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i r- 8 4 i I- s i t l , a Ti At in) j loi the net tur" mi , 1Q! Weekly Paper, Established Oct. 13, 1851 1 Daitt Paper' ttfteWUeea Jly IS, 1864. 1 V '-v f-t ' " DAXVoftTH Jt JONfcSk Proprietors. wC6f; niinoix and Eaglt Striett. t Teasta. For the Weekly Argue Three Doi- lare a year, if paid wholly in advance. If paid within threa months, ..$3,35 six " 3,50 " ;. nine, " ....,.......... 3,75 St ,tt twel0 4,00 AsS" Single copies, at the offica, 1(5 centa each. Daily Two Dollar and Fifty centa for three moQtha, payable in advance, or $10 a year. By the week, twenty-five centa, in advene Bates of Adrertisinar in the Daily Forthe apace oeeapiedby ten Imea or one inch apace . One. dav,.,.,..f 1 00 One month $ 6 00 f !TWo iave. JLi.. 1 5H Sixweeke 60 CrbieiJaya..V. 1 15 1 Two ttootna.... .7 w Four day. 2 00 I Three month.... o u Five daya 2 25 1 Six montha 10 00 2 50 I 1 year, no change, IS 60 3 601 2 aqu're one year. 25 00 One week Two week a Three weeka 4 25 Buaineaa carda not over five linen $10,00 per an For each change an additional charge of 25 centa pec gqeare will be made. r f i i Nmii at wanta lost." ' found," " to r.nt to let." fee- not exceeding tour linea inserted Cur Aft V cent. Marriage noticea will be charged one dollar in aicasea. - . - . Editorial aoticea charged for at the rate of 15 eenta par line, or seven worda, and a apecial no tice at tan centa per line, or 60 centa a line per .' week. " ' ' All noticea for religioua and benevolent pur poaea will be charged one-third of regular ratea. Obituary noticea, except aimple announcements t 4e,tl W -rt v"-. . . . .'., ' Advertiaemecte not accompanied with written directiona will be inserted nntit forbid, and charg ed accordiagly. ' t Advertiaementa diacontinued before the expira tion ot the time contracted for, will be charged at abort time rate. Advancement from abroad must be paid for invariably in advance ualesa from approved agent. s : Advertiaementa incerted next to reading matter 60 per eent. advance of above rate, and kept atanding on tbe inside page 25 per cent, ad vance on regular rate, e All transient advertiaementa must be paid for in . 4 advance. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly Argut on reasonable terma. ' Liberal contract made with yearly advertiaera. 7. a. ArORtH, JB. HILTOV JOXg. B0CE ISLAND POST OFFICE. Winter Mail Arrangement. Chtengo and Rock Island Railroad Mail arrives at 8:30 A. M., and 4:45 P. M. Close at 7.20 A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Sterling and Rock Island Railroad Mail, via Mo line, Watertown, Hampton, Rapios City, Port Byron and Cordova arrives at 8.30 a. m., and close At 4.30 j. tu. Davenport Mail arrivee at 7.50 A. M., and S.00 P.M. Close 8. 00 A.M., and 4.15 P. M. Qquawka Mail via Pieaiant Ridge, Hazlitt.Ham- s; i let, Parrytoa, Aledo, Monroe, New Boston and Keithaburg, to Oquawka, laave Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at 9 a. m . Arrives Tues day, Thursday aud Saturday, il4r.ii. Maeomh Mail, via. 'Preemption, ' Fariow' Grove, Viola, Pope Creek, North HLder son and Monmouth to Macomb, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at 7 a. h. Arrives Tues day and Friday at 7 p. m. Ctntre Point Mail, via Rural, Prairietield, Kich laadSrove, Centre Ridge, Oxtord, North Prairie - a -J Henderson, to Centre Point, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at 8 a. m. Arrive Tuesday and Friday ate r.M. t ambridgt Mail via: Coal Valley, Pennsylvania, Orion and Andover, to Cambridge, leaves Monday and Friday, nt 7 a.'sj Ar lives Thurs day and Saturday at 6 P - M. Office hours from 7a. a. to 8.00 r. a. On Sunday open from 9 to 10 a m. C TRUUSDALE P.M. i. ALL MECHANICS Should Subicrihe for the Afgn ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argue. ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argue. ALL MECHANIC3 - Should Subscribe for the Argun. C ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argue ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argue - ALL MECHANICS . ' Should Subscribe for the Argue. ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argm ALL MECHANICS Should Subscribe for the Argot. i DO TOU WANT TO BE HAPPT? Then Par the Printer. DO Y0TT WANT TO EE IIAFPY? Then Ps the Printer. DO YOU" WANT TO BE HAPPY? Then Pav the Printer. DO Y0I7 WANT TO EE HAPPY? Then Pav the Printer. D0 YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? Then Pay the Printer. DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY ? Then Pay the Printer. DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY? Then Pay the Printer. DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY ? Then Pay the Printer. , TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING.. -f- - - Call at the Argue Offioe. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, Call at the Argna Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, C.ill at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, ':' . , r Call at the Argue Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, ' Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, '-' Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE BRONZE PRINTING, Call at the Argue Offioe. - ' THE BEST MARKET EEPORTS . Are fonnd in the Argim THE BEST MARKET EErORTS Are fonnd in the Argue; THE BEST MARKET REPORTS . Are fonnd in the Argue. ' . THE BEST MARKET REPORTS Are found in the Argue. THE BEST MARKET REPORTS Are found m the Argue. 4 THE BEST MARKET REPORTS .- -?,'---!- : --: f Are found in the Argue. THE BEST MARKET REPORTS Are found in the Argue. THE BEST MARKET REPORTS Aro f.iund in the Argus. THE BEST MARKET REPORTS , , t - ...;.-.,.- Are found in the Argue. Lit BUSINE88 AND PROFESSIONAL MKS 8hould Advertise in the Argue. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN - - - Should Advertise in the Argue. .ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Should Advertise in the Argus. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN ; Should Advertise ui the Argue. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN In' J ' ' 81nld Advertise in the Argue. -ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL USX "1V1EW oii5iirc- r i 8ESDY MADE CtOTWNG - armed t MAAS & MAYER'S ; Great Mammoth Store I Next Door to the Rock Island House. WE moat reepectfullj invite the attention of the public to. our very large and entirely "New Stock of Goods comprising everything in the line of4i . . t 5 READY MADE (XOTIIIXG! Piece Goods, Gents Famishing; Goods, HATS, CAPS! ' TRUNK, MOTIONS, Ac, sfce.,; which having bought exclusively lor cash, we oflet et NEW YORK RATES, our motto being Quick Sales and Small Profit! Don'tfail to examine MAAS fc MAYER'S Stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods at MAAS t MAYER'S Great Mammoth Store, No. 7, Ills. St., a a . R.wW I.lanH III.. - Next Door to the Rock Island Ho Great Bargains in Pianos Mil. J. ZIMMERMAN", MANUFACTURER OF PIANOS. TN GRANT'S BLOCK. Main Street. Dar X enport, Iowa, keeps on hand a Large Stock of lianas, mch as Hnabe's, Stone's and other cele brated nstruments, which he will sell at So per cent Less than Manufacturers Prices. Also Hale' bent Pianos at troni $275 to $300. Oct. 19, d2m. THE ii OTTO OF THE ARGUS. ray in Advenee. THE MOTTO OF TuE ARGUS, ' Pay in Advance THE MOTTO OF THE ARGUS. ' Pay in Ad ranee." TUB A1UOO OF TUB AKUUs, ' Pay in Advanee. THE MOTTO OF THE ARttCS, " Par in Advance." THE MOTTO OF THE AUGUS. " Pay in Advene." TUfc ilUll'O OK THE AKGUS. " Pay In Advance." rut uuiru of xui: aiiuus, " I'ay in Advance.' THE MOTTO OF THE ARGUS, " Pay in Advanoe.' rui: THE daily HA1LV All-: 1!... AR.. I.ntost Telegraphic Nfiv IS e Latest Tvlegraphic New THE DAILY Li .