Newspaper Page Text
ROCK bLAXlJ AUG US. lUTICS OK ADVEKTIfclNli. n square, 1 10 lines tir leaa,; timl uiaerlion, eai h .uldiluiii.ii insertion liU WCrJI Ihii week. " uhc lllltflllt I ' tWl, IIIUIltllB three month. tit won! In ' uno years 16 ,. i ii , . 3 t'O . 4 t'O , .'i nO . ti no . s no . I.i OO On fourth column, 3 munll ' " U months " ' I year hall " months 'i 0 mouth I ( One column , 3 moiitli " u month it It war .... , ia oo . lo no . 3u 00 , 25 no 3.5 no 60 oo flu oo "i 00 100 00 i ovi'i'l Vji"''" notices will be published fur ii',.i'ik.i Inn' tor each uiaerlion. 1 . i i 1. 1 .. 'n 1.1 --.. r ,r Hi.crtmll lit UJ' T aim wti'Bit r. yn. ,J Mi'iiu! to I'm ilmVB rates. .l advertisement Iruin train. "lit peranna or itrangera, '" iWi'in''. Nut. if lur religious and benevolent purpose, in rr'it'it tune free ol coat, thereafter charged a Other idii'rtiSelucllU. i,t,crti''itictt not accompanied with wrilttn directions wll be inserted until forbid and charged ,'"'.ll"i''','4 ,i;ht was clabfUhcd October IS, Is'il Lv Nitho.i X Dunham, and purchased by the p"r,e nt i' I t"r, Vnrinber 1Mb,, H52. llwasliien ci le.l " I' K'iitiii " ,l name wa changed to" Irgm," December I ft, K'i. The "Rock .. m tiT" was "li 'ted witiillte "Argus," Septcm. bcr I'., lv;. -cl" I ne jij jn:r waa established July 13th, j. . rANnani, JR. hilton iuhh. HOC k ISLAM) FUST OFFICE. Mill, vita x.i;ii:m. n ami Hoik I -In nil l!iilru.iil Mail arrives ul JMA M , and 7 I.i P. M Cloaca nt !.. .M., on. I .'oil'.' I'. .M. St, ling unit lt"i k Island Railroad Mail. Via Mo I in . W.iH-Hmw!, Ilnnipt'iii, Rapid. City, I'nrl hvriiti and Cordova arrive, ut f'.lft a. in., mid close, al o p. ni. Djrf'..'1'f Mnl arrives at i.l j a. m., anil i.S.'i r. M. dm nt v i ind li I'. M. Ovitr-i Vii', . I'll us nit Ridge, HalitMlam let, Mi.ii-r:i.iv. Monroe, New lluatnn anil kcil'ianurg. Waves .Monday, Wednesday and M. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday ami Vilurii iv, u! I f. i. V7ii,ii', Mnl. vii. Preemption, Earlow'a tirote, v , niiii am! A; ai T a. M. p..po Creek, .North Het.ilor- .:.i, li itcs Wednesday and Saturday AinviH 1 iiriiil.iy and t-'riday at 7 I' I'm VI. I'.,int Mnl, I-. 1 i -Hire li ,'.; t.i 1'r.iirii'tirld, Km Iil.ind . nvliinl, Kiinil, Nmlii I'l.n ii ivrs Weiliicsiiay at ti .v. ) at i r.d. I'i iiiisvivaina, Orion ami vi. Arr 1 1 I'iii--..';, i. i. :,. in . U'i iliii ..l.i) i I 7. i. Aiiivi'i , ..I l I'. M. Wi:-' .U ii', Ii jii Monday, Wednesday I '.,:.iv .hi I I'ur.Liv, ut 7 v. M. Arnvi'K Tne iliv. i'iur.. iv, Kridav anil Siitnrilny at 7 I'. M. i ;.' I'. ..'.!; Mnl. Iavt I'ui'stlav, 'rinirolay and Sil'ir.rn. It Irisiiu uvular Imur lordeparture. N'i m ills sent ur ri'ri'm'ii on .SuihUv: re liinim from . M. to II p. M. 'in Min-Jav opi'ii liiim ! to loa in. C. TIU I.MIAI.K, I'. M. i) v i:roHT ros r opfici: Mill Uilt WI.I.MliM-. i.i:. s o'. ,. I J OC dai il , .: yt ev. i n Mul. - in ( . i: k i in: rlusi-H at 1; i k a in; urnvi-i, at i. I. H. It.- C lo.. at 'i lork p in; urrivc-H nt I o'cioi k p in, Sun - ,:..;,t.... il ,U i,.'. -Via M. it M. II. K i K a in; miii'i al .i o'cloi k i -t'lnneH Ht l, Slllnill 4 .I. A !; il.- i I.vniiii a; C.iiniinrli e . C.i -'i iMi K p :n; i-irives at li u'tloi.'k p III. Mul. Via iJt-Witl a, .Maiin,ki.a.--ii . Tni.l i v .mil Tim rail. i v .it !' n'i !m. k t.ov p in. ... fl .,!.iy. 'I'liursiiay and S.i I u r ti jy at 7 -,a lllui: (ir.iss, eti:.-Ciiini-n ! iv mul Krul.iy al II u'rlouk p in; riiiirj,i!nv and batnnlav at .1 o'- 0 ,.. ... k ;. ni. li i'i j. oo7 Mm,::,). U . .In.--arrin Tui s'liit , j in. 7( .il. .V.. H'u and K r : ii i at 1 2 n i.i Tiiitoii (.'losi-a Tueml'iv o'ri.u k in: uirive Tucilav and loikm. ,'-V'i Itnrluiion &c Krokiik--rni-nj iv and KrrJay al W o'clock v . Vcdiii-8ilav am) Kridav at 7 Fr., ,s t'l" p n I.' T,i M, Sj. ii'ioiik 1 1 1 Iliilf.ilo Cloves y t Sjlurdav at ti o'clock at P UjW. t Vim imui.i V Wuiiinl al 1 i in; an ive 'I'iiuih - o c o' ft a in; i. li on SalnU) ilosi'h at ir. lii y t j 'J ,i i , , m. I.I I.'.,: ''HV l;:... i,i it ,1 by nil VI' until I-, .in i '. I i . Ill," .is v.i-1 : .. I; ui.Kii u l i .11-., i,f, oil.ri . M. ir,i. i II II tl. tiie i .m.k in tin.- ip .I . iii-nut . tu-iiii! ttii Kl.liltlln.l-, I', .vi. KOCK hl.AM) 1 III IK II IH U I X lOH He. .1 V'tt:s. ; IIm:ii.m. Cit UuUv . i funirr Hock life mitt I.iolii f-iri-t-t, U-jv. i;. Mtirjthy, I'.iator, Hv. J. ii. Allciii.tu, A1l.ln IM r v ir-'M , on Sini'I.iv. M.ihs at 7 V I'M A. M. (. .ilt-rliiMn ul A. M. and V. VcsMTat L' I'. ami ii iicd.olion nt tiif Hi sK.ti S irr.iiiuMit iiiuni'tJt tiTt-lv iiltt'T W's-fHTi. MdiJi every iiiornui dn nn' the wrrk sit j;.C. Tbim it'. I irleans .. M llhet' slreet, l.eltvce M ig.ll, Kcctoi ii, I K;k. It IT Vi on mi ii.t.i v, al lmliii A. M aiii . l,,,ol at !i A. M. mid li I M. Wi i lure on lav evenings .it , o'clock r 1 1 1 1 n . i Fm-r l ui.-iiv r cut w. c,,i Streets, llei. S. . W I Sun, lav, at IH; I,, ,. M tlatll Sclioiil .,1 II ,. M. meeting ClllO s i V l it ml In-i ui. l'n-l,ir. s, an I :l;Ol 1'. M l.eitutc and nigs ,,t 7: 1... prayer I.. I'll k. it w een cm.) prayer meetni;; I r a I ti mi 'i It I o' Sfcom) I'h i.hv ri n i , Kn Mn ct, i Klk and Ueer stii-i-u. u i 1'astor al pre Sahbaih School at I' A. .M. Weekly prayer meeting Wednes lav evening al s ii k. I'mteo J'lirsnvTF.Hi.vN. comer ( irleans and In cr streets, Itet. J. II. .lell'em, I'astor. Services, Sunu.iv, at 10.30 A. M. Sabbath school at II A. M. M 1. 