Newspaper Page Text
I 3u$in Card. M. IM :l I I .M II I. .V CO.. V U. 7 1 Sute S7. I'AUH HOW, New York, mid ti Slate Street, Huston, are our Aunt lor the luiiv ami Wi.ikiv Amuis. in those cities, are aullioi uod to take. Advertisements and scriptinus for in at nur l.innsl Unlet. II. I , (ON M l. I V, V TKIHXKY AT LAW, Kni'k Islilll'l, ill. Collections, and all ulliiT b jsiiic einiuaieu In linn will receive pruinil utleiiliuii. Deed., mnrtgagca, nnJ other iti.truiucnla written ami ac knowledged. Mr- Also Justice ullhe Peace. I. . !irll utd iitlon glvt'ii lu the col lection ill pension, bounty unit urn-urn ol pay dm- noldler. tticlr w Idowaor minor ihll ilri'll. Kul'crto Mitchell Si Lyndu, l;mk.i rn , J mlu Wilkinson, Judgu liailoy uud Mayor Davenport, Hock Island. V. It. Ull. I.I AMI, V TT0I1XKY & OiUNSELoll AT LAW, 2V. Kock Inland, Ilia., will practice man) nl tin Cuurta nl lllmma or lima, .Military Claims, State ur .N.i'.uilial, adjusted and collected. Cntlcctiona madi! and promptly paid uvcr. Deeds, Mortgages, W ill", Akbih rtmt'ii I k, Contracts, etc., drawn with legal accuracy. Ollice, in Charles llulbrd's llluck, corner lllini'ia ill J Eagle Streets, Ituuin No. I, up-stairs. LAW PARTNERSHIP. INO, r. COOK. J. ll.MI.N lilll'HV (link DIU KV, I Sii'Ttf.-aiira of VimV, Dillon k l.iiiilley,) hat'ciifiiirt, Intra. 'K Imvo liirmed u mrtnrliii for tlm pralice of Liw, to winch aliall duvoti. our peraoiial alti iitiiin, CUUK. 1. I (It L It V. j, J. IJHUID'il.lA i V TTflllNKY JtCOL'XSKLUU AT LAW. i'V. (Illici! in tin- Court Home, Kock Uari.l. i:. ii. i;i;m;, ATTOliXF.Y cv ail'XSKLOIl AT LAW . ( Hit , rorm r ol Y.unc ii llliuoia itrecla, ni ai tlie l ily Sculi a, Hock Inland, lllmoii. MH.I.IA.M JACKSON', ATTOllXKY A. COfXJSELOR AT LAW, (itlicr with H. FieldjucM door tu the I'oat otlli e, Hock Inland. I. H. IIAWI.IV, E. T. WILLI. II IM I. I V .V t I.I.I.S, t TTt.ill.NKYS AT LAW, Knelt Muini.Ill. t Y. Illlice in H.nley anil Hovle'a Itlock. i ii v. i. imttN, I ToliNKY mid t'uiMisellnr at Luw, I'n c in tlie Court Houae. Of- j. i"iti rr. I TTtHt.NLY .v, CiM'NSLLtii: at LAW Solicitor in Chancery, Ileal ti-late no! I" uctint; Aent. .Molme. m.m ii(iii.i.. I I 111. !, nl' lilK rh.i I.. I ..I , tin Us ner. III r More, ,) : . t ii i ii II made and proinptli .! ke at tin ri'.iidein: Ililioo. lri rt. , old itaiidrl'a I Al.i:. !-.. AMIIiH, , ) i.HiI'.'l-; Maoist rate uud Lx-ollicio Justice 1 ul Lilt! i' - Collections made anil promptly ' ildice in tlaney 4l Itoylu'a block ci itaira, Kock Island. . I.. DAI. It V MI'I.i:, lTIt.j; Ul' THE I'KAC'K Ht.d General ij l ollectoiK Actil, Cainlirnte, Henry county, 111. Illlice in tl.e I ourt llou.-e. Helen-nee : II. Honar, County (leik; A. t.ould, Circuit Clerk. ki:l,l.i:Hl'K Ai . I l(ll, : ) i;i.'TlFJEli.S and Manufacturers of ltoiucs 1 l'ie l"l"ors, luiuortera and llealera ill Koreicu Vines and Lniunra. front street, oppoaite Kerry, Itock Island. A. J. .ito i:n, M. I)., I)1IYSICIAX and Surgeon. Ollice I mi. lim it Island House, ui) ataira. oppo- Will attend promptly all calls in the ditlereiit Dram-hen ol m-ugeky aud IU.sTi.rHiea, and gener al practice. He has a yood assortment ol' Inalruineuta. and ia prepared to practice Si uclkv, on i-i most ap proved plan. p0 liisi.lence on Urlcana alrcet, hulweun W aaliington and Kagle. not nut i. f. mdusi:, IlAVIXti located in Kock Island for the M purpose nt practicmu Ina prolesaion, will j unawer proui.tly calla in the city and surround- I ng country. I.IIilc at J. W. Xelie'a New Urug Store. Hesideiice on Il!.ilison aueci, one uoor uolth ol I'. 1.. t alile'a. Kock Island, April j, Imj. Dlt. 1'IIOAl AS .AI. )HY!slClAX, il KtJKUX, & ACCULC'H Kl H. Hesnlencc st corner of Utter and Orleans streets, dlhce over Hul'ord's Hank. J. 11. L.-.NOI.rV. t. W U. HAHK16. j. ii. i,AX;ia:Y .sto., GENERAL Oiiuiiiiissioii d Forwarding yj Morchanta. Uealera in Salt, Hydraulic C nent, Coal, Lime, itc, luvoe, Kock lalaRd, III. ill'ttll WAK.Milli. Jl,,ri KELLY. AKSOCK it KIll.l.Y, I A.NUEAC TLUKKS of .Soup mid Can Si. 'lion, Uo.:k Island, 111. dull paid for Tal low anil lireaa,., j. ritvsi(;i'.n. RECTI EI Ell and Manufacturer of Uomeftic Liquora, and dealer in Korean Winea and Liquors, Palace How, Illinois street, Hnck Island . iT7.l H. rn-:lNK. HOUSE, MUX AND 011XAMEXTAL PALNTKH, is now prepared, to execute null neatness and dispatch all ordcra in the Palatini!, (ilaiiiii;, and Taper llanqinu; Line, and at the most reasonable prices. Call and give him a trial. --;. jo1NSOX 7A(iOX-MAKEK. All kinds of llepair V ink' and Jobliint; done at short notice, in the best maimer and at reasonable rates. Shop mi Wa.loni.Uou streel, near the ferry landing. tn v mm i., C. II. SMITH, I'HorHIETOll. Cor. Illinois ami Jeffemm Sts., Hock Island. -firPassengcrs conveyed to aud from the cars tree ol charge, Mit haTx i.ii:hehkmxht, 1 WILOK. (iarmonts made in the latest tvlo and best manner, and warranted to lit. Particular attention given to cutting garments fur customers. All work done in accordance with the times and at reasonhlc prices. JT-S- Shop on Illinois street, near Temple Hti ord's store. J. M. mooiu:, WTHGLESALE RETAIL DEALEll in VV Hardware, Cii'lcrv, Irn, Nail", Window lilasa, (Sic, corner ol Illinois and Butfalo streets, Hock Island, HI. f. II. KXOX, riXDERTAKER.' COFFIN WARE- IJ houae corner Hock Hiver and Madison sts., Rock Island. A line hearse and team always in readiness. Will procure gravea to be dug, furn ish carriages lor Innerals, and take the entire charge of everything conncctcd.with the prepara tion of the corpse for burial. Hodies preserved anv length of tune without applying ice to the body. Charges moderate. STOP PAYING REM! . 