Newspaper Page Text
Site HOCK N AND ARGUS. vAecfclv I' iper established Oct. I, IV'I. Paper established July 13, 1354. . hi ' 1. 1, ii ii iCj I' i u 1. 1 s II IU' U T r.i . juvnv i'loiMiitnit. ... . ;. .'.'jk'-- ri:'i.-i'V M H.ilUrn a year, Payable, vJ.uar tcrly hi ailvance. Wi rKi v-Two Dollar n your, in advance. MII.TON J..VV i. b. nsNriiKrii, jk. ii hi a3vi i;mx riuc oil 1 1 $ , i; 1 1 u; : GENUINE! IS AMIlEli OU.olt. Hll. SMITH'S ELECTRIC OIL t S tin) most lioiiutil'ul combination ever dis I covered for ram. Try it on a lady" gatheiud breast and "c hew ou it soothe, how quickly all lie swell, ng in removed. It cure crumps ill 10 minute. Cures llcuilsrho ill 2 minute. Cure Rheumatism speedily. Cine Noun Igia ill HI minutes. Cure Hitrm hi 21 liiiur. Cures Krvs'i.ulas in 3lay. ........ J .. ...inbuilt of U USlllllul Slid llltlaill- minry nature quicker than anything else, and is . i,i,,,t smithing of nil known medical nppli Ki.ixnuc OIL. .'Some after confi tin' ino-it smithing alien. Dlt. smith's uthe only . Gcuuiue laettilc Oil uver known, and it has cured more than 00, A) P,AP"'ii"l- application in painful cue, will dem unstrato it power and pleasantness. Read what Dr. J. . H.f ny i ! "e li" first men in Wostport, Mo., and keep, a large dr.i(( ""re: WrsTr-i.HT.July Uth, 1859. two years ago, a lady of tfii place i, .-. attacked with inllamation ol .... ,. . r.,r several dave resisted oilO 01 tlie nreasis, "' " .ri. .n all the usual remedies in uch ca.e. The .well ,g and sorenes wa. a great as ill any case I had wle.sed. 1 wa. indued to try Sunt h . K U'ctr.c thl.andwa perfectly astonished and pleased to find in half at. hour fter its applies ion, that the ,rene and swelling had e, J-Jg,, Tlie (it iiuiuc Cleclric Oil I A RICH AMIlr.K ciil.' m k . k at it, and you will he fully " ,1-',11,.! the Original Klectr.c Oil, prepared by Or. Smith. No person would use a c ite. . - i he anew it, an. it. my imperative duty to admoiio-h t ,o I,; careful, and always ask for "Dr. Smith . Ic trie Oil." All the hest dealer, jell it, mo , the .ioelnr. use. I, at least those who have be, Mime aciuinicii " "" '," ' , and CLA R0CK1SLA.NI) 1J.L S TIU1AY tVENIKG ilAY 81. IS62 i'nntin(. ROCK ISLAND ARGUS i o it iw i:i:ik (.rciit it.ULKOVi). llroiut (iaii(, Double 'lYIi'fci' Koiitc Trark nnd 1 nouvimcc. - ' i - AMI ItOCh ISI.AMMi. U. . SJIi.H AS A KOCK.' IMtKMIl'M Printing House! Illinois Htrect, Opimslte Host Oilier. HOCK ISLAM). II.I.IOI. i:av YOiSK, i6os ro. And all Eastern Cities, CAURYINC TMK I.KIIVT VITI'.H I . K. MVII.. 3 iw Vw-ri vWvritf'r n r m si i; it t ii it t n s !: M t-:x t . tX .iii.l utter M n.iiiv. May ISO:!, trailii I will run bilHiMMi Cut llvrou.U t'lueai; FOR niOU'K FIBST I'L.lSS I tl.u! . Sun.l. y i. r, I . V I' l.t.Ml. Inland and lollovts : OF I IXI'KKSS TIIAIXS leave 'urn ,.rrn:il .,1' nllTraiiis the Lake Shore Itailriiad, from ('leu land, Cincinnati, Toledo, Chicago,, St. I'aul, St. I.ouim, c, and run through to -New Yot k without change. Tub um-Y Kotitr running car through Irom the LilUe to Sew Vr City. Splendid ventilated Sleeping cars run on Night Trains. Ilaggugi! checked through. Tare always as low as by any other route. Boston I'assungeu mid toeii llagguge Ininl'crri d Kree ill New York. be particular mid cull for Tickets via Dunkirk, and tlie New York mid Krie Kailroad, which are sold lit all the principal Railroad (lllice in the West. Tin road affords facilitir. for shipment o Freight, superior to nny oilier route. AM liXIHI I HI.K.lir 1HAIM leaves New York daily, making close connection through to all points West, and quicker time than ever belore made, on any line. For Freight Rates, enquire of J. C.Oatuian, 340 Itroadwav, New York ; John S. Ilunlaw, I.') Slate Street, llostoii, Mas., or of Jacob Forsyth, Freight Agent, 04 Clark Street, Chicago. CH AS. MIN'.lT, (ien'l Sup't. Port It) ron. Hampton.. . Junction . , Molme . .'ill .i; I lHmkirk, ch'.ilv, i iloik Isliunl. ( lncago ALVllUUfc VAN I'Al lr.i arc rejum ..i I til. in Pavemiort, Iowa ntS.'KU.r:L,,nKockl.lau,l.iiTi)M ,Jt- Dr. Smith may he coniiiltedfrre For ALBUMS had at ;.. tl,.. most artistic style (iAYFI.RDfuSl'KIDKI.'S to he A.MBKOTTPES, Not ..passed ,h,s side.. New PHOTOtlRAPHS, All sues, in the highest style of art, to be had a ;aj ford & Speidel's