Newspaper Page Text
.CSS..a.aaaiS..Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa5.SSSSla5SlS!S!!Sl!lS ' c : .- . . 1 ROOK ISLAND. ILLINOIS SATURDAY EVENING MAY 0, IS65. . ROCK ISLAND POST OFFICE. Winter Mall Arrangement. Chicago and Rock Island Railroad Mail arrives at 8:30 A. M., and 4M5 P. AI. Closes at 7.20 A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Sterling tad Rock Ialaad Railroad Mail, via Mo line, Watertowa, Hampton, Kaptus City, Fo,rt Byron and Cordova arrives at 8.30 a. m., and closes at 4.30 p. in. Davenport Mail arrives at 7.60 A. M., and 8.00 ' P. M. Closes 8.00 A.M., aad 4.15 P." M. Qqutiwka Mail via Pleasant Ridge, Hazktt, Ham let, Perryton, Aledo, Monroe, New Boston ajid . Keithaburg , to Oqoawka, leaves Monday, Weri nesday ana Friday, at 9 a. h. Arrives Tues- . day, Thursday and Satin-day, at 4 r. m. ' ; ' "Macomb Mail, Via. Preemption,' Farlow'e :' .Jrove, Viola, Pope Creek, . North Hetder on and Monmouth to Macomb, leavea Wed nesday and Saturday at ? A. at. Arrives Tues day -and -Friday tl 7 r. a. Centre Pe-int 'Mail, vra Rural, Prairiefield, Rich land S'ove, Centre Ridge, Oxlord, North Prairie a -a Henderson, to Centre Point, leaves Wed nesday and Saturday at 8 a. m. Arrives Tuesday j and Friday at tp.a.V : , . . -A X I : ... i ambrid ge Mail via: Coal Valley, Pennsylvania, Orion and Andover, to Cambridge, Jeaves Monday and Friday, nt 7 a. at. ' Aruves Thurs day and Saturday at 6 r. at. Office hours trom 7 a. m. te 8.00 r. . On Sunday open trom 9 to 10 a an. r. TRUESDALE P.M. u$inriS5 (Saras. s. i, irriii,.LL & Co., V"0. S7, PAItK. ROW, New Tort, and 6 1.1 State Street, Boston, are our Agents lor the Daily and Weekly Argus, in those cities, and .re authorized to take Advertisements and Sub scriptions lor us at our Lowst Ilatet. LIU" PARTNERSHIP. JSO. F. CnoK. J. WILSON DAVIT ED. W. COOK. COOK. & ORURY, i Successors of Cook, Dillon & Lindiey,) Davenport, Iowa. WE have farmed a partnership for the pratice of Law, to which we shall devote our pergonal attention. Office corner of Main' and 3rd Streets. COOK & DRURY. KELLERSTRASS & FRIES, RECTIFIERS and Manufacturers ofDomea tic Lquors, Importers and Dealers in Foreign inesanJ Liquors, r ronl street, opposite erry Landing, Rock Islaud. Rrn- v.-JXMtl tCLLT. .V AKSOCK & KELLY, . AN' U FACT U REUS of Soap and Can 1 dies, and Lard Oil, Rock Island, III. Cash oaid Tor Tallow and Grease LITEilT AXD SALE STABLE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A Stable on Market Square, Rock Island, where he keepa a lew Good Horses and Carriages to Let. He also has a large covered stage wagon For fish ng and pic-nic parties. A share ot public patronage respectfully kolic ited. JUS' Prices Moderate. Horses bought and sold. E. G. SPENCER. - Manufacturer of . ' (VI A T CHE S , and wholesale dealer in "5TA.lVnECT3T3 NOTIONS. STORE ON ILLINOIS STREET, in Web ber's Block, next door to Keisow's, KOCK 1SL.AKD, Illinois. 3,Florence Money Wanted. FIRE, MARINE AXD LIFE . G1 EO. W. COPP ia the autnorised Agent J" for the following Fire and Marine Insurance Companies: Phoenix, ol Hartford, Conn., Mer chants, of Hartford, Conn., Manhattan, New York, Corn Exchange, New York, The Liverpool and London Branch office at Cincinnati Equit able Lite Assurance Co., New York. $zjr Office lu Chsu. Bntord'e Block. GEO. W. COPP, Agent. THOMAS J. BUFORDi TIOPBIITOl orTi Rock Island Foundry & Machine Shop KEEPS constantly on hand and makes tc order, Steam Engines, Boilers, Water Wheels, Mill Irons of all descriptions, Store, fronts, and all other articles made of rast iron. Particular attention given to the manufacture of Boiler and Sheet-Iron Work, as well as Black smithing and Steamboat work. Also, dealer in Pig and Sheet Lend, Block Tin, and Block Z.ncj Wrought Irons, Buttand LapWelded Pipes, c';tl) sizes. Brass Cups, Globes, and all articles ni a ly found at a first class foaadry aad machine hop. