Newspaper Page Text
ROCK ISLAND ARGDS. KATES OP ADVEHTISISHS. .... nn iini or less. f tirsl insertion. 76 each additional insertion 2-1 (I IIHA Wflffb . . ..... 1 ta i two weeks ' "V it nun mntith. 00 two months tlirco months... in monthi one year One fourth column, 3 mnntlii it 6 months. t I year... lull 3 nion'ha. it i 6 mouths. J year... 6 00 6 W 8 00 1.4 00 15 1)0 20 00 30 00 25 00 35 00 60 00 1 nlh. ou f0 00 Due cmuum, ijh do fr::::::::::::::::::::moo .. nnt fKrAdinff five hnea. one Business" , 00 Special business noticea will be published for ano-ntaa line tor insertion. For insertion in daily and weekly 33 V .dditional to the above rate. All advertiacmenta from trannent person, strangers, tobtyaidinadianct. , in. Noticea for religious and benevolcn p "P . .crtod one time free of coat, thereafter charged a. tCy7tt ,.P. r ,. eat.bltil.ed October is, rtlh Dunham, and purchased by the IS5I, by iicn , ... itwaaihen Prr"""l..n .u':;,:. f,;.... in name wa. changed called ... ui't " r, i,,,.,,.! IS. 155. The " Hoc. Islander" was united with the 'Argus," Septum- Islanucr " ' bcr 10, lsi7. iti, moi. -JfTho Daily paper waa established July 13lh, 8. DAtiroRTH, It. J"1"' R01K ISLAXuToST OFFICE. MAIL A H It A Si C. E M E Si T. Chicago and Rock Inland Railroad Mail am" i at 7 A M., and 5:lo 1'. M. Close at M A. M., and 7:011 I'. M .,iVr'i, Klnml Railroad Mail, via Mo Davenvort Mail arri.ea at 10.30 a. M., and 7.311 P. U. Cloaca at ti.30 A. II , and 4.4o It. H. Oguawka Mail, via 1'le.nanl Kidjie, Iluzlitt, Hani let, Millcraburg, Monroe, New lloalon and Keitlnburg, leavca Monday, Wcdneaday and Friday, al A. M. Arrivca Tuesday, Thuraday aud Saturday, at 4r.ll, Macomb Mail, via. Preemption, rarlow t frnvn. Vtn la. Pnoe Creek. North llei.der- aon and Aledo, leavoa Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a. M. Arrivea Tueaday nid Friday at 7 Cintre 1'oint Mail, via Prairicfield, Kichland tirove, Centre Kidge, Oilord, Rural, North Prai rie and Henderaou, leaves Wednesday ut 6 A. M. Cambridge Mail via: Pennsylvania, Orion nnd Andover, leaves Wednesday nl 1 A. It. Anivea Thursday at ft r . M . Camden Mills Mail, leaves Monday, Wednesday Friday and Saturday, at7 A.M. Arrivea Tues dav, Thursday, Fridny and Saturday at 7 r. It. Coal' Valley Mail, leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. II has no regular nour nir impariu. No mails sent or received on Sunday: Office hours trom 7 A. M. to S r. at. On Sunday open Iron it to H)a in. C. TRL'F.SD.VLK, P. M. HOI K ISLAM) t llTltt II DlltlXTO"V Sr. Jamfi, (Koman latliolir.) curlier Rock River and Dock streets, Rev. I'.T. McKlherne, Pastor, Alleman, Assislan'.. Services, on Sundav, Mass at 7 at 10 A. M. Catechism at ti A. Si. and 2 P.M. VespersutS P. M. and Benediction ot the Messed Sacrament immedi ately alter Vespers. M;i" every morning du ring the week at 0:30. Tbikity, (Kpiseiipal,) Orleans street, between Hutlalo and Klk, Kv. Mathew Maiiill, Rector. Services, on Sunday, at 111:11" A. M. and "4 P. M. Sabbath School at ! A. M. Lecture on Wednesduy evenings at 74 n'cloek. Fiasr PnEBvri.aiAN, corner Illinois and Deer Streets, Rev. S. T. WiIs jii, Paitor. Services, Sundnv, nt 10:1.) A. M. and 3:(K P. M. Sab bath .School nt !) . M. Lecture and prayer meeting Wednesday evenings at 7:4:. Ladies prayer meeting Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Srcotio I'RK.iBVTEiii an, Illinois street, between F.Ik and Deer streets, (no Pastor at present.) Sabbath School at it A. M. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday evening at X o'clock. L'mted Prf.sbvtehian, corner Orleans and fleer streets, Rev. J. II. .lell'ers, Pastor. Services, Sunday, at 10:30 A. M. Sabbath school at 'J A. M. Ml thooiht Krisc-orAL, corner Highland and Jelfer son streets, Rev. John P. Ilrooks, Pastor. Ser vices, Sunday, I0:3l A. M. and l P.M. Sab bath School at!) A. M. Weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday evenitiB, 'H o'clock. Ladies prayer meeting, Wednesday, i P.JI, First IUiti-t, corner Kik and Orleans streets, Rev. Isaac tirav, Pastor. Services, Sunday, at 10:1: A. M. and 7.-4.) P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday oven nig, at 7 :45 o'clock. Evangelical A-soci ation, corner Rock River and Deer streets, Rev. D. S. livers, Pastor. Services, Sunday, at 10:30 A. .M. and at 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 1 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wedesday evening at 7. German Litheran F.ham i-.l C'iiirhi, corner Pleasant and beaver streets, Rev. C. A. Men necke, Pastor. German M. K. Ciii rcii, Madison street, between Highland and table streets, Rev. C. Schneider, Pastor. THU IVW IN Rr.l.ATION TO N liU S. I' A I' I : US. 1. Siibscnbers who do not give ciprca nutice to he contrary, are considered wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers urder the discontinuance oi heir papers, the publisher may cuntmue to Bend them until all arrearages arc p:ml. 3. It a 'Iwcribcrs neglect or refuse to take their papers troui tfie ollice to which they are sent, they are held responsible till they have settled their bills, and ordered the paper discouiinueil, 4. It subscribers move to other places without informing the publisher, and the paper is -.cut to the loruier direction, they arc held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a newspaper or periodical from the ollice, or re moving and leaving it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of fraud. PRINTING. THE JUDICIOUS USE OF HAS Made Many For t urn s MIIKS THAOE IS 1)1 1. 