Newspaper Page Text
KOUKTsLAND "ARGUS. aUisfrllanrou; HiTUaJ OF AUVEHTISING, umif. 10 liana or Icae.l liret in.ertion, 76 eacliaddilioiiulinsertiou. ...... S6 one week i I 75 two weeks 3 00 una mouiii 00 two months 6 00 lure oiouthi 6 00 tn months 00 ii on year 16 00 Una fourth coluiu'u, 3 month 15 00 " b month! 20 00 ii I year 30 00 I,, 1 1 ii 3 inunlh 25 00 ii t uiontha. 36 00 i I year . 60 00 Ol telumn, 3 monihe 60 00 ii 6 month 76 00 ii lyoar 100 00 Bui.neii Carda, nut exceeding five linc, oat itir 10 00 Special bu.moaa nulicee will bo publiahed Tor en emit' a una mr eacn insertion. For insertion in diily and weekly 33 V ,en,, J liliunal to the above ralet. All advertisements from transient per""" " trangere, toot paid in advanct. Notices fur religious and benevolent purpuaei i in serted on tune tree ot coal, thereafter charged aa ether advertisements. Adiertuemeiits nut accompanied wiin "''" directions will be maerted until forbid and charged accordingly. , , . .. . . , ;jajr fun paper " alaoPlahed October la, Is.'il, hv .Viclioii Dunham, and purchased by the present editor, November iMh, IS.'i2. Il was then called ' Tlie Republican." Ita name was changed lu" The Argu"i" December 16, Isij. The "Ruck la.aniur" waa united with the "Argua," Septem ber Iti, IsjT. UT rtic Daily piper waa c.lablishcd July 13th, 1964. J. I. H!ruTII, 1. MILT0K JOMI. BOCK ISLAND POST 0FFKC. MAIL A K K A , (. KM K N I . Chitaro anil Hock lulard Railroad Mail arrives at H IS A M , ami 7 461. M Closes at U.K. M., and i 3d 1'. M. Sterling and hoik Island Railroad Mail. ia Mo- line, Wat. Mown, ll:nnpton, Itaptde City, Port b run and (mdova arnica at V. U a. in., and cluai i at p. in. Dnrr.porl Mnl arrive, nt 11.16 A. M., end 5. 36 i M. ("mi I ii U a ii And b r. M. OjUiti'ti Mill, in Pleasant Ridge, Hatlitt. Ham let, Milleraburg, M"iirnc, New Boston anil'jurg, l.nos Monday, Wednesday and Fr.dav, atH a. i. Arrive. Tuesday, Thursday Saturday, at 4 r. H. M-irmb Mnl, via. Preemption, Farlow's liruve, Viola, Pupa Creek, North llct.dcr aonauJ Alcdo, leaves Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. N. Arrives Tuesday and Friday t 7 r. N. Cthlrt j'ui'if Mill, Via Praincfiold, Richland Grove, Centre Ridge, Oxlord, Rural, North I'rni- ne and Henderson, leaves Wednesday at 6 a. M. Arrives Tuesday at 7 r. at. Cft'iridgt Mill via. Pciinaylvama, Orion and Andoter, le in-a Wednead iv at 7 a. m. Amvn Tnumdav al 6 r. II. Cfilm MlUt Mnl, loae Monday, Weilimaday Friday and Saturday, at 7 a.m. Arrivea Tuca- dy, i'liuri..l,iy, Friday and Saturday al 7 r. M. Coil !'.. y Mi'l, leavea !'ui:day, Tliumday and Saturday. Ii Ins no regular hour lor departure. No nulla m-nt or rei cued on Sunduy: OlFue houra from Ha. M. to 9 r. n. 'In Sunday open Irom !t to 10 a m. f. TIU'hsl'AI.K, P. M. bi vem'ort Tost office maii Aitit ;i-mi;m-. t'aiffrn Nail. - Via C. Si II. I. K. H tloaee al 8 o'clock a ui; clmi; al 1J o'tlock p in; arrivea at 10 o'clock a Hi) arrivea at bi o'clock p in, Sun dava eici'pted, WnUrn .Mi!. Via M. i M. H. 11. Cloaea at 9) o'clock a in; itrnvea al j o'clock p in, Suudaya eicepled. Siirthtrn Mul. Via Lyona &l Caiiiancli e. Cloaea ul o'clock p in; armea al b o'clock p m. X irthtrn Mill. Via D- Witt (v. Ma.uoketa. CioiD'a Sundav, l'licaday and 'I humday at LI o'clock p in; arrivea Tuctday, Thurad.iy and Saturday at b u'cioLk p ill. ftuui Xu. iuy.7 in lllut Oraas, etc. tloaea Monday, Weduuail ay and I nd y at !) o'clock clock p in; ay al 5 o'- arrivea T'uuaduy, Thurad.iy and Salurd cluck p ui iioule Xo. 10'JlS Via Tipton -Clmea rueeday end Friday al 1J o'c'.ock in; arrives Tuesday and Friday a li o'tb" k m. Sunllurn Matl-i lluilinuion (k Ktokuk Cloaca Sunday, Tueailay and Friday at 9 o'clock p Pi; armea .Monday, cdneaday and F'ridny at? o'clock a in. Houle Xo. 10947 Via Uulfilo Cloaea Friday at b o'clock a in; arrivea Saturday at ti o'clock p in. Houle Xu. lOtijO Via Anininoaii it Walnut Fork Closes Thursday at U in; arnica Tliura day el 12 m Wouri Olfico open at S o'clock a m; cloaca at 9 o'clock p m. O'lice open on Sunday from H to 10 o'alock a in. VSU Ve the principal nulla are earned by rail road, all the lime as aluted in the above notice, will be RAILUOAD TI tlK, the dork in the aup ennle.ideiil'a otlice, M. &t M. depot. beiii) t lie eiandard. I.TIAS. 11. Kl.l'lUUC.K, P. M. - - .- ROCK hLAM) till Hi. '11 D1KI ClOHi Si. jAJtr.a. (Human Catholic,) corner Hock Hi'er and Dock etrvvta, Hev. P.J. H. .Murphy, Pastor, Ilev. J. (i. Alleinan, Aasiataiil. Services, un Sundav, Mass al 7J L 10) A.M. rateclnsm at 'J A. M. and 2 P. M. V eapera at 2 P. M. mid benediction of the Blessed Sacrament immedi ately aller Vesper. Maa every iiioriiing du ring the w eek ul 0:3U. TulMiTV, ( Kpifcopal.i Orle.uia street, between Uullalu and Klk, Hiir. Malheiv Mai(ill, Hector. Services, on Suuilav, at 11): (0 A. M. and 7) p. ,M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Lecture on Wednesday cven.uyaat 7) u'cloik. FmhT PiuxivrcuiAN, comer Illinois and Deer Streets, Hev. S. T. Wilnin, Pastor. Services, Sunday, ul Ul.l.'i A. M. an. I lUK' P.M. Sab bath School at 9 A. M. Lecture and prayer mcctinff Wednesday eiemns at 7:l.i. Ladies prayer inei.:tiu l'ruiny al'u.rnoon at 4 o'clock. Second pRrstivrv.Ki in, Illinois Hired, between Klk and Deer atreuta, (no Pastor at present.) Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday evening al o'ciinA. UcirED I'RESDVrr.RiAN. comer Orleans and Deer strceta, Kev. .1. II. .lelfers, Pastor. Services, Sunday, at 10.30 A. M. Sabbath school at 9 A. M. Methodist Ei'Iscopal, corner If if(h!aud and Jeffer aon atreeta, Kev. John P. ftrooka, Paslor. Ser vicee, Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and S P. M. Sab bath School ui 9 A. M. Weekly prayer meeting', Wednesday evening, bj o'clcck, Ladica prayer meeting, cdnesday, J P. 31, First Uaptist, corner Elk and Orleana alreets, Hcv, Isaac Grav, Pallor. Services, Sundav, nMMa A. M. 'and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 9J A. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday eien ing, al 7 O Liock! EvaMjCcical AsviiMTiuK, corner 11m k River and Deer stints, Kev. T. M. Voung, Pastor Services, Sundav. at 10. '.to t i-'ii, r. vicea at 1 P. M. Ll L'.isli anil (,cruian Sabbath School at 2 P. M. evening at 7. I'r-iier meeting Weduesduv German Litiifco F.mani'i.l i'icasant and beaver streets necke, l'aator. CiiLiti ii, comer Kev. c. A. Mm- German M. K. Ciickcii. Madison street Highland and Cable streets, Kev. C. s. Paatur. butist'en litieider, THU LAW l. RKLATION TO Ni;y. lAIKKS. 1 . Subscribera who do not give expreaa notice to he contrary, are considered wishing to continue lue'r subscription. 2. If aubscri'iera order the diacontiiiuaiice of heir pspera, the publisher may continue to aend them unltl ail arrearairefl are paid. 3. Il a i c neglect or refuae to take their papers tro.j ine oliice to which they are ent, they ere held reapunamle till they have acttled their bills, and ordered the paper discontinued. 4. il eubscnoers inoic lo other places without informing the publisher, and the paper is sent lo the loruier direction, tliey are beld responsible. 6. The courts have decided that refusing to lake a newspaper or periodical from the office, or re moving and leaving it uncalled for, ia prima ficia evidence ol fraud. At the Pittsburgh Stove btore. 17ILL lie fouud a l:irj;o uroi fine assort VV ment of coal and wood cook stoves. Also Til Were, &r.,e,c. Winers camp and cooking utensils, and every thing neceaaary for a complete bt-out. Kepairing end job-worn ot all kinds prompt end neatly done. DON Ii ELLIOTT, Nearly Opp. Court Square. X1. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATIES ON Til riijsiologiral View of Marriagf. 460 1'AGtS AND 113 LNtift A VINliS 'l'';t only TWlNTV-nn rucra. Sentree of poatage io II parte of the 1'n ion, (In the iiihrinilire of youth and maturity, diacloaim the aecrei lollieaol both aeieaofall agea, cauaing debility, nervouaneaa, tlepreaaion of apirila, paipiialioii ol the heart, euii idul nil n j i in iv K , invulunlaM einiaaiona, bluali IHK, delertive nieinorv, imliuralKiii and laaaitude, U'l(l fl.rlMiliiu vf thrilling llirrnn uj a llouru- ing W , Wa, u iMf A'J"i'i "td a young ttmintd laily, it' !i ia a truthful edviaer to the inarnrd and llioe coiiteuiplating inarriaije, hnenterlaili aicrui doubta ol their pnyaicel con. ! dilmn. and who ere enriaeniue of laving litiardvd the heaillu hippineaa, and privileuea to which 1 fieri Iiiiiiuii beniK ia enlitled. it'll '( MfcN who are troubled w ltd weakneaa, di neralli tauti d by a bad habit in youth, the i l lecuol which are i'uiiiicx, pania,'fur((etliili,e, I aomelniiea a riciiiit( m the ear., wcakeyea, weak- ' neta of the back end lower catrcuutiea. coniu.,,,,. I ui iuea, iota in nieinorv. witb inelanclioly, miy : be rured by the author a'.NKW 1'AKIS AND I.ON. 1 DON THKATMiNT. We have recently devoted much of our time in ' Viatiting the lloapitula, availing our- i aclveaol'the ktiow ledge and reaeanhea of the ' moat ekilled pliyeianauu eurgeona mil Knrojie and ' the tonlineut. Thoaewhu place theintelvi a un- 1 der oureare will now have the full bi nelit of the many NKW AND KKr 11 Al lot i Kt.MKIUhS ; which we are enabled to iiitroilure inin our prac , In e, and the public may reat aaured of the a iiue J leal, aaa.iliuty, SKI HKi V and ntlentiou being paidtotlieir itu-i, which h.ia an am i i talully dia ! tuiKuiahcd lie lierelolbre, aa a I'hyaician in our I'Ktl LIAK ili parlinciil of proleaaioiial practice, 1 fur tht pail tu rn! ii Jtt t limit. I mm H liMAic I'lin-I.ailiea w)m wiah lor, .Medicinea, ithcacy ol which lua teen teated in Ihouaanila of mac a, and never tailed to erle't apeeily curea w ithont auv bad reaulta, w ill uae mine but Dr. Iiel.anrt "a l enulir I'l rmilu al 1'illa. The iinlv precaution necesharv to be obaeried ia, ladie IiimiIiI not take tin in if (bey hate reaaon to be- J In te they are in rrrl nn ulie pardi nlara , of which will be luiind on the w rapper accompany. ' inn each Inn,) tinmen ulwam aalc and healthv, o J gentle, yet an active are they. ' i Price tl per but. They Van be mailed io any part ol the t mti d Stali a or 1'mail.i 'I'D 'I II K I.AIilKS- Wboiii.,.1a,.,n,.;i(,.,ai. viaer with ri Kuril to any of llmae inti n -tnn; com piaiuta to w Inch their delicate urr iiiu.ition ri ndera them liable, are particularly innteilto conailt ua. ' Tii r " Ki i:i i no i u v mi pem 1 1 1 n i ." for ' married ladica whixe health will not ailnut, nr who have no demre to uierraae their fimiliea, may be , obtained aa above. Il ia a perferllv aafe preten latite to conception, and h.ia been i ktenaively uaed duriutr thelnatkli veara. price reduced Io 10. Tllli:( i(i:i oi- vol in i i;ii.i;i. ' A Trailitr un tin l'ttur ul l'i tmuturr buiiy i tulunn Win ning. Jut jiiiiinAn u bonk thuli um Hie uitidiuus ptiiirrm mid iitrvutrncf tiuwiig tiliuuh, , tiulli mult mid J eiMlr, uj tliitjutnl lutlut i'miitim; our tin J ilnlilii Hi l i u-a r mhl y aUimli. lit t it limt, unit ill irlu,iini; tt.e vlmtr inniri nt the ilim.isr, Jnim tin riiiiimi in tun nt lu tin nut. II ii ill hr mill hy mail un ru iiil nj tu n llj n ut v Attendance d.i 1 1 y , I'r mil in the mormiiif till ! al niubt, and on Sundaii from 2 to 6 o. x. , .Mciliciii' witlifull ilireciioiia ni-ot to any pari of the 1 nileii Slates nr CanailaH by palli-uta loin. . iiiiiincal.ii); their aiuiloiua by letter. Iluainea eorii poriili'lu e atnctlv i Ilr. I.'