tiallery, In Webber's Block. y 11 1 (.' U S MOD K It A T E Our Facilities for Executing .Mf EVERY VARIETY OK-WR ARE THE ri:SVIA AM CEXTRAL K. K. Is a First Class Road mall respects, WITH 2!j MILKS HF Dut HLK TRACK. Three Hailn Truinx (With cniincctinn from all points west,) Iron 1'ittshiirg and I'hiladelphia, all connecting direct to New York. .frniw Mtil, Aftvrwmu Fast-Line, Xitjht AVy"'.v.v. t.NK TRY IN DAILY From Pittsburg to New York (4!!0 miles) without change ot cars. 17.4 M.Li:.TOIV. 4 ICASTUS, W ith direct connections from Western Cities, Arriving hours in advance ol other routes. in tune tor Huston by rail or boat lines. , . .S.3U ' ... H.:!0 1'. Chicago Hurl; Isbiltd.. . Moltnu .lulu tioll Hauiiton I'ort livron.. . . . The above t and regualioin Raihoad Time ..(UI A t i r. C ,.': . , 4.4b . ....Ill M M. V Ii It t K ;,.:tn r::i,s will be subj to the rules of the Chieii;o k Itnrk Island Tunics w hile on that roud. I,. It. IIIIOAIKK, l.e.see. i hicaso & Rock Maud Rail Road. ii anv.i: oi' iimi:. S V M M i: I! A II R A X (i K M I: X T I .u'ter Sun. lav. May fill., IsCi, until HARTFORD. 1862. Sixiceulli Scini-Aiimial Slalciucnl ! UK TIIK I FINAMHf C(M)ITHX of TIIK Phoenix Insurance Company, nK II A It IK' ill 11, t'l'NN., UN TIIK I'lixt lii) of .laiuiiii', IH'. i ass : T s . ! t usii. it..Hi h. I Cash on hand and in Hank . $H0, 127 ftS ! Cash III the b .nils ol' and ' due from Agent" 4'',3'!l 10 HH,s-.'ti US ltc.1 I'M, .to. !:.,'( II I. ! Real eslate ow ned by tiie Company.. $ 1 7,,'ilH. 110 i l, M A..-, ID. M.otg. nsurnnoo, I AI'I'I.V To j .1 . .yI. it ii f o r (I , ! wdtt hit bi'tui appmiitril &vh (r tlie CutlovMii ; CiiiiiUHiiii'K ; ' ABTKTA Insurance Co., i UK IIAIUTOKI'. CUX.X. ! CASH AN.i:i'! fi,000.MM in i : oi.o HARTFORD INSURANCE CO, Ol'' II tltll Oltl). ()N. ( liu oiporaied lltl.) ( A I'l l A I. XMIM ItlM.I S H).,11l.li4 SKW E(.I.YM FIRE Ml) MARINE r onip.iiij . UK I'uNS. KOf K ISLAM) AHCl e B K N I V M U00K & J 0 It EST A h I.I S II M EN T i on, Illinois nu ri,if TBrrT. Is prepared o mecule to o.der on short notice ALL DISCalPTIoKS or Books, Pamphlets. Circulars, &c. ic, S'l'ATEMEXT OF TUEToNDillOX- C O X X E CT1CUT FIRE Insurance Co., 0 OF HAKTFOKU, CONN., On the ht Day of January, 1S62 C A V I T A 1. . Amount ol Capital Slock paid up. Amount of Surplus on hand ,.$joo oon oo . 24 049 43 Total Capital ami Surplus 04!l 43 ASSKTS. Cash on hand and in Ibuik dish in hands nf Agents Rills receivable. Accounts and other Claims $10 (.00 New i'ork 7 per cent State atock of IMil tt $1044 ..i',4 604 6ti 5 00 00 8 b39 llo 11AU will leae Rock Claml liepot arriving leavini! Chicago at leaMiitf Chicago at p in., Ieavii.(! Chi- Most alab!e Book of the Day! THE N'K AMERIt VX V( L0P:EDIA. As volume after volume i isued, this noble work elicits troii!er praise Irom all quarter. The North American Review says : '-We enn turn to no title which does not confirm our con fidence ih the work. Kach article seems to have been written by an eipert. There can be no doubt that, at least for the me of American readers, and in some reprt Wherever me ipoken, thn Cyclopia will nrratlu turpa in value nny similar rumjiitatirt yet muted on either aide of the Atlantic " In the present startling times, when we need posting on so many topics little thought ol bulore, It is invaluable. Published by I). Appleton & Co., New York 'PHK iiiiilerigne I lui titken the sliop on I Illinois street, Kock Island, neu door to (.loekhoH'-s cigar store, for the purpose of carry ing on the business of I'AlNTlN.i, (UIAININC, I'APKR HANGING and r.LAZIXO, in all their branches, and willexecute all orders Irom TOWN OH tOUXTK with iiiouiptuesa, in the best manner, and at rea sonable rates. Orders mny be sent through the post office, or lelt at the shop. JACOB (UIT. HICK TI.MK IUNSUKPASSED !j And will enable us to execute as Good. Worli AS ANY OTIIlCIt (l'l'H:iC INTHU t'lTV M KTATi:, AND AT TRICES WARRAMEI) TO BE SATISFACTORY J TIIE HOOK DEPARTMENT Is amply supplied with material nt'every variety necessary to ensure punctuality and dispatch. CuiiKtUutioliH, Articles of Incorporation. And every other variety of Pamphlets printed at the shortest "possible notice. Q' TO NKW YOKK.. Tke ntUbitrif, Fort Wayne .L' Vlucayo J(. it. In connection with the Pennsylvania Rail