Newspaper Page Text
DAILY AHGUS. "THE UMON MUST BE rRESEBYED. J. 1. DASroSTH, J.. SDITO. Saturday Evening..-" M,J' 3 "If any one attempt to t.ul down tl.o Amerl can Fls. shoot hlmon ths spot "-M A. Du "lfTU Argas Is the on,.T PuP"r In ln, coun" ir tint tskes telegraphic reports, consequently It can tin- p'1"!'1" "I this "J adjoining eom' tie with ni' in advance of any other paper. DEATH OV COL. BAIT1I. We have received from Mr. Charles Ms ysun, of Capt. Tulien'a company, a copy of a long letter written ly a friend of the gallant 43d regiment, giving minute description oi the two terrible dnys at l'ituhurg Lauding th Ctb and 7th of April. The honorable part tore by the 43d has been the subject of fro quont praise, Bud we should be glad to pub lish this letter, had ve the space to fpare. We copy from it the following in relation to the brave Col. Uutth : Cu. IUuh wm ricked uu bv four men tote carried along,, but hit fig bciiK badly ahattcrcd. he kuflVrcd eiceedinif,ly, and insist ed on being luid down. Uu told the tiieuthey could be of inure nervine in tho rank with their regiment than by carrying off a disabled ofliccr, unu ulternute etitretitie unu coin munds. induced thcin to leave him renting apuinst a tree in a ravino neur a stream of water. Here the poor miiti hud to lay fur ocurly 24 hours. During the daytime tlio trees over liishcud were completely riddled and shivered to piec es by tho artillery nf the opposing unities, whilst the puttering of tlie nnd inns ket bulls, sounded like a shower of ruin on the roof of a house, Tim roar of c-intion, and continued report of small nrms, wan uninter rupted. Col. Kuilh wan during tin) dny time almost covered by fulliiijr brunches, piece of bark and splinters, und during the night lay eiposod to u drunehiiig ruin. The enemy, lis they panned, would oeci-dimully iri'jui ro niter his wunts, and administer to them us best they could, (mo scoundrel, however, differ ing from the L"eut mujoritv of the brave und generous enemy, rilled tin- colonels poeketNof their contents. It limy be us well to ri-murk here, tlmt with but very few- exceptions, the enemy treated our wounded with tho buiiio Consideration und kindness thut tln-y did their own, und it is not to h- wondered at that in an army ol ' lun.OiMt men, like thut led by Beauregard, there should be uu fw individ uuls whose nioritl stuiiilurd wns not high enough to prevent thetn insulting a disabled onemy. 'J lie wounded of the enemy were al moin a majority uf cases treated with greut kindness by our men. The only authentic instunees that I lmvo been uhi to hear of where insult and injury nresuid to have been given to the wounded of the enemy unci pris oners in our lmmN, was by those who had in gloriously fled from the field ol battle, und ta ken refuge below the river banks. On Mon day morning Col. I.aith was onnied by tho enemy ii'to a tent, and the position shortly after fulling into our hands, he was removed to the river. Uu Tuesday morniug bo was put on board the steamer Hannibal, where on Wednesduy his leg was umpututed. Hut the exhuustion and loss of blood ho had experi enced were too great, und ho died ou Friday night at II o'chiek. Although Cul. Kaith demanded of every man in his regiment the punctual perform ance of every military duty, and if necessury enforced this performance with tho utmost rigor, yet as he never demanded of others any more thun what he cheerfully rendered him self. His loss is felt by everymnn in his reg iment, like that ol a father, und I have fre quently noticed many a man wiping tears irom his eyes when the conversation turned to the brave und manly Kuith. A Democratic Govirnor in Wisconsin. Tho Milwaukee News says tho new govornor of Wisconsin, Edward Salomon, who has suc ceeded the lute Governor Harvey, is a demo crat. He is u Oernian citizen, resident of Milwaukee. The News says : Edward Salomon, our present gnvornrcr, is the first German born citizen who hns ever filled the gubernatorial chair of uny state in the union. We ure proud of the fact that Wisconsin litis, even by accident, furnished this first instance of the k ind ; but still more proud of another fact, which is, that in this case, the incumbent will confer more honor upon the ofliee thun tho office upon him. The President's Health. A correspond ent of the New York l'oxt says the health of Mr. Lincoln was never better at any period of his life than at the present time, lie is looking better than he did tho day of his in auguration. He bus gained steadily in health, strength, and even in weight avoirdupois. An Illinois citizen who had not seen the pres ident since he left Springfield till Suturdny laBt, was greatly surprised to seo him looking bo well. The cares aud troubles of office, nnd the imnieuso responsibilities of the war will not break him duwu (lis cheerful, hopeful temperament has carried him safely through trials which would have destroyed a more des pondent nature. Abolition auise of Gen, Hai.i.eck. Sen ator Sumner has at hist recovered his " pati ence," and yesterday in the senate ventured to ' speak" of Gen. llallcck. Referring to the order of the general preventing tho feder al camps lrom being nia'ie a rendezvous for ragabond negroes, the senator said it was "unconstitutional, absurd, deficient in com mon sense, on outrage upon common huuiau ity, and unworthy of a soldier," If this abuse of Gen. Halleck had been uttered in tho Rich mond senate by Wigfull, the indignation of the north would have been universal at such slander even from an enemy. Hut coming. as it does, from Sumner, it will be religiously swallowed by the abolitionists as the genu ine thing, though Halleck is now on the eve of a great battle, ono which is to determine the fato of