1 It should be SI1ARPEXED BY ADVERTING ! And by other suitable methods of keeping your business before the public. IF YOU W ANT ANY KIND OF l" It I IV T I N G ! DONE Cheaper, llettor aud Quicker Than anywhere else in the city, go to the HOCK ISLAND DAILY ARGUS JoD Rooms, Corner Eagle and Illinois Street. SPRINGFIELD Fire and Marine Insurance Company, OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. CASH CAPITAL $200,00(1 Surplus 240,000 nONTIXCES TO ENSURE KEAL AM) J PERSONAL PROPERTY on the most favor ble term. , , , Claim for Loi equitably and honorely adjusted For Insurance, apply to ... . HERMAN FIELD, Agent For the bet Weekly Newipaper subscribe or the Rock Islind Aaoi's. Argus POWER PRESS Printing Establishment ! OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, ROCK ISLAXD, ILLINOIS, MMIE ARGl'S OFFICE IS PREPARED J. to execute ill the highest style of the art, without Utility, and at the low est cnan rates, liailroad Work, Steamboat Work, J'tlfttftlUtSy Catalogues, Tasters, Small Hills, Tablets, liusinest Cards, Addrsis Card, Wedding thirds, Hall Tiikels, llilli uf fair, Law 13 anks, Shipping llitlt, I) ray Iteccipts, Circulars, Letter lira, Is, Mute Heads, Hill Heads, Cheeks, .Vuli., I)rafts,Itm ipts, .re, Etc., Eli Ollice in Chark'N HtHorri'i lllot k, Opposite the I'ost-Olhre, Hock Matul. S HALM'S S T 0 X E j I A R R V JOUIET, XXjXj. ( Wi-B". City Limits.) 1AM rentreii to liinii-li to lluiMers nml Contractors in Illinois, Michianii, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa and oilier states, cut stoni; 1I.ACJIN(i, tVm 2 to 10 iiirh"t iii IliirkiK'Hii, CUHI51NG STONK Ol any sue, UAHP.I.i: AM' FOI MATH STOXK, VAl ll fOVF.KS. Si I'KW T(.K, Or .my other styles, mid any s:o desired, either hi tlie r nigh or dressed, ami delivered either on R nlru id t ars or ( a n il floats. ,fv oiiarrv is situated direcllvon the (anal and the Chicago Rock Island Railroad, one mile southwest ol Joliet, and my l.icilitirs lor loadini; will enable me to sell as low as the lowest. I'Mffs to Suit l lie Times, Orders respectfully solicited from abroad, and all work doiic on the square.'' All li tiers promptly aiisw ered. .1. I'. SIVA1..M. Juliet, Illinois. ID K. JA crtoix's 1' II 1 X A T K M K D I 0 A I. T K F. A T I K S ON THE I'liysiological View or Marriage, 2 ill PAOLS AND 113 ENGRAVINGS.- Price only i w I M s-i n t. cenis. Sent tree of postage to ull parts of the Union. On the iiiliruuties of voulh and maturity, disclosing the secret tollies ot' both sexes ol' all ages, ciiisiiiu debility, lien oiimioss, depression ot' spirits, palpitation ot the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, blush iiis, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, inth ctinfcisiitMs o' thriUinn interest t a Itnnrd tntc miuiil Miss, a CtlUxe Stu.eiit, mid a yinirix married lady, etc. etr. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, whoeutertain secret doubts ot their physical con dition, and w ho are conscious ol' hnvini.' h;iardetl the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. YOUNG .MEN who aretroubled with weakness, generally caused habit in voulh, the el icits of dm h are dizziness, pains, liirgcUiillieas, sometimes a ringing in Hie ears, weak eves, wenk ness ol' the back and lower ettrennties, contusion of ulcus, loss of uicuioly, with meiiincholv, ui.iv be cured bv the nuthor's .N K W PARIS AND I.O.N'. DON TREATMENT. We have recently devoted much of our lime in Visliting the European Hospitals, availing our selves of the knowledgi and rest-art hcs of the, most skill, d phystans itn surgeons mil Europe and the continent. Those who plane themselves un der ourcare will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND Eh l-'ll ACltil REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our prac tice, anil the public tliav rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully dis tinguished us heretofore, its n Physician i si our I' ECU LI R department of professional nraetic o far the past twenty-Jive yearsi t R em H 1-e.mai.c I'l i.t.s - Ladies who wish for Medicines, t llicacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to etfe :t speetly cures w itbout any bail results, will use none but Dr. DeLaucy's Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if they have reason to be lieve they arc in certain niluatians (the particulars of w hich will be touiidonthe w rapper accompany ing each bin.) though always sate and healthy, so gentle, yet sti active are they. Price S per Inn. They Van be mailed to any part ot the United States or Canada. TO I'll E LA III ES - Who need a confidential ad viser with regard to any of those interesting com plaints to w hich their delicate oriianizatinii rentiers them liable, are particularly invited to consult us. Tiir ' Electro Galvanic PnoTEt vh e.'' For married ladies w hose health will not admit, or who have no desiru to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly salt: proven talive to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 vears. Price reduced t'o $10. TlIUSKt UKTS OK YOUTH I M KII.l.l). A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay A solwnn warning. Just published a book showint; the insidious progress and prevalence anion K iclionls. both male and female, of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the disease. from the commencement to the end. It will be lent by mail vn receipt of two f31 rent stamps. Attendance daily, from S in the morning till i) nt night, and on Sunday from 2 to 6 o. m. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United Stales orCanadas by patients com municating their syuitoms by letter, liusiuess correspondence strictly confidential. -Mr- Dr. L's. Ollice is still located ascstabliahed, under the name of DR. LA CRUIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Feb. 21 w 1 y. FOR SALE OR LEASE. IN lot or ubdiviiion, to suit purchaser, Of per.,na that may desire to lease! o a term o rear, the following property in the Cit, ol Daven ort, vit: ' In block 13225 feet, fronting on 2d street, J'iO feet, fronting on Water street, 65 feel fronting on 3d street. In block 17 Near the Market House 60 feet fronting on Warren street tending 160 feet back, with an each side of the lot. In block 18 80 feet fronting on Third street, 12S fronting on Scott street. In block 20320 feet fronting on Third street, 320 feet fronting on Fourth street, 300 feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet fronting on Ripley itrect. In block 87 160 feet fronting on Sixth street, - 150 feet fronting on Warren street, In block 31160 feet fronting on Fifth street, 150 feet (routing on Scott street. In block 36300 feet Ironting on Wcstorn avenu 160 feet fronting on Sixth treet, 160 feet fronting on Seventh street. In block 38 150 feet fronting on Brown street, 160 feet frontina- on Seventh trat In block 38 65 feet fronting on Sixth street, and viicnuing oac ioo leet. For particular inquire ofCorbin k Dow Attor ney at Law, or of JAMES MAY. gtijjffUanroujj. I. I KIIVNHY iiai ro a sai.i at Tiir II I. A C K HAWK Ji U It M E K V , A large assortment ol Apple, 1'ear, I'lum, Cherry and Teach Treea, frnni 3 to 7yoara old. drape vines, Currants, Gooseberries, Raipber riea, Blackberries, Strawberries iniiie ol the largest in the country. The Wi.ard til the North (new) la aaid to be the Indent in Ameriea aupply limited. Pieplnut roots 3 pur 100 or 10 eta. each. HEDGE I'LWTS! EVERGREENS! Ornamental Treea and Shrubbery, Garden aeeda, African augar cane seed, Imphee) ripened in lsbl, Sept. 1.7th. Alan A I'm Flower Pot for Sale. Rock Maud, Ilia., March l!Hh, I Mi.'. GILT FRAMES ! tILT I UAMEhTi nuKTKAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, I ol all aizen and slvloi, cjii be had at my shop, on ahorl notice. Also .ILT OVAL. of new mid beautiful di-aina, mutable for I'll ' TO;KAI'IIS or AMIlHUTi of any aize. (.ii. mm;, of all kimU, ilnneto order in the bent manner. Old j .-i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cleaneil and burmalii'il. did iramea re-gilt. All VoiU Done in the Hot Majuiei-. Arlihta and otlura in want of anything hi my line, are respectfully invited to (jun me a call. I-Slinp on llhnoia atreel, m ar J', hulnrd'a atcre. KIl.'HAkl) I'l.ATT. A M'LE.MHI lil SIXESS (irEMXG. It 1 G II T S jFor one of the Mo; C Isifiil IiivHilious of Ihe'Uaj , l''or Sale by I utilities. A very reason.ibleinvostmonl will buy a County Right lor thirteen years, ami u stock ol .Machines, of iivah's i'ati;M' Knife and Scissor Sharpener. This useful Mat lime is rapidly becoming a pub lic favorite and is sure to find its way into every family. Largo number ol lliem are being sold by the proprietors, and all who become owners nt the light to sell them are assured of making Luge prolits in their introduction. Men in business, who wish to add thereto, or those of small capital who are out of employment, (iintl those of large also,) are ollt red e cellent inducements to become interested in this enterprise: Among the opinions ol this useful invention, we select the following : "It is very simple in lis construction, easily worketl, anil not liable to be out of order when you are in it hurry to sharpen your kuile. It is just the Hung wauled, and should be owned by every housekeeper, butcher, tailor and eamstro in the country. " i(.n County Courier. 'It is just the thing it t laitns to be, and tor the purpose cannot be eicellod." Itock Hirer liemo crat. " We believe the Machine is admirably calculat ed to tio all that is clpcctcd f it.'- Iltlll CulM ty I 'hr"ttelr. y "flic work is done rapidly and well, anil we can but believe it will serve a very useful purpose and but- an ettoimvu sale.'' Huckfurd liegis ta . 'It is I he best thing known to sharpen carving knives, kiti hen kiuvcs, shears and scissors, and is very simple hi i'.s op. r.t on. We have tried it, and tiinl it works satistai torily." Christian Times, ' There is none utility in tins machine than nl most any other that we can Hunk ol, uot excepting the i ajl'ee mill ." Hi Hi sro Unulilic. The Small Machine'will last an ordinary family three vears the Large one a lifetime. muiiim: W Hit AN I i:i. parties wishing information respecting the sale ol Rights and M ichines w i'. I receive prompt atten tion by addressing HYATT Sl CO., !l."i S. Clark St. Hasemenl, Chicago, 111. SMYTH'S STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER s now ready, and selling ot! FAST. Ol'U STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHI G Is complete inaniifae tuicd at home and in the IIEST MANNER, nml no House in the City can show as good an assortment of Piece Gr-oociEi ! We have a large quantity uf C i, O T II S , lllack and colored Cassiniercs, black and fancy Doeskins, Milton. Cassmanths, Satinets, t'ordu' roy, V eating Silk, Cashmere, Marseilles, c. j. which