Road the Allentown Route, now runninK through to New York city with but one change of ears, in four hours' less time than any other route. This advantage is gained by their hem eighty miles shorter than either of the more, northern line. March 14th' ;2. tlie Only Premium Awarded at tlie late United States Fair on Wins ami Toupees, Anil for Hair Jewelry, t'S that invert to ADOLPII 011S- WAI-UT, 100 Lake Street, Chicago. His Wins arc easy, durable and elegant. The only place in the West where they are properly made. Sat faction ornovay. Orders forwarded by send- ing the n easure as follow : 3 1 Round the Head. 2 Forehead to Nape. 3 to Karover the Head. . 4 Kar o across the Crown. 1 Round the Held. 2 Forehead toexlentof Baldness. 3 Far to Ear over the Head. 4 Acros bald placeoverthecrown ADCM.PH OHSVVALDT, Chicago. P. O. Hoi, 3026. MERCANTILE PRINTING OF F.VF.RY INSCRIPTION. SUCH AS Kill of Lud'uiij, Steamboat lihinkx, Hotel liegixterii, Kaid'erx1 Check, lieceijitH, hrnyifutlsC LalM, Kill of Fare, Circular, l.all Tickets, Ciink, Poster, Proijramrncx, Etc., Etc., Ft". SEA11.Y A XI) HANOSO.MIOI.V DOSU1 Kxpress trains run daily; others, Sunday ex cepted. NINi: DAILY TRAINS From Philadelphia to New York. Tickets i;ood on nny line or train. New York or Boston Tickets via Pittsburg, good via Philadelphia or Allentown. Boat Tickets to Boston good via any of the boat lilies. TWO DAILY CONNF.CITONS From Hiirrisburg lo Baltimore and Washington. Baggage checked through all transfer free. Fare Ahcaiin us I.oic a.1 ami Other lloute. BUY TICKKTS VIA PlTTSBURii Tickets fur sale at All, MA IX OFFICES. mm ion rs. By this route freight of all ilescr.pimn ran be forwarded from Philadelphia, New York, Boston or Hultimore to and from any point on the rail roads ol Ohio, Kentucky, In., Illinois, Wis consin, Iowa and Missouri by railroad direct. The Pennsylvania railroad also iieels at Pittsburg witii, by which goods can be forwarded lo any p.t on tin: Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee. Cum be rl a ml, Illinois, .Mis sissippi, 'Wisconsin, Misaoun. Kansas. Arkansas and Red rivers) and ..t Cleveland, Niiidu.'nky and Chicago, withsieamerH to all pons on the. .North western lakes. Mrrrhairs ami shippers entrusting the trans portation nf their freight with this company can relv with confidence on its speedy transit. The rates of freights to and from any point in the west by the Pennsylvania railroad are at all ! times favorable'e charged by olher railroad ; companies. ! Be particu'ur to mark packages '-via l'eniia. It. It." I F.. J., Philadelphia. i MAIIl.HAWk KOONS, SO North street, Balti- i more. : LKK.TI it CO., No. a Astor House, or No. I ! South William street. New ork. I L F. K II it CO., No. 77 State street, BomIoii. ! II. II. HOUSTON, l.en'l Freight Agent. Phila. i I,. I,. IIOIT'T, Oc'i'l Ticket Agent, Plnla. KNOCH l.Klvis, flcu'l Sup't, Altoona, Pa. On i... lurther notice, ti 'aim as follow s : C.OIM. I't'I, Day l'.iress and Mail Irani at In. Ill) a in III I Im ago at 11..10 i in. Through freight t at O l". a m . arming in ' Chicago at o.lill a lo. j Night hxpress at i.iiO p in., arriving in Chicago j at tj.y. a in. ; tkai;s Aiiaivr. kmm ti.k cast: j Night Kxpres at 7.00 a in. H.O0 p in. Through Freight at 1 .4j p in "7.00 p in. Day Kxpres and Mail at fi.l eago at U..u. a in. All trains sin tins road tire in diiectconneclioii 1 at Chicago with Ir-uns over the Michigan hnutli- cm, Hie Michigan Central, and the Pittsburgh and Fori Wayne Railroad, to and from Detroit, To ' ledo, Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, j Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, New I York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, and Washington. I Also at LaSalle will, trains of the Illinois Cen : ttal Road, North to l.aleiia and South to St. Lou I i, and Cairo. ' Passengers are reminded of the necessity of giv ing distinct directions as lo the destination ol their baggage, also lo procure tickets before taking their seal in the cars, as Ihe conductors collect lares only to station on the hue of the Chicagoand Rock IsIh'ioI Railroad. ,'OIIN F. TR AC V , Sup't. VV. H. Whitman, Ass t sup't. (ialiiia Jiitl tliiraso In ion Railroad. Ainount loaned ages of Real I' i Amount tale. loaned on pie . I 7.000 OH .A()t,00. ilge , 1110 till ol Bank Sloi sh A lint loaned , olhurw ise 1:,.ured J, I ID 00 lfi,j40 IUI Xe Vnrk Hunk Slocks. flOI.O.'ll). ,;iU shares United Slates Trust Company ' Slock , Pah. u . M V i . j t harteicd I nplli.l ! tITV EIRE INSlRANtE COMPANY, ( Hsb iimi of llAlii'l'tiKI', t'l.vs. SiirpliiN :i:i.'