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES OF' ILL KINDS Also Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses fee FAIRBANKS, GBEENLEAF it CO 172 Lake CUlcago. . Sold in Rock Island bj HARPER k STEEL' jS- Be careful to buy only the genuine. , June 27. dwly. J. H. LA.SGLET, G. W. 0. HARRIS, J. II. LANGLET & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in GRAIN, LIME, U1DRAUL1C CEMENT, FIRE BRICK, REAPERS, THRESH ING MACHINES, CORN PLANT- f. TERS, fcc. dc . AGKNT8 FOB Northern Line Steamers and Hannibal & St. Jo. S. R. Lxtek. I Bock Island, J Illinois.; BspLfitk. judical Mackenzie's , w Patent AiiloIPropelliBff Cantering Horses A Patent Horae to carry his master, Needs do spur to make him go taster; Runs along cheerily aa soon as yoa stride him, Ready to go wherever yea guide him. v - rPHESE horses ran rapidly over any good X road, tidewatk or park grounds, with a grace ful cantering motios,, propelled mainly by the weight of the, rider,, alternating motion Irom the saddle to the padala, in the act of rising to the motion of the horse, and with about the same am nt of exercise to the rider as in riding a live horse, and with about the .same amount of exer cise to the nder as in riding a live horse. They may be staited, stopped short, cr controlled in going down hill, by the rider. They will rua up a moderate ascent, if the road is hard and firm. They are directed by the bridle. As the motions are identical, it . is a good mode of training for equestrianism. They are unequalled as a means for agreeable and healthful out door exercue, all the year round, for adults as weil aa for girls and boys ot two year old and npward. Girts ride by -: i ii.--ddle horn thoae under ten years iIuulu... v.. astride. The size far boys is strong ii..!;-:, i. j curry a man of 300 pounds weight. On the sidewalk or level ground, a light carriage witii a child in it can be attached and drawn. Any per son having hut one leg can ride perfectly well. For prices enquire at the office of this paLer, or send stamp for circular and price list. STEPHEN V. SMITH. 498 Broadway New York. CILL OX roit Picture Frunes ! PORTRAIT AND FIHTRE FRAMES, -f every description, on'hand and made to order. or Ambrntype and Photographs, of all varieties, cheaper than ever! OLD FRAMES RE-CULT. Old Paintings Cleaned, repaired and varnished so as to give perfect satisfaction. 5-Shop in Webber's new block, Ills. St., up stairs NEW FIR THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY IN FORM THE CITIZENS OF JRooli XslJZLcL and the public generally, that they have purchased the well known and popular DRUG STORK or Dr. C. E. CLACIU. It will be their effort to keep a full ao Cum. plete Stock ot all such articles aa pertair to their line of business i .