Newspaper Page Text
iiUGk ISLAND ARGUS. A c. My Pnpor established I. I"''1' Liiii) I'd ; 0i-t.iutihti1 Jul) 13, l4. (' i. H I Mil. 1" S V , I it v I.)-. i. iiv.iii-iH. r,ir, iwl H"' I' lVH-.-l'tl.- Six i )r. Pay"'"' Wi ldly in advance. Wrnciv-Uo ".dlara a ''ir' "' '"lv:"""' KOCK ISL.M A IK. IS V R T. M I f M BOOkA. JOB i:m VIJI.ISII IKV T lor. lii.inuis and rai,ir -TarrT' . 1, prepared o execute to o.di r on short iintire am. brtcBirTiows or Rooks, Pamphlets, Circulars, &.(, A.c, RUCK ISLAND ILL FRIDAY lOVKMMi, .IIXII 13. ISU2 J. II. DANll I'll, 1K- MILTON jusr MPS. iilcitical. smith iHHvr iitu u i: 1 1 n i: : GENUINE! '. :.' cm. on. Lit, SMI l'll'S ELKlTRlU OIL I s tut' must luiitutiliil n.iiil.iiiiiliuii I'Vi-r di I I r... In.!,.. Trv ll mi a ludV'S fiatlll'leU A . , ; ., li ii i k I v all ilt Hill! HI'H 111'W HIIMII li P'iii- .-, i he swelling i removed. It Clllt'S CMllipS "1 10 lllllUltc'S. I ore lli- .di'cUn ill -I' in i iiim-s. Curi a Rheumatism speedily. I ui i i .NMn.l!i in 10 minutes. Cure IS ii mi in 2 I limns. Cures K.rysipelaa in 3 days, tutu. ui;ui c iHilail.l nf u puinlul illl.l i li ll it 'll - . .i.irv nature quicker than aim m ll,.. iiuial smithing "I a" known medical iili Slices. nu. smith's emu'Timc on.. is tlio inily ... , i . (Jtliiiiiic I'.lirtlU' "11'd it has cured mure ll,:m .00, HI '" " single application in painful cases, will duiii on'strate Hi ? ' and pleasantness. Read Or. J. ). tons .aval ho ia ne of the lirat in.'., in Wcstpnrt, M..., and keep. l'K ""r,': Wtri'oi.r, July 11th, ls.'ill. ....,,. I.V.. v-ar ago. a of this place was, ,rr confinement, altackcd will. mllamalion n one ..t tt..- breasts, winch tor antral .la). resisted all the usual remedies in 'n h ' ""J-'11; , and soreness waa as ( as in any cam- I had wmnsscd. 1 was indued I., try Smith's Electric o.l.andwas perfectly aslmusnoi ami pleased to find hi half aiih.M.r after its uppllc-a mi., thai tho ,renuss ami swelling had entirely subsided. J. P. IHiiUiS, Druggist The lit inline Electric Oil S KM H CilUiK .k l at il. and ynii will be fully satishtd ".i ria...l Kl-ctr.e ml. I'1;'J 1 r- Smith. No person w ould use a couutc ' il h i , rw ,t, aml.tismy nuperauvc duty to u.lm.iimh , t be caiclill. and always ask lor "Dr. Smith K ortnr Oil." All th.- d.'aler. ..-II it, liioH ,', thP.Wt.iM . at h-aat tlmae who have bt'j .,,. riniu-jinlc'il with it" vittui a. U.VUUD.V VAN I'ATI KN are nilar atf.'iil ,,!. v neihl.m Dav rt. Iowa, and I I. A ,u s,,i.i ""'J11,nl,M. . Tit" Dr. Smith ma 1m conmiltml In c. t-Aitit lMturuGUAi'ii rouiuvns in tin- most artistir atyU, to be li A VKUKD SIK1D1.1.. Fur AMI I' MS. had at AMI5U01H'I, Not .urpaaaml this -ide of N"W Vork, taken at y tiAVHiliD Si M' hi DLL 1. lMIOTOGBAPUS, All m;.-s, in th.. hiuliest atyl of art, to hi' had a Uayford SpfidPl's Gallfry, In Webbir's Work. r ; ; c : s m i f- u A T E Most Valuable l!ioli of Hie Day ! Tin-; st:w MKIU( S Cf LOF JJIUA. 4s volume alter volume ia Hilled, this nohle wuik Hu ll" Htroiiirer praiae Iroin all iiiarter. The North American K.mi'W ay. : "We ean turn to untitle which due" not eonlirm our ion. tid.'iici' in the work. Kach article aeema to have i..... , n hwrninmirl. There can lie no doubt '.'lis' "' u'' "f I""'-''''" rmth rs, and in samp rfii t I ccrs wnfrt'i-rr nil' iiiifi s..ft- spokm y this CycfopsJil trill gmttty mrpis ia .' . :i .t t .'.......I .in villi value any umlltn- i iuutiuiu i r y., . .i aide uf the Atlantic.. i il... nrr.i.nt starliiuu timea, when lined nnslillif mi o in anv tooirs littl it m invaluahlc. Pulilislii'd hy D. Applelon iv l.o., New Vork: i'aimim; ax (Vlazlxg. M1F. unilersino.l lius taken th" flmp on lllinma atnet, Itoek lslanu. next iionr io . i....k inllu rii'iir more inr me iiuiiiom- "i iug on the liuaiiieaa of PA1NT1NV., CUAlMXli, I'Al'KIl HAM.ING and GLAZING, i all their hranclies, and will nucule all orders Irom TOWN U tOlJVIKV with piouiptness. in the hint maimer, and at rta sonalile rates. 04)- Orders may lie sent tliruinjli the post ollice or'lelt at the shop. JAC'OH tilTT. ncK Ti.Mi-; to m:v vokk. Q' The I'ittshuft. Fort Wiuine. il' CiiC(l;n li. H. In connection with the ','nnsiilvuiu,i Rail Hand Hie Allentuwn Kuiite, re now 'running through to Newt York city with hut one cIiiiiko of cars, i '' lluura' le"s "m" than any other route. This advantaK 18 gained i,). their hninn ein'ily miles shorter than either or more northern linci. March l ltn' "li-'. The Only rremiuiu Awarded at the late United States Kail on Wlss ami Toupees, Anil for Hair Jewelry, 7AS that Riven to Ar-OLPII 01JS- W I. Uf. 100 Lake Street, Chirairo, lli Wiea are easv, durable and elegant. The only place in the West where they are properly made. Satisfaction or no pay. Orders forwarded trend ing then ensures aa follows : 1 Run nd the ueau. 2 Forehead to Nape. 3 Kar to Karovor the Head. 4 o tar across the Crown. 