Newspaper Page Text
ROCK ISLAND ARGUS. KATKM OK ADVIiHTIKlNG. tno iquare, (10 line or lot,) firit imortion, eaeh&dditionaliniertion 2" ' one week ) i two wccki. . . i 3 one month 4 W two montln . ... 6 uU i tlitce month t ' uo in month ,f one yean " One fourth column, 3 momhi ' " " 6 month - year 22 o hall 3 month ? One column, 3 month t 6 month zH iycar 00 00 Bunnell, not exceeding five l'"8'"9 , SpeciaVbViin'ci "notice will be published for u cenu a line lor each iniertion. Kor iniertion in daily and weekly 33 V ""' additional to the above rate. All advertisement! from transient pcrioni or ilrangcri, tobtfaidinadianrt. Notice for religiouiand benevolent purpoiei in iertod one time Iree of coil, thereafter charged ai other advertuemont. -linen Advertneinenu not accompanied with direction! will be inserted until forbid and charged .ccord.nRly. wm c.ubh.hej October IS, 15M. l.v Nichols I Dunham, and purchaied by the preaent editor, November Isth, lv2. It wm then called "The llepuhlican." It namcwai changed 10 "The Argui," December 15, lsfta. The "Rock ..lander" was united with the "Argui," Septem ber lti, IS-V7. j-'f he Daily paper wan established July lUlh, 1S64. j. a. DAsrettti, in. miltoh lontt. it oTiTi s i s r o s t o r f 1 c e . MAIL AKKASiCillMHNT. IVncriroand Rock Inland Railroad Mail arrive! at 7 A. M., and 6:1a I'. M. Cloic at 10 A. . and 7:00 I'. M. Sterling and Hock Inland Railroad Mail, via Mo line, Watertown, Hampton, lUpidi Lily, I r Uyron and Cor.lova arrive! at b:3 a. m., ami cloiea at 3.4!) p. in. . Diii.r.porf Mail arrivei !t HUH a. nn.17.JU p. M. Close! at 0.30 a. ii , "I'd Oauawka Mail, via I'leaiant llid;ic, Hazlitt. Ham let, Millcriburg, .Monroe, New llo.ton and Kelhiburg, leave. Monday, Wednesday and Fndav, at! a. m. Arrive, rimraday aud Saturday, at 4 P. M. Macomb Mail, via. preemption, r arlow (irove, Viola, I'opc Creek, North Hci.dcr lonand Alcdo, leave" and Saturday at 7 A.M. Arrive! Tuoiday and Friday at 7 Cint re Point Mail, via Prairielicld, Kicliland Grove, Ceiiirn RidK", Oxford, North I'rai- rm and Henderson, leave Wednesday at ti A. M. Arrive! at 7 P. M. Cambridge Mail via: rcninylvania, (Irion and Audover, leaven nl I . 'I. Amve. Thursday at b p.m. Canute n Milts Mail, loivci .Monday, W Fndav and Saturday, nt 7 A. M. Arrive! fuel- dav, Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday at 7 P. M. Coil Valley Mail, leave! Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday. It ha. no regular hour lor departure. No mail's lent or received on Sunday; Otlicc hours from 7 a. m. to p. M. (In Sundav open Irom 9 to 10 a m. C. TKL KSDAl.E, P. M. KOl k 11. AND t llTllt II Itlltl.OOItV sr Jam, (lloiiian failiolic) i orner Itoek Kiver and Dock trel, Iter, I'. T. McKllierno, I'a.tor, Hev. J. (J. Allemali, Allant. Servil e., on Sundav, .Mnaa at " Si Kl A. M. I atcchi.iu ut u a i 2 ' m . vi'.nrr. at o r. .o. ami Uen'ediction ot tin.- li'e.n d Satraiiient iiumedi I ately alter Vopera. Jin. every uiorniUK uu ring llie week at b;ilO. TeiiTV, (Kpucopal,) (irlean. street, between Hutl'alo ami lilk, IU. M.itbew Maaill, Keelor. Services, on Suudav, at "-'Mi A. M. and 7J I'. M. Sabbath School at !t A. .M. Lecluru on Wednesday evening! at ij o'clock. FIB--T PKinvri'.uns, corner lllinnm and Deer Street!, Kev. S. T. WiIhiu, l'ator. Service., Sundav, at 1(1: l A. M. and H:lil I'. M. Sab bath School at !t A. M. Lecture and prijrr meeting Wi dncsday evening, at 7: 4i. l.a-lie. prayer meeting Friday nlierno-iii at 4 o'clock. Sr.coND I'HF.5llHi:KlAN, lillll-o- lreet, lietweell Klk and Deer mreeti, (no I'aalor at present. j Sabbath School at !l A. M. Weekly prayer ineeting evening at b o'clock. L'shied Vnifiiivii.KiAN, comer (irleau. mid Deer trvcli, Rev. .1. II. .letic-r., I'u.tor. Service, Sunday, at HI. 3(1 A. M. Sabbath ai hool at !l A. M. MeriiomsT Ei'Ikcopal, comer Uiglilaiul and Jell'cr .on .ireet., Rev. J-iliu I'. Itrookn, Taflor. Ser vice., Sunday, 10:3it A. M. and S I'. M. Sab bath School ai A. M. Weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, bj o'clock. Ladle, prayer meeting, Wediie.diiy, J 1'. M, First llAi'ior, corner Klk and Onean .(reel., I Rev. Isaac (iray, I'a.lor. Services, Sunday, j at 10:1a A. .M. and 7. I i 1'. .M. Sabbath School I at3 A. M. 1'rayer iiiceling, Wednesday even ing, at 7 : lri o'clock. kvANcmt-Ai. Amom iviiom, comer U-ick River I and Deer "trcets, Rev. D. S. Uyers, I'a.lor. j Service., Sunilav, at I1IUU A. .11. alio ai i I . i. Sabbath School at '! I'. M. 1'rayer ineeting on Wedesday evening at 7. German Lutheran K.mancei. I'leaaani and liuaver treel. OiU'Ri'll, corner Rev. C. A. Meli- nticke, I'astor. GritMAN M. K. Church, Madinon .trret, between Highland and Calile street!, Rev. C. Schneider, 1'ahlor. - lllfi HIV IN HICI.VIION Tt) NICHS. ii'i;is. 1. Subscribers who do not give eipreii notice tu he contrary, are considered wishing to continue llieirsubiicription. 2. If iib.crierH order thu discontinuance oi heir papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearage, are paid, 3. II . neglect ur refuse to taku their papers Irooi Hie oliice to which they are sent, they are held responsible till they have settled their bills, and ordered the paper discontinued. 4. it subscribers move to other place! without informing the publisher, anil the paper is sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The court! have decided that refusing to take a newspaper or periodical from the oliice, or re moving and leaving it unaalled for, is prima facia vidence of fraud. PRINTING. THE JCUlCIdLS USE OF JPrirLtlias inli HAS Made Many Fortunes n ilUX THAUli IS 111 1. 