wewtll sell by the yard or make up to order Imported ami domestic, in great variety the cele brated New York Mills goods which are the best the market all'ords. HATS, CAPS AM) SIR AH' - (.00 DM which will be sold at very iuw prices. ("EMS' FI RMSHIVII iiOOUS '. Cuii ami ui orsinrtHjCuliarsj Crii-vnts, Ties, Stocks, litis. fry. Suspenders, Wrappers and Unmw t-rs HUiUliie t'tir the M'AKtii), l.iVivi's &tc. tlsrOM DEPAUTMLST. I'll is b run eli til tin busme8 receives our special uUeiitiim, and, wuh the workmen we have, we van get tip clothe in the very best nmuier, on shortest notice. INo better asaortinent Miitulilo fur Custom Work can be found m tins or neighboring I'll ICS. MILITARY SUITS ii aim; to (ini)i;it. SMYTH BROS. Si Co. itim.;s iioitni:, CHICAGO. ILL. r"PII Eundvriiiiii'dl reRpeutlully niiiitmiit'o t X their Iriends, patrons, and the travelling pub ic generally, that owing to the stringency ol th times, they have reducetl the price of board t TWO DOLLAR! per day. Thankful lor the patronage so liberally bestow ed on them, they respectfully ask for a continu ance of the same, assuring their patrons that the "ItKIGGS" w ill be conducted on the enme liberal plan that has heretofore characterued their es tablishment. WM. F. TUCKER Je CO; Chicago, June 1st, 1S61. wm. van run. e. j crandai.l M M. VAX FLEET Jt CO., Commission Merchants for the sale of 'REE N A X I) 1) HI I'. D FRUITS Poultry, Eggs, Butter, and all kindo! F ABM PRODUCE. 134 Dearborn St.. near the P. O., CHICAGO, .... ILL1NOIH P. O. BOX 6164. HA HP JO It aTsT rK Kl7, WIIOLKSAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN II A R 1) U ARE, I ! O VAILS, GLANS Cutlery : Mechanics' Tools AG Rlt I L i t R A L I I PLEM EMS, C0KDA0K, LF.AT1IKK AM) UKLTINU, KL'UKlilt It libber, Leather ami Cotton rucking. GUNS Ji PISTOLS, FISHIN0 TACKLE, LANTERN'S, chatx rrurfi, V X I R II A N K 'S Si C A I. P. . Which we utter nt prices to suit the times, FUR ( ASH : N O W I i K A U Y The Third Volume of IM TNAM'S RECORD OF THE REBELLION: A Diary ol' American Events, With Illustrative boeuments tmd Xarratirei, Hu mor, Ineide'iti, I'nttry, Anecdotes, etc., In separate divisions. Ltlltetl h I 'HANK IOOHl:. Author of '-Diary of American Revolution. With an Introductory View of the Great Issues before the Country and the Causes oftjie Rebellion, hv Eim till) i;vi;ki:tt. Prepared fwith additions) for this work. With .1 copious INDEX, etc., etc. A Colored MAP OF THE IN NIT ED STATES' ami rorirntls on steel, ol Scott, Gen. Cameron, .McClellan, Gen. Lyon, Fremont, Gov. Sprague, Hutler, President Lincoln, Andersen, President Davis, Gen. (.en. Gen. Gen. Gen. anil ( Dix. This volume is complete in itself, containing about SIHI closely printed pages. Royal octavo. price in cloth, $:i,7.')j sheep extra, $1,011) half calf, aiiliiue.$ It contains the only full, impartial, and uliiible HISTORY of the Ureal Stniittrle liir l-'reet.ovcttiiniiit. With cHiuplete and accurate copies of All the Secession Ordinances inllicial). Davis' anil Stephens' Speeches anil Proclama tions. ProclamMions anil Messages of President Lin coln. State Papers of all kinds. Military Proclamations on both sides. Speeches aud Appeal of Southern Union Men, (Kennedy, Dolt, Dixon, Crittenden, etc.) English Articles on the War. "Contraband" Correspondence. Radical Northern Speeches. Motley's Causes of the War. W. It. Russell's Letters. Curiosities of Southern War Literature. Reports of hattlcs and Skirmishes. Lists of Officer of Regiments, etc. Picturesque Narratives. Patriotic Poetry. Sons of the Rebels. Muuchaiisciiiana. Anecdotes, Statistics, etc. Tina work will be published as heietofore weekly and monthly. Weekly Nos. at 10 cents ; Monthly Parts, Illustrated, ol) cents. The Illus trations for the Weekly Nos. will be published in two Nob, at :t() cents each, making the price for weekly and monthly editioi.s the same, viz : for each vol., each six mouths. Covers lor binding Vol. 1 , in cloth, i:" cents. I consider the Record' a very valu- able publication. " Edward Everett. "Every one w bo w ishes a complete record ol llo- stirring events now transpiring, should pro cure this weekly serial. In a small compass it gives the content, ol a dozen daily newspapers. .V. V. Independent. "It is quite indispensable for reference, and forms oue ofthe most remarkable specimens of current history ever publuhcd. We advise those who would preserve ami ponder the authentic chronicle of 'the Second War ol American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting serial." Boston Transcript. "We cannot speak too highly ofthe industry and sound judgment tho work displays." A'. V. Daily Hews, ;. I'. I'l'TN AM, I'liblishcr, b"2 Droadway, New Y'ork. N. B. The First Part ofthe Second Volume is also now ready, containing the HATTLK OF 111 1,1. Itl.i N, fully described from every point of view. With a map. 161) pages. Price 60 cents. Copies ofthe First Volume of the Rebellion Record will be sent by mail.rce of expense, to any part uf the V. S. within 1500 miles, on receipt of price, i he publisher wilt be responsiblefor alt re mittances sent in registered letters. v$4 Vol. 2 will also be scut in parts as issued, on receipt of $3. Parties desirous of forming clubs will be supplied ou liberal terms by addressing the publisher for particulars. COM DOWN WITH PRICES ! C. I. 1U;XC;sTLI:K. Atrent, Furniture Dealer, Manufacturer, and CENEIt tl. I'NDEKTAKEK. I take this mode for the acknowledgement for the long continued patronage of my old customers, soliciting their continuation, and by a strict atten tion to the business, gain many new ones. 1 flat ter myself for having the reputation of having a cheap place to buy lurniture. 