1 Itmind the Ileid. 2 j forehead to extent ol lialiinesa. 3 Kar to Ear over the Hi; ail. 4 Acrnss bald placeovcr the crown. ADOLPH olISWALDT, Chicago nillCAGO &. XOUTinVESTERX 1.A1L- L' WAY. , For Rorkfnrd, Tteloit, Freeport, Jancsville, Ca lena, Dnlmque, AVatertown. Portage City, Madison, Frame du Chten, Fond du Lac, Oslikosli, Crcen Bav, licrhn, Itipon, La Crosse, St. Paul,&c. Trains leave Chicago as follows. : 9.3n a. m. dav express, for all points above. i. 00 p. ui. Passenger train, for Janesville, Beloit, Kreepurland Kockford. Train arrive at Chicatri at 9.4a a. m.t 6.1'ip. m. t;KO. L. DUNLAP, Sup't. K. Dr. AYitt RnniNson, I4en. Ticket Ag't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. nSTATr. OF JU11X MARSHALL, DE- I'i CLASKD. The undersigned havinir been ap-rrmnl-d .dnnnntrateri of Ihe estate of Join; Mar iiiall. late of the county of Rock Island and state f Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice that they will appear before the cnunly court ol Kock Island cuntl, at the office of the clerk ol .aid court in ther.iv nflWk Islmd, at the term, on the TH1UD MONDAY l.H JlAtseji, iiin. all per.nn. hsvn.g olaim. aua.n.t j said ertate are .. . . i ... .nen, fnt the Durroae nntihea ana renucsicu . - r . , of having the same aujasnu. . r----- debted t said estate are requested t make nn- mediate payment to toe uniier.igucu. Dated this 9th day of April, A. I)., IS02. Gtontr. Marshall, 1 A()mitratori. MAJtaABKT ftiAlsHALL. j X I Jt v 1 ROOK ISLAND ARGUS lMtr.MII'M Printing House! IllliioU wtreH. Dppotlti' rot ttllic.', lllll'kN.IMI. - II I IVOIS. Our Facilities for Executing .JWrKVKKY VAIUKTV uK-tif. aiu; And ill i n iM" ih to eierute a o'ocl Work AS ANY (II III 11 (III l( I Olt sta i i;, IN Till-'. CITY AND AT FKICKS I U'AliltANTKI) TO BK SATISFACTOKY ! TIIF. HOOK DKl'AUTM KXT Is amply supplied with tnaten-il nf every variety neccpsiiry to ensure piiin-inality ;nid dispatch. Cimsitiltitiiiiis, Artlele of Inroi poi ulloii. And every other variety of P.imphleta printed at the ahortest possihle notice. MKRf AXTILIi riUXTIXG 01' KVKKY DK( IIII'TION. SUCH AS of l.ailinil, ,S7(i(i6n(l lilwikx. Hold y.';;('.Wf;-s, Iliiitfrrx' I'iiH.i, litecij'lf, Dca;ijUsLtlt!', I, tils of Fare, VMlihwh, t 'irculiir. Hall Ticket, fords, Foster, Jiroijraiiuatst Ftc, Etc., Eta, XEA11.Y AMI IIANISli:i.Y I)()T. ! iVlamniotli Posters ! Any sitv or Shape, and in ANY MAIBEH OK FANCY ( OLORS, IN HIULI.1ANT COI.OKS. IN COLD, SILVER OR CRONZE, Nut to be Exci'lloil Kitlicf in. llioEin-t ur West : The material c.f ll.n nflicc hns been selected with great care, and w ith an eye to the wants of the business community. OUlt TYPE IS NEW! Conseonently, it give s clearand distinct itnpres- irm. In sd'dilinn tnthi, we employ the FASTEST MACHINE PRESSES To be Found iu the Welt ! , T.,.rci,v USUriiii to all who (aror ua work, PUCTUALITV! ( And Eea son able Prices! Jill! nil. .'i:.uv vM u.Miai, u. k. I:i Kir. I ('l.m mall rr.irrt, WITH -I-'i VII.K.s UK 1'iH IU.K I It At K. Viiii' '.n't y'niwi .With roMii'itlon frmii all I'ltLlnirv and l'hihnli'!ihi diri'i-t lo Ni-w j.iiinN Hi'ht,' Iroui , ail roiitii'i'tinii i.rk. M..rni.t;i lliil, Ati,fnu I'tU-, .Xiylit .'.. yi t..v. UN I. I ilMN U. Knini 1'iiuhiirir lo Nr iuli ( CM imlw ) vAiilmnt i ii inr ot tar. 1 1 u.i.r.srmfs .v K.i. " 'V. Willi iliri'i't coniii'i tioiii. Inuu 1'itii Arri iiii hiMira in advanf ' hi nllu-r rmiirH, lor Hmtoii li v rail nr boat I itn'n. K'iress triiins run i!.nly : nt hi- Siind.ivii m- repled. XINi: i UI.Y TRAINS Kroiu I'liiLidi'lpliu I" N- Nors. in k' t ;.md tut ai, y inn- or tram. New York or llu-lnll 1'n kl t V,a l'lttlnir, unoi' t ia l'liil.nli'l.liia in A Meutiiw ii. limit Ti.