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1 lt 1 1 ' - II.,- I - , .11 The Rock Island Argus. Weekly Paper, Established Oct. 18, 18811 Dailt, PP Established Jnly 13 ?84f" AlfPORTH irolOM, Proprtoteriu ; Cor. iWitois d agt 8tret$, Team. For the Weekly Argue Three Dol Itrf a year, if paid wholly w advanc. If paid within three months, : nine " twelve . 3.76 4,00 TO CLVBa: In Cluba of 10 or more, at $2,50 each, and one copy eitra tor every club of ten. - Single copies, at the office, 10 cents each. Dailt Two Dollars and Fifty cents for three months, payable in advance, or $10 a year. By the week, twenty-five cents, in ad vine e. Rates of Advertising in tbe Daily. For the space occupied by ten hues or one inch space , ... , . One day........$l 0b Two days 1 60 One month. 5 00 Six weeks. ....... 6 00 Two months ' 7 00 Three months.... 8 00 Six months.. 10 00 1 year, no change, 16 00 2 aqu'rs one year. 25 00 Three days. 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 60 4 25 Four days... Five days... One week... Two weeks. Three weeks. Business cards not over five lie.$10,00 per an num. For each change an additional charge of 25 cents per square will be made. Notices ot f wants," lost," " found," to rent," " to let," &c, not exceeding lour lines inserted Tot fifty cents. Marriage notices will be charged one dollar in aifcaaes. Editorial notices charged for at the rate of 16 ents per line, or seven words, and a special no i ce at ten cents per line, or 50 cents a line per week. All notices lor religious and benevolent puna poses will be charged one-third of regular rates. Obituary notices, except simple announcements of deaths, one half rates. Advertisements not accompanied with written directions will be inserted until forbid, and charg ed accordingly. Advertisements discontinued before the expira tion of the time contracted for, will be charged at short time rates. Advertisements from abroad must be paid for invariably in advance unless from approved gents. Advertisemsnts inserted next to reading matter 60 per cent, advance of above rates, and kept standing on the inside pages 25 per cent, ad vance on regular rates. All transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly Argus on reasonable terms. Liberal contract saade with yearly advertisers. J. B. DAItrOBTH, JK. SHLTOW JOWKS. SPECIAL BUSINESS NOTICES. The Bridal Chamber, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Also, new and . reliable treatment for Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual Systems Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Aplldwly. HAIR DIE: .HAIR DVE!! BAtCHELOR'S Celebrated II AIR DYE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! Tbe only Harmless, True and Reliable Dye known. This splended Hair Dye is perfect changes Red, Rusty or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or a Natural own, without injuring the hair or staining the n, leaving the hair soft and Beautiful, imparts fresh vitality, frequently restor ing its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects ot Bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, fee. FACTORY 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. Julys, dwly Greatest Irdiral Cirnlir "JV I A Cm Er rbL-w! (A C 1 I riSjtbe-rineen-m large I mjM A wV letter page, for two wsf SStW 2 cent stamps. DRS, JACKSON", HERBERT Jb CO., pro prietors of the National Dispensary, estab lished in Cincinnati, O., Jan. 1,1860, wilt cure all private diseases with unexampled rapidity. We guarantee to cure Gonorrhoea, Gleet.Spyhillis, lm potency, Nocturnal Emissions, or self-abuse, Di urnal Emissions, Female complaints, in short, every possible tormand variety of Sexual Disease. Cures rapid, thorough and permanent, and fees moderate. Send for our circular fitteen larze S in. by II in letter pages, of varied, -valuable and interesting matter. Also a circular intended for ladies only. Many of our patients assert they have sent money to doctors in eastern cities and received no return. Then why not patronize homo talent men who know the western climate and can effect speedier cures. . . . Dr. Jackson's Female Pills, $1 per box send for circular. Special written replies, well sealed, sent with the circular, without charge. One ot the cheapest, most interesting and important books ever published. 