Newspaper Page Text
ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. H.ITHM OK AIVI'.KTIIN.. I n aquare, (10 linci or leaa,) firat insertion, encti aililitiunul iimrrliun oiio week . ., ' two weeks., " IIIIU IllOlltll " two niontha,,, " thrco nnmlha " III IllOllltl , I , 3 HU 4 Oil a (HI li HO h 00 IS 0(1 1.5 00 30 (HI una years One fourth column, :l nioniha. " (j month I year hall 3 innntlia li nuinllia " I year One column, 3 inonlha., li luniitha 1 rear , ,, 3ii on la no 3.') (10 Ml (10 60 (10 75 00 .mo oo Buamcaa Tarda, not exceeding five linea, una year 10 00 Special niiamcaa notice will bo publiahed fur an rents a line Inreacn insertion For insertion in daily and weekly additional In Iho above rate. All ailvrrtisemcnta from transient troncorai, lo lie paid in adranct. 33 ) cent., prranna or Notice fur religion and benevolent m rinr in serted iui time tree of coat, thereafter charged aa other advertisements. Advertisements not accompanied with written diri'Ctiona will he inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. rtf Tina paper wna established October Is, I 1 1 , ny .Nichols & Dunham, and purchased by the present 'editor, November Isth, ls.VJ. It was then called The Republican." Ita name wn changed to " Tiio Arciii," December .', Isiii. The "llock Islander" u united with the "Argus," Septem ber Hi, I" IMJ-The Daily puper waa established July 13th, I. P. PAxroiiTit, jr. mii.ton jours. HOCK ISLAM) POST OFFICE. m tn. mtAN(.i;Mi-r. t'Wruiro mid Koi k Uland Uuilrnml Mail armi a ut W. IJ A. M.. nml 7.4'i I'. M. floai a at !l A. M., and i:30 I'. M. Slirlniq nnd itock Inliind Itailmad Mail, via Mo. hue, W.iti rtoivn, lliimpton, Itiipnl" City, Port llvrou and Cordovii armea lit W. 1 a. in., and clima at i p. in. Mul arrive itM.I.'i A. M., and 5.3i v. M. ( , :il !l A. M and 0 e. M. 0,u.iu Ai .M o, via I'lei'.nit Kidire, ll.i.litt, liim let, Milii-r!.iirg, Monroe, .New Hoaloii and Kiii!i'.nr.', K.ui't Moiiiliiy, Wi'ilneaday and Friday, nf A. M. Arrivea Tueaday, Thur'day and Viturilay, at 4 r. II. MiC'iut'i A.iif, via. Preemption, Kar'ovt'a lirove, Viola, Pope (reek. North Hinder a.iii and Aieito, leave Vednday and Saturday ul 7 a.m. Arrive Tueaday and Kniliiy ut 7 y. t. Cl'if'r I'jinl Mill, via I'Minefield, llieliliind t' nlre lliiln'c, Ilural, North I'r.n rie iin.l lien. lemon, leave ' e.l ned iv at b' A. m. Arr.u - 'I oi'tJ;i v ;ii 7 r. M. Cii 'thTiitv't Mill vn: I'eriti'-ylvania, (Irion nnd Amiowr. le ,te VVe.lm day i i 1, M. Artive Tloirnl n at ; I'. M. t'li'-e'i .V'V' li!, Ii.jve Morn.' iv, U'edneday frid.iv aiid Saturday, at 7 a. m. Arrive Tuea d ly . i'(nir ! iv, 1 r.ilay ami Saturday at 7 r. II. Cur' l''i'.'..v Mil', leaie.i T" ! I y , Tliumlav nml Saturday It In no regular hour lordeparlure. No in.iilf. M'l.t or reretveO on Kutidayi (l!o'e h'Oir-- Ir.'ITI a. M. to !i i. h. On Sutiilav npi'ii ironi ' to Ida in. I . Till KsDA I.K, P. M. i) a i:roi: r Tos t off in: M Ul VUK (.i,h;m ;j.-... i $ o'l Hii k a in; i 1h o'clurk :t in; -Via I. fc. II I. li. K Clonri at 'N' i il K ti'tlork i hi; urn vi'! I irrivcn ul i ocl k t in, Siin- H't.rn Mlll;,.t M. Jw M. K. K. I'luM-n at (J iiiK'k :i in; arnwn it j n'tli'i k t mi, Suuiuy txi c.ti-ii. Surthtm Mnl. V i,i Lyons . Cainnni ij tlo'ji ;,t (I'rluf k p in; mrivr ut i o'i;lin k p m. S,r,yt M.if. i.i Di-Wnt fie M.uokfia. C'!( Stiii tl.i v . i'ui'xLi and 'I hursilnv at ! n'rlui k tii ; arrivi 1 'urmiay, 'l'linr.iiay ami S Hunlay al M o'c!iii k ;t in. H "i'f . ln't77 -V ,a ll;m; lira-n, tU CNunw Monday, V i!ii--il'iv am! Frni;iv at ! o'clurk i m; 'rtH-s.Jny, flmr-day ami IVilij n!ay at M n' c i ' n k ) in. U inte .V. 1 .'Ms - ri Tijilnn -.('losi-i Tncsilay ntoi Kruiay at I'l nV.urk m: arrivi-h 'I'uofij.iv and Fmlny a 1 J fi'i-luf k in. Snuthnn Afn'-V a l.ur1iiiL'ti Ktnkuk C ! o 1 1 4 s 1 1 fi 1 . i v , nml Kriihiy at t o'rlork p m; arrive .Month, ntiH'Mlay and Krul.iy nt" o't !( k a m. Vinue A . nt s o'clock ln:U7 - ia lluiral.i Cl.M.-K Krnlay a in; nrfiw unlav at liu'rlock p In. Ji'ilr A',. 1'i.n Purk. ( Tdtir u.iy nt 1 2 m. ,11 t lll'm; i.jH ! o'i lin k p in. I el,, 1" i.' iioi k a in. -V.i li.lV Vim mi. il 1- in; urnvi Walnut I liar - o lock ii in; ll on Suuilav l, ut mil II to op. jU H '''e pniii'iji li ni ul an an. eil l. i- ! roml. all the t;me ;i t;it, it m will In- 11 All. Ill i li Tl tl K, tin erintendent'a olio e, M. (n M, the alnive llotiee, elock 111 the Allp- lepnt. beini.' Ihi aiimdaril. ell. Vs. II. Kl.lillllK.K, I M. - HOIK 11. AMI I III III II lllltr.l TOItV Sr. Jamfh, i lloinau Catlinlie ,) eoiin r Hock llier and Hoi k Ktri'et, Hi-v. P.. I. It. .Murphy, Pastor, llev. .1. (i. Allemiin, Assistant. Servire, on Sundav. .Mass nt 71 S: 101 A.M. Cnteclnsni :it MA. .M. and '.' P. M. Vespers , it 2 P. M. nnd Heriedtction ol the lilessed Siicriinient iininetjf. ntvly alter Vespers. Mass every liiiirninj! dil- . rin i lie ivi i'k at Tkimtv, . Kplf opal,) llrlean street, bi'tneen liuir.ilo iiii.l I'.lk, Kuv. M ithew .VI in'ill, Keetor. Services, on Sunday, at luiibi A. M. and 7j p. M. Sahhalh School lit l A. M . Lecture on Wcdiicaiiiiy evenings at 7J o'clock. PtnT I'lii.