Newspaper Page Text
v 0 1 DAILY ARGUS. J. B. DAJTTOaTM, ., BPrfOS. Thursday Evening. .May 11. "An imbecile administration has givee indis putable proof of iu incapacity to conduct a graat war. Evan itt own frieads ara eoaatraiaad to con fess iu impotanca, and art meditating it$ displace ment by XXKTA COWITITTIoaAI. A1H BaTOLirrioir AmY xsthod tending to hopeless divisions la tne north, and general anarchy." The Now York lima pronounce the article a base forgery it never having appaarea in that papeF.bQt wu Uken fro-, th.New York Herald, Bock Island Union 10th. We Teature to say th h Union don' know whether the Itmc denies hsring pub lished the item or noh-bu it ia a matter of no consequence, as far as our purpose is con earned, whether it was the lime or the Her ald, as both were administration papers at the time of its publication. But here is something the New York Timet does not deny, and whioh is just as bad as the other and worse than anything we erer said of the administration, a is : , We simply remark that th president runt no "little risk of being superceded in his office if he un derukea to thwart the clear and mamfeet deter mination of the people to maiatain the authority oi the government of the Uaited States.and to pro tect iu honor. We ara in themidetof a revolution, and in each emergencies th people are very apt to find some nsreesairTATrrE lkabeb, if the forms of law do not giee them oneJ" At a little later stage of the war.while Mr. Lincoln was still supeoted of a willingness to compromise the national difficulties, the Ohio State Journal, of Columbus.the central organ of the republican party in that state, promi nently published a letter from a correspond ent in which ocourred the following para graph: 'I like the spirit of the major in command of the 60th Ohio. When in hie preeence the queetion wu presumptiously asked, 'Shall we actually have to compromise ! he tamed with a withering look and said, I entered this campaign with ever 800 mea ; to day I can master 193, and I tell you if the president hints even at 'compromise THERE ARE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO ASSASSINS IN MY COMMAND READY TO MARCH solitary and alone, TO THE WHITE HOUSE.' We wish ovr Jriends at home had this spirit 'tis the spirit of the federal army, who bear the burden." " To what extent Mr. Llnooln was influenc ed by the different methods of "pressure" brought to bear upon him to compel him to the adoption of certain radical abolition measures among which were these threats of deposition from office and assassination we can never know. But we do know that such "pressure" was exerted to drive him in to measures whioh had not the approval of his judgement. Mr.Linooln finally fell by the hand of a pro slavery assassin j who can eay that, had his public policies been different, he would not long ago have fallen by the hand of an abolition assassin ? And who can say that, had he been spared by this pro slavery assas ain, he would not, for his liberal terms f in the pacification of the rebellion which we all know he was about to offer still have en countered an abolition dagger ? However severe has been the treatment of Mr. Lincoln by the democratic press how ever emphatic has been its denunciation of some of his public policies it has never sought to control him either by threats or of assassination. The same thing cannot be truthfully said of the republican presn, as could be shown in numerous instances by an examination of its files. And the threat has already been made by a republican in this county (and we have the evidence of it) that, "if President JohnBon shows any favor to the rebels he shall be served as Lincoln was." Speaking of Dr. Bowles, of Indianapolis, who is understood to be under sentence of death, and to be hung ou the 19th, the Union saya This Bowles we believe is the man who com -i manded the 2d Indiana regiment at the battle of '. Beuna Vista, during the Mexican war, and who so ' iagleriously broke ranks and ran, with Bowles at ' "--. their head, by his order. If ha be the same man v- hols an arrant coward. On the occasion alluded to Col. Bawles did not ruuJ)at bravely resisted the unfortunate panic of his regiment and rallied a few men and gallantly fought the Mexicans nctil vic tory was won. The true history of that v affair does not show Bowles to have been a iXMrsi1 hilt