..iMio J.'p.OUO li,(K'0 . Jell 20.11110 2II.0IHI 20,0110 l..,UIM. in.Too I II, 01 III 10, noil ,i Dial lii.onil j s,400 IS, 000 II !U:l0 0 0.000 1 S, III III 1.0.10 'f,7..ii I :i;i,7i.o . 22, noil 20,000 20,1100 It'll Id AX CKXTRAIi HAILIvOAD. i Great t tntral Koine to sew ion., ! lOngland ami tlie CtinaduH. Xew a. m.; Boston 12.20 "Mammoth Posters Oi Any Si.t or Shape, anil In ANY NI MBER OF FANCY COLORS. OBJWMENTAt P81STW0 fMIICAGO & XOUTHWESTERX HAIL- j WAY. For Roektord, Beloit, t reeport, janesvine, lena, Dubuque, VVatertown, PorUgeCity.Madiion, prairie dn Chien, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Green Bay, Berlin, Ripon, La Crosse, St. Paul, Sic. Trains leave Chicago a follows : n.3il a. m. day exprcs, for all points above. 9.00 p. ni. Passenger tram, for Janesville, Beloit, Freeportand Kocklord. Tra.ns arrive at Chicago at 9.4 j a. m.; 6.1") p. m. liKO. L. DUNLAP, Sup't. E. IK Witt Roatfsoic, Gen.T.ckat Ag't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, TESTATE OF JOliX MARSHALL, DE Yi CKsKD. The undersigned having been sp otted 'administrator of the estate of John Mar ,,all late of the county of Rock Island and .late of Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice that they will appear before the county court ol Rock .V.. .i.. .r,. nf clerk of aid court in the city of Rock Ishnd, at the June term, on the THIRD MONDAY IN JL'NE next, at which time all persons having claim against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having tlie ame adjusted. All person in debted to said estate are requested t make im . mediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 9th dayof AprJ, A. D., lSb2. GtoacE Marshall, 1 Admntratort. MaieAKET Maiuall. j IN BRILLIANT COLORS, IN GOLD, SILVER OR BRONZE. Not to le Excflk'tl Either in the East or West ! The material of thu office has been selected with great care, and with an eye to the wants of the business community. OUIt TYPE IH NEW ! Consequently, it gives a clear and distinct impres sion. ' In addition to this, we employ the FASTEST MACHINE PRESSES To be Found iu the West t Thereby ensuring to all who favor us with work, PUNCTUALITY ! And Reasonable Prices! On and alter Sl'NDAY, May 4, 1M2, trains leave the Great Central I'nion Depot.tool of Luke street, Chicago, as follows: 7.00 A. M. Dav Ks press (except Sunday) arrives nt 'Detroit (i.40 p. in.; Suspension Undue 4.0" a. in.: Albany 4.14 New York 11.00 p a. m. 7.30 P. M. N.hl Knpress (except Sunday) ar rives at Detroit 7.00 a. in. j Suspen sion Bridge l.dO p. in.; Albany 4 . 1.0 a. in. i New York 10. 0.1 a; ni. ; Boston 4.30 p. in. Cincinnati trains, via M. C. Railroad , leave Chi ! cago at 7.00 a. in. .Mail Train. 7,Uu p.m. Fast Kx 1 pres. Arrive inCnicago at S. 13 a.m. Fast Kxpress, j and 8.15 p. in. Night Mail Train. The 7.3U p. m. train leaving Chicago rum j through to Cincinnati without change of cars or baggage. SALISBURY'S PAT F.N T DUSTERS arc run on day express trains. Patent Sleeping Cars on Night Tralux. tUS'liayjaye. C kecked Thruwjh "HM THROt'GH TICKKTS for sale in all ( rincipal railroad ollices in the west, at the general ollicc, corner Lake and Dearborn streets (under the Tre mont House, Chicago), and at the Depot. R. N. RICK, J. W. SMITH, General Sup't. Wetcrn Passenger Ag't. I E T It 0 IT .t CHICAGO XJ UAIUWAD USE. On and after Monday, May Mb, the The MifhiRaa Southern R. U. Co., Will run a passenger Line between Chicago and Detroit via Adrian without change of cars, making direct connection with all Canadian Lines from Detroit. Klegant coaches w ith raised ventilated roof and Salibury Dusters, will run through on day train. Luxurious sleeping cars of the latest improvement wll run through on night trains. The distance is shorter than by any other line. The time aud rales of fare will Le the same as on other route. Leave Chicago at 7.00 a. m. anil i.M p. m.i ar. rive in Detroit at 0.40 p. m. and 7 a.m.; arrive iu Chicago at p. in. and b.lj a. m. Tickets sold at all the pr.ncipal office in the Northwest. Also at the company's otlicc, .06 Clrk street, and at the depot, corner Van Dtiren aid Sherman sis., Chicago. II. K. SAWYKR. General Passenger Agent. MM Ml ill A lilt tM.LSILM'. ON A NI' AKTF.R MONDAY, May 11th, ISO'.', trains will leave Wells street depot, N. Wolls st. .Chicago, us follow (Sundays except ed ): P..,'i0 ii. m. mid 0.2") p. iu. for Belndere, Rock ford, Freeport, Warren. Galena, Dniileith, Dubuque nnd intermediate points. it.50 n. in. and ft 4.) p. m. for Dixon, Polo, Ful ton, Cedar JCipuls and intermediate points. 