the rebellion in the Mississippi valley and in which the lives of nearly two hundred thousand citizens of tho northwest will be in deadly peril. Chicago limes, May 2u?. The three cabinet officers of the last admin istration, who, in its closing hours exhibited k zealous attachment to the country, are now til, at the request of Mr. Lincoln, filling high and responsible stations. Mr. Stauton is sec retary of war ; Mr. Holt is one of the com missioners appointed to examine war claims against the government; Mr. Dix is one of the major generals of the army. As there can't be too much of a good thing, pretty rebel women should be pressed and re pressed. Louitv. Jour, Tut " Siioot him-on tih-Spot " Order The editor of the ledger wrote to Gen. Dis to enquire a to the origin ot the famous or- order, ''The first man that attempts to haul down the Amiricao flag, shoot biuj on the spot," this order having been attributed by the Ledger to the fortile brain of Mr. Secre tary Stunt jn. In reply t j the inquiry, Gen. Dix writes as follows : " You will find the original ' Shoot him on the Sxt ' order at the house of my son, liev. Mr. Dix, 42 Charlton street, framed, and hanging in his parlor. lieu I gave the or der I had no id"a that such an importunes would have been given to it, but, when I found it making a stir, I inclosed tho orignul to my son. .Yo man suggested a Kurd or saw it unlit alter it va vnlien. Somo months ago it was attributed to Mr, Holt; now I un derstand lrom you, to Mr. Stuntoti, by the Leljrr. TlIE BAmFfAT HTTSBtRG LAXD'G. I'll LOttH III T03. KEUEL LOSS NEAR 20,0'0! LLTTCB FROM GDiEUAL GRANT. Cincinnati, May 2. The Commerriul has lrom a correspondent with the army of Gen. Halleck, the following figures of our loss ut the Imttlo of 1'ittsbiirg Landing: M'-t'lemand's division, killed. '.'ril, Hounded, l.ojl. missing, ISiti ; Vi. II. L. Wallace's division. killed, 'J'Jf, wounded, lCVi'2, liiiing, l.l'j.i; Lew. Wallace's division, killed, M, wounded "',7. missing, ft ; llorl hut's divl-ion, killed, .'il'!. Wounded, 1,11'), iiiis-in, 'JJil ; I'rentice's division, killed, I'.i'i, Wound,:. I, ftti'J, missing l,r'2 ; Sherman's di viioti, killed, -1.17, wounded, 1,1"-. mis-ing, I so; Crittenden's division, killed, H, won rid e l, 4 1. missing. 2i; Nelson's division, killed, wound,-1, til 2, mining 10; Mcl.'ook's divi sion, killed, '.'I, wounded, hlti, missing, 11. Total killed, wounded ami missing, l.!,7ljd. About .'Jim l wounded have since died. Our burial parties report between und .'i.UOi) rebels found dead on the field. The Commercial publishes passages of a letter from Gen. Grant, in reply to a letter in forming him of the nature ol criticisms of hit management of the battle ol i'ittsburg. Gen. Grunt suys ; "1 will goon und do my duty to the very best of my ability, mid do all 1 can to tirmi; tins war to a speedy close, l urn not uu aspirant for unvthinj; ut the close ol the war. There isoiie tiling I b el well assur ed of : that is, 1 havo confidence in every bravo man ot my command. 1 nose who showed the white feather wilt do all in their power to uttruct attention troiu themselves. I hud per haps a dozen offi 'ers arrested fir cowardice in the nrst (lay s nlit. I liese men are nec essarily my enemies. As to the talk about surprise, nothing could have been more false. I It lie enemy hud sent in word when und how they would attack, I could not have been bet ter prepared. Skirmishing had been giing on for two clays between our reconnoitering parties and the enemy's advance. I did not believe, however, they intended to make a de term i tied attack, but were simply tuakini; a reconnoisaiico in force. My heudqtiurtcrs were Savannah, though I usually spent the day at I'ittsburg. Troops were constantly arriving, to be consigned to brigades and di visions, all ordered to report at Savannah, making it necessary to keep an office and some one there. I was also looking for liuell to arrive, and it was important I should have every urruiigiiment complete for his speedy trnn nit to this side of the river. Tho Commercial' correspondent with Gen, Mitchell's army, gives the following explana tion of tho manner in which licuiiregurd's dispatch wns taken atliuntsville. The wires were broken at u point beyond lluntsville. llcuuregard's dispatch received nt Iluutsville, was being prepared by the operator there to be forwarded by locomotive to Chattanooga; thence repeated by telegraph to Richmond, when Gen. Mitchell surprised the town aud instantly seized tho telegraph offioo. Gen. Mitchell hinibolf solved tho cypher after an hour's study. There is mi doubt as to tho genuineness of the dispatch. Beauregard lost not Icsh than 20,000 men in killed, wound ed und prisoners, and the sick, used up and panic stricken, during his movement from Curiuth upon I'ittsburg Landing. Yankee Manure mr nt siteaincr, An Impromptu The following letter, published in tho Mar blchcad (Mass.JArfijcr, describes a shrewd Yankee trick ; " I'mteu States liiuo Roiuo, ) ciunuav, .uaren y, lwz. ) " Dear Parents Tho liohio has hsen at work again. Yesterday, tit ti o'clock A. M., wo sighted a schooner in tho horizon, hoisted the Spanish onsign, und she did the same, but ns soon-ns we run up the stars and stripes she hauled to tho wind and tried to escape ; wo put on sail after sail, till we had twenty one sails out: but the schooner was a smart sailer, and we did not gain any. We then ran out the guns, and fired two shots at her. but she did not mind it. The captain order ed the sails to be wet down, and they were drenched, and we began tocomo up with her. At last "? resorted to strategy, and rigged a 'smoke stack, amidships, and built a fire and soon had 'steam on.' Ab soon as she sow th is she hove to, thinking we were a steamer, and would soon catch her. e boarded lier, and found her to be the Henry Trovers, of Nas sau, N. 1'., and on the same errand as h other prize, viz.: to run the blockade. She has a cargo of coffee nnd soap, and her papers show her to be worth $.'