flnaa alinw htm tn h a era runn a r uravtj uuu gauaut uuiser, 110 wny ue guilty v'of conspiracy and deserve to be hung ; a military court has said so and we cannot dis prove it but we do not think it just or gen T I II . fC - IT - l - erous to a dying man to try and rob him of the gallant service he rendered his country on the fields of Mexico. National Debts and IT. 8. Stocks. The creation of national debts is not a modern improvement, but the ability of a great nation to provide for a great debt, and to make it the most convenient and best form of perjonal property, is a modern wonder. The debt of Great Britian was begun by raising a million sterling by loan in 1692, and when her great) contest with Louis XrV. was terminated, the debt had jreached fifty millions. Many statesmen and economists were then alarmed at the great burden which had been imposed upon the industry of the country, but when the war (of the Austrian succession had swelled this amount to eighty millions, Macaulay sajs that historians and orators pronounced the case to be desperate. But when war again broke out, ana ine national neat was rapidly carried up to one hundred and forty millions, men of theorv and business both pronounced that the fatal day "had certainly arrived. David Hume said that although, by taxing its energies to the utmost' the counrry might possibly live through it, the experiment must never be repeated, even a small increase might be fatal. . Granville said the nation must sink under it unless some portion of the load was borne by the American colonies, and the attempt to impose this load produced the war of the revolution, and, instead of diminithinq added another hundred millions to the burden. Again, says Macaulay, was England given over, but again she was more prosperous than ever be fore But when at the close of ber Napoleonic wars in 1816, this debt had been swollen up to the enormous sum of over eight hundred millions sterliug, four thousand three hundred million dol lars, or nearly one half the entire property of the United Kingdom, the stoutest heart, the firmest believer in national progress and national devel opment, might well have been appalled. But in the very face of this mountain of obligation, to , say nothing of her vast colonial possessions, the property of the British nation has been mora than trebled, and her debt is now a charge of but li per cent, against All that Great Britian has done in paying her debt, we shall do, and bom, with oura, We hare vasterritoriet na touched by the plow, mines of all precious met. ala of which we nave hardly opened the doors, a population fall of life, energy, enterprise and in dustry, and the accumulated wealth of money and labor of the old countries pouring into the lap of our giant and ever-to-be united republic. Dar ing the fiercest and most exhausting of all possi ble wars, we have demonstrated our national strength and all the world over, national strength is but another name for national credit. "As good as United States Stocks" will soon be synonymous the world over with "aa good as British Consols." Fit oar part, we think a U. S. treasury note, bearing seven and three-ten ths aunual interest, is just aa much totter than Brit ish Consols as the rate of interest is higher. Some of oar timid brethren, who shipped their geld to London and invested in consols, are now glaad to sell out and invest at home at a round loss, and serves them right. . The Mkxicans Ask oklt a Few Thousand Americans To Drive MAxmrLUAH into the Gnu. Dr. R. C. Anderson, of Kansas,! atQsres ent in Sl Louis,aa the representative of the Mex ico Emigration Aid Society. He visited Mexico (where he spent some years) and returned from there in 1836. Previous to leaving .President Comonfort and other prominent leaders of the Liberal party earnestly besought him to aid their cause in the United States. General Ortega pub licly stated to Dr. Anderson, a few days since, that with a few thousand Americans to back the Mexicans, Maximillian could be driven into the Golf of Mexico. The speedy close of our home difficulties will turn foot-loose tens of thousands of tried warriors to whom this work would be scarcely more than pastime. He assured the doctor that all Americans would be welcomed enthusiastically by the Mexi cans ; that the largest and richest tracts would be granted to them, and every facility