1 $4?r,oo 1 t will liuv a neat, comlortahlc Hnck House and Lo centrally located. Title perfect. For further particular inquire at this office. uiriyJU dwlf- NOTICE. MM1K notes, book tweounts and papem nf I Mr. Juliut Schulie, saddler and harness milter, have been left with me for acttlement. All those indented to him are ontihcd to make immediate pnvment, or co.t will he made. H EN RY KISCHKL, Justice of the Peace Unek Island, Dee ; 1 WILLIAM SHEARER, 1WMILY GROCERY AND PHOYISION' STORE. Produce bought and aold. Store on the west comer ot Orleans ind Utter atreeli tht Green Corner. rouk Inland amcs Till: DAILY AIM. I . , Containing lull telegraphic reports and the la test new., in published every evening, ciccpt . Sunday, at Mi 1'oll.ira J ye ! U HiivHIlCC. paiahle ijiiartrrli lilt: I.I.HI. ill. I .. CouUinii,,; ne.irli 4!. tin- reading waster u line Daily isjitiiilhiri every W .. ,t..-i1n morning .-KHM:-S,i. mllm Mm in. p t .11.1. till. , i li a.1 nKi',: il nut paid hi adi.ii'ei lit Oil. t'KllMII l JIMI I'lllMIMi, OnliT.I'.ir .Iiih 1'himim. nili mi l t Willi iiroiunt atU'in.oi at thu Auioi'ri r.,..n.l I tf J roaaiinahle ralcn. L (HAL A F I' A I It S . " . , I Link Kiriiwl.erin', ut Sitrjreiint A- W illmtim j tlifee n'.iart I r 'J"i ceiit. Ani.iiikk tit .-li lot id litie lruw I. en !i Viltes A l'o'., 1'f eelit" il Uiirt. Attlxtmn i ri'iiie'ie 1 to the curil of W m. 11. tiet, Ksi., who liltN nielieil mi nfj'icf ill Hul.irJ'n Imiik liuililiti, in the mime rooui with J. M. Bttfiiril's iiii-tiriiiuc neney. At llloek A Newlnii'iii'i'Fi stiire you will litul the fniet M'livli ill ol h ii'Ib, lilitionsi, hut-, llowern, heml iliee, Ai!., Ac'., lit the Vet) lowest Jiri.'es. a- 1'imiiaiii.v the liuesl ntlJ In-ht fclork of ilr)' oiimls t he fuuinl ill tliis seelimi id 'he coim. try iw at Wn lv.irtliN P iveini n i, uud he has the reputation of M'lliujj noils nt tli very lowest priees. d.Vw ('atjt.k Li.m Uur nihieril.ers in the soiili purl of tlii- eoiiiity, an 1 in Mercer ami Henry, will please tike notice u an mlvcrtisv mciit of Mr. Warnock, in il lation to cuttle lrn-t. These oattle eatne frnni Katisu. tuul it ii lielieio l they will make their way to the .Mississippi river, (or the purpose of cri'ssin. a, AiiKMlois i'eiii(ti.i to the notice of a new fruit jar, ! sale at l'nrt's. It i.a really the tnost ili'simhle iirtiele of any yet in tt"i iitnl we think it eninliimM every possil.le ud VHiituno net'ili d for the preservation of fresh fruit. The price is low. The iIakiki.i. Jak. All persons who wieli to). ut tip fresh fruit, or "irescrves, cto , lire rcptested to cull at our store, mid exaniiiip n new jar for that purpose. It is all lass, no metal of any mrt to corrode, ran he opened and doted with perfect ease, is perfectly tijrht, rvipiin'ri no cement or solder, can he used hy any one with perfect en-e. Thin jar uiiiliines nioru ad viiutiioiM than tiny in use. l leaso call nun lo' K at It. Henry IIaht'h S.inm. June 'J'!. dw'Jw Pki kv Al l. U. K. A private letter from a ircutlciiiuu in I'mry inform', us that the pack njc of extras mid the hall 'is in favor of re lief to the soldiers' families which we nent l.y mail on Thursday evening, .June 12th did not reach that post ollice, until Thursday, June I'Jth. Wher" was the pnekage detained ? Yet I'ruiy turns up all . IC, the people giving ii majority in favor of the new consti tution, and II majority in favor ol u tax tu relieve the families of destitute volunteers I'rtiry i one of the white towns. - A Calst. oi Coui'i.AivT Kkhovkh. In some of the grea' cities and towns the Hour dealers, tell their customers that they will warrant tl.O article sold, ifthev will use exclusively Io Lan.l A- I'o.'s Chemical Salenilus, as they know- that white, light, palatalde nnd whole some liisi.iiit can he madi) frmn good flour, and without hiii'Ii the I. est Hour iimkei inte rior hread. Since the introduction of this Haleratiis there is less complaint about the flour, say the dealers, und we believe they know For sale by nil the wholesale grocers ill Chicago. liFSI ARKAIll.F.Cl HE OF ErYS) EI..S. Mi S'tS, A. L. Seovillo A Co. (ieutlemen : Knowing that uiuny are Buffering us I have been, from that troublesome disea-e Erysipelas, who would be glad to find n nirr. rnitrili, I feel it my duty to make the following statement: I have been long afflicted with Erysipelas, nnd have tried various remedies, among which was Extract of Sarsaparilhi and liur dock, without effecting a cure. I have used only two bottles of your Sarsnpnrilla ir lilood Syrup, which has completely cured me. At the same time I was ulllicted with dyspepsia, which it has also cure 1. IJEXM. E. HOPKINS. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. In, Infill. See advertisement. Five Hi ndkkii boxes tire-crackers, a large stock ol fresh groceries, and all kinds of saloon goods just received by llenry Part's Sons. June 20, dnwl!r .... -. - Take your watches, clocks and jewelry to Jeanneret, next do. r to the Kock Island bank, if you want tliein put ill thorough regair. His el. urges ine moderate and all his work warranted to give .-atisfuetiuii. SOLDO' (LAW AGEMT. MM1E X pros mHlwijrnpil Imviri rxporit'ii''ft in ro'cii t itijr tnihli'iry ciainisjlicrs nia sptvicob in a ilj u t l n ami (.'nltnctuig iiOl Ni'V l!(tNKY and AKUKAKS OK PAV, i.c due (httcliitrgfd or i!cc-;ism1 Snldicrs, thtir w idown or heir. li is experience whiio aii utlicer m the army quiililiet hun tu jrntnptl v prDcure the HeUlcment ot clittiiia in tlie moat exjuid itious and correct manner. Xo Chafjc unknn Chum m Collected! liel'erpSly permisBittn to Mnj. (inn. L S. (Irant, V . S. A. linir. (ii'ii, Jithn McArthur, Vi S, A. Col. M. S. Harues, I'. S. A. Untiles Hulord, Ksu,., Hock Inland. Jnde Dnnt'orth, dr iJevtje 6 Cnimpton. do 1. J. Webster, do V D. WILLIAMS, Aitorney & Counselor at Law, Kock I t,lu ml, lllinoi. May 3, daw ly Saddle mid Harness M A X U V A C T 0 It Y . In the basement of the larije brick-block, in Mar ket Square, at the City Scales. A. K tlTTr.K, HAYING beon nptsiiritecl by Julius Schulze as his agent, to conduct the above business on a strictly CASH I'KIC1PLE, j Those wishing to buy cheap, and pay rath down i for any article 111 the above line, are rositctfullj j invited to give hun a call. J. Srhnlre, hv j A.K. CUTTER, Agent, 1 Dec. lfth, IsCI, d w. i:. R. lll'.A , TTORNEY AND COUNSKLOR AT Xl LAW. Office in the Court House. June 17dw6m Kock Island, Ills. (. J. IATES & (ON. I Cream !nloou. The above 1 ttihli,hinc nt imw a. i well and f.iior. :t 1 1 v known i ti 1 !i im City and vicinity, li.r llii' m al ncs's nud lai.ii. which charm tcruoa nviy depart- ! ti... ..i : ii. I i... ti... m-hues nt t'vrrv lirtirli' til in . .,1,,.u.rr. Im Urn rcf.ltcd in 'the most con-I I icii'tnt itlr. where ladies tind gentlemen ran , partake ul t:ii- jirlu-at In- Cretin, mtvi J up to I tint ti e most ! (Mil. Ml , j : iIi.ihii in Hjiii I, lint' lourwim.' menus, iroiu Car- tots- p.itei.t r-'n mil. tin, plain or w ilh cicry , , di .ifcd pun- y rups. i '.. i- li i' Cri.nii doliietc.l to eve'v p.rt ol tin1' niv .1 u Mr i ,,1 1 in. V H tt 0 V. t la II I T I I i k i:. iltuliird I'lai e, Molinc Avi nuei Kill K ll tMI, Illinois, (Mil. A MI!V T. S, I'lUfK, Physicians) IS to .w i.i.en l..r J ll( A .,IM , , n ti eiitinent of all I onus drome lini, lr a Virul'i ,-.,ii.r ,.i ri-:i i tti. i ii.n i . in ci n- in . lion Mth t lull o.Mllit i:uiiilliutiolis ami M l l'li ' I I' llll'l IO.N.. I'!ti. Hon,.' an.! 4 . i ..ii ml m ate liiicly u d nr.iiilnly li.iatnl. with i: .:(, and l.oi. and all the iii-i r'iry appiiaiicca for suci'e.ilul t rent incut. J Airs I rue will pay esii-ciai niicnuou in nic pl.n I. . r ol nl.stetii, a and hc.-lliu tiinale d.e isra, III ho h he l II I l tlKi , sat II I. AYER'S CATHARTIC Art 'uu nick, ftvM, n.l Cotii'liu..lii&' Au yii out f older, witli 'r yttm d-Ittiikii-I, HtiJ i'iit f.'thin;t uii Ct'MltortAl'lol1 TlHBf l tltj- twin me ottfii tlk puln lc i NIlU IllllfW. Nilll. in f ki' UtifM Ut-rifpint! iin Vnu, niiil olixuld I'f uih J t y a tiiitfly uio n( thu nltt ii'in cnly. 'l.tlvP Ay"i l'di. Hint i litiiiy t-iit ltiJlihoi.ltfih tor llXtlli HM ifv Hit t'IKil, lut UiO 11 Ul. I UlUtH fU Ull"t tltl K.I lit ll'Mlill ft lill, Tlit-v iiiniiilatt) llm liiuttit un i,f llin lni.lV Milti VU"tuUi tU' '' -'a tit ii. piiniy nvntcm fi.iiu ui nin-iru' n-nii uiii niHko dMPAW. AcoM fc-tttrt '.iih th. r' in (lut IkmIv. an.l ui. firiivlt M n nl iim I uiiciioii. Tlics.. if "t n lii nd, r mt upon thfiniHjlTCi mi l tho unrrmitMlihg oiicutm, pi.. rtinihu t;inril nsiirnvittiiii, Millui mr, 'ii'l ti.m-iuiO. liileliitlwcoivlitiuii,'''f tt"l t'.v Hi" tlfini'UiiiiN, fHltn Aym'n 1'ilKftiid 'ottHily tlM-y u-nlun' Urn liHturtl iwtlm of l Wo ytiuu, mi l uith it Hit hiwyant f.-.-liiii; i.r li-altli it mi. U it i Inn mil -p.nviu in thu tuviiU anl tMiinii"ii CMiipl.uhl. I" nl-" lan i many of tint ili'iipufritt-d Hud ilutii .'Hit Ui"Hitiiii"i Tin' ninu puriintHf iill.i l vkwU lliftn. I'.iuhhI ,y siiuiUi olitrui tnns niiil iliTtttOsftiifntHof tin n.ti I Imirti.m ft Urn inulf, Ibvy hio npitllv, uti'i ntmiy ft llietii auruly, rnrpl hy IliDM Uiiu uit'iuu. .N"iit who Uiiuw llio viiIik'H t thtiio PillR, will twnh'Cl la I'tui'loy Ilium wlicu fUlWnntf Urnu llitliMpr ttu y rur-. MiiitiiitMiti from leii-lln plivsl bm In unrnt' f tin) prindpul dtitii. and lr iu uthvr mil Umiwu pttUic pr Hull. from a Frw -irdivg Mnchaut f St. T.nuit, fb.4,W. Ir. Avrnr Your PHI " tin pumnn of nl! that fa prwt hi imMti liif. Tli"y luv riiii"! niv liltld tluulit. i ttl ulreroiiH riu(Mti li(,r littiuli inl (t (hut hml proved incunillu ti.r yi-ma. Uor nidlhur Lut Ik Unite nv- Otuly lillli . toj witli hluuiie and piiiiilHnii hr "Kin hikI in lu-r luir. Ati.r tur lIhIJ u curoJ, alio also hivl yuur 1'ilU, and iUvy Imvo curtd lit-r. ' ASA MOltnitllHJK. An m. rnmlly Fliynlr. Fiom lh :. II'. tUrtunifU, Vi Orlennt. Y-mr 1'iiU uro tlio pt in 'o ff imrnm. Their Pxct'lWnt