-I;el to H . t r. pouj ia any .' llio tinal Inn s. T'UU IA1I. 1 ONNKl I UIN Kroiii llarrisiiiirir to Halt, more and W ahiti!tiiii. Ilaieauei herked tliroiiirh -all train!! r tree. Far? Ahrnin us ."' u iiiy Other Hnvli. urv TK'KKTS VI I'lTTSIU in; '1 irke.ts fur sale at ALL .V.l.V OFFICES. i ii nuiiTx. I!y this rullte frehls of all di'seriplioln .an h l.irw'aided from I'hiliulelpliia, New Vurk, lloiton or llaltimore to and Irom any point on the rail roads ol Ohm, Kenltieky. Iinliana, Illinois, Wis c i ins i n , Iowa and Missouri hy railroad din i l. Tin' Pennsylvania railroad aUu ronuiils at I'UtsiiuiK with fte.iiners. hy which (funds ran he I fnrwardi'd to any port on tile Ohio, M uk iri-r u in , I Kentucky, Tciiiiessee.Cumherlanil, 1 1 1 nuua. Mis- I isiipi, Wimoiisiii, Missouri, Kansas, Arknimaa I mid Ited riverij and at tli'Vi'land , Saiuluaky and riiirago, wilhsleauiers to all pints mi the North- western laki . Merchants and shipperi entrustint; Ihe Iruiis pnrl.iliuii of their freinht with tins company can relv W Ith uolilidellce on its speedy ll illisit . ; tlio rat. a of freihls lo from any point in i the west hv the Pennsylvania railroad are nt all i limes ns favorahlc us are charced hy other railroad j rumpaiiics. j lie particular to mark packages '-via I'enna. i U.K." F.. .1. SN'hhUKU, rin'.idelpliia. MAUl.ltAW&i Ktu.NS, Ml .North slieet. Haiti- more. ' LKKl'll 4: I'll., No. Aslnr Houe, or No. I 1 Smith William street. New York. I.F.Kt II &i t il.. No. 77 Stale street, Host.ui. H. II. HOI s roN.tien'l Freight Aent. Phil.'i. L. L. IIOI'I'T, tienM Ticket AjjPiit, l'lula. KNiK 11 I.K.WIS,'l Sup't, Altoona,l':i. il It'll HiAN ll-.NITiAli UAII.KUAD. Cii-ut t rntral Itnule to llniriaiid and Hit- New Voik, t'illlHllils. New On and alter SUNDAY, May I, lsii.', trains leave the Ureal Central Union Depot, foot ol Lake street, Chicago, as follows: 7 .III) A. M. Day K.vprcss iciccpt Suuda)) arrive nt Delioil U.-IU p. in.; Suspension Ikridpe l.iiii a. m.j Alliauy l la n.m.! New York !'."' p. n ; lioston 12. in ;i. m. ?.:iu P. M. Nuiht Kprc-s fe.cepl Sundays ar rives at Detroit J.OU a. in. I Suspen sion HridL'o - M p. in.; Alhiinv -I. li a in. 1 New ork I". I'll a: ill. I Huston I.IIO p. in. ( iiiciniiati trains, via M. C. Il.ulroail, leave I'lu rajo at 7. HO a. m. Mail Train. 7.dil p. in. Fast F. pres. Arrive in Curniin at S.l.ia.tu. Fast K.Jpress, and Si . 1 p. m. Night Mail Tiain. The T.3H p. ni.' tram leaving Che aii'i runs Ihrmi'jh to Cincinnati without change ul cars or h:i:gac.e. SALIMiCUV'S I'A'ILNl' DUslKHs are run mi day exfiress trains. I'uli nl Slei plnu; C'iii on M'hl 'I'raliih. tSsjrllaij'jifje Ciieded Thrmiiih " itsS THItOI till TICK KTS I'ur sale in all .riucipal raili'oiid ollices m the west, nt the t'eiieral ollice, curlier Lake and Deiirlunii itreeta (under the Tre. mmit House, Cliicagoi, ami al Ihe Depot. U. N. Kit. I., .1. W. SMITH, l.eneral Sup't. Western Passenger Ag't. I) K T 11 0 I T & II I C A ll 0 itAit.uo.i i i.isi:. On and after Monday, May nth, the The IHiehixan Soiilherii U. It. Co., Will run a passenger Line hetweeii Chicago and Detroit via Adrian wiilmui chain!' ufcais, ni.iking direct cnniiectio'; . w ith all Cnniidiaii Lines from Detroit. F.legant coaches w ith rained ventilated roof and Sal ilnirv Dusters, will run through on day trains. Lu niriijin sleeping ears ol tho latest improvement w ill run through on miilit trains. The distance is shorter than hy any Tim time and rules of lare will heme .tiler line, same as on olhr routes. Leave Chicago at 7, HO a. in. and 7.110 p. in. rive in Detroit at 0. 10 p. in. nud a.m.; arrive in Chn ago al S.l j p. m. and s. I j a. in. Tickets sold at all the pr.ncipal ollices in the Northwest. Also at the company's ollice, OiJ Clark street, and at the depot, corner Van Keren and Sherman Us., Chicago. II. K. SAW Y, hit. Ileneral passenger Agent. SEW tOKK ami railroad. (.nut Itroail (.an",.', Double Tiaek anil Ti le'iapli Koule m:v yoisk, ost(l And all Eastern Cities, CA Kit A I N'(i THK I1KEIT avi:stiu: V. S. .MAILS. I EXPRESS TKAlXfi lenv.; Dunkirk duily, l'j on arrival nf all 'Trains on tin- Lake Shnre k.nlroad, from Cleveland, Cmci iti, Toledo, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, St. Loins, liurl.i.g tnii, l)uliiii.e, Inwa City c. Tnr. OM.V RofTr running car through Irom the Lakes to New York City I T Hoc T CH A M. K OK CARS. Splendid H'ntila'e.l Sleeping cars on NiL'ht Trams. Ilagtrage checked throiigh. I'i -e aiw.i; ns low i I ts hv any other route. Ronton PasseliL'ers and t! Haggugi: transfi rred Free in New York. He particular and call l"r Ticket via Dunkirk, It, d the New A ork ami trt Ruuroad, winch are S'ii.1 at all tin; principal Railroad