offered whereby their intereaU and welfare might be pro moted. To those entering the service a hand some remuneration ia made in gold, and besides regular pay, munificent bounties and granU of land are offered, while to those who aim more at the material development of the country ,the Lib eral government makes equally rich and advanta geons offers. The mission of General Ortega to W asbington and e lork is mainly with a view or obtaining American assistance, and to pro mote toe success ot sucn organizations as are represented by Dr. Anderson. ATisouri Demo erat. The Boston Post speaks as follows of Presi dent Johnson, and there is cause to believe that its ideas are well-founded : believes in the rights of the whole people, and will become their champtan He adopts aa his creed the theory that this gov ernment of ours is complex in its form, each part to stand supreme iu its nphere. and each to re main subordinate without the limitation ot that sphere. He is no consolidationist, and can be none ; does not hold to rubbing out state lines, as has of late been advocated ; doea not subscribe to the destructive notion of state suicide; does not believe that a state can secede ; and main tains that the general government is bound to protect the veriest handful of loyal Union men in every icbellious state in their determination to keep the sute alive. The slavery question once removed from further political discussions by the force ot events, and the madness of the men who threw it into the vortex of war, the great ques tion of reorganization becomes but a question of simple constitutional rights, wisely and prudent ly reduced to immediate practice. And here comes in of necessity the application of that the' ory of the constitution iu which the president was originally educated. ; "In regard to my lutnra coarse,! will now make no professions, no pledges. I have lone been eonaected somewhat actively with public affairs, and to the history of my past public acta, which is familiar to yon, I refer for those principles w hich have governed me heretofore, and will guide me hereatter. My opinions as to the nature of popu lar government have long been cherished, and, constituted as I am, it is now too late in life for me to change them." President Andrew Johnson to the Illinois JJe legation April 18, 1 35a. Trial of the Assassins. Washiugton, May 9. The military com mission for the trial of the accomplices of Booth met to day in a room fitted up for the purpose in the old penitentiary building ad joining the arsenal grounds. The following order was read : Executive Chamber, 1 Washington Citt, May 2, 1865. J Whereas, The attorney general of the United Ststss baa given his opinion that tha persons lia plicated in the murder of the late PreidearaLincoln and attempted assassination ot Hon win. H.fcew ard, secretary ot state, and the alleged conspiracy to sassinate other officers of the federal govero ment Washington, and their aiders and abettora.sre subject to the jurisdiction nf and legally triable before a military commission, it is ordered. First That the assistant adjutant general take nine competent military officers to serve as a com mmion for the trial of said parties; and that the judge advociate general proceed to peter charge agaimt said parties for their alleged offenses, and bring to trial belore a military commision ; that said trial or trials, be conducted by ssid judge advocate general, as recorder thereof, in person aided by such sssistant or special judge advocates as be my designate : and that said trials be con ducted with all diligence consistent with the end of justice, and said commission to sit withoat ra- gsrd to hoar. Second i hat Hrevet Mai. Gen. Hartrault be as signed to duty as special provost marshal general lor the purpose of said trial, and attendance npoa said commission, and execution of its mandates. Third That said commission establish orders or rules of proceeding sa may avoid unnecessary aeiay ana conauc to the ends ol public justice Andrew Johnson. Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C. Fay 6, 1S63. W. A. Nicholas, A. A. G. Official Copy. lion. John A. Bingham and Brevent ol Burnett were introduced to the court as assist aut judge advocates for the trial of the case. designated anaer toe order of the president. The court then adjourned until 10 o'clock to morrow, to allow the prisoners an opportuni ty of retaining count-el and conferring with them. Death of Ex-Uov. Reynolds of Illinois. St. Loci8, May 9. Ex Gov. Reynolds, the Old Raoger.died at Beileville.Ill., last night, at 10 o'clock, aged 87 years, and will be bur ied to morrow. He was walking about the streets the day before he died. President Johnson has issued a proclama tion declaring that, if rebel cruisers shall re ceive hospitalities in ports of foreign nations, the vessels of such nations will be refused hospitality in the ports of the United States. He has also issued an order reestablishing the authority of the United States in the state of Virginia ; and is about to issue a procla tion defining and regulating Mr. Lincoln's amcesty oath. - ROCK ISLAIS'D HOUSE. nUE undersigned, having leased the Rock """, wouia respecuoiiy announce to tbe public that it will be his earnest endeavor to conduct it in a manner to elicit the approbation of all who may bestow their patronsge on him. He promises that it shall not fall below iu former character, and hopes that tha liberal patronase heretofore extended to it may be contiaued Aug.6,dwtf. JOSEPH KKLLEY. OXEN FOE SALE. riave five pairs of working oxen for sal st my place, aesr Deanin gtoa, in Henry conaty ,,.,, -.Alex. McCamdless JalySdwtf DY-TELEGRAPH JUportedfor the Daily Argus, Sew York. Mar 11. The N. T. Tribune's Washington correap't says : Tbe sanguine expectations of some, of eaotur- ing Jeff Davis, are not indulged in to-day to very great extent by intelligent army omcera The government is making every'effort possible tor his capture, and may succeed, bat it is thought tnut success will be the result of accident and tha fidelity of the contrabands, rather than anv assis tance which will be rendered by the native white population. The trial of the assassins and conspirators was resumed to-day in the large jail adjoining tbe old penitentiary, where the prisoners are confined, assembling at 11 o'clock and remaining in session until S p.m. Harrold was arraigned and considerable testi mony was taken in tbe case and gratifying prog. gress made. Testimony has been, or will be offered, show ing that Harrold !went to Canada and conferred ith rebels about the assassination of President Lincoln since Booth's return from there. Mrs. Surratc who seems to have been one of the chief instigators and participators, is kept cioseiy guarded, but is very dehant ana unrelent ing. Her daughters do not seem to have been implicated and will be kept and called as witnes sea One of them is very sick and is reported to have poisoned herself. It u positively known that Suratti in Canada. There ia but little doubt but that he will soon be taken. The commission sits with closed uoors but it is believed thst the sec'y ot war will send an ab stract of the trial to Gen. Dix after the manner of his war reporU. Frederick Stone has undertaken the de fense of Dr. Mudd, who set Booth's leg. Cox, who is charged with entertaining and concealing Booth and Harrold, and Jones, charged with ferrying them across the river All tnevolanteer cavalry whose terms ex pi re prior to Oct. 1st, will be mastered out. Tbe paymaster general is ' ordered to make immediate payment to the men discharged. Thirty-eight ordoanoe bureau clerks were discharged to-day. It has been ascertained that prisoners n the old capitol prison have been released by subordinate officers. This will be stopped and none released except upoa orders from the general commanding the department. Tumbletv, alias Blackburn, has been lodged in the old capitol. Special to the V i. Times. Washington. May 11. The executive or der of the president, putting in operation the suspended funtions of national government in tbe state of irginia. was substantially agreed upon in the lat cabinet meeting held by i resident Lincoln on the day of bis death and at which Gen. Grant was prevent. The great features are that the state of Virginia is not recognised as having ever gone out of tha Union; That the functions of the U. S government wero simply suspended within her borders aud aie now in operation ; tha no vestiges of confederate or rebel tate gov eminent are recognised, and that Gov. Pier pont and tbe loyal members of the legislature is mads the nucleus of the organised state government. - Aca lORC, May II. Win. LKiyd garrtoon has resigned bis position as