Newspaper Page Text
h "-t't? f".iiiit stxt - - - - - - , V . , . - r SX ; h ijia.stf ci'i . .si. yt9 . . r . ... . - - -.Of, 7:i l i ?3 .31 CT 0;-t2''U ;'. viS t fiTt ! 11 It- I V-S". ..j .f .m. .i- hi- :-r ;-;ilO0K::: rSCANDr -ILLINOIS;., TUESDAY EVENING .. APRIL 18, IS65 s . 8" t " if I V If I I I W 11 11 . 11 v- 1 3 BOCK 1 8 LIN I) POST OFFICE. Winter Mall Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Mail arrive at 8:30 A. M., and 4:4i P. M. Cloe t 7.20 A: 8tsrling and Rock Island Railroad Mail, via Mo line, VValertown, Hampton, Kipiaa City, Port Byron and Cordova arnvea at 8.30 a. m., and j $loaep ax .30 au jfl " I V Davtnport !Ail rrrvi at 7.5$ ATjVIn4 H.00 ( l.Va ;iaM . A. M., an0ai.ll & LL . Oquawka Mail via Pleaaant Ridge, Haalitt, Ham let, Perryton, Aledo, Monroe, New Boaton and Keithgburg, to Oquawka, leave Monday, Wed neaday and Friday, at 9 A. M. Arrive Tue s day, Thursday aud atuidayt a 441;. bddbiislind Afatf, Tia..i "'Preempt'ion, 'FarTowH Grove, Viola, Pope Creek, "North HeLder uou and Mouraoum to Macomb, leavea Wed waaday ud SatUrdity at 7tA.. Aivea Tue day and Friday at 7 P. M. ' Ctatre Point Aaii, via Uuxal, Px&inanei4, Rich .riald"Sve, Centre- fcidg, Oxtorl, ojth J'rairie "2a HemleraOurio Centre Point, leavea Wed neaday and Saturday at 8 a. m. Arrives Tueadav , andjfnday mtfi e-.n s. -" ( ambridge Mail via. Coal Valley, Pennayivania, Orton .and Andove, 'to Cambridge, leavea Monday and Friday, at 7 A. u Aruvea Tliuri day and Saturday aL,P- M- mm ; , OlficoThoura tromA.i.M. tei,8IJ0 m On Sunday open from 9 to 10 a m. r. TRIItSDALE P.M." s. vt, Purri.iaLL & co., V U. :7, PARK. KOW, New York., &ud G i Statu Street, boaKyi, are our Agenta tor tite D.u..ako VVcccxir 'Aaoos, in those citiea, and 'are Vit-Vred tw' take A.dvertiemfinta"aul Sub sonotions tor us at our LuWtit Jiutet. J.WILSON SlDir C'UOK & lKUKV ED. W. COOK. v3uccesaor ol' Cook; -Dillou Si Ltndley,) 1 Datenport,' Jmoa. w -' - have formed a paaiuersbip tor the VV pratice of Law, t which we ahall devote our neraonal attentiou. Office corner of Main ' K.E1XEKSTRASS 4 FHIEH, D EOTIFIEKS and Manufacturers ofDomea ttic LiuorIaiporteta and Dealers in Foreign JujbI tud Liquors, f ;FriU itreet, opposite Ferry Landing, Rock Island. ,.1uCl. WARSIOCIC JAMES KtLLV. A.NUFACTDK.ERS of Soap , and Can Cash dbssTaod Lard Oil, Rock Island," 111. oaid for Tallow .and Grease LIVERF AND SALE STABLE. THE ' UNDERSIGNED "HAS OPEN ED A Stable on Market Square, Rack Island, where he - keeps a -few !: - ' . ' ? ' ;' ' s-- .Good Worses aud Carriages to Let. He also has a large covered stage wagon for fish ng and pic-mc parties. A share of public patronage respectfully sulic ited. Prices Moderate. -s' ; - . " : V1 Horses' bought anal aold. - - ' - E. G. SPENCER. Manufacturer of T)CH(ES, and wholesale dealer in YAKTKTITi NOTIONS. STORE ON ILLINOIS STREET, in Wi bur's Block, next door to Katsow'e, p. : v" t:atOCKSlAND, IlUBj 'ft-Florene Money Wahted ': FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE GEO. W. COPP is the autnorised Agent for the following Fir and Marine Insurance Companies : Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn., Mer chants, of Hartford, Conn.,. Manhattan, .New York, Corn Exchange New Yerkj'The Liverpool and London Branch office at Cincinnaiti Equit able Lite Assurance Co., New York. r j&f Office In CUaa. Buford's Block." 