- THE DAILY AR.iL'S L.;i-rii Telegraphic Newa liai 'lie Ijiii Telppraphic Vest UA.IL 1 AKUL'S lias (ho Luttfft Telegraphic News. 1UE DAILY AUGUS Hax the Latent Telegraphic News. TILL UA.ILX AKGUS 11 an the Latest Telegraphic Nere, TilJi IJAILY ARGUS Hat) the Latest Telegraphic Newt, THE DAILY ARGUS Han the Latest Telegraphie New THE WEEKLY ARGUS ! tW Hi't Paoer for CountT News THE WEEKLY ARGUS Jri the I!"t Puj)cr for County New THE WEEKLY AKGUS Is tin Hi'it Paper for County News. TUh W1.LK1.1 A 1.1 1 L Is ihi Lv.t Pajcr for County Now THE Wi.LKI.1 AliCLS 1-' tlif iirt Pajicr fur County News. THE WEEKLY AKKUS In tlii- Di it Paper for County News. Tllfc. WttKM AlitiLo Is the Pout Paper for County News. THE WEEKLY AUGUS I the Rout Paper for County News. I. '.hi' Bet Paper for County News. TO GET JCE PP.I.TI.G DONE WELL, Call ; t i;ip Arjju OQc TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Cj!1 ui xi! Aires Oder TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL Ca'A Ht lf Arjrxis Officr TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, C ill at the Aims Office TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Crtll at t!i Argua Office TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, ('r ll nt tin' A'Eus Othce TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Call at. the At ue Office. TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Cull at the Arj-uK Office TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE WELL, Call at the Argua. Office THE WEEKLY Aiir.v I- tii'.- I. i-;:i'?t roper in tne County. TliE W EEKLY AUGLS N tin- I.:!,. .-i r.'.jji-i in iho County. THE WEEKLY ARCl I- tin- I.a:g.-.f I'rtjH-r ill the Coui'tv THE WEEKLY a.:v'.i. I lli' Luv.-l PujUfr iu tin' Count, THE WEEKLY ARGUS Is tin' Laririxt PatHr in the County. THE WEEKLY ARGUS la the Larreit Paper in the County. THF WEEKLY ARGUS I tlw Lrtre.t Paper in the County. THE WEEKLY AKUUS U the Iii-;cst Taper iu the County. THE WEEKLY AUGUS the Lati4t Paner in the CountT THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP. For Pay In Advatwe. THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP, For Pay in Advanee. THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP. For Pay in Advance. THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP, For Pay in AUvanca THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP, For Par in Advance. CHEAP, For I'ay iu Advance. CJIEAP, THE ARGUS WORKS THE ARGUS WORKS For Pay in Advance. THE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP, For Pay in Advaaoo. TEE ARGUS WORKS CHEAP. " Py in Advanee. TOUft BUSINESS WILL INCRSASK If vim Advertise in vour County Paper , YOUR BUSINESS WILL INCREASE If von Advt'ifiM; in our Count Paper YOUR BUS1UESS WILL INCREASE If you Ail-ertbe iu tout Count Paoer gnnting. ALL BUSINESS MEN . , Should AdrerticXa she Areiak ILL BUSINESS MEN Simuld Ad-erUae in the Arrua. ALL BUSINESS MEN . Snonld A-lvertUe in the Argus. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should AdverUse ia the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Advertise in the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Advertise in the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Advertise In the Argus. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Adrertixe in the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Advertise in the Argue TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB PRINTING DOSE Call at tbe PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call at the rJUNTINO DONE Call at the CHEAP, Arena Office CHEAP. Argus Office. CHEAP, Argus Office. C11EAP. Arfus Office. CHEAP, A rgus Offioe. CHEAP, Argus Office. CHEAP, Arpris Office. L'UEAP. PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Cull at the PRINTING DONE fall at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call n Ae Argus Office. CHEAP, Yrgua Office D TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at tlio Argus Office TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call nt the Argus Office TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Aicua Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Arpus Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Argus Office. TO GET NICE COLORED PRINTING, Call at the Argue Offlee. YtfJit ;;::;. :m y i u:n: vallwau: If i:l .- '."!! V...H' t'oii- i . I'niM' Ytn i: "i i ! i: rv IS M::E VAI.L'A!;! .-; yr: ' ! '- "v ::: - .: 'i vour C. ! I's.Vr Yt.i'i. : . ;ii your. v.i.r.'i:i.K youu r;:orEivi is mo.:;: valuap.i.f. L" S C.i-.i:.'. P"t YOUR PROI'KU'lY 1 j! til. VALUABLE l! .. . ." . .: C "I! t Sf.-r. YOUR PROPERTY IS '.Jf.'i:: VALFaELE It' vvi S.-.. :r.:i Ci-pt Puji r. YOUR PROPERTY IS Mi"'RE VALUABLE If von S iriaiu i v.r Putwr. YOUR PROPERTY IS JlOllE VALUABLE It' vim Su-tain mr PaptT. ARGUS! ALL BUSINESS MEN Siiou:d Subscribe for the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Shouid SulMcribe for the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Sitoiud Subscribe for the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN Si."r.':.l Sulwcribtf for the Argue. ALL BUSINESS NHIX Sl 'iiiM Suliscrilie f.r the Argue. ALL BUSINESS MEN 1 Sabocribe for '.he Argt ALL BUSINESS MEN Should SubMriiie for the Argot. ALL BUSINESS MEN Should Subecrilie for the Argue, ALL BUSINESS MEN Ghould Subscribe for tbe Argue. TOTJB BUSINESS WILL INCREASE If vou Advertise In vour County Pftpee. TOUR BUSINESS WILL INCREASE If vnti Advertine in vour County Paper. YOUR BUS1UESS WILL INCREASE If rou Ailvertine in vour County Paper, -'OUR BUSINESS WILL INCREASE If vou Adverti.Mtf iu vour County Paper YOUR BUSINESS W ILL INCREASE If vou Advertise in vour County Paper rOUB BUSINESS WILL INCREASE If you Advertise in vour Couuty Paper TO GET YOUR to get t;h: TO GET T!!E TO GET TEE TO GET TP.E TO GET TEE TO GET TILE TO GET THE TO GET THE TO GET THE LATEST N:V f .r t. Argue f-r tin Argus. fr the Argue, for tlio Argue, f. r the Argun, for the Argsu. fur the Argue for the Argus lor the Arg-i LATEPT NT'.V-. ,;t. i .ih. LATEST S LATEST NEWS. . -. I '.!f NEW.;, S U.'i.'lli.l LATEST LATEST LATEST f LATEST LATEST NEWS. ui,oiilM- NEWS. viierile NEWS, u'f erilje NEWS, .lbs ! ibe NEWS, uitsc'tib PRINTING TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB tO 0r JOB PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Cull at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call et the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Cull at.the PRINTING DONE Call at the QUICK, , Argus Offioe. QUICK, Argue Offioe. QUICK. Argue Office. QUICK, Argus Offio. QUICK, Argus Offioe. QUICK, Argus Offioe. QUICK, Argus Offioe. QUICK, Argn Offioe. QUICK, Argue Ofio DOtJE CHEAP. miscellaneous. WM. KNABE & CO'S PIANO FORTES. Bead the following commendatory let ters from distinguished Artists. Wpj. Kiiae k C: Centime : Alter bavins played on Ihm FHaae of Missis. Esasb A Co. It k lmOMUle not to bear testi mony to their quaiitlca which bar acquired for them the eminent rT'Otatlon which they enjoy. The Pianos of their sianofarture, on vhich 1 have played, a re excveetnrly remarkable for their qaalitiea of Tons. The Baa Is powerful, without harshneas. wl IV' upper notes aweei, clear and hamiooloo.lj mi How, chryaial)n, and I do not hrsHa'e to rxpreaa In regard to these Instruments my entire satisraortna, and to declare (bat they are equal If not superior to ths best sosnu factored In Europe or this coua try by the mot celebrated makers. s. r. Jillai Baarr A fe. f hlrere Gentirmn: I eonsMev till am Knahe k Co's Pianos the most perfect In u , eotnblniux la ihs hlehest deicres the nvst vaJuablo sod esaeu tud requMites of power, ea1nea of tone, and IceneraJ arcarscy. The Kbm pomesses rres compsial and Volume, and th bifher noses a clearness sni ricl.nos of tone seldom at- Isineat ia other iiMtrumetils. Ths touch or action aineais particularly agreeable, and In Iu proportionate a.lptItt reOrcts sreat credit upon Its inannfactarvTS. The h.lroduction V f our Piaoos In the Wert has created a new era n Musical circles, and will doubtless crows your efforts with the emiuent sucseaa you so rlchlv merit. Verr truly, yours. aoe; Jmt , i-m. Lo iimiB. I recommend the Pianos of Mr. Ksiss to ereryboily who wants a r ally drat rlaw lnstra meut. II. IIAL.ATHA. Va. Ksabr A fe. CiI": I have rreat ieaure la eertlfylna that I bars tried your Square Pianos, and find ihem equal, if oot superior, to any In this ronnu-y Among their frrat qualitiit, which dlmlnruUh them. Is the evenne) of lone, the screen Mc and ey touch, and volume of tone. Vi tohinr yea aU the success you so hu hly deserrr, I am sir, yours very truly, S. Til AUILUU. Wo. KniBr A fe. Gentlemen: I cannot but congratulate yon upon the Im mense progress and Improvements which you continually make on your Pianos, alikh. In my opinion, rank among the verr Mcheat in this country. 7H. STK AKOkCIIe J. Burr A fe. Gentlemen: Oar Open Troupe are at present o!nr fomr of yoor justly celebrated Ksass Piso, and as the exponent of the views and opinions of the various Anuts. peaiit me to say, I consider them aoirrurtl in brilliancy amj eznIUius and rr-aviaral, rt?of a rieat in tknttamm trw or tw Knroj. Their sweior owaWiry of (mm, combininr s-rest depth and powerful vol ume, with which and a peculiarly clear and even Iriblc, tosrlhrr with a nispic elasticity of touch and action, render tl rm tnpenor is ocasr tfurranpirart, which ran-ly If ever combine thess most esaentlal r qub-hrs. I most cheerfully endorse the high and meritorious encomiums rrcrywhere pronounced upon these Pianos. Km mi ZIO, Mutirml Dirtttur, Ital ian Optra. . Ckttngt, Ft. 10, lbea. VVa. BVlSfce A fe. Gentlemen: Barint: recently bad opportunities of testing both your new scale Grand and Square Pianos, it srtves me sreat pleasure to atate that 1 bavw found them to combine all the qualities to wiaka a Piano as perfect aa poaaiM. unsurpassed by any thaa I bare sen either in th-a country or Kurope. fr ftreat power and roundness of tone, combined with that peculiar sweet and singing q.ia!itj, so often found w amine; la Piauos. Titer are really unsurpassable, and ia touch eeerythinc that ran bs desired by tbe most brilliant player. Wishing yoa every sue cess, 1 remain, your, trulv, t.Axciim, Uytical iHrtctcr of (as Irrrwum Optra. JULIUS BAUER & CO. Wholesale A(;. nu fur Northwestern Slates. 