Newspaper Page Text
.s ssaw, w . . . . ..nJt - "v . ,j , v , , U J ': ROOK FS LA NJ) ILLINOIS S XV Oil DAT : E VENING:r A PRIL 18, ; IS65 if t-.i as;., F' - I . ' - J-' - l ' "v,ssBmsaaw . -a- . (. f.-tKi ..: - - - .--j-: . ,t. . ;, , . .. , ... . ,.1... t . V " ' - . V .... .. .-. i .. . ; 4 l a -4 ', r ROCK ILABiDjJ'O TOF FtI C , Wluter Mail Arrangement. Chicago and Rock Iiland Uailroad Mail arrive at 8:30 A. M., aad 4:46 P. M. Oloiat lit 7,20 A. M., and 7:30 P. &r. " - " ' ' 8terling anMiock Island Railroad Mail. ia Mo line, Watertown, Hampton, Rapid City, Port Byroa and Cordova arrives at a. ti, ajia closes at 4.30 p. tutk f Davenport Mail arrive, at 70 A. M P. M. Closes 8.00 A. SI., and 4.15 P , aad 8.00 Ojuatrka Afa7 via Pleasant Ridge, Hazlitt, Ham let, Perryton, Aledo, Monroe, New Boston and Keithsburg, to Oquawka, lvavea Monday, Wed nesdav and Fndav. al A. M.J 'Arrives Toes- day, Thursday aud Sunday, ai A. M.,ki S I J J Macomb Mail, via. Preemption, Farlow's Grove, Viola, Pope Creek, North Ker-der-on and MoamOuth t Macomb, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday t7 a. m. i Afrrrea j?ues-' day and Friday at 7 p. M. Ctntre Point Alaii, via Kuralr PrairtefieldRtch. land Cr'ove, Centre" Ridge,-fiord, North Pratrie-j s-d Henderson, to Centre oint, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at ft a, u. Arrive Tuesday and Friday at 6 ?. - t ambridge Mail via: Coal Valley, Pennsylvania, Orion and Andover, to Cambridge, leaves Monday and Friday, t 7 a. u Ariives Thurs day and fcaturdarat r"iv - -r Office hours from7 aV m" to S."00 p. m. On Sunday open from 9 to 10a m. C TRUJCSPALE P.M. i. 1, PEI TIiNlill-L & CO., 27, PARKJIOW, New,York, and 6 State Street, Boston, -are our Agents tor toe ire aa..i-irised to t?be Advertisements and Sub- T I .... . nrrfptions lor us at our isowtsi jwih. r J. WILSON DRCKT COOK & IRUKY. ED. W. COOE. auecestora of Cook, Dillon fc Lindley,) Davenport, Iowa. w our t JE have formed a partnership for the pratice ot Liw, to wnicn we snau aevote our oersnnal attention. urace corner oi main COOK & milTRT. and 3rd Streets. KEI.LEHST1USS &PR1E, r ECTIFIERS and Manufacturera oiDomes-: Liticl.qurs, Importers ana ia i-or sign ,ne and Liquors. Front street, opposite Ferry Landing, Rock Island. . JAMES KCI.LT. KELLY, WARNOCK ? f A vrFACTlTRERS of Soap' and Gan- LY1 dies, and Lard uii, noci lsiauu, in. o'aid for Tallow and Grease '!.. . - , . i. ti.j m Cash . L1VEILY AM) SALE STABLE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS J0PENED A Stable-on Market Square, Rook Island, where, he keeps a'few .i - x 1 -i ? Good Dorses and Carriages to Let. He also has a large covered stage wagon for fish- pg and pic-mc parties. A share ot public patronage respectfully wolic itcd. rt?rlces Moderate. ; , "y j . Horses bought and sold. E. G. SPENCER. Manufacturer ot , . , A T C H I and wholesale dealer in -y TVTTf NOTIONS. :QT0RB ON ILLINOIS STREET, in Web j Q borBlock, next door to Keisow'Sj i r : ROCK I?LANr,:niiaok. 