.0,000. We are now on the way to the southwest pass with her she has boon boarded before by the Kingl fisher and allowed , ,,. We had a chase of eight hours, captured her at 2 P. M." Both the Generals Sherman are in Ilulleck's army near Corinth; tho one, William T Sherman (Kentucky,) now promoted to be major general, nnd the other, Thomas W Sherman (Port Royal,) who is still a briga dier. Their being so near together will lead to much confusion in battle accounts. On diA that somo of the schoolmarms who went to South Carolina several weeks ago, are not eo intent upon " teaching the young ideas how to shoot," as upon flirting with the officers, in a manner not entirely consistent with morality. Gen. Hunter is going to send some of the misbehaved misses home U nr. cuter (Mast.) Spy. j A IUoel Cannon Kept Quixt bv a Sharp SuooTm,-Tho Yorktown eorrespondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer lays: There is an old chop tn the Derdan sharp shooters known as " Old Seth." He is quite a character, and is a crack shot one ol the bsit in the regiment. His " instrument," as he calls it, done of the heaviest telescopic rifles. The other uight, at roll call, " Seth " was wn ut. This was somewhat unusual, as the old chap was always true to time, A sergeant wont out to huut him up, he being somewhat fearful that the old uiau bad been hit. After perambulating around iu the advance of the picket line, he heard a low "halloo." "Who's there?" inquired the sergoant. " It's me," responded Suth ; "sod I've captured a sevesh gun," " Bring it in," said the sergeant. " Cuu't do it," exclutned Seth. It imn became apparent to tlie ser csaut that "Old Seth " hud the exact raiiiie of One of the enemy's heaviest guns, and they oould not load it f r four of being picked off by him. Aguin tho oi l man shouted : "Fetch me a couple of haversacks full of grub, as this is my gun, and the cussed varmints shan't fire it again while the scrimmage lasts." This was Jmo, uu 1 the old patriot has kept good watch over that gun. lo fact, it is a " captured gun." Ik'Ri'iNo Soi.mtKs A live. Among the in cidents of tho war related by u soldier iu Gun. Shields' brigade, wdio writes to the liidiuna polis Journal, is the following : "I knew ot a soldier while I was at Cum berland to be buried alive, and of auother who was colhned and in the grave, and two of the three rounds tired over his grave, when ho attracted the interring party by knocking on tho lid ol the coffin. The vwmequHuce was that ha was unbeurse.J, and after a littlo while walked back to the hospital." By Telegraph. A'ii'Wy fur llit .ii7y Aryut. Imiorlilnl ilwt mijsteriuut lion from L'tii ru llumliurilmriit of t'urt I'lllnw tlill runt uiiit'l--All tht rebel Flret enni tntrattd tu iiltaek 1'ixit'. I'rautir rffarU uf relet) to mine men Hen. Smith und O'en. (runt de fended" Old l'iek" mi'jn a iji,i4 thing ImjHii hi nl from Vurktvicn 7 he. uien lire on our fureet Their hij yitti Lur.'li, doing great damage iVM.f ennlinne In mu ting and dr.irri The rehd Cum. 'Jatnal rc ignlle hat no stumtit h Jur running tht Uoekndr S'urfulk in danger l'arlirulur) of llurnnedr'n rietnrij at Furt Macon Our )M ruining up the rifcr Union Uuuge rnj- lured 'J he I'niun jlag again irarei over the arsenal Humor of an Impart ant rumor in regaid to the acliiat oj eomer ralire congressman The Memphis Argus hrings iicu s of an impoi t'tnt inurement uf lleaurrgard. Ntw York, May 2. Mr. Cisco to-day no Initiated the exchange of ,,ne milli ni nl tho 7 .'! lo per cent, notes for one million dollars, tho interest upon tho notes to be paid up to date by the bunks making the exelmnge. Washington, May 2. -According to a re cent order of the war department, when tho care of sick and wounded soldiers is assumed by tho state from which they came, tho sub sistence department will comiuuto their ra tions at 2 cents. Cairo, May 2. The river is stationary, and 8 inches higher than ever before known. The news from Cairo is of tho highest im portance, but its transmission over tho wires is prohibited. The bombardment ot Kort Pillow is contin ued by the mortars at short intervals. It was generally believed that u simultane ous attack would be made by the fleet before the end of the week. Iesertei s suy thut the entire rebel guubout fleet, under command uf Old Hollins, hud ar rived at Fort Pillow, and would make un ut tack on Coin. Footo us soon us preparations could he completed. Memphis papers of tho 26th of April say at u meeting held the night previous, it hud been concluded to burn tho city, in case of the approach of the federal Het. The fall of New Orleans is referred to, but no particulars are given. In an editorial the people are urgently called upon to reinforce Price at Fort Pillow, as the only means of saving ths city. Wasiiinoton, May 2. House Messrs. Morrill, of Vt., P.iddle, of Pa., and Vorhies, of lnd., tho first named having risen to a question of explanation, made remarks excul pating Gen. Smith from tho charge of drunk enness. Mr. Wash'nirn, of Illinois, also defended Gen. Grant from similar charges. Mr. Richardson, uf III., thought all these things ought to be left to the military author ity. If the riot act was read dispersing con gress, the army would get along much better. linvitK Yorktown, May 2d. Prof. Lowo bus brought up u huge balloon, called tho 111 treped. It was built to curry up from four to six persons, ami from its position in tho edge of the woods, towers up ithovethe lofty pines. It lies ut anchor ready ut all times to muko an asscusion. Gen. liurnard went up a few days ugo, and remained at anchor over York town, for neurley four hours. This is the fourth balloon we havo hero between tho York and Jumesgrivers. Wasiiinoton, May 2d.