.. Illhce i. al.ll locaieil .iii ililiahed. under the na il il(. I. A ( III i , at ,Vi. 31 Maiden l.ane, Albany , N. V. Feb. Ill w I y. ft MYTH'S STOCK OF FALL AND W1NTF.K C3r O O JD a now ready, and Bi lling off FAST. 01 R STOCK OV RE.VIJY MADL CLOTHING I eompletennnufactuied at home and in the ltkST M ANNKIl, and no llouae in the City can ahow aa good an assortment of Piece Goods ! We have a large o,uantity of Ij o t m s , Hlack and colored Cassimeres, black and fancy Doeskins, Miltons, I'assmanths, Satinets, Cordu roy, Vesting Silk, Cashmere, Marseilles, ie. &c, which wevvill sell b) the yald or make up to order Imported and ib. luetic , in great variety the cele brated New Vurk Millagnods which lie the best the uiaikut allords. HATS, IMPS VM STRAW - (.OUDS! which lull be sold at very low puces. tiLM S' FI KMSMM. (iOOUS ! liuHivry, SuNiit'iMlcii, WrujipurH ami Ur;iiLviTs SUllubll.' tor tilt) KCIMltll, (tt'(('H ttc, ( isro.M i)i;ru.T.Mi:.T. 'I'hiB brtiiu-li ol the Inin in fas reri'ives our Ritcriiit aUcrilMiiu uihI. with the wnrl.iiicn we linvi-, w cm P"t up lot hi-s in tlie vitv iM'til manner, on the liurtcsl iintiCL'. No hriler anmirliiMMit Miituhlc liir rhsunn Work can In' I'miml in tlm r ni'iehhurniji MlllilTV. 1 i V S U ITS M VOi'. ill (litl) SMY I'll HHOS. 4; Co. COME nOWN WITH PRICES ! C . I. lll.Vl.sri Agciit. Furuflurr llcalcr, Mauufaflurcr, and c ; b x i : h . 1. 1 m ) l : h r v u i : is 1 tai-c tins mode for the acknoivledgcmeut for the long continued patronage of mv old customers. soliciting their continuation, nod by a strict atten sjon to tlie business, gain many new ones:, 1 la(. ter mvselt tor having the reputation of having a cheap place lo buy Ittrniture. 1 have on hand bureaus, fllasses and Cradlea, Hedsteads, Chaira and Tables, Stands, Solas and Cupboards, Whainots, Cabs and Featheri, 1'iesks. lor bills and letters F.verything in the shape of w ood toucan pet here cheap and good. In the urulcriaL I ... I l - ....i .u.. i slnn i l,e beat either in price, sty le or attend- " i-an auu see lor vourselves. Tlie ouly 1'rfiuium Aw-anied aithelate I'mted Stales Fan on M US rlllll 3'lllllll.. And lor Hair .leweliv. 7AS. tlmt W.V1.DT. V,es are easv. ,lu iv,'t to AlKil.l'K dilv; Hid Lake Street, fho-a.,.. ir es are easv. diirali'i' :in.l ..!. ... " place in the West where it,.., . r . ""'J &iji..v.i. Hinor no jniy Or, are nr. nerly luade. !i d bv send- lers , ing the n easures as follows Hound tlie II ad. Forehead to N.ipc. Ear to Karover the Head. 1 F-ir o Ear across tiic Crow n. 1 Round the Ilei d. 2 Forehead to extent of KaJUneae. 3 Ear to Ear over the Head. 4 Acroaa bald place over the crow n. ADOLPH OIJSWALDT, Cliicego. P. O. Box, 2026. sa V. W Minim H II 0 L E S A L E GROCERS, l.VPORTtRi AND DEALthi IN FOREIGN AND iiO 0 M 8 T t C "W I N S S Take pleaaure in luformiug the public that they ere ami on hand wiin a Large autl (ouiplete Stock ; Of the above mentioned offering at guoda, which they are V Ii o I c 5 a I c for a SMALL ADVANCK on Chicago and St Louia marketa. being amioua to devote our attention to th .lobbing Trade, ! We would adviae all persona who wish to buy by i THK (jlA.i till, or tj SilLL AUA1, to give us a call, and w e will give GOOD BARGAINS un all occasions. Rouieinber we have LARGE STOCK, and OUH P1UCF.S ARE LOW. Give ua a call. H. t)A8V & sons, GUM'S BLOCK, ILLINOIS S T It MKT , ROCK 1 S L A V l, ILLINOIS. Sootooy dSs Oo. SKl.LINli OFF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Ah t'(u;;i) an can lie bought oitlter in t'bicayo or St. Ia(MMH, It vvill pay emmtry ilcalfn ami prnpli generally to cull nt tlunr more on Illinois tttrect, opposite the Rock IbIiiiuI lluusc. wln-re tiiey will tinri a lull MHHiirttneiit tit'', Misses', niiil Clnld reni1 Shots, at prut-a to suit tli! tuiie$. Wo-nu-ns' (iaiters, from lit crnts tn $U,;')0 per pair, and ull other knuh of work nt projinrtioii . Ciustom Work Made of the best materials, and by as good w ork men as the country call afford. '4.11 work war ranted. Thankful for past favors we hope to have our country friends give us a call. llVI 111; II I'M III i(iKI, Hut support YOUR OWN MECHANICS You can buy ii o i i; m a i i: BootscfcSliocs As cheap as EASTEHN-MADK mix ithTHw and PAPER SOLES. Remember the place. ftl'OIIUY & CO., Oppoaitn the Rock Island llouae. C H1CAC0. lil'ULIXGTOX QUIXCY RAILROAD. Pass ! followa 1 ' l,u arriirC ai nicago ae Mail leave. S.4i a.m. Sundays e.eepted; arrivea 1.3j p. m., sunc,)s excepted. sseiniLT tmih. .. i i . aalt,re-. leaves S4ip. m.. S.turdava c.cepted arrive, b.60 a. m., Mond,1V - d ' Aurorn Accommodation leave. 