qualitl.n uny ratlinrllr w.t piitt'M. Ttny nra tin Itl, but vwry CiTtiitu nnd t (T f tuul m tlioir ttctimi on tlio bawula, wbtrli niaktM lhtui uivuluiiblu to u-i In tlio daily UualuitiUt of dl:itJ. Ileadachr.Sirklieatlrtt lif ,FoiiI Momarli. iYnm iff. .'iuwid ito'jU lidlumnrt. I)tnll!i0. Avrii: Iramr.t anawcr von what ci'mplnint I huvticurri uilli ynur Tills U thT to nay all that we ftrr with ajmniatitv mrdtvwe I plftco trrcnt dcptMi dpnroon an cfTi'clinil mthurlic tn my ihtily contt with tliMarUMi, uud U;litJMiirf a I tin I hit your Till ullut d ut tht best wo have, 1 ufcuurbe vuluo tluiii liiglily. rrrrsiiinfi, fa.. Mar 1, lMfi. Pn. J. 0. Attr. fir: I Imvo bmm icpt'Htillv run d of the U'lptt ''inubn'te nny IhIv ran h ivo ly n tl au or two cf yoiif I'HU. It M'cina to unio from u futil feMuacli, Wliicb llioy clonne at unw. lyiir with groat rtwpoct. KD. W. I'HKItl.R, Cltrti 'if Strainer Ctart n. Billons DUordcra Mvr Complnlnta Fmm Dr TUvxiort 11AI, f X, w Vort: Cty. Nnt only aro your I'illa admirably mlnptod to their pur poHR m an aperititit, Imt I find tliur lieiiofiiial c(Ttiotau(Km the Lit vary markttd Indw'd. Tiny Imvo in my prac tice piuvod iiuro uUectuoi fr tlio euro of bdtout om platan tbau any uiio ruintsdy I can niviiliuu. 1 Riucortily risjoioo that wo bavo at loniitti a purKAilvo which is wor thy IhoCyiifiiioiico ol thu piultseiuii uud thu popple. Department or tub Ixtlmiw, ) UublniJutiii, V. C., 7(h lib., lHitl. Sin: T Imvo unotl your Pills in nty guuvial ami lionpiUl practice over niiiffl -u niado thorn, und camtut hotiiiulc to ay llioy aro the lMjt cathartic wo employ. Their n'fti lauii( action n the liver is quick and tlontled, ctJime quciitly tht-y are un luliuiiahlo iuiit:ijy lor dt-ruueiiiftila of that organ. Iti'lml, 1 hiitu HcMuin found a cao of bilious dtuuf so rthfttiiiute that It did not nni'tily yield to litem. i'laianally youis, AlSA HALL, M. V, i'Uyucmn of the Mirtne Ihqiital, Dysentery, Dlatiliaa, Ile1axt Worms. Fium Ur. J. ti. Uiectt, tf Vud-ijo, Your rilU havo had ii lung trial in my practice ant) I hold thorn in enttiem its one ui tlio bual ajiurit-uU I Imvo evtr found 'J hoir nltuiulivo ello-t iioii tho liver makns thftn un excclli nt riiuttty, wh'-u -n in hiimll ilnaen tor bthout tlytmtrrii ami di'irrhim, 'J heir siipai'-ciuilini; muken thm viy acct ptablo and cuiivonivut lor tho utto of vr onion and dnM.oii. Dysprpsln, fiupurlty of (lie Illontl. From i.Vo. J, V. IItiiutt listr of Advent Churcht linkn. Dr. Arm: I haretwd ynur Tills with extraordinary succosa in my fuuuly und itmoiitc thoRi 1 am called, to viuit In dlfltip-w. To n-Kuluttt tlio orpins uf diction and purify the hlooil, tht-y uio tlio vnry bust icuio ly I hue ever known, and I can conlhk'iuly rocommciKl tlu-ni to myfriuuds. Youis, J. V. IIIMES. Wiinw, Wyomliiff To., N. Y., Oct. lW. I)E.n Bin: I nm iimiiit your Ci Imrtic I'illa in my I'rar tic, anil liml tlit'in nn fxct-llt-iit puratlvo tocluauso the BVitU'Ui uuiJ purii ,ie foundling nf Vie. llmrt. JOHN U. MliACUASI.M. D. C'onatlpnlloii.Cnallveiiraa, Hnppre anion, Kliciiiiiatlani, ('out, iVeurulgta, Drop ay, I'arolyaiM, tyilt etc From Dr. J. 1. Vaughn Mmdreot, Cinuda. Too much cannd lo said of your Pllla for tho nm- f cxirtirettftK, If othcra of our fraternity have fi uiul tii'-iu ah t'fticaciniia aa I have, they .should join ine In f.iix liiiiii (ng it for tho bi'hi'tir of tho multitink't who nufl.;r ftom tliat ctunplaint, which, ullhnuh had enough In itm' 1 1', In tlio progenitor of otlipra that aro wnrae. 1 Im-Hcvi ttvmes to uncinate in tho livur, hut your Pilla uihtct tliat organ and euro tho Uisouau. Firm Mrs E, &uartt Phytitian ond Mulvfrt Ihtton. I find onoor two larco dotes of your Pilln, taken at the proper time, are exllt-nt promntiveaur the tuitmat it err fiftfiwhon wholly or partially sup pruned, and also v wry effectual to cleanse tho $Umaci and erjid vmnti. They arc so much tho Ut rdiyaio we have that i recommend no othur to my patiunls. From tlte Rev. Dr. Jlawket, ff the Mdfo)diit Fpit. Church Pl'I.arki Ilonst, PaTannfth,fla.. .Tan. ft, 1856. IIovorftj Sir: I chould bo ungrateful lor tlie relief your skill has brought uio if I did not report my cast) to you. A cold aftttltd in niv limtaand hroimht un excru ciating neuralgic patni, which ended lu chronic rheuma Uxm. Notwithstanding I luid the bnH of physiciarm, the diieasc (trow wonw und worse, until by the advica of your excellent atrent in Ualtimoro, lr. Ma konzie, I tried your Pilid. Thuir efftjebj were alow, but Mire. Ily porsoteriug Id tho uso of them, I aiu now entirely w ell. PifATB CriAHTtra, Paton Roukp, La., 0 Per. 165. DrU Aver: I have baun entirely cured, by your Pills, of JiheunuiUc 6'yit( abiuiiful ducMe (hat had allllcti-d ma for yearn. VINCENT HLIULLL. jfyMost of tlio Pills In market contain Mercury, whii.h, ultbonh a vnluahln remedy In skilful hands, is dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful runsn tiuoncea that frequently follow it incautious use. Than contaiL no mercury or mineral substauco whaU-tor. Price, 25 centa per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Br. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mafifc Sold by C. K. Claciuii, Rock Maud. T;ivior tz linllard, I)nvenport. A. V. ('liainlierUri, Molme 4 lr. Vincent, H.impton, U P. Ht:.-ittir, Camden Milift. ( lr. .1. II. J.vl'nrd, Port lis run. " W. KfilevConi Vallrv. ' J. II. K'M-d & Co., Chicago, and dealers in inedirin. Juneldw 1 v. SIRULKV FOR IIISHASKS OF THE EVE AMI EAR. l.i 11. .J. 1!. WALK Kit, 1 17 Smtl. 1 .i. i. .. , n. ri....i;, .. .i ! -iUIK SII.'.L. .1111 .10, '.' ,4ll-t .lll'l Auritt, Hives h undividuil attention to this important specialty, and perlnrms all opera tions connected with (ipht'inlnnr. and Aural Sur jiery. Certain diseases of the throat which fre quently cause dealiietH, and noises 111 the head, will also rercive attention. -tJ- Elimination Free. P. II. lion 2s-'7. Maylljdly. f.KUAT VVKMTKUS Hide and Leather Store. .1. m. ut)si:M'ii;Li, UOCK IsLANU, ... II.I-IN'HS, DEAt.F.RH IN LEATHER A X I) FISHINGS Saddlery Hardware, KViips and ,, Curr-foiiitit and Urushet Also Manufacturers of Harness, ( ollars, Saddles and Bridles. j ( ash pnid for Hides, Kurs, Wool, Copper, hags, I Sheep Pelts, Ueer-Skins and Beeawai. I r,MnAgKn; Fir fOMMERU.lL. Km k ii,am) m titKirr. Itorii Nl. nu, June 17, M)J, Klnur - Sn up iluuhiv clr, in aacka, $4,11 , winooale, and j-l.l.' at u t.iil. II' pun liaaera tind ' pickatlcs it ia aoi.l .il It'rrlililiti than the above : ipiotatmiia I Wheat - l.s.,71, j Com- l.i.Oli'. .. . Kcu - Ii d..t. Itvc -.Ma.'...-. I lar:e- a i.t U'c ( hi'.nia I.i'U.itI , r.ii.iioii. .ihi.i.i.ic I tftltlir sldj,.,, r a :ire p., O'lMroio Ii to si V t ry , chon r lot,, lor n I i. .in,:, i:i t.r.i.,: Inc. Puilltrj i llli ketia, llolll $1 ,110 to fl ,;itl per ilu , ai i or.lin,' to sii' col i;ualit. l.uc turke,a IP llii1!' i .1. Ii . 11,-el -Hood ittle, live weijjlit, e.iolli..nd $ J .. "' .i , 7 -i per hundred Ilia. polk--The !"ll hers ale p.i oi , lorlie ho, l,7...i.',lio. For dieiil iJ.T.ia.lihi. t , lireen c.'iinin, lc i (;reeii ilted, 4' c ; dry a.i.led, c ; dry, 10c; green oil, lie ( aherp pi il, I .'- I . Uaj I'r i:i ie f l.i'Oa.i.on iei Ion. Tiiuot'i) or lliuiiisriaii f.i.Oo.i.ooli (.. r l. in. S ii, . Hak $;i,UU to l,on a cord. coal ScUili'd inal i oid at ine t o ii V iliey lard at s lents pel toialie., and dehieii ii ,1 '. da per hiMhel. 1'rolii Ii iiiis lu M.nkcl .U.irc, a usually aold at s,0- j,, r Im. it H U.I I i v It KIT, I'llll li. o. MoM.AV, ,li,. li . Hour market diil'. lute n.ler f I.MI i N.ili. ' i ill e t il v do f '.' 'I I'm ils' i hoo c aprn.g evtr.i J I,, (Hi. U the Ml oM.nril dull, hut closed slc.nly in..! vs 1 1 1 ... 1 1 lu: tar . a I ehini'. .A M 1 1 1 . r 1 1 . - I h.iMi'1 N-.. I sjinng ; No. - spring 7;tc ; le jei teil a;. l li .'ml. , Colli Hoi InlM'il 'JS1,' ; leji i'led LI.'c ; Veiloii '.'''lc all, en ; old in. led ' ic III stole ; in i i oi ii L' I.' in ston- ; old ri ;ei led i i' ill stoic i urn iii.xrd lc f. o. ti. (Ilita- s. No. I in i-l'OI' ..'.'lie nil tl .li k. le. I in touii'od . No. I in ,loie V'.'. Il.iilej u n I .ni.l him. ..'." i. oic on track. Iliglnwties- ! ' i rm -ml i'l1 h.ghrr. I'l'tiJli. Tallow Country ulloiv U. I. aid- Country laid Hie. Ilutter- Mi'iiifj ; lioml jellow )i,ilnc; (! loittiT ranges t'loiu li.i'c. Kgu M.'ildl ill ..ill.e pet do, for liesll. Holes-- I ho iu.ilket is illlet ami steady . llaoc green eon ul i ; .it a. i:n en s illcd ; li ill ; salt ed, and l.'i.ii.l di v lliul. l oiiilt) - i lockeiia, SI ,.:ill pet J117. I'uikeya 0 alir pet 1 Ii. I'olatoes Sli ,ul . ed Ni slianuiM , -10. 1 1. 11- ; liiiv- im i MAitKi:r. S r. I.oi is, June full .'avJe. 1.1. U'helt Corn :ii'.i:i'.' ll.lln - ii'l.i.lSc. Itye Ilia Lie. l'.il.ltoea;l.ni4lli' Laid- i;ic. SI'HtlAI. UIMNKSS NOI MDS. f'f I niier 1 ait lie.itl a linii'ii'tl uuiiitiei ul tier lal lutlit vh w ill liemseiti tl at lUcenta perlitie each lUPlTlltill For Mi Louis, tairo, limlcil!u(.alcnat rniKHl, c. QlIiK TIME AM) LOW FAKE! Passengers t.ili'lig the eieiiing train ol the Chl t ?v" ai;, I Knell li.!aiol I10111 oi l, Island ami I In l liporl, III il.c iciloi d.ate eoiitno tioll at Salle with trains of tlie I liiuois i'i 11u.1l Itailroad lioiiiir North and South. Tune from Itm 1: 10 St. I. ions, I'i hoiits. do do lano, -it do Soldieis' tickets to Si. loons and C,..-. for sale ut military rates. All lrailisoftheCliii . no and Hock l-laiol Ituil con nee I at l'oiul I 11 . k ,1 h t 'aim id the C. II. Si (j. It. U. tor llurliiiijlou and IJ iincy. INO. K. 1 ItAI V, l.en'l Supl. 1 111: inn (.1. ass ti.noiti 1 Tin iHI'l.oM a 01 M I MI.I1I5IM c or 1 in. IJ01 1.1 ' I MuM'JIlM Assncl TloN, hea 11 1 1 fill ly enylaled on j j steel, ahont nine hi tiu lle inches d.uii nsiolis, is noiv readv lor distr.huti.ui to the sulisciiliers to j ihe .Moiiiiiiienl Piind. 1 he encraiini; consuls 01 j tn 1, lull lenclli un main re it'io'l 11 s, one a line por 1 Irail of Ihe ileparled statesman, ami the oilier ! Atneiiea oll'eriny a ivlcath; lie. ides a lotds-cu. new of the in A 1 1, oil Ihe shore nl' Lake Michigan, as it now appears at I otlam: l.roie, I To all per. .oils foru arduiy to the As. 01 latum one i dollar or inure 11 ill he senl one of these diplomas. with name ami amount duly insiTteii thereon, anil siClieit by Ihe president ami secretary. Coutiiloilors in Ihe sum of tmr il il.'ur will l,e- cnlne llle loellilier.