1 I '.Flpe"c Money Wanted; " ; FIRE, MARINE AND LllPE GEO. W. COrF. is the autnorizea Agent for the following Fire Bd Marine Insurance -Companies: Phffinix, ol Hartford, Conn., Mer Hchants, of Hartlord, . Conn., Manhattan, New ?York,Corn Exchange, New Vork The Liverpool -"fand London Branch office at Cincinnati Equit- able Lite Assurance Co., New York. - I s Office In Chaa. Buiord's Block. s GEO- W. COPP, Agnt. THOMAS J. IlPFORD, PBOPEIXTOB OF TBI . Rock Island Foundry & Machine Shop ' rTTEEPS conBtentlyBn hnd and makoe to i iV order, : Steam Engines) Boilara.jWater sWUeels, Mill Irons of all descriptions, Store tronts, and all othar articles made ol cast iron. Particular attention given to the manufacture oi spoiler and Sheet-Iron Work, as well as Black- smithing and Steamboat work. Also, dealer in Pig and Sheet Lead, Block Tin, and Block Zinc, .' Wrought Irons, Butand Lap Welded Pipes, of all Maizes, Brass Cups, Globes, and all articles usu a lv found at a first class foundry and machine '.shop. ,. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD r . OF A L L- K 1 i v s Also Warehouse Trucks, LetterPressesc FAIRBANKS, GREESLEAK & CO IT2Xake Chicago. .', f Sold in Rock Island by HARPER k 6TEEL ! Be careful to buy only the genuine. s i June 27. dwly. I ... . . "... i: ' r ,. i : - " , H. LASOLEY.i " - O. W.-1. HARRPS,- J. II. LAGLEf & CO., . ; FORWARDIXG AND COMMISSION MtHCHANTS, Dealers in GRAIN, LIMB, El DBA UL1C CEMENT, FIRE BRICK, JtlfAPERS, THRESH ING MACHINES, CORN PLANT TERS, d'c. &c: ' . : AGENTS FOR 1. N orthern Line Steamers and Hannibal i - - -- & St. Jo. R. E. u ' Levee. Rock Island, Illinois. ; pt.Se ,15th. : . . dwU. 1 Mackenzie's rite nt Auto Frtpelling GantCTiiig Horsier1 A Patent Horse to carry lfis master, Needs no spur to make him go faster; Rune along cheerily as soon as you stride him, Ready to go wherever you guide him. . . "1Hl8li Lor8es. run rapidly over any good X. road, sidewalk or p(k grounds, with a grace ful cantering motion, propeUcl mainly by the weight of th. rider, altemauug motion Irom the saddle to Ihe-sadals, in, the act ot rising to the motion mi the horse, a bo. with about the sanaa imut of exercise to the rider as in riding a live hnrse, ana with aboui the same amount ot exer cise to the rider as in riding a live horse.- They r may be ataited, slopped short, or ion trolled in going dnwoiiflill, by -the rider. They will run us a moderat ascent, if the road is haad and nrai.- They are 'directed by the Sridte. -Tts the motions are identical, it is a good mode of training for eestrianiHm. They are tvaequalled -aa a means for agreeable and healthful out door exercise, all the year round, "or adults as Veil as for grrls and boysot two yeaavertd and IpWaVd. k Girls ride by usi.-' the side-saddle horn those under ten years old usually ride astride. Th size for beys is strong snoughto carry a man of 300 pounds weieht. On the sidewalk or level ground, alight carriage with4 a cnild in it can be attached and drawn. Any per son having but one leg can ride perfectly well. For prices enquire at the office of this paper, or send stamp for circular and price list. ' , V si r piikv iv. eniTH . r-f ; 4flS RroaHwav NcwYork. j - - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, " f . - - FOBMCRLT OF NEW TOBK, are treating successfully r Chronic Diseases, On a New System ! Which embraces the best and most approved meth ods in this and other countries, for the . cure of all Chronic Diseases TheVlreat successfully All Nervous and Au ralgia -Affections, all forms of Scrofula, Dyspep sia, Diseases of the Liver, Consumption, all" JSlyn Diseases, FulmuuBij CanmntioD in its early stages, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Salt Rheum, uu,i acties,'lf Heart Diseases, diseases of Children and Seminal