300 pages, 100 engravings, " The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, and Marriage Guide, SuJ an explicit Key to Love and Beauty." It satisfactorily reveals various subjects never before fully . explained in any pop ular work in the English Unguage. Price 50 cts., and one 3 cent stamp, or three for $1 and three 3 cent stamps. Fully described id circular, which every young man should have, whether sick or wel Medicine and instructions sent to any part of the coantry. Consulting rooms ot the Dispensary No. 167, Sycamore street. P. O. box, No. 436. Dr. Jackaon'a Oriental Liniment removes all . coldness,- and rejuvenates organs whiqh have lain dormant for many years. It will curd any case of impotencv, create and increase the passions for any reasonable time. .Can be mailed with perfect safety. Price $2 per bottle. Dr. Jackson's I'rench Patent Male Cafe It is perfectly safe and never fails to give satis faction. It is the only sure and safe preventative against contracting disease eves-in vented. Price; $1 each, $4 per halt doxen, and $7 per doxen sent by mail. janlldlv TO CONSUMPTIVES. HE advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem e1v, after having suffered at vert I years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, con sumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufierers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, fcc. The only object of the advertiser B sending the prescreption is to benefit the afflict ed, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every suffererer will try his remedy, a it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York; Tnchl4dlw&w3m. Resistance at an End ! Great news of brilliant achievements is arriv ing from every quarter. Heads that most turi ou,1J ,'ebel against the laws of beauty, whether they be white, iron gray, sandy or glaring red, are every wheje STRIKING TUERi COLORS. And assuming the lovliest brown or the most lus trous and perfect black, under the swift opera tion of Cristadoro's Hair Dye. Which transfigures them in a few moments. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by cruggiM. Applied by al hair dressers. aplJ8dwlm. TOE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY ?V , SIR- JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Fenale Pills. PROTECTED BY ROY AX LETTERS ' PATENT I Prepared from m prescription of Sir J. Clark, , AY. X., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. . This invaluable medicine ie unfailing in the care of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitnlion is subject.' It mod e rates all excess and removes ail obstructions.aad a speedy cure may be relied on. -'y ; A "TO MARRIED LADIES - it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears tbe Govern ment stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter feits. ' . .' . . C A IT T lOSi Thege Pills should not be taken by Female dur ing the FIRST UREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at ony other time they are safe. In ail cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful rem edy, do not contain iroa, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. - - Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandl St., New Tork. N. B. $1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a bottle con taining 50 Pil return mail. oct. 27dwly. EDITOR ARGUS Dear Sir . With jour permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail, to all who wish it (tree) a recipe, with lull directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm that will effectually remove, in ten days. Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, hiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty davs. All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Kespectrully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, mch4dw3m. h3l Broadway, New York. Br. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. riMlIS SNUFF has thoroughly proved iteelf 1 to be the best article known lor curing tbe Catarrh. Cold iu the Head and Headache It has been found an excellent remedy in many cases of Store tvea. Deafness has been remov ed by it, and Hearing has often been greatly int proved by its use. ' It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief To the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the Head. The sensations after using it are delight ful and invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More tfcan Thirty Years Of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value for ail the common diseases of the head, and at this moment it stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best pbysi cians, and is used with great success and aatistac tion everywhere. Read the Certificate of Wholesale Drug- The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with lr. Marshall' Catarrh and Headache Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully utate, that we believe jl to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given ot it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidly the bent article we have ever known for all common diseases of the head. Boston. Burr A Perry Reed, Austin & Co., Brown, Lamson & Co., Keed, Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowle. NEW VOBK., Barnes & Park, A. B. & D. hands, Stephen Paul tic Co., Isriel Minor & Co, Mckemon & Uoubina, Vv lison, Fairbank & Co., A. L. bcovill & Co. Hen.haWjEdnianda & Co VI. Ward, Clo.e & Co., H. li. Hv, Portland, Mo. Bush & Gale. Foy Salt: by all Druggists. Try It. oct. 27dwly. ONE OF Ilumieweli's Great Remedies. II DNNE WELL'S (J RE AT TOLU ANO- XJL DVNE. Tins justly celebrated preparation winch has sotruiy earned the name and fame of a True Anodyne by re.ults which had battled every other attempt at core or relief in Neuralgia Rheumatism, Gout, Nervous Headache, Tooth and Ear Ache, Cholera Morbus, Pains in tbe Stomach or Bowels, Hysteria, Distress after eat ing. Loss ot sleep. General Nervous Debility Paroxysms in Asthma and Whooping Cnugh now declared to be largely nervous, and tor tbe pains in Monthly Menstruation,- also de clared to be one of the most important points in medicine. A lady writes Irom INew York "were it ten dollars a drop, I would not be without it in my lamily, and no one should be without it." For sale by all Wholesale and Retail Dealers. JOHN L HUNNEWELL, Prnp'r. Practical Chemist, Boston, Mass t eb'y la, dwJin. . IIISKEHS! ! These wishinc a tine net of Whiskers, a nice moustache, a beautiful head of glosy hair, will please read the card of 1UOS. t. ttl&PilUt in another part of this pa per. mcn4dw4m. ISLAND CITY HOTEL. STAFF0HD & TRACF, Proprietors. Corner Jefferson and Illinois Streets. Rock Island. 'PHIS HOUSE ; fnf.att nnnn.ila tti j Steamboat Landing, and only one square Irom tiie rauroaa depot, it is the largest Hotel in Ih city, and its proprietors will spare no pains to please those who favor them with a call. The largest and best Hall in the city, suitable ior nrst class l onceru, Dances, Theatrical Perform anc. &C. tic. .is cnnnnr-toH with thia knnu EsT- Baggage and passengers conveyed to and irom ine nouse tree ot charge. A good Barber's Shop, and first class Salool ana nuuaru xaoies connected witn the nouse. NEWT CIGAR STORE. rPIIE undersigned hns opened a Cigar Store A in Johnson's American, on Illinois street, in the room lormerly occupied ai a barber's shop and he respectfully invites a share of public pat ronage. He will always kerp on hand all kinds ol gars. Smoking and Chewing Tocacco, Pipes, &c KC.,wmcn n. will sell at Chicago prices. PETER HUHN. Rock Ialand, Jan'y 14, 1865. TO GET Tll!. .i.A; ;..