-iu rriucv, eoriier Illinois and Heer street, llev. S. T'. VVil 111, Pastor. Serueea, Sun, In, ;,t 10: 1 i A. M. nml :i:lil P.M. Sub h.itli school ut II A. M. Lecture and pravi r III) i t. 11 VVedliesil.iy ev, nnijs ill 7:1.,, Laihrj ir:iyer nii rtiiij I'nilay at'teruoon at I o'clock. SCCOSI) I'IU'-iiv I I U N. Illinois street, between Klk and lieer ui.i Pastor al presunt. I Sabbaih School ut Ii A. M. VW-kly praver inectiiiH VVediies.t.iy ev. 111114 at s o'clock. Uvtrr.v I'ni.siiv ri:n i an. corner (ineana ami lieer streets, Ke. ,1.11. .lellcis. r.islur. Seniles Sunday, at Hi. JO A..M. Sabbath mliuol ut H , M. Mmmoiiist Kcisi iii-ai , corner lliirliliiud .mil .leil'er sun atreeta, llev. John p. Ilrooks, I'asior. Si r iices, Sunday, Uhltil A. M. ami S P. Al. Sab bath School ni !l A. ,M. Weekly prayer llleetllin, Wv.lneadav eveniu, lij o'clock. Ladies praver Wieetil.i!, U'eillo -il.iy, 3 P. .M, flnsr Hactisi. coiner Kik HI). I lltle.n.s ,lr,'..l. Il' v. 1 ; i.r.iv, 'asir. Services, Sunday, t Hi: l. A. M. ami 7 p. JI. S.ihbath Scl.ui'.l "t:'S A. M. Prayer u.eetu., Weilncsdav even nit;, at , o'clock, r ...... . . ", A ! wion, corner Hock 11,1,1 1 le, rt; reel., llev. 'P. M. miUf, 1 liner asior - - . ni I". .I'.l A. M vices 1,1 7 P. M. K. -! .t, luol I Kril isli ser- aau S.ibb.iili I .school at ; i'. m. p, evening nt 7. meeting Wednesday Gr.RMAN I.i riirKyv Umvnii-,. ('111 kc. r.,.r ! I'leasant and Jiuaver streets, u,.,. c. A. Men necke, Pastor. German Al. K. Cm inn, Madison sired, Highland and Cable street, llev. C. Schneider Pastor. TIIR LAW IS II l;i,A IKIN TO Nl,. I'AIi:H. 1. Suhacribcra who do not give eipreaa notice to he contrary, are considered wisliiug to continue their subscription. 2. if aubscri'era order the discontinuance of heir papers, the publisher may continue to aeiid th.-in until all arrearage! arc paid. i. It a i,si:n!i,:rs neglect or refuse lo take their papers iron, me oilice to which thev are sent. Ibev are h Id resnousitiio till ihev 1,.1,'n ,.ttl,.,l ii,,.,V bills, and ordered Hip oat, r, ilmrniitini,,.,!. 4. it snhsenbers move to other placea without lnloruiing the publisher, and the pnper is sent t,,,,,,,,,,. nri. .( ,, ,,e &. I he court, have d,;,,ded that refusing to take newspaper r periodical ), ,he ir1Ce, or re- Se At the PittsburglTstove Store. T7ILL be found 11 lur-e ami fine aort- V ment of coal and wood cook stovea. AIo Tin Ware, fcc., tic. Minera camp and cooking utenaila.'and every thing necessary for a complete fit-out. Repairing udjul)-work of all kinda prompt and neatly done. DON & ELLIOTT, Ntarlj Opp. Court Square. i), r. Ki.M;v llta TOR ALB) AT TIIK III. I ( k IIAUk MHI.HV, 76 2.i 75 A large niaort incut of Apple, IVah Plum, Cherry nun reacn J reea, Iriini J to 7 years nlil. (Jrape vuiea, Currants, (i berries. Raspber ries, Illni kbernea. Straw berries aome ol the largest in the countrv. The Wizard ol the North (new) ia naid to bo liio largest in America supply limited, Pieiiluiit root tl n r loo or o cla. each. hedge ii. wis; i:,i:im.kee.s, Ornamental T reea ami Shrubbery, Harden aeeda, African augar cm id, i Ituplm ) npi hod in 1101, Sept, l.ith, AJ.n A l-'rw I'liitti r I'iiN liir alf. limk I. land, lll., .March I'Hh, si, gilt fkuies i GILT FR.MESM I)oKTKAIT A.l I'K.Tl i;k ika.mks, ait j in j.i siv. ii no siyica, can lie at niv shop, on short notice. A ln ' c;ii,t ovai.m, oi new ami lieautilul doaigns, aintiible for PIDI TotiHAI'lls or AMBRo'li PE ..I mn tire. (.11. dim;, of all kinds, dung to order in the beat manner. (lid paintings cleaned mid burnished. CM Haines ro-ilt. . All Work I lone in (lie llet Manner. Arliata and other in w ant of anj thing in my line, are reapi rtfully miteil In (jie f ra u i all. 4Tfliop nil Miii". a atn el, over .Mr. ( lold'a tore. Il( IIAKU I'l.ATT. (AiiiT vmibiitt uii rolmt ins" for AUH'.MS. luonl ;utitir dtvle, lo bo U(Hllt(SPKilJKL'S. hadat AAIKKOTHTS, ot urpa.ed Una side of .Now Vork. taken nt .A N I'lHll) J: SI'KI IrKI. S. rnoTO(.itnis, All ai.e, in the higlieat iyle ol be bad a (iayfonl SiinilePs (ialhr), In tVflilii-r'x Hloel,. I'll ic i:s m n D kii i r i: Snreiral and Mrrhauiral DriHisiry AS prui- ii: 1 1 i in . ll.lpfh (H Jrii'Iiilrt .llllt jttf(Ml Will (Vf t wImtc 1m hi in .1 ("il Oiiiic it fi.i rrjhl(Mr( tori, on Iilinot tin m. o( r ind ill'N .Fi'wi'Irf MM. Mill ADO'S VKiKi:. II I) liii'.iii r- . ( "it iii I ii niel v -i t -i 1 1 1 1 v nml tin T uEeo':ie!2, ( LI( 0l AMI SMN, WIMIOIV iit.A. ri t t , .vc er i:lie:ip lor re.idy pay. ol Camden Milts. II Sl t.AK, are ol the best, and at the lowe and K'i'ii taken in evhuiu'e. M. Win. Mm ler, KH'IUKS, c., t price. Hotter lilt VII Kli. ' i in 1 1 n Mill. LA (MtOIX'S m i;iica 1, nt i;a ri es 1' II I V A T K UN Till! riivsiolo". '('! I licH ol' ,l.'ii'n'aRc. :. P.Vi.KS AMI I 111 KNi.KAV INils'.- Price Olily lv I vim IV 1. , I'M Sent tree ol' postage to all pal Is of the I 111, .li. ( hi the of vuntll and maturity, disclosing the secret lollies ol' boili sexi s ol all aires, callMii' ilelulily, lie r V oil s nesH, depression oi spinls, palpitation ol the heart, suicilal ni.agininiis, invi.'iiiitarv . uiiss.ons, lilusb- mi's, !!'.. live liir ry . 