1 iionis r Ki'i si iip a i .turner 1 1 ; g lil a ud a nil J clicr son streets, Itev. John l llrooks, Tastor. Ser--tii.s. Sin.iiav, 10:311 A. .M. and N I'. M. s.ib- . n ni, so,, ,i,i in 'j A. M. eekly prayer meeting, ciiiiesiUy evi iiin, 'H o'cli ck. Lailics prater Hi', i. ting, Wi ilni siiii, , First 1J a i-t i-r , coiner Ret. Isaac lira',. 1 bat. J P. ,M. Klk and Orleans streets, tslor. Services, Sunday, . I'. M. Sabbath Sclioii, ici'lilig, W'ednesilav even- at 10. 1., A. M. , al Ui A. M. I'r.iver u,ee m, al 7 o ' c ; i . i k . Ev AM. 1.1 H VI. A- ,,, j y I 1,, and lJeer sin Is, I;, Services, Suiiil.i v . in it,. mriier lt.,ck River ' M . i, ling , Pastor A. M. Knghsti er- vices at i 1'. .ti. hi n!i and 11 Santialh diiesdiiv School al 2 I'. M. I'rayc-r in evening at 7 . German Li'tiicrvn K.mamil i'leasalit and beater slreeis neckc, Pastor. nieetnig W I'm iu ti, Het. I'. corner A. Men- Gcrma.n M. K. Chircii, street, bctwi ihghland ami Cable slreets, Rev. C, Si hnenl Pastor. Tin; law is ki:lvuo TO i;.- i KAKI US. 1 . Suliscnbers who do not give express notu.e to I he contrary, are considered wishing to continue lhe,rui,scr,ption. 1- ll snbscn .era order the discontinuance of heir i..hts, the publisher may coiiliuue to aeud them until all arrearages are paid. 3. It i si. in jrs neglect or refuse to lake their paper- tro... tMe oihce to w Inch they are sent, thev are held resp.msiiin, t, thev have settled their bills, aud ordered tne ,,:,.., discontinued. 4. ii s, inscribes mot c t. ntn places without iniorining the publisher, ad tne i paper is sent to the former direction, inev are In nl n.s, ........ t,n i nr couria nave unci,., that refuting lo take a newspaper or periodical Imm the onVe, or re- t ,r.... l , " . . I m jviiigaud leaving it uncalled for evidence ol fraud. ia prima facia At the Pittsburgh Stove Store. UTLL be loutnl n lurgx' und tine assort ment of coal and wuod cook siotcs. Also Tn Ware, orr., kc. Minerscamp and cunlcing utensils, and everv thing necessary for a complete lii-out. Repairing and job-work of all kinds prompt and neatly done. DOS a: KLLIOTT, Nearly Opp. Court hijuira. (ftvoccmjs. HlllllfElll H U 0 1 E S i L L GROCERS, IMPORTERS AN U UEALERS IS FOREIGN AND OOMESTIC Take pieuure in informing the public that they are mill on hand it ti a Large aud (oiupkte Stock Ol lite auove luelitioneil ollt at guodd, Mhich they are V li o I v s a 1 lor a SMALL l.oiiia inarketa. AlAAN'Ch' on Ch ago and St II atuioua to devote our attention to tli Jobbing Track', We would Uflvix' at pertfoim who w th tu buv y I ii r il ill ur u ihLL .-VCjAl , tu g(ve un ii tail, tiiiii u v w ill GOOD BAHGaiNS on all oi l asiiinv. Keineinlier we have LARijK STOCK, UVH 1'UICKS Allh LOW. Live ua a call. and h. DAtrr & sons, ILLINOIS . T ; - ' , U0( h I S L A X I), ILLINOIS COME DOWN WITH PRICES I t . I'. iii;N(.sii.i., ..-cut. Furuiiure Ucaler, Mauufac liinr, audi (.liNI.UAI. I ' X I )l ilti A W lilt. Llasc this Illo.le for till' achiiovyle.l,,,.,,,.,,, i'... long i '.nitiiiiicil patronage of my old customers, s.,, n mug uieir enniiniiaiiiin, and by astnet iittcn. lion In the business, gain many new ones. I Hat. icr uiyseii nir Having the repulatiuii ol hav vin cheap place to hut lurniluie. I have on bind liureaiis, Ola-ses and Cradles, bedsteads, t hairs and Tables, Stands, Sofas and Cupboards, Whatnots. Cabs and Keatlien, llesks lor bills and letters Kterythiug in the shape of w ood Votl can get here cheap and good, lu the undertaking line I hate only to say that 1 shan't he heat cither in price, tyl or attend ance, tiive me a call anil see for toursclves. The Oul) riTiniiini ed at the late I'niteil Slates Kail on Aw aid 11'! is atid 3 MM)ctvs. And tor Hair Jewelry, AS lli.ct given tn AIKILI'H OIIS- it I i.u 1. led Lake Street, Chicago. Ilia gsare easy, duiable and eleuant. Th., .,lv I'ec iii the W si t I, ere tl,ev I.. 4..' N.llKf',1, I, ., ,,, , . ' ,"(... .J IIIOOC. , , ' ""'era lornarded by lend ing tlieu ensures as lollowa : ,r--,'. 1 Round the Head. Forehead lo X'ape. Far to Par 0ytr i. Head. Far o Far across IheCrown. Round the He d. ' 2 Forehead to cite lit of Hi luness. 3 Ear to Ear over the Head 4 Across bald placeoter the crow n ADOLPH OHSWALDT, Chicago 1'. O. Bm, 2026. MIICAiiO, BL'KLLVGTON & OflXCY RAILROAD. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Chicago a) follows ; Mail leaves s.4j a. m. Sundaya eicepted; arrive" ,. ' I -uin avs eicepted. tipre.s ley,., si 4 '. p. ,., Saturday, eirepted arr,ve, tj.'0 ,., jjondava eicepted. Aurora Accommodation leave's 4.00 p. m.. Sun day, e,.,.pled. 4rrivt., ln..i ,.. Sun. ly. eicepted. c. G. HAMMOM.ND, Superintendent. auisccllanfou J3H. LACKOIX'S I' J! I V , T K M V. I) I V A I T l! K A '1' I K S us no: rii(.iolKifal lien of Marriagf, 2,0 l-.SUh A.M IIU K.M.HAVIXtiS.