- Tho current re ports that Gen. MclKiwell Iihs crossod the Happahanock and occupied Fredericksburg, is untrue. Telegraphic communication is es tablished with him, 1'ispatches from Gen. Hallock, dated to-day say nothing ol the reported evacuation of Corinth. It is discredited. Peserters of the rebel nrmy continue to bo very numerous here. They are coming daily unu aimosi nouriy, irom various divisions of tho army, and all agree in their statement that tho rebel force is about 100,(100, and of a very general depression of spirits anion"' both officers and men. The news of our recent victories is kept sedulously from them. Special to times : Wasiiinoton, May 2d. Tho town was startled by a rumor that all the members of congress from the border slave stutes, and a number of conservative sympathisers from other states, were seriously considering tho propriety of withdrawing in a b.idy from the senate and the bouse, und thus precipita ting a decision by the people of the whole couutry, on the radical measures of confisca tion and emancipation. Fort Mosroe, Mav 2. A refugee from Norfolk who left last night in a row boat or rived here this morning. He sovs Com. Tutnull received sealed or ders on Monday and sailed, but opening them in Kliznbath river, found be was ordered to run the blockade and proceed to York river. He thereupon returned to Norfolk aud imme diately resigned his commission, together with his chief officers. There was a general expectation iu Nor folk that the Merrimao would come out at once. There ate 6,000 or T.OtKl rebel troops under Geu. Huger between Pig Point and Norfolk. iureo companies in rortsmouth rebelled a few days ago. It is also reported that part of Gen. Magruder's forces had mutinied at Williamsburg. A torpedo has been constructed at Norfolk calculated to be managed under water by one man, aud be propelled by him under the ves sel to be destroyed. It is said to be five or en feet long. Headquarters Army of the Potomac, May 22 P. M. The rebels opened this morning with their rifled Coluwhisd CG pounders, placed on the heighths of Yorktown. Our No, 1 battery of loo und 200 pounders Parrot t guns, was then brought to bear upon the only gun which has given us any trouble. Our shots fell oyer and around with every prospect of its being soon dismounted, when, on it id round, ;tbe enemy's gun burst in a thousand pieces, touring up the parapet and making huvoj with the crowd standing round it. No lest than ten persons were on the par apet within six feet of it, besides those who were hid from view beyoud the works. The destruction of hie must have been coiisidora bio. This was the only gun which has been shown capable of doing No. 1 battery any harm. All firing on their side ceased, while our guns were manned with renewed energy, di recting their shells Into the town. About 10U shots were fired by our guns up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, when all tiring ceased. A rebel steamboat ciime down the river und attempted to land at Yorktown, but was pre vented by a lew shots 100 pounder Parrot. The rebels kept up a continuous fire u II lust night on our men iu the trenches. The only casualties were the wounding ol two men. The weather is ug.iiu pleasant, ulel if it should continue, you can look out for startling news fr mi this quarter. Tho work luid out is approuching completion, Jos. Pecker, of Co G, llorduu's sharp shooters, wat wounded last night, and taken prisoner, Cun -AO'), May 2. The Tribune's special from Cairo, says: From tho fleet wu learn of the capture of Itttton Rouge, aud the Confederate arsenal. Herald's Special : Wasiiinoton, Muy 2. About two months ago 1 stuted that there was iu contemplation by tho government uu liuiiiesty meusure; that it was proposed to offer suid amnesty us soon as our power extended over Richmond und a lew other specified places. Now 1 lonrn.oo in as many words directly, nor indirectly, that the subject matter of such un amnesty mcu. uru is actually under consideration, and may soon be issued. Tho whole depends on the immediato success or defeat of our army. I was told some time ago that such amnesty would be extended to all except Jetf. Pavis and his cubinet, und the confederate major und brig adier generals, with a low prominent and eminent civilians. New York, April A. A special to the Tri bune, giving un account of the capture of Ft. Miicon, says the fire of our batteries diiuouiit cd 2 i guns and tore up tho glacis and ruin- mrts iu the most effective manner. Of the O0 shots thrown 500 struck tho work. Tho guns of the fort wero worked with skill and courage, but the sum! bills of our position afforded complete protection to the men, and the hoisting of tho white flag was followed by a conferenco with Gen. Parks, resulting iu a suspension of hostilities till next morning. Puling tho night the proposition tosui! rcnuer win conimunicuieu to uen. liurnsmo, and in the articles of agreement wero signed. 