1 ml io, s 1 and lassitude, "'"'' ."'i.l's-iiois 0 tliriltinz lilting uj a llo,ii,l illutl,nl Miss., 1 l,!l,L-r Shul, nt , un .1 ;(uu 111.1110. I.ihi,ih . ir. i is a truthful adviser to j the married nnd lhos cotitcuiplal.lig iiiarnai:.', j wboi 11 1 1 1 1 .1 1 11 seciei doubts nl their plivsn .il cioi- dllloii, and w ho are coliscloua ul II ivmj haanled I the liciitii, hippiue-s, and prmlies to whlcli ! everv tin lit ,1 ti tieing is entitled. ! "l Ni MIA 1 relr ,l, d .Mil, wcihiii ss, ! generally ciuaeii lav a l..ul h.ib.t in louib. tl. el- j ler tsof which arc (li,ii,es, p.iiu,l'oreltili,i.,s, soinctnne 11 ringing 111 the ears, vveak eyca, weak lies of the back and lower cvirennties.' coiiinsion J of ideas, loss of inelnorv, ,lh melalielndv , may I be cured by the aulhor's'N KW PARIS V Ml I (i I HUN THKATA1KNT. I We have recently devoted murlj of our i,mc V ,u, il , I... L'.. II 1 . '""""f "" r,.iiiiie.,n iiosiniais, availing our selves ol the knowledge .ami rcseari lies of the most skilled physiiins no surgeons in, I Knrope nml the continent. Those who place themselves un der our care will now have Hie lull heiielil of Ihe many NEW AND lll'KICAl'lni'l IIKMKIHKS which we are enabled to introduce into our piac. tice, and the public mav rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SKCIlKCV ,,,,,1 attention bring pud to their cases, vv Inch baa so aiieceaslullv dis- iinaiiMheii u iieretoioie. as I'lnsu I'Ll I I I All department of proicssionnl )r "'' tu-cntvlin unin: an in our practice KlilMii FiMii.i: P11 1 s Ladies vvhovv,s, f,,r Medicines, tlticacy of which has been tested 111 thousands of cases, and never failed to ell'e -l speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but In. Del. line;' female Periodical Pills. The only pri caiitioii noces-arv to be ohservi il w ' i-,.,.. should Imt take t lulu if'tliev have r,. ,, ... 1.. Iieve they are in in lain ,tm,h.,m (the particular ol which will bcloiind 01, the wrapper ace ,,,. lilg cu ll bui.) llioiigb ruvMiys sale a, healtnv so gentle, yet so active me tliev. Price jil hm, J In y part ol the Tniled '-tates ii. can be mailed In any 'I'll I'll K. I.AHIKS-VV b,. .'null,' "fin ail- viser nun regard to any ni those micro -ting complain!.- to which their, lelicate orgatii.atiou rendei them liable, are particularly invitedt,, cuns.ilt us. Tut ' Km ci no (1 vi.v Hir Pnori , v n i-.-'..-.'or married ladies w hose health w ill not admit, or w ho have 110 desiru to increase their families, may be obtained a above. It 1 .1 perfectly safe preveu alive t" e pi loll , nil, I has been evteuslvely 11-1..I during the last vears. price reduced tii Sid. nii.r.( hi:t oi.- mi 111 r i.ii i:o. A TmifiV on thr Cutis,. ,,f prrmutitrr linnui "''. Jut pulihtlu-d tilniok khuwint lit 1 ,..,.. (.r..arr .11, rv.ii, 11, , .,, g . .a'' . .f habit! pinntinr i"H ll-lal.iiiln tlml hIIlU, ,., t.7,,, '''"'"."" Ha u-l,..t oj IU disvasr', mm II,, rem r,.m, r ti,e , ,(. l"m!lhr"" 'V"" "" "f '"'" W ' Atl,.,d.,r,. .' till 'J .Me of til, .'. from s in tht. on,,!.,.... al lo; and "u Sundays from 11 to u o. M. with lull d, tectums sent to anv part Mates or 1 ' 1 .. .1 .. .. 1 - II,'),,, s I 11. lei ' patient, com- IllUlllClllillg 11)1' ctirrcspomleiii , . ... . . . v .. 1. ,10 .IS II V r synitom l,v lelier Husincss "trii llv conloil lltlal Mir- Dr. L's.iiH: ii !", alcl as e I-A I Unix. V. under the name .Maiden Lane, All Feb. 21 w 1 y. tab, shod, at No. HI DR. v.N. "' l 'N r. iSBlu Will. MX FLEET CO., Commission Merchants for the sale ol CallliUSi AM) IIHIKII l" HCITX Poultry, Kgg, Duller, and all kindaof -A. IA 3VC P K ODTJCE. Hi JJeaiborn t., near Hie P. O.. CHICAGO, - - - ILI.INOI P. 0. BOX 61ti4, IMS. II. I IS( iii:l l.lill j .-. 1 ii. ..Iliee fur tin Daily Argufai POWER PRESS I r i ii t i ii r Kstublislimeiit ! IH'COSITE Till: HOSMU KICr:. K0(k ISLAM), ILLIXUIS. 'J'lli; AlKil.'S J lo etecule in OI'FH 'V. IS I'llKl'AllKD in llio hiuheat attii: of the art. Hilhout del.iv, and at the lovveat caali ralea, Itailruwl H'nrA, Slnlmboill H'ulk, I'timi'lllrtit, Ciltnl'iHUi , i'l'tl'A', Small Unit, r.ihi,t, Humus, ('ill..., ...r I u (,., IPi.."i ; iinJs, Hi,1 ;., UilL a me, ..ill III .Ilka, ''l, .!.' lllIU, III 11 i. . . , ClM'.lA, l.tlttr llejjs, Au'r '!,, Hill ..!, (VoiAn, tihn, limit ,H, ,., Ur., Hi., Ul (ilhi e in ( limle' lllm k, ipMii(i- the I'oial.ttilii'i'. ;itork A M'LKVDII) IIISIM-SS OI'KXIU. II i c; 11 :v s J'or tint ol the lo:l I Mini Inventions uf the Day, I 'or ulc by ( oiinlics. A very reiisouable invesinteut will buy a Countv II, ght lor thirteen years, ami a stock ol .Machines', ol in vns i- t i LM Knife and Scissor Sharpener. I ln uselul M.ulniie i rapidly becoming 11 pub lic tavonte and 1 sure to tind it way into everv f.illnlv. Lai:'.- number of theni itre bem,' sold bv the proprietors, and ail who become owners ol the light I ii thent'.ire ,i.,-,ii. d of making lar-e proht- in tin ir introduction. Men in business, who wish in add thereto, or tbo-. ol moan capital IV no are mil ul employ mi l, I , land those ol lar.'e capital also, I are oil. r ,1 ex cellent inducement., to in , mm inter. steil in this euterp-ise. Among the Oj.ini iu.i ot'th,- ii-el'ul ni.eutinii, wo seiecl tjje follow llig : 'It 1 very simple m u, constriiction, easily woiked, ami not liaoie to be out of order when you are in a hurry to sharpen your knile. It 1 ilst the thing M inted, and should be oniied bv every housekeeper, butcher, tailor and seitmstres' ill the couulrv." - t'uuiitu fuuriir. "Il i just the thing it i liiini to be, and lor the purpose cannot be excelled." Uuik Hirer brrno- ri,it. ' VV e believe tiie Machine is admirably calculat ed to do all llial 1 expected ol it. "--Veni j ( oi. I ij I 'tit mi 11 ir. ''Ihe woik is done r ipnlly nnd well, and we 1 an but believe u will serve a very uelul purpose and have .111 extensive sale." H,n Ijui 1 A'ri'.v Irr. 'It is the best thing known to sharpeu carving km vet, kitchen knives, shear and scissor, and ia veiy Hinijilt- in its opera on. VV'c have tried it, and bud it works sail sl.iclorily. " ( 'liristinn Tiinri.. '' There is more utility in tin machine than al most any other Hint vve can Hunk ol, not excepting nie ' ercr nun .' ni III .sr o HrJUI.JiC. 