- i . -TO GET THE LATEST XiVw's" TO ET THE LATEST NEWS KrtttcrilH- y-r - r I.t the A.. :.! for the Avu-t in the County, in the County. THE WEEKLY Is THE "WEEKLY Ih THE WEEKLY - Is THE WEEKLY la THE WEEKLY ARGTTS the Oldest Paper ARGUS the Oldest Paper ARGUS the Oldest Taper ARGUS in the County, in the County. the Oldest Paper ARGUS the Oldest Paper ARGUS .- Is THE WEEKLY Is THE WEEKLY Is THE WEEKLY ' Is THE WEEKLY la in the County, in the County, in the County, in the County, in the Cosmty. the Oldest Paper ARGUS the Oldest Paper ARGUS the Oldest Paper AJBGUS the Oldest Paper DOST FAIL TO READ THIS. COFFFEl COFFEE I COFFEE I! East India Coffee Co., 154 READE ST., (three doors from Green. (wich Street) Yew York, esll universal a attention to thoir KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE. KENT',) EAST.INDIA COFFEE as twice the strength of Java, or any other Cot- fee whatever, and wherever used by our first class hotels and steamboats, the stewards say there is saving of DO per cent. KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE s the most healthy beverage known, and is very ulrttioos. The weak and mnrm may u.e it at all times with impunity. The wife of tbe Rev. W. uvea, local minister or the M b. eaorcb, Jersey City, who has not been able to uaa any coffee for fifteen years, can use KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE three limes a day without injury it being entirely tree from those properties that produce nervous excitement. Dr. James Hoyle, of 16 Chambers Street, says: " I have never known any coffee so healthful, no tritioua and free from all injurious qualities as KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE, adviso my patients to drink it universally even those to whom I have hitherto prohibited the use of coffee The principal of the New York Eye Infirmary savs : 1 direct ail the patients ol our institution to use exclusiTely KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE, and would not be without it on sny account." The Kev. C. Laree, ao eminent clergyman of the M. E. church, now stationed at Halssy street, flewark, says ot KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE: I have used it nearly a year in my family, and find it produces no ache of the head or nervous irritation, as in tbe case of all other coffee. It is exceedingly pleasant, and cordially recommend to all clergymen and their families." KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE is used daily by the families of Bishop Ames, Bub op Baker, Bishop Janes and many of the most distinguished clergymen and professional men ot tbe country." lie ware of CouHterfeUs,"&Si and be sure that the packages are labeled KEXT'S EAST IXDIA COFFEE, IS4 Reade Street, New York, as there are numerous counterfeits afloat under the name of "Genuine East India Coffee," "Orig inal fe.ast India Cotfee," etc., put lorth by impos ters to deceive tbe unwary. In I Id packages, and in boxes ol 36, b0 and 100 lbs., for Grocers and large consumers. Sold by urocers generally. Orders from country grocers solicited, to whom a very liberal dicount will be made. Vt uolesale Agests : Horflish s Molan, and W J. Heiss & Bro , Philadelphia: Francis H.Perry Providence A. L. Waite fe Co., Bustoa ; Pynchon Jt Lee, Springfield. Mass.; S. N. Calender, Buf falo; Gordon M'Millan 8c Co., Cleveland ; A. A Colter &Co., Cincinnati; J. bi'J. VV. Buan, Spring- Hem, in.; 11. B. Mld., Corydoo, Ind and O O. Garber, Chicago. The Am. Adv. Agency, 3S9 Broadway. N. Y will receive order, for tbe above named Coffee. FOWLER St WELLS, Cof. Dep., E. ALVORD, Bu.iness Dep. feb22dw3m. L YORK AXD PHILADELPHIA . ORNAJ1KNTA1V Iron Worlis. I'liti suiiscnoers having tormea a connec I tion with Messrs. Wood Jt Peroy, of Phila delplna, under the above title, are prepared to turnisn every description of ORN MENTAL ION WK! CAST,W ROrCHT AM WlltE RAILINGS TOR CLOSING CEMErARV LOTS and DHLU.INGS, l'UHI.IC SQUARE, Ac, VerandaLs,( ircular & Straight Stairs. DOORS, WINDOW GUARDS, Table Fixtures, Fountain, Vares, S.r. Also having purchased of the late Srm of Hutch inson ft Wickersham, Canal street, thoir entire stock of