Ollices in the Av'est. This road afford facilities for shipment o Freight, superior to any other mute. AN l:XIMls IK I illiHT Tit A I N leave New A nrk dally, making rlo.n connections through to all points West, and quicker lime tliiin ever before inane on any line. For Kieight Kates, en''i:re ofj. C. (latrnan, 210 liroadwav, New A'orkM liS. '1, !'"3Hroad ,,v, N. Y.jO. II. I'. Arthur, ill South street, N. A".; ll. S. Dunlap. li) State street, lloston ; Charles At.' Smith, trie Hallway ollice, 4 Clark street, t hicauo. K.S.SPKNCLK, niAS.MlNOT. Wesfn Ag't., Chicago, 111. (.en. Supi., N.A . A flABiif a,, Ag't Hurlincto.i, Iowa. HE CHEST FOR SALE. ENiilTIU: nt tlie United Stutes Espreeo Co'i. office. ilailvoaib. Sli:UI.I(. AMI U0(K ll.Wll it. u. . I l M I- It It It t N I. I'. M I N T . n l.iy, S' ,s '. I t r:u ii i I'.'it It-, ren. I. hi k l.l.-inil and a. i-.i .'I'le. I, a- l,iiiii : ii ui. ; ui A. 7 ii ID " :i i. uli.'i M run hi'lHi'i' .1, dally , "" I'nil rmt II imp!, ,u ,1 ii m i mil Mi.iilie Ilmk Mind Clm'.ij, rhiciii:i Km k Island Molme .Innetimi 1 1 ii in iit li ii. I'. M .! OU A. M. . I l l I'. 111. .l.'J.i " .l io " ,.i. in a a a 1 1 : . Port Hy r.,n -tW " The aluive li-inis w lii he suhiei ' It tin' rule, and ri'iialimis uf the I lilcli.',, J. Lock Island K.llliil.lil I I '.iules w Ink-mi that L. It. liUli.MKH, Lessee. I liirasii . Hock Island Hail Koatl. i&?sxTv m-vi'rAr' t ii am.i: or inn;. s r m m i: i: a it ii a n i: m i: x t. I hi and after Suud.r lurlhi r iiullce, Ir iiii w i , Ma. .'.ill. Im'.-I. until I li'iite Km k Island Ih put a follnw s : null, l.'l. Div Kvpress anil Mail Irani at ln..",il a m., ainving in I'hn ii!ii at ll..!11 1 ni. Tiiriiuijli fieulit t urn it -D ii ariivmu m IIiii .i;,! at .'i.i'il a in. N.ijlil hupiess al 7. .ill p in., arriviim in I li,,o at li.ii" I h i ts .linn I I KoM 1 n i: Asr I Nitflil KvpresH ill 7.00 a in., leaviuu' I luc i!o al 11. IM p m. ThroiiL'h Kri-mhl at l.l.'i p m.. leiivmn t'luc.i!o at 7. nil p in. Iiiiy F.pres:iud Mill al "i. I :'i p In., leayinj! I'ln ca'ii at f'."il a m. A II tr mis .,. r I ins are in direcl cuiiln'elimi it fluciuo w itli li.iuis over tin Mo hii;iin Soulli- 111, the .Mich Hi an I elitiiil, and Ihe l'itlliillh and Foil WiiMie li.iilrua.l. In and limn Delrml, lu ledo. t'lei"!;n:i!. ('iil.iliih'.s.Ciiiriiinatl, I'ltlshilluli, Imnlirk. Ho'lil,.. Niatara Falls. Mhau;, New ynrk. I'liiliiileipliia. Ilalliliinre. and Washillu'lnli. Alsn at l.iiSalle with trams of the Illinois t II Itnad. N uth tn li ilena 'Hid S, mill lo St. I. mi ls, III, I -il!Mi. l'.i,iM'iiris arc reminded id the iietessity ol cn- 111 il l -.t I lis t dliei -lions n In the desliliitinll nf their llaHHafe, nlsu to prm lire tickets belnre t.illluu their eats in the cais, a ihe emiiliii'tnrs cnilei I fares nulv tn statmns mi the line nf the Cliicaoand Hock Island Ksiirmi. I. ."'UN F. T It M V , sup't. W. II. W inrMAN, Ass l Sup't. (.alciu alii! liicaKo I nion Uailroail snitiiiii HH iNt.l'.MI.M. AM) Al- lT'.ll M.iM'AY Muv 1 1 tli. V 7 s."2, trams N. Woll st., Chi w lil le.l .e Welis sin et ileput, a'n, as fiil'uMs iSiiiidnys cvcejit- ed ): !l..-m a. m. and f'.i) p- m. I'-r ll.'lvidere, Itu. k liird, Fieepnrl. Warren. Caleea, llinilnih, llllhtliUe and nitei mediate p Is. fi..filla. m. and 'I. l i p. in. lor liinon. Polo, Fill Inn, Cedar and inlernieiliale puinti. I. Oil p. in., F.lgm. Helviilere. Knekturil, nud in li imediiite points. .7.311 p. in. (ierev i mul niti rniediate p Is. p.i. aiders fur Hi Inil and .laiieswllc will lake the P. Ml a in., and 1 p. m. Irani. ii'sengi rs ml . Iienel .1 fur l ake, .vie Mem y, Hieh Lakeaml niti run dialc puiuu, will t;ike Hit: l.u.i p m. ira.n. 1.0.1 Trams arrive at Chicago : At 3. oil p. in. and .'..l i a. "i. liom Diinleith, tin- leilil, I' leei.nrl, i 1c. At 3."0 p. ill. anil I'.' 