1 have on hand Rireaus, Glasses and Cradle, Bedsteads, Chairs and Tabl es, Stands, Sola and Cupboards, Whatnots, Cabs and Feathen, Desks tor bill and letter Everything in the shape of wood You can get here cheap and good. In the undertaking line 1 have only to say that I shan't be beat either in price, style or attend ance! Give me a call and ace for yourselves. Chicajjo gidrfrttscmcnts. Catholic Book Store AND School Book Depot. JOHN (.It All A.M. Afi'lii. 131 IK'sjilaiiies Street, Chicago, Vjipvtite St. J'ati kk's Vhunh, 11 is just received a large slock ol IIIHLES, PRAYER ROOKS, HEADS, SCAPULAS, CUUCIFIXES, MEDALS, LACK PICTURES, Sic Also, a gootl selection of HKI.IMOIX KM.KAVIMs AND M IIOOI.-HOOKS. Agt lit for the .Veil- YurA 'Tablet, Huston I'ilot, llrountoii's liriiew, Irish American, ,VC The lllhle, Lite of flu- MiiinN, Lilt' ol the lllessed VI i lii. Lite of Christ. Life and VVorliH oKierultl (irillin. The above works can be hail bound, or ' n num bers, WJNCIIESTKUS HYP0PH0SPH1TES l Dr. Churt'hlll'K coliie Itemed) .) ron coNauMrTiorvT, NEHVOIS lltUll.llV, MltollLA, I)V SI'Efsl A , IIUOS'CIIITIS, iiC. This is the must wonderful curative agent known to medical scince. It has elfot tetl cures in every t u gnif Consumption, " i'Sl'AH ALLKI. K D I. THE ASSAl.S OF ME1)ICI.K." In AVrouv llebility and Uysprptia, the II YPOPIIOSPII ITES may be regartlod as an almost nvereign remedy. THE HVI'OI'HOSI'IMTES Have a tvvo-foM specific action on the tine hand tncieasing the principle which Ct.STITL TLS XEHI'Ot S E.SFHt-Y t anil on the other, being the AOsV VtiWEHFil. 111.1)01) VESEkiT. ISli A (i'A'.V''N fc'.VOll'.V. Tbov act with prnmp. nrss ami certainty in all general morbid conditions such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, Femaie complaints, &ic., anil in ull disorder ol Nervous or Blood Systems. Their etl'ect upon the tubercular condition is IM MEDIATE nil the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, chei k Night Sweats, dimmish Expectoration, im prove the Appetite, arrest Diurrlura, and i-komote RFERF.SIIIXO SLEEF. A FA lit Tit I A L IS A CEH M.Y CLUE. vVliichi'sU'r's (iciiulne I'leparatlon OF THE HYPOPHOSPII1TES is tb0 only reli able farm of Dr. Churchill's Remedy, ami nap proved by the Medical t rol'ussiiin generally. USE AO OTIIEK, Ult HEM ElJ Y CUM'AIS l.t! I lit. '-Price: In 7 oz. bottle il ti bottles for $."). In lb' in. bottles, f2 Three lor $.) Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable druggists, ami at the sole General Depot in the United States, bv .1. WIM II l I Kit, IMS, John Stieet.N.V. THE SPECIFIC PILL. A HI'ECIl'IC UKMEUV Fill! Spermatorrhea, or Seminal W eakness. This ia the only remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotency, Sterility, c, winch has thu approval of' the medical profession. Its success has been most extraordinary ellcc-ting cures in eases w hore all other methods of treatment hail failed. One to six boxes of the SPEC1FC I'l LL, w ill per manently cure any case ol Seminal W eakness, or its resulting Impotency, lioivevcr aggravated, whether constitutional, or untnn' from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMON Y. "I have used your Specilic Pill in inauv case of Spermatorrhea, and with tbt:( perfect suc cess. J. Milton Sanders, M. D. , LLD." ' We believe it to be as near a 4 Specilic ' us any medicine can be. We have cured many severe cases with from six to ten doses. " I r. if. Keith : American Jour, of Med. Science. " I have found them all that could be desired. Their t-fleet has been trulv wonderful. " E. P. Dickbe, M. D." ii-ita. This is not a Hoiincopathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingred ients combined with it. Price $1 per box ; six boxes for $;',hy mail pre paid. For sale nt the sole General Depot in the United States, by .1. WINCHESTER, 3u' John Street, N.Y. ducliUwlv SMALL FRUT MRSERY. I OX A (IHAPi: VINES- HAVIN'li iildiiitit'il tin; agency fur Hock In land and vicinity, for he sale of the Grape Vines grown by Dr. C. W. Grant, at loua Island near Pcckskill, N. Y., on the Hudson river, lshall he enabled to supply vines of unequalled quality, of ull the most valuable varieties, including THE CELEIillATEl' DELAWARE, Dianna, Anna, Rebecca, Union Village, Concord, and others. Warranted genuine, on the best terms, w bolesale and retail. The Illustrated Catalogue furnished for two 3 cent postage stamps. These new varieties ol grapes are attracting great atlciit ion. They are lroin ten days to three weeks earlier than the Isabella Grapes. Downing'! Ever-bearing Mhiberry. I also have for sale trees of Downing' Evei hearing Mulberry, a hardy, vigorous, long-lived tree, which produces a fruit of rare excellence, rich, juicy, ami extvedint:ly refreshing. It is nev er inlested with worms, and never fails of a good crop. I also have The TRU E CH ERRY CURR ANT, BRINKLE"' ORANGE RASPBERRY, MEKVE1I.LK tiF FOUR SEASONS j also a good lot of the best va- ritics ol Blackberries, aud other smal1 Iruits, and strawberries, uf all the best English und Native varieties. A choice lot of Dahlias, Gluudioiis, Tube Roses, etc., from II. A. Dreer, Philadelphia. Persons wanting anything in my line will please call at my