Beadsteads. Cradles. Furniture &c., they now effrr to the public at their new ware house the most extensive stock of ORNAMENTAL IKON GOODS to be found in the United States. They have al purchased of the New York Wire Hailing Co. the patent right and machiuary for making Wire Sailing, Farm Fence, Window Guards, Grating, Coal Screens dre. and will continue the exclusive manufacture o the same at their works. CHASE St CO., Opposite St. 524 Broadway, Nicholas Hotel. New York. "i-i. Orders may be sent through the American Advertising Agency, 3S9 Broadway, New York. "SEWING FI.XRLKtV; lYTOIVH, Sew Patent Rotary Feed SEWING MACHINE S! The following facta demonstrate that these Mi chines comprise the Highest 1 niprovemeots ia the Sewing Machine Art, via : ' 1. Each Machine is guaranteed to give better sat- f i.faction than any other Sewing Machine in . "Market, of money refunded. 2 They have taken many of the Highest Prem . i iu ma at the-, most impsrtant exhib tions uui i fairs ever held in the United States. 3 They make the Lock Stitch alike on both sides thus saving more than half the thread and ilk used in the -raveling ridge seems of the Inop-stilch and single thread Sewing Ma CUIIIW. , 4. They are adapted to the widest range ol heavy and light sewing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or delicate attach. menu to keep in repair. -. They require no taking; apart to clean or oil, and no Lessus" to set needle, regulate ten. aion, or operate Machine. Please call aud examine and demonstrate for yourself, or send for circulars with samples of sewing. ' . . r FINKLE A I. YON . it. fctC r "No. 53S Broadway', New York. mch7wly. TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB TO GET JOB PRINTING DONE Call at tb PRINTING TONE Call at tho PRINTING DONE CaH at Hie PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE Cu!l at the PRINTING DONE Call at the PRINTING DONE WELL, k rgus OflSo WELL, Argun Office WELL, Argus Office WELL, Argus Office WELU Argus. Office WELL, . Argu Office. WELL, Argus Office WELL, Argus office. WELL, Ajxoj Offiosx Call at the WM. KNABE & CO'S PIANO FORTES. Read the following commendatory let ters from diBtin g-nisned Artist. Wm. Kb she k Cs. Gentlemen : TW After barter tlard en ths Plaao of Mrem. Ksass Co. it is hnponlble not to bear tti aony to their qualities which navs acquired for them the eminent reputation which they enjoy. The Pianos of tbelr man. fart ore, on which I have played, are exceedingly ranartable for their qualities of Toss. Ths Baa Is powerful, without hardiness, and the upper notes nreet, clear and nannoniooaly mellow, (chryatalin,) and I do not hesltaie to express In regard to these Instrument my entire sarlarsctkin. and to declare that they are equal if not mperior to tb. beat manufactured Ib Europe er Uiia coun try by the OMt celebrated Tnaker. ii jn. aui istii.ii iti i5 P-i Jilias Baser It Ce. Chlrage I consider William Koabe k Cc. Piano, the doH perfect in une, eombiniri. in the highest detrree tbe most valuable and r.rn tial requisites of power, easiness of tone, and ireneral accuracy. The Ba powewie. irrrat wnptn and Tola me. and the higher bote, a clearness and rirhnea. of tone ldoa at tained in other instrument. The toarli or actka appears particularly airreeable. ai.d In Its proportionate adaptation nflects anal credit upon Ma saaaumctorrrs. The Introduction ot your Piano, in the Wert has created a new era In Maweal circles, aad will donbtlem crowa yonr efforts with the eminent success you so rk-hry merit. Very truly, yonr.. Ckiemf, Jmu 9, IsU. Lot IS ST A AH. I recommend the Pianos of Mr. Kstss to everybody who wants a really Sn class rnn ment. II. BAL.ATKA. Vn. Kaabe & Co. Gentlemen: I have rreal pleamre In eertlfylng that I lave tried your Square Pianos, and Ami them eqi.aj. If not superior, t(1kiy In this country. Aiming tbelr great qualities, which dlatinrulxh th.m. Is the evenness of tone, the arreeal.le and ca.y touch, and volume of tone. Wbhlnir you all the .ueeess you so hlfhly desrre, I am ir, yours very