't ... ' GEO.- Wr COPP; Agent.-: THOMAS 3 . J1DFORD, Rock Island Foundry & Machine Shop 7T KEPS constantly on iand and makes jtc 5 order, Steam Ensinesi Bailers jVater- Wheelsr Miir Irons'' of all descriptions, Store fronts, and all other article made. of rast iron.--Particular attention givea to the roannfacture- ol Boiler and Sheet-Iron Work, as well a Brack' smithing and Steamboat work. Also, dealer id Pig and Sheet, Lead, Block Tib, and Block Z.uc, Wrought Irons, Buttand LapWelded Pipes, ol til sizes. Brass . Cups, Globes, and all articles usn a ly found at a first class foundry and machine hop. ,t r rtctiSiHi STANDAIilt , i r t - i OF ALL KINDS Also Warehouse Truck, Letter Preaw be ; FAIRBANKS, G8EBKLEAP -A ' t ' IT2 Lake Chicago. Sold in Rock Island by HARPER St STEEL 1 jar Becaernl to bsty oaiytire genuine June 27. dwlj. : r-5 , j . j -, I ! J l J ' ! ' ! i' ""' ' ' r vt t a ay-' T w v n TT Ti T7 A P D r a " . . : ... . .,- L.TLlji -' 7 '.3 . T I ' ' A F0EWARING AND COHMLWiOS i MlECHANTB, Dealer sin .,'., . GKAlJs LIMEl III DRAUL1C CEMENT, FIRE BRICK, REAPERSTURESI 'j 1NG MACHINES, 0R$JF7V' TERS, &c. tel'Z -4piarxaJl0B '""--i Northern Lile if a'merr and Hannibal ' .... & St. J.8a K. i . 5 i,'' U ft H )i , Patent AuloirreeUiur r Gaiitieririg Horses A Patent Ilorse ta carry his master, Needa no spur to make him go faster s -.. :. Runs along cheerily as aoon as you stride hiin, Tleady to go wherever you guide hiev v T HESE horseo run rapidly over an j good - road, sidewalk or pais grounds, with a grace- fel canterioa; ' motion, propelled mainly .bit the weigni of tam rider, alternating motion Irora the saddle to the padals, in the act of rising to the motion of the horse, and with about the same am ut of exercise to the rider as in ruling a live horse, ana with, a boat the same amount of exer cise to the rider' as in riding a live horse. They oaay be stalled, stopped, short, r,r controlled in going down hill, by the rider. They will run up a moderate ascent, ir the road is hard and 6rm. Xhev are directed bv the bridle. As the motions nire identical, it is a rood mode ft trainine lor equestrianism. They are unequalled as a means j or agreeable and healthful out door exercise, all ! theyear round, tor adults as weil as for girls and i hoys of two years old and upward. Girls ride by I using the side-saddle horn those under tan years I old usually ride astride. The size fr boys is strong 1 , 'nough to carry a man of 300 pounds weight. On the sidewalk or level ground, a light carriage with a child in it can be attached and drawn. Any per son having bat one leg can ride perfectly well. For prices enquire at the office of this paper, or send stamp for circular and price list. STIiPHliK W. SMITH. 498 Broadway New York. Dr. Ivnapp '& Son PUYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, FOKSEXLT OF KEW TOBK, are treating successfully h Chronic Diseases, I On a New System ! Which embraces the best and most approved uieth ' "ods in this and other countries, for the cure of all Chronic Diseases They treat successfully All Nervous and Neu ralgia Affections, all forms of Scrofula, Dyspep sia, Diseases of the Liver, Consumption,' all Skin Diseases, Pulmonary Consumption in its early stages. Paralysis, Kpilernv, Salt Rheuas, Head aches, all Heart Diseases, diseases of Children and Seminal Weakness, and