11 a. in. Irnui Cedar Itapids, Fulton, 111 vull . etc. At 11.10 a. m. fr I'". Hiver Ulli v. At S.ltn a.m. dencia Accoiiiuioilalion. .T-'-leeinug ciirs mi liiht trams. F. H. TAI.COTT, (1. M. W IIK.K.I.K.K. ;"'! S"P't. l.eirl pus-eliger Agi lit. Michigan Soiaiiern .V Lake Shore R. It. iMi'j sr.MMKii ahuni;i:mi;nt inu. On and alter SU N DA Y.May, 4lh and uulil lurth er notice, trains will leave Chn-ago as Inlluv. : New V'uiiK D.v Km'IU-ss : ".lid A. M. Daily, enceptSiinday, via old Mirliigan road, eonnei ting at hikharl wiliiliains on road, at While I'igeuii with trains i,r Three Rivers, at Adrian with tram nr .l.u k- vol, : at A, r Line .linictiuii w III) tr.uiH tnr Miiii'ni. and Detruit. Nibiit Kxi'iu - : 7.31) P. M. Dail) , except Saturday , ua old Mil hi gaii riiiul, cdinieeting :it Adrian with tram tnr Detroit. Trams arrive from the Kal -it .15 a. m. and S.l p. in. All the III, live trains make re'i in Dunkirk. Hull'alu. Niuuara Tall: runiu'ctmns Allianv, New ork, Hoatoii, Pliiliulelphia. Hallimure and til oilier points east. Luxurious new sleeping coaches, with all mod ern, run mi night Irani'. Through ticket e:. he ohlained at the com lianv-s ollice ."id Clark street, under the Sheim.m ilmise, or al tin- depot, corner an llureii and Sherioiin sf.i-i". JOHN I). c'A.MI'HKLL. (iK'l. M. I.KAY. I.en'l Sup't, Toledo, (l. (ien'i Western An't. rittsbuii?, Ft. Wayne Chicago It. R. Trains leave the West Sole Union Madison and C.mal streets, Chicago Depot . cor. . as t'uilows ; 7. 00 a.m. Dav K.vpress, except Sundays. 7 30 p. in Night Mail Kxprcss, e.eepi Saturday. 3.40 p. in. Acroiiniiudalion fur Valparaiso. For Jinsmi, A'W- Vmk, l'hiladrlvhia, llaltimore, H'oWnnf'"!, Uai n.ta'?, PitMiurn if H Wmif Also f ur Aib-inij, lluffaln, Imnkirk. rhwrlanit. (Vium- bus, t i'i' inmtti. iJmjto'K And ail mtermed inte stations between Chicago and llui cities above iiained. Sluepiuii cars on uiglit Hams, and baggage by run I this roule cliecke.l tlirollg'l lu (a.stcrii citn:H. n '''hirriji'i aii'i j Hat une ch nii" :;irs h'rfrA. ci New A nrk. ..' .V in trai go lit 7.30 p. rn. T'ici.els tor sib- at the p, tiie west, at the cniupanv's doloh and Dearborn Hi rr els nicipal tie'ct offices in odi. e, comer o! Kan , inil at the l inoti lie WM. P. .-HINN, tien'l Pis'ger A t. put , Wl St V,,!.., I'ilK'il'l . Il'il-I.IKAY, '!',, kit Ajellt. SOMETHING NEW, AND WHAT EVER 1 CODY WANTS! MOREHOUSE'S i ATK.NT KLKOSl.NK. P.URNKRS for Lamps witlmiit Ciiiiiitmys: i.M.lin-ing the nmut economical Hunt ever invented ; wiii rut consume more than one-h.i!l Ihe ml the hiiuru y lamps do; Kivesa bright steady clear light;will fit withnut alteration, the Kerosene and Fluid lamps now in use. Also' Lanterns cnntainuig said burner, far su perior to snv now in nse. For sale hv the subscriber at the store occupied by II. S. Ct.i'.d "ii Illinois street, Palar.e Row; also by John , on Ilia corner of bulialo and Rock River meet. The snbsrriber has the inclusive sgrncy and r.ght of sale in Rock Island County, III., and Scott County, Iowa. f4rLi 1 beral discount to Agent. 11. rDVSAHk. iliwuvancf. rim. is kock; ..OK - HARTFORD. 1862. Sixteenth Semi-Annual Slalcinrnl n r rut: II. riiMIITi --.'1' TUT rhocnix Insuraucc Company, u' IIAKlli'HH, lilW., UN till. l-'iiot la of .lainiiiiy. Iwlii. A S S I! T S . I lash, .ii.'..Hiii us, j t sl mi hand nud in II. ink. jia',12; .' I l a-ll ni the h a. .! of II"! due Irom Aitenls .'i,3"!l III i 1 0.'i.v Oti IS I Heal'. !SU..1iM). i Leal i I ite ovi lie, I hi Die I mlipalli . . 1 7,..illl ll'l l oans. !."..,' ID. , Vlilolllit loam d ml M. 1 1 J- I ngi s nf I, eil F.slal. A ill , il lit loaned on (i y 1 7 .( nt HO il,!.' nf H.n.k St. ii , pill lill llluilli'. In tlie.l, i,l!,wl w i-e ,., Uled HI 10 I"' $ i..ilO I'O New Vuik llalik stueliM, .l.o;ll. i.ll i.h.lles I lull d St ites Ttusl ColllpallV' Slock. I I'm. S ! N V I k'.'li shares Aiiiiji n'aii !- change ll.l'k Stui k N A . f.l,lHlll jli,Hl'l .'O.nOii lii.uuo in.noii If., ion .'11,11011 If.oni) l.i.iiiio II,2..n 111,700 '',3.;0 .l,l'l)0 '1,0011 10,1'UO s,ouo ., imii l.i'.'o .1,0011 "l.i.'.H Jill) shales Meting. Hank Stuck. N. V 3(10 .hares .Manilla, tilicls' mid Mei. h.iiits' Ilmk Slock, N. li'iil shares Contim H k stock, N. U.S fllllll S Mil iLlllll S l I. Muck, N. A i'aiO .hares Th" i"V hank Sin. k, N. A illt) shares Merchalil-' l x ihaiige H'k st'k, N A . llll shale. Mil. I, III! Ifk Stuck, N. A llll sh ires Oi'l lll H'k Sl'l . N. A Iluitloid Hank Minis, I.V.t.i'l 3uo h,i'es Fiirnicis' Mm h.iu- .i s' Hank Stm k, Haul'. id.. i.lO.iil'li inn shiireslnv IrkM'k Haitfd in.iinii "00 Hhares .Ltii.i Hank Sim k, :!3,7.,u j .'.'.I'liu I ;o,ooo ' l:i,2ou li.ioo I I 17.000 i la,2 .o i '.'