- I'nre only T'l.NTVllvf.U'.ira. Sent tree of noitnne tn an nun. ui ii, u i nion. iin uie ililiriiutira u vuut h and maturity, diacloung the m-cret lulliea ul' both ae. i of all ngea, cauamg ilebihty, i,ervoune. uepreaaiun oi apirita, palpilalioii ol the heart iuicnlal iiniigiiiiiigii, iiivuluiitnry eiiiiamoin, liluah uil!, itetei tue ineiiiorv, imliueation and laxitude u ill, runaiN j ' llirillinu inhrnt i n win. inituhuul Miss, a fulli,-, Slu trlit, uinl II ynurilf iiiuiriri uiy,i. rlr. t ia a Irutliliil adviai r lo the married mid thoe conli iiiplating luarriuge, Mhoentertaiii aeerei dnuliti ol their pnyaical con ditinii, and who are urn.r.iim ol Iihiihk hiuarded thu health, li ippim vi., ami priuli-uea In which every being H, em. tied, VoLNti ,MK. wtio are Iroiilili d m ith He.iknea", generally raunil by a Lad halm hi youth, Hie el tectaol which are I'lziiii-, p ioi, luryi lliilnevH, oinetinif a a ringing in tli" ear, w e.ik eyea, weak lieiia ot the hai k and lower evtrellntlea, onluaioil ol liiena, Jua nt ineinurv, Willi liielam holy, ma be cured In t In-aulhor'a'.N KH I'A R I A SU I.ON Uns I llh A I'M K.N V. We hate recently devoted inncb ol' our time in Viatiting the Kijroieiii IJi.Hpilala, availing our aelvea ol' Hie know.ed'i and reaearihea ol the limit "killed phy aniiia an aiirgeona mil Knrope and the eoniineut. I lioiewlio pi theiuelvia un der our care w ill now h ne Hie lil 1 1 tolietit " the many SKW A N l KKKH t IhL ICKMKMKS which we are enalili d In intioduce into our prac tice, and the public li. av rest aaaured of the aauie teal, uavidiiity, SK KK and utta nltuu bemg pud to their caaea, which lull ao aucceaM'ullv dia luiguiaheil ua heretoliire, ua a I'hysieiin in nur I'M I I.I All department id prolcsioiul uraetiee. Jur tttf fj'it tu tuty-lltr y,ui,. HIM ll r I Mai K I'll 1 1 - wiiow,b lur ,Medii iiie, t.llicacy ol' w li.i li has !,.,, t,.,ied in thuuaalliU of Caaea, lllid lieter tailed lo i lie 't ...iTt-uj . ,t-a i luiinii uu nail reaillia, HI. I like none Out Dr. Uel.aiicy a l eiiiali rerindn al piila. he only precaution no i xin to be nliserted is, lailiea Klioulll lint tllM lliein It lliev hate reason In l,i I let e they ale in 1 1 1 hint .itulliun 1 1 he par tie ul a ra ol w hi eli will lie Ion nil mi I In- w lap.ier aecoin naliv nig eai h !.. though alttata sale and heallln, ao gentle, vet so ai t.ti are they. rnn-ji per nni. nicy can ne mailed to any pari oi ine i nm-n si.n, m i ..naii I" IIIKI.AIllKS S No lie, d a lon,l.i lii, ai. naer w Hli regard lo ant i.l lliosc inteietu,g coin piiiinls In w Inch their ileni ate org i it iat nni remlera the iii I i.i hi,., are p ii i n n ,.i i ,y mt iled lo inns ilt u I ill hi i i mi li nt urn I'nolli viti.." Kor married ladies wli.-c health will not ailiint, or w ho nave no deairu to,- t Ire-i r l.iiiulies, mav be olitaiuedas above. Il is a perfectly aal'e pieteu talive to conception, and baa been evtensuelv use.i during the last JO ycara. Trice reduced to fin. nn:'-i:( iters ni' .ur i ii i n in i;i .1 Trnitur mi II, r (uu.r nl' I'rimiilui r h,fni. lu tin W'li niitz. Jii.l -i'imi.., ii It, mk l,,iinttt; tltt riiM.iou, j,i,n' 1 1 ,. nii I j,i ri uli in 4 ,iini,itii hi In, i, la, imtii iiiiiir mul it m ilr, ,ti tinh inl,it hat, it; iminttni; mil llti J,ili uilij I' I'll. li nihil tillill,h ih nittiiif, llltil lit nlujilitlt III II I, nil- lunizri , nt tlif (M-U-w, tlnllt I In t tiuilll, In i mi ht t tl,iin,t. It will I.i I, n iii, ill 1,11 nni),! t in-,, tint sf'l,,S. Via- Altenilanre dlili.tiom sill Hie lllorllllig till II al niglit, and on Siinu'-its tioui 2 tn ft o. M. Aleillcinea Willi lull d I reel Ions sent toanv part of Hie I Hited Stales or t'rill.lda s hv lialients coin- iiiiiiiicatiiig tl.eir f I oriespolidem e slrn Dr. K's (iilic, under the liatiie nl llltollis ,v telle liuainesa h) i is at, I! lor aied as ,. lilt. I. A I ll'HN, hnshed. No. Ill Mi ell l.alie i. :'i - Alh.uiv , N. I t. 1 1 SMYTH'S SHU K OK FALL ANli WIN I'LH GSr O O JD S a now ready, and selling oil' FAST. out stock or in-ady-madi: CLOTHING, Is iMiiiiil,.,. manufactured at home mid in the HF.ST M A N X L it, ami no llmise in the Citv can how aa good nn nadortment of Piece Goods ! U'e Jiave a larjrt' quantity of I; O T II S Hlack and colon d Cassiiueres. black and fancv line, kins, Milt, ma, r.issmaniha. Satinets, Cordu roy, esting Silk, Caahmere, Marseilles, fcc J.,. which uewiil sell by ihcyardorinakeuptn order' C O 'V T O IV 13 33 llliiorl.., an, ibniiesti, blat.'il New , k M,i Hie lnjli,l alb mil. Hi gicat variety -thecult- , gouds which are the besl HA1S, J VI'S AM) STKAH - (.00DS! which ,ll be sold at very low- prices. I (.i:TV t'lUMSIHVIa (,001S! vtuig ol'Sbirts.t ollals, t l.inits, l ies, Stocks , Wrappi is and lira.iwei li, I. loves c. i!i;i'AuiMi:.r. Hosier suit Oil' , Silsjienbeift lor llie seas, (I T0i I ins ol tin business rei it alleuti i ml , vt ib t hi: w in kini n w i spei nil hut get up cbitbes 111 he vcrv I slinrtcst in, tic,. . X,, betle'r as ( i.stoin Work can In- loiiml n s' maimer, on tn(. inineiit sti.t ible lur this or neigliboring L 1, L'l'V I IV SUIT M U)i: to V'I'll HliOS. 4. I o. Sootooy c&j Oo., SKl.LIXi, ol'K WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. As che.iji as can be bought cit; St. I. onts. Clm ago or I Hi ,11 pay country ileaiers and people generally to call al their store on Illinois street, opposite the Rink Island Hi, use, where thev will lind a full assortment of Womens', Misses', and t'hlld rens' shoes, at prices to suit lb,, tunes. Wo- liieua l iiutcrs, I ruin 10 ecu all ether kinds of in,ln ill '...ib per pair, and rl ion . Custom Work Mad the best materials, and K 1 work work war- lieu as t he unlrt can atiord. Ml ranted. Thankful for pa country friends gi t lators c t,.s a c. hope lo have dovi m; hi Miti .