president ol the anti-slavery society. Special to tbe A. 1. Herald. Washington, May 10. Virginia has been divided into four districts, and the secretary of the treasury has already appointed the re quisite number of assessors and collectors. An order has been issued to muster out of service all soldiers whose term of service ex piree before the 31st inst. New York., May 11. The N. Y. Herald says that tbe .Mexican emigration furore is unabated Many new offices have bean opened in this city, Brooklin, Washington and Pliladelphia. The return of Gen. Ortega from Washing ton, is anxiouel looked for, as he is expect ed to bring a plan of the proceedings. Hamilton 11. C Jewett just arrived by the Uebernian from Europe, aud published a letter of advice to Prea't Joboen WHO WANTS GRIEMG IM)E f rpiIE Undersigned has had much exper- X. leace as a gardner, setting sad trimming trees, vines, Sic, fee., and offers his services to the citi zen! of Rocr Island, who may wish work of thst kind done well. 3as.Ordere may be left at Rosenfield's leather stare. JOHN STAPP. Rock Island, Feb. 13, d3m. VALCABLE STOCK FARM FOtt SALE. SITUATED on the north side of Copper Creek, on the rosd leading trotn Mascatine to 2Sew Boston, and containing 346 acres in one trsct and 40 acres of timber , lying of a mile south esst, in all 386 acrea; 160 acres in cultiva tion, two orchards, frame home with tear rooms. good stable, stock scales and stock ysrds, never tailing anu sever freezing spring wster, 40 acres of the firm sowed ingrsss; the range oa tbe Mis sissippi bottom can't be beat in the northwest. This, with 40 head 01 cattle, 1(1 bead of colts and 2 brood mares, with all my farming ntensils, will be held at private sale from now nntil the 1st of October next. Drury townahip, Rock Island County, Illinois April 21st, 1865. JAM ES PATTERSON. r. b. . lot larra can oe nought oy paying one- nan tne money aown, tne other halt in tea years, oj entering into sauaiaciory arrangements. Apl25wtf. J. P. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF BENJAMIN YEISER, Ue ceased. Tha undersigned hsving been sn. pointed Administratrix of the Estate of Benjamin Weiser, Iste of the County of Rock Islsnd, snd Mate or Illinois,, hereby gives notice thst she will appear before the touaty Court of Kock island County, at tbe office of tbe Clerk of said Conrt in the City of Rock laland, at the Julv T- l. 0.1 n.mfcr . v . . a cnii, iu me vi 1 11 fj next, at which time all persons having claims againat aaid Ka tale are notified and requested to sttend tor tha purpose ot having the same adjusted. All per- : 1 I. I . : J . . uli iuuiuhu k iu cuaie are requested to make immediate payment to tbe nnderaigaed. Dated this 1st dsy of Msy, A. D. 1865. MARY J. W RISER, msySmSw " a Administratrix.. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. - 7? STATE of J AMES MARDOCK, deceased m uuucreiguru ii.tiub' ueeu appointed exe cutor ot tbe eatate of James Mardock, late of the Coanty of Union, and State of Indiana, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before tha Cotfaty Conrt ot Rock laland Coanty, sttbe office 01 tne ciert 01 said court ia the city vf Rock Island, at the Jane term, on the THIRD MON DAY IN JUNE next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate sre notified and requested to sttend for tbe purpose of hsving tha same adjusted. AW persons indebted to said estate ara requested to make immediate payment to tha undersigned. Dated this 24th day ofApril. A. D.. 1865. DAVID MARDOCK, Executor. Ap!25wSw. TOUB INTEREST IS SUBSERVED By Suatain::ifr Your County Paper. Y0UK INTEREST IS SUBSERVED . Bv Sustainiug Your County Papas?. YOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED By Sustaining Your County Paaer. YOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED ' By Sustaining Your Count? Paper. TOUR INTEREST IS SUBSERVED Bj SmuMog Tear Cmatj Tmmm, ' U. S. ,7-30 LOAN. The sale af the first series ( $300,000,000 at tha 7-30 Loan was completed ea the 31st ot March, 1865. Tha sale of tha second aeries af Three Hundred Milliaae, payable three years from tha 15th day of Jane, 1865, was began aa tbe 1st of April. In the short space f thirty days, over One Hundred Millions 0 this series hove keen $old leaving this diy less than Two Ha ad red Millios o b disposed of. The interest is paya ble semi annually in currency oa the lAth 01 IM camber and 15th of Jose by Coupons attached te eaah note, w kick ara readily cashed nay where. It amoente to One eeat per day aa a $&0 aota. Two cents - tlOO - Ten - " " $-VT0 " JO $1000 " II . 