- ' & - THEIR '"'" " ill be FRESH, WELL SELECTED and of the BEST quality. ' . jS3T- Physicians' prescriptions carefully com -pounded. GLE1M & HISiCkibY. CARD FROM DR. CLA.CIUS. I take this occasion to inform tuy old friend and customers, and . the public generally, that 1 Have, sold my Drug Store to Mesnrs. Glcim & Hinckley. Mr. Gieioi, who takes charge of the business, in old and experienced Druggist, whom I can con fidently recommend to the public as a practica Druggist, and in every respect competent to lake charge of the business. I cheerfully recommend the new firm to the good will and patr jnage of all my acquaintances, and the public generally. Oct. y. dwtf. C. E. Clacics Card Photograph Portraits. For .ALBUMS, . m the most artistic style, to be had at GAYFORD Ik SP&IDEL'S. A MB EOT l PES, Not surpaased.this side of New York, taken at GAYFOiiD i. PHOTOGRAPHS, jAIljsices, in the highest style of art, to be had at, Gajford k Spei&eVs Gallery, ii Webber's Itlcck. PRICES M 0 D R R A 7 E The Best place to Buy BOOTS Zt SHOES is at E TURNER'S, in Palace Row, near Court Square. He will sell Cbeaper than any other I'laee west ol Chicago. and you can depend that any article yon get of him ia just exactly what he recommends it to be He has A VERY LARGE' STOCK ol all kinds of goods in his line, and . He Wont be lnderaold by anybody ia this region of conntry; By strict attention to the wanta of the pablic he hopes to retain all his old customers, aad add to his list many new ones. Remember the place Palace Row, near Court Square. . . w B.'TURNXR. IHtsrrUancous. . & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. Manufacturers ot Photograhie Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . BROADWAY, M. Y. In additiaa to our main business of Photographic Materials, we are neadquartervfor the following, via : Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views ! Of these we have an immense assortment, includ ing war scenes, American aad Foreign Cities snd Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, &.c, &.C Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private ex hibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of stamp. Photographic Albnras. , W 7E were the first to iulroauce these into the United States, and we manufacture nn mense quantities in great variety, tanging ia price from Mi cents to S50 each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and dura bility to aay others. They will bo sent by snail free, oa receipt of price. fc.s?lne Albums Made to Order. Card E'hotographs. Our catalogue now embraces over five thousand different subjects (to which additions are contin ually being made J of Portraits of eminent Ameri cana, fcc, viz : about 100 Major Generals, 200 Brig -Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 250 Other Officers, 75 Navy Officers, 5M) Statesmen, 130 Divines, 225 Authors, 40 Artists, 12 Stage, 50 Prominent Wo men, 150 Prominent Foreign Patriots, 3,1'00 cop ies of Works of Art, including productions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, S.c. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An or der for One Dozen Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on the receipt ot $1,80, and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and others ordering goods C.O.D. will please remit twenty-Sve per cent of the amount with their order. E. t. H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Ph itographic Materials, 501 Broadway, New York. 5iThe prices and quality of our goods caanot fail to satisfy. janl2dw. THE : ' ANNUAL CVCLOMIA AND REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE YEAR Ucn. UN Presenting to the public amurier volume of the Annual Cyclopaedia, containing the record ot the most turouieni year which the coun try has witnessed, no efforts have been spared to secure