Weakness, and Sexual Diseases, which are carrying tnousands to their graves annually.. ZES3T 22LCl JElzx?? I They treat successfully, uu a new method, all dis eases of the Kye and Car. They have had more extensive practice, and better success in Uic treat nient o'f ail DISEASES OF 1V03IEX, than any other physicians in America. They have -ured women who have been confined to their bjd fW years. They never tail to cure - SSfveiuiiatiaiii ! h all stages ; no matter how long standing. They ' cure . .ASTHMA, so it never returns. They have a sure cure for the distressing disease, . . Hemmorrhoids, or Piles! They cure all diseases of the T II It O A T , A N D L U N G SI Diptlieria Cured ! : . They have discovered a SUKJi ASl) SPliFCUY CUKU For this Terrible DHease. It also a sure cure for Scarlatina, or' Scarlet Fe ia$, which is of the sime class of disease. It never fails to cure Dipthenu or Scarlatina in irom ljto 48 hours. It g.ves reirtt immediately. PRICK PER BTTLR. - - !5,OI CANCERS. They have had an extensive practice and wonder ful success in the treatment ot Cancers, which they cure without eating them out or using the knile. Let those w:to have TUMOR OK SWELLINGS, or a red spot lose no time in having it attended to, as a ttmely treatment may save them from the horrors, sutfering and death ot an open cancer. Catarrh Cured. They are treating Catarrh on a new system which is a Sure Cure for the Ditease. Experience ha- proved that Catarrh cannot be cured by local treatment alone; hetce the many advertised cures lor Catarrh, ail of which are local remedies, give relief only while the patient is us ing them, but never cure. ., . Understanding the disease, and we know it can not bo curtd by local treatment alone, therefore, we also prescribe a constitutional remedy to be taken, and by the combined local and constitution al treatment, we are enabled to remove the cause of Catarrh, aud thereby effect A PERMANENT CURE. Their consultations for years have averaged from 'five te seven thousand a year, which gives them an experience unsurpassed by nny, and equalled on ly by a few. ' ' itt- Remember they do not promise to cure all st.igcs of disease.' While all diseases are curable if taken in season, all stages are not. ' Yuajr case may be curable this wem, not next to-day, not to-morrow; heace the danger of delay. No Cane will be Received when there are ; ' doubts of Cure or Relief. any Our terms are cash ; hence the money must be sent with all orders for medicines. It costs from five to fifteen dollars per month, to doctor with us, which includes medicines. The poor wilt "be favored. CONSULTATION PR EE. " Patients must write their' name, state, post of fice address, plainly. All letters requiring an an swer, must contain a letter atmp,and be address ed to Dr. KNAPP & SO?f,Box 6483, Chicago, III. r Any of the above diseases can be treated suc cessfully y the patients' describing their case in a letter, when they cannot see us. Dr. Knapp.who wilt visit Rock Island regularly the future can be consulted at the Island City House. - , MONDAY, March 6th, ' MONDAY, May tU, MONDAY, July iOth. TO GET THE LATEST NEWS Subscribe for the Aroia TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, . " b'ubscrlbe for tha A reus TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, Subscribe for the Arsua TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, Subscribe