99 S. Clari and 89 W'aiJanpon Sit. (1I1CAUU ILL. ET-send for a riRcr? EH Pi V5 GEO. A. PRINCE & CO'S . w r - . xlutomatic Organs SCHOOL ORGANS AJtn 31ELOUANiS. TUIRTT-FII'E TKOrsiXD.NOH' IX TSE Every Instrunieht v arrauted lor FiveYeare IN' tirnwritiiiaT the Alt. jutic Orgav, ire boliilr announce the greatest 'riuniph in musi cal lu.lrumerts of ti.e "e. Uur.nj tiie part t alf certurv, the Frpnch abi t".ernin have manufac tured teed itisttUDirnis with double bel ows. sad two fcda's fur the fret to ;eraie, but the want of tbe teversedor Kthans'inn Bel'ows, (wh ch is the on If hrllnws ued ia nur instruments.) made it iau pu.siKie lr ;ii.m to y roduce the mellow, rich aad muncal ttiue iU.' ii' -hour inntrtimrnta are? cele brated. Another chjertton t tii.s method of b'owiag was, that hoth tcet beimr occupiej. r.o oppormai ty wss oriercd t'er thp linrifi ment of the swell. Within the past two J e.irs, ms.ruruents construct ed oa this Ku.-opean pian cl " u.-ub e blowers," have been manu.'actur. d ia Its country, and to counteract thi ditTicolty ( att or a swell) a lever has been projected lr m the ceotre of the insiru ment, to act spun the swell, and operated by the knee. Tbe imoavem aad coptortion necee srv to eriect this olject, are disagreeable eboagh to a gentleman, but to a lady thet use ot each aa appendage is nearly impossible. Oar Autmatic device otviales tha difficulty en tirely . thfc simple act ol bowioe with more or leae force giving iIim desired increase or drcresse in the volume tr tone. For sesenteee. years tbe superior eicellence of our Melodeona hsa not bee a questioned, aod lor two years past the eaor sueea demand baa made it impossible tor .a a to teetnur orders promptly. With ar iacreased lacilttice, we feel warranted in set a ring eur pat rons that their orders w II be promptly met, aiad aolicit a continuance of tbeir palronaye. JA A Liberal Discount to Clergymen, Cbarch es and Schools.-- UfcO. A. PRINCE tt CO., Buffalo, Ji. Y. GKO. A. PULNCi: ot CO., Chicago, 111. An Illustrated Catalogue, with tell description f styjas, will be eent free to any address. - , - nn23dwly. TOUR INTEREST IS Sri?KKVD By Sutairt'-.(f Your Cotmty Paper ' TOCR IXTERKjST IS SIJSLRVED Bv Sast :ni;ie Your t'ountv Paper. TOCR INTEREST la SVlsERVKO Cr Susi:iint"; VKir Count? Paper TOUR INTEREST 13 bTbSERVED Bv SuH'alnir; Yor County Paper TOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED ;': " B uialcf Your Cowtj Payetv i 1CRE WARRANTED, IF DIRECTIONS are followed. Hundreds ofcitiaeaa of Chica go have been permanently cared by this medicine Call for a circular describing ALL symptoms. Dr. C. H. SeelyekCo., sole proprietors. Office, .naaouic; i ctupie, vaicago, l.nnoia. symptoms: The symptoms ofCatirrah, as they generally ap pear, are at first very slight. Persons find they nave a cold, that tbey have frequeat attacks, aad are more aensitive to the changes ol temperatare. ia mis conamon tne nose may be dry, or a slight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards becoming thick and adhesive. As this disease becomes chronic, the discharges are increased in quantity aad changed ia qaaiuv; they are now thick aad heavy, and are sow hawked "or coughed off. The secretions sre offensive, causing a bad breath, tbe voice ia thick and nasal ; tbe eyes are weak ; the t aeaaeof the emell is lessened or u eat roved, deflM nea treijuently takee place. Another common aad important symptom ol Cstsrrb m. that the person is obliged to e esr bis throat in the more mg ol a thick rr slimy mucous, which baa fallen down Irom the head daring the