1., It should he SUARPEXED BY ADVEHT1SIXG! And by other luitnlile melhodf of keeping your bminui! before the public. IF YOU WANT ANV KINU OF P It I I T IX HI LOXK Cheaper, ltctter and Than tnywhere else in the city, ROCK ISLAND DAILY aulelter go to tho A II C V S Jo"b Rooms, Corner Eagle snd lllinon -Street!. Fire and Marine Insurance loiupauy, OF SPM(jHELD, MASS. CASH CAPITAL $200,000 Surplui 240,tiOO C CONTINUES TO ENSURE REAL AND PERStlNAL PROPERTY on the moit lavori bletcrmi. CI turn for Lou equitably and honoraly adjuitcd For Inaurance, apply to , i-yERMAN FIELDi A(teM Jt- For the lataat leal, Uk tha Rock Island Paitjr Aaen. Daily Ar sus POWER PRESS Printing Establishment! OPPOSITE THK POST-OFFICE, ROCK ISLAM), ILLINOIS 'I'llK A1KJLS UFFICK IS I'Kfcl'AKKD J. to execute in the Inglitit tvlc ot the art, without delay, and at the lowest caih rule., Railroad Work. Httnmhont H'urk, Pamphlets, Catalogues, I'uslers, Small Huts, Tablets , llUstaess CtlldS, Addrsss Curds, Wedding thirds, Hall Ti kilt, IlilU uf tare, Law b ankt, shipping unit, 1)1 au liei eipts , Cinuhii, Letter Heads, ute Iliads, Hill Head.-., Cheeks, Sates, llraflnjlitriiits. Kte i:t,., Mr. llllice III CliurU'N lliil'ord'x llloi k. Opposite tin- I'ost-Ollirc, Hock Island. S HALM'S STO.M; QlAKUY JOJjlET, IXiIi- ( We.-. City Limns.) AM iiri'iuin-J to I'urnMi I" lluil'lorn uml Olltraclor. Ill lllllion, .viiciiiaan, inuiau.-, Wi.coii.iii, Iowa and other siaiei, cut stoni:, FI,A(i(INl. Irom 2 lo In no lid in tlnckiios, CUKJUNC; STONK (II any sue, KAHIJKK AMI rOUM'ATlON MOM'., VAl Li MjVKIlS, SIliKWAI.K STONI-;, (lr j ii v oilier nlvii nnd any si.e desired, either I in I lie r nigh or dn-.eil, an-l ilelnered eillieron 1 Itaiiroad ( a r. or ( .M v -jonrrv i din i I ly on I lie (anal and the ( hic.igo ! Rock Island Railroad, one mile loiiihwe-t ol .loliet, nnd toy Lirilitiei lor loadini' will i liable me to sell as low as llie lowcat. I'mccs to Miit (lie Times. (luleis re tl'ullv soliciied Irom abroad, and All Itltcis SWAL.M. nil --woik done llie sijiiare. .1. promptly answered. Joint, Illinois. SMYTH'S S I'll! K (IK FALL AND W I NT Kit I now ready, and selling oil' FAST. til it STUCK (.)! KKADV-MAUK CLOTHING, Ih Mimplrii! iii n ii ii fn r t u ril ;it lioux aiitl in llie HF-ST MANNKK, .iiul imi lluiini in tin City run hhtiw an khuI :ui UMurliiif'iiI nt' Pioco Oooas! We have a hro ii.intity of C Ij O T II S . Illai k nnd colored Cassiuieres, black anil liim v Doe-kins, Miltoiis, I'assmnmhs. SatineiH. i'or,ln' roy, Vesting Silk, Ca.limere, Marseille., Jtc. t,, ., which we will sell l.y llie jard or aiake opto order OOTTOPJAXJE linj-urted and domestic, in great variety the cele brated New Vork Milis g-iods which are the best the market allords. HATS, C ATS AM STKAH - HOODS! which will m itottt nt very low jru-e. (.I.MS I IKMSIIIM. iiUUUS! Consisting of Shirts, Collars, Crnvats, Ties, Storks, Hosiery, Suspenders, Wrappers and liiaawers sin table lor llie season, II love. iwc. (ISTOM IIKI'AUTMKVT. Tli i briineh ol the IniHiiu'tot receive our hpeciai ntteiitiun, nnd, with tlie workmen we liuve, we eau pet up clotlicn in llie very hert inuiiiier, on the tthorletit notice. Nu l etter fiHKurtinent suitabfe tor CHstotu Work can hi found in thin or iieilihuruifcr I'UU'H. MlLLTItY SULTvS MADl; TO llltDl.H. SMYTH I1KOS. S. Co. '. VAN FLEET. I'.. J CHAM1A1.L H 11. VAX FLEET aV t o., Commission Merchants for the eale ol -li l:i: AM) DKIIill) IH Ills Poultry, Mutter, nnd nil kind! ol F liJL PRODUCE. 134 Dearborn St., near (lie P. )., CHICAGO, - ... IM.IOIS P. 0. BOX 0164. T II (I 51 AS J. IKJFOKI), I'Kol'RirToR OF THE Hock Island Foundry &. Macliiue Shop. J7" ELI'S eotiatntitly on hnnd ami makes to order, Steam Kngmei, Hinlcri, Water Wheeli, Will lnm, ,, n duscriplioni, Store Ironti.alid all other srticles made ol east iron. Particular attention given to the manufacture of Boiler anil frneei-lron Work, ai well ,n Dlack- mithing and Steamboat work. Also, dealer in Pig and Sheet Lead, Hlock Tin, nnd Hlnck Zinc, Wrought Iron", Hull and LapWt-hd Pipri, t, all aiiei. Brass Oil Cupi, Clohci, and sll article! usu ally found at a first clasi foundry and machine ahop. THE M(.i:it SEWING MACHINE, with all the recent improvement!. CiREAT HKIirt'TION' IS PRICE! Best and Cheapest Manufacturing and Family Machines in the world. WM. T. NOURIW, Agent, Corner of Jetlerioi! and Orleans itreeti, op potiu Union Square, Kock liland. n)ay29,dtf gliscfUanwu?. "A l'l.LVDIII BlSIXLSSrEMXt. " It I O II T S "Kor ouc ol'lho Moft I seful Inveutionsof IheDay. I 'or Mule by C'oiiiillt-.. A very reaaonable iiivestinent will buy a County Right lor thirteen yean, and aitock ol .Machine!, of II VAT PS P ATI. NT Knife and Scissor Sharpener. Tim usulul Machine is rapidly becoming a pub. he favorite and la lure to find it. way into every family. Largo number! ot llieni are being lold by the proprietor!, nnd all who become owner! of the light to aril them are a..urcd of making large profii. in their introduction. Men hi Iiiisiik , who to add thereto, or tlio.eofiinall capital win are out of employment, land those of large capital also, j are oll'ered e cellent llldiiceloelit. t-i iei ollie ilitere.ted in till! euterp-ise: Among tin: ojiiiiion of tins useful invention, we .elect the following : -lt is vr-rv nuiile in its construction, ta.ilv worked, ami not lianle to be out of order when vou lire Hi a bnrrv to sharpen your krnle. it n just the tlinip; minted, and should be owned by every housekeeper, Imtcher, lauor and .i-amsires in llie colintrv." f'ufiifi I i.tintij l oiuiei. It i. iu.t the HiiNg it la-in. to be, mid lor the purpose cannot uu excelled." Itai k lin er Itema- rial. We believe the Mai lime is adimrahlv c:ilculat ed to do all that n ejpecled ofit." Hem ('iuri ty Cbrunule. y ''The work is done rapidly ami well, nml we an but believe it will serve a very ii.elul purpose and have an citeiiaivu mw."lt'ithjiiid Hikis- ter. It is llie best thing known to sharpen carving kiiivea, kitchen knives', .hears and armors, and is very simple in its opera on. We have tried it, ml lists it woiks satis. ictornv.