truly. K. TIULBKUU. Wat. Kaafce k f. Gentlmten: I can Dot bat congratulate, yon opon the 1m menne profrres. and improvement, which you continually make on your Piano., which. In my opinion, rank among the Terr Mrrte In thi. country. Jtl. STKAKOSCII. - J. Baarr Jt fa. Gentlemen: Our Opera Troupe are at present uhi f ur of your justly celebrated Ksasa Piasos. and a. the exponent of the view, and opinion, of the varlou. Arthas, permit me to say, I consider them waswepaistd tn srUiianey mnd rmllnet and preeminent, stUvsl a rrsai in tau eowa try mr in Europe. Their snptner ewa'ry ef (VitM, combining great depth and powerful vol ume, with which and a peculiarly clear and reo treble, together with a magic elasticity of touch and action, render them superior u other instruments, which rarely If ever combine these most essential requisites. I most cheerfully endorse the high and meritorious encomiums everywherpronnunced opon these Piano. I-:. mi'ZIO, Musical Ifroctor, hel ium Opera. Ckieago, a. 10, 164. Kb. Kaabe 1 C. Gentlemen: Having recently had opportunities of testing both your new scale Grand and Square Pianoa. It give. m. great pleasure to state that 1 have found them to combine all the qualities to mak. a Piano as perfect as possible, and unsurpassed by any that I have Men either In thi. eountry or Europe, for great power and roundness of tone, combined with that peculiar awee and singing quality, so often found wanting In Pianos. They are really unsurpassable, and la touch everything that ran be desired by tb. c3 Kofi 3 S3 most brilliant player, w lsnlug yon every soo ceu, 1 remain, your, truly, C. AftsOlXTZ, Musical Director cf the German Open, JULIUS BAUER & CO. S3 Wholesale Agenta for Northwestern States. 09 S. Clerk and 89 Washinoioni SU. ' rHICAGO, ILL,, r"" ET-SIN'D TOR A CIKCCUIE. ' May 4d!v GEO. A. PKIXCE & CO'S it- Automatic Organs, SCHOOL ORGANS AND xMELOBEANS. TIIIltTY-FIVE TIi0rsM).0M' IX tSE Kvery lu.tmmeut Uar ranted for I-lveYeara I N present'me the Actovatip Oa:.- w. uoioiy announce te g reatest trinmnh in musi cat metrsment. of the ?: Dannf the past talf century, tue rrencn and t.ermans hive msnarac tureti reed instruments with double bellow., snrl two pedals for the feet to operate, but the want of tne reversed or titiau.iion Bellows, (wh eh is the only bellows used iu our instruments.) made it im- pomoie tor tnem to produce the mellow, rich and musical tone ior which our instruments are cele brated. Another objection to this method of blowing was, that both 4eet being occupied, no opportuai- wan unerea ior tne management or tbe .w.ll. Within the p. at two tears, m.trumenta eonatrnet. ed on this Ktlropesn plan cf double blowers.' have Keen manufactured in this country, and to counteract turn oimcuujr (want ot a swell) a lever has been projected from the centre of tbe instrn ment, to act upon the swell, and operated by the . im mcosf.neacs ana contortion aecss sir te eirect this object, are disagreeable enough to a wentremen, but to radr tbe use of such an appendage is nearly impossible. Our Autmatic device obviates this difficult en tirely , the simple act ot blowing with more or leas lorce giving ma Oe.ired increase or decrease in the volume of tone. For seventeen years the superior excellence .f our Melodeons has not been questioned, and tor two years past the enor mous demsnd has made it impossible tor ns to meet our orders promptly. With our increased lacilities, we leel warranted in assunns our oat rona that their orders will be promptly met, and solicit n continuance of their patronage. v- A Liberal Discount to Clergymen, Church. cs anu ocuooia.