place, (MountHolyoke) in the Fourth Ward, Rock laUnd. John holt. THOMAS J. IIDI'OHI), raoiRiEToH or the Rock Island Foundry & Machine Shop. 1.r EEPS constantly tin huiul and mnkes to order. Steam Engines, Boilers, Water Wheels, Mill Irons ot all descriptions, Store fronts, and all other articles made ot cast iron Particular attention given to the manufacture of Boiler and Sheet-Iron W ork, as well a Black smithing nnd Steamboat work. Also, dealer in Pig and Sheet Lead, Block Tin, aud Block Zinc, Wrought Irons, Rutland LapWelded Pipes, ol all sues. Brass Oil Cups, Globes, nnd all articles usu ally found at a first class foundry and machine shop. CHICAGO TYPE F01M)RY AND I'ri liters' AV.arc house No. mi Washington Street. Type, Presses anil Printing Material Always on haad, or manufactured to order I.LKtTKOTVlMNU Well and proinf tly executed. Agencv for WADE'S SI PERI0R INKS. " SORTS " cast to order. H. A.PORTER, Agent. StritaO. StOVILL'S AND BTIIiIjINOIA, UK II I, (Mil) A Ml I.I V lilt NVRUPI Il is highly recKinineniled by physician to cure the following disuses, having their origin in a dis ordered stale of the blood i Hcliifulu, Teller 01' r-ult Jilieuiii, Scald Ileml, Canker, L'lcel'iiliiiiie it lit 1 Eliliiigeiiients of the Jnilits, (.'uiicel'oiis Tutiitil'.s, Kings Evil, Ei'V'sipeltiH, St. Antlioiiy's Fire, White Swellings, dbstiiuiti. I'.i iiitnili.s, I'liuples on tin- lace, lllntehes, Pustules, Rlioiiliiiitisin, Dispcpsia, etc. ; Sypliilitk- ami Mer euriuls All'octioiisiii'ociifcd ; C'lilni'cisis or Obstrui--tiotis in fotiialcs, Loiu tntlion m- Whites, ut-c tv liovctl dy the use of this .Medicine. The medical properties of Sarsapnrilla in con. jiinctiuu wuh stilliiigia uic well known by all med ical men to bu the best compound yet discovered to cleanse and purify the, blood, uud eradicate nil humor from the system. We have given the Recipe to most physcian in the country, that they may know what they are using i uud w ill continue to send it by mail to those desirous of knowing the ingredients entering into its composition, that they may prescribe it in their practice. Tin preparation Maud at the head of the lint ol remedies for curing ull discuses arising from impurities ill the biootl or diseased matter lurking ii the system. Thousands who have used the Stilliligin and Sarsapnrilla will testily to it .remarkable ellect hi removing all impurities from their blond, giving tone ami vigor to the w hole human frame, and re storing a healthy action to all the functions of the body. 1 lie leitimonials received ill its lavor Iroiu many members of the medical faculty would, were we to publish them, till a large volume, It is prepared under the supervision ol one of the oltlest and best practical chemists in the coun try, ( Mr. W. S. Merrill, Cincinnati,) so as to insure a uniformity ot composition and purity mall tho ingredients. As u spring remedy to purity and cleanse the blood, leaving it free trom all humors anil im purity, w e assert w ill. confidence, there is no hel lor medicine D R X3 A I I RI S ALL II A L L ' S Ii 8 A 3VE DISEASES Of TIIK l u y a s a iY I OK HIE J) T II II o A u hi: oi Consumption, Decline, Asthma, Bronchitis, W listing ot Flesh, Niglil Sw cuts, spitting blood, Whooping CutiL'h, Dillicuity of Breathing, Colds, loughs, liillucuza, I'lithisie., Pain in the Side, and all diseases nl thu Luiil's, it ts uneauuali d. Hall's Lung Balsam, in nil cases, gives the best satislaction. lias wrought more cures sinct: its introduction than any other cough iiiatliciue. Is endorsed bv our physicians as the safest aud best remedy now bctorc the public. Is sale to use among children, and yet power till incases ot chronic pulmonary disease. Brings in certilicates almost daily ol its wondcr- lul cures in ull parts ol tlie country 1 here is uo medicine w ithin our knowledee that his acquired so great ami wide spread popularity, In anuria space ol time, a Ult. MALI, s UAL SAM FOR THE LUNGS. Its balsamic and heal. mg properties are magical. Il ia highly expector. nut ami tonic. It contains not a, grain ot opium or morphine, the narcotic and astringent properties of which have created so much prejudice against similar preparations. We heliove that a medicine possrsstni; real mer its will elfect cures whenever it is used, at home as w ell as abroad. Dr. Hall's Balsam for the lung t no paregurir preparation, but one w hich, if used in season, will save the lives ol' thousand. The most distressing cough is frequently relieveti by a single dose, ami broken up in a i'ow hours time. The atllicted do not have to take bottle al ter bottle before they lind whether this remedy w ill afford relief or not. Hear what physicians say of Dr. Hall's Balsam. Say one: "l,wnh coiilldeuce, recommend the Balsam superior to any other preparation. Say another: "I have used it with uniform success, ami can confidently recommend it lor all those complaints tor which it is ottered for a remedy. Still another writes : " 1 have no hesitation in saying that it is a sai e., ionv enient aud very ef ficacious medicine." II. SCOVILL, Proprietor, 'i'i Randolph street, Chicago Illinois, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by ('has. E. Clacius, Rock Island. do T. S. Richards. Moline, III. do Stevenson ti Carnahan, Davenport. do Thus. Powell, " do E. S. Ballard, " mayOdwTy. 