(.i:d, liut supjiort YOUR OWN MECHANICS You can buy 11 o M E - m A i E BootscfcSlioes As chr;ip ns K ASTFiUX-M A D lu SPUT LEATHER nnd PAPER SOLES. Remember the place. !ciii:y .v co., Oppoiite the Rook liland Home. ha iii"4:iT'i"VriiiTi WlloLKsALt AND KKTAIL UKALKRS I.N II A It i U 1 It E i IKON A I I. si , GLAlk Cutlery ! MechaIlic.s, Tools AtKlllLTlltAlalMPLOIEMS, COKDAUK, UATIIhK ANJj IJKI.T1NU. UL'UEBU Kubber, Leather and Cotton 1'ackln. liL N'S i MsTOLS, FISHIXO TACKLE, LANTERNS, ci r. 4 ix rvvrs, KAIKH Nk'S SCAI.IlS.iC. Which we offer at pricea to auit the tiuiea, FOtt I ASH ! O Ar U K Jj The Third Volume of Y KI T N A M'" RECORD OF THE REBELLION: A Diary of Amiritau Kvruts, ll'ifi llltistrulii-i, liui nni, ult an, I .,irratii-ti, Jiw Mum, liuijinh, I'jtlrij, Ann Jnlrt, rli-., Ill separate du isions. I'.dllcd by l lNk Mdllltll Author ol liarv ol' Amen, an Revolution. With an Intiodiietory ,'iew of ihe lireal lasuen bet'ort! the Country and the C auses ol'the llehellloli, Hi 1 .1 iti i: i nt i ; i t. Prepared iwiih ailihtions; llir ibis work. With i copious IXIiKX, etc., etc, A Colored M A I' I l-' Til F; I' X I T Kll ST A T KS, and I'orlr.iils on Steel, ol lien. Scott, lieu. Mil lellan, I, eu Fremont, lieu. Holier, tieu. Ainlersi n, Ocll. . I amero n, I.von, Oov. Spragiie, President Lincoln, President llav ia, and Ocn. int. Tina volume is complete in itself, containing about SOU closely printed pages. Koyal octavo. Price in cloth, i.i,''); sheep extra, J-1,00; half calf, antniie, $ft,0D. It contains the unlyjull, iiitjjurtitil, and rtlmlje IIISTOKV of the ;reat xiruggle lor I'leH.ovtrniuciit. With complete and accurate copies of All the Secessiun Ordinancea lollicialj. iJana' and Stephens" Speechea and Prutlama- tioiia. Proclaiuatious mid .Messages of President Lin coln. Stale Papers of all kinds. Military Proclaiuatious on both sides. Speeches and Appeals of Southern L'nion Men, Kennedy, Hull, Ijuon, Crittenden, etc. ) Aincles on the M'ar. "t on trnb. niil'' Correspondence . liadical Xortheru Sieeches. Motley's Causes ol the War. W. II. Itussell's Letters. Curiosities ol Southern Wjr Literature. Ueporis ol'Uatilcs and Sl.iruushes. Lists ol I Min ers ol' Iteg.meuts, etc. Pictnresipie Xarralives. Patriotic 1'oetrv. Songs ol the U'ebels. .Muuchailseniaiiii. Anecdotes, Statistics, etc. Tins work will be published as heretofore weekly and n th.y. Weekly Xos. at lucents; Monthly Parts, Illustrated, fto 'cents. The lllus. Iratii ns lor the t eeklv Xos. will be nnblisl,i.,l , two Xos, iit :ill cent, weekly and iiiont'ilv each, making the price for lit iocs the same, v u. . ;j fr each ol. 1, d., each si months in cloth, g.i cents. Covers lor liiniling " ' I I'olisnl able iubliiitiiiii. r the Record' a verv valu- " '-Vwiu'i lA-i-r'eU. , ishes a cotnplete record of " Every one w ho w is, Ihp stirring events now cute this weekly serial gives the enlitciiH ol n it, A. '. Indt-liriliii nt. transpiring, should pro lu a small compass it en daily now spapers. . "" M"" Iispensable for reference, and limns one ot the most remarkable specimens of iitntnt iis'nr; ever published. We advise those who w.iuid preserte and ponder the authentic chronicle of -th,, second VS ar ol American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting serial." tinslun I'l-ansirijit. "We cannot .peak too highly ofthe industry and sound judgment the work dispia s." . ) . 'liaili, eu-s. i. P. I' I T NAM, I'libllshei', '"'''i Hro ulvv ay, .New York. X. II. -The also now read' III I I. HI N. K.rst Pan of th,. Second Volume is '; ' olitaining the It V 1 l o.' ttlllv desi ribed from cverv ni.o, t i,l' view. Will, a map. IbOpjgcs. Price oft cents. .' Copies ,,f !,. fust Volume of the Rebellion Record Will be suit by mail. .Vec ,;' rj-,, .,, tav 1 l",rl ' 1 s. wit nines, on receipt ol j price. V j.ul.ltsltrr u-ill l- n-vnsi'.le tr all re- iniffii'iiri, xi, it ni ngtstrred It-tiers. Vii- Vol. 2w ill also be sent in parts as issued, j on receipt oifH. Parties desirous oi'iorining dubs win oe supplied on liberal terms by addrc 'CSSlllg ine pulilislier lor particulars ii(Itlh and ISai'iuvss M AM 1' Al'TOKV At the Old stone building on Illinois stiect.Kock isiand, Illinois. j:-. I l.ll S( III L.i: li.nncr ai.mnnleil A I' I TTR, netit, tu cmiilnot the itliove imsi. nt, .( stnotly cash iMiiNi ii'i.r.. Those w ishing to buv heap, and mv cash dnwn for any article in the aln nvited to give us a call. line, are res lectfully .1. SCH I I.ZK. hv A. F. IT TI ER, Agent. Dec. 19th, Istil, d w H'M. Sll RAD Kit's STORE. T ''HE farmers cf Camden mnl vicitiitmn,! buy J ckoci:kii, ( ALKOES AND Ml SLIXS, IM)o (.l. tss. PI'TTY, AC I terv cheap tor Camden Mills. ready pat. of Wm. Shrader, II s SUOAR. rnl.iViri.'s t-r. are of the best, and at the lowest pricea. Butter and F.ggi taken in exchange. WM. SIIRAOCR, Camd.n jMiili. Chicago Jtlmtbrmrnti aaaaiiaaiillii F0H CAilLi: 1U HOUSES. 