eight. When this takes plsce, the person may be sure that hie die ease is on its way to tbe longs, ana should lose no time in arresting it. The A bore are bnt a few of the many Ca tarrhal n)ptiin. J Siny'r P.i.ilie trill last a month to be tuei three time a djy. TINTIMdMAI, From Hon. Thns. J. Tame., Ex-Member ol Con gress, from Illinois, late Speaker of Jlliaoia House ot Representatives, and Grand Master of A. F. and A. M. of the tate of Illinois. FacrpoBT. Oct. 21, 1S63. DR. C. H. KELYE: DfM Sib In rrp!y to your Bote of the ISth inst., I would siv that I waa severely afflicted with Catarrh lor years, when I became acquainted with you and bought two bottles of roar Liquid Caurrii Remedy. Before I ued one bottle I was sens.bly improved, and beiore the second bottle was finished, wss completely cured. I can recoi mead the medicine to all afflicted with Catarrh. Respecting Yours, THOS. J. TURNER. Dr. p. II. SEEYE St Co , sole I ropnetors, Chi- caco, i.i.i.o.t. Lshratory at Irceport, Illmoia. tiCNERAL AGENTS. John D. Park. Ciecie nati, Ohio; Wm. Johnson, Detroit, Michigan. FOR PALE BY All Oriicclstji. For in Kiaad by Gleim at Hinckley aad Charles A. Benser. aod ia Aloline by J. S. RicryJs. MaTbdawly THESE BITTERS are prepared in pare Bear boa Wbtsky, form .a combination ol over twenty different kinds of mou, barks aad herbs, which act ia perfect concert one witb tbe other, prepar- ea irom the original rormula given by tbe great chief. Red Jacket, to Dr. C hapm, who used them successfully in bis practice for many years, and by their ase ga ned no great a popularity in the treatment and cure ol Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick aad Nervous Headache, Fever and Ague, and all diseases anting from torpid liver or md gestion. Persons sutfertng from eith er of there loathsome d.seaset will find a sore care ty the use of these bitters, which are perfect ly pure and free from al those drags aad poisons sually put op in each preparations aad palmed off on an ensuspectiag public. A single trial wiM convince tbe most skeptical that in the RED JACK ET there ia virtue which no other Bitters posses They strengthen and invigorate the system. They are ouequaled tor general debility. Tbey are a aurc cure for dvspcpsia. Tbey give a good aad health) appetite. They assist digestion. Tbey are tbe best stimulant in existence. They are asure preventive ot Fever and Ague. They relieve constipation. They cure Nervous Headache Tbey are perfectly pure and palatable. Aged persons and delicate females will find tbey can aave large doctor's bills by the ase of these bitters. Beware of counterfeits. The Red Jacket Bit tera are only aold in bottles with oar name blown oa the side. For Medicinal and Table uses, which are perfect le pere, aad need oalv to be tried lu be aooreeiat- ed. None eeattine ttaleaatbev base our Cold La. bel oa each battle, and oar initials pressed wax over the cork Soldbv all Druggists and dcalera throws-knot the country. Call for oar goods and take no other. Circulars to tbe trade supplied oa application to ' . BENNETT PI ETERS ft CO., Prop'rs, 21 River St., Chicago. C. A. Banner, Glieaa it Hincklev. Amenta. aaJ nold at wboleaole by Henry Dart' Sona, Rock In tana, ii.iaoia. Mav It. dwl vl w TOUR IirsiNESS WILL IXCREASZ A ' f Tee Adverse ia TorConty Paper. TOUR BITSLNESS VT1LL INCREASE I" T' Advertise in vatic CjuhIv Paper. TOCR FUSINES WILL IXCRi: ASS' If T'fJ Ad vcitise in Tnir County Paper. TOCR JtVZiS IIX INCREASE If VOU A1vPrtien in rniif IVtitit Paknafaf. TOCR KUjjINESS WILL INCREASE i i If vou- Advertise in oox I ounfy Parer. YOCP. win. ithf.asf. If