4.00 p. in., F.lgin, Belvidere, Kocklord, and in termediate points. o.30 p. in. (lereva and intermediate points. P;iseiigers for Beirut and .1 at.esv 1 1 le will lake the !. j0 a ni.. .'n,.l I p. m. tram. Pussenui is for Luke, Mclleniy, Ilieh- mond, Geneva Lake nnd inierinedialo puiiils, will take the 4.00 p ui. Trains arrive at Chicago : At 3.30 p. iu. and. " .4 i a. in. from Dniileith, Ga lena, I'rerpoit, etc. At 3.30 p. in. and Ii."' a. m. from Cedar Rapids, Fulton, Dixon, etc. At 11.10 a. m. from Fox River Valley. At 30 n. iu. Geneva Accommodation. Hf Sleeping cars on night trains. ' F. H.TALCOTT, G. M. WHI'.KLKR, Gei.'l Sup'l. Geu'i Pass, nger Agent. Mifhigaii souliu rn A. Lake Shore R. R. 1MJ2 SC. MM Kit ARRA.NG K.MKNT 102. On and alter I N DA Y.Mav, 4Lh and unlil lurth er notice, trains will leave Chicago as follows : Nfw YollK Dtv Kxpbkssi 7. CO A. M. Daily, except Sunday, vis old Michigan road, commuting at Klkbart with trams on Ail-Line road ,nf W bite Pigeon with trains for Three Rivers, at Adrian with trains for Jack son at Air Line Junction with trains lor Monroe and Detroit. Kxrmsi. : 7.30 P. M. Daily, except Saturday, via old Micln grin road, connecting at Adnan with trains lor Detroit. Trains arrive from the Fast at n. in. and S lj p. m. All the above trams make regular connection to Dunkirk, llull'alo, Niagara tails, Albany York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ma other points east. Luxurious new sleeping coaches, with all mod ern improvement, run on night trams. ri,r,.i, tiekets can bo obtained nt the com pany's ollicc '00 ' lark street House, or at the depot, c Sherman streets. JOHN D. CAMI'BF.I.L, GKO. M. GRAY, ' Gon'i Sup't, Toledo, o. Geu'i Western Ag't. N. Y hares American l.x- ehange Ba'k Stork t . 2110 shares Meli.yolitau Bank Mock. N. V 300 shares Manufacturers' and .Merchant' Bank Slock, N. V l.'iO shares Continental B'k Mock, N. 4'.'S shares Meclinuics' B'k Slock, N. Y f)H0 share Plnenix Hank Stock, N. 20U shares Merchants' Kv- ehallge Ifk Sl'k, N. V . 100 shares Merchants' B'k Slock, N. Y 100 share Ocean B'k M'k. N. V Ilurtforil Hani. "loi k-. tl.-..1.GOt(. 300 shares Farmers' Mechan ics' Bank Slock, llarllord.. 30,ll00 200 share I'll) B'k. M'k Larll'd 20,0110 200 share .F.liia Bank Mm a, llarli'oid 200 shares Ploenix Bank Stuck. Ilaltlord 2nd share Men hauls' tt Mann- tactuieis' B'k M'k. llarllord 20,0011 tv,2l.O I 2U() share Mercantile BankSt'k llartlord US shs. State B'k S'k llartlord SO shares llartlord Bank Stock llartlord fill shares Conn. River B'k SI "l llartlord 10 sharekllarflord County B'k Mock, ll.iitlord ilel blll), VI., Muiik to k, 1'i, 100 shares Cornells' Hank MorK Walerioirv. Ct I",0"0 lis shares tt iilerbiny Bank Sl'k Waterhury, d 1 MiM't lluiii'oils Hank Slocks, l.1.w'0. AO hharis Niagara District B k M' St. Cailnrin."-, C. W . . .V'OO 2.r)t) shares Ontario Bank Stock BowmaiMVilie 10,000, .;io.'io. 20 New Brilaiu Water Bonds. IO.OiiO II) llartlord COV Bonds 10,000 20 Tennessee Mate Bonds 2,000 MiscellHiieoiiH M.MOO. 100 shares llolyoke Water Cow er Company's Slock 10.001) Ohio Slate Stock of 1S70 2,000 Interest. 'f.1(l 15. Accumulated interest on Investment. .$2,04 7.J Total AshittH S501.101 111. NORTH AMERICAN V i rr I iimi ra ticc (mh pa n y --ni' HAIlTFtiKli. Coss. t'npltal ;ni.tni. HOME II RE INSIRVNIE COM TAN V. OK NkW YORK CI I V. CAPITA I.. The l apital ol this Company all) paid up ill cash, is'. $1,000.0011 Oil The Siitplus on the 1st day of J.niu- a.v, IM.2 '. 4lib,lS7 li.'i Total am'l nf Capital and I II AS surplu Mil ton Mn i n, .1. M Alt TIN, Secretin V. ii ,.io.i s; li.-i President 2ii,noo jo.Ooii i2,:.oo 6,000 2,r.oo ."00 10.200 : 17,000 j li,2.'