1 MRS. IXSL0M , An experienced Nurse and Female Physic. an pre sents to the attention of Mothers, her Soo.ii inq Syrup, I'Olt CIIILDUICN ll;l THINt., which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all iiillamatioiis will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and 1 suie to hik.clati: Tin: DOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, it wi.l give rest to your selves, nnd RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article liir over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say tif anv other medicine NEVER HAS IT FAILED i.N A SINGLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CI RE when timely used. Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary all nro delighted with it op erations, and speak in terms of commendation ol its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," niter ton vears' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain anil exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescription ol one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, anil has been used with NEVER-FAILING SUCCESS IN I'HOl.SANDS OF CASES. Tt not only relieves the chiltl from pain, hut in vigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives tone and energy to the whole system It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE ROWELS, Si WIND CHOLIC and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily remedied, end in death. We believe it is the BEST AND SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DI ARRIKEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arise from teethiugor anyothercause. We would say toevery Mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints, DO NOT LET YOUR PIIE.IUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between vou and your suffering Child and the relief that will be SURE -ve, AB SOLUTELY SURE to follow the use of thi. Medicine, if timely used. Full direction ful using will accompanv each bottle. None enuine unless the fac-imi)e of CURTIS 4i PERKINS, New York, i on the outside wrapper, Sold by druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedar Street, N. Y. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE Sold by nil druggists in Rock Island. apr25twawly IIIOAOO, El'ELIXUTON' & RAILROAD. QUIXCY Passenger trains leave and arrive at Chicago a follow s ; Day Express (Sundays excepted) 9.00 a.m. 6.45 p. m. Night Express (Sundays excepted) 9.00 p. m. 7.00 a. m. Mendon Accommodation 6.00 p. m., 10.00 a- in C. G. HAM.MOMND, Superintendent. c UIICAGO A ST. LOUIS R. R. LINE. CHANGE OF TIME.- Trains leave Chicago at 9 00 a. m. day express, except Sunday. 9.00 p. in. night eipre, ex cept Saturday. Train lamve at St. Louis at 5.35 a. in. and S.50 p. ni. Joliet ami Wilminytun Accommodation Leaves Chicago at 4.00 p. m.j arrive at 9.45 a . m. C. H. ALLEN, Sup't. A I'HKl: Gll'l TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHAT THE FEDERAL TROOPS ARE FIGHT 1NG TOSUSTA1N. HOW Ol R SOLDIERS SHOULD HEPREPARED TO FIGHT. It in a singular fact that a largo majority of the peopluoftho United Slute are unacquainted wit.t the great importance of the cause for w hich the oldicmofthe Union are lighting. Let every man and woman througlioul thu United State care fully road aud study the Constitution ofthe, United States, they will become convinced of the holiness jf our cause aud of thu wickedness of those who rreetloni uwlhruw this grand palladium I We believe that had the reading ofthe Coi.sti tu ton been adopted a. a daily lesson , ,.H.rv .chool throughout the United Nta the doctrine's of secession and slates right, would never have at .'r::?" f Mi.'.l Hue,,,,,,, IDor ,- .. i'- . .' """""en caned upon toninurn b, h, . '' . T'f '"'ft misconstructions ' ',' " . ' ! """ . """ "'any ol our states- in attempting its inter- pretatton. Millions ol our citizei have n,.w.r ,i, i.,: studied the constitution, and even at the present time, when it is the duly ofevery citizen of this country to lulor.n himself ofthe rights and pnvi legos secured to linn, under its protectm.. unu it '" o""i 'ioiu in iivu Hundred, in V1,,w therefore, uf corroding tlr groat ovorsight, and to liirnish every nia.ii, woman and child through, out thu United States with the means of studying this great palladium of liberty, ami to protect us ugainst luture false doctrines and political disas crs, DRS. RAD WAY Ik CO. present to tho American puplic, free ofrharge, the constitution ofthe United States nt' America, neatly bound, together with an improved Almanac lor the yearjisuu, called "Dr. Railway's Constitu tional Almanac." A soon as practicable, Dr. Radway Agents, in every village nnd town throughout the union, will he furmslitd with a supply, for free circulation. A copy ot the same w ill be sent to all who will enclose a stamp for the payment of postage. Druggist, booksellers, newsdealers throughout the country, desiruus of aiding us in distributing to the people the Constitutional Almanac, are in vited to send ill their order. Nu charges will he made lor the same. We nlsu invite the people ofthe Canada, Brit ish Province, nml, in fact, all who can read the English language throughout the world, to accept as gill I ruin u our Constitutional Almanac. We will send to any one w ho i willing to pay the postage on it a copy ; or if the citizens of any town or village will accept from 100 to 500 copies, we will furnish them free of charge, lining convin ced that if our foreign Iriends will carefully read the C titulion, they will become sntislicd that our people, in suppouing our government in wip ing