4 00 p. m . Sun day. excepted; arrive, at ion J. m'; San. C. G. HAMM(IMM SuperiDteadent. n.ii(ii:i: a sTi:iii, WUOLESALt AMI RETAIL DEA11.RS IN II A II I) U 1 It li , I H U N i A I L , bi L A H k Cutlery I Median ics' Tools AUKIltLTlUAL l.IILt.IL.TS, CUKDAUE, LKATHtK AM) UKLT1XU, KL'ULUH Kubber, I.enllier end Cuttuu I'acklujf, LXS li J'ISTOLS, FISHl.VO TACKLE, LANTERNS, crf.ux rr.vrz, FAIKIIANk W HCAhKn.&C. Which we ofler at pncea to auit the tiniee, FOR ( ASH ! X O W li K A JJ Y The Third Volume of I'l T.VA.M'S RECORD OF THE REBELLION:1 A Diary of Ainerkan Eveuls, With llluntratiie bovumentt and Xarraliiet, Hu man, Inridenlt, I'uetry, Anecdottt, etc.. In separate, divisions. Ildllcct by I'K.Wk MOOlll., Author ol "lharv of American Revolution. With an Introductory View of the tirvet Issues before the Country, and the Causes of the liebellioii, in i;d Alto i:vi-.hi:it. Prepared iwith additions for this work. With a copious IMK, etc., etc. A Colored MAP OK T IIK 1MTKIJ STATUS, and Portraits on Steel, ot j tien. Scotl, (Jen. Cameron, 1 lien. Mi Clellan, (jell. Lyon, lien Kremout, liov. Sprague, (Jen. duller. President Lincoln, lien. Andersen, President Llavis, and I. en. lin. This volume ia complete in itself, containing about sun eloseiy printed pages. Koyal octavo. Price in cloth, aheep extra, $1,00; half calf, anti'ue, $j,0u. It contains the onlytill, impartial, and reliable HlsTOKY of the Great Sitrujfglc for I'rcc lioverniut'iit. With complete and accurate copies of All the Secession Ordinances i official;. Liavie' and Stephene' Speechi s and Proclama tions. Proclamatious and Messages of President Lin coln. State Papers nf all kinds. Military Proclamations on both soles. Speeches and Appeals of Southern I'nion Men, iKennedy, Holt, linoii, Crittenden, etc.; Knglihh Articles on the War. 'l ontraband' l orrespondence. Uadical Northern Speeches, Motley's- Causes of the War. W. II. Illissell's Letters. Curiosities ol Southern War Literature. Reports of battles and Skirmishes. Lists ot Ullicers of Uegniieuts, etc. Po'tiiresque Narratives. Patriotic Poetry. Songs of the Kebels. M unchauseuiana. Anecdotes, Statistics, etc. T Ins work will be published as heietolon weekly and limntli.y. Weekly Xoa. at In rents ; Monthly I'arts, Illustrated. o0 centa. The Illus trations for the Weekly N'os. will be published in two .N'os, at lit) cents each, making the priee fur weekly and monthly I llinoi s tlm same, viz . fa for each vol.,eaih six months, lovers lor binding Vol. I , in cloth, 2," cents. " I consider the 'Uecord' a very valu able publication. "Edward llverett, "Kvery one who wishes a complete record of thf stirring events now transpiring, should pro cure this weekly serial. In a small compass it gives the content! of a dozen daily newspapers. A', 1'. Independent. 'It is quite indispensable for reference, and tonus one ol the most remarkable specimens of current history ever publkhed. We advise those who would preserve and ponder the authentic chronicle of 'the Second War ot American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves ofthis valuable and interesting serial." Uoslon 1 ranscript, " We cannot speak too highly of the industry and sound judgment the w ork display s." X. V. Daily i. I. I'l TMAM, Publisher, ,i;;2 llroadwav, New York. N. I). The First Part of the Second Volume is also now ready, containing the It AT I'l, 10 UV Hl'l.l. HI ', fully described I'ronievery point of new. nun a map. ton pages, price M cents. Copies of the First Volume of the llebcllien Hecurd will be sniil by n;u). free of expense, to any part of the V. S. within l.)U0 miles, on receipt ol price. The publisher will be responsiblefor all re mittances sent in registered letters. Vol. 2 will also be sent in parts aa issued, on receipt of $3. Parties desirous of forming chili mil be supplied on liberal terms by addressing the publisher for particulars. Kiddie and H.'iriu-ss M A X I F A C T 0 II Y At the Old Stone building on Illinois street, Kock Island, Illinois. JIMI'Si SCIIl'l..l-: having appointed A. F. I'ctter, itfieut, to conduct tlm iibuve busi ness uu a strictly CASH PKIMTIl.l: Those w ishing to buy cheap, and pay cash down for any article m the above line, are reaiectfully nvitod to give us a call. J. STHl'LZE, bv A.F.CU TKK, Agent, Dec. 19th, ISu'l, d w. WM. SURADER'S sfollc. rPIIK furiiHTs of Camden and vioinitj and 1 "uy c.iuk i;bii, CALICOES AD MISL1XS, W1MMHV t.I.AlSS. PUTTV, &f tery cheap for ready pav, of Wm. Shrader, Camden Mill. Hie SUGAR, COFTEKS, fcc.. are of the heat, and at the lowest pncea. Flutter and Eggatakenin exchange. WM. SIIR I)IER, Camden idiila. F0U CATTLE A.D U0ULS. 