1 he garrison surrendered us prison - ers of war, were released mi purolo, und were allowed to take their private effects with them. The ofliccrs retained their side arms. Those wero the terms originally proposed by Geu. Purk", but refused by Col. White, the commander of the fort. The surrender of Port Macon gives Gen. Itumsido a port of entry with securo anchor age fur his heaviest vessels. It gives the government another of its stolen fortili ations, with 50 guns, 20,0o0 bar rels of gunpowder, shot and shell in propor tion, 4'si ntiiud of arms, a large amount of stoics, -120 prisoners, und 'M horses. It ulso releases u portion of tho blockading licet so that it can bo sent to service else where, and ensures the retention of the dis trict of North Curolina. Gen. lliiriiside, in a general order congra tulating Gen. Parks mi his victory, con inuiids that the name of Fort Macon be in scribed on the colors of tho 4th, ftth and ts tit Connecticut regiments. The command of the Fort was offered to ('apt. Lewis ). Morris of the 1st artillery, ufterthc surrender.biit wii-. declined, and Col. Kodiiiun, of the dth Rhode Island, was placed in charge. Baltimore, May 3. Tho Old Point boat bus arrived, but brings no news, A ting of truco bud come down lrom Nor folk, but no later intelligence cumo with it. Nkw York, Muy X Flour quiet and with out muteriul change. Wheat market quiet und unchanged only a very limited supply utfering. Corn market steady and unchanged. .17a .VJ. mixed western. Whisky a shade firmer. 2.'iju24e. gal. Wasiiinoton, May 3. The latest count shows there aro now IliS brigadier gennnils, and that 20 iu addition await senatorial ac tion. A favorable report has been mado on the recommendation of Daniel K. Sickles, and there seems no doubt thut he will soon be con firmed. Tho bill proposing to limit tlio number of brigadier generals to 200 mid major generals to 2ti, will, in all probability, become u law. Thus far, or within two days, applications have been tiled for compensation for 12 of thu slaves manumitted iu the District of Colum bia, under tho emancipation act. CiiK'auo, May 3. The Memphis Argus of the 2'Jth ult. has tho following dispatch: Corinth, April 2rt Beauregard is moving large bodies of troops southward. Some go by rail aud others on foot. A tew have gone west. It is generally understood that he is evacuating, thougli lie declines answering questions. Ho says Pres. Davis understands his movements. ContNTti, April 28. Purdy was evacuated last night, and has since been burned. Kv- ery building is said to be destroyed. The Yankees are moving in thut direction. Our outposts had n skirmish with their ad vance early this morning, capturing sixty prisoners, including nitio commissioned offi cers. Banuor, Md., Muy 'od The explosion of a powder mill occurred yesterday, at Graham. Kight buildings exploded successively. There was three hundred barrels of powder iu them. No one was hurt. The hands wero all at supper nt tho time. The causo of tho explosion is unknown. Boston, May 3d. Col. Davison, of tho 3d Miss, regiment, captured at Fort Donelson, died at Fort Warren on Friday. His body has been sent to his friends. Austin K. Smith, late navy agent at San frnncisco, bus been released lrom Fort War ren in exchange for 'Wm. Ayers, of Philadel phia, who was captured while rambling over the battle field of liull Run, after the evacu ation of Manassas. Annual Meeting Sterling & Rock Island Kailroad. 'FIIE Annual Meeting of the stockholders o l the Sterling S; Rock Island ailroad Company, for the election ot Directors and other impnrtan business, will lie holden at the Wallace House, in tho City of Sterling, Whiteside county, Illinois, on Weiineadav, the seventh dav of Mav, A. D. lt2, at IU o'clock A. M. E. W. JONES, j Sec y S. & K. I. R. R.Co. Chicago, Mch 2flth, lMi2. Q1IICAGO &. ST. LOUIS K. U. LINE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Two Enpress Trains on andatter Pee. lst.lsfil. Trains will leave W est Side Union Depot at 9 a m daily, eicept Sundays, and 11.4.i p m, eicept Saturdays. Arrive at Chicago at 5 a m and 9.20 p m. Jnlietand Wilmington Accommodation leaves Chicago at 4 p m daily, and arrives at 9.46 a m. Anight train, with sleeping car attached, will run through to St. Louis every Bight, except Sun day, leaving this city st 11.4."). JAMKSROBB, Receiver. So-Jtoy's Advertisement For Ml. Louis, Ulro, Dunltitb, Galena, Fret-port, Lt, QUICK TIME AND LOW FAKE ! Pssncngers taking ths sxamg trjm of ths Chi efo Hid Hock ItUud Ksilrutd fruui Uuck Islsud snd Davenport, onk uniiiitdiste coniioctiiiU at I.I Kslln with trtint ot itis llbuuii Ceiilfsl Jlsilruid going North aud South. Tune from Hutk liland tu Si. bums, 19 hours, du do (airu, 3 du Soldiers' tirkals to St. Luuis and C'airufur tale at military ratrt. All trains ol'the Clucrgo and Hurk lalaad Rail road connect at Pond Crstk with trains ot the (.'. U. Ii y H. H. lor llurlingtoa snd (jmucy. JN. K. TKACV, Oeu'l Supt. umdx. TIL be sold at public auction, on TL'KS- DAY, MAY OOi, IsCJ, at the hour uf 2 u'clork I'. M-, at the Market Square, a lot uf household snd kitrhen furmturei AUo, s lady's carnttfR nr saddle Pony, una top bugKjr for one or twu liunii, sad ulliar article! too aumurnua to mention. ALKX. K. NWA.NDKK, Auclionrr. SOLDIERS' CLAIM AGLIU T. MMIK undersigned having experience in 1. pruaecuiiug military claima.urleri his services IU adjusting and cullei tin.' I'KNSIO.NS, HOL.MV MH.NKY and ARRKAHS OF PAY, dun diidurga'd ur decvansd Soldiers, their idoa or Winn. Un eipenence mIiiIo an nllii-rr in the army qualities him tu promptly procure the settlement of rlainn in tlio uiol t-iieditiuus and correct manner, .V Charge unless Claim is Collected! Helen l.y permission to M.ij. (leu. t'. S. Grant, I'. S. A. ling. lien. John Mc Arthur, l'i S. A. Till. M. S. lUrnes, I'. S. A. Charles rtutoril, Hup, (lock lalaud. Judge Danl'orlh, du Lie toe ti C'rauiptoii, rin J. k J. Uehster, du W. I). WILLIAMS, Attorney s 'imnaHor at Law, Kork laland, lllinms. May 3, daly Mississippi &. Missouri Railroad. I mil l . f M M i-: It A It H A N (. i ; m i; T -1 H w Trains runby (.'hicagntime, which la twelve min utes f.iale' limn Untruport tune. vX AM AFTKK MOXUAY, MAY 5tii J l""'.', anil until liirlher