15O00 ' MORE AND MORE DESIRABLE. The Rebellion is suppressed, aad tha Govern ment has already adopted measures to redace ei peadiluree as rapidly as passible to a pesca foal ing, thus withdrawing from market as borrower aad purchaser. This is the OS'LY LOAS IS MARKET now offered by the Government, and canstitatea tha Great Popular Lean f the People. The Seven-Thirty Notes ara cpaverlible oa their matarity, st tbe option ol the holder, iata u. h. s-o six pkk ttsr. .oI(I (Scaring I 'Ml (Is. Which are always worth a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7-30 Notes cannot be taied by Towns, Ci ties. Ceanlivs or States, and tha iatreit is not taied anless on a stirpiu of the owner's income eiceedings.i hendred dolisrs a yesr. This fact iecreaaes their value from one to three par cent oar anaam. according to tbe rate levied on other property. Subscriba Quickly. Less thn $200,0to,(Xkl of the Laaa authorised by the la.l Conors., are now oa tbe market. This nmoaut, at the rae at b:chit 1. being aUauibeJ, will all be ulcr.tij lr itbia i'uur months wbea the note, will audourtecly command a prciaiuin.'ai ls uu.iurmly bea the esse oa clos ing the subicrij u jo. to other Loas. In order that citixea. ol rrj tin and section Ot the couairv lua v te atfur-laJ :cilili lor taking the loss, the Xitioul' fUu Siai Haass, and Private fUaker. throughout llts ruuaim yen arally agrv4 to s jcriiliB. at par. Subecribvr w.ll .rieci tluir .ia a tnul. in hom they have coutilrnc. 11J rfh only are to b spou.iwle l..r '.lie UUitcrv o." the notes for which they receive on t r. JAY C OKE. Sehicnntion Ajrent, Philadelphia SutMcripuot.a !l Ue rt-ce tcd by the Fifet .National bank of Uock Island. naay 12w3m. "300,000 More! GOLD II 1 FAIjTjKNX SO HAY E Groceries AT Strattoii A- Barns, They have this dav REDUCED THEIR PRICES aa their well selected stock of Groo erles, as they are constantly receiving NEW AD CHOICE GOODS. The above number of customers will be ss many as tbey feet competent to wait npoa. Call early and examine. Ko Trouble to Show Goods. Oompo titioix X)olocl: Articles delivered to any psrt of the city, FREE OK CHARGE, by tha Male Express. 31 We have on hand and are agents tor tha justly celebrated JOHN P. MANNY Reaper and 3Iowcr. Give ua Your Orders Early. SATISFACTION CTABAXTEED. The Clnapcst and llest la Market, aaaylldwtf. STKATTOST BAKNN. FOR SALE. " " I K C00D BUILDING LOTS, in Geo. L I fl Davenport's addition to the city of Rack Islsnd. Price from $200 to 1250. 7 Tea Acre Oat Lata, sitasted aa the Camden road, half a mile from tha city of Rock Island, wall situated Kr gardening aad residences. Terms half eaah and balance aa time. 70 Acres known as the Cushieg Tract, sttsa'ed on tbe Camden rosd, two miles from tbe city of Rock Island, snd is beautifully situsted for resi dences. Gardening, Fruit rai.isg bssa good spring exc, una is iowii a 'nan sane rroas tne Kock River Water Power." Fnce, per acre. H0. half cash aad tha Balance oa time. Also a aumber of lots ia Davenport, Iowa Citv and LeClaira. and Farming Lands ia Iowa aad Nebraska Territory. Apply to GEO. I.. DAVENPORT, .... mcn27dwtf. at Davenport, laws. HZ AR0U8 WORKS Clil.? l av At TILS AJUiUO CHEAP. Fair In Ativan- rax AXGus works cheap, 1 3re i6nitxH;- M. MAKX, Dentscher Adroeats A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I r LAW. Office ia Be lord's Block, Rock Isl- aad, 111. . - apr29dwU HORSE LOST. I SMALL BAY HORSE, about 8 years l old, branded U. 8. aa the near fore shoulder left thelsUadof RsckI.taal, oa Thursday, tha Z7ta day ot April, in company wita a two year Id brown calt. I will pay $30 reward for his re turn, or a liberal reward tor informatiaa where ha caa be Toned. EDWARD PYLE, Q. M. 10S U. S. C. I. Rocklslsad Barracks, May 9, 1865 J aaajMwiw. - NEW BOOT AND SHQE STORE Opposite IheiRock Island House. THE UNDERSIGNED having formed copartners'iip tinder the style of Peffer at Co. aad takea tha old Scoby Staa.t, opposite ue Hock lilaad House, are aow olariag a CHOICE STOCK OY BOOTS AND SHOES at the lowest market prices. theIEt styles af fine boots, ladies' work andchildrens wear,aad guarantee satistactioa iavery case. A share ot pablic patronage