its completeness and accuracy, and to pre serve it free from every mark of partisanship. The principles adopted in the previous year have taken effect, and many rew and moat im portant questions arose under them, sad wete discussed during 1SG3; such ascantiscatioa, eman cipation, indemnity ctFiCil and pecuniary, the re lations of the insurrectionary states to the Uaion, personal liberty, mirun! law, prize, the liability ot Great Britain lor damages done by ilie Alabama, 4tc, fee. These discussions are embraced in its contents, together with the important civil and po litical measures of the Federal and State govern ments; an accurate and minute history of the struggles of the great armies and their battles, il lustrated with maps and plans of actions taken from official copies ; the debates ot the Federal and Conederate Congresses; financial measures of the government, commerce, &c, fcc ; the pro ceedings id the Confederate States to maintain the war and establish their government ; also, all the exciting movements in foreign countries ; the de velopments in the physical sciences ; the progress of liters'ure; mechinical inventions and improve ments ; the stupendous enterprises of the govern ment connected with the war, such as hospitals for the army, the manufacture of ordnance, and the trade regulations in insurrectionary dint nets. The present statistics of the religious denomina tions, the sketches of the eminent persons debased in 18d3, etc. The ccntents are arranged in an alphabetical order, and accompanied by a most complete In dex. The volume ia in the style of the New American Tyclopajdea, and will match the vols, tor l'il and 1 5t2. of tins annual. The work ia published exclusively by subscription, and is ele gant and substantial. Price ami Style of Binding of Each Annual Volume, IStil 1G2, 18(13. In Cloth, $5,00 In Sheep. 6,(0 In Hall Mor. t;,6u In Half Run., 7 f.O In Full Mor., 9,00 In Full Rus 9,(0 And to insure a uniform price and regularity in the delivery of the volume to subscribers in all parte of the country, local agents are appointed in all the citiea and principal towns in the States and Territories. I. APPLETON &CO Publihers, mca4dwtf. 443 & 445 Broadway, N. Y. GKOVESTEEX 1 CO., Piano Forte Manufactuers 499 BKOADWAY, SEW" YORK. 'HE attention rt the public and the trade i invited to our New Srale 7 ictave ose wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and nurity ol tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain ail the modern im provements, French Grand, Ila p Pedal, Irtin Frame, Over.Strung P.asi, Jfcc., and each in strument being made under the personal supcrvi sion ot Mr. J. H. Grovetteen, whr has had a practical experience of over 30 years in their man ufacture, is ful iy warranted in every particular. The " Grovesteen Piano Forte' received the highest award of merit over all (alhers at the Cel ebrated World's fair, where were exhibited instru ments from the best makers of London. Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at the American Inst its te for five successive years, the gold and ailver med als trom both of which can be seen at our -loom. By the introduction ot improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte and by manfactar ing largely, with a atrictly cash system, are eaab ed ta offer these instruments at a price which will preclude competition. Prices No. 1, Seen Octave, ri.und corners Rosewood plain cae, 9275 No. 2, Seven Octave, round coiners, Rosewood heavy Moulding S300. No. 3, Seven Octave round corners, Rosewood Louis XIV style $325. Terms: Net cash, in cur rent funds. Descriptive circulars sent free. jan!3dwfy. ALl BUSINESS AMD PRO FES ION AL HE Should Advertise in the Aigua. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN 8hould Ad vert we in the Arrua. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MES Should Advertise in the Argus. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL .MEN Should Advertise in the Aran. ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Should Advertise in the Argaa. -. -ALL BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL XXX btkouid AdTmrUao ia vb iKHsttllatttous. GHEKiiUtlS; JBG GOOD, Bl'T Eobacks are Better. 1 BR. ROBACK'S ST0MACH BITTERS I These inters are a at affered to the aablic as a medicine thai win rare all I the " Ills tlut fifsh ia heir ta " ant thai arf as Laoest, reliable, remedial ageat, 1 aad are an rfi'.cieat aad agreeable regk i later ef the system. I a all seeUea ef 1 KOBACK'S BITTERS. the CaaBtry: epwially fa the bUleu I distrlttj ef the West and Seith TTet, 1 , where they bate bee a Intredaeed, they 1 : axe reeemBeaded by the Phjrictanj as ' heneSrial If Ukea la prefer aaatitlea i la aecorduee with the dlrertleaa, u a 1 re ? eative and cart fer Frrer aad Igie, ' , Urer foai plaint, Blllaas Fever, Dyspep- I I EOBACK'S BITTERS. 1 sia. ladltrrstloa. Jaundice. DIzxlneM. 1 !)rnredaa ef Snlrlta. Laaranr. anil all i 1 derangements ef the dlfestlte faariloaa. For Debilitated Peraeu they are partU ' I CBlarly reeaoimrndtd, pfrlag aa appetite l and strength te the whole hnmaa frame. 1 These Bitters are ttlentlfieanj pre- 1 1 pared, and are made ef a rare ternVU ItROBACK'S BITTERS! Iniiliua af Rnu's Plants, Herbf, Barka I aad SesJ-s vt:i h hate bees feand nett I leifi-eidnl by Inns msdieal experienee. te prs the NjoW!e Taolc properties la I re!li!'ifr a;;.'! rcrins the above tom- lnUim-. Tlne E'.t:;r are the poor' I maaN fKeud. av;;:? him maay dor tar 'a 1 bills vell as t!ie rlrh maa's solare aad ' ROBACK'S BITTERS. e.rnfi)-t : iamov;;ii the weak aad dt'blHt.V.eJ, Jriviii; avraj nielaacholy, ini a lif;1 of iir' rry one of ooailey- , ed cejr.vaient. Thes? Ciitm tave been Inlrndseed. and arc being asrd, not oaly tu tiie Knon'.tals hot among the ealdlera, I as an apprtler, tunic aad regulator ef I 1 the ststeai tureusheat the Arm; of the 1 i . . ROBACK'S BITTERS.C5 Sortb, bj aad wit'j the roaeet af I the liiDe-it surernatrat anthorlty. la point of strength I will guarantee my Killers to eoatala a larger proportion i of real medicinal ingredients and rlrtaea than anf other Stomach Bitters la the1 maraet ( aad by eemparbea with ethers ' U will he seea at ance, that they are I ROBACK'S BITTERS. . stranger, and a pen trial win be faaad ' sere efflrleat, than all others ; they are , agreeable te the taste, larlgerating la i effect, made of good materials, aad aa 1 article that all mj easterners parchasol 1 the second time with eanal satisfactlea. , Let erery bod; try them and they will bo i rally roarlncrd of the trntb of the above. ' TTt. C. "W. KOBACIf, Oneinnati, Cbio, Proprietor af Stomach Bitters, Blood Purifier. Blood fills, Catawba & Swedish Brandies, b'(-A. ttMH, blcaav, Weal Act. Rold at wholesale In Clilces by FCXLEK. FINCH a FULLER, and all UraitiHi. fV Countrv Mrrchanu anit TVa'xrs sanptlea by . K. CBOe&KV, aud C. U. BECa WITH. Cbiaace. 