for the Argua TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, i. ' ' Subscribe for the Argua TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, . . Subscribe for thsjArgn :r 'is t: ' CHEROKEE CURE INDIAN ;iSD!CINE : alfefi V?ilAiiJ f nooTc; BAiiKs andleaves Aii ' An mif.iRlniT Hr tar Sperwatnrrlxrm, yWant : Wftitwi, Kocturnttl miit aud ail Sisrasas ' enaf 1'V iS, lf-l-lutitiht-such as Lots of Memory, r i ".uvr 1 1 tmitmte, fljias in the Bart, Ibmnrmot yitinn; tmalur OtiAfir WtaJc Jtermtt, bificmity j Hnuiiung, IremUiMi, Waktttinett, JCruptiont mi ., Pa'r, rte tymnUnanet, insanity, Omsump . ( i..ant stl ill Jiffnl complaints caused by d i j:.r''iie fnMu thr-' italri ot aature. i .: . Thi oieJicine Is a simple vn-lll x tract, nnri onr on srl.ish nil can relj, as It has been osra ' v. uir prnvtlce for many vears, and with tlionsands !' ' Irntfl, it. has not failed, in asbiftle mstanos -.Its . t cur.i.lvc poirprs i v been sunicisnt to .gam vie-; ; tory ovr the must stubborn can. W To thns who hsvs trijltd vrith their amuM-y lutein, until they think tlirmselres beyond the T reavh of meHml aM, we w.ald sayk ifssraia o I , ,ttit CI1KUOKEI-. IX ttt will restore you to hralth unil vs-w, autl u'.t all quack doctors have failed I tf t'rlc Two Dullani n-r boule, octhree bot ties forPirr Itrtllara, and forwarded by Kxpreas4 nil ftHrtt ' the world. . ... .; t 4f Pauiiililvt srnt hy mail free of postage, by - , D. W. R. MERWIN & CO., . " :r . .liberty St., New Vork, But rroprletora. GLAD SEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. Tte lm songM for Discoycrei at Lsst Cures tt from one ta tJtree days. CHEROKEE REMEDY CHHOKEE INJECTION, . OompoundadfromEoots,Bark3 anflXeavea CHKROKEE REMEDY, the great Inaiaai w. cures all diM-aaes of the Urinary Ortrann, such as Incontinence of the Vrinx, Jn'Htimtmation of ttt - iH.iJ.ln; tmmuti'm of the Kidnryn, Stnnr in the liLitidrr, Stricture, (Jrarrl, Gonorrhea, Ultrt. and l. t'lMtcially recommended ia those cases of Flour Allrm, lor Whites in females,) where all the old . lu om medicines have failed. tf It is prepared in a hijthly concentrated f rm, the dose only being from one to two teasoon TuU three times per day. f-It ia diurrtu: and alttratirt In Us action: purifying and cli nnsin? the b'ood, causing; it to flow iii all of its original purity and vtor ; thus ramov ' from the syatem. all pernicious causes wtilcb !ihv tndnred disease. UIKUflKKt INJICCTION Is Intended as an ally or asxinant to the Item ed, and should no used in conjunction with that medicine In all caes of (ileet. Gonorrhea, Floor . Albu or Whites. Its effects are heallnR, woothlriK, and demulcent : removing; all scalding, beat and pain. Instead of the burning and almost unendurahl pain thai is experienced with nearly all the cheap . guark injections. fTSV-flrthe nnf the ClIKROKEE REMKPT, and CHKROKti: IN JKCTION the two medicines at the same time all Improper dlscbarees n removed, and the weakened organs are speedilyres tore'i to full vigor and strength. Price, t herokee Bemedfi S per bottle, or three bottles for f5. . Price, Ctier Injection, per bottle, or three bottles for i Sent by Express to any. address on receipt of price. tT9 Tlie Clterokee llemody, (:liero kee lnjectlau and ( berokee Cure, are sold by all enterprising l)ni.'it in the civilised World. Hume nnprinclpled dealers, "tiowever, try to sell worthless