'I he Small Al.iehiiii-Jwill last an ordinary family three years -Ihe Large one a lifeline. i v 1 ii I iv( iii ni: 1 Villi V Nil 111. Parties vv linn! information respecting the sale of Ltihts and M i.'liiin tioll liv add lessllig . ll receive prompt atteita II V ATT iv. Jl lSel lCIlt, ClllCi III., Clark St. 111. T H ' S ST(' K (IP PALL AND W1NTKK C3r O O 33 s now ready id selling ,,!!' KAST. h i; .stock ,i,' kkahv-maim: CLOTHING Is complete manufactured at In. m IIKSI'.MANN'KR, ,,,id no House in sbuw as good nl assortment of ml in the City can tin Pioco G-oocls We have a large i,iantity of l' V T II S . c lack and colored Cass, meres, black and fancy lb-sk.ns, M,lt,,s,,';l,s,n.,t,s, s. met,, , du" ro.y. ,. s, II.. Cashmere. Marseilles, 4" which wewiil sell by the yard or make up , order' O O 'iy 'x1 O N A D K linported and d b rated New V ,,rl the market all,, re 'est!,', in great variety ihe r l- .Hills goods w Inch are tic best II US Ai'S AM) n R AH - GOODS which will be sold nl very low prices. (.EMS' FMt.MSIIIMi GU01S! Consisiing of ShirU.L'ollars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Suspenders, W nippers ami Uiaawcr suitable for the season, (ilove Jtc. (IST0M lU'l'AIIDIE.VT. Ihe This branch ol the business rece ,es our speci .I..' iii.iiii,,niii, nun mi- tH.oiiii'u iv,; nave, we can have, net up clothes in the very best manlier, mi the shortest notice. No belter assortment suitable for Custom Work can be found in this or lieie h :.,r 1 11 u Cities. b MiLITAIiY SUITS maim; TO OHDIlll. SMYTH I,ROSi & Co. m;i(a.s norsi:, C IIIC At.O. U.I.. 1IIK utulersiutieU re,ectftil!y nnmnineo t their Iriends, patrons, and the "travelling pub '.' cuerally, thai owini; to the stringency ot th time,, they have reduced the price of board t TWO IIOM.AH perdav. Thankful tor the patronage to liberally bestow ed on them, they respectfully ask for a continu- uZir e-,:iT:S"Tg li"'"P1"'1" the BKH.I.S will be conducted on the same liberal plan that has heretofore characterized their ea tablialimeut. W M. K. Tl'CKKR & CO Chicago, June lat, lsbT. 1 ance: ii ikim:k a: vri:i:i,; WIIHLKSALK AND KKTAIL DEALKKSI.N II A It 1) 11 A II U , IKON N All., (a I, A Cullcrry ! Mechanics' Tools AtKltlLlUIALIirLOi:.MS, CUIU)AiK, I.IOATIIKK AM) mariNtj, I1L liKUU Htilibir, l.i'iitliiT and l oiton arkii,r, il'NS St I'ISTIiI.S, riSIIIXO TACK I.I', LAXTKRN'S, rrr.ux rnrrs, 1 wiuiwk' m'm:,ac Whicli we oiler at pricca to auit the tuii FOR i ASH ! v it i: a. u The Third Volume of IN T.N AIV RECORD OF THE REBELLION: A Diary of American Kvinls, j IVith lllustr.ittrr Durum, nt , .Virniirt, ,u- m.irt, InriJ.lih. 'n,r., Ihcouiv . ., ! I n separate divisions. i:nit..i by 111 ink mooki:. Author ol "Diary of American Uevolutioii.' With an Introductory v iew ol' tiie tir. at Issues before the Countrv. and the I ..uses ofthe llibellion, HV Mill Alll) IA Mltr.TT. Pr. p, re. I 1 will. a,!.lition"i for ihi woik. With a C" 1 IMiKX. etc.. etc. A Colored M AP UK TIIK I Ni l Kl) STA I KS, and Portrait 011 Steel, ol 1, eu. Sett, (i, 11. Ca run, I. i n. Al. I li llan. lien. Lyon, lien Kreinont, (iov . Spraitue, lien. Iluller, President Lincoln, linn. Andersen. President Davis, and lieu. D:x. Tin volume 1 complete in itself, cut uiiinli about Mm closely printed page. Royal octavo. Price 111 cloth, .l,7 j; si p extiai $,(IUj half calf, iiiilnpie, .,IHi. It contain the mill, full, iiup,trli,il mid reliable IILSTIUIV of the (.leal : liir l-'rct (ioi criinieiit. With complete and accurate copies of All Ihe Secession (Iriliiinm ea lollicnil), Davis- t lid Stephens' Speeches and Proclama tions. Pioclamatiou and .Messages of President Lin coln. Stale Papers of all kind. Military Proclamations on both ule. Speeches and Appeal of Southern I'limn Men, ( Kennedy, Holt, Dixon, Crittenden, etc.) Knglish Articles on the War. ''Contraband'' Correspondence. Radical Northern Speechea. Motley's Causes of (he War. W. II." Ilussell's Letters. Curiosities nl Southern War Literature. Reports of Rattles and Skirmishes. Lists ot Ulicer of Regiments, etc. Picturesque Nnrruti ve. Patriotic Poetry, Songs of the Rebels, Muiichauseiuaiia. Anecdote, Statistics, etc. This work will he published as heietolore weekly and month, v. Weekly No, at III cent .Monthly Purls, Illustrated, .'ill cents. The lllns tratiens for the Weekly No, wall be published m two Nos, ut HO cents each, making the price for weekly and monthly editions Iho same, nz ; i; f,pr each vol., e.u h mix in,,,, (In. Covers lor bindn," V ol. I, in clolh, 2i cents. I consider th. ' Record' a very vilu- r.ilifnid Krrri.ll, a complete record ol able publication. " Kvery one who w ishe the stirring event now transpiring, should pro cure tuia woemy serial. 