Losses Adjusted 3,000,00 Losses Adjusted and not Due 1,10(,00 117,100,00 $306,743,79 Having re-niaured and cancelled nearly all the extra ami .pecial riska previously held by the Com pany, and confining our buaineas strictly to first claaa risks, w e think we offer aa sale insurance aa any company represented in the West. During the past luur years we have paid the very large sum $315,000 111 lustes, and hope to avoid heavy loaaea in future by declining all apecially hazardous risks. I ISAAC UNDERHILL, President. I C. Holland, Secretary. JAMES SHAW, Agent, Rock Island, Ilia; Of fice Corner of Eagle and Illinois Streets. "SMIL FRlir MRSCRV. ION A c.IlAPK VINES- HA VIN'fi olitiiined the agency for Kock Is land and vicinity, for he sale of ihe Grape Vines grown by Or C. W. (irant, at Iona laland near Peekskill, N. Y., mi the Hudson river, I shall be enabled to supply vuu-a of unequalled quality, of all the most vuluable varieties, including TIIE CF.LKBRATKI. DELAWAUE, Dinniia, An'ia, Rebecca, Union Village, Coi,cord, and others. Warranted genuine, on the beat terms, wholeaale and retail. The Illustrated Catalogue furniahed for two 3 cent postage stamps. These new varieties of grapes are attracting great attention. They are Irotn ten days to three weeks earlier than the Isabella (irapea. Downing' Cvcr-beariug .Mulberry. 1 also have for sale trees of Downing'e Evei bearing Mulberry, a hardy, vigoroua, lung-lived tree, which produces a fruit of rare excellence, rich, juicy, and exceedingly refreshing. It ia nev er inlcsted with worms, aud never fails of a good crop. I also have The TRUE CHERRY CURRANT, BRINKLE'S ORANCiE RASPBERRY, MERVE1LLE jF Fill R SEASONS j alao a good lot of the best a rities of Blackberries, ami other small fruits, and strawberries, of all the beat English and Native varieties. A choice lot of Dahlias, Glaudiolia, Tube Roses, etc., from II. A. Dreer, Philadelphia. Persona wanting anything in my line will please call at my place, (MountHolyoke) in the Fourth Ward, Rock Island. JOHN HOLT. Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago R. B Trains leave the West Side Union Depot, cor. Madison and Canal streets, Chicagu, as follows : ti.OO a.m. Fast Line, except Sundays, ti 10 p. m Night Express, except Saturdays. 3.40p. 111. Accommodation tor Valparaiso. For Boston, Acte YorltT Vhdelphia, Baltimore, IVatkinntou, Uanurg l'.thburg. Also tor Albany, Huffahi Dunkirk, t leveiana. coiunu bus, Cincinnati, Dayton, all intermediate stations between Chicago AnJ and tne cities naiueu. Sleeping cars on night ttains, and baggage by this route checked through to all eastern cities. Hut one ciiange of cars between Chicago and j,t. Vork, via Allentown, on train leaving Chica-. ii llln 111. I Tickets fur sale at the principal ticket offices in the west, at the company' office, corner ol Ran- ' dolph and Dearborn atrtets,and at the Union De pot, Weat Side, Chicago, WM. P. SHIN, A. HOLL1DAY, Gen'l Pa.'gcr Ag t. 1 icaei Agent. LICK TIME TO XEW YOKK. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne ifc Chicago K. R. In connection with the Pennsylvania Hail Road the Allentown Route, Are now running through to New York city with but one change of cars, in four hours' less tins than any other route. Thi advantage 1a famed by their being eighty milea ahorter than either of ill mora northern lines.