Sexual Diseases, which are carrying thousands to their graves annually. ESy 5t3a.2. E3r! They treat successfully , on a new method, all dis eases of the Eye and Ear. They have had more ' extensive practice, and uetler success m the treat ' unt "T it! DISEASES OF H OMEN, than any other physicians in America. Thtty have cured women who have been confined to their bjd I for yeais. They never fail to cure j Rheumatism ! n all stages ; no matter how long standing. They cure j ASTHMA, so it never returns.- They have a sure cure for the distressing disease, Hcffiffiorrlioids, or Piles! . They cure all diseases or the . TUJl O A T A 2T D LUNG ST I!)iptb.eria,. C lired ! - They have discovered a i SURE Al) SPEEDY (X'lIU , . l'or tlii Terrible Disease. . It is also a sure cure &r Scarlauna, of Jcarlet Fe ver, which is of the sime clitf ot'disease. It never fails to cure Diptheria er Scariauna in from 12 to 48 hours. It gives relief immediately. PKICK PER BOTTLE. - - 5,K They have had an extensive practice and wonder ful success in the treat rn-irt of Cancirs. which they cure without eating them out or' using the kniie. Let those wo hsve - TUMORS OK SlVEIXlJifiJi, or a Ted spot lose co time in having it attended to, as a timely treatment may save them from the horrors, suii'anng and death oi an open cancer. Oatarrli , Cured-i They are treating Catarrh on a new system which is a Sure Cure for the Ltiseise. Experience ha proved that Catarrh cannot he cured by local treatment alone; the many advertised core forCatarrh, all of which are local remedies,' give relief only while the patient is us rhg them, -but never cure. n Understanding the disease, and we know it can not be cured by local treatment alone, therefore, we also prescribe a constitutional remedy to be taken, aud by the combined local and constitution al treatment, we are enabled to remove Uie cause of Catarrh, and thereby effect A PXai.VlANEJ, r CUBE. .Their consultations for year have averaged from five to seven thousand a year, which give them an experience unsurpassed by any, aud equalled on' ly by a few.', ,, - - - . - ..Remember they dj not promise to care all augesyf disease. Wliile all disease are curable if taken in season, all stages are nox. Your case may be curable this week, aot next to-day, not to-morrow ; hence the danger of delay. No Case will be Received when there are any doubts tif Cure or Relief. Our terms are cash ? hence the money roust be sent with all orders for medicines. It costs from five to fifteen dollar per month, to doctor with us, which include medicine. . . . fca. The poor will be favored. , j if : cossilTatiok fkee!1';;: 1 Patient must writa.theii;aame, state, post of fice address, plainly. AH letter requiring an an swer; must contain a letter stamp, and be address ed toeJr.XNAPP fc SON, Box 6483, Chicago, III. J Anaol tba above diseases can be treated suc cessfully by the patients' describing their case in i letter, when thycancot see ns. 4 t '- j Dr. ffnapp.Vho will visit Rock Island regularly : the future as he consulted at tha Island City t NOnvW May " ; MONDAY, Jly : Smu' "siir '' tO GET THE LATEST Ni:W8 - Subscribe for tho Arena "f TO GET THE 14 TEST KRWK. - - mbscrlbe for the Argtit TO -GET TIIK LATEST 'NEWS,4' Ji if...v ;.