111 a small compass it gives the contemn of ado.en daily newspapers. A. Y. Imlrpentlt nt. "It is iiuto indispensable for relereuee, and I'oruis oue of the must remarkable specimen i.f rurrent histiiry ever published. We advise those who would preserve and ponder the authentic chronicle of' 'the Second VV'ar of American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting serial." Hunt, m Tratisrript. "We cannot speak too highly ofthe industry ami sound judgment the work display s." .V. 1". Ditily -ycu'.s. ti. I. PI. "I' N A M, I'liMMicr, llroadvvay, New Vork. N. II. The Kirsl Part ofthe Second Volume is also now ready, containing the II AT I I.I'. Ol' IM'I.I, 1(1' , fully described from every point of view . W ith a map. Dill pagea. Price all cents. y; Copies ofthe !'nst Volume of the Rebellion Record will be sent by mail, free uf expense, to anv part ofthe 1'. S. vvitinn I'nKI miles, on receipt of price. The pub I tiher u-ill tie resptiit.ulilefur all re iititttinris suit in registered titters, iA. Vol. 2 vv,ll also be sent in part as issued, on receipt ill's.). Parties desirous of inriii llig clubs will be -sni, plied nil liberal terms by iiddressini publisher for particular. COME DOWN WITH PRICES I . I. lir.N(i.TI.I , Axrciit, Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer, and ;i:i.hai, ri)i:iM.Ki:n. I tase this mode for the acknowledgement for the long continued pationaire of mv old custutnert aoliciting their continuation, and by attrict attend tion to the business, ejm manv neiv ones. 1 flat ter myself for having the reputation of havimr a cheap place to bnv furniture. I have on hand Bureaus, (ilasses ami Cradles, Bedsteads, Chairs and Tables, Stands, Solas and Cupboards, VVhatuots, Cabs and Kealhcri, Desks tor bills ami letteni I j And K cry thing in the shape of wood You can get here cheap and good. In the undertaking line I have only to eay that shan't be beat either in price, ttvle or alien. I. Givt me a call and ace for youraehea. Chicafjo 3itlvcrti$rmcntiJ. Catholic Booh Si ore Sl School Book Depot. JOHN . A II IM. AKtu.a I3J lfil.iliifs sinrl, (hicago, Oiijjo.stte I'atrirk' flam-It, I ll itjiisl received a larje stuck ol I III III. KS, I'll A V Pit llllliKS UK AOS, bt.VPl LAS, CIU'CIPIXKS, MKUALS, LACK PICTl'KKS, ic. A lo, a gou.l telei lion of ItlJ.K.IUl I'.M.H W IN(. imi nooi..iiook. Agent lor the Anr lurA Tulilrl, .. Vilut , BruiruHn't 111 1 11 ii-, Irish lui, t ii iin, I Tin llible, I. lie m tin lutts. I he ol the ' llli t.i il Vli Kin. I.lfc of Cln-Ut. l ife I nml UoiU n al, Mii iUm. The her. w ork can be h.,,1 bound, or Ml liiim N( '1 1 1'.STKK'N HYPOPHOSPHITHS. ' He. ( linn bill' pe. llie I'ori coijeixj3Vtr'rioisT, , NI.HVOI. lillill.lll, s.lloll'IA, Ul'ltl'IA, ; Ol .V.lli.r.s lh'.illt, Ihsratrt uf tU mioMiin is, Jve. j kidnrys, am! all aii.i,i ur,o,l( lima a ', Tln.iallie ;,.,. n'.rnciijnc.nknowu 1 . "d.i.,1 l.iirr ,.r SI .i. I., to medical cinee. H has elb.teil ,--n in el ry .""'" "" ('"' ipati Iiinnnl piles, I'ulnes or I nire ,if Cm sump ion, , ' Ml I l.l.r'l hit I V ' "'"'"' "i" Head, Acid it v of the Stoma, h, N.iu i : I A V.I I S tif MIJHt lSt:,-' i . ,,.,.,.,;, I Hearlburii, 'tor l-ood, Pull,,., or IMiiliIti ami Ihi.pepkia, the pllpHUM'lll TKS ' '''X "' sl"in o'b, Sour I'.rucl.itiou, Sinking in ay be ri-Kniileil a an almost sovereign remedy, i '". '' l""''n"st the Pit of the Sioimich, Swimnniig 'I lip 111 llis.lHI'l'IV ' "' Ok- Ilf.i.l. Ilnrrit.l nml tl.llit-iill l.ri..iilini.r, Hut litis 111 I III HUM 1,1 1 .S ! t the heart, chokinu ,., soil..,,. llavo a two-fold tprrijic action on the one hand, tnrrrnuinir Ihr prinnplr v-ltlih CtlSSTlTI l'i:S , M.lllOLS A A .'(, I and on tl tber, being 'the MOST VttWKHt'l I. III. mil) , ;A.7M . . IMi .il. t:TS AAlillA. Tiny ai w nh prmnp. and in finity in all itnuial murbiil ritudilium u. li as Chronic Uronehilis, Asihm.i, Scroltiln ! .Marasmus, Anemia, I'emne coinplaiiits, Jvc, and in all dislirder ol Nervous or lllood System. Their i tr.'. t upon the tiibercuiar condition is im i i HMTi - all It" arnrrut v.'iy,,o,,. ili ,i ppfarntf, i u i . i,i, mil,, u hiilits millii iiuntiluus. Thev lue r, 'tM ttir it, n ioo ui i ihil iiu-mu, rt hen. Cnngh, j check Night Swell, diminish Kxpector.ill.ill, im prove the Appetite, arrest Diarrhii 'i, i'Somoti' hi i ui siiim. .i i n . .1 IMi: Tin 1 1, is , i ;,. .IA ft.'.. I 11 in. In ( r' (.t inline l'i i pat nlinii OK TIIK HVPIIPHOSPIMTKS is the ,,, rili. I ,i.'.i Junt, of Dr. ( h.iri lull's, and is up ' proved bv the .Medic il Profi,sioiii!oi"iorallv t'SK - urtii.n, on i,i.mi:ii i nA'.iv- : IMi 1W).. ! Price : In 7 .. boitlesfl ti bottles lor jjf i. In Hi o. bottle, Three ibrf.'i Circular trratis. Sold by ail resp,-, talile druggists, and at ' the sole (ieneral Depot in the I I, lied State,, by I. M I N t Hi :T , ,(,,, !tu-il,.V'. thk mnmu via. A M'llrllli: luur.hv loll Spcrnialori lira, or seminal Heakncss. Jhia ia the (inly remedy for llr'nlut, impiiir,ii!,,.st,ritii!,, which has the apprnv of the medical profession. lU ucee has be, most extraordinary cilectini; cures in rau w ber.l.lll other lllelliods ol tiealmelit had tailed dm- to an botes of the SPIXHX' PILL, will per iii.tneiiuv cor., any case nl M'tninai Weakllesi it lesiiiting Impnteiicy, Imu-rrrr amrnrnlnl whetlirr runtituliiinal, or arising from niutr or i.mi'ukta.nt mi-i'Icai. ti;.timoxv. I have used your Specific Piil in many case (if Spermatorrhea, and with thcem., yrrfrcl sue rrss. .1. Mii.ton S vsokiis, M. D.,LI.D." i, ii i . , . t oeiieve ii in ne us near a Speeihc ' as anv ""die can be. We have cured ninny nrrer'e oor Vli it J ruin su total iumx." Ir. II. Keith Aiiifi ti iin J .nr. uf Mnl. Si it tier. ' I have I, mud them , ,., Ik desired. truly wonderful. " K. P. Hii hi K, Al. D." VVii, I Ins i not a llomienpathic Ilemedy , nor ' inere uoy mercury nr other tlcleterioiis iligitd lent comliined with it. Price fl per box j six boxes for ,.'), bv mail pre pain, l or sale at the sole (ieneral Depot in the for sale ut the L lilted States, bv J. WIN' C 1 1 T.ST Kit, decHilvv I v ;ib John Sireet, N. V. IS A h .11 S S T 0 U H I A It It V (West City Limits.) I - 1 loll AM ii'. iilicil to I'tii'iiUli I,, Ilui I'f llllj 'outractors in Illinois, Mi, hiaaii. Invliana, vv isc, main, Iowa and other state. CUT stom; FlaACSG ixg, from to ID iiichi.'