compounds in place o. these : those shlch they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more money by selling, than ehey can on these roed '. cities. As you value your health, aye, the health of your future offspring, do not be deceived by such unprincipled Druggists, aik for Uiete mrdicinrt and takr novUtem. If the Druggists will not buy them for you, enclose the money ui a letter, and we will send them to you by Express, securely sealed and packed free from onacrvation. Ladies or Gentlemen can ulilrns OS in perfect confidence, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symptoms, aa we treat all diseases of a chromic , nature in male or female. Patients need not hesitate because of their inability to visit ns, as we have treated patients succemfully ro all portions of the civ llixed globe, by correspondence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and write Post office. County, Btoie and name of writer, pialn, and : Inclose postage stamp for repir. We tend our 82 page PumpMtt free to any address- ' Address all letters for Pamphlets er advice to taw proprietors. Dr. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. 8 Liberty street. New Fork. ; For sale in Rock Island by Glism & Hinckley, nd Charles A. Benser marlldwowly E. Si, II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. Manufacturers ot Pliotogralilc Materlala, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 501 BKQADWAY, K. Y. Tn addition to our main business of Photographic Materials, we are iieaduartersfur the following, viz-. - Stereoscopes aud Stereoscopic Views! (r these we have an immense assortment, inclid ing war scenes, American and foreign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, &c, etc. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private ex. hibition. Our Catalogue will be sont to any ad dress on receipt of stamp. Photographic Albums. VI E were tbe first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense quantities in great variety, ranging in price irom 50 cents to $50 each.. Our Albums have tbe reputation of being superior in beauty and dura bility to any others. Thejr will be s-nt by mail free, on receipt of price. "itji. Kiiie Albums Made to Order. Cartl holographs. Our catalogue now embraces over five thousand different subjects (to which additions are eontin ually being made) of" Portraits of eminent Ameri cans, fcic, vix : about 100 Major Generals, 300 Brig.-Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut-Colonels, 250 Other Officers, 75 Navy Officer, 600 Statesmen, 130 Divines, 225 Authors,. 40 Artists, li" Stage, 50 Pro uyne lit U'o men, 150 Prominent Foreign Patriots, 3,000 cop ies oi Works oT Art, including productions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, &.C. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An or der for One Dnaen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt ol $1,80, and seal by mail, F ree. -. Photographers and 'others ordering goods C.O.D. will please remit twenty-five per eect of the amount with their order.