-: of t he llollKoia .M oliu nielli As- sucintioii ; 111 Ihe sum ol I unit n i.h.s honorary life ini'iiilieis ; und ill tlii'siiln ol one hul died dol lars honorary iilc ineiolicis ol the f.oard ot trus tees. All edilors ho mil ins.-'rl thealioie in their daily, weekly . or 1 1 1 h I y three months, wild 1111 m i annual notice lo advance the ohject ill view, will haie forwarded In them iiniiiedialelj di plomas as honorar? Iili'-meiniiera ul lliis assm ia -lion, upon Ihe receijil hy the society ol a copy of their pao r conlanoiii.' the t.ireoiiii;. W.M.TKK It. SCA I KS, President. l.loNAkl) W. Voi.k, Serretaly. N. It. l.oral rei eivcrs ami aulicilors lor con trihlllious are lieili aulooried 10 the loyal states to take charge ol the interests of the assncialiou. Paniihlels anil circulars cniilainiiijt the inani .alion, Cnnstllution, lly-lawsand the Appeal will he scut lo all who will forward their address.--CnUiu.unicalioliH hhollli. he direi ted to thu ''Secre tary llouulas .M0I1111111 HI Assoi nitioli, I llli a)o, lil.'' .'ipnl '-il da HIE GREAT BLOOD PiminEB: Dr. CiuysolFs Improved i:trartot Vrlluw Dock unit Mi i sa 011 1 Ilia, mil on 111 t In- l ir.n st s.zed bolties, 1 'minima more ol the pure II luras Sar.M.pnrnla than any other preparation cv.imt, winch is chemically combineil w illi the Kilract ot Vellow IJoi k ami Hie I. Ur iel ot Wild "hurry, thus makiiio the remedy more tlioroucJiiy elhcient than any other .'ar,aaiilla lielon: the puhlic. At theuaine time it is perlectly Iree liom all mineral poiMins, which cannot be said of any oilier of Hie Saisaparilla ciiiiipoiinils. The invalid should be ware of pinions. .Murcuty , Iron, (Quinine, Potash, Iodine, Siilplo r, Ars.'in. , nnd many other mineral and un tali. i. poisons. enl.T into ami form the ha-is of moil nl the Sarsaparill.'is und panoeas of Hie v. l.l SllTT'S Coinpoiind Kxtrai l of Yellow Hoi k and Saisaparilla does not contain .1 particle ol tin s.' snlisUlo 1 s. as ai y nl.e I. all .ucc'Ulll hy aj.plvili' the lo'i i ss.iry li-sts. all jiiosoiious Sarsapnrilia prejiaratoins j alone, anil use i.ii(n?r noproven r.xir.n i 01 1 ',- low ' I lock ami S.i'. ip . w lio '1 is inorooiriiiy erlii aco.'i, p.rli it', loireib --', and purely lei'la 1,1... All kilo',' oi ihsi yield to Us 1rener.1l lll tl iii-nee. So'. ! ' ill Di iiiiois. .lunelilwliii 3SAMKM)!); HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED! Ju.t l'ulili-linl in 'i Stain! Knri lujir. I'ruK Sir i.iitts. A Lecture on the Viture, Treatment and liadical Cure of Spermatorrhn a or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Eiinsaiona, Seiual Hehility, and Impedimenta to Marriage Kenerally, Xervolia liess. t ofiN.iin.lion, Epileisy and Pits; Mental nd Physical Ine-,,,,, ,ty. r.-ultiuu' Iron, Selt-.'ll.use, Sic, liv lil HI 1 . .1. 1,1 I. V Ml vv r.l.L., .vi. u., .vuinor of tlie I. nm Hunk. i e . A llooii to TliomamN of Sviitleifis. " Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any ad drcss, I'u t-in "t, on receipt of six cent, or two post age stamps, hy Dr. CM. .1. (.'LINK, linwcrv, New York, I'osl (lllice Hoi, liSti. apn J daw 3ui inside. GREI-N HOISE AMI FLOWER NIR SERV ! AT ( APT. JOHN HOLT'S I'LAt'l). YEKISKNAS, DAHLIAS, I.LIIAMI MS and all other kinds of Iteddinn-Out and House I'Uiits: are kept for sale at low prices, at THEODIiKE NISSEX'S lireen House and Flower Nursery. May 17,dwlin $4T'oi the best Weekly Newapaper aubaenbe for the Koci laland A awn. Miscellaneous. K U r K I S l A N 1) 8MB AXU IIWV AKE EMPORIUM III.MJV IIOUSUAX. No. ,', Mui lea Hill'ulil'a llloek, ROCK ISLAND, ILLS. WllOl.HSAl.i: - Itl-.TAIL Stoves and Tinware, of' a: 1 7.7; r DKscmrnns, I I Mlers lo the f ilicim of Km k Island and the ailj:i cent coiititrv. .'ind to de:i!i--a in lou.i and up the Kiver, a liill ind complete assottuteiit ol p Mti.mi, 11KKICK, NKH-Kiii'M, I 1 11 Hi AMI lll'.A I'lXii M'dVKS, Maiiiiljitined etpre-"ii I'm the Um k Island mark et. All ol the liest ipialili olTroll, and the luteal and itewesi uti les, coiiiliiniiiii ORNAMENT WITH UTILITY, AIho.u uit'ttt v.iricil :iNMrtiuriii nl'IrtMi iind Tin w ire, t n rctl h "killul w orl.iuru(tt llic hrst lilork tin. I tUt Hill Pl.Ah. will tintt wihli-p;uib, roiU-rn, r:iuip-ktttlfi, and rprvthiii t'Ki' Wiry w;int in the old wasllin m ruokinnnnli'ii!il hue- nil very tht'iip und nl ood in.ility. (ohm'iiy ii;ij:hs supplii'd with Itillu ot Pniwari, ut incfs whit:h will a!low thriu a I .up' initiin idprolil. ior n ; M uoori; put uphy skillful workineii at reasoii.tttli. pnci tlte neatest and most duralde stue. I I. i It A (. . t U 1 I' I. It . (' 11 11 1 r y I' r l u r v t il.en ill erhani;e lot oods, at re.isoii.ilde pro ea. in i i:u- 1 oit ( ami, will always find l,.iii ains hy callinj;. Palmers, .Mechiinii'B,, a, I will tind aomethilij! they need, hy ex.iioiii.iii; my stock. "Uulck Sales anil Wmnll I'l ollts," IIKNUV llnt'SMAN. .1 Shfilll foltt,i'inxl.. .llllfXIILlHS, ir cr..- . '. J with 1 "i"7 '' , ;r J, Lit-1. t .1 , t llljll till th I 4' I'I " " J-'-: ""i" ' " a mild r'tn-ly, !' " ' ' ,.,,', f,:t ;..;rvio..i ili.t. i,' ."'' 0 I: Uen J rove I the!,, ore ( '. t. ;' h.fiiv ihe 1 id -hi .A"' A'cmth si luii 11 , Hll)llll 11 , J'i' ; 1.1 1 .a". 