-' inn-nun 'Times, I'here is more utility hi this machine thai! al most n n v other that we i sn think of, not Hvcepung the l 'ijee null." tiemsea ItejUbtir, The Small Maclnin-'will last an ordinary laui ly threu years the Large one a lifetime. .mw him: v itit am i.i. Parties wishing inform itiou respecting the sale of Rights ami Machines will receive prompt atten tion by addressing in . vi i i n., Ilj S. ( lark St. llaselueiit, Chicago, III. IHK2. MISSUIH1 KIi:U IHU2. c K ( Line. SAINT .Hj.Sr.l'll Al (i.MAIIA. lIAXSUiA L a .sr. AM lUMAb. s n: ami it om in Caitmn V. H. I'KIK UK VAL, S. Hi. I)a, H'k, M'I-:ami:ii w it u imi, ( jij.t. J. Ii. HOOPCIL, W. W. Cnrn.AMJ, ( I k, Mill Liavf SI. JoM'jiii Tri-Hwkly, During the St ;iMii, I'ur Inn s fity, Wtiitt-Cluinl, Kiilo, .ruin, .s wnll , llr n w li vi'lle , Hoi k jioi t, Soimr.i , INclir.ish'i I'l.itlsinoMlli, Council lilnlTi aiitl Oi.i;ilu, uu llie i' tin- Kf-M-ucr tram .ruin St. I.imiih am! llie i-iiMl . Tlit Incit-s i.i lli.H line :iri' rMinin uiilt il hy ttkill Tul :iimI i-xih th iii i ii nilirrr. ami lif-i-fi run1 fully (ivi r h;itiit'l anil rf'l'lti it in the lu st iiiujuiit tit 1 1 1 ft u rt ciji)!irt and nilfty t" p.iJiM'iigi'rs uuU tilpH'IH. I'o Tr.'uHrri anil MilppciH to the rpcr .1l.MM.llli, Wmtrrn lnn.i, N't l-r.i-k.i Torritnty nml ihu Oold .Mines, thin Iiihms rrriiiiiincuilcil iinsalc, (Mjitnli tiuiis a lid ri'luiliic. (vt'i lmi'l Ti iinitii tivtiuti (.'imipniiiuH At N lirun;fl I ity .mil lin;iJia will tct i ivtf JVfiht Irom tlitM lint; tur lcn .it, Salt Liike Kn( t 'I'liiK riiuLr oll'i rsi Id (;iin'iiyrrs and Kliippcm I'hmii the caul inori nml tit lU-r t u ililirs tlian any otticr. TIIK(H(.H COXTHALTS MAlik i'.v iuitlmriHMl A.'IiIn Inr llnM lnu-, in all the; prin i ijkiI ntit'H in the i-.'ixi, Chirao nnd St. Loutv Inr triMulit nml i;ntsMitfini. Mi rchant' ami Mukth liuiiml cast trom Denver iiml tlif (.dltl Mines, will linit il mm Ii to their aii v.tntat;'! to tJikcoiif nl ilif Imalu nt' thiH line at (nualia or Ni'ltrasku City, whu It ilar s tln-m witli in ci'Uty tivi- turn frf travi'ling tiiniMil ,nv VorK and I'liiUili'lplua. S AI.IA. MtJoltS. Cajit. SAMl'KL HI HKS, Jm.. A.Ni. i;h, Cl'k, will lc.ii: 1 itan, t!u trrtiinitiH nt' tlir Platte county r;uirn:nl, il iily, lur Kurt J.ea . ei wort h, Leaven Morlh City, VVyandoili' ami KaiifiiH City, and re in rn in time tu con him t w it Ii t lie e xpress train filing cant Haine day. I'.iMSfiifi! leaiinu'St. .Tuteph at l.'Mi p, in,, mi arrual mi the II. it St, JoHeph Uhiiin Irom the e!it, will arms ut I.e.iM'tiwurth and Kaunas City in time Inr the h trices le.wuin tor Law rence, Tope kti, Kort KileV and Kurt Srntt, nest day. '1 iiiketn Sul.J on IJ.:;inl ol till the HmUfl via liaiinitul and St..loKejili railroad, to all poititn pnst fty ftny ot the diii't rcrit rnqtcl. All Irmnlil euiisniiu'd to Uiik line, at St. JiiMi'pli, will he forward. 1 1 v the ImatN Iree of charge lur haiullnii;, Kor In i tlirr int'orm.itiiiii addreH, K. I'OliD, Snperiuteiideiit, )r, II l. Kf iiiiiinN, Sec'y, St. JoKeph, Mo. F0K SALE OR LEASE. IN lots or lutnlivisions. to suit (uii'"lis.ers, or persons that may desire to lensel o ' a term o rears, the following property in the Cit, ol llaven -ort, vi.: In hlnck 13 Sift feet, frniitiiig on 2d street, lull feel, fronting mi Water street, tio feet I'rontini; on 3d street. In hloek 17 Near the Market House 611 leet I'routuiK on Warren street, tending Kill feet hack, with an eaeli side ol tin; lot. In b!m k IS Ml feet froiitiii on Third street, l.Jo Iriintiui! on Seolt street. In block il) H.MI feet friuiting on Third street, 3'.'ll feet fronting on Fourth etreet, 301) feet fronting on Harrison street 300 feet froutiiiK ml Kipley street. Ill hloi k S7 Hill leet fronting on Sixth street, lolt feet fronting on Warren street, In block 31 Hid feet fronting on Firth slreei, Kill feet IriiiitniK mi Seott street. In Work 3ti 3iui feet .'routing on Western menu llil) feet fronting on Sixth treel, Hit) fret fronting on Seventh street. In tdnck 3 1 '"0 feet fronting on Drown street, Hi!) feet fronting on Seventh street. In hlork 3-s oA feel fronting on Sixth street, and extending la'k lilt) feet. I For particular! iniinre ol t'orbin V w Attor I tiers st Law, r o! JAMKS MAY. (Hit AGO TVPC I'OIXDUY AMI I'riutciV Warelioiise, No. !( Washington Street. Type, Presses and Printing Mater la I Always on baud, ot uianti'aclured to order i;i.i;cntoi im.m; Well and promptly executed. Agency for WADE'S si riimoK INKS. " SuKTS " cast to order. II. A. POKTKR, Agent. m;i(..s not si:, CHICAGO, II I..;d re.