-. J !' Subscribe for th Argua 70 GT THB LATEST NEWS,' " . ; . ,; , . i - ' ' -' Subscribe for ihe Argot TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, , V, y. , ,yj Subscribe for the Aost TO-GET THE LATEST NEWS. ,r -..,'s .wc .t...,. ---- 8otmribfteAiM i . i. ..... i v;. INDIAN '": i . . f ROOTS, HAfi-rTS AND LEAVES An u!.f..;ii:.-' 'iirr itr StfmaUtrrha'a, Ssmtmnl III.iZ-m. X-ftMrnnt Kmimtiimt, and all tisases i-;i.i,tl Ity S- tf- IHtitHt, such an Ltuf of Jtemnry, l'i -187'." Prrmatm-t Oid Am, Wrh Ntrtft, Difficulty f Vvatltiiiff, Titm iiug, ii. sjiI all Ih- lir-.-Iul cumiilamts causeU by de inn; Iruui Utt- path f ualure. - TI.U mi ilUIn Uaiininle vegetable extract. Ww'.t.-I. nil ran r Iv, as It lias lH-rn uurd iii i-ir f.r many y'rs, and with thousands lr-ui"i, :t tin nut fullrd In a intrle instance, lit ouraiivr o rs I. sir' heun sufllcient to gain vlo ttry ft-r t:i luiiu't tullorn onsh. i- To tUoii.' who have triJUl iriih thtir etmsti-tiii.-'ii. until liny tliiuk tlirmwlves beyond the reach f mrti'sl ni.i, we would siiy, SBsria mot! tlv tlll HoKKK CI KK will re4ore you to health ami vV'r, aiiil uftr ail quiii'k docturs have failed f f I'rioe Two l'"llnrn p. r buttle, or three bofc-;-,r Five i..l'ars. and furs ftrded by Kxiress te :JI p:irt 1 the world. !Hniphl t ii-nt y iaml free of rvAKe, by DR. IV. K. MERWIN ct CO., ! Uberty St., Ke Yori, aoie Proprtstora. CLAD NEWS FOR TIIF L'SFOBTUXITE. Tuslcniwlitfor Discorerei at Lat Cfures in from, me to three Jays. CHEROKEE REMEDY AHI CHROKEE iNJECTIOii, Compounded from Boots, Barks and Leaves tllKkOKtK UEilED V, the crest Indian PlureUe curs all ilir--s uf tlie Urinary UrKans, such as incontinence of the I'rine, Jitltimmntinn of Hit ll'u'l Irr, IfLtuiTHtitum of the A'uiwvj, A'.'m is M Ui.iiiirt. .Siritiitre, Grarel, Gonorrhea, Glerl. and i eiicciully vecummended In those cases of "tout Mbits, (or Whites in females.) where ail th old iuueous medicines have failed. (rtf It 1 prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dose only bctm; from one to two tesepoon fuU three times per day. t'f It is iliHrehc and nlUnitii In its action : purifying and cleansing: the ti(Md, causing it to flow in allot it. original purity and vtor ; thu remnv u. X from the system all pernicious eatwes which have Induced iliai-iiM:.- CHEKUIiKli INJKtTlON Ututeuded uan al!y or luaistant to th t'berokee Item rdft and should be used In conjunction with that medicine in all cases of tileet. Gonorrhea, Kluor : Allra., or Whites. It effects are liealing, sonthinR, and demulcent ; removing all scalding, beat and pawi. Instead of the burning and almost unendurable pain that Is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. EST" Bv the uof the Oil KROKRE REMBDT," and CHKHUKKk; 1XJHCTION the two medicines st the same time all Improper dlsebarKesu. removed, snd the weakened organs are speedily res tored to full vigor and strength. CePrioe, (Iheroltre Itemed-, 2 per bottle, or three bottles for So. tW I'rice, Ctoerokee Injection, tt per boule, or three bottles fur J. Sent by Lxpresb to any sdilresson receipt of price. "r?Tlie OUerokee Itemed', liero krs liijtetiou and Cfi4rken Chit, are soid by nil enterprisiu).' Iruio:istji in the civilized world. tuuu: unprincipled dettWs, however, try to . sell worthless compounds In place of these : those f Inch they can purchase at a cheap price, and make more mony by st-Uing, than they can on these med cines. As you value