'j "HIS i truly a reut rummly. Hlf u i;5 X cent botiiu ul Sloan's InsUnt iU'hcl, Kivcu in a ui nt of warm water, seldom faila to cure a horse ol thohc in a few uiiiiutea. In citreiue catea re oral the dose in 16 minutes. r'or llruiaea, struma, hjiraina, und many other mjunea on lloraea, Caul,., mid oilier animals, Sloan'a lualant Kehef sjiccdih ell'eela a cure. Many persona have been aaloiiiahed lowilne.a the rapid cure elicited by the uau of this wonderful medicine. JiiT iel Circulara of Agents. SLOAN'S OI.M.MIA T ! r'or mildness, aafely, certainty, IhnroiiKliucaa, Sloan's II. lit ii a-it t laraoiillv auoerceiliiiir all oil,,.r (lintiiienla ami l.llinuenla'lor the euro of the 'o. low ini complaints : Kreah Wuiiuda, (iaila uf ull l..,,u l',.,L...l Hecla, Itiiiijbono, I'olevil, Windgalls, I'allua, Spavine, hwee.iey.Kululu. Foundeied feet. Ni.n.l Craeka, Scrulcllea or Urease, Manuo and Horse Distemper. Disrated Horses autl (aide rciuire restoration ol insenaiblu perspiratiun. Sluan'a Kever Antidote, I omlition I'owder. . certain liloud I'urilier. Il never fails to loosen the akin, cleanse the w ater, create an aiioetite. I ia a positive cure lor C'liiichs. t'obls. vmr Complniiit, J-'ounder, llialemper, and cainea nil noiia nun v orma, uud may bo (riven al any time and under all circumstances with uerli i I sa'fetv. Iliiepaekai-u of the powders and a bottle nl'ibe (linliiieiit will perfectly cure a n eeiit f ounder in an or eight daya, without leuvunj the least elluet in the li et. in llurao Uisteiiiper, they will allay the fever and promote a healthy termination ol the disease, line I'owder and a part of a hottle l tliiitmenl, w ill, in all i Hses, curu the Horn iis timperiii a row j two lire sometimes required for an . Walter II. Sloan, the onunial discov. r, r ,.' il,,a truly valuable medicine, still has the sole suner visioti ol its manufacture, but orders should In. ent to his ami, dacar H. Sloan, it Smith Water i Street. I hirajio I I., w ho w ill promptly a.ipply the demand lor these popular and Irulv great no di I cmes. , They are sold by all dealers in Medicine. Sold . wholesale mid at Maiiufactiirer'a prices, by i ill llnH'Kists. uii hlitwauly oiiiioiic Book store A N li ISchoolBook Depot. JOHN (ill All AM, Agiiu, 131 Desjilaiues Street. Chicago. Ojijiiinie St. i'lliii.k'n Chunk, H is just received a large stock ol I UlbLLS, PIIAYPU HOOKS, UK A US, M. APL LAS, CKI CIFIXKS, MKDALS, LACK Pli.'Tl KKS, ic. Also, a good selection of KUI.ICIOl i;N(.( VMNt.s AM) S.CIlUOI.-l'UUkS. Agent for the Xeu- Yoik Tahiti, Boston i'ilut, froH'Kon'j lleviiw, Irish American, 4c Tlie lliblc, l.lle of the smlntH, I. lie or tlie Hlesscd V irgin, I. lie ol' Mirit. Lite and in In of (ieiald (.rllliti. The above works call be had bound, or 'n num bers. VINCHi:STKirs HYPQPHQSPH1TES (Dr. ITiui'cliill'H Sipi'i ilic Hcintdj.) IT'OXl COMSCaiPTIOKr, nrKvoi-a or.Diurv, sibofila, dvscki'sia, UBOSi 1I1TIS, ic. 1 Ins is tlie niwl wondajiil curatice agent known to medical scince It has ellecled cures in rveru stage uf Consumption, " VM'AHALLKI.KU IS TIIK ASXM.S (IF MElilCISH." ArT,ni. Debility and liyspipsia, the II VPIIPIIOSPIUTKS may lie regarded as an almost sovereign remedy mi iivroi'iiosniiT.: Have a two-fold specific action on the one hand, increasing Hie principle which COXS J ITUTES At'A' I 'DCS KXKUdi'i and on the other, being the MUST I'DU y.iitLI. BLOOD ULXLUA 1. IXti AI.KXTS hXolCX. They aet with prorap. ttrm and certainly in all general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Uionchilis, Asthma, Scrofula Marasmus, Anemia, Fcuniiu complaints, Uc, and in all disorders ol Nervous or Hloud Systems. Their ell'ect upon the tubercular condition is im miijimk all the general symptoms disappearing wilh a rapidity n inth is really marcilous. They i net ease the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Flxpectoration, im prove the Appetite, arrest Diarrluea, and I'Romotf. hki ni.iiii.Mi si.iie. A I-Alii TlilAL IS A CKH TAIX CLIO:. M TiirliCkli-rV (.cniilnc l'i c pal al ion OF I'll K HVPOPHOSPIIITKS is the onlu reli. able form of Dr. Churchill's Remedy, and is ap prove. I bv the Medical Profession generally f.'N M OTIIi:H, (Hi J1LMLHV CUXTAIX- i.: mux. .Ml-Price: In 7 oz. bottles $lfi bottles for ). In lli oz. bottles, f 2 Three for fo Circulara gratis. Sold by all respectable druggists, and at the sole tieneral Depot in the United States, by .1. UIXCIIKXTHK, Joint Stiect.X.Y . THE SPECIFIC PILL. A MKllFIC REHCUr FOR Slieriuatorrliea, or seminal W eakness. This is tiie only remedy for Sejual Debility, Imptency,St,rilily, 4 r., w'hich has the approval ot the medical profession. Its success has been most extraordinary erTeeting cures in cases where all other methods of treatment had failed. One tosix boxes of the SPKCIFC PI l.L, will per manently cure any case ol Seminal Weakness, or its resulting lmpotenny, however aggravated whether constitutional, or arisin; from abuse u'r excess. IMTuKTAXT MKDICAL TKSTI.MON Y. . 1 1 ....... . " .I um'ii your jpecinc nil in many case, ot Sperniatoirhea, and ivith ihi mnst perfect sue- " J- .iiii.TuN JAMiris, ii. u. , LLD, . v n.,i ., ... i. .... ... . "Limn: it , uc as near n ' peclllc as any medicine can be. We have cured many severe lases wiin jrom su to ten doses." Tr. H. Keith American Jour, vf MeJ. Science. i nave mum! them all that rould he desired. i ueir enect has been truly wonderful. " K. P. Dick r.E, M. D." S.fc.Th:s is not a Ilonuropatliic Remedy, nor .. mi-Hur; or oilier uclelcrious ingred ient, comliined with it. Price $1 per box; six boxes for $5, by mail pre paid. For sale at the ante General Depot in the l. uivt-U .-"LIU'S U J. WINCHESTER, 3C John Street, N.Y. c23wlv iti;if.