.0 i ti.MH) 3,250 450 no Ill,.'i00 :,, 10,700 I I ,IIOil lo. son !?,7ll0 10,000 I, bill) Losses Equilalilv adjusted ami I'roiiipl I) I'aiil. Vpplicsl ion:, solicited and Policie isBiled b .1. M. Ill FORI), Rock Island, Illinois. ILLINOIS Ml llAL 8'irc Insurance romii'iiy W ilh a successful lliislnet. ICxpei leiicc ol over 'ii Year. Capital, $ ,0(10,000. houses Void, 700,000 liihlead of the piojits for seun-aiiiiuii dn iilcinls, in addition to premiums, usually drawn from the insured, bv stock companies, to pay custom stock holders, the 'atcs in the In inois Mri iHi. are so eouitahlv arranged ns only to reouire from the , meiiibeis sullicient money lo pay, with certainty, ; all losses and expensss. The pieiiiiuin note now j amounting to ovei line Alillion I'ollars, urn se j cured bv a lieu upon the properly insured, valued ; nt over Ten Millions. This ample fund all'ord a j uurc guarantee for the pnwnent o! every os.v the security being nil localed in Illinois, and subject ; to our own laws. No policies are issued out ol 1 Uns stale. The members nro subject to no litiga ! lion all losses being adjusted by arecil arbitri j lion. All losses u itliin ninety days, thai i occur under policies pout yniily in advance. lids of State of Conn . " l.i " of City of Hartfd " ft " of City" ol Brook lyn, N. V " 1(1 Bonds Galena & Chicago Railroad Company " 12 Bonds CIcuTtl, Pains Astsbula R. It C ..on each) " l'. Share Hartford Si New Haven R. K. Co. Mo. k. . " 100 Shares Hartford Bank Slock, Hartford " 200 Miares Farmers and .Me chanics Mnuk St'k (I'd. . " 100 Shares City Bank, H'd.. " 100 Shares .Klua B'k S'k H'd " 100 Shares Merchant is Man illas Bank Stock, H'd. .." 00 Shares Charter Oak bank Stock, Hartford,. " ;i0 Snares Mercantile Bank Stock, llartlord " 50 Share Phoenix Bank Stock, Hartford. ion Shares lleeau Bank St'k New ork t( 00 Shares St. Nicholas Bank Stock, N. Y " 50 Shares Pink B'k St'k N.Y.' 50 Shares Metropolitan B'k St'k, New Vnrk fill shares Nn-siia li'k Sl'k. N. V " 50 Shares ( olitmelilal Bank Slock, N. l " .'ni Shares American F.x changii Il k St'k, N. V.. " 4iill Share Mech's B'k'g As- o'n St'k, shr'a $i2,.'.0 250 Shares Pheemx Brink St'k, shares $20,20, N. V " all Shares Hide and Leather Bank Stock, BoNtou ' 1'otai Assets 1010 I.l3r 1030 loot) 52.'. 140 134 112 no iu.-. 101 HI2 10 451) 00 11 1.50 00 15 525 00 i) 150 00 10 000 00 0 3' 0 00 7 420 00 13 500 00 22 400 00 I I 0110 0(1 10 501) DO 10 100 Oil (i 120 00 4 00(1 00 4 7.50 00 4 10(1 110 S2 9ti loo no S00 00 "4 100 100 or. 4 700 00 4 250 00 3 750 U0 4 100 U0 5 000 00 S 000 00 4 7.50 00 .$221,049,42 I.1ABILITIKS. Amciiut ol Losses adjusted and due None Amount of Losses adjusted and not due.. None Amount of all other claims against the Co. $4,500 Totul Liubilltie ,..1.000 JOHN Ii. KLDRKDGK, Scc'y. II aktvohu, January 1st, 1S02. HERMAN Fli'.LD, Agent, Rock Island. PEORIA far I in A: FIr; "Peoria, Illinois I, I A It I I. I I I l.S. The uiiiounl due and nol due lo bankers and oth'T creditors ot the Losses adjusted and due... Losses reported, uliadjuste. and waiting further proofs Losses f untested Total of all Liabilities. . oupaiiy. . . in suspense .".one. None, $211,001 9,200 ;io,lH. r II () K N J X t oinp.ili.v. 1 00,000 11F II A KT I'O 1! 1, N e vv and all , under the Sherman irner Van Buren and Pittsburg Ft. AVajne & Chicago R. R. Lf '.Hi C ASII ('AIM I XI Devoted to Fire Insurance exclusively, and its aim will be, to secure a continuance rl public confidence, by a prompt and honorable adjust ment of all fair claims for loss. S. L. LOOM IS, Presidunt. H. KK.i.Looii, Secretary. BOARD OF lIliKCTORS : II. K. Hart. Samuel Wade, II. W. Billings, B. I. Oilman, Timothy Tinner, Lyman Trumbull, ! Robert Smith, Henry Lea, John Alwood, J. 1 W.Scbweppe, Benjamin F, Long, F.Iias Hibban!, j Friincit A lloHiiiaiiu, Lewis Kellc nberger, M. 0. 1 Atwoo.l. OFFICF.RS : M. O. ATWOOD, preslllelil l.KWIS K FI.L F.NIIKKOF.R, Treasure. J.iHN AT WOOD. Seer. tar.. JOHN HI.A1SDF.LL, (ienenil Agent. J. K. IKiWAliD, Ass't lien'i Agent. Agents have been appointed 111 every county and in all the principal cities and towns 111 the state. Application lor insurance, may be made to L.I'. Baker, Agent for Hampton ; D. W.tiould, .Molme, and Binwn 4t Devore, Port Byron. J AM F.S M. Bl'I'OKI), Agent for Rock Island, Illinois. Mississippi cv Missouri Railroad. Capital Stock - - -Capital Slock, paid, $500,000. $300,000. !