(ill shares Th. i nix H.tlik Sim k, lUrtlur.l in, ui in Mo, din i iull shares Men Hants' Miuiu- Hu tillers' Ifk Sl'k.llartlniil ill.tioil 'JiiU shares Merc iiiliie H ink St k llaitluril .'ll.l'llil U.i shs. Slate Il k S k llarllmd l2,.,on .jti shares ll.irlturd H,uk Mink llariluid h.ood .'ill shares i nuu. Ilivei H k SCl llariluid III share lliirilmd Cnunly Il k Mm k. II Hll, il, I .ll'" ii ,.i(iu 3.2..0 till At uterliiii'V , ( 1.. Hunk slu. kM, li..'l I'll) shares Cilieli i" H.inl. Slock Waierhun, CI lO.n.ul 3S shares Willi l i H ull. M 'li AViitcrhun, ft. ." I,'1' !1 ln,.'ion '.niiii !Alisreli.iiieou It.iuk S(,i ks .'ill shares Ni.l(:iiri i.sirul H',i r..',ll. Sl'l SI. Catharine. I . v ,,i,ll(i ...Lilt 10.700 i.ill shines Ontario Hani, Stuck llowiniinsville lo.uoil it I, wii.'wn. in New Uritaui Water ll.nids. n.i 1 1 .OHO lo, Mill HI llartl.nil City!-. . I'll Teluiosee State Hulul 10,111 in .'ii.iiiiii Alisel'ILilli'iill tt.ll.HlK) Hill shales llnlvnke Water Tmv- If Culllpanv'H Slnek. iilnu State Stuck nf x7n. 10,01 ui i, in in in, 01)11 I .inn lulert. Accini.iil.iti'd inlcic-I on luvi Imii iiI s 'I ill III ls',1'1 t"t 1 1 ;iii ; IOI 1. I A It I . 1 i I I s . 'The ii in i hi ill line iin. I in. I 'in'' I" hankers dill. i i.lluM creiliturs nt t he t 'ulli ti.lli V . . I.ossiu. iid,iisted and due Losses repoiled, liu.iiljlli.led, and w ailing fuither run!',. , Lusses couter-ted Tut n I of ill! I. nihilities... . None. in suspense i'i'l.lllil II.'JUII . ...j,:io.l(,l. I' II OK XIX f ruiKiuy. -ui o i: l), II A II T I co x x. !()), ()()( (A! n t a im r ai.. 1 ii. nt ill to Kirn Insurant e exelusevely, and its ililn w.ll he, to scenic a collluiualice it pilhlu: cunlulmif e, tiv a pruiupt and hoimrahle adjust ment nf all I'm claims fur loss. S. L. I.OO.MIS, Presiilunt. II. K Cl.l.ui.i,, Snciclitry. Iti.ineli oflii'i -(Tiieliinatl. R. I!, i. II. M.MA(.ILL(eneral Axents. fc'. IN'sUhANCr; may he ellecleil v.nli iIiih lead ii! tug :i in I popular i iirporiilioli. al r A i iv i.xv i r.."i, 'ippncal to.ii v nt It" aillnuri.i;d Agents, III i priiu .p.'ll cities and tmvn Agency l',,r Hoi k hi III. lilllllliS, IIKHMAN PI KM). A rt: Vou A.MIA I TAN I in' liisiiruii CuiiimhV. ul New York. I'asli capital, li.'iO.ODI Cash surplus, Jli.,, lni:nrh(r.iti'(l ISil. of the olde-il coinpaiiu Ul tlx.' I llil'd SUt. lat'TKJ ; New Y KIUK iNSl'KANCK COMP'NY, utk. Authf.iltM) r:iHlal, fKl.OOn, iimi rirciiiiiulatiMir i rpiiit. Willi a Urg' Klli II A NTS' I N SI'K A N'K OO.MT'.W, uf Harllonl, Conn. Cash cajHta, 1'U0,UIM). M A K K H'V. A KP, J rrH i . k. ' Tii'iJH as I.onlr.l.l., .( HOME IN Haven, I OME IXSL'RAXrE CO.MI'AXA, Xew ..'mill. Ca.-.h,J200,0()li. Pulicy hoiilers recein: 7.J per c ut. ol the ii' ll priiiu.s in Ihe LuMimes, w.thout any l.ahiiily. Insures Hinlilmgs Mer:haiiiiise, Household Fiiruiture, Kent", l.ea. es, and otlu r lusiirahle property, against loss or by HKK XTERXATIOXAL Life Assurance SlX'il!" Iv. ol London. I fi.el uince inr me cinioo Stales, il Wail is i . , . i- ..npu.ii. --, (iuaruitec T'linil, If loo.Oon. Deposited with the Comptroller of the. Stat ut New A urk. Ql'ITAIil.E. I.'.l" Assurance Society, of Pjtiio I lilted State. Ollice. 92 Droadway, New York. Purely Mutual. 'The only Stuck CnniTiiinviii America w hose charter requires that all the profits shall be divided pro rata among the policy tinklers. . J. II. KINNK.Y, Agt, Rock Island R0AT ST0ES. : rpHE unilersinnpil httH opened actnreoii tlio levee Hir the purpose of supplying steam busts with (irocenes, Provisions, Kggs, Huttur, Milk, t hickens, Ice, ice, Sic. He will keep a large iiipply ol Ice, tor all w ho w ish it. Town trade solicited. . I LKWTsJ IT'DHvK. jlllSUViUUf. 10U (IKIIIi: riUST CLASS 1 nsiiranco, .1. K. (1. Im ha heen appoiuled : snli.tiiutial Coiniiiinies : the Colli, w ni).; I h sub';. lire Co. OP I.Ali'iTOKI', CCiNX. (' ti vs'.TS (t.llOIMkll) im: oi.n HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., Ol'' 11 AIM I'OltO, t (IN . , llii'.il i.,l.,ti'il l-lo.) ( II'ITVI. AND -I Itl'l I SMII.l.Tl ,(if m:w i:llm) itri: ami mrim: lutirtiiK'c ( onipati j . lIAllTI'oUH, t'u.N llui leled (a pit ul ,-,oo.otio. CITY itri; innirwci: company, ,1 ii.Ai;ri'oi;i, Cusv. ( asli unil siii pln. .IJ.'..(i()i NORTH AMERICAN llAIMT'OUl", t'uNN. (Upltlll. HOME l llii: INSIRANIE COMPANY. NKW A'OKK CITY, (M l PAL. 