notice, paaaenger train will leave Davenport aa tnllowa: Fur Marengo und VVaalnngtou 7:10 A. M Trim. arm at lljvi'nmirt lla Itillliwa! Fflm Mart.n,, ullj Wa.hingtou U:30 P. M. j Mimi , rl m,ke iirecl ,conl)(,cllunJ , M;ir,M1Illi 4 lay and Wa.h- melon, with the enlern Mage lumpany Staces lor all l"iintcM. Trains from the weat connect nt Davenport with trains of thu Chicacu Si Ruck laland Kailroad tor all points North and Smith. I'.i( ajera are reminded ot the neci aaity ot giving diatinct directions aa to tlio destination of their tagt;.ige, Alao In procure tickets oeiore UK- iug their vests in the cars. JD1I.N F. Tit AC Y, (ienl. Supt, A. Kl Mil A LI,, Aaat. Supt. H All I LA1MS. n .VYING completed my arrangements with a gentleman in Waahinglon City, a well und favorably known ntlomey for claimants, pen sion, county laud and patent iiifent, I am now fully prepared to prosecute all claims lor penaiuna. ar rears of pay, prizo money, kc, due wounded nnd disabled soldiers, seamen, or wnlowi mid minor children of ileeeaed mildicrs. I have all the re- ipnsite tiiriiis. Alao a hat of the killed and wound ed ill companies from this nnd adjoining counties, copied truui tlie original liles III tlie war depart inent. 1 will he ill regular receipt of'tbeae. ('lamia of sutlers, contractors, sic, attended to before the propordepartmeulfl Patents renewed, clauna before the general land ollice, and all other l,n hi ness requiring attention in Washington, in tended to. No charges made unless a claim is aucceaslully proiecuted. ll'iiWiiaon Heferrnm lion. J. S. Itlack, Hon. Kdwin M. Stanton, Hon. Wm. A. Richard son, Hon. Julie W. Korney. Hock Island Heferenres lion. J. W. Drury linn. I. (I. Wilkinson, Hon. Ilailey Davenport Mesxra. Mitchell & Lyinle, bankers. Address 11. C. CONNELLY, Attorney at Law, March 31, dawly Rock Island, ill. IUSSOLITON OF PARTNERSHIP. N'OTICK is hereby given .hat tho Partner ulup herctolore eiisliug'undcr the firm name of Henry Dart & Sons, la this day dissolved by mutual consent. All notes and accounts of the late firm must be paid to the lirm of Henry Dart's folia. IlK.HV U.IKI, CYRUS J. DART, ALHKKT C. DART. April 10th, lfitii. -XEW l-'IKM. The undersigned will continue the hoaineHt at the old stand under the firm name of Henry Hart's Sons, and will pay all debts of the late firm of Henrv Dart St Sum. CVKI S J. DART, A L PERT C. DART, WM. H. DAKT. April 10th, 1S62. MERCHANT TAILOR. G-et tne Best. The siihae.rihcr respectfully informs the public that he has a very superior stock of all kinds of (LOTUS and TRIMMINGS, of the best kind, and that he makes gents gar ment, of the latest styles and in the best manner. His long experience in this city, as a Merchant Tailor, he thinks will satisfy the public that he can fully meet the wants of all. He also has on hand a full stock of II E A I) Y M A I) E C L 0 T II I X G AND II A '1st, CAPS and GEXTS FURNISHING GOODS, to which he invites the attention of all. Satislacton guaranteed in all caaes. E.ZEIS, Cornel ol Illinois and Washington streets. Rock Island. NEW BOOT ANO SHOE STORE. FEED. C . COSS Has just opened a new and splendid stock of BOOTS $ SHOES AT NO. C ILLINOIS STREET, ROCK. ISLAMJ. - - - II.LINOS. (Formerly occupied by Dcvoe k Crampton.) My tloodsareall new. and bought lor Cash ot th Manufacturer, and will be sold at pricea LOWE than ever before heard of in Rock Islano. jJtjl-Give me a call. My motto is i "Small Profits and Qukk Sides!" april 3 wtf FRED. I". COSS. BOAT STORES. 'KIIE undersigned has opened a store on the X levee for the purpose of supplying steamboats with Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, tiutter, Milk, Chickens, Ice, tic, lie. He will keep a large aupply ot Ice, lor all who wish it. Town trade solicited. LEWIS UPDIKE. gcgal Notice;.. Administrator's Sale of Bral Estate. STATU OK ILLINOIS,,' Kock Island County, " VT0TICE is hereby givon thut by virtue of 1 sn order of the count ruurt ornir v. entered at ths April term, A. D. IsbJ, of aid court, uu the application ol the uuder.igued, sole adinir.i.lratoroi Uuorga C. Waigrat, deceased, to sell the fulluvung real raiato, late the eatale of the said Ceorge C. Waigent, situate in the county of Rock lalaud and slate ol' lllmuia, known and deacribed as I'olhm., to wit i All that certain tract, lt or parcel ol land iu the city and county ulltoik lalaud and state uf Illinois, to wit i The raal unu-lull of hit fuur (4) in block two 3, in llrigga' pUi e,iu the city ot IU. k lalaud ,and I shall on nATl KDAY, THE mil DAV OK JI NK, A. D. IviJ, between the hours ol IU o'clui k A. M. and i o'tluck P. M. of aaul day, at the front duorol the Court llouae, of aaul county, at public aale, sell the said real t-alnto, or an much thercol aa may he nema-sry to pay the debts of said es tate, to the b.glii-st biddur. TlSMa One-hall raah in hand i the balance on one year's credit, with a mortgage on the premises. Dated tloa Uoth day of April, lvi. WILLIAM KALE, Administrator. TKlSTi:k'S SALL's U'lIKKKAS, Hiram Pitts and K. Krmices I'. Pitts, Ins wife, Cyrus Pitts and Margaret II. Pitts, his wife, Khaa R. (tilbert and Caroline K. P. (tilbert, his wife, and (iidenn Pitts and Jaue A. Pitta, Ins wile, by deed dated hunleuiber I at, W, D, sjs, cmiveyod tu Jul n K. Dillon th real es tate in said deed described, w hich deed wui re corded Not umber I3lh D')K, in HoukS7 of Deeds, page IK', ol the Kock Island county, lllinoia, It" coiil., being all of block eleven II J, all of block twelve and lot. one I and Iwo (:') in block thirteen J j all ol block seven (?) and e.ght hj.aiul the west half of block live hj as shown on and by a plat made by Daniel Pagin, county sur veyor, and which .aid plat lias been duly tiled fur record with the recorder