'j 'HIS is truly u Krciit remeiiv-. Hulf tt lift J. cent bolue nl sloan'a Inst int Kehel, gneu in pint ol warm water, aeblom laila to cure a I.,,,... Ul i nil in ol Chol.c in a few minutea. ,, em,.,,,,. ta., peat the dose in I minutea. For Hrmaea, straina, Sprama, and inmiv other iiijiiriea on II,,,.,.,, ,;,,., und (h(.r i Sloan'a InslHiit ll..l...l'u i.e. . ' I" ' "iiy la a cure r ..on. nave nee,, a.lonialied to wiliie.a the rapid cure ell, cted by the uae 0f t, wullU()rlul tiicu iciur, j:0- (iet I irculura ol' Agenta SLOAA'S ' "', " " " '"' . certainty, tiioroughneaa, " ' '""'I'ony ipcrceuiiig all other Oiutineiit, and Linimenta lor ihe euro of the fo. low ing complaiiita : Fre.l. Wounda, u' l,,,,, L'r.u.k,., iiiiBi.uuu, loievil, Windgalla, I'allua, ,r....., ,..,c.irj,riiiiui, ruuniterea Feet, Sand racka, s. ralchea or (irea.e, Mang,. and llor.e Oialemper. DiMased Hor.sis ami (aiilf re,iiire realoraiioii ol m-eiisible,. Slu.ui'a Feter Antidote. I oiuliliou I'.,,,.!,., ,1 . certain Blood I'urilicr. It ni ter fail. t l!.,..,.,, the akin, cleanae the waler, create an appetite, and it a ,o,im. , ur i;,r 1,1,. ( ..i,,. y.,..', Compliiini, Founder, iJislemoi r, and cniries oil llotta ami W onus, :ind mav tie citen ni a,,, and under nil eirciinisiaui ca with nerli cl aaii iv Oiiepackagu ul Ihe I'uinlera and b,.ti Oiiiliuent will perfectly cure a recent Founder in an or eight daya, without b ating Ihe least ell'ei t III the lil t. Ill Horse Oiatemni.r. llo.v u.ll ,.,l,.t the lever and promote a healthy tcrmu'nilion of the disease. One I'owder and a part of a ,, fi.litlnem, will, in all eases, cure the Horn ). temper in a row ; two are sometimes reiiinred lor an ni. Walter II., tl. orig.nal discoi. t, ,.r il,.s truly valuable medicine. Mill has the sole ,m,er Vlaioll ol its lll.inill'acturi , hut orders alionbl I... tent lo his ami, II. Sloan. l Snntl, VC ...... Street, Chicago I I., Ml,,, will promptly a.ipplvlhe demand Ibr the,e popular and Irult great inedi- CIUCS, They are sold by all dealers in .Me,,eu., s, wnoii sale and ma. I at M inulictiiri r a pricea, bv ill liruggisia. luchl.itwati Iv ' Talholic Hook store A Xli School Book Depot. JOll N (.ItUl AM, Acn. 131 Dtsplaiuis Street Chicago, "y'"vc St. I'ulrii-h'a Viurch, llss just receiti d a large stock ol lULLI.s, PKAVHI HOOKS, UK A US, sCAPl LAS, CIU CIFIXKS, M KlJA LS, LA( T; PICTl HKS, 4,c. Also, a good selection of ki;i n.ioi . iixt.i: vi in NI t 1IOOI -ItooKs. Agent for the Xru- Wirk T.ibltt, Huston I'llut, IlruU'nstin'i lii-i-i, w, It till Amrrit an, yc. The Ilible, I. He of the aiiit!.. Lite ol the lllcsscd 'i! in. Life of Christ. Lite and Works of On aid (.rillin. The above works can be had bound, or'u num bers. Wl.N'CHKSTIOH'S HYPQPHOSPHJTES, ilr. CliurrliillS Specific Itunedy,) FOIl CC2sTTJIV(EI-TIOINT, M'.RVoLS I).: Ill II TV , S 1 II o 1 1 ' l. A , IIVSI'tl'SI.A, 1IIIOM II 1 1 Is, Jic. This is the moft u-miilrrfitl rurntire agent known to medical sciuce. ll has ell leu cures m everu slain-nj 'iiriMiii';,;i, '.'. ,'. 1.1. El. hi) I Till-: III- A.7j(7.;." Acriuiit Debility and itvpeasu, th,. 11 VPtiPllOSpllI PES may be regarded as an nlmust sovereign remedy the HirorHosriiiTEs Have a two-fold specific action on the one hand, tncreasine tin principle which C(I.ST1TL "J'KS AA'iPOI N EMIHIiY: mid on the other, being the most von huh i. hi. odd ckxkuat. l.Xti AHK.XTS A.VOII'.V. They act with prump. nest and errtninty in nil general morbid conditions such as Chronic' lironchitis, Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, Fema.e complaints, iic, nud in all disorders ol Xervous or lllood Systems. Their etl'ect upon the tubercular condition is in MrniATK all tlie general symptoms ilinippearinu will, ,i r.,,,i.tll .'. II I ... i . , i,....l v.,.1.1 s:.. ,. i i "'! t tll'i k .s, iglit S w eats. 1 1 1 111 I II l.sll, o.ti mm- ! prove the Appetite, arrest liiarrlm a, and cmu'iorr. it l l it v TA IS him. si.tre. A I'A lil Till A I. IS A I'LH. ciiii:. lurhestcr's Ceiiiiinc OF Till'. II v. P il'lloslil ITI ti ciai,i lion s is the iinhi r li. aim- jrm t nr. I liuichill's Remedy, and is ap proted by the Medical Profession generally L SI-' AO lillli:ii, uli hL.ULDY CUSTAIX- l.XG (OA. .eft" Price: I 7 oZ. bottles Jl -li bntllcs lor ' 1" i. bottles, $2 Three for i Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable drucuists. and at the de Oi nil lleoiit in ihe l'i,,i..,l Smi... I,., I. MIX t II I isi i'l ,, j,,!,,, stieet.VY. tiik mmin via. A sl'l.i.tur Itinfin- K,ilt Sinrmatoi rlif a, or Seminal Weakness. I Ins is the only remedy f,,r Sexual Debility, nf the .'. a---'' , m ' .. w iii c it lias nit! anoronil ineiiical priilession. Us success has been etr,iordin.iry.ellecii,ig cures in cases ill other methods of treatment had fnled il hoses of the Sl'Kl 1FC I'l 1. 1.. . ,11 ...... w ui ri ll in: li iilal.ently cure any case ol Seminal Weakness, or on iisuiiini: nupoieney, loncec whether io'i-.tttitti(inalt or arisin '' itcgraintedt from abuse or l.Ml'tiKTANT ME1HCAL TESTIMONY. " I have used tour Snecilic t',11 ,. ! I ot Spcrinatoirliea, and with tbemcj' perfect ,-. . j "" J- Mn io.v SANntKs, M. D.jLLD.' 1 " We believe it tn be as near a Spec, be ' as any ! I Hied, cine can he. We have cured many severe 1 j u ttn j, m six to ten titan,." I r. li Keith : ! '. American J..ur. of .V,.,. Samce. ' j i i nave touiui them u,7 that r.-iu. 