'The ( apital ol this Cunip.inv actual. all) pitol up III l ash, is. .jl .IM'U.UIiil till The irplus mi the l dav uf .l.niu arv. Ihd.lVi l"i I'm il aai'l it l apit I and Sui jdui. .i T ,; t ll AS. MAIU'IN, President, ri't.irv. .1. Ml 1 ln VI I 1 II, i Losses EiuiitabiA adjusted anil Prompt ly Paid. .1 i I'lll -'ll Id' ill ! .Ill' I I'ul H'lI'M ISNIIfll It) .1. m. ni rtiun, Ikui k liLuiU, lituii m. ILLINOIS MITCAL riic ii mi r.i net: oiiiii.y W il li a successful lliisinc- lApericiice of over 'il Yenr. t'ai'ilat, if I,0n0,(i0ll. .ii 'ill., 700,000 lnfiMiJ nl' i,i ft i lift is Mm m-Iiii-. (initial tit viiitMiilx, in tiifjitit h Id m rin ihhis, h.imK) ilrnwii tVuiu ihe MifiifiMl, liv mI(m k ) nnii:iiii, , lo priy OJi'ti'fn Htni k- llOMILTf, I In." -all'K Ml till' 1 1 l.i Mill s Ml'TLAL lltf. to i tjuii itilv ai i;uiB' l ii milv tn ri'ijiiiri' from tlic liii irihrr-4 ntiHu'irtit limlirv In i:iy, Willi rrfttunty, n!t lotht 4 iiii't r xpt-MMfcM. I'lir rciniiiiri nuti'H now jiiiM-iiiitiii In iiu r Millhii ihtUntHy an; m- f(ir'i) hv n I ii ii iimii ihe pni,'rly uifiin-d, vnltinl nl on r I f ii .Millions. 'I U .iiiiiU' liniil iilinrdM n '( mi n.ntti i: t; tltr i.iMnriil nl iiri tj (..stliii bim ii r il y l.fuii; : lut nlt ii ui IIIiihmm, ;i ml hiiIijitI t nur own litUH. ,n HilicifH nr mhim-iI nut n( tills nt.lh.'. Till! IHI IllliCf 1 I! tr miltjri t Id (l 111 Iff.) I inn - - alt 'mi'.m.-i I hi ii' atijtislnt hv nr, t ml a rlnt r i Ihmi. Ml (i'.Sr". i ylint uuthin vhirfy ,iiis, llifil in :n t u mil-r yultt it jni4il j.'ii tj tn uihimf. liiiAK or MUhCTOUS II. K . Hill. Sai.uirl Wai'i-, II. W. I'iIiiiim, . I IhIihvu, Titutilliy Turin-r, Ivtuaii Trn tn hit I f , Uubiirt Siinlli, 1 1 1' ii i v Li' i , .lull ii A IwihmI, .1. S' . Srhvs rjtjip, lit iijaiiii ii J , l.i'tiH , Kl j .1 h II ittl.ii n! , r riinrm A KnHin inn, l.nvin Ki-llcuhi-ri r, M. d, AtWOfHi. ol I K KliS : M. li. A'l'W'OOli, I'n.Hi.lrnl I, I.U IS ii i:i.;,l'Mil.U(.KIt, TM asiir. l.tUN A'l'U li'Ht, Sc 1 1 t.i j v . JOHN iJl.AJSM-.U., (M-.ii-riil A-nl. .1. K. II' rA' A K li, AWt l, .ii'l Annul. Aui nt Ijiivi- hi-' ii iiii.rnnti(l in rvcry rMitily mul in nil the iiriiirinal rilii'N ami imvrm in tlio titatr. Applii atiuii Im iimiiraiici.' may htMiifiilc to I., K. li ikiT, Ay iii t liir lliinijitiui IJ. W. (iuuhl, M'llihr, ami Urn vn U fJi'Vnri', I'nri liyrou. ,i am r,s m. tirroni), Atffiit fur Knrk Irilaiid, Illinois. MisNissijtpj & Missouri KailroaiK l-lii-s-l MMI.H AH1! A Nt. I iM i:T-lHdi Trams run by ( Ineagn time, which is twelve min utes 1'aNtei- than Davenport time. I AX AXD AFTER MOXDAV, MAY run ' ) lhlii, nud until further nulice, passenger Iran's will leave Davenport as fulluws: ,.: Fur Marengo ami Washington 7:40 A.M. Trams arrive nt Davcnpurt ns lollows: Friim Marengu and Wasliuigtun tj:li0 P. M. .Morning trams nut. nf Davenport make direct cuiinectioi.s at .Marengu, Iowa City and Wash ington, with the Western Stage Company's Sliities for all points west. Trams Iroui the wu.t connect at Davenport with trams of the ( Imago ii Ruck Island Uailroad fur ail point North and South. passenger are reuunucd of the necessity of giving di-tmct direction as to the destination ol their hiiggime. Also lo p ocure tickets before tak ing their seats ill the ear, JOHN K. THACY, (.eul. Supt, A. Kl Mil A HI., Asst. Supt. IliCAOO .t Mll.W.U KEE UAILROAD. Fur Milicaidxt, Ln Ciuum; St. Fuid, Onhkoih, Jleiliii, And interinediiite points. On and alter Monday, May uth, ltio2, PaB seiiuer trains lei ve tin- depot, corner of AVest Kin- Xie and ( anal streets, I hicago, (Sundays escepleu) a follows ; 11. li a in and '.1.00 p in, nnd arrive in Mil waukee iit li.l.i p. m and I l.'.V.1. a.m. Passenger trains arrive nt C Ineagn at 1 1. 30 n in. and 0. lii p lu. It ltkrijau Aecouiiiioilalinit Train. Leaves Clinaijo at fi.3il P. M. Arrives ' s.3:' A. M. S. C. HALDWIN, Sup't. V A I R B A .N K S STANDARD OF ALL KINDS. Also AVarehmise Trucks, Letter Tresses &c. i'aihh.nk, catr.r.NLiiAic & fo., m Lake St., C lilrago, Sold in Rock Island by HARPER It STEEL. Be carcTul to buy only the genuiue. may3l,dwly insurance, STATEMENT OF THE CONTHTION ni- Tin: C) O A . K V T I (' F T FIRE Insiiranec Co., of HAirrroiin, conn., On the 1st Day of January, 18(12. C A 1' I T A I. . Amount of Capital Stock paid up, Amuiiui of Surplus im hand ...J200 000 00 .. 21 U4H -13 T'utal Capital and Surplus. A S S h T s Cash on hanu and iu liauk Cash in hands ni' Agents ..$'221 04H 43 $!2 till I t tiCKI Oil Hills receivalile, Accuiiuls and other Cliinns s ,i3i 7", fjlo 000 New l ork 7 per cent State stuck nl'ISIil a 5(ll lu 4:,u 00 l.i Hmids uf State nf rmin. ' lolii I'i l.n) nij I i " ul City uf ll.irtl'il IP3'i lj 52J 00 .1 " uf t ily ut Hrook- T.n, N. V " 1030 ii I ji) 00 10 llonds (ialena Si'u Uailroad Company " IdeO 10 Ol'U 00 12 llonds CIcvclM, Pain Astahula It. It. Co., (JO0 enehl fiij li 3m 00 ail Shares Hartford V New ll.iven K. li, ( o. Mock. . " 140 7-120 00 UK) Shares Hartford Hank Stuck, Hartford " 134 13 500 Oil 200 Share Fanners ami Me chanics Hank Sfk ll'd. . " 112 22 400 00 100 Shines City Hank, ll'd. . 