your health, aye, the health of your future olisprinx. do aot be deceived by suck -unprincipled Drujrtiista, ajk fur tttrj meUuine and UUt no ntjitiH. If the Druggists will not bny them for you, enclwsu t he money iu a letter, and we will send them to you l.y K.xprcjis, securely sealed and packed free from oonervatiou. Ladies or tientlomen cm addres.5 u la perfect eoofidsnce, ?tatitift fully and plainly" thHr diseases . anal syinfiwms. as we treat all diseases of a chf onlo -nature in male or female. Patients need not hesitate because of their inability to visit in, as we havs treated patients sv. :r xfnlly In all portiuns of the civ Meed globe, by eereiiondeTce. Patients addressing us will please slal plsmty all the symptoms of Uieircomplainta, and write Post . office. County, State and name of writer, plain, and ' Inclose postage stamp for reply. -!& senrf our 1H yigt MrPjiJtUl frtt to any sd- dress. Addresa all lettets for lanipidets or advice to the proprietors, . Dr. W. R, MERWIN A. CO., No. 63 Liberty street. New -Tor. For saleiu Rock Island by Gliem & Hinckley, nd Charles A. Benser. marl Id wow ly . f . , . . ; Es L II. T. AMII0 V & CO.. ManulacturerH ol PUotograiiic Materials, VTU0LEA1.E AND RETAIL 01 BIJOADWAY, N. Y. In addition to our main business of Photographic Materials, we are ueadquarters'l'or the following, Stereoscopes aud Stereoscopic Views ! Of these we have an immense assortment, inclnd. ing war scenes, American and Foreign Cities aud Landscapes. Groups, Statuary, &u., &c. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private ex hibition. Our Catalogue will be sjnl to any ad dress oiTreceipt of stamp. ... r Photographic Albums. . . J E were the first to iutroducc th;6e iutu V V the United States, and we manufacture uu , mense quantities in great variety, ranging la price from iii) conts to 51) each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and dura bility to any others. They will be ent by mail free, on receipt of Jjrice. .. ; , . . .352 Flue Album. .Made to trder. Card PUtograpIi.- y;: , Yfur cktafogue now embraces over five thousand different. sutjecxa (io which addition are tionlia ualry Hieing madcj of ,'Purtrai't of eminent Ameri cyiut.pi$. tixabdu yi,t "- ? ' 100 Major-Cen'eral,! 300 BrigGoawnils, 275 Colonels, l00 Lieutl-Colonel, 2i0 OtkerOfEcera, 75-Javy-Officers, 510 Statesmen, 130 Olivines. 225 Authors, 40 ArtiaU, l2o ?fage, 60 Protamewf Wo men, 150 Prominent Foreign Patriots, 3,000 cop ies of Works of Art, tacludrag production' or t lie most celebrated 'Engravings, Paintings, Statues, flic. ' Catalogues sent en-recoiplof etaaip. -A or der for One- Dnxen Picture from our Catalogue will bo fined on the receipt of HJiO, aad ..mail, Free ' " Photographer and others ordering goods C.O.D, will please . remit twenty-bve per cent of the amount with their order. , s . . a . t; H. ANTHDlf Y k CO.; v Manufacturer of Pb rtographic Material, 501 Broadway, New York..,.-. i.. . ' J The price an4 quality of our good cannot fail to B&Usfy. ' janl2dw. gltsctllancous. -iPtij GOOD, : t ' " BtrT Robacks are Better. ,L ...... ( DR. ROOACK'S STOMACH BITTERS TbtM HiOtn are net ofTereil te the I pnMft " a bi'eJIrloe liat will care all , tlie " Uia that Ccsh Is kelr ta," bat tbty , are an bouest, reliable, remedial ageuL I And are aa rfflcieut and agreeable rera- i later of the sytitm. la all lectiaai ef EOBACK'S BITTERS. toe fouutry, esprciitlly Is the blileai ' .districts ef the West aad Soath West, where they hare bera tab-edited, they are rrrofttmrndrd by the Fhysldang a , hourflcial if taken la proper eaaatUlei 1 i in artordance vitb the directions, as a ! i preventive and ft. re fr lever aad Igae, ' Liver tumplalm. Lllioas Fever, Dyspep- ROBACH'S BITTERS. 