'u- Their elicit has bei ii truly wunderful. desired. j E. P. Dtrnrr, M. D, I ' mi i" not a lloino., ipathic , eiiicdv, nor loi-ic au, inercurt or other tents combined w nl, , le.etenous ingred- Price j pur t,y , si, ,v, , ,;,r j-,. ,,v ,na, soie Depot in tinted States, bv the i ' WIXCllEsI'Li i dec23wlv o'i John Slreet, X". y F A I R B K S STANDARD SCALES, nr ALL KIM'S. tAIKIIAXKs s CilM liM.KAK. Hi Lake St., Chicago. And Corner of Main and Walnut St., St. Loui Sold in Rock Island by HARPER & STEEL .Tat" BUY OXI.Y THE GENUINE. pU9 twly OH. HOOFUNtrS CUKDUL KOK 'UK SI'KKI,V CI HK OK I'Utint, t'ulJt, lnflurnsH, Ciuuft, lluar,t ll.nuth,,,, i'llrUmnlH,!, lJtut u, If ', fur tl,r rrltt-i j ,f o,,,,, ' """ cur t ii f imtirnti, in ,iii uncc, v.igr ij tlit l.lllrr ditettAt. The Halsamic Cordial m enlirelv a Ve,etabu production, combining the healing properlie. the, w ith the inngoraling ijiiahtiea l' a Cordial, producing a comlnnalioii ao well adapted to the purposi a intended, that there are lew ca.ea of disease Him h w ill not, at an early period, auc e u in bin il healing and lilc-giniig propertiea. For agn, has the treatment ol pulmonary ,. eaaea occupied the greater portion ol the atten tion of the aeioutihc of the medical world, but noun ai iiiird mom eminence in Ina tre.iiinn.t ol thoae ducaaea, than the celebrated I'niaaiaii, Or. Iloolland, the originator of ihe HaUaini, l ordial. Ilia lili. Hiiailevoied tothe production of relneiliea that would stand unrivalled. How well he has aucceeded ,. American people aie able to judge: and tv, .lively aaaert, that ,, pr,.P:,ralioiia that hat ever been placed belore ihuu, have conleired the aiimit amount ol' benelita on iuller ing huinanily , or have elii n,., an many con dil ations Irolll all i lassei of aociety, aa the ri lliediea of iJr., prepared by I Jr. C. .. Jackaon is C if I'hiladelphia, The Cordial la dcsigncl 'r a class ol'iliaeaaei more geueial and more fatal than any other lo which the people ol this country are' auhject those springing Ir a .Imlit n,lj," ti,,,: cm,,,. cut authority. Or. Hell, savs : ! wall not .ay that t'olda are to our iiibahilaii'la what the I'Ligut mid tViiw jrrer are to those ol other lounlrici; but 1 can aver confidently thai they usher in discasi a ot greater eomplicilv and mortality lliau theae lutter." I'.nllicly t ctublc. No nl ion. I'repat'- Dr Hooflana's CKI.I.IIRAI Ell C K 11 AI A X II I T T K U S Pit KPA II IH Hi li. i . l. .1 At k-ON .vi CO.. I'liilu., I'a.. n i. ri i ri n ai i v 1 1 nt l.lnr ( oiiii.aiiil, lysp pslii. Jaiindli i', llirunu- i,r Ac, coin llelnlttii, j lines ii' III A'l), . till ,l,.;l.s, s ,I,,MHK tlnllt II ills ul deled l.trtr nr sit, innili, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, I nines, or lllood to the Head, Acidity of the St ai h, .Nau sea, Heartburn. Ilisuiirl i,,r I,,,,,!. .'l,s. or Weight HI Ihe Stumaell. Sour F.llielllllolis. Silikm,. or Fliiilering al the pit of t- stomach. Swimmiiiu t the Head, lluiried and il.llicull lueathnig. flut tering at Ihe bean, choking or suffocating sensa tions w hen in j lying posiure. ilimness ol vision, I, w Ois belole the s,g,l, , ,,.r Hl ,llll pain n the head, ileliciencv ol nersiiiralion. yellow. nesa of the akin and etes. nam in the sole', back. heal, limbs, 4,,'., sudden llllshea of heal. burn. ing iii tint llesh, eoiistanl imaginings of evil, and great depressions of spirits, mill will positively prevent 1 I I I.OIt I I V I It, 11 I . I) al I I I I It. .wc. Ihe Proirn tor iii calling the attention ofthe public to this preparation, docs so with a feeling of Ihe moat conliilenci. in its virtues mnl adap tation to the diseases lor w Inch it is rcrommrmli d. it is no new' ami untried article, but one that has stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the American people, and its reputation and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony ni its f.norgiicu b; tin- most prominent and well km," n physicians anil individuals , parts of the country is tinmcnsc, and a careful pe rusal of Ihe Almanac, published annually bv ihe proprietois, and i be had gratis ol' any' of'their Agents, cannot buisaiisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving of the great teleb nty it has i, blame, i.' These medicines are for sale by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines in the I'mtcd States, Camillas, llnlisli prouiiies, and West In iin s, at 7a rents per bottle. He sure and get the genuine, w ith Ihe signature of (', M. Jackson on the wrapper of each bollle: nil ullirrx ,ire r,,un. terteit. Principal Otli ami Manilla, 'torv, Jls Pa. Clacius it; Spetdel, and Arch street. Philadelphi Sold ill Hock Island I X. llersh Si Co.; in M,, ine, I, v A. j. ( hamlier. lain and T. S. Richards ; n lleattie; in ll.iiiiptou, by tr. jaulstwuw ly i Canidcn, by li. Hire:.!. ' . p MUS.HISLOH, An eiperienced Nurse and Female Physic. an, pre sents to the attention of Mother's, her Soofhi iijj; Syniji, I'OH ( Mil DKl.N l l lITIIM., w inch greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inllainatiiiiis will allay ALL PA1X and spasmodic action, and is sine to ltlK.I I. ATI', tiii: iowi:i. Depend upon it, mothers, it vri.l give rest to your selves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH To Vol R INFANTS We hate put up and sold tins article lor over ten years, and CAN SAV, IN CONFIDENCE AND Till Til of it, w hat w e have nevr r been nble to sav of any other medicine NEVER HAS IT FAILED IN A SIN'OLK I. X ST A XCE, ill EFFECT A Cl'RE when timely usi d. Never did we know an instance of dissatisliiction by any one who used it. On the contrary all are delighted w ith its op erations, and speak in terms of commendation ot its magical effects mid medical virtues. We T WE DO KNOW," A X D PLEDl.E OCR a icr toii years' experience, - I ...' H EI'l'TA I'll N FOR THE FULFILLMENT OK II AT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance w here the infant is suffering from paiii and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minute, alter the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKI LI.Fl L NT'RSES in New England, and has been used with N EV ER-FAILI NO SUCCESS l.N I IIOl SANDS OF CASES, j It lint only relieves the child from pain, but in vignrates the stomach and bowels, correct. acidity and gives tone and energy to the whole system it w ill almost instantly relieve OIUPINi; IN THE HoWEL.i, Si WIND IHOI.IC and overcome convulsions, winch if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it is Ihe REST AND SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all ease, of DYSENTERY AXD DI AHRIHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or any other cause. We would say toevpr) Mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints, DO NoT LET YOL'R PIIE.ll DICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OK OTI1 ERS, stand between vou and vour suffering Child and th,. rehel that will bo SURE -yen. A R SOl.UTF.LY SURE lo follow the use of this Medicine, if timely used. Full directions I'm using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-siinil'e of CURTIS i; PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 1J Cedar Srreel. N. Y. PKH EOX I.Y 2ft CENTS PER Hoi I LE Sold by all druggists in Rock Hland. apr20twawiy FOR SALE OR LEASE. N lots or siitjiliviaiotm, 10 suit purchasers, ot persons that may desne toleaselo' a term o 'ears, the following property in the Cit, ol Daven ort, viz: In block 13225 feet, fronting on Jd street, IftO feel, fronting on Water street, b'ft feet tronting on 3d street. In block 17 Near the Market House 60 tret fronting on Warren street, . tending 100 feet back, with an each side of the lot. In block IS SO feet fronting on Third street, 12ft fronting on Scott street. In block 50320 feet fronting on Third street, 320 feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley street. In block 27 I'M teet fronting on Sixth street, 1.50 feet fronting on Warren street, In block 31 100 leet fronting on Utth slreet, 150 feet tronting on Scott street. In hlock 36 300 feet Ironting on Western avenu 160 feet fronting on Suth treel, ItiO feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 3S 150 feet fronting on firow n street, lt0 feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 3rv tio feet fronting on Sixth atreet, and extending back 1.50 fret. For particular! inquire of Corbin & Dow Aitor neys at Law, or of JAMES MAY. 1 t.-'tim sittfBwwili'll.flt aij ataanMPtaiai' njn MMtwrrBW i al irifrin, ' 'n if niT'T a l it i .i ; t.ii' T To THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHAT THE FEDERAL Tlioops AUK. Fli.lll I Nt; TO si STAIN. HoW oi II sot,r!KKSsori.)KKPRFPAKK.. TO KICHT. It ia a singular fact that a large majority ol'the people of the limed States are unacquainted wilh the great llliportatii e of the cause lor w hu h the oldiera ol'the I'm mi arc fighting. Let eterv man lid woman throughout thu I luted Slates'care. fully read and study the Coiistitutioii ol the 'i,,t.J Statei.thcy will he'cuiue coiuiiiced ol the In, 1 nesa Jl our cause and of the wh kednes. of those who lVeeib,fm'nt! '" ov,',""ow """ k'"""1 l'llf'diiilii of We believe that had the reading ofthe Cnati. t. '"""K1";1" he V, ,:,.., Ihe doctrme. L , ,; ! '"'"""'? ul I'oluical ipie.tioiij ,,r b il e t !': h"' ' I'"" la la ,21 .. ",l",r'"""!,,..ruct,.,. that have arisen, mnl winch a,, many of our .1 ilea- men have oat their tun ... ' . pretalion. tune in an p,g . ,.,. Million "four rituei. hay, evrr thoroughly studied he conatltlll,,,,,, 1 ,.,.,. ' k 1 " ' duly ol every ',, ' , ' , , . country to inlorm ol tl, u, Bn,, lege, secured to I, under , I. prole, , r ,, , is not tu one household lo live hundred. In view theiclore, ol correcting ll, a ., ,,,,,, . lo liirnisli every man, woman and . faii.l through ol the I u I Stales with the mean. f atudtii g this great palladium of liberty, and to prote, i ua against luture false do, Inne. U p,t,ca diaaa. DRS. RAIjWAV ti .'O. present to the American puphr, Iree o I charge the con, , mt, of , mt,.,! M,,i,., of America, neatly bound, together with mi unproved Almanac lor the year Isi,.', called ... idwi,y.( ,,,. t.oiial Almaiia. ." As n as pra.'ti. able, Dr. Itailway. Agrnts, i every village nml town throughout thu union, wall be liirinaUj d w ith a supply, lor Iree circulation. A copy ol the same will be sent loall who will enclose a stain;, li.rthe Hi v mi. nf iii.dii.i.i, ' (...; a....,., ...rM,.Kr . I'njKK.vU, ImmiUHIcm, niHIfa!fm tlin.......,..! th ht'countrv. dvciiruuM nt' in. (.. j..... , t " "" I I'1'" ioiihtitiitioi,., Almanac, are in- t iti d I made f We : ai nd inlhcirordera. No cl,an... ,.,n i... r Ihe same. invite the ticoiilc ofthe I'.,. li... ih Provinces, n,, in , , all who tan read lb. 