- ' . .. E. &. H. T. ANTHONY CO. Manufacturers of Photographic Materiala, 501 i. Broadway, New York. ; . i 4-TU prices aad quality of our goods cannot U to saUafy. ; -r. - . .janlSdw... mm i. j CRELMUlKS.iRE GOOD, Robacks are Better. DR. ROBACK'S i STOMACH BITTERS .lieae ElOf n are ot ffertsl U tha poblic u a atediclaa that will ear all the lite tilt g b fcrir U,"" tat tncy are aa baorit, rellisle, rfsifdlal agett, tad are an efflrient and agreeaale reg i later ef the asfes. Lv all teetleu ef I I ROBACK'S . BITTERS. ! the Cesetrj, esp tally la tbe Wm i dtatrlrta ef tbe West nd Seatk Vest, 1 where they kare here tatredeeea, tkey 1 i are refemmendea y the rkydclaas u 1 hear Ada! If take la preper aiaatltJei i U afeordaace vlth the, cUrectieas, aa.a I i p revea live and eire for Ferer tad Aaa, I Urer romplalsit, BlUees Ferer, Dywpep- 1 R0BACK!S BITTERS. i sla, Indl-restlon, JaanaJre, " Drxdaes, Depression ef Sprrttt, Laaaer, aad aS 1 i 4eraDgemfat3 ef the digestive fBBctieu. l or DeHirtatru Penou they are parfl- ; f uUrly reeomtiipodrd, siTlBraa appetite I and strength to the whole hamaa fraaie. Thew lUttem are srleatileally are- 1 , pared, au.l are made ef a rare eeathU u roback's bitters; Icati m of llonts, , land SpfJ-i, whwh eiTo.-tci! by i Plants, Derha, BarU hare kee a fooad net 1 mrjlcal exnerlenre. te 1 1 posss the rrq Uille Tsuls properties la Irellevlis aa! feiin' the above eB-' 1 plain is. l.ioe Bitters are the poor1 1 ta.-.u s tTlrud, savin: nln aaaay doetar'i biiK a-; well as the rich saaa,i selaee aad 1 f ROBACK'S BITTERS. I riiuifvrt : lnyi'.:orit'.i;p the weak aad ' l dfbilltili'ii, dr.tin? away melancholy, Kitis-r a Ih'e of urlsery one of Biulley- ad ottj:!Tn;rct. These Bitters have beea Introdnrr-d, and are h.-lnj: asefl, not only m ni? hwiotal-t, bat amoas; the goldlera, as aa appetizer, tonic and regulator ef 1 the M-U-ai tUrenhaat the Iraiy ef the I ROBACK'S BITTERS.Q ort:i, f.; . aad jm ltd the ceaseat ef the UULen covrrnruent astbarltT.' Ia point m treaztu a will fraarantee my EiUrTs to couula a larger preportloa i ef real mediclaal lagredlenta and tlrtaea i than any ether Stemrh Bltlert In the market; and hy comparison with atken It will fee seen at once, that the ara ' ROBACK'S " BITTERS. ktronger, and npop trial will he foaid 1 ore efficient, than an ethers; they are : ifreeakle te tbe tate, InTireratiBS lm i effect, made of good materials, and aa 1 i article that all my customers pare has ' i the second time with equal satlfactien. ' Let erery body try them and they will he ' i fally convinced of tbe truth of the abe.e. 1 T3TI. C. "W. ROBACK, Cincinnati, Ohio, Proprietor at Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier. Blood Fills, Catawba & Swedish Brandies, fcC C .WOR, faloao, 4esit A St. ' "eld at wholesale ia Cbioagw by FCLLEK. PLNOH ft FL'LLKK, and all Druggists. ffw- Count rv Mrrhanta and TWlers snrmned by a. r. CROf Ktr, and O. U. KECK WITH. Cbica. Bold by For sale by Gleim & Hinckley and Charles A Bensnr, Rock Island. FTJENITUEE AND CALL AT SMITH'S Furniture Store ! StXT BOOK TO THE where will be found at all times the ' : ' ment of lft st assort- to be found in this city, aud for qualitv and super iority of manufacture 1STOT EQUALJD! AT SMITH'S you will not be deceived into purchasing poor goods as he Warrants Every tiling be sells to be as represented, and at the IaO west Prices. CABINET WORK of all kinds made to order, aad Repairing Done. . ' . V ' AL80 ' Be-rpholsterinf ?ud VanilslilJii:, !. n- a 'i r it, i , t it;.; : IS 'a' '.Z t, He cheapest.; :. n a INhCIlE WITH THE . FI It K AM) 1 1 N IJAS O . HA VIC ATIO M 1. ; JiliKM accepted, s heretofore, at isw ' raus aad, libsral cendi lions... , .. . f . . Blsil XIiSS