von Ailvrt'e? in tout Cus'.nty Paper. YOUR BUSINESS WILL INCUEAsS If too A'lveitis in voue Count j Paper. TPfR RU.SLNLS3 WILL INCUEASE J " K It vvm A'lrtise in veur C-H;nty Taper. T0CE BUSINESS WILL INCREASE . If rou Ailvertiae io your County Paper fK2 ABC,uF.r.s 4.H. sr. V IVr ia A4tar rUE ARGC8 WOKE UEjJ',.1 ' :-'- P !a AdTiiy KUE ARGUS WORKS CU-... a ?Wjry vgf Vjal- JajT-' Vw 1 ' w IMPORTAHTtoFEHALES 0 ShTX . Proclamatiou! TO THE LVDIES! . Both Married et Single TDK OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEM1LES! THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND SURE CURE, . AND SURE CURE, AND SURE CURE, FOR C.IRLS OR WOMEN FOR GIRLS OR WOMEN FOR GIRLS OK WOME.V Wbe suffer from irregularities, or obstructions al tbe Meases, whatever may be the cause of thus obstructions: This Care has been recognised for maay years aa The only Safe Beliance, The only Safe Beliance! that ladies have for relief from the suppreasioa thoae period which, if kept ap according to tat calJa ol Nature, will GUARANTEE TO THEM GUARANTEE TO TI1EM Tbe Fulleat Abeunt of Good Health and Stretigtti, and which, if not regularly experienced, will pro dure MISERY AND DEATH. MISERY AND DEATH, and ia that first of all Remedies for Diseases of Females. Remedies for Dbeises el temales Dr. CUKES SOMAN'S PILLS. lr. CIIKfcJSKiHAN'J PILLS, Or. CHttStMAS'S PILLS. THIS GOOD OLD REMEDY lor all obetractioaa ha been hailed with Pleaaara and Profit FOR TWEXTV.F1VD YEARS, ia all pane of the civilixed world. Iu aethor , AN OLD EXPERIENCED PHYSICIA.N, A.N OLD EXPEklENCavD PHYSICIAN, AN OLD EXPEKlr-NCED PHYSICIAN, bom everybody knows, aad ia whom every bee; p.sces confidence aad respect. It ie XO XEft-lASGLED ARRAXGEXEK1 bnt a Standard itemed), M hlch baa Never Failed, and theaeaaws of cert ifica tea to this effect caa U fonnd ia ail parts of tbe couatry. The proprietors of Dr. Cbeesemaa'e LONG-TRJED RECIPE. LONG-TRIED RECIPE, LONG-TRIED RECIPE, Gaaraatee that Dr.:CKEESE3UX'S Femile Begnlatinj PILLS! will restore the aataral aionthly function to ANY FEMALE, NO MATTER WHAT HICK CONDI TION OR HER AGE. Indeed, ao certain are these Pil, arkiA kar keen popular and sarre enre far OVER A QUARTFR OF A CENTURY, OVER A CARTER OK A CENTU Y, to restore tbe aaeastrasl lis ia a aataral way, that ladies who are pregnant aiacf not ute tkam, as they til invariably produce nxiiearriag. . THEY CANNOT DO HARM. THEY CANNOT DO HARM, a any other way. DR. C. Ls CI1EESEM.LVS PILLS ARE THE ONLY MEDIC1XE, ARE THE ONLY MEDICINE, THATMARKIEDADIDBlKGLELADii, have relied epoa for assay vears, or caa rely up. ea bow. BE WA.REOFIMIA'f IONS Take thin advertisement to your Druggist, ats tell bia that yoe want FEJI1LE MEDICCVE IS TOE WORLD, wtuck I comprised tm . . - - Dr. Cheeseman's Pills. These fens tkeftnatt ftapmratian ever pX Jot tears', with Immediate and Persistent Success DON'T BE DECEIVED, DON'T BE DECE1YLD, Dr. Cbceseasaa'a Pille have received, and are near receiving, the eaactiea et the most eminent phf ticiam in Amricamu , ... T ' - Explicit Dirertieaa with each Box-tke price Owe Dollar per Box, coataiog from 60 to 60 pills. Pille eent by aaa if, proaaptly, by reaariiig the price to the proprietors ia enrrent funds. .r . Sold by Druggist Generally. ; . IllTCIIIKGS A 1JILXYEB, Proprietors, K I Cedar ft. New York. Sold at Wboleeele by Collins Brae., euccessors to B. Blaksley, Eoethweet corner 2d aad Viae BU, Leei,Me., , v -: , j .. , , : jamf. Trade eepplied hy LORD tt SMITH,. - i- ' - f t- "'fi Waoieaale Draggiata, W M nt r Afta lOdawl v Ckieege, Dliaeie i ' '".' t-'.tcf.. : .tc i. a? , 4 .S.14 a. ii