6uld Uj For sale by Gieira te Hinckley and Charles A Beaser, Kuck Island. :fuenituee AND CALL AT vS35aIE:Ix,23:, & Furniture Store! !rxr COOK TO nir ROCK NLVMI IIOLK, . where will be found at !1 tmes the b-st assort ment of to be found in this city, sod for quality and super iority of manufacture' 1STOT PJQUALIUD! AT SMITH'S you will not be deceived into purchasing poor goods as he Warrants Everything he sells to be as represented, and at the .lowest lriccs. CABINET WORK! of all kinds asado to order, aad Repairing Djpue. ALSO? Ee-rpholslerlBf nd Tarnishing. 1 THEE BEST THE CHEAPEST. 1XSCRE W ITD TIIE r . . 1. FIRE AM iJiLANU NAVItiATIOIS KlSiKS accepted, now as heretofore, at fair rates and liberal cond. lions. 2. BUSINUSS CDXUUCTED with coaitaa dispatch and accuracy. t 3. LUWES always met with, promptness aa . rompleta justice. Xet Assets January. IS64, S3,002,556.39. a. the: flan ano ohuanizatiox the TNA, after 43 years severe trial, has realized the greatest public advantage and success of the various systems of Fire Insur ance in the country. Is now better than over prepared for duty. 6. 16,000 Loss claims have been settled and paid MXTlitN MILLION OP DOLLARS 6. THE CONSUMPTION OP PROPER TY II Y FIRE, in the United Mates, aver ages over IUU,UU0 daily. Is your property exposed and unprote cted f .. 7 ARE YOU INMJKLvIbA ir not, hy notT Tii a cost is thiFvuty is out aifest the result may be your escape troia rain while delay and neglect may involve you in bank, ruptry, poverty or cruel disappointment. R PARTICULAR ATTENTION and regard ia given to small risks aa well aa large ones. Ample aeennly and superior commercial ad vantages atiorded. Policies lKoed Without Delay. J. M. BUFORD, Agent. HOME HTSDHsANCE o.i OF KKW TOR K. THERE IS NONE BETTER. CAPITAL. ZUMM,H0J(0 M KfLI S I.2te,21033 Total Aeta 3,Xe.2f OIS CHAS. JT. MARTIN, Pree'U Johw McGr.t, Sec'y. . . - The Old Hartford 5 iisurance Company, OP I1ARTFOHD, CONN. (.Incorporated 1810. Capital aad Surplus, H4s4.743,0d SElllilir FIRE IrRl.fE Co., or new voaK. Capiial aud Surplus.. .$7,64,661 ,64 ARCTIl' FliiE IXSrilLNTE (0MPAM, or new ToaK. Capital aad Surplus,. ....?6O5,540,0" XEW EKGLL1) FIRE ttsriiAACE Co. UAKTFUKP, Conn. Capital and Surplus $J15,SSS,74. CITY FIRE LsriLLCE C02IFAXY, ir HARTreifj cox. Capital aad Surplus, $309,501,41; X0RTII AMERICAS IXSlTRiXCE Co., Capital and Sui pi us,.... $327 ,67 1,00. For Insurance in a"V ol the above' companies apply to J. M. BOORD, Agent. 1tKj"l W v4 i" Cbartered Ttb. 23, 1839. Orcanised. April 4, IBS. ruLxciTAL crncE at altox, nmoa CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 14200,000. Jjohsch Paid, over $.800,000. Policies Issued fur any period, not exceeding- tlx rear, on terms aa fcvoraMe aa the nature of the risk will warrant. All lossct equitably adjusted and promptly paid. TJontxl of IMreotor. BF.2W. F. IX)NG. llEXBT J,r.A. EUAB lIlRBARU. LtMAS TtlUBTU. M. G. AtwnoD. J. W. gema arra. L. KtLu..ntu.Kn. f R. IC. IIabt. F. A. HOH XANX. S.UII EI. Wape. Eobekt Smith. U. W. Buxixua. John Atwood. b. I. Giulax. C. A. CALlWtLI , Johx Atwoou, 5ecV. 21- G. Atwood, PrttidmU I- K E LLiut a wio na, Treasurer. XL W. lilLUJCOS, Ctmntrllor. Tom BlaisubiX, CenerulJpmL JAMES M. nimiRD A nut a(Rm .1 First NaUoaal Baak, Reekie aad a x. Chicago & Rock Island Rail Kod. ; CUAHGB OP TIME. , WINTER AHB'ASfllMBNI : Oa and after Saadayi Kor. 6th, 1864, oaul farther aottco,traia wiii leave Rock Ialaad Depot as followa : oike hit. Day Eipresa and Mail traia at 7.50 a I ia Chicago at am. ., arriving Through freight 10: 1 i am. arriving ia Chicago i' 4 li i m. Express I reigbt train, at 5.45 