-fn'ctf "ull.v announce t 1 their friends, patron., und the travelling pub ic cenernlly, that owing to the tlringi licT ol th times, they have reduced the price of board t TWO lOl I.AUsi per day. Thankful tor the patronage in liberally beitow ed on them, they lesuectfully aik for a continu ance ol the same, assuring their patrons that the "BRIGUS" will be conducted on the aame liberal plan that hai heretofore characterized their e tablnhment. WM. F, Tt'CKKR ttCOt Ch.cago, June lit, 1661. ii ai5Ii;k vi:i:i,9 WHdLKSALK AND ItKTAIL DKALKHS IN II A It l H A K i: , IKIIV N A I 1. ft , ti I. A S S Cutlery ! Mechanics' Tools AtilUdl.llltALIMl'I.KMKMS, COKDAUK, LKATIIKH A.NI) UK LTI NO, Kubltcr, l.eullier nml l otloii I'niklng. :r.VS )k I'lSTM.S, FISHINO TACKLE, LAN'TERN'S, ciu rx rarrs, KAIRIIWK'S SCAI.F.s.r.. Which we offer at price! to mil the timci, I OR ( ASH ! .N () W Ii A. JJ Y The Third Volume of I'l T AM'" RECORD OF THE REBELLION: l Diary ol' America!! Kvculs, II'i7i Illustrative lintuments and Sarratitcs, Hu mos, Initdents, Toitri., Amfdu'es, ete,, In separate division; lallletl lit 1-ltANk Ml l( III l:, Author ol "Inarv of Ainerii an lU-voltilion." With an lntroiliir tory View of the lireat Issues lil-l'orn tin- I'otllitrV mill the tliusel of the Hehelllntl, It l.lV Altl) IA llltl'.IT. l'rep'ired (with iithlitionsi fur this ork. With a copious IN)K., etc., ete. A Colored MAI' 'K I'll K I MTKI) S l'ATKS, nnd I'ortriuls on Steel, nt Ceil. Seolt, (.en. McClellnii, (en. Fremont, (,en. Ilutler, lien. Audersi n, lien. Cameron, (.en. Lyon, (iov. Spragu;', 'reiilet:l Lincoln, I'reiOent Ja m, .iinl lien. Dix. This volutin- IS complete I about SHU closely printed page 1'rne in cloth, J,7"i; slieep melt, continuing lluyal oi tavo. extrai 1 ,00; hull rail', anli-ue,T.',(io. It contains llie only full, impartial, and reliabli HISTORY of the Mi nes'4' lot' l-'ri't'tioieniiiiL-iit. With coiiiplete anil accurate copies ol Ail the Secession Ordinances (ollicial). Ilavis' and Stephens' Speeches and I'roclaina tloits. I'roclauiatious and .Messages of I'resideut Lin coln. Statu r.ipers ol all kinds. Military I'roclninalmlis on both sides. Speeches and Appeals of Southern Luion Men, (Kennedy, Holt, Uixnti, Crittenden, etc.) K.nglinii Articles on the War. "Contraband" Correspondence , Radical Northern Speeches. Motley's Causes ol the War. W. H. Russell's Letters. Curiosities ol Southern War l.-toralurH. Reports of battles and Skirmishes. Lists ol Otlicers of Regiments, ete. Picturesque Narratives. Patriotic I'oetry. Songs of the Rebels. Muiichtiuseniiina. Anecdotes, Statistic!, etc. This work will be published as heretofore weekly and monthly. Weekly Nos. at 111 cents ; Monthly Parts, Illustrated, oil cents. The lllus tratlens for the Weekly Nos. will be published in two Nos, at lilt cents each, m iking the price for weekly and uo'tirVlily i-tiitioi.s llie same, viz ; $3 for each vol., each six months. Covers lor binding Vol. 1, in cloth, 2j cents. I cousiil able publication. or the Record' ii verv valu- "Kdirard Krerett. ho wishes a complete record of " Kvery one w the stirring events now trampinng. slinuhl pro- cure this wieklv serial. lu a small compass it gives the cotiteim ol adoen daily new spapers. A. I . Independent. ''Ills quitu iiidispcusalile for relereuce, and lorius one ol the most remarkable specimens r.t current bistory ever published. We advise those who w.nild preserve and ponder the tiutheiitic chronicle of 'the Second War ol American Inde pendence,' to possess themselves of this valuable and interesting lerinl." Boston Transrript. "We caniiutspeak too highly ofthe industry and sound judgment the work displays." .V. V. Daily Sews. li. P. PI TWM, Publisher, 611:1 llroadwny, New York. N, K. The First Part ofthe Second Volume li also now ready, containing the HIT l'l. K OP III I.I. 11 L X, fully described from every point of view. With a map. Pit) pages. Price 60 cents. Copies ofthe First Volume of the Rebellion Record will he lent bymnil. 'ff of expense, to any part ofthe 11. S. vviliini l.")l)0 miles, on receipt ol price. The publisher will tie.reipuniiMtfor nil re mittances tint in registered letltrs, '4U Vol. 2 will also be sent in parts as issued, on receipt off II. Parties desirous of forming clubs will be supplied on liberal terms by addressing the publisher for particulars. COM DOWN WITH PRICES ! C. P. HtMiSTM'.H, Agent. Furniture Dealer Manufacturer, and (,i:m:uam'M)i;ii t a k k k. I ta'se thii mode for the ackunw lodgement for the long continued patronage of my old customers, soliciting their continuation, and by a strict atten tion to the business, gain many new one!. 1 flat ter myself for having the reputation of having a cheap place to buy furniture, I have on hand Bureaus, Glassei and Cradle', Bedsteads, Chain nnd Tables, Stands, Sola! and Cupboards, Whatnot!, Cabi and Featheri, Desks tor bills and letters Kvervthing in the ihape of w ood You can get here cheap and good. Id the undertaking line 1 have only to lay that I ihan't be beat either in price, ityle or attend ance: Gut me a call and ice fur yourielvei. Chicago ilmtfefmfttt?. Catholic Hook Store AND School B ook Depot. JOHN (.11 A II A.M. Atlii, 131 Desjilaiues Slreei, (liicago, Ojijtwiite tsl. J'atrirk'x Vturrli, ll'isjjst received a larc stock ot lliUI.KS, I'll AY Kit HOOKS, v UK A US, SCAI'l.'LAS, CRICIF1XKS, MKDALS, LACK P1CTI RKS, kc. Also, a good selection of Klil.KMnrx i:(.lt I AMI vCIIOOL.HOOkM, Agent for the A'lic Yvik Tablet, busltin I'ilut, Urownson's Hrvieu; Irish American, 4c The llllile, I, He ot the Salnls, Mil- ol the Itli sse-I Vli Kln. l.lle ol t In