. in thickness, CUKJilNf.' STOXK (II Ji 11 V size, HAIilU.r, AXD I'Ol'XHATKiX STOXK, VAI LT COVKKS, sim;vai.k STOXK, (ir any other styles, and anv size desired, either 111 the r nigh or dressed, and delivered either on Railroad Ca rs or Canal Hunts. My ipiarrv i situated directly on the Canal and the l.liicano i Ruck Island Railroad, one 1111I0 southwest ol Juliet, nnd my laeilities lor loading will enable 1110 to sell a low as the Inweat. l'lici's hi Miii (he Times. Orders respectfully solicited Iroin abroad, and all "work done 011 iho square." All iMtera promptly answered. ,1. J. SVVALAI. Juliet, Illinois. C3r X. J3 A.T V1SLTX-:3'X'iiIl.INT I HOOTS cVb S1IO.ES, ( heajier Ihau any oilier I'lace uest ol (liicago, Ctn be found at the 11001 AM) SHOE STOE or 1'.. Tl'KNKH, I'alace II, ,w, Illinois Street, Kork Island 1 i stock 1 one ,,f th,. Jarm-st in the West ins material it the host, his or,e... n.,-,n,tinn reasonable, In store the most convenient of ae cess, ana loan, and all w ho will give Inm a cal he is ready to show hi goods and tand hj an aim cuieoLS no may mate K. Tl'RNKRi FA I R B A X K 8' STANDARD SCALES Of ALL KI.NDS. FA1H11ANK .ti .IU;i.LUAl li t Lake !., 1 hirago, Corner of Main and Walnut St., St. Loui Sold in Rock Island by HARPER & STEEL it-jJ-BUV ONLY TIIE G EXCISE. ap!19 twl neyi OR HOOFUNO'S MM lOHIJIAl Foil TIIK SPKKDV cfltk i,v M'KKDV l'ui', lnjlutn 14, Croup, iuiiraci,,,,, hiti,, Vnrumiinm, iir,i u.,., ar.ung jrum CuU, Innpi,,, l uuumt,un. and Jut 'ir (!: nnd tf pnutiblr) r urt a) pUn nU in u Ji mi, , j ugi 11 Ac lutttr dnmsr, Thii 111. nun. Cordial ia entirely a Vekelable proilurliou, ,011, Inning ihe healing propertiea uf the llalaaui, with ihe tj n l itaaM of a ( nidial, producing a combination H,. Btlait;il to the purposea nil. nded, that there are lew csaea uf din aae who h will not, at an early period, suc cumb to us healing nml lili-giving properlies. f ornget, hi ihe treatment of pulmonary ,1,. a. aaea 01 cupit d Ihe greater portion ol the a'lteii Hull uf the a. leuiiiic uf the meilu iil world, but none ni .inri d uioie einiui 11. e 111 In tre.itmcnt ol those il.. 1 ai , than the i i li l.rat. ,1 'ruiiiu, ir. Iloollaiid, lbe.1r1g.11.1tor of the llal.aiih ( mdial. Hi lilt waa.letoleil lo the production of remedies that would i.ind unrivalled. How well lie has auccee.l. , Am,,,, ., .,,. n,,. nblt. to judge: amine . .silively a.,i, tu, that hi v.. ,,VPr , .,, ,rP1 ..,.,, , eoiii. rre,! ihe s.imu niiiouul of l 11, his 011 auller- 11, g humanity, or have eli, He, I ,i,, , ,.IM. atioii Imui nil cla.sei uf soei. ty , , uj,. rem. dn a "' ,r- " I'""'. prepared bv i'r. f. .M. Jack.oii 4i lu., ol Philadelphia. The Cordial is designed for a class of inure g. uei.,1 ami more fatal than v .',., ,,, winch the people ol tn, couulrv aie subject those springing imni a ig,j , ,'. -jj-j,., ,.. ent authority. Dr. Hell, sva: ! w, not y t'obla nni to our nih il, Hants w h it the VUimir ami Yillutr f rrii nr.. o those ul ,.h, r tounirietj but I . an aver 1 onli.lenily thai the) uh. r in di.ea.i a ol gieater complicity nnd inorlnliiv than these bitter." I'.iitlri l) i i-i'iulilt. No A!i o.i,i,. i-n i.ui-. Ill loll. XX' Ho Oil tXXiCl'S ( KLKliU.V I KH il K U M A X II I T T K H S I'HKP.V II I II l V lH. I . II. JA hON . (li., I'M, la., fa., win. 1 n ri 11 ai 1 v 1 rnr. I.lwr oinpinlnt, llym.i p.ln, Jaiilulirr, , lions when ni n lying posture, dimness ol viamn, v.'-bt beno. Hiesighl, f. ver ami dull pa.n I ill the ,, .id, delic y ol perspiration, yellow- liessol the skin and eyes, pain , t,t. side", ba. k, cheat, limbs, r., ,i,,d. n llu.bca of heat, burn ing in me llesii, constant imagining, of evil, nnd great depress uf spirits, nml will positively prevent i:i.,im I I I I. It. II I I. I O I' si I' l'.V l;il. itir. I he Propiletor ill e iliing i,e alteution ,,f the public to this preparation, ,. , , M lt , a li eong nl the tiiosi eoiiliilem e in its mines and adap tation to the iliaca-ca for winch it is recommend, ,i. It is no new and iimrn .1 article, but one that ha alond Ihe test of :1 twelve v. ,' irril .,.f,,r,. . .American pe,,j,ie, and its n iiill.,,n and sale are unrivalled by any similar preparation, t tlant. 'I he lealimoiiy in it, fnorpiv. u b; lue must prmuincnt and well kno" n phy. nans ,'iel individuals in all parts of the country is ,mi,i, nse, and a careful pe. rusalnf the Almanac, publi. bed annually bv the prnprielors, and lo be had gratis oi anv of 'their Agent, cannot h.its..t.sfv the mo-i sk. p'tical that this remedy ia really deserving of the great celeb. Illy It has old. nned. These miulii in,., ill: f,,rs:,ie by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines in the l ulled States, Canada, liritish Province, nml Weil In dies, nl 7.'i cents per hoillt. lie sure nnd get the genuine, w nh the signature of C. Al. Jackson on the wrapper of eacb hoilie; ,; oi,Fs are rutin terfnt. Principal iiln-, mid Mantifaclory, -lis Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa. Sold in llock Island by Clncius At Spenlel, and N'.Her-h AiCu.j in Alolliie, by A. V. Chamber lain and T. S. Itichards: in 'Canolen. I, II l Heallie; in Hampton, by Dr. (i. V incej.t. ' junlstvvawly aiiits. lmsum, An etperienecd Nurse and Female Physic. an, pre sents to Ihe attention of .Mother", her Soolliin- Syrup, I'OK ( IIII.IIIICN Tt'.l-.TIIINC., w hich greatly facilitate tiie prove of teething, by soflening the gums, reducing all iiillamatiiiiis will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and IS BUM' to ni;. I 1. vn; 1111: now i.i . Depend 111,011 it, mother, it wi.l give rest to your selves, and It K L I K P A N D il EA LTH TO VOL' II INFANT VV e have put up and sold this irticlc lor over ten years, and CAN SAV, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have nev r been able to say ofiinv other medic me N K V Eli HAS IT FAILED IN' A SIN'O LE I N ST AVE. TO EFFECT A c L ill, wneu niiiely tiseil. Neverdi.lwo know an instance ol'dissalisfiiction by any one who used it. On the coiitri'ry all arc delmlile.l with us on. erations, . 