p. aa., arriving ia Chicago at 9.10 a. m. ' " Sight Ai prose ata.OO p n.arriviag ia Chicago . at 6.vua. aa. . . TBAias aaaivc raoai tai kast: Night i pre at 8.20 a at., ieaviag Chicago at at aiM a f mlm - Ezprcas Freight traia, at 7.15 a. aa., Ieaviag Uiumio 21 n m Through Freight at 1 p. nxi, leaving Caicago 6.45 n. m ' Day Erpre-ss aad Mail at 4.45 p. m., Ieaviag Chi- rm UN III i. - . All trains over this rus r.ii jlr -t . v .w v.. . . mm ftivs at Chicago with trains over the Aliceigaa Sooth era, the Michigan CeaUal.aad thoFitubargh aad Fort Wavna Aaiiroad. to mnA fmn n-t... t. ledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati. Pittahareh. Duuaio, niagara raus, Albany xsew York. Philadelphia, hlllimnn mnA VL Also at I a K a 1 1 if k m.C III..... a tral Road, orth to Galeae aad Soatb to etvLoa- s, ua vairo. Passenrersare reminded nf iK ivmhii r ... iag distinct directions aa to the desuaation of tnai eggage, alao to procure ttckeu bolore taking tiei aeata ia the cars, aa the conductors collect fare oaly to stations oa the line of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad. JOHN F. TRACY. Snn't. W. H. WaiTMAW, Aae't Sap't. STEHLLG AAD EOCK ISLAND Be K VISTIiR AKRAKGEMEXT. fS and after Monday, Not. 7, 1S64, traina s w.i ia ilck,.M rort nyron.itock laiaad aad Caicago, daily, b a ad ays excepted, aa follow a : LEAVE. ' PortByroa 7.30 A.M. Uamptoa ...7.60 Junction g ia . iloiiae sJu. AAAITT. Rock Island Chicago 8.30 4.30 P. M. ..- .8.10 A.M. 6.00 P. M. 6.10 &.30 6.S0 LKAVK. Chicaeo..... . Kock Ialaad Moliae Juactioa... .. Hampton Aaaiva. PortByroa..... ,tl0 , The above traias will be subject to the rale and regulations of the Chicago It Hock Railroad Time Tables while oa that road. P-o v I- B. BOOMER, Leasee. Port Byron, Ilia., Nov. 3, 1664. Mississippi & Missouri Bailroatf. I861-8UHMER AKRANCEMENT.lr364 Traias roa by Chicago time, which ia twelve mia atea faster thaa Davenport time. OX AND AFTER MONDAY, Si AY 16th, 1S64, aad a a til farther notice, paaaenier traiaa will leave Davenport aa followa i For Griaaell and Washington, Ea press, 5:45 a. at. For treight aad accom. lor Grinnell.... ;30 ' For treuht aad accom. tor Griaaell, Iowa City aad Mascatine 2.15 P. M. Trains arrive at Davenport aa followo: Freight and accommoda, from Iowa Citv, 8:00 a. at Freight and aeeommoda, trom Grinnell, and Washington 4:45. i-.m. a.m-.. iron urmaeii and Muscatine.. 8.15, e. The 5.45 A. M. train out nf r. .... di- rectconaectioas atGnaaeil. low. r.t...j tr-.i. ington, with the We-Ura Stag. Compaay'a Stages Tor all points west, eoathweet, aad northwest- Trams from the west connect at Davenport with trains of the Chicago & Rock Island Railroad lor all points East North aad South. Paasengera are reminded of the necessity o giving disunct directions as to the deetmatioa o the-.r baggage. Also to procure tickeu before tak ing their seata in the cars. JOHN F. TRACT, Coal. Sapt, A. Kimball, Asst. Snpt. suRE'crjiiE roR DlVpeptia, Liter Ctmptainli. Comtlpntio Cholera Morbus, General Delilify, Nir. vounestt Lost of Appetite, Colic, Nervous Headache. Depression of Spirits, '; dr.. dc, dc, dej, CASSILLY k CO., WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALEBS XXX Magnolia and Kectar Wlilakleo BOLE ACCNTS ro THE CSITED STATES. For sale It . u eeptlSdom H. Co,tock. Trarali., A,.. TO GET JOB TtuSUG svik. HfLL. .,. Call at the Arpns ' Sf - TO GET JOB PRINTING DOSE WELL, xs. . . Call at the A reus 0Cc ti) GET JOB PIUXTIXG DONE WELL, Call at tie Argaa Ofioe. i i