-. adds cat: CEO. A. PRINCK & CO., Buffalo, N. Y A. PKIACE fc CO,, No W Waahin- An Illustrated Catalogue, with full description of styles, will b sent free to any address. it3dwty. TOtTR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED lit Su-tain::;g Y'our County Pacer TOUR INTEREST IS SDllSEIIVED By Susuiniiig Your County Paper TOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED ' B-T Sustaining Your County Paper. TOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED By Sustaining Your Couotv Paoar. TOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED By 8oataioixic Twir Cwtytt Paftw. Cras waaaasTBD If Directions are followed. Single Bottle will .last a motile to be used this times a day " SYMPTOMS. The symptoms of Catarrh are at frst very slight. Prrvtns f nd they have a rela. that thry fcaTe fre nrnt attarfcs, aad are more aeasltlTa to the cbaagea of teaiperarare. In tnts eondltlon, the nose may he dry, or a slight discharge, tali aad acrid, arieraard Ulrk aad adhesive nay easae. 4s the dlHease becomrs threnlc, the tlschargM rr inrreaafd la ausatltT and changed la qaaiity; Ary are now thick aad heavy, aad are hanked or ouebed off. The accretions nreefTrnafTe, caaslng i bad brcatli; the toirc thick and a anal ; the eyes are weak ; lit scaae of kmcll Is IcMsraed er de lirnjtd ; deafness frequently takes place. Asoihrr common aad important syatptaai ef ratarrh is, that the trion is obliged to clear his throat In the morning of a thick er slimy m scons, vhich ba fallen freni the head daring the abxhu. W h a tbl takes place the person may he are that his dlscaite Is oa its nay to the Iaag aad sfcoald lose ao time in arrestiag it. Tbe above are but frw of the masy Catarrhal Symptoms. Write for oar pamphlet describing; Ul'.y all symptoms; It will scat FREE to aaj Yit are dally receiving letters from soldiers la the army, aad others la all parts of tbe fnlsn, wh cannot procure It from drugiM. enclosing forenr. or $5 for three bottles of this medicine. aad alM nnmrraes foUlmonUls from (hose asiog It, bearing rvidtarr of Its iafalllble ncrlU. CALL for SKFL1 ES f AT4CUB LHLDT aad take ao other. If not sou by druggists In year vicinity yon ta encioe the money In a Inter to us, aad we will scad the mrdlriae by Express. ladrrMDr. D.H.SEELYE St Co. Chicago BRONCHIAL SYRUP. At rvraTttsa armor roa Ctmrhs, Colds, Astima, Rnnsehitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Conga, and Imtatiou of the Bronchial Tubes ot Lungs, Tickling la the Throat, aad Croup. This -vr op Is specially bencflrlal la affcctleas ef th? Throat and Bronchial Tabes, raascd by fatariii. grratly awHtlng la Its permanent rare when aaed In ross retina with the Retardy. If taken In ttme It never falls to rare the sfTcrest cases of froap. We do not arrt that this yrap will rare Can. snmptloa In It worst Mares, hat we do rensrien tioasly claim for It certain medicinal qualities aotto be fonnd la any other preparation, far the relief aad rare of the disease above ran aerated. Beiag asreable ta the taste, safe for rhlldrea, speedy la its efTrcts, giving strength to tbe voice and Inngs. It will soon And Its way Into every familyla the laad. Price, ti.oo per bottle . Dr. D. H. SEELYE At Co.. nolo Preps. Chicago, Illinois. . U" Laboratory at Preeport, til. C. A. COOK, Gn1 Agent for tbe North. West at Chicago. PoM at retail by Drurrists eTerrwhere ;" and tt wtotiiiti In Chicago by V LLI R P is C H A IC LKaV and ail WholbsalE Sacoeisrs. Mavodawly THESE BITTEKb are prepare in pure our- oon Whisky, form a combination of over twenty different kinds of roots, barks and herbs, which act in periect concert one with the other, prepar ed from the original formula given by the great cnier, Ked Jacket, to Dr. tbapin, who used them saceessfollv in bis practice for many Tears, and by their use gained so great a popularity ia tbe treatment and cure ot Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick and Nervous Headache, Fever and Ague, and all diseases arising from torpid liver or iod gestion. Persons suffering from eith er of these loathsome diseases will find a sure cure by tbe use of these bitters, w hich are perfect ly pure and tree Irom al those drugs snd poisons osuaily pat op in such preparations and palmed off on an eusaspectiag public. A single trial will convince tbe most skeptical that in the RED JACKET there is virtue which no other Bitters BOSOM They strengthen and invigorate tbe system. They are uaeo,aaled