-: Kf; Hrancli Mlice (Tncllinntl. R, II. &. II. N. MAt.II.M.ciU'ral Agents. "S-ii- INSCRANCF may le effected with this lead 1 lie and popular corporation, at FAIR R A I'KS, by application to any of its authorized Agents, ill ail principal cities nnd towns Agency for Hock Ihland, Illinois, II I'. It M AN Flr'.I.D. , eicept aturuays. -Accoiiiuiodalion lor V,iraiso. Train leave, the West Side Union Depot, cor, Madison and Canal streets, Chicago, as follows . 1 nil a. 11. )av .xnress, eee n u. 7 HOp. m. Night Mail t-.xpross, :-,.40 For Boston, Sew York, Philadelphia, llaltimore, Washington, llarrislmrfe, Pittsburg if Wheeling Also for Albany, lluffnh, hunkirk, Cleveland. Colum bia!, I'incmnnti, lioyton, And all intermediate station between Chicago and the cities above named. Sleeping cars on night Hams, and baggage by this route checked through to all eastern cities. But one change ol cars I.etween Miicago 111111 New York, via Alicntowri, on train leaving vnica- go al 7.30 p. in. . Tickets for Hale at the p.incipal ticket office in the west, at the company sotlice, corner 01 ami Dearborn streets, and at the Linon ue- pot, est Sine, l ine igo A. MULUUM I , Ticket Agent. M rc You Siisurctl ! AN IIA'JTAN Kiio lrnsuruneo Cm ;iny, ol New York. Cash capital, $i5U,0U0. t'ah surplus, $125,000. lucorpor.ueu mi. une of the oldirst companies in the 1,'nited State. UCTIC FNIK IXsTltAXCE COMP'XY, 2 New York. Autboiiied capital, $.)00,0O0, with a large nnd accumulating surplus. KRCIIAXT.S'l.V.SL'ltAXCKCOM r.Y, arll'ord, Conn, l ash capital, J-'UO.wo. MARK HOWARD, Pres'l. F.. Thomas Lohoki i., Sec'y. C MIICAGO 4 ST. LOtTIS R. U. LIXE.- CHAXfiK OF TIMK. Trsinsleave Chieasro at 9-00 a. m dayepress snnvi. 0.00 o. m n.itht cinrc, e , s.-onrdan. Tram Arrive at St. Louis al 6.35 a. m. and S.60 p. ni. Juliet and Wihniivjton Accommodation to.... Chicairoat4.00 p. m.; arrives st 9.4S a. m. C. U. ALLt.N, Sup't. TKKCI il of lia .v : 1 Hi -si i ; m i 1 .it a i h A ; 1 m is st-i m-t Trains run by Chicago lone, which is twelve min ute "faster than Davenport tune. tX AND AFTKR MONDAY, MAY .Vru J lj02, and until further notice, passenger trains will leave Davenport ai follows; For Marengo anil Washington 7:40 A. M. Trains arrive at Duvenpoit as tollows; From Marengo and Washinglo 0:30 P, M. Morning trains out of Davenport make direct connection at .Marengo, Iowa City and Wash ington, with the Western Stage Company's Stages for all points west. Trains from the west roiineet at Davenport with trains of the Chicago is Rork Island Railroad for nil points North and South. Passengers are reminded of the necessity of giving distinct direction as to the destination ol their baggage. Also to p ociiru tickets before tak ing their seats in the cars. JOHN F. TRACY, (ienl. Supt, A. KIMBALL, Asst. Sept. The investment, and Asuntts of this company are as t'ol low s : Cash on hand and in Bank $21,101,48 Cash due from aid 111 the hands of Agents and uther persons 2S,000,00 Bonds and Mortgages on Real F.state. ..108,040,60 Coupon Bonds, inteiest payable Somi- Annually .' 28,700,00 Discounted Notes, Drafts and Bills re ceivable with accrued Interest 117,335,6" Real Kslnti! ill the City of Peoria 20,1)00,00 $323,843,79 L1AI11L1T1KS. Due Banks and other Creditors of the Company $13,000,110 Losses Adjusted 3,000,0(1 Losse Adjusted and not Due 1,100,00 $17,100,00 $300,743,79 Having re-insured and cancelled nearly all the entraaml special risks previously held by the Com pany, and confining our business strictly to first class risks, we think we oiler as sale insurance as any company represented in the West. During the past four years we have paid the very large sum $315,000 in losses, and hope to avoid heavy losses in future by declining all specially haiardoua ' "' ISAAC LNDKRHILL, President. C. Holland, Secretary. JAMES SHAW, Agent, Rock Island, Ills; Of fice Corner of Kagle and Illinois Streets. WM. fien'l P. SIIINN, Pas'ger Ag't. JIIICAOO I MI LAV A UK EE RAILROAD. For Milwaukee, La Crosse, St. Paul, Oshkosh, Her lin, And intermediate points. On and alter Monday, May .Olh, lst,2, Pas senger trains lea ve the depot, corner of West Kin xie and Canal streets, Chicago, (Sundays