0.'. ''.''' '. ' tl ZJhnutl.tHiitiV witntd..iu r. it.;, i'liblir SimilurK anil Siuun-s. WM f nd i.trrv i,r- M :lvaru.t- ' ir;!.a im; tl.e 1: .toe. , ;ld hy all (pri'i'rir:-.: JA-iUrx, at il'o .r..'B ;. l-'or sale ill Itock UI.1111I hi C d a I'l.Al'H'S nnd P MINKSTIU Ii. V THE RO(K ISLAMI 1 ICE Co. Aim Prfjiaret! lo Furnish or the (itizins IIOi'K lSI.ANIi with in; the t olnilil sei'son at prices to suit the time.. C. E. IIEiiSKY. A. II. I.AMItEKT, A't. W(sls Saloon. Tint popul.'ir SahiuU and Billiard rooni, untJi-r th- Isliind City 'Uotfi, hriH jimt hi'iiii rt'titlfd and put in ttif; iKMti-ht ordfr lor tlio ctmiinn L-a!on. Thorough reparrs and nfw and .superior lixtiirt'i iniiltf! it one nl' the pltMsanli'st mi in nicr rMtortB in tov, n, THE RILLIVRII TABLES are of the best complete order character and have been put in I II i: It It in supplied with the very bent LlI'dltS, WINKS AM) CICARs, and the public may be assured that 110 pains will be spared to merit a liberal patronage. W KK M I CK Y liOl'ltlJ)X.''a A supply of the finest Hid Kentucky Itourholi Whisky hasbeeii procured, direct from the inan, in Kentueky. aud the public may he sure of always hndini; the genuine article at WKSI'-S SAI.diiN: '. II. Free lunch every dav from Hi a. 111., to 12 in. AR( iiitehtre. The undersigned is prepared to draw plans and specifications, make estimates, and take contracts lor all kinds nt buildines, in town nr country Having 30 years experience in tho biisineaa, he llattera lour - If that he can give general satisfac tion. Jobbing attended to with, dispatch charges moderate. Hestdence on hroadway, licit door to Thompson's foundry. Shop on Adams street, near High School. $4r Leave orders at Henry Housman's store, Illinois street. Jan, 13th, d wtf, WM. EHKETT. 1 -art' 'MHiUT'Aai.atfim.Mnu: OOroffrifjs. Temple Buford, WIIOIjEHAIjE ANH I TEL etail GROCER Aifd Ih ai, r in Iron, Nulls, llojt Spikes, Springs, Axes, nnd Hl.ickainiiha' Toola. Alan lletiy lltiidware. Hummers, Files, Screw Plalea.Currue and Tire Holts. 111 'lstlJie;ii ANU Tennessee Iron HI all sorts, sizes and kinds, tor aale ai the lowest ralea. Spades and Shovels, Itemly-Made Horse Shoes, Hone Nulla, Nail llnda, I'oat Auura, Tools, 4.C t ordast' ami lloal storrs, A full aaaorlmeiil. Ship Chandlery. I No nihiT Linisr, 111 ihia . i-1 11 1 1 y h;is Htn k ol i Ship Cliaudlt'ty tt r rtiinpiirnl with mine. Mil I iiillii roptt Iroili II iii' lifH to i un h. (t.ikum, 1'iit h, K"-.n. Lu !,ii, l.iii' tl ItiL-iTinir nl all iiiM, ';it ki:it, uud i vi ry nrtirlc kept in liiir. Window lilass i." ull mv. GBOCERIES F Li O U R AIwuyh tin hand, u full, t'oiiifileto it nil 'ret it Htork nt" the h'4t Family (trtit eni'. Ainu, I), M. Senr lut iu,i lily I a mil) Klour, and llm k wheat I'luur. (.If U'l AMI Produce Of all kinds bought il Ihe highest uiarliet prices. Also Hutier, l-'cs, I'lovisMiiis, cic. I guarantee to sell a 1. oiler situ le lor ihe same or leis money than any ollo-r house in Hoi 1 ily. John I.. Smith will he happy lo see his friends and attend to ilteir wants hi ihe best manner. ivc ineaeall and you will come ugaill. Packages inconvenient toearry will be. delivered to anv part ol the c'ty free of charge. Stole in Hank llluck, near N. li. Huford is Co. 'a Hanking House, Illinois Sited, Rock Isl.inil. TKMI'LK Ht'POllLi. AM HON STORE. I he subscriber keeps an AUCTION STOKK, in Kock Island, on protit .street, corner of kagle, near the river, at the old aland loruierly kept by A. Hutcher, wherr liirinlureiiiid all kinds of property will be sold at iiuetioll. He also keeps a .1 I I Ml STO l I : al the same place, where he buys and sella Old Stoves, Hags, Old Iron, Copper, lirass, i,c. aic. Aim, sniiM) 11 AM 1 1 it m riit i: bought ami sold . He invites all to bring their old traps to him aud iri t the cash lortheio. All k.inisol property disposed of at Auc j 11011,011 fair li nns. JOli ROSS. i ilvnss and Iron Work, AND s t j:a m l' 1 p 1 : s - r M J I K sutiHcriber keeps coiiHtuntly on I11111J X all kinds ol lirass and Iron Hoods, such as Steam Cocks, Valves, Water tlauges. Whistles, Oil Cups, Peer Cocks, Pumps, lias and Steam Pipe of all Zinc, llahlntt Metal, etc. etc. Steam and Has Work promptly attended to aud put up in workmanlike manner. 1, as Kitliires of all kinds for sale. Has Fitters supplied. N. H. CASH PAID for Old Copper and Brass, aHusineesOihce on West Kagle Street, Hock Island, near the I. as Works. JACOB RILEY. " v a i r toki: AND PAIKTTINO! Iliuvo located utthe store next door to tlio Kock Island Bank, where I will keep lor sale at wholesale er retail, ioi.ved or uinuueu, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Jllrushes. llenole, Putty, I, lass, Turpentine, and all articles usually wanted for houae and steamboat painting. House, Steamboat, Sign and Wagon Tainting, and Graining, Marbling, (ilaiing and Paper Hang out done at short notice, in the best manner and at reasonable rates. WMi R. AYKES, Illinois Street, Hock Island. April9, dwly. UcfUancou5. I " K Know Not Wllf.KE IL.t III MUCH Al'THrir. I tic iNTn.Liur.Nci: or the Hlui:liion 1 1 n nr. OlITAIMII." i " .Yo oilier work poasunen tht mine un a Kork j i'i' Jti'frtnce." IT