1 sla. InJli:fii..D, Jaundlte, Dizziness, I Deorel of Spirits, Lama or. and an l dv.rnr:acnu oft:, digestive fanctloaa, I l'.i.- Vdiiluted reraaas they are parti' I relariy titviLiticodvd, plvlngas appetite I aad slrtn?tii to the vi hole humaa frame. J T:ic. LitLt'r are ulentificallv nre- . . . - ' . U' t parra, ana are or a rare ronal- 7 EOBACK'S BITTERS" I ,i;T M of Uimii. Pl9rta. nrk Tiiet . , . .1:1.1 S.viv wh'r!i have hren fotad most ' j. '-vlii! by i.i.i.; uisjical experience, te I po-rirs- jei-4!iii;e I onic properties In 1 lrv!trn; nil fining the above earn-1 i;..n:iiv ihesr tiUbis are the poor 1 E.m'i. friend, luvin; him many doetor,i II'.!-. as R as the sieli maiTs solare aad 1 HOBACxI'S BITTERS. rauifdrf ; MvUt-riUiitX th wt-al aad urbiriUlnl, liritlus away Muaitltoiy, 1 mal.ini I i if of nrirry one of analUy ed rujotiueuL These Bitters have been inWot! jrid, aud arc boln ncd, not only io the hiS!;Ul, but among the soldiers, ! a an apprti.-er, tonic and rrgnktor of (l;r y-i ;u IhrunhoBl the Army of the 1 ROBACK'S BITTERS.C31 rtti iii, b and Hitii the consent of I l the huiieot mctnuient aatborlty. lit paint r streustli I will aarantee my 1 1 Blttrrs coatain a larger proportion 1 ef reai ntedlciuiil ingrrdienta and rlrtnes I 1 than any other Stomach Elttert la the I 1 market; and by comparison with others 1 I It in be seen at onre, that they are I ROBACK'S BITTERS. ' 1 stronger', and upon trial a ill he Icnad ore effleirnt, than fl otlters they ar . apreeablo to the taste, InTirorattiiy; In ! effert, made of good materials, and article that all my customers parchaso 1 the second time with equal satlNfaetiwa. k Lrt every body try them and they win be 1 fully convinced of tlie troth of the above DIt.C..KOIlACli, t . " Cindimatl, Ohio, Pruprictor af Btomach Bitters, Blood Purifier, Blood Fills, Catawba Sc Swedish Brandies, l"f A. XHK, htcato, Gen'l Atct. Bold at wholenle In Chlcsjw by FULLER. FIN'OB rULLKK, and all DruKeist,. Mf Country Merchants and Il-n'.rr, supplied bv ... a. V. CROSktY, and C. H. BKCKVTITU. Colcsxo. Bold by For sale by tilnini it Ifinckley and Cbarle A Benser, Rock Island. 3? CJElSnTXJEE AND CALL AT Furniture Store! ;' MXI DOOM TO THK ' ROCK HLAM) HOUSE, J i; . . ' ; ,4.'. . ' ' where will be found at all time the best assort : . meat of to be found jo this city, audio quality and super iority of manufacture 1 1 Vt A T SMI T H ' S yo -will not be deceived into purchasing poor '-" " ' - - good a he , .. . .: : .-. 1 . -' Warrants Everything , be sells U he as represented, and at the - I, invest Prices. ,t CABINET WORK ... . , . : . . , of all kinds made to order, and1 .. ... : .'...1.' : ; '. . o .. . Repairing Done. ALSO J ::.: Ee-Cpbolstering nd Varnishing. iJnuraurc. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. IXSIRE ldTH THE ir'.i I. FIRK AM) l.VLAM) NAVIGATION KI"';9 accrptcd, now a heretofore, at feif rilwvtad liOtra! Conrf;:iars. 5. 1JUSINESS COXlUCTl:l w:thcontaa dispatch and accuracy. 