ia respectfully lie 1 ted. - HENRY K. PEFFER. WALTER C. PEFFER. Roek I.lssd, May 8, 186j, dwtt. Astor Gold unci sliver fining Co., LY0. C0CXTY, SEYADA. Capital - - - Sl000000 200,000 Shares. Dr. Coruelius Olcott, Pres. Jan. Chapman, Sec'y. Orricc X. 71 Broadway, New York City. N. B. All orders must be addressed to James Chapman, Sec'y. P. O. bos. No. 6619, New York City. mayllw3m. 1 ALIA CLE UEAL ESTATE FOR SALE AT ArCTIOX. It lit SUBSCRIBERS will sell at public . auction, to the highest bidder, aa ftatarday, May I Jin, oetweea tne hours ot 2 aad 4 P. M. , at Market Square, in tbe city of Rock Island, tha following lota, vis: T"olote, each 26 feat front, oa Illinois street, by HO feet deep, ia lot No. b, block 12, old town; the aorth IIS feet of lot No. 6, block Na. I aid town, (old jail); lota 15 aad 16 ia block No. 3, lower addition 7 lota; each SO feet Iront, Illinois street, by 124 ft deep, ia lots No. 6 snd 7, in block No. 7, Spencer at Case's addition. Terms of sale one-third cash, balaaca ia one and two years credit, with 10 par ceat. inlere.t per annum. A. BLOCK, an it 3d td U. LOH'tXTHAL AVMAL RAILROAD .MEETING. Orrtcc Chicago k Rock Islako.R. R, Co., Nrw York, April 24th, lhi5. J THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock holders of this Company for the election of thirteen Directors for the enruing year, wiil be bald at tha e-fbee at tha Conpaav, in tbe Citv of Chicago, Siate of Illinois, on FRIDAY, tbe' 9th day ot JUNE next. Th. poll will be opened at II o'clock A. M., aad closed at 12 o'clock M. C. W. DURANT, President. F. H. Towt, Secretary. Msy 8 dtd RIVER STREET HOTEL Next Door ta Langlej'a Warehouse. ' PI1E Subscriber has, at a large expend! 1 tair of money, fitted ap, ia tbe best meaner, n hotel as River street, ia Rock Island, (former ly kept by Sensible) and Tarnished it with entirely new I u raj tare, aad respectfully informs the pablic that from his long experience ia tha busi ness, he thiakr "he knows how to keep a hotel ," aad i-npectfully solicits a share ot public patronace, believing that all who favor him with a call wilt be satisfied with both fare and bill. He has also buiit a new stable and caa accommo date teams There is, also, a new ball alley, honse. adjoining the ia. A few good permanent boarders caa be accommodated. SAMUEL GALLUP. Apl7dwtf. aT;4 . Dr. Strickland's JtELLIFLTIOTTS COUCH BALSAM. pURES Conghs. Colds. Sore throat. Asthma, j ana consumption. It is only necessary for aay one troubled with theea complaints to trvoae Strickland's Mellfluoua Coagh Balaam w Hiiian men tost K is the best preparation ever ased. It not only cures the shove affectioas of the Throat aad Lungs, but it cares Night wests and spitting of Blood, and is aa eicelleat gargle for aay kiad of sore throat. It is pleasant ta take, aad a aata medicine for infants. For aala oy urug-giats geasrally. For sale by Gliem M Hinckley and Charles A Beaser, Rock Island. Jane 9, dwly. Island City ROOF I NG COMPOSITION r t t w ... U one' the pablic a superior article 1 of Paint for 'saky Metal or Felt Roofs. It ia invaluable for coating Wooden Bridges, Cars, Ties, Fei-ea Posts and all Iroa ar "vw nm tissita 10 inn mith., laid ia the earth. ' - . AlsoiJeaJer ia Boat Pitch, Coal Tar, Raofisg P.I. V... n 1. 1 . n "if" nnr " prepsrea ire l lay. VVa have experienced workman, and ara im. fared to pat on Felt Roofs sad coat leaky oaaa at n ounce una low prices. Kaqnire at ma Kock Island Gaa Works. tnco2ldw3m. . CLOSING OUT. L?0R the next 5 or 6 weeks I will offer mr I' stock of Groceries, Crockery. Glass aad China ware, a heavy stock or -Chewing aad Smokias- Tobaeco, ate. etc, at greatly radacad prices, aa I am going oat of the business aad mast dispose of an my gooas wunin mai una. I also offer all my store furniture for sale at a aargaia. . va&aLliS HIPPLER. - Illinois Street, ..... ifaar the Ferry Leading. Rock Island, Msy 5, dwtX 1 . Great argainsT OF FASHIONABLE J HAVE just arrived from tbe East with . nice aad desirable stock of jPRIIIC QOODS, Which I intend ta sell cheaper tbaa any ho.. ; wast of Chicago. My stock consists of Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Delaines, Dress Goods, Hoop Skirts, JTosery, lancy Dress Buttons. I Also n great slock af Fashionable Hats , tor Ladies, and ia fact cvervthiaa in the !.. . I ask the sttentiea ef the people of Rock l.U.j aad vicinity