Ut. I. He ami orkH ol tierald (.illlin. The above works call be had bound, or-li iiiiio hers. WINCIIIISTEHS HYPOPHOSPHITES (Dr. ITiiiriliill'a Spi-rllic Heuicdy.) pon ooNsuMrTiow, Nravots tn'iiii.irv, wsnltit, i-vri:rsiA, IIROM III tl", &ic. This is the mult wonderful rurntiee afrint known to uirdiral scince. It has cll'eetcd cures in every statical' Cmisumptitm, " VSI' IS THK A. S SALS OF MEHICISK." In Aurtuu Debility and ilivrino, the II YPOI'HOSPHITKS limy hi-regarded as mi almost sovereign remedy. THE IIVrOIMIOSIMUTES Havo a two-fold sjut ijic iicliou on the nun hand inr.eiF'ar tin prim iple tthirh VOSSTTt'LTKS SKI( "I i' KSLHtlYi .iii.l on the older, being ti,. MOST I'lm-F.HH I. 01.1)1)) OKSFHAT. ISti A ft' VATS' A.VOir.Y. Tliey nil Willi ;-rori). nrvs and rertainty in all general morbid ranilitinnHl such as Chronic bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, Feniam complaints, 6..'., und in all disorders ot Nervous or Rlood Systems. Their cllect upon the tubercular condition is M hmuati' nil tbe general symptoms disappearing Willi a rapiditii wbirfi is reallif marvelous. They ini rtasetbe nervous or vital energy, relieve Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish F.vpectorntion, im prove: the Appetite, arrest Hiarrlnea, and i-romotp. iii'ikKsiiiNu mrrr. A FAllt Till A I. IS A CKH TMS CI' UK. Hit iicslci 'h (icniiliii- Pi t pai alloii OK THK H VI'DI'IIOSl'lHlKS is the only reli able form ot Ur. Chun hill s Remedy, and la np-proi-il l.v tie- Medici i rolcssiun geiu rnllv. L'SK Ml ti'TilKIl, VH H KM Kit V CDSTAIS- ISti UtOS. .?- Price : In 7 ?.. Imtt Ic-h $1 li bottles lor i-'i. In Hi oj. holtles, Tlirre lor .i Circulars gratis. Sold by nil respectnbli- druggists, and at the ioli- (ieneral Depot in the I' lilted States, by J. IM llli i:h. :u .lolni !tit-('t,.V. thk wmm PILL. A Hl'KClFir KKMLhk' 1'i.K Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness. This i the only remedy t'nr St'jwil iJehility, Impiitfriryy Sterility, Sr., which han Ihe approval ot' the Iiieilie'il profession, lu xuecesu has been most extraordinary effecting ciire in cat-en where all other liielh(uln ol' tre;itmei.t had failed. Out; tu ix boxen of the M'Kl'IKC l'l KL, will per manently cure iiny cuse ol Seminal Weaklier, or ih resulting Impotency, Inner rer atigravafed, whether t uHititutwntil, or nriam; fnnn abuse or l.MI'ultT.W r MKIUCAI. TKST1M0XV. I have used your Specific I'lll in iniinv caes of Sperinalorrhea, anil with theriuv perfert sue cess. .1., M. D., LLD." ' We believe il lo be as near a ' Specific ' as any medicine can be. We have cured many severe rases Willi from tlx to ten doses." I r. II. Keith: Amnuati Jour, uf Med. Science. " I have found them all tbat could be desired. Their ellect has been truly wonderful. " li. P. DlCKf.E, .M. I)." Vt This is not a liomieopathic llnnedy, nor is tin re any mercury or oilier deb'tenoiis ingred ients combined w ilh it. Price jl per box ; six boxes for $.ri, by mail pre paid. For sale nt the sole (leueraj Depot in the I nited Stales, bv J. WINCIIKSTKH, lid Juhn Street, N. Y. decjdwlv SMALL Fit NT MUSE Kit IONA GltAPi: V1NES- U.VVIN'li obtained the ttjrctu-y fur Hock li land and vicinity, for he salo of ilia drape Vines grown by Dr. C. W. Omit, at Iona Island near Peekskill, N. Y., on the Hudson river, I shall be enabled to supply vines of unequalled quality, of all tbe most valuable varieties, including Till': CKl.Kr.llATKl) HKLAWAKK, Diaiina, Atma, Rebecca, Union Village, Concord, and others. Warranted genuine, on the best terms, wholesale und retail. The Illustrated Catalogue furnished for two 3 cent postage stamps. Tliesii new varieties ol grapes are attracting great uttention. They lire Irom ten days to three weeks earlier than the Isabella drapes' liouiiins's Ever-bearing Mulberry. I also have for sale trees of Downtng's Kvei bearing Miilberry,:i hardy, vigorous, long-lived tree, winch produces n fruit of rare excellence, rich, juicy, and exceedingly refreshing. It is nev er inlesled with worms, and never tiuls of a good crop. I also have The TRI K I'll KIIRYCLRRANT, IIIUXKLF.,f OltAMiK UASPHHRRY, MKRVKII.LK OF FOU R SKASONS ; also a good lot ol the best va- nties ot blackberries, and other small fruits, and strawberries, of all the best Kngiish and Native varieties. A choice lot of Dahlias, (llaudioliSjTuhe Roses, etc., from H. A. Druer, Philadelphia. persons wanting anything in my line will please cMiatuiy place, t.Mountllolyoke) in the Fourth Ward., Hock 'Island, JOHN HOLT. c UllC.UiO, Bl'KLIN'GTON &. yl'U'CY RAILROAD. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Chicago al follow s ; Day Kxpress (Sunday! executed) fl.UO a.m. 6.-15 p. m. Night Kvpress (Sundays ejeepted) P. 0(1 p. m. 7.00 a. m, Mendoti Accommodation .V00 p. in., ID.OOa. m C. G, II AM MOM ND, Superiiituudeut. QiiiCAc.0 & sr. louts n. n. lie. ciiaxgeTif Trains leave Chicago at tf-Ol) a. in. day expreis. except Sundavs. fi.i'll p. m. night express, ex- cept Saturday-!. Trains (arrive al St, Lounatd.3d a. m. and S.50 p. ni. Joliet ami Wilmiiiyton Aeoimmodation Leave! Chicago at 1.00 p. nt.; arrives at !l,45 a. m C. II. ALLLN. Sup't. I- M III.Kt.LI., HOOK BINDER Post Ojiice Building, IIAl IMPORT, ..... IOWA. ALL WORK -lono in the neatest manner, and at reasonable price. jtzir Old Bouk, Magaitne or New ipaper File bound in tlie beit manner and at ihort nctice. FbJ diwtt judical. 