3. I.lMoSES always tuet with, proiuptaeaa aa . complete justice. Xtt Assets January-, ISttI, S3,002,556.39. 4. TUB PLAN AM) ORGANIZATION o the AITNA, after 45 years severe trif.. Las Realized the greatest public tdrsLttge and ucceas of the various system of F,re Insur ance in the country. 1 now better than rvar prepared lor duty. 6. ib,(HKl Loss claim have beea settled aud paid MUtLN MILLIOKOFIKILLAKSH 6. TIllS CONSUMPTION OF PKOPEIi I V ltY ! I KtU in the United States, aver ages over i0,Uu0 daily, la your property iposcd aud unprotected t 7 AKli ()U INsiUKiiDt If not, why not t The cost i trifling the duty is mrait'est , toe result may be your escape tram ruia while delay and neglect suay involve you in bank ruptcy, poverty or cruel disappointment. S PAKTICU1.AK ATTIvNTiON aud regard i given to small risk a well a large oae. Ample security aud superior coiamercfal ad vantages aftorded. ' Policies likue lvithout Delay. . : J. M. BUFORD, Ageau HOME INSURANCE o.. O SKW TURK. TiitRE 13 NONE 'BETTER. CAPITA I.......;. ..."..-i.M.iK.MJ SlIKI'Ll'S,.,.. l.Stt,0,33 lotal Ai-sc I , 3,2t0,7O,33 CHAS. J. MARTIN, Prest. Johm Mctiit, tec'y. The Old Hartford !t:su lattice Company, OK It A Ki tOKI), t (IN. (Incorporated lisill.) Capital and Surplus,... I, 284,743,06 SEtrUITl FIHE I.SIUIME r., or HEW TOBK. Capital aud Surplus $7,64,081,84 AKITIi: FIRE IXSiaiXCE 10)IPAM, CT NEW TOBK. Capital aud Surplus,.... ....$CO.",540,0- NEU E.tLiM FIUE IXSTRAXfE Co., -or- lIAKTFOiLI', Conm. Capital and Surplus $2I"j,s.,74. CITY FIRE IXSIRLME (Oii'AXY, " Or H AETFlF rf COSS. Capital and Surplus, 309,S01,41. SOUTH AMERICAN 1SIR.(E to., Capital and Suipiu,....$327,C7l.u0. For Insuranre in aev of the above' companies apply to J. M. HDFORD, Agent. aK T " I F fsW lib, t LLl F a u.r s . . r : 3 - w sc. ar - Cbartered Teb. S3. 1JJ9. . Organiaed, April 4. 18ML rmxiriL office at alion, illoois. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 1,200,000. Iac Paid, over $800,000. rolicica issued f. r anr Twrhsl, nit eceedlne; fix wears, on term as fhvnrahl its the nature of the riks will warrant. AH losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Tloiiixl of Ilr?ytorii. Hexj. F. Uno. ", Jltsnr Lea. ElJAS ItlltltAUK I.YJLVX TKlMBfti. it. . Arvv4xi. m . J. av. Scuwiurra. . L. Krxt.EXUKP.fiKn." ' " P.. K. IUkt. T. A. UotTMAx.x. - F.oivax "Wade. . ' EottERT etsimr. ' ir. TT. r.iLUxos. 4JU3 Arwooo. It. I. Glut AX. C A. CAr.nwr.ix. Jotiw ATvroon, vy. jr. O. Aworm, PrenJmL L. KKlxt.Mibi4otK, Troatwer. IL Vr. lMJUSii, CbmntcUor. ''. ' ol V-eTsii-'j JMtiU CerljiffmL. JAMES M.' BLTORD, Agent office l Firt National Baak, RockUlaad -i . r f ' --'h m ,1 Chicago Jt stsck Island Rail Road. - . CHANGE OK TIME, j 3 W I XT.Efi A 11 R AX aXsIOT, Oa aad after Sunday, Nov. Cth, 1SC4, -BBiiT farther nonce araias will leave Koch Island Denoa asfollaww: ..... oiao aasr. Day' Jkxprma aad Mail train at 7.60a as., arriving a Chicago at 410 p zn. Through freight train at 10.1 j 'a m., arriving ia . tmcirei'siiin. Eipress Tigat uaia, at 6.43 p. aa., ar&riaa ia Chicaco at 9.10 a. so. - Night a.i press atH.UO p aa., arriving Chicago as.vua.B. . a i.