eicepteu) as follow s ; 0.15 a m and O.OO p m, and arrive 111 Mil waukee st 12.4.) p. in and 12. a.m. Passenger trams arrive at Chicago at 11.30 a in. and 0.15 p m. Wuukrjj'.ui Accommodation Train. Leaves Chicaeo at 5.30 P. M. Arrives " 8.35 A.M. S. C. BALDWIN, Sup't. of Household INT I 'y, OMF. IN.Sl'RAM.'K COMIW.M, .New r,...n. I one. l.a I clllilta i ,J JUO.OIIU. roller holders receive 75 111 r cent, ol toe neu prom ll, e l.osinees. without llieurrilc; any liability. i....P.. llioOhnes. Merchandise, Furniture, Rents, Leases, and ..Hit Insurable Prot.erlv. auainst loss or damage by URL. NTKRXATIONA L Life Ashuiuiicu Socio- of London. Chiel'.IIiee ior me, i ni.tu - - ...i -i am nnfi States, 71 wall St., . 1. -.""y Oua.mtee Fund. tluCOoO. Deposited with the Comptroller of the State of New ork. IMJl'ITAl'I.H ''if" A"surnni: Sooiety, of 1itlie Cniled Mate. Olllce, 92 Broadway, frew York. Pure!' Mutual. The only Stock Company in America whose charier requires that all the p'ohts shall be divided pro rata among the policy holders. J. II. KINNEY, Agt, Rock Islnlid """" NOTU'I'. rPME riutPK, book accounts and pnpers of I Mr. Julius Schnlic, saddler and harness maker, have been left with me for settlement All those indebted to him are notified to make immediate payment, or coat will be made. HKNRY FISCliEL, Justice of the P Rock Island, Dec fi, 1801. i f.LlNOIS CENTRAL KAILROAI COM 1 PAN V., CIIASdE F TIME. On and after Sl'NDAY, May II, I8C2. trains will leave the O'eat Central Depot, Chicago, as billow s : Id press nt 7.15 a. m., daily. Sunday eicepted, Accommodation at 3,30 p.m., daily, Saturdays excepted . On Saturday an Accommodation train will be run to Kankakee, leaving Chicago at 6.00 p, in. Trains arrive at Chicago : Eiures at 8ii0 a. in Accommodation at 11. oa p. in. V P. Johnson, C.en'l Passenger Ag't. AinnxisTuvToii's write. IWtate of Matlilaa Agy, Deceased. rfMIE underHigned hiivinj: been nppointed A Aduiit.istrator of the Ksiute ot Miitlmw Agv, late ot the County of Rock Island ai d Slate of il ino,-, hereby give- notice that he will appear before the Countv Court of Kock Island county , a the ot the Clerk ol -aid I ourt .,, tho t,,y , Rock Island, at the June rerm.onthe 3d MONDAY IN JUNK neit, at which time all persons having ', ' .,,.,,,,.1 said estate ar notified and re- uu'esled to attend I'or the purpose of having the J 'i,ited. All uursous indebted to said es- jate are requested to make immediate paymeat to the undersigned. ,, tated this 22d day of April, A. D. 1S62. JOUN PAHMKNTKR. Administrator. IMtOSPKCTUS OF THE Jourual of the 111. State Agr'l Socieij. To the Priends of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Tho Executive Committee of the Illinois State Agricultural Society believe the time has arrived when the publication of a Journal ofthe Society is imperatively demanded. Pursuant, therefore, to the duty with which they are charged bv the second section of the Consti tution ol aid Society, revised and adopted by the meeting of delegates" from County Agricultural So cieties, held on the Fair Grounds, at Jacksonville, Sept. ,1 Mil', they have made the necessary arrange ments for the issue ol such Journal, monthly ,coin mencing with January, 1SI32. Kach number will contain at least 32 pages (octavu) of reading matter, composed priciplly ot such portions of the transactions ofthe State and County Societies, and communications on the subjects of Agriculture in all Its branches, Me chanic and Natural History, as may require early publication. All Premiums offered and Awarded by the Stale Society will appear iu its columns. All persons and especially Secretaries and other officers of County Societies, are respectfully re quested to communicate til the editor any matters of general interest to the industrial classes, as they may from time to time arise in their respec tive localities. To place the Journal within the reach of all, the subscription price has been fixed at Firxr Ceivto a, barely tuffieient to coetr eott of publication, payable tuvanably in advance. Back numbers for the current year will be furn ished until the edition is tnhausted. All subscriptions and communications may be forwarded to the undersigned, Springfield, Illi nois. JOHN P. KEYNOLDS, Car. s)c. and Kditer Journal ,"