ta my stock before purchasing e;. I where. It will be to their interest to do so, a. can convince all that this is not a humbug. tea. NO TBOURLE TO SHOW GIKlDs. LEVI WOLF. Illinois Street, Opposite Don it Elliott's. ramiiy urocerv More rUE Undersigned respectfully informs tht -- the publio that ka has purchased Mr. Shearer's FAMILY GROCERY 6TASD. Corser of Orleans and Otter Streets, where Ls will, at all times, keep THE BEST GROCERIES to be had ia any market, and sell at prices As Low as Any Other Honse, in Rock Islsnd. lie hopes, by a carafnl attention to the vasts el those who may favor him with their patroaite, ts retain all the old customers of the esubmbment, aad add others to the list, ft. Country Produce Ho a gat and Sold. ROBERT KOEHLLR. aplldwtl. OSBORN V CURTIS, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Rock Island 1. Illinois. Office ia the Coart Hons. Practice ia tha State aad Federal Courts. Title to real estate examined aa short notice. Soldiers claims adjasted. CHARLES M. OSBORN. HENRY CURTIS, Jr. - Re k Islsnd Feb. 27, dw3m. W. JOHNSON'S RESTAUitAIVT. XT JOHNSON has the honor of V V aonaciag to the people of Isliad tstt he has opened a Restaurant, Dining and;lce Cr:m Salun Where be trusts that satistactioa will be girea ta all who favor him with a call. " apl24dlm. Brass and Iron Work, AND STEAM PIPES THK eubecriber kaapa constantly on hanj JL at his new stand on the corner of West Ear s aad Front Streets, near tha Gas Works, all kiaci ot Brass aad Iroa Goods, such aa Steam Cocxi, Yalvee, Water Gauges, Whittles, Oil Cups, Be.r Cocks, Pumps, Gas aad Steam Pipe of ail sues, Ziac, Babbitt Metal, etc., etc. Steam aad Gas Work promptly attended to at. pat ap ia workmaahks manner. Gas fixtures of all kiads for ssle. Gas Fillers supplied. N. B. Cash paid forOld Copper aad Brai. JACOB RILEf. FLOUR AXD FEED. WE are now manufacturing and are pre pared to deliver, oa abort notice, is act part of the city, tbe very best quality of sbrtt flour, rya flour, rye meal, core meal, hom:i; bran, ate, all of which we warrant. T" Orders left at Wm. Shearer's or J. B. k M. C. Frick's grocery stores, or at tbe mill, be promptly attended to. B1DD1S0N A GILM0RE. Rock Island, Dec. 26, 1S64, dtf. STEAM BOILER MAMTKTOlir. THE subscribers hare formed a copartner ship nnder tha style aad firm of IHhick fc Sehillmger, aad have Uken tha Boiler Shop near Baford's Foundry, where they will carry ea tas business of manulactunng Stcaui Boilers. They will do all kiads of Sheet Iron Work, Steamboat Work aad Blacksmithtag, to order. From their long expertenco ia the manuuetara of Boilers aad Sheet Iroa Work, they feel u.i: they caa give satisfaction to all who favor uta with their patronage. JAMES OTHICK, CUR1S SCHILLINGS, Rack Island, March 4, dw6m. MARSHAL'S NOTICE. THE SEASON having arrived fur cleaning ap tha city, notice ia hereby given ts - parsons awning or occupying, or having tbe cart of lota ia this city, to clean ap tha Alleys adjeii iag tha same forthwith aa required by law. F.J. UXDERWOOU, City Manful. Rock Island,- April 28th, 1W, d2. .Music Teacher. WILLIAM BABCOCK respectfully of fers his services to tha people of Roct li laad aad vicinity, aa a teacher of the Piano Fsrte. Terms $15 per quarter. Lasso as givea at his reeidence or at the resi dence of tha pnpils, aa desired, aad at suck teras as will sait tha papils. Be is permitted to refer to Prof. Leigh ton, ts qualifications, fee, Ac. For farther particulars, en q sire at tbe stors st Hawes A Bibcock, corner Wasbiagtoa sad lUiso streets, Rock Island. mchlSdwif. DRESS MAKER. ON THE 1ST OF MAY Mm. 3Isrj Gorrj will open a Dress Maker's Shop, over Aikes, Jarvisaj Burrail'a stare, where she will be pleases to wait upoa tha ladies of Rock Island aad tics ity who favor her with their naUoaaaa. Thiskrsl to bar former palroae for their custwm shs hope for a coatiauaaee of their ardors. ap!26dwlw Parmes, Attention. W E ar now prepared to exchange Flour, Braa. Cora Meal, lie., for wheat aad cars. We believe wa caa give eatisfactioa both ia qaaa- ity aad quality. Call aad give aa a trial ax Old Planing Mdl where wa have ia connection a First Rata Floaribg Mill, with two ma of stoss ad two reals covered with Ceakle'a best Dates Asckor Baiting Cloth. Also Ry a Flosr and H aay always ea head. BIDD1SON It GILM0RE, decSOwti Car. W ash 1 gtoa and R. R. nts. :t i . . - I (V