COXDUCTCI) with toaius, dispatch aadaccsracy. I.t?KS always asst jr. tb. promptness aa . complete vjtistice,y ,.; . Net Assets Januarjf.lS6tt S3,002,556.89. TUU. PL. AN' AMI ORGANIZATION . tneJF.TNA, after jeere severe tnat, has realised tbe greatest .public advantage aad success of the venues ay stems of Fire insur ance in the country. Is now belter, than ever prepared for dut) j4 ( ,( lb',0'0 Loss claims have beee settled end psid XlXTKtN .MII.l IOX OF 1M1LLAHS THE CXSUMPTIOX OK PROPER TY HY FI Kli, sa the United States, aver ages over $100,01)0 daily, la yoor property exposed and unprotected I ARE YOU lNSURKI! If not, why aot The cost is trifling ; the duty is manifest, the result may be your escape from ruin while delay and neglect iay involve yoa ia bsak ' raptcy, poverty or creel disappointment. ' PARTICULAR ATTENTION aad regard is given to small risks as well as large Ample security aad -superior commercial ad vantages a Herded. ) -: - ' Policlea IaMiea Ithout Delay. J. M. BITFORD, Agent. ! HOME INSDEANCE o., OF KRW TORE. TlltRK IS NONE BF.TTEK. CAPITAL, fi2.(MMI,M0.O( eiUKI'LC Si,... ......... I.rX.41i,33 Tittal A h.tfta, w ........ . CHAS. J. Johw Mt-Gcc, Sec'y. ... 3,2ct.27t,33 MARTIN, Pres-U, The Old Hartford aii.-iura'ixicc Cosiipuny, , OK HARIT OUII, ( l)K, (Incorporated 1S10.) Cspital and Surplus, .$!,S4,743,05 SECIIIITY FlttC or dew Capital aud Surplus...... IXlRlXfE voaa. .$7.64,bSl,b4 fONPAXI. . .f 505,340,0- AttlTIC FIRE LNSimtC or new Toaa. Capital and Surplus, SEW E.GLLM FIRE I.Sf IIA.M E Co., HARTFORD, Co. Capital and Surplus... $21?5,S6,74. CITr FIRE LSCUAXtl tOJlVAM, or C AKTFcr ( CON. Capital aad Surples, $309,501,41 K0RTH A5IERICAX lXSlUAXCE. Capital md Suiplus,..,. 317,671,03. Co., For Insurance in aiv- ol tbe above' compaaiee pply to J. M. BUFtlRD, Agent. ' "irfJ f"VA A Caartsved sb. 29, 183. Orcsnised, April e,a9. rmcrrAi oitice at altox, iimois. ' CAPITAL AND ASSETS, ; , $1,200,000. IOHses Paid, over $00,000. Policies issued any pcrkl, not r acceding six ycar on terins as Civorulile aa Uu: liature of the risk will warriiit- -VI 1 Iumcs ojuiulily adjuktei and pnrtnjKly,iuiL . . ... Brx J. F. Ix!to. KUA8 1I1BB Alert. 1 M. O. ATWorm. . . L. KujjoRtiuif.R. T. A. Huffman.. Eqsicrt Smith. ItrTCRT t.E,t. Lvmax Taraiinx. J. W. Scuwtvre, B- K. Hart. ' . pAJIftL Waihe. II. W. Biixiaue. B. L GiAJtAJf. Juhs Atwodu. ; . . C. A. Caldwali , , Joua Atwood, Sec'y. M. O. Arwooii, P-fuidaJL '' L. KtLLrjfBFR4E::, TritJvrer. . ' , . IL W.luUutiS, Cmuuctlvr. '., . J AMES H. BUFOia Ae ... First Nauoaal Baal, Rock IsUad 4 ' : Cbiar-A Kck Island Rail Road.. , , 'l j CHANGE OK TIME. WINTER A A'r'AIY OSMENT ' AOa aad after Sesdsy , -Nov. 6th, aftti 1 lurtset aonceytraias willleave Rock. Island Depot, earollews! 'I' 1 ' I ? Aeojas bast. ; !.-.:"- .v . i Day Cipress aad Mail traia at 7.50 a at., arrmsg Throsgk freight traB at 10;I a Ubicsgo a 4 1 a m. aUpress reigfet'trsna, as'fiUS p. sa., arrtTiag la -.Chicago at 3.10 a. m. ..... . , Night tktprets at 8.0l p ta., arriviag ia Chicago ..t.a:W- ' -.M-,..;.. .:'t .t ,: b i-f .,' raaias assivc raosi raa east: Kyjht Express at 8.30 a' sa., leaving Chicago at 12 mitlBlgb . , ; t ." t press Freight traia, at 7.15 a. as., loaviag Chicago at 3.20 p. aa. .' . Through Freight at 1 p. as., leaving Caicare i.4a a,'. sa.v - t Day Express aad Mail at 4.44 p. as., leaviag Chi , ;csgo st8.l0 a w.1" 4 - , All traias aver this read areia direct coaaect'rea at Chicago with trains over the Miebigaa South era, the Msehigaa Peaual, aad the Pittsburgh aad Fort TVajee Railroad, to aad front Detroit, Jo ledo, Cleveland, Celsmbes.Ciaciasati, Prttsbafgh, Dunkirk, .Beffalo, .Niagara .Falls, Albasy,. ew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, ssd Waahiagtoe Also at LaSalle with traias ef the lUinete Cea tral Road, North to Galcaa aad South to St. Loe-, is, and Cairo. .j r sl : .''