ol said county I aaid real eatale being a part o! Tula, t.illiert and Pitta' Se cond Addition Iu the town of.Vnliiie, as ahon by said recorded plat, and by the aaiddeid lo the said Dillon And whereas, at thu time ol'the elocution of and deed to I lie .aid Dillon, Pitta, liilhcrl it I'ltls were indebted toCook hi Dillon and to Cook, Dil lon at l.indley, and certain clients of the latter linn, aiahown by certain promiaaory nolea in the poasfsaiou ol aaid Conk, 1'illon Si Lindlevi And whereaa, aaid Dillon, on the said la! day of September, K' necuted an inatriiment in writing lo the uranlors in aaid deed, which waa accepted by them, and w Inch instrument aet forth the above facts, and empowered and aulhorited said Dillon, in caae aaid luitea made by Pitta, (ill herl a, , Pitta should uot he paid within three months alter due, lo advertise aaid ubove described pro perly for salo, by giving lour weeks' notice of the time and place ol aale in some newspaper publiah ed in Kock lalaud county, llliinna, which aale shall he made lo tho bidder lor caah, and the purrhaaer or purrhaaerau III tied loan absolute deed for the properly aold i And w hereus, thu'noli a made by Pitts, (lilbert it Pitts have not been fully paid; And hereas, to secure the same dehla, Pitts, (iilherlSi Pitta also pledged the following nolea, all dated July - I.i7, lo w it i 3 note a made by S. Lahlol', off Kiii 'i.i-1 HO each ; 3 nolea made by J. D. linker, tor $127 iO-loo each j 3 notes made by O. S. liilbe t fur Jll" 7.,-Uhi each t i notea made by Edward Phillips, tor $I!I3 7 -ii() each i alao two other notes made by the said Phillips, lor $ISU each; i notes made by Juo. Iliirkley for f.'oO each; 3 nolea made by Alei. K. Swander, f 270 each, and one note made by Joseph aud Mary Doudfnriv) 12-100, with lite power to sell the same if Puts, Oilbert it 1'illa made default in the payment of their aaul notea j Now I, John K. Dillon, truatec iu the premiaet aa nfore.aul, do hereby give public notu-e that, by virtue of the power in uu vested, I will, ou SAT I ItDA V, THE 3IST DAY OV MAY, A. D. 1mi2, at the hourol ten o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Court lloiiae dour, in tho city ol 'Kock laland, iu Kock lalaud county, lllimns, cipo.o and offer for sale to the highest bidder the afore said real estate and notes pledged as aforesaid, or so much ot aaid property us may ho neceaaary lo aati-ly the said indebtedness id' Pitts, l.illu rt ii rills. J.vii. r . HiLMO, Trustee npnl 21, d lw .MASTER'S SALE. STATE OP ILLINOIS, 1 Kock laland County, j " In tho Circuit Court of aaid County, oftheSefi Term, A. D. I Mil. Henry Allen vs. Charles II. Waite and Catharine V. Wiute, Jidin W. Iluckley, Jidin It. Corker Major K. Irwin, (ienrgo W. Travcr, and John N hmipp, bieculur, ic. To I'Oi'cclose Mortgage. VOTICEis hereby given that I, E. It. Bean j Master ill Chancery of the above named Court, in pursuance of a decretal order of said court, made in tho above entitled came on the I tth day of'Scptnmber and of the said September term, A. 11. IMil, sliali, on SA Tl'KDA Y, THE 17TII DAY OK MAY, A. D. ISb'2, between tho hours ol 9 o'clock A. H. and ti o'clock l'. M said day, sell at public uiction,at the door of the Court llouau in said county, to the highest bidder for cash, the lollow-mg described real estate, to wn: I he undivided ball ol luts one ( I), two (2 and three (3,1, in block eight (HJ ; of lots eight (i) and nine (il), in block nine (111; ot luts two ril three (3, four (4) aud si (ti), in block eluven (11); lots live (5), eight (S) and mna ('.)), in bloc uurty-ionr (.il), ot the east nixty-m x anil two thirds (lilij)) feet, of lot seven (7), in block thirty seven (37i: of lots five (S), eight (H) and nine (9), in block lorty-riglit (IS) ; oflot five (fi), in block lifly.two (52); and of water lot four (4), in block seven (7l all in the Chicago or Lower Addition to Hock Island, in the County ot Hock Island and State of Illinois. Also the south half of lot twentv-two(23),iii blo-k six ((i), in Wabausiu Ad dilioii to Chicago iu the County ul'C'ook, and State ol Illinois. Dated April 21, IS62. E. R. DEAN, Master in Chancery, Hock Island County, Ilia HrRV Ct'BTis, Jr., Solicitor for Coinpl't. niAMERY NOTICE. STATE OK ILLINOIS, ) Hock Island County, j " To the May term, A. D. lMi2, ol the Circuit Court ol said county. Agness Nerval vs. Philander Osborn. Manure Oaborn.his wife, Thomas J. Bufurd and James M Hulord, under tlie firm name and style ot T. J. J. M. Hulord, lien Harper, Hubert II. Craham .Margaret Proudl'oot nnd Jesse Ormsbr.c. FFIDAVTT having been duly tiled here' l in that Hubert H. (iraham, defendant above named, hns gone, and that Margaret Proudl'oot und Jesse Ormsbec, other uclcndnnts above named reside out ol tins state. , Notice is hereby given to them, the said Robert H. Graham, Margaret Prouillont and Jesse Orms bee, that, on the Seventh day of March, A. D, 1S02, a writ of summons in chancery against the above named defendants at the suit of the above named complainant, upon her bill of complaint inerein med, issued out oi tne omce ot the clerk of said court, directed to the sheriff of said coun ty, returnable on the Second Monday of May neit and that said cause is now pending in said court ; And, unless you, the said Hubert II. Graham Margaret Proudloul and Jesse Orm slice, shall per sunnily be and appear before said court, on the first day of the not term thereof, to be begun and holden at Knck Island in said county, on the Se cond Monday of May next, and plead, nnswer or demur to said bill, the same will be taken as con fessed by you, and a decree entered according to ine prayer inercot. Dated this Seventh Hay of March, A. D. 1 St2. EDWARD H. BOWMAN, Clerk. E. D. Sweeney, Solicitor