IS KELIAbl.K, ln.MI'I.KTK AND DE SIKAlll.K." R c Ii e 1 1 i 0 11 K e c o r d, td.ied by I KANK MOOKLl, Is Hie only puhlic.ition winch ivea the llisluiy uf Hir limit StruKKle or t rie liot trn. mini, now going 011. IT IN FILL, IMl'VItTIAL AM) UK LI A DLL. .1 AV. ". uhii h th? Cauil.i, the Jhjnirtmenta llll'l lllf I'ldJ llnlo 118 " TMK IIISTOKY OF TI1K TIMES." It appeals to the nilelliui iiri. of nverv cititcn Hy reli renee In it every peraoii can tin fairly and truthfully poind upiu rehitinii lo tins faicat Kehclllon. II' 1 oSslsl's,- (.,, ol' the (irtiit Slrihile ami the 'Ihe li'rall iixlir.1 In hive the VuUutrif, li'l HiWAKII F.VKRKTT. II- A Diary of Vcrilictl events ; Coimneiieino w ith the ioeetin(! nl Ihe South Caro lina Convention, Dec. 17th, I sou niniiK, in the form of a Hisry, a eoncise, succinct, nnd truth till hiatnty ol every event as it occurs. Ill loi iiiiii nts. sp, i i Ih .'x(.ii, i ui ratlvta, ikr,, coliaistnii; nfall I In, nKKU I.VI. KKi'OKTS of llolll,,, Sf.irmnliti.tlc, mi:ssai;i:s nti.i I'Hiici.amatio.ns of the I'resiilint of the I uilid Stairs SPKCIAI. IHtllEUS, 4ic, t,c. t.ll.iHIIlr ,tCI'r.7'.s' of the movement, ot troops. Important .pieclus ami Letters from Leading Men No'th and South. vi vi i a ksi 1 : .y.i mi a ii vlroni eyi'-w iluessea) of thu Cleat lluttles, .(cession Oi dinuiirea. Mes sages, I'lOCluillUllllllM, 1V.C. IV. Rumors, luridrnls, I'alriolic and Uallatls, Songs Illustrated with correct I'ortraila, engraved on steel, of Ihe S'utalile Mi iin' the 'I line, ami irith Maps and lHaijnim uf the linns of' Halites, The Rebellion Record is published 111 I'arts, each part illustrated with Wo I'uir I'urtrititt, ill centa each. AI.SII, IN VOI.l'MES. Si l'jrts, with Copious Inilei, cninpriae a Volume: Now Heady, Volumes, line, Ttio nnd Tliiie. Hound 111 Clolh, at :l.7,i each ; Sheep, $4,Ul ; Half Morocco, or Half Calf Antique, $-,oU each. A M.t i:lITI). Sold EieluMiilv by Canvassers and Anents, is unw piiblishiiti; in Nos., at i cents each. Each No illustrated with a Pnrtrint on Steel, ' Aneiits wauled, to w Iioiii liberal commis sions w ill he iiiveu. I opu s nt ti HEIIEI.LION HECOIU), III Parts or 111 Volumes, will be sent free ol expenae, 011 receipt uf Price. Sent 111 rcgiatcrcd lettera, the publisher w ill he responsible for all remittance.. Clubs w ill be supplied at the following rates : t-'iee C.i'cs ot each volume 111 aemi-ruonihly Ng, or Monthly Parts, to one addresa or aeparately, f 12 fell iopii $'2 it) Remittances most h 'leulin registered lettera, otherwise the publisher will not be responsible, and 111 current lunds. (i. I li:'l'VM, Publisher, !,:i2 Broadway, New Y'ork. C. T. KVANS, Cen Agent. .Hlua iiisiiitincc Cumpaiiy, IIAIlTPOn x. 'I'HOl', 1 1 . FIRE I LOSSES All.ll STEII AH PAH), viz: ft llrlck stoics mid ( oiitcnts. il llnellln;s mill ( oiitcnts. I 111 ick Hmp. t llrli'k St utiles. Settled for ( ash, About $47,000 ! J.M. HI FORI), Agent, Kock Island. Mavl'l.d'-'w. NOTICE TO TEUTIERS. Sehnnl Commissioner's Office, Rock Island, April I, lM2. j Teachers desiring certificates, and other per sons having business with me, will find it to Ihei r ad vantage to come only upon Saturdays, as the duties of my ollice call ine aw ay so much that there s no certainly of niv being at home any otherday in the week. ' ' C. M. H ARDY, aprll daivilm School Commia'r. GRAl'S CELEBRATED HATR KT.STOHATIVE. IT IS NOT A lYi:XO, XOT A DYE! $1,000 Premium. $1,000! Will cause hair to grow on Bald heads ; will re store t;rey or Diseased llairto its Original Condition unit Color; Will prevent the Hair from falling o(T, and pro mote a new and healthy growth; completely eradicates Dandruif; will prevent and cure Nervoua Headache; will give to the HairaCleau, (Hoasy Appear ance, and ia a certain cure for all Disease of the Head. Price 75 leutsThree Bottles $2. It is perfect and a complete dressing for the Hair. Head the following testimonials : V. S. .Mirsiivi.'s Office, I New York, Nov. 0', IStil. j WM. CRAY, Km(. Dear Sir: Two month ago my head was almost entirely AuW, and the lit tle hair I had was nil ifrey, and falling oil' very fast, until I lea red 1 should lose nil, 1 commenced using votir Hair lettiratire, and it immediately stopped the hair falling oh", and soon restored the color, and after using two botiles my head is com pletely covered with a healthy growth of hair, and oi' the aame. color it was in early manhood. 1 take pleasure in recommending your excellent fiur Restorative, and you also may refer any doubting person to me. KOHEKT Ml liRAY, I'.S. Marshal, Southern District, New Y'ork. For sale bv the proprietor (WILLIAM (,RAY) at the KKSTbKATIV F. DLPOT, ;;Jol Hroadway, New York Also lor sale by JOHN" S. PIERCE, Genera Agent, tisa Broadway, N. Y'.t and by all Drug gists. May 14,wly. FOR RENT. rPHE property and fine residence in the 4th J wani, on the bluff, lately occupied by Joseph Conct, Esq., ia for rent, to a good tenant. The place is very desirable to any person wishing to live in a handsome retired situation. The grounds are ample and well stocked with fruit and shrub brv. To a good tenant the rent will he moderate. ALEX. V. SVVAN'DER, Agent. Rock laland, April 7, lSb'J.