lor general debility. They are a sure cure frr dyspepsia. - They give a good and health) appetite. Tbey assist digestion. They are tbe best stimulant in existence. Tbey are a sure preventive ol Fever and Agae. iney relieve constipation. They care Nervous Hesdache ,' ' Tbey are perfectly pnre and palatable. . Aged persons sad delicate females wilt find ther can save large doctor's bills by tbe u.e of these oitters. " Bewsre of connterfeits. Tbe Red Jacket Bit ters are only sold ia bottles with oar name blewa oa tne side. oca For MediciasJ aad Table uses, which arr perfect o Dare, and noed ! tn lw inl t ka in.r..i.i. d. None genuine anlessthey have oar Gold La bel oa each battle, aad oar iaitisie pressed ia was over the cork Sold bv all ripn.ri.fa mwiA l.t.M fhmusilAUl the cosnlry. Call for our goods aad take ao other. varcaiars to the trsoe supplied oa application to BENNETT PIETERS at CO., Prop'rs, 21 Rtver St.. Chicago. C. A Ruur. nliBB Sr Hinekle. Airmmtm old at wboleoolo by Heary Dart's Sons, Rock la ta aa, Illinois. May ut os TO GET JOB PRINTING DOXE CHEAP, Call at the Arrnu Office TO GET JOB PEINTIXG DOXE CHEAP, TO GET JOB PBLNTLXG DOUE CHEAT, IJw gdttrtismrnts. CELEBRATED CHILLED AAD U RorCHT IRON SAFES, Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, ILOCKM.AM.D VAULT These Fire nrnnT r . demand for 6.cnri,T Against Fire, i , 'H9'11 thaa my Celebrated and Superior Ch! -gIa Burglar and j H - sirni Bnu f-nvl avvrnrit Safes generally manot.ctured in the d-ffe, " tea, but are Fuperior to them in tbur iw.' oaalitiea anal rlnr.h.l.t. .k . '-1 ronf protected from mat ia any climate, sa ,?,,.u J Proof sot subject to le.e it. utility bv i' sal msw imnArf.. .J . , J Jr. . -t"- i..iafe gaiaea to U.epr,i as safes often rust out and become worth' w two or three years. "' To substantiate my position, those nJr., these Ftre-Proofs are at, b, S.,.V, "M wotice ot time and place of, to teat t fire with nt.atber K.i. f .k. "": should they not prove superior, I will ,l'a' o. Uea aad Prices ol Wrought li. mm a auuia. OCT I EC. No. Height. Width Uttta. 6 40 31 34 21 : 4 .31 t. 3 30 24 - 2S 2i 1 24 19 ijtsidc . Height. Width. Depth. " rr-.ce 3 k2l 19 lj 24 21 14 li, 2 1st 13 );. 21 14 li iu 20 14 12 : n n to j Sample of Fire-Proof Sate at ot&ce of tbe A- Ad. Agency, 3sa Broadway, N. Y. Iricc list. LUlie't Celebrated Chilled and Wroujtf lr. oae. Bask, Fire and Burglar Safes, Ko.J.u, Iuu.-., Q Lock. ObXaibK. Is.lUt. Ln. In. tn. ia. Iu. in i no as A4i js is H bit CM lli 4S oH 2 63 44 37 424 33 la t National Batik ales. W ith lLsnde turrlm Jii and 2 M Locks. I t3 53 35 i3 39 lb X bl 53 3a 4S 3i la I, a 3 6? 47 3a ii 33 la n MercabUle k' aad b kai.s, e'vlditig L'oors i Alomior Locks. 3 4 i 5 50 4b oa 42 ii 21 40 32 lo i. 42 2? 30 32 lo i. 46 27 26 3o lo ... 3S 2. 314 1j . Bank Vauit Burglar Sales, with Folding h i and D Lock. 0 63 6! 57 53 27 64 43 10 t 33 27 tb 4b 2u 47 27 49 40 Single Doors and M Lock. 35 26 27. 23 13 if it 6 7 8 9 10 11 3S 34 31 30 16 26 31 23 24 22 '20 26 24 24 22 18 24 21 i. IS li 13 U l'i 10 21 21 1S, 17 Bank Vault Bnrclar bales. Smt.'t Uo. i.ti 1 Lock. 2 63 , 32 26 4 ia i! 3 42 36 22 3a i- 4 36 31 2U 32 i Is - 5 30 24 IS 26 -0 14 - ' ' House alts. brae board. Dinine Kului . . fanuy (No. i; faulty (ito, 2p. ........ Duooecsgon oaak Luck. Alwuilur a.e l bale on Bank Vault Doors and Framaa, D sou & U-t. o , 1 5 la. . In. XI 2u 4tU 2? 2 Xi . .7x Orders received and ailed at by the AMERICAN AD7ERTISI.VG AtLMl, Broadwav jSTew York. - Air Safes shipped from Troy me"-' FOWLER k WELLS, Cor'pM'I wr 1 E. Alvobo, Bastaesa Dept. feM""1.' ALL BCSLXESS HEX - Should Subscribe for the Arr ALL BUSINESS HEX . Should Subscribe for the AT ALL BUSINESS HEX Should Subscribe for ti.s ArSa ALL BUSINESS HEX Should Subscribe for the Arg ALL BUSINESS VEX . Should Subscribe for the ALL BUSINESS MEN . Should Subscribe for Ue at- ALL BUSINESS HEX m Should Subscribe for the 1- ALL BUSINESS MXN - Should Subscribe for tne 'f siLL BUSINESS HEN . , -vi . s4tsVtArf0fJUsj - - SbotOd tiUsseribs for V W