(.s nous:, CHIC AiK II I.. i rPIIE undersigned rospeclfully announce to I J. their tnends, patron., and the travelling pub 1 ic generally, that owing to the atringency ol the i limes, thev have reduced the price of board to I TWO IMll.LAKS per day. I Thankful lor the patronage ao liberally bestow ed on them, they respectfully aak for a continu ance ol the same, assuring their patrons that the "BRlGtiS" will be conducted on the same liberal plan lhal haa heretofore characterised their ee Ublisbinent. WM. F. TUCKER fcCO. Chicago, June let, lSuT. OR. HOOFUNOS i alh a mi iiiim i '1 KOH TIIK M'EKDV Cl'UK OK I.UUghl, CuliU, Injtueiiiu, Cruui, oiirarrirss, Urunthitn, i'neumuntii, iJifemrt ut the UuwU, ariting from I'M, Incipient I'ontumpti'ui,, ttnii far Hit rtltrf and ( . pmsihle) euretif putti nh in adi aneed utilgrt of tlie latter diteate. The balsamic Cordial ia entirely a Vebetahln production, combining the healing properties of the llalaam, with the invigorating iiialitiea of a Cordial, proiluc ink a combination m Hell adapted to the purposes intended, that there are few cases of disease which will not, ut an early period, sue cumb to its healing and lile-giting properties. r'or agea, has tlie treatment of pulmonary di aeasea occupied the greater portion ol the atten tion ol' the s otitic of the medical world, but none aeiiiind more eminence in his treatment ol those diseases, than the celebrated Prussian, Ilr, Hoi. Hand, the originator of the llalaamie Cordial, Ilia lift was devoted to the production of remedies that would stand unrivalled. How well he has succeeded t'o American people are able Injurious mid we ; uvely assert, that no preparations that have uver been placed belore them, haie conferred the saniii amount of henelita on auller- mg humanity , or have elii itnl so man v com I- atnilis Irom all classi i of society , aa tlie remedies of Ilr. llootland, prepared by i'r. C. M. Jackson ei Co., of 1'hiladctphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of diseases mure geneial mid mure liital than any other to which the people ut this country are subject those springing Irom a ".light rulJ." Tim! einui. ent authority. Dr. Hell, says i "I will not say that Colds are to our inhabitants what the I'lague and Yellow I'eier are to those ol other countries; but I ran aver coulidenlly thai they usher in diseasea of greater complicity ' and mortality than these latter." I'.litili'ly Vegetable. No Alcoholic ullon. I'rfpur IDr Hooflana's CKLKHU A I'Kli C K II M A X II I T T K H S PKKPAUP.H It V Dlt. ( . M. J ( K( ( ii IMiiln., Ia., w ii i. i n rrn .si i v i mc Liter Complaint. Dyspepsia. Juuiidlre. Chronic or Xrrtuus Ihlutity, llirntt uf th KiJnt ys, and all diirti.MH anting mm a dit uidcitd l.icrr or Stimuli It, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, rulness or lllood to the Ili ad, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea, Heartburn, Disgust lor Food, Fulness or Weight ill the Stomach, Sour F.riict.ilions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the St aeh, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and dillicult breathing, Hut ti ring nt the heart, choking or aiilfocaliug sensa tions w lien in a lying posture, dimness ol vision, dots of w-ba beloie the sight, fever und dull pain in the head, deficiency ol perspiration, yellow ness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, hack, chest, limbs, sudden llusliea of heat, burn ing ill the llcsh, coiiMnnt imagining of evil, and great depressions of spirits, and will positively prevent 1 Ml. LOW I K I It, II I 1, I O U at i i:vi:h. .vc. T he Proprietor ill calling the attention f t1M public to this prepaiatiou, does mi wilh a feeling ol the most conliden e lu its virtues and adap tation to the diseases tor w Inch it is recommended. Il is no new and untried article, but one thai h.ia stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the American people, and Us reputation and aalc are unrivalled by any similar preparations enunl. The testimony in its favor gur u by the uinst prominent und well-know il physicians and individuals in nil parts of the country is immense, and a careful pe rusal of the Almanac, published annually by the proprietors, and to be had gratia of any of their Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving of the great teleb nty it has obtained.' These medicines are for sale bv all respectable driiggistaaud dealers in medicines in the I'mted States, Camillas, llritish Proiuiees, and West In dies, at 7 j cents per bottle. He sure and get the genuine, with the signature of C. M. Jackson on the wrapper of en n buttle; ull uthcru are coun terfeit. Principal Office and Manufactory, i IS Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold in Kock Island hv Claeius 4; Speidel, and N. Ilerh & I o. ; in Moliue, bv A. F". Chamber lain and T. S. Un hards; in 'Cnmden, by II. P Heatlic; in Hampton, by Dr. ti. Vincett. jiinlMvvaw ly MRS. WIVSLOM, An experienced Nurse and Female Physic. an, pre sents ui uie Buention oi Atonic rs, her l-'OK ( IIII.DItl.N i i:i:tiiin(;, which greatly facilitates the proeesa of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all nillaiiiations will ullay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is sine lo hi .ri. ah: tiii; iioiti:i,s, Depend upon it, mothers, it w i.l give rest to your aclvea, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO VoUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article lor over ten years, and CAN SAV, I.N CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we havo never been nble to say of any other medicine N EV ER HAS IT failed in a siniile instance, to effect A CI UK when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by nny