'StOVILL'S Sarsaparilla AND HTIUIj INGrl A, oli HI. ODD AMI I.IYIIH HVUtl'l It ii highly recniiiiiieiided by pliysiciani to cur the following disasc!, having their origin in a dis ordered statu of the blood: Surofulit, Tetter of Salt lilieinii, Si-uhl Ileml, ('tinker, I'lceniiiiiiis nml Kiiliirgcuiotita of the Joints, I'liiircnm Tumors, Kings Kvil. Ivrvipelu., St. Aiitlmnv's Fire, White !Hrllii,gs, Obntinalc KrttitiiliH, l'itiipcs on the face, lllolclief, l'ustiiles, Ulieuiiintisiti, Ilpspeji.-iu, rte. ; Syphilitic uml Mer curials: All'cctiiiiis llie ctiied ; C'lilorosi. or Ulistrue lions in females, Leiienrrhea or Wliiti-s, in re lieved by the use of this Medicine. The medical properties of S.'iraaparillu in con. junction wilh Slillingi.-t urr wull known by all med ical men to he the best compound yet discovered to elf. nie nnd purify the Miood, and eradicate all humors Irom the sy item. We have given the Recipe to most physcians in the country, that they may know what they ire using ; nnd will con tin no to send it by mail to those desirous uf knowing the ingredients entering into its composition, that they may prescribe it in their practice. This preparation stands nl the head of the list ol remedies for curing all diseases arising from impurities in the hnioii or diseased mutter lurking li I he Hvsteiu. Thousands who hate used the Slillingiii and Sars.ipar ilia will testify to its, remarkable ell'cct 111 removing all impuritiei from their blood, giving tone ami vigor to the whole human frame, and re storing a healthy action to nil the luticlioii! of the body. The testimonials received ill its Invor Irom many member, of the medical tiuulty w uuld,vvcn we to publish them, till a large volume. Il is prepared under the supervision ol onu of the oldest and best practical chemists m the coun try, Mr. W. S. Merrill, Cincinnati, ) so as to insure, a uniformity ol composition and purity mull the ingredients. Ai a spring remedy to purify und cleanse the blood, leaving tt free. Irom all humors and im purity, we assert w ,th confidence, there is no bet ter medicine. II It t HALL'S ZJ iV Xt S iV M 1 1 nl..-. ai i. nisi amk or mi: , U X U S A X JJ T U R O A T. ton the urn: ok , Consumption, Heeliiie, Asthma, bronchitis, Wasting of Flesh, Night Sweats, Spitting blood, hooping Cougli, Dilliciilly ol llrealliiug, Colds, Coughs, Inlluenza, Phthisic, Pain in the Side, and all Disease! of the I. lings, it is untaiiualed. Hall's Lung Poilsaui, in all esses, gives tin: belt sal faction. Has wrourhl uioro cuies since its iiilrodiiclion thaiiuuv other cough Hindu inc. Is eudmscd l.y cur physicians .'is the safest and best remedy now beion- lli public. Is lain t-i ii.c among chtldrun, and yet power ful incases of chronic pulmonary disease. Ilrings in cerlilicalcs almost daily ot it! wonder ful cures in all narls of llie countrv. There is no medicine within our knowledge that has aci Hired so great und wide spread popularity, in so abort a space ot time, its lis. HALL HAt. SAM FOH TIIKLl'.NtiS. Its balsamic and heal ing properties arc magical. It is highly expector ant and tome. It contain! not a gram ol opium or morphine, the narcotic mid astringent propertiei of which havii riealcd so much prejudice against miiilar preparations. We believe that il medicine possessing leal nier. its w ill ed'ert cures w henevcr it is used, at home as well as abroad. Dr. Hall's lials.tin for t he lungs is no paregoric preparation, but one which, if used in season, w ill save the liven ol thousands. The most distressing cough is freouentlv relieved by a single dose, and broken up lu a few hours tune. The allliclrd do not liave to take bottle at ter bottle before they find whether tins remedy will albird relief or not. Hear w hat physicians say of Dr. Hall's balsam. Says line : " I, wild confidence, recommend the lUlsaio superior to any other preparation. Says another: " 1 have used it with uniform success, and can confidently recommend it lor all those romplamts lor which it is offered for a remedy. Still another writes: "1 have no hesitation in saying thai it la a Mil'., co.wkmlnt and very ef l.caciuus medicine." II. s('( IV 1 1, 1., Proprietor, 7ti Kiiiidolph street, Chicago Illinois, to whom nil orders should bo addressed. Sold by ('has. K. Cl.icius, Kurk Island, do T. S. Kichards. Moline, III. do Stevenson Caruahnn, Davenport, do Thus. Powell, " do L. S. Dullard, " in ;iy lid w ly. DI. LACROIX'S P K I ' A T K M E 1 I (J A L T I! E A T I F. S ll.V TUB riivsiologiral View or Marriage. 2a0 PACKS AND 113 ENCRAV1NCS.-. Price only tw i.n 1 v-rivE rr.N is. Sent tree of postageto all parts of the I limn, (in the infirmities of youth and mnturity, disclosing the secret lollies of both ii-ies of nil ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, palpitation ol the heart, suicidal imaginings-, involuntary emissions, blush nigs, defective memory, indigestion and lassitude, with cnnfesiinns uf thrilling interest of a Hoard ing school Miss,u College Student, nnd a young married lady, etc. elc. It is a truthful advisor to the married nnd those contemplating marriage, w ho entertain secret doubts ol their physical con dition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, nnd privileges to which every human being is entitled. YllL NC MKN who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the ef fects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetfuluess, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weak ness of the back and lower extremities, contusion of' ideas, loss nf memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the nutliui 's'NKW PARIS AND LON DON TKKAT.MF.NT. .We have recently devoted much of our time in Vistiting the Kuropeiiu Hospitals, availing our selves of the knowledge anil researches ofthe most skilled physians nn surgeons iinl Kurope und the contincut. Those who place themselves un der ourcare will now have the full benefit of the many NKW AM) KFKK'AC'IllL'S KEMLDIKS which we arc enabled to introduce into our prac tice, and the public may rest assured of the samo zeal, assiduity, SKCIIKC'V and attention being paid to their easel, w hich hai lo successfully dis tinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our PEC I LIAR department of prolessiiinal practice for the past twenty-fire years: French Female Pills Ladies who wish for Medicines, i tlicacy of w hich has been tested in thousands of cases, nnd never failed to rife :t speedy cures w ithout any bad results, w ill use none but Dr. DeLanry's Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not lake them if they have reason to be lieve they are in certain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompany ing each hoi,) though always sale and healthy, so gentle, yet bo active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part ot the Coifed States or Canada. TO THE LA DIES Who need a confidential ad viser with regard to any of those interesting com plaints to winch their delicate organization render! them liable, are particularly invited to consult us. Tiit ' Electro Cai.yamc 1'kotecvive." For married ladies whoso health will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It n a perfectly safe preven tative to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 vears. Price reduced to $10. TIIKsr.tlliriS OK YOUTH UX VEILED. A Treatise on tbe Cau-se of l'remature becayA tolu-nn warning. Just published a book showing the insidium progress and prevalence among schools, both male and female, uf this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality th&t invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the disease, from lliecomnttnrement to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two 3 cent jnmpir. Attendance daily, from Sin the morning till a at n.ght, and on Sundays from 2 to 6 o. m. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the I nited States or Canada! by patients com municating their symtoms by letter. Uusineii correspondence strictly confidential. PQ Dr. L's. Office is still located as established, under the name of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden l.ane, Albany, N. Y. Feb. 24 w 1 y. CHYSTAL ICE! TI1F Subscriber -will furnish liin old custom en, and the public generally, with stpeior ni; during the coming leaann, in quantitic and at pricci to f.iit. By careful attenton the want of the public, he hope to merit a continued patronage. F. M. S1SNET. A FHF.E UIW TO THF. AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHAT THE FEDERAL TRDors AUK FIGHT INC TO SUSTAIN. HOW OLR SOLDIERS SHoL'LL) It E p it EPA It K' TO FIGHT. It ii a singular fact that a large majority ofthe people of the I'nitcd Statei are unacquainted witu tho great importance of the cause for which the oldien of the I'tuon are fighting. Let every man and woman throughout the I'm ted State care fully read and study the Constitution ofthe United Statei, they will become convinced ol the holiness tt our cause and of the wu kcdnesi ol those who arc itriving to overthrow tins grand palladium f freedom. We believe that had the reading of the Consti tution been adopted us a daily li saon m everv lehmil throughout the tinted Slates, Ihe doctrine's ol seceision and state! rights would never havu at tained tho position of a political iiiestion j nor would the country have been called upon tu mourn tor the uiiforluniito wrangling and misconstructions that have urueii, and which in many of our states men have lost their tunc in attempting its inter pretation. Million! of our citizen have never thoroughly studied tlie constitution, and even at the present time, when it ii tbu duty uf every citizen of this country to inform liiinoll ofthe right and privi legessccured to him, under its protecting arm, it i. mil in one iioiincmmi in live iMIlilreil. In view therefore, of correcting llrs gn at oversight, and to turni-di every man, woman und child through out the I inted State wtth the means of studviio this great palludiuin of liberty, nnd to orotect n. against future false ilocirinei nnd political ers, DRS. KADWAY AiL'O. present to the American puplic, free of charge tho constitution ofthe United States of America, neatly bound, together with an unproved Almanac for the yenrISIi2, called "Dr. Railway's Constitu tional Almanac." As soon as practicable, Dr. Iladwuy'a Agr.nti, in every villago and town throughout the union, will he furnislu d with n iiipply, for free circulation. A copy of the same will be sent lo all who will enclose a stamp fur the payment of postage. Druggists, booksullera, newsdealers throughout tilt: country, desirous ofaidiiig us in distributing to the people the Constitutional Almanac, are in vited to send in their orders. No charges will be Hindu for the same. We ulso invite the people of Ihe Canadas, It r i t nil Provinces, and, in (act, nil who can rend the English language throughout the world, to accept ai jilts from ui our Constitutional Alumnae. We will icnd to any one who is willing to pay the postage on it a copy j or if the citizens