'ind speak in terms of commendation ol it magical client and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," alter ten veurs' experience, AND PLEDliE Ol R R EPl'TATION F"R THE IT LFILLA1E.NT (IF WHAT W E HERE DECLARE. In almost everv instance w here the infant is suirering from p.uM and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the nreseniition ol one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKII ll-'l I M'RSES in New Kngland, and ha been UBed with N EV ER-FA ILINli SI CCESS IN l'HOl AM)S o. ( Vl. It not only relieve the child from nain, but in vigoratcs the stoinach and bowels, corrects acidity and given tone and energy to the whole system It will almost intnntlv relievo RIPlNi; IN TIIE IKIU EL.-, is. W IND CIIOLIC and nvnrcumc convulsions, which if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it is the 11 EST AND SHIEST REM ED V IN THE WORLD, in all eases of DYSENTERY AND VI- A R HIKE A IN CHILDREN, whether it arises fi 0111 teetbingor any other cause. We w ould sav to every .Mother who has a child aimcrinc from anv ofthe foregoing complaints, DO NOT LET VOI R PHEJl'DICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between von and your sullcnim Child and the relief that will be Si ll E -ves, Alt SOl.l.TELV SI RE to follow the use of this Medicine, if timely used. Full directions tin using will accompany each bottle. None genuine utiles the fac-sitnile of (T'RTIS ic PERKINS, New York, is on the nutside wrapper. mho ny Druggists throiiL'linut the world. Principal Oliiee, 13 Cedar Street, N. V. PRICK ONLY 23 CENTS PER BOTTLE Sold by all druggists in llock Island, aprjtwavvly FOR SALE OR LEASE. IX lots or aubilivisinns, 10 suit jiufliasors, or persons that may dcfiirc to lease! .. a term o (ears, the follow ing property in the Cit; ol DaVen sort, via: In block 13 2Jo feet, fronting on 2d street, loll feet, fronting on Water streel, It.T feet fronting on 3d sireet. lo block 1" Near the Alarket House 00 feet fronting on Warren street, tending ItiO feet back, with an each aide of the lot. In block IS SO feet fronting on Third street, 125 froutina on Scott streel. j In block 20320 feet fronting on Third street, 320 feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley street. In block 27 KiO feet fronting on Sixth "street, lo0 feet fronting on Warren street, In Hock 31 I oil feet Homing on Fifih street, l.iO feet tronting on Scott street. In block 36300 feet .'renting 011 Western avenu iwi teet fronting en Sixth treet 160 feel frontina on Seventh ,treoi In block 3S ISO feet fronting on Brow n street, 160 feet frontins on Seventh , la block 3S tjA feet fronting on Sixth street, nnrf extending back 1A0 feet. For particulars inquire of Corbin & Dow Attni- at Law, or sf JAMES MAY. A i hi a: ..ii t TO THK A.MKIIICAN I'iiypu V. HAT THK I KDKIIAI. Tlluops ARk'hi ii p IMJ To M STAIN. HOW OUl MiLDIKIisMiui Li, hk'J(K'AHH To Hi. H I'. Ilwaaingularfact thai t lnrn ,.. ,,f ., people nl thn l Stale. ori. uiiae,, , !', w thj, reat nnpor.unc. ,.f ,1,. Ktu. , w Jh , a.ildier. nl the I ninn are lighting. Let everv i, a., ami woman throughout thu I mted Simet care lull)' read and tu.l the ('..naiitutmn uf the I'mied Male., they mil l come tonvin.e.l ol ,), , Jl our caua,. and nl' the wirkediiesa nl e tl t;,iZ:',s 1 ",,r"w ,h" rn,", i-".v,i,wr r VV liel.eve ,lM ,r , . ...inn been adnpl.,1 . . H.lilv ,.. , ,. ,. '".iilry t.. inlnrm IM. , ' ' ' - '"'"' ' Inn.. -'"derit.proiV ,"nr.r is not in one louselmld , llv L .rVi? tberelnre, nl coriectuig t,., ,,,..., , '' ' " to ,un,,sh.,1;ry ,..,, ',- out Ilin ( mted Stales with the loc ,.i- agaiiot luture false doctrine: a, H.'.rl !l f r, lHS. HVDWAV pr.s. ut in the American puplic. f ,,,. , Ih cnntlitutinn nl , 1 , ,, states of Amer , i ' lien y l,u, together with ,u1(,rlt., A . t..." lo, he xeitrj so. , .,,,, ..r. Ju, , ' '" 'I .Mma.ia. ." A. a,,,.,, a. pra.-i,c,.hle, Dr. l adwn, a Agmts, , ,.(1.rv ,.,,.,. ,, J Ihrougboui . uiiiuii, w, . lunnslid ,, ., aupp y, lor Iree crcuhit,..,,. A copy n",. ,u,. w HI be .ent m all win. Will ri.elnse a stamp fl r Ihe tiavi.ii.iit iirniiui,... ' 1 1 - Hruggisla, bookseller. . newailealei lliioughoui nie couinrv. 1 esirou ol ...1.,,.. 1.. .1 , . . ,, , , ... .iisinoiiiiut. to the people Ihe Cnnstilutimial Almanac. ,,, viled It. a. ml uilheimrders. An charge, w ill be made lor the same. W e also unite the people of the ( amolas, 11. I rnvince., and, inlaci. all who can read the l.ngli,h language Ibmughnul Ihe wnrld, to ace. 01 ns gill.lroui us nurC niutimml Almanac ' We will semi to ,,v ,. , MlllM , the poataga ,,,, ,1 a ,.,, . , ,,. , ,,,.",, ?, town or xillae,. will accept r, (IU lo ami ,:,, ,. we will lumi.h them Ir ,(vUnte.; I g con,,,,. eed that ilniirlnreigrum mls will caretullv r. .1,1 the Cmistitutmn, they will I ,,. stll.,' , lllir lll'UII e. in. no, - ... . . .. . " K""'"iineiii 111 mn iiig nut till, (out bint uf sec ssmll I'm. . .. ciilche.,11, are l,l ,,i,ly nghi . ,.,iai,i,s,,k. mi a sound basis the freedom ,,f tl. neonle il,,i,,. ,. mil Ihe world. UADU'AV ; til, i.'