-. r i - aaatv raoat tbi kast: Night iUpress at -i0 a , loavuig Chicago at 12 ndmp!it. ... . - Crpra Vr1(!i traia, at 7.16 a. m. leaving Chicago at 3.20 p. ia. .. . - .t .. . Through i-'rejgbl at I p. nu lata? Cnicaeo 3.46 r. m. Day Ziprcn aad Mail at 4.4i p. nm., ieavag'-Chi- agn at 8.1U t a. A:i triik. ovtsr this road aicia direct coaaectioa at Chicago- with trains ovr the Michigaa Soath e.u, ti.e -N..c:gaa Cti.Ua:,aBd tkoPiuaborgh aad Fo.t IV ay ce Kailroad, to and from Detroit, To ledo, Ciev!and, Cciemlvva.Ciacinbatirttaourgh, Dunkirk.,. l.t;La.v, aia Fails -Aioaajt New Yori , 1 i..:oe1phia, Baltimore, and Waa&tcgtoa AIo at LaJ alle with train of the IMrani cen tral Koad, Aarth to G'taa sad ecathto U.Lo- is, Ld Cairo. , t l v. . Passtngers tre eitu.di of Ue aaceaaUy of gi iag distinct aa to the destination of the i baggage, also to procure ticket halore taking the i eau ia ti.e cars, a the conductor collect fare only to aUuonsoa the line of the Chicagoaad&ock Island Railroad. vHN F. TKACY.SnpU. "W. H. Wmitjsaj, A't Sup't. STERLWC AXD ROCK ISL1XD E. R. VV1NTEU AKRANGEilENT. UXr-nd after Monday, Nuv.7, 1864, train wiii rn ssts.u. I.t byroa,Kock Island aad Caicago, daily, Sudsys excepted, a follow : itAvr. '. Port Byron ..........7.30 A.M. Hampton........ ...7.fiO JuBCtlOB .......................... ..b.10 MohBe..i,.... MM .....8.24. Rock. Island... .... Chicago ..r.; 8.30 4.30 P. M. X 8.10 A.M. .....ft.' p. i. ...6.10 " 4.30 - 5rwr Ctucago.M Rock lais-ad Aiwi.i... ...... ....... JuaclrfMa. ........ .. Hampton. ABBIVX. Port Byron .6.10 " Tha above train will b subject -to the rnle and regalauon f the Chicago it Rock Island Railioad Time Table while on that road. L- B. BOOMER, Lessee. Port Byroa, 111., Nov. 3, Ib64. .Mississippi Si Missonrl Railroad. IcV64-SUMMER AKRANCEMEXT.I864 Trains ra by Chicago time, which is Twelve naia Btea faste- thaa Davenport time. OX AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 16th, 1S64, and nntil further notice, passenger train will leave Davenport aa follow t For Gnnnell aad Washington, Ef press, 5:45 a. at. For freight aad accom. lorGriaaoll.... b:30 For freight and accom. lor Gnaneli, low City and Muscatine. ....... ...2:15 p. a. Train arrive at Davenport a (o!low j Freight and accommoda, from Iowa Cilv, 8:00 a. at Freight and accommoda, from Grinael'l, , and VVaahington Express from Gnnnell and Muscatine. .8.16, r. at. The 5.45 A. M. traia out ofDavenport make ii roctcoBoectioBt Gnnnell, lows City and Waah tagton, - with the Western gtage Company Stages for all point west, aoathwest, aad north west Traiu from tde w..(rn...i r . train or the Chicago at Rock Island Kaiiroad lor .1, v. " v- x..i .mrin ana Mcin. Passencer are reminded nf tV. ' giving distinct direction a to the destination o their baggage. Ala to procure tickets before tak ing their seata ia the car. JUUA jr. TRACV, ConL Snat. A. KlBtSALl, Asst. Supu .f? . Ksi, SURE CUBE FOR" Dyspepsia, Licer Complaints, . ConstipiCio J VAoUra Morbus; General Debility, Ner rousness. Loss of Appetite, Colic, . Nervous HeadacXe, Depression - 'of Spirits, . '" ': ' ; fxr- c-s dy: :,-n"n'i ' ; CASSILLY Jc CO., " " WHOLESALE UQITOR DEALERS 1VD fiKrtiPDiB waSJSBBSBSBWMBBBS. - f y - BOLE ACC5TS F0I TBS CMITKO STATSS- ,- ' rOTHls bv OlVlsIr Rrrn.. T ' eptldbo . H.CosToca,Traveiint Aioar .I-. VB ie.'Jli, I V K .nil -1 a H"' GET Jou, Piuilti vO.J ,' filiis; t' T i ' " Cal at th ArfV O'iser , IO GET JOB PRINTING; IO.NK WaU, ... - - -c.- -- - Call at tr ArrnToc ro GET JOB PEIXTIXG DONE WELL, Call at tLn Argus Office. i1 f i 1 i i I '1