of any town or village will accept from 100 to iOO copie, we w ill furnish them free of charge, living convin ced that if our foreign friends will carefully read tho Constitution, they will bccoino untislied that our people, in suppomng uur government in wip ing out this foul blot of secession from our es cutcheon, are not only right, but are establishing on a lound basis the Ireedom ofthe people through out the world. KADWAY Jt CO., 23 John Street, New Y ork. HOW OCR SOLDIERS SHOULD HE PREPARED TO FIGHT, Health and Discipline. Health and discipline are the most important elements in an urniv to ensure success. Discipline without health will prove lis iiiell'ectual as shot willioul powder. Health is tin- propelling force of the army, and is the symbol of victory. It is, therefore, of the greatest importance, that the system of medication best adapted lor the pro tection ol soldiers against sickness, as well as that known to he the most speedy and in re storing the sick to health, without regard to pro fessional prejuuice, be udoplcd. This is no tunc, lor medical martinet lo quibble about professional dignity. All the dignity tho profession call bring to bear will neither prevent sickness aiming the troops norcure those alllir ted. Our a nines, to bo successful, mint be kept in a healthy condition; and tin- most sure means ol se curing this dcsiderutuni is through the remedial powers of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, which has already proved itselfin over fifty regi incuts now at the seat of war near Washington, to be i poaitive prevention against sickness in the form of Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague, llillioiis '. ever Typhoid l ever, Diarhoa, Dysentery, SinaUPox Measles, and other malarious und infectious diseases. Hear m mind, we lay, that liadway's Heady lie lief will protect Ihe troop! exposed to these dis eases against attack. Now, it is conceded by nil the medical men in our army, that they have no reliable means of preventing attacks ot these dis eases, neither hnvn they any positive assurance of curing the sick; but, on the contrary, the majority of the sick, seized with fever and ague, typhoid, I' 1 1 1 in ub nnd other fevers, either die, or inger along until they are reduced to mere wreck and walk ing skeletons. Experience has established the fact that the treatment of calomel, quiiiine and mercury, in cases ol fever and ague, typhoid fever nnd other lever of this class, is more injurious in tamps than in private practice, w hen we take into consideration that canvasi wall and exposure to heavy dews and the malaria Irom pools of water und damp grounds, prove hut a poor shelter for the sick, we may readily conjecture that the penalties of mercurial and quinine treatment will, in the majority of cases, be exhibited in the lorm of rheu matism, neuralgia, pains and stiffness in the joints, c-ngorgeinenli ofthe liver, jaundice, yellow jnun ders, dyspepsia, pleurisy, coughs, "coidB, &c, which will cling to the unfortunate patient for years. IN DR. HAD WAY'S REMEDIES the loldier haa a positive preventive against at tack ofthese disease. Let every soldier carry a bo.tle of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IN III KNAPSACK, and w hen exposed to wct.d.nnp and chilly weather, or encamped in malarious districts, take a ica ipooulul, in half a cup of water, as a drink, early in the morning before eating, and three or four times during the duy ; and, il on picket or guard duty, occasionally dining the night, he will escape all sickness, nnd continue lo enjoy good health. WHEN SICK, et Railway' Ready Relief and Radway's Hegulat ing Pill be used according to directions, and the patient will soon recover. Dr. Radway's Heme, dies make a perfect cure In cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Hoarseness, Dipctheria, Influenza, Coughs, Toothache, Headache, Sore Throat, Diflicult Ureathing, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Swelling of the Joints, Pains in tne Legs &c, &c. Croup, Measles, Hums, Scalds, Strain!, Wounds, Sprain, Weakness in the Spine, nnd in all casci w here there ii paii Radwav's itcaoy utiiei will afford immediate eaic and quickly cure the patient. ARMY INDORSEMENT. We have received a large r.'jmher if letti rs from army furgeonc, ctfict-ri and privates who l,,uede - .veil benefit Irom the u.c of ftirrfu-nir heady Ht. . Among the great nuLV-uer we have on liie we reler to the following: W. H. Tmgly, M. D., Surgeon and Medical Di rector ofthe Excelsior Brigade. Geo. li. Simpson, M. D., Surgeon of Anderson's Zouave Regiment. Col. Rush C. Hnwkini, Ninth Reg't .N. Y. V. Col. Lyons, Eighth Reg't N, Y. S. M. Col. George Hall, Second Regiment Exec. nor Brigade. Col. Tinnelli, Met lellali Rifles. Col. Wm. Gain, V. S. A. Col.Willam Wilon nnd hi officers, through T W. Meighan, Esq., Wilson'i Zouave, Fort Pick ens. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT will speedily eradicate every particlt.'uf disease, and xv ill reinvest the patient with health. LADIES afflicted with Falling ol the Womb, Ulcers ofthe W omb, Discharge, from the Uterus Chlor.,9 aZ all weakening discharges, may .depend on RPe7otCnrby ,hB 'f.K,K ,- l Vi nfP"cn,c Rheumatism, Neuralgia Gou,, the Re.o vent, taken ,n co'ect,o Radway, P.ll, ,ni R(,adT ftclef quick and thorough cure. ' NOTICE. l. Radw ay' rcmediei are sold bv druggist in every TUIage own and city in the United Mate. cTcetu and tiT'" P'- P"e : RADWAY fe CO.,