one who used it. On the coutrrry all are delighted with us op erations, and speak in terms of commendation ol its magical effects arid medical virtues. We speak m this matter "WHAT U K DO KNOW," after ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant i. sulferjig from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription ol one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER-FAILING SUCCESS IN II1III SAMW OK CAS. It not only relieves the child from pain, but in vigoratca the stomach and bow els, corrects aridity and gives tone und energy to the whole system It w ill almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THK HOWELL, & WIND CHOLIC and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it is the REST AND SUREST REMEDY IN TIIE WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND Dl- ARRHlEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. We would any to every Mother w ho has a child sutlering from any of the foregoing complaints, DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THK PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between vou and your aulfcniiu Child and the reliel that will lie SURE -ves, Alt SOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of this Medicine, il timely used. Full directions fin using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS k PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Principal ('trice, 1 3 Cedar Street. N. V. PRICE ONLY 2.5 CENTS PER. HOTTLE Sold by all druggists ill Rock Island. aprii'itwaw ly F0R SALE OR LEASE. IN lots or subdivisions, to euit purchasers, or persons that may desire to leasef o a term o eara, the following property in the Or, ol Daven' ort, viz: In block 1322.5 feet, fronting on Od street, lot' feet, fronting on Water atreet, tio feet fronting on nd street. In block 17 Near the Market House 50 leet fronting on Warren atreet, tending loll feet back, with an each side of the lot. In block IS SO feet fronting on Third street, I J.i fronting on Scott street. In block 20 3211 feet fronting on Third street, 320 feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley street. In block 27 1 r0 feet fronting on Sixth'street, 150 feet fronting on Warren atreet. In block 3 1 1 HO feet fronting on Fifth atreet, 150 feet tront'.ng on Scott street. In block 3(5 300 feet .'renting on Western avenu 160 feet fronting on Sixth treet, lb'O feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 38 150 feet fronting on Brown street, 160 feel fronting on Seventh atreet. In block 38 65 feet fronting on Sixth atreet. and exienoing oace. i.iu teet. For paruculara inquire of Corbin & Dow Attor neje at Law, or of JAMtS MAY. I'MUH GIFT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLF WHAT THK FEDERAL TRoup APK ; ,. I NO TO SUSTAIN IIOW OI K SOLDlERri SHOULD hEPKKI'AHFD TO FIGHT. It is a singular fact that a large majority ofth. people of the United Stale, are unaciuamted with the great importance of the rau.e for w Inch the aoldiera of the Union are fighting. Let every man and woman throughout the United Statea'cm,. fully read and atudy the Constitution of the United State., they will become convinced of the holiness r our cause end of ihn wickedneaa n th, w(u fVe'edom.'"8 V'",,"''m' """ palladium of Wo believe that had the reading of ,), Const, t on been adopted a. a daily les.on , yrv achool 1 through,,,,, th(, ,,,,,, j a, ,e. I . " ""' ,UI" ."h" w"ul'' "' would the country have been called noon to mourn I , 1;... 'I'"'"""" fl'K and " -"arn, nun winch i i so in ii v of our atates- n nave loat their tune i 1 III iiltempling its luter- preiauon. Millions ofourcituei. I,,,,,, n,,,r n,,,,,,,.,,!.,, a.udied the coii.,,,,,,,,,,,, ' ' '"W time, when ,t ,. ,),, ,,llv ,, I ' country lo .iilorn, Inm.el, ofihejigh,, ,m ' ' . lege. secured to Inn,, under ,t. p,;,,.,m urM, " , ia not hi one household t rive hundred. In Vew thereto,,.., ol correcting tlr. great oversight, und to lurui-.l. every man, woman d child linough out the United Mates with the mean, of .tudyimi tlns great palladium of liberty, and to prott. i u. agajnst future false dnrtnnce and political disss- MIS. RADWAY k CO. pieaeiitlu Ihn Americiiu puplie, tree ofchaige the coi.Htitutiou of Hie United Mates of America neatly bound, together with an improied Almanac lor the year Mi2, called "Dr. Railway's Con.titu. tiotial Almanai.." As soon ua ptacticnhle, Di, Railway's Agrnls, in every village mid twn Ihroiighoul the union, will be furiosi d w ith a supply, for Iree circiikilion. A copy ol the same w ill be sent to a 11 w ho will enclose a stamp f, r the payment of postage. Druggists, booksellers, newsdealers throughout the country, desirous of aiding us in distributing to the people the Constitutional Almanac, arc in vited In etui in their orders. No charges will be made for the same, We olso invite the pi nple of the Camillas, Hnt ish Proiuiees, and, III lael, all who can read the English language throughout the world, tit accept as silts from ua our Coustiliiimnal Almanac. Wo will send to any one who is willing t pay the postage on it a copy ; or if the citizen, ofeuy town or village will accept from HUM,, inn copies, we will furnish litem free of charge. Henig coiiv.n. ced that ifourliircign Irienda will caretullv read the Constitution, they will become satisfied that our people, in supporting our