for Compl't. BENJAMIN F. RUH'S ESTATE. To Timothy Searl and the unknownheirs of Ben jamin F. Rich, deceased. Take notice thnt a petition ha. been filed in the Clerk s ottire ot the County Lourt ot Kock Island county nnd state of Illinois ngainat you, and one Sylvester ( oi, ny Animi it. Hatnimn as adminis trator of the estate of Benjamin K. Rich, deceas ed, praying leave to aell lotnumbered eleven (11) and the sciutn half ot lotnumbered twelve, ( 12) in block numbered sixteen (lb) in the town of Cor dova in aaid Kock Island County, HI., to pay debts ol said estate. And affidavit ol your non-reaiaence having been filed, now, unless you appear at the Mav Term. A. D.. 1S02. of said court, to be hold en in Kock Island, in saia county ana state, on me THIRD MONDAY IN MAY neit, beingthe 19th dav of the month, the said petition will tie taken for confessed and a decrie entered accordingly. Dated this Sth day or April, n. v., ino. JOSEPH CO.NET, Clerk. Chas. M. Osbosis, for Petitioner. SPRINGFIELD Fire and Marine Insurance Company. OF SPRIXGFIELD, MASS. CASH CAFITAL J200.000 Surplus 240,000 (MJMl.M KS TO ENSURE hEAL AND ly PERSONAL PROPERTY on the most favors ble terms. Claims for Loss equitably and honoraly adjusted For Insurance, apply to (HERMAN FIELD, A-sat ILLINOIS INITIAL Fire Insurance ( oinp'ii) Willi t successful llualiiraa i:periciire of over 34 Tors. t'upifu, 1 1,01)0, 000. .viirv JW, 700,000 Instead of the prufili for seini-anuual dividends, in aJJiliuH to premiums, usually drawn from the insured, by slock companies, to pay eaaiern stock holders, ths 'ales in the luiMoia Mi'ti-al are so equitably arranged as only to require lrom ths uinnbura aullimul money to pay, with certainly, sll losses and eipenasa. The pruuiium notes now smouulinf to over Our Million Vullart, are se cured by a lien upon the property iiiiiirs-d, valued at over Ton Millions. Tins ample luud aif.irda s ur guarautea lur the payiurnl ol ferry luti the security bumg all located in Illinois, and subject to our own laws. No policies are issued out ol this slate. The members are subject to no liliga lion all being adjusted bv uttretif arbitrj lion. All loan f,,i u'lMm ninety days, thai occur under policies paid yearly in adi anee. Hi i A Kb OK DIRECTORS i B. K. Hart, Samuel Wa"e, II. W. Billings, U. I, Timothy Turner, Lyman Trumbull, Hubert Smith, Henry Lea, John Atwuod, J. W.Schwenpe, htinjauun K. Long, Elias Ilibbard, r'ranris A Hotliiiann, Lewis Kclleiiberger, M. G. Atwoodi OKKICEKSt M. rt. ATWOOI), President LEWIS KKI.LENKEHI.EH, Trea.ure.. JnHN ATWOUD, Secretary. JOHN HLAIsDELL, General Agent. 1. E. HOWARD, Asa't Gi n'l Agent. Agents hate been appointed in every county and in all tho principal niiea and tow ns in the atate. Application lor insurance may lie made tu L. K. Haker, Ageul for Hampton ; I). W. Gould, Moliue, and Hnwn i Dcvure, port By run. JAMES M. HI 1'ORD, Agent for Ruck Island, Illinois. LATEST NEWS. New Orleans is Ours VTOW is the time to buy Suurand all other J.1 Kinds of Groceries, as 1ST. Porry Is selling all kinds offtrocencs at greatly reduced prices, as he anticipates a downfall iu goods, and wishes to make 'Quick Sales and Small Profits.' All wishing Good Goods, al Reasonable Trices. Will do well to go to N. I'EKRY'S. SuAII goods warranted as represented. .iAlsOIV OF THE I I C1L ATE 0MEITI0., DAV ENPtlR T , Iowa. flMIE Sisters of Charity would hereby in 1 tiirm their friends and the public generally, that they have re-opened the above named acad emy for the INDI CATION Ol-' YOt'; I.ADIIM. The course of instruction will comprise all that constitutes a good English education. Krench and German languages, music on tho I'inno, Gui tar and Dulcimer, Drawing, Painting iu Oil and water colors, and Crayoning, Plain and ornamental needlework. Knitting nnd Dreas-inakiiig. The former terms are considerably reduced to meet the times, but payments are required in ad vance, and I'-roiu tills Itule there will be no Deviation. Further information can be obtained at the academy or nt the schools at St. Anthony's and Klfi. Mnrdiiiiriln1, f ltn, April 7, dw tf. ItoFIjArgFstock" wall Paper! AND WIXDOW IMF Hit! FOR THE SPRING THAIE. New and Beautiful Styles Cheaper than Ever before ! Call and examine before making your purchases. DEVOE tc CRAMPTON, Plummer's New Block, Illinois Street. NEW DjRUG STORE! IN KOCK 1 H I. A N I). fpiIE subscriber hus opened n Store in 1 GOTHIC BLOCK, ' one aoor West of Riggs' Jewelry store on Illinois street, where he has on hand and will keep a complete assortment of fresh and pure Drugs and Medicines, CUUMICAL. PERFUMERY, PAXCV, and TOILET GOODS. l'URB WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medical and Culinary purposes, and all of ths reliable Patent Medicines and Medical prepara tion! ot the day. Also a lull assortment ol Pain,?, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Glass, lhttty, sad the best of Kerosene Oil AND BURNING FLUID! Physicians will st all times be furni.beH ,,1, Iresh and reliable Medicines at reasonable prices. fir-Prescriptions carefully ConiDoumloti. ,nH Medicines dispensed by competent and exper ienced aseistants. t w v v I It- Rock Island, April 8, lbb'2. FAINT SSTOKi: AND PAINTINO-I I have located at the store next door to the Rock Island Bank, where I will k een tnr ala st wholesale er retail, mixed or unmixed, faints, Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Benzole, Puttv, 'Glasj, Turnentini. and all articles usually wanted fur house and steamboat painting. House, Steamboat, Sign and Waaron Pilnii and Graining, Marbling, Glaung and Paper Hang ins done at short notice, in the best mann.r . ., reaaonable rates. WM: R. AVREs . j . Ilunoi, Sueet Rock J,1nd. April 9, dwly.