out this foul blot of secession from our es cutcheon, are not only right, but are establishing on a sound basis the Irecdom ofthe people through out the world. RADWAY ii CO., 2d John Street, New York. HOW OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD HE PREPARED TO FIGHT. Health and Discipline, Health and discipline lire the most important clement in uu army to ensure suet ess. Discipline without health will prove n ineffectual as shot without powder. Health is the propelling lorce ofthe nrmy, and is the symbol of victory. It IB, therefore, ofthe greatest importance, that the system of medication best adapted tor the pro- icciiou oi soiuicis against r-icttness, n yvcU as that known to be the most speedy nml ellect lal in re storing the sick to health, without regard to pro- it'ssioiiui prt-juuice, oe aoopieii. This is no time tor medical martinets to quibble abuut professional dignity. All the dignity the profession can bring to bear will neither prevent sickness among the troops nor cure those alllictctl. Our armies, to bu successful, must be kept in a healthy condition; ami the most sure means ol se curing tins desideratum is through the remedial powers of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, which ha already proved ilst ll'in over filly regt incuts now at the seat of w ar near Washington, to be l positive prevention against sickness in the form of Chills aud Fever, Fever ami Ague, llillious Fever Typhoid Fever, Diarhtea, Dysentery, Small Pox Measles," anil other malarious and infectious diseases. Bear in mind, we say, that Itadway's Heady lie lief will protect the troops exposed to thpso dis eases against attacks. Now, it is conceded by all the mediral men in our army, that they have uo reliable means of preventing attacks of these dis eases, neither have they any positive assurance of curing the sickj but,ou the contrary, the majority ofthe lick, seized with fever and ngue, typhoid, billious and oilier levers, either die, or inger along until they are reduced to mere w recks and walk ing skeletons. Experience has established the fact that the treatment of calomel, quinine and mercury, in cases of fever and ague, typhoid fever uud other fevers of this class, is more injurious in camps than in private practice, w hen we take into consideration that canvass walls and exposure to heavy dew s and the malaria trom pools of w ater and damp grounds. prove but a poor shelter for thu sick, we may readily conjecture that the penalties of mercurial ami quinine treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the lorm of rheu matism, neuralgia, pains and stillness in the joints, engorgement ofthe liver, jaundice, yellow jaun ders, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, 'colds, sic., which will cling to the unfortunate patient for years. IN DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES the soldier has a positive preventive against at tacks ofthese diseases. Let every soldier carry a bo. tie of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IN III8 XNAl'S.Uk, and when exposed to wet,damp nnd chilly weather, or encamped in malarious districts, take a tea spoonlul, in half a cup of water, as a drink, early in the morning before eating, ami three or four tunes during the tltiy; and, it on picket or guard duty, occasionally duiing the night, he will escape all sickness, and continue to enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Radway's Reatly Relieland Radway's Regulat ing Pills be used according to directions, and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Radwny's Reme dies make a perfect cure In cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipelheria, Influenza, Coughs, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Swellings ofthe Joints, Pains in tne Legs &c, &c. Croup, Measles, Burns, Scalds, Strains, Wounds, Sprains, Weakness in the Spine, and in all cases whore there is pain, Radway Ready Relief will afford immediate ease and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large number of letters from army surgeons, orlicer and private w ho have de rived benefits trom the use ni Hadway's Heady lie lief. Among the great number we have on file we reler to the lollowing : W. II. Tingly, M. D., Surgeon and Medical Di rector ofthe Excelsior Brigade. Geo. B. Simpson, M. D., Surgeon of Anderson' Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hawkins, Ninth Reg't N. V. V. Col. Lyons, Eighth Reg't N. Y. S. M. Col. George Hall, Second Regiment Exce.sior Brigade. Col. Tmnelli, McClellan Rifle. Col. Win. Gatis, U. S. A. Col.Willam Wilson and his officer, through T V. Meighan, Esq., Wilson's Zouaves, Fort Pick ens. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT will speedily eradicate every particle'of disease, and will reinvest the patient'with health. LADIES afflicted with Falling of the Womb, Ulcers ofthe Womb, Discharges from the Uterus, Chiorois,and all weakening discharges, may depend upon a speedy euro by the use of Radway's Renovatni Resolvent. In case of Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralg.a, Gout, the Resolvent, taken in connection with Railway' Pills and Ready Relief, will be found a quick and thorough cure. NOTICE. Dr. Radway' remedies are sold by druggist in every village, own and city in the United States, Canada and British Province. Price : 25 cent, 50 cents and $1. RADWAY fc CO., No. 23 John St., New York. NELSON HERSH, Agent, Rock Island, III.