'K""ii" urouglioui Ihe world, lo aci as tills Iroiii ii. our Constitutional Mm I'i We will semi to inn on,, who ia willing t pay Ue I'""1--' " copy ; or if the ciluci,. of anv town or village will accept from loot,, tui copies' we will furnish them free of charge. H,ii,g coin, if. red that H our foreign Inemls will l areiulU .ad the loiislitininn, l,i.y will heroine aati,ld that our people, in supporting our government mwiu. ing oul this foul blot of secession from , .... ciitcbeon, are not only right, but are establishing on a sound baaisthe Iree, loin ofthe people through, out the world. R A DV A V iv. (o., 2.! .loin. Street, New York. lliiW OUR SOLDI ERS SHOULD HE PR FP RED To FII.IIT. Health and Discipline. Health and discipline are the most important elelueiits in an army to ensure success. Discipline without health will prote as inelli ctual as shot without powder. Health is t. propelling force irl Ihe aimy, and is the symbol of victory. It is, therefore, ofthe greatest importance, that the system of medication best adapted for the pro tection ot soldiers against sickness, as well as that known to be the most speedy and ffect t.i I in re. storing the sick to health, without regard lo pro tcssioual prejuuice, be adopted. This is no time lor medical martinets lo ..nibble about professional digniiy. All the digmiv the profession can bring to hear will neither prevei.t sicknesa among the troops nor cure those afflicted. Our armies, to be successful, must be kept in a healthy condition; and the most sure means f se curing this desideratum is through ihe remedial pow ers of RA DWAY.S READY RELIEF, which has already proved itself in over bin regi meiils now ut ihe seal of war near Washington, to be i positive pretention ugaiiiel sickness in the form ol Chills and Fever, Fever mid Ague, Billions Fever Ttphoid Fever, Diarhica, Disenterv, Small Pox Measles,' mnl otiii r malarious and mic tions disease,. Hear in mind, we nay, thai Hadu-ny' Ittady lie. lit will protect the troop, rxposcd'to these ills eases against attacks. Now , it is conceded by all the medical men in our army, that they ,av,, reliable; means of preventing attacks ot these dis eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing the sick; but, on the contrary, the majority of the sick, seized with lever and ague, typhoid, billious and oilier levers, either die, or inger along until they are reduced to mere wrecks and walk ing skeletons. Experience has established the fact that the treatment of calomel, iiiieinc and mercury, in cases ol lever and ague, typhoid fever and other fevers of this class, is more'injurious in camps than in private practice, w hen we take into consideration that canvas, walls and exposure to heavy dewa and the inalnria trom pools of w titer nnd damp grounds. prove but a poor shelter for the sick, we may readily conjecture that the penalties ol mercurial and quinine treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the form nf rheu matism, neuralgia, pams and stillness in the joint., engorgement, ofthe liver, jaundice, yellow jaun dcrs, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, colds, &c, which will cling to the unfortunate patient for years. IN DR. RAD WAY'S REMEDIES the soldier has a positive preventive against at tacks ofthese diseases. Let every soldier carry a bo. tie of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF If II IS UMAI'.ACK, mid when exposed to Hct.damp mid chilly weather, or encamped in malarious districts, take a tea spoiinlul, in half a cup of water, as a drink, early in the morning before eating, and three or four limes during ihe dry ; imd, it on picket or guard duty, occasionally dining the night, he will escape all sicklies., and continue tsi enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Railways Ready Rclielnnd Radway's Regulat ing Pill, be used according to directions, and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Kadtvay'B Reme dies make a perfect cure In cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipetheria, Inlluenza, Coughs, Toothache, Headache. Sore Throat, Difficult Hreathing, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Swellings ol'the Joints, Pains in tne Legs Sic, isc. Croup, .Measles, ilurns. Scalds, Strains, Wounds, Sprains, Weakness in the Spine, and in all cases where there is pain, Radway's Ready Relief will afford immediate case a'nd quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number of letters from army surgeons, officers and privates who have de rived benefits irnm the use nl' Hattu-ay'8 Heady Jie lief. Among the great number we hate un file we refer to the following : W. II. Tingly, M. P., Surgeon and Medical Di rector ofthe Excelsior Hngade. tieo. H. Simpson, M. D., Surgeon of Anderson'. Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkim, Ninth Reg't .V. y. y Col. Lyons, Eighth Reg't X. Y. s. M. Col. licorgc Hall, Second Regiment Excc.sior Hngade. Col. Tinnelli, McClellan Rilles. Col. Wm. liatis, U. S. A. Col. V illain Wilson and his officers, through T W. Meighan, Esq., Wilson's Zouaves, Kort Pick- RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT will speedily eradicate everv particle 'of disease, and will reinvest the patieiit'w ith health. LADIES afflicted wuh Falling ,,P Wmb, Ulcers of the U omb Discharges f rom the Uterus, Chlorosis.and all weakening discharges, may depend upon a speedy euro by the use of KaawaV. Renovating Resolvent. - " In cases of Chronic Rheumatism. Neuralgia. C.out, the Resolvent, taken in ,,,,.,,.. ,.s. Radway's Pill, and Ready Relief, will be found a quick and thorough cure. NOTICE. Dr. Radway's reniediea are .old bv druggists in every Tillage. Jew n and citv m the United" States Canada, and Unlisb. provinces. Price . cent.' bV cent, and (1. cents, R A Mr AY fc CO., No. 23 John St., New York .NELSON HERSH, Agent, Rock l.laad, ill.' ' liriTr"iriri