110 11 DUO 00 ion shares .Ulna Ifk S'k ll'd l:l."i 10 600 00 100 Shares Merchant tV Milli liter Hn Ilk Stm k , 1 1'1 ... " 101 It) Ifk) Oil 00 shares Charier I lak hank Stork, Hartford " ln2 U 120 00 ill Snares Mercantile Hank Stuck, Ilartlurd " SO 4 000 00 ill Shares Phnenix Hank Stuck, llartfuri! " Uo 4 7,'i(l 00 Inn Shares Ocean Hank Sfk New A nrk ' 41 4 1UU 00 fid Shares St. Nicholas !;1t,k Slock, N. A: " S2 4 Kill 00 ,'.n Shares 1'aik H'k St'k N.Y." Sh 4 SWJ 00 .'ill Shares Melrnpelitan ll'k Sfk,. New Aurk H4 4 700 00 ;,() Shares .N.ibii.i h'k Sfk. N.Y " s.'i 4 2i0 00 ..I) shares Continental Hunk Slock, N. A " 7i 3 7uO till fill Shares American F..x- i haliire H'k St'k, N. A'.. " S2 l 100 00 Inil Shales Mi ch's H k'g As- so'n SI'k, shr' $li,.,0" loo 5 000 00 '.'.Ml Share Phoenix Hank Sfk, shares$20,iu, N. V " I III fi 000 00 ,ri(l Shares Hide and Leather Hank Stock, llustun " fli 4 730 (10 Total Assets f 224,04!), 42 LIAHILIITLS. Aim mil ut l.usscs adjiisted and due None Amniiut of Losses adjusted and not due.. None Amount of all other claims against the Co. $ 1,000 T'olal I.iahilltics $1,600 JOHN II. F.I.DHKD(;i:, Sec'y. II aktiokii, January 1st, lllii. II hit M AN ITKLD, Agent, Kock Island. JP UT O i?aii sic X2. I HE l J lVovin, Illinois Capital stock - -Capital Stork, paid, - s.00,()00. - $300,000. The iiivivtiueniH and Assetta of this company are as follows : Cash on hand nnd in Hank $21,IC1,4S ( ash due from a id in the hands of Agents .Hid ot her persons 2S,Ol)O,0l) llond and Mortirnges mi Real Katate. ..108,1140,00 Coupon Hon. Is, inlmesl payable Semi- Annually 2S,700,00 Dic.onnted Notes, Drafts and Hills re ceivable with accrued Interest 117,33.',t' Real Kst.itc u the City of Peoria 20,000,00 383,Si43.79 L1AHILIT1KS. Due Hanks and uther Creditors of the Company Losses Adjusted Losses Adjusted and not Due $13,000,00 3.000,00 1,100,00 $17,100,00 $306,743,79 Having re-insured and cancelled nearly all the extra and special risks previously held by theC'om puny, and cntiluiing our business strictly to first class risks, we Hunk we oiler as sale insurance as ouy company represented in the AVest. During Ihe past four years wo have paid the very large sum J3I j.noo in losses, and hope to avoid heavy losses in future by declining nil specially haiardous risks. ISAAC UN DK.RHILL, President. C. Holland, Secretary. JAMES SHAW, Agent, Rock Island, Ills ; Of-' lice Corner of Eagle and Illinois Streets. PROSPECTUS OF THE Journal of the HI. State AgrT Society. To the Friend uf Agriculture and Mechanic Arts The Executive toiiuniUce of the llliuois State Agricultural Sucietv believe the time has arrived when the publication of a Journal ofthe Society is imperatively demanded. Pursuant, therefore, lo the duty with which they are charged by the second section of the Consti tution in said Society, revised and adopted by the meeting of delegate' from County Agricultural So c ieties. held on the KairGrounds, at Jacksonville, Scpt lMil't they have made the necessary an ange meiits fur the issue ol such Journal, monthly .com mencing with January, 1S02. Kach number will contain at least 32 pages (nctavo) of reading matter, composed principally ut such portions of the transactions of the State nud County Societies, and communications on the subjects of Agriculture in all its branches, Me chanics and Natural History, as may require early publication. 'X-O All Premiums offered and Awarded by the State Society will appear in its columns. All person's snd especially Secretaries and other officers of County Societies, are respectfully i--queated to communicate to the editor any matters uf gctcral interest to the industrial classes, as they may from tiuio to time arise in their respec tive localities. To place the Journal within the reach, ot all, the subscription price has been lired at '"T Cr.Ts A YEAR , Jwrry nufieitnt to coer cost f publication, pavable invariably m aavanijN Back numbers for the current year will b lurn- tslted until the edition i exhausted. All subscriptions and communications may be forwarded to the undersigned, Sringfield, 1111- D0j,. JOH?f P. REYNOLDS, Cur. Sec. and Editor Journal