----'' Paseeagere are reminded ef the necessity ef gir" ; lag distinct directions as' to the destiaatioa ef their haggsgeialse te procare tickets before taking their eeate ta the .cars, as the conductors collect fare- osly tosutreasoa the tins ef the Chicago aad Rock Island Kajlroad- , . JOHN F. TRACY, Snp'U' " W. H. Wmitmav, AseU Sup't. STERLING AXD ROCK ISLAND R. R. WIXTEK ARRANGEMENT. ON and after Monday, Not. 7, 1864, traine will raa betwcea Port Byroa, Reck Islaad aad CaiCago, daily, Sundays excepted, as follows : . ' LEAVE. " ' Pert Byroa.........:.... ...........7.30 A.M. Hamptoa 7.60 Junction .. M ,. ...... i. .......... .8.1 J Moline 8JM. ABBIVE. . Rock Island 8.30 " Chicago 4.30 P. M . 1 leave. ' " Chicapo '. .8.10 A. M. Rock Island 5.00 P.M. Moline. .....5.10 Juaetioa .. . ......... .....(.SO Bassptoa ... &M) ABBIVE. Port Byroa........... .6.10- ' Tbe above trains will be eabject to the rules aad regulations of the Chictgo It Rock Islaad Railroad Time Tables while oa that read.- . . . L.B. BOOMER, Lessee. Pert Byroa, Ills., Not. 3, IS64. Mississippi & .Missouri Railroad. 1MI-SUJ1JIER ARRANCEMENT.18G4 Trains run by Chicsgotime, which is twelve ania . i -alee faster ttraa Davenport time. OK' -AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 16th, lbo4, aad aatil farther notice, passeager trams will leave Davenport as follows t For Grioaell and Washington, s press, 6:45 a. B). For freight aad accom. lor Grissefl.... 8:30 -For freight aad accom. for Griaoell, Iowa City and Mascaune 2:15 P. M. Trains arrive at'Davenport as follows; Freight and accommoda, from Iowa Citv, 8:00 a. at ' Freight ed accommoda, from Griatfell, aad Washington 4:4$. a. at. Express froca (innnell and Muscatine.. 8.15, r. at. The 5.45 A. hf, train out of Davenport make d i rsct connections atGriaaell, Iowa City aad Wash tegtoa, with the Western Stage Compaaj's Suges for all poiate wsst, eoathwest, aad aorth wesf Trains from the west connect et Davenport with traias of the Chieago fc Rock Islaad Railroad tor all points East North sad South. Passengers are reminded of the aeceesity giviag distinct directions as to the destiaatioa o their baggage. Also to procare tickets before tak ieg their seats ia the care. JOHN F. TRACT, Goal. Sept, -A. Km i all. Asst. Sept. fj yt) W '. a, SURE CURE FOR Tyrprp$ia, Liter Complaints, Conilipatia Cholera Xdrbttt, General Debility, Ker- votunett. Lot of , Appetite, Colic, ' Nervous Headache, Depression ' of Spirits, ' tf"c, Lc., iSx., l'C, CASSILLY CO., WHOLESALE LIQ170R DEALERS . i ' : AKD aTACTACTrIW OF ' XXX ; JMairaoIla aa4 Kectar Whleklee BOLB aiTt FOB THE rHITID STATES. " For sale be Gleibt t HrcLr. eeptl9deai r : H. CoafTeca, Traveliag Agea T l(r GET JOB 'JPlU.Vnd U.Vfc, WiLL. " i ' ' Call at the Arua OfStr VO GET JOB PRINTIKd DtJXE WELL. " t.y, c v- ... -i- .-' Call at the A rfus Office VU 3T JOB PRINTING DONE WLLL, vaU at tka Axgae i A7 A s ri