government m wip ing out this foul blot of secession from our ea cutclieon, ore not only right, but nre establishing "I' a s id basis the freedom ofthe people through. out the world. RADWAY 4; CO., !ll John Street, New York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD UK PREP RED TO FIGHT. Health and Discipline. Health utul discipline nro the most important elements ill an army to ensure success. Discipline without health will prmu us inellectiial aa shot without powder. Health is th,. propelling force ifl'lho army, and is the symbol of uriorv. It is, therefore, ofthe greatest importance, that the system of medication heat adapted lor the pro tection ol soldiers against sickness, as well as that known to be the most speedy and eil'ect ial in re storing the sick to health, without regard to pro. fessional prejudice, be adopted. This is no time lor medical martinets toijuibhle about professional dignity. All the dignity the profession can bring to bear will ueithcr prevent sickness among the troops norcure those alllnjtcd. Our armies, to be successful, must be kept in a healthy condition; and the most sure means of se curing this desideratum is through the remedial powers of RADWAY S READY RELIEF, which has already proved itself in over liliy regi mi nts now at the seat of war near Wushine'ton. lo be i positive prevention ugainsi sickness in the loriti of Chills and F'cver, Fever and Ague, llillious Fever Tvphoid Fever, Diarhiia, Dvsenterv, Small Pox Measles,' and other malarious and infectious diseases. Rear in mind, we say, that Railway's Heady lie lie f will protect the troops exposed to these dis eases against attacks. Now, it is conceded bv all the medical men in our urmy, that they have no reliable means of preventing attacks ol these lbs eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing the Biek; but, on the contrary, the majority ofthe sick, seized with fever and ague, typhoid', lull ious and other fevers, cither die, or inger along until Ihey arc reduced to mere wrecks and walk ing skeletons. Experience has established the fact thin the treatment of calomel, iuieine and mercury, in cases nt lover and ague, tvphoid fever and other fivers ofthis class, is more'injurioiia in camps than in private practice, when we take into consideration that canvass walls and ejposuro to heavy dews and the malaria from pools ofwnter and damp grounds, prove but a poor shelter for the sick, we mnv readily conjecture that the penalties ol mercurial and ipnuiuc treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the form of rheu matism, neuralgia, pains and stiffness in the joints, engorgements ofthe liver, jaundice, yellow jaun ders, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, colds, &c, which will cling to tho unfortunate patient for years. IN DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES the soldier has a positive preventive against at tacks ofthesc diseases. Lei every soldier carry a bo tie of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IN III. (NAFSACk, and when exposed to wet.damp and chilly weather, or encamped in malarious districts, mkc a tea spoonlul, in half a cup ol water, ns a drink, early in the morning before eating, and three or four times during the duy; n-nd, ii on picket or guard duty, occasionally dining the mght.ha will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Railway's Ready Relief and Rudway-s Regulat ing Pills be used according to directions, and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Radway's Reme dies make a perfect cure In cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipethena, Influenza, Coughs, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Swellings ofthe Joints, Pains in tne Legs &c, S;c. Croup, Measles, Hums, Scalds, Strains, Wounds, Sprains, Weakness in the Spine, and in all cases where there is pain, Railway's Ready Relief will afford immediate ease and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number of letters from army surgeons, officers and privates who have de rived benefits from tlie use of Hadway's Heady ,' lief. Among the great number we have on file we reler to the following : W. II. Tmgly, M. D., Surgeon and .Medical Di rector ofthe Excelsior Brigade. Geo. H.Simpson, M. D., Surgeon of Anderson's Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Ri g't Jf, y, y Col. Lyons, Eighth Reg't N. Y.s. M. Col. George Hall, Second Regiment Exce.sior Brigade. Col. Tinnelli, McClellan Rifles. Col. Wm. Gatis, L S. A. Col. Wiilam Wilson and his officers, through T W. Meighan, Esq., Wilson's Zouaves, Fort Pick ens. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVFINT will speedily eradicate .i ,,. and will reinvest the patient'with health. LADIES afflicted with Falling ol the Womb, Ulcers ofthe W omb, Discharges from the Uterus, Chlorosis, and all weakening discharges, may depend upon a speedy cure by the use of Rad'way'a Rcnovatu g Resolvent. In cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, the Resolvent, taken in connection with Radway'a Pilla and Ready Relief, will be louud a quick and thorough cure. NOTICE. Dr. Radway's remedies are sold hv druggists in every village, "own and city in the United State., Canadaa and Hritiah Provinces, price i 25 cents, 60 cents and $1 . RADWAY fc CO., No. 23 John St., New York. NELSON HERSH, Agent, Rock Island, 111. A