.Uohn M ret I..N..H Vork. 1H.W nl It S( iLDI KRs S( it I.D RK PR LP V II I'D To PK.IIT. Health nml Ins, ipln,,,. Health ami discipline are the most iiiipori,,,,! element 111 an army In ensure success. Disc,,,:,,,,, wit ,0111 health , ,,rvr lufir,.,.,,,.,, ',, w it powder Health . the propelling r. e nl the army, and 1 Ihe symbol 1,1' t idurv. Il is, Iherefoie, of ihe greatest importance, that the system ul 111. dicalimi best miapit d ,lr t. ,,ril. tectum nl soldiers against sickno., Hl., known In be the nnt speedy and file. 1 . .1 ... . . storing the sick to health. without regard to pro. I. s.ionnl prejunii e, bo adopted ibis ia no time r medical martineis in. nubble nbnut pr.,fesinnal dignity. All ihe dignity the profession can bring to bear will neither prevent sicklies, among the troops nor cure those ailln ted Our nrinie, to be a essful, must tie kept in a healihy condition; all, ,(. ,., WfB () . curing this desideratum 1. through the remedial pow ers nl ll.VDVVAVS ItKVDV RKLIKJ', which ha already prnved itself , over liftv reui inenis now at the scat of war near Washing'tnn. t be 1 posiuve prevention against sickuias iii tiie loriii ol Chill and Fever, HillintiH Kcver Diarlma, Small Pot Fever and Ague, Typhoid Fever, Dysentery, Aleades, and other malarious and 111lecl1.nn diseases. near 111 mind, we say, that Iladu-uys Hradti lie In) will protect the Hoops exposed' In thesn dis eases against attack. N , , conceded hv all .he medical men in our armv, that they have ,, relnihle mean of preventing attacks ol ihese ,1 s eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing tl,,, s.k; ,u; . r,,t.irVi ,ht. Ili:ir.,v ol he sick seized vv ,tl, li ver and "ague, ty phoid", bil ,ou- and mher lrv,.,W( l.,1.r lll(! (ir , Mfr a loJ ' until they are reduced lo mere wrecks ami walk" ing skeleton. Experience ha established t, lael llial the treatment of calomel, oiiimue and m-rcury, in cases of li ver and ague, typhoid fever and other lever of tin class, 1 more imnriou. in camps than in private practice, hen we take into consideration that canvass walls and exposure to hea vy dews anil the malaria Iron, pools of water and damp ground, prove but a poor shelter for the sick, we may readily conjecture that the penalties of mercurial and iuiinue treatment will, 111 the majority ol case, be exhibited in the form ofrheu mutism, neuralgia, pains and stiffness in the joints, engorgement, of t. Jjvor, jaundice, v, Now jaun liera, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, "colds, tie., which will cling lo the unfortunate patient Ibr years. ' IN DR. RADVVA Y'S REMEDIES (he noioier lias a nnsilivn oreveiilii-.. 1.1 :. 1 igainsi at. tacks of these diseases. Lei every soldier curry a bo. tie of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS III ANAI'SACK, and when exposed to wet, damp and chilly vveathei . nr encamped in malarious district, take a tea spoonful, in half 11 cup ol water, us a drink, early in the morning before eating, and three or Inu'r times during the doy; iwid, it on picket or guard duty, occasionally timing the night, he will escape all sickness, nnd continue Ui enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, ut Railways Ready Relief and Radvvav's Regulnt ing Pills be used according to directions, and the patient will aoou recover. Dr. iladway's Reme dies make a period cure In cases of Rheiimalisiii, Lumbago, Hoarseness, Inlluenza, 'l'oothac he, Sore Throat, frosted Feet, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Dipethena, Coughs. Headache, Difficult Breathing, Chilblains, Sw ellings 1 me .mints. Funis in tue L. &c., i;c. Croup, Burns, Struins, Sprains, Aleusles, Scalds, Wounds, Weakness 111 the Spine, and in all in all cases where there 1 i).i...... many Iteiiet will allord immediate ease and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a Inrge number of letters lion, army surgeons, officers nnd privates who have de rived benefits from the use tf Itadu-ay's lieatly It,, lief. Among the great number w e have on lilt, KP relcr to the lollow ing : VV. JI. Iingly, AI. U., Surgeon and .Medical I.i, rector of the Excelsior Brigade. lieo. II. Simpson, Al. U., Surgeon of Anderson's Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Reg'l ,. y, y Col. Lyons, Eighth Rcg't N", y. ,x. AI. ' ' Col. Ocorge Hall, Second Regiment Exec sior Brigade. Col. Tmnelli, AlcClellan Ritle,. Col. W in. (iatts, I", s. A. Col.Willam Wilson and his officers, through T VV . Aleighan, Esq., U ilson's Zouaves, yun ,,.,1 ens. ii RADVVA Y'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT will speedily erad i f n t fl and will reinvest the patient' every particle;.,!' disease, in health. LADIES afflicted with Falling of the Womb, llcers ofthe oino, mscnargea from the L'terus, Chlorosis.and all weakening discharges, may depend upon a Ki'vcnt'" USC f Kndwa-V'' Hcnovatiiig In cases of Chronic Rheumatism, Nera!gu, C.out, the Resolvent, taken in connection with Radway's Pills end Ready Relief, will he found a quick and thorough cure. NOTICE. Dr. Radway's remedies are aoid bv drugiits in every village, J,wn and city in the tinted Stale, I anadas and llntiah Provincca. Price ; 2j cenu' 50 cents and $1 . ' RADWAY & CO., No, 23 John St., New York ' NELSON UKRSH, Agent, Rock ialtad, I1J.